The Todd Herman Show

A prediction about Tucker Carlson and If I was the Devil 2023 version Episode 789

A prediction about Tucker Carlson and “If I were the Devil”, 2023 version

Let’s remember from a good teacher--and great radio man--the Devil is real and he seeks to devour us. Let’s also remember God has already won, and we can be in victory with Him.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana, The Life of Reason, 1905. From the series Great Ideas of Western Man.

Shannon M., Washington, IL


I've been listening to your podcast for a few months now and subscribed because I appreciate your Christ-centered analysis of current events. Your careful choice of words and direct confrontation of evil and subversive movements resonates with me. That is why I am wondering why you keep using King James language for the 10 Commandments, but say "thouT" instead of "thou". Is it just an unconscious thing because of the "T" on the end of shallt? Not a reason for me to stop listening, just wondering why such an articulate person would repeatedly misspeak such a frequent phrase.

Keep fighting the good fight!

Shannon M.Washington, IL

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Larry, Geneva, Illinois

Hi Todd,

i'm a regular listener, and have been since discovering you on Rush. I am a 73 year-old retiree and Yes, I have put my $$ with Zach. You put out so much material that it's hard to keep up - But I'm trying !Bless you for your work. And I must say that I disagree that you're not qualified to preach. Your shows are, to me, as good as Sermons - and much more appropriate than most that I hear in these Demonic times. The way you put Biblical insight into current events is vital to help me cope with what's going on.

I'm mainly writing to suggest a book. IMHO this is a must-Read:

Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducationby Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin

It lays out, the reasons for the Godlessness and Lawlessness we are going through and how the Left has subverted our youth in the classrooms for a hundred years. It fully answers the question I've had for a long time :

"How could so many be so totally (and Spiritually) blind, and unable to think?"

This Amazon review, sums it up:

This book's thesis centers on the replacement of God in the classroom with another deity, a certain worldview or value-system termed paideia. "Paideia... is the fountainhead of culture."

Today's youth learn no values beyond diversity, equity, and inclusion; in fact they learn that are are no central truths, only individual differences. This book only confirms and strengthens my belief that most Americans no longer believe in the concept of virtue or an objective truth; they have been replaced by moral relativism, worshiping individuality, tolerance, diversity, etc. while tolerating no dissention from these beliefs.

Long before this book was published Conservatives distrusted, even reviled universities as centers of anti-American, anti-Christian indoctrination, but the authors prove it begins, not there but in Kindergarten. The Left occupies the high ground in education and is turning our children into self-loathing activists.

I hope I've convinced you to check it out, and possibly make it the basis for a 'cast(s).

God Bless,Larry DavisGeneva, IL

What does God say?


Broadcast on:
26 Apr 2023