The Howie Carr Radio Network

Hostages Released, NABJ Backlash and Woke or Joke | 8.1.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace discusses everything from the latest prisoner swap to Trump's contentious back and forth at the NABJ.

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Still plenty of people on the lines who wanted to discuss Trump's remarks at the NABJ. Yesterday in Chicago, he definitely made waves if that was the goal mission accomplished. And we are discussing whether or not bringing up Kamala Harris's identity, how she identifies was a smart move. I tend to think no, could have avoided it, could have kept it on the issues, but people are making a really good case. The last caller, and I'm gonna go back to what he was saying in just a minute, has me questioning my original stance just a little bit. I think for the most part, I'm still on the same page. I do wanna mention Evan Gurskovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter and US Marine Paul Whalen are going to be, they've been released and they are going to come home, which is great news in this prisoner swap. We don't know who we've swapped with Russia to make this happen, those details are still unclear and I will keep you posted. And I also wanted to give an update on a story that has gone all over the internet. So there was a story about the Olympics yesterday, these two boxers in the Women's Olympics, boxing in one of them, the Algerian boxer, hit the Italian boxer in the face and her last name's Karini and she decided that she was not going to be able to compete against this person because it was just, the punch was too hard and people were immediately outraged that this person in the past had been tested for testosterone and didn't meet the requirements. They had too much testosterone in their system. And so there's been a lot of people online saying, men should not be competing against women in boxing, which I do agree with, but there is a little update on this and this is from Mary Catherine Hamm. She said, I read several stories on this earlier which reported this athlete being banned from other competitions by organizations for presence of testosterone in XY chromosomes which seemed cut and dried. That's how I thought of it as well. I thought, okay, so this is a biological man who is identifying as a woman, which we've seen many times, competing in a woman's sport, taking advantage of the strength imbalance there and using it to beat a woman in a woman's sport. But Mary Catherine Hamm writes, it seems like this is a person in the small population of people who are intersex, which is naturally occurring in a less straightforward issue for sports than trans competitors. I should have been more careful. So I don't know where Mary Catherine Hamm, she's a very good reporter. I don't know where she followed up on that and got the intersex information. It would definitely change this debate and it would definitely add in a few other components. But I just wanted to give everyone a little update on that story that is going massively viral. Everyone from Riley Gaines to, of course, like the Outkick guys, everyone's talking about it on social media. Now, let's go back to what the, I think the caller's name was Steve. Steve brought up something. He said, this decision by Trump to bring up Kamala Harris' identity was a PR move. Because as much as you wanna keep it about the issues, Allah, Mitt Romney did, it's never gonna work. It's always going to be about how wonderful she is and they can't really run on policy right now because all her policy stinks. So they're gonna run on Kamala. So he brought that, he brought the fight to Kamala and said, this is who you say you are. And here's my issues with it. But something else that he said, which I have been kind of going back to here, is he talked about the inroads that Trump is making with the black community, specifically black men. And less so black women, but I think that compared to other Republican candidates in the past, he is bringing in incredible numbers as far as the polls go. Take that with a great assault. But he's definitely making some changes there. And that this line of attack, whether Grace Curly agrees with it or not, that this will resonate with some members of the black community and will actually help him make gains in that community. If they feel as though Kamala Harris panders to certain demographics, like she did on the breakfast club, when she was talking about how she's pro smoking weed, because she's Jamaican, even though she's locked people up for smoking weed. If he points out that hypocrisy- - Stay off the weed! - If he points out the fundamental hypocrisy of being Kamala Harris, whether I'd prefer to keep it on policies, but he wants to make it about Kamala and about how she's represented herself, that will actually play well with black people. I don't know if that's true. And you know, I keep going back to Jesse Waters, but his response yesterday, and this is a really, especially when you're on national TV, it's a dicey topic, you want to be careful. But Jesse Waters was like, I don't know how this is going to play with black people. I don't know if people are going to respond to this, if they're going to like it, of course it's not going to be, it's not monolithic, it's not like everyone in the black community is going to be one way or the other. But in general, there is a case to be made that part of the reason Trump is resonating with this community is because he's being straightforward, because he's being honest. That's really what he's done this entire time. I remember when he went, when he told black voters at one point, you know, vote for me, what do you got to lose? Like, you know, you've been voting for a lot of black people who have been voting for Democrats, it hasn't been paying off. That kind of honesty, that kind of, it might play as refreshing, and it might be something where he's hitting on a topic that's been talked about. We had on Jennifer Oliver O'Connell yesterday, right before this convention in Chicago, and she was explaining, I said, why isn't Kamala Harris resonating? Why doesn't she have better numbers with the black community, with this demographic? And she laid out several different areas where black people have issues with Kamala Harris. And some of them were about her identity. And so that's the part of this where I think you go to the PR aspect, where, yeah, maybe it does change the conversation, maybe it does make it all about this, but maybe that's what he wanted. It's not what Grace Curly would have done, but I've corrected Trump on things, I have questioned his political instincts more times than I can count. Anyone who listened to this show knows that. And a lot of times he's effective in changing the message and getting the momentum on his side. And while now he's going to be called racist, I think that if you really try to unpack what he's saying, it goes back to that comment on the breakfast club of I'm half Jamaican, and so it's okay to smoke weed. And her father coming out and saying, don't use our ancestry and our heritage to play into this stereotype so you can play identity politics when you're on a black radio station or a black, yeah, it's a radio show. Don't do that. We don't appreciate it. We wanna just associate from this travesty. I think that's the part of this he's trying to go back to. Let's go to John. You're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, John. - Hi, Grace. Thanks for taking my call. - Of course. - Thanks. I think your position is kind of morphing 'cause I've been listening to you a bit, but I just wanna comment. Yeah, Trump does go down the rabbit hole often. I don't think he did so in this case. Puts it live. I think he was baited, you know, with really aggressive questioning initially, right? And, you know, he made light of it and said he could have said, "Hey." But then they went right to, she's a DEI hire. What do you think about that? I think they opened the door for him to talk about what do you mean by that question for him? And define what you mean by DEI. There was a dramatic pause. You know, it's, you know, diversity, equity, inclusion. And then he went on and he basically had an opening to really discuss that, hey, talking about, talking about what you identify with. And I thought he brought up some good points that, and it opened the door for him to talk about how she keeps being a shapeshifter, if it will, in terms of everything and what she is, in terms of what she believes. And so I think it was a good thing that he said that. I think it was a strong thing that he did. And admittedly, not known for being bashful. You know, in general, I thought it was a really good performance. I do agree that there are going to be naysayers that say, "Well, you know, you could have done this." But guess what? His political exchange has been great thus far. And I assume it's going to be going forward. And I do think he needs to bring to light issues. Media isn't going to do it. - Okay, John, you're breaking up a little bit there. But I got most of what you were saying. First of all, on the idea that I'm morphing, it's not a totally unfair assessment. I will say I do stand by the fact that two things can be true. I can understand highlighting her flip flopping on so many issues. I can understand the desire to draw attention to that. And I can also say, I think you're opening yourself up for a lot of criticism and a lot of media pushback when you do that. I do think there's that nuance in this conversation. And I even talked to Taylor about it off the air. I said, "Well, I understand your point completely "that doesn't mean I think it's the best strategy." Now, the second part of this conversation about the naysayers, here's where I'm a little torn. Because on one hand, I think, well, the naysayers, like someone like that last caller, okay? John, you're going to be, you're gonna think he hit it out of the park because you love Trump. So that's a normal reaction for you to have. Someone who hates Trump is gonna see that and it's just gonna reaffirm what they think. They're just gonna go, "Yeah, he's a racist. "I always know he's a racist. "He said very fine people. "They're gonna come up with all these other hoaxes "in their mind and it's gonna reaffirm what they think." What I'm most curious about are the people, and I don't wanna say in the middle, but just the people who could be won over, does this move the needle, I hate that expression, I use it all the time, but does this change how they see it? And the way that somebody put it on Twitter yesterday, and I can't credit them 'cause I don't remember, was it doesn't lower the floor, but it does raise the ceiling. In other words, anyone who hated him, it's not gonna change how they feel, but he might bring in some people who see that and go, "Oh, you know, he's got cajones." Like he doesn't mind speaking what he thinks is the truth. He doesn't mind throwing things out there, and he doesn't care that he's in a room full of black people. He doesn't care that it could offend somebody. He's gonna say it anyway, and there are people out there who might not be political, but who are sick and tired of the political correctness and not being able to say what you really think, and not being able to level with people that might hear that, and it might change how they feel. They might start listening a little bit more to Donald Trump. I do think that's a possibility. And the caller Steve Taylor, who said, "Grace, you know, he might lose some wine moms in the suburbs." That's an interesting point as well, because the people who are most offended by this, I have to imagine, are not black people. The people who are most offended by what he said, are white women, and maybe he's at the point now where he's going, "All right, I can keep trying to pursue these white women who hate me with every fiber of their being and are never gonna come to my side, or I can try to make a play for more of the black men, more of the black women, more of the black community." And you do have to kind of assess where you have a better chance, and I would think he'd have a better chance of the black community at this point than with the white wine moms who watch MSNBC. - Well, I think that's where this race is right now. When Biden was, you know, just before he dropped out, he, Trump had a commanding lead in many, many states. Now that Kamala is in, that lead has shortened, and you have to imagine that a lot of that is because there was a base that was energized by this black Indian American woman, who was now running for president. She's cut from a different cloth. She's different in several aspects. And so the Republicans see that and say, "Well, now we need to go after those people that are supporting her specifically for those reasons." And that's what I think Trump was trying to do. Again, not the best way to do it. It never is the big hype. There's always a double edged sword with Donald Trump and the way he speaks. He makes his point, but then he kicks himself in his own ass while making that point. - Yeah, and you know what, Taylor, you just reminded me of, we played this the other day. I'll have you pull it for me for when we come back, but there was a Zoom call of, it was a Zoom call and it was this influencer. He's this black man and he was on the Zoom call and a black woman was asked if she's gonna vote for Kamala Harris. And she said, "Yeah, I'm gonna vote for her." And she said, "I'm just gonna, I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm gonna vote for her because she's a black woman." And he was exasperated. He was like, "Oh, you gotta be kidding me." You know, flummox by that response. And she said, "What?" She said, and he goes, "You're really gonna just vote for her 'cause she's a black woman." And then she said, "Why not?" And you know what this black man did? He did not say, because she said she's Indian her whole life. He did not say, because she did a video of Mindy Kaling and she said she did. This man said she has done nothing for the black community and he went on to list every single thing that she's done that has been detrimental to the black community. Everything's single thing she's done that's been detrimental to this country. That's what I like to hear. - He also did say, he did speak to identity politics and how she has been pandering. So he did touch on that a little bit, but the overall point he was making is what you just said. - Yeah, he focused, he leaned more into her actions rather than who she is. Many of us think of Cape Cod as the place to be during the summer, but you know what? It's super special during the off season too. Especially if you're staying ocean side at the Nossett Beach Inn. The off season rates begin October 14th. Book your Nossett Beach Inn getaway today. Special off season rates from October 14th through March 31st, started just to 1999. Even the sunrise cottage starts at 2.79.99. Overlooking Nossett Beach, the Nossett Beach Inn is the only lodging available inside the Cape Cod National Seashore. Every room commands a superb view of the great outer beach and the ever-changing sea. Nossett Beach Inn is pet-friendly too and each room is spacious with two queen size beds. Enjoy special off season rates October 14th through March 31st, starting at just 2.99. With only 13 rooms, reservations fill up quickly. So book early at That's We'll be right back. - Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2.8 Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2 p.m. Next door... This is the Grace Curly Show. OK, so what we're going to cook today is an Indian recipe. Yes. Because you are an idiot. Yes, yes. OK, and I don't know that everybody knows that, but I find that wherever I go, and I see Indian people at the supermarket on the street, everyone's like, "You know a couple of hairs is Indian," right? It's like our thing we're so excited about to have you running for president. So we're both Indian, but actually we're both South Indian. Yes, you look like... OK, so that's part of the reason why I don't think it was a smart move to go down this road, because she's not pretending not to be. This was a recent interview she did with Mindy Kaling. She was very open about the fact that... So 2019, so yeah, maybe not very recently, but I think that this argument is you open yourself up to even though you're not trying to be racist, it's a distraction, as people would say, from the policies. And Trump is doubling down, by the way. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Nossa Beach Inn. Special off-season rates from October 14 till March 31st started just $2.99. The Nossa Beach Inn is the only lodging available inside the Cape Cod National Seashore. Every room commands a superb view of the great outer beach in the ever-changing sea. Reservations fill up quickly. So book early at That's Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is, was it a mistake for Trump to appear at the NABJ convention? No, I don't think he should have gone down the road of is Kamala Harris, Indian, or Black, or she says she's Indian, but now she says she's Black. But I think going into the lines, Dan, and telling people how you really feel, especially when there's been such a lack of transparency with this current administration, is always a good idea. And the more FaceTime, the more airtime you can get, the better. And some people have brought up the point that he's changing now the narrative, which could have been exactly what he wanted to do. 83% say no, we lost one. Oh, we lost one. How will we recover? 844-542-42. If you're on the lines, stay on the lines. I'll take a couple more calls in the next segment before we go to Wilker Joke. So just hang tight there. And if you want to get on the lines for Wilker Joke, it's 844-542. I think it's also worth mentioning that Abby Phillips, who is on CNN, she gave props to the two reporters at the NABJ on stage with Trump. And she left out Harris Faulkner, which I thought was strange. Bit of mean girl energy, no? We'll be right back with Wilker Joke. We'll take more of your calls. Don't go anywhere. [MUSIC PLAYING] Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Nossett Beach Inn. Special off-season rates from October 14 till March 31, started just $2.99. The Nossett Beach Inn is the only lodging available inside the Cape Cod National Seashore. Reservations fill up quickly. So book early at nossettbeach That's nossettbeach Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is was it a mistake for Trump to appear at the NABJ convention? No, I don't think so. 83% of the audience agrees with you, no. All right, Taylor Cormier is in studio, and that means it is time for Woke or Joke. Everything Woke turns to sh*t, OK? I started a joke. [LAUGHTER] Take care, Wokeers. [LAUGHTER] The word Woke means looser. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] All right, everyone. You know how this works. Taylor's going to read you a headline. You have to tell us, is it Woke or is it a joke? And it's brought to you by a Viva Traturia. A gift card to a Viva Traturia is the perfect gift for any occasion. So pick one up at any of their locations to find the one nearest you. Go to Howie and I will be at a Viva Traturia in Rochester. Next Friday, very excited. We're a week away from that show, which I'm sure is going to be amazing. Plus, we get to eat all the great food at a Viva Traturia, and hopefully see a lot of you there as well. All right, let's start with Michael. Michael, your first up. Are you ready for your headline, Michael? I am ready. All right, Michael, here is your headline. Give me 10,000 more headless Marie Antoinette's and 85 fewer boats. (dramatic music) - That is a joke. - Not a joke. Not a joke. Not a joke. Not a joke. What's interesting is that the Marie Antoinette part of the Olympic opening ceremonies got a lot less press than the Last Supper fiasco, which they have since sort of apologized for. But remind people what happened here with the Marie Antoinette's. - So there was in the opening ceremony of the Olympics on Friday, they had behind one of the musical performances in the windows, a series of Marie Antoinette's that were holding their own heads. And I said to myself, self, this is weird. Oh, I get it. It's Marie Antoinette during, you know, at the end of the French Revolution. - They really wanted to remind you of absolutely everything that has ever occurred throughout French history. - That they didn't need America's help with, yes. - Yeah. And it just seems like a strange thing to remind people of. Like I don't mind, you know, learning about Marie Antoinette. I do know there's been several movies and quotes. - But you didn't learn about it. You just saw creepy headless performers, I guess, or statues, cutouts, whatever they were. It's a weird part of your history to put on display. - It's a weird thing to put on display, whether it's part of your history or not. It's weird. - I'm agreeing with you. - I get it. I'm just emphasizing how angry you should be. It's weird. - I should be angry. - You should be angry. It was a weird opening ceremony. - I think we're in agreement though. - Bring grace. I don't care that we're in agreement. Okay. - I'm just kidding. - Agree harder, Grace. Come on. - How is like, I'm confused. - Why is he mad at me? - I don't know how to talk him down from this one. Let's go. - Now, just to bring back the boring, Olympic opening ceremonies. - 1,000%. Where you have a choir and they sing a couple of songs. - I liked the boats 'cause I didn't have to look at just the performers. I got to look at the cool boats. - Did you see our boat? - Our boat was packed. Our boat looked like a cruise ship. - We had the biggest boat, if you noticed, all of the other boats were a little smaller. This was a really big boat they say. - The athletes looked pretty miserable. It was raining, they're on a boat. They didn't look like they were having a great time. - Oh, rain has been the hardest part of their journey to the Olympics. Can I ask a question? - Yes. - Maybe you know more about this than I do. Has there always been a refugee Olympics team? - I have no idea. You're asking the wrong person. - Really? - I'm really more interested in the pop culture aspects of the Olympics like the singers and the opening things. I don't know much about the actual sport. - Where do they win their medals for? What country? - I think it is. - Because they were saying they're so proud of their countries, but their refugees. So are they really proud of their countries? - That's a good question. I don't have the answer for you. - These are just thoughts I have. - Yeah, no, I think they're very valid. Tony, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Tony? - I'm ready. - Okay, all right, Tony, here's your headline. Publishing a Jekyll and Hyde comic helped me realize I'm trans. (dramatic music) - You gotta go with a joke. - Not a joke, not a joke. - Did you have to read that book in high school? - In high school? - I don't think I had to read it in high school. I read it recreationally in elementary middle school. - I wasn't a fan. I didn't like it. - I don't remember if I liked it or not. I was like into that sci-fi kind of stuff when I was a kid. - Like Frankenstein stuff. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So it wasn't terrible. - But give us a little update on this. - So this is a very enlightening read for this person. - A young author who they grew, they never, they grew up in the 90s, like you and I did. And they had never heard of a trans person. They never knew what trans was, but this person just always felt that there was something weird about them and they couldn't put their finger on it. So they, I guess they, she, they have this creative outlet where they create comics and it's like an anime style. I'm like Trump, I go on tangents and-- - You're losing me. - Yeah. - I think we're good. - But anime is weird. Stay away from anime. Anybody that's into anime, they just-- - Jared, do you want me to define anime? - Anime is weird, anime people are weird. - It is weird. - I'm sorry. - I'm not, I'm not sorry. - I'm getting a little, I'm getting a little perturbed by this throwing around of weird so much here. Anime is a, what, is it a cartoon? It's a style of drama. - Yeah, it's a style of mainly, it's the style of Japanese cartoon, but it's weird, predilections, shall we say. - I've never met a normal person that was into anime. But anyway, they drew this anime style comic and they imagined themselves as Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde's character was the body that they always wanted. So the readers informed the author. - Got it. - I don't think you do got it, you're just saying that to appease me and move on. - Yes. - Where did these failings come from? (laughing) - Peter, you're up next on The Great's Curly Show, are you ready for your headline, Peter? - Yes, I am. - All right, Peter, here is your headline. Being called weird is only making Republicans weirder. (dramatic music) - I would say that would be a joke. - It's not a joke. - Wow. - Not a joke, not a joke. - So, Libby Emmons, who we have on the show quite a bit. - I think that guy just got shot. - She was on Timcast and she said something that I thought was very, very true. And I had thought of it before. I'm mad I didn't say it on the air, so I could take credit for it. But she said in a lot of these towns, like these very liberal towns, being weird is like part of their-- - It's normal. - Well, it's something that they're very happy about. Like keep Austin weird. It's part of their brand is being weird. - And that's basically what this author is pointing out. They're saying that because Republicans now are pointing out how weird the left is with all of the trans culture, the drag queens, at the Olympics, all the groomers, all of this nonsense, which they've already normalized on their side. So they think we're weird for thinking that's weird. So now we're double weird. - Like weird squared. - Squared. - Exactly. Ed, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, Ed? - Sure am. - All right, Ed, here is your headline. Shakespeare in the park. Gender swapping company coming to St. Louis Shakespeare Festival. - I'm going with the odds, brother, and going joke. - It is a joke. - By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. - Very good, Ed. John, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Are you ready for your headline, John? - Yes. - All right, John, here's your headline. After furious backlash, supporters of Last Supper mockery, petition for official Olympics drag competition. - That's a joke. - It is also a joke. - Ooh, very good, John. Do we have time for one? - A joke. - We only have one more. - Perfect, Ron, you're last up on Woker Joke. Are you ready for your headline, Ron? - Ready. - All right, here is your headline, Ron. Wig envy, the rise of drag privilege. (dramatic music) - Whoa. - That is a joke. - Ooh, you get pretty good today. - By the way, that was a joke. - Yeah. - That's not true. - Four out of six. - Okay. - Not bad. - Not too shabby. - All right, when we come back, we have a lot more to get to here. I know we spent a good portion of today talking about Trump at the NABJ. It's still going to be a huge story for-- - We should be talking about the boats. We had the biggest boat. As I said, it was a great boat, a long boat, a tall boat, a proud boat. - You know what surprised me? That people were mad that he said black jobs. Like I, as someone who, obviously, from what you guys have heard from the last two hours, I can be pretty nit-picky about what Trump says, but I didn't think that was weird since that word at all. - So that was something that he had said during the debate. They're taking black jobs, and I was with everybody like, what is a black job? That's a weird way to put it. Again, I get his intent, especially after he kind of clarified it yesterday. - But if you asked me that, Taylor, if you said what's a black job, I would say a job that a black person has. - Well, you got it immediately. I'm thick-headed, so it took me a little while. - It's true. - It's true, and it's weird. - Yeah, I guess when I heard him say, 'cause sometimes you watch Trump, right? Sometimes you watch him and you hear something he says and you go, that's gonna be, that's gonna be chaos. That's gonna be-- - No, I hate that. - They're taking black jobs and what? - I'm super sensitive to the things he says that I think are gonna cause a headache for conservatives in general. That didn't even cross my mind. I was like, oh, I didn't think there was anything wrong with that. - No, I heard it, because I think it was-- - Maybe I'm getting too crumpy in. - I was either already on my toes from the golf talk or this was just before the golf talk. So I was hyping up to it and I just, what? Did I hear that correctly? But I'm not exactly sure what that means, but-- - Do you think, what do you think is a more wild move saying that or saying about Kamala Harris? About how he doesn't think she's actually black, she turned black. - I think neither is wild, I just think he's-- - Okay, so I'm saying you said that made you raise your eyebrows, let's put it that way then. Which one made you raise your eyebrows more? - The black jobs. - That's interesting. Just funny how people hear things and like certain things stick out to them. Like, oh, we're gonna pay, we're gonna have to pay for this one. - Because it took some, a little bit of figuring with him saying what he said about Kamala, it's true. It's not not true. - Right, well thank you Taylor, I appreciate it. - Thank you. - We'll be right back. - Don't go anywhere. (laughing) - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (dramatic music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. I wanted to let you know that according to KJP Kamala Harris played a big role in this prisoner swap deal which is going to bring the Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gerstovich home and also Paul Wieland the US Marine home. Now she's part of everything. You know, for a while they made her borders are and then we never heard from her for four years. And now every single thing, it's like we have co-presidents. Brett Baer said it, it's true. It is like we have co-presidents, it's a very bizarre situation when we barely hear from Joe Biden but we see Kamala Harris at every turn. We did hear from Joe though when he was talking today about this prisoner exchange. Can I get cut six please Taylor? This is Joe Biden singing Happy Birthday to the hostages 13 year old daughter cut six. - Tomorrow's a big day, the 13th birthday of Maryam. Maryam Mariah, come here. - You all know we have a tradition in the Biden family. We sing Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday, ready? All of you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Maryam. Happy Birthday to you. - Remember, no serious guys to your 30. - Okay, that's not- - I love you. - If we're gonna start talking- - It's all Sue's daughter. - We're gonna start talking about what's appropriate. I don't think during this prisoner swap, telling the 13 year old daughter of one of the hostages, no serious guys until you're 30. I don't know if that's necessary but I think the most offensive part of that to me is the fact that he truly thinks that singing Happy Birthday to people on their birthdays is a Biden family tradition. Like has no one told this man that everyone does that? - Where Irish? We sing Happy Birthday. - It's not even, I don't think, it's not an American thing either. It's just a worldwide phenomenon that people sing Happy Birthday. (singing in foreign language) Something like that when I was in French class. We used to sing Happy Birthday all the time. It's not your thing, Joe, okay? You don't get to take credit for singing Happy Birthday though, here at the Biden house. We sing Happy Birthday. How good for you. Wanted to let you all know that Jessica Bond from the Center for Immigration Studies is going to be joining us at 205 to discuss Mara Healy's spending problem when it comes to illegal aliens and how it's bankrupting Massachusetts. We'll get to that in just a second. But let's go to Richard, your next step on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Richard. - Hi, Grace. I wanted to bring up, but the opportunity that Trump missed in the meeting the other day was the fact that Kamala tries to portray her childhood or upbringing as that of the African-American experience and sell the concept she grew up without privilege and had all the struggles that are associated with that lifestyle. When the truth is, she grew up in Montreal in a very privileged childhood. She went to the finest prep schools, Ivy League schools. She's anything but the African-American experience, but she wants that image and it's completely false. - I, so what you're saying, Richard, is piggybacking off of what a lot of the callers have said. And this is the crazy thing about being in the conservative world is that there are some people like Richard who feel like what he was trying to say is X, Y, Z, and he could have said it this way. And then you have people like John Hindrocker from "Paroline Blog" who said, this was a missed opportunity. I hope the events go better. He took the bait. This was a failure. Then you have other conservatives like Eddie Scary who write, "Why should media go easy on Kamala after racist attacks on Clarence Thomas, Ben Carson, and Tim Scott?" So this is what I love about being a conservative. People can text in, they can be mad that I disagree with them, but it's great that we don't all think the same way. It's great that I can come in here and disagree with Howie and Taylor and Jared, and we can all talk about it and that people can call in and talk about it. So there's gonna be people, no matter what Trump says, that are gonna say he should have said it like this, he could have said it like that, I think that's fine. I think there should be people on his team who are saying, "Hey, we don't think this is the best way." And then there's gonna be other people who are saying, "Hey, I just talked to this person out there, "out in Chicago, they thought it was great." You need all that. You need people who are trying to trim the fat here off this campaign and make him the strongest candidate possible. I don't claim to have all the answers. And I also have been honest that sometimes I call him wrong and Trump is actually his instinct is pretty dead on. That's why he was president of the United States for four years and I was not. But I love having this conversation and we can go back to it in the two o'clock hour. I do wanna take a little break though, and I wanna talk to Jessica Vaughn about illegal immigration because she's had two big stories. One about the serious incident reports that are coming out of these migrant shelters. And one about the amount of money it is costing the state of Massachusetts to house all of these illegal aliens. We're gonna talk about both of those things when we come back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)