Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

7am Hour - Darvish To The Restricted List + Sam Levitt Joins The Show

Woods and Paul kick off the 7am hour continuing to talk about the announcement from the Padres on Saturday that Yu Darvish will be on the Restricted List indefinitely, and we give him nothing but our best wishes. Then we get to "Don't (And DO) Do This" before we're joined by In-Season Sammy for our weekly conversation about the Padres weekend! Listen here!

Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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this is this is jackson marle that's all star jackson marle to you this is why we are the san diego soft media our buddy adio roister uh... who's it lives in filly pottery span says can i just say the way you talk about you you too and the chat is not how it would play on filly radio which is why i freaking love this team its fans and its sports guys and gals yeah i i take that as a a huge compliment because at the end of the day while we all bleed it and we live it and we diet we plan our days around it we plan our lives around we plan our finances around it we spend fortunes fortunes to watch and root for uh... this team at the end of the day just a game just entertainment don't call me when you get your boat freaking filly i mean do you really think if one of their guys went on the the restricted list for a personal matter that they would roast him would they are that there are actual people like that we know that it is it is it real or is it is it a bit be like is it on i have to play to the filly fans and i can't get on the air and be like hey we love you darvish we hope everything works out for him i'd like to see a wrap my head around and it's just not how i'm wired that's not how i roll i am sympathetic and empathetic to to all of that they are human beings and i i'd forget it is that i'd forget it like the next guy like some of the things i say in the moment when i'm watching you know bright johnson hit the big moment is not how i really am and how i really feel right i think probably a great kid with a great family it's a little overmatched ok it happens like it's not the end of the world it's a very difficult game you know when it when it comes to you darvish man you want to talk about a guy with skins on the wall who's earned it who's a kind kind excellent human being uh... that's the one that you know there's there's guys i did take all the time you need bro just get what get your head right whatever it is and come on back to be one of the best pictures to put on a pardry's uniform of all time no question is one of the best pictures of of my generation certainly and he's just he's incredible so the man loves being a pardry i i get that sense oh yeah big time hundred percent it love he loves the community like he's earned it yeah he's earned it so absolutely earned it and he's a dog he wants the ball hundred percent he wants to be back out there as soon as possible i just i just you know that that's just not something i'm going to do is come on here and and really speculate i saw so much so awful awful stuff yesterday about it and just kind of kind of made me mad and sad but listen uh... you darvish take all the time you need and uh... me you know in the in the meantime you darvish and you darvish alone was not going to to fix the pitching was for the san diego pardry's and you know we were just talking about how the bullpen really was roughed up and and you know with with the injury to joe musgrove and with you being out now yeah man you got you got three starting pictures for five spots essentially and you're having to move things around you do have some off days but you're also counting on adam measure to come out and give any so uh... you know you said she'll was yeah we're still kind of thinking about what we're going to do all right fine but i mean everyone saying you know we need a d_f_a_ this guy and d_f_a_ this guy and d_f_a_ this guy and we got a call this guy up i just don't know who's knocking on the door ready to roll you know right now and that's something that uh... is way above my pay grade but it's it's a j preller shop and he's the one that's got a figure that you would hate to waste you know the magic that we're seeing out of this team again it's finally this they're finally the team that we've been wanting to see and again i know the record doesn't necessarily indicate dominance but all my god is there anybody out there that can honestly say i don't know it did just not not that good and there's so much fun they play so hard they never quit i mean it's just it's tough for me to stomach that i'm trying to remember exactly what happened this happened with like a year may last year maybe two years ago the seattle mariners i think we had softie our buddy up from seattle yet on the show because there were like there was a outrage from the players like they went to the media and they said they were so mad at the front office do you remember this i do that they didn't make a trade it was calrally or something i was i was like like they didn't go out and acquire the time and they were very similar to this pod race team they were um they were above expectations they were in a playoff spot but they needed some reinforcements for sure you could read the right writing on the wall like they needed another arm and then and office didn't go out they didn't believe in that group of players and the players were pissed and it was the rangers their division rival who did go out and make a bunch of moves and they were so so hot about it and uh yeah i just that's you can't you can't have that you can't have it you're going to run out of time so i i understand also that aj preller over the years has has painted himself into this kind of corner of continuing to acquire acquire acquire trade prospects for trade prospects for morning and it's like i don't want to get on here and be like no no no trust me this time it's going to work i i realize how that sounds i do i'm not a moron and i i feel hesitant to even say it but i feel it and i know a lot of pottery fans uh feel it too you know what i mean i i just that's how i feel uh they're so fun to watch they're grinding hard they're playing hurt they're they're they're really really playing together so yeah you'd hate to let this one wouldn't go by we got anybody on line poly yeah we got a couple calls let's fuck some part race with uh about robert i believe robert you're on the air robert good morning my friend hey guys how you doing doing well man how about you uh do brother well but i just want to know how long do you think you will take his view of absence you know we were talking about it i i really don't know it's it's up in the air but again one thing you'll one thing i can promise you about you darners i promise you and i don't think i'll have to eat my words here he's not going to disappear whatever he's going through right now he's going to let the potteries know one way or the other if he's available to pitch and available to come back and be 100 committed to the team i don't know what the issue is it's really hard for me to speak on it because i don't know what's going on like i said i've seen speculation i don't it's all speculation until he confirms it or the potteries confirm it and we may never know exactly what's going on with you darvish but all we have is like what kevin ac wrote we just read it in our last segment if you missed it though you know it's basically like there's a possibility that he doesn't return the season correct like they just aren't saying anything they're not saying how long it could be uh what's going on where he's even at if he's here if he's in japan they like nothing and that's fine it's not on us to we don't deserve to know that information yeah but he will let the team know so that they can plan and they said they're going to give him a couple weeks because they need to know before july 30th are we going after one picture two two pictures yeah four pictures yeah four like what's up here is what mike shilt said this was before saturday's game over the weekend just making the announcement you can take it for what he said all right so um he's going to um step away from the team a little while he's going to go on the restricted list he's uh dealing with a personal matter um involving his family um you know clearly we want to respect his privacy um he wants to make sure everybody knows you know he's physically in a in a good spot he's still working on his craft um but he is going to step away for right now and and deal with some things um on a personal level and we're going to love and support him he's part of the pudrey family um but uh at the moment he's going to take us to take a break from the team the restricted list is indefinite so you can you know we have no timeline on it um the only thing we want to do it the primary thing rather we want to do is just making sure you feels loved and supported by his by his pudrey family yeah i mean that's it that's all we know is uh what was his name Robert is he still in the line uh no he dropped him all right i was going to qualify him but well maybe louise can uh qualify hey guys yeah we got you buddy hey man tina i just want to say man really quick you darvish is probably the only guy one of the only guys who deserves as much time as he needs yeah for whatever reason he's going to what whatever it is we just need to think do you get well get better get right we got you we got you we love you man whenever you come back good for us get well buddy i know that's it man i all this stuff that i was reading that like you said uh uh would be was just garbage was just garbage and i i want you to would be well i want you to uh to come back to us you know as soon as possible of course but he needs to take the time whatever it is take the time you that's all i've got man thanks guys say stay on the line bro we're going to qualify you for the take on woods prize we would normally do take on woods here and that would normally be brought to you by valvoline instant oil change it only takes 15 minutes you don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts go to socal oil change dot com that's socal oil change dot com will qualify you for the uh to not get away to rio las vegas how about that so stay on the line uh louise now i think that's you know pottery fans for the most part or they get it they're they're understanding they understand that uh this is just one of those things that happens throughout the course of the season he's not the first person that this has happened to me won't be the last so in the meantime though you do have to find guys that can can go out and get outs uh as well and and that's that's a challenge it's a challenge in the market right now there's so many teams that are in it right now in the nl the price for any pitcher is just going to be sky high and we were talking about yesterday in a dugout of the tier one baseball team like who do you get who can you get you got to sure up the bullpen and i'm like well listen there's a couple of teams there was announcement made this morning essentially that barring some miraculous run the texas rangers are going to be met we talked about this last week business they're basically open for biz and i'm and you're haney max turser i mean old friend old friend curby eights as well i mean they're really five or six guys uh that they're going to make available i mean i guess that's a year it's probably easier to do a year after winning a world series but you know what like it's probably easier to stomach for the families you just want a world series it's also a bummer like oh i thought we were going to continue to build a little dye to build a little something here but that's how you do it man if you if you can assess where you're at and this is what's gotten us in trouble here well and and what they can sell some pieces and still have a hell of a quarrel oh yeah for next year and you just you restock they've got it they've got a really good good core there as well and it's just kind of um to bummer the guys in that club house the guys like cori see here mark asimian guys like that are like oh we're going to do the old the old sell but also like keep our core intact and and try to win and and really it's the smart thing to do like that's selling without a fire sale i think there's a couple of seasons that have gone by in uh a.j. preller's tenure where you could look at it and say probably should have done this probably should have done that can't do anything about it now right but you know last year knowing what we know yeah man being able to get rid of hater and and smell for a premium would have really really potentially set this team up for the future maybe i mean you never know you never know what you would have gotten back uh but it was probably the smart move we didn't we didn't because we had a huge payroll committed to winning so i i really can't fault a.j. for that yeah dug in and there now you took $92 million off the top and now you have a team that's playing way better and like way better baseball way more entertaining way more together than that team last year now you're in a pickle going oh god now i have to reward these or i want to reward these guys do i have the prospect capital to do it and that's going to be the most interesting interesting thing that we'll see we got it on in the studio they just went to break but they were talking about uh scuba from detroit yeah i mean that guy is maybe the best pitcher in baseball right now he's up there yep and he very well could be available but i just i mean i don't know a.j. preller's done he's moved mountains before with trades maybe he could get it done but it feels like that would cost an ethan sallis or a daverise at least one of those two are for sure going to have to be included in that package do you do that for three years of control i don't ask me this i have i mean you can't do both it's getting paid two and a half million this year nothing he's got three more years he's got two years of arb and then becomes a free agent yeah i know i know man it is uh it's what a.j. preller is probably sitting up at night thinking about what what do i need to do what could i fleece them for you you're going to need like whatever moves you make you're gonna have to there's gonna have to be a little fleecing involved in my opinion i mean you know people are wise to what the potteries need they're wise to what the potteries want but they're really wise to what the potteries have or don't have and of course the first thing is all right yeah we'll do that for solace and daverise right maybe one of them yeah gonna need gonna need both invasion can figure out how to get him over here and not give up either of those guys that's the fleecce you build the statue i mean at that point but it's just that's like trading for louise iris making the marlin's pay for it all he's gonna cost everything he's gonna cost everything you've got so uh yeah so we'll see we'll see how the trade deadline plays out we got the spring training sammy coming up uh at seven thirty five and then the great tim flanery will be in at eight tell some baseball stories talk about it uh all but listen we got don't do this uh coming up next and uh man i will tell you this was really interesting story that broke on friday i followed it pretty closely uh san diego soccer right now is is certainly a hotbed of uh of activity and and it's not all good news right now we're gonna tell you everything that's going on with the wave um that is just pretty gnarly to read and uh we'll do that next on don't do this we'll be right back it's bennen woods 97-3 the fan don't do this it's time for don't do this what were you thinking three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads why how many times do i have to tell you oh i'm sorry i fudged up guys you idiot moron so bad the apple sometimes does far fall from the tree don't do this do not tweet that with bennen woods i like a nickelback song or two on 97-3 the fan don't do this brought to you by the craft taco in serrano valley the craft taco has some of the best quality tacos in all of san diego go to the craft taco dot com take a look at their happy hour specials today the craft taco dot com i can uh give you two portly thumbs up on the craft taco it is delicious so yeah i i said friday because wednesday was our friday so that's like i keep saying oh this this came out on friday no it was actually wednesday me and brain talked about it a little bit uh on their show but i i did see uh an email uh come out or a tweet come out from a young lady named britney alvarado and it was in regards to um her treatment when she worked at the the wave and it was uh pretty tough to read you know talking about um her commitment to the team she moved across country um in and essentially things went bad right as as things sometimes do uh but she said since the team's inception over 30 employees have been fired or quit with nearly 75 percent of them being women underscoring the deep issues within the club many of these employees are hesitant to speak publicly about their experiences reflecting the widespread fear surrounding these issues um and and so you know she names the president jill ellis by name in the um in her tweet and the interesting thing to me was she also included an email uh that allegedly came from a high ranking official at the wave now that that email has been proven to be sent by somebody else outside the organization from a hot mail account that was that was they were masquerading as somebody inside inside the building essentially and it was really mean said you know you deserve to be out of here and whatever your pathetic yeah you're pathetic so but it wasn't just that it was it was more um more women speaking up there was another young lady bernadette o'Donnell said look this is all I can say but please know that nwsl employees deserve protection and safety we deserve to be believed she talks again about moving for her dream job her mental health she opened up to her boss about her mental health concerns and it was a very unhealthy work environment and um you know ended up not being employed there after three days after doing that and you know it's funny man is is somebody that has talked openly about my struggles with mental health i'm very thankful that adam and odyssey and you guys and everybody the audience you know it's it's to have that support to know i have that support feels spectacular uh the wave though what what kind of made the hair on the back of my neck stand up is when i saw uh when i saw their response their statement their statement came out pretty soon after her tweet it said san diego wave fc has been made of a recent social media post by a former employee contains inaccurate and defamatory statements about the club not only does the post contain a fabricated email but the claims made therein are categorically false including the ones directed at our president jill ellis we're currently reviewing this situation we intend to pursue all legal avenues available to appropriate appropriately address this matter and i thought to myself man whether that emails reel or fake you know you have several people talking about a toxic culture and i thought you just you just did a little bit of unraveling of of some good will maybe that you had in the community not to say that they can't write the ship and get things fixed and everything else but so many so many women were tweeting about there's certainly a different path they could have taken with that there's a different path and i think you could have said something like we strive to you know strive to correct environment for all of our employees these are serious allegations we're looking into it we're not taking it lightly uh there was an investigation last year i guess uh at the wave and and some of their front office practices and i guess they were cleared in that investigation so uh but again it's tough man and and if you've ever worked in a toxic work environment i certainly have it eats at you it eats at your soul i worked in one of the most toxic places on the planet and it almost killed me i mean it was where you get up in the morning and you have to physically drag yourself to the shower and it wasn't because i have the jobs hard i gotta make a bunch of phone calls it was no the people that i worked with my bosses would call you all kinds of slurs and this stuff if you didn't do this or that and it's just like holy smokes man and and you try to be you know macho and and grind through it there's just no place for it man there's just no reason it doesn't have to be that way um you know and the other thing that bugged me is i saw alex morgan come out and she was she crafted a really beautiful tweet and people were ragging on her that she needs to do more and you know what she's an employee of the wave it's not the employee's job to take shrapnel for the employer ever it's not my job to take shrapnel for odyssey in fact it's the other way around you know what i mean it's not my job to come in and defend if there's bad behavior to to defend that so really interesting story that came out um you know people are trying to get to the bottom of it um and it's just it really really blew up over the weekend so again to the to the women that were affected by it i'm glad you're still here you know many of them were talking about um you know that they didn't want to live anymore after that that's how toxic it was for them so i'm glad you're still here i'm glad you spoke out and and hopefully they can get in and clean clean it up you know that's that's what people are asking for accountability and and clean up your side of the street that's really it but we'll move on uh rough weekend for one colton brewer uh right-handed reliever for the chicago cubs he entered saturday's game in relief and uh it did not go well for him he got two outs and then was pole he was charged with three runs only one of them were earned two hits two walks and he hit a guy yeah and great day at the ballpark those outings happen for every butcher what you can't let happen is what he did when he got into the dugout and that was punching the dugout wall in frustration the day before and i don't believe these were padded walls because he broke his hand his left hand uh so i get not as throwing hand but still i mean yeah he is on the 60 day trial you're on the 60 now like it doesn't you're looking at like a mid september return at best and he just cannot have that my friend you know the the emotions of of underperformance it happens to all of us what is the best way what's the best way to take out your frustration if you're a pitcher or take a bat to the old water take a bat to the water cooler i mean these days you need to take it down the tunnel you want don't want anybody else to get hit with any shrapnel you don't want you know you don't want to hurt anybody else i've got it what is it i've got the solution every ballpark in major league baseball should install a rage room rage room right in the tunnel but can you get you've been to a rage room can you get hurt in there i think you can no i mean dude you're you're geared up head to toe you got the helmet with the mask by the time you broke in glass everywhere by the time you get all set up you're probably not even mad anymore you know what i mean like it's like fake rage at that point i get it man i've kicked the hell out of a trash can before i've definitely thrown a glove the old glove throw is pretty good yeah the glove thrown to the the bench is pretty good can't really hurt you like i don't even like like the throwing the bats because not the bat boys got to go out there and pick my up you didn't do it in wrong you know your messes but i think a rage room would solve a lot of problems they actually got a shot somebody got a picture of colton wong squaring up or colton wong colton brewer squaring up against the wall and it is it's like him after he hit the wall and yeah again not your throw in hand but stand dude and now you're out a really frustrating uh it was frustrating season in general for the Chicago Cubs i mean they the expectations were through the roof they have thoroughly thoroughly disappointed in every way uh and now this is a little bit more of a light hearted story but a brilliant one dd mega doo do probably actually brought this to my attention today i had not seen the uh the Yankees did a bobblehead day now bobbleheads are great my kids absolutely love bobbleheads we have a whole collection and they honestly they're like behind a like a lattice like you can see through it right but we don't they don't like they don't want we don't want to play with them i don't know why for kids not gonna be worth anything you know what i mean but they're there i think a lot of people everybody thinks their bobblehead's gonna be worth something someday i mean maybe like the show hey bobblehead and things like that but this one i think well you have to look it up on the email i'm telling the story but the Yankees did a giveaway and they did george castanza it's the first bobblehead like we've gotten bobbleheads from work i've gone i bought tickets on bobblehead night and it's cool to get it i've never felt like i need to go online and buy this bobblehead this one maybe i might buy this one how much is it i'm looking right now but they did a castanza bobblehead giveaway at yankee stadium and it was just it was phenomenal obviously you remember from seinfeld when he got the job with the Yankees and he all of a sudden becomes very smart and he's teaching the guys how to hit home runs and and making moves and making decisions within the organization it was brilliant bro they're going for like two hundred dollars a pop two hundred okay i was actually thinking they'd be a little bit more 200 is is doable for a castanza bobblehead so that was uh that was our do-do this i think that's a really good idea he wrote i'm so glad bobblehead george was a fan fave no i don't get anything for it except joy that 35 years after putting on those glasses people are still enjoying our work the show is a gift from you to us from us to you us to you maybe yeah thanks for keeping it alive he is is brilliant and one of the best giveaways i've ever seen one of the best characters on in television history if we were to do it here because we you know we do the players and i love some of the creativity they've had like joe and his dog was really good yeah nanda laurian is really really cool with for nando i love it um who would be like the san diegan that we did like who would it who would it be it has to be from pop culture so maybe like oh no it would be wouldn't it be ron burgundy yeah you say classy san diego it's unfortunate that that's i'm on burgundy that's absolutely accurate now there are other san diegans it would be amazing tony hawk would be incredible that'd be cool it'd be a really cool but it's not really pop culture he's an athlete you know so from pop culture san diego's pop culture they would probably do any better see he doesn't even claim us at all like i think he's they skipped us on the last tour like he as much as we want him to claim san diego he really is clamor he really doesn't he doesn't do it all he's like yeah chicago shadow anywhere but san diego like i think they skipped us again um so yeah i think it would probably be no you can't do blank the one of the guys the dodger fan there's no way pop culture would it's got to be anchor man it's got to be i don't want i'm not saying i want it i'm just saying that's what it would be it'd be a ron burgundy bobblehead probably by this castanza one before the ron burgundy i think i would too i'm very over anchor man i'm very very over it all right coming up in about uh what that was don't do this with bennon woods on 97 three the face speaking of uh pearl jam oh we got to have planary joining us at eight but next we'll talk to our pal in season sammy we haven't really talked about uh the all-stars yet and our our beloved five all-stars going to uh arlington texas excited to talk to us to in season sammy next he'll join us and we will catch chop it up with him and thank him again for his service on friday we'll be right back bennon woods 97 three the fan all right welcome back bennon woods 97 three the fan have you monday to you bennie still uh he's actually i think on his way back from sanabarbra right now he'll be back tomorrow got tim flannery joining us at eight and uh but right now after traffic we're going to check in with our pal in season sammy leavitt all right and joining us on the line now is our beloved beloved sammy leavitt sammy how are you pal good morning woodsy good morning paul good to be with you looking forward to uh hearing uh the the two hours with tim flannery i've been doing uh the last couple of days with the the plaudry celebrating that 1984 team i've been doing some research on that team and uh pretty pretty incredible team and the way they came back in the nlps to go to the world series and all that so i'm looking forward to the hearing those two hours coming up well there's nobody that tells a story like flan and uh we were we're really looking forward forward to it too on a monday but i want to do you know obviously sammy dropped the last two games after he after one of the greatest greatest nights at pet co park uh that we've i mean it's been so many of them this year friday night was just an elite elite night um you know they should it's one of those things we've been saying kind of regularly lately if you have to continue to walk teams off it means you might have done something wrong uh and they did they did i mean you coughed up a five run lead and had to come back and win it but what a moment it was for manny uh what a moment it was for the entire team it was just incredible on friday night yeah i mean it was just i mean what do you even say about that one inning alone right the rollercoaster it was and and losing the lead and having to bring Suarez in which um with you has happened way too often where the podge rates have had these big leads late and then somehow have to go get Suarez and bring him in on three days you know in a row and it didn't go well and you know i don't think that's the fault of robert you know he's pitching three days in a row and i thought came in in a really tough spot there you know although he did give up the two home runs and then obviously they they did what they've been doing at home for a while and that is just find ways and show fight and show grit and rise to the occasion i mean obviously the manny home run was special and was unbelievable but how about jerks and pro fall i mean i thought i thought his lead off home run in that ninth inning it totally changed the the tenor of that inning and and quickly number one sort of major breathe for a second and not necessarily forget about what happened at the top of the inning but really i thought in that moment major feel like they were going to win the game and i think something i talked to a lot of people about at the ball park on saturday and i i do think this is a real credit to this team and a real thing with this team you you really don't feel like they are out many games and they are out of any game late like i felt like a lot of people in that ball park and on the media side of things really really felt like even when they got down in the ninth like we looked at the part of the order coming up and you felt like they had a real shot that they were still come back and find a way to win it and quite frankly on saturday night i was sort of shocked they didn't find a way right yeah it was right there seeing them especially at home and especially lately just like the big hit in so many situations though saturday it was almost surprising they they couldn't get that one big hit and then that's right about that the final score of the game was not really indicative of of the game that it was i mean it's been pretty well picked right it was part of it i will lose the submarine sammy is back i'm gonna try to get you on a different try to get on the zoom link or something yeah give me one second sammy now he's right i actually i absolutely thought saturday night i in fact i wasn't even really worried i was more shocked that they didn't end up tying that game because that's how that's the brand of baseball they've been playing this year and it well again while it's exciting to watch and and uh it makes my blood pressure go through the roof it's not a sustainable way to play but man i'll take that you know it was one of those losses on saturday where i thought all right i mean you know you you battled your ass off and sometimes it's just not your night didn't get the big hit when you needed it but um yeah i didn't mind that one so much yesterday i did yesterday i didn't i did not like that game at all and just could not get anything going offensively against ryan nelson and so yeah but i i and friday it was so crazy i saw it was the first time in mlb history that there was a grand slam yep a go-ahead home run yep a game tying home run and a walk-off home was incredible in one in it it was incredible sammy you were there you were uh on the scene now it was a long day for you because you had to work the morning show because of the loads and he's dialing into the oh he's dialing into the zoom right now zoom right now just wait a minute and it'll be worth it because we'll have a much much better connection yes scuba sammy is what they're calling scuba sammy yeah it's underwater yeah well no he's he's joining i'm waiting for him to turn on his audio just wait that's fine we got no problem we're just hanging out i want to get a little breather here it is it's like sammy oh yeah no hey how you doing so much better so much better okay good i i i i'm so sick of this cell service inside my apartment i'm i'm just over it so it is what it is there there's literally there's about a five foot spot in my kitchen and i swear to you it's not like i'm standing in this spot where i have literally no service at all so there is something about this apartment i'm going to have to stop doing it from here i mean you know you're fine we're just going to do the zoom link even if you're just on the phone is just the audio that's fine you sound crystal clear right now okay great uh just to wrap up i wasn't you know saying anything super groundbreaking but look uh yeah look the the game on sunday obviously i think it was better pitch then uh you know what the final score was but look for as good as the win was on friday and it was awesome and it spoke volumes about what this team has been and their ability to rise to the moment rise to the occasion show great show fight they have certainly given you all of that and have shown they are a quite different group from what they were a year ago uh look i still thought it was at least a little disappointing to still not find a way to win the series i'm look credit to the diamondbacks i mean they had a brutal loss on friday and and came back and found a way to to win the next two so you know look am i going to go crazy over it no considering how well they played lately but i will say this and i think it goes back to you know what i said filling in for you guys on on friday morning and that's i i just feel that there are really you know two things that are important for this team right now and in the next week or so number one just finishing this first half on a high note and i'm not saying you got to go win the next five in a row but you know winning three out of five again two good teams that would be a really nice way to finish the half and and i just think for this group the way they're constructed right now the injuries the guys they're missing you just have to avoid letting two games become a skid two two losses in a row is not that big of a deal but you know two turning into three four five that's where things could get pretty tricky pretty quickly for this team and and look uh... we we sort of have that conversation last week when they lost the final game in boston in the first one in texas um and and they found a way to you know not allow that to become a skid i just think this team desperately needs to avoid the quote-unquote skid right now i do feel talking to sammy levin here on bed and what's this morning i do feel that this team and i and we're certainly not the only team in baseball that feels this way but i i do feel that we are on constantly the razor's edge right i just constantly feel like oh god oh god and and they've proven me wrong so many times you know me i'm not the most negative oh here we go again i'm not that person i like when they win i love when they win i celebrate the wins i celebrate the effort i celebrate all of it you know i love i love this team i really do but i do feel you circumstances beyond our control sammy that they're they're on the razor's edge right now i mean you got a beleaguered bullpenn that did not have a good series at all uh against arizona and now you know potentially out of measure on the bump tomorrow uh against the seattle mariners they got some really really good arms coming in it's it's it's you know it's it's precarious right now is is the word that i would use yeah i i totally understand it and and i'm with you i mean for as well as they've played as of late it does feel a little bit like that because of the injuries they're dealing with and and quite frankly and it's almost the credit to them because of some of these guys that have contributed in such a major way because of the jerks and pro-fars because of the jacks and marrels because of the don of in salanos because of the map wall drains and and you know randy vasquez i mean the last two starts have been really really good really good yep by the line drive in boston but he was he was really good before that half the other day was really good again and um look they have to their credit they have found a way to stay afloat through these injuries and you know through a rotation that has been banged up and through you know a bullpen that has been up and down aside from a couple of guys look the bullpen you know on the road script they were awesome yeah right yeah look at the you look at the two close games they won in texas the bullpen was actually fantastic for those two games and on the road trip they had a sub 1 e r a in six days and and it totally flips in this series against the diamond backs and obviously delo santos was was sort of a big part of it but there were other guys you know in that mix as well and you're right woodsy it's i i still don't think for as well as they played you know and i don't mean to pour any cold water on it but yeah the margin for error still is they still deal with these injuries and as far as bullpen and rotation look you would you would assume at some point in the next month there's going to be some help on the way one way or another what that's going to cause the Padres obviously we have no idea who that's going to be we obviously have no idea but but i'm with you it still sort of feels like until there's some help on the way yeah it's going to be this thing where it's like staying afloat until you can get get that help and obviously it sounds like there's a pretty good chance that the zander you know maybe back here soon and that's you know the first piece of help back on the way but i'm with you woodsy the the margin for error is still not very big but to their credit they have they have found a way to for more than than stay afloat they have and like i said i mean there's a there's a bunch of teams right now on that razor's edge as well guys are injured or not performing you know the mats are one of those teams the diamond backs one of those teams the giants are one of those teams um they're they're certain you know we were just talking about it in the last 10 games i mean if you look at it go to the national league go standings and look at last 10 it's it's it's media excuse me mediocre as you can get i mean five and five five and five five and five four and six four and six Padres Cardinals and Diamondbacks the only teams with a winning record over the last 10 games and it's just bananas to see so it in some sense makes it even a little bit more frustrating because it's like it's it's literally there for the taking you just got to go get it but do they have the pieces the pieces they do have though Sammy five five representatives going to the all-star game in uh in Arlington very very happy whole out crowd the whole outfield is sent the the area we all sat in here and said oh boy they are toasting the outfield well they're all all-star so again nobody knows anything Sammy but i'm very happy for these guys saw a lot of Dodger fans upset that Louisa rise is getting in for me the leader the hit leader should always go to the all-star game because hitting is very very very very hard it's very hard to do and he's got more than anybody that's a no-brainer for me i don't care what his war is yeah i like war it's fine but he's the hit leader he goes to the all-star game that's just how it works yeah i agree with you and look uh obviously the numbers for Louis over all the last handful of weeks haven't been as as stellar as as what they were but you still look at it the guy is hitting what as of yesterday three fourteen three fifteen i mean when a guy's hitting like that and you're right the hits leader in in his league i i'm with you on that and look they're just some remarkable stories from this team going to the all-star game obviously pro far is right there maybe the best story of this all-star game which is incredible and the jackson meryl stories is right there with them i mean you know i don't know if you guys read off that list that a.j kasville put out of players that you know in the last 40 years they've been younger than then jackson meryl who appear in an all-star game it's insane like it's greatness it's all the famers it is when you consider his his journey to this point the limited amount of experience in the upper levels in minor leagues learning center field the place he had never played done um it is simply remarkable and is a huge credit to him and even Robert Suarez guys i mean this was a guy who the pod race signed after pitching in japan and and i don't know that you know we all knew when he first got here really you know you know what he was going to be in the major leagues and and obviously has a great 2022 and it's stellar postseason and you know last year had his ups and downs and takes the role of josh tater and i don't care about friday in this conversation has been a rock yes absolutely rock or the whole pin and he talked he talked about the deserving all-stars he is right there as far as guys who who absolutely deserve to be there and even to tease i mean now that we know about the leg and basically that he's been playing on a compromised leg for you know but it sounds like months uh it's pretty impressive that he did what he did considering that so i think all of these guys have their own sort of unique and impressive uh journeys to this point but you know in particular i mean pro far merrill Suarez i mean they're just great stories and uh Sammy i love you thank you Sammy you're so much played off we love you we love you love you all right welcome back Ben & Woods 97-3 the fan i'd be monday to you Benny still uh he's actually i think on his way back from Santa Barbara uh right now he'll be back tomorrow got Tim Flannery joining us at eight and uh but right now after traffic we're going to check in with our pal in season Sammy Levitt all right and joining us on the line now is our beloved beloved Sammy Levitt Sammy how are you pal good morning woodsy good morning Paul good to be with you looking forward to uh hearing of the the two hours with Tim Flannery i've been doing uh the last couple of days with the the Padres celebrating that 1984 team i've been doing some research on that team and uh pretty pretty incredible team and the way they came back in the NLCS to go to the world series and all that so i'm looking forward to hearing those two hours coming out well there's nobody that tells a story like Flan and uh we really we're really looking forward forward to it too on a monday but i want to do you know obviously Sammy dropped the last two games after he after one of the greatest greatest nights at pet co-park uh that we've i mean it's been so many of them this year friday night was just an elite elite night um you know that they should it's it's one of those things we've been saying kind of regularly lately if you have to continue to walk teams off it means you might have done something wrong uh and they did they did i mean you coughed up a a five run lead and had to come back and win it but what a moment it was for manny what a moment it was for the entire team it was just incredible on friday night yeah i mean it was just i mean what do you even say about that one inning alone right the rollercoaster it was and losing the lead and having the bring Suarez in which um with you has happened way too often where the Padres have had these big leads late and then somehow have to go get Suarez and bring him in on three days you know in a row and it didn't go well and you know i don't think that's uh the fault of robert you know he's pitching three days in a row and i thought came in in a really tough spot there you know although he did give up the two home runs and then obviously they they did what they've been doing at home for a while and that is just find ways and show fight and show grit and rise to the occasion i mean obviously the manny home run was special and was unbelievable but how about jerks and profile i mean i thought i thought his lead off home run in that ninth inning it totally changed the the tenor of that inning and and quickly number one sort of major breathe for a second and not necessarily forget about what happened at the top of the inning but really i thought in that moment major feel like they were gonna win the game and and i think something i talked to a lot of people about at the ballpark on saturday and i i do think this is a real credit to this team and a real thing with this team you you really don't feel like they are out many games and they are out of any game late like i felt like a lot of people in that ballpark and on the media side of things really really felt like even when they got down in the ninth like we looked at the part of the order coming up and you felt like they had a real shot that they were still come back and find a way to win it and quite frankly on saturday night i was sort of shocked they didn't find a way right yeah it was right here seeing them especially at home and especially lately just like the big hit in so many situations so saturday it was almost surprising they they couldn't get that one big hit and then that's right it was that the final score of the game was not really indicative of of the game that it was i mean they just improved all this right and was started so i will lose the submarine sammy is back we're gonna try to get you on a different try to get him on the zoom link or something yeah give me one second sammy now he's right i actually i absolutely thought saturday night i in fact guy wasn't even really worried i was more shocked that they didn't end up tying that game because that's how that's the brand of baseball they've been playing this year and it well again while it's exciting to watch and and uh it makes my blood pressure go through the roof it's not a sustainable way to play but man i'll take that you know it was one of those losses on saturday where i thought all right i mean you know you you battled your ass off and sometimes it's just not your night didn't get the big hit when you needed it but um yeah i didn't mind that one so much yesterday i did yesterday i didn't i did not like that game uh at all and just could not get anything going offensively against ryan nelson and so yeah but i i and friday it was so crazy i saw it was the first time in mlb history that there was a grand slam yep a go-ahead home run yep a game tying home run and a walkoff home that's incredible and one in it it was incredible sammy you were there you were on the scene now it was a long day for you because you had to work the morning show because of the loads dialing into the oh he's dialing into the zoom right now just wait a minute and it'll be worth it because we'll have a much much better connection yes scuba sammy is what they're calling him in the chat yeah it's underwater yeah well no he's he's joining i'm waiting for him to turn on his eye just wait that's fine we got no problem we're just hanging out i won't get a little breather here he is it's like sammy oh yeah no hey how you doing so much better okay good i i i'm so sick of this self-service inside my apartment i'm just over it so it is what it is that there there's literally there's about a five foot spot in my kitchen and i swear to you it's not like i'm standing in this spot where i have literally no service at all so there is something about this apartment i'm going to have to stop doing it from here i mean you know you're fine we're just going to do the zoom link even if you're just on the phone is just the audio that's fine you sound crystal clear right now okay great uh just to wrap up i wasn't you know saying anything super groundbreaking but look uh yeah look that the game on sunday obviously i think it was better pitch than uh you know what the final score was but look for as good as the win was on friday and it was awesome and it spoke volumes about what this team has been and their ability to rise to the moment rise to the occasion show great show fight they have certainly given you all of that and have shown they are a quite different group from what they were a year ago uh look i still thought it was at least a little disappointing to still not find a way to win the series i'm looking at the diamondbacks i mean they had a brutal loss on friday and and came back and found a way to to win the next two so you know look am i going to go crazy over it no considering how well they played lately but i will say this and i think it goes back to you know what i said filling in for you guys on on friday morning and that's i i just feel there there are really you know two things that are important for this team right now and in the next week or so number one just finishing this first half on a high note and i'm not saying you got to go win the next five in a row but you know winning three out of five against two good teams that would be a really nice way to finish the half and and i just think for this group the way they're constructed right now the injuries the guys they're missing you just have to avoid letting two games become a skid two two losses in a row is not that big of a deal but you know two turning into three four five that's where things could get pretty tricky pretty quickly for this team and look we we sort of had that conversation last week when they lost the final game in boston in the first one in texas um and and they found a way to you know not allow that to become a skid i i just think this team desperately needs to avoid the quote-unquote skid right now i do feel talking to sammy levin here on bennen woods this morning i do feel that this team and i and we're certainly not the only team in baseball that feels this way but i i do feel that we are on constantly the razor's edge right i just constantly feel like oh god oh god and and they've proven me wrong so many times you know me i'm not the most negative oh here we go again i'm not that person i like when they win i love when they win i celebrate the wins uh celebrate the effort i celebrate all of it you know i love i love this team i really do but i do feel the circumstances beyond our control sammy that they're they're on the razor's edge right now i mean you got a beleaguered bullpenn that did not have a good series at all uh against arizona and now you know potentially out of measure on the bump tomorrow uh against the seattle mariners they got some really really good arms coming in it's it's it's you know it's it's precarious right now is is the word that i would use yeah i i totally understand it and and i'm with you i mean for as well as they've played as of late it does feel a little bit like that because of the injuries they're dealing with and and quite frankly and it's almost a credit to them because of some of these guys that have contributed in such a major way because of the jerks and pro-fars because of the jacks and marles because of the donovan salanos because of the map wall drens and and you know randy vasquez i mean the last two starts have been really really really good yeah by the line drive in boston but he was he was really good before that half the other day was really good again and um look they have to their credit they have found a way to stay afloat through these injuries and you know through a rotation that has been banged up and through you know a bullpenn that has been up and down aside from a couple of guys look the bullpenn you know hey on the road script they were awesome yeah right and you look at the you look at the two close games they won in texas the bullpenn was actually fantastic for those two games and on the road trip they had a sub one e r a in six days and and it totally flips in this series against the diamond backs and obviously delo santos was was sort of a big part of it but there were other guys you know in that mix as well and you're right would see it's i i still don't think for as well as they played you know and i don't mean to pour any cold water on it but yeah the margin for error still is they still deal with these injuries and as far as bullpenn and rotation look you would you would assume at some point in the next month there's going to be some help on the way one way or another what that's going to cause the Padres obviously we have no idea who that's going to be we obviously have no idea but but i'm with you it still sort of feels like until there's some help on the way yeah it's going to be this thing where it's like staying afloat until you can get get that help and obviously it sounds like there's a pretty good chance that the zander you know maybe back uh here soon and that's you know the first piece of help back on the way but i'm with you would be the the margin for error is still not very big but to their credit they have they have found a way to to more than than stay afloat they have and like i said me there's a there's a bunch of teams right now on that razor's edge as well uh guys are injured or not performing you know the Mets are one of those teams the Diamondbacks one of those teams the Giants are one of those teams um they're they're certain you know we were just talking about it in the last ten games i mean if you look at it go to the national league go standings and look at last ten it's it's media excuse me mediocre as you can get i mean five and five five and five five and five four and six four and six Padres Cardinals and Diamondbacks the only teams with a winning record over the last ten games and it's just bananas to see so it in some sense makes it even a little bit more frustrating because it's like it's it's literally there for the taking you just got to go get it but do they have the pieces what the pieces they do have though Sammy five five representatives going to the all-star game in uh in Arlington very very happy whole out crowd the whole outfield is said the the area we all sat in here and said oh boy they are toasting the outfield well they're all all-star so again nobody knows anything Sammy but I'm very happy for these guys so a lot of Dodger fans upset that Luis Arise is getting in for me the leader the hit leader should always go to the all-star game because hitting is very very very very hard it's very hard to do and he's got more than anybody that's a no-brainer for me i don't care what his war is yeah i like war it's fine but he's the hit leader he goes to the all-star game that's just how it works yeah i agree with you and and look uh obviously the numbers for Luis overall the last handful of weeks haven't been as as stellar as as what they were but you still look at it the guy is hitting what as the yesterday three fourteen three fifteen i mean when a guy is hitting like that and you're right the hits leader in in his league i'm with you on that and look they're just some remarkable stories from this team going to the all-star game obviously pro far is right there maybe the best story of this all-star game which is incredible and the jackson meryl stories is right there with them i mean you know i don't know if you guys read off that list that aj castville put out of players that you know in the last 40 years they've been younger than then jackson meryl who appear in an all-star game it's insane like it's greatness it's all the famers it is when you consider his his journey to this point the limited amount of experience in the upper levels in minor leagues learning center field the place he had never played done um it is simply remarkable and is a huge credit to him and even Robert Suarez guys i mean this was a guy who the pod race signed after pitching in japan and and i don't know that you know we all knew when he first got here really you know you know what he was going to be in the major leagues and and obviously has a great 2022 and a stellar postseason and you know last year had his ups and downs and takes the role of josh tater and i don't care about friday and this conversation has been a rock yes absolutely rock or the whole pin and you talk you talk about deserving all-stars he is right there as far as guy who who absolutely deserved to be there and even to tease i mean now that we know about the leg and basically that he's been playing on a compromised leg for you know uh it sounds like months uh it's pretty impressive that he did what he did considering that so i think all of these guys have their own sort of unique and impressive uh journeys to this point but you know in particular i mean pro far marrow Suarez i mean they're just great stories and uh Sammy i love you thank you Sammy you love me you love you love you love you trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with north sides and bullion is you're not so secret ingredient you can skip the drive through and do dinner at home nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious affordable and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less visit to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home cooked weeknight dinners it's not fast food but it's so good