Froggy the Gator

The Reading Gorilla

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Froggy and his friends are getting pretty good at reading. And today their skills are put to the test, when a real live GORILLA comes to help them do a reading bee!

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Welcome back everybody to another episode of Froggy the Gator. Your favorite kids podcast and like we always say at the beginning of these if you want to help the show grow then there are two things that you can do and the first is you know what I'm gonna say it's gonna be tell your friends about Froggy the Gator and then the second thing is to make sure that you've rated us five stars of course with your parents permission and if you think that's what we deserve on your podcast app of choice. So if you do those two things we're gonna keep growing and we're gonna keep making new episodes thanks to you and thanks to your parents and as promised we've got some birthdays today so let's first get a special shout out to Lewis. Lewis is about the turn four on August 4th so happy birthday to you sir I hope it's a great one and happy birthday to Jason Jason is turning seven on August 4th so happy birthday to you Jason 7 is a great age I hope you enjoy it my friend so happy birthday to you Jason and to your brother we also want to give a shout out to your brother Grant as well you've got four-year-old brother Grant I'm told so a special shout out to you all the way out in Iowa I hope you boys are doing great and another happy birthday to James who will turn four on August 6th James I know you're gonna have a blast on your birthday and I wish you many happy returns which is just a thing grown-up say and I don't even really know what it means but happy birthday James and another happy birthday to we got some boy girl twins so it's Jovie and Axel happy birthday their birthday was on July 21st so a belated birthday to you too they just turned seven boys and girls to Jovie and Axel I hope I'm pronouncing that right happy birthday to you the twins I hope it was an absolute blast for you guys and I also want to give a shout out to a listener named James I believe it's a different James then who had the birthday but James had a new baby brother born on July 22nd so I hope you're adjusting to life as a big brother I know you're gonna do great and you're gonna be a big helper to your parents and to your baby brother so congratulations James and today's joke comes from Kai who is three years old and I am told that Kai made this joke up all by himself and Kai is from Montana he wrote the stroke by himself so well done Kai only three years old and this is a knee slapper of a joke are you ready for this it goes like this what does a Cal say when he wants you to get out of the way what does a Cal say when he wants you to get out of the way are you ready for the answer and you might be able to guess what is a Cal say when he wants you to get out of the way move over Cal see move so a clever pun from the young Kai I believe yeah Kai thank you again sir and today's story comes from the birthday twins Jovie and Axel who are heading to first grade and that inspired their story and it starts right now we talk all the time about how froggy and his friends were getting pretty good at reading these days and it's true they were learning all about reading and they were practicing it everywhere they went reading is fundamental daddy the gator would always say it's one of the skills that all other skills are built on and the guys knew how important it was so they spent a lot of time practicing and reading everything they could get their hands on newspapers signs on the road books at bedtime all of it and on this particular day froggy mr. Hummus worm bird and tomato hedgehog were all outside in froggy's backyard on the jungle gym that daddy the gator had built just a few years before of course when froggy had a thought hey guys you ever wondered why they call these things jungle gyms like what do they have to do with actual jungles hmm said mr. Hummus that's a good question I don't know they aren't really like jungles at all and just then the guys saw the stakes of the jungle gym start to turn into big huge trees and the ropes in the swing started to turn into jungle vines said tomato hedgehog what's going on as the ground around them started to grow lush with huge leafy plants and greenery they looked up and the trees above them started growing higher and higher way up into the sky all the way into the heavens and they turned into a real-life canopy just like you'd see in a rainforest um froggy said I think our jungle gym has turned into a real jungle and then before they could truly process what was happening they heard a strange screech in the distance ooh ooh said the sound getting closer to where they were playing by the second oh boy oh boy said worm bird what's that it sounds like some kind of ape like a monkey or something and then all of a sudden out from behind a huge fern like plant jumped a huge smiling white gorilla whoa said froggy what in the world who are you he said to the strange gorilla I am Gary the reading gorilla the strange gorilla said and I heard you kids are getting really good at reading so I've come today to test out your skills all right said froggy this is going to be great we can have a real-life reading bee and a reading bee if you don't know it's kind of like a spelling bee except it's for reading where you get judged on reading and how well you can pronounce the words that's right said Gary the reading gorilla ready to begin okay let's go and Gary the reading gorilla waved his gorilla arms and whoosh like magic he was holding a large sign okay froggy Gary the reading gorilla said your first the word on this sign describes a certain type of vehicle that helps put out fires in your neighborhood can you sound it out and read it back to me froggy squinted at the sign the first letter was an F he knew that and then came the letter I then R then E then he immediately saw the word truck at the end of the word TRUCK he knew that word by heart hmm he said F makes a F sound and I makes a I sound if it's a type of truck a fire truck he answered that's right said Gary the reading gorilla one point for froggy mr hummus Gary the reading gorilla continued it's now your turn and then whoosh the sign changed and now it had another word on it this word describes a lush habitat where all kinds of animals live like jaguars snakes and frogs and even animals like me gorillas can you guess this word and mr hummus saw that the first letter of his word was J that makes a je je je je sound he said then you and that could make a couple sounds mr hummus continued it can sound like either you or if it's like a lush environment oh my word must be jungle right jungle the word is jungle and Gary the reading gorilla screeched because he is a gorilla and then he said correct one point for mr hummus you kids are doing great worm bird you're next and then whoosh the sign changed again this word Gary the reading gorilla said describes the loud noise that comes from clouds sometimes can you sound it out and read it to us hmm said worm bird well I see that the first letter is T and that makes a tah tah tah sound but it's followed by the letter H and I learned that when a T and an H are together the T doesn't sound like tah it sounds like thuh so my word must be thunder the loud noise that clouds make is thunder congratulations worm bird Gary the reading gorilla said everyone has gotten their word right so far tomato hedgehog your last and your word describes someone special can you sound it out and read it to us and then whoosh the sign changed again to show tomato hedgehog's word well tomato hedgehog said the first letter is F and that makes a foot sound followed by R which usually makes a R sound and in the end of the word is in and D together well which an N D sound makes and so if my letters are F R I E N D for than and at the end friend that must be it someone special is a friend right again said Gary the reading gorilla and everybody laughed together and they kept reading words and learning about spelling until Daddy the Gator came outside and called the guys and for some special L E M O N A D E did you hear that kids can you spell it that's right lemonade the end (upbeat music)