Kingdom Community TV Podcast

Why all the Turmoil in Israel part 1

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02 Aug 2024
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In the next few series we will embark on an in depth look at God's sovereign plans for Israel as written in the Word. Is God truly in control of even the hardships in the Holy Nation?

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome back to Freedom by Faith Mysteries, Pamela Noel. Today we're going to start a brand new series on Israel. And because of all the wars and the turmoil that happens in that nation over centuries now, I decided to do a study on it. Just to basically talk about, you know, the sovereignty of God and, you know, why is there so much turmoil? Why is there so much hatred against the Jews throughout nations, all over the world? Is this in the Bible? You know, and if we agree that God is sovereign and He's perfect in every way and everything that happens under His sovereign control, can we see the things that have been happening in Israel or the things that have happened in the past or that think that will happen in Israel in scripture? So Heavenly Father, we thank You Lord for today's teaching. We're asking You Holy Spirit to be present today, Lord. We're asking for wisdom and understanding of Your chosen nation of Israel, the chosen people of God. And we're asking You Holy Spirit because you are the teacher, you are the one who leads to all truth, all truth resonates and originates, I should say, from the Holy Spirit, you are the God of truth. The word of God is the book of truth. And Jesus who is the word of God is the truth. So we're asking You, Lord, to reveal to us Your plan for Israel and Your overall agenda for your nation, the Holy people. So we're thank You again for joining us today. So we're going to start with Daniel 2, 21, which basically says, He controls a course of world events and removes kings and sets of other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars. Let me read 22 also, he reveals deep and mysterious things and knows what lies hidden in darkness though he's surrounded by light. So 21, He controls the course of world events. So that's basically going to be the theme of this series is that we say a lot of times, God is the one that was in control, God is in control, God is in control, but we treat situations as if human beings are in control, right? We're getting mad at the president for this. We get mad at the governor for that, the violence, the gangs and the, whatever's going on, we always point fingers to a person, right? Like it's a human being who's behind us, right? Or some people might think it's demonic, it's Satan. It's Satan who's behind all the violence around the world. Not to say, I'm not saying it's wrong, but ultimately we have to go above Satan and look at things from God's perspective, right? So we're very limited in how we look at the world. Human beings I've noticed, we look at things from our human perspective, right? What is this person doing? This person's not doing their job. The governor's not doing this, right? You know, the city council and the mayor and the president, right? So we're looking at human kingdoms, human humans and how they govern, you know, nations or we might go a little bit above that, right? So Satan and the demonic spirits, the princes, the principalities, those are kingdoms, right? So they have one nations, right? So demonic principalities, we're learning the scriptures, they govern territories. So above the human kingdoms, you have a demonic kingdom, which most people are not aware of in most Christians, that ultimately behind the human kingdoms or above them are the princes of the heir, right? And if you remember, when Jesus was being tempted by Satan, he said, look at all these kingdoms, right? So he took Jesus on a high mountain and he said, look at all these kingdoms, I would give all of these two. So that means Satan owns kingdoms, right? Jesus never said, oh, you don't own these kingdoms, right? So he never contested the fact that Satan does own kingdoms and the Bible says Satan is the ruler of the world. He's the savior and the ruler, right? So that's a kingdom terminology, right? The king of a nation, the ruler of a nation, so Satan runs kingdoms, right? And so I'm not gonna get into the story about I think it's in Ezekiel where the Bible's talking about the prince over the king or the king over the prince of Tyra, and that was a demonic principality. When Daniel actually had fasted for 21 days and the Bible said that God said an angel and the angel, I believe it was Gabriel, he had to fight the prince of Persia. That was the kingdom, the earthly kingdom that was oppressing the people of God Israel at the time. And the angel came from heaven to deliver a message to Daniel after he had fasted and prayed for 21 days. And when the messenger, which I believe is Gabriel, actually arrived to talk to Daniel after 21 days, he said that God had to summon the angel Michael to fight the spirit prince of Persia, the spirit, but not the human king, the spirit prince. So we know there are spiritual principalities that govern nations and in Ephesians six, when Paul says to put on the full armor of God, he says that our weapons, the weapons that we use against demonic principalities, be strong in the Lord. So we're putting on our full armor, and that's a battle flesh and blood. He says, we don't fight flesh and blood, but we fight demonic principalities, right? So those are the demonic princes in the air, right? Satan being the chief prince of the air, the ruler of the world, the deceiver of the world. So they govern above the human kingdoms, right? But we who have been saved or have been risen far above all principalities with Christ. So we're seated with him in heavenly places. So we are supposed to be seeing things from a godly perspective, right? But most Christians unfortunately still see things from their perspective, the human perspective. And then very few Christians still look at things from the demonic perspective, right? But we have to go even higher 'cause we're seated high heavenly places with Christ. And so we need to look at things from God's perspective. That's what God taught me. That's long ago that we need to see things from his perspective, which is a whole different way. When you're looking at the world from your, from my standpoint, and the demons and what they're doing, all the violence and murders. But now we have to go to a higher level and see things from God's ways 'cause God's thoughts are higher, right? So as high as the heavens or above the earth, well God's ways, so as his thoughts. So we wanna train our minds, allow the whole system to do the renewing of our minds so that we can understand God's perspective. And that's the best way to really understand situations in the world is to see it from God's viewpoint, right? So we're gonna see, are there things that are going on in Israel that we can find in scripture, right? This is a very prophetic nation, right? Every, you know, all the prophets, you know, Isaiah, Jeremiah, all these prophets that came before us who were prophesying over Israel and the things that they were seeing have actually happened. But basically, every other prophecy has come to pass, right? So God is sovereign. He knows the beginning from the end. He is today, he was and is to come. So he, he's in all time. There's no, there's no link to that. So God understands and knows everything that's going on in that nation. So we're gonna take a look at that, right? So 21 says he controls the course of world events, right? We don't like that. We don't agree with it. People don't like to hear that. That all the violence and all the suffering that is under God's control. And people look at God, like, why aren't you doing anything? No, he's doing everything. We just don't like what he's doing. So we just assume God's not doing anything 'cause he's not doing what we think he should be doing. But believe me, God is gonna control all things and he is doing all things, right? He controlled the course of world events. Even if you see Satan is when doing something, God is ultimately the one who's allowing it. He's in control of what Satan can and cannot do. If you can remember, you know, the devil comes to kill still and destroy, but he could kill Joe, why? 'Cause God said you can do anything you want to do except you cannot kill him. And so Satan has the power to kill, but he can only kill the people that God allows, right? When Jesus was about to go to the cross and he's telling you the disciples, Satan is asking to sift you by praying that your faith may not fail you. Satan is asking God for permission, right? To sift the disciples like wheat. We have to understand that even though Satan comes to kill still and destroy, it's God who controlled who he can kill still and destroy. It's God who's in control of all things. Hello, thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed this video and would like to be notified every time I put out similar content in the future, please remember to hit the like, subscribe, and hit the bell notification button so that every time I put out a new video, you'll be sure to be notified by YouTube and make sure to share with all of your friends and family members. So the next verse is Ezekiel 5. 5 verse 5 says, this is what the sovereign Lord says. This is an illustration of what will happen to Jerusalem. I placed her at the center of the nations. Jerusalem is the center of nations. So if you can, if you realize that, you know, when you're watching the news, I think I don't remember some pastor brought this up. I think he was Dr. Derek Prince maybe, I'm not sure. I think I believe he was him. But anyways, if you want to know what's going on in any nation, you have to look at what's going on in the capital of that nation, right? So most of the news, you know, national news is telling what's going on in Washington D.C. 'cause that's the capital of our country. In any nation really, what is going on in the government of that nation, right? So you want to know, if you want to know the status of a nation at large, it's really centered on the capital of that nation, right? Most, if not all countries, I would think the government of that country is in the print, the principle capital, right? So what's going on in Washington? Were all the big major decisions are made in a nation happens in the government, which is usually centered in the capital of that country, right? And so God is saying here, 'cause remember God created the whole world. He says I have placed Jerusalem at the center of nations, right? This is what the sovereign Lord says. This is an illustration of what will happen to Jerusalem, right? So God used Israel, right? Jerusalem, which is the capital of nations, right? To predict events. So if you want to understand something about God when it comes to national occurrences, look at what God did in Jerusalem, right? He's the same God, he's sovereign, he never changes. He cannot change what's already perfect 'cause it won't be perfect anymore. So God is perfect and he's never changing his sovereign. The way that God dealt with the nation of Israel, specifically Jerusalem is a reflection of what goes on in the whole world, right? So that's the way I was taught and it was Derek Prince who brought that up and I thought it was very interesting that the whole world looks at Israel, right? So you wonder this small nation, a very small country, why is everybody always looking at Israel? We don't know what's going on in Zimbabwe, do you, I don't know what's going on there. I don't know what's going on. You know, there are wars in other places, not just Israel, right? But everybody knows the war between Hamas and Israel. Everybody in the world knows that. But there are other wars going on that we don't know about, right? And so there's a reason why the world is always looking at Israel. There's a reason for that. People are very interested in what goes on in Israel and we can't explain why other than what God says about Israel, right? So the fact that the Bible is centered on that nation and all the nations of the world is always looking at Israel, that's not a coincidence, right? So if a nation's capital is where the decisions, the major political decisions of a nation is centered on the government of the, which is usually located in a capital, it makes sense why every country is looking at what's going on in Israel. There's wars, battles, you know, all kinds of things going on all over the nations, all over the world. But not every nation is looking at Zimbabwe, not every nation is looking at South Africa, not every nation is looking at Germany, right? But every nation is looking at Israel, right? Our eyes are centered on what's going on in that nation. And there's a reason for that because God said I have placed Jerusalem in the center of nations. So everyone is looking at Jerusalem, right? So one, two, woman's nine, 22, and 23 says, in the same way, even though God has the right to show his anger and his power, he's very patient with those on whom his anger falls who are destined for destruction. He does this to make the riches of his glory shine, even brighter, on those to whom he shows mercy, who were prepared in advance for glory. So ultimately, everything that God does in this world is for glory. We don't understand it, we don't like it, or the suffering, the pain, hunger, violence. You know, there's so many turmoil things went on, and we're gonna look at the specific example of one today and compare that to what's happening in Israel. 'Cause Israel, remember, is the God placed Jerusalem, the center of nations. And if you wanna understand why things happen in the world, you have to look at what did God do in Israel, right? So that's gonna be the exercise for the next few videos, is to look at the world through the lens of God's sovereignty, and we're going to look at examples on what he did in Israel, to understand what is the end game, what is the motive behind these things. And when you only have some limited understanding, 'cause most people don't have any understanding of why things happen in the world, but if you have even a small, a small inkling of why God is doing this, it's enough to give you peace, only that he is in control and has a reason and an agenda for why he allows things to happen the way they do, even if we don't understand it, but the Bible says to search the Scripture, the truth is in the word of God. It's not in the news, it's not in the people's opinion, what we think, what's gonna, not even governmental kings, God is ultimately in control and he's on who decides what happens in any nation, he is the one in control. So here it says that even though God has the right to show his anger and power, he's very patient with those in whom he's anger falls, who are destined for destruction. So we're gonna take a look at examples of destruction, God's anger, what is the purpose, the reason behind it, and some examples, and can we compare that to what's going on in Israel today. So let's look at the same chapter, but a couple verses ahead of that, in 17 to 18, he says, for the Scriptures say that God told Pharaoh, so why did God put Pharaoh in power, right? So the Bible says that it's God who sets up kings, we saw that Daniel, the book of Daniel, he's the one who sets them up and he's on to raise him down. So why was the purpose of the king of Pharaoh to be put in power? So at the time that Pharaoh was when he was in Egypt or pressing the Jews in slavery, the Bible says that God would put him in charge. We're gonna see that right now, right? So even if there is a president, a king, a monarch, whatever they call these people that are in power nations, different prime minister, whatever it is, even if we don't like what they're doing, it's important to understand that even if we don't know why it's God who put that person in that position, right? The Bible doesn't say God puts people who believe only in position of power. So when a person is in a position of power and they're not a godly person, we assume it's not God. You know it is God, okay? He has a reason and a purpose that he's doing with that person, even if they're doing evil, wicked things, but God uses all people for a specific season for specific purpose, right? So Pharaoh was a wicked king who had magicians that opposed Moses when Moses was sent to Egypt to get the children to deliver the children of Israel out of Egypt. Pharaoh was not a believer in God, right? He was not a believer, but God is the one who put him there, even though he was oppressing God's children and they were suffering for hundreds of years, but we're gonna see that that was God's plan. We don't agree with it, we don't like it, right? But the purpose is not to agree with this agreement, to understand at least to see from God's perspective why situations like this happen and can we look at these situations in the past and apply them to some of the things we're seeing today, right? So this is gonna be the last passage we'll look at and then that's going to really set the course for the rest of the series. So Israel, the chosen of God, chosen holy nation of God who were chosen by God and they are being oppressed, they are suffering in slavery at the hands of Pharaoh, right? And you would say, oh, maybe Satan put him in Pakistan, he's worshiping false gods, he has magicians who are doing magic, right? So these are not godly people and it's a wicked government in Egypt at that time. But we're gonna see who allowed that, right? When we're seeing suffering, pain, hunger and poverty and violence and all these things going on in the world, we're quick to say it's Satan, the demons, people, the wicked government, the wicked king, the wicked president, you know, but always remember, God is sovereign and he's allowing it, we don't know what the reason is, but just knowing God is in control of that situation is enough for us to have peace, right? So just because something's not going where we think it should go, we can't just assume where it's God, why God not doing anything, no, he's doing everything. God is doing everything, okay? Hello, thank you for watching this video. If you enjoyed this video and would like to be notified every time I put out similar content in the future, please remember to hit the like, subscribe and hit the bell notification button so that every time I put out a new video, you'll be sure to be notified by YouTube and make sure to share with all of your friends and family members. So it says, we're looking at 17 and 18, for the scripture say that God told Pharaoh, I appointed you, this is a wicked king, okay? That God appointed like every other leader, human leader in the world is appointed by God for a season, for a reason, right? For the scripture say that God told Pharaoh, I appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth. So you see, God chooses to show mercy to some and he chooses to harm the heart of others so they refuse to listen. So we're not gonna go through the whole story, but if you remember, every time Moses would go to Egypt and who he would deliver a message from God to King Pharaoh, Pharaoh would be stubborn and he would not listen. But when you read the whole story, it says God is the one who hardens the heart of Pharaoh and then he would reject everything that Moses was saying, right? So God will tell Moses, go to Pharaoh, X, Y, and Z, but he will not listen to you Moses, but you're gonna go and tell him and then God will go ahead of Moses, harden the heart of Pharaoh and then Pharaoh will reject what Moses would say, right? And that whole story was orchestrated by God, what Moses was saying, right? God is the one telling what to say and God would harden the heart of Pharaoh, right? And then he would reject and say, no, we're not gonna let these people go, right? But it was God who said beforehand, he will not listen to you, but he was the one, but God was the one who hardened his heart, right? And so why didn't God do all that? What was the point of that story is to display his will and power. So King Pharaoh was the most wicked, the most powerful king at the time. And because he had magicians with him who could do miracles, he thought he was on top of the world and God wanted to display to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians who were oppressing God's children that I'm the one in control, right? So God wants to use Pharaoh's wickedness to showcase his power, right? So he destroyed their army in the Red Sea, right? He sent down all kinds of plagues and they were powerless, killed their first born sons of every Egyptian family, right? But before all that happened, the Jews suffered for hundreds, I believe it was 430 years, something like that, right? So God is their patient, he's eternal. So 400 years for him is like nothing, right? 1,000 years the Bible says like a day. So 430 years, sounds like a lot of years to let people suffer for God, it's like not even a day, right? So the Bible says 1,000 years is like a day, 400 years of suffering for us. It's like, wow, that's a long time so that people suffer. For God, time doesn't mean anything to him, right? So they're suffering for 400 years. For God's sake, that's like a blink of it. All right, it's not even a day. It's maybe a couple of hours for God, if you, if 1,000 years is like a day, 400 years is like half a day, you know, it's an afternoon for God, right? So, so they're suffering for all these hundreds of years, but he allowed that in order to display, he's going through Moses in the king, that he appointed, who's a wicked king, right? So when we see evil kings who are governing nations and where all Satan is doing, they look at all the suffering, ultimately God is behind that. We don't know the reasoning, but this is telling us, right? I have appointed you for the very purpose of displaying my power in you and to spread my fame throughout the earth. This is the way God chose to display his power. We don't understand it, we don't like it, we don't agree with it. But the point is, all the suffering that Israel went through, which King Pharaoh and his deliverance of the children of Israel was under the control, the sovereign control of God. God allowed that to happen. We're not going to go through the story about why the slavery was there anyway, but it was God who sent them to Egypt. They were, they were disobedient to God, the nation of Israel, and it was God who sent them, right? So God allowed them to go to Egypt, to become slaves, and then deliver them. So the whole story, God wasn't in control of it all. We don't agree with it, but that's not what we're here. We're not here to criticize God's ways. His ways are perfect, we don't understand it. And that's where it ends. We don't understand why things happen, but to know that God is behind it is enough to give me peace, that God has a story to tell and this is the way he chose to tell it. I'm not in a position to tell God what he can and can I do? God created people and he can decide what to do with them. That's God's sovereign plan, right? To every king, every president, every prime minister, monarch, whatever they call themselves, they're under the control of God and the story's being told God's way. And we just have to understand that God's behind all things, even if we don't understand all the suffering, the pain and all the things that are going on, but God is in control of all of it. And that's good enough for me, all right? So we're gonna stop there and we're going to continue the series and kind of see, you know, just learn and grow in our knowledge and understanding of who God is. So we thank you Lord for today, we're asking the Holy Spirit to continue to guide us to a truth, to not rely on humans understanding of truth in the news or all the things that are going on the world, that we're focusing our attention on your word, for focusing our attention on you, like false, it's a fix our eyes, unheavily things, it's a fix our thoughts on what is true, honorable, right? Pure, lovely thinking about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. So help us to be a people of God who are always mindful of who you are and what you're doing. Help us to understand your ways Lord and the things that are happening in the world tonight, be anxious and worried. Knowing that because you're a good God, all things will ultimately work out for the good. So we're thanking you Lord for this teaching and we're asking you to continue to reveal to us your plans for your nation Israel and nations across the world. So we're thanking that for your sovereignty, your perfection and your plans. So we are thanking you again for joining us and I hope to see you again next time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Are you ready to step into your calling and destroy fear, worry, doubt and anxiety in our victory, God's glory. Author Pamela Noel describes the stop and do nothing else principle that was used by some of the most powerful people in scripture, including David, Moses, Peter and Daniel. This you can't help yourself book reveals that success in every area of your life lies in one name. - Our victory, God's glory, was written to support Haiti's elite medical team, a Haitian American owned not-for-profit organization that provides healthcare services to the poor in Haiti. Proceeds from the sale of this book will help support our efforts. The ultimate goal is to build a hospital and provide much needed medical care services, currently unavailable to those with limited access to quality healthcare. 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