The Howie Carr Radio Network

Howie "With The Secret Service It's Always C.Y.A" | 7.30.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

Howie goes to the callers to get their opinion on the Secret Service failure on July 13th, and we play more cuts from today's hearing.

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30 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. - So a friend sent me this email today with your hat on there and I said, "Oh, I gotta have one of those." I qualified, man. What the hell is this? - My dirty aunties did laundry. - The whites. - The vibes right now are incredible. - Please. - I'm not sure if you guys can recall that feeling you had on the night of Tuesday, November 8th, 2016. I stood over my kid's bed and I wear it. - You're being very on dude. - Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. - Senator, there is absolutely no doubt in the FBI's mind whether former President Trump was hit with a bullet and wounded in the air. No doubt there never has been. - That's debatable. - I think with respect to former President Trump, there's some question about whether or not it's a bullet or shrapnel that, you know, that his ear. - Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. - It's. (upbeat music) - Howie Car. - 844-542-42, one of the textors said yesterday that the reason why Christopher Ray said that Trump may have been struck with a shrapnel quote unquote rather than a bullet was just to give some sound cuts to the Democrats for the fall campaign. And the more I think about it, the more I believe that's exactly what he was doing because today they just walked it totally back. It was all BS. It was all BS. He was hit by a bullet. And what does it matter anyway, whether it was a shrapnel or a bullet? I mean, you get hit in battle by shrapnel. You get a purple heart if you survive, right? I mean, it's an injury that's produced out of a, it's an act of aggression, violence, war, whatever you want to call it. It doesn't, it's, you're wounded one way or another. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. It's just so bad the way the secret service is behaving and you know, they're just covering it. It's all just CYA, that's all it is. There's no thought of their mission, what it means, what they're supposed to do. It's all just CYA, that's it. And you know, I gotta just play a few more of these cuts before we go any further and we'll take some calls here. 844, 500, 42, 42, again, this is Josh Hawley. He was, I guess he was the star today. You know, the crews and Mike Lee were good as well. And you know, Grassley was a star because he's the one who got all the, he's the one who got all the text messages from the local agents, but he didn't say much. He just kind of rested on his laurels. But here's Josh Hawley talking about the drones, the lack of drones. Remember, the shooter had a drone. The secret service did not have a drone. Just like the shooter got there a day before to scout the location a day before the secret service did. Cut 15, Josh Hawley. I'm also told that local law enforcement suppliers offered the secret service drones and you declined them, is that true? - So Senator, one, I've been very transparent and forthcoming. - Their agency has not been transparent and forthcoming, so please, let's not go there. - I have been forthcoming, sir. - Well, that remains to be seen. You've been on the job a few days. So far you've fired nobody. Now, the drones. - Thank you, Senator. - You offered drones? - Senator Hawley. - There was an offer to fly a drone on that day. And why did you deny it? - Again, I think the ability of local law enforcement to provide an asset, we probably should have taken them up on it if it was offered. - Mistakes were made. - We should have taken them up on that. So he goes, "So, Senator." That's the way that's always his takeaway. You know, like when they go up before Senator Kennedy in the Judiciary Committee, the judicial nominees do what, who are barely literate, they go, "Thank you for asking that question, Senator." And then they have no, absolutely no idea how to, like, what's, Judge, what is the fifth amendment to the United States constant? Thanks for asking that question, Senator. So, again, 13, Josh Hawley. - Real clear politics reports this morning that you were directly involved in denying additional security resources and personnel, including counters, snipers, not just to this event, but over the last two years that President Trump's team repeatedly asked for, these additional resources, and you personally were involved in denying them, is that true? - Senator, as I stated earlier, that is not true. - So you never denied any resources to former President Trump's team? - No, not me, no, sir. - And you weren't involved in any of that? You were never involved in the decision making? - No, sir, I was not. - Not me, not me, not my job. - Cut 12. - You said earlier that you've got to make sure that your protocols are followed in, unless there's a protocol violation people wouldn't be disciplined. I would just say to you, I don't really care that much about your protocols. I think if your protocols don't provide for the fact that when a former president is shot, when an American is killed, when other rally-goers, innocent people who just showed up on the day, when they are shot at and critically wounded, if that isn't a protocol violation, prima facia, you should revise your protocols. - Can we continue with the subject of protocols? Cut 7. Why is there not a Secret Service counter sniper there with clear line of sight? That roof has a clear line of sight to the former president. Why didn't you put a Secret Service counter sniper there? - The Secret Service's counter sniper role is to neutralize those threats that are looking in on us from where the protectee is, not necessarily this position. - You think maybe you might want to revise that protocol in light of what happened here? - They were protecting the principle, and I think in-- - The principle got shot. - I understand that, sir. - So do you think you might want to revise the protocol? - What the hell was he even talking about? A guy wrote. I don't understand what he was talking about. It's the counter sniper is there to protect the people in side. Well, isn't the principle inside the area? Am I misunderstanding something, or is this just gobbledygook? 844, 542, 42. John, you're next with howie car. Go ahead, John. - Yeah, howie. - So what I'm saying is if the teleprompter was intact, which it was, I believe, correct? - Yes. - Then where did the shrapnel come from? I mean, all there is is a direct line from his, the room to his head. - Well, they originally said the teleprompter was hit, but it wasn't. - But it wasn't hit, we all know that. So I mean, the narrative just drives me crazy. You know, it really does, you know, that's all I gotta say. (laughing) - Thanks, it's driving everybody crazy. I mean, just to watch these guys, and to know that these people are getting so many resources, so many tax dollars. The country's going broke, supporting this boondoggle that is the federal government. And all these people are getting huge pensions. And even when they get fired for just cause and for corruption, like a page instruct, we're gonna get that, we'll get that cut from Kennedy about how page instruct are still being taken care of. 844-542-42, Matt, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Matt. - Howie, Jill Biden stripped Pittsburgh. That tapped into regional secret service assets. I'm wondering about the timing. When was her event scheduled? And was it scheduled after Trump's event? - I don't know, I don't know when they were, but again, they have, I know they're saying, well, you know, we lost a lot of people because of COVID. That's what they, he said that today. Oh, they, people retired and they moved away and they were making, they can make so much more money in the private sector, so we didn't have enough people. I'm not buying any of that. And who the hell gives up a government job? You work your 20, if you're in law enforcement or whatever, you work in what they call here, Group Four in Massachusetts, you get your 20 years in and then you go to the private security once you get your big fat pension. And none of this, this is all jive. I always go back to Thomas Jefferson line about the federal bureaucracy. And this was, he was the, what, the third president in the United States, so this is more than 200 years ago, he said this, he said about the federal bureaucracy. Vacancies by death are few, by resignation, never. I don't think anything has changed since Thomas Jefferson was president of the United States. 844, 542, 42, you've spoken and our friends at MyPillow heard you. Introducing MyPillow's most requested offer yet. Get the queen size premium MyPillow for just 1998. Crafted with an adjustable patented fill, MyPillow conforms to your individual needs regardless of your preferred sleeping position. It not only aligns your neck for optimal comfort, but also retains its shape throughout the night, ensuring you the most restful sleep imaginable. But wait, there's more. Dive into their six piece kitchen or bath towel sets for only $25, explore the brand new mattress topper, starting at just $69.98. Indulge in their renowned MyPillow bed sheets priced as low as $25 and discover a plethora of other fantastic deals. 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Suitcase, Sam Brinton, Admiral Rachel Levine, Hunter Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre, or Pete Buttigieg. I'm gonna still vote for Sam Brinton. 35% still in second place for Suitcase, Sam. Admiral Levine in the lead at 47%, 9% for Mayor Pete, 7% for KJP, and 2% for Hunter. - This could be a proud afternoon for the Belmont Hill School. An all-boys school that Dr. Rachel Levine went to. You figure it out. I won't explain it to you. I might miss gender somebody. Kamala is having a rally. - Excuse me, it's ma'am. It is ma'am. - Excuse me. They wanted to have, she wanted to have, or he wanted to have this gender mutilation policy that was so liberal that even the, even Brandon's administration had to say, no, you can't go this far. And that's how crazy these people are. I'm so old, I can remember when one of the reasons why we used to deny aid, and support the overthrow of some of these radical Muslim groups in the Middle East is because they were, they were engaging in female genital mutilation. Remember that? - Now it's like government policy, you know? Just go to the hospital, not only can you get it done, you can get the state to pay for it. You're an illegal, they're paying for illegal aliens, I'm told. I haven't been able to nail it down. I don't think I'll ever be able to, but they're, they, I've heard stories from people who work in the system. And they're kind of appalled by what's going on. Come up here with your kid and get his, his or her, you know what? Chopped off. Oh, it's great, it's great, it's what, it's, it's the New World. Oh, give him a rainbow flag. So she's a, Kamala's flying down to Atlanta for a big rally. So Newsmax went, it's a man in the street in Atlanta to ask people about Kamala's accomplishments. Cut 20. - Can you name a few of her accomplishments? - No. No, I can't. - What are some of her accomplishments? - I will say that I just, everything that I've seen, I don't think that, mm-mm. - She has nothing. - I honestly don't, don't think she has any. I, the four years that she was an office vice president, I didn't hear her speak once until like last week. So that's kind of my take on it. - She said, she's had a very fortunate four years not having ever heard her speak. She missed the coconuts and the man in the moon and the Venmo, she, not Venmo, whatever it was, the Ven diagram, excuse me. Ven diagram, Venmo, it's all the same to me. 84442 Pete, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Pete. - You know, Howie, that was an attempted assassination. Number one, number two is if you look at the left and you listen to Charles Schumer, Smucky, when he stood on the steps of the Supreme Court and started reeling off against Kavanaugh and Gorsuch and so forth, he should have been arrested, Howie. - Yeah, that was insurrectionary talk. You will reap the whirlwind. And then this transgender guy came in from California and he was on, he was on Kavanaugh's street with a, with a weapon and ropes. - Thank God for our secret service. They're so wonderful. - They're being persecuted, Steve, and they don't appreciate you. People like you are making it hard for Robert Rowe to get a good night's sleep. You know, you know, if he's not getting a good night's sleep, he should be up and studying all this stuff and not talking about how we need, he's not gonna have a rush to judgment. I mean, if you're up all night, then it's, you know, then you can rush to judgment a lot quicker, can't you? If you're not getting an eight hour sleep like everybody else's, 844-542 Dave, you're next with Howie Carr, go ahead, Dave. - Hi, Howie. - Joe, I wish there'd be a chance, I guess. - Thank you. - I think that, I think the Shrapnel story was disinformation, the beginning of disinformation. - Right, I agree. - And there's bullets, bullets travel in a straight line. Shrapnel is bouncing off of something. Shrapnel has bounced off of something. Very hard to determine the angle at which the bullets came in at. - Yeah. - There's a guy on the internet doing a acoustic research on the shots. He thinks that the first three shots and the last five shots came from two different locations. The first three shots he thinks came from the filming behind the unit. If that's the case, the trajectory that hit on the board that hit Trump will be entirely different from the trajectory of where the shooter is. If that's the case, then it's gonna show that there was some kind of an agreement between law enforcement and shots. - Yeah, I don't know about that. You know, those acoustical records are interpreted in various ways. They claimed today the Secret Service and the FBI that the eight bullets were fired by Crooks, the shooter. But I don't know, I don't know what's correct and what's not. Richard, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Richard. - Hi Howie. Listen, a few weeks before the assassination attempt, they were saying that Iran was planning something bad for the state. - Correct, yes. - And three weeks after Trump, well, they missed him. But if they would have got Trump, they would have said Iran's fault. And that would have probably saved Biden's elections. - No, you know what, Richard, people have said this. I think it's true that the guy was shooting at Trump, but he took out Biden. You know, Biden was gone a week later. That's a fact. And if Trump had been killed, God forbid, the Republican convention would have been a, just a political nightmare. It would have been a, you know, everybody fighting it out to get elected and all these tributes to the late, great president Trump, and it would have been a mess. And there's no way Biden would have had to get out. No way. He'd still be in there babbling around. Well, he's still babbling. But he's, you know, he's on his way to Lyle B.J. status as he put it yesterday. We'll be back on Howie Car. (upbeat music) - Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. - 844-542-42, 844-500-42, 42, 42. They're saying now that the Hezbollah commander that they were going after in Beirut tonight, or tonight their time, likely killed. That's what the Jerusalem Post is saying. And again, I wish they'd gotten the big guy considering he was scared. How scared may Steve men if that leaked out, you know, that he was that he was terrified. You know, he just thought he was gonna, you know, start lobbying all these, you know, missiles into Israel. And nothing was gonna happen to him. What was he thinking? 844-500, 42, 42, 844-500, 42, 42. He's like, well, we'll say too, you know, what are the Democrats thinking when they let all these people in the country, the terror, they don't care about the terrorists coming in. They think they're gonna be okay if they blow up a building or a mall. You know, those bombs that they shot, that bomb they used to kill all those Druze children, they didn't care who they were hit. They wanted to hit somebody across the line. I mean, they'd have preferred to hit Jewish kids, but it didn't matter. It's like when they did that Saturday night attack with all the missiles, they just, it was sad. They killed the Bedouin. Bedouin's, that's a Muslim Arab. And the Bedouins are loyal citizens too. And you know why? 'Cause they know they have more freedom in Israel than they do in any place in the Middle East, any other country, even the more liberal countries like Egypt or Jordan, you're a lot better off being in Israel. Anybody is. Gaze for Gaza. That was the line of the month from then, y'all. Like it's like kitchens for, Gaze for Gaza's like chickens for KFC. It is. Or fried, or clams for kens. Or oysters for Moby Dick. You know what I mean? 844, 542, 428, 444, 542, 42, 42. Before we go back to the lines, I wanna play, I wanna play John Kennedy on Strutkin Page. I mean, this is something that hasn't gotten nearly enough and enough attention. They dumped it on a Friday night. They're concerned that Trump is gonna be re-elected and their fellow travelers are not gonna be rewarded for trying to take Trump out and trying to act as insurrectionists in 2016. Strutkin Page, the FBI lovebirds. So they gave him 2 million bucks, 1.2 million for Strutkin, the crooked agent who learned his crooked trade here in the Boston office. And third generation, third generation crooked FBI in the mid 90s. And his girlfriend, the horse-faced Lisa Page, I know that's sexist, but me. She only got 800 Gs. That's the sexism and the misogyny, you know? But anyway, here's John Kennedy talking about it this afternoon after the hearing, cut 36. Lisa Page, who said to Mr. Strut, quote, "Trump's not ever going to become president, right? Right to which Mr. Strut said, quote, no, no, he won't. We will stop it." That's the Peter Strut and Lisa Page I'm talking about. I need to know if the FBI signed off on this lawsuit. We will get that answer for you, Senator. And then I need to know who signed off on it. Did you sign off on it? I absolutely did not and would never sign off on something. Did Chris Ray sign off on it? The settlement? I don't believe he did. Okay. Did any, you don't know what-- Nor do I think you would have. You need to let me know who signed off on this if any one of the FBI. So was Merrick Garland who agreed to do this? Is that right? I don't, Senator. I do not know-- Well, hell, somebody had to agree to it. I've settled a lawsuit before. The client's got to agree to it. You're the client. I'm going to, I'm going to direct in to the Department of Justice to answer those questions. Get me that information if you would. I'm going to direct you to the Department of Justice. You work for the Department of Justice, okay? You're the one who's here under oath. Tom Wolf used to call these people "flat catchers." You know, that's what they're there for. They're there to take crap, you know? And the community organizers would mow mow them. That was the title of one of his famous magazine pieces, "Mow mowing the flat catcher." That was Senator Kennedy mow mowing that flat catcher. What a fraudulent group of people. Why would you protect somebody like that? And it wasn't just-- And again, think about it. They destroyed all of their text message-- 50,000 text messages. They were subpoenaed by Congress. And the FBI said, "Oh, they've been destroyed." And the I.G. just went in and grabbed them, right? I mean, it's not that difficult to retrieve these kinds of messages if you want to do it. Look what the FBI didn't can, you know? They got everything done because they wanted to. They didn't want to punish Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. 844-500-42-42. Mike, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Mike. Hey, Howie, how are you doing, buddy? Good. Good, good. You know, I'm just saying that I think that Cheetos should be held responsible criminally, you know? Because a person did die and two people did get shocked. Yeah, but I mean, you know, it's a bureaucratic thing. They could never get a conviction. I mean, she's been humiliated, but the fact is she's going to go back to-- she was making big money working for PepsiCo after she-- she's one of these people who were just talking about it, who stayed in long enough, grabbed the pension, goes to PepsiCo's, making millions there, working as "security." And then her friend, Jill Biden gets in as the first lady and she comes back and makes more money. She'll be making more money. She'll have a better job than she had when she was at PepsiCo. And they'll say, "Oh, you know, I was a scapegoat, the Republicans." I'm sure she and Lois Lerner, when she goes down to the vineyard or Nantucket, they'll be toasting one another about how they're victims of maga and deplorable persecution, just because they were trying to do the right thing by, you know, looking the other way when the shooter was taking aim at the president, or they were trying to stop tea party groups from organizing for the 2012 election. They're members of a cult. They don't care about a nation of laws and order, laws and rules that are designed to make everybody have an equal shot and equal protection under the law. I mean, this is a religion. I don't know what their in-game is, because as far as I can see, it's just the destruction of not only the United States but Western civilization. So I hope they enjoy it if they get it. I'll be gone. You'll probably be gone. But it's not going to be good for our kids and grandkids if they win. 844, 500, 42, 42. George, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, George. Hi, Howie. Thanks for taking my call. I was just wondering if the center thought to ask the guy why they denied RFK Junior coverage and change of heart that they have through President Trump gets shot. Well, I mean, the change of heart was they realized that it was going to come back to haunt them. I would have thought it was going to come back to haunt them to begin with, George. Wouldn't you? I mean, he talks about how much he loved JFK and RFK. I've said this over and over again. I apologize for repeating myself. He's got the bust of RFK right behind him. Every time he makes a speech or there's a picture of him in the Oval Office, you see the bust of RFK. The reason candidates have Secret Service protection is because RFK was shot when he was campaigning. And yet, he's such a two-faced, lying, dog-faced pony soldier that he still denies Secret Service protection to not only the son, but the namesake of the guy he allegedly has as his political mentor. They don't... Yeah, he even plagiarized them. Yeah. I mean, you know, he didn't just plagiarize UK people. He plagiarized RFK and JFK. And he can't bring himself to give Secret Service protection to his son. 844-542-4271. CNN, MSNBC, will take Cheetah, she/her with open arms. Those are her pronouns, you know, she and her. How many can they really absorb, though, you know? That's why I cut the cord. I'm tired. You know Page and Struck are on those payrolls. I forget which one. I don't think they ever do anything, but they get a check. It's just like getting the book contract if you're on NPR. It doesn't matter if you're in prison. They'll give you a book contract for a half a million bucks. And they take care of their own. You think Sam Brenton is working hard these days? You know? I don't think so. He's not employed by the government anymore. But I'll bet he got a nice settlement, too, when he went out. Do you think he got as much as Lisa Page or Peter Struck? 800,000, 1.2 million. Give her some more hay. She's hungry. And patter down, too. Don't put her into the stall wet, you're not. That's really bad to do for Lisa Page. Fred, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Fred. Yeah. Hi, Howie. Hey, there's a lot of very smart people putting up videos on YouTube and Rumble analyzing the audio from five different microphones. And they're all coming to the conclusion that there was a second shooter. Now, that's what I believe until I hear somebody reputable disprove it. So you're not accepting the word of the FBI in the Secret Service this morning? And not for one minute. No, I'm not either. I still don't understand why Trump is going to sit for an interview. I wouldn't give them the courtesy of it, even if they're not trying to frame you. You know, you guys, you guys tried to, to do something bad to me. You tried to, you tried to ruin my presidency. You tried to deny me the presidency that I won fair and square. You tried to put me in prison. You raided my house. You raided my house. And then you, for all practical purposes, they did plant evidence. They, they moved stuff around and they, they, they, it's, eh. You know, it's, you know, I, I don't mean to seem like a slob, but Mar-a-Lago is not a can. It's in Palm Beach. You know, there's certain things you can get away with. I, I hate to say it. I don't want it to be true because it's in this, it's in the county I live in. But there's certain things you can get away with in Canton or Staron that you shouldn't be allowed to get away with anywhere, but especially not when the, in the home of a president of the United States. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. As I recall, struck was raised in Tehran, Brennan's boy. No, he was, I don't think, I, I think you got the wrong guy. It was one of the, it was Valerie Jarrett, I think is, was born in Iran. She's an ob, she's Obama's gal. She's, she's one of the, the Rasputins of the Biden administration. She's the one from Tehran. And then they've got some of the people that Malley brought in. He brought in some people from Tehran. Mal, Malley is the guy who's been suspended from the Biden White House is basically a, what amounts to a spy. I mean, how bad do you have to be, to be, to be nailed as a spy in the Biden administration? I guess maybe he wasn't kicking 10% back to the big guy. I, I, I don't know. But, and of course, he went to high school with Anthony Blinken. Where'd they go? Where'd they go in? Nadek? Did they go in Portland? Boise? Paducah? No. Gay Paris. They went to high, and not even a public. They went to a private high school in Gay Paris. We love our pets, but we don't love their smells. Smells from litter boxes. Wet dog smell and pet accidents in the house can build up and cause a big stink. Generally, the Eden Pier Thunderstorm air purifier gets rid of the toughest pet odors in just a few seconds. Even those dreaded pet accidents like urine, feces, and puke are eliminated by the thunderstorm. It works by sending all natural O3 molecules into your home that attach to those stinky smells and destroy them, leaving you and your furry pets with a fresh and clean smelling home. Eden Pier even has a pet odor guarantee to wipe out any pet odor or your money back. Police a thunderstorm in your bedroom, family room, kitchen, or basement. They even make great gifts. Get $200 off a 3-pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code Howey3. That's Eden Pier Deal's discount code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. Want more from the HoweyCar show? Yes, always. Watch Howey Live at HoweyCar show. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's HoweyCar. That's a little bit of a bromance going on there. The Emperor of Hate, HoweyCar, is back. Let's have a KJ peak cut and I always like to remind everybody, this woman has a degree from an Ivy League university. Cut 18. Guys, all kidding aside. So we've shared a lot of moments together and important exchanges. We are proud to be a White House that understands the importance of the role you all play. The importance of the role that you guys play. Columbia University, Bobcraft, among so many others, must be very, very proud that this is what is Alma Mater is now turning out 844. And of course also Elhan Omar's daughter goes there. She's a victim. You know, did you see that? She had. She was homeless. She was homeless during the... Which I am alumnus. There's a reason to study Latin. I know it doesn't seem, it seems kind of boring when you're doing it, but you know, at least you could make everything work. You know, the difference between alumna and alumnus and alumni and alumnae. It's basic stuff, basic literacy. Connie, you're next with HoweyCar. Go ahead, Connie. Hi, Howey. Hi. You're really don't have to call back, Connie. It wasn't a very good connection. 844, 542, 42, the payoff to the lovebirds is hush money. Republicans should call it what it is. Is it...I don't think it's hush money. They're comrades, they're card-carrying fellow travelers. They're not going to cough up anything. 844, 542, 42, Mike, you're next with HoweyCar. Go ahead, Mike. You know, Howey, I used to do security for the Department of Defense for dignitary visits. Now to watch what these guys get down there is just, Connie, you know, it's kind of funny someone mentioned an IED today. Yes. You know, when you have an... That was Roe. When's the Secret Service who talked about the IED? Exactly. You know, when you have an event this big, 20,000 people, you try to funnel them through two areas. You set up mag-meditrons, okay? That catches the small arms coming through. Yeah. And even a folding stock rifle, they'll catch that. They had no mags, they had no bomb-snipping dogs. So if someone had gone through that gate with a bath stamp, with an explosive bath, they never would have known that if they got close to that stage, it would have been over. Now listen, the worst part to this, and the biggest failure of Howey, is that no communications, sheriff's department, they had three county sheriff's departments who were assisting them down there. I know. The minute you're doing an operation like this, everyone goes down to that tack channel. Everyone. So there's communications. Well they had a pre-event briefing at nine o'clock, and those three sheriff's departments were all there, and I assume the state police from Pennsylvania were there. There's only one group that wasn't there. The Secret Service, 845, thanks for the call, Mike, 844-542-42, I'm Howey Carr. [MUSIC]