Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - Padres Off Day + Ben's Back From Vacation!

Ben, Woods, and Paul are here for you on a Tuesday morning! We start the show with a little foreplay as we welcome Benny back to the studio and hear about his trip to Santa Barbara! Then we set the menu for today's show which includes a special in-studio guest later this morning! And we let Ben address his one main topic the he didn't get a chance to talk about yesterday as we relive some Machado Magic from last Friday night at Petco Park! Listen here!

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09 Jul 2024
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That's it for today's video, we'll see you in the next video. Happy Tuesday everybody, welcome in to Ben & Woods. Let's get our heads right on this Tuesday morning. We've got a fun show planned for you today. All sorts of hijinks and whatnot going on and our little sugar cookie is back. It is National Sugar Cookie Day and he has returned from his vacation. We will talk to him in a moment. First of all, thanks for being here. However you consume Ben & Woods, we really appreciate it. If you watch us on YouTube, it's a good way to watch us. You can see kind of the reactions of the crew and a little behind the scenes. Go to, search for Ben & Woods, give us a like, subscribe, all that stuff. Listen on the Odyssey app, smart speaker and of course your trusty. Your trusty radio will really never let you down. Sometimes it does. I'm Woodsy, that's Paul Reindel, he's the executive producer. Good morning Paulie. Good morning. To my left, our sweet little angel, back from vacation. Good morning Ben Jimin. Good morning, National Alliance. Thank you. Thank you very much. National Sugar Cookie Day. There he is. Don't talk to me about food. I am uh, oh no, I am overly stuffed. You guys know what the American plan is? Have you ever heard that expression used in a hotel? Yeah, it is, uh, work hard, get underpaid, feel like crap most of the time, uh, get on antidepressants, um, and then drop dead before you're able to enjoy anything. That's the American plan. That's the American plan. That's the American plan. That's the American plan, right? No, the American plan is when breakfast and dinner are included with the, the cost of your room. Oh yes. And you can eat whatever you want for breakfast and dinner. Oh boy. And so what you end up doing, and this is where we stayed, you're on the American plan. How did you gain all the weight? Yeah. The American plan. You know, so you know. Sounds very American actually. You know what breakfast. Well, I'm not, I can have lunch. So let's go ahead and pick out, you know, do the eggs, Benedict, we have those grand churros together, you know, full thing. Oh, there's some pastries over here. Grab that, everything. And then I, I tried to at least be good and not snack throughout the day until you get to dinner. And then it's the full appetizer, main course, chion entrees, dessert is part of it as well. And you just eat so much and I am so, so full at this point. Is there a better, now did you eat in your, in your room? No, no, there's like a dining area where everyone goes to and gathers for breakfast and dinner every single day. I, there's few things, vacation, I love to get breakfast in the room to sit out on the patio with my wife in our robes, eating, get breakfast, bring it back to your room if you want. But like, eating dinner in the room, you're like, I feel like we're kind of giving up here a little bit. When it happens, you know, it definitely happens. Eating lunch in the room is a huge no, no, because you know, they're going to come in and clean it and turn the beds over. But breakfast in the room is, is clutch. But I do love a, I do love that feeling of getting on the elevator going down into that lobby and it's like breakfast spot. It's just nothing better. Like that's on the vacation, especially like, let's crush some breakfast here head out on, you know, for the day. It's just fantastic. I made this last month. I did my first Vegas buffet. Yeah. We did brunch. It was like 11 o'clock or something. We were just like, do I want breakfast? Do I want lunch? Yeah. It's all. One of the dinners was a barbecue buffet with Tom Ockstake ribs, brisket, lobster tails, salmon, and I ate it all. I ate all of it. Thought I had prime rib for dinner on Sunday night, a shrimp and grits, I mean, I just, I just went to town, went to town, I'd heard that in a while, it still makes me laugh every time. Wine. Lots of wine. Oh yeah. That's, that's part of a included, included deal. So cocktails, wine, I mean, it's not so good, man. It's vacation. So you let yourself vacate a little bit. I saw a guy yesterday and, you know, whatever comes up in the algorithm, sometimes on Instagram, I'll watch and see, what's this guy doing? And the literal topic of his Instagram and he's walking down a beach, his shirt's off and he's like this, hey, just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you could just go ahead and totally give up and he's sweating the, I'm here, I'm so and so I'm in Greece, just got my workout in for, I'm like, bro, that is the last and I've told you guys this before, I take running shoes or tennis shoes, whatever, every vacation, I take workout clothes every time I go anywhere, I have never, ever once used them, never one time. But I take them just in case the mood strikes, instead of laying in my bed at 6 p.m. eating junior men, watching my, watching my workout gear in my, my suitcase, I took my peloton shoes because they have a workout room with a peloton. The first day, went in there, started doing the peloton, go, you know what, I'm not feeling really, never, never brought him out again. How long did you make it five minutes? I got to about 12 minutes, 20, 20 minute ride and get my, this is, I did something here. I'm good. And most, and most vacays to, I mean, you're walking your ass off. So I like, I'm always justified. The whole, my whole life is justification in my head for the things that I knew. And I'm like, yeah, of course I can crush the four pieces of French toast. We're going to be walking all day. It's all good. 25,000 steps. I'm good, bro. It's all fine. We're doing one for my birthday. That's pretty bougie. Actually, Hannah's booked a place for us. So this is like, what's the date today? This is next week. Yeah, in the next week, right? So as soon as we're off the air Friday, we're going to Palm Springs, your Palm desert. And it's this resort called two bunch palm, which is very odd name, two bunch palm. And Al Capone used to go there. It was his hideout. It was like his stash. Some of his loot there. Maybe there's loose problem. Yes, correct. So it used to be his thing. So I said to her, I'm like, I've been wanting to go. Somebody recommended it to me. So she booked it. So she goes, Hey, have you by the by? Have you taken a look at the, the menu there at two bunch palm. I go, well, no, pull it up. And I said, she's, I said, well, I mean, it's a resort. Like how, how bad could it be? She goes, well, let's just say we're going to have to stop it based on my palette of a seven year old. Oh boy. She's, she said vegan and vegetarian. She's you're not going to eat for like two days. I'm like, I'm sure I can find something on there. I'm sure I can call a flower and coconut curry, spring pea, papardelle. Is it roasted eggplant? There's no black and salmon. Yeah, I'll eat that. I guess. What about breakfast? I don't like salmon, but I'll eat black and salmon. Hannah says, I just wish it was going to be hotter when we're there. It's going to be 140 degrees and key lime pie. Don't worry. You have a little green goddess avocado toast for breakfast woods. I'm going to come home and may see it. Spicy hasselback beat salad. It's nice. It's literally my nightmare. There's like suffocated cup, cup, cup, wrap. Yeah. I'm like, oh, let's just say I was the opposite of that this past weekend. But she said, so it's, it's weird. They, and it's also this place. They're like, um, we value silence here. It is a, like, you're not allowed to, like, I don't think you're really allowed to like, converse much, which, you know, what has been married a while. We don't have much to say to each other anymore. I'm like, that might be a good thing that you just have to, you go get these treatments on your body and stuff. It's going to be very weird. Very, she's like, remember, this was your idea. I wanted to go somewhere else. And, and you, you picked two bunch palms. So that's what we're going to be doing for my birthday. But it sounds fairly relaxing, I guess, right? I mean, the, the water there apparently is different and it has like, lithium properties. Yes. It's like lithium water. She, it, it like calms you down in the pool or like all the, the pools and they have, but it's cool. And she's like, you're the only reason you want to go there is because Al Capone stay there. I'm like, yeah, 100%. That's really the only, I'm obsessed with the mafia. I'm obsessed with all of it. I don't want to go share Al Capone eating avocado toast. Nor do I, nor do I, I feel like they've changed the menu since he's gone, but I do. It was his like hideout in the desert. And so I was like, well, that's, that's cool enough for me. But that's what I'm doing for my birthday. See, I'll have the Jackfruit toastata. See Jackfruit toastata. I'm dead. She's, and it's, it's far enough to where we can't like drive somewhere to just go to a diner like three times a day. So she's like, you're, I don't know what you're doing. You're an idiot, but we're doing it. We're doing it. The mini bar will have some dried pineapple. And it is between eating plants and fighting for our lives in the heat. It's going to be great. Yeah, it's going to be 140 degrees out there. July 19th, by the way, it's when we're going. So we went out there beginning of August last year and it was 120 degrees. I told you when we took Taylor out there and Mo Taylor got out of the chorus. He started weeping because it was so hot. I didn't know it was a matter of the story. Last summer. Last summer. And I thought that would have been. I'm so excited. I'm, I'm so excited for the desert. I thought that made the end of your middle of the summer desert vacation last year. We're doing it again. This time, we're doing it again in a nicer resort, but way worse food. I mean way worse food. And this is, I tried to get a refund, only $800 to cancel. I thought the reason you go out of the desert in the summer is that the places that are $700 a night are all of a sudden, $28. Right. That's it. It's going to be 114 degree. We went specifically not to leave the room. Just get out of San Diego for like two days. Sit in the room. Go out to dinner when it's only, you know, 98 or something. And we were like, Oh wow, this is really cheap. I'm like, Oh yeah, there's nobody here. It's a ghost town because it's August and it's 124 degrees. That menu, when I looked at it, I mean, I was skinny. I mean, we're, there's more. There's like, there's, there's nothing I will eat as a meal. Like there's really like, what do I eat? What do I eat for breakfast? What do I eat for lunch? Like you bring me the suffocated come quiet, come quiet, wraps please and a beat. So I don't eat beats. I don't eat jackfruit. I don't eat hiccup. I don't eat any of this stuff. I don't know what I'm going to do for two days. And it goes, the good thing is, is we can leave the room to go to the hot springs. They do have hot springs there. I cannot believe we're doing this, but yet another adventure. Did you relax? You have fun? Yeah, awesome. Golf pool time. Very relaxed. Very nice. Excellent. Well, it's good to have me back. I think we've established that when the revolution comes, woods and I are going to be the first to be hanging at the end of the Gallo as they take out the Bourgeois class. So yeah, yeah, no question about it. Yeah, it's it's definitely a bougie trip. Yeah, but again, like, I this this lady told me you have to go. It's the most relaxing place on the planet. And I go, yeah, great. Sounds great. Sounds like every other poem strings resort. And then she said, yeah, used al Capone used to stay there. And I went, that's it. I ran home. It was like, babe, we got to go to this place. See where al Capone used to hang out. I want to see you on a suit suit. So yeah, that's, that's my birthday trip should be full. I mean, look, content alone is going to be gold can be gold. Yeah, what happened to your horseback riding? You didn't know. I went and petted a horse. We showed the picture yesterday. I didn't force a horse to actually get under me, which I think would have been unfair to the horse. Now, you see all the comments on the, the I did. They're fantastic. Yeah, caption this caption this terrific. I like horses. I do like horses. I like horse hair. Yeah. How's golf? Golf is good. I was, it was actually, well, I mean, you don't need to go through my entire round. You know, I could take you through every hole I played twice more than anything walking all the way through. I literally didn't make one single birdie or one double bogey in 36 holes. Solve bars and bogeys and you more bogeys than pars, but I just, you know, me woods. Yeah, just like, steady any steady, steady, steady, steady. Here we go. What did you do on the sixth hole? Sixth hole is a, that's a tough one. That's a par five, but you have to lay up. I, I part at the first day to putt par and then the second day I bogeyed it. I swear to God, I could do this all bit. Well, you missed, uh, you missed a fun show yesterday. Sounds like it. Tim Flannery came in yesterday and spent a couple hours with us and, you know, obviously we love flan. He's just the salt of the earth dude and baseball needs more people like him in it. And that's one of the things I think missing from the game right now where people like Tim Flannery being in a clubhouse. Are you telling me you put Tim Flannery down in that locker room tonight? The team's gonna be worse for it. There's no way. There is no stinking way. Nothing against the guys that are already down there, right? But you put Tim Flannery in any clubhouse. That clubhouse instantly gets better instantly. It, it overnight. You know, the guys got so much time and skin in the game and he, then he came in and just regaled us with stories from yesteryear. And I could not get enough. I really felt like we could have done in another two hours and he had a lot more to say he was so kind. Anybody that gives up two hours of their morning to come in, go, you know, on the house, we can pay him or anything. We don't have any money. Like he's have coffee or water. Did you have coffee or what on our vacation? Yeah, come quad wraps. Yes. It's exactly right. My body treatments. Hot stone treatments 110 degrees out. Sorry, Tim, you have to wear this one. But I guess, I guess he went home and was just, he was raving about it and everyone was raving about him. So I look forward to having him in again very, very soon. Cause I want you to hear these stories to Benny. It was great. If you missed it yesterday, go back and listen. He actually, he said his mom, he talked about 92 years old. He's like, my mom is dying to listen. Where do I find this? So I said in the YouTube link. So she watched it on YouTube last night. He's just the best. So that was a fun one, Benny. But you know the rule, when you go out of town, when we come back, you get to rehash something. So we'll find out what that is next and it's an easy call and you'll set the menu, set the menu, get ready for what should be a very good Tuesday program. You're not going to want to miss a second of it. We'll get into all of it coming up next. Kelly's got our first check of traffic and we are all back together. Good to be here on a Tuesday morning with Ben Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan. I'm skipping right to the end of the menu setting going straight to dessert as it were. Don't usually do this. Didn't you get enough dessert by the way? No, I don't see what I have. I had peanut butter pie, cheesecake. I had cobbler, peanut butter pie. It's like, um, never had that. It was really good. I mean, it's just like a tart, but made with like a peanut butter filling chocolate on top. You have the crust. Peanut butter, good pie, delicious. Exactly. Why not put it all together? It's delicious. So going straight to what would be the dessert here on the program today. And I do that because woods has brought props for the show today. Yeah, a little something unusual. Polly has ramped up our board over here. Tell us what should we hit it. I'll just hit what you have going here as we set up what is going to happen in our nine o'clock hour this morning. Set up who's coming in. So joining us and this is a rare treat for the Ben and Woods program, especially given our morning hours. We have a San Diego Padres player in studio. A current player is going to join us this morning. First time ever. Kyle Lagashiyoka is going to be here in our nine o'clock hour and woods. Ever since we met Kyle, it's spring training. As threatened. I want to jam with Kyle Lagashiyoka. I actually just want to watch him jam. Well, you just want to watch him jam and you don't know, uh, you know, you want to make sure he's set up. So you have brought your guitar amp. We've got a board that's plugged into our board. So you get the whole thing and you're ready to go. How does that sound on the you guys let us know how it sounds on the, you know, give us a lick stuff. A lick. I don't know any licks. Like totally unprepared. Yeah, totally. I'm a brother. Hang on. Is that a little slightly over modulated. Storted. Yeah. This is a little quiet, but perfect. Oh, so we want some stairway. All right, no stairway. I kind of hear it a little bit there. Yeah, I recognize it. Bad. Now he is a certified shredder. He doesn't know we're doing this. By the way, somebody said it does just the distortion. All right. We'll try. Why do you have the distortion button all the way? Max Paulie, turn off the distortion button. Turn it off. Maybe a little clean. Yeah. So he's, as soon as we signed him, I, somebody sent me a video of him shredding the trooper by Iron Maiden. And he's like a metal guy and I'm a huge metal guy. So I'm just excited to see him. Now he could walk in and look at it and go, I don't want to do this. So I have no idea. Well, he also happens to be kind of, you know, on the hottest hot streak of his baseball life. At least professionally here over the last month plus he is almost single handedly kept the Padres in playoff position. Well, Luis Campusano was on the injured list and taken over as, as maybe the 1A catcher to Campi's 1B catcher at this point because of his plate, not only at the plate, but behind the plate as well, doing a great job by catching the Padres pitching staff and ended up being a critical addition in that Juan Soto trade. Thought kind of was the throw in just the catcher that went in the backup catcher, but where would they be without Kyle Higashyoko over the last month? I ask you that. I mean, those are the things that you never thought you would say and you said it and you're absolutely right. He's been great. He's been great. And again, tasked, tasked with a really, really tough gig when he got here to San Diego. So very excited to have him in. You know, he's quiet, dude. He's a very quiet guy. Even when he hits walk off homers, he's very, very understatement. I do like, just once I'd like to see the air home for something, but I'm excited to see if he'll, if he'll jam a little for us. And, you know, I don't want to put any pressure on him. I just have a stratocaster sitting right next to his seat. So I wonder what he'll think when he walks in. That should be right at the end of the program last 30 minutes or so. Hopefully we'll have Kyle Higashyoko in studio before that we'll do a round report. Now it is Tuesday. Jesse Agler will be with us, the voice of the Padres called some big, big home runs over the weekend, especially on Friday. We'll talk to Jesse at 835, get an Incorporated for him. Before that, we've got some giveaways on the program today as well, including Padres Mariners tickets for tomorrow's game, a quick two game series against Seattle Mariners tonight and tomorrow night before another off day on Thursday. And speaking of music, we also have some tickets to John Fogarty, excuse me, to give away at the radio shell on September 4th. And we're going to somehow incorporate Woods's guitar into our Fogarty giveaway as well. There's a bad moon rising in your throat. Oh, yeah, there it is right there. First half of the program is going to be most of our usual features, including take on woods, don't do this in our seven o'clock hour. We'll get some Padres talk in as well as what's said. Always have the the authority when you have a day off to go back and talk about one thing that you missed. And I'm going to take us back to Friday night when we have that discussion. And we will do that coming up next if you're ready to go and talk about. I'm sure you rehashed it. I'm sure you played all the highlights of everything yesterday. But I just need a moment to discuss what happened in Friday night's Epic game goes in one of the top probably three games of the season for the San Diego Padres. If not number one, I mean, they've had so many interesting ones this year. So you give me a look like maybe not. When we talk about it next, it will be the first time we've talked about. Okay. Well, how about that? It was a choice we made on the program. We spent so much time on the start of Lakers, Summerlee, Johnny James, scoring like two points. Yeah, it was great. We gave that a good two and a half hours at say before flang got in. Yeah. Yeah, then we switched it to baseball. So yeah, when we talk about last Friday's game, it will be the first time. We will, we will get to that coming up next before the Padres get on to another series against the Seattle Mariners again tonight at 640. It's Ben Woods. Glad to have you with us on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three to fan. So let me get this straight. Manny Machado, the Manny Machado hit a walk off home run. This is Manny Machado on Friday. Then you guys did not play a single piece of audio related to said walk off home run. No, and really, I don't think you can blame us at this point. I think you have to blame the San Diego Padres for that one because we did the math that was six straight Sunday losses for the team. And again, somebody had actually after that win on Friday night, which was epic. It was amazing. It was so good and awful. It was awful. I mean, that that gamut of that 15, 20 minute run there at the end almost killed a lot of people in this town. But somebody said, bro, would see, can you guys please play the good game from the weekend on Monday instead of the bad game? And I thought to myself, you know, it didn't feel right to me to come in and be like, Hey, listen, I know we, I know we lost Saturday and got bodied yesterday. Let's talk about the positives because well, let's be honest, people don't really like the positives. And I wasn't feeling positive after those last two losses. I wasn't. Those were big games, Benny. I thought we needed to win. But you know, with Flan coming in and he was going to, you know, two hours with us, I just, we talked about the losses. We talked about the bullpen. Well, both are true. Those were big games because they've given the Arizona Diamondbacks some new life in the wild card race, a team that you do not want chasing, you know, trying to chase you down the second half of the season. Really don't really got the experience. They came back yesterday and blew a late 31 lead. They gave up two in the ninth, one of the 10th and one of the 11th to lose to the Atlanta Braves. Podrays aren't the only one with the merchants on, you know, not winning games that you feel like they should have won. So Podrays, two and a half games up for that last wild card spot. But I am going to use my authority and my positivity. Good. It's fine. When we come back from traffic to bring you back to Friday nights, walk off when featuring the drama of the most incredible ninth inning, you know, in some ways baseball is ever seen. There's certainly some historic things that happened in that ninth inning that we have not seen in baseball before. So we'll get to that right after this check of traffic on 97 three to fan. Now it's not entirely true. We did talk about this game for a few minutes yesterday, but that was when we had a Sam Levitt on, we had him on an hour earlier. That's a whole nother story. Yeah, 20 minutes we're going to dive into a love to Sam is appearance. We got to get to the bottom of some things and you're going to be really surprised here. So on Friday night, the one thing that you might not enjoy about where we spent our vacation is it's, you know, it's out in the country. They're trying to have you get away from city life as it were. So televisions, but you know, you can use your phone and the internet's a little spotty, but we were able to on Friday night, call up the game was watching it on my phone. And really, at that point, I had just dinner was over. I just wanted to see him close out what I thought was going to be a pretty simple seven to two victory. And my brother, my mom, we're kind of sitting on the patio. We've got the phone. We're all huddled around just to see what we think is going to be the final out. And then of course, Danielle de Los Santos loads the bases up and we're going, Oh, this is so typical Padres. They've got to get Robert Suarez up. And you think the worst of it is, is that they had to put Robert Suarez into the game. Right. That's where you think that's, that's the damage is done already. Yes, you feel like you have that game one easily. You're just bummed that Suarez has even got to get up, get the heavy ball out, start doing his calisthenics. You, you, he should be in the bullpen going, but that's the extent of it. I got off. You know what? We just blew that could have had a nice easy, simple seven to two when right to the back of the bullpen. Now it's probably going to affect the next couple of games. And it may have actually, but it actually did affect that night's game as well. Of course, Alec Thomas, it's the grand slam. Then you get the second out and you're going, Oh, that's a little more nervous than I wanted, but I think they're going to close it out. Corbin Carroll doubles and then Randall Grichuk coming up as a pinch hitter, which no one understood why. And it was what was the reason to add back spasms or something? Oh my God, because people were like Tori Lovolo is the greatest manager in the history of baseball, but he didn't have a choice there yet. No, but Gricha. And Gricha, of course, is a noted pottery killer who gets two strikes. Okay, one strike away. There's getting, they're going to survive this hits the home run. Was that a change up he hit out? I think it might have been to the Western Metal Supply Company. So all of a sudden, it's a six running for the Diamondbacks. You're down eight to seven. You're in hell. We are in hell. And at this moment, you're having a crisis of confidence as a pot raise fan, because the historic pot raise fan in you has already chalked this up as one of the most devastating losses you can remember of any season, not just this season, but any season. And then there's the slight optimist that goes, but hold on, maybe these pot raise are different. We've seen signs that this year's team is different from other pot raise teams of recent vintage, where they don't, they take a punch, they get back up. They are, they're counter punching. They can come back even from bad circumstances and find a way to win the game. And jerks and pro far is that bad. I thought was maybe even bigger than Manny Machottos. It's one thing. Walk offs are fantastic, but the game was tied at that point. When you're behind and know we lose in three outs, if we don't do something to fight back from an O2 deficit in the count. And to do this was one of the biggest moments of the season. Pay off pitch to pro far jerks and swings, hits it in the year to deep right. McCarthy is back. He is at the wall. He leaps. Gonna go. Tied again. And in the bottom of the ninth inning, it's pro far eight, eight. But of course, it's pro far. Of course, it's pro far. The weekend he, uh, you know, after he finds out he's going to the all-star game just keeps it going, which was absolutely incredible and maybe even a bigger moment. But of course, you know, the walk offs are even better. Uh, you know, Jake works the walk and Manny comes up and does his thing, which, um, you know, Manny has, it's almost been quiet how hot he got over the last kind of, without anyone even really noticing. Finally, I noticed, I know you noticed, but finally playing like Manny Machano over the last four weeks and you crossed your fingers, whatever you need to do, the longer this lasts, the longer that Manny can keep it going. Hopefully through the rest of this season, you know he can carry the San Diego punches. We've gone through those numbers in the past, not just this season, but in seasons past when Manny gets hot, he can carry the pond race and, um, it was such a moment, you know, my family were sitting around this little phone, all watching it together and going absolutely crazy. So let's go back and listen to all of the calls. We'll start with Jesse, the walk off from Friday night for Manny Machano. See what is said. Here's the pitch. And Machano swings, hits it in the air, deep to left field, way back. Good to go from gut punch to walk off second home run of the inning for the Padres and Manny Machano wins it with a two run homer. Unbelievable. He leaned the lean back on that was so gangster when he did it. I mean, I was my whole family was asleep. So I was doing the that bit of like jumping around like I couldn't scream and and even on a little tiny phone, once I saw that lean back, the lean back was so good. This is this is going. This for sure is going on the eve of his birthday too. So cool. And then he rounds the bases and that fan comes in and gets just trucked by security. Talk about that. Holy cow. And the funny part was was that kid ran in and he obviously was, you know, caught up in the moment, right, which I guess happens, but Manny started to like dance with it for a second. Then he goes like those old school Hank Aaron home runs runs on the field and he's bowling them over and remember Morgana, the kissing band who would come and you know, like give the players guys as they're rounding the bases. They don't really allow that anymore. I don't know why they ever did, but they don't allow that anymore. I'm glad that they don't. But this guy came about as close as you can get to actually celebrating with the team before everyone realized he's not supposed to be here. Right. We need to do something about this gets truck Brandon says, is there ever a moment important enough that you'd wake the kids up to watch the finish perfect game? No, never, ever, because then you gotta get them ever, never, ever. My those two, one of them's here today that they're watching his iPad. Well, Holy cow, no, no, my dad had fallen asleep and then my mom wasn't sure what to do, but she decided to let him sleep. But then the morning comes and it's, you know, it's like six thirty eight. Why don't you wake me up? He still doesn't know. So she says, I'm kind of poking him to see if he's a way going. You need to, you need to know what happened last night. Steve went to sleep. It's happening. How many walkups do we have? Well, what's your like nine? It's happening to him. What was the score when you went to bed last night? It was seven to two. Did they not win 72? Oh, no. Oh, no, that's not, that's not the final score. So your dad, your dad just called it. Oh, we got this one in the bag. I'm hitting the side. I know there are tons of Padres fans out there who did that on Friday night long week. You're tired. I was, I was close. You're ready to turn in at seven to two. What, what could go wrong at that point? Well, a few weeks ago, we were up 10. And I put the joke out on Twitter. And I said, yeah, I'm enjoying this 10 run lead. But we all know if you've watched this team this year, Robert Suarez will get up. Now he didn't that game. It was a 10 run lead. And we, I think we gave up a couple maybe, but we didn't have to get him up. But it's been a thing. We asked Mike Schilt about it. He was visibly upset about the question as he usually is when I asked him anything. He was mad about that because he last three are hard to get, man. I'm like, yeah, Brian, I know. But there's got to be somebody that you can count on with that. You got to be able to give big, big game Bob, you know, a night off. And we did the numbers on how much he's been used. It's not that much in comparison to other top closures. Emmanuel Claus. He's got more mileage on him. But I wonder if Claus a gets up and warms up every game because that's what it feels like with, with Robert Suarez has had a couple of weeks where they haven't needed him that have kind of minimized his usage. But when they have used him, it's been pretty hot and heavy, pretty intense, and not something that you want to keep trying to sustain over the course of the season. No question about it. And you know, I just, I realized those are the toughest ones to get. They are. They are in any league ever. They're the worst ones to get. That's why elite closures are elite, but it should never have been there. And I just, if you're Mike Schilt right now, you're, you're thinking to yourself, what lead is safe for this team? And it just, you, you can't have that obviously moving forward. So Jesse's call of the walk off was outstanding. Don's was, I mean, I thought an all-timer. That's the one that we heard as we were streaming the TV broadcast. I mean, just unbelievable work by Don or Sillow here. In the air with the buzzers. That ball is back and it's headed into it. See it's at the hands. And a potato walks it off. Unbelievable. Just perfect. Great call by Don. The opposite, of course, would have been the, the Arizona Diamondbacks team broadcast, which went, let's just say minimalistic after they're raising the top of the they're thinking this is going to be the, the, the wind that turns their season around. And it just, uh, didn't end well for them. Way holds. Everybody holds. And literally that was it. We could play it for another 30, 45 seconds. They don't say another thing. They just acknowledged that this did not end the way we thought it was going to end. Yeah. I mean, what a, what an incredible comeback for them. I mean, and, and again, they, they, it's weird. They lost that game, but they used that momentum of coming back in the ninth inning. And you know, the next night we're able to hold us off. And that was a, I mean, that game, I thought for the first time I let myself think they're actually going to pull this off. They loaded the base and they had to run in. It was seven, five after they had given up. What? Three in the top of the ninth. It was 10th. And I thought they're going to do this. They're going to do this. Yeah. They had it. They had an opportunity to do it. And you know, again, they said, what has been the standard line? And I think I start, I'm starting to believe it. Jake said it the next day. We put ourselves in a position to win the game. And we didn't get the job done, but we continue to keep putting ourselves in positions to win the game. We're going to win those more often than not. And honestly, like you hear a lot of coach speak, player speak from every clubhouse. I believe it with this team. I think in their minds, they think, Oh no, if we can get, if we can get the tying run to the plate, that's mission accomplished. Yes, you want to win the game, but they also know they're not going to win every game. We put ourselves in a position to win that game. We didn't get the job done. It's okay. We're going to try it again the next day. Now, the next day they went out and got bodied nine to one, but you know what I'm saying? Like it's a mentality. You know, I watched until Suarez's home run that made it three to one. And then I was kind of pooling and doing time with the family and the boys. That was a good game until the very end. They could have won that. They listen, four hits isn't going to get it done. Ryan Nelson is is had been nothing to write home about, but he was he pitched off his ass and we just didn't hit the ball. We didn't strike out a ton. We didn't strike out a ton, just kind of hit balls at people and and cease did have a good bounce. He did. He was really good lead off home run, but was pretty pretty darn good after that. Well, and you know, listen, again, I did see people yelling at Shilt for leaving him in to give up that to run Homer. But again, man, who do you go to? We saw who he went to. Right. Do you go to? It's just good. They clearly need help, a reset, arrest, whatever it is, but we're not going to go anywhere Ben without pitching. And we got to get some more of it. We got two more calls left from Friday nights, Manny Machado walk off. Let's go to Eduardo Ortega, Ponte, Spanish language broadcast. [speaking Spanish] Whoa. Hotline. That's not funny. That's not funny. Yeah, he had the night off or something. That was not, that was definitely not Eddie. That was Spanish language. And then of course, the Korean guys, I haven't heard this one yet. Have not heard either. So I'm looking forward to this one. [crowd yelling] So let me get this straight. Manny Machado, the Manny Machado hit a walk-off home run. This is Manny Machado. On Friday, then you guys did not play a single piece of audio related to said walk-off home run. No, and really, I don't think he can blame us at this point. I think you have to blame the San Diego Padres for that one because we did the math that was six straight Sunday losses for the team. And again, somebody had actually, after that win on Friday night, which was epic. It was amazing. It was so good and awful. It was awful. I mean, that gamut of that 15, 20 minute run there at the end almost killed a lot of people in this town. But somebody said, "Bro, Woodsy, can you guys please play the good game from the weekend on Monday instead of the bad game?" And I thought to myself, you know, it didn't feel right to me to come in and be like, "Hey, listen, I know we lost Saturday and got bodied yesterday. Let's talk about the positives." Because, well, let's be honest, people don't really like the positives. And I wasn't feeling positive after those last two losses. I wasn't. Those were big games, Benny. I thought we needed to win. But, you know, with Flynn coming in and he was going to, you know, two hours with us. I just, we talked about the losses. We talked about the bullpen. Both are true. Those were big games because they've given the Arizona Diamondbacks some new life in the wild card race, a team that you do not want chasing, you know, trying to chase you down the second half of the season. Really don't. And there's got the experience. They came back yesterday and blew a late 21 lead. They gave up two in the ninth, one in the 10th and one in the 11th to Lucy the Atlanta Braves. So, Padres aren't the only one with the merchants on, you know, not winning games that you feel like they should have won. So, Padres, two and a half games up for that last wild card spot. But I am going to use my authority and my positivity. Good. It's fine. When we come back from traffic to bring you back to Friday nights, walk off when featuring the drama of the most incredible ninth inning, you know, in some ways baseball is ever seen. There's certainly some historic things that happened in that ninth inning that we have not seen in baseball before. So, we'll get to that right after this check of traffic on 97 three, the fan. Now, it's not entirely true. We did talk about this game for a few minutes yesterday, but that was when we had a Sam Levitt on, we had him on an hour earlier. That's a whole nother story. Yeah, 20 minutes. We're going to dive into a lot of Sammy's appearance. We got to get to the bottom of some things and you're going to be really surprised here. So, on Friday night, the one thing that you might not enjoy about where we spent our vacation is it's, you know, it's out in the country. They're trying to have you get away from city life, as it were. So, televisions. But, you know, you can use your phone and the internet's a little spotty, but we were able to on Friday night, call up the game was watching it on my phone. And really, at that point, I had just dinner was over. I just wanted to see him close out. What I thought was going to be a pretty simple seven to two victory. And my brother, my mom, we're kind of sitting on the patio. We've got the phone. We're all huddled around just to see what we think is going to be the final out. And then, of course, any old day, Los Santos loads the bases up and we're going, this is so typical Padres. They've got to get Robert Suarez up. And you think the worst of it is, is that they had to put Robert Suarez into the game. Right. That's where you think that's, that's the damage is done already. Yes. You feel like you have that game one easily. You're just bummed that Suarez has even got to get up, get the heavy ball out, start doing his calisthenics. You, you, he should be in the bullpen going. But that's the extent of it. I got off. You know what? We just blew that, could have had a nice easy, simple seven to two win rest to the back of the bullpen. Now, it's probably going to affect the next couple of games. And it may have actually, but it actually did affect that night's game as well. Of course, Alec Thomas, it's the grand slam. Then you get the second out and you're going, Oh, it's a little more nervous than I want it. But I think they're going to close it out. Corbin Carroll doubles and then Randall Grichuk coming up as a pinch hitter, which no one understood why. And it was, what was the reason they had back spasms or something? Oh my god. Because people were like, Tory LaVolo is the greatest manager in the history of baseball, but he didn't have a choice there yet. No, but Grichik. And Grichik, of course, is a noted pottery killer who gets two strikes. Okay, one strike away. There's, they're going to survive this. Hits the home run. Was that a change up? He hit out. I think it might have been to the Western Metal Supply Company. So all of a sudden, it's a six running for the Diamondbacks. You're down eight to seven. You're in hell. We are in hell. And at this moment, you're having a crisis of confidence as a pot raise fan, because the historic pot raise fan in you has already chalked this up as one of the most devastating losses you can remember of any season, not just this season, but any season. And then there's the slight optimist that goes, but hold on. Maybe these pot raise are different. We've seen signs that this year's team is different from other pot raise teams of recent vintage where they don't, they take a punch, they get back up. They are, they're counter punching. They can come back even from bad circumstances and find a way to win the game. Jerkson Profar is that bad. I thought we may be even bigger than Manny Machottos. It's one thing, walk-offs are fantastic, but the game was tied at that point. When you're behind and know we lose in three outs, if we don't do something to fight back from an O2 deficit in the count. And to do this was one of the biggest moments of the season. Pay off, it's the Profar. Jerkson swings, hits it in the year to deep-right, but currently is back. He is at the wall. He leaps. Good to go. Tied again. And in the bottom of the ninth inning, it's Profar, eight, eight. But of course, it's Profar. Of course, it's Profar. The weekend he, you know, after he finds out he's going to the All-Star game just keeps it going, which was absolutely incredible and maybe even a bigger moment. But of course, you know, the walk-offs are even better. You know, Jake works the walk and Manny comes up and does his thing, which, you know, Manny has, it's almost been quiet how hot he got over the last kind of without anyone even really noticing. Finally, I noticed, I know you noticed, but finally playing like Manny Machano over the last four weeks and you crossed your fingers, whatever you need to do, the longer this lasts, the longer that Manny can keep it going, hopefully through the rest of this season, you know, he can carry the San Diego ponters. We've gone through those numbers in the past, not just this season, but in season's past when Manny gets hot, he can carry the ponterase. And it was such a moment, you know, my family were sitting around this little phone all watching it together and going absolutely crazy. So let's go back and listen to all of the calls. We'll start with Jesse, the walk-off from Friday night for Manny Machano. See what is said. Here's the pitch. And Machano swings, hits it in the air, deep to left field, way back, good to go. From gut punch to walk-off, second home run of the inning for the ponterase and Manny Machano wins it with a two run homer. Unbelievable. He leaned, the lean back on that was so gangster when he did it. I mean, I was, my whole family was asleep. So I was doing the that bit of like jumping around, like, I couldn't scream and, and, and, even on a little tiny phone, once I saw that lean back, you know, I mean, so gangster, dude, this is going, this for sure is going on the eve of his birthday too. So cool. And then he rounds the bases and that fan comes in and gets just trucked by security. Talk about that. Holy cow. And the funny part was, was that kid ran in and he obviously was, you know, caught up in the moment, right, which I guess happens, but Manny started to like dance with it for a second. Then he goes, oh, like those old school Hank Aaron home run runs on the field and he's bowling them over. And then remember Morgana, the kissing band who would come and, you know, like give players, kisses as they're rounding the bases. They don't really allow that anymore. I don't know why they ever did, but they don't allow that anymore that they don't. But this guy came about as close as you can get to actually celebrating with the team before everyone realized he's not supposed to be here. Right. We need to do something about this gets truck Brandon says, is there ever a moment important enough that you'd wake the kids up to watch the finish? Perfect game? No, never, ever, ever, because then you have to get them back. Never, ever, never, ever, my, those two, one of them's here today that they're watching his iPad. Well, holy cow, no, no, my dad had fallen asleep and my mom wasn't sure what to do, but she decided to let him sleep. But then the morning comes and it's, you know, it's like six thirty eight. Why don't you wake me up? He still doesn't know. So she says, I'm kind of poking him to see if he's away going, you need to, you need to know what happened last night. Steve went to sleep. It's happening. How many walkups do you have? What's your life? Nine? It's happening. I haven't seen any of them. What was the score when you went to bed last night? It was seven to two. Did they not win 72? Oh, no. Oh, no, that's not, that's not the final score. So your dad, your dad just called it. Oh, we got this one in the bag. I'm hitting the side. I know there are tons of Padres fans out there who did that on Friday night long week. You're tired. I was close. You're ready to turn in at seven to two. What, what could go wrong at that point? Well, a few weeks ago, we were up 10 and I put the joke out on Twitter and I said, yeah, I'm enjoying this 10 run lead, but we all know if you've watched this team this year, Robert Suarez will get up. Now he didn't, that game. It was a 10 run lead. And we, we, I think we gave up a couple maybe, but we didn't have to get him up. But it's been a thing. We asked Mike Schultz about it. He was visibly upset about the question as he usually is when I asked him anything. He was mad about that way because these last three are hard to get, man. I'm like, yeah, bro, I know, but there's got to be somebody that you can count on with that. You got to be able to give big, big game Bob, you know, a night off. And we did the numbers on how much he's been used. It's not that much in comparison to other top closures. Emmanuel Claus, he's got more mileage on him. But I wonder if Claus, a gets up and warms up every game. Because that's what it feels like with, with Robert Suarez has had a couple of weeks where they haven't needed him that have kind of minimized his usage. But when they have used him, it's been pretty hot and heavy, pretty intense, and not something that you want to keep trying to sustain over the course of the season. No question about it. And you know, I, I just, I realized those are the, the toughest ones to get. They are, they are in any league ever. They're the worst ones to get. That's why elite closers are elite. But it should never have been there. And I just, if you're Mike Shilt right now, you're, you're thinking to yourself, what lead is safe for this team? And it just, you can't have that obviously moving forward. So Jesse's call of the walk off was outstanding. Don's was, I mean, I thought on all-timer, that's the one that we heard as we were streaming the TV broadcast. I mean, just unbelievable work by Don or Sillo here, unbelievable, just perfect. Great call by Don. The opposite of course would have been the, the Arizona Diamondbacks team broadcast, which went, let's just say, minimalistic after they're raising the top of the air, they're thinking this is going to be the, the, the wind that turns their season around. And it just, uh, didn't end well for them. Way holds. But Sillo sends everybody home. And literally that was it. We could play it for another 30, 45 seconds. They don't say another thing. They just acknowledge that this did not end the way we thought it was going to end. Yeah. I mean, what a, what an incredible comeback for them. I mean, and, and again, they, they, it's weird. They lost that game, but they used that momentum of coming back in the ninth inning. And you know, the next night we're able to hold us off and that was a, I mean, that game. I thought for the first time, I let myself think they're actually going to pull this off. They loaded the base. They had to run in. It was seven, five after they had given up, what, three in the top of the ninth, or a little tenth. And I thought they're going to do this. We got there going to do this. Yeah, they had it. They had an opportunity to do it. And you know, again, they, they said, what has been the standard line? And I think I start, I'm starting to believe it. Jake said it the next day. We put ourselves in a position to win the game. And we didn't get the job done, but we continue to keep putting ourselves in positions to win the game. We're going to win those more often than not. And honestly, like you hear a lot of coach speak, player speak from every clubhouse. I believe it with this team. I think in their minds, they think, Oh no, if we can get, if we can get the tying run to the plate, that's mission accomplished. Yes, you want to win the game, but they also know they're not going to win every game. We put ourselves in a position to win that game. We didn't get the job done. It's okay. We're going to try it again the next day. Now, the next day they went out and got bodied nine to one. But you know what I'm saying? Like it's a mentality. I watched until Suarez's his home run that made it three to one. And then I was kind of pooling and doing time with the family and the boys. That was a good game until the very end. They could have won that game. Listen, four hits isn't going to get it done. Ryan Nelson is is had been nothing to write home about, but he was he pitched off his ass and we just didn't hit the ball. We didn't strike out a ton. Yeah, strike out a ton. Just kind of hit balls at people. And and Cease did have a good bounce. He did. He was really lead off home run, but was pretty pretty darn good after that. Well, and you know, listen, again, I did see people yelling at shilt for leaving him in to give up that to run home. But again, man, who do you go to? We saw who he went to. Right. Who do you go to? It's just good. They clearly need help, a reset, arrest, whatever it is. But we're not going to go anywhere Ben without pitching. And we got to get some more of it. We got two more calls left from Friday nights. Manny Machado, walk off. Let's go to Eduardo Ortega, Pontry, Spanish language broadcast. Sarah Kondo's like winter, but I'm a child of weight in linear. And so into the ratio, you're a machado. Was my ass. I never had a casa. But I don't have any scared though. Let us do a lot of speed. My child. Oh, this is a new. Whoa. Hot. My. Well, I'm going to go to the bottom of the machado. Una corner. The quadro in parables. That's not that's not any. Yeah. The night after something. That was not that was definitely not Eddie. Yeah. That was Spanish language. And then, of course, the Korean guys. I haven't heard this one yet. Have not heard it either. So I'm looking forward to this one. You know, we're starting to play somebody there calls. I'm starting to learn a little. Yeah, I know a little bit of I learned goodbye. Goodbye. I heard Manny. They seem to continue to ramp up their level of excitement. And you think that there's none left. They've already hit 10 on the scale of one to 10. But they they just leave a little bit in reserve for the next one that comes to see if they can add yet more enthusiasm to their walkoff calls. When was the last time you were that excited about anything? Anything at all. Anything. I don't know ever. I don't know. I'm more excited about weekly calls of walkoff wins than I ever get excited in my life about anything. It's a. Yeah. I mean, it was it was really, really hard. When the world serious, one of them's going to have. That's it. Just done. Just out. Are you not going to have a party? He's just going to pass out from excitement. But I I loved Friday night. And I yeah, Benny. It really now had they won on Saturday, we would have blown off Sunday entirely. We would have come in and talked about a series when we would have played all the great highlights to those two games back to back if they had one on Saturday would have been. Elite radio yesterday. I do apologize. All right. So what happened with Sammy Levin yesterday from trying to dig into the mystery of Sammy's appearance. If you missed it like I did, we'll get you caught up when we come back. Little take on woods next as well. Don't go away. More than woods coming up here on 97 three, the fan. 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