Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Friday August 2nd, 2024 - FULL SHOW

2h 43m
Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

I'd just like that. It is Friday. Welcome in to Ben and Woods 6 a.m. Always appreciate the tier ones who are up early who are already in our YouTube chat. Good morning. I am Ben Higgins. Stephen Woods remains on his Hawaiian vacation. Did hear from him around lunchtime yesterday as he was playing some golf on the beautiful island of Kauai and having his normal hot dog at the turn. He was very excited about that. Otherwise have not heard again from from Woodsy. So he seems to be in fully vacation relaxation mode. The opposite is true here. Paulie is in the least vacation mode. He's been in a long time. Paul Reidel is the executive producer, imaging director and co host this week of the program. Good morning, Paulie. Good morning. Yeah. It's, you know, we've gotten, we've all gotten pretty good. I think as a show of handling, you know, like a day, maybe two being a man down, uh, six or seven straight shows. It's, uh, it's been a long week. This is our number four though. So, you know, we're kind of, we're cutting it. It's been a great week. Yesterday was amazing. Really fun to have Uncle Teddy Ted Leitner was in studio. Had a number of people who came up to me last night when I was at work at channel 10 saying how much they enjoyed that. You had the same experience. You were, uh, you were playing all your, your sports tier one set a game last night. A good one too. Not a, not a blow out this time, but another win. Congratulations. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Stayed, uh, undefeated on the young season, but, um, first game that we've been like tied in the seventh and, you know, chippy, close game. I saw a video you, uh, you got to hold the one. I did not. Well, I hit a double. Yeah. Good sound off the bat though. That wasn't me. Oh, that was the home run. Oh, that was the home run. I thought that was you. No, that was the home run. That was a video from a long distance. I thought that was you. Our girl Laura posted a video of her boyfriend Tyler. I don't think that balls landed. Okay. That was the home run. Yeah. Your ball did not go over the fence. No, I went over the center field. That's not that score to go ahead and run. There you go. Congratulations, but, uh, no, it's been a great week. Um, I have, yeah, you said the least vacation I've ever felt. My vacation comes next week and I will not be here a week from today. I'm going to the Foo Fighters concert next Wednesday night down at Petco Park. Very excited for that. It says on the tickets, the show starts at seven 30 and there's two, maybe three bands before them. I'm like, they're not hitting the stage till 10 o'clock. Wow. I'm not coming in on Thursday morning. Okay. And then I will be, uh, I will be on a plane on Friday morning after that and then off the following Monday. So that's kind of my light at the end of, uh, a long tunnel here. Try to think of what my light at the end of my tunnel. And I don't really see one actually. I just, you're light less just working and working and working like it was last night. Actually last night was pretty quiet. Uh, surprise surprise. There was a NFL football on last night on channel 10. All of a sudden it's football season. How did that happen? Uh, in fact, the first game, if the first game is any indication of how the season's going to go, not well, you got rained out in the third quarter. I mean, that was how bad the rain was in Canton, Ohio for the, uh, Hall of Fame game between the bears and the Texans that they got to the third quarter. They looked the radar and they said, nevermind, we're not going to, we're not going to finish this thing. So anyway, so as, as I've been doing, and you've probably been hearing me talk about my, my SD fat loss journey, uh, I bring my own dinner to work most nights. And I do most of my meal prep at the beginning of the week. And then I just pat, portion it up into Tupperwares and bring it to work. Very, very domesticated of me and just, uh, you know, pretty responsible and, and this week it has been broccoli with chicken and kind of a, um, like a coconut curry sauce. Very good, very simple light, chicken breast and steam broccoli. And I've tried to continue to eat healthy for the most part. Just because I know you, is that from Kevin's? Yes, it is. At Costco. Kevin's getting a lot of that. Yeah. It's so good. It really is good. It's extremely easy to make and so, so good. Not a sponsored, uh, not a sponsored post, but yeah, I, I get a lot of the Kevin's paleo, which is, uh, a fairly lower calorie option. The chicken is always really good. They cook at sous vide in these bags. And then all you have to do is, uh, you know, heat it up and I add some vegetables and, and that's pretty much what I do for my meals, but it's hard because they're, it's Costco size. So, you know, one package is usually like four or five days worth of meals. And by the time I get to day four or five, I just don't like having the same thing for dinner. Like four or five days. I can do it two days. I can do like day and leftover. Yeah. But then you hit the third day and you're going, um, I'm really ready for something else. And then by the fourth day, like, okay, please, can I, can I have something else to eat? And I was wondering, is that, is that common for everybody? Or I'd imagine there are people who can eat the same thing, like a week or two straight and it doesn't matter. And there are some people who like, uh, I'm, I eat one thing. I want something else the next day. I don't want leftovers. Like my family, none of them eat the leftovers when we have like extras. I'm the one who always ends up eating the leftovers because they're like the next day. Now I don't want to have it the next day. Sometimes leftovers are even better. I think so too. Yeah. I think so there. I think they're much better the next day usually, but I don't know what some people are leftovers people. And so Polly, what's your, what's your policy though? And like just the same meal, like you make a big portion of something and then you have it for multiple straight days. Can you handle that or do you feel like you need more variety? Yeah, it obviously depends on the meal. But could I, if you're asking me like, how long could I eat the same meal for? Yeah, I mean, pick something you like. I could generally like I could eat the same meal for like probably a month, honestly. Really? Like I love, I guess it's so easy to deviate, but I love like chicken breast, like some rice and a veggie. I could eat that every single day. Now you can deviate the veggies or something and kind of mix it up. But I'm talking about not mixing. I don't might like mine's not mixed up. Mine was the exact same thing. I would do chicken brocco the exact same portion every day this week. I can do chicken broccoli and rice every day. Every single day for like a month. Yeah. That seems I that would be how I wouldn't, I wouldn't want like the same sauce, the same flavors. Yeah. Yeah. See like in, you know, this week I'm having, it's like a coconut curry. So it's more of an Asian flavor. I would want to mix it up and go something more Mexican, you know, in a day or two. And then I would tell you I it's more like you're asking like, could I? Yeah. I mean, and of course, anybody of us, we can. But yeah, I think I need alternative. You know, of course, there's the unhealthy stuff where you're like, if if my health and gaining weight wasn't an option. Yeah, I'd have pizza every night, but can't do that. Would you have pizza every night though? I mean, I would get very tired of pizza after like two nights. Like I love pizza, but I don't want it for dinner. Seven straight nights. Again, if it wasn't going to impact my health and make me feel like an absolute load, yeah, to pizza every night. Really? Yes. I don't, I could not do that. I'd have to have something else. I'd have to mix it up. Let's see. Marco in the chat says I hate eating the same thing back to back. I hate keeping leftovers in my fridge. Yeah. And this is a whole month. No, definitely can't do that. But Jocelyn says always take leftovers to work the next day. Oh, it's good move. That's a good move. I mean, if you had it for dinner the night before, see now I eat my dinner at work. So my dinner, which is, you know, still kind of your main meal of the day is just always the same thing in the Tupperware. And then on the weekends, I usually branch out a little bit when I'm at home, do something else, you know, either we cook or we can go out or whatever. But when I'm at work, it's usually for five straight days, it's the same thing. And it's just a little bit too much for me. I can do two, maybe three, so it's like, yeah, I mean, I'm just thinking about my life. Obviously I, we do switch up our dinners every night or every two nights if we make a lot of something on one night. But in the mornings, for example, my routine is the exact same every single day. I have coffee and like a Greek yogurt every single morning. And I do not deviate off that. And it's not a problem at all. They got a bowl of honey nut Cheerios for like the four years straight at some point in my childhood in the morning. And I didn't. So it's just the morning meal instead of the evening meal. It's kind of the similar, I guess. It's actually fairly logical. Lunch is like the one where I change probably the most. And I don't eat lunch a ton. But like, if I do decide to go out and grab something on my way home or whatever, that's usually like, I'm not going to go to the same place twice. I guess in my mind, and you're right, it's very logical of you, Paulie. I dinner is more of like an event and more like important meal. So when I have the same thing, I feel like I'm depriving myself. I get that for sure. A little bit of some excitement. Dominic says you have a cheat day, Ben. Not a specific cheat day, but I'm not trying to lose weight anymore. I'm just trying to maintain. So I found that, you know, if I want to do something on the weekends and I can, and I can eat, I can eat what I want. I do pizza. I do things that I like for sure. But for the most part, when I'm at work, I try to be fairly disciplined in my dinner choices. And that's helped me maintain the weight loss that I had from last summer. And I'm still down over 40 pounds, which is really cool. But you do a great job. Thank you, Dave. I've done a really good job of losing weight and keeping that weight off thanks to SD fat I'm surprised a month straight of like the same thing. You wouldn't you wouldn't have you wouldn't get bored. It wouldn't be again, it wouldn't be my like preference. But yeah, I could do it. All right. I think I'm going to be an issue. Like I said, it's just if you look at it as two or three meals a day, like main meals, breakfast, lunch, dinner. My morning meal is the exact same every single day. I have no problem with that. Carl says worst leftovers, French fries from my carne as sada fries. You need to put those things in the air fryer to perk them back up if you're going to do that the next day. It's been a while since I've done that. That's a yeah, there's a few things ordered. Yeah, there's a few things I've had to modify and those like late night nachos, your carne asada fries runs have pretty much dried up in the last year, which is elite for reheating leftovers though. That is true pizza in the air fryer is don't do the microwave game changer. Yeah, because it is so much better. You can still get it warm and about takes. Yeah, instead of 30 seconds, it takes like two or four minutes, maybe, but it is really worth waiting because you really it really tastes basically like it did when it came fresh out of the oven and you had it the first time. Whereas, of course, if you microwave the pizza, it's soft and soggy. And I'm not saying it's still not good because I'll eat it out of the microwave. I won't turn my nose up at pizza, but it is better when you you stick it in the air fryer for about three to four minutes. And I usually do just about 300 degrees. You don't want to over crisp it or burn it. But that usually works pretty much perfectly for me on the leftover pizza. Allen says I have friends that are bodybuilding. They have the exact same thing every day for months that's when you're training. That's I think that's supposed to be a good thing to like really just get locked in and the same your body gets used to it. It's building mass muscle whatever you just keep going with the same same high protein meals. So Carl says maybe I got to finally bite the bullet on the air fryer bit. It's not a bit buddy. It's going to change the game for you. It's really just so an air fryer is just a convection oven and usually maybe a smaller one that you can put on your countertop. That's a little bit easier. If you have an oven with a convection setting though, that's essentially what an air fryer does. It circulates the air around it as it's reheating it. And that just has the effect of making things a little crispier when they're cooked without adding a bunch of oil or we had air fryer salmon for dinner last night dad to fillets oil them up put a little seasoning on them through the air fryer eight minutes perfectly delicious. Wesley takes us in a completely different direction. He says cold pizza is the best. I don't really like cold pizza. I really need it to be heated up mind it. You don't mind it. I just feel like the the pleasure of pizza is in the melty cheese. And if it's kind of gotten hard and stiff on top of the pizza, then you're just eating pizza and you're not getting the maximum benefit out of it. And one thing that I try to do, especially after losing the weight is if I'm going to eat something that's a like a treat or a cheat, I want at least have it taste as good as it possibly can. Otherwise, I'm just jamming the calories into my face without really enjoying what I'm supposed to be enjoying. So I'm just taking a back still from you saying hard and stiff, right? What we're talking about pizza. I will tell you what is coming up on the show today will set the menu when we come back should be a good fryer Friday. I think you have an idea of what what we do on fryer Fridays and that usually includes the manager of the Padres today should be no different. But hopefully we'll have to make it a fun show at the end of this week and just have a get us one day closer towards his return from Hawaii. That's the plan. Kelly's going to check traffic. We'll come back. Let's know what we've got coming up on the program today with Ben and Paul on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three the fan. What we tell you about today's guests, I got a nice text here from yesterday's guest. Oh, this is this is nice. I don't think you'd mind if I shared it from uncle Teddy. Paul says I had a ball have not been in a studio like that in many years. And I asked him if you remember at the end, I said, we need to do this when when woods is back because he would really enjoy having you come in on a day that he's here. And he said, if you want me to do another hour when woods is back from vacation, let me know. And he says, we need a sports as opposed to talking about me. Done. Well, didn't like hearing about Ted talking about Ted though. That was so special. I can understand why he may be a little uncomfortable, but I get it. He needs to realize he's that much of an icon here in San Diego. Everyone loves it. So many messages yesterday from people are like, that was so much fun. Thank you for having him in voice of my childhood. It was so great. The best part though was Ted talking about Peter Sadler, right? I mean, he he was looking at him and you know, you saw him if you were on our YouTube chat, he was getting he's getting like emotional and you know, you can see visibly what Peter Sadler meant to him. Obviously meant to so much of us in San Diego. If you missed it for people who, you know, early early risers who weren't around for Ted. Here's just a little clip of Ted talking about Peter Sadler yesterday in studio. We are in studio with Padres Hall of Famer, only 17 Padres Hall of Famer's in me. 55 years of franchise history. Ted Leitner is one of them. They never take that away from you. Wow. That is that that says it. It really does. I can't tell you. I I I had never expected it. I never ever expected it. Thank you, Peter Sadler. Thank you so much. That was just unbelievable to me. And when Peter and I talked and I I said, I I I my eyes I'd starting to go trying to track that little white baseball and all the travel and all that I had gone and fell down the steps at the Western Hotel in San Francisco on Union Square. We came in like a two o'clock in the morning and we go in the side entrance with the team buses with the Padres. And I'm carrying one suitcase and one hand and a carry on in the other. And I'm going down the stairs a long staircase. And I think, Oh, and I lose my balance, old people use lose their balance sometimes. And I go boom tumbling, but over T kettle all the way down in Paris and the players, of course, they've got there. No mercy. Of course. Yeah. It's like, which is a good thing because they treat you like a teammate now because you've been there so long. And and the the Hispanic called me Hovin, young man, which they met a hoe. So either they called me Hovin to be be ironic or they called me old man. And it was what's wrong. And just just one comment after another come on, get just get up, get up, get out of get down the staircase. And I told Peter, I got to get out of here. And Peter said, Hey, and I'll never forget it as long as I live. And I'm not boasting. I'm not patting myself on the back. But it was Peter and myself in his office for an hour before Sunday game during that final season of 2020. For me. And he said, Hey, you're an icon. You're a legend. Cam and Eddie's gone. Tony Quinn is gone. Jerry Coleman's gone. And I want you with the ball club. I want you around the ballpark. And and I was I had tears in my eyes, trying not to ball like a like a little boy. But no one ever said that to me. And and I never heard that before. I never considered myself an icon. A Padre legend. That's the players as far as I'm concerned. And for Peter Sideler to tell me that and to treat me the way he did so so lovely, so nice. And it's hard, man, because I missed everything about it. Win or lose. Even when I had losing scenes, I couldn't wait to get to the ballpark and see Jerry Coleman and laugh and have fun and travel with Jerry right across the aisle there in the first row and coach. It was just spectacular. So Peter, thank you for everything. I'm glad you brought up Peter, because I don't know how much I believe in in karma and fate. But certainly remember 1984 after Ray Crock passed away and they were wearing the rate rate, RAK patches. And now they've got the PS hearts that they're wearing and they keep in the in the dugout. And there's undoubtedly compared to last season, my magic about this year's team that was just missing last year. It wasn't there. And I don't know why. And now it is. And you know, believe what you want and what do you believe? One year soon, the baseball gods smile on the San Diego Padres and you will have a parade. I mean, someone's looking over this team right now, it feels like. I've been so lucky in my life. I worked for Ray Crock, as you mentioned, and Joan Crock and Joan and I were extremely close, much closer than me and Ray. And it was he was like a sister to me. It was just unbelievable. And and had John Moore is one of the great people of all time. And then I get to work for Peter Siedler. I don't know what I ever did in a former life to be so lucky and to work for people that they were going to make a family here and let that culture and basketball team, they all say that. But they're not, they're not families corporations. It's hard to be a family. We were family, which are more is where you're family with Peter Siedler and now the Siedler family. And I just I find it to be pinch pinch. How did this happen to me? But Peter, you go you you watch over these boys and they'll get to that parade. Good stuff yesterday from Ted Lightner. And again, thanks for having him joining us in studio was was a ton of fun. Now did speaking of Peter Siedler this woods, he still have to donate $100 to the Peter Siedler legacy fund for the tier one win, even though he was in Hawaii for the game. He better. I think I mean, we got two more games while he's gone. Maybe extra. I mean, just to make up in fact that he's not there to a $300 bill. We, yeah, you know, 300 for three victories. Well, we've been, well, you've been away, he would pay that too. All right. So that was yesterday's big guest today on the program. It is a fryer Friday and we'll, we'll work backwards. Joining us at nine o'clock will be the manager of the San Diego Padres, Mike Schilt, another good week for his team after sweeping the Dodgers. They start a three game series against the Colorado Rockies tonight at Peko Park. And of course, we wouldn't be Padres fans if that didn't make us extremely nervous. Because we remember what happened the last time the Rockies came to San Diego. They swept the Padres three straight and tonight starter by the way Austin Gomber beat the Padres eight nothing in that series and may have been may have been the worst game of the year for the San Diego Padres. And he will start tonight against Randy Vasquez in game one of the series. So we'll get caught up with Mike Schilt. See how everything is going. Padres are really the talk of baseball right now. I heard us so much Padres talk on a national level yesterday. And we're going to incorporate some of that discussion in our next segment. When we come back about the, not just the talk of what everyone else, but do you do you believe it? Do you believe the hype now? Because the hype is that the Padres have turned a corner. But I know that no one is more skeptical about the San Diego Padres than their own fans at times. So I'm wondering, are you, are you buying into what we're hearing about the Padres being able to possibly chase down the Dodgers? And then when they do get to the playoffs, make a deep run and maybe even this is the year go all the way. We'll talk about those World Series chances for the San Diego Padres and take your phone calls coming up. If you want to get online, 833-288-0973, 833-288-0973. No game yesterday, obviously. So we got some time to discuss the big picture issues with your San Diego Padres. 7 o'clock hour, regular segments, take on woods. I don't know, as John here today, we may be just doing a, I think he's here. Is he here today? We'll see if John can come over for a little take on John then. And then don't do this. In our eight o'clock hour, Jordan Schusterman will be here from Cespa Disfamily Barbecue. Check in with our weekly segment brought to you by our friends at Granville Barbecue. Father, they'll have a rindle report and we will get you to the weekend, hopefully. And then one day closer to woods coming back from his vacation in Hawaii. But I do want to, I do want to hear from some of the tier ones. And I will, I, we've got a couple of audio clips, I think from, you know, what people are saying about the San Diego Padres. And I'm always fascinated to hear what, you know, guys like Tony Cornheiser are saying about the Padres, not that they have any special insight. They don't. They know less than probably 98% of the people who are in our chat right now about the San Diego Padres. But it's still to me is interesting. So what is the perception now of the Padres and why is that the perception of the Padres? So we've got some audio clips for you. We'll talk about it, give us a call 833-288-0973. We'll be right back with more better woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 3, the fan. Well, early morning olympic update for you. We got the soccer quarter finals on the television here in the studio. Team USA taking on Morocco for a spot in the semi finals and Morocco with a one nothing lead to me 36th minute right now. And then I've got the the golf not on television. I got the leaderboard in front of me round two of the men's Olympic golf tournament. Look who is at the top of the leaderboard after a five under 66 today. Is he an Aztec for life? He is an Aztec for life. He's, you know, a two time Ben & Woods guest just this year alone. Xander Schoffley at 11 under par looking to defend his gold medal from Japan. Three years ago, he is in a three way time for the lead with Hideki Matsuyama of Japan and Tommy Fleetwood of Great Britain. Both of those guys have four more holes left to play. But at the moment, Xander Schoffley heading into the weekend in excellent position to add another medal to his trophy case, which now also includes, of course, the want to make her trophy and the claret jug. So keep an eye on that. And this weekend should be fun. I'll definitely be watching a little Olympic golf in the next couple of days to see if Xander can do it again. John Ramos. So just too off the lead at nine under. So pretty good leaderboard. Looks like a major and kind of is a major in the golf world without the, you know, money and world rankings points and everything else. Just just the medal. That's all that's on the line for the golfers, but they got some of the best in the world. All right. We're going to, we're going to talk about the new, absolutely national perception of the San Diego Padres that in one week, based on a good road trip, a two game sweep of the Dodgers and a solid trade deadline has pretty much turned 180 on who the San Diego Padres are. And we'll get to that right after a check of traffic here on 97 three, the fan baseball coverage on the fan is presented by T mobile switch to T mobile. You can get tons of benefits and still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon use their savings calculator to find out how a T slash switch. So I brought up yesterday as I'm sure a lot of people were thinking about with the Padres sweeping the Dodgers and moving within four and a half games in the NOS, the possibility of chasing down the Dodgers and winning the NOS and more than that, Paulie, honestly, winning the division. I know you can hang a banner and I know that that used to be really important winning the division. It's not really that important. It can be care less winning. The only thing that's really great about winning the division, it guarantees you're going to the playoffs. But being the third division winner and the first wild card, there's essentially no difference whatsoever. You will still host a three game wild card playoff series. So winning the division just to win the division and say you beat the Dodgers. That's bragging rights. That's great for fans playoffs than beating them in the division. Yeah, you just want to get into the playoffs and obviously you want to beat them when you get to the playoffs. Now there is a benefit to being one of the top two division winners. And that is also in play because if you catch the Dodgers, obviously you could also catch the Brewers because the Dodgers are ahead of the Brewers right now and get one of those two buys in the first round of the playoffs that saves you from the possibility of getting eliminated in the wild card round. Believe me, that's a real value. And I get that there's the argument that the teams that have the buy sometimes get rusty and not playing for those five days and they're at a disadvantage in the division series. You want the buy. The buy and the danger of being rusty is not nearly as big as the danger of actually being eliminated. The only in the first series. The only teams that say that are the teams that lose after having the. Exactly. The teams that win go. Oh God, we could have. Yeah, we needed that. Absolutely. So obviously you're kind of hoping for that. And all of a sudden everywhere I was turning yesterday, everyone was talking about the Padres, including you got a clip from part of the interruption. PTI, Todie Corrheiser and Michael Wilbon. So I can ask the question. I like that show. I don't watch it as much as I used to. It's definitely is on the better side of the talking head shows that are national player. It's always on. I always happen to see like clips of it and I go. They probably don't talk Padres more than five times a year. Maybe maybe to tease does something massive and newsworthy or something like that to be fair. We have heard a lot of national hype for the Padres in recent years, but it's almost always in the off season and spring training with the MLB network radio. Yeah, but the Padres are going to be. Oh, this could be the year for the Padres. Once the season starts, though, they go back to either being ignored or disappointed. I mean, until in 2022, obviously when they got to the NLCS, there was a lot of Padres talk, but even before that, you know, it's all about the trades and what AJ Preller has done and who he's brought in, that gets a lot of national attention. But the actual like prospects of the team, they don't, it doesn't get a lot of talk during the season. Almost ever. Like last year was all about just if they talked about him, it was about disappointing. They were, you know, again, foul territory on MLB network. They'll talk about it. But as far as like shows like part in the interruption that we're about to play, you know, first take with Stephen A and Shannon Sharp, like they don't talk Padres rarely if ever. So the question was, can the Padres chase down the Dodgers and win the National League West? Let's move to baseball and the Padres closing the gap on the Dodgers. San Diego lit up Clayton Kershaw for seven runs, three earned over three and two thirds last night. The first start in Kershaw's career, his whole career tone in which he did not record a strikeout. So the Padres take a two game series that have now won nine of 11 since the break. Are you giving the Padres a real shot to make up that four and a half game deficit on the Dodgers and actually win the NL West? Can the Padres catch the Dodgers? Well, of course they can. The teams have 52 or 53 games left. They're going to play three games head to head in the last week of the season. The Padres have won seven out of 10 from the Dodgers. So far this year. So why can't they catch the Dodgers? They can't. They can't and they've had some success against the Dodgers head to head something called the playoffs. So they're not running skurred. They're not and everything the Padres do. They're starting with their front office, which is traded away every prospect it seems for a hundred years to go after this right now. I don't know whether I like that strategy or think, Oh my God, this is could come back to kill you like it has the Lakers since winning that one championship in the bubble in 2020. And you trade away like eight or nine guys who might make a run for you several other times. But okay, you can sit there and play that game as long as you want. Do you like the approach? The Padres are going for it. They are as talented as the Dodgers. I know you get Mookie Wilson back. You get other people back and maybe the Dodgers are the more talented team. Maybe they inch a head. But Tony, this should be something we should like watching. Now that we're at the first of August, you got August in September to watch real, pitted baseball old fashioned the way it used to be with rivals, go geographic rivals going after each other. Yes, I think the Padres can do this. They can look, I like the Dodgers more, but the Padres can do this. They just picked up as you say, they go for it right now. They just picked up a couple of great relievers right in Tanner Scott and Jason Adam. They're both picked up with some rise early this year. Yes, I meant in the bullpen. They picked up a rise this year. I think they picked up Dylan C's this year. They go for it and they have real talent. They can catch it. I like the other team better, but it's a real race. You know, we were just talking before that clip about the national debate shows on ESPN or Fox Sports and how they don't typically talk baseball, let alone Padres. And it's probably because guys like Michael Wilbon, who I love, by the way, I love both him and Tony. Michael Wilbon thinks Mookie Wilson plays for the Dodgers. He confused the Mets center fielder from 40 years ago with the Dodgers infielder slash infielder from today. Showed his old a little bit, but we all have those moments. And honestly, that was probably one of the better national discussions I've ever heard about the Padres. Pretty good. They kind of understand what the team is about right now. They understand the risks that AJ Preller has taken in mortgaging the farm, getting rid of just clearing out all the prospects, for the most part, to go all in for this year and next. And even when Tony Corrinheiser says, I like the Dodgers more, but the Padres can still do it. It's fair. Dodgers have a better record. They've done more this year. If they get completely healthy and everybody back, I think most people in the national media would say they like the Dodgers. Now, if the Padres get everybody back, all right, we've got we've got something to talk about it. Again, if tatice is back and playing like tatice and Joe Musgrove comes back healthy, I think both teams can match up down the stretch. But that was a, it's a pretty decent discussion about the San Diego Padres. But that was, that was far from it. I turned on MLB network on TV and they, they were ranking the trade deadline acquisitions. Number one, best trade deadline acquisition, Tanner Scott turned on MLB radio on Sirius to see if they were talking Padres and they did. I was a David Ardzma and some other co-hosts were doing a segment they called Fair or Foul. Basically, do you agree with this statement and the question and none of them totally bid on it, but they certainly had a discussion about it was, are the Padres now the favorites to win the national league based on what they've done? And they kind of hemmed and hawn. They go, I guess it's still the Phillies at this point, even though the Phillies have been struggling out of the all-star break and they had the discussion. Are the Padres the favorites? And then I opened the UT and Tom Krasovic says, is this, is this actually the year? The Padres better set up this year, maybe than ever before to, to make a run and win a World Series. I mean, you would have thought it had to be, had to be last year, but then never, never played out that way. You thought, Oh, it's, what's Juan Soto. This is the team. They never played exactly like this though. They had the nice run in the playoffs in 2022 when they got hot, you know, Grisham hits, home runs, Josh Bell hits home runs, you know, Soto gets a little bit hot and it carried him to the NLCS. And obviously when you're that close, you feel like doesn't get any better than that. This team, even more than that team, though, has had more, you know, the moments, what's going on? They feel like they're more of a team, more of a championship type team. Don't am I crazy? And is this not? I don't think you're crazy, but now I'm wondering if I'm crazy. I see Chris in our chances, everyone calmed down. And I'm assuming he's talking about this idea, this conversation that is happening on August seconds. We still have two months of the regular season to play. This team has played a sorry, Mike roller coaster of a season where they win five lose five, win four lose four, like they have been a 500 team up until the last couple of weeks. And they go on this one, really their first bill, hot stretch of the season. And all of a sudden we're like, could they win at all? I, that's me kind of playing devil's advocate because I am, I'm with you. They've got the pieces they have shown you now for 10, 11, 12 games since the all star break that if this is who they are, they're as dangerous as anybody in the league. I guess my reason for optimism beyond just the fact that they're playing well right now is that we have seen what these Padres look like when they're playing their best baseball. And yes, it's going to take their best baseball to win a world series. You know why I know that? Because that's what it takes for every team. It's the team that plays their best baseball in October, usually ends up winning the world series. And when the Padres do play their best, they've already won the season series against the Dodgers, the Braves, the Brewers, the Orioles, the Guardians, all teams that could potentially be standing in their way. The teams that they haven't played as well against the Phillies and the Yankees have had their recent struggles and the Padres are playing better. I'd be curious at least to see what those matchups look like now after the trade deadline with the Padres new acquisitions with, you know, maybe a newfound confidence, a little more spring in their step down the stretch. Would love to see those matchups again, you know, and an NLCS against the Phillies and maybe a World Series against the New York Yankees. Can the Padres pull it off? Don't know that I make them the favorites to win the World Series. Certainly, odds makers don't have them as the favorites to win the World Series. But I definitely give them a fighter's chance with what they've done and the moves that they have made and how they are playing. Absolutely, they've got not a not an Arizona Diamondbacks. Oh, yeah, we're going to shock everybody. Everybody's got that, you know, one in 100. Like, okay, we just get hot. Anybody that makes the playoffs. Anybody that makes the playoffs. I'm talking about like a legitimate really like team to watch type vibe for the postseason. And I do think the Padres now have that based on how they've played who they've picked up. Yeah, right now they're playing like a team that I don't think anybody would want to face in a seven game playoff series. But I lost my job. Damn it's fine. What could, uh, what could obviously undo that? There are a number of things. Number one, can the pitching rotation hold up both in the rest of the regular season. And of course, into the playoffs, we saw what happened in 2020, especially. And then in the NLCS in 2022, when the pitching goes, it can turn around so fast and they're an injury or two at most away from all of a sudden being in real dire straights in the starting rotation. But if Joe Musgrove comes back, maybe if you Darvish comes back, you can't count on that. The, the depth will be a little bit better. You've got a deeper bullpen. So you won't be asking quite as much maybe out of your starters, uh, the rest of the way they can make it. Will they? I don't know if them. I don't know if they'll make it all the way. I'm not going to be shocked if you, you know, in two months, we're going, oh man, those last pitching injuries really torpedoed this Padres season. Absolutely could. But guess what? That is true of most teams right now. Most teams, if you took away two key starters going down the stretch, they're going to struggle and unless they have a, you know, eight or nine game lead right now, they're not, they're not going to be able to withstand that. So the Padres are in the boat that a lot of teams are in. But it is something that can absolutely, absolutely tank this season. I find a little bit of confidence in this team in that, yes, while they have been a 500 team for the majority, the vast majority of this season, they've played very well against the good teams and they've lost to the bad teams, which sucks. But the fact that you're beating up on the good teams, that gives me more confidence. That says more to me than losing to the bad teams. If they were 500 because they lost every game to the Dodgers and the Phillies and the Guardians and the Orioles, but they beat up on the A's, the Rockies, you know, whoever, like that tells me you're not a good team. By the way, Padres have quietly turned around all those narratives because we're not talking about them. I think they've won 11 of their last 12 against sub 500 teams. I think they've won nine of their last 10 against left handed starting pitching. Remember all those narratives? Padres can't beat a lefty. Padres can't beat a last place team like the Rockies or the Angels. When they do, you don't even notice because they're supposed to do it. So we're not talking constantly about, well, yeah, Padres look good against that horrible team. Well, of course, they're supposed to look good against that horrible team. Will they do it again the next three days when they're supposed to do it and just keep really doing what they've been doing now for the last month? That's all they need to do this weekend. Nothing new. Just keep doing what you've been doing for the past month. All right, we'll talk more about the matchup. If you do want to join this conversation, we'd love to hear from you. 833288093. Also have an addition of maybe take on John qualifier. Maybe last tier one for a trip to Las Vegas. All coming up on 97.3 to fan. Don't go away. Now the hype is one thing. But what's the math, Polly? What's the Padres playoff odds according to fan graphs? That takes all the momentum and trade deadline out of it. That's just simply what the math is at this point in the season for the Padres to make the postseason. Yeah, I like to give you trouble for a scoreboard watching a little, but you were early every day. My fan graphs watch early. So yeah, they just go purely calculated, you know, analytical point of view. They're not no emotion into it. So the, uh, looking at the NOS, the Dodgers have a 97.8% chance to make the playoffs. They have a 14.9%, getting down below 97.3 this weekend. That's, that's the goal. They got a 14.9 chance to win the whole thing. And they are the favorites in all of baseball, according to fan graphs, the Padres, they have a 14.1% chance of winning the division to the Dodgers, 77.5. All right. So you're saying there's a chance saying there's a pretty good chance. Well, not a pretty good chance, but a chance. Uh, they have a 71.8% chance of just making the playoffs. All right. So over 70%. It was down around 40, like not long ago, like during the all-star, during the all-star break, when they had just lost whatever it was, six to seven going into the all-star break, we're just a game about 500. And then they have a 5.2% chance of winning the world series, which is one, two, three, four, five, it's one and 20, five or six best odds. That's a one in 20 chance. I mean, you know, one in 20 chances don't come through very often. No, but the favorite is a 14.9% chance. But they do. I think, uh, what's about like one in 20 that you get a blackjack and in blackjack, like a delta blackjack. I mean, it happens. It happens all the time. You know, expecting it on every single, you know, hand, but you get them. They happen. One in 20 is not out of the realm of possibility. We're talking about the Padres World Series chances. You want to join us. 833-288-097-3. John's calling in. John, welcome on with Ben and Paul this morning on 97-3, the fan. How are you? Hey, good morning, guys. Hey, I think, uh, the question again, they catch the Dodgers. Absolutely. But in all respect to Mr. Schill, they can also go 2 and 8 in the next 10 games. I mean, it's been such a roller coaster that, you know, anything can happen. But yeah, they can definitely catch them. I think the, uh, the acquisitions they made at the trade deadline will help them, uh, but they might have given up a little bit too much for it, I think. But the way I look at it, um, AJ Preller's got to win now. He's got to win this year because I think, you know, he was Peter Siler's boy. And I think Peter Siler had his back through the last 10 years of, uh, you know, losing records and mandatory, managerial changes and all that, all the stuff they went through. So I think, you know, he, you know, we went all in last year and that turned out to be a disaster. But I think this year, it's the same thing. I mean, he is, I think he's got to win or he's gone. I see what you're saying, John. I mean, you know, that was the narrative going into the season. Um, but quite frankly, and this isn't just my opinion, but the opinion around baseball is that AJ Preller has done an outstanding job this year. I mean, like the best job he's ever done as general manager, it would be, it would be ironic. After so many years of AJ Preller not doing a great job and keeping his job, then to finally fire him on the year where everyone is saying he did a phenomenal job this year. That just, that would be ironic. Now if the Padres collapsed on the stretch, if they pull a 2021 and they end up finishing below 500, sure. Yeah, that it still could be the end for AJ, but it would be ironic, but it's absolutely possible when you talk to people around baseball. They, they'd probably more than us as fans even note the massive payroll reduction for the Padres this year, getting under the salary, luxury tax level, while maintaining even just a competitive team on the field is a pretty difficult feat to accomplish. Most teams that slash 100 million in payroll, which I don't even know if that's ever been done by any team in one single season. The teams have done it, but it's taken two or three years. Padres with one of the biggest payroll drops in major league baseball history, not only have remained competitive. In many ways, they've gotten better from last season. Yeah. AJ, who was it that said, um, he's done every, he should be the executive of the year. Jim Bowden. Jim Bowden said AJ bar none hands down. And this is a former GM talking says, if he doesn't win it, like what do we even do, why do we even have the award? If we're not giving AJ Preller the executive of the year award. So I guess I'm hesitant to say that the Padres don't, you know, win it all or even make the playoffs that he's going to get fired. You'd be weird to, you know, hand him his executive year of the year award and then also say, Hey, hand in your keycard as well. You're also fired. Congratulations on the executive of the year award. So I don't know that his job is any longer in jeopardy, barring a complete collapse here down the stretch. But, um, we'll say, I mean, you know, that it remains to be seen how these moves play out, the ones that he made at the trade deadline. We often get excited about AJ Preller trades and think they all, they always look really, really good on paper. Not all of them have looked as good on the field. Josh Hader was very exciting. And I don't want to, I don't want to say Josh Hader was a bad acquisition, but obviously there are factors that we don't see when the trades are made that have not worked out completely for the San Diego Padres. Tanner Scott seems to be the opposite of Josh Hader. Guys going to be a free agent looking for his big contract and he goes, I don't care. Throw me every single day. You know, I want a pitch. Give me the ball. Give me, I don't care if I close or coming in the eighth inning or the fifth inning or whatever. Wherever you need me. Love that attitude. Feels like it's going to fit right in with the San Diego Padres right now. He was actually Jason Adam was on MLB network radio on Sirius XM. This was yesterday and they asked him about AJ Preller. And here's what the podcast. I mean, that does so much for a club out just because, you know, we're like, it unifies everything. We're all like, we're in this together, the players, the coaches, the front office, we're chasing down a world series ring. That's our goal. And he showed that he he'll stop at nothing to put us in a position to do that. So he's, I mean, like you said, he got the best, the best closer on the market, brought him in, open his stack. Now we got a great lineup. We got great starters. He's put us in the position to succeed. Now we just have to go out there and take care of business day to day. You've heard the phrase player's manager. You know, he's a player's manager. AJ is probably like the first ever players general manager. Players love playing for AJ. And it's pretty simple why. He tends to overpay them a little bit. He tends to, he never goes to arbitration. He usually is acquiring players to give their team the best chance to win at the trade deadline. These are all things players absolutely love. So it's no surprise that, you know, guys want to come to San Diego. They want to play for the Padres. They want to play for AJ Preller just because they like it when you go for it. They like GM's that aren't Peter Bendix and are trading away all the players and cutting salary all the time. So yeah, he's, he's a player's GM. We still got some calls on the line. They want to talk Padres. We are looking for a contestant for take on wood. So give us a call 833-288-0973 if you want to play take on John and get your last chance to qualify for a trip to Las Vegas. This is still the week started with July. So this is the last entry for the month of July. So you can get your chance to win a two night stay in Vegas. Yeah, I mean, not bad odds. I think we've had what five or six qualifiers over the month. So if you want to play 833-288-0973, we did have someone tie John earlier this week. So I see callers coming in. John's probably going to be over here in just a minute or two. Do you want to just get started and play our game? All right, let's get to it. Let's let's play a little take on John. It's time for take on woods. Woods. Woods. All right, let's go to the phones. Call her. Who's this? You're on the air. This is Jackson. Jackson, you ready to play take on John? Let's take on John. Well, let's do it. All right. Take on John today is brought to you by Valvolin instant oil change. It only takes 15 minutes. You don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts. Go to That's If you can beat or tie, Mr. Flint, when he walks over here, you will qualify for our grand prize drawing last chance to go to the Rio for two nights in Las Vegas, dinner for two, a day bed at the Rio pool. Polly loves pool day beds. Rio is back. New ownership. Newly remodeled. That's fair. New really newly remodeled rooms for sparkling new pools and a brand new food hall. Book your vacation now and Rio. All right, you get to pick our category today. I've already forgotten your name. Jackson Jackson. Thank you. Sorry about that. We've got the afterlife, five song titles and artists, including the word after go where you want to go. Those are song titles with the word go. And our new category today, me, myself, and I, five song titles that contain the word myself. The afterlife, go where you want to go or me, myself and I, Jackson. How about me, myself and I? All right, me, myself and I. All right. Again, five song titles, they all contain the word myself. You have 60 seconds. There are five questions. If you don't know an answer, you can say pass. We'll come back to it. If there's still time left on the clock at the end. First question is our two second song. Paul is going to play some music, Jackson. You need to give me the song title and the artist to score that point. And then we'll move on from there. You ready to play? All right, let's put 60 seconds on the clock. The category me, myself, and I, your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck, Jackson. Let's take on John. The Divinals tackled a risque subject with which 1990 hit the reach number one in their native Australia, number four in the US. That might go correct, which 1965 classic from the four tops is subtitled Sugar Pie Honeybunch. I can't help myself. Correct, which hit by Joan Jett and the Black Hearts was adapted for the NFL Sunday night football theme song first performed by Carrie Underwood. Which 1975 debut hit for singer songwriter Eric Carmen draws from rock Monanoff, piano concerto number two in C minor. Go back to our two second song. Bye. Oh, let's try which hit by Joan Jett and the Black Hearts was adapted for the NFL Sunday night football theme song first performed by Carrie Underwood. All right, you got two and a half. I wish you could have gotten Billy Idol does dancing with myself close. You did get, I touched myself by the Divinals. Did you get that, Polly? Well, I think I already have it. Like multiple. Sugar Pie Honeybunch. I can't help myself. I hate myself for loving you and all by myself is Eric Carmen. So you know it if you heard it. All right, Jackson's score is locked in. Hang on the line, Jackson, because John is here. John's got some headphones. John's got his microphone. He's been a champ and a sport because he's got his own show to do. And morning boys, he comes in every morning. I appreciate that, Johnny. All right. So Jackson score is locked in. The category today is me, myself and I. All the song titles contain the word myself. Oh man. Okay, you ready? I am. All right, 60 seconds on the clock. Your time. One more thing. Yeah. Don't guess if I don't know. Yeah, because you always go back. Okay. Okay. The rules need to be explained. Yes. Once you've guessed. Okay. All right. That's it. It's like Jeopardy. In me last time. Got you. All right. All right. 60 seconds on the clock. Your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck, John. Let's take on Jackson. You guys got myself Billy Idol. Correct. The Divinals tackled a risque subject. I touched myself. Correct. Which 1965 classic from the four tops is subtitled Sugar Pie Honeybunch. Sugar Pie Honeybunch. I can't help myself. Correct. Which hit by Joan Jett in the Black Hearts was adapted for the NFL Sunday night football theme song first performed by Carrie Underwood. I hate myself for loving you. Correct. Which 1975 debut hit for singer, songwriter Eric Carmen draws from Rock Mononoff's piano can share to a number two in C minor. Good Lord. All by myself. All by myself. Very nice. You nailed it. You nailed it by five. That's I didn't know. I'm a big rock mononoff. Are you a big 1900 Russian composers? I need something to say about that. They always get harder as you go on. That was a really good one to dig, guys. The toughest one. John, well done. Thank you. Thank you. Congratulations. Who's pitching tonight, by the way? Randy Vasquez is going to pitch against Austin Gomber. That's only partially correct. I'm pitching tonight as well. All right. That's right. Throw in the first pitch out. John's throwing out like like we did earlier this year. It was one of the most nerve-wracking moments of my life. Have you done it before? I've done it once. I don't want it. But it was a Tuesday night. There were like tens of people in the crowd. It was when the Padres were horrible. We also did a Tuesday night. There were it was everyone was sitting in their seats in a sellout crowd though. So this is this is a big one. Yeah. It's going to be sold out Friday night. Yeah. I'm real I'm real nervous now. So thanks. We've been talking all morning. No game last night. So we're trying to find something to carry us. And we've been talking about the Padres World Series Chances now after a hot couple of weeks. Have you found yourself completely bought in on this team? A hundred percent. Okay. And in fact, this is what we all thought was going to happen last year. It's a totally different team. It's just Tony Gwen Jr. said at best when we when we came back a Tuesday night. He said there's they they play every out. There's just there's just no quit in this team is so awesome to see because we're paying a lot of money to see them. So it's great that we're giving it. They're all back to us and the cohesiveness, the chemistry. I just I'd love this team this year. I really, really do. Love it, Johnny. All right. Well, Wood's has gone a couple more days next week. So can we count on you? Maybe Monday and Tuesday. Whatever you do. Whatever you do. Thank you so much. Well played today. Very solid game. Sorry, Jackson, but that should be it for our qualifiers for the month of August. Hopefully we'll have a new prize in the hopper for next week. All right. Don't do this is coming up next. Let's see. There's a sport at the Olympics that you'd think you'd think we would be really, really good at it in this country. And for some reason, we've been really, really bad at it in the Olympics. And I want to talk about it. We'll get to that coming up with Ben Woods on Paul on San Diego's number one sports station traffic right now with Kelly Danica, '97 through the fan. Don't do this. It's time for don't do this. What were you thinking? Three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads. How many times do I have to tell you? I'm sorry. I fudged up guys. You idiot moron. The apple sometimes does far fall from the tree. Don't do this. Do not tweet that. With Ben and Woods, I like a Nickelback song or two on '97 through the fan. Don't do this is brought to you by the craft taco in Serenal Valley. The craft taco has some of the best quality tacos in all of San Diego. Go to the craft Take a look at their happy hour specials today, craft Actually, just have one. Don't do this for you today. And then we'll get to some do do this. But I've enjoyed the guesses in the chat after my tease when I said there's one sport at the summer Olympics that I can't believe the United States isn't much better at. They should be dominant at and they're doing terribly and people are guessing volleyball, sailing. I love people. The shooting. Yeah. All right. That's a good one. Yes. Well, why is the United States not the best country in shooting with all the all the guns that we have in this country? Good one in our chat. No, what I am talking about is three on three basketball. Yeah, Jay, you got it. Jay to the Jay team USA men are oh and four in three on three basketball. They are at the bottom of the standings in their pool. The women were also winless. They finally got a win, but they're at the bottom of their standings. Why in this country were, you know, basketball is such a dominant force. Can we not put together a better three on three basketball team? The US men, they are led by former BYU Aztec Jimmer Fredet, along with a guy named Dylan Travis, Canyon Berry, and Kareem Maddox. So not a ton of NBA experience on that team. Fredet leads the way with six seasons in the NBA. But the last one was in 2019. And of course, he went and played in China for several years. So why aren't we better in this? Wouldn't it be, wouldn't it be easy? Just take the three best players who didn't make team USA basketball for the five on five and make them our three on three team and just let them go and absolutely dominate everybody? Well, there is actually a reason if you do a little bit of research, which I did. Unlike in the five on five basketball, where the Olympic committee can just name whoever they want to the team, you know, they could have put Cooper flag on the team if they wanted to, even though he's never played in the NBA. Just like Christian Laitner was on the dream team, there's no qualifications to play Olympic three on three basketball. You actually have to play the three on three circuit and you have to travel around the globe and play in these tournaments and amass enough points to qualify, which Jimmer did like, like took off his NBA and international career and started going to these European countries and driving and staying in little hotels to play in these three on three tournaments. So he could actually qualify to play in the Olympics, but we're actually not allowed to just go. All right, who's not on the team? Kawaii, not on the NBA team anymore? Go ahead and just play three on three basketball. We can't do that or any of the like former NBA alums playing in the big three eligible for the work. I mean, if they did the three on three circuit, but they're playing, even if you're playing in the big three, that's not Olympic qualifying. So we're kind of limited in who we get to actually choose. It's just embarrassing that we're getting bodied in basketball in any form of basketball at the Olympics in this country, but they've lost every single game that they've played so far in Paris. And it's kind of humiliating. Maybe instead of choosing BYU players, take some Aztecs, put them on the roster next time. All right, so let's keep the vibes positive on a on a fryer Friday. A couple of doo doo this story. Team, mega doo doo. Directly team could go own four in the Olympics, Paul. You take your two best teammates from from your squad. All right. Are they the tier ones who are they? We're the tier ones. You're also the tier ones, right? Yeah, so team full of listeners from baseball. I know you could go and four. Yeah, absolutely. All right, um, Tom Cruise is, uh, I don't know, I find him to be a little nutty and just he's a lot nutty. He's a very nutty. But he's always the best movie star of my lifetime. Come on. Yeah, I think I've said before, I feel like he to me seems like the last true movie star, like a Hollywood movie star. He is so talented. I saw like a big, it was almost like a documentary of him pulling off the stunt for his last mission impossible movie where he like rides a motorcycle off a cliff and then and he did it himself. I mean, it's like the stunts that doesn't use a stunt man. He like pulls off all of them himself, which is the lengths that he goes to. It's really cool. It's incredible. And TMZ yesterday broke some news that Tom Cruise is working on a epic stunt for the closing ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics, which are next Sunday, a week from this Sunday. Yeah, a week from Sunday. Okay. A week from Sunday. And they gave some details says here on, sources with direct knowledge. Tell us the plan for the closing ceremony involves Tom repelling down from the top of Stod de France, the stadium they'll be having the ceremonies in, landing on the field and carrying the official Olympic flag. The TV broadcast will then cut to a previously recorded film in the first two minutes shows Tom's journey on an airplane, flying with the Olympic flag from France to Los Angeles, and then he will skydive down to the Hollywood flag and pass the flag from to the next host country. Yes. And I think it's the mayor of Paris is involved, the mayor of Los Angeles is involved. That's how they transition over to the next host city. But man, I'm, I'm all in, I cannot wait for this. I saw that and I go definitely out. Just reading the headline. I go, that's gonna be cool. I don't think I've ever really watched the closing ceremonies. I tend to be pretty anticlimactic and boring by the time the Olympics are done. Opening ceremonies. Great. You got all the hype. You're excited about it. By the time it's been 17 days and it's like, okay, I'm done. I don't need to see a bunch of pageantry again at the end, just get this thing over with. Might actually tune in for a few minutes to see Tom Cruise pull off like a live stunt as part of the transition from Paris to Los Angeles. That's, that's pretty cool. The other ones, I'll give it a doo doo doo. Just because of the outpouring of reaction, I was proud of, uh, of pod race fans yesterday. Um, fans of, of other teams as well with the, the thoughts and support that they have sent out to Freddy Freeman and his family. We just, uh, and I didn't realize this was going on. We knew Freddy Freeman wasn't with the team for personal reasons. The last couple of days was on the, uh, uh, the personal list and, and, uh, available and his, uh, his wife yesterday, Chelsea, sent out a message about what's going on with their son, Maximus, who's sick, that high all we wanted to give an update on Maximus last Friday, Maxx rapidly declined and went into full body paralysis. We're very fortunate to have gotten him to the hospital in time so they could reinforce his lungs. Freddy was in Houston at the time rushed to the first flight back home after many tests. Max is battling a severe case of Guillain Bar syndrome, a rare neurological condition that's especially rare in children. He's been the hardest and scariest days of our lives. Maximus is such a special boy, has been fighting so hard. This is going to be a journey to recover, but we have faith that it will be completely healed. We've been blown away by his improvements last 48 hours. Maximus was, uh, excavated from his breathing tube and taken off the ventilator yesterday, which is a huge win for us. We believe in the power of prayer and we have been witnessing a miracle in this recovery. Please continue, uh, to cover Maximus and our family and your prayers. We really appreciate it. Felt all your support, from the family there of Freddy Freeman and I saw a lot of Padres fans go, hey, we may hate the Dodgers, but you may not even like Freddy Freeman, but absolutely all of your prayers, support and love to Freddy Freeman and his family and our best absolute wishes and prayers for for a little max to recover. That's got to be the scariest thing that any parent can go through. I can't even imagine. I saw that that update yesterday and just yeah, my heart sank. That's so, so scary and yeah, hope he, hope he comes through. I remember, um, about eight years ago when our son, who was, uh, around 13 at the time, it was the summer and he was like losing weight and we thought, oh, you know, it's a gross bird. He's just, you know, popping up and, you know, it's puberty and it's something, but he was like getting thinner and he just looked, he started looking unhealthy and like he was tired and he had to go to the bathroom all the time, so this started, you know, deteriorating and we just didn't know and eventually we took him to urgent care. My wife took him to urgent care and they said, you need to go to the emergency room immediately. And so she calls me and I was at work and, you know, I go meet her there and she, I get there and she says, you know how you get to the emergency room and then they make you wait like four hours. That's why you know whatever wants to go, the emergency room. And they were like waiting with like a, like a, a gurney, like, like when we got, like, when she got there, like, they were out there waiting and go, this is not, this is not good, because she didn't, the, the urgent care doctor didn't tell my wife what it was, which they obviously called ahead to the hospital and go. Yeah. And he was in, um, uh, ketoacidosis, uh, shock from an undiagnosed, we didn't know the type one diabetes that it started presenting itself over the last couple of months. And we just had no idea. His blood sugar was insanely high because he wasn't producing anymore, um, of what you need to produce in your pancreas, uh, the insulin to make the blood sugar go down. And he was dying. He was literally dying. And he was in the hospital for, you know, like a week and, and obviously fortunately he's doing better now and has to give himself the injections and, and replaces insulin every time he eats, he's got to give himself an insulin injection. But I certainly understand what Freddie Freeman is going through, especially when you've got a three year old at that age and they can't even understand it. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what's happening. And it's just so, so scary as a parent. So, um, good job by, uh, Padres fans and fans around baseball of rallying to, to support Freddie Freeman and his family. And that is don't, and do do this for a Friday. That was don't do this with Ben and Woods on 97 three, the fan. All right. We'll take time out. When we come back, if you want to join us, talk more Padres, we're discussing their world series chances. We can look ahead to this series. We have some of the matchups and some still to be determined for the next three days against the Colorado Rockies and then coming up at the top of the hour, regular Friday guests will have Jordan Schusterman from says with his family barbecue with his talk baseball and more all ahead here on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three to fan. Appreciate the, uh, the love from everybody in the, in the chat and listening in. And, you know, my son is doing well. So, but I'm glad I was able to share that story and certainly thinking about Freddie Freeman and his family goes well beyond baseball. Uh, what he's, what he's battling right now and I definitely hope that, uh, that his son gets better as soon as possible. And, you know, and hopefully for Dodgers fans, that means Freddie Freeman can come back and, and play some baseball in game coming up soon. But obviously, that's not the, uh, not the priority right now. As soon as he comes back though, it's on. Yes. Oh yeah, then it's on again. Of course. That's how it works. Uh, don't forget it's Friday or Friday. Mike Schilt will join us. Uh, as the Padres get ready to take on the Colorado Rockies, just a short five game home stand with the two against the, uh, Dodgers and then three against the Rockies. And then they're right back on the road again, uh, to the east coast, uh, where they will take on the Pittsburgh Pirates for three. And then they go to, where do they go after Pittsburgh? Paul, you got there is Minnesota, Miami, Miami. That's right. M.I.A. not M.I.N. Yes. They go to Miami, Miami, then back home to play the Pittsburgh Pirates and then to Colorado, I heard games and then they come back and play the twins here. So Gwen and Chris, we're talking about the, the Pittsburgh series yesterday as well. And Chris had not seen the, the Pirates, and how they changed Paul Skins from Tuesday to Sunday. So he thought the Padres are going to face Paul Skins and Tony said, no, they're not. And they did the math like we did yesterday that the Padres will likely miss Paul Skins in both of those series against the Pirates. And then they kind of went on, is that a good thing or a bad thing? Because Tony was like selfishly. I wanted to see Paul Skins pitch. But also selfishly, I'm glad he's pitching against the Diamondbacks and the Dodgers and not against the San Diego Padres because every game's important down the stretch. And I think I said yesterday and I'll stay, I'll stand by it. If Paul Skins is as good as everyone thinks he is and he's been so far in his career, we'll see plenty of Paul Skins over the next, you know, probably 10, 15 years. I'm okay missing him once or twice down the stretch during a pennant drive when you absolutely need to win every game. And I get you could lose to the Pirates fifth starter and you could have beaten Paul Skins. I know how baseball works. But I also know probability. And the probability is Paul Skins is going to shove and strike out 10 or 11. And the fifth starter that you're getting instead is probably not going to be as tough to beat. It's just simple math and an easy equation. If you can my choice of facing Paul Skins or not facing Paul Skins, I'd rather not face. I agree. So that's what it looks like is going to happen on this upcoming road trip. First of all, the Padres have to tackle their nemesis, the Colorado Rockies back in town. We'll take a look at that series and more of your phone calls 833-288-0973 right after this check of traffic on 97.3 the fan. So the Colorado Rockies, Paulie, did not do much at the trade deadline. I mean, obviously they weren't going to be a major player in terms of acquisitions sitting in last place. But Nelson didn't bother really to sell off a lot of players either. I think they literally did not think they traded one reliever. I mean, do they under I don't think do they know they own a baseball team? Does Dick Dick Montfort know that he owns a baseball team? And you know, you can like do things and change it up if things aren't going well. I never quite understand what the point is even by selling, you can improve your team like your prospects and everything. Yeah, I don't know. He's just he's just chilling out there and so the I think the high point of the season for the Rockies was clearly coming into Peko Park and sweeping three from the Padres since then they're like 24 and 47 or something. I mean, they're bad. They're a bad baseball team. You don't have the course field factor here this week. They didn't when they swept the Padres here earlier than so but just any time you play the Rockies in Colorado, it's kind of fair. You can understand all that something happens in Colorado kooky and you lose a game fine. Coorsfield, whatever, not there. It's here. Now you will be facing two major league quality pitchers. Like when you go and play the White Sox later this year, when you play the Marlins, you may be getting like scraped together a starter. Who knows? Because they've traded so many guys. They've got nothing left. They're just calling on AAA guys to make spot starts. Padres will be getting two regular normal major league pitchers in this series. Austin Gomber is pitching tonight. Austin Gomber, who's two of his best starts of the year have come against the San Diego Padres. Five innings, one run, seven innings, no runs in an eight. Nothing shut out win over the Padres. Actually, they did beat him in that first one when they got one run against him, but he has pitched well against the Padres in two starts outside of that. He's been very mediocre. He's got like a 480 RA, giving up four, four, three, like in his last three starts. He's very hitable. He's left handed that had been a problem for the Padres earlier in the season. Not as much lately as I said, what Padres have won like 11 or 10 of 11 or nine of 10 against left handed starters. Adding Donovan Solano to the mix certainly helped there as a right handed option, getting Zander Bogart's back and hitting well, Manny Machado heating up. Those have all impacted the Padres success against left handers. This is a different team that Austin Gomber is facing both literally in terms of guys who are available that weren't available and also kind of spiritually in terms of confidence on a role and just hitting better from the right side of the plate. So we'll see what happens tonight. Randy Vasquez, of course, is coming off not a great start. I'm hoping I'm kind of crossing my fingers because he had what three or four really good outings and tell the last one when he went in and gave up all the runs with the six run inning against the Orioles in the last game of the road trip on Sunday. But he had pitched two scoreless innings in the first two and then it just kind of snowballed. It was just a one bad inning. Hopefully he flushes that and can get back on the mound and give the Padres. What do they need? Four innings. Four innings. Five would be even great before they've got the bullpen. Off day, off day on Monday, off day yesterday, they can be extremely aggressive tonight. Now, remember, you also probably will have to be aggressive tomorrow when Martin Perez is going to make his Padres debut against TVA. No starter announced by the Colorado Rockies, whether they're calling someone up or it's a bullpen type day. Not sure, but they have no starter for tomorrow. And then Sunday, it's the Padres turn to have the TVA starter when we talked about it yesterday. Why is Michael King not in that spot? It'll have been eight days since his last start. Are they trying to skip him? Or will he actually make that start? We had a tier one who said he had a little inside info that you think Michael King is definitely going to be making that start. And I found out later that, and I won't say who he is, but gave me a little more confidence that his inside information could be actually valuable in this case. He may actually have inside information, and maybe Michael King will start. I don't know why you wouldn't just say it. If you're the Padres, there's something going on. And we will be asking Mike Shilt about that. Mike Shilt telling us about it, but we will certainly be asking him about it at 9 a.m. Who's starting on Sunday? What's the deal with Michael King? I'm going to press them a little bit. I know it'll probably frustrate him, but it's kind of my job to get some answers for Padres fans for the questions that they have right now. Sunday, it'll be Cal Quantral, the former Padres who, I don't know why didn't you trade Cal Quantral? I don't know. I mean, with the price tag for starting pitching, you're going nowhere. You're going nowhere next year. We all know this. Why do you not go and get like some decent, you could have gotten some really decent prospects for a guy who's not really that good. It's not like you're building your team. It's not Terrick Scooble. You're not building your team around Cal Quantral, but you could have gotten something for him. What are you doing in Colorado? I don't understand. What's the strategy? I have no idea. I have no idea what they're doing or what they have been doing for several years now. It's just, it's, it's, it's an organization that makes zero sense. You trade Nolan Arinato for nothing. I mean, just, I mean, he's your best player and you don't get anything back and then you pay Chris Bryant, which is fine. Go ahead and pay him. But then you don't put anything around him and you don't build anything around it. You're like, Oh, we're going for it with Chris Bryant, but oh, we're not, we're going to make Chris Bryant do everything. And then of course he gets hurt and has not played barely at all in the last couple of years. It's an organization with no direction, no strategy that's evident. And, you know, and, and, and Buddy Black is a fine manager and a good guy. They're absolutely happy with him finishing in last place every single year. And I don't think it's his fault. So I'm not saying, you know, Buddy should be fired for how they're doing, but they're absolutely fine with Buddy Black making zero changes whatsoever. If I was a Colorado Rockies fan, I might, that might, I mean, there's a reason they don't have a lot of fans because you'd be insane right now. If you were a Colorado Rockies fan, like just do something to show us that you're awake. You know, like someone is showing up at the front office every day and like doing something, just do something to tell us that you're alive in, in Colorado right now. Who's their GM? What's he doing? I don't know. I don't think they have one, honestly. It feels like they don't. Like, do they just like AI chat like, okay, what should we do today AI? And just, I mean, even an AI would do more than the Colorado Rockies are doing right now. Yeah, they'd say, you know, probability says you definitely are not making playoffs this year. And it would be wise and beneficial to your franchise to trade. So and so and so and so and so and improve your farm system. You don't even need to get like the upgrade. That could be the free AI right there. It could probably be a better GM than the Colorado Rockies have had. And what scares me, of course, is that they could easily come in here and take two out of three from the San Diego Padres, because baseball is baseball and it's frustrating and whatever Schmidt is for whatever reason, Bill Schmidt. Yeah, right. Hey, Siri, what should I do today? Trade, Cal Quantrell, you moron. No Schmidt. Oh, Hey, did you say Siri? And now she's trying to chime in. Ask her if she can GM the Rockies for Bill Schmidt. They do nothing. Why did the Rockies not make any trades at the trade deadline? Good work. Siri doesn't have any because there is no answer. She doesn't know. He doesn't make any sense at all. You have to ask. The Rockies were the only team to not make at least one trade opting for the status quo while other teams targeted immediate improvement or collected prospects. They didn't even make one try. I thought maybe they traded really they didn't do anything. They literally did nothing. There were last place team that did nothing. I mean, how depressed would you be if you're a Rockies player? I know you're big league or fine, but you show up and you're playing out the string and you got you got ownership and management that does not care about you or the team at all, at least from their outward actions. This has got to be a hugely demoralized team going up against a pod race team that is on a roll that's cooking that feels good. I don't like this conversation. It's putting so much more pressure now on me for this to watch these games this weekend. I'm like, you have to sweep them losing one game this weekend feels like an immense failure right now, which I know that you have to sweep my shoulders going to go. Hey, we just want to win series. We just want to, you know, take our two out of three and keep moving forward. But it's going to feel any any losses this weekend and they could lose today with I mean, Randy Vasquez doesn't pitch what the number does. They could lose Sunday. They always lose on Sundays. We don't even know who's pitching, so clearly they could lose one. They could lose two. God forbid they could lose all three. Oh, man. Yeah, I am all worked up about this series now. All right. We'll talk some more baseball. Jordan Schusterman, cesspit his family, barbecue. Always fun to talk to those guys on a Friday. Get to that coming up second half of Benewoods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station. 97. Three the fan. Halfway home on a Friday. It's been a fairly woodsless week here on 97. Three the fan here on Monday. His Hawaiian vacation continues. Paul and I still hard at work though, bringing you good quality sports and pot raise talk in the morning here on 97. Three the fan. Bad news for USA Olympic fans. I was holding out hope that a three pointer in the foul at the buzzer, but USA soccer loses four, nothing to Morocco in the court. Not much ton of soccer. Is that how it works? Oh, I would. It's not with that big line. That big box is the three point line. If you make a goal from outside the box, it's a three. And then if the referee holds up a yellow card while you're shooting and get fouled, then you get one of those penalty kicks. And that's the extra point. And you can get the four point play to tie it, but they did not and they ended up losing four nothing to Morocco. They they made a couple of layups at some point for their two two baskets in the game. And US soccer is out, but we're not talking soccer in this segment. I think we're talking some baseball, although he's not he's usually at some is at the all-star game or is it the you know, the field of dreams in Iowa or is it the Hall of Fame and Cooper. I don't know where Jordan is usually joining us from, but today Jordan Schusterman from Says with his family barbecue. You're at a very special location. Tell everybody where you're at this weekend. Oh, I sure am. Yes, I am. I was lucky enough to receive the exclusive invite to my dear friend, Jake Mintz is back for part here at the beach in Delaware. So we are going to have a grand old time. Can you believe that I got I was like probably be with, but I snuck on. And I'm here. We're going to have a have a good time here. So is it one of those kind of low key bachelor parties or is Jake kind of like last last dance before it's over and wants to get everything he's never done in before he ties the knot kind of guy. I would say the likelier is the former. Okay. Um, you know, I was going to make, you know, some joke about how, you know, kind of like a Blake Snell start, you know, it starts one way and then you think, you know, what direction it's going and then very quickly it can kind of head in a different direction. But I feel like it's going to be a little bit steadier. I think it's going to be more of a Michael King style. You know, there might be some flash and some here and there, but for the most part, we're just here to have a good time and kind of kind of get our work in and just just enjoy each other's company. So Jordan, and by the way, of course, Jordan's appearances brought to you by Gran hole barbecue, Flynn Springs, North Park at the ballpark. It's it's San Diego's best brisket bar none. Love it. It's amazing. So one of your annual traditions post trade deadline is you rank all the trades from the biggest to the absolute most inconsequential trades. I don't know how many total did you rank this year and what were your thoughts on on the moves that the Padres made because they obviously had a three of them that made your rankings. Yeah, so there were, I think, almost 60 trades since the deadline or since the like all star break, I'm pretty sure. I ended up only ranking 50, but it's just kind of a fun exercise to think about it because normally, after the deadline, you rank, okay, you'll see, oh, let's rank all the prospects that got traded or hear the 10 most impactful. But to me, if someone who, you know, gets to talk about baseball for a living, like I'm thinking about it in sort of the meta, just like entertainment factor and thinking about a trade from the standpoint of how did this make it like kind of just make a ripple in the baseball industry in a way that we all wanted to talk about. Whether it was a good trade or a bad trade wasn't an interesting trade. And ultimately, this year, you know, I like to kind of do them in tears and organize it. So it's a bit of an easier read. I probably didn't end up underselling the Tanner Scott deal, but also part of that is just the Padres like I'm so used to it. I'm like, yeah, of course, the Padres traded four prospects for two months of Tanner Scott. Wait, it's not one soda, yawn. I mean, yawn. Yeah, well, I mean, maybe yawn is a bit of a stretch, but it is like I've come to expect it, but it's also why I wore my Padres hat on our trade deadline recap podcast the other day, because it's like, I, this is the one team I can always count on. We can talk about this a million times with you guys in the last couple of years. This is the one team I can always count on. We'll not just keep things interesting, but go for it. Keep pushing, keep pushing, keep pushing. All the moves work, obviously not, but I think I feel like they've put themselves in a pretty strong position. And what I'm so interested in with the Padres in particular, this is really the first super bullpen they seem to have been have assembled during this era. And I'm curious where you guys are out of terms of how much confidence that gives you that maybe this year could end a little bit differently. Well, it's big. I mean, you know, if you're a baseball historian, and I know you are, Jordan, you look at teams that have had success in the postseason and they are often accompanied by a lockdown bullpen. I saw people going all the way back to the like the nasty boys of the Cincinnati Reds, you know, in the early 1990s, the Phillies of recent vintage and all the arms that they can throw out of the pen at you. Some of those Yankees teams had, you know, when Mariano Rivera was was the setup man, you know, before he was even the closer. I read the comparison to the 2016 Cubs adding a role to Chapman to their bullpen and that team. I mean, the Rangers did the same thing last year. It's, it seems to be a theme that teams that do well in the playoffs have deep bullpen and the Padres have one now, Jordan. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, it's interesting, the Rangers performed like that, but we didn't necessarily expect that. This is one, you know, sometimes bullpen is just kind of coalesce and they all get hot and that's really what we saw with Texas last year and even with Arizona last year to a certain degree. But this is one where, and this is where it gets a little bit scary. I got to be honest, I'm not trying to rain on the excitement here, but it is a classic one of on paper. Boy, it's really good on paper, right? And now we have to go out and see them prove it at the same time. I'd rather have four or five great pitchers on paper with great stats, with great peripherals than not have them. I think the real question now is, as we come down stretch here is, and what I'm curious is, obviously in a series where you can plan out your pitching in a very real way, you have updates, whatever, its scripts sound very well for them. It lines up great for them, but I'm very curious how much they're going to lean on these guys just to get into the postseason. I think that is really maybe one of the biggest stories of the last few months for San Diego is, wow, it's often now she'll turn to a Scott, turn to a Jake Madam or a Stroud or all these guys. But is your starting pitching going to make it so that these awesome relievers aren't gassed by the time you even get talked to her? I think that's what's really interesting. Talking to Jordan Susterman from Yahoo Sports, SESPOTUS Family, BBQ, and I know one of you guys writing about Dylan Sees as well. And while the bullpen is important, and pottery is hoping to get back, Joe Musgrove here soon, and maybe you Darvish at some point, and that depth in the starting rotation is key. Maybe the biggest chance for the pottery is to succeed will be for just Dylan Sees to continue pitching the way he has the last few starts all the way through the end of the season and the playoffs, because he's been devastating, historically devastating over the last two to three weeks. 100% yeah. And I'm so glad I got to write it about him. And I talked to him right before his starting Cleveland, which turned out to be one of his best starts of the year. He of course followed it up with the no hitter. We saw what he did against the Dodgers. But what he's been able to do recently, where again, stuff was never in question for Dylan Sees. But the fact that he's now throwing even a little bit harder and throwing more strikes than he has before at any point in his career is a pretty remarkable development and is the kind of thing. I mean, this is a guy that already finished second in Sei Young. So to say that his feeling is notably higher, it's maybe a little bit traumatic. But again, in terms of consistency, in terms of ensuring that you are getting a quality start basically every time out, I know he's walked three, even in the no hitter, and he walked three against the Dodgers, but that's still a pretty good lineup. If the command is really improved in a way that it seems like it has, that just raises the floor for a guy like him in a way that you didn't even necessarily know for sure when you acquired him. And that's what's so exciting about him, not to mention the fact that I think the most underrated thing about Dylan Sees and Knox on wood, this guy's been the maybe top three most durable pitchers in the league since he became a starter. And for a guy who had a lot of questions about his delivery, his command, and his mechanics, and all those things as an amateur, it's a pretty remarkable achievement. And I think it's also part of why they were so willing to be so aggressive and acquiring him. Jordan, we were talking earlier about the Padres chances to chase down the Dodgers. That was a national topic yesterday. And even their chances at the World Series. But let's, let's look at the two main teams standing in their way in the National League, the Phillies and the Dodgers, both struggling here, and the Phillies even more so. I think they have the second record in baseball since the all-star break, only to, of course, the White Sox who haven't won a game since the all-star break or well before the all-star break. In fact, we're closing in on what is it about a month since they have last won a baseball game, which is pretty much incredible. But of the two teams, the top teams in the NL that are both struggling, which one of you more like concerned about like this could actually be a problem or do you think both of them will you get healthy, get out of their funk, and be back to who they usually are by the time, you know, October rolls around. Yeah, I mean, we're starting to see some more convincing signs of life for the Braves. I think how poorly Matt Olsen was playing was maybe one of the more shocking parts of their season. But they're not going to magically get Ronald Ocunio and Spencer Shredderback, right? Like there's some injuries that in theory, they will return at some point in the second half. But I think at this point, it's hard to argue that the Braves ceiling is anywhere near what we thought it was going to be, let alone anyway near what the Phillies are going to be. And that's the question with them. I was really surprised that they, you know, they're one move being Jorge Salaria is a fascinating one from a narrative standpoint. But I think, I mean, I like to say this about a lot of teams. I was just surprised they didn't go out and get more pitching. And so that's going to be something is can that rotation kind of hang together? They've gotten this unbelievable season from Chris Sale and a lot of these relievers who have been, you know, sneaky awesome. I don't know though. I do think like I said, I think that the Braves ceiling is still substantially lower than certainly what it was. And I think that as while the Phillies have not looked awesome recently, we're still holding them to the standard of what has basically been the best human baseball for the better part of the last two or three months. So I'm curious to see how their additions actually fill in, you know, how well this Austin Hayes really fit, how well do, you know, some of the pitchers that they added, will they fit? Are they going to make that bullpen into something that is really special or blessed as, you know, I don't know. I mean, he's looked good so far for them, Tanner Banks will see. So I would still say the Phillies of the team that kind of exists in a tier of their own. And then the Dodgers, I mean, that's the team. Yeah, where the health wise, I would say is a little bit more of an extractor. I feel like those guys, if they are getting healthy, even if Kershaw, we don't really know what we're getting. If they are going to get young Moto back and Mookie back here soon, now we are still talking about a feeling that is every bit as high as I think we thought it was. Yeah, with the Phillies, you know, Bryce Harper was calling out on his own team saying they're sloppy, they got to, you know, turn it around. But I do feel like it's mostly a, all right, we've been ahead for so long. They're just having a bit of a summary mental lapse and they'll be able to turn it back on at some point. I can't imagine those struggles continuing. So yeah, they'll probably be the Phillies at some point. Let's talk a little bit before you go about about Mike Trout, who was shut down in his rehab and then issued a statement yesterday. Pretty sad, actually, just a new meniscus tear and he's going to be out for another rest of the season. He's played literally one game post all-star break in the last three years. But I was, I was shocked, Jordan, because I saw some people going, is this going to hurt his Hall of Fame chances? I thought that book has already been closed. Once you've done enough to get to the Hall of Fame, you can't injure your way out of the Hall of Fame. Even if you didn't play another game, once you've done it and you put together the resume, it's over, right? I mean, has anyone ever done so poorly in their last few years that they took themselves out of like slam dunk lock Hall of Famer? What's your opinion here? The answer to the question you just asked is Andrew Jones. It's really the answer. That is the most extreme version of that now. I can't say because I was 11 like what we were saying as it started to get bad about Andrew Jones. I don't know when it got really bad for Andrew Jones. He was not as good as Trump, obviously. But I'm just saying that's at least some sort of parallel where it was like, oh, he's clearly on a Hall of Fame track and then went off so bad that now he's obviously struggling to get into the Hall of Fame. But moving him aside, just focusing on trial. I mean, what he had already achieved was so great. Not just, oh, wow, he was literally by some metrics, one of the best players ever through age 23 through age 24, right? Three MVPs through age 27. The obvious comparison, we hit this a little bit on the podcast we recorded this morning, is Griffey, right? I mean, Griffey only made three All-Star teams in his 30s. Now, he's still obviously sailed into the Hall of Fame and compiled an incredible amount of counting stats, which even trout is going to kind of struggle to get to at this point unless he comes back, basically, strictly as a VH and just starts hitting 30 homers a year and maybe isn't the all-around player. But now he's open and shot. I don't really think, I'm not, I don't be yet to worry about not getting into Kruper sound at this point. It's really now more about how do we see this end? But see, I feel bad and ridiculous talking about this at some sort of end of something as frustrating as it is and how we've dealt with this last few seasons. Got six more years in his contract. He just turned 32. Like, my trout is going to play baseball again in some form. I just don't know what it's going to look like. And the biggest bummer is that I have no reason to believe that the angels are anywhere near even putting a team around him. But even if he's not the best player in the world, he's going to get him anywhere close to October. That's what really bumps me out. You know, good point about Andrew Jones. Although Andrew Jones like played and then like stopped hitting. So some of his numbers like the average and the slugging percentage were dragged down. Mike Trout's not hurting any of his numbers. He's just not, he's just not playing. And you know, the comparison that I would make the most between Mike Trout, which is weird because it's a pitcher and not a position player. But it's Sandy Kofax is probably the most Mike Trout like player. You know, Sandy's last year was the age 30, went 27 and nine with a 1.73 ERA, got hurt, never pitched again. But obviously obvious Hall of Famer for what he did before that. And again, what you're saying though, because when I saw that news yesterday, I also had to look up Mike Trout's age because it just feels like he's older than he is. He's like Jordan said, he's 32 years old. I got that. I read the headline yesterday and I read his statement and I go, man, is he done? Like, like done done? I'm like, no, he's 32. Of course, he's coming back. But it feels, there's like a small slight sense of finality almost it feels like. Yeah. And I think the finality is correct. He's about to turn 33 next week. So, okay. So that's a little bit, whatever. But the point is, it's like what it feels like based on all the injuries that he's been more in his mid 30s. And that's the thing. But the finality, like I said, there's six more years in the contract. And so what does it look like? Are we finally at the point where he's not playing center field? You know, that's a real question. I mean, that's another amazing thing about Griffey is even with the Reds and even with all the injuries, he's still playing center until he was like 36, 37. Is Mike Trout still going to be able to do that? I mean, he's still one of the fastest players in the league even over the past few years. And so I, in theory, there's still a version of that. But we have to eventually start thinking about preservation and just what it's going to take to have him on the field all the time. And the really scary thing is how many different injuries it's been, right? It's not just one nagging thing. I mean, it's been, it's been everything at this point. And so that's what's most troubling. And we just have to hope for all of our sake, regardless of whether it's in the post season or on a bad angle team, I think we all just want to see Mike Trout at least hitting again in the near future. Jordan, you sound great. I bet I imagine in 24 hours you won't sound quite as perky or peppy, especially after I just saw this tweet that Jake said, I hadn't seen this, did having my bachelor, bachelor party this weekend. Think we'll just gather around the TV with a few brews and rewatch all 17 of the white Sox losses. That's going to be a fun day for you. Why, why, why rewatch when we can watch losses 18, 19 and 20 just live. Yeah. I mean, they, they, what's, what's history? What's the longest losing streak all time? Uh, 20, 24, 24 holes within something like that. Yeah. They got, they got some work to do. Yeah. But not that. I mean, we're a week away or so from, from potential baseball history there. Uh, the 61 Phillies lost 23 in a row, 23 in a row. All right. That's not, oh no, extremely, extremely in place, extremely in place. Awesome. All right. Well, uh, you guys, uh, get through this weekend, survive the, the bachelor party weekend. And, uh, I guess we'll talk to Jake next Friday and get all the, the dirty details of what went down on the beach in Delaware. Yeah. Well, uh, thank you guys. Always, uh, always pleasure and, uh, we'll see, we'll see what the Padres do in the next week. So it was interesting. Jordan Schusterman, says for this family barbecue brought to you, uh, weekly here by our friends at Grannell Barbecue. Uh, yeah, I see people in the chat ready, ready for some brisket tonight. If you're going to the game, you can get it there or you can just make a night of it. Uh, head down to a North Park or go up to the, uh, the Flint Springs is a ton of fun. It's a drive, but if you're ever out there, it's what a great place that is. I didn't want to be mean. What? But what, what do you, what does one do in Delaware for a bachelor party? I must be some, something nice. I mean, that's where like the president is, has his like summer house, Rehoga from, he's from there, but I mean, it's, can't be that drop of Wayne's world. And he's like, hi, I've never understood the whole, you know, like the boardwalk, Atlantic city, like go to the beach on the east coast has never made any, any sense to me, whatsoever. When there's a west coast that you can come to, like San Diego. Yeah. I mean, if you're going to do the each, do it right. I'm out here. Why couldn't we go to Hawaii? Where would this? All right. Uh, we will, uh, come back. We get a round of report coming up. Uh, did have some games last night in baseball that impact the Padres and the NL wildcard race getting to those as well. Uh, it is Ben Woods check traffic right now with Kelly on 97 through the fan. Before we get to anything else, Paulie. Well, first, thanks to Jordan Schusterman for joining us. But how about a, a birthday shout out for Caitlin. Happy birthday. Caitlin in the chat asked for it. You shall receive. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. I was actually just reading yesterday. Stop calling me Carl. Carl. Paul aka Carl. I was reading, uh, one of the radio, like trade publications, you know how every industry has a trade magazine or website that, you know, other people aren't going to care about, but even radio, we have things that we read like tips and techniques to be better at your job. And what I was reading was that radio listeners and tell me if I'm wrong, they love personalized shout outs. They'll listen longer if they think you're going to get mentioned by name. So I assume that's true. Maybe we should just start like, I just go through the chat shout out Tony and Jocelyn and charisma and shout out to the goose and Jeffrey shout out to Dominic and Simon. I mean, this is good radio. This is apparently the trade. Say, this is good. Shout out to Tony. Shout out Bo and Woodsy. Shout out to Diesel. Shout out to Manny. Adam. Not that Adam. The other Adam. Shout out to a Padre Baud. I mean, this is good, right? The trades say I'm doing good radio right now, keeping people listening. Shout out Rod. The trades may say that's good radio. Somebody in their car is like, all right, get to it already. Jesus. So don't shout out everybody on the on the YouTube chat you're saying, Paul. It's not that it's Friday. You can shout people out for the next hour and a half. You were a little distracted during our Jordan Schuster minute or free though. We had just a little bit. We had the soccer on our TV on the Olympics a minute ago, and then it switched to something else. I don't know what channel we're on right now. It's got the NBC logo there in the corner, but they've been bouncing around. Well, they've been bouncing around very quickly. I don't know if they're just showing if some channels only show one event for an hour or three hour, however long it takes. This channel's been bouncing around all over the place all morning and they're playing on a weird basketball court, but then there's like big hockey goals. I go and your question was where Jordan is literally on the phone and giving us an answer about, you know, Mike Trout or whatever, and I leaned over to Ben and I said, Ben, what effing sport is this? Polly, welcome to Team Handball. Handball. Handball. It's not like school yard handball where you're like throwing it off to the other person. This is different. This is team in Spain. Oh, there's something exciting just happened. I think the Germans look very excited at the moment. Katie says in the chat live coverage starts at nine. So these are probably probably tape delayed, but it says live. I mean, it's it's like late in the afternoon in Paris, so I think it says live. Maybe that's why they were bouncing around earlier. You can't say live on your TV unless it's live, but team handball is an interesting sport. It kind of, as you said, kind of looks like basketball because they're like a three point line and it's a basketball court, but it kind of looks like soccer. It kind of looks like lacrosse without sticks. It would be a good example, but the goal is bigger. But I honestly think the most apt comparison, it's water polo without water because just like in water polo, you kind of the offense is run the similar way. The goal is a similar size and basically it's it's water polo without the water and you're just running around and passing it to each other on the court. As far as I can tell, I am not I'm not an expert in team handball, but that's that's what we're watching right now. That's what happens every four years. Kind of looks kind of cool. Have you and now have they started the break dancing yet? I have not seen any break dancing, which is the newest Olympic sport, breaking, they call it and I have not seen any of it yet. I've not watched any of that. I watched a little surfing yesterday was cool and congratulations. By the way, San Diego just won a bronze medal in another sport that nobody's really watching. But Hans Hanken is a bronze medalist in the men's skiff 49er class of sailing at the Paris 2024 Olympics. Oh, it's not surprising that there's some good sailors here in San Diego and they take home bronze kind of an upset as well. They came from way back there like set they'd like to 12 races to get to the medal race and then got third in the medal race and congratulations to a good old Hans and the bronze medal is bringing home with his partner Ian from Paris. Shout out Hans. All right. Shout out Ian. There you go. Hey, listen a little bit longer. Just quickly, just a couple of games last night. I was a light schedule in Major League Baseball. Just a couple of games impacting the wild card race. The Braves opened a four game series against Skip Schumacher's Miami Marlins. Skip, if you just take one of those four, I'd be happy. Didn't happen last night. Braves one four to two was close. Atlanta picks up a half game. They move one game ahead of the pot raise for the top wild card spot in the National League. So pot raise will start the weekend a game out of the top spot. And then the other game was the Cardinals. They were winning four to two in Chicago against the Cubs in the bottom of the ninth inning and the Cardinals or the Cubs rallied for three in the bottom of the ninth, walked it off for a five to four win, costly loss for the Cardinals who dropped two games out of a playoff spot, two games behind the Diamondbacks and two and a half games behind the San Diego Padres heading into the weekend. But those were the only the only two games with the National League playoff implications yesterday. Getting ready for tonight. I'm excited. I missed the Padres yesterday. Team's playing so well. I do not like off days right now. And yesterday it was boring, but man, just going back to what we were talking about in that seven o'clock hour, you have got to take care of business. And it starts tonight. Randy Vasquez really hope he bounces back was not thrilled with his last star, but he had been pitching pretty well up until that one. Hopefully, that's when you just kind of flush it, forget about it. But God, you got to beat the Rockies weekend, man. You got to beat them. Yeah, I mean, he wasn't. Yeah, the one bad. It was one bad inning. It was the third inning. So I didn't get to finish that inning. But for the most part, I want to, I want to think that Randy Vasquez is actually pitching better. He's been solid for a month. And I'm expecting solid Randy Vasquez at home against a much, a much less dangerous line up than the Baltimore Orioles when he was facing his last time out. Padres may have won that series. That's a good team with a really, really good lineup. And yeah, he ran into trouble and had a bad inning. This is a different story. He should pitch better against the Colorado Rockies today. Again, I know I'm tempting fate, but I got to call it like I see it here. I can't just go, yeah, all the Rockies, they're a really dangerous, good team. And you know, you got to, you got to take them seriously when they come in. Well, you have to take them seriously, but they're not, they're not a good team. They're not serious franchise. They probably should beat this team. Two out of three minimum, sweep them is even better. And of course, you know, that might not happen, but I'm not going to lie to you and say that you should be terrified of the Rockies coming in. No, you should be confident and go play good baseball and do what you absolutely should have done earlier in the season. I will take a little timeout. Paulie's got a round of report coming up. Last night's NFL game did feature something I want to talk about. I think Paulie's going to bring it up. The new rule for it, the new rule change in the NFL that was on display yesterday and some initial thoughts on what is going to look very different from any NFL football you've ever seen in your life going forward this year, coming up next on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan. I got that 841 on a Friday feeling. Always a little nervous. Mike Schiltz going to join us at nine o'clock our managers report. I don't know why we talked to him every single week, but there's always just a little stress involved when you're interviewing the skipper on a Friday morning. I'm stressed about this week. Well, I'm stressed about asking him about Michael King and why he's not starting because he's gonna be mad that I ask him. I have to ask him. Why don't you leave the pitching decisions up to me? I'm not. I'm not questioning. See, I think I hope he understands. I'm not questioning his judgment or knowledge. I'm just curious as to what's going on. And I know maybe it's not in the best interest of the team to maybe he is pitch reveal. He might be. It's TBD. But usually you just name your starters for a series and you leave it at that. Why is Sunday at TVA? Why is it not just Michael King? What could be the alternatives that they're thinking about? I mean, I'm wondering people want to know, inquiring minds want to know. So, and of course, get his thoughts on the trade deadline moves and the new Padres and he's already employed. Most of them have not seen Tanner Scott yet looking forward to his debut. I would imagine probably tonight at some point in the game, maybe setting up Robert Suarez for a save. Who knows how they're going to use him, but we'll get Mike Schultz thoughts in the manager's report that is coming up in less than 20 minutes from now. Up next though, Paul, he's got some headlines in the rindle report right after a check of traffic here on 97 three the fam and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindle report now tuned into the mother. Greatest. Welcome to the rindle report with Paul Rindle. Hi, Paul. All right. Two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet. We'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed your laughing beyond. It's the rindle report. Hey, Paul. How you doing? Okay. How are you? On 97 three, the fan. Are you ready to blast the mood? I need some help. Please. That was good. Can I get away? Yeah. All right. I need some help. Please, Bali. So take it away on the rindle report. All right. Let's start. Yeah, we had a football game yesterday. I kind of completely forgot about that. Monday night football. Are you ready for some football? It was Thursday. Yeah, but it was the Monday night football, ESPN, ABC crew. But it was there's Joe Bach and Troy Aikman tonight have been on like Amazon prime. I don't know. The days of the week are less important than the branding of the football. Yeah. Well, it was the the Hall of Fame game between the Chicago Bears and the Houston Texans. And apparently the bears won chance to see Caleb Williams in action, except for the fact that quite Caleb Williams didn't play. Who didn't play? I don't even know. I had on TV. I have no idea who played the game. Brett Ripian through for Chicago 166 yards and three touchdowns. And we mentioned it at like the very, very beginning of the show today. If you're looking at the box score like I am right now, tells you that the bears won dramatic, dramatic fourth quarter and that fourth quarter. Nobody scored. In fact, there's not even zeros in there because they didn't play a fourth quarter. No, not even most of the third quarter actually. Isn't the football just water lightning? You're supposed to play in the rain. It was a nasty storm. They kept showing the radar coming up like, you know, all the, you know, green is just like the regular rain. They had all the oranges and the yellows and the reds. And it was like, don't we play like a high school field in Canton? It's like a mini stadium. It's not like a full like NFL type stadium. It's like a quaint, older stadium that's attached right there to the, uh, the pro football hall of fame. So I think they realize there's no point in sending. I mean, someone's going to get hurt on a sloppy muddy field. Even if we do go back out, someone gets struck by lightning. It would have been a bad decision to continue that game when it doesn't really matter. But the game did feature. And the NFL's brand new kickoff rule that is being implemented this season. I mean, you may have forgotten it was announced many, many months ago, but when, uh, teams kick off, they're no longer going to all line up next to the kicker who then kicks it and you run down the field like our entire lifetime. I mean, they've moved it from the 35 and the 30 and the 35, but this is totally different. So the kicker is the only one who's back where he normally is at the 35 kicking the ball. But then the rest of the coverage team is over on the other side of the field like it. I want to say like the 30 or the 35 and then the receiving team, everybody, but the like the guy or the two guys who are deep, they're just five yards away and they're lined up five yards away. So it's going to look, uh, more like the XFL. Yeah, the XFL has done this as well and kickoff. So the NFL is going to do it. And the idea is pretty simple, reducing those high speed collisions, like not letting guys who are NFL quality athletes get 40 yards of momentum before they barrel into someone at the field. So it's the 35 and the 30 kicker is back at the at the 30 kicking off. And then there's a, you know, one or two guys deep to receive it. And no one moves until the kick is caught by the guy, whether he's like catches at the goal line or at the five. So that guy's blockers who have his their backs turned him have to like also be turned around. They know they react to the team that's going to go. As soon as you see the team twitch like they're about to run, you know, okay, he's caught it. It's time to go. You see where it's heading either to your left or your right over your head. So, you know, which direction you're kind of blocking, but there is a lot of strategy. They even talked about it on the broadcast last night. Some teams are handling it a little more like the old style others are trying to block like it's a play like a line of scrimmage play because it is much more like a line of scrimmage than a special teams play now. There's going to be some interesting elements. Now nothing interesting happened. I think it was returned the kickoffs like to the 26 and the 26 and the 30 or something. I mean, there was no big breakaways, but the safety is the is the key here, but not completely taking the kickoff play out of the game. It's the old, we're going to make a change, but not completely making the change because we don't want to just go to all right, you get the ball at the 25 yard line just to start and we'll just throw throw away kickoffs completely. Well, there's your football talk. Thank you. Fryer Friday. We're going to move on to the Olympics. There was a story that kind of took the internet by storm. Oh, quickly, Alex asks, what about the on-site kick? You can do it on site kick, but you got to like announce it and then they'll do it the normal way. But it takes. I mean, there's no element of surprise anymore. So it's tough. Unless they implement, they didn't implement the fourth and 13 thing that they were going to talk about doing for on-site kicks. I don't think they did. They talked about it though. I'll have to look that up, Alex. Sorry, probably go ahead while I look that up. No, that was very riveting. I'm glad we talked about it. Thank you. So Georgia, I'm sorry. I don't want to say your last name, Vila. Vila. Vila. Vila. She is an Italian gymnast and the internet lost their mind. I think you say the L's in Italian. Vila. If it's two L's, you say them together. If it's one, then it sounds like it's a Spanish two L's. So we'll go with the villa. Georgia villa is a gymnast, 14 Italy, and the internet lost their minds and fell in love with her because they found out that she is partnered up. She has a sponsorship with Parmigiano Regno, or Reggiano, and she has like the king of cheeses. Yeah, she has posted many pictures of her and just like large chunks and wheels of Parmesan cheese. I want to be sponsored by Parmesan cheese. I want to be sponsored by Parmesan cheese. Well, she looks so happy with her big giant wheels of cheese. Why would she not be? That's a great sponsor. She won a silver medal earlier this week with her team on Tuesday in the all-around final. And so yeah, she's bringing a silver medal home and a giant wheel of cheese. No offense to the farmer's dog, which is great for my dogs. But I want to be sponsored by Parmesan cheese. Are you listening out there, Parmesan cheese executives? You've got a moccas you know, we just want to thank you for all the good times. Yeah, we're going with Parmesan cheese. Jim says she sold out to big parma. Good one, Jim. I like that. I mean, there's got to be that's going to be the greatest sponsorships of all time. Yeah, there's got to be a lot of different like cheese makers though. Is it just like there's the Parmesan cheese council and they like and they are like avocados from one thing together. You know what? I'd also like to be sponsored by avocados too. Let's get that done. We need more food sponsorships. I mean, I love the kung pao chicken kind of I'm kind of sponsored by the kung pao chicken at Sami's at seven mile, but I need like the sponsored content on her Instagram. What would woods be sponsored by Zen Jersey Mike Jersey Mike's for sure. Something very plain. We're going to be sponsored by pizza. Pizza would be a great sponsor. Pizza just pizza. Not like we have round table pizza. So we kind of do and then we get it. But just didn't general just just pizza ribs that it was brought to you by ribs. It says she signed up for the on-brand partnership with Parmigiano Reggiano and many diseases. I think that's a good move for her. A good moves. You guys she signed up back in 2021 and said I'm very happy to be part of the great Parmigiano family. Since I was a child, I've always loved this amazing product a symbol of excellence and Italian culture. And since today being able to collaborate with them makes me extremely proud and excited to face future challenges. Fantastic. And now she's winning medals in the Olympics. Ben and Paul brought to you by ice cream. What would be your like you love it. We love it. We dream sponsorship. I don't know. Is there anything better in the entire like the experience of going out to eat at a restaurant when you're at Italian and you order a nice plate of pasta and then the waiter comes with the fresh Parmesan. Can I can I offer you some freshly grated Parmesan cheese and they just go and of course I mean it's like one of the best things about eating out is the fresh grated Parmesan cheese. And I always feel like they're going to judge me like no keep going. I mean really it's hard to do too much of that Parmesan cheese on top. And then I feel like sometimes I order something and I know it's not really supposed to have Parmesan cheese on it but I want it anyway. But can I have some anyway. I mean just put it on my side dish or something just because I want I want the Parmesan cheese. I would be I would be the perfect American to be sponsored by Parmesan cheese. They have an Italian gymnast maybe an American radio host also needs to be sponsored by Parmesan cheese. Send this clip over to them and let them know. I mean if we're American I'll be sponsored by cheddar cheese. I like cheddar cheese cheddar cheese. Ben and Woods. I like cheddar. I like cheddar a lot. It's sharp cheddar. Sharp cheddar cheese is going to bring you our next segment. Well actually Chipotle would sponsor our next segment. California California Coast Critter San Diego County Credit Union sponsors our next segment. So let's be clear about that because it is our managers report with Mike Schilt that is coming up in our next segment. And we will get the latest from the skipper on what's going on with the San Diego Padres post trade deadline pitching rotation the matchups for this weekend the playoff race talk about that two game sweep of the Los Angeles Dodgers he um as much as he now he as much as he up like plays up the losses like you know what happened good in the losses and you know always is looking on the bright side. He downplays the wins as well when you'd say hey you guys are really rolling right now he will go like yeah you know just just you know taking it one at a time and you know just trying to play the best baseball we can he is not he doesn't up play the wins he just downplays the losses. That's to me more because he expects them to win every night and he's like yeah that's what we do like we're a good team and we play good and again like that yeah and he doesn't single out a ton of things I mean he'll he'll bring up some good plays and stuff but it doesn't feel anywhere it's totally different it's a totally different vibe when the Padres win he's like he's cool he's casual when they lose it's like did you see this did you see that though I mean we got a good team here and he's defending his guys when they win it's like yeah yeah it's what we're supposed to do Mike Shelton joins us coming up next year on San Diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan brought to you by cheese final hour of Ben and Woods Paulie in this week well he's always in but Paulie stepping up his game as Woods continues his vacation I think we mentioned it last week and Mike Shelton gave him a little bit of a hard time he's gonna miss this one right down the pennant race here post trade deadline all the activity that happened and hey no excitement this week though exactly yeah yeah Woods has missed all the fun of of sweeping the Dodgers two games and in this time right now for our manager's report with Mike Shelton brought to you by San Diego County credit union it's not big bank banking it is better good morning Mike how are you I'm doing well yourself I'm good I'm good now I know you're busy obviously you've got you got things to worry about but there's been some off days and you get some travel if you watched any of the Olympics yet and if so do you have a favorite event um wow you kind of caught me on that one yeah watch go very little of the Olympics last night Kevin dinner love the Olympics love the dedication regardless of um girl was the sport you know you're talking about some real dedication a lot of those athletes aren't in monetize sports to do it for the absolute love and passion of their sports and um I just love the the purity of the competition of it um you know enjoyed watching the gymnastics last night um favorite favorite um some Olympic it's hard to say really um I just enjoy the competition of all of it there's no wrong answer although Paul he just said he asked him about because they're talking about doing baseball at the 2028 games maybe with major league baseball players now that would be a logistical nightmare especially for a major league baseball manager taking what two weeks off and in the middle of the season extending the all-star break is that something you'd want to see uh you know two things you want to see it yes um I love the game being represented internationally and the best players competing internationally I love the WBC I think it's a fantastic venue the timing just doesn't make sense for it uh in our sport so I don't see what just we have it works out from a from a competitive standpoint and a health standpoint all right so the trade deadline uh you know and AJ's always been very active and of course I made some big deals really bolstered the bullpen give me your thoughts on the moves the acquisition of obviously uh Tanner Scott uh Jason Adam we saw him in the first game we saw hoeing you got him in as well already incorporating some of the new guys into your team yeah I mean AJ you know he did a great job of you know both for that bullpen and you know for us a nice addition we'll see him tomorrow night to the to the rotation fills the need there and um yeah I mean we got two really really solid capable experience back again guys and Scott and Adam and you know Adam was really good you know got him in ending another night and very efficient um with what he was able to do and hoeing came in through strikes and our reports to him are very positive too so um definitely nice additions to the club we're excited to have him I'm curious because you said obviously you can't be quite as aggressive as you were the the first day in terms of going to the bullpen and like the the fifth inning every single day but you are going to be able to be a little more aggressive with more options down there and but in some in some ways nothing really changes I know how you kind of talk about having uh lanes for each of your pitcher and matchups that you like I imagine you're simply gonna have more matchups that you like and and you'll set them up on a kind of a day-to-day basis yeah that's how bullpen's work um you know for your aggressive comment I mean yeah appropriately you know um there's still eight guys in there and he'd be taken care of and and pitch and be rested and you know create opportunities for him in the right spots um but again it can't it can't be um just aggression for the sake of aggression because it doesn't work for those guys to pitch every day did work out really well though on uh on Tuesday what a fun game that was uh and you you've talked about all year the the lack of quits and I don't see baseball players quitting that often I can't imagine you've seen it much in your career but there's a difference between not quitting and actually you know fighting all the way to the end and coming back and pulling out some of the games like you did what where do you kind of see that that line between guys who are clearly given their all and then that extra that it takes to actually pull off a comeback like you guys did against the Dodgers um I think it's just really about guys it's a longer conversation this it's a tough question um you're bringing today my man I asked the tough ones you know me but wait until the ones I still have in store for you okay I can't wait man um you know I don't you know it's a deeper answer to the question I mean no players gonna really quit um so that part is fair um you know but it's a it's a degree of of you know tenacity consistently in a you know almost daily highly competitive environment and that's the real challenge and that becomes the subhuman part of of really big league players you know being able to to bring that mentally and physically every day or the course of you know in some case 162 games and we got a lot of guys that love to play they're regulars that love that competition that bring it um that really does get to be a little bit more about about the dedication the heart and the and the ability to mentally bring it every day as much as the physical ability that's really quite honestly a big separator for for players and teams at this level talking to Padre's manager mike shilt this morning the manager's report uh mike we have heard here in san diego in particular over the years all the time we just haven't played our best baseball yet we have heard it from manager after manager after manager season after season after season you guys have played extremely well since the all-star break uh that that road trip was just really really impressive has this team is this team right now playing its best baseball or is there possibly more in store um it's playing its most consistent baseball and all all variables you know the it's really i said this all year um you know the game can be hard try to make it as simple as possible it's only always said that and true you know it's just about um the consistency of all the different parts of the team working together and um yes what we have you know we've been able to get really really good starting pitching um you know it starts there you mentioned about the aggression of bullpen um you know that aggression um is allowed through you know days off or or started you know to go deep um that's that's a recipe that that always exists over course for longer season um but the starting pitch has been really good bullpen as you mentioned in bolster and then very effective the offense you know to execute we've we've um really had rolling with the bats and been able to to school runs and run the base as well and our defense has been cleaned so when that happens together you're gonna get um your best opportunity shake hands which is what we uh expect to do and have done all right i know you're gonna downplay this because you know it's all about your players and you're gonna give them the credit and they absolutely deserve the credit but i thought the 10th inning on Tuesday was maybe like your finest moment of the season of managing and how you you pulled the strings in that inning leading to the eventual pinch hitting at jake kronowar you don't see a a pinch hitter come in for a number three guy that often but it worked out perfectly with donovan salano uh you know the bunt from a rise to set it all up can you just kind of take me through like you're thinking as you're going into an inning like that and how it may unfold yeah i mean yeah the players execute man use the best you can put him in those spots um so you know i mean first of all Suarez did a great job in the top of the 10th um you know one two three lead the gastrian and the second base um to put us in a really good spot um not sure what they're gonna do they got a lot you know it's a tough situation you know once you're starting the bottom half the inning and you know you got the guy on second base um you know they got best either lefty and you know on the mound and they uh they they pitched around higgy i give higgy a lot of credit um you know he he recognized what they were doing and wasn't going to chase to try to be the hero was just going to take what the game gave him and the game was telling him that they weren't going to pitch to him um and so he took his walk and then you know lily um got the bunt down which which puts them you know putting pro four on because they're not going to pitch to pro and you knew that you knew they would do that yeah that's that and that's the you know it's the double leg sort of of the decision um and they're probably not going to really pitch to him anyway quite frankly um even with the if the bases open it you know something doesn't happen with the rise um the best he is a ground ball guy against lefties and um so you know you move him over they do what they do with pro and then um you know so on is really good taking big advance definitely good against lefties and you know it just made sense yeah dodge the the double play possibility with the lefty ground ball match up with the rise get the get the right hander up and maybe even catch the dodgers a little off guard as they didn't have their writing ready well great job there uh now the Rockies are coming to town obviously a team that you've had some trouble with uh earlier this season is that is that at all part of the equation as you get ready for this series you know revenge or anything you're just trying to win every game but is there anything you can learn from those games earlier this season against Colorado um we just I mean you get back to how we execute earlier as the same answer I don't want to be a broken record but um you know our starting pitchers need to go deeper in games and you know we need to build a take advantage of our opportunities offensively and play clean and our bullpen needs to be able to you know bring it home so we do those things you know you can insert the opponent it's going to be the same basic uh how it works that's fair that's absolutely fair talking to mike shilt and this is one I have to ask just to do my job um got Randy Vasquez scheduled for tonight and I saw our team Perez as you mentioned tomorrow team says tba for uh for sunday is there anything we need to know Michael king hasn't pitched since last saturday he's looked fantastic are you trying to rest him up is there any concerns any any insight you can kind of shed on the on the sunday pitching decision here yeah that's something I usually announce or we talk about um in our media session before the game yeah okay well that's I told you he wasn't going to answer that one but I had to ask it so they're asked to not answer I mean asked and not answered I know people are just kind of curious and I there's a lot of explanations for it I'm not I'm not trying to create a panic uh oh I don't want to panic either I mean effectively if you really must know um Michael's still dealing with the comeback or and he's a little sore okay the comeback retook in his last start and he needs a couple extra days didn't mean to you know put you under the hot lights and give you the third degree there Mike but I totally I totally understand that that makes a a lot of sense and I'm sure that the Padres fans were a listener and going okay that makes a lot of sense right now as for the other guys uh Joe Musgrove we heard it's going to be thrown again on sunday is the plan and things are going well with him how about how about Tottie just anything you can share about those guys in their comeback uh Joe's gonna um get a rehab assignment you have to be determined on on sunday at one of the affiliates um Tottie's still in a in a good place recovering um but not in a place where he can is cleared to ramp up baseball activity yet but is doing is sitting in the cage looks good feels good um is doing some low impact things that allows him to just and see where he's at and then kind of take it from there but um we don't have any definitive definitive on Tottie at the moment but Joe's training in a really good place and get his rehab assignment on on sunday and before you guys I just I want to bring it up because it's so important I don't want to downplay getting guy I got like Xander back and what he's been doing lately just the impact that he's had not just on the field obviously he's hitting like crazy right now but just getting his experience and leadership back on a day-to-day basis what's what's that meant for your team lately it's you to me you know this guy was on for multiple reasons um you know one of the primary ones obviously he's a really good player so having him back in there in the middle lineup is being impactful which he's been a real real big part of our lineup over the last um a little bit before else or a break when he came back but definitely since the post you know a break and you know it's that part's been great um but just the fact that this is a guy that you know has an understanding of what it takes to to win you know he's won two world championships with this prior club and you know it's just a really good influence of what that looks like and you know models it very well and just a real pro so um you know it's an asset to having back on the club for sure well i just want to thank you um i know you were going to save that for you know like Dennis Lynn and a.j. cassava later today in your scrum but shared it with our listeners they do really appreciate it i see that in our chat right now they're going thanks for the info makes perfect sense and we do appreciate you uh skip and we are we're in your corner and we're cheering for you this weekend against the Colorado Rockies keep up the good work man and we'll talk to you next friday all right guys y'all have a great day there he is mike shilts had to you know pull out his fingernails and give him the the hose and the i mean just just got it out of him one's the next time you plan going down there because he's gonna never i i just don't go down in american i cannot face the man in person anymore it's just like he just withering glare and i'm not gonna i can't even take tony goin jr's rolled eyes can you imagine how we're gonna quickly i'd melt when mike shilt gives me that same eye roll when he sees me my goodness gracious we're gonna be out of spring training next february or march and shilt's gonna come over for an interview and ben's just gonna be like hello mike shilt how are you i hope i hope the i hope the tier one's appreciate how hard that is for me i am a nice guy i do not like making other people uncomfortable what's lives what's lives for it i don't like it but i feel like it's my job sometimes i have to do it i don't want him to feel uncomfortable i really not i'm cheering for him i like him i think he's smart i think he's a good manager he's a good guy but sometimes he doesn't want to answer my questions and i have to ask them and it's not a comfortable thing to do every friday morning so i hope everyone appreciates oh man michael king absolutely understandable and we forget because he took the he took the liner any in the first day and then he went and pitched great right after that so you think i was it's no no big deal and then he started again of course but of course it's got he's probably got a big old knot type bruise thing going on so you want to just be careful with what they're doing with them and you know maybe he'll start maybe maybe they want to give him a couple more days but certainly better than anything with the arm or like you know he's hitting a little bit of fatigue or something no guy got nailed by 113 mile an hour line driving the leg and it doesn't feel great people which was pretty much the answer politely that mike shilt gave us about why he's got a tva on sunday instead of one of the uh one of the guys who's been one of the best pitchers in the national league behind like dylan seese in over the last couple of months really has been all right well there we go let's uh let's take a time out okay yeah we can we can react to that if you want to join us we can uh take some phone calls eight three three two eight zero ninety seven three i mean woodsy makes me feel uncomfortable might breath like shilt makes me feel uncomfortable but we get through it we do and uh we do it for you the tier ones and the potteries fans out there on sandy egos number one sports station kelly's got some traffic here on ninety seven three the fan might just to show no uh no ill feelings uh because i want mike shilt's team to do well i'm gonna give the rally roach a little kiss even though poly's already kissed and didn't wash it but uh here keep it safe keep it because we may need this for the rest of the season oh yeah if the rally roach is still a thing by the time we get to october we'll know that we've got something special on our hands so rally roach back in play this weekend for your sandy ego ponteries and if you missed it or thanks again to the uh the forthcoming mike shilt to under the third degree did admit that uh michael king is still dealing with the after effects of that come back or that line drive he took a little sore and that's why the team is still uh waiting on the decision about sunday's starter tba at this point but he didn't sound overly concerned and and said he probably was gonna share it to everyone later in the scrum before the game but i said you know what you can work we're tight we're close you can share it with just us and the tier ones if you want us to keep it quiet for a few hours we're not we're going to tweet it out all over the place and make sure everybody in sandy ego knows i mean how mad are kevin asian denison and aj cast of all right now that they didn't get to tweet that out first this afternoon that that we actually get to do it this morning here on the benham woods program that's what that's the value of a relationship right there you did a very good job very proud of you know that was not easy all right uh you want to go to the phone lines a little bit eight three three two eight eight not really all right well go for it though all right let's see we get too late dean on the line eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three good morning dean how are you maybe this isn't dean who's on the air who's this you're there i hear you going once going twice sold you're probably right poly i shouldn't have gone to the phone lines it's never a good idea it's friday though it's been a long week my voice is actually starting to get a little bit scratchy just from talking too much i would say who who does more talking between me and woods would you say over the course of a shell just can't believe that what uh just that call um who does more talking yeah who would you say does more talking over the course of a pro that's like literally like makes more noises come out during the four hours of our show i really don't know i would say it's a pretty even spot i would say that on a normal day when the three of us are here it's about fifty percent woods forty percent me and ten percent you i think that's fair is that sound about right i'm thinking of it i was thinking of it in like a a segment like a 15-minute segment you talk most in the first couple of minutes kind of coming back from commercial break setting up the segment whatever we're about to talk about sure and on the back end of wrapping it up teasing the next segment throwing a traffic yeah and it's a lot more that's true middle but woods when he talks when he's got something going he gets ahead of steam yeah i'll just let him go i there's no reason interrupt woods when he's on a good train of thought and sometimes he'll go for two or three minutes straight right so i don't know what the exact exact breakdown is but i do feel like now when it's the two of us it's more like obviously seventy thirty percent you're like you're talking like thirty three times more than you normally do yeah but i'm like talking twice as much as i normally do so we're getting to friday here and i can actually feel the effects of woods not being here over the last few days just physically of him his non-presence this week in what that feels like isn't are you a little more tired than normal this week yeah it's uh it's for someone who just sits here for four hours and it doesn't look like it's you would never think that this is a physically demanding job and compared to you know like logger or something obviously it isn't you'd be surprised at how tiring though four hours of radio can be especially on you know on a week like this one woods isn't here and i'm not looking for sympathy a four-hour show feels like an eight-hour day but it does feel like it feels like a full day yeah rolling in the chat says Ben talks more efficiently woods just talks more that's fair i think that's fair which is fine it's just his personal style and that's how that's how he sounds and how i sound that's why i go into the phones i'm hoping someone else can talk we're going to try to give us both a break matt talk for a few seconds just so i can take a break and my voice can be spared so i just got back to my truck and i missed the big breaking news uh what was it i thought breaking it's michael king it took a comebacker we all saw it he took a 113 mile an hour line drive he's pitched twice since then but he still still got a little soreness and they just didn't want to commit entirely to him starting on sunday yet it was pretty a pretty non-headlining headline that made a lot of sense when michael said it it's just the way baseball teams work when they get so mysterious and like they don't want to say we then speculate and imagine the worst in our heads and like oh my goodness are they putting them on the injured list what's going on is there elbow trouble we've had him we he's already had tommy john surgery in our mind and then when the reality comes out and they say yeah you remember that time it got hit like a week and a half ago by 113 mile an hour line drive big shocker that still hurts a little bit so we're just going to keep an eye on him before the next start it's really a big nothing but obviously we're curious about what's going on so we ask the question right i mean it's it's totally fair on both sides but yeah i mean when you hear it it's like well yeah that totally makes sense could you not have tweeted that out a couple of days ago or just you know called someone and just let him know about it on wednesday night well no no they didn't so after wednesday night's game he did his post-game normals he not asked and he was asked and he said we're gonna we have a couple discussions and we'll let you know about the pitching provables and then the pr staff like sent out an email and said here's here's the pitching provables for the series and no one got to talk to mike shilt again and it was vasquez perez and tba and so since wednesday night when they made that announcement for the last you know 34 hours everyone's been gone oh what does that mean for michael king why is he not starting what's going on sure and you know had it happened you know it is last starting he had not pitched probably it would have been pretty obvious but because he went out and pitched so effectively his last couple of times or his last time you you just don't you go well you just don't think about it well but obviously it happened we all saw it happen no big shocker there so i understand that it's all right thank you for the call matt and the question for the big breaking news if you want to simply spare me from some talking you can join us 8 3 3 2 8 0 97 3 i know ben's like spares me from about three to four minutes of talking at this point so we can get to that some likes coming up in our next segment but it was on seadie acos number one sports station 97 3 the fan and any else who's coming up at the top of the hour in a correct text to me is absolutely right it was the last it was his last start that he got hit by the line drive it feels with all the off days it feels like it was longer ago and uh jeffrey in the chat says yeah with the trade deadline and sweeping the dodgers in reality it wasn't even seven days ago that uh that michael king took the 109 mile an hour line and it was the first batter of the game right and then he stayed in and pitched the whole game after that so it makes it feel like it was longer ago but it actually did happen uh craghan and he can react to that coming up on anion elston in just about 25 minutes still have things been likes coming up and we do have some callers on the line as much as Paul he doesn't want to keep trying much as Paul he doesn't want to do it i'm ready to do it at this point and i see some good names on here so uh shout out to jeffrey and harry and mike you're next up here after a check traffic here on 97 3 the fan okay all right pod raise rockies tonight 640 normal start time sammy with his eco water so cal pre-game show at 540 but until then talking about what you want to talk about i see uh jeffrey on the line jeffrey welcome to ben and paul here on a friday please tell me it's this jeffrey with a g yes jeffrey with a g e f r e y well i will i will get you off the hook and talk for a while if i may because i was in baltimore this past weekend for all three games and i met some very informative jack and meryl fans several of whom went to high school with him and they shared photos and stories of jack with me and they said that when he was a senior there would be like 50 scouts coming to scout him and then they had classmates who were they would form these giant groups to watch the scouts watch jackson so the hype in i can't remember where he grew up it's near baltimore but the amount of jackson meryl fans that were at all three of those games was unreal in fact on the sunday game i sat be in front of little kids who went to his elementary school he's that popular that they traveled all the way and they had little cut out heads of jackson meryl they were freaking out every time he was doing something and just the amount of fans in baltimore for jackson meryl you would think that when he got it hit they were cheering for like a home player like her you know hundred gendered hundred uh goner Henderson or something or ablic rushman but it was incredible how much they love jackson meryl over there and just made me feel really good that to hear they're like this kid's rookie of the year in our opinion he's the next big thing and you guys we love watching him and he's the only player we care about even though we're old fans we were projected meryl hundred percent of the time he obviously uh jeff has a good support system with the uh the parents who are traveling and they were interviewing his parents his mom said there was like you they've been a few jackson's parents really yeah they were shocking i know which time i don't know uh in baltimore said uh there was like a couple hundred people that traveled for those games well you know they've distributed all the the meryl madness t-shirts i mean i even wear mine i've they've got they've gotten those things out everywhere they have got there's a there is a meryl machine that is going on and it takes a village i mean to raise a major league baseball player especially one obviously there's been as driven and focused as jackson meryl is you don't do that without support of parents and friends and coaches and teammates i mean it is it's been an effort but i mean the results have been unbelievable with jackson meryl to get to where he is at this young age it's incredible did you see uh his when his mom was being interviewed during the game they interviewed his parents during the game did she talked about meryl madness and how i did not see this it's more of a charitable aspect to oh really which i had no idea i thought it was just a fun family hashtag i was just hype yeah that's how it started but it became uh this way to raise money for kids to play travel ball or play sports like because that's all he did growing up was play wanted to play baseball wanted to be on this team or this select team and you needed this equipment and all that um i believe that's what she said and i thought huh so it wasn't just like a catchy hashtag they came up with that's how it began but there has been more of a charitable aspect well yeah and uh Lisa in the chat says yeah they used to help fund travel ball which is really expensive now remember his travel ball team was based in north carolina yeah and he he lives in meryl i played travel ball in seattle when i was in high school yeah kid from alaska that came down to play with us i mean it's crazy you know it's not just traveling to the tournament but sometimes you get to travel to the home the home games and practices and everything that goes along with that and you know living probably in hotels during the summer while you're you know with your team and you're not in school you know the commitment required to become a professional athlete is not just the that internal dedication to waking up early and working out and going to the cages and doing everything it's a financial equipment you know commitment nowadays it it's very hard and you know it's not necessarily a great thing but it's very hard if you don't have resources to have to be able to put in to get the coaching to get the equipment it's very expensive to get the competition that you would need to get to the level that you're going to get noticed by scouts whether it's for college or for to be drafted unfortunately it takes a lot of money and there are some good people out there who try to you know provide opportunities for those who are disadvantaged and don't have that but obviously have the passion and have the raw talent to do that but how many get you know fall through the cracks because they just didn't have that chance they didn't have a great support system like jacks and marles but his support system has come through for him and really you know sent him to an amazing place at a an incredibly young age with incredibly good head on his shoulders i was just gonna say he's got a very good head on his shoulders you can tell he was raised right his family seems just lovely i i i love everything about this kid he's he's the real deal i mean you keep waiting okay even make a misstep here at some point right i mean not one and you he's seen young guys come up you know matt bush who stepping it right away that you know just the the signing and having money and whatever for the first time and they go off the rails and it's understandable you expect it you understand it and even even for rookies who get it like jackson you expect oh he's gonna say the wrong thing to the media at some point you know there's gonna be some sort of running literally nothing you can say bad about jackson marrow at this point in his career nothing even when he gets in a slump he doesn't show frustration he's just like nope i'm gonna break right out of it i mean the the kid has an unbelievable attitude really does and it served him incredibly well jess gia with a g thank you for the call thank you for being in a chat regularly the chat loves to hear from you let's go to harry your next up here with Ben and Paul on 97-3 the fan hi harry good morning guys morning i want to take i want to change the subject a little bit and talk about the people we normally talk about firing this time of year Victor Rodriguez is an MVP for the culture he's built with the hitting and how quickly he's changing these slumps these slumps are short-lived because of him i believe i am normal i am normally the kind of guy who goes we have put way too much blame on the hitting coaches for something that is not their fault i get all the blame and very little of the praise so why why if i haven't been blaming the hitting coaches should i really give a ton of credit to the hitting coach this time it's always on the players more than the coaches in my mind especially on the the big league level in professional baseball however however harry there's clearly a philosophy and whether it's a a shilt or a victor rod regas or an aj preller or an organizational change there's been a philosophy that has been very effective for the Padres this year and Victor Rodriguez talks about it you know we want to hit line drives we want to use our ballpark we're not swinging for the fences we're trying to make contact we're trying not to strike out and it really goes against what a lot of other organizations are going they want to walk or a home run and they'll take a ton of strikeouts to do it but the Padres are like no we want to put the ball in play and we want we'll take some blue pits we'll take some line drive outs we know it's all part of the equation hopefully we run into a few and they have the Padres others are 12th in home runs in baseball which doesn't sound great sounds middle of the pack but when you think about the fact that sounds better than when they've been in the past but when you think about it from the perspective of they're also near the bottom and strikeouts and the top and batting average to combine that with being 12th in home runs all of a sudden you have a really really good offense like Louisa rise he's never going to be at the top in home runs he's not going to be middle of the pack in home runs because he hits so many you know his line drives the way he plays but as a team the Padres are more Louisa rise in terms of batting average best batting average in baseball but in power they're really solid they're still in the upper half of baseball when it comes to power that's a devastating combination that they have managed to put together this year now why they couldn't do it in other years i've got no idea this isn't the first kitchen coaches or the hitting coach but this isn't the first time i've heard a hitting coach at Petco Park say you know it's a big ballpark we need hit more line drives we need to use the gaps i've heard that for 20 years since Petco Park opened and rarely have the Padres been able to accomplish it so yes Victor Rodriguez there's some credit that needs to be offered to a Padres hitting coach for the first time in a long time he does deserve you're absolutely right a good call there and then uh mike you can wrap it up here for us today get about a minute what's on your mind mike ah damn i was gonna go three topics but hey i want you guys to take full credit for this how okay you i picture you and woody for covid in the uh your parents house correct corona kay if yeah i'm in the guest house yep okay how in the hell does dylan cease and joe must grow not have a podcast called no no no no podcast that's uh that's a great idea i mean did you see that i want you guys to have full credit yeah no no i well first of all did you see dylan cease his shirt that he was wearing yesterday then san diego no no club and in the in the o's is his face and joe's face someone made that already it's amazing uh good job whoever did that did you see that though the kelsey brothers who started their podcast what's it called um it's got a weird name new heights new heights i it sounds that sounds like a real estate podcast or development they don't want to sell it for like a hundred million dollars or something something crazy like they're gonna get it and they're probably gonna get it yeah joe and dylan you're missing out on a great opportunity here of starting your no no podcast at joe's house talking pitching i mean i don't know that i want them to be the kelsey brothers of the nfl but if they wanted to i mean with dylan's kind of thoughtfulness and joe's intensity and i mean i would i would definitely listen to the dylan and joe no no podcast they only interview no hitters who have thrown and no hitters man but smith is our guest today throw a no hitter against the pod raise about 24 years ago and uh we're gonna catch up and see where he is today uh that's it for us uh except for some likes to finish our week good week poly very good yeah we got that that was a fun freaking week it was a pretty fun week that was missed out on yeah yeah some some dramatic games with the trade deadline everybody just pulling a little extra weight with woodsy gone but man i had fun this week and guess what he'll still be gone on monday and tuesday so let's let's hear some likes before we go i like good juicy sweet strawberries i like a good marching man i like a good thin pancake i like a nickelback song or two i like a barbecue chicken pizza i really like those seeds i like it midnight but fast i kind of like the smell of soft scrub i like more of a small dairier i like cake i like it sheared i like both a hamburger and a cheeseburger i like clocks i like how i've kind of set up my life i like grasshopper pie and oh no i like it creamy i like good firm banana i like just it's looking out at the sea i like eating i like moist i like curry i like big butts i like fried brussel sprouts i like more of a firm feeling i like corn i like Nordstrom i do like musicals i like pepperoni i like dice hotels i like nick getting a start to that i like nuts i like steff curry i like that song i like squirt i like sake i like sandy agostate i like uh straight all abdul i like the beef and broccoli i like to mix it up i like science experiments i like that song i like the crispiness of the waffle i really like cheese i like the little lunch meat i like very straight lines i like cannelloni i like a well-crafted headline i like brown sugar i like maps i'll say i like just in turn i like going to gold games i like diving into chores i like sugar i do like butter finger i like blue and silver not bad colors i like the time change i like major league baseballs new rule i like the radio i like geography i like the knuckle method i like skippy i like pie i like bob melvin i really do i like jace tingler too i like this day i like being right i still do like movie scores i like good food i like maps i like when interviews can turn into organic conversation i do like a sofa's french red pizza i like having the wind go through my hair i think i like shows that the characters have an arc i like the full lettuce tomato onion experience as well i like those kind of burgers i like the big overflowing bag of fries i like those little smarties rolls i liked what i saw from seth lugo i like this competitive fire i like walking around between the different lands steve kurt though i like that i like living on the coast i like watching tiger still i like the idea of that match up i liked what i saw in the pre-season i like the aloneness sometimes of Texas hold them i like watching sanny to stay basketball i like those cashew buttered cashews i like cold clear sake i like a lot of things i like chick fillet sauce i just like rankings i like steve windwood i like pie gal poker i like to be informed on subjects i like chicago i like tumpetty i like the idea of another left-handed bat in the lineup for sure i do like a good matt damein film i like being on the same page i like broccoli i like brussel sprouts i like a lot of things i like this shirt i like wipe out i liked my arm wasn't i like sanny and just stayed at home i like when a baseball player can be more than just a baseball player i like vanilla i like the atmosphere i like the felt on a poker table just kind of how it feels under your fingers when you're there i like rhubarb pie i like the windowsy changing the subject i like that i like just a standard yellow peak i like how sanny able to explain right now i like finer things i like calling a game i like fiction more than non-fiction just like the cream i actually like playing golf with other people i've liked everything i've seen so far from mike shill i like mexican food i like just the solar system i do like steak i like specifics i like going to seven mile casino during the day i like that people are there having a good time i like my new eating schedule i liked what i was eating i like the variety of the menu and sanny i do like a good midnight buffet and now that we've learned about the italian gymnast who's sponsored by parmesan cheese poly i feel like this is open the door all of ben's likes could just be sponsors of the show you'd be rolling in ben and woods brought to you by cashew butter cashews there's always a new ben and woods brought to you by cake we've been collecting ben likes for a little while now and we've been playing that most not all but most fridays there's still always one or two that make me laugh or stand out to me and you said i like blue and silver they're not bad colors or kills me every time like what is a bad color i do like a good matt damon film he's got a new one this segment on 97 three the fam is brought to you by grasshopper pie because we can be sponsored by food items now it's the revelation of the olympics that it's there all right we are we are done for today we will take two days off and then we'll be back without woodsy on monday and tuesday and then he'll be back on wednesday uh to tell us all about his vacation and we'll probably make fun of him for everything he's missed hopefully the potteries have a good weekend but against the rockies and we'll talk about it monday morning at six a.m. annie elston braiden ready to come up next poly good work this week good work outstanding sir poor executive producer imaging director co-host paul riddle i'm ben higgins have a great rest of your friday from all of us here at sandy it goes number one sport station 97 three the fans so long trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with north sides and bouillon as you're not so secret ingredient you can skip the drive through and do dinner at home nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious affordable and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less visit to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home cooked weeknight dinners it's not fast food but it's so good