The Howie Carr Radio Network

Stay Vigilant Against Dems Funny Business With The Voter Rolls | 8.1.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie discusses how we need to stay vigilant when it comes to voter fraud, and the callers weigh in..

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. - Tomorrow's a big day. The 13th birthday of Maryam. Very Mariah. - Let me smell. - You all know we have a tradition in the Biden family. - Shh, shh, shh. Everybody knows I like kids better than people. - Bush. - Moments ago, the families and I were able to speak to them on telephone. (phone ringing) - Hello. - Stay in the door, everybody, come on up, buddy. - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - Real leaders do not tear people down. They don't question someone's identity. - Tell me, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're from me or Trump and you ain't black. - Who's your captain, Howie Car? - And he has this to say about Harris. - I think she hasn't done anything worth mentioning. - What would you have wanted to see Vice President Harris accomplish that she has not? - To kind of bring a calm to the border. - The border crisis has gotten out of hand. - Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. - It's. (upbeat music) - Howie Car. - 844-500-4242-844-500-4242. (laughing) Just saw in the local TV news, this in Raleigh, North Carolina, plastic razors in the landfill. - They took your straws, I said nothing. Now they're coming after my disposable razors, the line has been crossed. You know that I saw a headline today, these headlines about the Kamala Harris' positions are coming so fast and furious, I can't even keep up with them. But they said she also came out at some point, probably during the 2019-2020 campaign, which she didn't make it to 2020. And said she was, she wants to ban plastic straws. Now that's not a problem for me 'cause I've laid in thousands of 'em. Here they're right in the kitchen here at the Howie Car radio network. But you know, are we really, are plastic straws really the problem from Americans? You know, I don't think we're killing too many sea turf, I think the windmill turbines are killing more fish than the plastic straws right now. And by the way, I just want to mention this. First, it was Nantucket. And the beautiful people said, well, Nantucket, there are a lot of beautiful people there, but it's still kind of more working class, more traditional than Martha's Vineyard. But now, lovey, lovey, we downsized from Nantucket. And now there is daybreak, green, dirty foam and fiberglass washing ashore in our beaches here. I told him I had one from the Boston Herald. Martha's Vineyard has now been hit by debris. Martha's Vineyard, the town of Edgar town, Parks Commissioner has issued a swim advisory after the confirmed sighting of small fragments and pieces washing ashore. Oh no, this is the biggest emergency since Ron DeSantis sent the 44 illegal aliens up to the Martha's Vineyard airport. They got rid of them in 44 hours. It's going to take longer than 44 hours to clean up the fragments and pieces washing ashore at a pair of beaches due to the recent Vineyard wind incident. The trajectory of the debris has changed. Oh no, no. 844-542-42. Christine, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead Christine. Hi Howie, I love listening to you, you're wonderful. So I was wondering if Kamala was going to take credit for Evan Gorse-Govitch getting out of prison for one thing and where's Waldo, meaning Biden? Nobody's really seen or heard from him since she came out. Well, he was there, he was there. We played the cuts earlier, but you know, obviously by judging from those cuts, there's a reason why they've got him stashed in the iron lung. Oh, that's obvious. But what I really wanted to say was I got my application for a mail-in ballot the other day. And of course I threw it away, trashed it. So I just, I know you probably have a nationwide listening audience, so my message to everyone is get out of your armchair and go vote the day of the election because this I think is probably the most important election it could ever have in my lifetime. Yeah, they always say that, but this year I think, most years I agree with, you know, it is the most important one. I mean, we screwed up last time, got it taken away from us and look what has happened. But you know, I'm not sure that that's the, that's what the message they want to give anymore are the Republicans, Christine. They're saying you have to play by their rules. And you know, maybe it's better to mail in the ballot. I don't know, I haven't made up my mind yet. I mean, it's different. I'm now a registered voter in Florida where everything is on the level. If you wanna, if you wanna vote with a mail-in ballot or absentee, whatever, you have to request the ballot. I don't think they should be mailing these ballots out Willie Nelly. I mean, it's a recipe for fraud. And look what the fraud got us. Look what's happened to the country. Thanks for the call, Christine. 844, 542, 42, 603 says the green foam issue has gotten so bad that even some of the whale watch charter fishing boats are now offering green foam watching expert. Oh, that's bad. 84508, how long until Kamala starts saying she's Irish? Well, she is Irish. She is Irish. She's probably more Irish than she is black. Her paternal grandfather or great grandfather, I've mentioned this before, was the, at one point, the largest slave owner in Jamaica. And he was from Ireland. 844, 500, 42, 42, 802. When turbines in Vermont are killing endangered bats. Yeah, I think they're killing a lot of birds too on the just regular common seafowl. They're killing a lot of them. I mean, those turbines, what are they 117 yards? That's longer than a football field, in other words. I mean, birds, birds are just flying randomly and getting whacked. F844, 500, 42, 42, 508 for your information, when turbine blades, when their lifespan is over, which seems to be about 12 years, they are ready for what? What do they, I mean, you can't mulch them. You can't mulch them up. They're not wood, right? 919, you should mail in and vote in person, just like the Democrats do. Yeah, do both, yeah. A study came out that there are more harmful chemicals in the paper straws. Yeah, well, that's what usually happens, right? I mean, remember when they, what did they get rid of some kind of oil in the, in the fryalators, in the fast food restaurants? What was it, peanut oil? And they put in coconut oil or vice versa. And whatever it was, the oil, the fryalator oil that they replaced turned out to be safer for human consumption than the, than the supposedly helpful replacement. Peter, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Peter. Hey, Howie, thanks for taking the call. I think you talked about this earlier, the ambush of Trump yesterday at the National Black Journalists. Right. Whatever they call themselves. Yeah. One thing, one thing that I have seen several times in the internet and it's a riot is Trump reaching across and swiping the water bottle of the woman that ambushed him. And he even tightened it a loosened it, but he did it in front of 20,000 people. I didn't see that. Did you see it? Did you saw a mask? Yeah, I saw it. Yeah, it's wonderful. It seems to be some controversy as to whether he tightened the cap or loosened the cap, but the way he did it was absolutely beautiful. It was, the man has, the man is, is incredible. He goes into the lion's den and represents the pieces. Right. Just imagine the thought of Kamala Harris going into a, into a hostile group like that and being totally relaxed and taking question after question and batting it back and forth. And, you know, amusing the audience. It would never happen, not in a million years. It was just fabulous. It just wonderful. He's a wonderful man. Yeah. Thanks for the call, Peter. I agree. 844, 540, 242. And I don't think, I don't think he lost any votes. The Libs won, they always won. Oh, he lost all the votes. They, they thought he, they thought when he, you know, laughed at Meghan Kelly back in 2015, he, he was all done. They thought when he said that he liked the, he liked veterans who didn't get captured, that he was speaking of John McCain, that he was all done. He's been all done a million times. And what happened yesterday, I don't think was, I think it was a plus. I really do. I mean, again, when he said he knew, basically said he knew Kamala before she was black. I mean, did you notice that there was chuckling going on in the audience? And that's the, that's the kind of chuckling you get when you say something to a public group and everybody kind of agrees with you. But they, you know, it's not something they talk about on a, maybe they're not afraid to talk about it, but they just, you know, it's better, better left unsaid for reasons of politeness and decorum. That's what he was doing. And that's the way they were reacting to it. 844, 542, 4242 Brandon, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Brandon. - Hey, Howie, how's it going? - Good. - Yeah, I'll just call it because I've seen polls recently for parents, something that they're, they're saying that their data went down. And this just doesn't make any sense to me. This is probably the worst president, vice president duo in history. I think that what they're doing is setting up a narrative for it when they try to steal this election. They're going to say, all the polls are really close. - I, exactly, Brandon, Brandon, that's, that's a workable theory. And that's all over the place. A lot of people have come to that conclusion, including myself. I agree. - Yeah, it just doesn't make any sense to me. And I hope people just see right through it. She is just awful. I don't know what would happen if she won, but. - He kept, he kept chanting last night, too big to rig, too big to rig. I mean, it's, it's one thing to chant. And he said it, I'm glad he's saying it, but you know, but it's, you know, you can't, you can't just hope for the best by, by chanting too big to rig. I mean, you got to do something about it. I, I told Jared to, to reach out to Jay Valentine, who we've had on and we're trying to get him connected to the, to the Trump campaign or get somebody connected to the Trump campaign who understands or, or, I mean, I think the Trump people know what happened and they, they say they're doing something about it, but I think, I think Jay Valentine is on to it. You got to stop it before it happens. You can't, 500 lawyers isn't, isn't going to do you any good once those, those fraudulent ballots are in the, in the boxes with the, with the real ballots. You can't, you can't tell them apart. 844-542-42, I'm how we car. - How we will be right back after this short break. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - The how we car show is back. (dramatic music) 844-542-42. Today's poll question is brought to you by home title locks. Scammers can transfer your home title, take out loans in your name and leave you with nothing, but a financial and emotional disaster. It can cost tens of thousands of dollars in months, if not years, usually years to straighten out. Protect your property and equity from these criminals. Get a free title scan to check if your home is still in your name. Plus 30 days of free home title locks, triple lock protection when you use the promo code Howie at That's home title Matt, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? - How do you feel about Mass Senate's unanimous decision to remove the words mother and father from state birth certificates as well as replacing pronouns, his with their? Oppose, support or hey, come on, it's only in six places. - Oppose. - Oppose has 96%, hey, come on, it's only in six places since two percent and support has one percent. - One percent, okay. 844-542-42. Nick D and Venezuela, Maduro losing by 30% wasn't too big to do the steal. Beware and what is Brandon doing to stop the steal? He bragged about having the most inclusive and extensive voter fraud effort in U.S. history. We have that sound cut somewhere. We played it over and over again. You're right about that. He said he was complaining about Maduro was taunting Elon Musk for saying he stole the election and saying you're just complaining like all those far right American politicians. I was thinking to myself, you mean like all those far right American politicians who won elections and had them stolen from them? Like you stole the election from the people who want to rescue Venezuela formerly the most prosperous country in South America from the devastation of communism? - We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics. - Fact check, correct, correct. Mostly true. This is from the conservative tree house. Illegal aliens do not need to vote per se. They only need to exist in a captured state database as physical persons. This is what Jay Valentine says. The conservative tree house may even be talking to them. Their personages then shifted to voter rolls that then generate ballots. The goal is to maximize the number of systems that generate registration. That eventually generates ballots. We're not talking about votes here. Voters, we're talking about ballots. Voters are real people who have to pay the price of the illegal alien crime, welfare dependency, inflation, energy shortages, et cetera, et cetera. Ballots, they don't care. Ballots are all in for the fundamental transformation of America. Beyond the driver's license state ID issue, motor voter is everything. Sign up for public assistance, welfare, get registered to vote. Sign up for a state ID, register to vote. Sign up for state college, get registered to vote. Sign up for a grant, get registered to vote. Sign up for unemployment, you're registered to vote. Sign up for any state system of handouts, basically, and get registered to vote. Get married, change names, change addresses, et cetera. That's how the voter rolls expand, and that's the origin of how ballot printing databases are assembled. From there, the distribution of ballots transfers to logistics. So if you have electronic voting, it's easier because you have USB drives. And it's easy to upload and deploy. If physical paper ballots are required, it's more challenging. That's why Republicans want paper ballots, because they make it harder for the Democrats to steal. Downstreamed from this ballot creation process, that's where you find the ballot submission assistance programs, again, this is the conservative treehouse. That's where your local community networks, regional activist groups, and community organizers come into play. Instead of advertising or the previous electioneering systems around Canada promotion and get out the vote efforts, the majority of donations to the DNC are now used in the ballot assistance programs, collect ballots, harvesting, then combine them with the ballots assumed, assembled for scanning, Clyburn team in the key districts. All you need is 15, 16 counties, and you can steal the election. The key districts, the destination of the ballots for extra ballots are run by Democrats and regions dominated by Democrats. It is very uncomfortable for Republican poll watchers to operate there. That remains part of the problem. In the 35 years, the RNC was not legally permitted to challenge voter fraud, the 1982 to 2017, New Jersey consent decree, the RNC lost all mechanisms in institutional know-how to organize election security measures. The RNC has been slow to establish any institutional power thereafter. This problem within the RNC is still visible. Democrats use this advantage with their ballot harvesting and scanning operations. And again, that's the only thing that scares me. If I thought the election was on the level, I would say Trump, maybe not a landslide, but Trump wins. I don't know. I don't know what's going to happen here. You don't know what's going on here, either. 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. 844-542-42, 42, 844-542, 42, 42, You're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Monique. So, Howie, we've got, I don't know how many wind turbines is broken, one, is this even maybe two wind turbines have broken at most? I think it's just the one, isn't it? But there's just so much. I mean, again, it's 117 yards long. That's a lot of green foam and fiberglass, Monique. Oh, absolutely. But my concern, well, a couple of concerns. This is the manufacturing defects. So, how many turbines are going to break that are already out there? Well, remember, too, that this turbine broke on a calm summer day. There was no hurricane. There was no nor'easter. There was no unnamed storm named Bob or whatever they called it. It was perfectly fine out there, and it broke. Right. The other issue, I just did a little research on offshore wind, and it generates electricity at most 50% of the time. Right. So, I mean, I'm not understanding how this is considered to be a feasible alternative at all, or a substitute, I should say. Well, our electric cars, a feasible alternative, Monique, when you get right down to it? No. Yeah. I mean, none of this stuff is. And the thing is, they kept saying, we're going to run out of oil. We're going to run out of oil. But they've developed new techniques that we're not running out of oil. There's more oil or more fossil fuel available than there's ever been before. And maybe someday we will run out of oil, but we've got time to work on it, and there's no need to return to the dark ages. And what are we going to be doing? Collecting twigs to keep our houses warm in the winter? It's ridiculous. And the beautiful people don't care. I'm sure there still is committed on Martha's Vineyard. Now Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket earlier to forcing this, quote unquote, wind energy or solar energy down our throats. They don't even want hydropower from dams, because it prevents the salmon from getting up into the streams. Come on, cut the crap. Thanks for the call, Monique. Paul, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Paul. Good afternoon, Howie. You and I have spoken in the past about the fact that if you recall, the Bob Patrick's race back in '06, when the city of Boston ran out of balance. Yes. That was the decal-- I worked for the city of Boston Electric Department for 25 years. And the changes that I saw in how-- you recall, Acorn was the first government agency that we had after the devolved Patrick race and what happened with the ballots and how things will be manipulated. He was the catalyst for what we see today with ballot misuse, voting lists that-- in these democratic cities, in these major democratic cities, they don't want to clean up voting lists. Right. They want them polluting. They want them dirty, so that it can complement those things further. Now, another thing is, Acorn was bringing tens of thousands of voter registrations in for Obama's first race. And I can't tell you how many we had to discuss. But I don't know how many got through. And you're talking how many years ago, and they've manipulated and manifested new ways. State mandated election laws. What did the state did? I know, that's COVID, just opened the doors. And you're absolutely right. And Acorn, that was this poverty group, just a left-wing early Soros-type group. And it was so bad. And they committed so many crimes in phony registrations and phony all kinds of election crimes in Ohio that they poisoned the name. They had to change the name of the group. I hadn't heard the name Acorn for a while, Paul, except for when it comes to those little seeds that come off of oak trees. And yeah, that's what they do. That's what they want to do. And it's gotten worse. When I was a kid, actually, covering a city hall on election night, I would sometimes go down and to the side of the annual hall side, a city hall. And they had a cop for every precinct. And when they finished the votes, when the polls closed at eight o'clock, the cops in each of these precincts, they want detail, they would bring down the box to city hall and you'd see all these cops, some of them were big and fat. And they had some of them had had a few drinks. It wasn't a serious thing. But you had a police officer, a law enforcement officer, bringing in the ballot boxes. And with their shenanigans, of course, there were. But it gave you a little bit more a sense of security than the current system, which is like Paul said, it's just out of control. It's designed to maximize voter fraud. And that's what they want. 844, 542, 42, 844, 542, 508. Why don't we use whale oil? It's carbon neutral. Hey, it worked well. It kept every-- kept those oil lamps going before there were gas lamps, before there was electricity, right? Joanne, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Joanne. Hey, Howie. Hi. Thanks for taking my call. How are you doing? Sure. Good. Good. OK. So I'm calling about voting in Maine, that you really need to either go to your town office, which is stats around October 5. You can go and fill out a ballot, right in person, or go in and get a mail-in ballot, because you never know what's going to happen voting day. Right. You may not be able to get to the polls. Your dad might have a heart attack. Right. Well, that's what they'll-- I think smarter Republicans are starting to encourage people to do what the Democrats do, which is get it in there, get the ballot in there. And when the ballot arrives, they don't know if it's Democrat or Republican. They have to count it. And I would-- again, I prefer to vote on election day. But if the rules are changed, you have to play by the new rules, right? That's right. Right. It's very important. There was a story about a woman whose husband was dying of cancer. He ended up going in the hospital. All he wanted to do was vote. She went to the polls. She got a ballot. She had to call a notary. She had to go back to the hospital. We'll talk of 45 minutes. She had to go in, let the notary go in the room with him, have him sign it, the notary seal it. She had to bring it back. And he died. That's four hours she could have had with her husband. If she had to go back and forth, back and forth. Thanks for the call, Joanne. I'm going to remember. I think it was the 2002 election when Mitt Romney was elected. And the internet was just coming in, and cell phones were just coming in. And the Romney people sent us some cell phone video, I think, from some kind of video that they got to us from a precinct in Jamaica Plain. And there were old people voting. It wasn't a nursing home, but there were very old people. And they took a picture or video of under the curtain that was blocking-- you could see the people-- there were four feet. So there was somebody in there voting the old person. We were shocked. We were shocked. I think we put it up on Free Republic, because that was the social media of the day that we had available. And it got hundreds, if not thousands, of comments, because nobody was used to seeing this kind of shenanigans. They were obviously just voting for somebody. And we were afraid that Mitt Romney was going to lose. I mean, because Mitt Romney was better than Shannon O'Brien, the terrible Democrat. He was terrible, but she was worse. And now I think, though, those seem like the good old days, that you would be shocked by something like that. 844-542 mic, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Howie, thank you. Front of mind, up in Winthrop, Maine, her elderly mother in her 90s got a ballot a few years ago to vote for the two senators down in Georgia. And her mother has never lived in Georgia, never voted in Georgia. You have to wonder how many elderly people all over Maine get ballots for that election who'd never been in Georgia before. And I think that happened all over the United States. You know, you get to the point where you have more people voting than are registered, that's the problem. I know. I got four years ago. I still have a place in Wellesley, Massachusetts. But I'm a registered voter in Florida. My wife, the mailroom manager, is a registered voter in Florida. Our daughter had been living with us, our youngest daughter. But she had moved to New York. And guess what, Mike? We got three absentee ballots. Two Florida voters, two Florida residents, and a woman whose legal domicile was New York. We all got absentee ballots for Massachusetts. The point I want to make is somebody voted for that woman in Winthrop, Maine down in Georgia. Because her name was on the voter rolls down there. So you know somebody was voting for that person. That's the bad part. These people who have never been in Georgia are voting for people. Right. And you wonder how Raphael Warnock-- and I forget the other guy's name, the little wimpy guy, who's like a Federman, only just really a wimpy guy. Those are the two senators from the state of Georgia. I wonder about that. I wonder about that. Thanks for the call, Mike. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show returns after this. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. 844-542-42. If you want to read the entire Falmouth police report about the two McAlberts and they're a fray at Shipwrecked in Falmouth two weeks ago, come Saturday night, it's posted at Kent and White Trash Chronicles is the headline. And it's pretty funny stuff, I must say. And I've got a call I'm running in the Herald tomorrow about an turtle boy generously. Let me use some of his pictures of Jill Daniels at her previous weekend meltdown. That one was in Kent. But it's pretty funny stuff. And keep you going until the next Caron Reid hearing, which is a week from tomorrow. 844-542-42. 978, my brother-in-law passed away in 2021. I received a notice for him, Republican, from Wellesley Town Hall regarding residency and voting status. I called him to be sure he was removed from the voting rolls. I told him I didn't want him voting Democrat in the next election. Actually got a giggle from the clerk. Yeah. 774, I may be cynical in thinking my Republican mail and ballot could end up in the circular file, but knowing how the dem's work makes me believe earlier voting would be safer. Well, you know, they have earlier voting in Massachusetts, but the last time I checked, not many people were doing early voting. You can go down to Town Hall or City Hall before-- and maybe at some of the precincts, and you can vote before the election day. But not many people take them up on that. They usually go with these mail-in ballots. 844-542-42. Senator Oshoff or Austroff, something like that. Jonathan, I believe, is his first name. 844-- when I tried to vote in the primaries in Reading, says 978, I tried to show them my ID. The old lady said, no, thank you. I said, how do you know it's me then? She said, if you don't like it, talk to your representative and gave me a dirty look. I tell you, I like it in Florida when they say, can I see your driver's license, Mr. Carr? I like that. I know things are on the level. Doesn't bother me in the least. Tom, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Tom. Hey, I sent you an email earlier today about a certain city in Massachusetts where they've had 120 families that are so-called migrants. 16 have registered to vote. Oh, yeah, I know. It was from Taunton. It was from Taunton. Yeah, we've talked with Kelly Donor, who's running for the state senate down there. And the same thing's going on in Worcester. We talked with Peter Durant. There's 81 registered out of the flop houses in Worcester. You know, I called Secretary of State Bill Gallon's office, and asked him, do you cross-reference to see if these people are citizens? And the young man said, I think so. I said, key word, think. So you don't know. He goes, well, the city's check and see that. So I talked to the Taunton, a very nice young man. He said, no, it's an honor system. We do not check, and there is no cross-referencing that he knows of, OK? Not good. I know it's not good. It's not good at all. And this is a blue state. I mean, obviously, you want to win the local legislative seat. You want Kelly Dunner elected in Taunton at that district. She's the Republican City Council running for Chico's seat, which he's retiring from. But it's hard to win statewide elections in Massachusetts. But you've got to fight this voter fraud. And again, I don't think many of those 16 people in Taun or those 80 people in Worcester are going to be voting. But somebody can vote for them. Somebody could just go down there and grab those ballots or go to the flop house. And when the ballots are mailed out and grab all 80 of them in Worcester or all 16 of them in Taunton, what are you going to do? 844-542-42, Steve, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Steve. Howie, I'm a little worried that if Trump keeps talking about Kamala Harris' personality and whether she's black or Indian or stuff, it would will divert from her leftist positions. And I think the Democrats are very happy that Trump does this because then it makes her look like a-- They say they are. But they're always going to criticize Trump. Everything he does is the last thing. Steve, you're always worried. You're always worried. And again, I'm more worried about voter fraud than I am about what Trump says. Don't you think he has some kind of instinct for what he's doing? I mean, he's been pretty successful politically. He got elected president his first time out. That's pretty good. Well, it's too close for me to be not worried. Even if he wins, it's too close. And I'm happy he will win if he does. But I want to see him win by more. And I think we got to talk about her leftist stances, which I think will turn off more people than attacking her person. I think they've got plenty of money to get that out. And I think they're getting it out. And there's so much of it. Like I said, she's against plastic straws. That's not a deal breaker, but it just goes to show what a nut she is. There's so many things that she-- every issue, every imaginable issue, she is on the wrong side of. And they've got to get it out. And the fact that she has this identity that she was mostly Indian, there's a clip of her when she first announced running. She was running for DA in San Francisco. And she was ID'd as the first Indian Asian Pacific, whatever the phrase they were using at the time, was there was no reference to her being black. 844-542-42, I'm how we car. [MUSIC PLAYING] (dramatic music)