FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 8-01-24

2h 2m
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01 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchow. I don't think Hank done it this way. [MUSIC PLAYING] Good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Porchow. And if I'm talking 106.5, thank you for being with us today. We do appreciate it. 2, 5, 1, 3, 4, 3, 0, 1, 0, 6. You would be in touch with the program. All you got to do is text me. Come up on today's program. We'll kick it off here with Brian Lynn Hollyhead. He's got a book out that he'll be signing tomorrow at the Page and Palette Bookstore in Fair Hope. Again, come on and talk about it. He's been on a couple of times before with us. But he's also very active in the National Republican Party, from Tuscaloosa. So he'll be with us here in about a half hour. Also in the program today, April, Murray Fogle, our Thursday regular always. A good get there. And then finally, if you didn't hear yesterday, we talked about just a little bit. Up in Clay County, the seven-count indictment for voter fraud up there. So the Democrat running for county commission, and we were told by numerous Democrat politicians, there's no absentee ballot voter fraud here at Alabama. Bobby Cigleton went on a capital journal making that declaration. Also, we had just numerous floor speeches. By the way, Bobby Cigleton is still one of the top speakers on the Alabama Senate floor last year, along with Roger Smith, I mean, by the way. But two of them, no, no, no. This is a solution looking for a problem. Look, I'm going to tell you, you'll hear this from the Brian Lyman Cowett by industrial media complex, whatever this issue about actually ballot issues come up. Now that there is a law on the books, there's more than just a misdemeanor, it has an actual penalty to it. But it's more likely you'll see these prosecutions in the future. You'll see more absentee ballot harvesting. So all throughout this, I mean, we're just like, you Republicans, you just throw an outread meet out there for your pandering to your base or whatever. Guys, I'm telling you, this stuff has gone on and on in Alabama for decades with what they the way they will, especially the black belt, just sessions try to prosecute these cases back when he was a US attorney for the Southern District of Alabama. And they crucified it. He was a racist. You had career civil servant. Let's say he's a Michael figures was in that office to disagreed with just such as prosecution of absentee ballot harvesting. It's done on such a big scale. And I'm going to tell you something else, guys. I am pretty sure that the reason Doug Jones was elected to the United States said it had a lot to do with this. It's just that the Republicans in this state look the other way because they didn't really want Roy Moore as a US Senator. Now we finally have a law. So Jamie Keel, who was the sponsor of this bill, what are the sponsors, the sponsor in the house? It's going to join us in the 11 o'clock hour. We're talking about it. I mean, it's a victory, but any victory lap for it. But such as it is, we're going to get to that here. And two and a half hours or so, you want to stay attuned for that. See a few things here. National Association of Black Journalists. A lot of people are saying, well, you know, it really didn't, it really wasn't a good look for Trump. Any question, Kamala Harris is race or whatever. I got two mindsets about this. I mean, like, I was listening to the guys in the last hour shot and day and talk about it. We knew it was going to be Kaboomi Theater. We knew it was going to be what it was. It shouldn't be surprised, there's no shock value there. And then the intro and all that's fine. That one about is expected. I do think there's something to be said about Donald Trump showing up there. A very hostile place. And it shouldn't be hostile. I mean, these people should be professionals. These are-- that is like one of the most unprofessional settings, I mean, none of the core tenets of the society of professional journalists code of ethics adhered to. It was all just jeering and operating in the society where there's two sets of rules. But he went. And I thought he handled it about as well as one could. Probably better than one could. I mean, name me another Republican that would have handled themselves that way. But it may be like you say it to Santas or somebody. But Trump, obviously. Well, guys, I know this seems silly. We're debating why is she-- is Kamala Harris, Indian-American, is she African-American? What is she? What are we going to call her? And it puts them on-- it puts them sort of on defense. Look, as they say, if you are explaining, you're losing. So all of this that they're having to explain, explain, why Democrats have been operating this last week and a half? Is they just tossing out allegations after allegations? Uh, couches and all of this about JD Vance. And Republicans, for some reason-- and this is like-- I've always saw the mistake. The Project 2025 is a perfect example. The-- the Democrats just throw stuff out there. And now they have an advantage where they can-- the media can kind of dictate what the narrative is for the day. This is what we're discussing on all the news channels. OK, everybody got you talking points, check. This is from up on high. This is from whoever's making decisions from the Democratic Party right now. You will talk about weird. You'll say weird over and over again. So they'll do that. Anyway, now they're just-- Donald Trump could just throw out something, whatever it is. And it forces Democrats to have to do this sort of-- well, you know, she's-- she could be both. And then they can-- they had to try to explain it. And then people look at it like, why is this all important? Why is this, you know, and it makes them look petty. It makes them look. It puts them on defense. I don't know, like, that's what Republicans need to figure out. Now, like I said, a strategic disadvantage because you don't have ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, the New York Times, Washington Post, all of these legacy mainstream media outlets blocking and tackling for you. But that's going to be the trick. And I think Donald Trump just throw it out something just-- just really writ-- just something they could not pass on by questioning Kamala Harris' race. And now this is going to be the discussion. And the average person is going to look at it. They're going to say, what is she talking about? You know what I mean? Like, whoa. And then they're just going to go on and on. But I think this kind of thing puts Democrats on defense. I don't think he did this. I don't know if he did on purpose. I don't think he did. We tend to think that Donald Trump's also kind of four-dimensional chess master. But it's this. He gets down to this. Whatever you sit and you're watching the news, and Republicans, you're watching Fox News, and they have to respond to some accusation or something on this being said about them on another channel. But that's never ideal. So the reason Republicans have succeeded in the last-- and then in the last couple of months, particularly the last month, because Democrats in the left have been on defense about what they're going to do about their own party's nominee, and it's shown in the poll. So if anything, what they have done with Kamala Harris, they take in the Trump assassination attempt, kind of the steam out of that. But let's get them responding to stuff. You just got to use these like-- and Trump has to do it because he's got the bully pulpit. He's got to toss out this stuff and force these people in the left to respond to it. This is say like the Biden-Harris administration is responsible for my attempted assassination. I just stuffed it. The media, that's a lie. And then they have to try to explain their way out of it. And I don't think they do a very good job of it. 2513430106, that's the text line. I said it's yesterday, I was saying it again. It goes to be talking about it this morning, but actually a little bit. But I still think-- I mean, Americans tend to be very insular, very myopically focused on their domestic politics. I mean, we're looking at a really kind of a heightened situation in the Middle East, potentially way more heightened than it's been in a long time, maybe since the Gulf War, maybe since the invasion of Iraq, and occupation. Do you think Joe Biden is going to do the right thing here? What is the right thing? I don't know. Do you feel good about that? It's a lot of people don't. A lot of people are worried. World War III, around the corner in your commander or chief hold up somewhere in a row with beach Delaware. So with the Israeli strike on Tehran, take it out the political leader for Hamas, and then all these other leaders, Hezbollah, a lot of the pro-Israel crowd cheering it all day yesterday, the finally getting y'all who's gotten it together. This is what we expected to see from Israel. But once you cross the line into-- this is more than a conflict and Lebanon and Gaza strip cross that line into Iran, it's a different ball game. It's a different set of circumstances. Once again, text line 253430106. Remember, back this is the Jeff Porchola from Talk1065. [MUSIC PLAYING] Learn the happiness on earth ain't just for high achievers. I've heard, I've heard, I've come. My heroes have always been cowboy and they're still on the same setting in such arms. One step in my heart themselves and there's no food in the green. Welcome back to the Jeff Porchola from Talk1065. Coming to the next segment, Ronald Hollyhand, author, will be with us, so stay tuned for that. Tim Wright says, Jeff, how can you be an African-American if you have Indian mother and a Jamaican day? Well, I mean, I think Jamaicans are descendants of Africans. I don't know, there's a lot. I mean, I'm going to try to work through the Ram McNally Road Atlas here of the Kamala Harris family tree, but I think she has a legitimate claim on both. It's just that she gets the point that she's playing these cards. So I don't think we really need to be too concerned about it. But what you need, let's make the Democrats explain their way of this whole identity politics thing. And at some point, it becomes kind of silly, right? James, the official troll of the Jeff Porchola, who never gives up, oh, by the way, James, the persistent official troll of the Jeff Porchola. Jeff, why would Trump's handlers put him in that situation without Kamala being there? Personally, I think his handlers dropped the ball worse than the Secret Service, so they tried to get him unelected. I don't think James, because it looks bad to you, doesn't mean it looks bad to his supporters. It doesn't even mean it looks bad to people who are undecided or whatever. I mean, who did-- by virtue of Donald Trump speaking, you get to National Association, a black journalist. Did that change anybody's vote? Did it change anything? What it did, it changed the narrative. I am telling you, the Democrats think they got a card to play here. He denied this. He's an African-American. What is wrong with him? But then it forces him to have to talk about all this. And I just think people in America, in general, are kind of over the whole identity politics, critical race theory. Well, you know, all of these different aspects of it, it's ugly. It's meant to, like, it's sort of dehumanizing in a way. And the more that she has to, like, get out front of a camera and have to explain this, and she hasn't yet, by the way, the more does she have to sit around and explain this stuff? Like I said, it just becomes a really, really, really bad look. And it's just-- it's not a winner. It may not-- it's certainly not like a winner for Trump to, like, you know, but it changes the narrative. Like, just this game they play. And I think it's so overrated. All of this noise going on. But they still play it, so we still talk about it. So I-- he brought it up. He's set this bomb off, and then he's walking away. And now everybody's, like, just hyper analyzing this. And like I said, I don't think it's really helping either one, but I guess it puts them on defense. And maybe people will just say, I'm just sick of it all, but there's going to be those people. I mean, would you say this? And this is the question-- just a general question. And this was true with Joe Biden. But I think it's certainly true with Kamala Harris. The intensity-- like, who's waking up excited to go out and vote for her? Now, there's probably more excitement surrounding her than Joe Biden, certainly. But I think Trump supporters still have the enthusiasm advantage over the Democrat nominee. Am I wrong? Let me just give that some thought. We have a troll. I need to give it a name, or her a name, in her name, just call her President Harris. Uh, it's been a lot of time texting this radio station. [MUSIC PLAYING] 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-2-6-0-6-0-1-2-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0- 2-5-1-3-4-3-0-1-0-6-0-1-0-6-0-1-0-6-0-6-0-1-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6-0-6 [MUSIC] And there's a bunch of text today, so I don't know who's button I pushed, but 2513430106, we will respond to your text here over the next couple segments as we head it to and go beyond the 10 o'clock hour. Let's look up on the program from Alabama today from where we focal. That's about an hour from now. Two hours from now, stay up to the JB Keel, who was really, he was the sponsor of Alabama's pro-abitional ballot harvesting that takes it from what it was a misdemeanor tough felony. And yesterday up at Clay County, six counts, I believe, or seven counts of absentee ballot fraud. So we'll talk to him about this law. And I think this is a very good, very, very good warning signal, if anything. The Democrats looking to engage in this age old practice about harvesting in this upcoming election cycle. However, joining us now on the line, he is the author of one generation away. He's got it in a book event. I'm going to talk a little bit about that, but Brian Hollyhand joins us on the line. Riley, good morning. How are you? Good morning. Great to catch up. Hope you're doing well. Appreciate the opportunity to come on. Doing well. Thanks for making time for us. We'll just kick it off here. We will follow up later again with it. But you have an event tomorrow at the Page of Palette Bookstore. Pharaoh, tell us a little bit about it. Chris Cross in the country talking to his many Americans that could about the book. But next Wednesday, I start my senior year of high school here in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. And I'm going to be a little bit more limited in my travel across the nation. So today we're announcing my sweet home Alabama tour, while I'll be coming to 10 different counties across the state to speak to local Alabamians and do some book signings and speeches. And I thought it was no better place to kick off that tour than beautiful Fairhope, Alabama. So tomorrow morning from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. I will be finding books that Page and Palette and Downtown Fairhope. And excited to see all of your audience there. All right. We'll hit that one more time. But if you're out and about tomorrow, give it a pay, Brian, let's talk about the book itself. One generation away, taking from the comments from Ronald Reagan there. What's the takeaway here? Yeah. So obviously you made reference to it. Reagan's famous quotes for him's one generation away from total extinction, which is the 20-year anniversary of the Gippers passing. But I think his timeless words of wisdom are really more true now than ever before. And not to be a fear longer here today, Jeff. But I believe that my generation is that generation on the brink of total extinction. It's up to us to save the country before we grow up in a nation of tyranny. We're kind of getting towards their death. So I wrote this book in response to constantly hearing the same thing that you're hearing from American people. We do not, regardless of what generation you're in, we do not have hope in the future of this country we want to. And this book is inspiring. I hope this inspired the next generation to get involved. It's also for parents out there. Parents who are fed up in indoctrination, they're seen in our school systems and want to push back against that. Grandparents that really don't even recognize the America that we live in today. This book's for all of them. And if you can't make it to books, not even smart or signed copies are available. I thought it's or Amazon, whatever it needs for you. But we'd love to see in person to love to shake your hand and greet you at Page and Palettes more. Well, and I guess it's this, like you're trying to write about this generation. And I guess the idea here is things could go the way, right? There's a kind of a fork in the road. And what needs to be the, what would you think needs to be the game plan here? Yeah, so I obviously born and raised in Puscaloosa. So college football, kind of in my backyard. And I make a lot of football records in the book. And the main one is a chapter called time to get on offense. And that really needs to be the message of a Republican party going forward. We have to get on offense. Everyone wants to win these elections. I constantly say that Republicans have the right message, run the right set of history. We have a messaging problem to get in our message out there. When I took over the Aren Theist Chairman of the Youth Advisory Council, the very first thing I told the team in that meeting was the days have been able to take on an ad and the Sunday paper to get our message out over. We have to modernize. We have to reach out to social media. We have to go to campus directly. We have to reach out to fraternities and sororities and new grassroots efforts that way. We can't just keep being the grand old party and expect to win every election because we're not. And there's a problem, clearly. So I think we have to get on offense. And that's interesting because like you're going to kind of look at it like what's, what's going on in this presidential election and sometimes I think maybe we get a little too caught up as Republicans in what they're saying in the mainstream media. Because as a guy who's been watching this, I mean I've been at this game for like 20 years now. I mean you know when the media have their orchestrated talking points. The best example is they're trying to make JD Vance out to be quote-unquote weird. And I mean you just see it throughout the media. And you see it over and over and over and over again. So I guess I guess like the point is like how do you, Republicans don't really have anything like that, a tool in their tool chest to kind of counter that. And you talk about the messaging. I think the messaging is there. Especially Donald Trump's figured out his own way sort of punch him in the mouth. But I think Trump is like a once in a lifetime type of politician. What is a good sound strategy for overcoming the mainstream media? Yeah, well a few things there. You're spot on with President Trump. He deals with influencer. And so as I constantly, you know, encourage him and his team to embrace social media. He's already on it because, you know, that's the really hell he got to start in 2015. He started tweeting to understand the importance of being on social media. As for the weird comments we've seen be made about Jayty Vance, slightly. You know what I think is weird, Jeff? I think the Democrats have supported abortion up until the day of bars. I think that's weird. And I think that's disgusting. And that's what we need to be caught up constantly because they're the radicals. And we're obviously not. We're the same people with stability. And that's really what my generation is drawing towards. So I constantly think you said you know the media and how they're kind of getting around when they're talking points. The perfect example of that was last week when within a matter of an hour or two, every single talking head on TV coordinated Kamala Harris as an ex nominee, even the day or two before they were saying that she needs to get off the ticket, she's a problem for dividing. She's really the issue that they kind of need to move away from her. It was a mistake. It was a day high. Within an hour or two, they all circle the wagons around her and are supporting her. But you could tell they got their talking points. And so we have to push back again so we have to understand the narrative of this isn't how this is going to work. And the big thing, and I think this is something that we're going to start seeing in the next few days and we're already kind of seeing it with her, especially joining the convention. And I think you'll agree with me here is that she's going to try to separate herself from Biden as much as possible. And we can't let her do that. This is the Biden Harris Administration. And we have to hold her accountable for every single action that was made because, remember, she set in the Oval Office when Biden made those horrible decisions. She set in the situation room during Afghanistan withdrawal. She was right there being a net with these policies. And also, she lied directly to the face of American people for three and a half years and told us that Biden was sharp as a tack and bit of the fiddle. Right. And you know, all that is just like ammo, but there's just nowhere to unload it, I think. You know, you should talk radio and Fox News, but those are kind of echo chambery. And look, the MSNBC and CNN is their echo chamber, but the mainstream media, there are still people, believe it or not, in Breiland today, that watch the evening news. That's where the problem is. I mean, I hear you on the social media stuff, but what portion of America really watches this stuff? It's just what we got. The problem, I think Republicans have, and I don't know the answer to this, is that our institutions as a country just seem to go along with whatever the mainstream media left wing conventional wisdom of the day is. And how do you overcome that? And maybe this social media, maybe it's your generation who will now start relying on social media more, so we need a better social media strategy. But that to me is right now, they are just, when ABC News is David Merritt declared something, it's just treated as if it's fact, even though it's kind of tainted in this left wing bias. Are you spot on and what I constantly say when I think needs to happen? We label teachers that are spreading indoctrination and propaganda as activists. We need to start saying the same for journalists to go on TV and read straight off the D and talking pointy nose. Those are activists as well, and that's something that we need to get a head start on. Sure, my brother, Holly Ann, here on the program, he's got a book out. He is going to be a fair open page of palette tomorrow at noon. One generation away, why now is the time to restore American freedom up. Let's talk about your role in the RNC. I just had our convention up in Milwaukee. I mean, I don't know what's going to happen in the Democrat National Convention, but I thought, I mean, especially given that it's on the heels of an assassination attempt of the party standard bearer, I thought it was a it wasn't over the top. It wasn't, I mean, they're not controversial in any sense. Overall, it was a good blocking and tackling convention. What is the takeaways you have from that? Yeah, absolutely. I was there the whole week. I was on the ground serving as the chairman of the House of Council. And I'll say that what I saw on the floor, what I saw walking around during the day when the cameras were off, was the same thing that everybody was saying, unity. And I think from the moment that President Trump surprised everybody about walking in that room Monday night, 48 hours after being shot in the head, the message was clear that we are not going to back down. We're going to fight, fight, fight. And we're going to win over people, not scare people away and not take the low road and attack our opponents. Trump made that clear in his speech on Thursday night that he took the high road. He did that opportunity to be a typical politician and attack his opponent, the attacks of the radical left that shot him in the head. And then he took the high road and attempted to be the president for all of America, not just for the Republican party. And I think that's really what's going to help him in the polls is to go into November if he continues to keep that message. I thought that was pretty cool and I think it was great to have so many young delegates, especially from Alabama. We had a really cool amount of young delegates that were sticking there on the floor representing my generation. And I was pretty excited to see that. I think Alabama had a pretty decent presence there. Yeah, I said that. Katie Britt speaking on the first night, coach there as the chairman of the delegation. But then you saw throughout, just kind of throughout the event, a lot of Alabama on it. I mean, Alabama is sort of a bellwether for the Republican party, I think. Yeah, you're smart on. And also we had Vicki Drummond, the legend in Alabama politics, doing the roll call. We actually did the nomination process. She was out there sitting her stage every camera facing her as we officially nominated Trump. And they answered our nominee. It was pretty cool. Yeah, so y'all keep that in mind. Otherwise, this presidential election cycle, I mean, asking to play pundit here. How do you feelin' about it? I mean, obviously you're talking into a talk radio Breitbart guy here. I would like the Kamala Harris honeymoon. I don't think they could keep up this intensity. And I think they've done an okay job of rolling around. I'm really shocked that there wasn't more turmoil about this switch, that there was no pushback. Not that they kicked by not the ballot, clearly there was something wrong there. But that they just coordinated Harris without any discussion, without any sort of deliberation. I know that was going to be something they would have to deal with. Well, it turns out that was not an issue. So here we are, and I guess they're just hitting them all cylinders for her. You know, you have to kind of see it, know what's going on to understand it. But on the other hand, I mean, this is really, it's just so intense right now. I don't think it can last for the next 96 days. I don't think it can either. And you mentioned it right there. The party of democracy, that's the party that's allegedly stating democracy, this election, gave a slap in the face to the primary voters by just switching to top the ticket with no contest, no election. Just circle the wagon that Democrats typically do and move on board. And I agree, we're in a honeymoon period right now with Kamala. But I don't think they can keep it up for much longer. I think eventually, maybe on the time of the DP NOMs and next Tuesday, that there will be some more turmoil, there will be some more intensity around that. I think at some point, people are going to see through this kind of state Kamala that they put up there in the media. We painted this picture of her being this perfect candidate. And clearly, she's not. That's why she dropped out to early in 2020. And so I think there's a lot of attack ammo on Kamala. There's a lot of areas that we can go after for her failed policies as VP and her radical agenda as a senator. And so as we continue to get those messages, whether that's on TV, social media, print, whatever, over the next 90 so days, I think we're going to see a shift in polling. But I do think, and this is something nobody's talking about, you can't underestimate Kamala. And you can't underestimate the D&D right now. Because not ever surprise has not happened yet. It's only part of August. I'll say, I think the threat of an October surprise, I mean, this is Donald Trump's third time running for president. And as the party nominee, I mean, what else is left? What else are they going to do to Donald Trump at this point? Well, Harris, much different story there. And I mean, we don't know. I anticipate something. But just as it goes, I mean, I'm already hearing this. Did they go try to swift bone her or whatever? I just think whoever she picks is her VP nominee. And Brian, here's the deal. These are VP nominee vetting processes are pretty intense. They take months. They're having to play hurry up offense here, which I think leaves. They're going to have to leave some stones unturned. They're not going to get answers on everything. And I guess, I mean, there's not really, they don't have the ideal choice in front of them either. It looks to be a smart killer, Josh Shapiro. And each of them, they don't overthink this, they always do. But each of them have their drawbacks. Oh, they definitely do. I think both of them you win a state with, but I think you just win a state. You either win Arizona or Pennsylvania. That's kind of in in that regard. I think in advance, we can win a lot of them Midwest and have an opportunity to win multiple states. They're what I think was a smart move in that regard. But you're totally right with the VP. That's something that Trump's, you know, close to a year considering maybe even more than that. And she's having like two weeks to completely vet these people to, you know, to do this. I don't even think that they're looking at, you know, their top stars or the brightest people. I think they just said they're going to try to find the best old white guy possible to pick and move forward and just kind of, you know, go and talk about it too much or think about it too much. So I'm very interested. I've heard Mark Kelly a lot. I've heard Josh Shapiro a lot. Do you think there's one that's maybe at the top or do you think they're both at the same level right now? I think slightly Shapiro only because there's more electoral college votes in Pennsylvania than there are in Arizona. And that may be more important. That may be the calculus here. Hey, brother, we got to get out of here before we let you go one more time. Folks want to come check you out tomorrow. Give them the deets. Yeah, I will be kicking off my sweet home, Alabama tour at Page and Palette in downtown Fairhote from 12th year to 2 p.m. starting book. Come say, hey, we're about to meet you. All right, brought in. Ladies and gentlemen, brother, thanks for coming on. Thanks, Jeff. Have a great week. All right. We got to get a break in here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Pore show. What a good talk for 065. I don't know what's wrong with you. Come and do your life like I do every night. From the heart of your radio. I play a little sad and I play a lot of play. And if you all change the song. Here's open now. We'll go back to the Jeff Pore show. What a 6-5. That's your sticking with us on this Thursday morning. Two, five, one, three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, that is the text line. Thanks to the gentleman who sent me the copy of Kamala Harris's birth certificate here. As it says, it states certificate of a vital records from Alameda County, Oakland, California, a mother birth place, India, a co-er, a race, a mother Caucasian, and then a father is got on here as a as a Jamaican. So a father obvious. I guess I make sense. Her father teaches at Berkeley or taught at Berkeley at the time of her birth. October 23rd, 1964. So, okay. Our date of birth, October 20th, 1964, the immersion certificate three days later. So there you have it. Indian caucasian Jamaican. It's a lot of different cards to play. But the problem is that I don't want to spend too much time on this. It's more of a tactical problem for Democrats. They had to explain this. They say Donald Trump is bad for denying her race. Well, then what is she? What's this controversy about? Well, he says she's not black. Well, she is clearly black. But why does this story, buddy, associate, oppress, call her the first Indian American United States senator? Well, I mean, she asked she could be both. Well, how? Well, what is she? What's her? And then you have to like explain her family tree. And that circuit's complicated. And I think at some point, people are just like, all right, enough for the identity politics. We're all Americans. Donald Trump's going to take his heads. But the same people who are hitting him and who are just a shocked and appalled by this behavior are the same ones who would never vote for him. And it could heal your whoever. I mean, it's just like, OK, whatever. So they had to put a fire out. Think of it that way. Donald Trump goes around. And he sets little fires all around and it forces the forces, some kind of response. Michael, I'm not a Trump fanboy, but I thought Trump handled the black journal saying the best way possible. There's no reason to be a shrieking violet and let a hostile group take posh shots at you. That's the exact place to punch them back. Yeah. And they went in there with a plan. But these people tell you guys are beatable and Republicans and conservatives should not be afraid of them. We'll be right back. This is a Jeff Porchola for talk one oh six five from Bucks pocket to the shores of orange beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porchola. We'll go back to the Jeff Porchola to talk one oh six five thanks for staying with us on this Thursday morning two five one three four three zero one zero six when we touch with the show. Please, a text to me. So the come on the program made from a refocal about a half hour or Thursday regular at about an hour and a half from Franklin County up in North Western Alabama. Stay representative Jamie Kiel so stay tuned for that in the meantime you want a text two five one three four three zero one zero six got a ton of text to get through here. We'll begin on those momentarily. Some things are watching us Russia, President or swap on their way. I don't I don't really have much I though my only concern here is that the Biden administration is engaging in a bad deal here for this prisoner swap that's the largest ones is the Soviet era. We'll keep an eye on that also the fallout from Trump's visit to the National Association of Black Journalists. Hey, I keep getting told that this is a major bombshell. This is a major blow to the Trump campaign. I don't think so I have that same instinct number one it was good that he went down there at least it shows he I mean yeah like Biden never go to like CPAC would you ever see that probably not and then these are journalists these are people who are looking at the world objectively. No, they're not they have a left of center worldview. They were indoctrinated by their professors and the environment that they exist in they just don't like Donald Trump. Some of it's rational. Some of it's irrational and very emotional but they can't separate the two. They just aren't capable of it. The ends justify the means we got to stop this man is hyper emotional plus you put that on top of just kind of where they are politically that's that that is the recipe. And for Trump goes into that hostile situation and I don't think he gained anything but he didn't certainly didn't lose anything from it. I was like somebody really close to the Trump world say well it's feels like Donald Trump's in a funk right now well of course I mean the Democrats played the card they had to they got by not the ticket. You got to it's Andrew Sorrell sent it on Monday on this show. We got to let this settle into like that first or second into the first or second week of August let the sugar high we're off and he go back into campaign mode don't don't try to land your best punches right now because you're not you're not going to get the best most bang for your buck okay and well it's presidential politics one big thing statewide I think significant and we're talking about it earlier the ballot harvesting in the state yesterday Clay County there was a there was an arrest seven counts of of absentee ballot fraud candidate and Democrat candidate for County Commission reason you don't you have not seen more of this in Alabama up until this point and this is what the detractors in the opponents always say well there's only been two perfect cases of ballot fraud in Alabama in the last 50 years because there was never the incentive to try these people we keep very costly and the only thing you would ever get out of it would be maybe a misdemeanor slap on the wrist now it is a felony conviction potentially and I mean felony serious very serious matter I think we've had absentee ballot harvesting all throughout Alabama history I mean going back for the better part of the last century I mean we've had it in Alabama it's just there's been no mechanism to to prevent it when you do try to fight it and there has been a rest the mayor Gordon Alabama in Houston County there's also right now Alabama former mayor there kicked out of office for it but I'm sure it goes on and you know you have places you had an election a few years back John Sharp wrote the story where Perry County Wilcox County in a race for probate judge their probate judge elections and this is you know why probate judge when you're probate judge in a rural county some of these counties you're still kind of the president of the county commission you're still in charge of the county so it's a very important office but the Democrat nominees and those two offices were engaging in this absentee ballots system it was something like more than a third or typically you have like two percent maybe absentee balloting it was like 33 40% I mean it was just clearly appeared to be a some kind of ballot harvesting mechanism there and I said this earlier I said if Doug Jones hadn't leaned heavily on absentee balloting in 2017 he probably wouldn't have been Senator so we're thought to represent kill about that in about our the half so uh enough of that let's go to these text are you a quote-unquote moderate do you think Biden is alive Elizabeth Warren is a Native American right it was awesome and we aren't watching MM make sure the stream of consciousness damn Yankee uh total setup yesterday with the black media convention they were attacked him and he fought back to changing it was by the vote I do wish they get into some actual problems and solutions drive down to Jamaica I don't think you can do that uh damn Yankee and ask it to make it what they identify as guaranteed they will tell you black or Jamaican but they were not African American well well I mean Jamaican by virtue of immigrating to America Jamaican American they wouldn't say African American because they're not American they're Jamaican you see would say African Jamaican but that's kind of redundant but when you when you immigrate to this country then you attach the American label to it day Yankee you know you don't get that till you get to America it's uh it's just just the definition uh name texture I'm glad Trump was there I'm a supporter of Trump's supporter but he's doing horrible and attacking Kamala if identity politics is over why this Trump attacker record instead of her right now all Trump's campaign is doing is identity politics all Harris's campaign is doing I'm a black woman support me I don't think that's all they're doing I just like Trump kind of slipped it in there he said something a lot of people are thinking I mean this isn't new this isn't something that is like just just manufactured here the last few days on a texture who cares what race she is we are all Americans why does race matter it just does I mean we live it I hear that all the time and I agree with it but guess what the reality is it is a discussion and we have to deal with it accordingly okay a name texture Kamala Harris's tree is rather a mixed bag it's my belief she is a trans ethnic dependent upon her current environment trans ethnic dependent oh let's see Paul this election is for Western civilization elaborate Paul I ought to be just elaborate on it for you gotta be real careful here if president is appointed who runs the federal government is important and politics is kind of part of culture but like the individuals of Western civilization we're we are in control of our own destiny so whoever gets elected president be it Trump be it Harris it's still up to you to choose your own path to have your own success it's just on the margins in the margins matter who is president can really impact your ability to achieve that success this is where Republicans have to be real careful here because government's not going to pave your way for you they'll make it easier maybe they will think of it like this we're all trying to get to the same place maybe it'll raise a speed limit to make it a little more expeditious do take away some of the speed traps take away some of the just onerous government red tape but it's still like primarily up to you I know that was sort of a takeaway I know that if you read the Hill Billi Elegy book and JD Vance now now he acknowledges that in some places that you really do need government intervention but also government becomes a crutch for some people the Blamey Obama even some out is his some of his peers in Middletown Ohio and you know they blame me Obama economy or just not be able to find a dream job whatever that may be body there's always scream races of the I already is without their racism they would not have leverage they keep their thumb on their ignorant masses by keeping their suppresses one hand giving them handouts with the other they do not want the productive because if they were they just might see how it feels to work and struggle because power struggle policies but I don't think it hard work is rewarding though and this is what they're missing out on it's like we're not just we're not just punished because we're hard workers you know whatever those of us who are relying upon the government for our existence but there's a reward you could have a better life you just got to follow the rules stay out of trouble avoid the pitfalls do the best you can to get your you know your your education try to take yourself extricate yourself from some of these situations but that requires a little discipline and I like with a lot of us had to learn hard way maybe stay out of the bars on a Wednesday night at two in the morning I you know like or or whatever it was it took to like oh well if I just do that in life it gets a lot easier but if you know you have something to fall back on it's somebody's gonna you always have that that crutch it's it becomes a little more more difficult Indian or black both minorities so why answer with the question which minority she belongs to I think Trump threw it out there just to troll these people and now look they're spending there's just spending precious airtime trying to condemning for it and then they have to explain it and it's it's taken away from their central narrative well they're back this is the Jeff poor show it at the talk when 065 and I look back to the Jeff poor show it at the talk when 065 they just stick it around on this Thursday morning we do appreciate it thanks only to 5134301 066 is how you get touched with the show I've done a bad bad job here get through these texts I get a long-winded sometimes in the radio industry you become a little bit of a bloviator just to the term from Bill O'Reilly back in the day and I am guilty of that I apologize but I'm glad you are out there listening it's over and what Trump was asked why he called a chemo a DEI hire all he had to do was cite the times Biden was badger to pick a black woman running made or how about this girl Biden like starts talking about his he starts talking about his achievements in the category of DEI and the first person that he names while laying out his DEI achievements is his running mate is the person he hired and what what other definition of a DEI hire do these people need well that's derogatory what it suggests you didn't she didn't get the job of the merits they did it was done in the name of diversity equity and inclusion but I thought his response like hey define DEI and this this brain dead reporter from ABC News couldn't do it they don't know what the hell they're talking about these are not smart people it was a stupid statement that's what scares many people about Trump oh come on how many stupid statements as Trump made in the last 12 years this is not this is not a this is a blip in the radar these people are very good at establishing what the conventional wisdom of the day is going to be Brandon she is the worst case scenario for this country China Russian Iran think they will think they can do whatever they want if she gets elected Tim Jeff this kind of stuff is right up Trump's alley he loves it start these little fires or twisting people screws when they were asking him those questions yesterday it was like him getting tall softball questions James all journalists are from the same CNN the Fox be honest to your listeners James um that's not true I mean maybe in some cases it is I didn't see these journalists or what do you ever want to call me sort of adapt to their environment we could say Caitlyn Collins for example used to be kind of a right winger from Private Alabama or for Tucker she came after I did she went to go she was all Fox regularly CNN saw something in her made her one of their star talents and then she's kind of evolved to become more left say with Joe Scarborough oh my gosh Joe Scarborough was like John Birch society and he evolved become what he is today and then you could say I mean if you look at Fox News and say to say and John Roberts saw the midday show host used to be on CNN and he's to be kind of a Clint Nista and now he's more right of center I mean I think the environment has a lot to do with what happens the nature if you will so it's true with some of these people but it's not true with all of them some of these news banks guys are true believers James and they've textured so what is a birth certificate say it says a bunch of things King of all named tasters Jamaicans have also have European heritage yeah but then the African Indian Jamaican is very dominant a name texture it matters because the mainstream media keeps making her race and issue they would just leave it hello maybe we could all just be a name texture sends me a link that I can't click on on a texture race matters because we're all because we're racist speak for yourself and Joel rights I would put past them all here so when the president of the election for about harvesting watch what I tell you Democrats could do everything they can and you know it and I know it why do all blacks consider themselves African Americans and none of this none of us been to Africa just curious I'm with malls to the Hill wants to take over that blank well I think there's something to claim African American heritage yet descendants of slaves that's so important to all it may not be in your your mind but it is you got to understand it I mean you were you know these are people who were in bondage maybe you talk more about that when I got a little more time on the other side this is the Jeff Porsche what I could talk one oh six five now if you're leather jacket means to you what this hat means to me but I get I'm a small son not to do the things I've been walk away from trouble if you can. You're all being your weak if you turn the other cheek I hope you're old enough to understand. I'm going back to the Jeff Porsche all day before I was six five thanks for being with us on this third Thursday still a couple to program about an hour from now state representative Jamie Keel will be with us so make sure you stay tuned for that he is the he is the sponsor of the ballot harvesting law that apparently I had it it's first it's first big indictment yesterday Clay County but we can get into that a little bit later in the program joining us now on the line from Alabama today and you hear her frequently as a filling host should we fill it in three days next week for the Jeff Porsche April Marie Fogle morning April Marie how are you good morning I am doing great back to back to school preparedness is underway in my house so it's a chaos of you know crayons and catch up summer homework there's catch up summer homework I I have a three year old I know he's going to be a problem he is not going to study he is not it just no like discipline when it comes to like something he doesn't want to do well they have you know they're starting in kindergarten their summer reading for all the kids and if you read 20 minutes a day you knock through it you know no problem kindergarten so read we're going to read to them and read with them oh so this isn't really on your child this is on mommy well that one is but then the second grader would they do the whole book and I'm like okay you know you're doing your reading and I don't know if they're like going out or what they're holding their darn book but they're not actually reading so I'm like all right time to draw a picture and write an essay about the thing you just read and they're like I don't know what you want to do what do you want to do the book yeah can't think this way it's just funner oh I can't imagine I mean they were so cute when they were babies but man like a little terrorist little heat seeking missile here no son don't put the fork in the light socket no son no you know yeah they're good it's good time so school school starts in just a couple of weeks I'm homeschooling one and to return back to private school well you're gonna be busy well have fun with that homeschooling sounds like a lot of work I'll see what else we got here well I guess the scandal of the day is a Donald Trump didn't call Kamala Harris the right racers that questioned her her African American authenticity and boy you just don't you just don't do that with that crowd so every little every little light cup reporter with a Capitol Hill press credential this morning is running around asking anybody with an R and extra name to respond to it and it's just so utterly predictable it has nothing to do with anything but it's their stupid narrative and this is what the marching orders say they got to go do is go run up to Tommy Tuberville and ask him to respond to what Donald Trump said at the NABJ yesterday I just the response was pretty good though I mean I mean Trump was fine but like the fallout is oh we have something here really and really did I hate these people because they're stupid people they're little they're just little apple polishing losers that are trying to climb their way up and the way they do so what matter if it was just them and it was just their job but the way they're doing so they're playing ball for the other team right so and they're not as the big thing is what they're hoping to do is they're hoping they go up to Tuberville and instead of Tuberville saying I ain't touching that they're hoping he says something and they go up you know they speak out the ones who are prone to speak their mind and then they go up to that person and if they can get been saying something great then they're the ones who have a new suit right like FARC said this thing which is a nothing burger because she's the one who's made everything about her race and then in the AP and everybody else follows suit when she first made the senate and so now they're looking for to make this a snowball effect and hopefully nobody falls for it and it just dies on the vine with all these little like he said these little minions of the DNC running around Capitol Hill and everything that's just in that's just the annoying part of it that the public doesn't realize this but they picked a side and instead they picked a side and they keep it and they keep itself they're making it part of their job and the problem is April Marie and this is like it establishes the narrative like this is what this is how they are able to establish what they can deem to be facts what they deem to be the truth is by doing this by by going in the hyperdrive here and they did they're just little mindless followers just trying to climb the ladder and be light but I mean that's just that's why we have such a this dishonesty in the media and it is so divorced in reality sometimes well these young journalists have never been I don't know that they've never been taught or that they've just never been at help to the standard of when you are a straight down the middle news journalist not an opinion writer but it's right down the middle journalist you're not supposed people shouldn't walk away from a story and know what you think let me push back on that a little bit because I can serve myself a journalist but there's no way of straight down the middle I think you can be a left of center journalists if you have like mother Jones or a huff to post or even MSNBC but what what's going on here it's it's it's political it's punch ball it is the Washington Post it is these NBC News these outlets that pride themselves on their legacy of being objective and not you know Breitbart versus and they're and they're playing ball for the other team well and that that's just it is these are we have outlets that are writing on the legacy of being trustworthy media that are no longer trustworthy media if I open up you know a left of paper I know I know and I'm getting I know what to expect if I open up you know a conservative of right birth like you said then I know what I'm getting a town hall I that that's what they said these papers used to write further down the middle and now they no longer do so and so they're taking advantage of the legacy of actual journalist who came before them journalists on all those probably been a decade and they're doing their opinion and their editor's opinion straight on the front page as if it is hard press news I was starting to say that I have a friend that works VIP for years I had no idea political meaning and that's how it's supposed to be now I know exactly what it's leaning is because AP is letting them write it which is bizarre I mean the Associated Press used to have a really good thing going I mean just just bland straight wire copy and I like their style guide before they tried the social engineer it on these like long established institutions just got a step selling out to left wing conventional wisdom and it is easy for you to say talk radio boy but it really is the goal post keep moving by our institutions but what you do in April Marie is they're getting further and further away from the door the center of the American public is I think you're doing themselves a lot of harm it is a disservice to the nation a nation without where the citizens don't have the ability to trust media I mean we're that that's not what we need we need a healthy environment where people can read ideas and not have ideas planted into their head you know great example have you seen a video of the weird were all every television person that went on TV was talking about JD Vans and Trump being hired exactly yes oh so briefly I mean the mashup if you guys haven't gotten to see this listeners go out and just look up the talking heads saying weird because it was repeatedly over and over again as if they were trying to program your brain but that's not the I mean it is kind of creepy they are trying to is very dystopian almost but it's just like they think we're too stupid to notice that's that they really do think we're stupid people and we will never notice that they're they're all in concert here no one's going to notice no one's going to know that I am I kind of running this game for the DNC here we'll just sneak it in when people are aware I mean it's just it's embarrassing yeah it is it is absolutely embarrassing and it undermines the credibility of these news organizations whatever will credibility they have left and it's just it is so unhealthy it's an unhealthy environment that the media has created we will we fixed aside and they're going to just hammer that with 24/7 news that's literally what they're doing 24/7 hammering the right right now I don't think they can keep this intensity up I mean like speaking for myself here and watching it and I mean like doing this for a living it's not easy to maintain that kind of discipline and do it with the enthusiasm and vigor that they are for the next 96 days no those point out that they you know I mean they tried to sell like a JD dance story at one point right they they're going to just keep throwing things until something sticks and now it's the race thing it's just gonna keep going and they'll find people with a passion you know I'm starting to think that the in the polling they're showing Kamala up that she's only been in the race five seconds right I'm really starting to think that that they are booked all they have to do is get the momentum for the 96 days but I don't think they can keep it up and the other thing is at this I mean you saw the weird mashup you seen like how they are just really really a lot step here they're not getting the bank for their book I think they anticipated that they think Donald Trump I mean in my opinion if the Donald Trump had this sort of tailwind I mean he'd be at 10 points Kamala Harris she's not getting she's getting certainly an improvement over Biden but Sally she's got a big bounce out of it she's establishing herself and she's got them paving the way for her but the numbers just aren't I mean she should be dominating right she's running against a guy with like 34 felony convictions twice impeached little approval ratings and she's still at best at best in a few swing states up a point or two well and she hasn't been properly vetted I mean we make it fun I've been making fun of Kamala since she was picked right but no one's really talk about some of the awful things I've seen videos of things she didn't in California where I'm going why have I never heard this before she's just an absolutely despicable person with no respect for victims of crime with not that smart and just a problem and I think that when voters figure that out even on the left they're going to be some people that are like I really want her in the White House because the fact of the matter is very few Democrats ever wanted her in the White House well it's just the other thing and I think this is important I say this all the time like she flamed out like pretty fast when she ran for president the first time I mean she had Biden boxed in a corner and she was just landing body blows moves up in the polls and it just like doesn't really try to build or do anything with that just fades into a relevancy and drops out yeah and it sounds like you know and it's inside baseball except for you know shows how it might work on the presidential the team you put around you and how you work with your staff is important and if you don't believe that you can look at this and you can look at Jeb and you look at some others who there's internal staff issues cost them a lot Kamala has a really big problem with she's not disciplined and doesn't have a disciplined staff you know I say what you will about Trump and I said a lot also things he's got Susie Wiles on his team and a couple others that are just plugging forward no matter what I don't think Kamala has that there's nobody who has fell back and it's going to keep her from pointing out again and let's be honest here and I you know I think this is an important point I mean this is Donald Trump's third diamond he's he's one and one but he's got he's got some experience at this she I don't think has the work ethic to keep up with a Donald Trump for 96 days I honestly don't she's got to be vice president as well I mean there's a lot of responsibility there a lot of things is she's got to also juggle I I think Kamala Harris just kind of flames out a bit about 40 days into this well you look at what she's doing so in Atlanta she had you know it was made in the stallion or something where she's trying to make her rallies look like his rallies which they're much better than sleepy Joe rallies that's for sure I don't know if you could ever even think he had an actual rally but people are coming to see the talent supporting her not heard they're leaving after the music left that ain't good they don't want to be there for her they're not there for her and I think that's going to show a very shallow support from election day who's going to go out to the polls if they're not expecting to see a big Hollywood name there right and you know begging the stallion is that I mean is this is what is this the template for Kamala Harris bringing a big name draw 10,000 people is that what they're going to have to do I mean who's going to get I think back to 2016 and here's the question for you and it is a 2016 question I went to a bunch of Hillary Clinton events in Florida I mean they just did they pale the comparison to Trump people just did not come out for her however I mean who do you think it's a better presidential candidate who do you who do you want into foxhole with you in this political skirmish Hillary Clinton or Kamala Harris oh Hillary Clinton for sure yeah that's what I think she sees she knows she's scared she's disappointed oh yeah no she's she's absolutely disciplined much more than Kamala will ever be she knows how the campaigns are run she's seen it with Bill Clinton and she wanted to be there Kamala doesn't even act like she wants like Hillary you knew she wanted to be president yes she wanted to be president she not only did she think she could be she knew she could be and she was on it it was a coincidence there and we haven't seen that yet for Harris not even a little bit Kamala is still like oh I got to walk down to the dream because I checked some boxes I'm going to give old my way through vice presidency and oh crap hope he you know I hope he died would die or I hope he would stop running and he did and know what well the dog called the car doesn't know what to do oh my gosh I literally just thought that my head yes she she is in it she don't find out April Marie folks want to find you online how can they do so at April Marie that's April with a Y APR YL and they are I eat all right April refocal ladies and gentlemen we got to get a break in here we'll be right back this is the job for show what if I talk about 6 5 older time make a little of it a little turn of it on a mason dixon night it's my life old soul right my big sea landing I more much more than this I did it my way yes there were times I'm sure you knew when I get off look back to the jump floor shoulder to talk about those 6 5 they're just sticking around but on this Thursday morning in the next hour stay tuned for state representative Jamie kill we'll talk about about harvesting that's coming up in about 44 minutes or so so stay tuned for that we'll just do some of these text real quick because they pile up in a hurry captain Jeff great show interesting note my wife watching the RNC noted that troubles and loving grandfather and got her and other women votes from captain wolf thank you captain some real Tony writes in this this is a time I know you've been I figured you know I'm putting a vestige reporter types it may be something to pass along here but I stayed at local casino ball its EIP suspiciously Fox News Newsbacks are blocked out of their cable package I wouldn't stay at that casino anymore I don't know who they're all my are I think like like the person who is going to stay at a casino hotel is really sitting up there watching Fox News a lot I have a chance of somewhere else unless you just get a really good deal IP then was at the Imperial Palace I have not been there in years I have a friend she works for me at the vanguard work there I saw I just I never heard much crystal do growing up I didn't listen to him much until I got to college you just play him on a radio like they do you know everything else I'm a Texas sort of phenomenon and not a Nashville but boy did did I miss out Joel so just because they have African in them somewhere down line in generations ago that means they run around and say they're African America come on man don't be like me running around in a race to duration say I'm at Milton and then that's stupid oh and by the way three of my glycans are half black and I love the beer and it sends me a picture let's get a break in here we'll be right back this is the Jeff Porsche on a flip-talk one of six five people I don't even know and all of us coming over the mall From Buck's pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics it's the Jeff Porsche show I don't think we've done it this way Welcome back to the Jeff Porsche shoulder for talk one oh six five good Thursday morning to you two five one three four three zero one zero six That's how you get in touch with the program if you so choose a text me that's the best way to go about it State Representative Jamie Keel coming up in about 30 minutes please stay tuned for that Big news for today well it's not really big news it's not even news but it's a very important milestone believe it or not guys four years The Jeff Porsche show has been on at effid talk one oh six five I would not have remembered this had not I got a had I got a Facebook reminder So Sean Sullivan said hey let's take this used part of it here from a WV it in Huntsville and it fully him at one oh six five and and miraculously I've not been fired yet now there's I see the text lines and there's a lot of dumb people out there who think when they said they text on the text line they're actually texting Sean Sullivan telling him to fire me but the dirty little secret is that I see those texts to it and he never followed through like one of my third day some goofball woman was like I don't like his voice he I talk to our radio professional and he doesn't have a voice for radio How that work out anyway but but it wasn't so much what she said I mean people could take issue with any of that however I would I would state this don't be so dumb to text the the station text line I think that you're actually talking to the boss Do better be smarter though but is he wasn't the only one there are multiple others and but yet he persisted so here we are four years today on one oh six five somehow it doesn't seem that long it still seems like I'm a very very novice beginner at this whole radio racket but five and a half years I guess that's a long time in radio two five one three four three zero one zero six back added here all the text Jean surprise you didn't your author didn't mention turning point and their work with white GOP young people why are you surprised Jean do you not like her oh I bet you don't like turning point do you oh let's see squirrel right we have been seen the media for many years repeating each other many voters don't keep up with the events that are reported the hearings the press conference is between elections so all the chips are due to them all the clips are due to them but we see and watch and keep up dims only care about being in the herd and not being called racist but they're also squirrel it is a you're right about the herd mentality but they I mean they pay attention to stuff inside the beltway and a problem with that is when you say well don't really matter but it does matter it does matter what happens inside the beltway because these are the people some of these some of these Republican politicians some of these Republican officials that have been elected listen to the media and it impacts them and now that it has less of an impact well the way they the way they compensate for it it's just just be by by being more liberal and being more outrageous and being more do you condemn what Donald Trump said about Kamala Harris running up to like Tommy Tumberville or Tom Cotton or whatever there's an excellent Tom Cotton clip last night with with Caitlyn Collins being a good a little student and doing what she's told and he's just like well what are you going to start out what are you guys going to start going after the vice president like you go after the president and I'm going to start out here and talk about that I don't think they I don't think the Republicans can out celebrity Joey Clark and I were talking about this yesterday is out celebrity left you're never going to win that and I'm always skeptical that their idea their ideological views really align with what Democrats truly want America say with Wall Street but something tells me this they fear the left these very rich people covet what they've earned what they have gained over the years and there's a sort of a fear out there that the left if given power will take it away but if we play nice with them they'll leave us alone and they text the palace casino as the best sports book college football horse racing is what I bet what I go and I'm telling you there was this woman with her name and I forget who she was but she would text incessantly as if she was swapping text with Sean about how awful I was as a radio host my third day here I'm not new to radio but I am new behind the microphone at this station and I have this bag of wind telling Sean that he needed to fire me immediately that I was bad for a station I'm not even like giving me a third three days into it I mean like come on and considering that there was like a syndicated program on in this time slot I'm not just a lack of awareness I guess, Dan, holy mike dude four years feels like you just joined the team yesterday I'm sure it'll be in some theaters I'm sure it'll be in some theaters here but it'll probably be only for a few nights but it'll get it'll get it'll get played and it'll be just listening here you say democracy but like Maximus when I say it though doesn't it feel like whatever you hear these people they like overemphasize democracy on the left they go out of their way to an their pronunciation of it I think it's a little more complicated than democracy but also the argument and it'll get back to January six and that was the assault on democracy but that's not what was going on I mean that was representative republic process right there the Electoral College and Electoral College being verified by the Senate that that was not democracy and I think they know that it's not a straight democracy I think that they know this I think that they some of them know it some of them are really dumb actually a lot of them are dumb but they know that this resonates more of a I mean it's not like it's all kind of I see propaganda but not like propaganda necessarily like we think but it's meant to kind of sway your opinion by using these buzzwords that are easily understood by people because if you start talking about democrat representative republic or whatever I mean people people don't make it past the second word in their minds there's a lot of people who don't think that the way we like the president is through the Electoral College they think you go to vote and your vote counts and the popular vote is who is becomes president they don't understand the system we have and they kept the media and democrats capitalize on that and they made this they made this system I mean they play off of that they had the system of the media and it just works for them to keep power it's it's remarkable I don't think they lose power I mean they didn't how much power did the deep state or whatever you want to call it the establishment lose after four years of Trump and power very little the Supreme Court that's significant but beyond this the Supreme Court I mean you have most of the same old same old blow hard to place throughout the civil servants and I think we have a kind of a breaking point moment with the Olympics of this female boxer/mail boxer so if you want to keep it up with this the if you keep it up with this the Olympics is allowing males to whatever you identify as so you can identify as a female and you can participate in Olympic boxing whatever your whatever gender you desire so you had this Italian just get your girl female woman boxer get beat up and there's a lot of outrage I think people are seeing it and I mean this may be the breaking point this may be what it takes to say I don't think it'll ever be able to just like completely do away with the with this whole debate about gender but but I think for most people they're going to see this and know he can't have males competing against females and clarification on the Olympics of gender is such a gender you desire to gender on your passport yeah whatever the criteria are my guess would be on your passport you get to declare a gender so it's whatever gender you decide you are Tim happy birthday you know that you took Gallagher's time spot oh yeah I well I did forget it was my Gallagher time spot so you had big shoes to feel from the beginning I had my doubts but you're a pretty straight shooter or damn Eagle Sam congratulations oh four years in the beginning I wasn't sure about you but you come along pretty good keep up the good work Sam I named texture don't let the people feel good to you Jeff haters gonna hate big Angie here with you happy fourth radio anniversary I love the screechy care voice I miss screechy care and she stopped texting to the program and finally Dan let me brother glad shot at such a great eye for talent even if you do need to wake up some of the paradigm she's happening for the younger citrus to rightly any citizen slash potential letters we appreciate all the time remarks for me before years that I haven't been fired is more remarkable I did never thought I would have made it as long as the radio guy I thought I'd play that but it gets easier as we go along and not that let's get a break here we'll be right back this is a Jeff Porsche one if I'm talking about those six five a good time I'm in one day you will the customer bought the Indian make eat the girl so far away then it cried just saw the nice real and he turned that car around he said this is where you get off boy because I'm going back to Alabama as I stepped out of that Cadillac I said Mr. many things he said you don't have to call me Mr. Mr. The whole world called behind you welcome back to the Jeff Porsche show enough and talk with those six five come up in the next segment state representative Jamie Keel so please stay tuned for that programming note tomorrow's show Friday Friday it's finally Friday Ponce they see Alabama daily news we'll kick it off with him Susan Dubos she's a state lawmaker from Shelby County but what she is very very active in this deaf gender definition what is a woman stuff and I think it's appropriate to have her on in the wake of this Olympic situation and then finally our returning champion state state senator else came up with a motion there state senator Chris Elliott will be with us so that's on tomorrow's program please make sure that you tune in for that I will get cranking all these tax goes kind of run out of time here Jeff listen to the major media news yesterday today and not one word about that boxing match where the girl went down after two punches and said she couldn't take it no but mainstream media carrying that I am not I've seen a lot of well there's a lot of Biden on right now about the prisoner swap but that's the prisoner swap stuff is dominated I've seen it on Fox I haven't seen it much anywhere else there Randy do you think Jeff do you think that Hunter's part has already been drafted oh definitely the lawyers or at least the lawyers are working on it right now now when they decide to pull the trigger I think is probably after the election they don't want to hurt Kamala Harris's chances so what I would say about that I watched the Hunter Biden legal team just just delay delay delay delay as much as they can and then after the election you'll see Joe Biden start just just making it rain with pardons regardless of who wins or loses Tim Jeff I will always remember one of my coaches told me in the team a loser hates a winner and that's like that sounds like the Auburn creed right there let's see here Jeff you're there for the long haul 106 has a really good staff well I hope so hope to be here for the long haul I'll try to make that possible I appreciate the kind words otherwise two five one three four three zero one zero six you need to be in touch with the program by even after his departure from the presidential election for a he just looks still looks out of it it's just kind of sad that there's like a glaze in his eyes media asking questions now I mean he's our president I'm not one of these people he's he's he's not my president yeah he's our president let's just hope you can make it out here until the end of the year and then writes this the whole world calls me hey your bumper music is another massive plus for your show well it's an idea I always had if I ran a radio show says this is how I was going to do it I was required a station with the proper licensing and just play music apparently but I think I think it's throwback I'm not trying to be too hip and cool although I think it's cooler than what's out there but every now and then I'm not one of the I don't like to modern culture for me I try to keep up with top 40 music although I did really miss it I'm making the stallion I will acknowledge that it's like important when you're in this business to know what's going on in the culture look there's a Nashville Renaissance going on it may not be for the better but I do I do I do appreciate how they are at least observing some of the old stand by somebody else standards in country music but uh can always go back when you're when you're on those long drives you can always go back to the classics and that gets the job done it's always going to be there two five one three four three zero one zero six you want to get in a text but try to make time for you this is the jet board show on FM talk one oh six five you big talking man and I'll be waiting in Jackson behind my J pan player you come again just what I'm about to make it work without you you look into my eyes and lie those quick lies and pretty soon I'm wondering how I can do it I came back to the jet board showed up and talk what those six five things are sticking around on this Thursday morning I think there's real quick our buddy Jerry Carl two things getting chased around Capitol Hill by a bunch of co-pakers and send me this Johnny Cash getting a statue in Statuary Hall there in the U.S. Capitol so those of you out there just so happened during this discussion that Johnny Cash gonna be honored at Statuary Hall so there you go joining us now on the line very appreciative of his time he represents a part of Northwest Alabama Franklin County but he's from Russellville state representative Jamie Kiel joins us on the line a representative good morning how are you Good morning Jeff I'm doing great good to hear from you Hey thanks for making time for us well I'm for to get into it again I have a talk since session everything I assume you've recovered from session but everything going okay Yeah we got back to some the normalcy after session you know most legislators have jobs outside of the legislature legislature and I'm no exception so I was able to get back to my business and get back to some normalcy here So what is good to hear well just your initial reaction here let's talk about Clay County and you took some heat I just I remember like watching a lot of Democrats including the cinnamon arty leader Bobby Singleton Castigate you and your co-sponsors on this ballot harvesting bill and now granted a Diem it's not a conviction he in the the accused are you know innocent until proven guilty but I think now that there's a wall on the books that there is something beyond just a misdemeanor slap on the wrist That you're going to see more of this in the coming months of this ballot harvesting an absentee ballot fraud I agree you know State of state with Alan brought this attention brought this to my attention and and you know we looked at different options on how to solve this problem and I filed a bill in 2023 and you know when we got to committee and on the house floor and even in the media I mean it was time after time people saying that this was a solution looking for a problem that there there was no problem in the state with our absentee applications or the ballots and that you know that we were just looking looking to make a political statement to get political mileage and obviously that's just not true and I'm with you I think we're going to find more and more instances as we dig deeper into the election process specifically the absentee ballot process we're going to find to be true what I have said the Secretary said then is that you know our election day is secure you know when you go to the when you go to the poll there's there's no internet access to our polling machines there's there's no modems or anything like that but nationwide when you see fraud by large that fraud is committed before election day and Alabama but you know the absentee ballot is our only quote early voting method and and we need it I mean we have people that are out of town or you know we're in we were in session in March during the primary I used as the ballot and that's the ballot to vote personally because I was in Montgomery and couldn't vote otherwise and so we need that but we do need to make sure that we have it nailed down to a point where you know fraud cannot happen and you know I mean I think I think we have a team of people here a team of groups of people who are very serious about election integrity in Alabama I mean the I am certainly you know want to ensure that our elections are secure but I mean we have a Secretary of State in West Allen that's serious about it our legislature given are obvious serious about it and obviously Attorney General Marshall is prosecuting this current case where you know there was alleged instances of you know something unlawful happening and he's obviously on board so you know there's not just one person or or one group driving this bus but I mean we've got a team of folks who are are good they come serious about election integrity I'm gonna get back to like the hits you took I mean representative I've been in Alabama most of my life and I've always heard that there was this ballot harvesting going on all over the black belt that it's just it was just the way things were done and we were never going to change it that's just it's just the reality is a fact of life and you guys you don't understand any of this you don't live here you just need to get over it and I mean at some point just you shrug it off but like to say say that this is not going on and the reason I think this is you know you see some of the media types say well there's only been two proven cases in the last 40 years or something of that I think ballot fraud is just not because the reason is right representative that the prosecutors first off you have to rely on local prosecution and a lot of times those local prosecutors may have used this means to get elected but number two the penalty just wasn't worth it it wasn't worth the the crime you know the like I said the slap on the wrist while why would the attorney general cut the sin upon a county where there's just rampant absentee ballot fraud to go after each of these individuals on a misdemeanor basis it just wasn't worth his time well I mean and that's the reason we changed the law is to is to show that just how serious we are about election integrity and Alabama I mean we want to make sure that every part of this process is secure and and you're out I mean if you watch the committee meetings or you watch the debate on the floor you know in in 2023 and in 2024 there were lines of people who were lined up at those committee meetings who were there to you know take shots at me or take shots of Republicans as being you know they try to shift the argument towards well we're trying to impact handicapped people or blind people or you know people who were disseminated in some way and so you know we even spelled out well first of all voter out that would allow you to discriminate against someone who is blind or disabled and but but we even took the language from the voter attack and put it in our bill but it was very clear that you know you're blind or disabled you can get whatever you want to help you and you know it still did not I mean it was just very disingenuous because they still go to media and they were still you know ridiculing me and ridiculing the legislature or you know trying to take advantage of someone who couldn't help themselves it just was not true and and then on the other side to try to say well you know there's nothing like this happening in Alabama there's nowhere be where's the prosecution where where is the indictment where is you know who served at times well it's like you said I mean the the you know the repercussion for having done or for taking in some kind of illegal activity it just does not match the crime the you know the sentence that was imposed wouldn't match crime and so you know this does give the prosecutors you know a more of a motivation to go after those folks because at least once they go through the old prosecution process it is lengthy it's expensive you know at least when you go through it you don't put on the other side of the misdemeanor yeah and then you really just get like a it's more like a debate trophy or something well you see we told you this was going on all along and you said it wasn't but there's just wasn't it wasn't worth their while with everything going on in this state guys all of these like you look at the AG's office and they're having to take on a presidential administration they're having to defend the state from a bunch of lawsuits from these left wing storefronts out there there's all these things the AG's office I mean way down the list is prosecuting misdemeanor ballot fraud and that's why you never saw it so I just I would say this though I think this is what supported representative this indictment now we don't know what's going to happen here but the point is that this first show here we're serious about enforcing this law don't think about doing this in the second congressional district to cycle well that's exactly right I mean we've got a very important election coming up and you know this does send the message that people are watching the Secretary of State's office is watching the Attorney General's office is watching and I mean I hope that people get the message that this is very serious we take election integrity very seriously and you know when this election comes in November I mean I hope everybody plays the rule they do everything within the law to win their election but it needs to be within the law because there will be repercussions for folks who do not operate within the law right and and this is just seems this is the scenario where it would happen right that you in and where I think it happened in 2017 with Roy Moore and Doug Jones way more than we know but now the congressional elections up and this is just a part of the playbook like when I was a child representative I remember when he was a U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions going after this stuff and just getting like and just taking all kinds of political heat I think it was part of the reason why he wasn't confirmed to the federal bench when he was appointed by Reagan but we've we've known about this and then finally we have a legislature that is willing to do something about it well I mean like I said we take it seriously and you know we're going to be looking for more ways to make sure that the election process is transparent from starting to finish we need to we need to be sure that that the people of the state of Alabama are can rest assured that when they go to vote that their vote counts first of all and second of all that that someone's not going to something illegally to keep that from happening or to to somehow cut the ballot in an absentee ballot box so that it offsets their most the people need to know that our election process is absolutely in fact in Alabama and that we are very serious about it well one more question on the ballot harvesting I mean let's kind of explain what ballot harvesting is and this is my interpretation is said campaign would are or whatever they would they they said people out go knocking all doors with absentee ballot applications and sometimes they're just already you know everything's filled out for them and they signed their name that it's sort of sort of that and there's enticements and there's a lot of it is really kind of a dirty dirty racket but to say that it doesn't exist is is is fiction well it is exactly what you said plus there are groups of people who are getting paid to do that they're getting paid to take those pre-filled ballot applications and some instances you know to do those things they're profiting off the election process and you know I mean elections are you know they're a foundation of our country nobody should be profiting from that I mean our our forefathers set forth a way for us to all participate in government and that is to go to the ballot box and mark the best decision that you can make who you want to lead us and when you get into these areas where people are are being paid to manipulate the ballot process that is not what the founding fathers intended when they when they determine how we would select our leaders and I mean the message needs to be that if you know if you mess with that that you're gonna go to jail and that you know and our elections are safer that you know that we we take it very seriously on this same vein I mean what else needs to be done here to increase the you know the the protection of the election process in Alabama you think well I mean I think you know that there's anything that that we need to continue to look at it is the absentee ballot process we need to make sure that that we primarily keep voting in Alabama on election day you know we believe in in Alabama we believe in election day not election month Secretary Allen said that over and over that we believe in election day not election month and I believe that I believe it's the most secure way to vote you know it's funny to me that people want to talk about convenience for you know one of the both early I know right now when the election is in November and as a matter of fact I know what it's going to be four years from now because it's the same time every day well you know we also have other things that happen yearly like Christmas for instance and all of my kids would like to have Christmas month where they get to the side and know when they're going to get to the side and know when they're going to get their presents and decide when they're going to get their presents and get them early and you know that might be more convenient to them but they know that Christmas is on Christmas day and the presents are coming on Christmas day and we've got plenty of time to plan for that to make sure that we can be there and you know I don't think it inconveniences people too much to show up one day out of the year and and be patriotic in the best way that they can and and go vote would you when you deviate from that election day is when bad things happen about the process and we're seeing that nationwide we saw it four years ago but there they will try it again this time and we've just got to make sure now that it just does not have a lot of time to get to the side and we'll see it will you appreciate your time this morning stay safe up there and we'll talk again soon. All right stay representative Jamie Keel there let's get a break here we'll be right back this is F.M. Talk. One oh six five. I can't get to sleep at night barking lot so loud and bright DC hasn't worked in 20 years probably never made a single person cold but I can't say the same for me. I've done it many times. We'll go back to the job or show it up and talk about those six five. They just stay with us. Well it's a lot to this Thursday morning. And you know keep those you know keep those texts coming. There's a lot here. We'll get to a few here. Everything modern music is garbage ever squirrel toothless bammer speaking a bumper. Why don't you upgrade. To the wayland version of Hank did it this way instead of the knock. Oh because it's Alabama and toothless bammer because it's that's Alabama singing it and this is sort of an Alabama show. I tried to try to I don't I get too cute by half or something but we may look at that in the future. A name text or hi Jeff I remember your first day thanks for four years of great debate to let the people who never been wrong bother you. Jeff what happened to can they get the job done. Don't care if you're black white orange or green choice response to the I question and the like needs to stress that they simply can't do to work it's not about color. A name text or fire Jeff shoddy's the only has the only best guests will show out of every show of the station. What a joke. Maybe the next guy who could get service cards from the governor's shot Andy and all these others could look with that. Anyway I run out of time here come up tomorrow on the show Todd Stacey Alabama Day is getting news state representatives Susan Dubos and state Senator Chris Elliott our returning champion to come up here shortly midday mobile what you got for today Sean. Well for you first of all big congratulations by man four years for usually have fire but yeah what's wrong with you. The day is young. Oh we don't get ahead of our skis here on this but yeah congratulations four years man and five and a half in the radio biz. You spent a lot of time on radio before doing your own show though you were on you know shows as a commentator and a guest on there so it was a easier transition I think for you. You were the first one to really make me a radio commentator too so like the curse of the Jeffmore curse is the creation of Sean Sullivan by the way. Oh well listen it's something I'm proud of it's a good thing and yeah congratulations and it is it does get you said something important doing the show the things you come up with doesn't get easier but the mechanics of doing a show. Absolutely do it's like riding a bike. This is like knowing I was talking in Paul's and us and I don't know but I hope it gets better over time. Yeah words you just embrace it and make it a signature. Yeah well that's true I just like the bumbling radio show host Alyssa Stutter there's not enough of that in our radio genre right now is there. I'm sorry I was just trying to for a second because I was looking up what the four year now this is the wedding anniversary gift so what four years gets you. It's like a burlap or something like that fruit and flowers so fruit and flower bouquet coming your way congratulations Jeff lovely. Alright so midday mobile y'all we've got lots to do next hour we'll be talking about the dredging of the channel. We'll be talking with Alyssa from Lane Nappen our number two about the dredging of the channel and then also some city council news that and we'll look at the big prisoner swap going on. Right now that's all straight ahead. Y'all need to stay tuned for that as for me I have to get out of here. I will try to do better tomorrow. Phyllis I forgot to say goodbye sorry about that. This has been the Jeff Moore show a little tip and talk about 065. 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