Jesse Kelly Show

Medal Of Honor Thursday featuring WW I Army vet PFC Daniel Richmond Edwards

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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With Lucky Land Sluts, you can get Lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather's fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get Lucky. No, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick, so I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright, and start getting Lucky. Play for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling Lucky? No purchase necessary. BGW can avoid where prohibited by law. Eighteen plus terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, another hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Thursday. We're about to do Medal of Honor Thursday. That's coming this hour. We're going to talk about the release of the journalists from Russia. We're going to talk a bit about dome, the JD Vance op, a bunch of people have participated in, maybe even unknowingly, culture stuff, all that so much more coming. It's our coming up this hour. I've been gone for a week coming up this hour on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show, but first you know what time it is. It's medal of honor Monday time, even though it's Thursday. And this is a cool one, a rare one because it's from World War one, WW one and ma'am alive. I'll read the Medal of Honor citation, then I'll read the plaque, but without further ado, here's the Medal of Honor citation for a Daniel Richmond Edwards, US Army, World War one. This one actually came courtesy member. You can send in requests for these if you have ones you like. This one came courtesy of social media and I didn't write down the guy's name because I don't like to give other people credit for any of their work. So whoever you are, I stole your idea. I'm now going to broadcast it to millions of people nationwide while giving you no credit whatsoever. Daniel Richmond Edwards, honoring those he went to Bob and beyond. It's Medal of Honor Monday. Reporting for duty from the hospital where he had been for several weeks under treatment for numerous and serious wounds, and although suffering intense pain from a shattered arm, he crawled alone into an enemy trench for the purpose of capturing or killing enemy soldiers known to be concealed therein. He killed four of the men and took the remaining four men prisoners while conducting them to the rear. One of the enemy was killed by a high explosive shell, which also completely shattered one of PFC Edwards' legs, causing him to be immediately evacuated into the hospital. The bravery of PFC Edwards, now a tradition in his battalion because of his previous gallon acts, again caused the morale of his comrades to be raised to a high pitch. Now that is the end of the citation. Now you know why we don't do very many that are pre World War II. World War II was when they decided they needed to do these things at a little more depth. But here is a plaque for Mr. Daniel Richmond Edwards. During fierce fighting on July 18th, 1918 at the Battle of Soyzons, an exploding shell pinned PFC Edwards' right arm between rocks of a trench wall. To free himself, he severed his arm at the elbow, then killed four Germans, and took four prisoners with only his 45 pistol. Well escorting the prisoners back to American lines, Edwards forced one of them to carry his severed arm. Another explosion shattered his legs and killed one of the prisoners. He forced the surviving prisoners to carry him the rest of the way. Dang sir, Mr. Daniel Richmond Edwards, not a man you trifle with no matter how many limbs he's missing at the time. If that man is speaking back to you in a bar, you buy him a drink and say, sorry, I offended you, sir. All right? All right. Now I want to discuss this reporter exchange. It's it's really bad. Biden was up there talking about it today. Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. That's that's a mouthful, especially for an idiot like me. Evan Gershkovich. He got set free. He'd been a prisoner in Russia. A couple other reporters got set free from Russia. In exchange, the word is Russia got 22 spies. He was Joe Biden talking about it today. I want to thank everyone of my administration. Hope make this happen. Our work did not start just on day one. It started before day one. During the transition I instructed our national security team to dig into all the cases of hostage being wrong for the detained, which were inherently, well, we inherited from the private of the prior administration. I want to make sure you get the ground running. That's a lie. Two of those three people were taken prisoner during Biden's presidency. Anyway, and we did. As up today, my administration has brought home over 70 Americans were wrongfully detained in Hill hostage abroad. Many since before I took office. Additionally, I issued an executive order in 2022 authorizing penalties like sanctions and travel bans. Yeah, whatever. Let's talk about what really happened because a lot of people are beginning to get the details of this deal and they're starting to scream and yell and be very, very angry about it. How in the world could we give Russia so many of their spies back? What are we doing? So look, this is what it is. It's an election year and people, both parties, they will do things to try to fill in some of their blanks when we come up on an election. So for instance, Trump, I'm going to play a little audio from this, not much, but Trump, bravely I might add, this takes some guts. I give them a lot of credit for this, goes and sits down with the Black Journalist Association and gets brutalized by some unfair questions and people are asking, why is he doing that? Why do that? Why go sit down in that environment at all and get nasty, nasty questions like this? Why would you sit down? You have told four Congresswoman women of color who were American citizens to go back to where they came from. Okay, I'm not going to play the whole thing. Why would he go do that? The Republican Party, rightly or wrongly has a reputation of being anti black. I don't care. Don't not email me and tell me we're not the real racist. Don't do that in the black community. It the common theme is that Republicans are racist. You screaming at me or screaming at them that that's not true. Doesn't change the fact that that is the reputation. That is the reputation fair or unfair. What's Trump doing by going and standing in front of a room of black people and speak to hostile black journalists? What's the point of that? He's trying to not win back all of the black vote. Of course, he would like that. That's not going to happen. He's not an idiot. What's he trying to do? He's trying to ease the burden of that reputation. If I have to put it a better way, try to put a bomb on the burn of that reputation. So if you normally get 8% of the black vote, that's about the percentage of the black vote the Republicans get nationally, he doesn't expect to get 50%. But what if he got 10? 11 12. We're talking about presidential elections, elections that are decided by 50,000 votes in any state, 80,000 votes in these important swing states. Another 2% 3% can matter. So that's what Trump is doing back to what Biden is doing. Biden is doing something because Democrats have a problem, a huge, huge, huge problem. What is that problem? Patriotism. Remember how we talk about the tightrope Democrats walk for those just now tuning in. I'll just give you a brief description on it. If you're a Democrat politician, you have a challenge. Your challenge is this. The base, your voting base, the people who will work on your campaign and crawl across broken glass to vote for you. They are America hating communist savages. They are pieces of trash who want to burn America to the ground and you need to speak to those people. But they're not the only voters you need. If you're an American Democrat, you're dumb, let's say you also know there are a bunch of pro America Democrats, older Democrats, especially older veteran Democrats, union type Democrats. You need their vote as well. You need their support as well. And you can't come out as the America hating savage, your base wants. So Democrats are always trying to walk the tightrope of America sucks, but we could get better. This country's garbage, but not total garbage. We've done some good things, even though we still suck. It's a constant tightrope. They walk Joe Biden actually just did it recently. I don't have the sound bite, but because I didn't prepare for this, but he just did it recently with that statement he put out. He said this before something along the lines of America has the ideals of freedom, even though we've never fully lived up to them. That's the tightrope they walk. Oh, yeah, that way, the patriotic Democrat hears that and thinks, yeah, I love America and the America hating savage who's the Democrat base hears that and he says, yeah, America sucks. You see, that's the tightrope they walk. But the truth is the beating heart of America's Democrat party in this day and age wasn't always this way. And this day and age is anti Americanism. It is not un Americanism. Stop with that. That is way too soft on it. It is America sucks and deserves to get what's coming to it. That is the voting base of the Democrat party in this country. And Democrats have to speak to that base at all times. Except we're coming up on an election. So we're going to talk about this prisoner release and the why in a moment before we do that, we're also coming up on some trouble with the dollar. In fact, we are already there. You don't need me to tell you that you buy groceries. You know that. What do we do? What do we do? Well, I'll tell you one thing. One of my Marine Corps buddies I was with this weekend. He's one of these hardcore entrepreneur types. If you told me he was going to be a billionaire in 10 years, I would tell you, yeah, I could see that he's just one of those guys. You know what he's buying right now? Land and real estate. Every bit of it he can. And he said, Jesse, why in the world would I not buy things that government can't completely abolish the value of one of my supposed to buy stocks? Would you like to start buying some real estate? Oh, but I'm just just a normal guy. Yeah, that's what done for you real estate is for normal people. No, you're not going to buy a mansion to rent out. No, you're not going to start buying 10 properties. A portfolio done for you real estate will help you buy one. They'll get you window. They'll get you the financing. They'll handle the rental process. One will turn into two if you stick with them to turn into three. Might just find yourself with a little nest egg one of these days, but unless you go to done for you, Jesse dot com, you never will done for you, Jesse dot com. Just go see what they can do for you. All right, we'll be back is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Remember tomorrow's an ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Get your questions emailed and now the Jesse at Jesse Kelly Now back to this prisoner exchange. We got these three reporters. We, of course, gave Russia back a bunch of spies. Once again, a lopsided exchange. Democrats have a patriotism problem. They always have because it's the anti America party now. What they're trying to do is shave some of their voters back into their corner as we get closer and closer to what is going to be a tight election. They will do leading up to this election. The same thing they did leading up to the midterms. They will use the power of government to gain them more votes and give them more power. Communists believe in using power to keep power and get more of it. Of course, live and let live. Loserville on the right believes that that's terrible. And of course, that has resulted in us losing all power at all. What's an example of this leading up to the midterm elections. Gas prices were high. Joe Biden losing worried about losing the house and Senate and everything else. One of the reasons there wasn't a red wave was he tapped the country's strategic petroleum reserve unleashed all that oil, lower the gas prices temporarily to make sure Democrats didn't lose enough seats as that evil treasonous and wrong. Does he belong in prison for it? Of course, he does, but that's exactly how they do things. Why in the world would you give Russia 20 some spies in exchange for three journalists? That's such a lopsided ridiculous deal. It's insane. Why would you do that? Because Democrats need good press going into the election. Why in the world do you think he waited until August 1st, 2024 to pull this off? Because they're looking to buy more votes and it looks patriotic. Democrats will do a couple things now leading up to this election that appear sane and patriotic and they understand the flighty voter will fall for these these things many, many, many times. It's just another example of them using their power to gain more power for themselves. Now I want to get to some emails here. Jesse, what is the what is the deal with the media's attacks on JD bands? They know no one trusts them. Are they trying to drive a wedge between him and him and Trump? Do norms buy this stuff? Or is it because he grew up poor in middle America and is now a huge success? By the way, welcome back. Okay. So I'm not going to cover all of it, but it's been it's been happening for a week now. There's been an op against JD Vance. It's an op. Communists are running an op against him. They're running a PR campaigns probably an easier way to describe it against JD Vance. Let me explain something because this happens all the time and you have to know that it happens because then once you see it, you will recognize it immediately. This is actually not about JD Vance himself, which I will get to in a moment. This is about how these things work. There are PR companies out there. This will come back to politics. Just stay with me. There are PR public relation companies out there, extremely powerful public relation companies. But that's kind of a vague term. Isn't it public relations? Kind of one of those things that can mean anything. What does that mean? Why? Why are there PR companies out there? And more importantly, why are they in big, fancy buildings in New York City, LA, Chicago? Why do PR companies have retreats in some kind of fancy beach resort somewhere for weeks at a time? Why did their CEOs fly on private jets? How could there be so much money and something so benign sounding as public relations? Allow me to explain. Let's say, let's say I'm publishing another book. Do not get your hopes up. I'm not publishing another book. This is just an example. Let's say I'm going to publish another book. And I want to raise my profile before I publish this book because if I'm trying to sell books, like the first one that's available at, but Chris, if I'm trying to sell books, it pays to have more people know who I am. Correct? If a million people knew who know who I am, I'll sell so many books. If two million people know who I am, I'll sell what double twice as many books. So it pays to have my profile. It pays to have more people know who I am. Well, what's one way you can do this? I walk in the door of the PR company. We'll call this PR company, Chris and Michael. All right. So it's obviously a very shady company with bad business practices, but I walk into Chris and Michael and I say, Hey, I need to raise my profile and they'll say, Oh, outstanding Jesse, we can certainly do that for you. That's going to be but pick a number. We'll just make it easy $100,000. Jesse, we need you to pull out your credit card. Well, I would probably be a check. We need you to pull out a check certified if you wouldn't mind and write us a $100,000 check. Okay. Well, what do I get for that $100,000 for that $100,000 the PR firm of Chris and Michael, they will then embark on a positive PR campaign on my behalf. How does that look? Well, Chris, he knows a bunch of journalists at the Wall Street Journal in the in the LA Times. Michael, Michael has a bunch of ends with people at Facebook and Twitter and online things in this company. And oh, by the way, did I mention Chris, Chris has good friends on the view. So he knows people on the view and Michael, he really does it. I'm, this is all made up. Michael has good friends on the Jimmy Fallon show late at night. Soon you wake up tomorrow morning and look at this puff piece on Jesse Kelly and the New York Post. Isn't that wonderful? Did you hear Jesse Kelly's going to be on Jimmy Fallon tonight? Oh my gosh, Jesse's on the view. Jesse Kelly, by the end of the week, I'm twice as popular as I won before, as I was before. And now for $100,000, I get to sell twice as many books. That's public relations. One example of it. How could I even have the energy to do a campaign like that? Well, it would take a lot of testosterone. And that's why even on my campaign where I'd go to the view or I'd go do any one of these interviews, I would make sure I was still taking my male vitality stack from chalk every single day. Because without testosterone gentlemen, you don't have energy. You don't have focus. Are you tired too much? Ladies, you two, are you tired too much? I'm asking about not at night. I'm asking about the afternoon. You exhausted a lot and run down, run down is probably a better way to describe it. Why don't you try some natural herbal supplements? You know, I spent the weekend with seating over at chalk to dude actually cares about you a lot. He who lives and breathes this stuff. He showed up with it. We were hanging out by the pool. He showed up with his chalk stuff for him. That's how much he believes in it. You know, he's got some dimes standing by to take your call and help you help guide you through things. Call them five zero chalk that's CHO Q five zero chalk 3000. Five zero chalk 3000. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday. Remember, if you missed any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on I heart Spotify iTunes. So we're talking about JD Vance and I paused on that because it's going to come back to the Vance thing. taste you're just joining us and I was talking about PR campaigns. Why are there gigantic wealthy PR firms? How could this be possible? What's it for? Well, I walk into one and I pay them a bunch of money and they use all their different means and methods and sources and they plant a bunch of Jesse Kelly's the best stories in all the media, social media and soon I have a bigger brand. I'm more popular. I'm bigger than I was before. That's worth a fortune. That's how positive PR works. If you ever, well, you'll notice that from now on now that I told you about it, if you don't already, but you probably already did, but from now on, you'll notice that when you see it. Do you have you ever noticed that? Have you ever noticed oftentimes celebrities? They will get themselves into situations where they do things really, really, really nice and there's somebody there to document it. Ever seen one of these stories? I'm going to use this as an example, just set him aside. I'm not even saying this specifically, but let's do you ever seen a story about the rock? You know who the rock is? That big movie star. You should be a wrestler. You ever hear a story about the rock pulling over to help somebody who has a flat tire? I was sitting here and I got a flat tire and the rock pulled over and he changed my tire for me. Look at that. My pictures on Instagram and soon that story gets picked up by TMZ and it's in the LA times. You know, most of that stuff is just a PR campaign, right? It's all a setup. That stuff. That's how the world really works and it works that way negatively as well. Speaking of celebrities, we're going to take this back to politics, but recently Justin Timberlake, I don't know if he still sings. I don't know anything about pop culture anymore, but Justin Timberlake, he was a big singer back in the day. Justin Timberlake got a DUI. A DUI. Okay. Happens not recommend it, but he gets DUI. It was, I think 24 to 48 hours and the cop who had given Justin Timberlake the DUI. There was a hit piece, a negative article written about that cop in, I believe it was the New York Post, if I remember right, in the New York Post. What? How does that happen? Well, lean in real quickly. That's a PR campaign. That's a PR campaign. A firm was hired to destroy or attack the reputation of the cop. Someone called a guy who called a guy who called a guy. Soon you're reading stories about what a dirtball the cop is in the New York Post. That's a PR campaign. Now let's talk about JD Vance and politics. Trump picks JD Vance. You know my thoughts on the pick. JD Vance was by far my favorite of the VP options. So in that it was a very smart move by Trump. JD Vance, he helps when Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, again, another smart move by Trump. I wished, I told you beforehand, I wished he hadn't picked JD Vance because I like JD Vance so much. We have so many losers in the Senate and Trump is going to need a Senate if he's going to get anything done. So I would rather he have stayed there. But it's still a smart pick, right? That's just a coin flippant. It's a smart pick. JD Vance is wonderful. He's great. Immediately after Trump picks JD Vance, you turn on the news and you're seeing all these JD Vance comments. Some are recent. Most of them are old. JD Vance sits down to do a podcast 10 years ago and he says something about childless cat ladies. JD Vance gives a speech when he's running for office the first time and says something off color about this or that and all of a sudden you turned on the news. You got on social media. You went anywhere you went. How many different places did you see JD Vance said this? JD Vance said that JD Vance, JD Vance, JD Vance hates women. And then that's spiraled into what? Well, that's spiraled into the childless cat lady remarks. Oh my gosh. Do we hate women? Is the Republican Party hate women? Does JD Vance hate women? Is it okay to be childless? But you know that was that was an op, right? And let me explain something to you. And this might hurt if it applies to you. If it applies to you, you don't have to apologize to anybody. You don't even have to admit it to anybody. But you should take care to never do it again. If you found yourself over the last week or so, posting anything negative about JD Vance, his childless cat lady remarks or something like that. If you found yourself posting something about that online, you, you took part in the op and they run the op because they know people like you will take part in it. Did you know that? You are a planned participant in the op. How does it look? Here's how it looks. You go grab something. You obviously, they've already, they had already been doing opposition research on all the potential VP candidates before Trump picked one. So they already had, we'll call it a file because that sounds so official and movie like, doesn't it a file? They had a file on this, they had a file on Bergum that a file on Rubio that a file on Vance. So they had already done all the research in the world. They already had a file on JD Vance. They found clips that they thought they could use that would that would get picked up by the media that we could print it in the newspaper that would go viral online. They decided to clip those things and they began to spread those things. So JD Vance makes a remark about childless cat ladies. Do they know that the New York Times is going to pick that up and run with it? Of course. They've already those are, they're under orders. You know, that's establishment media is NBC, CNN, LA Times, Washington Post, are they going to run articles talking about it? Of course, that's already a given, but set them aside. What do they also know? They also know that there are maybe this applies to you. Maybe you're a single woman without children. And there's nothing wrong with that. I should point out everyone isn't made to get married. Everyone isn't made to have kids. But maybe you're a single woman without children. And you feel occasionally judged for that. Do you ever felt judged for that? It's very common as well. You get people who don't live your life. You feel like they're looking down on you or speaking down to you. They understand there are single childless women out there who might be sensitive about that. So when you run these articles and play these news clips of JD Vance, what do they understand? They understand that if they clip it just right and they aim it at you, that it that it might hurt. It might hit you where it hurts. It might hurt your feelings. I understand you have feelings. I do not. That's fine. I'm a jerk. But I, most people do. You have feelings. So what do you do? You get the clip. It hurts your feelings. Next thing you know, you're on Facebook. You're on Instagram. You know, I'm a Republican and I believe in conservatism, but this is alienating to women. And I don't like them when they talk about women this way. And I can't. And soon your girlfriends are saying the same thing. Yeah, I'm a Republican. And I don't like it when Republicans talk like this. I'm out. I might even vote for Harris. And the next one is snowballs from there. Yeah, I was just talking to my girlfriends and we're mortified by JD Vance's comments. And soon you, you're actually the most potent weapon the communists have for their op. It's not the Wall Street Journal. It's not the New York Times. It's you. It's the individual who gets hurt by the op gets their feelings hurt by the op and then uses the op to hurt the person they wanted hurt in the end. That's how it works. And the sad thing isn't that they run an op. Ops have been run for ages. The sad thing is how often the right will participate in a Democrat op. Democrats will never under any circumstances participate in a right wing op. The right will gleefully participate in left wing ops and they do it all the time. You don't have to apologize if you've been caught up in these in the past. Just be very careful. You don't participate in the next one. In fact, I'm going to just say one more word on this because this is going to apply to something else. We're talking. We'll finish that and we'll get to some other things before I do that. Speaking of ops, you know, corporate America and they're advertising. So much of that is an op as well. Meaning how does that work? Well, if you're Verizon, you get some despicable comedy campaign like the human rights campaign. Of course, they always name it that it's a big demonic campaign. And they go into the board room of Verizon and they demand, hey, you'll spend $100,000 next year promoting LGBTQ demon mob stuff. And soon Verizon takes the money. You pay them. And they're blasting the American family all over television or billboards. That's participating in an op. If you actually have a rise in AT and to your T mobile, you pay for a lot of this filth. I have pure talk. I I participate. I take part in a company that cares about veterans in America. Switch to pure talk. You'll save money and feel good about paying your cell phone bill. Dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly. Pound two five zero. Sage is the Jesse Kelly show on a Thursday reminding you tomorrow's an ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Get your questions emailed in right now. All three hours dedicated to you. Ask me anything. Get them into Jesse at Jesse Kelly One last word on the ops. They run the ops. They run. There's some there's a reason they get you to participate in them a lot. All of a sudden you're online posting with your girlfriends. I don't like shady fans. I don't have kids. There's there's a reason they get you to do that because they understand how to target things that are important to you and they take advantage of it. Remember, remember the Lauren Bobert controversy in the theater. Remember we talked about that and I got a lot of pushback on that. So let me just recap it. Lauren Bobert, Congresswoman from Colorado. Really great person, really wonderful person. Honestly, with an outstanding voting record, you can dislike her methods. But outstanding voting, voting record, really solid human being. She gets a divorce. She's on a date with some guy in a theater. And they get a little hands in the theater. And she ends up getting kicked out of the theater with her date. Now you woke up one day if you watched CNN or turned on up social media. And what did you see? You saw a black and white video of Bobert and her date. We'll call it rounding first base, right? What Chris, I don't know how to my what am I supposed to say? I don't know what to say anyway. And what happened from there was a bunch of people on the right, maybe you were morally uncomfortable or outraged by that. And you express that online. Now that's completely understandable. If that is against your values, and you dislike that, completely understandable. I get that totally. I'm not telling you to set those values aside. And in fact, I'm not even telling you to to approve of what she did or I'm not saying that you you you make that call on your own. What I am telling you is simply this. You need to understand how does a grainy black and white video in a darkened theater like that end up online. Pause for a minute and ask yourself, how do you even have access to that information? You have access to that information because some scumbag communist who had access to that videotape, which would have been taken in the dark in a theater, he clipped it and put it online. It was an op designed to lose a Republican seat and the House of Representatives by tainting by staining the reputation of one of the members of that of the House of Representatives. And if you talked with your friends about it, expressed outrage about it online, whether you like this or not, you participated in the op. They know how to use your values against you. And they do this all the time. And I'm not saying you have to approve of things you disapprove of what I am saying is you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, under any circumstances participate in a communist op against your guy, against our own side. Or even if you say, well, I don't like her. I don't like him or whoever the op is being run against. It doesn't matter. You never participate in a communist op because you understand the communist at his core does not have your best interest at heart. He is against you. He is coming for you. He wants to destroy the things you like. Everything he does is with that aim in mind. So because you understand that, you don't allow him to use your values against you and you don't participate in the op. Don't participate in the op ever, ever. All right. All right. Dear community college stand out. There's no doubt in my mind the government agency played a role in the trying to assassinate Trump. This guy says, while that is very concerning for all the obvious reasons, I can't make a lot of sense of why they've made it so obvious. If they wanted it to legitimately look like a lone gunman crackpot kid, they could have they would have who benefits from the abundance of evidence suggesting the official narrative is a lie who benefits. Okay. Thanks for all you do to inspire the next generation. Okay. So let's talk about this actually. Who benefits? Why let's not even make it about this specifically? Why do they lie so brazenly now? Why do they lie so brazenly? Well, there are there are many different reasons for this. But one of the reasons we don't like to think about or talk about is power. Power likes to rub it in your face. Powerful people like to rub in your face that they are powerful and you are not. This is a very common thing. And it's so evil and wrong. But this is the way power has always worked. Remember, we used to talk about this during COVID. How you'd have some hag like Gretchen Whitmer shut down the state of Michigan. And then next thing you know, she's vacationing in Florida on the beach. You would have Deborah Birx get on television and tell you not to gather with family and friends for Thanksgiving. She goes right to a private jet and flies and gets with her entire extended family for Thanksgiving. Gavin Newsom tells you not to gather with friends and family at a restaurant. And that night he gathers at the French Laundry with like 25 people for dinner. How did they keep getting caught? They didn't get caught. They know it's the age of the cell phone camera. They know they can't scratch their nose in public without it being on the front page of a newspaper somewhere. They didn't get caught. They wanted you to know the rules applied to you. Only you, not them. They're the kings. They're the kings were, of course, the lowly peasants. They're the kings. They rule over us. And people who rule over you, they want you to know they rule over you. Why do these people lie to us about everything in the lies are so brazen and blatant? Well, that's part of how the king enjoys his power. I know that hurts. This has been a podcast from WOR. It's time for today's Lucky Land horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. 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