The Howie Carr Radio Network

SS Acting Director Might be Worse than Cheatle plus Dems Label J.D. Vance as "Weird" | 7.30.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Grace has something to say about the left trying to paint the Trump team as "weird." Plus, the Secret Service higher ups continue to evade any answers when it comes to the attempted assisination of Donald J. Trump on July 13th.

Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Trataria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. - We gotta bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. - You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. - Well, you don't want too much Grace. - Here's the millennial with the mic. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Grace Curly. - Let's bring in the host of the Grace Curly Show, Grace Curly. - You either have Grace or you don't. - Especially Grace, Grace Standup. - Grace Curly. (upbeat music) - Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show and a happy Tuesday to all of you. We have a wonderful program prepared for you if I do say so myself. And that of course includes a few things. We've got a new guest. I haven't even told Taylor about this yet. It's gonna be a surprise for all of us. Kirsten Fleming, she's from the New York Post. She writes a lot of opinion pieces that tend to go viral and today she had a piece and I was dying laughing at it. It was about this white women for Kamala Harris Zoom Call. It included Pink and Connie Britton and you know, some big name celebs and this woman who I guess is an influencer and she was talking to these people. It was actually very Kamala Harris-esque the way she was talking to the other women on the chat. You know, this is what we need to do to try to help as white women and segregated Zoom calls based off race. I didn't know that was cool nowadays. I didn't know that was in Vogue but it's always hard to keep up with the wokeness. It's always hard to understand what's considered racist and what's not. I think usually it just depends on which party you're supporting. So if you're supporting Kamala Harris and you wanna go on an all white Zoom chat, that's okay. But if it were the other way around, which it never would be, I don't think any Trump supporters are looking to be on a white women for Trump Zoom call. - And where are the white women at? - Now I guess maybe they would out of, you know, irony but I don't think they would have thought of the idea but this is the definition of like white saviors. They're all sitting around talking about how important it is that they use their power and their voices to help Kamala Harris but they also, they need to make sure that they understand that there's a lot of listening and learning to happen as well. And they can use their voices but not too much. Not too much. You don't wanna drown out anyone else. And we'll talk to Kirsten about this. She wrote a really funny piece explaining this nonsense. We also have Toby Leary joining us right at two o'clock from Cape Gun Works. He's going to be joining us to discuss H-485, answer all your questions on this new law and the NRA's decision, which they announced yesterday to challenge it. Maura Healy signed this bill into law despite the fact that plenty of people, including Toby Leary, were pointing out just how unconstitutional it really is. She went forward with it anyway and he'll answer all of your questions. I know that he was on with how yesterday in the six o'clock, how he had full lines for Toby. I'm sure there were some people who were not able to get an answer. So today is your chance. Now, on Capitol Hill, we've also got news. Acting director of the Secret Service, Ronald Rowe, I actually think it's Ronald Rowe, Jr. He is testifying today. And he's had a few moments that, you know, it's not the same as Kim Cheetah. I would say it's a little bit less compelling. But there was one cut that I want to play here and then we'll break it down. I also have a story about Ronald Rowe in real clear politics that does not paint his role in this in a good light. It says, "Actoring Secret Service Director, Ronald Rowe, was directly involved." Now again, this isn't a right-wing rag. So don't worry, this is real clear politics. They tend to be a little bit more down the middle. Ronald Rowe was directly involved in denying additional security resources and personnel, including counter snipers, to former President Trump's rallies and events, despite repeated requests by the agents assigned to Trump's detail in the two years leading up to his July 13th attempted assassination, according to several sources familiar with the decision-making. So keeping that in mind-- - All right, hold on, nothing to see here. - It's a pretty damning piece of information from real clear politics that Rowe denied, was directly involved in denying these additional security resources. Take that into consideration when I play you this next cut. He's breaking down what he saw when he visited the site. And this is Acting Secret Service Director, Ronald Rowe, can I get cut 23? - One of my first actions as Acting Director was traveling to the Butler Farm Show site to better understand how our protection failed. I went to the roof of the AGR building where the assailant fired shots, and I laid in a prone position to evaluate his line of sight. What I saw made me ashamed. As a career law enforcement officer and a 25-year veteran with the Secret Service, I cannot defend why that roof was not better secured. To prevent similar lapses from occurring in the future, I directed our personnel to ensure every event site security plan is thoroughly vetted by multiple experienced supervisors before it is implemented. - Now I know this is the obvious response to hearing that, but shouldn't you have been doing that anyway? Like hindsight 2020, don't get me wrong. But if you're dealing with the former president of the United States, arguably the most famous person on planet Earth, you don't have the higher ups. Check out every single thing he goes to every single day. Like you're leaving some of these jobs to your minions. That to me is insane. And also hearing him say, "I cannot defend it." Well, don't worry about defending it. Don't worry about defending the decision. Why don't you just explain the decision? I find that to be a little bit of a cop-out. I can't defend it. Well, good, because no one's asking you to defend your decisions. There's no real defense required at this point. We know that it was a colossal failure. We know that you are ashamed and embarrassed as you should be. So forget about defending the decision. Why don't you just try to explain it? And also something that I take away from this cut is when he's saying, "I can't defend how this happened." And there's no explanation to it. This again adds more fuel to the fire of people who are out there and thinking that this wasn't just an accident. The only thing that's going to counter people who are coming up with their own theories about how this happened is to give them information. Even if it means someone dropped the ball, even if it means somewhere along the chain of command, whether it was the command center didn't respond or they didn't communicate it to the sniper team or the sniper team didn't, whatever it might be, if you don't give us some information, it's not good enough to just say, "I can't believe this happened." Really, I can't even defend it. Well, all right, but explain to us how this happened. Now the next cut, Roe, again, Mrs. Acting Secret Service Director, Ronald Roe, is telling us how he hears us. He wants us to know that we've been heard. Can I have cut 24? I've heard your calls for accountability and I take them very seriously. And given the magnitude of this failure, the Secret Service's Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the actions and decision-making of Secret Service personnel in the lead-up two and on the day of the attack. Oh, that makes me-- Aren't you embarrassed? That makes me feel so much better. Can I hear that again, Taylor? It's the office of what a professional responsibility? Let me hear that one more time. I've heard your calls for accountability and I take them very seriously. And given the magnitude of this failure, the Secret Service's Office of Professional Responsibility is reviewing the actions and decision-making of Secret Service personnel in the lead-up two and on the day of the attack. Well, you know what? I think we can wrap it up there then. I don't think there's anything else we need to investigate. If the Office of Professional Responsibility is going over this with their fine-tooth comb, I think our job is done. I rest my case. I reference this a lot and I apologize if I sound like a broken record. But whenever these agencies mess something up and they bring in their own people to investigate it, I go right back to NBC with Matt Lauer. When that whole story broke about the button on the door and his inappropriate behavior in NBC was like, we are conducting a thorough investigation. On your own guy? Isn't that a little bit of a conflict of interest? Don't you need to bring in somebody else? But if the Office of Professional Responsibility is going to investigate, I'm gonna go out and a limb and say that their findings are gonna be a little something like this. We did not handle this professionally or responsibly. End of story. What else do you need to know? I also wanna point out that during this hearing, he was talking about the shooter and his social media presence, his online footprint has been the talk of a lot of different conversations around this story. And he mentioned that he couldn't get into certain websites or the agencies couldn't get into certain websites that this guy was on. Are we being serious though? You guys are the premier intelligence agencies, the law enforcement agencies in the world and you've got this 20 year old shooter and you're telling me that there's still stuff online that you haven't been able to crack the code for? You're such f***ing dopes. You are not serious people. Now, here's, you know, I love that sound cut from succession and typically, Taylor, I would say absolutely. 'Cause they're definitely not serious people. But I don't think this is a case of dopes because when these people want to, they can crack a code, they can get into anything. It's like a nigma status. They are cracking codes to absolutely everything. And the only difference in this case is the 20 year old shooter doesn't wear a MAGA hat. And so that's why it's like, oh, we can't, we tried the password. Oh, it's really tricky. He has, you know, he has everything on lock. We can't figure it out. If they tried, I hate Trump one, two, three, yeah. And if that doesn't work, I would suggest I hate Trump one, two, three, four. I acted alone, seven, eight, nine. Yeah, I really don't believe that this is like, we tried and we just, we couldn't figure out the system he had, it was too complex. You guys are supposed to be the best. And I think that idea has shattered over the last couple of weeks. I mean, that ship has sailed. Nobody thinks that you're brilliant, but I don't think any of us assume that things were this bad, that you can't get into websites. A four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I just love that we're bringing in the office of professional responsibility. Oh, nevermind then, watch out. You know, they are going to start cracking some skulls when they get in there. There's gonna be no one, you know, no stone unturned as far as investigating what happened. Does anyone believe that? And it's nice that you're ashamed. It's nice that you're embarrassed. That's good to know, but it doesn't leave us with any answers. We are going to continue with this. We'll pull sound as we get it. I also want to discuss this new trend that is occurring with the Biden-Kamala co-presidency, this weird thing. Have you heard about this? They're using this term weird to describe JD Vance and Donald Trump. Weird, they're weird, they're putting out ads, but how weird Republicans are. I've got something to say on that. Yeah, I don't think I want to take lectures on being weird from either A, the Democrats, B, the media, or C, Hollywood. I'm good on that. - It's weird. - You don't need to get on your soapbox and start lecturing us about what weird is, or, you know, you're not the arbiters of normalcy. We'll talk about that. We'll take your calls. We've got a great show planned, so don't go anywhere. It's The Grace Curly Show. - The Grace Curly Show will be right back. (dramatic music) - This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) There's some fireworks happening right now between the Acting Secret Service Director, Ronald Rowe, and the members of this committee, including Josh Hawley. I saw Senator Ted Cruz asking questions and going back and forth. We will have those for you throughout the course of the show. I have to comment here on a text. Taylor, I don't know, I don't have it in front of me, I just wrote it down, but can you give me the area code on the encrypted sites, sites need to allow access text? Somebody texted in and said, "Grace, the sites that the shooter was using," this is a 3-3-9 text. The sites that the shooter was using were encrypted sites, which means that the sites need to allow access. I am not a tech whiz. I don't think that's gonna surprise anyone. Okay, I'm not the IT department of the Howie Car Radio Network, or even The Grace Curly Show. So maybe I'm wrong on this, but to me, and Taylor, I'd like you to chime in, to me, that is something where if you had all of the heads of our intelligence agencies in the United States of America working on getting into one of these sites, I would think that would be within their scope of capabilities. - They'd probably run these sites. - Right, so it's like, well the sites need to allow access. Maybe Grace Curly, it'd take me a long time to get into one of these things. Hell, it takes me a long time if I get locked out of my Gmail. I guess they're calling people, hey, it's sent in somewhere, I get that, if it's a normal person. But these aren't normal, these are supposed to be the best and the brightest. They're supposed to be able to get into all of these things. And again, I just don't believe the idea that if they thought what they were going to get when they cracked these codes was something that was gonna make Trump look bad. The same way I felt that if there were any truth to the idea that Trump didn't listen to the Secret Service or he disobeyed the orders, I said we would have heard about it by now because when it's something that's gonna be damaging to Trump, it comes out lickety split. It doesn't take more than 25 seconds for the leak or for them to figure out what's out there. Or for example, if there's a right wing zealot who acts in a deranged manner and hurts somebody, we find out their entire life story before that afternoon. We find out all of their Facebook posts, we find out all their Instagram messages, we get the manifesto and it's printed and it's zoomed in on and highlighted, all of that within the day. But now we're how many days out, like 17 days out from this attempted assassination. And you're telling me they still can't figure out like 700 messages this kid sent? I don't believe that. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm rushing to judgment, but I really have a hard time buying that. Eight, four, four, five hundred, 42, 42. And also I do wanna comment here on the responses we get. We joke around about this a lot, how no matter what we talk about people say, it's a distraction, you gotta move on. I get a lot of people who when I cover these hearings or when I covered Cheetah or Roe or the Secret Service's response, people are getting antsy and kind of like, you gotta move on from this. Now we gotta focus on the election. I just have to disagree. Maybe you're all desensitized to the fact that a bullet whizzed by Donald Trump's head. And I'm not so convinced based off what I'm hearing from all these people that something similar, I know I'm not supposed to say this, but that something similar couldn't happen again. So I do think we need to get to the bottom of it because I don't wanna see something like this occur again to any politician, Republican or Democrat. And so I don't go for this like, oh, you guys are still talking about the assassination attempt to quote Joe Biden. It was kind of a big bleeping deal. And maybe it's because he survived it and because he does have the bounce back of someone like I've never seen that he was at an event like the next day basically giving a speech, maybe that has made people a little bit numb to the fact that we got really close to what I have to imagine would have turned into like a civil war. And I don't throw that around ever. But that I think is the closest we've come in a very long time to that kind of situation occurring. And so I don't think this is something that you can just put in the rear view and say time to move on to the next thing. We gotta figure this one out first so it doesn't happen again. We got the poll question and we're gonna talk weirdness when we come back. Don't go anywhere. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio. - Today's poll question is brought to you by J.J. Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial or land J.J. Manning can get your property sold now to learn more contact Charlie Gill at 800 521 0111 or go to J.J. with over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients. You can be the next one. Taylor, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? - Today's poll question which you can vote in at is will we ever know the truth about the attempted Trump assassination? - No, I don't think we will. - 94% say no. - This is from Real Clear Politics. Roe succeeded former Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheetah but both Roe and Cheetah were directly involved in decisions denying requests for additional agents and other resources to help screen rally goers at large outdoor Trump campaign gatherings. It was Roe's decision alone to deny counter sniper teams to any Trump event outside of driving distance from DC. These sources asserted. It's also worth noting that one of the senators at this hearing showed Roe a letter or a statement that he had signed off of that contained a falsehood in it and he couldn't remember if it was him or if it was Cheetah who signed off on it. And I was thinking, what is this? Like the Pfizer course? Like you don't have to read what's in it. Is this Nancy Pelosi passing some of her master legislation where she just, oh, you know, you have to sign it first and then you can find out what you signed. What is going on at all these agencies? Tom, you're up next on "The Grease Curly Show." Go ahead, Tom. - Hey, Bryce, thanks for taking the call. A couple of questions. Number one, we've never seen a photo of the rifle the shooter used. Now, did it have iron sights or did it have a scope on it? The second question, the people that were hit with the bullets from the alleged shooter, has the FBI taken those bullets and done a ballistics test to prove that they came out of his rifle. The third thing is whoever shot this kid in the head was a great shot. And how long after the first bullet was fired, did that individual shoot him in the head? How many seconds went by? I don't know. They have not, nobody seemed to have answered that. And was that shooter from the Secret Service? Or was he from Pennsylvania law enforcement? And I would really like to know those. I'm gonna write my senator to ask those questions, but I truly believe the Secret Service allowed this kid to take the shot because after what I saw on television this morning with that guy pointing out where you could visibly see that kid on a roof that had a five, five inch pitch, I'm sorry, I'm just not buying this. And the other thing that really bothers me is that the Secret Service and the local law enforcement were not on the same communication devices. - Absolutely. - Were in other words, hey, you know, so I'm sorry, just everything points to, yes, they wanted to take Trump out. And I am not buying any of the crap that CNN tells me. And for once, I will say for the New York Times, thank God they reported that they were the ones that let out that no, the local law enforcement and the Secret Service were not on the same communication devices. - Hold on, Tom, I wanna stop you here for a second because something you brought up about, you know, allowing this to happen. And I know that that is kind of something that you're not supposed to say right now in media because, you know, you're feeding conspiracy theories, but I do think the longer they go without giving us a straight answer and to your point about, you know, finding out more information about who did take the shot, where were they, were they part of the FBI, were they part of the Secret Service. The problem with that is when you have these hearings and you've got Cheetah saying, I'll direct you to the FBI for that, then you've got Chris Ray from the FBI saying, I'll direct you to the Secret Service's investigation. It's kind of like this ping pong match. And then meanwhile, you never get a straight answer or they say, everyone knows this, the investigation continues, we can't jeopardize sources and methods. There's a million ways for them to obfuscate. There's a million ways for them to not answer a question under the guise of this is part of the job and, you know, we have to get to the bottom of it. We don't want to risk anything. And it's all BS. It's just the truth is that nobody has the answer or they're trying to hide the answer. And to your third point about how you do think that they allowed this to happen, Senator Mike Lee from Utah asked a great question today of Ronald Rowe and I want to play it for you right now. Listen to Mike Lee. This is one of my favorite questions thus far. It's still pretty early. But take a listen to this. - Would President Biden ever be allowed on stage under similar circumstances with an unresolved set of multiple suspicious person reports provided, including indicating that there was a range finder involved? - Senator, I can tell you that a suspicious person on the outer perimeter with local law enforcement attempting to locate is what happened. But I would need more information as far as whether or not we would allow the president to go on or off. Again, for us, it comes down to weapon, potential threat, is the individual carrying an IED? Is there a weapon? Is there some other factor that now ramps up our attention to let's... - All right, so the Henning and Hong, it depends on all of these. No, it doesn't. And that's part of it. I mean, there's so many different elements of this that are hard to wrap your head around. It kind of in a way, follow me here. This is this one might get a little out there. But in a way, I find myself feeling similarly to the way I did when we were covering the Karen Reed trial, where it's like, if it were one thing that went wrong, there were one thing you could point to. I might say, I can't explain it away. You know, the incompetence happens. People make mistakes, people mess up. There's always human error. And I felt the same way about the Karen Reed case. I was like, if there were one thing that was suspicious, if it was just the house long to die in the cold, you know, if it were just the taillight, if it were just the dog, you know, being rehomed, if it were just one thing, maybe even two things. I could explain it away. I could... - There's no story. There's facts and truth on this side. There's no story. - I could make sense of it. Because I think as human beings, it's very natural for us to want to find answers and to want to... Like we find solace in the idea of, this is how it happened and this is how it will... This is how they'll stop it from happening again. There's too many though. There's just too many. How did the guy crawl up on the roof? How did you guys see him 90 minutes before and you're texting each other and you're taking pictures? How do you not at least say to Trump, chill, chill here for a minute. We gotta figure something out and then we'll bring you out. How do none of those things happen? There are so many dominoes that fell here for this guy to get a bullet whizzing past Trump's head. And none of these answers are even close to satisfactory. And again, Roe saying, "I can't defend it." That's not your job is to come out here and play lawyer for the Secret Service. You're not supposed to defend it. You're supposed to explain it to us. Walk us through how this happened. And really the only explanation I can come to is that either one person, they're covering for one person who dropped the ball in a big way and they don't want to admit it. Maybe it is this guy, Roe. He's the one who allegedly denied more security, denied them resources, or there were people who knew that this was happening and just allowed Trump to go out on the stage. And I don't like that one. Trust me, that one leaves me very uneasy, but I don't blame people for being confused and then coming up with their own theories about how something like this occurs. 844-542-42. I want to switch gears here just for a minute. We'll come back to this. We're going to pull sound. We're going to play it for you probably around the 130 mark. But I had to tell you, and I mentioned this yesterday because CNN and MSNBC have said the word weird in some variation of JD Vance is weird 150 times over the last, I don't know, however many days. And they've been really hitting that. When they get a talking point, it's like a dog on a boat. They're not going to let it go. And I wanted to play a little bit of this super cut. Thank you to Tom Elliott. Thank you to Gravian for putting this all together. This is cut one. - Some of what Ian is running me are saying, well, it's just playing weird. (laughing) - These guys are just weird. That's where they are. - As weird and creepy as JD Vance. Super weird idea from JD Vance. - Yeah, it's not. I mean, it's quite weird. They're just playing weird. - Just playing weird. - Just playing weird. - That stuff is weird. They come across weird. And then they start being weird. Yeah, they're weird. - Being a really weird. - It's such a weirdo. - Tom Trump and his weirdo running mate are weird. Deeply and profoundly weird. - They are weird. - These Republicans just being weird. It's just weird. It's really weird. - Publican weirdness goes even deeper. - He said a lot of things that are weird, weird style that he brings. - Weird policy. It's sort of with the weird thing. Because it is a thing. - Just playing weird. - What was weird was talking about Diet Mountain Dew. Who drinks Diet Mountain Dew? - I get what they're doing. Because there's usually this calculation with the left. And they did this at first with Donald Trump. And I'll take you all the way back to 2015, 2016. What they wanna do is they want to, it's just a way of making fun of the other side, making them look foolish, obviously saying they're weird. But I think right now why they're pivoting to this is because the other tactic that they usually go to, it usually goes in reverse order. They start with, they're so weird, they're so stupid, they're so dumb, they're so silly, they can't read, they can't understand maps. And then when that doesn't work, when people go, actually I relate to a lot of what this person's saying or actually I like a lot of Trump's policies, then what they go to, what they evolve, they have an evolution towards is danger. Danger, danger, danger. So it goes from mocking to, oh my God, this person's gonna kill us all and the world's gonna implode and democracy's gonna die in darkness and he's gonna throw us all in jail. So right now they're resetting the clock. So with Kamala Harris, we're gonna start here. We're gonna rewind a little bit on the, Trump is a mad man, J.D. Vance is even worse than Trump. We're gonna wait on that and we're gonna start with, they're weird, like high school girls making fun of each other, you're such a weirdo. And so that's what they're going with right now. But here's what I wanna say. As far as members of the media or members of Hollywood or members of DC telling us who they think is weird. The party of Sam luggage thief on the airport, Carousel Brinton does not get to tell me who is weird. The administration that hosted TikTokers for a pride event at the White House, only for one of those influencers to flash the other attendees on the White House lawn, I'm not taking your advice on this. cocaine in the White House, does anyone remember that? That was a bit bizarre. Lying about bloodthirsty German shepherds and then sending them off to the farm, that was kind of weird. The party that spent the last four years assuring people that there was nothing wrong with Joe Biden only to flip on a dime and bully him out of his reelection. And speaking of the Bidens, if you wanna talk weird and you wanna talk about the Bidens, we could go all day, I got three hours. Actually, no, I've got two hours we're having Toby on. But I could go on about the Bidens being weird. How about Hunter Biden? You don't think his behavior's a bit weird, Nicole Wallace? You don't think it's a little bit weird, Swalwell? And speaking of Swalwell, I'll go into you in a second. But Hunter Biden, dating your deceased brother's widow and then getting her addicted to drugs and then dropping guns off across the street from high schools and posing naked while holding revolvers to your bright white thigh or smoking Parmesan cheese or sitting in a bathtub, smoking crack, you don't think any of that's weird? How about Joe? There's a laundry list of strange, hair smelling weird behaviors. - Did you mention sex in the Senate chambers? - Weird. Thank you, Taylor, add that to the list. How about, let's talk with the media since they're also in on this, like telling us what's weird. Nicole Wallace and Joy Reed are gonna tell us it. They're so weird. You guys think you're the arbiters of normalcy? Jeff, keep your hands where I can see him, Tubin. Joy Reed, who claimed her homophobic blog posts weren't hers, but rather that she was hacked by a time-traveling blogger. How about Keith Oberman? He's a member of the elite media. He wanted to implode the Cardinal Stadium like yesterday because he thought the players were emulating Trump's fist pump. He wanted to ban them for life. Spoiler alert, they weren't even referencing Donald Trump. How about Pete Buttigieg? He's on there talking about how weird Republicans are. You know what, I think it's weird, Pete? I think it's a little weird to put a bike inside of a gas-guzzling SUV and then have it drop you off a few blocks away from your work so you can pretend you wrote a bike to work. I think that's- - The vibes right now are incredible. - I think that's a little bit weird. I think it's weird to be the transportation secretary and wait for a very long time to even acknowledge a train derailment that affected East Palestine and then show up and pretend that you care. I think that's a little bit weird. A little bit, a little too late as well. There's so much, and let's go back to Swalwell. I think it's weird that you had access to all of this intelligence and then you fell for a Chinese honeypot. I think that's a bit weird. I don't think any of these people want to play this game. If you wanna play this game of what's weird, you all have plenty of skeletons in your closet. Way more than I think J.D. Vance has. And what's J.D. Vance's biggest sin? Like he mentioned childless cat ladies. And he's clarified by the way. He's like, I'm not talking about people who can't have kids or wanna have kids and it doesn't work out. He's like, I'm not talking about people who contribute to society and are trying and they're good people. He's like, I'm referring to people who are anti-family, who are anti-kids, who are anti-parental rights. He's made his point very clear. But they're taking them out of a context on purpose and they're trying to convince you. This administration that has been the most chaotic, bizarre, emperor has no clothes, bleep show of all time is now gonna lecture you on how Trump and J.D. Vance are weird. Give me a break. We'll be right back, we'll take your calls, don't go anywhere. - You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. (upbeat music) - You're saying that the local police didn't consider that relevant enough to pass along to the Secret Service? - So I think that they were in the midst of dealing with a very critical situation and they articulated that over the radio as I understand it. However, it was never relayed over to us. - Okay, that was Mike Lee again, right? So Mike Lee was on a roll today. We also have sound from Josh Hawley and other senators who were really holding Rose feet to the fire and for good reason. We haven't really had a great deal of clarity on what happened on July 13th in Butler, Pennsylvania. The shooting as Roe pointed out was a failure on multiple levels but the issue with that is, I think each level is trying to pass it to the other level and no one really wants to give a straight answer as to how this happened. Maybe because it's gonna make one person look bad or it's gonna make the entire organization look bad but there's no way that all of these things go wrong just by happenstance in my opinion. And I keep thinking of this cut from Oppenheimer where he's trying to get clearance and there's this bureaucrat hack who's waiting on a clearance and he says to him like, I really need this to work on this bomb, I really need this clearance. And he goes, it's not my fault that your past history makes it difficult for you to get security clearance. And Oppenheimer looks at him and he says, just because something's not your fault doesn't mean it's not your problem. And oftentimes when we have these kind of failures, I think everyone's so focused on pretending something wasn't directly their fault and what they're not realizing it is when the former president of the United States has his ear shot and almost his head blown off, that's all of your problems. And so the more you try to avoid pinning fault on certain people, the bigger this problem gets and the more suspicious people get of your competence period. We'll be right back with Kirsten Fleming from the New York Post talking about white women for Kamala Harris, don't go anywhere. (upbeat music)