The Howie Carr Radio Network

Fireworks: Donald Trump and NABJ Panel have Contentious Back and Forth | 7.31.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

WOAH! Things got tense when Trump took the stage at the NABJ in Chicago. Listen to Grace's reactions.

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much, Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. John Kirby is at the White House right now giving a press briefing on the latest updates out of the Middle East. The Hamas political chief was killed in Tehran. We already talked a little bit about the Wall Street Journal on their rather bizarre take on the whole thing. And we've been not only talking about the Middle East, we've also been focusing on Kamala Harris' campaign, the flip-flopping that she is doing. I know it's not considered flip-flopping because it's Kamala Harris, it's considered evolving. But she is evolving at the speed of light. She has evolved so many times. She's constantly evolving positions on everything, whether it's to fund the police, whether it's the border. I actually do want to play Taylor before we get into the Secret Service story. I do want to play just a little bit of Kamala bragging about her record on immigration. This was during the same rally where she put on her southern accent, which Taylor's. - And you all helped us win in 2020 and we're gonna do it again in 2024. - Come on in for some sweet tea, y'all. - And just like that, Kamala found a fan in Taylor Cormier. She doesn't have my heart like Hillary has yours. - That doesn't even compare to Hillary's. Hillary's is light years beyond that. - I don't think it was a southern accent, but you can die in that area. - I think that's what you have to say with the Hillary one is that she was trying to do a southern, that's how they tried to couch it. Oh, she's trying to do a southern accent. Let's have Kamala Harris bragging about her record on immigration cut four. - So in this campaign, I will proudly put my record against his any day of clean. - 'Cause yours is clean. - Any day of clean. - What a record. - Including, for example, on the issue of immigrations. - Okay, yeah, let's get in. But you don't have a record on immigration. Do you either you weren't the borders are, that you had nothing to do with it. - Exactly, there's nothing for you to point to. That's why she's so eager to compare. Look, like slate. A gum track deleted your voting record of being the most liberal senator beyond Bernie Sanders. So what are we supposed to go to if there's nothing there if you've deleted all the evidence, then sure. I guess you can stand proud of your record. But you know what gets a lot of attention, Taylor, and for good reason. And I actually, I put these up on the website this week. I think I did it on Monday. I said Kamala Harris in her in her own words because there's so many flashback videos that are going viral. It's hard to keep track of them all. So I put them all in one place and. - How benevolent of you. - I'm a giver. What can I say? And the one that gets a lot of attention is when she told Jake Tapper that she thinks illegal aliens should get, you know, Medicare for all or healthcare, universal healthcare. But the one that I don't think gets as much attention as it should is when Kamala Harris was at a confirmation hearing and she was talking to an ICE official and she was comparing ICE to the KKK. And as if that's not bad enough, it's not that she's comparing ICE to the KKK. But she's trying so hard to get this guy to get on board with her comparison. And it's like the most gaslighting. And I hate that word, but it really is. It's the most warped manipulative type of argument where it's like, right, right. But you understand what I mean when I compare you guys to the KKK and the man is making it very clear. No, I do not think that that comparison applies in any way, shape or form. But I don't think this cut gets enough attention. So this is a flashback. Kamala is very proud of her stance on the border. She's very proud of her work as borders are, even though just FYI, she was never borders are according to the media. And also she wanted to start from scratch with ICE. She came out immediately to vilify the border agents who were whipping Haitian migrants, even though whoopsie, no, they weren't. And this was her in 2018, comparing ICE to the KKK, cut five. - Clan was what we would call today a domestic terrorist group. - Why? Why would we call them domestic terrorist group? 'Cause they tried to use fear and force to change political environment. - And what was the motivation for the use of fear and force? - It's based on race and ethnicity. - Right. Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used to enforce the laws? And do you see any parallels? - I do not see any parallels between-- - I'm talking about perceptions and agents. - I'm talking about this. - I'm talking about this. Like, you know what I noticed? And I know this isn't the point of the clip. She does the up talking too. Do you notice the parallels of how that is perceived? Do you notice? It's like, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah, dah. Okay, continue. - I'm talking about perception. - Officers and agents. - I'm talking about perception. I do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as it relates to enforcing the law. - Are you aware that there's a perception-- - I see no-- - Are you aware that there's a perception-- - That puts ICE in the same category as the KKK. Is that what you're asking me? - No, I'm very specific about what I'm asking you. Are you aware of a perception that the way that the discretion-- - I see no parallel. - I'm not finished. - I see none. - I'm not finished. I'm not finished. - That's right. - Are you aware that there's-- - By the way, by the way, that's when Kamala Harris really thinks she's doing something. Is when she tells someone, "I'm not finished." That's like her big move. You know, some people, they have one-- it's like one party trick. That's her party trick. Is the second that she gets under someone's skin enough and she spews enough lies that somebody has to talk back and tell her something, then she can chime in with, "I'm not finished." She did it to Mike Pence, "I'm talking." And it's like, you drive people crazy enough where they feel the need to defend themselves or defend their agency and defend their honor and then they finally have to speak up against your utter nonsense and then you chime in with, "I'm not finished yet." And you can, the great thing about Kamala Harris is, you can always tell that she thinks she's doing something. Do you know what I'm saying? Every sentence that she utters, she almost takes a pause to soak it in. Like, "Mm, I just did that." And it's like, you're not making the point you think you're making. A lot of the smiling and the head nods really reminds me of Joe Biden's confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court Justice. Gosh, I'm blanking on his name, Clarence Thomas. And he was going, there's that famous clip of, he's asking this ridiculous question. Yeah, he's like, "You know that I know that you know, "we know what we're talking about." In flashbacks, it travels in time forward to present day and somebody asked Clarence Thomas, "What was he talking about? "Who the hell, no?" Yeah, he's like, "He doesn't even know what he's talking about. "You know, that is a great cut." But she does, and she does this on the campaign trail too. She'll say something like, "I'll put my record up "against Trump's any day." And then she kind of just nods her head as they cheer and you can tell that she's like, "That was a great line. "That really made a great point." And this guy from ICE is just, no, I'm not aware of the perception that people who are in the Senate would have the audacity to compare ICE to the KKK. This is when did you stop beating your wife question, by the way, because you're not asking him to say whether he thinks the ICE, that ICE is comparable to the KKK, you're just asking him, are you aware of the perception? I think he should have just said, "Right away, no, I'm not aware of that perception." No, I've never heard of that before. Because I doubt he has. But I just wanted to remind people of that because it is so abhorrent that that's how she would treat someone in ICE. And she really just wants to smear the entire agency. 844-500-42-42. We will be right back. There's an amazing email that was sent out by a Secret Service whistleblower warning his fellow members of the Secret Service that an assassination attempt will happen again on Donald Trump and that the agency needs to change. We're gonna read that for you and then we're gonna play some sound of the Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe from yesterday when he was essentially telling Josh Hawley that nothing has changed. No one has been fired, no one has been held accountable. They all feel deeply ashamed and yet everyone is still operational and in their same positions, minus maybe Kim Cheetah. So we'll talk about that, we'll take your calls and get your POV when we come back. - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (dramatic music) This is the Grace Curly Show. This is amazing. So I'm glad we had Jennifer Oliver who connell on when we did. We were talking about how Trump is going to this convention, the National Association of Black Journalists Convention and he's there now, he's in Chicago and the woman who's asking him questions starts it up. I mean, the same way all these journalists do. People didn't want you here 'cause you spread lies because you're, you know, all these things. Let's play a little bit of this. So appreciate you giving us an hour of your time. I wanna start by addressing the elephant in the room, sir. A lot of people did not think it was appropriate for you to be here today. You have pushed false claims about some of your rivals from Nikki Haley to former President Barack Obama saying that they were not born in the United States, which is not true. You have told four congresswoman women of color who were American citizens to go back to where they came from. You have used words like animal and rabbit to describe black district attorneys. You attack black journalists, calling them a loser, saying the questions that they ask are both stupid and racist. - She runs through plenty of fake news. We don't have to listen to the whole thing 'cause it makes sense to me now why Trump was getting so frustrated, but I love Trump's response. He essentially just says, what a gross question, especially when it took you guys an hour to set up 'cause your equipment wasn't working. Okay, let's play it. - Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever been asked a question, so in such a horrible manner, first question. You don't even say, hello, how are you? Are you with ABC? Because I think they're a fake news network, a terrible network, and- - The audience is loving it. - I think it's disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the black population of this country. I've done so much for the black population of this country, including employment, including opportunity zones with Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, which is one of the greatest programs ever for black workers and black entrepreneurs. I've done so much, and you know when I say this, historically black colleges and universities were out of money, they were stone cold broke, and I saved them, and I gave them long-term financing, and nobody else was doing it. I think it's a very rude introduction. I don't know exactly why you would do something like that, and let me go a step further. I was invited here, and I was told my opponent, whether it was Biden or Kamala, I was told my opponent was going to be here. It turned out my opponent isn't here. You invited me under false pretense, and then you said, you can't do it with Zoom. Well, you know, we're Zoom. She's gonna do it with Zoom, and she's not coming. And then you were half an hour late, just so we understand, I have too much respect for you to be late. They couldn't get their equipment working, or something was wrong. Mr. President, I would love you to answer the question. I think it's a very nasty question. I have answered the question. Trust you with another one here. I have been the best president for the black population since Abraham Lincoln. That's my answer. Better than President Johnson. So I want to point something out here, that this woman then asks him, was ABC reporter, if he thinks it's right, the people on the right side of the aisle have been labeling Kamala Harris as a DEI hire. And Trump asked her to find DEI. She then says diversity, equity, inclusion, and they kind of go back and forth. The craziest part of this DEI conversation is that Joe Biden has said on multiple occasions that she is a DEI hire. Now, I have said on this show before, do I think that that talking point is necessarily the best strategy as far as Republicans expanding the tent and winning people over? Can it be manipulated by the press to be seen as racist or exclusionary? Yes, that's what the media is going to do. You have to know that going in. There's plenty of other things you can focus on, including the policies of the last four years. But this argument that by saying it, or like he has to denounce people who are calling her a DEI hire when Joe Biden has been open and almost braggidocious about the fact that she's a DEI hire is beyond my comprehension. I really don't understand it. And again, now I'm going to do to Trump, what people do to me when I have a caller who I disagree with and I don't get all the right points in. That's an easy response. It's just Joe Biden has called her DEI hire. Joe Biden said he was going to pick a black woman as his VP and he chose a black woman. And in fact, at one point, he was talking about DEI and he referenced Kamala Harris. That's how proud he is of the fact that she was a DEI hire. So this spin or this attempt to conflate calling her a DEI hire with being racist or being unfair or saying something worthy of condemnation is absolutely absurd. Joe Biden was so happy about this for so long. And now if you point out what Joe Biden told us, you're the one who's in trouble. Let's go live here to Trump. - A man named Biden, you probably saw that. And he was losing very badly in the polls and then he had a rather bad debate. I would say it was a bad debate. I would say it was one of the worst debates in history and his poll numbers crashed. And instead of saying, you know, let's keep going and maybe something happens the other way, they said, oh, we're gonna replace him. Let's just replace him. That's like you're in a fight, a prize fighter's in a fight. He's not doing what you say. Let's bring in another fighter. So our whole campaign was steered toward him and now we have to steer it toward him. But ultimately it's the same because they have bad policy. They have policies of open borders, unbelievable open borders, horrible energy policies. They wanna get rid of, as you say, gasoline in cars. They wanna get rid of oil. They wanna get rid of efficient heating. - Mr. President. - Environmentally, what they're doing is killing our country. They're absolutely destroying our country. But the inflation is the thing that's hurting the black worker, the black population and every other population within our country. Inflation is the worst it's been, I think in over 100 years and they'll fact check it. They'll say it's only 58, whatever it may be. - I guarantee if we've missed it or they're going to, they're gonna ask, Mr. President, what is a black job? - Absolutely destroying this country and the people in our country, yes, ma'am. - Mr. President, can I ask you another question that is also impacting black women? - And that's very clear now. - I'm sorry. - It's very clear, I hear you. - Okay, so Claudia Massey, some of them will know and I'm not the black woman, was shot the other day in her home by a deputy sheriff. - Okay, so let's pause it here. We'll keep an eye on this and if there's any other, you know, if there's more fireworks, which I'm guessing there will be, he's coming out strong today. You know what his superpower is? And I flip and love this about him. - As you say, gasoline. - These reporters and not just these women here that were watching in Chicago, but members of the media in general, they're used to controlling the subject and really controlling the tempo of an interview and they're used to steamrolling over people. We see this on ABC, we see this on CNN. But the great thing about Trump is like, he's almost a filibuster. He just gets up there and if you ask him a question, he's going to take it wherever he wants it to go. And sometimes it goes on and on and on and you can tell that they're getting incensed because people want to be able to ask him all of these questions that are, like he said, so insulting and so inherently false, but they want to be able to set up their narrative and the longer he goes for, the less questions they're able to ask. So it's kind of a beautiful thing because as much as they want to spin a narrative about Donald Trump, once they hand over the microphone to Trump, he's going to go for a while. That's what we're seeing right now and he's going to hit like 50 talking points in five minutes. We'll be right back. We'll keep an eye on this and we'll take your calls, Secret Service Talk when we come back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. - This woman from ABC is off her rocker. Taylor just put it really well. Taylor said this woman thought she was going to show up to this banner. - She came in, she said, she said, she said, she's talking herself in the mirror, the backstage. Now I'm going to take him down today, but we're going to end this once and for all. This is where this ends now, and she came out. - Taylor goes, how's him dacked? Good Lord woman. - She's like screaming at him. - She's rolling her eyes. She's got this terrible body posture. She just can't stand that Trump is at this event and is keeping his cool. - Yeah, and then he's trying to answer her extremely biased questions. Every time he tries to answer it, she interrupts him. And of course they brought up the childless cat ladies, but she seems to be kind of a monopolizing the time here. I don't know how much time a Harris Faulkner's had, but this woman in the blue power suit is gone power crazy. She's mad with power. - Rachel Scott from ABC. - And you know what I love about Trump is that he's not going to coddle you. He's not going to treat these women differently because they're women or because they're black or because of anything. He's just going to talk to them like he talks to all the other reporters. And Taylor is on the money here. He has done a great job of not losing his cool. One thing I will add in though, 'cause I was just referencing this with Kamala Harris, he really would benefit from when they try to interrupt him from pausing his thought and saying, "Please let me finish." And then getting a response from him, "Please let me finish, okay? Can you let me finish?" Then they'll say, "Go ahead." And then continuing exactly where you left off in your thought, because what ends up happening is he has a thought, he starts going with it, he's about to make a great point, they interrupt him to go back to something else and he takes the bait on it. He needs to stop and pull Kamala Harris and say, "I'm speaking, thank you, I'm speaking." - Oh, he can't do that with three women on the stage. - Yes he can. - That's the beauty of Trump. He can do whatever, first of all, he can do whatever he wants. Second of all, he doesn't care it's three women on the stage, Taylor. He doesn't care if it's three women on the stage. - I know he doesn't care, Grace, but that's, if you're trying to woo the female voter right now. - What, the female voter can't handle someone saying, "Can I finish my thought, don't interrupt me?" - They probably could. - If you were interrupting me during the show, I would stop the show and say, "Can I finish my thought, please?" You're distracting me, I need to be able to finish one thought without you chiming in at all times. These women are not letting him finish one sentence before they try to recalibrate where he's going. It's like, I think that's a great move. Just say, "Let me finish my thought, please stop interrupting me." If anything, you start to put the eyes back on the fact that all they're doing is interrupting him. 844-542, let's take a little bit more of this slide. This is getting kind of spicy. - What I wanted to say was, the last time we spoke, you said some words that were to the audience because I asked you who you wanted to choose for vice president. And you said, normally, it really wouldn't matter what they would, you know, you choose somebody that you think has a future, that sort of thing. But you said these words, three and a half hours before an attempted assassination on your life, you told me that bad things happen here. And that's why this decision is important this time. Bad things happen, you said it twice. When you look at J.D. Vance, is he ready on day one? - Does he what? - Ready on day one, if he has to be. - I've always had great respect for him. And for the other candidates too. But I will say this, and I think this is well documented, historically, the vice president in terms of the election does not have any impact. I mean, virtually no impact. You have two or three days where there's a lot of commotion as to who, like you're having it on the Democrat side, who it's gonna be. And then that dies down, and it's all about the presidential pick. Virtually, never has it mattered. Maybe Lyndon Johnson mattered for different reasons of what we're talking about, not for vote reasons, but for political reasons, other political reasons. But historically, the choice of a vice president makes no difference. You're voting for the president, and you can have a vice president who's outstanding in every way. And I think J.D. is. I think that all of them would have been. But you're not voting that way. You're voting for the president. You're voting for me. If you like me, I'm gonna win. If you don't like me, I'm not gonna win. - I'm gonna get my J.D. Vance question in. - J.D. Vance? - I'm gonna get my J.D. Vance question in. To your point, and to Rachel's point, he has a lot of opinions about childless women like myself or divorce people like yourself. Do you think? Well, I mean, my point is here. - So it was said in a friendly manner. - My point is, do you think the Republican party's getting a little bit too judgy about people's lives when you think about abortion or when you think about what J.D. Vance is saying? - I don't think, look, I think that the Democrat party is really the one that has the problem. I think they're radical on abortion because they are allowing abortion in the ninth month. They're allowing the death of a baby. After the baby is born based on the governor of Virginia, based on the governor of Virginia, they're allowing the death of the baby after it's born. They're allowing the abortion in the eighth and ninth month. - Democrats have denied it. - I think they're, and I think the Republican party is actually much lesser. I think I've made them much less radical perhaps, but the Republican party, what we're doing is bringing it back to the states where everybody wanted it. Democrats, Republicans, liberals. - Okay, pause it here for a second. I have a couple things. I did think his answer on J.D. Vance was interesting 'cause we keep seeing these reports that he's regretting J.D. Vance. And I thought they were kind of BS. That wasn't an incredibly strong endorsement of J.D. Vance. I think it would have been an easy yes answer. Will he be ready on day one? Yes, he was a great pick. I don't like the whole, you know, it doesn't matter who the VP is. You gotta show a little confidence. That's my criticism on that answer. And the second thing about the Cali, like, please, it's so obvious. If I were Trump and I know I'm Monday morning quarterbacking, forgive me. But if I were Trump, I would say, I already answered this. I can't go over this again. Childless cat ladies, like, what are we talking about? Are borders wide open? Inflation is sky high. And all anyone can talk about is a 15 second cut from Tucker Carlson from 2021. I answered the question, let's go on to something else. Surely there's more pressing issues in this country than a 15 second cut on Tucker Carlson. Like, I have to imagine. And if this JD Vance childless cat lady thing is why there's reports that Trump is feeling kind of unsure of his pick, that's insane. Because Trump has said a lot more crazy things than that. And he's been just fine. So I really hope he's not. And I don't know. It's just the vibe I got from that answer. I hope he's not going soft on JD Vance and feeling like, oh, I shouldn't have chosen him because he's getting pushed back on this stupid cut from, like, a million years ago. All right, let's go back to Trump. I'm like this. We set the baby aside and then we decide what to do. Meaning, what do we do? We execute the baby. Can I? That's a radical, horrible position. And some people want that. I don't want it. Most people don't. Thank you. Can I just pivot really quickly to another question about, what about health, Harris? You're an active man. You-- we see you golfing all the time. But if you win, you'll still be president at 82, which is older than Biden is right now. But not mentally. Look, mentally. Here's the question. He shot. He shot. But most people-- Most people. I know many people in the '80s and the '90s that are in great shape. Some of our greatest leaders, you look at throughout the world, world history, the greatest leaders. Some of the greatest leaders in the world were in their '80s. But here's the question. Would you consider stepping down if you felt that your health was declining? Or would you-- Oh, absolutely. And who would you-- I think I'd know. Why would you make that decision? I think I'd know. Look, if I came onto a stage like this, and I got treated so rudely as this woman treated me-- Oh, my goodness. And I'm fine with it because she-- it does it. She was very rude, sir. Very rude. That was a nasty-- that wasn't a question. She didn't ask me a question. She gave a statement. That wasn't a question. I repeat a nasty question, actually. You said you would. You would-- Oh, absolutely. If I thought that I was failing in some way, I want people to be shut. I'll go a step further. I want anybody running for president to take an aptitude test, to take a cognitive test. I think it's a great idea. And I took two of them, and I ate them. Well, can I just-- I took two of them. But let me ask you. Yeah, yeah. I would like to have people running for president. And I don't mean because they are 75 or 85. I think anybody running, I'd like to do it. People say it's not constitutional. I would like to have something passed where you can do it. I think we should know. I mean, I've watched what's happened in the last couple of years under this gentleman. And our country is a mess. We have inflation. I know. I've got something else to say here. Rachel Scott from ABC, she's a woman in the blue suit. She must be giddy inside. Because she knows this is bringing me back. This is bringing me back to 2020. She knows that because Trump has said how rude she was to him and how horrible she was, she's about to be a star. Congratulations, Rachel Scott. You are about to be the new hero in the mainstream media. Oh, and here she goes again. I suggested Harris that let's take one. I said, Joe and I will go and take a cognitive test. Now, I'd do it with her too. I would do it with her also. You know what? She failed her logs him. She didn't pass her logs him. So maybe she wouldn't pass the cognitive test. Mr. President, are you saying she wouldn't pass-- Just to be clear, are you? I'm just giving you the facts. To be clear, you don't think, Harris. I'll ask you in 10 and-- She didn't pass her bar exam. And she didn't think she would pass it. And she didn't think she was going to have to pass it. And I don't know what happened. Maybe she passed it. I guess she did pass it. There's a man over here. I think she must work. Mr. President, I would love to ask you about January 6. You called yourself the candidate-- Oh, God, I can't. I can't take it down. When Time Magazine asked you if you would consider-- All right, I'm good. Thank you. I'm sure we'll have more cuts of this tomorrow. I did want to read this. This is an email from a Secret Service whistleblower. We all should expect another assassination attempt to happen before November. This agency needs to change, if not now, when the next assassination attempt in 30 days, question mark. The counter sniper emailed the entire Secret Service Uniform Division Monday night, saying the operators assigned to Trump's fatal rally in Butler on July 13, did their jobs with their hands tied, and that Secret Service supervisors knew better. The foot soldiers working made the best of a bad situation that resulted in a civilian death and a near miss of the protectee in our technician shooting and killing the suspect. Our responsibility, our mission, is not about protecting an empty White House located on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. It's about preventing and stopping another JFK-style assassination in whatever city that may be. Sadly, we have fallen short for years. We should all, he said, we all should expect another assassination attempt to happen before November. And based off this cut from yesterday of Josh Hawley with Ronald Rowe, where he's asking him, "Do you, did anyone get fired?" And they went back and forth and he listed, person after person, take a listen. - And we're- - So you're telling me that the person who made the decision not to include this in the perimeter has not been relieved of duty. What about the person who's in charge of the interoperability of radio frequencies between local law enforcement and secret service? Has that person been relieved of duty? - No, Senator, because interoperability is a challenge, is a greater challenge than just one person. On that day, we had a counterpart system. It failed. - As the person who decided who made the decision to send Donald Trump on the stage, knowing that you had a security situation, has that person been relieved of duty? - No, sir, they haven't. - As the person who decided not to pull the former president off of stage when you knew that in your words, the locals were working a serious security situation, has that person been relieved of duty? - No, sir, again, I refer you back to my original answer that we are investigating this through emission assurance and as opposed to zeroing in on one. - What more do you need to investigate to know? - What more do you need to investigate to know that there were critical enough failures that some individuals ought to be held accountable? I mean, what more do you need to know? - Right, and now on top of that, we have this Secret Service whistleblower saying that he or she thinks there will be another assassination attempt before November and that the agency needs to change, despite the fact that Roe doesn't seem to be in a rush to change anything. We'll be right back with how we car. Do you use scented candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home? Well, you need to stop. Stop it right now. You're not getting rid of the odors. You're just covering them up and you're probably making them worse and whether you're using air purifiers in your basement for that musty basement smell, the thunderstorm is the best one on the market and you can get a three pack for a great price. You need to destroy odors with an eat and pure thunderstorm air purifier. Candles and cover up sprays must be bought over and over again because they are just covering up the problem and the thunderstorm starts working in seconds with no filters to buy. Place a thunderstorm in your bedroom, your family room, your kitchen or your basement. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use code GRACE3. That's Use code GRACE3. Trump is still going at this convention for black journalists in Chicago. We'll have more when we return. - You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - This is the Grace Curly Show. - They're coming in and they're coming in. They're invading, it's an invasion of millions of people, probably 15, 16, 17 million people. I have a feeling it's much more than that and everybody's been seeing what's happened. The first group of people, the black population is affected most by that and Kamala is allowing it to happen. She's the borders are. She's the worst borders are in the history of the world. There's ever been a borders are like this. She's never even essentially been. She said she was there once, but not the right part of the board. - This is an amazing convention. Black journalists are at a convention in Chicago and three women on the panel were interviewing Donald J. Trump. They've officially wrapped it up and it got very tense. There was a lot of fireworks. And I think that for a lot of people, not really for me because I've been following the inroads that Trump is making with the black community, but I'm sure for some people it's going to be surprising to hear how much the crowd was loving Donald Trump. Every time he took a dig at the rudeness or the bias of these journalists, he was met with laughter and applause. And I do think how he for Trump, that changes everything when he has a live audience. Some might compare you to that as well. When you have a live audience, you take on a whole different energy. - Well, you get, you absorb the energy of the crowd. And that's what he was doing. It was pretty, it was pretty clear. I just wish that the woman we had that tape of a couple of weeks ago who was robbed on the red line, remember the Chicago strap hanger? And she said these illegals are now using translation apps to rob, they robbed her on the app. They didn't even speak English, but they robbed her. She should have been able to ask what she thinks about the open border policy of Kamala Harris. The borders are. - Well, one of my favorite parts of this thus far was when Rachel Scott told him she was going to stop his answer and said we have limited time. And he looked at her and he said, you guys were 35 minutes late setting this up. So, you know, in other words, don't lecture me on limited time, you did this to yourself. - So, they were late for the case of president or former president of the United States? - Technical issue, there was some sort of audio issue that was happening that delayed it by 35 minutes. But I think he was very generous with his time considering the level of animus that they, that at least that woman Rachel Scott clearly had. That was what was surprising though. And that's why I was hesitant to say, they set up this panel, right, Howie? And they have obviously Harris Faulkner. She was the journalist I was familiar with from Fox. She's supposed to be the more right leaning. And then the two other panelists, one was from ABC and one was from Semaphore. And I think the way they built it, or at least tried to present it was ABC's the middle one. But I had said earlier, ABC's nowhere down the middle. They're left just as much as any other place. - That's where Biden went when he was trying to dig himself out of the hole after the debate. That was his first stop. - But I think in theory, it was supposed to be ABC in the middle, Semaphore to the left, Fox to the right. But the Semaphore lady was nicer than the lady from ABC. - What is the lady, what was the A.B.? I never heard of this woman, her name was Rachel Scott. - You're about to, she's about to become a big star. Trump said she was rude and that she asked unfair questions. She's about to get a podcast, a book deal. - Boy, watch out, Steffy Stephanopoulos and Martha Bradley Raditz. She's gonna do to them what Kristen Welker did to Melonin challenged Chuck Todd. - Mm-hmm, amen. Howie, what do you got playing for the show today? - We're gonna have all kinds of stuff. We'll be doing a lot with, we'll be doing some stuff with this. We'll be doing some stuff with illegal aliens, more terrible news about illegal aliens. I think we'll bring Toby on if we can get him at six o'clock 'cause these are the, the lights are going out all over Massachusetts at midnight tonight as far as this gun bill goes. - Yeah. - This'll get people, give people a chance to, you know, get last minute tips on what to do. How to protect themselves. - All right, Howie Carr's got a great show planned. Tomorrow we will run through more of these cuts. I mean, there's just so many gems here. He goes after George Stephanopoulos, ABC. This is the beauty of Trump is that it doesn't matter what the question is. It's really just wherever he wants to take the question. - He was in the Lions then and he wasn't at all, plus he wasn't, he was non-plussed. But I guess when you've been shot. - Yeah, everything else is kind of, you can handle it. Howie Carr is coming up next. (upbeat music)