The Todd Herman Show

It Passed: The Pro-Kidnapping Bill in WA. I asked an actual conservative, Christian Republican leader to address. Ep_780

It Passed: The Pro-Kidnapping Bill in WA. I asked an actual conservative, Christian Republican leader to address his Party’s 8 years of selling out that enabled this historic evil. Brandon Svenson joins and he brings hard truths his Party fears.

The is satanic. Colorado and Washington have legalized kidnapping, with California soon to join, have decided their State laws get to effect every family on the landmass called America. In the Country of Washington, any teacher, school counselor or probably groundskeeper can steal a child from parents with no court order, no due process, to investigation. Any child from any state who has been raped and uses gender ideology as a defense mechanism can get on a Greyhoud Bus and got get their bodies irreversibly mutilated in these states; the cops will not be help the parents find their kids and Colorado’s dictator claims parents can’t sue the State. Any child who is uncomfortable in puberty can hitch a ride to one of the separate countries and get injected with wrong sex hormones. Any parent who refuses to have their child’s body mutilated will be considered an abuser.

None of this could have happened without 8 years of the Republican Party selling out, especially in the separate Country of Washington where this satanic program really got rolling. Today, Brandon Svenson, an actual Christian Conservative who recently partnered with other conservatives to take over the Lewis County Republican Party joins us to talk about the cowardice of his Party’s bosses, how he has confronted that and why they sell out. Along the way, Brandon shares his deep faith in Christ and why he believes only Christian conservatives can stop this vile attack on God’s families from spreading further.

What does God say?

By seducing these children into a satanic lie and trapping them in bodies that idolize the lie every single person who voted to this has the choice of dropping to their knees and repenting to Jesus or facing eternity in Hell.

Matthew 18:6 Causing to Stumble

6 “If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.

· The theft of parental rights in Washington state is unconscionable and immoral
· A solid amendment from State Rep and friend, Jim Walsh.
· “Parental rights are not ‘infinite.’”
· Jamila Taylor pretends giving kids the ability to blackmail parents is helping kids
· Lisa Callan pretends this isn’t about taking a child away from a parent.
· Tana Senn speaks the truth of the intent and invokes...

Broadcast on:
21 Apr 2023