Comic Book Rundown

Rundown Reviews #107 - Alien 1979

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02 Aug 2024
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Horror is no stranger to comics, and when you have sci-fi thrown into the mix, you get Alien from 1979. With this movie, we start our yearlong trek of comic movies that isn't DC or Marvel.

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Hosted by Joe Janero, Ron Hanes and Charlie Shaw

Edited by Joe Janero

Theme song provided by the other member of the Sex Turtles (Cam Malidor)

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Yeah, I'll have a large extra butter popcorn and she'll have snow caps really snow caps they taste like cardboard Okay You By that tone though this is brother sister gender resistors another episode of The comic book run down presents run down reviews brought to you by professional casual and or whatever I don't know Peek behind the curtain Joey and I have now recorded three days and we have more to do and Damn boys, it's one of those Wednesday night late night recordings, so I'm tired. Yeah, anyway, so that's what we were talking about before like both Ron and I before we got on here We were like we're both tired. I yeah, I don't really have an excuse I've been lazing around the house all day. Well, I wouldn't saw maxine and theaters, but um other than that like I've been lazy all week Ron's been working so like I can understand him being tired. I mean I was working today. It's also I'm still Yeah, we're also under heat wave. So like everything's like three times. Oh He in humidity is just so fucking bad right now ours broke today. It's actually gorgeous out It's a there's a there's a breeze that just like I mean Yeah, but The nice cold breeze today is a saving grace because otherwise I'd just be a nasty sweaty mess right now, too Yeah, well, we actually are under a tornado watch and a severe thunderstorm morning So my internet may go out at any point, but anyway, we watched so we have officially gotten into the part of Welcome to we're only watching indie Comic yeah, I get indie comic so Other others with the type the the bracket I called it. Yeah, indie was like whatever. Yes. We're watching Basically things are not DC a Marvel or animated for right now. We're probably doing this for Maybe a year Yeah, I don't know we got a lot of catching up to do to get them all the same error wavelength Basically get them all into the 2000s Yeah, yeah, and more importantly what we're about to watch are all like good movies Like like if you look statistically at our list a lot of these movies ranked better Then most of the actual Marvel DC movies for the spare Yeah, yeah, well because these are just like you haven't gotten into like when They are but they're also they were also movies that were So like this one alien from 1979 it wasn't a comic comic movie to begin with this was just a new IP That I think it was Cameron James Cameron was like hey, I'm gonna put that was a Cameron No, yes, you know whatever whoever it was Sure He's like I'm gonna I'm gonna make this movie and there was a nice amazing action movie Ford 1979 Whoa, we've got Terminator on wait a minute further on the list like we're gonna get good movies. Hold on This is not an action movie. Yes. This is a horror movie. This is a horror movie. Yes. Yeah. Okay, I Did I see one? This well, thank you Ron Wow, that's rude that is rude Jones was actually the reason why people knew the alien was where it was at if they Would have just paid fucking attention Yeah, I was under the impression that I was not everybody was killed I was under the impression that The cat like that was a giveaway for the cat like Apparently I'm not learning that not a lot of people realize that that like the whole point of the cat was to Tell the watcher where the thing wasn't It's a Macguffet is it a Macguff wrong I read hearing wait, what's the literature literary term not red herring is like the wrong Thing where they lead you astray. So you believe something. That's not actually what it was right It's not a Macguffin a Macguffin's just a thing that they put in for the second putting it in Yeah, it's Like what I said shout out to Ron's penis Anyway, what are we talking about? Oh, yeah, okay, so the quick question because this is my first time actually watching the movie I've seen I've seen parts here there. This movie has been parodied left and right. So I've seen a bunch of TV shows and movies have parodied this movie baseball I've never actually seen this movie. So start to finish Spaceballs is one of them, you know, hello, my room. Hey, I'm a guy and I have I have seen part of this movie. I thought I had seen the whole movie But I had not seen the whole movie until I watched it recently for the show Yeah Have you seen this movie for Chuck? I have seen this one. So my my I have a staunch history with this movie I had never seen this movie until lockdown and I have a lot of friends that like This is their favorite movie of all time. This is ranked number one favorite movie of all time Chuck does some weird after friends Well, they're all they're all all Goth girls did like oh, yeah, exactly. So of course This movie in particular like I don't think that it's Not justified But I do think that it is a Product that it's like Star Wars if you watched it when you when you were a kid then it's totally makes sense That it's your favorite movie, but if you watch it as an adult It's just a good movie speaking of watching as a kid I remember Sigourney Weaver being under panties a whole lot more than the ten seconds. We got yes Yeah, because maybe that's because like every promotional video or every promotional because that would be important part to me Does she get does she get half naked in aliens to Don't know So the only alien Franchise movie I've ever seen is I've seen resurrection, but I was like 14 or 15 at the time And I've seen both a only birth Friday movies Okay, and obviously those are separate those are a whole different thing Are they like I don't remember the direction I came to either of the universe is right there their own thing Yes, and no like I Don't remember Okay, so my so I watched this during a lot like during COVID lockdown and I remember thinking that I was going into it like very like Offensively and resentfully because everybody I knew it was just like you have you've never seen it It's like the best movie ever and usually when people tell me that it doesn't usually live up to the hype Knocked a little bit for you. Yeah, way like way down for I'm just like yeah I'm sure it fucking is because Famously money python holy grail was like ruined for me because everybody told me all the funny parts in it So when I finally sat down to watch it it wasn't funny to me anymore And I see how the complete opposite was whenever I told me about the movie and all the scenes I still loved it, but no it wasn't because the delivery you of like the because everybody always laughs So hard telling me the jokes and then I get there. I'm just like oh, this is the yeah This is it. This isn't that funny anyway But I went into this movie the first time kind of not expecting to like it I Very much like this movie though. There are little there are a few things where I just go Oh, this like kind of ruined it for me a little bit like broke the like the kayfabe for me on it Oh Ron's gone. Um last time. Yep, but Over I might be a normal nice episode now Yeah, dad out - oh he's bad great Yeah, well of course anyway rewatching it the second time Which was just very recently I very much the same that you guys did there are parts in this movie that I don't remember seeing the first one things like With like the one that got me where I finally realized I needed to pay attention When they are coming up on to the crashed ship and they're like exploring it and they're outside There's an alien that goes across the back. I Never noticed that he crawls up over the right. Yeah in the background and I never noticed that the first time I watched it So then I was just like oh, maybe I should actually give this movie my attention because there is stuff that I am not recognizing in it There's some plow hole stuff that I will get into then I'm just like this doesn't make sense totally But otherwise sure overall like yeah, I maybe this I think my score will reflect it But like yeah, this movie kind of lived up to the hype for the most part Yeah, it's a very enjoyable movie. It's the I think I was talking about this either was maybe with you Chuck Maybe with somewhere at somebody else, but for a first movie of a franchise For its time it knocked it out of the park like in 1979 it would have this would have been a great movie In 2024 our standards have changed a little bit Storytelling is better Because one thing that I definitely found that I did not like in this was a lot of the dialogue and the delivery of the dialogue The delivery of the dialogue and a lot of this was garbage Yeah, so but that being said though, I know what this movie means To a lot of people and I'm not saying that that is going to reflect on how I scored it But I still was coming at it, and I still enjoyed this movie There's still some problems with it though Yeah, but then again like you just said with Like we have all the advantages for the first time in four years that too, but like this is for The three of us who have did not see this movie until 2020 and 2024 respectively This movie's fine. I know I've heard that this movie is one of those movies that is Really good, but the second one aliens is like superior in so many ways. It is a great I don't know never see it's a great action-adventure movie. It is not a horror movie Which is the argument that stemmed from me watching This to watching alien's because a lot of people will say like oh aliens really good from a fair movie Oh, but aliens is like a thousand times better And then everybody was like yes, it's a horror. I was like this is not a horror movie this What we'll get into when we get aliens But this actually does a really good job of actually capturing all of the elements that make a horror movie a horror movie Yes, this was a really good horror. Except for being scary Yeah, there was one yeah, okay. Yes. There was one part that I actually got a jumpscare for it was when Not McCready because this is he's not Kurt Russell The one guy the Dallas Taggart, huh? The Dallas. Yes He is searching through the vents and he like he is Turns the light and there is the alien I mean we gotta call him alien because I know I think next movie is when we realize that there's either morphs but Aliens in this movie and like he turns the camera and there he is and he scares them like that was a good jump scare Dude, I actually jumped a pack so they're so they're never gonna happen, but I still jumped at it their little Sensor machine for those things that only works in five meters so basically you've got a 15 foot range on this thing and He couldn't tell what direction it was coming from like He didn't have it though. They did she exactly she had it. She was telling him, you know like it's right above you She just kept screaming. It's right above you. Yeah in front of you Yeah, and like she was like she had no idea what she was doing. She should never had a hold of that machine No, she was the worst She really she really was terrible and she was really yeah I wasn't sad when she died. No, she's like the which both those death scenes are just like oh Did we run out of money? Is that what's happening in this? awkward and weird I Think what to kind of comment off what Joey said Or what Ron said about the fact that it's not really scary. I think it's a different type of horror I think it's the it's the Uncomfortableness not the traditional like jump scare. We're out to get you It's the we don't know where this thing is we don't actually know what it looks like and what it's doing There's some body horror in here. Obviously with the with the you know face Hugger is that what things call. Yeah. Yeah face hugger and then you know the Yeah, yeah, and all that stuff and like it's the it's the it's the slow burn Horror aspect. No jump scare aspect speaking of the The chestburster right so I never realized when they're on the ship the the craft ship originally that that big thing that creature which they just like are Not even impressed with this massive like humanoid-esque creature that's sitting on the ship, right? This alien being that but the eggs are where they where they're at, you know, but It's got that big hole in this chest where one of them had ripped out of it Yeah, but in their eyes that could have been like no, no I'm just saying I never realized that when I first want like the like oh, I don't remember seeing that and the first time I watched through well the parts that I watched through But also how are they not? How are they not impressed by that huge ass alien that sitting in there? Yeah, you know I don't know an ancient Species from like if you don't know the rest of the series is right and what? It all as it has progressed and they built the lore around if you just look at it in a capsule of like this movie This is like an ancient Alien like race of some sort that were all giants Yeah, I almost wondered if it was just like the thing wasn't actually a giant They had just shot it really weird to make it look at bigger than it was but to them. It was like normal sized or something I mean they're standing right next to it like it's massive Right, I just I didn't know if it was just like a more of like a door like a direct camera. Yeah camera They're they're in the foreground the way from the backgrounds But they look actually they'll be in the background creature in the foreground right make it look bigger. Yeah, right? Like if they had just not thought about that or something. I Mean the really nice thing is that majority of the film is practical facts, which definitely helps the film. Yes Well, we'll get we'll get there. We'll get there some there's some digital No, there's no look fucking terrible in this movie the puppet. Well, yes the puppet for the the chest buster with Freaking ridiculous. They did a better job in Spaceballs than they did in this this thing busts out of his chest is now like a foot and a half long coming out of his chest And it's like slowly turning just like who did his grill work. He's got silver teeth in there like He's like dog. I Think they they all had doesn't it have silver teeth again that yeah with an adult. Yeah, that's what I'm saying though We're where do we get there? Yeah, where they get their grill work done. That's a question Is an organic metal? I don't know but it's also got acid blood. I want to talk about acid blood real quick As a blood fucking dope and I don't really know how we as humans can have it unless I just keep drinking copious amounts of Coca-Cola, but I just That was a it's an interesting thing and they but I feel like they spent way too much time in the movie To then it not really come back to do anything Yeah, they kept matching in it like oh, they can't Like because they're gonna try and cut off the face hiker on John hurts character came right and it's like what is the acid blood like that could be problematic and Yeah, and then it eats through but stops like before it gets the hole or whatever, but then if that's the case then like I don't know it just I feel like Anything that they would like when she shot it at the end when it's like in the doorway or whatever and she hits it with the The harpoon gun. Yeah, like the wire with a like melt of the way. Yeah Exactly. Yeah, that's a great point. It should well on Is the theory Was the theory that she was freezing it is that what the the smoke was about the like the like the steam mist stuff was actually freeze I Have a question about that whole last scene anyway, cuz I'm kind of confused about it Well, so what really confused me was you know, she she does self-destruct and Then she goes to stop it. Why is she gonna stop it because she didn't think she's gonna get out on time because it was Between her and her landing ship Yeah, like it was between her and the shuttle and instead of you know, making sure that this thing dies Do you know make sure it doesn't spread anywhere else? She was like, oh, we got to save my own ass for the sequel Sure, yeah kind of okay. It was very I don't even know why she was worried about it She wasn't gonna get paid. It was made very clear that she needed to bring any Like specimen or or or or anything back or they weren't gonna get paid. It's part of the contract It says, yeah, they have to go check on it or they don't get paid Which is insane, but also what's with Ian Holmes and playing characters that have an obsession with Supreme beings Yeah, that's a that's a shout out to Fifth element there Chuck in case you uh, oh, I knew Yeah, I actually just watched Fifth Element with my mom for the first time the other day. Why? Her Zach words are well, what the fuck are we watching? Element just I don't I don't like Chris Tucker in this movie and it's like Yeah, yeah over time When when what's her face won't get out of the way of the alien and Parker is trying to burn it. Yeah, right Both on fire. Yeah, right, but not only that. So what does he do instead? He tries to tackle it Because that makes sense. Yeah. Oh, yeah, and then it's screaming at her to get out of the room and she's just like no Parker, I'm so sorry. I can't why why why because she was useless Because now his tail is slowly going up into your coder like what is going on? I don't understand you are Trying trying to make babies the old way There's there's more than speaking up speaking of old ways Everybody is smoking inside this enclosed ship was that Oh My god, what's the movie where they reference smoking in space is a thank you for smoke It has to be thank you for smoking where they're just like oh well because they were like you can't smoke in a space station It's all like all pure oxygen. They're like, oh, we'll just say oh, thank God that blah blah blah has Oxygen free cigarettes now or something stupid like they're like, oh, yeah We just we just write a line into the movie like that's what I was watching that go Oh, they must have written a line near the movie and then forgot to say it. Okay, that makes sense But also speaking of old things So when they go out of the ship and they've got like their their body cams or whatever Why in 2035 when they are in space and they are able to go to other planets and all things Did they think that the body cam footage would be on the level of like? 1970s VHS Because when they left it was there 75 remember they were in crowd freeze for a while sleeping Maybe um also true. Yeah, and these motherfucking mouth breathers fogging up their visors every time they're in those suits Jesus Christ like That's just a bad pressure like like well, no, I mean, I think I think it was just actually just bad props but that too But every single one of them. It's like oh, yes, let's go explore this ship They If I'm not mistaken that is those were actually like old Spaceses isn't that like the whole thing is that they were actually using like old Like I have no idea. That's what I that's what I was told so that would make sense. I was gonna look up I started looking at some of the IMDB, but there was like so much Now I'm just a guy. I don't care because like the whole thing is like the suit is sealed But there's no actual like they're not actually pumping oxygen into it. Yeah, that would make so it's so they're just walking around breathing in their own It's really funny No wonder that's not great But but speaking of the ship though like the fact that the ship could fly through space no problem But the minute it lands on that planet it breaks and almost destroyed. Yeah After it was like it kind of had already landed like that's the other thing is like yeah, right? And the thrusters cock like like just fucking black blast and it's like what are we doing like they have the slowest moving space ships ever Yeah, like even when it's coming into earth's atmosphere. It's like or into the plant's atmosphere. It's like And they still managed to crash the motherfucker I will give Ripley props cuz she was the only smart one. Yeah, when they come back with pain They're like and she's like no I keep my side. Yeah pro 24 hours protocol like screw you. Sorry Well, of course ash being super weird. Oh Jesus. Yeah. Yeah, like you're obviously yeah, yeah, yeah That also fell on a weird. Why is the ship called mother? I believe they it's an acronym for something. They explain it in later movies. I think oh Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, or maybe it doesn't hear it You know what I mean like Like I don't the ship itself is not called mother. It's the program is called mother Yeah, it's all running a master. Oh also. What's the point of having mother in a secure area? Anybody can just access it? Yeah When ash just pops up in there like the door doesn't open he wasn't in there when she went in there and then boom he's there Yeah Yeah, that just listen that was a I don't really under like I get the point of his character to an extent Because like they have to have a like they have to have the plot device of why they actually got sent there Because it can't just be this like random thing, right? It was actually they were sent there to go like Investigating they knew yeah, they knew it was there the company knew it was there right. Yeah It just don't get why he had to be a robot Yeah Because he was programmed to do the directive Regardless because if because if he was a human and he's all the directive to kill other humans Like no, I could do that. Yeah Because what happens if he started boating Sigourney Weaver like mid-flight and then he was like man I know I'm supposed to kill these guys, but like Maybe by you know, yeah, maybe who shall have a butt, but like he's a robot. He's not supposed to kill But That's the I-robot rules We see we're gonna be seeing Terminator soon. We know Terminator's kill. Yeah, it's true so Whatever also this whole crew like I don't know how long they were together, but they are all Assholes to each other like yeah, I mean I get being around the same nine people would drive you crazy But they are just straight up like dickheads. Oh Okay, I just If I am I the only one who just talks to my friends like that fuck all right, maybe I'm an asshole. I'm learning something today And when they're sitting around the table after Cain gets the Chestburster out of him or before he gets chestburster, but after the face auger comes off of him They are literally not saying anything intelligible Until like three seconds before the chestburster thing pops out of him Yeah, they're just saying a bunch of random words. It was really weird Um, but not really random words. They were saying like random sentences at all. Hi, Chuck's mom. Sorry We said hi to your mom, but she didn't say hi back. She couldn't hear you guys whole. Yeah, I know Well, I saw the door slowly opening and I figured it was like like the cat or something and then I just see my And I about fucking came out of my god damn skin It was a good thing I was muted by y'all Several obscenities Um, how do you do check out our youtube channel uh to watch a genuine live reaction of me removing my skin via terror Uh, anyway, what were we talking about? Sorry? Not yet, um So, okay We we get the alien we get the the chestburster. He's like like we said earlier two feet tall Or and then he grows a fucking six feet in like five minutes so quickly like how why so But I think the theory is is that they they rapidly age Because because they don't have a long lifespan Okay, is and I'm only saying this also from gathering because like by the end of the movie. It's like it's dying on like I did like when it's on the like escape shuttle and it's just oh, I just thought it was being sneaky and it's like She's never gonna see me in here. No because she does like it does see her and she like runs and hides And it's just like laying there like doesn't chase after. Yeah. Yeah, so I was under the impression I always wondered if the second mouth was actually like the You know how like when flies die or whatever they like fucking something crawls out of them or whatever I wonder if it was like that I don't know. That's what I was told that when flies die other flies grow by maybe maybe the big suit is actually just a mech and uh Maybe And the little mouth is a smaller little guy inside. Yeah, who's trying to find the Orion? Okay Okay, so here's a real question though. Why is the whole fucking ship wet? Why is the ship wet? We get the scene where um I can't remember what his name. Oh Brett is chasing after Gen Z And he comes across this area where there's just water pouring down Randomly You're in the middle of a ship. Why is that like that? That should be like that. It's where the toilet to dump out Okay, it's the AC. It's the AC Because you have college back I don't know why the alien is always wet. Why is he covered in slime? constantly Maybe that's part of it's like dying body like because it's what is acid greeting. It's just secreting shins. Yeah That is the most horrific like Foreign horror. Why do bad guys always drink milk? Why do bad guys always have milk for blood? I mean, I'm sure it was was milk, but was it could have been like some sort of liquid to help keep him Um, like running cyborg or I enjoyed it or whatever the hell he is. Yeah, that's why I don't know because sure But the same shit that's leaking out of his body when they bust his head off Yeah, oh man. And then when they put in they hook his head back up That was some mighty fine Practical effects right there. Let me tell you you didn't have to sit They were like kept at playing and like in like one and then two and then and then magically all of a sudden It's just like sitting flat. Yeah, I was like you guys couldn't have shot that a little better. Also I think he was actually full of cum Everybody's just been fucking him the whole time. Yep. They actually they actually all knew he wasn't android He's actually he's actually the 2035 version of a fleshlight. Yeah We were listen. I was promised 10 years ago that sex with robots would be Here and alive and better than having sex with a human and I would never need another partner. So That was a lie about whatever. Yeah, I don't know who told you that but they didn't have your best interests at heart I think they did uh so um Why do they keep splitting the party up? Yep, I have that in my notes too. Uh, they split the party never split the party And they do it like and they do it. It's like, okay We split the party and then we split the party of the party that we split Which is how uh, um The uh, which is how the captain died dallas Yep, uh, which is that how parker and lambert died like yeah, I mean, it's it's heading it's heading more horror tropes When you split here, but in 2035 they should have seen all the horror movies and known better than this No, I don't think they were led to our horror movies. That's the whole thing They are only supposed to go investigate secretly alien monsters Thanks. Okay There is no horror only work That I mean, yeah, that is a true horror. Um I've got written down here when rippley's going back after the Self-destruct she failed to stop that which was only three minutes long and not five Uh, it's movie. It's a movie five minutes. Sure. Yeah, but then I also say it was like 10 minutes So we got 10 minutes to get our character Um, yeah, but like there's I like it when the movies actually Have the timeline up and I was really disappointed that this didn't line up with times but regardless She's heading back to the pod and all the lights are flashing They still could have done it. No But they basically it's just this scene is a giant seizure inducing scene With the yeah flashing is yeah, you can tell that like there are no actual protocols animals were getting hurt in this movie Uh, we don't we don't have to use like seizure safe lighting. Yeah, we don't know Jelzy in the pod with everybody else or was it just kind of roaming around? Before like in the very beginning. I assume he was just where he's just like a normal cat He could went where the hell he wanted to, you know, the guy would have been dead There. Yeah, there were in stasis. There was nothing like ever. Yeah. I think he was I think he was in with her I think it was maybe there's space rats I did kind of wonder that I was like, I wonder if they have like cockroaches and rants Well, like, you know, I mean, it's like you're supposed to take, you know, a cat aboard the ship with you because uh, they they eat all the vermin And uh, maybe that's what they do in space too in case you get space vermin It's true, but then you need a monkey to keep the cat in life and then you need a bird To keep the monkey in line. Look dude. I don't even know why they swall to fly. Okay Perhaps maybe and then you need a gun to keep everybody in line Yeah, see that's what that's all they needed. It was just a gun That's true But they did have a fancy flamethrower that sort of work dish kind of Did it other than melting a robot. I did it. Well, it's a hash That's about it. Yep Yeah, that's I don't know. Yeah, that's really all I got for uh for notes I like this. Oh, the only other note that I have is so they get this transmission, right? And instead of going through and trying to figure out what the uh, uh, uh transmission is like the encryption for the transmission is like there Sigourney Weaver's character with it Ripley Is like did you guys run it through the thing and they're like, yeah, but they haven't come up with anything She's like, oh, I want to take a look at it and then 10 seconds later. She's like, I think this is some kind of warning But ash was the one that told her that we ran it through and nothing came back Trash being the one but who's like we need to go here because i'm that's my directive Right, but at the same time like how does the captain? Not be like, okay Let's figure out what this transmission is because if it's an sos We should go check it out if it's a hey This thing's gonna eat your face and fuck your friend through his mouth and then pop a baby out of him through his chest Like yeah I mean a little more diligent. Well, he wasn't really a great captain. Let's be honest. That's true That is very true. I also have to stop and ask Why did they send this particular crew That's a great question, maybe they I wasn't able to mention that they were like minor Like mining facility. Maybe they were bad at their jobs So they were expendable The parker and Brett kept complaining that they weren't getting paid enough so there you go away to that Awesome. Yeah, I got to get rid of those union, you know union union guys got to get the union busters in their union busters Genome harpter union busters I just watch them look at my tracks. That's hilarious. Hold on a second. I got it right down a note Okay. Oh, dude Yo, give me sure you know more in like uh like uh like uh Got me a three-piece suit. No like a target like uh suit that says like uh manager alien and it's just like You know, they're just gonna take all of your money and then everybody will be unhappy here You could get paid less than what you're getting paid now You know what you could do with that $700 a year that you had paying dues. You could buy a wee That was a that was a thing. That was a thing that they told us When I worked in real j when I worked at tj max They were trying to stop us from uh like they didn't want anybody to unionize And they told us how expensive it would be for us And that we could like because the we uh, I think the we you was just coming out or something like the amount of money That you could oh my god. You are doing it. Yeah. Okay thing. Okay Uh with the amount of money that we would spend yearly on union dues Um, we could buy a wee you And play video games instead. Yeah, when I worked at walmart They were like, well, you know what happened to the one walmart store that started a union, right? They just closed it down and everybody lost their jobs. Do you guys want to be responsible for everybody here losing their jobs? Yeah, it's another one. I hear all the time I remember hearing that when I worked at patons that they would just close up and move to uh like south and the border Which very very realistically statistically has never happened one time historically, so Yeah, unionized. I mean everybody unionized One percent unionized. Yeah, everybody unionized. Yeah, I miss being in So as a teamster, I work for a union as much as it uh stuck sometimes, but like it's so good When unions are good. They're great when unions aren't good. It is a fucking slog But yes unions are when you have good shop stores and good like wraps man fucking unions are the fucking best Yeah, solidarity Whoo So Uh, I think we're up to the kill count buddy. Yeah, wow there'd be a total of seven Seven I mean that man. I mean, okay. We had eight people. There's there's no I was gonna say no There are only seven people a cat and a xenomorph So that's nine really nine people I changed the living things come down. Listen if droids and clones count then aliens and cats count now too I was living things but they weren't people. He specifically said people. I said we had seven people And then I said we had nine living things No, we didn't have seven people. We had six people in androids Uh cat and a xenomorph, but it's roids count now. So whatever we kind of is a killer Can somebody explain to me what was inside of him Or the No, yeah, and when you look at like the rest of the inside of him like I understand what I was looking at He just ate he drank a lot of bullets never Digested it properly. He just physically can't it doesn't break down Actually, so After after you fill him with your your Fluids Uh, you spin the front of him and it's one of those little cranks that pops up Little balls that little toys in him. Oh, um, oh, yeah Yep, yep vending machine a little vending toy. Yeah Oh, all righty, uh run bingo Uh, we had product placement hero kills government interference unexplainable science Betrayal by a friend animal cruelty fight for control of something uh product placement and misogyny Is that proud place or twice? What was that? Oh, yes. I heard it her shoes They're Nike's somewhere. Oh, I'm not a good guy So I wasn't looking that makes sense. They were they were the only shoes in the movie that were like Actual like, uh, I think they were reebox or something like that. Yeah But everybody else had on like normal footwear and then Ripley had on like, you know Well, she has to stand out just saying Ron purvey more and more of these a foot guy. Okay. Anyway Ah Continuum, um Okay, so like the price of the effects are like 85% really good A lot of this stuff looks really really good I fall off with a lot of the stuff with the alien when they have to show the full body Like when he is in the costume. Yeah, well and like more importantly when it's not In the costume and it's like of fake body flopping in the costume Was three raccoons in the trench coat. There was one scene Yes, but there was one scene. I think after the alien threw parker somewhere It turned around the lamber and that looked terrible because it was just all stiff. Uh, it's like oh wow You cannot move in that suit at all. No, um Weirdly enough the so the one that got me originally where I was like Oh, this kind of like broke the magic for me when I watched the first time is after she harpoons it And then closes the door and it's just like swinging outside I remember it looking so stiff that it was like like it looked like an action figure on a string like that they and they were like Floating it Watching it this time around it probably was But watching it this time around it moved like a rubber body Like it was like 2002 blade all over again and it was just like a rubber body flopping around So I don't know if that was just a different cut, but I think I watched this full times on hulu. So I don't know um I'm gonna say which i don't know who was breakfast kind of not but Uh, I don't think so. I didn't say it. So I'm gonna say um I'm gonna say five out of 27 sponkapes It was pretty good for the most part I'm willing to look past rubber because it is 1979. There's just so much they can do so very true But the I mean all the stuff was awesome. I thought Yes, that's look great. I mean it was other than being wet for no reason. Yeah, they all look pretty good Uh, so we did have a boob count a of of 0.5 because of the pictures on the wall were naked women in uh ash's little corner that he tried to whatever ripply in Oh, yeah rolled up a magazine and then shoved it into her mouth Didn't even like because i didn't even call her a good girl or anything like Hi One more time I got to learn how to edit a video real quick Everybody's doing it. Oh, I did the run down ranking. So, uh, I usually had this I say Um, but then like the the magazine itself was too wide to get into her mouth, but she was choking on it Hey, listen, sometimes there's too wide to get in their mouth. They can still choke on it That's true because it like pushes your tongue Like you choke on your tongue. That's what I that's what I always assume but he had it so like Like stiff. Why didn't he just hold it against her throat? Or why didn't he just like snapper neck or who's gonna do Why didn't he snap her neck exactly? He is physically Like terrifyingly strong because he's a robot. He like fucking purple nurples parker And like my root is tittle. Yes, so I didn't understand like why he didn't just do that to her I don't know. Uh, the pro protocol says he can't do it to uh, uh females. That's that makes sense. I think Program came purple nurples. They're not married. So he can't beat her. Oh my god It was a man. I want me to tell you a story off air about purple nurples. Okay. Oh, no, okay Uh, so chuck out of ten. Will you give this movie? All right. Is this an alien movie? Yeah, this is literally an alien movie. This is one of the Yeah, this is one of the few movies where we had the movie before we had the comic I'm very curious to see what the comics Obviously they build on the lore and I know that as we progress through this The magic very much gets lost because they just start going super hard into like the um action The action aspect of it and building the lore and it gets very convoluted after a while And there's just so much that they can do and all that stuff But I think in a capsule. This is phenomenal. This is like a great standalone movie that I don't think needed a sequel um I'm gonna say Man, the special effects bring it down for me a little bit though I'm gonna say 8.4 like I still like this movie I would go I will happily watch this movie again with people like um It's not my favorite of this Type of genre. I'll say that um, you know when we're looking at Terminator and predator and those movies It but I think for like a sci-fi horror movie. This is really really good Yeah Ron um so I it was in a bad movie. I mean, am I in a hurry to watch it again? Not really Um, but would I watch it again? Sure like if it comes up and like somebody's like, oh, I've never seen alien. I'd be like Like let's let's put it on. Let's watch it. You know, um A lot of this plot itself didn't make much sense of anything, you know um Although I guess we did get a new uh shirt idea out of it. So that's kind of a plus uh but um Like it wasn't it wasn't a bad movie. I mean, it was it was interesting They were interesting parts to it and uh, some of the stuff was really fun. I'm gonna give it a 6.23 What about you joey Uh, I'm kind of right there on the same boat you are This movie is really enjoyable said at the top of the episode It is a wonderful episode or wonderful movie that You know kind of starts off a huge franchise, um But like I said earlier dialogue was shitty plot Questionable at times. Um The acting was fine Sort of like there was some bad acting in this but all in all like it's still a wonderful movie Just like both of you like I would not Be discouraged from watching this again. I don't know when I'm gonna watch it again But I like I'm not running out to watch this immediately all over again I mean, we've got like this is also a franchise that's still coming out. We've got a new alien movie coming out later this year Um, would you be really if it's like, yeah alien Romulus um, I don't know if it's a prequel to this or a sequel to Covenant, I don't know. It's a which I actually I think covenant's a prequel Covenant was a pretty cool because covenant links permethias to this to the main canvas right? Yeah I haven't watched any of them. So I don't know Permethias was no Romulus's I think I think it's one of the uh, uh, the kings of Rome. I believe Was he the one the one Uh, no, I think there was like the twins like Romulus and Remus you know heard it in a movie once That's a throwback to a Dungeons and Dragons Or not Dungeons and Dragons, uh Um What the fuck was that movie that we watched uh double dragons. There we go. I knew I had dragons in it When uh, the shadow dudes talking about Yeah, yeah, uh, apparently new Dungeons and double dragons video game coming out Whoa, this is a side scroller Or arcade style side girl because if if it is that that'd be kind of cool As long as they only charge like $10 for it Yeah, they're doing a lot of like eight bit arcade style games sure and they're doing some remakes that they're charging full price for Well, sure like like remastered but it's Just another game. Yeah, ron artists want to get paid. What's wrong with that? Um, most errands made those are probably dead No Anyway, any who they're revamping them anyway, what? Uh, I gave this a 6.45. It's an enjoyable movie and I have no issue whatsoever watching again Um, but I don't know if I'll like I said don't know if I'll watch any time soon Mm. That's interesting. I don't think I'd like to nearly as much as youtube, but I still ranked it higher. That's interesting You did rank it higher. Yeah, um, weird. I don't think I liked this movie nearly as well I think check this other ranking doesn't work. I know how the ranking system works But I've been doing like 60 movies. I'm off. I don't know a lot of time. I'm just like, yeah I don't know. I guess I just like everything in the vacuum I also forget what I give most movies prior to this so I even Gave you a whole list of what you gave me you think I'm gonna pull that up every I can barely get this shit working on my computer With nothing open on it. That's a fair point. Yeah Anyway, so with our combined score, we've got a total of seven point zero three which drops it in at number 32 Just behind tails from the crypt with a seven point zero five And just above batman begins with a six point nine seven That's actually that's a decent spot. I think that's a fair effort to be in. Yeah, it's it's upper It's upper Actually, it's really like I mean you have to remember. This is like an old ass movie and it is in some good contender spot. So I think that's I mean we think it's a perfectly great healthy spot for it Like I'm just looking at the list here. We've got a few older ones ahead of it Like I mean tails and the crypt for one of them is ahead of it Yeah, but that to be fair tails of the crypt only had two votes and I was not a part of that So I think you should watch that. I think you might actually enjoy it I do like bordello of blood, but that's about it so those this tails from crypt It it it has a name of those but it's its own separate thing It's an it's an anthology movie That's a shame. You don't like anthologies. I don't and I also just really only like bordello of blood It's a very good movie if you've never seen it. It's on comedy. It's on list Just keep your head. Give it up. It's on the list three nipples. Yes So Chuck, where can they find you out there buddy? I don't know man. Uh, I just fucking work here. Um, you heard it here. He doesn't know where you can find him. All right You can find me on instagram kit and i'm on instagram tick tock kicked out of the hood and we can kick You can follow my hobby page kicked out of the hobby at time or release I may be going to kind of get to play some blood and plunder which will be really exciting. So Uh, when are we going to hear uh, some, uh, new Talk to your fucking boss. I was supposed I I was supposed to talk to me doesn't respond Yeah, i'm aware. He leads me on red too All right, I was supposed to actually be done by a at a clock tonight to go record the last like few episodes of late a showdown and he canceled on me so he could do a Uh star wars unlimited trading card game draft tonight seal draft So And he was the one who picked wednesday That son of a bitch At this point x paxxis is going to get a refund i think because this is just getting ridiculous So that's that Yeah Ron, where can they find you old? Uh, you can find me on instagram and tick tock at good at this game You can find my art on instagram at good art this game and you can find me right here where this wonderful podcast is sold Joey Uh, you guys could find the show on instagram and threads at comic book rundown you can email us comic rundown at Right review us on your podcasting on the choice if you do we'll read our upcoming episode Uh, we have merch over at rebel volunteer public with maybe new merch coming soon We'll see working on it working on it working on it and uh, our song was done by cam So our next movie much kind of excited for this one Uh, it's pop eye from 1980. Hey, hey Wow, I regularly i've never seen this movie So i'm here about image should because it is uh quite the fever dream It's something man And of course starring robin williams correct And who plays olive oil? Uh the lady from um, right? Yeah, you have the training. Yep Yeah, that's actually a really good cast. Okay. Um, yeah, all right. Yeah, I regularly bring this up to my students I was like you guys know that there's a live action pop eye movie starring robin williams And they're all like who the fuck is robin williams and i'm just like, oh, okay To be fair most of them weren't alive when he was popular So sure but so what you do is you take a bar and you put it across the door to your room And then just leave keep keep the stoves running without the uh, here's uh things being lit Here's the thing If they don't know spider-man, why am I gonna expect them to know robin williams? Uh Yeah, that's fair. Yeah, exactly Anyway, head over to such professional casuals one dollar. Oh, no, fuck a one dollar 301 tier that's where you want to go to support the channel forgot to plug it in the beginning Uh pay joey specifically or just send joey money in the mail cash sure. This is his address you ready I thought you were gonna just end the show. Anyway, that's why i thought he was gonna do it too, but you know Why don't you be do us out there Chuck? All right. Bye everybody Now they're scared He's still going Run down the field Run down the field Yeah [BLANK_AUDIO]