The ProSource Pod

Overrated vs. Underrated

On this episode, we're each presented 10 various baseball topics that we must deem as overrated or underrated. Enjoy & comment whether or not you agree with our takes!

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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On this episode, we're each presented 10 various baseball topics that we must deem as overrated or underrated. Enjoy & comment whether or not you agree with our takes!

It's going on guys, welcome back to the Pro Source Pod, I'm Eric, we've got Nick here, today we're going to be doing baseball overrated and underrated, so we're going to have a list of a bunch of things in the baseball world, we're going to deem them as either overrated or underrated, Nick's going to ask me first, now I'm going to give you my takes. Okay, so Eric panicked a little bit with that, it was a little difficult to explain, so to make it a little bit easier for you guys, those are going to be five and five, I'm going to have ten things for Eric that he's going to list, five things overrated, five things underrated, he's just putting them in the bucket, I'm going to do the same thing, he's going to be ten things, I'm going to say overrated or underrated, I'm going to start this one off with Eric, is it overrated or underrated the value of five tool player? The value of five tool player is overrated in my opinion, the bold take, it's overrated, do you have any vases behind it? I think that there aren't as many five tool players as in the game as you might think. There's actually a slew of them right now. There's definitely more, there's more than there used to be, but I would say if you take, there's more non-five tool players than there are five tool players. Why is it overrated? It's overrated because if you just go out looking for five tool players, one you're going to spend way too much money. Why are you spending a lot of money on it? That hasn't happened. If it's a five tool player, it has nothing to do with money if there are five tool player. They're just getting paid because they're a really good player. You have to go there. They're not getting paid off of being a five tool player, they're getting drafted off of being a five tool player. Well, if we're talking about we haven't even really set parameters for whether these guys are getting drafted or they're just a five tool players, a prospect, a five tool players, a prospect that five tool player either is a five tool player who makes it or he doesn't. You're just saying you're just calling it overrated. All right. Whatever. That's my opinion. It's overrated. All right. Bold take. Okay. Defensive metrics like UCR or TRS. I can't say I know what either one of those things are. I'll go off, I'll give you a description. Advanced defensive stat offer insight into a player's feeling abilities beyond traditional feeling, percentage or errors. Overrated. Over overrated. Fielding percentage. That's it. Okay. All right. Bull pen management overrated or underrated bull pen management. That's a good one. I don't even know what it really means. Read the description. Effective management of a bull pen can be crucial to a team success. Yeah. Absolutely. That doesn't receive it. That should it serves. Compared to a starting pitching. What is this list? It has to robot. All right. Not me. I'm going to say bull pen management is underrated. I'm going to say that's underrated. It's it's definitely crucial to be able to manage bull pen. Yeah. So right now, what do you got in your underrated and your underrated bucket underrated? We got bull pen management overrated. We got defensive metrics like UCR and whatever the fuck and overrated. We also got five tool players. So two things. Okay. All right. It's two to one, two to one. Advanced scouting and analytics. I'm giving you a lot of ones. You don't really know anything about these are tough. Advanced scouting and analytics, dude. That's all right. As a pitcher, there's some weird stuff that makes sure that it looks at and I don't even know what he's looking at. But it apparently helps them. Just give me a second. That's It's probably can I say properly rated. That's an option. Fuck. All right. I'm going underrated. I'm going to go underrated only because I know that there there are people who look at all this stuff and they it works for them and they have success with it underrated. So it's two to two. No, two to two. Okay. Miterly development. Underrated. Definitely underrated. I know that there's there's I don't even know how you rate that one there. It's underrated. I think because there's been I know there's certain clubs that were reported to not have the best facilities, not have the best living conditions in the minor leagues. And those there's actually a report about this. I'm going to love with you. I don't even know if this is a rateable one. Just let me finish. There's a report about this that these clubs with the shitty facilities, shitty living conditions. To say the angels. It's the angels. It's the angels. Upgraded. These things upgraded. These things and they're I don't know. Their players got a lot better from this because they weren't living in the Dodgers spent money on their farm system and it shows yeah yeah underrated. I believe it was Gabe Capler who when he was in charge of development brought in all like the personal chefs for every level and it shows because God knows why anyone they bring up is just apparently great. Yeah. Those cats can ball Dodgers. All right. What's this list at now? It's three underrated. It's three underrated. Two overrated. Save opportunities. Because you know this is this is an overrated top of a chat GPT blows for this. Save opportunities. Underrated? I guess like it's just like it's just like a baseball thing. Okay. It's just a baseball thing. A save opportunity. How can you rate that is overrated or underrated? It's it's underrated. Save opportunities underrated. Team success in post season. I don't even know. Actually this one's pretty good. You're going through it. Is it underrated or is it underrated? Team success in the post season. It's definitely underrated dude because you could have you could have a very mediocre regular season and just go on and run in the playoff. So and if you become a world champion if you become a world champion nobody remembers the mediocre season. Nobody remembers that. You could just be a good playoff team. No one that make it overrated because you can go to the World Series and be the wad card and stink and people think you're good and then you don't even step the playoffs next year. Well you could I mean it would depend on the team too. I think we're on the same. I feel like this one really tripped you up and don't know how to answer it because it's kind of misleading. It is very misleading but no I think I think I'm coming from a good place here saying it's underrated. So are you out underrated or is that four? That's five I think. Oh yeah what two more for the overrated by default by default they're probably overrated but let's let's see what they say on base percentage. Damn that's like not overrated. I mean you're the one that put everything in the underrated bucket early. What you have to live with it. Overrated OBP is the most overrated stat in baseball. It's stupid. That was situational hitting. You don't really have to go. I don't know about situational hitting. You don't have an option. I've been a P.O. since it's quite literally you have to go with this situation. Overrated. All right. Overrated situational hitting. There you have it folks. There's Eric's five overrated and five underrated. Yeah and some of them are definitely awful takes. OBP overrated. I'll die on an Eric by default overrated. Yeah. All right here we go. Let's ask. Let's ask. Hey just so you know mine are all the other ones that are wearing. Haven't been asked yet. All right. Win lost record for pitchers overrated or underrated. Underrated I think there's something about a dog that goes out there and wins. People want to get rid of it. I like that one. I like that one and it's like people always use Jacob Gogrom as the poster child for like yeah he stinks. Jacob Gogrom stinks. He doesn't play. He doesn't play but he doesn't play. He stinks. Are you playing? Have you played lately? As far as I know right now he stinks. He doesn't play. All right. That's uh we're going to move on to the next one. Traditional batting average. Badding average doesn't account for walks. I know what the batting average is. Badding average is underrated. Okay. Even though people want to get rid of batting average you should hit the ball. You should get base hits. Okay. I will say this. It is harder to get base hits now because it shifts everywhere. Even though they got rid of the shift. No they didn't. People still, they're still shift basically. You just can't cheat megalley. But even that was stupid. Freedom. All right. So that's two for underrated. Clutch hitting. It's underrated. I'm digging myself in a hole here. So Clutch hitting. It's like I don't know what do you want me to say? Like some people have the dog in them. Some people don't. Yeah. David Freeze will forever be a legend for what he did in the playoffs. 100%. David Freeze is a beast. He kind of stinks. He kind of like wasn't great in any regular season. But he's always going to be remembered for what he did in the postseason. Yeah. Post season performance underrated. It doesn't matter for a team. Yeah. Going home. Yeah. All right. Dude. This. All right. I'm throwing this one back in your face. Save opportunities. You can't. I already told you. No, I told you. I'm the other one that weren't asked. Did you go? Okay. Old school baseball wisdom. Like just throw it over rated over rated. Get the get the old heads out of here. Stop talking about throwing your hands at the ground. Stop chopping wood. We're not doing that. I agree with this one. I agree with this one. Get the fuck. Yeah. Like you stop talking about a huskin corn and shucking oysters. Like get out of here. At the same time though, I agree with old things, but like I don't agree with old things. Get the old heads out of here. All right. There you have it. Managerial experience. Do you need a? Overrated. No, overrated. I've really wanted to make this one underrated because like I think there's people who manage like way too much in terms of like analytically and stuff. But at the same time, like you can kind of just a bad manager is like someone where it's like this is really tough. I don't know why this one's so tough because I want to make it underrated, but you don't have room. But it's also it's like I also think that like the manager really doesn't make that much of a difference. Like people would jerk off a manager for no reason. And it's like hey, like they have Bryce Harper and you know, Josh Warbur and Trey Turner. Like they're going to be fine. I might just be using the fillies as an example right now. Like people hated Charlie Manuel because they said he was an idiot. But like he won a world series and everyone's like, Oh, he's the greatest thing in the world. Oh, people. But then they also still called him an idiot. Yeah. Charlie Manuel. Like there's some people who hate Charlie Manuel. We were talking about this the other day. Once again, they had Ryan, they had big piece. They J roll. They had big piece. They'd oddly on nothing else needs to be said overrated. Okay. They were going to win. So what's up four to one? No, there's two on the overrated. We got three. It's three to okay. Home runs is a sole measure of power. That's stupid. Yeah. I don't even know how to rate that. That's probably overrated. Like home runs. Yeah. Overrated. That's just stupid. That is a stupid one. Doubles. Like gaps is power. That's that's stupid. Deep flyouts are power. RBI's is a metric of power. Honestly, it's like OPS plus is what they use now, but like whatever. But just home runs now. That's stupid. All right. I have a good one for you. Catchers framing ability. Underrated. It most people don't realize what's going on behind the plate. And especially like you have to really tune in on it. It's like people like who casually watch the gamer people who are like if you didn't catch her, you weren't into that stuff that like if people will watch like the pitch box and be like, oh, it's a it's a ball. It's a horrible call. It's like, well, you don't know the other side of it want the box on TVs off. So like it depends where the broadcast puts it. So the box might just be off in general. That's true. The other part of it is even if it was a catcher's job is to take a ball off the plate and make it strike. If you're a really good catcher, you do that like eight times in a game. That's if you're like one of the best catchers around. If not, if you're not good at stealing pitches, like you're probably not going to be back there long or you're probably just a hitter. But like it's like one of those things where it's like people who are casuals would be like, oh, cuz you're doing it. But shut up. You don't really know what's going on. Like underrated underrated. Good take. Yeah, I think that's I think that's a good their job is quite literally to take pitches off the plate and make sure to for sure. All right, let's go team chemistry. I want to make it overrated. Team chemistry is overrated. Team chemistry is overrated. That's a fucking ice cold take. I've been on teams where we kind of didn't like each other. But like if we went out there, it was like, that's my guy. Even regardless. No, is team chemistry. That's the no, no, no, no. I I'm just trying to just I just want people to know that you don't have to like everybody define team chemistry. The dynamics and cohesion of a team can be as important as individual talent, yet it often receives less attention and discussions about team seems like chat GPT thinks it's underrated. I wish I could say underrated, but everyone's gonna say it's it's underrated. Now it's overrated. You the show up and you win or you start pointing the thing, but that's team chemistry. It's not overrated. It's underrated. It's underrated. What am I at? Is that five? Are you five and five? That's why that's I think there might be one more. There might be one more. Yeah, there's one more. Okay, popularity of certain traditions like bonning, sacrifice bonds. Perfect. Overrated. Overrated. Couldn't have made a better list. I could have made I could have made two better lists. I was really fighting team chemistry for some reason, but it's a perfect list. Bonning, smell ya. I agree with that. Get rid of bonning. It's stupid. Nobody wants to see it. Unless it's a pitcher and let's just a pitcher. Pitchers don't even hit. Pitchers should hit. I dude that's something I agree with. Pitchers should hit. Bring pitchers back into hitting. Everyone wants to see pitchers hit. Zach Grinky, he's pitching in the Major League still I think. Yeah. Let him hit. Just let him fucking hit. No, but like also like side bar on that. Bonning, if you're in high school, bonning is awesome. Bonning in college can work. In the, get it out of it. No one's bonning to the Major League. No one's bonning. You ever realize they all mess it up too if they put on a bon? They never get it down. Just get rid of it. Swing the bash hard as you can. Put it over the fence like a baby. That's all I want to see. This is awesome. Guys, that's, uh, that's baseball overrated, underrated. That's going to be a rap for this ex, eh, that's going to be a rap for this. It's going to be a rap for this episode. Tune into the next one. Peace.