Bite Size Manga

Is it cooked?

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31 Jul 2024
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And this week we're talking about Dragon Ball chapters 321 to 330 or if you're me 127 to 136 this week I'm joined by Ryu obliviousness incarnate Yeah, I don't know what that means, but that's okay, because we're also joined by hot heinous whooping man Hey, I'll take it And I'm your host is always bad. Let's get into the chapter shall we full record. I do know what that means I'm oblivious Yes, this is what that meant. Yeah That's because usually when you give me time, I generally don't know what that means Usually I feel like most of the time. I'm pretty like I guess I always just like go off of something random And then like you just have to happen to remember it Yeah, exactly But yeah, I mean this is a reference yesterday, but it's fun. Yeah, it happens. I don't even remember what it references But precisely you never remember and that's why I'm never like prepared if you guys respond to Student names outside of the intro. I'm like what the fuck's happening. This was not part of the plan Anyway, we got some bollum and some dragons. Yeah, actually we do True true Of course, we start up with the freeze of his goat fight which finally fucking ends because we've been here for three weeks with this fight Yep, which means that finally talk about something that I've wanted to talk about is like The first fuck it like the second week that we've been here I Yeah, but like so I remember one freeze has said that the plant will blow up in five minutes Hot as a resident Dragon Ball expert. How many episodes did that take in the anime? Oh my god Around like 30 like it took 30 episodes. Oh wait, that's probably the fight as a whole it was probably 10 13 for the five minutes portion It was a long it was a long fight, bro. It was it was a long fight It was about what I'm pretty sure it was like three to four hours of screen time. Yeah. Yeah, what all sense All right, no, so this is what we were talking about with infamous Dragon Ball pacing This is how about the pacing got at the time that like this was releasing Yeah, this is one of the most infamous moments and I would then say anime history of bad pacing as well Like if it was 20 minutes, so like maybe like what even two episodes I could have liked being like okay But the Dragon Ball and the fighters fights are going really fast So they're like slowing it down for the viewer and then by that the five minutes take longer I could excuse that but multiple hours. I I'm sorry See it makes sense for the manga, you know, it's nice the manga actually does it you know The five minutes. I'm fine with that in the manga, right? It's not just goes by pretty quickly, right? I mean normal reading speed you probably be there in like 10, but yeah, even even then like Yeah, so yeah, but like in in verse because these guys move fucking fast, right? But But like in the anime bro, they were like chatting for a whole episode Throwing some hands. Oh It was a hand signs Yeah, whoosh and I'm it's crazy that one piece actually managed to take the throne on this for the longest fight like Yeah, Luffy versus Carter carries insistlessly That's like the that's the one that broke the record and had to be cut a curry like like post time I Yeah, I gotta be it again. I assume No, no, no cut a curry. I mean it takes a long ice in anime and It would this is like If we count the whole thing like the whole jumping and stuff, I guess it's longer But even then I think cut a curvers to face If he goes specifically one few ones Then he's got a curry with Luffy, but I feel like if you go fights, I feel like then the fight against Kaido and big mom And that would be longer. I don't think so Regardless like this had a really bad present Is this is essentially like why? Like I said, I think it's like this with like one of the fights that happens in Naruto and Then like the are like the like front-rotors of like bad pacing fights It's yeah dragon ball Naruto and one piece of three bad pacing fights but Bleach is actually like really good in that because what what it does mostly like I can't be with remember I'm pretty sure that like there are a couple of instances where it's like a bit dragged out But mostly like what bleach does is they just like put in filler arc Yeah, put a ploppa hole filler arc in there like how old to do it No, Naruto didn't never really did that that's fully no No, no in order to just hide like a while just had a filler part and then just one Yeah, they had a flip. Yeah, so it's but even like in Andre Naruto. They pull me there's one fight I would say which fight there's one fight in original Naruto that dragged on for so long I honestly thought it was like Freeza versus Goku length because it was crazy. Was it in the second big arc? Yes Yes It was long Every time we come back to it. It's like oh my god Still going on, bro. Why are they have? For example, I'm talking about for as far as Goku again because Goku wants all the smoke and I love it I love it. That's great. He's like no. I'm being this motherfucker. I don't care what the fuck you do I'm being there. It was just it was just in his bag man. He was like Yeah, and it was like a kink high. I swear to you if you pulled me off this plan, I'll never forget Never Oh, I'll kill myself and beat your ass He would have he definitely would have said I won't forgive you for this. Yeah, I swear on my life Sounds like it sounds like if you do this Yeah, and he yeah, he was pissed You know make sense also He also Goku is trash stock phenomenal when he gets to it. Oh, this is this is some it's some good-ass Yeah, go go who can be disrespectful if he wants to like Napa versus go clean like when he just stood on his head bro This level like yeah, he's got super trash stock on lock right now like it's it's it's fucking damn Guess that wasn't the only thing that transformed Part of the transformation probably you got like you got the like Are you says the ego of a saying back? Yeah, like this also a tie said, right? Like yeah, you said well, you know, this is like this is what it means to use with the same Yes, like this warrior waking by rage super saying like this is not the Goku. We know right The warrior waking but a wicked by rage just turned into Michael Jordan Like I do like I do like a freezer. It's like Like I've loved a piece But I like I've loaded the piece like they were the little earthling and then go go and go like did the earthling You mean current you mean current? Yeah And he took that personally yeah Like it's where your father's put out there well, but he's like in a state of just absolute rage So you're not thinking yeah like quickly. You're just like in steps which makes sense Mm-hmm. He's breaking it down And then he breaks freezer down Yep. Yep or so Okay, so one of the things like I was in call over you like yesterday and he was reading the chapters and he responded to something I Was really fucking angry about Bulma purely because When the like whole wish thing was going on she was just Being the worst at communication like when the planet finally blew up When like Goku finally killed Frieza They were like the planet like like she just screamed out. Oh, yeah Goku died. Go was right there Like they didn't even have confirmation. I mean can you think that it would matter because he was like oh like in Dragon Balls I Probably telling you bro, the dependence on the Dragon Balls are gonna backfire one day like this. Yeah, I'm just like they already have they have Yeah, when we lost Tommy it never cooked for a while like We had to go this planet cuz we were cooked because we lost to the Dragon balls. Yeah Also be honest like this is pretty much where I go. Okay. I don't know if the Dragon balls are like a good mechanic as of right now because Something not with the infantry via possibility like what's the point of that like I said this the first time that Dragon balls were used for res. I Said I don't know how long till this is detrimental to the states. Yeah, right and This is where I I feel like We're gonna start seeing it Like I'm already like because the thing like the way I've written down right now is like we're like chapters on chapters To like come to term with terms of trillions death, right? Goku who avenged him Goku accepted the fact he wasn't coming back and I have to do something about it That's why he beat freezer, right? And so when like they were talking about like yeah, credit like, you know Crelan is dead and he's not coming back. I'd like accept the bad as right. I was like, okay, you know What we'll move forward. We'll see what we can do and you know, but at least he's been avenged and I'm like, oh, yeah No, we can read them again Yeah, Chris why like Why yeah? sucks, I don't know putting you says the just like Essentially the bounces the bounce between the two like Shan long and I forget his name Wronga like their bounces weird because we're on the is clearly stronger. He's bigger. He has 20 wishes Basically, he's just in the gym whenever he's not on the earth. Yeah Yeah, and anyway and then Shan long but Shan long is like more powerful in that one wish as in like he can Be much further out. He can do much for the things. I guess Isn't really cuz Punjira still could get the soul of Krillin back to earth. Yeah, but from there So the range is still the same. I Guess on the effect of the wish as well is different because I don't think they're peronga can't do multiple people wishes at once Why can't yeah people at once right so if he was put on chin in general They just had a different teleport. Yeah, to like teleport everyone from namek to All right, yeah, I don't think peronga would able to do that no because you couldn't be able to people either It was only shell and I could be like oh, I could provide everyone killed by this like they still to mention one person Like killed everyone everyone killed by Frieza. Yeah, yeah That is a rule which is good. Yeah, that is a rule Does can't just be like natural causes, but like that's the thing right like this is story So we're never really going to encounter death by natural causes where it like actually matters, right? We're all Hmm rose 300 bro. Where is it today natural causes? Yeah, but like that won't be a problem right because like then we're not gonna we're not gonna wish him back because like Well, he that like that's that's that's it But when it's like oh, they were killed they were killed unjustly like obviously then like that's what we're mostly gonna encounter in a story about martial arts and fucking alien space Lactical apparently the electrical snakes at this point died Yeah, like of course those are gonna be the types of episodes we're dealing with so like why like it's always going to be like This is the thing like character death is hard because it cuts a character off from their potential Like there is a potential storyline with that character that you'll never be able to fulfill right now That's why the character that sucks, but that's also precisely why it means something Not in the way because death in real life is the same way like like People die and that's not something that we can control or do anything about and a lot of the time you'll hear like out of humor or like in just people talking about it like you know They seem to have so much life left or whatever or you know like like if somebody dies a bit younger, you know like the so much left ahead of them and that's that's what it is, right? Like it's it's the ultimate end and by instituting a Resing mechanic that's infinite like you don't you kind of take away from that and well There's a limiting factor the time is limiting factor. Yes, if you're faster than shown long and a hundred eighty three days 38 sorry I remember 80, but doesn't matter. It which I was faster And like even then the time is still living factor. They can't only rest three people at a time 130 we're all wrong. I say 130. He said the second time. Yeah You all the first time whatever Yeah Revolt so then you still limited that and you're limited to the perfect only best three every one So you can't even you keep rushing the entire population I mean, yeah, but like the thing is you're thinking about this Logistically as if it were real life You got you got also taken to account the fact that this is a story and story conveniences will happen Right like with like we never really see characters fucking like taking a bath Right, like all the things that like care that characters have to do like logistically that gets cut out unless it's for story purposes Yes, joke. Yeah story purpose, but Beyond that like we're not going to sit around waiting like if we have to watch them sit around for 30 days No, we skipped right till the end. Yeah, so like 40 audience's purposes It's the same goddamn thing as infinite red Because yeah, you don't have to wait around that long. It doesn't change anything for us and like It's just it's detrimental man. I'm just in yeah I'm yeah, I I'm just one more like say like the characters in universe still age those under 30 days Like it still happens. Yeah, like go on still age a year, whatever whatever the fuck, right? That's not a thing still happen Yeah, you're five when you went to namak That's six now it's about six now cuz you skip that had a year again, right? Yeah a hundred thirty days and then a year after that. So yeah, it's definitely six maybe seven. Yeah, yeah Also like that he wanted to stay with bullman stuff because it didn't do his homework Yeah, it's actually like we stay with your at your house, but I didn't do my homework He fought the most powerful being in the universe and he's still scared of his mom No, no, I don't find a man for real. Yeah Did you get roshy? He said it himself the real strongest in the universe is some goat who's percents life. She cheats yep I'm hoping out of nowhere cuz I didn't even see him before that. Would he just pop that I got them nowhere to flame Chi Chi for no reason God, yeah, it's funny When I can we talk about the moment that Goku killed Frieza or killed I should more say with Asterix mm-hmm Which one it's whatever first time or second time Well the time we think is actually dead the timing what goes into the earth like when go he does just look Like the local flight Yes, it's called Mofo the translation group and he talked about he talks about the the panel about how Goku When he overpowers Frieza from the final attack. He looks physically shaken like you see like shake lines around his arm And he controlled a genuine an actual rage there to like not fully crash out and He just he gave Frieza so many multiple chances multiple. He gave him parts of key and Frieza just wanted to end it He just didn't want to like on a be good like it's just not in his nature Yeah, and I I generally think it's a I love this battle and I think but you sent those Well, right. So yeah, there is a difference between the anime and how the manga does it because in the manga Which is you know the right betrayal it Goku looks remorseful right sad that he that's what he had to do While in the anime he looks like angry. He looks angry that you know Frieza did that, right? which Every single even but like every game Yeah, every game has actually like done the manga version instead where he looks like remorseful for that scene I think is you know which I think is great. Yeah Right that like in the end like we that there's been this whole bit of Goku like You know being a lot more like angry, you know, he's doing this prime MJ shit's off And like Ty says like oh, hey, this is what it means to be a super saying, you know that warrior consumed by rage He's like this now, but in the end we see like it's still Goku right like he gets to like go through and do his thing and He gets to like do what he's always been trying to do, you know spare spare to people if he doesn't Absolutely have to kill them and I think like it almost like if it almost feels like Goku was trying to make a point here, right like I Don't know like this is obviously reading into it a lot, but what else is the show for? Like I feel like Goku is trying to make a point here rather than like trying to spare Frieza He's trying to show to himself that he is that this super saying rage isn't controlling right like he like Because previously we've seen him like, you know, just do turn around fair play after somebody like doesn't want the kindness, right? like he he goes for it and like hey, I don't if I don't have to kill you I won't and you know if after that they like They are still trying to come after him like, you know second time's around. He's like, okay, that's it Right and here we see that he keeps trying and I think that's more avoid where Goku is trying to prove to himself Like hey, I'm still me this rage isn't controlling. I don't have to kill him if I don't want to Right and I think that sad look that he gives at the end is not Him being sad to freeze it couldn't change. It's a fact that he couldn't hmm I Mean like sad that he couldn't change to be more angry like what are you like silly me? He couldn't like change To control that rate like he said when the end like took took a life even though he didn't want to Yeah, but you kind of had himself that that he can control that I Feel like he's kind of still had to I think I think it's I think he definitely had to like that like logically speaking he had to yeah like For me, I interpreted more as like the normal way of like what I'm quote the normal way as in like that He is remorse that he couldn't change Frieza cuz he kind of does already control the race We've seen like some bits about that and for me It felt more like he had to kill him which he didn't want to but he must so he could like he couldn't change him So I had to kill him because this couldn't this tyrant couldn't continue prolonging and being part of The universe in that sense. Yeah, and I kind of want to lean back into the Kind of the end of these chapters Gonna jump forward a little bit where we of course see him come back. That's a cyborg. I don't know Like for 50% robot at least Yeah, I guess it's more well than man at this point. Yeah, which I find very much a cop-out I Think I don't know much about like his dad and like how his interaction plays out I would have liked probably probably would have liked more of a justice dad came for revenge Instead of his son coming along with him. Yeah, it's him daddy kill him like this is what we were talking about with like Crevin as well this story has a hard fucking time killing people That's annoying if we didn't see corpses and diets the basic rule, but come on like What's on the blast the bit there was a hole to the middle of the planet come on It's just a little bit like I definitely groovy I feel like we should just died there, but like I wanted to touch on the like now We have our own interpretations of the final scene on Namek, which is fine like but what I wanted to note that like More like this is essentially like Goku bit like telling himself a lie right like that he can like That like his actions like this directly influence what he's like Right like yeah, he had to make that choice because was logically the right choice, but in his head he's Trying to figure he's like trying to justify Something I didn't want to do and most of the time when people do that they end up lying to themselves, right? That's what I was going for so like I think you're absolutely correct like this is the correct choice and like he absolutely had to But I think just because of like the mental situation that Goku's in at this point It goes to like essentially like a contradictory answer That makes sense. Yeah, I Mean also like quit touching back on something. I even have an even earlier when he like joins into kaios or kai's and like Like speaking with fucking like the elder That just means he's on their level, right? Yeah, I think that's yeah, it just taps in he's just wired Mm-hmm. I'm pretty sure we've said this before but I had it has to be happen again Or has to be said again. Thank God. It's just watching the anime like you like he's just like Watching this like oh my god Dragon Paul is so good that even dragable characters are watching good brothers. It's just like it's so big It's the most cold fucking reason why you should watch Dragon Ball It's like why would I want to try it like for someone else to like you want to remember? So even the catch in Dragon Ball the watch the series themselves bro. It's so big No, no he can the making but um Anyway, we get then we get to the actual shuttle like reaching earth, right? With which we didn't know his name yet do we freezes that when he calls him Papa. Yeah, that's all he does Papa freezer Ice cube ice cube Big Papa I Go with cooler personally, I said you know free sir What so real like I don't know I don't think you caught this and you haven't mentioned it so I don't so I don't think you realized this but like a couple episodes back Frieza transformed into one of his like further forms Like one of his like forms down from what we saw him in from one even like the first information Is it or like I mean form - I live with no bigger orange when he just gets taller and bigger. Yeah, so yeah That looks like his dad. Yeah. I know his dad's name in that episode. Oh Really? Yeah, I did not catch that then. No, not so No, like how are we gonna get his name next episode? Yeah, I should be Okay, because otherwise I was gonna put it here But now you get now you get to try and figure out what I said last Like you're like you either remembers or I get to tell your next episode. Yeah, exactly. Yeah Well, wait at one point we like held our house up for like five minutes being bad Like when the fight started for Goku and Frieza, I just looked at that and went I was like Like that I see my title still stands. Anyway, um, yeah I think one day it'll be funny to watch the like just watch the episodes back all three of us And I just go see so there I made a reference to this I catch it My references have increased like exponentially since we hit Z. I mean, yeah, you know better We know this morning like more And we see a helps me watching Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z and abridged also helps with like knowing stuff and they're Making references to a bridge is like the entire series already. So like, yeah When we watch that all together, it's gonna be it's gonna be crazy. You're gonna be like It's your personality just Yeah, I'm gonna say yes Gonna be great like when you watch a movie you base your type personality of the main character This is what people say to me when they watch community finally Look two of my two of my three previous housemates have said it said what They both what you mean before for someone like oh, I think I understand. Oh, yeah That's crazy now something funny I noticed is like a off-the-beat thing Bulmas hair should have bobcat at the start of the arc on namas right at the end She had like like like below shoulder let line it grew Oh my choice changes her hair constantly throughout our yeah, it's just like they're like it's like the 60s 80s hair now It like in when everyone's like on the yeah, yeah something like that. Yes, there are there It's like it's like what one piece does for like outfit changes every arc. That's what Bulmas hair does Basically don't just a lot too. Yeah, I think it's a bull cut I guess In the casual like office worker fit You know what the funniest part is about that you can't see it here, but that's sure Really are that's cool, and it says bad man back That's crazy Yeah, okay, but also you were here. Yeah, you weren't here, but um But yeah true. I have a job, you know Well, I have my job Real to see Tien Tien has a little beef with the cheater Like everybody else is so normal I was like oh whatever He killed me Not only me everyone here Why do you not care I was surprised Just say the real Lives with the man we're gonna gonna fight about this can't just like bro. How are you live with this man, bro? I'm surprised it though. Yeah Tiena's good fit But I'm surprised like Virginia doesn't pull any likes of antics like oh, I technically never killed any of you It was like the Cybermen and my underline Appa, but uh, I never did He does and he knows no one can do anything to him Like the only person that poses as a challenge on earth is piccolo and piccolo's just like out there doing something Standing like cinematically in wastelands like he was waiting for young yum. It was waiting to sum up Hopefully someone noticed him sitting there Stematically like it's actually like it was done and they're like this is like no No, he was like at the hands backwards looking backwards. Just like epic just like Do I announce my presence was like the chest forward just like looking backwards like epically? It's actually kind of funny in the into like dub version of the anime because Christopher Sabot who voices Vegeta Also voices piccolo so it was basically Christopher Sabot complimenting himself That's so good That's hilarious Also, there's one thing I wanted to bring up with the freezer of the Goku fight itself And it's that at the end they still like default to hand-to-hand combat again She's still pretty neat even though, you know Goku is mad and he's like Become this warrior of rage, right? He's still he's still like fisticuffs You know martial arts. I mean like he's got to do what what he's best at right. Yeah, that is so not like Whatever the fuck the destructo discs flying around. Yeah Yeah, Goku. It has never been his game. No, he can he can do the kamehameha and he could do like blast but like, you know, that's not his thing His thing is gay his game is straight up hands. Yeah. Also. I'm looking at the freezer now. He is a right arm this top part like his collarbones his neck and like This part of his face like half go like just his mouth basically nose and then his right eye. Yeah, it's all in one ear Yeah, how does man live? He's he's very resilient. He's an alien. He said well, yeah I mean, yeah I mean we saw I was never covers body from an exploding planet the amount of energy that comes He's dressed that's strong Like we had a charitable fence. He's just a song. That's the argument for everything here Literally what else? I mean it starts, but it's true. It's true. Hey, you know, like, you know, like kaido can pick But that is probably the reasoning Yeah, it's Like I'm mad about this It's just the power scaling of the verse. It's just Yeah, I mean, we'll like You know next week and whatnot. Yeah Like we're not going to see people below planets that often anyways, probably No, I don't want a power scale of fucking planet against people fighting hand-to-hand combat It's not how this is supposed to go It's not how this series should be I think we'll we'll talk about power scaling at some point Like I think it'll be a good retrospective like when we look back. I'm like, okay. So how was that handled? I I know when I wanted to start talking about it Um But I'll leave that for rumor actually dare like there's I think in the upcoming arc and like beyond like there's a lot of stuff that I've been like passively keeping an eye out for Um that I finally get to talk about so i'm excited about that and also not because i'm going to complain a lot There's a surprise. I have things to complain about There is one major complaint I have with this series that doesn't come before later My biggest gripe and I Hot, you know what it is. My biggest like point of hatred for this series You know exactly what it is and I like I've been thinking like there's a chance that it's actually pulled off well It was just so fucking mad about it the first time I watched this that like It that I might not actually be as mad about it the second time around but if it's not I will blow up something I have with someone passing something Does it have something to do with someone passing something to someone else? Yeah, okay, see I don't have any issues with that, but we'll come to it when we get there I'm so mad about. I'm so mad about it. I didn't discuss before. We're actually there. So I'm not the fuck you all talking about Yeah, no, but this is like my most hated thing in the entire series. So we'll get there. It's a very You think you've seen me hating thus far? Oh, oh baby. Oh, baby boys. Maybe time prepared. He'll be there There is uh, yeah, we have different opinions on that most more than likely I think that'll be interesting because it's gonna be like 20 minutes of me yelling about it. Then you get stuff Yeah, that's yeah, so we forgot to mention the one major thing. Go is still alive after the explosion on the planet Oh, yeah, that's just the thing I mean, yeah, it brings a good word No, but hey, go Chris and alien. Yeah, he can't breathe. It's more human-like than than freezer. So Yeah, nothing but but um I like what I imagine would happen because I figured he would survive me characters and all But we're a year later like what I figured would happen when reading I was like so I these gonna just hold his breath fly at supersonic speed like speed of light type That's Works for this universe right like that's just about the right level of like of goofiness This is kind of how physics might work if you swing your eyes at it Like he's this super slow. He might have trained his like like Brass like he made the whole three minutes flies really quickly instead of a month with the super speed They ship flies are in like three minutes and arrives on earth Oh no, he's strong. I feel like he would go to a nearby planet and then yeah, hop planets Yeah Maybe he's even doing that maybe he's doing that we don't know we haven't seen him I mean, that's why it's like in a year. He's a did say that the Funny if like he comes like from planets that like know the sayings as like the you know planet merchants Do it. He doesn't have a tail. Yeah, he does have a tail He doesn't have a tail. He looks human. It'll be they have what they don't know I mean say it's a human. It's got the spiky hair of a saying Truly he does have the like typical say in haircut. Um It might be which is up Does it defy gravity? Okay, you might be saying and unless you Unless you're looking at the fucking looking at a um, just a random thing. It's just like just floating orb might be a saying Floating orb with just like spikes on the top of like that Just a mace, but this is the ball the mace. Just the end. Yeah It's the morning star ball. Just like a spike. I like the idea that we can frame this like a fucking trainees and firm skit That's just like a round ball Like round ball a spike around ball. I say it right Get spiky hair it serves yellow too because fuck it right now a super say it's Michael Uh That's crazy though Yeah, uh go on seems to have um He still seems to be wearing the armor like the sayin armor Battle outfit like we saw him like doing his shit like Uh doing his homework and whatnot and then he was wearing normal clothes. Yeah, yeah, it makes sense It's also like a there was like very durable and tough like clothes, right Quillan is just more comfortable in his normal clothes. So he just wears that I mean go on ditch right Didn't train most of us of his time in these but he did have his most like enduring battles in these Uh in onomac so i'm assuming that like by that you're like, okay, this actually feels and works for me I like this quillan stated before he didn't like the paths even if they moved with his arms. He didn't like him So for him being in the thing which the like the robes which he has always been fighting in I feel like that were not robes, but you get the point Um, the key always like has fallen that and always just trained that for years. This guy is 20 something now He thought it was like a kid but you've been in this for like 10 years like He is used to this outfit. It just works better for him Does it does All right, but you know, we're we're here now This this is the end of at least anomac arc retrospective What are we feeling? I think namics. Well, I liked it. It had the whole It had the main plotline of It's trying to collect the dragon balls to save their friends that died while also having Uh, yeah, well, yeah, and then also having like a secret um Like I like a side thing with with go with goku and then this like achieving super sam, right? Yeah, kind of like two main narratives there Was pretty cool. Uh, I liked the tactics they had to use they couldn't brute strength through everything Right and there were several factions, you know, vejita crew the krillins gohan and the fries of force Which you know eventually merge together two of them, but still right different factions doing different things with different goals Um Yeah, I like the chaos of it, but also, you know having to use all their Everything they had at their disposal to actually be able to manage to survive Right. Yeah Your first time reading it, of course If again, if we're solely taking the planet arc ending at where we think like goku flies off and the plant blows up And everything freezes dead. I liked it. I generally didn't think freeze was a good villain He was pure evil incarnate Uh goku being of course the complete opposite of that like pure good I think we spoke about this when the piccolo daimyo even back then. Yeah good for evil I still like that. Like it makes it easy to hate the villain just make him pure evil Yeah Exactly. That's the like a good like good. Yeah of course you have villains that have like morally gray Uh like standpoints are like that. He's just no he is just a bad villain We get the whole we get to eat out of course as a side character that like burns goods over time He's still like sunday about it, but he is still a bitch Little bit and sunday about it, but he is gonna go good. He doesn't he's not that bad Um helps I guess he helps front the farm at this point. So he's doing something for the community um You know like so and then and then of course a lot of all the characters like you said before Like all the characters coming together like a lot of storylines with the freezer forest like trying to find the dragon balls killing everything But you having his own thing and then come and then that comes together with krillin and gohan trying to like Get against it Then we get goku who comes a bit late. So we I like that first part, but we didn't have goku Uh for a little bit it can we again. I don't hate not having a main character in an arc Uh, but there are some sort of don't do it that well. I feel like this was done quite good Um, I I think I said something similar like I didn't like that that much when we were actually in it But now looking back when I think I did I don't think it was that bad. It was a small part of it was fine um Yeah, of course super sign is fucking hype Like the whole five the end was amazing Much, but it also looks say it looks Really cool. It's hard to convey an actual like how shit looks through a podcast. Um Okay, beat the manga. Um Yeah, I think that that is about everything. Um, the pickle coming back and shit was hype Uh, like getting finally wishes like the whole plot lines were good That goin behind free his back trying to steal the ball vijitas back at that point Getting the balls Like the all of the things were like there was definitely a lot of groups and a lot of people doing their other things And having an end goes like you said hud Which else so did like it like he came to what the kettle well. It wasn't it didn't feel too chaotic as the amount of shit that was going on I feel like it's flipped back enough and it didn't do it too quickly that you're like what's going on You can have that where you have like multiple storylines and then they like flipped it in really quickly Like what just happened. Yeah, but now I think it was Yeah, that except also That now I'll gloss over that nevermind Yeah, no like I um I obviously like been keeping track of a bunch of things throughout this arc uh, like one of the things that I kept track of was the legend of the super saiyan The way that it is conveyed in this arc is very cool to approve word of mouth and the like the idea of like here's like here's a folklore and like just like word of mouth as like a means of spreading information Was used to very like I don't want to say for example, like to very good Good measures and lengths Because like the way that super saiyan is built up as like this idea of like, okay so We don't really know what the fuck it is It's kind of just like a vague idea and like obviously like we have the Not benefit but like the disadvantage of like at exactly knowing what's it saying looks like because it's fucking two per se And it's been around for forever and it's like the anime transformation Like my parents know what to say is right. So like You know, obviously we already knew where it was going But like just taking like taking the time to like look at it through like aspect of the story like houses being built up and it's it's Jones like it's a really good build up and still like pulled really tight. Like it's not like Like every other sentence that like there was like all the super saiyan Vegeta sometimes felt a little bit like that, but I think that's more me me like just like oh we keep talking what's we're saying If you know what it is, but like if you don't then like it's like yeah They're like what the fuck is he actually talking about it's very interesting Like injury data builds is very cool and it and it builds up very well in the same vein Like a similar measure is in is included for freeze's strength and power Right and like freezes built up really well as a hade will build them like you said But what also is really good is the fact that All the hype and and like build up for freeze of strength and then there was another two stages admin on top of it Like every single time we thought we hit his peak. It was there was more to it And on one side, that's very like intimidating and interesting and on the other side You don't know when it's like done talking about like they're very explicitly saying like i'm going to 100 percent power now Right, so like then he was like no i was actually having 70 Like why say it then i said this last week when we talked yeah like it's a bit like i think they Like they overcooked it a little bit Like it was right there being like this is this is perfect. This is great Exactly what we needed. I think they overdid just a little bit But it all in all, I think they did really well on the like strength building up a freeze of strength and like I think this is like The frantic struggle. I think like when arcs are trying to Emulate like this is like a frantic feeling of the main characters like running around doing side objectives to try and like Avoid like problem consequences like in newer stories. I think this is the arc they're pulling from And I think that's for very for a very good reason That is fair Yeah, like I think there's definitely like parts that I didn't like I mean like I think a lot of it just stems from I don't like where they Like it's kind of like emblematic of like some problems that I have with later Dragon Ball as well But I'll talk more about those when we actually get there and they become a bit more pronounced But like everything that's good about this arc is still definitely good But there's also some like seeds of like problems that will make that we'll get out of hand a little bit Those are probably later on. Yeah. Yeah, so just like keep that in the back of your head That's I've been saying in so many of these episodes Like there's more to come keep it in mind keep it. Keep watch why and we'll talk about it when we get there Yeah, with that boys wait you have anything else that we won't talk about feet That's panel last panel of chapter. Oh, right. Yeah. Yeah. Can somebody just like clip that? Forever Uh anyways Those ain't Goku's like horrible shoes. Oh, don't go goose. They ain't go on sting Jumpers. They ain't he ends they ain't piccolo's. Yeah, every dose Everyone in the group. It's gonna be Vegeta's Could it? No Yeah, no, he's Vegeta's Vegeta has blue wait, no We don't see it too. Yeah, so we know it's a piccolo's because this man has like burlap socks for feet Yes, he's the good. Yeah I See them No, no, I don't see him. I've looked for everything. Yeah fair it off No, I guess not So It could be Vegeta, I guess But I doubt it Is why they're not chose fool like why would he be the one that's like sent there? So it sounds like he just landed there instead of like the Like there's a side effect So what are you thinking? Like what can we do with this? Vegeta did say no flying, right? Yeah, he was one of them over in the land there like that's that would be kind of hypocritical if it was like both flying And then they just like not that stupid. Oh, so we said no flying because they might come to us They're already here I don't think you might as well jump them, right? like It was all talking For sure Yeah, we're gonna do that random dude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm I'm think I'm thinking yeah, I'm just think of abokio like drinking the wine before he's like, uh, let me join in Oh, that's it. I'm fucking seeing that On the cafe. I'm joining that Braddock here and then Abokio is like So if we don't think that it's Vegeta, who could it be? Could it be Goku? Wait. No, that's not Goku's. Yeah, you're right. That's not Goku. No, Goku Where's the fucking blue and white more focus? Yeah, honestly Unless he got of like fifth change because fit was coming. He has the fucking fit back the future things on He does have the back the Yeah, the automatic like tightening Like that. Yeah, I get it. I get it. I was gonna say in I was gonna say like Went back to future through happens. You think that's low at like Jordan's and I realized I was like three years ago or something. No, it's 2018. It was six years ago I was wondering if he says prediction from someone who hasn't seen such red anything Goku with new trip So we got a fourth dictionary or two Goku just went to like again he went to 80 planets hopping and he just got some drip along the way Yeah, how long you even even observe back 76. They got Jordan's. Let's be honest That's how you know how to dress. They know how to dress. Yeah, they dress up. That's your glob You're a glob, you're collapsing. It's more than Jordan Uh, hey, I think that's enough for this We know though this might be Goku with new breath. Yeah, that's like the biggest All right, so Goodbye to real Free should have died Wait I've been here. I was glad that we see next week. Goodbye everybody. Bye Bye!