The Todd Herman Show

The Democrat’s strange, new respect for ethics is actually a plan to functionally dissolve the Supreme Court.  Episode 799

The Democrat’s strange, new respect for ethics is actually a plan to functionally dissolve the Supreme Court.

Rush Limbaugh, (God rest him), discovered and named the “strange, new respect phenomena.” This was when the Mockingbird Media found new respect for a Republican after the Republican “evolved” on an issue. Think of Mitt Romney, whom the Mockingbirds once considered a psychopath who went around giving people cancer; now, Mitt is an elder statesman, a sober, caring public servant.

The Democrats now have a strange, new respect for ethics . . . but only related to the Supreme Court and only as regards the so-called conservatives. While I think we all agree the justices should report when people who have given them a lot of money or employ their spouses have a case before the Court, the specter of the Democrat Party pretending to revere ethics is brutally and offensively hilarious. So, what’s their end-game? It’s about delegitimizing the Court so they can run on the issue of packing it with as many communists and satanists as they can find and get approved should the people who run Joe Biden get four more years.

What does God say?

When we forgive people, we do not and cannot absolve them. In fact, if we forgive them in prayer to God, we aren’t doing anything for them.

Matthew 18: 21-22

Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times

Our forgiveness does not change what will happen to these people who allow such evil to be done through them. Jesus will return as judge.

Christ Will Come to Judge

Episode 799 Links

Broadcast on:
01 May 2023