The 1Life Podcast with Behka White

Episode 21 - The Star Chart

In Episode 21 of the 1life podcast, titled "The Star Chart," host Behka White discusses the power of measurement and reporting to drive improvement. She shares how she and her husband have reintroduced a star chart system to track and encourage desired behaviors in their relationship. Inspired by Karl Pearson's quote, "That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially," Behka emphasizes the effectiveness of this simple tool for promoting positive change.

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

In Episode 21 of the 1life podcast, titled "The Star Chart," host Behka White discusses the power of measurement and reporting to drive improvement. She shares how she and her husband have reintroduced a star chart system to track and encourage desired behaviors in their relationship. Inspired by Karl Pearson's quote, "That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially," Behka emphasizes the effectiveness of this simple tool for promoting positive change.

Welcome to the One Life podcast with Becca White. I am your host and this is episode 21, The Star Chart. When our kids were small, we employed The Star Chart to communicate clear expectations to our children and to track and celebrate their efforts. Their Star Charts would include self-management tasks like brushing teeth, getting dressed, praying, making their bed, and chores. One star per day for each completed task. At the end of the week, we would evaluate how we all did and mom and dad would pay out quarters for allowances. Now, we aren't managing any small children anymore and haven't used The Star Chart in a very long time. Our systems of measuring and reporting have evolved over the years for our individual needs, but recently my husband and I have identified some areas that contain opportunities for growth as a couple, and we established a few daily behaviors that we want to do together. We know the benefits of the tasks and have agreed that we both want to do them. However, we have not been able to establish any kind of consistency. I came across this helpful reminder from Karl Pearson, known as the leading founder of the Modern Field of Statistics. He said, "That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially." Taking this into account, my husband and I decided that we would bring back the old school Star Chart. It is a simple and effective way to measure and report the behaviors we are focusing on. We just started the practice of The Star Chart and we are on a winning streak. Again, Karl Pearson reminds us, "That which is measured improves. That which is measured and reported improves exponentially." Is there anything in your life that would benefit from measuring and reporting? I feel like this would apply to just about every area of my life. So the invitation today is this. Recognize that you are already using some sort of measuring and reporting system for certain areas of your life. Beyond this, consider if a Star Chart might be a helpful tool in another area. We only get one life. Let's make it our best.