The Howie Carr Radio Network

Joe Breaks Out The Family Tradition | 8.1.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Joe Biden while at a press conference breaks out the "Biden Family Tradition" again, which is just singing happy birthday.

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01 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. - Tomorrow's a big day, the 13th birthday of Miriam. Very Miriam. - Come here. - Let me smell it. - You all know we have a tradition in the Biden family. - Shh, shh, shh. - Everybody knows I like kids better than people. - Bush. - Moments ago, the families and I were able to speak to them on telephone. (phone ringing) - Hello. - Say hello to all your buddies. Come on up, buddy. - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - Real leaders do not tear people down. They don't question someone's identity. - Tell me, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for Mir, Trump, and you ain't black. - Who's your captain? Howie Car. - And he has this to say about Harris. - I think she hasn't done anything worth mentioning. - What would you have wanted to see Vice President Harris accomplish that she has not? - To kind of bring a calm to the border. - The border crisis has gotten out of hand. - Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... (upbeat music) Howie Car. - I haven't heard the sound cut, but I was just looking at the fox on the screen with the sound turned down. And they said that the Harris today said that Trump is dangerous because he would weaponize the FBI. - Every day, I think to myself, they can't project any more than they already have than they did the previous day. Trump would weaponize the FBI. The FBI tried to stop him from becoming president by lying about him, by going in front of secret courts with falsified documents to obstruct justice to get the wiretap surveillance authorizations on him. The FBI director tried to frame him, Comey. Then they kept, even though they knew the steel dossier was phony, they kept trying to get the surveillance reauthorized month after month so they could go after him. They raided his house illegally, unconstitutionally, to get documents, and then they basically planted evidence on him while they were in the employ of a guy who had no constitutional authority to be conducting any investigation. A guy sitting on a bench waiting for a bus had as much authority to be the special prosecutor as Jack Smith did. But now they're worried. The FBI, which goes after parents who want to stop transgender men in girls' restrooms in middle schools, goes after Catholics who want to go to Latin masses. Now, Trump's gonna weaponize the FBI. Okay, right. Yeah, I don't think this is a, I don't think anyone's buying it anymore, other than the people who are on welfare watching MSNBC or CNN, and they weren't gonna vote for Trump anyway. Time now for the Trump line. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - And now I'd like to sing that traditional Mother's Day song. Person had a sweetheart, and person who gave birth is her name. (laughing) I want a girl just like the girl that married their old other person. Six decades ago at the Brown University Admissions Office, this next one says, "Howard Lawrence Carr." Boy, he looks like he's a DEI applicant. What does that mean? Deerfield educated idiot. Regent! (laughing) (beeping) - That is false on so many levels, but the one I least appreciated is saying six decades ago. How dare you? - I didn't come here to be made sport of. (upbeat music) Today's Trump line is brought to you by American Independence Gold Group. Through the end of August, American Independence Gold is saying, "Thank you to any investor that spends a minimum "of $10,000 with a Valkombi 5-gram bar." I don't have it in front of me right now 'cause I have it under lock and key 'cause it's so valuable. It's worth about 500 bucks. I'll have it tomorrow. This investment could be cash or IRA transfer. Contact them today at That's - I bought some of that afternought vitamins and I washed it down with kang. (beeping) (laughing) - Somebody texted it and said, "Was the difference between Senator Kelly "hocking Chinese vitamins in you hawking the laser cap?" Well, one thing, I know the laser cap works 'cause it's not even been a month since my last haircut and I need a new haircut. That's new for me after a very long time. And number two, do you trust Chinese vitamins? You don't buy Chinese dog food, do you for your dog? Why do all the more respected safe dog foods all have big signs on the bag that say made in USA? - Massachusetts birth certificates will now say proto-plasm donor one and two, if known, and spawn. (beeping) (laughing) - Did anyone introduce an amendment to make father, baby daddy or sperm donor? Something, anything other than other person. I feel I'm being dehumanized. I feel that, you know, I'm being, what are they, what's that word? That's not misgendered, it's a worst word for when you, I forget what the word, but that's what I feel I'm being as an other person of five persons who give birth. - There'll be Iranian Secret Service agents that'll be forced to resign, but don't worry, they'll keep their pensions. (beeping) (laughing) - Yeah, you think they're having a thorough investigation? I wonder how much it costs to get that bomb into that room. I was wondering about that, I don't think you need a lot of money to live large in an Islamic Republic. Maybe like, I don't know, 10,000 bucks? - Kamala Harris said Donald Trump and his supporters are Anglo-Phobics. (beeping) - Yeah, Ang, Anglophobic, right, indeed. - That, Phil Murray, he's so funny, he flew all the way to Paris to unload cases of Babe Ruth Bogg into the Stein River. (beeping) - Ugh, the Olympics. So, how far into it are we? We're six nights into it. I haven't watched a second of it, not a second. I mean, I read the stories like about the boxing match or about the fact that they have to bring in some meat and some real eggs to the Olympic Village, but I'm not watching a single second of it. - Mark Kelly, he drinks a lot of tang. (beeping) (laughing) - Yeah, now they're saying that the Shapiro was out because of the sexual harassment scandal. And I looked through my clips, I had it in my stack of stuff a couple of days ago, but it was so minor to me, compared to real Democrat political sex scandals, I threw it away. We're having to reprint it, so I could tell you what it is. But Jared said, I thought he had a good point, he said sex scandal with Shapiro, this gives him an excuse not to put the Jewish guy on the ticket, that may be it. But why are they having the announcement in Philadelphia? That's what I don't understand. - So if I've got this right, the Democrat party went from Camelot with JFK to Camelot with Kamala, these people are weird. (beeping) - Yes, they're very weird. And the whole Camelot myth was created by, was created by a Jacqueline Kennedy after the assassination. She was talking to Teddy White a week after the assassination for a big cover story in Life magazine, which was then a really big thing. And you can read all about it in Kennedy Babylon, volumes one and two. - Since Camelot stated no one can challenge anyone's identity, I am declaring that I am president of the United States. I'm expecting her endorsement at any moment. (beeping) - You know what, since you can't challenge anyone else's identity, I refuse to be othered. That's what it is, some text are meant. I refuse to be othered. I'm gonna continue to be father, rather than other person. Other person. Man, could you make me any more invisible than other person? - Howie, if the Israelis keep taking out Hamas leadership, they're gonna have to go to the waiver wire to pick up some extra virgin. (beeping) - Yeah, there has been a real run on virgins in paradise since October 7th, 300 days. How many virgins do you think they've had to go through? In Paradise. (beeping) - That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr, you chump. - All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show, you can call and leave a message at any hour between the hours of one and four p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542. Press two for the Chumpline and leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every evening, we have one every weeknight evening. It's called Chopped Chumps. It's posted around 7 p.m. Eastern time every weeknight. You can get Chopped Chumps, the second Chumpline of the day where we put all the messages we didn't have room or time for just now, wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by American Independence Gold Group. Through the end of August, American Independence Gold is saying thank you to any investor who spends a minimum of $10,000 with a Valkambi 5 gram bar. This investment could be cash or IRA transfer. Contact them today at That's And now I'd like to sing that traditional Mother's Day song. Person had a sweetheart and person who gave birth is her name. There are no more dads. There are plenty of illegal aliens in Massachusetts, but there are no more dads. You can't buy a gun in Massachusetts anymore, but you can buy weed. This is the way it's going here. Better rent your U-Haul truck out now on HowieCar. HowieCar will be right back. He's HowieCar. 844-542-42207 says dads were nearly invisible before this. Guess we're just going to disappear in place now. You know, think about before DNA testing was very cheap. Sometimes you had guys who discovered that they were paying child support for children that they weren't even the father of. Remember that? And then they'd spend what was then big money. Now it's very affordable, but they would spend thousands of dollars to get a DNA test and they would take it to the judge in probate court and they would say, look, here is incontrovertible evidence that I am not the father of this child. And you know, I'm sorry, but I can't afford to pay. What about the guy who fathered the child? And the judge, in some cases, including in Massachusetts, would say, someone's got to pay and it's not going to be the state. So you're stuck. You're stuck. Now they're saying, you don't have to put father down. There is no space on the birth certificate for father. I don't understand it. Who's going to pay child support that? Is this an unwoke question? Yes, it is an unwoke question. It's a rational question though, isn't it? Today's poll question is brought to you by home title locks. Scammers can transfer your home title, take out loans in your name, and leave you with nothing, but an emotional and financial disaster that can take months or years and thousands of dollars to clean up. Protect your property and equity from these criminals. Get a free title scan to check if your home is still in your name. Plus 30 days of free home title locks, triple lock protection. When you use the promo code, And you ought to check out my Meet the Experts podcast with the guy from home title lock. He's a former FBI agent, he knows this stuff. And it's just amazing what these, I mean, it's in a bad way, what these people can get away with and how they can steal it. And the registry of deeds is usually a very sleepy place or whatever they call it in your state. It's something to watch out for. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how do you feel about the mass senate's unanimous decision to remove the words mother and father from state birth certificates, as well as replacing the pronoun is with there. Oppose, support or hey, come on, it's only in six places. I am opposed. 96% of the audience agree is with you. 3% say hey, come on, it's only in six places and 1% supports it. All right, 844, 542, 42. Manchester man. Manchester man. [DINGING] Has been arrested on DWI charges for the sixth time, the sixth time. This was a couple of weeks ago. I was looking for the Shapiro stuff, and I found this. I misplaced it. Rodolfo Ramirez Romero, 26, was arrested. He was out on bail from another DWI arrest made by New Hampshire State Police in Maine. In this instance, Rodolfo Ramirez Romero was arrested on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, disobeying an officer, driving with a suspended license, driving while being certified as a certificate and a bitch will offender, aggravated DWI and two counts of breach of bail. He also had an electronic bench warrant for his arrest for failing to appear in court. I can't believe a guy named Rodolfo Ramirez Romero would think that he could get away with failing to appear in court. 844, 542. How about egg owner and sperm donor? Yeah, but see, now you're talking about chromosomes, and chromosomes are going to be made non-persons, just like fathers and mothers. They don't want to talk about chromosomes. It's just what you want to be. John, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, John. Yeah, highway, there's so many things you can be outraged at every day, but I'm going to pick this one. They let them illegal aliens break into Quantico. How long did they live in jail? Yeah, less than a year? No, I think it happened in the spring, and they got out in June, with bales of, respectively, 10,000, 15,000. We're just finding out about it now. They let them go, but the people, the patriots, who peacefully protested on January 6, Americans are still in jail. Correct. I mean, why aren't the people outraged over that? And how about the people that they're putting away for praying in front of abortion clinics? They just gave another woman three years, three years for praying in front of an abortion clinic, and they let these illegal aliens from the mid-east, probable terrorist go, who were conducting a drive-on on a marine base. There's so much stuff you've got to be outraged about, but not enough people know. 60% of the people are never going to hear this, and she's going to get in as a puppet for the green agenda. I hope you're wrong, but I think more than 60% of the people are not going to know what happened in Quantico, Virginia. 844, 500, 42, 42. Very few people know about Quantico, Virginia, unless you're a marine or you have a relative who was a marine. I'm Howard Carr. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844, 500, 42, 42. I just pulled that story again about Governor Shapiro in Pennsylvania, about the sex scandal that's plaguing him. Shapiro has come under fire for his administration's move last year to pay nearly $300,000 to settle a sexual harassment claim against one of his longtime aides. The deal involved a non-disclosure agreement. Oh, you mean like the one that was violated by Stormy Daniels with Donald Trump? But you can't violate it when you have a Democrat. But $300,000 to settle a sexual harassment claim against one of his longtime aides. I mean, in democratic circles, that's kind of a non-starter. I mean, Tara Reed accused Joe Biden of digitally raping her. And not only did they never respond, they sealed all the records. Governor Shapiro's office should have done a better job preventing sexual harassment happening in his own office by former cabinet secretary Mike Vereb, including protecting the survivor who bravely came forward. This is from the National Women's Defense League. Something tells, again, I'm not defending what he did. I don't, you know, I don't think it's good. But again, compared to Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton was raping women. Juanita Broderick, harassing Paula Jones. Then there were others, many others. How about this? Shapiro faced ethics questions too. He's been seen sitting courtside with a donor at a 76ers game. Oh my God. Oh my God, no politician has ever been to an athletic event. [MUSIC PLAYING] And caught flack for accepting pricey tickets to numerous other sporting events, potentially violating his state's gift ban. Yeah, I think this is kind of a cover-up. He has-- his big problem is his name is Shapiro. I think that's what it comes down to. And now they're saying, well, if he's off the list, we're going to be considering Pritzker. Wait a second. Isn't Pritzker Jewish? But he has a billion dollars. So I guess maybe that makes up for being Jewish. I don't think Pritzker's going to get it either. 844-542-42. I told you about that New York Times story about the Israelis planting a bomb that it wasn't a rocket attempt. All the eyewitnesses afterwards were saying, I saw the missile come in the window. No, no you didn't. And Patrice from Arlington told me about it, so I checked it out, and she said, they're glad you liked the story. And then she said, did you notice how many times they used the word assassination? They're talking about Israelis, Westerners. So it's OK to use the word assassin. And you know, assassin is the right word. They assassinated this guy. But somehow, I don't think if it had been, you know, killing a Western leader, oh, I don't know, Donald Trump. Has anyone called Donald Trump's would be assassin and a-- they call him the kid, and I've been guilty of that as well-- or the shooter. He was an assassin. Has the New York Times called Crooks an assassin? I do not believe so. Yet in this story, after Patrice mentioned to me, I went back over it again, the story in the New York Times about how they smuggled the bombs in. They used a very assassin or a variation there of 10 times in the story. It was almost like they really relished, being able to call Israelis. Westerners, Jews, assassins, 844, 542, 42. All right, this is what you've been waiting for. Or maybe you haven't been waiting for this. But these are our Brandon cuts for today. So he's really excited, and they brought him out for a brief moment. They had to recharge the iron lung anyway and put us some new batteries in his remote control wheel and some more Swanson frozen TV turkey dinners for him to eat while he's watching Bonanza tonight. So anyway, he's talking about the Wall Street Journal reporter who's been freed. And again, we're all happy these-- all these guys are back. But the question is, what did we, meaning the West, given return to get these guys back? Cut one. Evan, a journalist with Russian in Russia, was in Russia assigned by the Wall Street Journal. A journalist with Russia? The work for Provedura is Vestia, or Radiomosco. Let me hear that one again. Evan, a journalist with Russian in Russia, was in Russia assigned by the Wall Street Journal. Cut two. And Vladimir, was the Russian citizen by birth and holds an American green card. It's a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and was a Paul Bear, my friend John McCain Schoonle with me. Was Biden a Paul Bear? Does anyone know? Or was that just another hallucin-- or was he an honorary Paul Bear? These celebs have a lot of honorary Paul Bearers. What does it say? Can you give a eulogy and be the Paul Bear? I think it's kind of like being the president. If you're the president of the Senate, meaning the vice president, you're-- I think you can't be the majority leader. LBJ tried to be, but it wasn't going to work. Yeah, he was a Paul Bear. A real Paul Bear? You see his picture? You see him? Yeah, it's-- Considerate he can't carry a beach chair anymore. OK, yes. So former vice president Joe Biden, actor Warren Beatty, two legendary Arizona athletes, a Russian dissident, who were among the Paul Bears. That must be Vladimir. That must be Vladimir. All right, so he didn't hallucinate that. Cut three. Moments ago, the families and I were able to speak to them on the telephone from the Oval Office. What was the hesitation there on the telephone? OK, cut four. And I personally thank them all again. And I thank them personally, and I thank them again. Thank you for sharing that about the thank yous. Cut five. During the transition, I instructed our national security team to dig into all the cases of hostages being wrongfully detained, which were inherently-- well, we inherited them from the private administration. Actually, no. No. I guess most of these people that were let go today, or two out of the three that were Americans, were detained during your administration. Because, Joe, I hate to tell you this. Or maybe you know it already, or you knew it before your mind went. They're not afraid of you, and Kamala, and Tony Blinken, who went to high school in Gay-Perry. So then he gets kind of weird with one of the hostages, 13-year-old daughters. I mean, he hasn't had a chance to sniff many young people. Male or female in recent days, since his debilitating trip to Vegas. So he made up for lost time here today. Cut six. Tomorrow's a big day, the 13th birthday of Miriam. Miriam, Miriam, Miriam. Come here, come over here. I want to sniff your hair. Oh, no, we have a tradition in the Biden family. We've seen a happy birthday. Oh, my God, you said tradition? Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. It's enough. It's enough, honey. Happy birthday to you. Remember, no serious guys to your 30. Do you tell that to Ashley, too? You know, when he says we have a tradition, he's looking at a young girl, and he says, we have a tradition in the Biden family. I don't mean this seemed like a dirty old man, but what are you thinking? I know what Ashley wrote in her diary about the Biden family tradition. And you know, I don't really think this was the moment. I don't think there's ever a moment to bring up that Biden family tradition. Cut seven. I particularly own a great sense of gratitude to the chancellor, the demands that are making a May required me to get some significant concessions from Germany. I particularly own a great gratitude. I particularly own a great sense of gratitude. See, once upon a time, there would have been someone to correct him. He would have been wearing the earpiece, the IFB, and they would have told him, it's you all not owned. But now I don't-- that guy has been laid off, because it's a lame duck administration. And so they don't have that guy there anymore. And so he catches it himself, but he doesn't know what to do with it. Here, one more time. I particularly own a great sense of gratitude to the chancellor. Eight, cut eight. This improved relations with Russia is the only avenue for that after this business exchange deal. As my sister might say, you're lips to God's ears, man. All right. I don't think that was a real answer. Mr. Brandon, president in name only, cut nine. Look, everybody say this before. I mean it. My dad is a simple proposition. Family's the beginning, the middle, and the end. Blood of my blood, bone of my bones. I can think of nothing more consequential. I mean it sincerely. And having lost family in a different way, and not knowing what's happening to circumstance when they're acting out with health, it made matters. May we quote you on that, Mr. President? I was matters. My word is a bite. Not hyperbole. Belt. Good Lord. Justin at Boyle's bodywork says, why did he sound like he got punched in the gut after that sentence? Maybe they put on the intern, on the yelling in his ear. And the person in the intern was like 19 years old and didn't realize that he was going to say, own when he meant to say, oh, because who has ever said, own when they meant to say, oh. I particularly own a great sense of gratitude. 844, 542, 42. You've spoken, and our friends at My Pillow heard you, introducing My Pillow's most requested offer yet. Get the queen size premium My Pillow for just 1998. Crafted with a patented adjustable fill, My Pillow conforms to your individual needs, regardless of your preferred sleeping position. It not only aligns your neck for optimal comfort, but also retains its shape throughout the night. Ensuring you enjoy the most restful sleep imaginable. But wait, there's more. Dive into their six-piece kitchen or bath towel sets for only $25. Explore the brand-new mattress topper, starting at just $69.98. Indulge in their renowned My Pillow bedsheets priced as low as $25 and discover a plethora of other fantastic deals. Go to or call 800-658-4965 and use promo code Howie to unlock huge discounts on all My Pillow products, including the premium queen size My Pillow at an unbeatable 1998. The best deal ever. Elevate your sleep experience by going to or calling 800-658-4965 and don't forget the code Howie. I'm Howie Car. I particularly own a great sensor. Want more from the Howie Car Show? Yes, always. Watch Howie Live at Howie Car Show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good-looking man. He's Howie Car. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. [MUSIC PLAYING] Howie Car is back. [MUSIC PLAYING] 844-500-4242. Keith, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, Keith. Hey, Howie. Hi. Hey, I wanted to let you know in here. Interesting fact, there was only one person diagnosed with COVID in the United States in the month of July. Do you know who that was? Was it Brandon, perhaps? Yes. Do you find that fishy? Well, no more fishy than the fact that when they were promoting COVID as a way to win the 2020 election, nobody was diagnosed with flu, influenza, right? Everybody had-- everybody was getting diagnosed, same symptoms, but they called it COVID, not influenza, right? Right. Why do you think she did that, though? I don't think-- you know what, the more I've read about it, the more it seems like he had one of these-- I forget what they call it, ITAs. It's a form of aneurysm or a mini stroke, whatever you want to call it. I mean, that's what he really had. And they were ready. He looks horrible when he's coming out of that kitchen in that Mexican restaurant. We've talked about it. We've talked about it the day we saw the video for the first time. And they just wanted to make it seem like COVID. The reporter's-- Keith, I don't know if you saw this. There were reporters on Air Force One that day had been accompanying him. And they said they were getting physically sick. The plane was going back to Washington so fast. That was the fastest that ever been on. I mean, they made it-- they wanted to get him back to Washington because they didn't think they had enough in case he took a turn for the worse. I mean, he was in really bad shape. Wow. That's crazy. Yeah. Thanks for letting me know that. Thanks. Again, it's not a secret. It's just that none of the mainstream media-- someone was correcting me at one of the VIPs yesterday. None of the state-run media wants to talk about this. But that was a BBC reporter, I think, who tweeted that out or wrote a story saying they'd never gone as fast at Air Force One or at least they had never felt the same kind of gravitational force, the G Force or whatever they call it on the plane that they felt that day. People were getting sick from how fast the plane was going. And they were just trying to get back fast. And there was the report on local Las Vegas TV news that they were standing by at the hospital thinking at the Big Clark County Hospital or whatever it is in Vegas that they thought the president was going to arrive there. They had scrambled everything up. Anyway, now it's racist or sexist or nativist or misogynist. Whatever the word of the day is in the state-run media to say that Kamala is not black, that she was Indian, which is what Trump said yesterday. Let's play Cut 3. This is asked about being the first possibly being the first Indian senator, Cut 3. Certainly you could become the first Indian senator in US history which would be quite an accomplishment. Not quit. Certainly you could. Yeah. So here she is with Mindy Kaling discussing her Indian heritage. This is in 2019, Cut 6. OK, so what we're going to cook today is an Indian recipe. Yes. Because you are an idiot. OK, and I don't know that everybody knows that. But I find that wherever I go, and I see Indian people at the supermarket on the street, everyone's like, you know, Kamala Harris is Indian, right? It's like our thing we're so excited about to have you running for president. So we're both Indian, but actually we're both South Indian. Yes. You look like the entire one half of my family. OK, thank you. I've been telling people we're related already. So this is perfect. It's basically true. She didn't deny anything. She didn't correct. She's just at half. That was the only semi-denial. This is cut seven from 2020. I stand before you as the first candidate for vice president of the United States of South Asian descent. But Trump is a racist for saying she's of South Asian descent. OK, I got it. 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. Yeah, my other uncle should say, Joey, your belt buckle the shoe sole union.