The Howie Carr Radio Network

Kamala's Southern Accent, Bombshell Secret Service Email and JD Vance | 7.31.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace and the callers discuss J.D. Vance, Israel and more.

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace stand up. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for joining us today. I am so thrilled to be here. We've got the lines open. You can join us at any time. It's 844-542-42. I do have a couple of emails. I'm waiting on a few guests who I've been trying to see if maybe they could join us. I'm not going to announce anything, but as the show goes on, we may be joined by a few different people. In the meantime though, there is so much news out there. I'm kind of torn right now on do I start with Kamala or do I start with the Secret Service? Because, and I'm glad to know it's not just my show 'cause how he's been receiving this pushback as well. There's a lot of people who, and maybe it's just like the loudest, it's always the squeaky wheel, but people who feel as though the more we focus on this attempted assassination, like we've got to move on. It's time to move on. And I said yesterday, and I was kind of hesitant to say it because I don't even like putting it out there into the universe, but I said I'm nervous there'll be another attempt at this and we still don't understand how this massive failure occurred. And I'm glad to know I'm not the only one 'cause now there's an email from a Secret Service whistleblower essentially saying the same exact thing. And he has a lot more reason, he or she has a lot more reason to be concerned than I do because I'm sure he or she knows more about the intricate details of this failing than we do. And so I think I'll start with that. We are gonna talk about Kamala Harris. This is amazing. The, I know we're not allowed to call it a flip-flop because she's a Democrat so they don't flip-flop, they evolve, but what an evolution. You cannot tie Kamala Harris. This is kind of a beautiful, weird situation. I know they like that word weird. You are not allowed. Remember the cut we used to play all the time from Dodgeball where Ben Stiller says, "Nobody makes me bleed my own blood." That is essentially what the media is trying to tell us right now about Kamala Harris. Like don't you dare try to use her own words against her. - Nobody makes me bleed my own blood. - Where do you get off trying to hold her to all of the things she said in the past? And here's the crazy thing. She's flip-flopped or evolved, however you wanna put it. Not just from what she said in 2020 when she was a failed candidate, but when she, that was when she ran didn't get any delegates, but also she's trying to distance herself from her actions over the last four years and this disaster of an administration. So she's trying to separate herself from 2019 candidate Kamala Harris and 2020 through 2024 VP Kamala Harris. And also, oh, did I mention Senator Kamala Harris? She's trying to distance herself from those opinions and prosecutor Kamala Harris. It's an amazing thing to watch. It's like, okay, so what are we supposed to judge her on? We can't judge her on her career as a prosecutor. We can't judge her on her record as a senator. We can't judge her as her time as a VP. We can't judge what her platform was when she ran for president the last time around and couldn't even get one delegate. So tell me, I'm just supposed to take her. You can't tire to any of these past versions of herself. The only thing you can tie her to are the lies that she's currently selling about what the future version of Kamala will supposedly be. Do you follow? It's, I've never seen this in a presidential campaign where it's like, you bring up something. Oh, they're trying and they're fact checking it. Like, oh, she did say she wanted to defund the police. She doesn't feel that way anymore. Right, but she said it. It's great that she changed her mind, but she said it on a radio show in 2020. It wasn't 40 years ago. I mean, she's not running on a record. It's that plain and simple. She's running on the fact that she's ethnic and a female. She's running on a fantasy of like what she will be and what has been unburdened by what has been. She's unburdening herself. She really is. She's unburdening herself of everything that she has been over the last however many years or decades she's been in politics. The only thing I could think of was the way they described Jay Gatsby and the great Gatsby, they said, he sprang from his platonic conception of himself. Like he just appeared out of nowhere and he had no background, no history. We're just supposed to take this version of Kamala Harris and trust it because she never lies because she's been so honest in the past. And I want to go into all the flip flops, but I have to tell you the way it's being framed like the hill. GOP ready to pounce on Harris policy pivots. Policy pivots, she goes from locking people up for smoking weed to praising to fund the police to now claiming she's gonna be America's prosecutor and that's a policy pivot. She was in Atlanta telling people how strong she is on the border. So she went from telling Jake Tapper that she endorsed his universal healthcare and Medicare for all for illegal immigrants to now saying, oh, and by the way, also when she was a showboat senator, I know we're not allowed to go back that far. You're allowed to go back as far as you want with Trump to, you know, in JD Vance as well, you want to bring up a 15 second cut from Tucker Carlson in 2021, have at it. Like that defines him as a human being. That tells you all you need to know about JD Vance, but you want to reference showboat Senator Kamala Harris lecturing an ICE official on how ICE is like the KKK. That's a step too far because now she has a strong stance on illegal immigration. She has nothing to prove that. She has nothing to back that up, but she's here to tell you that when it comes to the border, she's more proud of her record than Donald Trump should be on his. I texted a friend of mine and I said, she's a little bit more liberal than most. And I said, I just need to know that you don't buy that, that she's tough on the border, right? Because I understand the brainwashing parts of the Democrat party is strong. Like the brainwashing is strong with these people, but I can't imagine a world where you have Kamala Harris, the strongest she's been on the border is when she said, don't come, don't come, do not. No, that's her being strong on the border. And so now she's out there lecturing people on how she is. And by the way, I thought being strong on the border, borders are, I thought being strong on the border was xenophobic. Didn't you say that illegal aliens commit less crimes than American citizens? And you don't think the people should be considered criminals for crossing over the border illegally? Wasn't this all you? And now you're telling us how tough you are in illegal immigration? I thought that was a bad thing. - I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border. Do not come, do not come. - Yeah, that was the beginning and the end of her career as borders are. She gave that speech and she looked at her her minions and she said, I think that covers it, right? I think that should stem the flow. - Oh, but you said you were gonna get to the root causes. Yeah, didn't you hear? I just told them not to come. I feel as though I've done all I can. That was my attempt at getting to the root causes. And by the way, just in case anyone's wondering, illegal aliens did not listen to Kamala Harris. That was a while ago where she said, do not come. And the narrator on Arrested Development would say, they came, don't listen to her, they came anyway. So I love all of these updates from, for example, the Associated Press tells us, she's calibrating her policy pitch to go to battle with Trump. She's trying to figure out what version of Kamala she's going to be today. It's like Barbie. You know how Barbie one day is a cop and one day is a doctor and one day is a model and one day is a pilot? That is Kamala Harris. She wakes up in the morning and she's like, which version of Kamala am I going to be today? - I eat no for breakfast. - And we all just have to wait and see. And whichever version she chooses is the best version, is the thing that we should be so happy about and she's gonna win and she's gonna be president and that's what we're all supposed to rally around. But it all depends on which side of the bed she wakes up on. And then she decides like, oh, am I gonna be pro defining the police or am I gonna pretend to be back in the blue today? I don't know. Maybe she does like a coin flip every morning. Maybe that's how she makes these decisions. Maybe she just looks a dog and says, what do you think? You wanna throw in your two cents? I have no idea, but I will tell you this. When they tell you she's calibrating her policy pitch, I'm gonna translate that for you. Keyboard warrior translator here. Kamala Harris is trying to erase every single opinion and decision that she has ever had/made in order to convince the lemmings out there that she isn't an incompetent, unserious, radical hypocrite. That is what calibrating her policy positions means. And I just wanna give CNN, I'm sorry, not CNN, the Babylon Bee a round of applause for one of my favorite headlines in a while. CNN awarded Pulitzer for outstanding achievements and deleting old stories about Kamala Harris. It's hard, it's hard work, you know? They're really, it used to be that you had to like report the news and now their job isn't to uncover stories. Their job is to stealth edit things and make you believe that the past didn't happen. That's a heavy lift. That's a lot harder than just, I don't know, doing your job and reporting the news. Trying to convince people that what they saw or what they heard on video didn't actually happen. I mean, they've had four years of practice with Joe Biden trying to convince you all that he's some sort of Socratic, brilliant rocket scientist, but even so, it might be harder with Kamala. - They're deporting the news. - They're deporting the news. When we come back, we are gonna get into this email from a Secret Service whistleblower who warned in an email that there would be another assassination attempt. We'll talk about this, we'll take your calls. It's 844-542-42, oh, and by the way, we'll talk about this with a poll question, but she wasn't just bragging about her stance on the border in Atlanta. She was also trying out her Southern accent. - I don't feel no ways tired. - To which Hillary said, hold my beer. Like, do not even think about it. Southern accents are my thing. We'll talk about that. We'll take your calls when we come back. - You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. - Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you so much for tuning in today. The Harvard Harris poll, and I'm not gonna reference polls a lot because they're unreliable, and there's three months out, and the only reason I reference this one is because it talks about independence and undecided voters and how they're breaking for Trump. Now, I don't know whether or not that's true. I don't know whether or not we can believe it. A lot of these polls are based off, just the samples alone are ridiculous. They like sample 10 times the Democrats and they do Republicans, but I do wanna point out something I find infuriating about watching Kamala Harris campaign, if you can even call it that, she's just going around delivering these canned remarks, is one, this is why primaries are so important because she's never gonna go off script because she doesn't have to, because she's been selected in these backdoor meetings by these Democrats in smoke and mirror filled rooms, and she doesn't have to compete against anyone else, which means she does not have to take any real risks running this campaign. She doesn't have to make a splash. She's gonna get all this fawning media coverage, check, and she's not going to have to ever actually explain herself to the American people. But the other part that makes me think of 2020 is that you'll notice everything she's trying to step back from and distance herself from, for the most part, is all of these radical positions she's had, whether it's to fund the police or posting for bail funds or being very, very pro-illegal immigration, all of these things are clearly only appealing to a small faction of the Democrat base, but that faction of progressive people rules the roots. Like they call the shots, they pull the puppet strings, they bring in their Trojan horse of a candidate, and then that candidate does whatever they want once they're installed into the White House. And so the reason this frustrates me is because in 2020, these independents or these people who, maybe they weren't Democrats, but they couldn't vote for Donald Trump, and they didn't like his tweets, and they didn't like this, they were brought over to Biden because they were sold on this idea that he's, no, he's not radical, he's moderate. He's this moderate old guy. He reaches across the aisle, you know? He wants to get along with the other side. He actually thinks Mitch McConnell is a pretty good guy, believe it or not. And it was ridiculous, and if you paid attention even a little bit, you would shake those people and you would say, don't believe this, he's gonna get in, he's telling you on the debate stage, he wants to transition away from fossil fuels, he's saying all of these things, he's going to be pushed around once he gets in there, and he was, but now you have Kamala Harris, who hasn't, up until this point, even had a reputation as being a moderate old-school Democrat, her reputation, according to GovTrack, according to her voting records when she was a Senator, she was more liberal than Bernie Sanders. So if you're an independent, or even if you're an old-school Democrat, whatever that means to you, and you're buying this idea that she is somehow going to be any less radical than Joe Biden has been, you are an idiot. You are not paying attention, you are gullible, and you probably are falling for like fishing scams, Allah, Mark Cuban on your computer all day long. I cannot imagine that anyone out there is actually seeing this woman's record and thinking, oh no, she's not gonna be a far-left progressive, she's the most far-left, dangerous candidate I've seen in my lifetime that's gotten this far at least. And it says so much that they pretend to be so proud of all these policies when they're with the, you know, Hamas-loving college protesters, they want them to know like, oh, we're on your side, but as far as electability goes, they know they have to convince the sane, normal Americans who have not been happy over the last four years that it's not going to continue, that they're not going to go even further left and drive this country into the ground. And I'm here to tell you that is exactly what they're going to do. Lou, you're up next on "The Grace Curly Show." What's going on, Lou? - Yeah, how you doing, Grace? Two things, number one. I'm calling J.D. Vance weird. There has been nobody weirder than Kamala Harris. I mean, with her giggling, she sounds like she always sounds like she's one toke over the line. Half the time she's on the stage. She speaks baby talk to people describing Russia and Ukraine. She, you know, word salads are so unmemorable that you can't even, you know, believe them. They're terrible. Look at all the stuff you and how we have played up with her over the years. I mean, she's terrible. She is weird. And her positions have been weird over the years. And the second thing, the main thing is she's tied to every jot and piddle of this Biden administration. From closing the Keystone pipeline, to opening the borders, to the baby food shortage, the good thing she was, the baby foods are. The baby food shortage, and to Afghanistan and to how they treated the parents of the fallen soldiers from Afghanistan, to inflation, to all the criminals who are coming in, and to everything that the Biden administration has done. She's tied to this garbage clown show all the way through. It's called Biden Harris, and she can't escape any of it because it's all her. And if people think that they're, you know, they're not going to get more of this, or even worse of this, if she's elected president, they've got to be kidding. And one final thing is that, you know, Russia and China had joint air missions, bombers right near Alaska. She hasn't got the gravitas to deal with this kind of stuff. She's such a lightweight, the world leader will walk all over her just like they walked all over Biden. She's a lightweight. She has no toughness, she has nothing. And Biden, at least Donald Trump, showed that he could handle these guys. - Thank you for the call, Lou. I want to hit on a few things Lou just mentioned, including the JD Vance's weird narrative, and also how Kamala Harris is proud of her work in the Biden administration, but she doesn't want to be connected to any of it. We'll take more of your calls when we come back. (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trathria studio. - Very important story out of Massachusetts Emmanuel Lopez, the man who fatally shot a Weymouth police department sergeant, and an innocent bystander on July 18th was sentenced Wednesday, I'm sorry, in July of 2018, was sentenced Wednesday to life in prison for their murders. This was Judge Beverly Kanone. She handed down the sentence after family and friends of 42 year old Sergeant Michael Chezna and 77 year old Vera Adams delivered emotional victim impact statements. So Emmanuel Lopez has been sentenced to life in prison for their murders, 844-542, I wanted to follow up on this whole JD Vance's weird thing really quickly, 'cause then I do want to move on to updates on the attempted assassination of Donald J. Trump, but something that I've noticed, and this is anecdotal, so don't take it as science or anything, but I've been talking to people lately, and I've found this, I've found that conservatives have been a little downcast as of late, like ever since after the assassination, everybody felt, and I don't mean this and that, but the general vibe was, oh my God, there's no way they can stop him now, like he's going to be president, and then they switched out Biden for Kamala, they pushed Biden to the side, and now everyone keeps coming up to me and going, I'm nervous, I'm panicking a little bit about Kamala, I feel like she might be able to win, and I keep telling people, well yeah, yeah, she might be able to win, yeah, of course, but there's no reason to be like hand-ringing and failing downtrodden about it, you have to stay in the fight, you know, we've got three more months, I don't like this energy shift towards, do you hear how much money you should race on money? Let me clarify something on the money front. They were hemorrhaging money when Biden was the candidate, because all these big donors, who are always going to be big donors for Democrats, for the most part, yeah, Silicon Valley, we've managed to wrangle a few of them for Donald Trump, but for the most part, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, all these big, big money people, all these billionaires that Biden claims to hate so much and wants to pay their fair share, they tend to give money to Democrats, and they were holding off, so they like blocked the hose on that money for a very long time. - Well, that was orchestrated, I mean, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, they all called Iran, said, we got to dry them up and take them out that way. - Right, that's my point though, is like they blocked the hose, and then Biden stepped aside, and then all of a sudden they turned back on the faucet and all this money comes rushing in. So it's not that Kamala Harris is this dynamic person that brought in this grassroots swell of cash to the Democrat Party, it was natural that if these people are going to give the money anyway, they started to use it as a tactic, a threatening strategy toward Biden, it worked, and then they gave their money back, they started to donate money again. And that's the whole thing on the money thing, don't let the money thing depress you, they both have plenty of money to run their campaigns. But this idea of like, oh, now maybe he should have picked, and this is one that really has been bothering me, I heard this from two different people, one of them was a woman, and she was nice, she listened to the show and everything, she said maybe Trump should have picked a woman, be more diverse, maybe he'd get more women, he needs to win women. And I said, well, I don't really know if that would have worked, first of all, but second of all, if you want diversity, J.D. Vance has plenty diverse, maybe not in the way that this woke world considers like the only way to be diverse is to be a certain skin color, but this man has plenty of diversity in his background. He grew up in abject poverty, his mother was addicted to drugs, his father left him, he pulled himself up, I know you're not supposed to say this anymore, but he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and he made it and created the American dream. I'm very tired of people limiting what is considered diversity to skin color. There's all different walks of life, and you don't know what someone's been through or what someone has persevered through based off the color of their skin, but we see everything through this prism of race, and it's hard for me when I hear people going, oh, it's too bad he didn't pick a black person or it's too bad he didn't pick a woman, maybe we got more votes if he had done that. The only rationale I can take is that this narrative from the media, whether people realize it or not, is starting to work on Trump's base. People are starting to feel like, maybe he is weird, he's not, I'm here to tell you he's not. He's a very smart, capable candidate, and I just, for a guy like Trump who got shot in the head, bounce back up 14 seconds later, and then two days later, or three days later, was at the RNC giving a speech, we've gotta have a little bit of that fight in us too. Like, we've gotta have a little gumption here. I don't want all this sad, sackery happening around me. I'm getting nervous, I'm getting a little panicky about Kamalaan, you know? It won't be nervous somewhere else, all right? I'm not saying be overconfident, I'm never overconfident. You know this about me, Taylor, I'm a bit of a nervous nelly. But also, like don't play it, don't play it, like we've already lost, like this is written in the stars. Oh, we're gonna lose this one because they picked Kamala Harris to quote Joe Biden, give me a break, come on, man. - Trump says fight like we're 10 points down, not cry like we did. - Yeah, everybody's crying in their soup because of Kamala. And I think it's because whether or not people want to acknowledge this, the way the media frames things and the way the Democrats frame things is very effective. They get in your head, you can't let them get in your head. That is just something I needed to point out. And on this whole weird thing, I went on my weird rant yesterday, if you missed it, go to and listen to the podcast. But it's the same thing I saw Lisa Booth say on Fox, which is I don't want to get lectured on what's weird by the party that a week ago told us that it wasn't weird if Biden pooped his pants on stage. Like I don't need lectures on what's normal from the administration that hired the luggage thief who stole a woman's dress and wore it to an award show. I don't need your take on what's normal versus what's weird. Okay, you've got weird down pat. I appreciate it. JD Vance, who is a father, a successful businessman and has three children and a wife who loves him. If that's what you all consider weird, that says a lot more about you than it does about us. So I'm good on that. But I also think it's backfiring. I also don't think it's working because the Nevada Democrats, they put out this tweet and they took a picture. It was JD Vance and he was with Captain Sam Brown. Now, Sam Brown has a purple heart. He was injured in combat. And his face was very badly injured. And he put out, it's time hardworking. It's time we have champions for them in the White House and the US Senate President Trump, JD Vance, and I are ready to lead and help make life better for every Nevada and American we've got you. And the Nevada Democrats tweeted out and said, "You can't make this up. Sam Brown and JD Vance are claiming to be champions for hardworking Nevadans from private jet. They're not only hypocrites, dot, dot, dot. They're just plain weird." Now, the replies to this were amazing. People are like, "The guy with the purple heart who had his body almost destroyed in service to our country is considered weird." JD Vance, also someone who served in our military, you're calling weird. I just, I hope next time someone tells you that, or, you know, says to you, "Oh, JD Vance, have a little pride in the fact that this guy is a great choice. He has a very interesting life." I think he's seen a lot of things. He's not like a silver spoon, and there's nothing wrong with that either. Everyone has different walks of life, but I think that we're underestimating him because I don't know, because he's not a black woman, or because he's not a woman in general, or we think that Trump should have picked someone who checked different boxes. I thought the Republican Party wasn't about that. I thought we were about character. I'm like, "Who somebody is? And what somebody brings to the table? When do we lose that?" Kevin, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Kevin. - Hey, Grace, thanks for taking my call. You know, we live in what's called the liberal international rules-based order. And you can see trends across the international landscape that play out domestically. And what liberals always do is they lead everybody down the primrose path. They let the Ukrainians down the primrose path. They had the 2020 riots. That's obviously not gone well for the black community. So they lead people down to the primrose path. My point with JD Vance is, lean into all these criticisms. They want to talk about the woman's issue. Well, they're leading women down the primrose path. There was a study by Morgan Stanley. I think it was 40-something percent of women age 25 to 44. It's online. You'll probably have to check that exact number, but are gonna be single and childless by the year 2030. This was by Morgan Stanley. If any leader does not think that that's a national crisis, they don't deserve to be president. And Kamala Harris is not a serious person. So I say lean into all these criticisms, have these fights because feminism is failing. They wouldn't be fighting this hard if it was working. - Yeah. - When they fight it. - And you know what, it's funny you say that because obviously the cut that went viral of JD Vance calling people childless cat ladies, if they had just ended it there, if the left had just said that wasn't a nice comment or that hurts people's feelings, that might've been one thing. And I made it very clear on my show, I said I don't think it was articulated in the best way. I don't think it's nice to be flippant to people who you want to vote for you. You gotta really make it clear who you're talking about. And he was talking about people in the Democrat party who are anti-family, who don't care about parental rights, who don't want to make it easier to live in this country and have a big family and live in a prosperous country that is making your life better. That was his overall point. Did it get lost with Tucker Carlson? Absolutely. Do I think he's refined it since then? Yes, I do. But once again, they don't end it with just, he shouldn't have said that. They take it, they end up revealing how they really feel as they continue to beat this dead horse of JD Vance talked about childless cat ladies because what they actually reveal is that they are extremely anti-family. And of course, there's something else I have to add in here just 'cause Kevin made me think of it since we're talking about JD Vance and what he stands for. They take it a step further. They want to beat this dead horse about his common on Tucker Carlson from 2021, which as I pointed out, that's okay to go back to a 15 second cut from 2021. But if you want to play any of the videos of Kamala Harris talking about defunding the police or giving illegal aliens healthcare for free or there's just promoting a bail fund that eventually let out someone who is charged with murder. If you want to go back to any of those tweets or videos, that's ancient history. You can't do that. She pivoted, she calibrated her policy. That's old news. But you want to go back to JD Vance, you want to harp on this cut, you're more than welcome to. But if you actually listen to what he was saying, he's just talking about the fact that he wants this country to be a place that people can have as many kids as they want and live a prosperous, safe life. And that's not radical. That actually aligns with how a lot of Americans feel. And furthermore, then you have Molly Jungfast, who goes on MSNBC, and this is how she tries to spin it 'cause it's not enough to spin it and say, he's mean to the cat lady community. That's not enough. They could have done that. And you know, Jenna Aniston commented on it and it did get a lot of movement there. A lot of play caused him to kind of clarify his remarks. They could have taken that win, but that's not what the Democrats do. The Democrats want to take it another step further. And usually what they want to do is, they want to tie in racism because they find that that is their strongest strategy. It's like, call everyone a racist. Add that in as an extra layer. So Molly Jungfast, let's play this cut from yesterday. I played it in the crossover, but it deserves more time. More and more Americans choosing not to have kids, which again, emphasizes why JD Vance's comments about childless Americans, childless and cat ladies could be so politically damaging. - Well, so what's interesting is this is this natalism that comes from an authoritarian playbook, right? That there need to be more white children, right? That's the idea that there's, you know, this is about great replacement theory, racism, right? This is what this is. So don't misunderstand it for him wanting more children. He wants a certain kind of, you know, racist thing. Now, I don't know what's more embarrassing. The fact that she doesn't know enough about what she's talking about to maybe do a little fact checking and realize that JD Vance has three biracial children because his wife is ethnically Indian. I don't know if that's what's embarrassing for Molly Jungfast or if the fact that this is a panel of people and no one has the decency to correct her on TV because they just, you know, they're just hoping this goes by and maybe people don't cut it up on right-wing Twitter and nobody notices that she's spewing utter BS. That's embarrassing as well that no one there stands up and says, well, actually, Molly, actually genius lady, he has three biracial children. So I don't really know if he's only focused on people having white kids. I don't really know if that adds up, if that makes any sense whatsoever. And just remember this because I saw it yesterday and there was a study about, or it was a poll of employers and how they run their interviews with new, you know, new employees and what they look for in these interviews. And some of it said, I contact, you know, don't bring your parent to the interview. The bar is so low. It's like, don't be, like, don't be, be able to make conversation. - Don't be weird. - Don't be weird. That was really one of them. - Don't be a childless cat lady. It was like, don't be afraid to make eye contact, don't do all these different things. And some guy reposted, he was like, I showed this to my daughter because she was so surprised. She got this job. She didn't think the interview went that well. And she went back to the guy and she said, why did I get the job? And he said, well, just because you were able to hold the conversation. And my point with that is that if you ever feel like imposter syndrome, if you ever feel like, oh, I shouldn't be here, oh, I'm not smart enough, just remember that Motley Jungfast goes on TV and accuses JD Vance of being a racist psycho who only wants white kids to populate the earth, even though he has three biracial kids, and she won't lose her job. She won't have any sort of embarrassment. She will just be just fine. So let that be a little confidence for you. Like if you ever feel like, ah, I don't know if I'm good enough to be here. You're fine, okay? If these morons can be on television and they can be, you know, making tons of money and people are eating up all this garbage out of their hands, then you should go forward with confidence. That's my motivational message of the day. 844-500-4242, we'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter at G_Curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. You know, it's interesting because we've been discussing this comment from 2021 that the media is obsessed with, that celebrities are obsessed with, of JD Vance calling out the childless cat ladies since he put it. And I mentioned that, you know, he's since that point clarified that there's certain people he's talking about and there's certain people he's not talking about. And everyone probably knows this. I'm uber sensitive to most of those issues, especially about people having kids. And I always want to make that clear. So I have also been echoing it, but Taylor brought up a really good point. And Taylor, you can kind of take the lead here, but it was essentially, it's, you're not a good faith actor if you're taking that comment and trying to apply it to a bunch of people who you know he wasn't referring to. Right, you know who he was talking about. He was talking about failed feminism and how these feminists have just put themselves into this hole where they've filtered out all the guys. They're, male toxicity is so rampant. There's nobody worth dating. So they've subjected themselves to this life of loneliness figuratively and literally speaking in many cases. Climate change has made it so they don't want to have any more kids. They've just become un-datable women that a real man does not want to be with. Oh, man worth his weight in whatever scale you want to use does not want to be with and doesn't see any investment worth there. So they've become these childless cat ladies. That doesn't apply to people who are biologically barren, that don't want children, but are still having a successful life and are maybe conservative leading. You know who he was speaking about. So if you know what doesn't apply to you, stay silent. There's, I'm not that person and I don't support that thing. He wasn't talking about you then. God. Well said, Taylor Cormier. Throwing down the hammer on this Wednesday afternoon. We'll be right back. We're going to talk about Trump talking to black journalists and why the media is so upset about it. (dramatic music)