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White Women for Kamala Brings the Cringe Plus Josh Hawley's Excellent Questions for Secret Service | 7.30.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace talks to the NYPOST's Kirsten Fleming about the White Women for Kamala Zoom call that has the internet cringing. Plus, the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing continues and it is getting interesting.

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Hello everyone and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. All right, so this Senate Judiciary Committee hearing is really just starting to get interesting. You've got Senator Marcia Blackburn asking some important questions about the range finder. As we played, we have a couple of cuts from Senator Mike Lee. Josh Hawley was also on a roll. We will have all that sound for you later in this hour, but I wanted to switch it up here because there was a video and I feel like this is just the beginning of the cringe-tastic content we're going to get. Now that Kamala Harris is sitting atop the coconut on New York Magazine and she's the new candidate for the Democrats and that means that celebrities and influencers and social justice warriors are all coming out in support of Kamala. Now I'm-- - Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree? - I do. - I think I fell out of a coconut tree. But I'm kind of embarrassed we've never had on Kirsten Fleming before, only because I read her work religiously. She is such a great columnist for the New York Post. You should all tune into everything she's reading. And her latest piece is celeb-led white women for Kamala is cringe city. Kirsten, thank you so much for coming on the Grace Curly Show. Get right into us. Explain to us what this Zoom call was all about. - Oh, thanks for having me Grace. I don't even know where to start. So the Shen Watts who is a gun control advocate gathered on Zoom, a group of white women to tell white women how to-- I guess it was to galvanize this base, right? But it became this struggle session for white women and why they need to be gentle-parented through this process and why they can't correct women of color. And it was just, I can't tell you it was just so cringe. I'm embarrassed talking about it. - Yeah, you know what Kirsten, I got the sense from the little clips that I did tune in for, 'cause like you said, I was crawling out of my skin. I got the sense that these are women who carry a tremendous amount of guilt for being white women, yet not enough guilt that they could, they didn't see the error of their ways of having a race-based Zoom call all together. I wanna play a cut here, but before I do, explain to the listeners who Mrs. Fraszled is. - So she is an influencer, who the kindergarten teacher turned influencer, who essentially her act is to tell adults how to act through like kindergarten teacher tactics. So she basically infantilizes adults and talks down to them. And it's her bit, and she has 1.3 million followers on TikTok, she's got quite a bit following. - Okay, so let's play this cut, and then we'll talk about it Kirsten. This is Ariel Fodor, aka Mrs. Fraszled. Cut three, please. - Ariel Fodor, affectionately known as Mrs. Fraszled to her combined audience of over 1.5 million followers, is here to help gentle parents us through this election. - Thank you, hi everybody. I am so honored to speak today. I am like shaking to just be among such incredible company. We are here because as, if you were here earlier, you've heard BIPOC women have tapped us in as white women to step up, listen, and get involved this election season. This is a really important time, and we all need to use our voices and influence for the greater good, no matter who you are, you are all influencers in some way. - Hi Fraszled, I'm so excited to learn with you today. - Yeah, she really does sound like Miss Rachel. Kirsten, one thing you wrote you said, in other words, gazillionaire elites with the luxury of telling other women, ones who may be worried about paying their grocery bills that they should see their personal interests in favor of intersectionality. Yeah, the condescension here was strong. Do you think this is gonna resonate with people who are looking at both of these candidates that Connie Britton from White Lotus thinks that they should vote for Kamala Harris? Is that an effective strategy? - You know, listen, we've all been wrong before, but I do feel like all of that race, essentialism, and the identity politics was left behind. It was starting to be peeled away, stripped away, and all of a sudden, it was falling at a favor with people. And so now it's like straight back to that 2020 madness. And I think people are sick of it, you know? I really listen, they raised a ton of money. These people, obviously, who are on there, they mean to donate. I can't see anybody who actually has one's kitchen table issues, they don't want this, one a better life. I can't see this resonating with anybody that actually has real life issues to contend with. - Yeah, I always wonder that when we talk about celebrities endorsing a candidate, I sometimes wonder if it hurts more than helps, just because oftentimes those people are such a great example of the elites in our country and they really showcase just how out of touch they are and then they get on some sort of platform to tell you how to vote. And I think oftentimes you rub people the wrong way or you turn people off. There's also a conversation here about seeing everything through the prism of race because you also go on to talk about white dudes for Harris. So it's not just white women for Harris. It's white dudes for Harris. And I want to play a cut from that Zoom meeting, Kirsten. This was Josh Gad. A lot of the listeners might know him from, if your kids or your grandkids watch the Frozen movies, he voiced the snowmen in Frozen. That's where I know him from. Oh, Olaf, thank you, my producer just told me. Olaf, this is cut 13 Josh Gad and the white dudes for Harris. - But I also happen to be a father of two girls. I have a 10 year old and a 13 year old. And I'm not sure if you guys can recall that feeling you had on the night of Tuesday, November 8, 2016. I stood over my kid's bed and I wept. I wept because I felt like I let them down. I wept because they had the chance and we had the chance to have a female president for the first time in our lives and in the history of this nation. - Okay, I think we're good on Josh Gad. I just have to ask you Kirsten, the mental stability of people who are sobbing in front of their small children after an election and breaking down on these Zoom calls because of politics, to me it just signals that maybe their priorities are mixed up or maybe they're lost in some way. Would you agree with that assessment? - Yeah, I mean, I think it seems to me if you're turning to politics for group therapy, maybe you need individual therapy. And again, it's like the narcissism of Josh Gad saying, I failed my daughters. It's me, it's on me. You know, like these people say they genuinely see themselves as saviors. I mean, as much as like, oh, white saviors are bad. That type of statement, it just shows like, he thinks that he could save the world. If only, if only he could twist politics to his way. It's totally unstable. And all of the language on the dude one, you know, Sean Aston was on there too and he was talking about, it's just nice to get together so men can talk about their feelings. And it's like, go grab a beer, go like touch grass, talk about your family, talk about life. Like this is, it isn't so unstable to me. And it's hilarious, it's hilarious, but it's also scary at the same time. Yeah, anytime someone talks about how they were weeping over politics, I'm like, if that is really, and you don't know what people's issues really are, but if that's the only thing, or if that's the thing that's causing you to cry, you really should appreciate the other parts of your life because it's probably not that bad. If Hillary Clinton losing an election is causing you to be on the brink of like tears, it's a bit strange. I also wanna talk about how this is on the heels of this new push by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. And of course, the media is in lockstep with them to label Trump and JD Vance as weird. Now, as someone who, and Kirsten, you did the hard work for us, you sat through these Zoom calls, do you think it's a little bit of throwing stones here for this group of people to be calling us or Trump or Vance weird? I find it really strange that a dude who, a JD Vance, right? I mean, I don't think that he was very eloquent in the whole like cat lady thing, so we sort of opened himself up. However, he's just advocating for families. And on the left, I mean, you don't even have to go to this Zoom call to see Sean Efton talking about having group therapy with on Zoom, with a bunch of strangers and other celebrities. You or Josh Gadcrying over his children's crib, you just have to go back to Sam Brinton. You have to go to Kamala who did get out the voting with RuPaul's drag race and, you know, trying to make sure that the all important drag queen demo registers to vote. It's hilarious to me and they've shifted the norms so far and I'm like, I'm very, very easy going with a lot of this stuff like I'm kind of like, whatever you wanna do. But it's, they have changed the face of what they think is normal. And JD Vance is just like the most vanilla guy you could possibly ask for. So listen, it's projection. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't. But when you do this side by side of their weird versus what they're saying is weird, it doesn't really hold much water, really. - Yeah, and you know what? You just, what your comments just kind of highlighted for me, Kirsten, is that if they do see these things that JD Vance, and like you said, you know, his original response on Tucker Carlson, I think he was trying to be funny and sometimes when you're talking about serious things and you try to be funny or flippant, it doesn't always play well. I think he's learning that the hard way. But if you really drill down on what he believes and how passionately he is about the traditional or the ability to have a bigger family or traditional American values, for them to class up by that as weird, it tells you so much more about their political platform and their ideology than it does about JD Vance. I also just wanna point out, because one of my textures just sent this in and it's totally true, the same people who a few weeks ago, and I'm thinking of Whoopee Goldberg, were telling us that it's okay if the president poops his pants, are now turning around and saying like, that's a little bit weird for you to say XYZ. I think they lost that card. Kirsten, I thank you so much for joining us. Everyone should check out this piece. It is so funny, I laughed out loud reading it. It's called celeb led white women for Kamala is cringe, city, and trust me, when you watch this video, that is an understatement. Kirsten Fleming, let people know where they can follow you on social media. - I am @cureflem, K-I-R-S-L-E-M on Twitter. And thanks so much, Grace, pleasure. - Thank you so much. We really appreciate it. Everybody here loves the New York Post. We will be back. We have more sound from this Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, again, more sound, not necessarily more answers on what happened on July 13th. We'll be back with that. Don't go anywhere. Follow Grace on Twitter at @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. I'm so happy to be here. I love chatting with all of you. And you were welcome to call in. It's 844-542, 42. I just wanted to mention something we were talking with Kirsten Fleming, who really does have great articles up at the New York Post. They're very witty and cutting, and I think you guys would enjoy them. But she's talking about this women, white women. I'm sorry, not women. Not all women are welcome, Taylor. It's only the white women who are allowed on this Zoom call in support of Kamala Harris. - And where are the white women at? - And they were encouraged to watch what they say, keep your listening ears on. Let's play one more cut from this lady, just because it is so painful. Can I get another mis frazzled? - As white women, we need to use our privilege to make positive changes. If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals or God forbid correcting them, just take a beat. And instead, we can put our listening ears on. So do learn from and amplify the voices of those who have been historically marginalized and use the privilege you have in order to push for systemic change. As white people, we have a lot to learn and unlearn. - So do check your blind spots of Democrats. Because I'm noticing this trend, not just with Kamala Harris, but with this woman, frazzled lady. Do you enjoy being spoken to like you are an infant? Is that something that brings you, is it like a comfort thing? Does it bring you tranquility or peace that she's speaking to you like she is your kid or her teacher? Because for me, the feeling it gives me, and this is just my, as a white woman, this is just my experience, it leaves me with like a kind of rage where I just wanna rip my ears out of my head. - I wouldn't let anybody that I love and respect talk to me that way. - No, oh my gosh, that's a recipe for disaster. - Let alone a stranger. - If I spoke to anyone in my life like that, you know what the response would be? Why are you talking like that? Why are you talking in such a condescending, I mean, calling it condescending doesn't even do justice. Well, one thing I wanted to point out about this white woman for Kamala and Riley Gaines has made this point several times and she does so in a very eloquent way. Where does this party get off? Explaining anything about women's issues or their support for women or how Trump's bad for women, but they're good for women, it's a non-starter for you because you cannot define what a woman is. And so right there, you take yourself out of the running as far as being a hero to the women's agenda. Let's start small. I always say this, small bites. This is what Ms. frazzled would say. You have to take small bites before you try to chew the whole meal. Small bites make it easier for you. Here's a small bite. Figure out what a woman is and then get back to me. And then maybe hold these Zoom meetings with Pink and Connie Britton and all these other celebrities, quasi-celebrities. Tonight, I'm gonna share some do's and don'ts for getting involved in politics online and navigating the toxicity that comes with it. Here's a don't. Don't try to classify anyone as a woman because that's a microaggression. In fact, I can't even believe that you're allowed to classify anyone as a white woman because what if a woman doesn't identify as white? Right there, we have yet another microaggression. I think I'm gonna have to join the Zoom call next time and tell them all of the microaggressions that they are perpetrating throughout this call. That's a problem. Today's poll question is brought to you by JJ Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, JJ Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or go to With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results of the spark? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is will we ever know the truth about the attempted Trump assassination? No, because, and you know what? Here's a perfect example. Josh Hawley was asking the Secret Service Acting Director, Ronald Rowe Jr. Why the person who chose to leave that building unattended hasn't been fired yet. He couldn't even give a straight answer on that. Can I have cut 32? Who was the lead site agent who made the decision to leave the AGR building completely outside of the security perimeter? Who was that? Senator, I cannot give you that name. This person is operational. They're still doing investigations. They're still doing protective visits. Have they been relieved of duty? Senator, they have not been relieved of duty. I know they're named by way. Why have they not been relieved of duty? They are still cooperating, not only being interviewed by the FBI, but also by our Office of Professional Responsibility. And we will let the facts of the mission assurance and any further investigations play out. Is it, isn't the fact that a former president was shot that a good American is dead, that other Americans were critically wounded? Isn't that enough mission failure for you to say that the person who decided that that building should not be in the security perimeter probably ought to be stepped down? Yeah, and didn't you guys kind of let things play out with the shooter on the roof and you let the president go out there and start his speech up? Letting things play out hasn't really worked out well for you in the past. Also, one other thing I've added is maybe he's still operational because there's more buildings that need to be left unguarded. And so, since that seems to be his main role, they can't get rid of him just yet. I'm going to say no, Taylor. We'll never get to the bottom of this. We'll be right back with more. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. - Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. The lines are open for all of you. The number is 844, 542, the honeymoon for Kamala Harris continues. More good polls for the VP/co-president/potentially future president. I don't really feel the need to read all of them. You guys, I've been very honest about how I feel about polls, right? That when I like the polls, I read the polls and when I don't like the polls, I say, these polls don't mean anything. But that's a, that's a, Taylor, that's a point of hypocrisy that I own, that I am very honest with the listeners about. Polls for me are totally dependent on whether or not they make me feel good. If I don't like them, I'm like, I hate these things, they're garbage. What does Nate Silver know? And then I see when I like it, I'm like, you know, there might be something to these polls. They have the calculations down pat. So I'm not shocked that now we're starting to see polls that Kamala Harris is suddenly rising in popularity. I'm not so sure how much I believe that. And I think we're still pretty far out. We're going to have to wait a month or two to see what kind of bounce back she's really getting from this sudden shift. I do want to tell you this. The IDF is reporting that strikes in Lebanon have targeted the Hezbollah leader who was in charge of the strike on the Golan Heights soccer field that killed 12 kids. Also on that note, I wanted to give you an update. I told you yesterday how the Washington Post, they had a busy day yesterday. And one of the reasons why they had a busy day was because the paper where democracy dies in darkness ran a photo of the mourners who are at the funeral for those 12 children who are hit by that Hezbollah rocket. And their headline read, Israel hits its target in Lebanon. Good to understand why that might ruffle some feathers. And directly underneath the photo was a heartbroken, loved one draped over the casket of an 11 year old. They later admitted they did not provide adequate context. The headline should have noted that the Israeli strikes were a response to a rocket strike from Lebanon that killed 12 teenagers and children in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. You think, again, I go back to like, we're supposed to believe all the time when this happens, when Axios comes out with a correction, like, oh, we know he said that Kamala Harris isn't called the borders are, but oops, we forgot that we actually used to call her the borders are. I'm supposed to believe that all of these errors that you have been making for, we're going on 10 years now of this, that it's just stupidity. I don't think so. I give you all so much more credit. I think you were so crafty. I think you were so deceitful and so dishonest. I don't think you put up that headline, Israel strikes Lebanon, and then pictures of these mourners because you're morons. I think it's because you're anti-Semitic, you're anti-Israel, and you're crafting a narrative. And you know why I think it even more? Because it's the same narrative that all of the other rags, propaganda rags, are pushing at the same time. So it's just a hunch I have. Now, at the same time yesterday, the Washington Post has this op-ed by Joe Biden. He was, and we talked about how we think he probably wrote this op-ed out. Taylor thinks he used a feather pen. He's dipping it in the little pot of ink. I don't know, maybe he has a Mac laptop. He writes up this op-ed about the Supreme Court and how he wants them to have term limits. And something weird happened. He was asked about Mike Johnson, 'cause Mike Johnson, speaker of the house, speaker of the house, he says, it's dead on arrival, which it is. It's a lame duck throwing stuff at the wall, trying to appease the far, radical left, and not even realizing how stupid you sound because you're 81 years old, and right after they pry the torch out of your hands, you're gonna turn around to the Supreme Court justices and say, it shouldn't be a lifetime appointment. You should really only be in there for 18 years. You've worn out your welcome. Says 81 year old Joe Biden. But it gets even better, okay? So he's getting on Air Force One, and they ask him about Mike Johnson. They say, sir, sir, Mike Johnson said that this legislation is dead on arrival. And Joe Biden says, your mom's delightful. That's pretty much what he said. That's kind of the level of comedy he's resorting to at this point. He's dead. He goes, that's what he is. When pressed for clarification, I always love what they press for clarification 'cause you know what he's saying. This is the one time I understand what he's saying. He's trying to be funny. Again, I said the same thing about JD Vance. Sometimes when you're trying to be funny, you mix up the message here a little bit. You miss the mark. He says he is dead on arrival. Okay, he is dead on arrival. Now as some people were pointing out after he made those comments, maybe not the best thing to say two weeks after the former president of the United States almost had his head blown off. Maybe talking about how your political opponents are dead on arrival isn't the best choice of words, but who am I to question George Washington 2.0? Okay, this guy has a higher IQ than any of us. He's smarter than all of us combined. He's a political savant. He knows what he's doing. So I just wanted everyone to have that update. Now let's turn back here. If we could actually, I'm gonna get one more thing in. I'm getting a little greedy here, but I'm gonna try to get one more thing in before I go back to some of this sound from the Senate judiciary hearing. Dr. Fauci is in trouble again. Dr. Fauci thought when he retired that people were gonna move on, because it's a lot less exciting when someone's not the acting director of the NIAID. They're retired, so who really cares? But the thing is that Dr. Fauci ticked so many people off, including Senator Rand Paul, including a lot of these higher ups, a lot of these politicians. He insulted them. He insulted Rand Paul's medical background. He just, he burned a lot of bridges in his years. And now he's being accused of lying to Congress. I would add in again, 'cause it's not the first time he's lied to Congress. But he told Congress, and this wasn't a long time ago. Remember they brought him in about his emails? 'Cause we had all those emails that were going back and forth between these scientists talking about, "Oh, we'll use our private emails." And Fauci said he never used his private emails to conduct official business. I think he also threw in, not to my knowledge. Maybe that was, "Do we have this cut, Taylor?" Let's play this. Statement, quote, "Dr. Fauci may have conducted "official business via personal email," unquote. Let me state for the record that to the best of my knowledge, I have never conducted official business using my personal email. - I do love how people like Fauci. And when I say people like Fauci, I mean liars. Liars like Dr. Fauci. They have those CYA turns of phrases, like best to the best of my knowledge. See, that right there, Taylor, that's his get-out to the best of my knowledge. 'Cause now he can just say, "Well, that wasn't my knowledge, obviously. "Wasn't that expected?" - I'm 80 something years old. You expect me to remember everything? - I remember perfectly my first day showing up to medical school and the rolling green grass of the campus, but I can't be expected to remember what emails I'm sending out. But yeah, this was the email he sent in 2021, so not that long ago. He would reach out to a journalist, care to guess, Taylor, where this journalist was from. - New York Times, Washington Post. - Washington Post. - Washington Post is in the news all over the place today. And you know what, to quote Don Lemon, they don't like to be the news. They like to report the news. But you know what, today, they are the news. So Fauci told a journalist from the Washington Post in 2021 that he would reach out to them through his private email as he faced backlash over research being done on Beagle Puppies by his National Institute of Allergean Infectious Disease. The project saw innocent hound dogs tormented and killed in a lab to learn more about parasitic disease, something that the group initially denied funding before Fauci confirmed this year. That was a fib. Yeah, don't forget Beaglegate. I one time came on how we show when I was still fairly green. And I made a comment about how Beagles, I'm not crazy about their temperament. I think they're a little too energetic, a little too loud. And the pushback I got from the Beagle community shocked me. So the fact that Fauci hasn't gotten more pushback for these, all I said was, I'm not crazy about their personalities. They're not my kind of dog. And you would have thought that I was like the villain in Baytovid in the back with the syringes. Fauci's a real life supervillain and they don't seem to care. All the bad things I've said about dogs, I've never gotten as much pushback as you did at one time. Dog communities, listen up. Taylor is no friend of yours. Just have that on your radar. Bob, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Bob. Are you there, Bob? Sorry, Bob, we tried, call back. I do want to play some of this sound from this Senate judiciary hearing. So I played Senator Josh Hawley, but he had a lot of great cuts. They had a back and forth about accountability. This is Josh Hawley questioning, Secret Service Acting Director, Roe, Cut 33. - Senator, I think you're using the word decided and I think we need to allow the investigation play out to include-- - Okay, so who did make the decision then? That wasn't the lead site agent who made the decision, not to put that in the security permit. - Senator, you're zeroing in on one particular agent. I want to find out exactly what was the entire decision process. So I think I want to be neutral and make sure that we get to the bottom of it and interview everybody in order to determine if there was more than one person or perhaps exercise bad judgment. - Well, sure, my question is why don't you relieve everybody of duty who made bad judgment? So yeah, you're right, I am zeroing in on somebody. I'm trying to find somebody who's accountable here. - Yeah, I mentioned this to Taylor yesterday and I actually just floated this by Hawley as well. Typically, if you're in a company and when we talked to a Homeland Security expert and he did tell us, he said the Secret Service is a fairly, compared to these other agencies, it's a fairly smaller agency than most. And I just think that when you're in a company and something goes wrong, something is a catastrophic. I would say most companies within 20 to 30 minutes know who to blame, or they know what the issue was. I've never heard of needing days and weeks and months and years to get to the bottom of stuff like these people do. And the only reason I can think that they do that is to buy themselves time and hope that people forget and hope that people get off their backs and hope that people move on to some other colossal failure. Think about the Afghanistan withdrawal. Nobody was fired for that. Because they knew we run out the clock. We wait, we bogged them down with all this double speak, all of these buzz words, accountability, neutral, get to the bottom of the investigation, continues that. We will make sure that eventually someone is held accountable with the full responsibility of the entire... Who made the call? It's that simple. Who decided that it was gonna run like this? And they have the answers. That's the crazy part. All right, let's play another one here. Can I have cut 34 again? Josh Hawley on a roll. - And we're... - So you're telling me that the person who made the decision not to include this in the perimeter has not been relieved of duty. What about the person who's in charge of the interoperability of radio frequencies between local law enforcement and secret service? Has that person been relieved of duty? - No, Senator, because interoperability is a challenge, is a greater challenge than just one person. On that day we had a counterpart system. It failed. - As the person who decided who made the decision to send Donald Trump onto stage knowing that you had a security situation, has that person been relieved of duty? - No, sir, they haven't. - As the person who decided not to pull the former president off of stage when you knew that in your words, the locals were working a serious security situation, has that person been relieved of duty? - No, sir, again, I refer you back to my original answer that we are investigating this through emission assurance. And as opposed to zeroing in on one-- - What more do you need to investigate to know exactly what decision you need to investigate to know that there were critical enough failures that some individuals ought to be held accountable? I mean, what more do you need to know? - Yeah, I'm gonna zeroing in at a certain point. I think you've zeroed in as much as you can. And it seems like the only next step is to fire someone. And by the way, just to remind people when I get tweets, when I get texts, and I love hearing from you guys, but when people start telling me you gotta move on, you know, the election, come on, here's, this is something posted in the Federalist. It says Secret Service whistleblower warns there will be more assassination attempts. Does anyone think this is the last thing that's going to happen? I mean, if this is how it's working, if all of these people who essentially allowed this to happen, whether it's through their own corruption or through their own incompetence, if they're all still currently working, then why wouldn't this happen again? Isn't this the definition of insanity doing things the same way and expecting a different result? And one other thing I wanna point out that becomes very obvious when you listen to these kind of hearings is that the people like Roe, like Cheadle, like Fauci, they love to act as though we could never understand. It's so complicated. The inoperability, the way things are done, the levels, the facets, they love to use all these words to make it seem like, well, you're oversimplifying it. You could never understand how complicated it is. Well, make us understand, because now that's your job. You bleeped up, so now you have to try to explain it. You don't get to run cover and say, well, you know, it's really hard and there's a lot of steps and it doesn't work like that. Explain how it works and there's no level of complicated that makes it okay to have all of these people still in charge. There's no level of complexity that makes that part of this situation make any sense. No operation is so complicated that you can't fire people who bleep up. You don't have to be a genius to figure that out. Do you send to candles, cover up sprays or air fresheners for bad odors in your home will stop masking these smells with more odors? All you're doing is adding more harmful odors to your home. You need to destroy odors with an eat and pure thunderstorm air purifier. It uses oxy technology to send out O3 molecules into your home that destroy bad odors rather than just covering them up. Candles and cover up sprays must be bought over and over again because they are just covering up the problem. Start saving money and get yourself a thunderstorm and eliminate those stubborn household odors for good. I love the thunderstorm and I'm starting to set up my basement to have like a little office in it so I can do some work down there and it's musty. You know, it just has a musty smell to it. I turn on the thunderstorm. What I love is it works all day long. It's quiet and it's really effective. So if you have a problem room in your house that maybe gets a little damp, maybe gets a little musty, I really encourage you to try the thunderstorm and tell me how it goes. Get $200 off a three pack today for whole home protection. Visit and use discount code GRACE3. That's Discount code GRACE3. We'll be right back. You're listening to "The Grace Curly Show." This is "The Grace Curly Show." [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back, everyone, to "The Grace Curly Show." Still time to vote in the poll question. I did get it up a little bit late today. So go to to vote. We'll talk to Toby Leary next. It's not too early to get on the line to ask Toby all of your questions about this new law. And Dave is up next. Go ahead, Dave. Hey, Grace, love your show. Love you, too. Anyway, no, I want to postulate that the reason no one has been fired yet is because they're still working out all their exit deals and getting their non-disclosure agreements signed so that we never find out what really happened. That's what's going on. When there's more than one to blame, no one's at fault. And that's how they're going to cover it up. And we'll never know who actually made the call to cancel the drone flyovers that were offered by the local police to cancel any coverage on top of that building loop, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Yeah, I don't think that's a bad assessment, Dave, at all. And I do want to let people know that Senator John Kennedy, we don't have time to play it here, Taylor. But he was part of a questioning process today, a hearing. And he was interviewing someone from the FBI, correct? I believe this was Secret Service Deputy Director Abate. I'm not 100% on that, but that's what's labeled here. And he was asking him about whether it was a bullet or a shrapnel that injured Donald Trump. And this man said, there's no question. There never was a question. It was a bullet. And so I looked at Taylor. I said, wait, why is he saying there was never a conversation? There was never a question. Christopher Ray told this last week he couldn't say for sure. So all these people, the lines of communication, seem to be crossed here. Toby Leary joins us after the break.