The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trump's Kamala Comments Spark Outrage--Grace and Callers React | 8.1.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Did Trump make the wrong move going to NABJ? Should he have made comments about Kamala's racial identity? Callers weigh in.

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01 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Happy Thursday. Thank you so much for tuning in today and every weekday from 12 to three. The lines are open. You're gonna find out why in just a second. The number is 844-542, 42, just a few headlines before we get into the first topic of the day. I think the biggest headline of the day. But before we get to any of that, Evan Gerstkovich, the Wall Street Journal reporter who has been jailed since March of 2023 on espionage charges, bogus ones, obviously, and US Marine Paul Whalen who was arrested in 2018 while he was attending a friend's wedding. The US, the White House, has agreed to a prisoner swap. The details of the swap, and you know who we are going to release in exchange, has not been made public yet. I will keep you informed as we find out more. Also, US prosecutors have reached a deal with the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Mohammed. He is going to give a guilty plea and will avoid the death penalty according to initial statements from the Pentagon. So those are two stories we are watching and we will keep you up to date at every step of the way. But I wanted to start by opening up the lines, as I said, because I have a feeling people might disagree with me today. So let's walk through this. Trump yesterday went to the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago. And the entire Q&A, we actually took a lot of it live. Yesterday was one of those days, Taylor, where we didn't realize it but we had our finger on the pulse. We had Jennifer Oliver O'Connell on, which was just perfect because she was really trying to explain to us why she thinks Kamala Harris has had a hard time connecting with the Black community or gathering support from the Black community. It has been underwhelming to say the least. And if you miss that interview, I encourage you to go back to it because a lot of the things that Jennifer Oliver O'Connell discussed with us yesterday, 10 minutes before this event occurred, are now being discussed today, not just on social media, but on a lot of these media outlets. So the entire Q&A was pretty captivating. Mostly because we, well, for a few reasons, we're not used to seeing presidential candidates answer questions anymore. Actually up until Joe Biden, up until they switched, we weren't used to seeing the presidential candidate, period, he's been kind of in hiding. And so now we're back to seeing the presumptive candidate Kamala Harris, but just in orchestrated on teleprompter pre-planned addresses, never taking any questions, let alone from hostile reporters, let alone from people in the press who actually might be critical of what she has to say. And Trump made a lot of excellent points during his sit down. He discussed inflation, the open border, the importance of energy independence, or to put it in a simpler way, which he likes to do, drill, baby, drill. Plenty of other critical topics. - And some people say gasoline? That was one of my favorite. - Oh, yes, yes, yes, gasoline. Plenty of other critical issues that the media will completely ignore. Nobody will be talking about, except for maybe Taylor. Because the main takeaway for the Democrats was this exchange between Trump and Rachel Scott where Trump accused Kamala Harris of, and this is how he put it, turning black. Now, before we get into the response, I do wanna know how other people feel about it. I wanna know what your reaction was. And so let me set the scene a little bit here. Rachel Scott was Lady in Blue, and she's from ABC. I think when this was originally set up, it was supposed to be like Rachel Scott's from ABC, they're down the middle, wink, wink. The other women's from Semaphore, they're far left. The other women Harris Faulkner's from Fox. That's more on the right side. And that way we get the entire spectrum of the political, of all the different political isles. - Where was the equity for men, by the way, on that panel? - There was no equity for men. Once again, you've been robbed. - Just equity for women, okay. - So the idea was that they were all gonna come at it from different viewpoints. I had a feeling that ABC, 'cause ABC's not down the middle, but I didn't realize that the woman from ABC was gonna be even more hostile towards Trump than the woman from Semaphore, but that showbiz, baby, you don't really know what's gonna happen. And so Rachel Scott asked Trump about DEI, and whether or not Kamala is a DEI higher. And so I wanna play this first part of the question. Cut Fies. - Some of your own supporters, including Republicans on Capitol Hill, have labeled Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the first black and Asian American woman to serve as Vice President and be on a major party ticket, as a DEI higher. Is that acceptable language to you? And will you tell those Republicans and those supporters to stop it? - How do you define DEI? Go ahead. How do you define it? - Diversity, equity, inclusion? - Okay, yeah. Go ahead. Is that what your definition-- - That is literally the word. - Give me a definition then. Would you give me a definition? - DEI. - Give me a definition. - Sir, I'm asking you a question. - No, you have to define it. Define it. Define it for me, if you want. - I just defined it, sir. - Okay, so they have this little back and forth. And he's right to follow up on, you know, tell me exactly what you're trying to ask me. And I would encourage doing more of that because oftentimes, right from the start, the question is based on a false premise. What I would have preferred, and I'm gonna be very nitpicky here, and I am being completely open about the fact that I am about to Monday morning quarterback like you've never seen. I try to stay away from it, but it's just one of those days. At this point, I would have really liked if Trump had hammered the fact that it was Biden himself that has not just admitted that Kamala Harris was a DEI hire, but has bragged about it on several occasions. In 2019, Biden said, " whomever I pick, preferably it will be someone who was of color and or a different gender, but I'm not making that commitment until I know that the person I'm dealing with, I can completely and thoroughly trust is authentic and on the same page." So he was open about the fact that I am looking for someone who's black and a woman. He went on to say later in his administration, the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are the core strength of America. Take a listen to this. - Together we make history not a race it. To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally, and that's not kidding, core strengths of America. That's why I'm proud to have the most diverse administration history that taps into full talents of our country and starts at the top of the vice president. - Starts at the top of the vice president. She's a product of DEI is what he's trying to tell people in his own unique sort of way. And so that's number one, is that of course she's a DEI hire. Biden has said it multiple times. That would be my first response. The other thing, and I want to credit the Heritage Foundation for an article they wrote on this and several other conservatives who have pointed it out, it kind of goes back to this boarder's art conversation, which is you could turn it back so easily by saying, why is it wrong for people to call her a DEI hire? I thought DEI was a great thing. Isn't DEI, isn't he proud of DEI? Why are you trying to back away from it now? The same way that you guys have done such a bang up job with the boarder, why doesn't she want to be the boarders are? Isn't DEI a good thing? Isn't it part of Kamala's? Kamala talks about equity almost as much as she talks about Venn diagram. So it's clearly very important to her. So if DEI is such a great thing, why is it considered an insult to refer to someone as a DEI hire? Why does Trump have to denounce other Republicans for making that point? Now, the second part about how Kamala has represented her race in the past is really what the media is clinging to. Let me have cut six, please. Do you believe that Vice President Kamala Harris is only on the ticket because she is a black woman? Well, I can say, no, I think it's maybe a little bit different. So I've known her a long time indirectly, not directly, very much. And she was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black, and now she wants to be known as black. So I don't know, is she Indian or is she black? She is always-- But you know what? I respect either one. I respect either one, but she obviously doesn't, because she was Indian all the way, and then all of a sudden she made a turn, and she went, she became a black person. Just to be clear, sir, do you believe in that? And I think somebody should look into that, too, when you ask a continue in a very hostile, nasty tone. So let's dig into this. This is where I'm throwing it out to the callers, because the way I feel about that remark by Trump, there's a few different opinions that are floating around in my mind. First of all, I am not going to start policing how anybody brings up their identity if she wants to say she's a black woman. There's people posting stuff online, like this is a clip where she said she's an Indian woman. Yeah, I'm sure she said multiple things. Her father's Jamaican, her mother's Indian. I'm sure that she has said different things at different times. But mostly, I'm not going to do that just because I don't care. And I think that we can get into what Trump's larger point was, which JD Vance has done a good job of articulating today, which is that Trump is trying to point out how depending on the issue and depending on the people that Kamala Harris is with, she panders to certain demographics when it's politically beneficial to her. She changes her mind and she changes her stances and she changes her identity based off when it suits her. That's I think the point he was trying to make, whether you agree with him or not. But then the question becomes, should Trump have said it? And does this help with his reelection, with trying to get people to vote for him? Does this win anyone over? And this is where it gets really interesting. I'm leaning toward no. I've talked to friends who tell me that going over how black someone is, whether it's Kamala Harris or Clarence Thomas is never a good look. Of course, my answer to that is, well, it might be bad no matter who does it. It sure gets a hell of a lot more response and reaction when it's a conservative doing it. Because I don't remember any of these people who are now clutching their pearls, caring about when Nikki Haley's ancestry and heritage was questioned. Or when Glenn Kessler wrote a piece about Tim Scott and said Tim Scott often talks about his grandfather and cotton, there's more to that tale and tried to, you know, so doubt into Tim Scott's ancestry. So questioning people's identity and backgrounds is only okay if you're from the Washington Post or if you're at MSNBC. And again, you can call that what about is him. I just think it's noteworthy that there are different rules for different people. But back to does it help? I heard Jesse Waters say he goes in and he talks to everybody the same way. He doesn't care if you're a black person, he doesn't care if you're a woman, he doesn't care if you're a black woman. He's gonna answer the question honestly. I think what helps him is he goes into the lines then. I think that moves the needle with people. What I fear with this is that you're giving Kamala Harris exactly what she wants. You're giving her an opportunity to make this entire, this entire race about race and about her identity. And not about the issues. What I would have preferred is if Trump said, I don't care if she's black, white, Indian, Asian, she's not competent, she's not able to do the job. That's what I care about. I think that would have been a solid answer that would have avoided all this. Now, there is pushback when I say that for people who say they would have jumped on, the media would have jumped on something at some point. And maybe that's the point Trump's out where he's like, they're gonna jump on me at something, I'm gonna say what I think. But I do think it gets dicey when you start trying to dissect is she black, is she Indian? I don't know how that helps us going forward. Go ahead, Taylor. I kind of disagree with you. I, she had already made this about race and a lot of people have already made this about race and gender. They're voting for her because she's black or Indian. I haven't really heard that one, but I've heard because she's black. I've heard that they're voting for her because she's a woman. This has already been an issue and has already been a platform for Kamala Harris. Trump was perfectly in the right for what he said and even the way he said it. And the audience, he said his point wasn't how black she is. His point was that she hadn't identified as black until recently in the last few years. And that has been pandering to the black community. It worked locally in California to pander to her Indian heritage and her Indian electorate out there. That didn't work so well on a more national stage because the black population is the larger minority. So she figured that out very quickly and she's shifted. And she's become a chameleon. She's shifted to that. I don't think it was wrong of Trump to say that. I don't care who it comes from. That's the truth. It doesn't need to be a black person to say that. But here's my question. You know all this. You've thought about it. For the average person out there who hears this and hears maybe the spin from the left on it. That, oh, he's, you know, he's calling her out saying she's not Indian or she's not black or she's not this. I worry that his message, which is I'm gonna do a better job with the economy. I'm gonna do a better job with energy independence that that all gets lost underneath the headline of. What can you do? That's not his fault. That's the media that-- You gotta know the media though. You gotta know going in. As you said, Grace, as you said, they would have picked something else. If it wasn't that, they would have picked something else to hard find. I think you gotta make it harder for them though. I don't think you can throw that. I think you have to stay. What's the one thing we keep saying? Stay on message. Make it about your administration. Make it about the failures of their administration. Don't make it about her. What did she started to do? The first question, which came from Rachel Scott and she listed all of those terrible things that he's alleged to have said or was just completely made up, he answered by saying, one, that's rude. Two, here are all of the things I've done for black people in my administration. But none of that's gonna get picked up now. Of course not. And it just snowballed from there. They started it. Yeah, but I think you can't take the bait. That's my point. But I understand your point, Taylor. And I think there's gonna be a lot of people who agree with you. 844-542, because I do go back and forth. I go back and forth on being like, here I go again, telling them, don't say this, don't say that. His political instincts, I've bet against them before and I've been wrong many times before. But there is a part of me that sometimes thinks, you gotta just keep going with the failures of the Biden administration. Do are you better off than you were four years ago? Don't take the bait. Keep it about this election and this race. But this is what we're gonna have the conversation on. That's why the lines are open. 844-542-42, we'll be right back. Last time I visited Perfect Smiles, I had a few things on my to-do list. A teeth cleaning, I knew that would be easy. Lori, my favorite dental hygienist is a pro and always does an excellent job. My job was also hurting Dr. Houghton figured that out very quickly and saved me a lot of time a lot of money once I realized it was just a problem with the way my teeth were hitting. And three, and I explained this to Dr. Houghton, I was interested in tweaking my bottom teeth since I had lost my retainer and now I have Envisalign and it's going swimmingly. I really love it. It's easy to plot men, plop them out and it's not very noticeable but it's a-- - Are they gonna run out right now? - They're out right now because I knew we're gonna be having this big conversation. I didn't wanna be struggling with the trades. Not that it's really a big thing but sometimes I get a little-- - You don't sound like that at all. - Insicure. - It's really not-- - Most of the time I have them in. - At all, yes you do. - I'm gonna plop them in during the break to take everybody's calls when we come back. So you all have that to look forward to. So check out Perfect Smiles. They're located off Route 3 in Nashua. Change your smile, change your life, go to We'll take your calls on this when we come back. - Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. (upbeat music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - Evan Gurskovich has been released from prison in Russia. This is great news and so naturally Biden's at the White House singing Happy Birthday to someone there. I'm guessing it's a member of his family. I don't know why he feels the need but he does say it's a tradition in his family that when it's someone's birthday, they have this crazy tradition in the Biden House tailor that when it's someone's birthday, you sing them Happy Birthday. Sometimes they even get the name right. But we will give you updates on this as we find out more about this prisoner swap and who we released in exchange but very happy for the journalist Evan Gurskovich and also for Paul Wieland's family who have been an agony over the last few years hoping for his release. So that's great news. When we come back, we're gonna take all your calls on this. I'm already feeling, I'm already feeling the heat. The text line's like, you suck Grace. You're such a baby. Good job Taylor standing up to her. I'm like, he can, have I ever made you feel like you can't have a voice here. Do I respond here? Oh, you're a jerk, come on. You always encourage me to speak up. I always out there if you disagree. I mean, most people do disagree with me on this. Everyone in this office thus far that I've talked to has disagreed. So I am very open to the callers also feeling like, I'm a big loser and you can make that point heard. I am gonna hold off on taking your calls just 'cause I wanna give everyone enough time. When we come back, we will take your calls on whether or not Trump made the right move here. Was there a better way to go about this? Do you think that this resonated? I do think that going into the lion's den and taking the hard questions, even if it's an imperfect answer, it's better than no answer, which is what we got from Kamala. We'll be back, we'll take your calls on the other side. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. Okay, so the question is, the media is pouncing and seizing and weaponizing on Trump's comments about Kamala Harris and alleging that she turned black. Now I have said that while I definitely think showing up to an event like that moves the needle and Jesse Waters had a great way of putting it. He was explaining how, you know, whether you agree with him or not or whether you like what he's saying or not, there's a level of respect you give someone when they show up and they take those hard questions and he's right, I always go back to Marty Walsh. Like Marty Walsh came in here one time in studio with Howie and he knew how he was going to read him the right act. He knew that he was going to have to take some heat and he did it anyway. And even to this day, as much as Marty Walsh sometimes drives me crazy, on a personal level, I have a lot of respect for him 'cause I think he can dish it and he can take it. And I do wonder how much of that was in play yesterday when Trump shows up to, people keep calling at the lions den, he shows up to Chicago, he shows up to this panel of people of these three women who were not big fans, you know, maybe you could do the exception of Harris Faulkner, I think she likes Trump a lot. But the two other women clearly did not like him, they did not like his politics and he showed up anyway. And I am putting that on the record that I'm saying that, I don't disagree with that part of the conversation. Whether or not we want to now have three months of conservatives coming up with memes about whether Kamala Harris is black or Indian, I don't think that's very effective. But I'm keeping the lines open and we're gonna talk to people. So let's go to Leslie, your first step on the Grace Curly Show, what's going on, Leslie? - Hi, thanks for taking my call. So I have to say, I'm more, I mean, in agreement with Taylor. - Okay. - In the respect that I feel Trump was just bringing forward once again, another lie, and it's to remind us how corrupt this party has been. And the lies after lies and the flip flopping. And so I don't see it a problem to bring up the fact that she was Indian/Asian prior to being black. And I also want to say, let's not forget, actions speak louder than words. And all her words that she has said and that Biden has said, what exactly have they done? What has she done in these past almost four years of being a vice president? I think we've been paying her to do very, very little. And now, again, she's backpedaling saying what she wasn't a part of this and doesn't agree with that. So I'm looking at it more like Trump is trying to bring to the table of the lies. - Yeah, you know what, Leslie, this is an important part of the conversation because it's kind of like intent versus impact. I don't think there was any part of it. And I hope this is not something people are confusing. I don't think there was any intent there to be racist. I don't think there's anything racist about saying, well, for a long time, she identified as this and now she identifies as that. If that's racist, then the left has been doing that for quite some time because they've made fun with Nikki Haley, they've called Clarence Thomas and Uncle Tom, they've questioned people's identities left, right and center. So I don't think his intent was to come off as racist. The impact of it is obviously gonna be different when you have a media that's in the bag for the Democrats. But something you just brought up about what his overall point was. And here's where I really wanna make a distinction. I think his overall point was to highlight how often she's evolved on things in her habit of flip-flopping on issues and pandering to whoever she's with. I just don't know if that was the most effective tool to make that message as opposed to just saying, she's been all over the map on marijuana. She's been all over the map on the border. She's been all over the map on defining the police and actually drilling down on those issues as opposed to her own identity. Now, I do wanna bring up something before we go to the other collars because I think a part of this conversation about Kamala Harris being a flip-flopper. One reason that I think this stands out to people is because of her past stances on marijuana. I think that's a great example. If you want a concrete example that you can go back to, and this is something I wish Trump had chosen instead of this whole, she said she's Indian, now she said she's black, go to the marijuana issue, okay? She was locking black men up for smoking marijuana. And then when it was convenient for her, when it was politically beneficial for her, she was bragging about smoking marijuana on the breakfast club with the host there, Charlemagne the God, and mentioning how she was pro-legalizing marijuana. And she even threw in, and this kind of does go to Trump's overall point, in that moment, she threw in her Jamaican heritage because she thought that that was going to be funny and that that was going to be beneficial for her in the conversation. And I want to play this cut for you. This is from 2019, this is cut 10. - I know the answer to this too. They say you oppose legalizing weed. - That's not true. - I know. - And look, I joke about it, have joking, I have my families from Jamaica, are you kidding me? (laughing) - Maybe so mad at you. - Right. - Now later her father, who was a professor of economics at Stanford University, a very accomplished person, he commented on those remarks and this is what he had to say and I always remember this because how often do you have a parent coming out against someone who's running for president and really trying to separate themselves from the train wreck that is Kamala Harris? This was her father. He said my dear departed grandmothers, whose extraordinary legacy I described in a recent essay on this website, it was the Stanford website, as well as my deceased parents must be turning in their grave right now to see their family's name, reputation, and proud Jamaican identity being connected in any way, jokingly or not, with this fraudulent stereotype of a pot smoking joy seeker and in the pursuit of identity politics. Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically disassociate ourselves from this travesty. That was her own father. He felt, and I think that the way he put it, you know, the way he described it is a lot more effective than I think what we saw yesterday, but he felt that she was using different parts of her heritage or ancestry to score political points and that's the message here. Let's go to Lori, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Lori. - Hi Grace, I have to agree with you today. I don't always agree with you and I've called before. We disagree on Karen Reed, but today you are really correct. Now I have a young millennial daughter and she's kind of coming over to the Republican way, but she texted me this morning and said, "What the hell is Karen doing?" He took the bait every single time they put it out. He gets defensive, he gets happy. You know, you don't have to talk about anything you have to do with her race, who cares? She's incompetent, she's not intelligent. She hates America and she's the most liberal person that ever gets our democracy. So why does he do it? It just hurts him. Why does no one tell him? - But do you think Lori, 'cause now I'm gonna play devil's advocate, now that I have someone agreeing with me, I'm gonna disagree. But do you think that if he had kept it about the issues that there wouldn't have been, because this isn't the only thing they jumped on, they're also mad at him 'cause he talked about black jobs, they're trying to find some sort of racist innuendo with that terminology. So don't you think they would have found something either way? - Definitely. However, this is the lead story, it makes him look like a racist yet again. I mean, it was just poor, he didn't perform well. He got happy, he gets defensive every single time. He didn't do himself any service acting that way. - You know what's funny though, Lori, and thank you for calling in, and I appreciate that you agree with me, but this is what's so funny about when people agree with me on this, then I really do start to think, I didn't think he was huffy. Like, I didn't think the way he was coming at that, I didn't think he was defensive at all or angry. I thought for how aggressive the questions were, I thought he was very calm, and I also kind of wonder here, and I hate to do the four-dimensional chess thing when it comes to Trump, 'cause I know it's tired, and people are sick of hearing it. But I do wonder sometimes, if he's looking at the media narrative, and he's looking at how things are going, and he's saying, all right, it's been two weeks of Kamala Harris, Honeymoon, she's on top of the coconut, and New York Magazine, everybody loves her, the celebrities are coming out for her. I'm gonna make some news, I'm gonna get out there, and I'm gonna shake things up a little bit, and I'm gonna get a different conversation going. Doesn't mean that I think it's a good way to do it, but I do wonder if that's a political calculation there, where he's like, let's see what happens, let's throw some news out there. - I like the way the other caller put it, Leslie, and the one that agreed with me. She said he wanted to point out the lie that was being propagated by Kamala Harris, and all of these celebrities, you just mentioned that she is a black person, and has always been a black person, and you should vote for her because she is a black female, and that is the only accreditation that she needs to ascend into the presidency. He's seen that in the media, and he knows that they are playing the race card, and he just wanted to point out, and I think he went in there with this intent. He was gonna point this out no matter what question was asked of him, that you have been lied to, you as black journalists, as black Americans have been lied to. This is a person who is wearing a mask, she's a chameleon, she has these different identities, and she's pandering to you, and you're the ones that are taking the bait. She, and if he were, if he did continue, I would have hoped that he would have gone into, she's been terrible on this, she's been terrible on the border, on the economy, on everything, she's been ascribed to all of the Biden policies, she's been a part of all of these terrible decisions, you have Afghanistan withdrawal, she has no record to stand on. I wish, like you, that he would have gone into that, but I think his intent was a lot more pure in disseminating that people have been lied to. - Yeah, I do think that that was the intent. I wonder now, though, if that's gonna be washed away with everything else, it's gonna be taken from it. And also, part of the issue I have is it kind of exactly, I'm gonna go back to the person who agree with me. What Lori said about her young millennial, and I know it's frustrating 'cause you think yourself, well screw the young millennial, like if you really buy into this shtick, that he's a racist and he's this and that, and you don't actually look at the context of it, and you don't actually understand what he's saying, screw that person, they're an idiot, but we need that person, and that person is gonna be affected by all of these headlines, and so that's where I come from, I know it sounds like I'm a wimp, I get it, people text in there, you're such a baby, you're such a rhino, you fold so quickly, I get what he was, I get that he's trying to point out this double standard, I get that he's trying to point out that if you wanna make it all about identity politics, well then now it's about identity politics, I do get that, but I worry about the young millennial, 'cause we need the young millennial, we need the women, and I just, my whole thing is they're gonna take you out of context, they're gonna twist what you're saying, I get that, but make it hard for them. Make it so like, so if they do take it out of context, I can go back and say, well let's listen to the full cut, and then there's more to it than that, don't make it so easy for them, is all I ask. And maybe some people think it is not easy for them, that the media's really having to try to pull one over, to try to make this seem racist, I kinda think he took the bait a little bit. Let's go to Dennis, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show, go ahead Dennis. - Good afternoon Grace, I gotta say, I kinda lean more towards Taylor, but you definitely don't spot Grace, you're right. It can't be the main focus, but I think they've made it a focus, but I really wish instead of coming off like he did, he would've just said, well, if she's not, whatever you wanna call a DEI, if she wasn't hired based on gender and race, what are her qualifications? Show us, tell us, what has she done? Does the Attorney General of California qualify her to be president? I don't think so. - Yeah, exactly Dennis, I do wish there, because there was a video the other day of people at this convention, some Democratic gathering, and the man on the street, I think it was Fox, was asking, give us some accomplishments of Kamala Harris, and none of her big supporters, none of her fans could come up with any. And I really do think that that is the message that needs to get out there. And at the same time, you couple it with the fact that she backs out of something like that. You couple it with the fact that you could even save your Trump in that situation. I don't know if she's a DEI hire, I know she's incompetent, and I have a question for you, why isn't she here? Did she not accept the invitation? Did you guys not invite her? Why isn't she here right now? There are so many different roads, and that's how this stuff works. There's always gonna be a million things. And honestly, I get it. I actually get exactly why it's frustrating, because sometimes I have a caller who disagrees with me, like we did yesterday with that guy Ethan. And then after I get off the air, I'm like, damn it, I should've said this. Damn it, it's very easy after the fact. - Shower thoughts. - Yeah, it's very easy after the fact to come up with a better argument. But that one you have to be prepared for, they're gonna ask you about DEI hire. Why don't you just say, what's wrong with that? I thought DEI was good, she talks about DEI all the time. What does she, is that not part of her platform? She talks about equity around the clock, as much as she talks about coconut trees. And now you're trying to tell me that it's bad if we call her a DEI hire, I would think it'd be a feather in her cap. We'll be right back, we'll take more of your calls, stay on the line, we got full lines for this, I understand why, I understand why, because people disagree, and that's the beautiful thing about this show. 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Oh, I'm sorry, what is the poll question, Taylor? What are the results? - Was it a mistake for Trump to peer at the NABJ Convention? - No, I think it's a good idea to go into the lines then show people you can answer questions. It's a lot more than the other side can do right now. They are afraid of, I think it's been 13 days and she's taken a reporter's question. - 84% say it was not a mistake. - All right, let's go to Steve, your next up. Go ahead, Steve. - Hey, Grace, how are you? - Good, what's going on? - Well, I normally agree with you on this, but you're looking at it more from a politics standpoint as opposed to a marketing and PR standpoint. They've gone on the blitz of ignoring her policy and just going on personality. It's like a rebranding. And in order to disrupt that, Trump had to do something. So this is extremely effective in taking the rah-rah, Kamala's great, and now they have to shift it to defensive Kamala and attack of Trump. But Trump's back in the news cycle. For a while there, they were ignoring him. His assassination attempt didn't count, no one cared. And if you think going to policy, I'll admit Romney's 2012 campaign with the next 90 days was gonna do it. You're gonna lose just like he lost to Obama. They're trying to create the cult of personality. It's a PR campaign. And you needed to disrupt it. And he accomplished that. Now we're all talking about Trump and her, her race-baiting pandering. I was an Indian for the first couple of years of my career, and I left my Indian heritage. And now I'm African-American, and that's my cultural upbringing. I mean, there's a video of her talking about Kwanzaa and her household. No one bought it then. No one buys it now. And she's extremely unpopular with black males. So this just reinforces his position, which is where he really, the key to his election, is keeping his black male numbers and his Hispanic numbers where they need to be. If he loses the suburban soccer mom occasional, you know, a quote unquote, cat lady. And we all know what that means. We're not being offensive to people who like cats. We all know a cat lady or two. If you lose that, it's okay. He's got the black and Hispanic numbers that back him up. Steve, you just made some fire points. So Steve's saying it's not politics, it's PR. This is changing the news cycle. We'll talk more about that when we return. Thank you for the call, Steve. We'll be right back. (upbeat music)