Built For The Game with Rob Cressy

Built For The Game Manifesto: The DNA of Winning

The Built For The Game Manifesto is about the DNA of winning in entrepreneurship and life. It's a mindset, lifestyle, and way of being. In this episode, Rob Cressy shares the meaning and inspiration behind each of the phrases on his personal manifesto, with the goal of empowering you to be your best. -Ways I can Help:* Write Your Personal Manifesto: * Growing Your Business Can Be Light, Easy & Fun - Join our Unlimited Community: http://www.creatin...

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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The Built For The Game Manifesto is about the DNA of winning in entrepreneurship and life. It's a mindset, lifestyle, and way of being. In this episode, Rob Cressy shares the meaning and inspiration behind each of the phrases on his personal manifesto, with the goal of empowering you to be your best.
Ways I can Help:
* Write Your Personal Manifesto:
* Growing Your Business Can Be Light, Easy & Fun - Join our Unlimited Community:
* Want to have a Virtual Coffee? -

Let's Connect:
Rob Cressy - Instagram:
@rob_cressy - LinkedIn: /cressy/

Being built for the game is about winning in the game of entrepreneurship and in life. And to me, this is a mindset, a lifestyle, and a way of being. It's how I show up. It's my standard of action. And it's the level of excellence in everything that I do. And this week, I completed my personal manifesto, appropriately named The Built for the Game Manifesto. And what I wanted to do was bring some heart and life to it so that you could experience and feel the same inspiration that courses through me so that hopefully it can do the same for you. What's good? I'm Rob Cressy. And the way that I'm going to do this is go line by line through the 22 lines of The Built for the Game Manifesto. Each one of these was very carefully chosen because of the meaning that it creates inside of me when I read it. And if you're listening to this and you want a step-by-step version for how you can write your own personal manifesto, then I encourage you to go to What I did is I documented my experience from zero to publishing this thing to help you on your journey of creating your own personal manifesto. So let's start with this. And we will do the primary messages. And the very first one, which is the biggest on the manifesto, believe. When I look at entrepreneurship, the key to me is belief. Because when I started my entrepreneurial journey over a decade ago, and I audited the statistics of small businesses and entrepreneurship, the success and failure rate, or actually the failure rate, was monstrous of one year, three years, five years, the number of businesses who are no longer in business. And I asked myself, I was like, all right, how do I not be one of those businesses? And the answer to me was very simple. If you do not quit, you are still in the game. Therefore, the number one thing that I get to specialize in is belief. I tattooed it on my forearm, believe. And once again, I want a constant reminder to believe, believe in myself, believe in my dreams, believe that I can do anything that I set my mind to. Because of this, boom, it is the first and biggest thing on the built for the game manifesto. And then number two, and I put this at the bottom, is I am committed to excellence. And the inspiration from this was, I was a part of Jesse Etsler's 30 Days of Excellence community, where every single week, Jesse Etsler, Mark Brown, and Chad Wright would come and do an hour talk all around our commitment to excellence. And this is something that I've embodied is my commitment to excellence. Because I'm someone who represents what winning looks like at all times. So through this, I'm able to use this as a powerful declaration. I am. When you create an IAM statement, it becomes an identity statement. I am committed to excellence, which is why you will see excellence in every single thing that I do. And I can feel this emotion. Because for me, excellence is a standard. It is how we do things. Quite frankly, it's why a lot of people work with me or are a part of my community, because we are excellent, because we have that standard for ourselves. The next one, create every day. And I put this one in the middle and bold, because I am a creator at heart. I'm a master creator. I left my corporate job a decade ago to be a full-time entrepreneur and creator. At the time, my dream was to get paid to talk about sports for a living. So someone said to me, Rob, if you ever hope to get paid to do what you love, you better be doing it already. Because of that, I've self-taught myself pretty much everything that you see today. Incorsing through me every day as I want that reminder. Create every day, including this podcast, including this video, including all the blog posts. Everything I do all day is creation. So I want that reminder. Create every day, because I love creating. The next thing, and I absolutely love this. Be so good, they can't ignore you. I put this thing right there at the top. And this is a quote from the comedian Steve Martin, who obviously is world-class in all that he does. But I love this so much, because on the journey of entrepreneurship, so often, it feels like we're climbing the mountain versus series of obstacles and adversity and challenges. Some that we see, some that we don't see. And it can be very easy to fall into lack and not enoughness and scarcity for yourself. In seeing this, be so good, they can't ignore you. As a constant reminder for me, when I'm creating every day, when I've got this standard of excellence, when I'm dripping that belief, boom, be so good, be so good, be so good. And quite frankly, this built for the game manifesto is a representation of this, because I look around and I don't know a single other person who has ever created their own manifesto. So for me, I am going to lead by being so good that you cannot ignore me. I'm gonna keep showing up, I'm gonna keep creating. I'm gonna keep doing this at the highest level, because that to me is another standard for how we operate. I want that drip, be so good, be so good, be so good. And then the last thing of the primary messages here is today is gonna be a great day. And this is the very first thing that I think every single day and I have for the last decade, because I wake up and I plant that seed of abundance right away, because one of the simplest things, and I call this effortless effort, in personal growth is we know that we will have a first thought of the day, every single day that we're alive. If that's the case, why would we not design what that first thought is, so that it supports our personal growth and development in creating more of what we would love in our life. For me, I want abundance and prosperity and joy and harmony and so many blessings. Therefore, start of the day by saying, today is gonna be a great day, sets that tone. And imagine these two people. Person one wakes up every single day and says, today is gonna be a great day as their first thought. And they do that 365 times over the course of the year. Person number two does not do that. Which of those two people do you think will have more great days? Well, I wanna be the guy or girl who has 365 days of the year where I've started by saying, today is going to be a great day. Boom, I want this constant reminder, quite frankly, I estimate in the first two hours of being up, I say today is gonna be a great day, at least four times. They exist such a simple drip, drip, drip, drip. Now, I can exude this energy, this abundance, this greatness of man. Today is gonna be a great day. Why is we got an opportunity to create a great day? I want that awareness for myself. So those were the five main messages I put on them built for the game manifesto first, because I live them and I want to soak them in. And once again, the whole concept to me of this personal manifesto is a very simple thing. Step one, the power of intention. Step two, the power of awareness. Step three, the power of consistency. So I set the intention of winning in business, and in life, cool. Number two, what is my awareness practice for how I'm going to do this? And then number three, now that I've got the awareness, what is my consistency? So I hang this thing up in the bathroom and I'll see it, I don't know, five times a day. When I go to the bathroom is, oh, piece of cake. Boom, drip, drip, drip, drip. So instead of zero, you can go from 365 times to 1500 times of seeing these things. And you never know when you might hear or see or feel one of these. A little bit different, depending on what's going on in your day, is that reminder by setting these intentions, you might see my man, thank goodness for having this one today. So you don't read all of them all the time, you're just scanning and sometimes you get some of that goodness. So now I'm going to snake through this and talk about the other, whatever, 17 of them on there, the inspiration and where they came from, what they mean to me and how it relates to being built for the game. So, and I'm going to go from the top to the bottom here because it's a little bit easier for me to do so. Asking is a gift, man, I love this because I want this reminder in my life. One of the things that many of us as entrepreneurs or coaches or creators experience is your relationship around asking, asking for the sale, asking for what you want, what you don't ask for. And for many people, they don't want to be seen as pushy or for sales to be icky. And they've got this negative connotation of what it means to ask for money from someone. On the flip side, and this comes straight out of how I've learned and how I coach and teach, is around asking is a gift. If you have something that can help somebody else on their journey and you do not ask them, if they would like that, you are doing a disservice to them because if you're someone like me and you come from pure intentions and you legitimately help people and you've got services that are world-class that help people create more of what they want, then it is your duty to share that because it truly is a gift because every single person that I work with, when they're done, they're like, this was an absolute blessing in my life. So imagine going around life seeing your ability to ask as a gift for somebody else. A yes and to this for me is, every conversation with me is a gift. Why? Because that's how I show up every single time. So therefore, my ability to ask is a gift that I am giving to somebody else. So it's no longer a heavy and oh my God, I don't like it. It's like, man, imagine if every time you said to someone, hey, would you love to buy my servers? And of course, we're not just going straight to that language, you saw that as a gift to them. You'd be giving gifts all over the place. You'd be asking left and right everywhere. You're like, hey, got this gift? You're like, Oprah, you get a car, you get a car, you get a car. Imagine if that's how you were selling your business and your services were asking as a gift. Boom, I love that. I want more of that in my life every single day. All right, next one. And I believe I learned this next quote from Jesse. It's learned, don't quote me on that, but I believe it's where it was. I didn't come this far to only come this far. Jesse talks about this all the time. I've been a part of Jesse's communities for the last few years, from build your life resume to 30 days of excellence, to a calendar club, to all day running company. And what I love about being a part of Jesse's communities is one, the standard and level of excellence. We are best in class, we do things nobody else does. Number two, we do hard things in the name of experience and earning our confidence. Number three, Jesse is an entrepreneur and he's been through all of that. And in these doing these hard things, there's going to be times in which you're tested. And I think about doing or running the Clearwater Marathon earlier this year in January, it was my Musogi for the year. And anybody who thinks that the last miles of a marathon are the easiest, incorrect. They are the hardest. You get to mile 21, to mile 26.2, it only gets harder every step of the way. And you hear about that proverbial wall that you hit when you're running a marathon. And for me, where it hits, it's not physically, it is your mind, my mind turns to mush. When you get to in Clearwater, you run up this last bridge. And when you're done, I believe it was at mile 21. So now you have 22, 23, 24, 25, 26. Don't quote me on that, but whatever it is, you're done and you're like, oh, I'm on the back nine or the final quarter of this. But guess what? You do not feel like running anymore. You do not feel like moving forward. You're like, this kind of sucks a lot right now. In the drip, I didn't come this far to only come this far. I didn't train for months to run a marathon to be done at mile 22. And the same is true for entrepreneurship. That there are going to be challenges and obstacles and adversity and really tough days and things that happen to you where you can feel the anxiety in your body, where you're like, why is this not happening faster, where you want more progress, where you know the potential inside of you so much and you feel like giving up. And this is something that entrepreneurship is not always puppy dogs and rainbows that on a regular basis, the best entrepreneurs in the world feel like giving up. But you know what we say? I didn't come this far to only come this far. That's why belief in these drips that we have in our mindset on continuing to move forward. And when I have a regular feeling of this in my mind of like, man, this is super hard. I don't feel like continuing today with entrepreneurship. Should I just give up? The trigger becomes not today. I am not giving up today. I'm showing up tomorrow. And we'll see what happens tomorrow. And with this, I didn't come this far to only come this far. It is such a good reminder about resilience and grit and fortitude and all of these things that help you become built for the game as an entrepreneur to win in all areas of your life. Because the key in all of this is get comfortable being uncomfortable. Prepare for what's difficult when it's easy. Because this journey of entrepreneurship is going to test you non-stop. So that's why I want that drip. I did not come this far to only come this far. Let's go, even me just saying this right now, I'm ready to run through a wall because I am that dude and so are you. All right, next thing and I love this. And this is something that I teach and coach anytime I'm helping somebody build a powerful brand. The world needs more of me. And so often we can allow the fear, the judgment, the self-limiting beliefs, the scarcity to stop us from doing something. That we oftentimes do not see ourselves the ways that others do in a positive manner. Because we know where we have fallen short, where we have fallen short of our potential and expectations, where there's so much more power inside of us. And because of it, it can be the story that does not serve us. But on the flip side, imagine showing up every single day and you're saying to yourself, "I am that the world needs more of me." Because that's the truth. Because if you're listening or watching this right now, you get down like I get down and you have something inside of you that can help even one person. It is your duty to share it with the world because the ratio of negativity to positivity in the world is like nine or 10 to one negative to positive. So every one positive or inspirational or growth-oriented message that you share with one person or a piece of content that is counterbalancing nine or 10 pieces of negative content, I promise you, the world needs more people like us. I want that reminder all of the time because this is where I step into my power. My greatness and so do you because the world needs more of you. And when you come from that, "Oh baby, the sky is the limit." And one of the things I speak often is one of my goals is to help 10 million people. And the way that I do it is by creating the framing and the lens that I am that the world needs more of me because it does. All right, next thing, and I love this one. And this is just a little simple, positive drip for me. Expect wonderful things. And this is about creating a mindset of abundance. So we start with self-awareness and then creating our growth mindset, "Hey, I can get things better." But imagine waking up every single day and expecting wonderful things to happen. Doesn't mean they're always going to, but this is how we can show up. This becomes your lens for how you see the world. So instead of, "Oh man, all these terrible things are happening," you're like, "Man, I expect something unbelievable to happen today." And one of the things that I even wrote on my planner this morning was blessings and miracles. I'm going to bless everyone today. And I created a miracle. And imagine showing up every single day expecting something wonderful to happen. What do you think is more likely to happen? You're going to keep hearing and seeing a consistent theme with this in terms of mindset, abundance, forward thinking. We is the best in the world. We look forward. We don't look back. Therefore, creating an expectation of wonderful things, that is something I want more of in my life. The next thing in moving this thing to the side, be your future self now. And this comes from the book by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan, appropriately named, be your future self now. And I absolutely love that book and it's so good. But here's where it speaks to me. This is all around vision. We have big visions and dreams and goals for ourselves, for our families, for our lives. And so often it can feel in the distance where I am not there yet. And you might even have the architecture and the design of what that looks like. One of the most powerful things that I created last year was my 2026 vivid vision, a three year look at what the next three years of my life look like in all areas of my life. And you see that the language, the imagery, you're like, man, that is unbelievable. I can't wait to get there. When this is where the mastery level concept comes in, this is not a destination that you're getting to. This is a lifestyle mindset and a way of being how you can show up every single day right now and be that future self. So why would you wait three years to be that person? Why not meet them right now? Boom, I want that be your future self right now in me. Next one, ask better questions. And this one makes me smile because it's a very challenging one that I want an ever present awareness of. The better the questions we ask, the better results we're going to get. And I believe there's a stat that says like 91% of our thoughts are the same every single day. So now we're only cooking with 9% difference from one day to the next. So how in the world can we create a greater impact in our business and our life in that 9%? Well, you know what? I want that little drip right there that says, "Hey Rob, ask better questions." And you're like, "All right, what are those better questions?" And you're like, "I don't know. "If nothing else, this becomes the seed "that gets you a little bit more curious "about thinking different." And you're like, "Okay, well, what could I ask "that I'm not asking right now?" And of course, one of the things right now in the world is AI and Chad GPT. This is a great thing that unlocks new levels to the game. The better the questions, the better the results, or the outputs. So I want that little drip in the same for you. What questions could you be asking yourself that could create different levels to this game for you? And relating to this, and I'm actually going to jump around because it's related, is stay curious. And I love this for me in this message because so much good comes from curiosity. And one of the things that's become a superpower for me as a podcast host is I'm legitimately curious to talk to every single guest I have on my show. Why? 'Cause there's an opportunity for me to learn from every single one of them. So when I'm there having this conversation, I want a deep dive. I want to know about their experiences, their habits, their routines, their mindsets, their ways of being what they're doing in their life. And the same can be true for yourself because comfortable is always comfortable. It's why it feels kind of good to sit on the couch and not go to the gym because going to the gym at five in the morning can feel challenging often. So it's very easy to not do. But when you have curiosity in your life, you're like, oh, what's around this corner? Or what about this? This opens the door to newness. And with newness creates possibility. And I and we live in the world of infinite possibilities when you come from being curious. All right, next one here. And this is one of my favorites. Or as Tim Grover says in the book Relentless, everything's labeled number one because everything is most important. And that is freedom is my gift. No, baby, I love this one so much because I want this living and exuding inside of me. In 2024, my word of the year is freedom. And I'm on a 12 month exploration of exploring freedom in all areas of my life. And it's something that we're actively doing every single day and week in our community unlimited. Side note, if you're someone who would love to grow your business and have it be light, easy and fun. And you want to create an advantage in your life. Leveraging AI and self development. I encourage you to join us. Go to So with this freedom is my gift. Imagine waking up every single day and seeing freedom in all areas of your life. What does this look like? Freedom of choice, freedom of time, freedom of expression, financial freedom, creative freedom. There is so many different things, freedom of independence and autonomy and the ability to create our own rules. And I want that awareness to see freedom everywhere. Just like asking is a gift, so is freedom. I want that ever present reminder that I have that gift and that ability for myself and to give that to others. So seeing freedom is a gift because it's very easy to not think about freedom. Very few people wake up in the morning and you're like, oh my goodness, thank goodness for my freedom. On the flip side, very rarely does someone wake up and say, know what I want to work on right now? My relationship to freedom. It's just not something other than the best of the best in the world like us. What we do and what we talk about and where we learn and grow. Huh, you're telling me we can learn and explore our levels of freedom in our life? What do you think that would create more of in our life? More freedom. Huh, we all want more freedom in our life. That's why many of us are entrepreneurs. Well, guess what? Let's see that as a gift. Next thing here, shine brighter. This is such a simple one and this actually is a yes and to the world needs more of me where I just want that reminder that, you know what Rob? Keep shining, keep shining brother. 'Cause I hear those comments from people and I love that. And I know there's a silent majority and a vocal minority. And for any of you who ever DM me or share a comment or a compliment or anything to me, it legitimately means the world to me. It is so special. And it's why giving that gift to someone else, it's something I'm very intentional about doing. When I see someone who's doing something excellent or who has had a massive impact on me, I will share that with them because I know by default, very few people will. So it's just a very simple reminder, you know what Rob? Shine brighter and that's my encouragement for you too. If you're someone who wants to build a powerful brand, who wants to create more impact in the world, I'm telling you, you are that person, the world needs more of you. Keep on shining brighter. Because we can shine brighter in all areas of our life, not just in our business. Next thing, and this is a yes and to that, light tomorrow with today. Man, this is a simple one. I can feel the energy in these phrases where you sit there and oftentimes we can take from tomorrow. Today, maybe at the end of the day, we just sit there and binge watch three episodes and Netflix and go to bed later. And because of that, we don't wake up in the morning at the same time. So we don't do our morning routine so that we do not go to the gym. And then all of a sudden everything's thrown off. Or on the flip side, what do we get to do today that will light tomorrow up? Huh, I kind of like that possibility. And you'll see so many of these phrases are just one inch away. Be your future self now. Light tomorrow with today. The world needs more of me. Shine brighter, huh. You just start living in this frequency and the more you live in this frequency, the more you radiate this in your life. All right, next one. And this is one of, if not the most impactful phrases of my entire entrepreneurial journey. And it comes from Ryan Holiday's book, The Optical is the Way, the number one most recommended book for everybody. If you've not read it, I highly recommend it. What stands in the way becomes the way. This is so important. I wear the thing on my necklace right here as a constant reminder for myself. Because this is speaking to the adversity mindset, the challenges in the obstacles. Are we going to allow those things to stop us? Or what stands in front of us is not an obstacle, it's an opportunity. Because what stands in the way becomes the way. And you become one of those people who does hard things in the face of adversity. You are that one of one, 'cause I am that one of one. Where you look at what the rest of the world is doing, irrelevant to me. My only competition, myself. What stands in the way becomes the way. I didn't come this far to only come this far. You're hearing and seeing this emotion in my voice and I'm feeling this. Because this is what truly runs through me when I think about being built for the game. It's why I do hard things by design. Because I know the next day is likely going to be a lot more hard things. So let's go, what stands in the way becomes the way. Drip, drip, drip, drip. I want so many drips of that adversity mindset and overcoming that. Because to me, that resilience that forward to that grit, that's what makes us built for the game. Everybody's good when things are good. Man, clients are coming in, it's summer, we're on vacation, cool. What about when winter comes? When that stuff starts getting tough. I'm gonna start building that thing right now for myself. Ooh, I'm feeling good. Next thing, and this is one of the best things that I ever learned and I learned this the hard way. You don't owe your past anything. So back to the word of Jesse Etsler. I am at the hidden event two years ago called Drive Way to Hell at his house in Rome, Georgia. And it was an uphill half marathon. You heard that correct, an uphill half marathon. I don't remember how many times you go up and down. Let's call it 10. So I was like, 10 down, 10 up, 10 down, 10 up. Very, very challenging. And the good thing for me was, I was in the process of training for a marathon of which I think I had just completed today or two weeks prior. And one of Jesse's friends is a coach, a world-class coach, Chris Health. And for any of you who know my backstory, what was it, probably eight years ago, I was running the DC Marine Corps Marathon. And at mile 25 and a half, I can see the finish line. I passed out with a heat stroke with a body temperature of 107 degrees and had a near-death experience where I was taken into the medical tent, packed head to toe and ice for 20 minutes trying to keep me alive. And it was a story that was created in my head that didn't serve me. So I'm someone who's an athlete. I do hard things. I'm graded everything. And inevitably, the conversation of, "Hey, Rob, if you ever run a marathon, would come up." There's always the same thing. Yes, I ran a marathon. No, I didn't finish. I passed out at mile 25 and a half, even though I trained and I was on pace to crush my goal. And that just did not serve me. I didn't like that little asterisk that was just hanging over me right there. And I brought this up to Chris and I was like, "Man, I've got this story in my head "that isn't served me. "You're a world-class swimmer and runner. "Can you just help me with this a little bit?" And he said, "Rob, you don't owe your past anything." And once he said that to me, it was like five years of judgment and not enoughness, in scarcity, washed over me. And I have never felt bad about not completing that marathon. I really don't. I trained for it. I know how I show up. It was something that happened to me. And I wanted to change it to a to me, to happening for me. And the story was not serving me. That was a, "Oh my God, that happened to me." No, this happened for me. So of course, what I ended up doing later is I ran the Pittsburgh Marathon and crossed that thing off my list where all of a sudden I was like, "Cool, new story." And then earlier this year I ran the Clearwater Marathon where now I'm sharpening my sword. This is a constant reminder for me and for you. You don't owe your past anything. If there's been challenges, adversity, times when you are not the best version of yourself or maybe you are the worst version of yourself or something happened, man, it was just so hard and hot and heavy and you can feel the emotion and the anxiety in your life. Here's my encouragement for you. You don't owe your past anything because the next thing that I have right here on the Built for the Game Manifesto, letting go is creating. And this is one of the best things that I've learned this year. And this is a yes and to many of the things that we talk about and I've learned being a part of Unlimited. I'm both one of the leaders of this community as well as, I love learning from every single person in this because there are world-class people in our community. Once again, if this interests you, I encourage you to join us, go to because imagine seeing the lens of letting go of something in that being an act of creation because what letting go does is creates a blank canvas and with a blank canvas, you can create infinite possibilities. So in this instance, you don't owe your past anything. I let go of the story that I am not enough or I need to add to everybody. I ran a marathon, I didn't finish it, I had a near-death experience. Boom, let go of that story. That's not the one serving you because let's create the more powerful one and that's why I went ahead and ran another marathon to create and design a new story in my life. But many times, we don't give ourselves air quotes, credit for letting go of something. And one of the things that I oftentimes have in conversation with many of my coaching clients is the term pruning. What in your life can you prune or let go of? And the analogy is around a rose. For a rose to fully bloom and be its best and most beautiful and abundant rose, you gotta prune off those little dead petals that are sucking up the energy from all of the good petals. And the same is true with this concept of letting go is creating. What are the dead petals that you can prune off of your life that allow your rose to bloom even more? And imagine the perspective of you seeing yourself is actually creating by doing so. And I know this is a deeper concept and there's levels to this game. And this is why I want this awareness on my manifesto. Letting go is creating because imagine if more growth in your business in your life is actually easy and you don't have to do anything. You might just have to let a few things go. Create a new story for yourself. Man, let your rose blossom and bloom. That's what that means to me. The next thing here, and I learned this one from Ed My Let. And I love this thing. I am supposed to get there. And I'm a part of Ed My Letting Andy Fracella's Artei Syndicate. I've been a founding member since the very beginning. And I love learning from Ed My Letting. It's just his wisdom is just, it soaks through me, he just so good because he operates at the highest level. And when he shoots fire in us, he says, "I am supposed to get there, believe that." And once again, this is another one of those mindset things here. We're building this mindset, built for the game, is a mindset. Believe, I didn't come this far to only come this far. Be your future self now. I am supposed to get there. Imagine showing up every single day with the certainty that you are supposed to get there. I want that because I am that. I am getting there because when you're built for the game, what never wavers is your vision and your commitment. Yeah, the path is gonna be circuitous and look like a roller coaster or one of the internet memes. But guess what? We never waver from our vision and our commitment in creating that certainty that I am supposed to get there. Boom, that's who I am and it's who you are. Drip, drip, drip. See, and how all these things are sort of coming together? All right, next thing, there is love in all of this. One of the phrases and concepts that I want more of in my life, just like the freedom one is love, our ability to create the lens for ourself, that there's love in everything, even the challenging moments, the mundane moments, that we can create a lens for how we show up every single day where you say there is love in all of this. And this starts with you loving yourself, loving what you're doing, loving the lens that you create in the world. This is the get to, not have to. This is for you, not to you. This is where you're like, all right, if I created the lens that there is love in everything, huh, we know this to be true. Like attracts like, if you see love in everything, even the things in which most people do not see love, it'll be impossible for there not to be more love coming back to you, huh, more love coming back to you. What do you think that's going to create in your life? That's why I love this concept in this entire built for the game manifesto, because there is love in all of this in the most meta way possible, drip, drip, drip. I want these reminders. Next thing, and there's only two left. Be the example. And man, this to me is built for the game 101. I'm a one of one, you're a one of one. I represent what winning looks like at all times. I will do things in, do things no one else does. Why? I know where I'm going. I know my dreams. I know my vision. I am built for this. So I am and will be the example of what's possible. This is both a way of living and a way to inspire other people, because I know on this journey, I want to go and lift up and bring with me a lot of other people, about 10 million to be exact. And quite frankly, that number is low. But right now that number is 10 million. So being the example of what is possible, and for me, this can be both on a micro in the macro, the macro boom, what's possible for 10 million people plus. But on the micro, what's possible for myself, but also I am a mirror for others. Number one, my son who's two and a half years old, everything that I do, the way I show up, my standard being is a mirror for him. Be the example, be the example. Who do I want to be the mirror for for him, so that he creates himself into someone with unlimited possibilities, and is the best version of himself. However, he wants to create that. I'm a mirror for my wife, my friends, my business partners, my community members. Everyone, be that example, because all of these things tie in together, because this is what being built for the game is about. The Lego blocks of business and life, and creating this standard of excellence for yourself, and showing up as the example. Is it easy to always be the example? No, and yes, this is something that I effortlessly do because it's who I am. And at the same time, it can be very hard because being the example also includes doing the hard things, doing the things that nobody will ever see. But guess what, we see it, and that's what matters. Be the example. And the last thing here, and I love this, born to win. Oh yeah, baby, I am born to win, you are born to win. And this entire built for the game manifesto is about winning in business and in life. And when you can start from the foundation that you're someone who's born to win, we're talking about having a champion mindset here, a champion lifestyle, a champion belief system, a champion standard for all that you do. I'm a winner and a champion in everything that I do. This is an ego, this is confidence, I earn this every single day. And so do you. Man, I'm super excited and inspired right now about putting this on wax. And I would love to hear from you. Did anything that I share resonate with you or inspire you to take action? Do you want to create your own personal manifesto? Once again, you can go to where I give this step-by-step instructions, including a video and how I did this for myself. And if you're someone who would like to create your own personal manifesto, and have a champion in your corner and doing so, I encourage you to hit me up. Email me, Let's have a conversation or slide into my DMs at RobCressy. Sending tons of good vibes, your way. Hope you have yourself an amazing rest of the day. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)