FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Author Brilyn Hollyhand - Jeff Poor Show - Thursday 8-01-24

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01 Aug 2024
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[Music] And there's a bunch of text today so I don't know who's button I push, but two five one three four three zero one zero six we will respond until your text here over the next couple segments as we hit it to and go beyond the ten o'clock hour. Silica won a program from Alabama today from a refocal, that's about an hour from now. Two hours from now stay up to the GB keel who was really he was the sponsor of Alabama's prohibitional ballot harvesting that takes it from what it was a misdemeanor tough felony. And yesterday up at Clay County six counts I believe or seven counts of absentee ballot fraud so we'll talk to him about this law and I think this is a very good very very good warning signal if anything. The Democrats looking to engage in this age old practice about harvesting in this upcoming election cycle. However joining us now on the line he is the author of one generation away. He's got in a book available. He'll talk a little bit about that but Brian Holly hand joins us on the line. Brian, good morning. How are you? Good morning. Great to catch up. Hope we're doing well. Appreciate the opportunity to come on. Do well. Thanks for making time for us. Well, let's kick it off here. We will follow up later again with it. But you have an event tomorrow at the page of ballot bookstore. Pharaoh, tell us a little bit about it. Correct. Yes, sir. So my debut book, Wind Generation Awake, came out about a month ago now and I've been crisscrossing the country talking to as many Americans that could about the book. But next Wednesday I start my senior year of high school here in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and I'm going to be a little bit more limited in my travel across the nation. So today we're announcing my sweet home Alabama to work while I'll be coming to 10 different counties across the state to speak to local Aladamians and do some book signings and speeches. And I thought it was no better place to kick off that tour than beautiful Fairhope, Alabama. So tomorrow morning from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. I will be finding books that page in palette in downtown Fairhope and excited to see all of your audience there. All right, well, we'll hit that one more time. But if you're out and about tomorrow, give it, give it pay a brianlative visit. Well, let's talk about the book itself. One generation away, taking from the, taken from the comments from Ronald Reagan there. What's the takeaway here? Yeah, so obviously you made reference to it. Reagan's famous quotes for him is one generation away from public extinction, which is the 20 year anniversary of the gippers passing. But I think his timeless words of wisdom are really mortuary now than ever before and not to be a fear longer here today, Jeff. But I believe that my generation is that generation on the brink of total extinction. It's up to us to save this country before we grow up in a nation of tyranny. We're kind of getting towards their just and stuff. I wrote this book in response to constantly hearing the same thing that you're hearing from American people. We do not, regardless of what generation you're in, we do not have hope in the future of this country we want to. And this book is inspiring that hope this inspired the next generation to get involved. It's also for parents out there, parents who are fed up in the documentation they're seeing in our school systems and want to push back against that grandparent that really don't even recognize the America that we live in today. There's books for all of them and if you can't make it to books not anymore, signed copies are available on or Amazon, whatever it's easiest for you. But we'd love to see in person a love to shake your hand and greets you at page and pallets more. Well, I guess it's this like you're you're trying to write about this generation and I guess the idea here is things could go the way, right? There's a kind of a fork in the road and what do we, what needs to be the, what would you think needs to be the game plan here? Yes, so I obviously born and raised in Pascaloosa, though college football, kind of in my backyard and I make a lot of football records in the book and the main one is a chapter called "Time to Get an Office" and that really needs to be the message that a Republican Party goes for. We have to get an office as we once win these elections. I constantly say that Republicans have the right message, run the right set of history, we have a messaging problem, we're getting our message out there. When I took over the R&C chairman of the Youth Advisory Council, the very first thing I told the team in that meeting was the days have been able to take on an ad and the Sunday paper to get our message out over. We have to modernize, we have to reach out to the social media, we have to go to campus directly, we have to reach out to fraternities and sororities and new grassroots efforts that way. We can't just keep being the grand old party and expect to win every election because we're not and there's a problem clearly. So I think we have to get them off them. And that's interesting because like you're kind of looking at like what's what's going on in this presidential election and sometimes I think maybe we get a little too caught up as Republicans in what they're saying in the media, in the mainstream media. You know because as a guy who's been watching this, I mean I've been at this game for like 20 years now. I mean you know when the media have their orchestrated talking points. The best example is they trying to make JD Vance out to be quote-unquote weird and I mean you just see it throughout the media and you see it over and over and over and over again. So I guess I guess like the point is like how do you... Republicans don't really have anything like that, a tool in their tool chest to kind of counter that and you talk about the messaging. I think the messaging is there, especially Donald Trump's figured out his own way sort of punch him in the mouth but I don't... I think Trump is like a once-in-a-lifetime type of politician. What is a good sound strategy for overcoming the mainstream media? Yeah well a few things there. You're spot-on with President Trump. He's also an influencer and so as I constantly you know encourage him and his team to embrace social media. He's already on it because you know that's the really hell he got a start in 2015. He started tweeting to understand the importance of being on social media as for the weird comments we've seen being made about JD Vance slightly. You know what I think is weird Jeff? I think the Democrats have supported abortion up until the day of bars. I think that's weird and I think that's disgusting and that's what we need to be caught up constantly because they're the radicals and we're obviously not. We're the same people with stability and that's really what my generation is drawing towards. So I constantly think you said you know the media and how they're kind of getting around when they're talking points. The perfect example of that was last week when within a matter of an hour or two every single talking head on TV coordinated Kamala Harris as the next nominee even the day or two before they were saying that she was going off the ticket. She's a problem for diving. She's really the issue that they kind of need to move away from her. It was a mistake with the DI hire. Within an hour or two they all circle the wagons around her and are supporting her but you could tell they got their talking point and so we have to push back again that we have to understand the narrative of this isn't how this is going to work and the big thing and I think this is something we're going to start seeing the next few days and we're already kind of seeing it with her especially joining the convention. I think you'll agree with me here is that she's going to try to separate herself and Biden as much as possible and we can't let her do that. This is the Biden Harris administration and we have to hold her accountable for every single action that was made because remember she set in the Oval Office when Biden made those horrible decisions. She set in the situation where I'm hearing Afghanistan withdrawal. She was right there being a net with these policies and also she lied directly to face American people for three and a half years and told us that Biden was sharp as it has attacked and bit of the fiddle. Right and I you know all that is is just like ammo but there's just nowhere to unload it I think. You know you know just talk radio and Fox News but those are kind of echo chamber-y and look the MSNBC and CNN is there echo chamber but the mainstream media there are still people believe it or not in Maryland today that they've watched evening news. That's where the problem is. I mean I hear you on the social media stuff but like what portion of America really watches this stuff is it's just what we got the problem I think Republicans have and I don't know the answer to this is that our institution is a country just just seem to go along with whatever the mainstream media left when conventional wisdom of the day is and how do you how do you overcome that and maybe this social media maybe it's your generation who will now start relying on social media more so we need a better social media strategy but that to me is right now they are just what when ABC News is David Mirror declare something it's just treated as if it's fact even though it's kind of tainted in this left wing bias. Are you spot on it and what I constantly say when I think needs to happen you know we label teachers that are spreading indoctrination and propaganda as activist we need to start saying the same for journalists to go on TV and read straight off the D at the talking point emails those are activists as well and that's something that we need to get a head start on. Sure my brother Holly Ann here on the program he's got a book out he's gonna be a fair open page of palette tomorrow at noon one generation away why now is the time to restore American freedom up right let's talk about your role in the RNC just had our our convention up in Milwaukee I mean I don't know what's gonna happen in Democrat National Convention but I thought I mean especially given that it's on the heels of an assassination attempt of the party standard bearer I thought it was a it wasn't over the top it wasn't I mean they're not controversial in any sense I don't overall it was a good blocking and tackling convention what is the takeaways you have from that yeah absolutely I was there the whole week I was on the ground serving as the chairman of the council and I'll say that what I saw on the floor what I saw walking around during the day when the cameras are off I was the same thing that everybody is insane unity and I think from the moment that President Trump surprised everybody about walking in that room Monday night you know 48 hours after being shot in the head the message was clear that we are not gonna back down we're gonna fight fight fight and we're going to win over people not scare people away and not you know take the low road and attack our opponents Trump made that clearing his speech on that Thursday night that he took the high road he could have spent that opportunity to be a typical politician and attack his opponent the task of the radical left that shot him in the head and then he took the high road and attempted to be the president for all of America not just for the Republican Party and I think that's really what's going to help him in the polls is be going in November if he continues to keep that message so I thought it was pretty cool and I think it was great to have so many young delegates especially from Alabama we had a really cool amount of young delegates that were sitting there on the pool representing my generation I was pretty excited to do that the album I had a pretty decent presence there yeah I said Katie Britt speaking on the first night coach there as the chairman of the delegation but didn't you saw throughout just kind of throughout the event a lot of Alabama on it I mean Alabama is sort of a bell weather for the Republican Party I think yeah you're spot on and I'm also we had Vicki Drumman you know the legend and album politics doing the roll call but we actually did the nomination process as she was out there sitting her stage every camera facing her as we officially nominated Trump and they answered our nominee it was pretty cool yeah so you keep that in mind otherwise this presidential election cycle I mean ask you to play pundit here how do you how you feeling about it I'm only I mean I'm listening you're talking into a the talk radio Breitbart guy here I am I would like the Kamala Harris honeymoon so they can't I don't think they can keep up this intensity and I think they've done an okay job rolling around I'm really shocked that there wasn't more turmoil about this switch that there was no pushback not not that they kicked by an off the ballot clearly there was something wrong there but that they just coordinated Harris without any discussion without any sort of deliberation I know that was going to be something they would have to deal with what turns out that was not an issue so here we are and I and I guess to dare they're just hitting them all cylinders for her you know you just kind of see it know what's going on to understand it but on the other hand I mean this is really it's just so intense right now I don't think it can last for the next 96 days I don't think it can either and you mentioned it right there the party of democracy this you know party that allegedly stating democracy this election give a slap in the face of the primary voters by just switching to top the ticket with no contest of election just circle the wagon that Democrats typically do and move on board and I agree we're in a honeymoon period right now with common love it I don't think they can keep it up for much longer I think eventually maybe on the time the VP nom's and up next Tuesday that there'll be some more turmoil to be some more intensity around that I think at some point people are going to see through this kind of fake combo that they put up there in the media you know painted this picture of her being you know this this this perfect candidate clearly she's not that's why she dropped out to early in 2020 and so I think there's a lot of attack ammo on combo there's a lot of areas that we can go after for her failed policies as a key in her radical agenda as a senator and so as we continue to get those messages whether that's on TV social media print whatever over the next you know 90 so days I think we're gonna see a shift in polling but I do think and this is something nobody's talking about you can't underestimate common and you can't underestimate the D&D right now because not ever surprise has not happened yet it's only true it's our state of August but I'll say I think the the threat of an October surprise I mean this is Donald Trump's third-time running for president and as the party nominee I mean well what else is left what else are they gonna do to Donald Trump at this point well Harris much different story there and I mean we don't know I anticipate something but it just as it goes I mean I'm already hearing this that they're gonna try to swift bone her or whatever I just think and whoever she picks is her VP nominee and Brian and here's the deal these are VP nominee vetting processes are pretty intense they take months they're having to play hurry up offense here which I think leaves they're gonna have to leave some stones unturned they're not gonna get answers on everything and my guess I mean they're there's not really they don't have the ideal choice in front of them either it looks to be smart killer Josh Shapiro and each of them they don't don't overthink this they always do but each of them have their drawbacks they definitely do I think both of them you win a state with but I think you just win a state either when Arizona Pennsylvania that's kind of in that regard I think in advance we can win a lot of the Midwest and have an opportunity to win multiple states there which I think was a smart move in that regard but you're totally right with the DC you know that's something that that Trump's that you know close to a year considering maybe even more than that and she's having like what two weeks to completely bet these people to you know to do this I don't even think that they're looking at you know their top stars are the brightest people I think they just said they're gonna try to find the the best old white guy possible to pick and move forward and just kind of you know go and talk about it too much or think about it too much so I'm very interested I've heard Mark Kelly a lot I've heard Josh Shapiro I do you think there's one that's maybe at the top or do you think they're both at the same level right now I think slightly Shapiro only because there's more electoral college votes of Pennsylvania than there are in Arizona and that may be more important that may be the that may be the calculus here hey brother we got a we got to get out of here before let you go one more time folks want to come check you out tomorrow give them the deets yeah I will be kicking off my sweet home Alabama tour at page and pallet in downtown Fairhope from 12th year to 2 p.m. starting book come say hey we're going to meet you all right brought high-end ladies and gentlemen brought it thanks for coming on thanks Jeff you have a great week all right we gotta break it here we'll be right back this is the Jeff Pore show what if it talked about oh six five ♪ I don't know what's wrong with you ♪