FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Dale Leisch talked about Prichard Water and MAWSS - Female VS Male Boxer - Air Conditioners - Midday Mobile - Thursday 8-01-24

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01 Aug 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that, this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well, Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know, Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the video we got? I mean, the video we got drank pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said? So, this is a baby council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question. Tits my ****. All right, here we go. FM Talk 1065 Midday Mobile, our number two on this Thursday. Glad to have you along. 3430106, the phone number in the text line. And I'll get to my main man, Dale Leach from Land Yap in one second. I do want to see this because you know, I tell you all about prodigal son stuff that I, somebody's complaining. I usually go to that first, but Roger says, and he said, yes, you didn't want to offend the colonists with my first comment. So Roger, I'm going to read your first comment. Quite often, I mean, I get hundreds of texts in here. And so if I see the most recent text because they're 35 people of text before, you know, not, it is omission, not commission, Roger. I don't, you know, they don't read every text on the air. But you know, because so Roger said, if, if Baykeepers wanted to do some good, they'd sue Fair Hope and make them stop putting their sewage in the Bay, but that's where they live, all their buddies and all their blank don't stink. Actually, they have, Roger, they have it. That's working on the Fair Hope system has been a deal in Daphne as well. So they have worked those lawsuits. And so Roger, we're on the same page, man. I mean, if you've listened to the show any period of time, heck, for 15 years of this show, and even before when I was at rock and roll radio, I would interrupt the Steely Dan, between the Steely Dan records to say, Hey, we got to do something better than every time it rains, we have all this in the water. Nothing's changed with me there, Roger. So, so no, I was not trying to not offend the West side of Roger. Don't worry about me offending people in Fair Hope. Come on. That's a, it's where Jeff lives. I'm a mobile boy. All right. So is this guy, even though he grew up over in Baldwin County, swanky Baldwin County, he's now mobile boy, Dale Leash from land app, land at What's up, man? Hey, all I heard was swanky mobile, swanky Baldwin County, and then, and then you, he's a mobile boy. I want to, I want to point out that I did not come from the swanky part of Baldwin County. That's why I set that up. I grew up in 17 acres outside of Loxley. So I, I, I don't know what this, I don't know what this swanky people in Baldwin County are all about because I've never met them. You weren't there in Loxley on the, on the farm. Y'all weren't drinking chilled shepley and wearing topsiders and linen shirts. Yeah, blood. No, no. No, I do, I do enjoy a nice, nice cold Coca-Cola and sweet tea. Yeah. You're a good man. One of the many reasons we get along. All right. There, there's so many times that people listen to us on Thursdays. We'll maybe get a kick out of this because we talk about Dale and I are like a band that, that comes to play a show at the war for the Sanger or something like that. And we're going to try to, once in a while, have some new songs, something from our new album, but we end up playing the hits all the time. Even though these hits aren't always good things. There's stories that you and I have talked about so many times, but they continue to have new news and you're watching this and I saw this one come out against you yesterday from you. So here we go. Even though you and I talked about this in the past and said, this might be what happens, your headline, "Pritured Water Receiver Invisions, Maws Taking Over Pritured Water." Yeah. I mean, remember they said that wasn't going to happen? Well, it is going to happen. Yeah. We've tried this before. We tried this a decade ago and there has been sort of, I think the accepted verbiage of what went wrong with the Maws Take Over 10 years ago was that it was, there was a poison pill. I even have that in the story. A poison pill where they, they, I guess they had to redo the referendum for the takeover for people to vote on. And when they redid it and it won, before that, the Pritured Water Board had put in a contract with Severn Trent to do, kind of do the day-to-day, handle the day-to-day operations of the board, of the water board of the utility. And in so doing, they made a contract that Maws thought they were going to have to follow. And so Maws, the Maws Board voted against it. So this time around, there's some optimism from the receiver, John Young, that they'll be able to pull this off. It's going to take some financial analysis and some capital money from the state or maybe the federal government to help. But he thinks that by sometime in 2026, they could possibly do another referendum vote and have this move forward to where Maws has taken over Pritured Water. And that is, that is his, I guess his best, his best alternative. There were several alternatives discussed in his report that he sent to the court. But I think his best one, it was, in his opinion, was the Maws take over. So here we are again. Yeah. And Alana highlighted in your story, getting ready for today's show, is this one. After all that, Maws, you right, Maws has yet to hear of Young's plan. Spokeswoman Monica Allen wrote in the emailed statement. So Maws, we didn't know we were going to do this. Yeah, yeah. I mean, that was what I asked, you know, are you, you know, can I have a statement? And the statement is basically, we didn't really know about this. Obviously, it's something we need to know about and think about and stuff like that. I mean, they didn't say no right off the bat. I think that they probably will consider it. And I think a lot of the, you know, the financial strength of Pritured Water being what it is, I could see it being a challenge, but they've got to make it, and I think it, or later on in the story, I say they've got to make it so that it's not detrimental to their, to their, to their customers. And that's going to require some help from maybe ADEM, the Outlaw Department of Environmental Management, or some other, some other groups that can help bring capital money to help repair some of what Pritured Water has been lost. Yeah, I mean, that's, right, why would Maws, right, so I mean, unless there was an infusion, right, of money from ADEM or some of the short, why would, I mean, I'm just basking regular, you know, regular people questions, why would Maws take on something that's that much bad infrastructure and that foreign debt? Why would you? They, they want, except that, except that you could make the argument. I'm not making your, you could make the argument. It's the morally right thing to do to help your neighbors who are going to be suffering from, you know, what is it the job? And I believe, believe me, I believe in, I mean, in Christian ethic, charity, responsibility, is that, is that the job of utility? You know, is that, is that part of their, is that part of their bimals? Right. And I think that that's, I think that that's where the infusion of money from the government comes in. I think that is more along the lines of a government job, a government perspective, even though, you know, Maws has quasi-government in its, in its own operation, I do, I do agree with you. I think, I think at the end of the day, it's not their job. And I think that's where, you know, ADIM or the state has to come in and prevent a situation like we saw in Jackson, Mississippi, or, or we saw in Flint, Michigan, where there's total water system failure. I don't think we're quite there yet with Prichard, but, but it, you know, it could be, it's a very, it could be a very similar situation if we don't do something soon. But I think that's where the government has been, maybe the federal government, maybe, maybe the state government. I think that's where the morality of it comes in. But, but so that was my larger point is it's not really, you're right, it's not really up to Maws to be the moral arbiter of, like, I believe in the morality of it. I believe in the morality of it as a citizen, but, you know, is a utility this amorphous, you know, non-human thing. And you listed your story too, even though this seems to, at least John Young thinks it's the best decision. You listed those other alternatives, right? I did. I did. I thought it would be worth discussing. Yeah, talk, like, like, there's four of them here. What, which ones? I mean, yeah, we talked about the one of Maws taking over one of the others. Maws takeover was one. The others, the others were variations on the same theme. I'll say if you, if you're familiar with music, you know, one was, I think, start a whole new entity that state, that, you know, has state approval, sort of where the state comes in. And it sounds like, you know, they make the appointments and they handle the sort of organization of the board and then the board would take over the day-to-day operations once the state is headed, say, on who serves. So that's one. The others are all the others are variations on the same thing, whereas City of Prichard would take over the Prichard part of the water system. And then, you know, or, and then Chickasaw would become part of Maws. I think if you were to, I think, I think the Maws portion of, I mean, the Chickasaw portion of the system probably has fewer problems with infrastructure. So it would definitely probably be more attractive to, for a Maws takeover. So you've got, so you'd basically split it up into two different parts where the City of Prichard would take over one part and Maws would take over the other part. And then there was one where I think the City of Prichard is still involved, but the board is reorganized. And the problems with the ones where the City's still involved is that they're, they're indelibly linked to the water board. You know, the council makes the appointments to the water board. So if the City is, if City's linked to the water board, which has already failed to secure, you know, payments on a bond, which is why we're in this situation, begin with. So if the City of Prichard came out and said, went out on the bond market and said, we need all this money to repair infrastructure, I don't know if bondholders would think that that's a good idea. So that, that was the problem. And that was something John Young brought up. And I think it makes a good point, like, whereas if Maws takes over, Maws has the cashier to say, we need all of this, you know, with, with the state infusion or a federal infusion of money to help save off problems we've already discussed, I think Maws has the cashier to kind of go to the bond market and be like, look, we're good borrowers. We have a good bond rating, you know, help us out, help us get Prichard back to where it needs to be. As long as I get that state or federal dowry in this marriage, right? I think that is a key part. I think that is a key part. And John Young has said that ADM has said that they would, they would be a partner in this. So we'll see as to what extent ADM will be a partner in this. There are, there are things that I think ADM does well. But I don't know how much you as a citizen can expect them to step up here in a state where let's be honest, our environmental regulations are not the strongest. So, you know, I don't know how much they'd be willing to step up. I really think it would have to be a federal government sort of situation. And, you know, how much you want to put in, it's going to be a political decision at that point. Either way, it'll be a political decision, right? Yeah. So, we'll have to see what happens. But I do think for miles to take it over, they're going to have to have some sort of reassurance from the state of federal government that they will pay at least a portion of the capital expenses that it will take to get Prichard Water Board back up to just normal function. Because right now, they're losing 60% of their water because of leaks. And water, they buy from mods, which are the, you know, they buy their water from a water, they buy from mods. 50% of that water leaks out of the system before it even reaches before it even reaches the tap. Yeah. They got to, they got to fix that issue before they do anything else. Yeah, they get the, you know, get the flex tape out there and get it patched up. I wish it was just a minute before we, before we had to break here, but a cover story, and I don't want to get Scott Johnson's head any bigger than it already is. But what a great story, this bad rap story, because over the years, you, like me and others have, you know, watched police department say, well, we don't have gangs. Okay. Well, we have gangs, but they're not like real gangs or they're not franchise gangs or local. And then finally, people say, okay, we got gangs. And this is that, that nexus between gangs and, and, and this drill rap music, right? Yeah. Yeah. There's some popularity and kind of a notoriety they get from that sort of thing. And I will say, I think, and, you know, Scott has talked about this too. So I feel comfortable explaining it a little bit, but, but you're absolutely right. They have even previously said, we, we don't have a gang problem, but I think it's because, and I'm giving, I'm giving law enforcement the benefit of the data a little bit, which far be it for me to do that. But here we are. I think giving a good for the doubt that when you think of gang activity, I think everybody, especially people who grew up in the 90s, think of, you know, blue and red and all of this stuff. And that is not the gang culture as much now here in Mobile. So I think when you, it's a complex question. Yes, we absolutely have gangs. Do they look or act or operate in the same way that, you know, popular culture, would have you believe that they act and operate? I don't think so, but nonetheless, it is gang activity. And I think that has been kind of with a disconnect that's coming, right? So for this story, we have law enforcement officials acknowledging yet what a gang, we have a gang issue here. Here's what it is. And so, and yeah, the music absolutely plays into plays into that, especially with local artists. So that's kind of where we are with with the gang, with the gang issue. And yeah, just to the cover of the paper this week. And I don't think Scott was meant to look strong. Okay, good. So yeah, we don't want to make him think he's even better than he or yes. People want to pick up the paper like out on those streets, tell us where and then if they want to be a shut in like me and do it online, talk about that as well. Yeah, out on those streets, you can get it while, you know, at all your favorite grocery stores, don't get it at the Midtown Wind Dixie while it's still a Wind Dixie. Yeah, before it goes all day because I don't know what the future is there. But anyway, yeah, purple boxes all over the place, check it out online,, hit the subscribe button, help us out. We're a local company. We love the support. As always, thank you so much. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Right now 125 FM Talk 1065, this very program called Midday Mobile. Glad you're here. So this segment brought you by my buddy Forest at Blue Water Yacht Sales and Surface. I tell you something to do if you get a second, if you go to the website and you get signed up for their emails here, we were talking about they've got still incentive pricing on new boats, but I've talked at length about the brokerage service, you know, they've been doing it 50 years with Blue Water Yacht Sales. Their brokerage service on high-end use boats, you get on this email thing and whether you use it just a daydream or maybe find your next boat, it's a good thing. You get these updates as new to the inventory, use boats come into Blue Water Yacht Sales, you get an email here, shows you what's in and there are some fans that, Forest, if you're listening, if I win a lottery, that regulator 41, just keep that thing on the trailer, I'll be there to pick it up if I win the lottery. But there's a whole bunch of boats, you get these emails, see what's up in brokerage, from bay boats to big 41-foot regulators and everything in between, you'll get updates on what's new in the inventory of Blue Water Yacht Sales and Service, and also on the flip side, if you're looking to sell your high-end use boat, the place that gets you the best price for it, Blue Water Yacht Sales and Service, and they also do all the work on the boat, they know what needs to be fixed and how the boat needs to look to get, you know, get good money for it, so you go to them and, you know, pull in there and Forest would come look at it and give you some recommendations and what he thinks it's worth and the work with you to get that boat sold., that's the website where you get signed up for the email or just go see them in person and say, "Hey, sign me up. They're at Orange Beach Marina and the East I-65 Beltline." To the text line here and a lot of questions, I don't know that I can answer, let's see. Jerry in Fort Morgan said, "Oh, back to the other conversation that Alcoa had a bunch of great jobs, not anymore, and Polcat looks like a frog pond." Polcat, just to hear, I'm trying to need to do, I did a series probably 10 years ago of stories, the old timers that when I started in the 1980s started, kind of grew up in the Delta, that was fun. That's where the dad said, "Don't you go and use yourself, go to the Delta." Yeah, we had a 14-foot aluminum boat, 1968, 20 horsepower Mercury, and that's where I grew up, spending my time. The men I met up there, their stories and the stories of their fathers were amazing. The Polcat stories, one of them, Jerry, of what it used to look like before Alcoa. He goes on to say, "Who'll be responsible for the salary for that sorry sack of crap John Young?" He's talking about John Young, who is the, not my buddy John Young, but John Young, the receiver at Pritchard Water. He said, "Please remember Doug Jones had what he had to do with this blank show." Maybe remind me, Jerry, I met a loss, how Doug Jones was involved in the Pritchard Water thing. I have to go back and research that, but it's a real mess, and I get where Paul's is coming from, too. Why would you take on Pritchard Water without having the money to make up the price? I mean, why would you do that? At the same time, as a citizen, not as a utility, as a citizen, and the Christian ethic, I believe people should have sewage and water, right? We're in the United States of America. Shame on those in Pritchard that let it get this incredibly bad, but something has to be done, but unless you somehow come up with money for malls or another group, why would they do it? How would they engage in that? Ed said, "John, how did Pritchard Water spend 55 billion dollars? Anyone have an idea?" Well, it wasn't all on Gucci handbags, Ed. I think it's well worth asking that question. I have been, and we will continue. All right, come and write back. More bid-day mobile. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 106.5. At 135, FM Talk 106.5, Midday Mobile. Get to be a text line here in just a second. First, oh, to the phone lines and check in with my man, blame price over a Paris tractor in Robert'sdale, where I mean, you get it. You're one of us, you're doing work all the time with heavier equipment and tractors, but also looking forward to hunting season. People are tractoring upright now, and y'all got a heck of a deal. Absolutely, Sean. On all of our Kubota tractors, we steal all for the zero interest finance into Kubota. That's on all tractors, side-by-fides, mowers, excavators, skit steers, even the land pride implement. If you're looking for a bush hog, a disc, tailor, whatever the implement is, they steal a factor in that zero percent interest on that. What about on the, that's on the new packages, but what about on the rental side? You were talking about, I know a lot of us think, "Okay, rental, we're going to come to parish, we got to get a big piece of equipment." But y'all got stuff for somebody who's doing projects in the backyard, too. Absolutely. We got something for everyone, all the way down to small hand tools, chainsaws, weed eaters, pole saws, up to the larger skit steers and excavators. We got a bunch of geology, man lifts, boom lifts, tele handlers. We got some dump trailers. If you're looking to get rid of a bunch of junk, haul it off the dump. We've got the dump trailers as well. Good stuff. Now, the next step is, how do people find you? How do they come in there and take advantage of those deals? We're right here in the middle of Robert'sdale on Highway 59. We're here Monday through Friday, eight to five. Saturday is eight till noon, or you can give us a call at 251-947-4171. Thank you, Blaine. Thank you, Sean. All right, there goes Blaine Price over a Paris tractor. I'm going to get in because Jason had texted about, "Yeah, we are going to get the boxing story in a second." But this will be as we're talking about women, right? So we'll talk about women and having to box against people that were trans women in the Olympics. But first, the Lulu lemon thing. God bless this company on multiple factors. But what I have loved, I didn't know a thing like that was needed, but they have got to have made so much money. Take something that's like for a fabric or something and make it up. I remember going in with my daughter one time to buy stuff. I'm like, "How much?" So the headline here, this is from Fox 10 TV. The story is all over the web on this. Lulu lemon pulls their new leggings after customers say it gave them long butt. And that's why I'm focused. I didn't know that was a thing. Ladies, is that a thing? Y'all use that term like, "Hey, Cheryl, you've got long butt." The story says activewear company, Lulu lemon, has pulled its new leggings line after it literally became the butt of endless jokes. The $98 breeze, I have truly become my father. The $98 breeze through leggings, who paid, have been dropped from the website following negative reviews. The line launched on July 9th was marketed as an innovative product with lightweight fabric and quick drying material. It has a V-shaped back seam that rises up from the seat of the pants all the way to the lower back. It kind of, I guess, looks like an arrow pointing to your butt. Some reviewers said the seam is not flattering on the behind and gave them long butt. Lulu lemon says it takes customer feedback seriously and it will incorporate into future designs. This is the latest setback in the activewear company. The stock has fallen 50% so far this year with a drop of 16% just in the past month. Ladies, are you getting away from the Lulu lemon? Is there a change in the fashion world? What is it, athleisure, or is that changing out there? Is it because of the long butt? I know they had a, what was product feel back like? They made some that were so sheer, roll tide, that they weren't selling because they showed a little too much through the fabric, I think, out there. That was years ago. I just wonder with this long butt thing. Will you be watching cable news some night in the future? No, come on, say, did you purchase a Lulu lemon? What did they call it? I'm going to get the commercial right. Did you purchase the breeze through leggings? Have you been affected with long butt? We're here at Dewey Cheetah Minhau. We're ready to get you your money for the long butt effects. I don't know if anybody's seen, they're saying the customer feedback has not been good. I don't know if there's any class action lawsuit that women out there said, I thought I was going to look cute, and now I have long butt out there. So that's just, it's a story that's out there. I don't know if it will lead to a class action suit, but if I'm alive for that, I'll laugh when I see that. All right, to the text line here, and holy cow, let's see. Ben, this is, Ben asks, can I tell y'all when Rob, that means Rob Holbert, in his great newspaper, will send out an edition detailing all the local political races and info about the candidates for Mobile and Baldwin counties. One thing I don't understand is when we're faced with selecting a candidate, for example, so-and-so, Office Place One or Place Three, what defines these places? You had the best show? Ben, well, thank you. You had the best text of the day. You know what? We will do that, and I'm sure Rob and Ashley will do that with Lane F, but we'll do that. We've done it before, like Jeff and I and Dalton sat down years ago and did a series that we put up on Facebook where we analyzed the ballot and went through and told you which each thing, and I remember reading the constitutional amendments and those things in regular, like normal people language, kind of saying what it meant. We'll do that again, I'm sure Rob and Ashley, but when it comes out, then we will let you know. Michael says, "I too believe in Christian ideals with regards to Prichard Water System. I just believe in the ideals that you reap what you sow. You need to pay the price for your mistakes, and if you don't work, you don't eat, handouts don't help. There's simply another form of slavery." Yes, but there's no way for the people of Prichard and Chickasaw. Now, talk of the stories of my first house when I moved back home in Chickasaw. What's up, Chickasaw? When I was paying in water bills, I remember my parents saying, "Well, you've got a leak." I should have said, "Well, Prichard Water has a leak," but they said, "You've got a leak." I said, "Dad, I went out and looked at the meter." I said, "No, you've got a leak." I don't have a leak because they were looking at my water bill compared to theirs, and it was that much higher back then. The system, the Prichard Water Board system, and the city, I would agree with you, Michael, but the people didn't do that. You could say they, I guess, in the adjunct way, could have voted for people that put the better people on the board of the water service and oversaw Prichard Water and Sewer. Yes, I think that you can make that connection. I just believe that I understand laws' position. I wouldn't sign on to run it either with that kind of mess there, but the idea that people need to have effective water and sewer in 2024 in the United States, I think you had to find a way to do that. Yeah, go punish the people that were responsible, but Ms. Sally, who lives on Main Street, it's not her, it wasn't her doing. Jason says, "Shawn, after watching the women's boxing craziness, the lids would be ready to give Ike Turner a cold medal." I thought they were for women's rights. Oh my gosh, that's what a line. So that story, Jason, looking at it today, no, this has got a lot of conversation. It was, I guess, online last night. We mentioned this, I guess, before the fight happened, maybe on Monday's show, something like that. We talked about how some of these boxers that have been led in to fight were banned, and I don't know what the other group was. There was some other maybe lower level, and I don't know if it was in the matriculation to the Olympics or not, but another organized women's boxing thing, and they said no. They said no to women that were born biologically men, and then the Olympics said, "Well, it's okay." I think we're at a turning point here, and if you've seen the video, I'm sure it's going to be spider everywhere. The story here, now, Jirian Boxer, who was deemed to have male chromosomes, this is from Fox News, and now Jirian Boxer, who was deemed to have male chromosomes, won a fight in the 66-kilogram women's division at the Paris Olympics today. The 66-kilogram, I don't know what weight class it is, give me some pounds here, Amani Kaif defeated Italy's Angelina Karini after Karini abandoned her match. The fight lasted for all of 46 seconds before Karini went to her cornermen to call off the fight. Kaleef celebrated a win while Karini was left in tears. There's no crying in boxing. After the fight, Karini was heard yelling to hear her coaches in Italian questioning the fairness of the bout. She then broke her silence by why she abandoned the match. Here's what she had to say. She said, "I got in the ring to fight. I didn't give up, but one punch hurt too much, so I said enough. I'm going out with my head held high." Karini's coach, Emmanuel Ranzini, said that quitting the match wasn't part of the plan ahead of time. Ranzini said it would have been easier not to show up because all of Italy had been asking her not to fight in this fight for days, but Angelo was motivated and wanted to do it. When others say, of course, when she met her opponent at the draw, she said it's not fair, but there was no premeditation here today. She quit after taking one punch. She told me she didn't feel she could fight. Kaleef fought under a firestormer controversy regarding a failed gender eligibility test in 2023. Kaleef was disqualified during the 2023 World Championship that was sanctioned by the International Boxing Association. The organization said that Kaleef and Taiwan's Lin Yoon Ting, we talked about this Monday, had failed to meet gender eligibility standards. Let's start using the right word here, y'all. I know it's shocking. It's sex. Gender is what sex is about. Sex is what's under the hood. Gender is the paint job on the truck, right? Says IBA President Umar Kremlev explained the decision at the time, according to Russia's Toss News Agency, Reuters reported at the time that Kaleef tested positive for having high levels of testosterone. Even though saying she's a woman, but she has a high level test, she wasn't born that way. It says Kremlev said when they banned these two, Kaleef who fought against the Italian boxer, female boxer, and they banned her and Lin Yoon Ting, they said based on DNA test, we identified a number of athletes who tried to trick their colleagues into posing as women. According to the results of the test, it was proved that they have XY chromosomes. Such athletes were excluded from competition. Already in the World Championship, they said no, you can't fight, but the Olympic Committee said they were fine. It says Kaleef and Algerian Olympic Committee both deny the claims. The International Olympic Committee also cleared Kaleef to compete in the games. We talked about this at a high school level. We talked about this with not in combat sports. We talked about it in a setting where doesn't it bother you or does it bother you that a young lady that has the best, whatever it is, pick the sport, best of the field, doesn't get the starting position or the win or whatever, because they're competing against somebody who now identifies as a woman, but was born a male and had the benefit of testosterone. This is another level beyond that. This is a level where it's not just hurt feelings. These are people who really hurt other people. I really think this is going to look at the pictures, watch the video. I think this may turn this conversation more than it's been turned in the past because you have now in a combat sport, yet a situation where somebody could really get hurt. Listen, men fighting men and women fighting women can really get hurt, but when you bring somebody who's XY chromosome in the mix, oh you go watch the video. All right, get your text when we come back 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. [Music] By 152 FM Talk 1065. Midday Mobile. Thursday, I'm glad to have you here. This is good news here for students out there. So the story from WPMI said students in our area started school next week and many bus riders will now have the comfort of air conditioning in the blistering heat. So you have, well, back in the, I was a kid, we had at our school, but I know friends of mine that didn't have AC, I think, at their school now, and then I don't think any of the buses were air conditioning back then now, got the air conditioning in school. Thank God. And although Bill Finch will take umbridge with me on that, but now air conditioning for the buses, Sam Ellis Transportation Coordinator for Baldwin County Public Schools said about a quarter of the buses will have air conditioning when school starts. By the middle of the school year, half of the fleet will. They're accomplishing that, he says, by getting 32 new buses with AC already on them and then retrofitting 110 buses that don't have AC a process they started back in March. Would say, listen, it might not be the best look, but it gets you a couple window units, right? You get it. Yeah, you get the window units, put them in the, you know, like every, I don't know, 10 rows or something in the school bus, put them in there. You know, you've converted DC to AC power and a plug them in. Go to it. You'll be bus riding down the road dripping water. It said there, let's see, Ellis gives on to say we had or we're having to deliver those buses all the way to Georgia. So every Saturday we take a trip to Georgia to drop off five or six buses and pick up the ones that are done and bring those back. Ellis says all the special needs buses have AC and they're also prioritizing the longer routes. Bobial County Public Schools is also in the process of adding AC on buses for the 20,000 kids who ride them. This from Renee Phillips from Bobial County Public Schools said we have more than 700 buses in the Bobial County Public Schools and more than half of those have air conditioning. We're also in the process of purchasing 80 to 100 new buses. And all those are going to have air conditioning. Phillips goes on and say the buses also have Wi-Fi, which adds a security measure. So they said we can connect cameras to the Wi-Fi. So we can see what's going on in the bus from the central office or transportation headquarters. So there you go. And so air condition buses. So there you go. All right, to the text line here. Oh, I'm learning. Okay. So Paul said it's long, but like wide, but I don't think so. I don't think that's. John says long, but sounds pretty nice to me. Steve says I think you meant to say it will lead to a call-ass action lawsuit. Maybe. Good line. All right. From our from our bureau in ladies' fashion, supermom checking in from that bureau said long, but most definitely is a thing. People our age call it having pancake, but and that's no good. Okay. So I understand that. So they're saying that the New Lulu lemon things are supposed to make it look like you got that pedonka donk, right? Or making you look like you have pancake, but all right. Dan says long, but long, but sounds like the female version of the ever-present male syndrome of Degonass Degonass, which is, it's one word. I just said, so it's a new word Degonass or none at all. How about that? Listen, Sullivan's been, I think, old paintings of the Sullivan's back in County Cork, Ireland. They didn't have a butt either. And also said Dan said to shout out from battleship rugby to the women's rugby sevens Olympic team. Let's see here. Oh, this is cool. CB Carl from last hour said my late father and his baby brother back in the 50s hauled oysters from Bon Secord to Bear Point to make their own oyster reef. We got oysters from it until the early 80s and then went on to say that's the last nail on the coffin for the sweet science that I tried to practice as a young man to learn to focus and self control. And you know, CB Carl, we have program going on here in Mobile. Well, they have, you know, I mean, I'm not like out of work there, but it's as mobile. We had teaching these young kids, especially during the summertime, getting them into boxing and all the mental game that goes with it. I think it's a great, great program. Doesn't have meant to said I was in, I was in college before I had air conditioned classroom. I didn't get any cushy private school experience like others. Oh, I did. Doesn't have that. I did. When I, when the Bentley would drop me off, Bentley dropped me off would drop me off at St. Paul's. It was ice cold air condition in the Bentley. And then I had air conditioned tube that got me the whole way to the classroom. Yeah, we had AC until it went out. And then it was like, we became riotous savages. Yeah, but you got to get, well, I'd get bill on because he was talking about it. I think I can go finish on this week's show of the week before he was talking about how, and he is right, how you get like addicted to air conditioning. Once you're used to it, then you kind of need it all the time. But, you know, if you spent any time camping or, you know, long hikes or, you know, days on end and staying outside with no air. You do get used to it. You do get used to it. The problem for me is if you don't have air conditioned the way we build our houses now, if you don't have air conditioned the house and everything's going to be mold, and it's going to stink. So, but yeah, I've got to tell you, I'm a fan of it. Yes. Jim and Georgetown said, you know, no acetol. Yes. I, I resemble those remarks. I wonder if I could, could I fix it? Or do they make Lulu lemon for dudes to give? I don't think I can afford it. And I'm just, I'm just waiting. If y'all didn't hear earlier, this story about this big product fail rolling out the $98 breeze through leggings from Lulu lemon that the women have said give them long butt. So they're, they said something nice. Like it's not flattering. It gives you long butt. Quite possibly class action suit or, like somebody said, a cola as action suit coming out on that. All right. Before we ramp up here to reminder, I'm getting to do two shows a day like the old days. So I'll be back in tomorrow morning with Dan Brennan for mobile mornings and then back for midday mobile. All right. Paul Finebaum show on the way next, which also reminds me to remind you that if you want to be in college pick them for this year, you should have an email in your inbox. If not, check our website and get signed up to compete in college pick them for this year and win fabulous prizes and talk a whole bunch of trash. See you tomorrow. [Music]