The Howie Carr Radio Network

When A Nine Year Old Bald Kid Tells You Something You Listen. | 7.30.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie starts the hour with some illegals in the news, then while playing Biden cuts we find out that a nine year old Chris Coons told Biden to run at the beginning of his career in politics.

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. - So a friend sent me this email today with your hat on there and I said, oh, I gotta have one of those. I qualified, man. - What the hell is this? - My dirty aunties did it, laundry. - The whites advised right now are incredible. - I'm not sure if you guys can recall that feeling you had on the night of Tuesday, November 8th, 2016. I stood over my kid's bed and I whacked. - You're being very undead. - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - Senator, there is absolutely no doubt in the FBI's mind whether former President Trump was hit with a bullet and wounded in the air. No doubt there never has been. - That's debatable. - I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or a shrapnel that, you know, that his ear. - Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. - It's. (upbeat music) - Howie Car. - 844, 542, 428, 444, 542, 442. Is my bugle ready? - I, every week, I got some New Hampshire people in here for the SVIPs this week and, you know, they were talking about New Hampshire. We're going to be up there, Grace and I are going to be up there on August 9th. We're fleeing the likely riot outside the Dettum Courthouse when they have the next hearing in the Karen Reed case. We'll be at the Viva Trotteria and just come on by for the show and in Rochester and you can, if you spend 20 bucks, you can get a copy of Paper Boy. But, you know, we like New Hampshire and New Hampshire is one of the, it's, we don't get to run around with the police logs like we do in Massachusetts, most places in Massachusetts. I hold in my hand what I just got today. This is the police, these are the police blotters for the New Hampshire state police. And I've called them down and we'll just take a little break from the Secret Service and various other, for just some local undocumented democrats in the nose. Rodolfo Ramirez Romero of Manchester, New Hampshire. (upbeat music) Operating without a valid license, aggravated attempt to elude police and disobeying an officer. Can you imagine that? An illegal alien disobeying an officer. I thought they were only here to do the jobs Americans wouldn't do. Wilson Lima of Lowell, Massachusetts, arrested and conquered. (upbeat music) Operating without a valid license. Anna Elcero Perez. (upbeat music) Operating without a valid license in Northampton, speeding 25 miles an hour. Over the 65 mile an hour speed limit. I wonder what happens to you in Honduras if they get you doing 25 miles an hour over the speed limit. Aldar Alberto Gomez Perez. (upbeat music) Of East Booth Bay, Maine, arrested in Greenland and New Hampshire, operating without a valid license, misuse of plates, stolen plates on the car. By an illegal alien who could have ever dreamed this would happen. And speeding 25 miles over the 65 mile an hour speed limit. Jose Cinque, Lowell, Massachusetts. (upbeat music) Operating without a valid license, speeding 25 miles plus over the 65 mile an hour speed limit. I notice a pattern here today. (audience laughs) Heavy footos. (audience laughs) Luis Ibar Diaz. (upbeat music) Of Manchester, New Hampshire, license required, operating without a valid license, driving after revocation and suspension. Or should I say, E suspension. Kendrick the Oliver Braga, Manchester, New Hampshire. (upbeat music) Operating without a valid license and driving under the influence. (audience laughs) Again, stay in Salem, New Hampshire. Edwin Escobedo. (upbeat music) Operating without a valid license and an unregistered vehicle. Arrested and conquered, New Hampshire. And that's it. (audience laughs) You can stand by for a lot more of this if you elect the Democrat governor up there. And you know what, you can also stand by for? No more of these. No moss. It will all be underground though. Just like it is here in Massachusetts. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, four, one, three. I thought the Liberals said that giving licenses to illegal aliens would stop all of this. (audience laughs) Maybe, maybe, yeah, they need to get to work. That's why they need them, right? It's the Safer, what do they call it? The Safer Communities Act. Yes, the Safer Communities Act. Right, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. Jack, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Jack. - Yeah, I heard you said that they can't even get into this guy's accounts, the shooter, and I said to myself that's an absolute lie. I was with the Army Security Agency at a Fort Devins at one time, but then we moved the post, and I can tell you we are an arm of the National Security Agency, and I said they can't get into anywhere. - I know, but they are so arrogant that they went up there today and in front of the entire country on live TV, there were millions of people watching those hearings. And they just, that's what they said. Jack. - It's not right, I mean, they know better than that because anytime they wanna get a hold of somebody who's living in a foreign country, I can tell you personally that they can nail 'em. They can get 'em because if he picks up a cell phone, if he picks up a landline phone or anything else, they'll get 'em. And I said, we can do anything. I was in crypto, and we have extraordinary measures. That can take care of this problem. And the idea that they can't get into that guy's account, that's ridiculous. If legally they can't get in, so what? Go ahead and get the damn guy's account. - Hey, they had no legal right to get into people's credit card purchases who took the buses down to, from NAIDIC, down to DC on January 6th. They didn't even try to get a subpoena. They just made a phone call to Bank of America, and everything was handed over to them. Yeah, this is BS. I mean, this is, again, why nobody who's paying attention has any faith in what any of these people say. And the fact that they're under oath, they don't care. They don't give a damn. You know, poor Roger Stone, they threw 'em in jail or tried to throw 'em in jail. They said, what about this email that you sent a year and a half ago? Like, who could remember what they said a year and a half ago? And they're just asking 'em these random questions just to catch 'em, and they did catch 'em. That's why Trump is crazy to be going in there, to talk to 'em. These are not honorable people. It's unfortunate to say, and maybe some of them are honorable, but I'm not gonna be Sean Hannity and say, oh, the vast majority of them are okay. Well, the vast majority of them are going along to get along 'cause they want the pension and then the job afterwards. The vast majority of them, they're not whistleblowers. They see what's going on. I mean, the only time you get a large group of whistleblowers coming forward is when something is egregious is what happened on July 13th comes out and they turn to a handful of people, too. You notice that? They turn to Grassley. They turn to Johnson. They turn to Holly. Has a whistle in the last 20, 30 years, has a whistleblower ever gone to a Democrat? No. You know why? Because the Democrats are on the side of the things that the whistleblowers want to expose. 844-542-42. Joe, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Joe. - Hey, Howie, can you hear me? - Yes. - Okay, so you might've talked about this. I don't listen to the show every day. I like the show. The question is, what did it have been? I got no problem with Vance, but wouldn't it have been good if maybe Trump thought about diversifying his selection for vice? - Well, well, number one, number one, he, you know, it appeared at the time that he was gonna be running against Biden. And so they were stuck with, you know, they were stuck with this terribly ridiculous, diverse ticket that proved to be totally incompetent. But the other question is, Joe, who would you have wanted him to pick? - Go ahead. - Who do you want him to pick? I'm asking you. - Oh, you know, like, I thought that maybe Rubio or Byron Donald or maybe a female, like, see, look, I'm in a hub of both left leaning, I lean more to the right, okay? - Yeah. - All I have, I'm not gonna get in on my upbringing and blah, blah, blah. But I just feel like all these quote unquote people in the middle that he's trying to grab for votes, would have just, it would have just been so much easier had the ticket looked a little different. - Yeah, but, you know, Rubio, he's on that committee, that deep state committee. What is the gang of seven? I mean, is he trustworthy, really, as a successor? I'm, you know, he's okay in, you know, handling these hearings and things like that and fighting voter fraud and all that. But I'm not sure I really totally trust him. And, you know, I like Tulsi Gabbard, but she's a Democrat, she worked for Bernie Sanders, and again, you gotta be sure that you have someone you could trust. And, you know, I've heard things about Byron Donalds that, you know, he didn't do well in sort of the security, that there might be a few skeletons in his closet. And, and Nikki Haley wasn't, she wasn't making the cut, just because she was so vociferous and so much of a, you know, a club for growth, Rupert Murdoch, you know, rhino type person. She was getting pushed. And the more, the more the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, Fox News, push people, whether it was Nikki Haley or Bergham or even Glenn Youngkin, you know, I think that was a turnoff for Trump. And the fact that the Wall Street Journal hated Vance, I think that made him more attractive to Trump as a running mate. And, and they're still, they're still trying to knock him down. They're still saying, we told you so. He said, he said the Democrats are childless cat ladies. Well, they are. (audience laughing) Were any of the childless cat ladies gonna vote for him, you know, vote for Trump? I don't think they were. And he wasn't saying anything about, you know, just because you're childless, nobody hates everybody's childless. I mean, I was raised by my childless, you know, I love them, especially Ann Mabel. But, you know, you understood what he was saying and everybody understood it, including the Democrats. 844-542-508, DJT could pick Barack Obama's V, but wouldn't change a thing. TDS is not curable. I agree. They, you know, they need to develop a vaccine for TDS. That's what Pfizer needs to spend its time doing. 844-542-442, I'm Howie Carr. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what, guys? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Carr radio network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows. An exclusive podcast only features. Huh, it's actually not a bad idea. (dramatic music) - He's Howie Carr. (upbeat music) - You remember when Hillary was in the White House as the first lady and there were certain rules that you had to observe? - Like if you, I didn't, you didn't have to be an intern. You, if you were just an aide to Bill Clinton and she walked in the hall, you couldn't look her in the eye. That was not allowed. Well, they just found something from the father of some guy who was an intern when she was the Attorney General of California in Sacramento and he wrote this thing for like a weekly newspaper in Northern California. He just said it was such a horrible experience for my son. He had never seen anything like it. She told people her aides not to look at her, not to make icon. So I'm thinking, that's Hillary Clinton. And I tweeted it out last night if you want to go down my tweets and you can see it from, it was pulled out by somebody and they put it out there and I retweeted it. But I mean, she's a bad person and I was thinking, I think she's worse than Klobuchar. I was thinking of Klobuchar because she was, yes, the one that had the, yeah, they told the aide to eat the salad with a comb because she was so angry at her. And I think Klobuchar is mother Teresa compared to this one. This one is close to a Hillary Clinton, just a horrible, horrible person. And she has like a 90% staff turnover and she blames, and that's a sign of a bad boss too, when you blame everything on the underling. Especially when a lot of times, sometimes it's the underlings fault, but most of the time it's not. Or you just, you know, you take, it's your responsibility, you know, but it's the, it's the, again, we go back to the Harry Truman line, the buck stops here, right? - It's because if it's the underline, you're the one that hired you. - I know, you and there's one of the VIPs says, you're the one who hired the underling. Yeah, she also, that's a, here's another thing, I forgot about this one. She demanded it to be called General. General, attorney general. Normally called the attorney general body, Frank. You know what you call the Jim Shannon? You know what we call him? He was the attorney general, lumpy. 'Cause he looked like the guy had leave it to beaver. You know what we called Harshbarger? Luther, this is Luther Scott Harshbarger. That's an old joke. I'll just tell this quick, quickly thing. You know, when he was running in Middlesex County, you know, they were getting him together. And, you know, it was before Middlesex County changed, it was like super Catholic. And so they were saying, you know, you know, Scott, this, that, this Al Scott Harshbarger, it just sounds too, too upper crust. Listen, why don't we call, what does the L stand for? Why don't we call you that? Luther, okay, he goes, you know what? We're gonna stick with L Scott. (audience laughing) Yeah, too bad lumpy Shannon didn't be, yeah, it is. It's true, yeah. You know who was smart enough to get out of that fight because he realized he was gonna lose? Ed Markey. Ed Markey dropped back. Ed Markey was in that fight and he dropped back. 844, 542, 42, so did Brian Donnelly. Yeah, today's poll question is brought to you by American Independence Gold Group. Until the end of August, American Independence Gold is saying thank you to any investor that spends a minimum of $10,000 with a Valkombi 5 gram bar. This investment could be cash or IRA transfer. Contact them today at That's Matt, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Speaking of weird, who in the Biden-Harris administration do you feel is the most weird? Suitcase Sam Britten, Admiral Rachel Levine, Hunter Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, or Pete Buttigieg. I am still sticking with Sam. Suitcase Sam. Suitcase Sam has 36%. Admiral Rachel Levine has 48%. Pete Buttigieg is 8%, KJPS7, and Hunter Biden has two. Yeah, Buttigieg went to Harvard, too. So there's Massachusetts connections in one way or another with 90% of the votes. Boy, local favorite sons or daughters as the case may be. I'm Howie Darr. (upbeat music) Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. So the IDF has now confirmed that the Hezbollah commander who was responsible for that strike on Saturday against the kids playing soccer, he's confirmed dead. Good. (applause) Abdul, send down 72 more virgins. I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't say that. I always think that when I see that bomb go off. I particularly like it when I see it going off on a motorcycle. You know, the guy's got like a pipe bomb that's this big and he's just going down the road. And all of a sudden there's nothing there. It's gone. It's gone. 844-542-978. Having trans people on the White House lawn exposing their prescription jugs is weird. Yeah, how about those influencers? Those were stressed. So they had some really strange influences in there, too. Didn't they? That was a pretty weird group of people in there for those influencers. 844-542-42. You know, one thing about Joe Biden, too, is that he's an expert on college athletics. I don't know if you've noticed that. It's, you know, his days at the Naval Academy with Bellino and Staubach. He played with both of them. You know, they didn't play together, but he played with both of them somehow. I don't know how that was possible. But here he is talking about the Southern Conference, cut 18. In those days, when the Democrats won, they could choose to be part of the Southern Governors or the Northern Governors Conference. They choose the Southern Governors Conference lots of times. The Northern Northeast Governors Conference. You know, when I went to UNC, they were in the Atlantic Pacific Conference. The APCC. All right. Cut 15. I'll never forget, I had a good job with a big trial firm. And in Delaware, you have to study for the bar for six months before you're allowed to take it. And in the mean to while I was studying for the bar, that's when Dr. King was assassinated. In the mean to while, in the mean to while, cut 13. He said in that bill signing, and I quote, this is a proud triumph in those who founded our country, who the freedom would be secure only if each generation fought to renew in the largest meaning, end of quote. Kind of quote. [LAUGHTER] If I will, be jazzed. No need to put that last sentence in the speech, boys. [LAUGHTER] I spoke better than that one. I was out slopping the pigs in the morning. [LAUGHTER] Yeah, he kind of quotes LBJ. That's what it says on the cut sheet, kind of, yes. We played this one last night, where he becomes a former president. Cut 12. And no president, no former president, not me, not one. Not one has and should have been given, given an exception. Remember those words from pre-June 27th. Sharp as a tack, fed as a fiddle, leading Socratic dialogues in the oval. [LAUGHTER] More history and geography in one 13-second cut, cut 14. My state was a state that was segregated by law. We were one who only was in a fight in the side of the south and couldn't get there. I'm serious. They couldn't get there. [LAUGHTER] No bridge. I-95. What about the Francis Scott Key Bridge that you used to take the train on, even though there was no train tracks? You're telling me that you got to cross a bridge in a train with no train tracks. They couldn't find their way to get to the south? OK, here's the story about Chris Coons. And again, it sounds kind of like he was asking Chris Coons, who was nine years old at the time, what to do, but if you can put punctuation in this sound cut and make it sound semi-coherent, cut 20. And then a group of people came to me as my senator knows, Chris Coons, came to me and said, look, we want you to run for state sin, and I said, I can't. I can't go to Dover all the time. I'm just starting a law firm. I'm part-time public defender. And then they came back to me and said, I want you to run for the county council. I said, I can't. They said, you stupid SOB is right across the street there. I'm serious. Meets only twice a week. Maybe you had to be there. But again, Chris Coons at the time was nine years old. He was bald, though. You know, you're usually listening to nine-year-old kids when you're starting your career. But if they're bald, maybe you say, maybe this kid knows something, didn't know how to get a laser cap to get his hair back, but 844, 542. Eddie, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Eddie. Hi, Howie. Hi. I heard this from Peter Swipes of the other night, Howie. Yeah. Out of the-- when the-- Harris was a DA for San Francisco. Right. The 50 largest cities in the country. The only one that did not prosecute anybody in that Catholic pre-scandal was San Francisco, because she was told not to. You know what, the Pelosi and Gavin Newsom and all those people, they were all very big in the Catholic community out there. I think Newsom went to Santa Clara. That's kind of like the Georgetown or the BC or the Notre Dame of the Bay region in California. I wouldn't be surprised about that. I mean, she just-- she did what she was told to do. I mean, she was the girlfriend-- she was the girlfriend of the mayor and the speaker. Willie Brown, the same guy. You know? Well, you can't say that, Howie. You can't say that. You can't say it in rude terms. I mean, you have to say it. I don't care what they say. You know, why are you allowed to talk about, you know, Trump had sex with a porn star. Nobody says, oh, that's terrible. That's-- you can't say that, do they? No, they don't. And they can't-- you were not supposed to weaponize sound cuts from five years ago or four years ago, I guess five years ago, because she was out of the race before the year even turned into 2020. I don't care. 844, 542-- 42. Yeah, here it is. I'm going to give you the exact quote here. The "New York Times" is saying it's-- they're not calling it accountability for what the Republicans do. They're saying they are weaponizing it. The Harris campaign will rebut most of the Republican attacks by arguing that they are exaggerating or lying about her record. You know, they're going to use video. So what they're going to be reduced to saying is that was taken out of context. Or remember, cheap fakes. Remember cheap fakes? Cheap fakes last only as long as you don't appear live on a stage with people like Donald Trump or even JD Vance. So positions-- Ben Shapiro sent this out yesterday-- positions on which Kamala Harris is supposedly reversed herself, banning fracking, assault weapons, mandatory buyback, also known as gun confiscation, ending private health insurance. Does that sound like a good idea? Decriminalizing illegal border crossings-- we've already done that, basically-- bailing out rioters so that they can commit even more heinous crimes, defunding the police, jailing marijuana offenders. How does that go over? Jailing marijuana offenders, 844-542-42. Facebook wrongly called the popular image of Donald Trump pumping his fist in the air after an assassination attempt against him an altered photo, a spokesperson that admitted Monday. We talked about this earlier. This was what they did after Zuckerberg said it was the most badass move of all time for him to get up like that and raise his fist when he was bleeding. Yet his minions, perhaps on his orders-- who knows-- still cut it out. So Facebook acting as disinformation was providing disinformation about the reality of it. 844-542-42 potential Harris VP pick Josh Shapiro accused by Democrat of covering up sexual harassment in his office. OK, that's fine. But what about Kamala Harris, Kamala Harris, and her aide, that guy Wallace? She had him when she was DA, when she was Attorney General, and then when she went to the Senate. And he was always touching everything but the third rail. This is from Free Beacon. Kamala Harris touted a $5 billion electric school bus program, $5 billion. Three years later, would you like to take a guess on how many electric buses they've produced? Put a six in front of that, $6.05 billion. I need a pencil to do that math. It's a lot. It's a lot. 844-542-42, I'm Howie Carr. Howie Carr, we'll be right back. Howie Carr is back. Atomic dog. I'll soon be back with my atomic dog. Take it for a walk on the book path. Thanks to the VIPs for coming. I'll give yourselves a big round of applause. Thank you. I hope you've had a good time here today with Calhoun and everything else. Thank you. I've been meaning to read this a lot. It came out yesterday. Hunter Biden's attorneys say they never tried to mislead the court in response to judge's sanction threat. They never, again, mistakes were made. In a filing Sunday with the US District Court for the Central District of California, Biden's legal team wrote that they never, quote, "never tried to mislead the court." After the district court judge Mark Scarcey wrote that Biden's attorneys falsely claimed US attorney David Weiss did not bring charges against the president's son until after he was appointed special counsel. Now, all you have to do is follow the news and you'd know that was false, right? So here's what they said. Defense counsel, perhaps in artfully-- 10,000 people with federal prison are going, why did I think of that? Perhaps in artfully. Intended this use of the word charges to refer to the current charges brought by indictment against Mr. Biden, not the lack of any charges at all. Here, context matters. How about the context of under pains and penalties of perjury? Man, 844-542, time for a mass state police update from the website here as we go. It's a good way to go out, I think. Driver holding cell phone arrested for fentanyl trafficking and they got a picture of some 20s and they got some bags and the bags are all knotted up. You can imagine where the posters go with the knots. Did Proctor search that phone for nudes? Let's see. Was he driving a Ford edge, you know, the car, the luck he saw that they didn't want to hear about? Let's see. Can Trooper Proctor identify if those are balloon knots on those baggies? They don't look like they leap poo, no. Everything they post gets this as well it should. 844-542, people keep sending me this thing about the Daily Mail story. Well, it's the lead story. Wealthy sanctuary state broke bomb with the migrants. You know, I mean, again, we were here first. I mean, they're picking up on it. I'm glad they're picking up on it, but there's nothing new here. You know, in the globe, the globe's on the front page today. They got this huge story. They put it out yesterday, I think. The poor migrants are being evicted from the flop houses and they're now having to sleep on the streets. Oh, this is so terrible. You know, in this state, we have so many people who have trust funds, who work for nonprofits, who have huge mansions in gated communities, on tree-lined streets. Some of them are, to coin a phrase, "childless cat ladies." Yet, as far as I can determine, only one group, only one family has taken in any of the illegal aliens. Here in Norfolk County, Brookline, to be precise. South Brookline. Yes, near the country club. Otherwise, nobody else. Marhely, no room at the end. Kim Driscoll, no room at the end. The fake Indian. She could put up dozens of them in her mansion, send them down to shoplift at the cheese shops in Harvard Square that she likes to patronize. Ed Markey, I don't think he set foot in Malden in 30 years. I think they turned off the water in his parents' house. He could put up some people. How about Katherine Clark? She moved to a revere to be closer to her people. And the Haitians will get along well with her trans child, who saw a probation for vandalizing and kicking the cop in Boston during the riots. There's so many places for the illegal aliens to go. I'm sure that they're going to step up and do the right thing, just like they step up every April and do the right thing and check that box on their state income taxes to pay at the higher rate. Five million people pay in taxes, maybe 300 of them, the right thing. See you tomorrow everybody have a