WBCA Podcasts

Cooking In The Dark

Join Dale and Cheryl for some delicious and easy taco soup! Ep.# 352 PSA Free!

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01 Aug 2024
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Join Dale and Cheryl for some delicious and easy taco soup!

Ep.# 352 PSA Free!

It is more of the best of the cookie in the dark show! Welcome to Cooking in the Dark! The kitchen, I will go to the kitchen And although some recipes I cannot breathe Still I'm sure I can't do everything I need This show cooking in the dark, it is the key He's a monster, a topative Texan You know Cheryl should tell himself I know Dale Kimbop would like to welcome you to the sour show! Cooking in the dark is a presentation of Blind Mites Megamall And Welcome to Cooking in the Dark! This is Cheryl Cummings and I'm going to introduce to you The man who proves to us every week that you don't need sight to cook dinner tonight Dale Kimbop Alright y'all, we're back, we're back Cheryl's sticking around this week, she's not going anywhere, she's hanging around We got her, we got you tied down this week So you think? Didn't know my middle name was Houdini So did you have a good week last week? I had a fantastic time Alright, so did Tim and I, you know After you left the dancing girls came in and we kicked everybody out and us and the band partied I knew that you guys were too eager for me to leave, I should have just stuck around Everybody, they were actually fake, it was just a soundtrack out here playing Last week we did our traditional Valentine show Where we get the guys in the kitchen cooking and Cheryl's like, well you don't need me and she's out of here This is for sure Which is perfect But today we're going to do something man, it's winter time out there still, godly Keep getting reminded of it I was getting awful spoiled down here, we were having a Miami winter girl Oh my gosh, so are we I mean people have been talking about like a year or two years ago when we had snow, you know, like taller than I am Well I remember that, you were telling me you had the climb over, I mean seven foot drifts You know where they plowed it and stuff, climbing over the top of it, I'm like wow When the strangers are like Blindly the on top of a snow drift Maybe I should help Cheryl on her snow disc, you know Zooting on down, hanging ten Oh yeah, yeah, you know, we got a little chilly here, though We're back to normal now, mid 60s, low 70s, it's perfect, perfect, perfect I'll do it, better than doing that two below ten below stuff, no thank you Thank you, so this soup man, this taco soup is a good little, it's quick It's easy to do, it's basically just a bunch of ingredients that you just throw together in a pot And we can either do canned chicken, or you can do, you can post your own, to cook your own chicken So if you want to grill some, you know, a chicken breast or something, do it That'd be very good But it's a very quick and easy little recipe And you'll be pleased to note some of the little side ingredients I got to go with it Oh, alright You'll like it, and I think you'll be impressed You're wearing, you know, kind of rubbing off of me a little bit Not a whole lot, though I know, I know, you're very, very beautiful And if anybody else says that, I'll deny it Exactly, exactly What are you talking about, Willis? Showing my age here, huh? Yeah, but since I got the reference, I'm about the same age Pretty sad for both of us Y'all long in the tooth, y'all remember that show? Goodness So, Valentine's was good, here we are in the middle of February, y'all Looking down the road, um, next week We probably don't want to miss next week's show, I'm just giving you a hint It's probably one of the funnest shows that we do all year, I love it Guess whose birthday it is I think I have an idea Alright, redfish, bluefish Green eggs and ham Dr. Seuss's birthday is March the second, y'all So we're going to be doing a tribute show for Dr. Seuss again And I love doing these shows, it's just fun with cooking, you know Blow your kids' minds Blow your people, you know, blow the sighted folks' minds We're going to be doing roast beast Okay, we're also going to be making some Dr. Seuss mashed potatoes Alright, and some gravy to go with them I'm laughing because I know it's good, it's all fun, it's so good We're going to have fun next week, Dr. Seuss's show, but we're going to have a great time today too We're doing a seven can taco soup You can make it as spicy as you want to You know, it's all good, it all comes out the same way So you know, Cheryl, there was a guy, but he's dying He's done, the doctor says you're done, buddy You know, here's my bill, pay me now So, you know, the priest comes in to give him his last rites and stuff And the priest says, do you, do you renounce the world? Do you renounce the flesh? Do you renounce the devil? And the guy doesn't answer, and the priest says, you know, Jim Do you renounce the world? Do you renounce the flesh? Do you renounce the devil? Jim's sitting there and he goes, you know, father, I'm thinking about it And being in the position I'm in, it's probably best if I don't offend anyone right now He ain't going to renounce that devil just in case He might go south instead of north, baby Hey, but I know where we're going, we're definitely going north We're going to the other side of these messages on cooking in the dark I hope you're there when we get there [Music] Now here's more of the show, with Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings Alright y'all, welcome back Seven can Taco soup Ooh, it's good man Hey, I'm digging the freezer real quick, Cheryl I'm getting out some frozen Boneless, skinless Chicken breastes We're going to get these going Why don't you go ahead and Read us that recipe while I get these going And then once I will come back and talk about what I did to get them going And as you said, cooked up so we can get our soup made As you said, it's so complicated, people may want to sit down I'm telling you, if you don't have a can opener So demanding You're out of luck [Laughs] So you need one can 15 ounces of black bean One can, another 15 ounces, pinto beans, drained and rinsed Or the black beans drained and rinsed, they were just straight up, huh? I think they were just straight up Alright One can, 14.5 ounces, petite, diced tomatoes One can, 15 ounces, sweet corn, drained And then one can, 12 ounces, chicken breast, drained Or you can just use, you know, chicken that you make Yeah, I think you want about a cup and a half to two cups Which is why we're doing two, yeah, two chicken breasts Right, you're right, one and a half cups One can, 10 ounces of green enchilada sauce And one can, 14.5 ounces, low sodium, chicken broth One packet taco seasoning Half a teaspoon of cumin Half a teaspoon of chili powder Half a teaspoon of garlic powder And optional can of Rotel tomatoes And they're optional Jalapeno peppers Jalapenos Jalapenos On a stick [Laughs] So this recipe is pretty difficult, y'all Basically we open these cans Drain and dump That's it, bring it up to a boil, 30 minutes, turn it down to a simmer For about another 10 or 15, I think it says there, and then serve [Laughs] How can that be difficult? And using the, I mean, I've done it with the canned chicken It's good, but I prefer my chicken Right You know, so go ahead That's just saying, this is something that it tastes so good that if you tell people exactly what you did They'll be like no way Yeah, they won't believe you I'd say don't tell them And tell them you've been up all morning working on this [Laughs] Yeah, this is such a good, good, good little recipe, I love this little recipe [Laughs] Hide the cans as well Friend of ours gave it to us, so I'm gonna get, I'm gonna get my oven going here I wanted it going at 350, you'll see why Mmmm, okay I'll show you how to do something with some tortillas Either flour or corn, either way I prefer flour myself But we've got our oven, we're just gonna let preheat it 350 I got my new bacon stone in here, girl Oh, tell us Oh, yeah, that's awesome Is it round? Is it square? It's square 15 by 17, no, 13, no, yeah, 15 by 17 Alright So it encompasses cakes up almost the whole You know, the whole shelf almost, it's really awesome We've got it going So we've got our oven rocking Now in the skillet, our chicken If you listened to the Valentine's show last week We're doing the same thing with it We're poaching it Now, Cheryl brought up an answering point as we were getting ready for the show today Going over notes and whatnot And actually playing Football with paper football across the desk [Laughs] Tim's like, y'all working in there? Yeah, yeah, yeah That time we were both looking for the football We're gonna win off the table, dang it [Laughs] So I've laid, I've got about a cup of water in the skillet I've got our skillet on high And I've laid the chicken breasts They were frozen And we just put them right into the skillet frozen We're gonna let them go about seven minutes on one side And then we're gonna flip them over And let them go about another seven minutes on the other side And then we'll see where we're at with those But with the chicken breasts this way You're pretty simple, pretty easy to do Just let it go Now that they're going a little bit here We'll take the lid off And I had one that was kind of, two of them were kind of stuck together I was trying to see if it could come apart yet, but he's not ready Okay He's being shy Shy boy, shy boy So we were gonna say that I was talking about Oh, brining chicken Now with cooking chicken breasts this way Where you're kind of basically steaming them, poaching them With this little bit of water They really retain their moisture But chicken breasts are so easy to overcook You know, and then they get dry, grilled How many times you had somebody grilling a chicken breast It came out dry You know, how many times have you baked chicken breast Over baked a little bit, dry Or if you cook it not fast enough Where it can sear the outside and keep the juices inside That's why you're on a dendoor grill Especially if you put it on there frozen It sears that outside And it kind of forms a barrier to keep the juices inside It keeps it juicy and tender So what Cheryl was talking about was Brining Brining, brining Now we've talked about brining turkeys before And we've done some turkey shows Brining is a method, it's a gallon of water To a cup of salt Sea salt So you work out that ratio depending on how much you want to do But as Cheryl was saying, even if you brine chicken breasts She brined some chicken breasts for about 20 or 30 minutes The other day before she baked them And they came out just juicy and plump The brining's like a little magic or something, huh Cheryl? It is And I've got to say, you know, because we've talked about it In connection with turkeys And I just thought, oh, I don't know why it took me a long time To like make the connection Like, oh well, if you could do it for like a whole turkey You could do it for like pieces of chicken Absolutely, definitely do it for now If you want to get crazy instead of doing water and salt Do orange juice and salt Ooh, I'm gonna have to try that And it will pull in, the brining actually Pulls that orange juice It'll pull it into the chicken So you'll have kind of a faint, I mean it's excellent Especially if you serve it with an orange glaze Serve it over some rice But your chicken will take on a little bit of an orange It might even take on an orange tint Oh, that would be good I know that when you do a turkey with cranberry sauce It takes on a pink tint But I know guys that will do it with the salt And they'll put seasonings and spices and stuff in it too And that helps kind of seep into the chicken By doing it that way With the salt in there So it's very, yeah, it's one of those magical things Kind of like smoking when you wrap it Wrap the meat or the ribs or whatever you're doing And foil them, put them back in the heat for a couple more hours Something magical happens and they just get so tender Same with this, they get so moist They're just awesome, awesome, awesome Speaking of that, let's check our chicken here Now I've got my little six quart pot here We're gonna get ready to make our soup I know, I know Like man, you've been talking about making this seven can soup We're hungry, it's cold outside And all we're doing is talking about salt water and chicken What's up? Hey, that's important Dang right It is Didn't have salt water You wouldn't have any fish And if without fish, you wouldn't have chicken in the sea And without chicken in the sea No chicken Right, Kana, maybe? [Laughter] Chills, like looking at her contract When's my next day off? [Laughter] You did, I was a little stuck You left me at the stoplight, brother [Laughter] But I gotta say, I was with you And then I'm like, what? [Laughter] Where are we going? [Laughter] But very good, very good [Laughter] So I'm flipping over One of the chicken breasts here This other one's got like a goiter on it It's got a little piece that was frozen on top I selected it It's just two pieces of chicken that were frozen You know, sometimes when they thaw And then they re-freeze Ah, there we go I was hoping I could get those two to break apart And I finally did Breaking up is such a sad thing [Laughter] But you gotta do it Chills, you hear about them Butcher, he was working And he accidentally backed up into his fan [Laughter] He got a little behind in his work that day [Laughter] While you're checking that contract You may have stuck that day Make it work out, okay [Laughter] So here we go, we need to Get our cans of stuff over here I need to find our We need to drain the corn There's our taco seasoning Okay Cheryl, so we're gonna rock and roll here Our chicken's cooking So we'll let it do its thing I'm gonna bring our pot over here Since everything's going into it We have some I think I'm just gonna pop the lids On all these cans Do you, what sort of can opener do you have? Do you have that marvelous one that it like Super safe when you I don't have the safety can opener No, I've got just a standard old Twist can opener here But I'll tell you what I've been using at the house Lately is that new ratcheting one It's not a safety can opener But instead of having to twist this knob Which sometimes if you've got Arthritic hands You're losing the strength in your hands You know, it's still the same format You've still got to squeeze it To cut through the lid But then instead of turning that knob It's got a lever like a ratchet That you just move back and forth To do your can Works faster, easier With ton less effort Yeah, it's awesome, it's a nice little thing Those safety can openers Sometimes the ones I was using Sometimes were hard To do You know, and sometimes they would not do They wouldn't open the entire can They wouldn't pop that thing all the way loose They were hard to get started Yeah But once you got the hang of them They were pretty awesome It was nice because you could I mean the way it opens up the lid When you pick it up There's no sharp anything No sharp anything Pretty good So Okay, here's our corn So we need to drain that Let me get my little colander I've got a little collapsible colander That's perfect for this Okay, so here we go Just dump our corn in there Let it drain And I think we've got some Beans that need to drain Ah, the pinto beans Pinto's So let's see what else we've got here We'll find them pinto's in a second Oh Pateeta's ploop In the pot Right, oh, that's simple So here we go Pateeta's ploop Oh, oh, oh Pateeta's ploop In the pot Right, oh, that's simple Chicken broth Right, in the pot In the pot I don't know, man This is pretty hard, Cheryl Oh, the enchilada sauce Poof Enchilada sauce In the pot Now You can use Red Enchilada sauce You can use mild enchilada sauce Right, right You can use hot enchilada sauce Or you can use extra hot Let it set That's one way That you can For sure Control how hot you make this We've got a couple other tricks up our sleeves, too Right Okay Oh, there's our beans Need to drain these Let me get our corn here Right, I think for the pinto beans we drain and rinse Drain and rinse, okay Corns in I'm sorry, black beans also Drain and rinse, okay Because we're rinsing, I'm going to You could just pour it in Some water in the can Shake it around Just to make sure that we get Oh, that's good Okay Because we're rinsing I'm going to Put some water in the can Shake it around Just to make sure that we get All the beans out of the can Let me find the black beans here Okay Do the same with them I'm just going to put them in here With our pinto beans Okay And we're just rinsing them Basically, I filled this little colander up with water And as the water is slowly The beans are kind of Preventing the water from draining out real fast Which is perfect Because while they're doing it It's allowing us to wash them Okay, to rinse them So to rinse them, y'all, I'm just kind of Reaching my hand down on the bottom Just kind of pulling the beans up Just gently, you don't want to squish them Okay Just kind of gently just bringing them up Running them through my fingers Let them fall back down in To the colander And slowly but surely The water's draining off So there we go We've got some nice rinsed beans Okay, these are canned beans Y'all not Packaged Thump those into our pot Alright So here we go, Cheryl I think we've got our tomatoes in We've got our beans in We've got our enchilada sauce in Avocados for later Now Let's go check on our chicken Okay, got a fork here That piece is done This piece needs a little Just a couple more minutes Hey, why don't we take a little break, Cheryl We'll let this chicken finish cooking out This breast was a little thicker This is the one that had the heat up on it So we'll be right back on cooking in the dark (Music) Now with more of the show Here's Cheryl Cummings in Dale Campbell Alright, here we go Welcome back to we're cooking in the dark Cooking in the dark Okay, so here we go I'm adding the taco seasoning to our All of our cans, okay The only thing we haven't put in here is the canned chicken And that's because we're cooking poaching our own So that's still going Did you put in the chicken broth Yes All the cans are in The chicken broth, the green enchilada sauce The can of Pinto beans drain The can of black beans drain The can of corn All in this nice pot Lovely Alright, so here we go Onto the cooktop I've taken our chicken off the heat She is good to go If it's not cooked all the way through the chicken We will be It'll still cook In the soup when it boils, okay So we're okay there So we've got our pot on the heat Heat, heat, heat We'll let it come up I'm going to grab our colander here We're going to do the same thing like we did Last week's show y'all So if you listen to that You're ahead of the game I'm thinking I'm not I wasn't here Yeah, Cheryl's like, where was I? I know where you were, right? Wahoo! I mean, not regretting But, you know, if you're saying No, I just don't regretting your voice Actually, you're kind of like Yeah, I'm kind of glad I don't know what the heck you're talking about Yeah, yeah So I'm taking the chicken out I'm just stabbing it with a fork Taking it out of the skillet We've got it in a colander here I'm going to spray it down with a little cool water To cool it off So that we can handle it That makes sense It's going to get wet anyway, right? Got some good news and bad news (laughter) Okay, so what I'm going to do is Cut this chicken breast up It says we want it diced, basically So I'm going to try to cut it in about half-inch strips Again, I'm putting it between my four-finger I'm sorry, between my thumb and my middle finger My four-finger is straight up and down on top of the chicken breast And I'm just guessing with the saw blade With the knife blade About what a half-inch is That's not bad, I came out okay on that one Same thing, now I'm turning the strips that I just cut Perpendicular to me And I'm basically trying to cut them in squares Also about a half-inch So, you know, we didn't do too bad It's okay if you don't make it Okay, if you don't make it Was this chicken with bone-inner bone-out? Oh, boneless Oh, okay, I didn't think it really meant it The freezer's department, they sell Bags of chicken tenders Chicken wings Boneless skinless thighs And boneless skinless breasts Isn't that amazing? I just bought some boneless skinless thighs That was like, huh, I didn't even remember that this existed Yeah, yeah, they're great, too And thighs are nice Because thighs, y'all are a darker meat And I'm just chopping up another breast here Doing the same method Holding it between my thumb and middle finger And then my four-finger Actually, the knife I'm using is a thin-bladed knife So the blade itself was about half-inch, five-eighths of an inch high So I'm actually kind of using that as a guide And I'm just going to sit that down on the edge Where I just cut, stand the blade up next to my thumb I mean, my four-finger, you know, with against the nail And then just slice down through the piece of meat So it gives you kind of a marker To indicate that, yeah, that's about right Now, can a cream green chillies? You got one of those, you want to add it? Add it. Okay, here's where I'm at Where we were talking about more heat Uh-oh Getting our soup up to boiling Our chicken is here ready to go I'm on a flexible chopping mat So you know what's next, Cheryl? Easy peasy Easy peasy We're going to flip up the corners Not the corners, but each side of our flexible chopping mats And lift them up and they create like a little cradle For our chicken And we just cradle it right over to our pot The lid is still off the pot I'm using one of the locking, the six-quart locking lid pot Not for any other reason Not because we're going to have to strain it or drain it But just because the size, six-quarters is about perfect Right For what we're making here This is several servings Invite a friend over Or just have, I'll get Keep it to yourself, right? It could be a multi-day type of meal Girl, I grew up in the fraternity man Sometimes what the other brothers didn't know Didn't hurt 'em Oh my gosh But what pot? I don't see a pot anywhere Taco soup, when? Who? I did? No, what? Oh dude, that was hours ago All right So our chicken's in Remember I told you we had some jalapenos over here Two nice fresh jalapenos These are going in too Don't you have to do something to those? Do you want to eat some of this? Oh, you okay Better make them cooler I know, I know the plan was like If I just put this in, she won't notice And I could have this all to myself But I am going to catch it All right girl, you've been on the show too long So what I've done is I've cut the top off the jalapeno And I've just sliced it from top to bottom So I cut the stem off Now I've taken my knife inside the jalapeno And I'm just kind of scraping it Okay, that's what Cheryl was referring to By scraping it, now we're getting the seeds out The heat of a jalapeno is in the membrane So handling these, if you've got sensitive skin Definitely would do some gloves After you handle these, do not touch yourself In any areas that are sensitive Eyes, lips, face, anything I'm just using the blade, I'm holding the blade Straight up and down perpendicular And just scraping, okay, you can hear me scraping We're just scraping the membrane out So all we're doing is leaving the nice jalapeno taste Now this other half Cheryl, I'm taking the seeds out I'm just doing a little minor scrape We're going to do a fill-par scrape, okay I know, Cheryl's like, "Oh, God, I'm going to get that piece" Well, I've got to say, I've told this story in the past That knowing that this is how you cool down jalapeno peppers Totally saved my life because I had these things in my fridge I thought it was like, remember I told you this? I thought it was like a Japanese eggplant I'm like, "Oh, my God!" Thank God, that's what I thought they were And I didn't decide, like, I should taste them or anything But I cut it and I'm like, "Not eggplant" [laughter] Little seed here for an eggplant So what I've done, y'all, is now I've taken the two jalapeno halves I kind of laid them on top of each other And I stuck my knife down through them They were stacked on top of each other I went from the pointed end, the end end And sliced straight down, kind of almost like julienneing them Okay, so I've got about four strips of jalapeno here now Well, eight actually, four from each half And now I've turned those perpendicular And I'm just cutting these down into bite-sized pieces also That one will be a hot piece, and so will that one Just warning everybody out in the audience, band, y'all are listening If y'all get a hunk of jalapeno that's got the little nub, the little point at the end, you know, the bottom end of the jalapeno It's gonna be warm Just warning you Okay, so we're gonna put our jalapenos in their pot here They're in Alright, now we're gonna bring this up to a boil So to do that, let me give it a quick stir Oh, yeah, get everything home Mixing, get our chicken down in there, get our jalapenos all worked in Nice We're looking good, y'all, the taco seasoning, we put that in I can smell that Again, taco seasoning, they make mild, they make hot, they make real hot You know, add what you want to You wanna add a little chili powder, this, oh, ahead and add a little chili powder Cumin A little cumin, we're gonna do that in here in just a second What else did we need to add, a little garlic? Garlic powder Okay, so here's our cumin Cumin is used a lot for, gosh, and a lot of Mexican food Mm-hmm, guacamole, salsas It's a nice little taste Mm-hmm And our garlic I gotta say, I love garlic Not too much to that, alright, we're good to go And then of course at the end, if you wanna add the Rotel tomatoes Do that, that'll bring the spice up a little bit Mm-hmm If you wanna add some Tabasco sauce, some of the hot sauces Go ahead on It's your soup from here But we're gonna take a little break, Cheryl We'll be right back on cooking in the dark And we're gonna show you why we turned our oven on Almost an hour ago We'll be right back cooking in the dark Do not go anywhere, seven can Taco soup, it's delicious Now more of the show with your host, Dale Campbell And Cheryl Cummings Welcome back y'all, welcome back, where were you? Our soup was boiling, nobody was here I was getting concerned No, no, no, I'm here I've got the wine glass, I've got my wine Cheryl wasn't concerned, I got my glass, my bowl I didn't put all my spoon, I'm good Ready to go A little me focused, but that's okay Alrighty, so let's talk about what we were talking about These tortillas, you know, this is tort taco soup You serve it with tortillas Right, right, yeah You can serve it with avocado, which we have here Ready to go Now, it says this is even sour cream, Cheryl I did say that Here's where you're gonna be proud of me Tell me Guess what I got instead of sour cream Greek yogurt? Greek yogurt Did you really? Absolutely Oh, how cool Greek yogurt, y'all, it's a little healthier for you, of course, than sour cream But it does have That cool taste Of sour cream Mm-hmm It's very excellent It's a little strong, too, it doesn't take a lot But in something like this, a dollop of this in the top of it I mean, it's gonna be excellent So, okay Cheryl, I'm getting me another Getting another flexible chopping mat out here There's still convenient hanging right here on this cup hook Just used one, here we got another one out Dink Put it down right here I've got some vegetable spray here, Cheryl I've got a couple tortillas Flour So, here we go We're just gonna spray this tortilla With a little vegetable spray Let me tell 'em I put this one face to face And wipe a little of that oil off on this other one Let me spray the backside of this one Okay, ta-da, got that done Flip it over and wipe it there We'll flip this over and do this Just put a little more spray on 'em, okay? Cool, cool Alright, now I find my knife I just had it, where did I put it? Oh, I don't know, I hate that I hate it when I happen to start saying that That's when Tim's like, "Ah, it's just because you're blind" Yeah, alright Is that not seeing thing that's gone? Yeah, it's not working again, this is the key So, here's what we're gonna do, we're gonna cut our tortillas into strips Ah, back up, what do you mean? Like, did you get fresh tortilla? We have fresh flour tortillas right here, that's what we just sprayed with the- I'm sorry, I wouldn't- On each side, and we use spray olive oil Okay Here we are, we're just cutting these into about inch long strips Doesn't need to be perfect, okay? And so you've got a stack of like, how many? We've got like four tortillas here together Okay Okay, so we just cut these strips down Now I'm gonna take all of these We're gonna come over here to our baking stone which has been in the oven Getting hot 350 degree oven Right, right Okay, we're just gonna lay these strips out in here on this stone And I kinda know where the stone is Kinda just barely touch it with your fingernails You're gonna be alright But if you're a little hesitant about this way Is there like a- Put it on a cookie sheet Okay Cover your cookie sheet with foil, okay? Spray the foil with all the foil Then lay your tortillas on it there Okay, okay 'Cause I'm not sure about the open the oven hot Yeah, yeah But, alright, but maybe- Practice, a year from now you'll be doing it, I swear Probably, probably One thing I don't do is grab the rack and pull it out though 'Cause that could, you could like, it could tip off I would think, right? You could pull too much Oh, absolutely, yeah, yeah, yeah Actually, you know, the rack is tipping and the- No, the rack has a stop, but it should stop and not pull out all the way, but yeah, just be safe I mean, you can do this, lay foil in a cookie sheet Mm-hmm Or on a cookie sheet, spray it with oil Lay your tortillas down Or actually, you can even cut them first into strips and then put them on the pan with the oil And then flip them over, so you get- Your goal is you want to get a little oil on each side Into a 350 degree oven We're going to go about, oh, two minutes? Yeah, not too long Not too long And, uh, actually, I'm sorry, we're going to go into this oven We've got to go ten minutes Okay We're going to have a 50 degree oven for ten minutes So we've got our tortillas in there going Now, another thing you can do with this soup If you want, you can serve it over rice So boil some rice if you have a rice cooker Prepare it that way, if you do it in the microwave Cook up some rice Put some rice in the bottom of your bowl and let's taco soup over the top of it Mm-hmm You have some Fritos Fritos can go in there, maybe on top Wait, I'm going to serve mine up, Cheryl Well, you'll see when we come back from break We've got our tortillas in They're about done Our soup is simmering, it's about done In fact, that's probably is We just get the bowls down and the ladle I think we're good to go So why don't we take a quick one right here We'll pop back on the other side We'll revisit what we did today And if you're here in the studio or in the band Might be time to eat Cooking in the dark, do not go anywhere We'll be right back [Music] Now here's more of the show With Dale Campbell and Cheryl Cummings Alright y'all, we're back Seven can Taco soup Man, doesn't that sound good? Doesn't that just warm you up a little bit? Gets cold outside Let's make some soup Our tortillas strips are done These are great because you can lay these Across the top of the soup So here's the one I've ladled up for myself I've got my soup in the bowl I've got a dollop Of Greek yogurt on top of that I sprinkled a little sharp cheddar cheese Over that And I am ready to pig out Of course, I've got my tortilla chips here I've got our tortilla chips that we made Now that's another way to make These are so good because they're crispy On the outside Cheryl But they're chewy on the inside Another thing you can do instead of cutting The tortillas like we did into strips You can cut them like a pizza Cut them into eighths Or cut up sixth depending on how big you want them Do the same thing, pull the cookie sheet out Cover it with foil, spray that with olive oil Put your cut, wedge shaped Your chip shaped pieces of tortilla Lay those all across that pan And a single layer And then spray them again With this a little olive oil Or vegetable oil Whatever you got in your can there You know the pan, that's what we're using Spray them again and then slip them into the oven If you want to sprinkle a little lightly Sprinkle a little chili powder on them A little taco seasoning, a little garlic A little salt, you can change the flavor of them But man, I'm telling y'all what, in the oven 350 for ten minutes They make a delicious, delicious chip You will love them You'll start making those Every time you make cheese, dips, or guacamole Or anytime you want to go with a great soup They're so awesome to make Speaking of a great soup, how about that easy soup? You open seven cans And you're good to go You can open six cans if you cook chicken on the side You know what this would be good, I was just thinking If you had some Kentucky fried chicken left over Or something, you know, pick all the chicken off of that Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, good stuff man A roast chicken or you know what I'm saying? Mmm, roast chicken reminded me of roast beast We're making next week on Cook It In The Dark Dr. Seuss's birthday, I can't wait Alright, so read us that recipe sweetheart So one can 15 ounces black beans, drained and rins One can 15 ounces pinto beans, drained and rins One can 14.5 ounces petite Dyspotatomatose One 15.5 can sweet corn, drained One can 12.5 ounces chicken breast Or a cup and a half of your own chicken if that's your choice One 10.5 can of green enchilada sauce One 14.5 can of low sodium chicken broth One packet taco seasoning Half a teaspoon of cumin Half a teaspoon of chili powder Half a teaspoon of garlic powder Optionally you can add in the rutel tomatoes And another optional jalapeno peppers And that's all you need Make sure you drain your beans You can substitute red beans for the pinto beans if you want Or black beans, but I love black beans, so don't substitute for those But this is such a delicious and easy meal Keeps well, throw some yogurt on there Throw some sour cream on there if you doubt my words about Greek yogurt But I tell you what, you take some Greek yogurt And you mix some ranch dip mix with it You've got a great sour cream and ranch dip for chips That doesn't have sour cream in it I like it So Cheryl, are you ready to go? What do you want? I'm gonna have soup Soup I'm gonna have tortillas And I've got my wine, I'm good to go You are good to go, cheese, yogurt Anything on top? I'm gonna take some of the yogurt Okay, I'll throw you a scoop on that Alright folks, well I'm fixing Cheryl's meal up here Y'all take care of yourselves, we will see you next week Be safe, it's February We're on our way And best of all Dr. Seuss' birthday is coming up We love y'all, cooking in the dark, AMF Cooking in the dark is a presentation of Blind Minds Megamall and Cooking in the dark was produced by THC Productions ♪ Yeah ♪