The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy Joins The Show To Discuss The Shipwreck From Canton | 8.1.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Turtleboy joins the show to discuss the police report that was just released to him from the Shipwreck incident.

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01 Aug 2024
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This podcast is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special. Everyone loves the Thunderstorm. It doesn't take up any floor space, there are no filters to replace, and it's only one-third the cost of those bulky air purifiers. Take advantage of the Thunderstorm 3-Pack Special at and use promo code HAWAY3. [MUSIC] Better strap yourself in, it's time for the Howie Car Show. Tomorrow's a big day, the 13th birthday of Mariam, very Mariam. Come here. Let me smell it. You all know we have a tradition in the Biden family. Everybody knows I like kids better than people. Bush, moments ago, the families and I were able to speak to them on telephone. [SOUND] Hello. [MUSIC] Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Real leaders do not tear people down. They don't question someone's identity. Tell me, if you have a problem figuring out whether you're from me or Trump, and you ain't black. Who's your captain, Howie Car? And he has this to say about Harris. I think she hasn't done anything worth mentioning. What would you have wanted to see Vice President Harris accomplish that she has not? To kind of bring a calm to the border. The border crisis has gotten out of hand. Rum swabs, hacks and moon bats beware, it's. [MUSIC] Howie Car. 844-542-42, that's the number to call. If you'd like to be on the Howie Car Show, that's also the number to call. If you want to leave a message on the Chumpline, press 2 for the Chumpline and leave your message. We may or may not play it at an hour from now, and we do every weekday. 844-542-42, Bruce from the Met says, "Tell Jared great choices on music. Not too many people would play the James Gang." I'd like to take credit, but the system was in place before I got here, but I enjoyed it. That's Joe Walsh, right? He was James Gang, I believe, wasn't he? So, yeah. Yeah. Before life was good to him, and then he got even better when he stopped drinking and doing drugs, and he joined the Eagles. 844-542-42, there are two different checkpoints at Quantico. The first is the Marine checkpoint, the second is the FBI. I think these savages tried to go in through the Marine checkpoint. That's my understanding. John from New York, the market was down almost 500 points today, the Dow Jones. What happened? Yeah, that's right. It was down almost 700 at the low today. You've got two things going on, how I got a lot of economic data today, and it's been quiet, so I haven't called in, but today the ISM manufacturing data came out. It was 46, anytime it's below 50, it's not good, but it's the second month in a row, it's negative. Then construction spending came out. Last month, of course, was a rise down to negative two months in a row of negative construction growth, but more importantly, unemployment claims, which it's hard for the government to doctor those numbers. Yeah. In the beginning of the year, just to give you an idea, the weekly initial claims they call it, front employment, running 200 to 210,000, the number today was 250. If that number holds up in that range, what it's showing you is the unemployment rate is going to pick up, and essentially it's not going to be a lot of higher. I see, did you see, I go by less esoteric numbers and more like numbers I can understand like restaurant figures, did you see foot traffic at Starbucks, Starbucks of all places, was down 6% in the most recent quarter? Yeah, it's another company, the problem is they raised prices more than the consumer can absorb, and even proctor and gamble, which is a household name this week reported. Their sales are under pressure because they raised prices too much, so the consumer, the low income, the middle income consumer is essentially out of money, so sales are going to be weak. Now, tomorrow we get the jobs report. I don't know, they can doctor that month and month, but like I say, the jump in those jobless claims from 200 to 250 is not a good sign, and the stock market's showing it because yesterday you were up to two or three percent today, you're down two or three percent, so we'll have to watch it. The other thing that, again, people out there may not be aware of, it is sort of a big matter. A lot of hedge funds and a lot of traders have been shorting the Japanese yen for years, but what's happening now is the inflation in Japan is accelerating, the point Japan has to raise rates, and if the yen were to turn around, a lot of people are going to be forced, typically what they do is they buy US risk assets and they short the yen, and if that unwinds, which there's a chance it could, it could really affect our markets, nobody's really thinking about it right now. Now what is the market pricing in in the terms of Trump versus Harris prevailing in November? Well, it's funny you should ask that because I looked at that today, the predicted model actually has Harris at 53 and Trump at 50. So in the markets, Harris is the favorite? Yeah, it's a betting market, you can go online, I think it's, and they have a Kennedy in there, they have all the other candidates, but she's got a slight lead, which isn't really surprising given all the publicity she's got, stuff like that, but to me, like I told you a few months ago, what I'm looking for is the economy to really turn sort of grind to the halt, forget the asset price, the stocks going up and down, it appears that the layoffs are picking up, and the unemployment rates are picking up, they're also continuing claims, they're like a record, huh? Okay, there's still there, John, big John's breaking up. Thank you, John. We'll just wrap it up there, 844, 542, 42, I was going to ask him, you know, with the job numbers coming out tomorrow, you know, the jobs are great, oh, it's wonderful, state run media will shout in unison, the AMIN course of the Democrat Party and the narrative, and then of course, in the 18th paragraph, they'll have the revisions for the two most recent months, and they'll be downward, they will have overestimated the number of jobs created if it's like the last, oh, I don't know, 36 plus months since January of 2021, 844, 500, 42, 42, Lee, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Lee. Hi, Howie. Hi. I'm outraged with that bill that got passed last night with the birth certificate. Yes. I will not give another dollar to any Republican committee, Republican, we have to like figure this out. What is wrong with these people? And who are they? I don't even know my senator, I know he's not Republican, but at least four votes against have some reason, at least four. And number one, number two, and that's what the Olympics, why do we pay attention? Why are we watching? It's a disgrace in coming left, right from, Lee, I'm not, Lee, I'm not watching, I just read these headlines. I mean, it isn't disgrace that they let a man go into the ring and beat the crap out of a woman, isn't it? We seem to be having some problems today with our phone lines. I don't know what it is. Sorry about that, Lee, and sorry about that, John, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two illegal aliens in the news, other than in Quantico, Virginia, and illegal alien. This is in Michigan. Previously deported from the United States is now accused of sexually assaulting a young girl under the age of 13. Stop me if you've heard this one before. Joel Quintana, hyphen, Dominguez, and I get compliments on the hyphen, a 32 year old savage has been arrested and charged by the Shelby Township Police Department in connection with the repeated sexual assault of a young girl. He was, he was allegedly attempting to flee the United States a couple of weeks ago after being tipped off to the investigation of him. He, he, he, I am disgusted and sickened with the details of this case, said, said the, the, the, the shut, the police chief, Robert, shall lead. I am also appalled to hear that he had been deported in the past and was able to find his way back into the United States. These types of actions from illegal aliens are harming the country. I would like to thank the incredible work of our Detective Bureau for working swiftly to get, to get him, to get him swiftly into custody. By the way, Kamala Harris today was a, was it a memorial service for Sheila, Sheila Jackson Lee, the now deceased congress, black congresswoman from Houston and listened to what she did. Cut 12. And as a leader who believed deeply that America's true and full history must be acknowledged and honored, it was Sheila Jackson Lee, whose bill made Juneteenth a federal holiday, which as a United States senator, I was proud to co-sponsor. And then as president, as vice president, it was my honor with the president, with the president. Oh boy. God, 844-542-4208, the betting site I look at is 6040 for Trump, I'd like to know what John is looking at. I don't know. John looks at, John has a pretty good handle on betting, which is what the stock, the stock market is. So I think he, I think he's found some pretty decent fights. Two to three out of five. Nothing between human beings is, is five to three. That's, that's a Damon Runyon line. Mike, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Mike. Yeah. Howie, I thought I'd talk to you about these, uh, Jordanians. Yes. They cut loose. Uh, look, I, I was stationed down in Quantico, walking on in my career. And basically when you're in Quantico, would you come through the gate? There's the main entrance and then there's a side entrance, they pull them over to. Yeah. Now look what they're not telling you is about these guys. First off, Jordanians passports are carried by a lot of Palestinians, especially the ones in Gaza. Okay. Yeah. Number two, when you go through the bit, when you get to that gate, and what happened was they deterred them over because they said they were there to drop off something from Mike will saw to the town of Quantico. Now as you go through the base, you go through the military base, the training grounds, FBI deal. And the town of Quantico lays beyond that where all the Marines were at their families in the whole nine yards. So they didn't have the right paperwork. So they've weighed them over to the other entrance. Yeah. And when they got over there, when they got over there, they punched the truck. They literally had to push the hydraulic barriers up to stop them. So when they got them out, you arrested them, call ice and all, you know, they ended up with ice. What are illegal aliens doing with a truck? You know, they're not up to any good, they weren't working for anybody, right? They're just typically illegal aliens on the dole somehow. Well, look, you'll be shocked to hear this. In my opinion, it was a drive-on for a truck now. Yeah. Where else to blow one up? Getting there to make a, you know, to make a, I know, I think that's what the security experts said. Most of them, right? That's why they increased security because they, this is what they did apparently in Iraq and Afghanistan. This was the way they did it. You do a drive-run and then you see where the weaknesses are and you try to adjust, right? They did it in Lebanon in '83 to us. Right. And it took four... You know, we've had over a hundred breaches, attempted breaches of our military installations a hundred times in the past four years. It's, and, and you know what, the, these, the people that are running the show right now don't care. They don't even care about protecting Donald Trump as president. Thanks for the call. Mike, 844-542-42. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. You're listening to The Howie Carr Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Home Title Och. Scammers can transfer your home title. Take out loans in your name and leave you with nothing but a financial and emotional mess and disaster that will take months, if not years to clean up. You may have to go to court to do it as well. It costs thousands of dollars, too. It's just a horrible nightmare. Protect your property and equity from this kind of problem with, from these criminals. Get a free title scan to check if your home is still in your name plus 30 days of free Home Title Och's triple lock protection when you use the promo code Howie at signup at Home Title That's used promo code Howie at signup at Home Title Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is how do you feel about the Mass Senate's unanimous decision to remove the words "mother" and "father" from state birth certificates, as well as replacing the pronoun "is" with "there"? I am opposed. 96% opposed it, 1% supports it, and 3% say, "Hey, come on, it's only in six places." Yeah, again, so you used to, I'm sure the law is still on the books, that woman has to put down who the father of the baby is, so that the state can chase the baby daddy for child support. Now, without this other law being taken off the books, they're going to say that you don't have to, that you can lie and say there's a person who gave birth and another person, so not necessarily the father. Did they have a problem using father when they're chasing persons, other persons for child support? I don't think they do. I think they still use the F word, father. That would be my guess, 844, 542, 617 about the guy being allowed to win an Olympic boxing match against the woman, so much for never hit a girl. Yeah, it's the new thing. There's no more mothers and fathers, and there's no more nut, don't hit a woman. It's all okay in the new woke world that we live in. Michael, you're next with how we are. Go ahead, Michael. Thank you, Ali. I just call it in because I know you were talking about illegals, but we have welcome in cities in New Hampshire. I mean, the mayor, James, who is at Marxist Communist Democrat, James Dodge, is in Nashville, turned us into welcome in city. The illegals are everywhere, okay? I've called government, you know, they don't want to do nothing about it, and if we get Marxist Communist Democrats, Cindy Warmington, Joyce Craig, as governor, okay, we're going to be in trouble. I've been saying that all along. You people would be crazy if you vote in a Democrat for governor. I mean, that's the only thing keeping you from becoming a full-blown Massachusetts, and you can see what a disaster Massachusetts is every day. We're an international laughingstock with the letting the illegal aliens in. Even here, we call it gateway cities. It's a gateway to crime and welfare dependency and just total chaos. And how we, we can't try to tell the AI either because she voted for him, Steve, for a legal under, with the comma, and she, you know, she's just, you know, I'm not going to get involved in the primary. I'm not going to get involved in your primary up there, Michael, but, you know, I mean, if it's a choice between Kelly, a yacht and a Democrat, who are you going to vote for? You don't have any choice, do you? I'm supposed to vote for Chuck Morse. Yeah, but that's in the primary. I'm saying, what if what if he loses the primary? Who are you going to vote for? He's going to win. He's on the ground. The signs are everywhere right now, how is. Okay. So that signs don't vote. I'm telling, okay. Like I said, I got nothing against Chuck Morse. He's a good guy as far as I can see. I just want somebody as, as, you know, as a neighbor, I just want somebody in there who's not going to be a Democrat. Who's not going to be setting up, you know, flop houses for illegal aliens, who's not going to be imposing a sales tax, who's not going to be imposing an income tax. And you've, you've got to vote, vote strategically, you know, you got to, you got to pick somebody who can win, win the fight and, and prevent, prevent New Hampshire from being destroyed like every other New England state, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, please tell me the baby is still identified as male or female on the new birth certificate. I don't know that. I assume, but I don't know that and if it's, if it is, if if that's the case, it's only a matter of time until man and a woman, it's only a matter of time until that too is erased from the birth certificate, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. There was a reason, I guess, to go to New Hampshire now to give birth to a child because they haven't, they haven't changed the birth certificates in New Hampshire. They haven't changed it in most states. I don't think. I don't speak for all 50, but I'm Howie Carter. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. And right around the time, the show and the, the Falmouth PD emailed me the police report. I'd filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the previous week about the, the two McAlberts, Joe Daniels and Nick Marapis and their fray at a bar in, in Plymouth and a turtle boy got it too. He's mentioned and it's a very proud moment for him. I'm sure to be, I told him, I'm always proud when I mentioned these kinds of circumstances. Jill Daniels blamed him for all of his, all of her problems. And I just wanted to have Aiden on to talk about what's, what's coming up in about this police report, which is pretty, pretty amazing. But, but Aiden, the first thing I want to tell you is I just got, I have a new breaking story today. You know, we've been wondering about the, the district attorney of Norfolk County, meatball choracy. He has a time, a fundraiser every, every year in the past. It's kind of been like a, just a barbecue, whether he didn't charge anything and he had it at, at the Adams Inn in North Quincy, which is, which is an easy place to get to. So guess what, Aiden, he's decided he sent out his invitation, but he's, he's sending it to a, it's a much more secure location this year, only one road in and out. So he's going to make it tough. It's two weeks from today. You think it's going to be a big turnout? It might be. I mean, we came last year. How are we crashed it? And that, maybe that's why they're changing it. We had a whole bunch of people show up, tried to get some people in. A couple of people did get in, took some pictures of them, and he was looking in great shape. And I guess he, I guess he didn't like it. So maybe they're going to make it a little more private this time. Yes. It is definitely going to be a little, it's going to be a lot more private this year. It's going to be a Thursday, August 15th, two weeks from today, 5 30 to 8 p.m. at the Terrell room. That's I guess it's the Elksall, 254 Quarry Street, Quincy Mass, suggested donations, 35, a hundred and two, two hundred and fifty dollars. So what was it? Is he running for re-election? What does he need this money for? I mean, is he, is he actually going to run for re-election in 2026? Can he do that with the straight face after this can read disaster? Does he, does he seek public office and power, is this thirst for that so insatiable that he needs to remain in office after all this? Really? I, I thought he was telling some of the hacks in Norfolk County that he wasn't running again. And so they're kind of perplexed. They got this card, you know, telling him he's going to be running another shake down here like he always does. And what does he need money for anyway? No one ever runs against him. He's got half a million dollars in his war chest just sitting there. I mean, what's he going to spend it on? More food? Meatballs? What's he going to do? But either way, yeah, I'm sure we'll be, I'm sure he can make it as private as we want as he wants. But I have a feeling there will be some protesters down there making their voices heard about Meatball Morrison. Yeah. So if you want to see that, just go to, yeah, do I, we tweeted it out at how we car show if you want to see it. You are cordially invited. Everyone is cordially invited, including you, turtle boy. So are they serving meatballs at the time and someone just nine, seven, eight says there's a, the Terrell room has an 85 person capacity. Yeah. There will be no shortage of gravy, I'm sure. 85 people. That's not a very big time, as they say. But anyway, let's talk about this police report. We had a long wait for it, Turtle Boy, but I think it was worth the wait, wasn't it? It's pretty damn funny, isn't it? I mean, I got asked how are you, do you ever get a little jealous when I got mentioned in these reports and you don't, it is flattering, as she said, this is all Turtle Boy's fault. He's the one that's making me do this. This is the one that's making me act like this, or they are, I propose the idea to Joe Daniels that she is, in fact, an adult who is fully capable of not acting like a complete ratchet. Just because someone says, I mean, you read the report. What did they say? What did the guy allegedly say? He said, oh, Joe Daniels is in the house. Yeah. Apparently that means you have to go and physically attack this guy. You have to go nuts on him, go all crazy and start, you know, sending your boyfriend after him. And he kicks out of the, they were in the courtyard area and they're told to leave there, but they don't want to do that. They want to follow the guy back into the bar, he's at the bathroom. They try to break that up. Joe Daniels apparently pushes the 57 year old manager in the back. In the back. So that's kind of a sucker punch. I call him tomorrow, I call it a sucker punch. Yeah. And then she says to her, well, you must be a free Karen Reid person. No, or she's just the person that's trying to run a business. It doesn't, doesn't want you doing this in front of children. They said we're there. This is a 7 p.m. This wasn't like last call. This is 7 p.m. They're still families and stuff, getting their meals on vacation and Jill, and they get treated to the Jill Daniels show. Yeah. And, you know, even though you got mentioned by name, the after they said Jill, Jill Daniels is in the house. They called her, they called them white trash. That's, that's a, that's a phrase I've popularized in this case, I think. I mean, it's kind of accurate now, it's like, I'm going to object to that. So let me, let me read you this thing. This is Officer Dave McGrath. They fled. There's this little boutique hotel next door, the, the Heights Hotel. So they, they fled. Again, it was, it was a, a, a good thing for all concerned that they didn't attempt to leave in their car because that they, these people have trouble in cars. So, so they went and they're just sitting on the steps in McGraw approaches them, Officer McGrath to find out what's going on. I started speaking to Daniels, who was visibly upset with tears in her eyes. I asked her what had happened. Now, you're erupting me by laughing here. And she stated to me that we're a group of people who were targeting her, calling her names and taking pictures of her. I then asked her why they would be targeting her. And she stated to me, it was all about turtle boy. And quote, the fact that I am from Canton Daniels then stated to me that they were targeting her because of the Karen read trial. Daniels repeated herself several times and continually broke down in tears. Well, Daniels was continually repeating herself. McGrath was sitting next to her and telling her to stop. You're the sister of Julie Albert, who isn't really that involved in the story. But you've become arguably one of the most well-known people in this case simply because you choose to insert yourself into things on video and prove to everyone that you guys are in fact incapable of self-control, that you're violent, that you're drunk, that you're crazy. That means thank you for proving our point to you. So this 57-year-old woman is trying to get her out and she's pushing the woman, she's pushing this woman from the back. When we reached the door, she was behind me. This is again, this is the manager. I heard her say something like, "I bet you're for Karen read to me." She then shoved me with both hands on my back from behind. I believe Nick restrained her and we made it outside. She stood on the ramp screaming at me saying things like old hag and the seaward. Some coworkers were there to support. These are kids. These are literally teenagers in some cases and she screams similar things at them. Nick was standing on the rail to the ramp. He told me, "You don't know the whole story." "What's here, Nick? See, it all starts on, it all starts back on when Brian Albert never came out of his house when the dead body was on his line. That's how it all starts. John O'Keeffe wins the 34th year of your road and he never came out until Karen read got there. Right? So that's actually how the whole, yeah, go ahead Nick, tell him the whole story. Let's hear the whole story. We'd love to hear it. And then it'll make sense why people have a problem with you people like Jill Daniels and Nick Morratus. Unbelievable. And then the manager continues, "I never spoke to Jillian as she was screaming at me the whole time." That sounds so unlike her. She's got a court appearance coming up in Stoughton District Court or has that just been kind of... What? No, she has a clerk magistrate's hearing so those are behind closed doors for, you know, the Cannes police have filed a criminal complaint against her for assault and battery on yours truly and award-winning journalists. And for the incident outside of St. McCarthy, it should be an automatic, like, probable cause exists. There's no reason for a probable cause hearing. We're going to do one anyway, even though it's all on film. And I'm sure the magistrate will find probable cause. I mean, if they don't, I mean, we got real problems here, but that's on August 22nd. It's not open to the public. And hopefully then she will be arraigned on charges shortly after that, but it's just like she doesn't learn. I mean, these people, they're immediate when somebody says something to them, when they go out in public, their immediate reaction is to just provoke and yell and scream and threaten and hit you. And it's like, you could just ignore them, Jill, or... Or... No, I was invited to this, so I had to be very careful with my word, Towery. A year ago, I suggested that if I were Chris Albert after he had an incident in that bar, I would probably just kind of lay low and not go out as much, just because everyone knows who they are and, you know, turtle riders are everywhere. Right. I said that and that was viewed as witness intimidation when I said that. So I will be very careful when I say this to Jill Daniels, like, you know, I'm looking out for you, Jill, right, for your own mental health. Like, it's easier if you just have a movie night, you know, Nick, it's way past Nick's bedtime anyway. So have a movie night, relax, and maybe you don't have to go out to the bar because you guys are kind of famous, that's all I'm saying. I can't believe she's 43 years old and she's calling this woman 57 an old hag. I mean, she looks like she's 43 going on 123. Yeah, she looks like a leather couch at Alston Christmas, Towery, that's her sitting in the ring. I mean, I'm not kind of picked on her anything like that, but it's noted, like she shouldn't talk about anyone else looks, you know, at least their age. And the thing that saddened me, though, in the report was paragraph eight from one of the cops from Foley. I would also attempt to review camera footage, but shipwrecked has no coverage inside the restaurant or covering the courtyard. That's a real shame, isn't it? That is a real shame. I'd take good money to see that. We were there a week later, we went in there and we met a lot of these people and, you know, Turtle Boy, it was very popular in shipwreck. They like us there and they were very happy that Jill Daniels was not allowed there anymore. A lot of them told me what it was like. They thought, oh, there was the scene of the incident right over there. That's where she did it. And people were, you know, it was the only place in Massachusetts I felt safe going because Jill Daniels couldn't touch me there. God, jeez. This is a so with the report, Turtle Boy's got it up and thanks for letting me use the picture in the Herald, a couple of pictures in the Herald tomorrow from, and they should, people should see that if they haven't seen the whole confrontation between you and Jill Daniels. This was kind of, that was the thing in front of CF McCarthy's. That was kind of like the spring training for the shipwrecked, wasn't it? Right. Yeah, I would say so, you know, it's, she was on my show about a year ago too. I called her up, you know, I do this canton re-lepting and I'll call them up and nobody ever answers usually. But she did. And she actually engaged me for 10 minutes. She called me Turtle Deuce and you're a turtle and, you know, I asked where my awards were and it was a legendary phone call and she swore at me and that's how I knew she was special. So either way, she thought she would have learned her lesson after the first time, but again, she just can't control herself. She's so mad about it and so adamant about like when you say Colin Albert, when you say Colin was in the house, she gets so upset. Oh, I'm glad you mentioned that. I have it. I have more breaking news from you. Do you read the local canton paper every week? I heard about, is this about the rubber duckies? Yes, there's been a break in the rubber duckie probe. They're looking for this. They're looking for the perpetrator of the guy who's writing on the bottom of rubber duckies. Colin did it, meaning her nephew killing John O'Keefe allegedly. And so now she said that they had, they believe Rafferty, Helena Rafferty, the police chief of Canton said police, this is the Canton newspaper today, the local weekly, have identified a suspect that they believe is responsible for spreading fake U.S. currency as well as rubber ducks with the words Colin did it written on them. They plan to pursue the matter further. The crime of free speech of writing, I mean, I'm embarrassed to be going after this. By the way, the same chief who today put her house on the market, her $1.8 million mansion in Norfolk, is going on the market, I guess she can't afford to pay it anymore on her public servant's salary, but the fact that they are actually not embarrassed to pursue charges against somebody for writing, Colin did it on a rubber duckie, shows you how truly shameless these people are and how protected the McAlberts are. You can't even put a rubber duckie in their vicinity. How about the fact that, how's the investigation going into who's putting the bleach bombs on the lawns and wrecking the lawns of all the care and read supporters in the town? I don't think they're making much progress in that investigation, Turtle Boy. Yeah, they'll get back to you on that one, right around the time when last year during my rolling rally, which is apparently a felony, the only incident that happened the entire day was McAlberts threw an egg at a five-year-old and hit them with an egg and the kid's mother was very upset about it and wanted to press charges, found out who it was, and they got a clear magistrate hearing, except they didn't tell her, they didn't tell the mother when it was, so she didn't show up, so the charges just didn't go forward. I mean, it's just amazing how protected you are if you're a McAlberts man. All right, Turtle Boy, we'll be talking to you next week as the next hearing approach is next Friday, and so people can check out your stories at, they can follow you on Twitter. Where? Dr. Turtle Boy? That's Dr. Turtle Boy, me and Joe Biden. We're both doctors. All right, thank you, Aiden Carney, aka Turtle Boy, he's got, he's prominently mentioned, I'm very jealous of him today in the film with police report. We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes, wet dog smell and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Thankfully, the Eden Pier thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces and puke are eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending all natural O3 molecules into your home that attach to those stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry pets with a fresh and clean smelling home. Eden Pier even has a pet odor guarantee to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen or basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a three pack today for a whole home protection. Visit, and use discount code Howie3. That's discount code Howie3. I'm Howie Carr. Get a crash course from the captain on everything he's talking about in today's show. Go to and click on today's edition of Howie's Homework. You'll be up to speed on today's news in no time. I'll be Carr is back. 844-542-42, again, the entire police report, we tweeted it out and it's not as easy to read on the Twitter thread, but we have it at the website and it's there and we highlighted the good stuff and there's a lot of good stuff in there, actually. 781 says, "I met Jill Daniels and her elderly boyfriend Nick at the Green Pond Yacht Club in Falmouth over the weekend. Her face looked like an anti-catcher's bit." I didn't realize it was them until someone told me later. 844-542-442, 844-542-442, they're starting to do stories, the truth-of-vote type groups are looking at illegal aliens being registered to vote and that's the way they're planning to do it. That's what this is all about, letting all these illegal aliens into the country. This is in Georgia, this is a story about how they're saying they've already been registered to vote. Cut 1. "We come from a company that is dedicated to registering Hispanic people so they can vote in upcoming elections. Are you already registered? We already voted." "You already voted?" "Yes." "Are you a citizen or..." "Uh, no." "Have you already been registered or..." "Yeah." "Yeah." "Are you a citizen or..." "No." "No." "No." "Huh, I'm voting Democrat so it doesn't matter." "We've got a few cuts about Kamala talking about being the first Indian senator." Now she's not, she's not, she's, there've been other Indian, American Indian, Ben Nighthorse Campbell and of course the fake Indian. She wasn't even the first Native American, wasn't the first female American Indian senator. That would be the fake Indian, wouldn't it? What type of Indians I guess? We'll play these cuts when we come back and we got some Brandon cuts too. I'm Howie Carp. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)