Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - Padres Get Bodied By Rangers

Ben, Woods, and Paul are here for you on a Wednesday morning! We start the show with a little foreplay as the guys get ready for a long holiday weekend, and we discuss how you feel about crying babies on an airplane. Then Ben sets the menu for today's guest-heavy show before we get to our Padres Wrap-Up and discuss last night's ugly 7-0 loss to Nathan Eovaldi and the Texas Rangers. Listen here!

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03 Jul 2024
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You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts. Everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score., we've done your homework. Well, welcome in, everybody. Ben & Woods, 97.3, the fans. Get our heads right on a Wednesday. That's really a Friday. If we're being completely upfront and honest with you guys, it's our Friday today. So I'm going to tell you right now. We've all got a little bit of vacation brain, which is fine. Which is fine. It's to be expected. You do too, just because you don't do this for a living, doesn't make you any better than us. I mean, we suffer from it as well. I know I'm halfway out the door as we speak. But listen, really exciting game to talk about last night, too. So that really pumped my nads to get out of bed and come in and talk about a two-hit shutout by the Texas Rangers. So yeah, you can see our reluctance this morning. But no, we're going to do our very best to deliver you some laughs and some honest opinions, like we always do. I'm Woodsie. That's Paul Reindel. He's the executive producer. Good morning, Paul Reindel. Hey, how are you? Fantastic. Benjamin Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor. Benjamin, how are you? Good morning. Special hello to everybody heading out on the roadways or heading to the airport. Yes. They say biggest travel week, perhaps like records setting this week with people heading out on vacation, using that, you know, not technically four-day weekend. But let's be honest, four-day weekend for a lot of people is a chance to kind of extend their summer vacation. So they say, airport's going to be as busy as it's been, record-setting days to start and end the week. So if you're out there, be patient, be kind. A lot of people hitting the roads and hitting the airports and, you know, heading out on summer vacation. I'm hitting the La Jolla Playhouse today at 2 p.m. For a little culture, the misses and I. Going to go get a little culture, a matinee performance. Going to that Johnny Cash show, I heard about that. The Ballad of Johnny and June. And my father-in-law got it for me. Now, here's the thing about, we've talked a lot on this show about, hey, planning stuff and having things planned. You guys know generally how I feel about it, right? Like I get a little bit like, oh, oh, OK. So he sends me this beautiful text message for Father's Day. And he's just the greatest guy. And he goes, I know you don't like stuff being planned for you. We can move the date if you want to. But I got you tickets, you and Hannah. We'll take the kids. I want you to see this. It's called the Ballad of Johnny and June. And I swear to God, if this was, hey, it's fiddler on the roof, I would have been like, Scott, come on. Please give them away. I don't want to go see fiddler on the roof. I don't want to see anything else. But because it's the Ballad of Johnny and June, I thought, all right, I bet you I enjoy this very much. I checked the runtime yesterday because I have to know these things. We talked last week about people that check the set lists. I have to know what I'm walking into. It's just how I'm wired. Some people don't. Whoa, my light just fell down. Sometimes it's just how it's wired, how people are wired. I'm wired to want to know exactly what to expect. So two hour and 15 minute runtime, which isn't bad. You go an hour with an intermission. Then you go an hour, intermission for 15 minutes. Grab a soda pop or whatever. It's Johnny Cash maybe an amphetamine. And then from there, you go and do the last hour and you're good to go. So I'm actually, I was kind of dreading it. Now I'm kind of excited. We're going to make a day of it and, you know, no kids. So it's going to be great. Walk the line really good movie. I imagine this is kind of a stage version of something similar. The funny thing is, is yesterday Bo and I were home and I put on, we watched a movie. Do you remember the movie, Benny? You probably do. Summer School with Mark Harmon. Not the one with Kirstie Allie's in it. Well, what am I thinking about the one with Rodney Dangerfield? That is back to school. Back to school. Summer School was Mark Harmon and he takes these degenerate kids that failed their, and he's got to teach them remedial English. They got to pass this big test. You don't remember this? It was a huge hit in our youth. Huge, huge. Paulie, have you ever even heard of Summer School? Do you know Mark Harmon is? Yes. Okay, okay, good. He was on CSI, yeah, yeah, that's right. So, Bo and I watched that. He loved it, thought it was great, and said, I don't ever want to go to Summer School. And I said, well, you know, study and you won't have to. Your old man had to do it a bunch in college. So we watched that and then I flipped over and there's a Johnny Cash documentary on that I'd never seen and I ended up watching most of that. So, good timing, he's got me in the mood to go see this. He's gonna spend the afternoon at the theater. I feel very fancy. Mary. Sounds like a good time. I know, I'm excited. Very fancy. And by the way, former starting quarterback at UCLA, which is why I bring everything back to sports like I tend to do. That's where he got his beginning. So, yeah, he's, what do they call it? Silver Fox? Yeah, he's sharp. As they like to say, yeah, don't worry, you're fine. We can see you. There's light in here. Just wait until the break to try to fix your light. You're doing it wrong. Paulie says you're doing it wrong. Perfect. He thinks he's doing it right. I don't know why it would just fall off randomly. And that was, that was kind of unusual. But all the time, the world's in a perfect place. Well, while you're doing that, I want to bring this up, because I mentioned all the travel that's going on. And I saw this tweet yesterday. And people were kind of going crazy. I think it was actually from Instagram. It said, someone said traveling with a baby needs to have additional charges and approval from a doctor that the baby won't cry. If the baby cries, then penalties and charges need to be applied to the parent or family for the inconvenience they caused others who don't have babies. What do you feel about traveling with very young infants on airplanes? You know, look, I've said this many, many times. If we could stop our children from crying, we will it. Of course, we will. We absolutely would. We know the inconvenience that it causes. We feel it is deeply and bad, more than you. More than your inconvenience. What a parent goes through physically, physically, and not just mentally, physically on a plane when your kid is screaming. It's a physical pain that you feel. And it's not really, oh, my child might be in pain. It's everyone around me wants to kill me. And there's a visceral reaction you have. But the thing is, man, it's also the year 2024. I've got these noise canceling earbuds. I can't hear an effing thing, nothing. If I put these things on, my house could burn down around me. And I wouldn't know. I wouldn't hear the screams. And maybe you take your earpugs out and then you'll know that your baby's crying. But you know your baby's crying. I'm talking to the people on the plane. Put these in. They're not that expensive. I'd get Polly's perspective on this. Polly, who, like many people nowadays, you don't have children, which is more common than it used to be. We, of course, are parents. And obviously, we've traveled with our children. And there's always going to be, at some point, a bad moment. So I have empathy for people who are traveling with their kids. And they're not being good. They're crying. And there's not much you can do about it. As you said, Woods, it can be panicky. But I also see the perspective of, like, if you were making around a trip and you paid a ton of money for a flight and you're going on vacation, you want to have a good time. The last thing you feel like you should endure is someone who's sitting right next to you across the aisle. And the baby is screaming on a four-hour flight for wherever you're going. It's like, this is not what I wanted to do to get away on vacation. Yeah. Do you feel like the parents are-- Well, I don't expect them to leave their children at home. They're so home. Yeah. OK. So this, you have that perspective. I get that if, you know, I don't know what they're doing. If they're going to the Bahamas or something, like on a vacation, it doesn't matter. But like, they could be flying to go see family for a funeral. I don't know. They have to bring their children. There's really no way around that. And I don't fault them for it. I don't fault them for the baby crying on the plane. Babies are going to cry. It's very annoying. It makes me want to die. And if I'm sitting in 34A and somebody sits next to me with a newborn, my immediate reaction is, oh, god, here we go. No, it's so is mine. And I have two kids, but mine is too. But then it's like-- But I recognize also that the parents, like nobody, is more mortifying than the parents. I think there's a phenomenon, though, where people who don't have kids look at parents and they say, kind of selfish for bringing their kids along, you know, impacting me, who chose not to have kids. Like, I made that decision. But I also think that people who have kids sometimes look at people who don't have kids and like, well, that's a selfish decision. You're not-- Sure. We're propagating the species. And you're just, you know, enjoying your life without children. But we're, you know, trying to kill the human race going. That just comes from a place of sheer jealousy. That's all that comes from. It's like, oh, you guys on a couples trip? No kids. How much intercourse do you think you're going to have in the Bahamas? Because I promise you, I'm having none. Zero. I probably won't sleep. Bro, we're doing a staycation this weekend and at a hotel. I'm not going to get a lick of sleep or a relaxing-- nothing. This isn't-- it's, again, it's a trip. That's all it is. It's a trip. It's not a vacation. Planes are one thing because, like I said, you don't know why anybody's traveling. Like, that's kind of the only way to get somewhere sometimes. Yeah, right. But I think it's totally different. You can feel totally different if you're sitting at Petco Park. You go to the movies or something. Take it out. And then somebody sits next to you with a newborn. You're like, what the hell are you doing here? That, of course, the baby's going to cry. They're blasting music, loud at Petco Park, or whatever. Like, of course your baby's going to cry. I shouldn't have to deal with that. No, and listen, I kind of feel the same way, too, when I go to Vons. And I'm like, oh, cool. You do have your golden retriever in here, amongst our food and stuff. Like, when I walk into restaurants, I'm like, I love dogs, too. But that is a massive German shepherd walking through here in this restaurant. It happens everywhere. We've talked about it before. The lack of self-awareness is what really hurts the human race. It really is. It's the-- my kids cry-- if you guys have ever been with me, and my kids start to cry at a restaurant or anywhere, you know where I go? Right outside. Parking lot. Yeah. Now, on a plane, you can't really do that. But like, I mean, bro, I will eat my meal outside at a restaurant if the kids won't sell it. But if I'm on a plane, and there's a baby, and the parents seem like they're doing everything they can to try to calm the child. Pacifier, blanking, whatever, you know, doing whatever they can. And it's just not working. I'm not going to get mad about it. I'm going to understand they're trying, at least. If now, if they're just doing nothing, it's like, OK, you're just letting them cry it out. OK, that will bother me, even as a parent. Cody said, I saw they have hushing device for babies now. Hushing device. Yeah, they do. And yeah, we put it right next to our-- Is it like that Hannibal Lecter mask? It's like a little thing, and it just goes-- A muzzle? It goes-- Pshhh. Pshhh. So you don't have to do it yourself? Yeah. And you get it, and you put it next to your kid. It's a sweet thought. It doesn't work a lot. But you know, Beau had-- Beau was colicky. He didn't sleep for six months. You guys remember? I mean, I was like-- I was like, it was like, this guy's going to go off the deep end. Remember I almost beat that guy up? That's because I hadn't slept in six months. And we had the hushing device. You couldn't do anything with him without him. [SCREAMING] Everywhere we went. I looked at Hannah, and I said, this was a huge mistake. I called my mother at 3 AM. Smoking a cigarette, by the way. Stop taking cigarettes at 3 AM. He's in the car. I'm leaning on the hood of my flashlight. Call my mother. I'm moving to Mexico. Take care of my family, please. I can't do this. This was a huge, huge, huge mistake. Kill me. I mean, parents are trying as hard as they can out there, man. They really, really are. Hannah says, you sleep trade at six months, settle down. Three months then. Yeah, it was gnarly. He was so bad. Parents on planes. I'm not going to get mad at you at all. I know how hard it is. These things are-- I don't want to get mad because I've seen parents. I'm like, are you even trying to get your kid to calm down? Yeah, I mean, sometimes you're just like-- That's bad parenting. That's bad parenting. But there's also like-- they've exhausted every trick in the book. I mean, every trick in the book sometimes. And these noise canceling ones are just-- they're lifesavers. They should have 10, 12 pair on planes for people that didn't bring them and people that can't handle. I don't like the sound of a screaming baby. It gives me the worst anxiety ever, especially when it's mine. Taylor's new bit is just screaming in your face as loud as he can. And it is shrill. And it feels like it's going to break the window. When he doesn't want to do something, he just looks at you and goes, ah! And you're like, bro, what is your problem? Sounds effective. It's very, very effective. So yeah, we've got Hannah said, we're a family of four. We have four sound machines that we absolutely-- if you walked in our house in the middle of the night, here's what you'd be going to do. [SCREAMING] Dude, I saw that thing you sent an over, baby. I couldn't believe it. Yeah, just get a prescription from your doctor for the non-crime baby next time you go on a trip. You're not negligent if your baby cries. No, you're not. They're actually supposed to. I mean, empathy goes a long way. But if I'm not getting any back from the other person, it's really hard to show it as well. They do the bit too of like, hey, I'm going to buy everybody in our section to drink. It's not going to help you. I mean, it's just right. Again, I think planes are the one where it's like, there's nothing you can really do about it. But if I sit down to a nice dinner, a rare society or something, and I know I'm dropping $300, $400, $400? That's a freaking baby rep I'm like, what are you doing? I know. Why are you here? Go away. Go away. That's selfish. That ruins my experience. It is. You're absolutely right, because those people can get up and go outside. Right, you can't do that on a plane, but you can't do that in the restaurant. You guys know me? The slightest, like, eh, I'm like, get your ass up. We're going outside and run out to the parking lot of bedding and through something like, we're staying out here until you can calm it down. You good? You get a special treat? OK, I'm good. All right, we'll get this back inside. Bro, I'm a wreck about it. I'm a wreck about it. So man, that's good stuff, Benny. I like that topic a lot. And yes, Fourth of July, we'll have some Fourth of July chatter today, I'm sure. Caitlin says in the chat, I'd be concerned that a child was dead if it wasn't crying. Bro, yes. But now I'm trying to think, can you picture Ben, like, is a baby crying? I bet Ben was like the one baby that just was like, just taking it all in. Mama Higgins could probably test to that one way or the other. But I bet he was a little bit of a crier. I don't think so. No. I mean, he's Mr. Even keel. He is Mr. Even keel. But was he baby? I think he's been like, was he baby even keel? I was definitely a crier as a child. But I don't think I was allowed crier as more of the quiet, like whimper kind of crier, sort of sad. That's the sad scene I've ever heard. This child, like a little puppy. Yeah. [MUSIC PLAYING] He's so sad, bro. Oh, it's great. That's great. Little parenting this morning as we get you ready for the holiday weekend coming up. We'll set the menu for the program coming up. It is a guest-heavy Wednesday. We'll let you know the lineup that we have. It's like a lineup. It's just one after another after another. But they're all good, so-- Hope you guys like baseball out there. Yeah, that's probably true. But it's the good time of the year for it. It's July. There was some breaking news this morning from the National Basketball Association. I'll probably mention it at some point. So stick around for that. Yeah, big one. Stick around for that. We'll get to all of that. The menu coming up next. Kelly's got traffic. It is Wednesday. It's a holiday tomorrow. Let's try to have a good time here with Ben Woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97.3, the fan. You don't just live in your home. You live in your neighborhood as well. So when you're shopping for a home, you want to know as much about the area around it as possible. Luckily, has got you covered. Each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts, everything you'd ever want to know about a neighborhood, including the number of homes for sale, transportation, local amenities, cultural attractions, unique qualities, and even things like median lot size and a noise score. We've done your homework. We've got a baseball trade this morning as well. Two items of breaking news. A 97.3, the fan presented by Beck QL, Smarter Bed. Start with Beck QL. Download the Beck QL app or visit today. You only start with the baseball or the basketball. Medicine first. Go with the dessert first. Go with the basketball. It's a bigger story, I'd say. It is, but it's not. It's what everyone completely expected. But the Lakers have agreed to a two-year max contract extension with LeBron James, who opted out of his $51.4 million deal last month, only to opt in to $52 million over two years with another player option at the end of the year. So we can go through all of this again at the end of the season. And there was no trade clause as well. He was making how much? $51.4. And now he's making how much? $52. Okay. But he put the rumors that he was going to be less. Yeah. And this isn't less. You know, he could have gotten a three-year deal. And he took a one plus one. But that doesn't really save the Lakers any cap room. They're still pushing into the second apron, which is like the NBA's version of the competitive balance tag in baseball. And it comes with more penalties, more restrictions. Essentially, they're probably not going to be able to sign anyone or add anyone. Now they missed out on all the guys that they wanted. That they wanted. Nobody laughed. There's really not anybody left. Make a train. So I guess LeBron said, "Well, if no one else is going to get it, I might as well take it." I guess there's still some discussion that if he takes a million less, they'll have a little bit more flexibility under the second apron. So maybe it's not completely finalized, but that was the breaking basketball news this morning. Shocker. LeBron wants to stay and play for the team that just drafted his son last week. Who, by the way, came out yesterday and said, "Playing with my dad. I didn't even think about it." We're just, we're just getting gas lit repeatedly by, by sports teams. Like, look, like Mike Shilt will gaslight us from time to time. It's absolutely gaslighting. He's telling us we didn't see what we just saw, right? LeBron James, Bronnie James, Gaslit the hell out of us. J.J. Reddit gaslit us yesterday when he told us, "No, no, he's earned everything. He's earned, he's earned this." Bro, he averaged four points a game and a board a game in a year. Like, "Okay, if that's what you really want to try to sell us, I guess you have to buy it. It's very, very odd." Bronnie was introduced yesterday and J.J. Reddit went out of his way to go. We didn't give him anything. He earned this. He's hard work. It's like, no. That's gaslighting. He didn't really. If his name wasn't Bronnie James Jr., he's not leaving college. No one's drafting him after half a season at USC when he scored, you know, five points a game. It's just not happening. Clearly, a LeBron effect going on with this move also doesn't bother me that I totally guess. I agree with you. What's LeBron supposed to do, not do everything he can to help his own child and further his career? What's Bronnie supposed to do? He seems like actually a really good kid considering the spotlight he's lived in his entire life. It seems pretty normal. Got a pretty good head on his shoulders, understands, you know, what's going on and is dealing with it. He's overcome, had a heart attack about a year ago, he's overcome a lot. I like how do you feel as a Lakers fan? Like you're the Lakers fan. This is, I mean, they weren't going to make a second round draft pick that was going to make an effect on the court. But like, I see the LeBron news today and I go, look, that man's legacy is cemented. He's good. He's got four rings. He's a top three player of all time. No doubt. Bar nine. Arguably number one. You can make the argument. Of course. We're not going to. No, no, no, no, no. But this guy's answering your 40. All he want, like he's doing something that literally like nobody thought would ever be done. Yeah, it's cool. Basketball, plan father and son together. Yeah, it's cool. It's a good story. It's a good story. But yeah, you're not expecting Lakers make the playoffs. The gaslighting. I also want to call, I don't think Ben's much of a Laker fan anymore. I think that you're just hanging on to it. I don't see you being super passionate about the Lakers. I mean, it's nowhere near my Padres fan. Right. Right. It's still second favorite major pro team. Oh, really? Well, like there's not a lot of competition. Oh, I mean, should we just go F ourselves? NBA NFL, Major League Baseball NHL. Right. I mean, I don't have an NFL team anymore. Yeah. So they're really the only thing other than the Padres that I even get a little bit about. Not college. You don't have a huge college football team. I mean, Aztecs basketball. Right. You see, but in pro like major pro sports in the United States. Yeah, Tony. Tony's in the chat. Tony's the biggest Laker fan than I am. A lot more passive. Yeah, I think so too. Tony is a bigger fan. And I realistically, yeah, they're not probably going to be another, you know, six, six, seven seed and likely out in the first round of the playoffs again next year, unless LeBron and 80 get hurt and then they're going to be a complete disaster, which is always a possibility when you got a 40 year old on your team is your essential anchor. At some point, LeBron's going to give out. Now he was amazing last year. 49. Yeah. I mean, father time wins over everybody and it's going to, it's going to run out. It's going to be ugly. What it does. Those rumors are going around like, Oh, he's going to restructure. He wants to bring in some, some quality players around him. I'm thinking, I don't know, man, he's going to just do what's best for him and his family right now. The guy has given the game everything he's had for 20 years now. And I think you just have to be okay with that. Yeah, absolutely. And then the baseball trade just in this morning, a little bit of a surprise. The Milwaukee Brewers have acquired pitcher Aaron Savali from the Tampa Bay Rays in exchange for a minor leaguer infielder Gregory Barrios. According to sources familiar with now, Savali is not having a great season. He's got an ERA over five. But if this shows that the Tampa Bay Rays are open for business and starting to sell off players, there's going to be a lot of teams that are interested in some of the other, some of the other commodities that they have on their roster. One of those interesting teams that can deal pitching from a position of, of, of surplus. You tell me how many, how many teams are on the league, you're like, anybody you need a starting pitcher. Well, it got. If there's ever a team that is willing to look at the market and go, yes, our chances realistically aren't great. And we're in a perfect position to sell and restock our farm system for the future. It's always going to be the Tampa Bay Rays. They love to do it. They love facing reality faster than anyone else. Yeah, they're facing the reality again. Yeah, I don't think we're catching the Yankees or the Orioles or anyone this year. So let's make the best of this market when everybody needs pitching and we've got some. Let's start trading it away for whatever we can get. Well, they'd be right there in it. If they were in the national league, yeah, they're 43 and 42. They actually have a winning record that won the last two, but they're, they're run differential Benny minus 52 runs are not scoring runs. And yeah, I mean, you look at it, they're fourth place in the division. They're 11 out of a 11 out of the division and three back of the wildcard. But again, I don't think trading Aaron Savalle signals a white flag at all for them. You know, they're, they have a chance to improve their, their farm system. They took it. So it is, it is nice to know that they're, they're willing to deal. All right. Quickly on the menu today. As I said, we got a big lineup of guests, big league Wednesday and I mean big league Wednesday. Not 100% sure about Adam Jones, he usually ends up showing up. If he does, we kind of have him slotted in, uh, tentatively for seven 30, but coming up at eight o'clock, it's Brett Boone, our friend and honestly insider, he's always fantastic. 835 old friend alerts. Nick Hundley. Remember Nick, former Padres catcher, he is now a current Ranger special assistant to general manager Chris Young. He's the best. Padres taken on the Rangers felt like a good chance to catch up with Nick Hundley. He's going to be on with us at 835 and because, uh, tomorrow's a holiday, we've moved, you know, Sarah's up for some smart baseball at nine o'clock. So boom, boom, boom, boom, lineup of guests, regular features and our seven o'clock hour. And of course, Padres wrap up of what was a fairly dismal and dull seven nothing lost, but we'll get into it. There's one thing in the game that bothered me really just one, like one pitch, the one pitch that really bothered me in that game last night. We'll talk about it coming up next with better woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97 three to fan going into our Padres wrap up. Almost forgot about the Incorporator from yesterday. Jesse Agler joined us at a 35 he almost forgot about it. He said he did, but I was actually listening in the car and he almost slipped it by me. So what's came up with the word here was the yesterday's set up for the Incorporator. Well, I found this word and I'm still looking for how to say it. So I sent it to Paulie for the pronunciation. Go ahead, Paulie. Nudy assertion. What? What's the definition? It's a good question. I'm glad you asked that question. Nudy assertion. Nudy assertion. Yes, an adjective or relating to the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday. Nudy assertion. So it struck me later that would are you just starting to Google search and you D and that came up? Is that? I'm sure that the inspiration was yes when I want to enjoy some adult entertainment. I just go to nude. I just put in nude in the Google. So I actually was I was in the car, the eighth inning listening and I usually I get the sense like with Jesse that Oh, I hear it comes. He's trying to get to something. No, no, he he got it so fast. I almost missed it like wait, did he just incorporate and I I mean Tony didn't say anything. I barely noticed it. This was just as casual as casual can be in the eighth inning yesterday. One pitch in the air straightaway right field. Johnson is back and in front of the warning track. He has room to make the catch one away for the Rangers kind of a continuation of their new to staring in game on Sunday night in Baltimore. That was their best offensive output since May 8th and they have come back with another big night at the dish here tonight. Yeah, just the day before yesterday, they are just continuing on with big all the pronunciations. Yeah, I think he's in a station but the absolute the usage was spot on 100% and no one blinked an eye. I barely blinked an eye and I knew that that was the Incorporated word and I'm like, okay, I get it. I see where he's going there. So next week we can do nudge because that's also NUD I'm just looking up nude words nude sticks are a type of brand of shoe, nude, not a lot of nude words. All right. There was one. I really, honestly, Mike Schilt over tips his cap to the opponent. We know this. We got another one yesterday actually was probably an appropriate time to tip your cap to the opponent. But there was one thing that bothered me one pitch bothered me about the game yesterday. We'll get to it in our Padres wrap up right after traffic here on 97 three to fan. It's a shame if they lose. Oh, a shame indeed, it's a complete crap. I did not like that. Here are the lowlights from yesterday's game. Are you kidding me? Boo. It's the Padres wrap up presented by Hamoul Casino with thrilling slots and tables in all the best rewards. Hamoul Casino has all the fun you're looking for. Hamoul Casino, fun above all else. We'll give it 16 minutes of salt and then we'll, you know, get back on the bump and figure it out. It's not your fault. Doing to the pitch and the change up hitting the air to right field, straightaway and deep Johnson is back. He's looking up. It's going to go home run on the Efist change in Nathaniel Lomade and pay for it. A two run shot at the bottom of the first inning against Dylan. The 01 pitch swung on hitting the air to right center field long run Jackson Merrill deep into the gap looks up. It's off the wall right by the 410 marker time will easily come in to score a long RBI double for Laodie Taveras and the Rangers lead it. Read enough in here in the second not running and the 31 pitch hit in the air to straightaway left field in deep. Proforce going back. Still going back. He's at the wall. This one going to go second of the night for Nathaniel Lomade out to right field in the first inning out to left here in the third and a five nothing Ranger leave against a drawn in infield swings it's in the air to shallow left. Broke far charging in on the run not going to be able to get their drops down and a base hit. Group RBI single for Simeon to snap in 0 for 18 and the Ranger lead is now six and up. There's a live drive in the left field that's going to bounce on the wall all the way to the wall. Taveras racing around 30s in a permanent score easily another double for the Rangers. This one for Ellis and it's seven enough in here in a second. We had two in the shot of the pitch from the ball. D is swung on and missed right in the game with a splitter and got him is sixth. Strike out of the night and now 13 in a row retired by the Ranger right. Here is the one pitch. As are your grounds into third base pack candidate or Ellis long throw across the diamond is a time one two three nine for Hernandez and the ball game is over. Rangers when they're second straight they matched here tonight. They also got seven it's sparkling in it from Nathan and Baldy to allow the one hit without walking the batter in his start here tonight. Why don't score again Texas seven and the Padres nothing. Yeah. Now I mean sometimes you got to tip your hat. I mean the guy was really good tonight and we did hit some balls hard. No one ever like to hear that when you don't score but you know we squared up some balls right at people. You know centerfield and make run a couple of plays and did a nice job and you know but we couldn't scratch anything together. Boy you know I know he hates the roller coaster term but it just continues to feel very appropriate for the Padres. They score 20 runs over a 13 inning span and now have scored one run in their last 19 innings. It's just up and down and by the way Dylan Sees is a big of a culprit of the roller coaster as anyone. No question. Will look as dominant as any pitcher in baseball seven innings one hit and then the next time it is just a string of extra base hits home runs doubles yesterday three and two thirds innings eight hits six earned runs given up by Dylan Sees and that happens. I get it. The one the one pitch that made me mad was that for the first highlight the first home run the first inning by Nathaniel low and it's because and Jesse said it well he hung that Efas change. It's a pitch he throws about one percent of the time. Yeah maybe once again and he's talked about it. It's really a throw away pitch designed to just get the batter out of the you know his 95 really hard stuff like you keep seeing the hard stuff throw him something at 70 just a mess mess with his timing but it's not a it's not really a good pitch. It's not a pitch that gets any swing and miss. It's one that's almost always just taken for a ball. You know I'd say about 80 90 percent of the time now he did throw one for a strike earlier and he tried to go back to it and you just don't want to get beat on your what fifth best pitch it's just you can't you can't let major league batters get you on something that you know is not a competitive pitch and that one put him behind to nothing and essentially handed the game because they never scored after that. Now did it matter would they have won that game if you haven't thrown that pitch probably not. No and it's the same you know the same argument you can't I was up in arms a little bit after the the missed strike three call to low as well of course the very next pitch you throw that pitch and he hits it out of the ballpark he did have him rung up pitch was in the zone it was it was you know they could could have changed the momentum of the game. I don't know I don't have a crystal ball I'm not a prognosticator Benjamin I can't see the future I wish I could but when you roll out two hits in twenty nine a.b.'s yeah it's not going to get the job done guys a rise over three pro far over three corona worth over three machado over three three caves Solano one for three Marilo for three Hassan Kimo for three Higgyo for three and first knock of the game in like the fifth inning or whatever was from Bryce Johnson or the third inning or whatever but yeah it was an ugly ugly offensive performance stagnant me talked about it off the air this morning I don't like getting walked off on I really hate that like it's a it's the one it's one that keeps me up at night and sticks with me like son of a gun but man these games where it's like being in a root canal or it's ground out ground out ground out K pop out K ground out and of course if all these a good picture no question about it none he's a really good picture has been for a long time said yesterday you better be on his fastball you weren't on his fastball you know that way he mixes in that splitty he on you pound the ball into the ground pods did hit some balls hard I thought the play that was made by their shortstop it was one on a son Kim's hot shot off the third baseman's glove that was an incredible one of the better plays I've seen or I think who hit that it was Ken Hudson Kim hit it yep third baseman backs up on it boots it short stops right there makes a great great play yeah but other than that I mean many many look pretty pretty lackluster at the plate kind of waving and stuff last night just an ugly night yesterday I hadn't realized how how much the pot raise had owned to the Texas Rangers they'd want 11 straight against the Rangers down back to 2018 until yesterday oh those streets are always going to have to end but now here we are again potters are still three games above 500 they did fall behind the Cardinals into the third wildcard spot again it's it's too early to really care specifically about where you are in the standings but they're once again at that pivot point is this the start of a losing five out of six to drop back to 500 or is this a two game losing streak which every team's gonna have a bunch of those over the course of the season and then they turn it right back around and you know win eight of their next ten which is it going to be San Diego Padres are you is that magnet gonna pull you right back to 500 again as it's done every time you finally got to five games above 500 for the first time with a really solid nine out of ten can you escape the clutches the poll that is drawn you back every single time this season it's okay to be drawn back to games don't make it for and today's game is going to be a tough one you know Adam Asia has yet to really put together a great performance in his what four or five big league starts those cats are licking their chops across the way John Gray who always tormented the Padres when he was with the Rockies she has numbers against the pods he is he is 12 and six with a two ninety nine a hundred and fifty nine K's in twenty eight and he's having a good season this year and the Rangers are now hot you know everything everything points toward Rangers should be on a roll now and the Padres need to do something to stop it they need to step up and the offense needs to step up and shake off the last two games performances how about not giving up a two run home run in the first inning like they've done each of the last two games and figure it out because they lose this one now they're trying to avoid a sweep in the final game of the series on the fourth of July and and then you're even closer to five hundred again so here here we go again San Diego Padres Jeff says doom and gloom already I mean it's it's it's it's it's definitely gloom I'll give you gloom I'm not going to give you doom but gloom yeah those games last night those are gloomy ass games to watch just a putrid putrid offense that you know again they didn't strike out a ton you know it just it's the old and you heard Schultz it balls didn't find holes okay fine I'll I'll wear that today but yeah it's a little gloomy because you do have to look at today's matchup and then you have to look at tomorrow's matchup with with Max Scherzer on the bump and go all right man like you're behind the eight ball your best chance was to win last night and now you're really gonna have to pull something out of your rear end without a major on the above I don't see him going out and dominating that lineup but you know Dylan sees too is is just so up and down he's so capable of of good starts but yeah when when he blows up it's it's pretty severe when he does it and we did talk about it yesterday the Padres offense does require some luck to get going I mean all of these big innings that they've had have not been an unrelenting string of extra base you know 106 mile an hour liners every single time it feels like they've had the six run inning the five run inning the nine run inning two or three of those hits kind of bloopers you know fell in or you know an infield number that turned into an infield single there's always one or two of those that have to go the Padres way to put together their big pass the baton type innings and when a game like yesterday when you know they don't get any of those hits nothing falls in it's almost impossible to put together offense you know yeah they've got some home where they've had more home run pop lately but didn't have any yesterday didn't have any extra base hits there's just no offense to be found when this is just not much to talk about man when it's a two hit shutout you know there's just not much to talk about at all when you're you know two hit shutout it's like a dream for any of all he was great there's no question about it but he was around the zone he didn't walk anybody he was around the zone got just didn't hit him just did not hit him so got to figure out a way I think John Gray similar ish pitcher doesn't throw his hard I'll dig into some of the numbers on John Gray but yeah traditionally he has owned this team so he'll be really really comfortable going through you know going at this line up today we did get some injury updates yesterday after the day off from Mike Schilt I'll pass those along for you and we'll play some take on woods chance to qualify for a trip to Vegas the Rio all coming up next with Beno Woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan going into our Padres wrap up almost forgot about the Incorporated from yesterday Jesse Agler joined us 35 he almost forgot about it but I was actually listening in the car and he he almost slipped it by me so what's came up with the word here was the yesterday's set up for the Incorporated bro I found this word okay and I'm still looking for how to say it so I sent it to Paulie for the pronunciation go ahead Paulie Nudea station what what's the definition it's a good question I'm glad you asked that question new new dea sturgeon new dea sturgeon yes an adjective oh that you're relating to the day before yesterday the day before yesterday new dea sturgeon so it it struck me later that woods are you just starting to Google search and you D and that came up is that is that where that the inspiration was yes when I want to enjoy some adult entertainment I just go to nude I just put in nude in the Google so I actually was I was in the car the eighth inning listening and usually I get the sense like with Jesse that oh I hear it comes I knew he's trying to get to something no no he he got it so fast I almost missed it like wait did he just incorporate and I I mean Tony didn't say anything I barely noticed it this was just as casual as casual can be in the eighth inning yesterday one pitch in the air straightaway right field Johnson is back and in front of the warning track he has room to make the catch one away for the Rangers kind of a continuation of their new to staring in game on Sunday night in Baltimore I was their best offensive output since May 8th and they have come back with another big night at the dish here tonight yeah just the day before yesterday they are just continuing on might all the pronunciations yeah I think he's in the station but the absolute the usage was spot on a hundred percent and no one blinked an eye I barely blinked an eye and I knew that that was the Incorporated word and I'm like okay I get it I see where he's going there so next week we can do nudge because that's also NUD I'm just looking up nude words nude sticks are a type of brand of shoe yeah nude a lot of nude words all right there was one I really honestly Mike Schilt over tips his cap to the opponent we know this we got another one yesterday actually was probably an appropriate time to tip your cap to the opponent but there was one thing that bothered me one pitch bothered me about the game yesterday we'll get to it in our Padres wrap up right after traffic here on 97 3 the fan it's a shame if they lose oh a shame indeed it's a complete crap I did not like that here are the lowlights from yesterday's game are you kidding me boo it's the Padres wrap up presented by Hamoule casino with thrilling slots and tables in all the best rewards Hamoule casino has all the fun you're looking for Hamoule casino fun above all else we'll give it 16 minutes of salt and then we'll you know get back on the pump and figure it out it's not your fault doing to the pitch and the change up in the air to right field straightaway indeed Johnson is back he's looking up it's going to go home run on the ethos change in the fan you'll homemade and pay for it to run shot at the bottom of the first inning against Dylan the old one pitch swung on here in the air to right center field long run Jackson Merrill deep into the gap looks up it's off the wall right by the four ten marker I will easily come into score a long RBI double for Laodie Tavares and the Rangers lead it reading up in here in the second not running and the three one pitch in the air to straightaway left field in deep profile is going back still going back he's at the wall this one going to go second of the night for Nathaniel Oh I'm to right field in the first inning out to left here in the third and a five nothing Ranger League against a drawn in infield swings it's it in the air to shallow left broke far charging in on the run not going to be able to get there drops down and a base here new RBI single for Simeon to snap in 0 for 18 and the Ranger lead is now six and nothing. There's a line drive in the left field that's to the bounce and we're all the way to the wall. Tavares racing around thirties in a permanent score easily another double for the Rangers this one for Ellis and it's seven and up in here in the sixth we add two to the shot of the pitch from the ball D is swung on and missed right we came with a splitter and got him the sixth strike out of the night and now thirteen in a row retired by the Ranger right. Here's the old one pitch there's are your grounds into third base packed candidate or Ellis long for across the diamond is a time one two three nine for Hernandez and the ball game is over Rangers when they're second straight they matched here tonight they also got seven it's sparkling in it from Nathan of all these allowed one hit without walking the batter and his start here tonight. Why don't score again Texas seven in the Padres nothing. Yeah now I mean sometimes you got to tip your hat I mean the guy was really good tonight and we did hit some balls hard no one ever likes to hear that when you don't score but um you know we squared up some balls right at people you know center field and to make run a couple plays and did a nice job and you know but we couldn't scratch your hand together. Boy you know I know he hates the roller coaster term but it just continues to feel very appropriate for the Padres they score twenty runs over a thirteen inning span and now I've scored one run in their last nineteen innings. It's just up and down and by the way Dylan Cease is is a big of a culprit of the roller coaster as anyone a question will look as dominant as any pitcher in baseball seven innings one hit and then the next time it is just a string of extra base hits home runs doubles yesterday three and two thirds innings eight hits six earned runs given up by Dylan Cease and that happens I get it the one the one pitch that made me mad was that for the first highlight the first home run the first inning by Nathaniel Lowe and it's because and Jesse said it well he hung that Efas change it's a pitch he throws about one percent of the time. Yeah maybe once again and he's talked about it it's it's really a throw away pitch designed to just get the batter out of the you know his ninety five really hard stuff like he keeps seeing the hard stuff throw him something that's seventy just a mess mess with his timing but it's not a it's not really a good pitch it's not a pitch that gets any swing and miss it's one that's almost always just taken for a ball you know I'd I'd say about eighty ninety percent of the time now you did throw one for a strike earlier and he tried to go back to it and you just don't want to get beat on your what fifth best pitch it's just you can't you can't let Major League batters get you on something that you know is not a competitive pitch and that one put him behind to nothing and essentially ended the game because they never scored after that now did it matter would they have won that game if you haven't thrown that pitch probably not. No and it's the same you know the same argument you can't I was up in arms a little bit after the the missed strike three call to Lowe as well of course the very next pitch you throw that pitch and he hits it out of the ballpark he did have him rung up pitch was in the zone was a great pitch you know they could could it have changed the momentum of the game. I don't know I don't have a crystal ball I'm not a prognosticator Benjamin I can't see the future I wish I could but when you roll out two hits in twenty nine a B's yeah it's not going to get the job done guys rise over three pro far over three crona worth over three Machado over three three caves Solano one for three Merrill over three Hassan Kim over three Higgio for three and first knock of the game in like the fifth inning or whatever was from Bryce Johnson or the third inning or whatever but yeah it was an ugly ugly offensive performance stagnant may talk about it off the air this morning I don't like getting walked off on I really hate that like it's a it's the one it's one that keeps me up at night and sticks with me like son of a gun but man these games where it's like being in a root canal or it's ground out ground out ground out K pop out K ground out and of course if all these are good pitcher no question about it none he's a really good pitcher has been for a long time said yesterday he better be on his fastball you weren't on his fastball you know that way he mixes in that splitty he on the pound the ball into the ground pods did hit some balls hard I thought the play that was made by their short stop it was a one on time son Kim's hot shot off the third baseman's glove that was an incredible one of the better plays I've seen or I think who hit that it was just an ugly night yesterday I hadn't realized how how much the pot raise had owned to the Texas Rangers they'd want 11 straight against the Rangers down back to 2018 until yesterday oh those streets are always going to have to end but now here we are again potters are still three games above 500 they did fall behind the Cardinals into the third wild card spot again it's it's too early to really care specifically about where you are in the standings but they're once again at that pivot point is this the start of a losing five out of six to drop back to 500 or is this a two game losing streak which every team's gonna have a bunch of those over the course of the season and then they turn it right back around and you know win eight of their next ten which is it going to be San Diego Padres are you is that magnet going to pull you right back to 500 again as it's done every time you finally got to five games above 500 for the first time with a really solid nine out of ten can you escape the clutches the pole that is drawn you back every single time this season it's okay to be drawn back two games don't make it four and today's game is going to be a tough one you know out of measure as as yet to really put together a great performance in his what four or five big league starts those cats are licking their chops across the way John Gray who always tormented the Padres when he was with the Rockies she has numbers against the pods he is he is twelve and six with a two ninety nine a hundred and fifty nine K's in twenty and he's having a good season this year and the Rangers are now hot you know everything everything points toward Rangers should be on a roll now and the Padres need to do something to stop it they need to step up and the offense needs to step up and shake off the last two games performances how about not giving up a two run home run in the first inning like they've done each of the last two games and figure it out because they lose this one now they're trying to avoid a sweep in the final game of the series on the fourth of July and then you're even closer to 500 again so here here we go again San Diego Padres Jeff says doom and gloom already I mean it's it's it's it's definitely gloom I'll give you gloom I'm not going to give you doom but gloom yeah those games last night those are gloomy ass games to watch just a putrid putrid offense that you know again they didn't strike out a ton you know it just it's the old and you heard she'll say that balls didn't find holes okay fine I'll I'll wear that today but yeah it's a little gloomy because you do have to look at today's match up and then you have to look at tomorrow's matchup with with Max Scherzer on the bump and go all right man like you're behind the eight ball your best chance was to win last night and now you're really gonna have to pull something out of your rear end without a major on the bump I don't see him going out and dominating that lineup but you know Dylan sees too is is just so up and down he's so capable of good starts but yeah when when he blows up it's it's pretty severe when he does it and we did talk about it yesterday the Padres offense does require some luck to get going I mean all of these big innings that they've had have not been an unrelenting string of extra base you know 106 mile an hour liners every single time it feels like they've had the six run inning the five run inning the nine run inning two or three of those hits kind of bloopers and spelled in or you know an infield number that turned into an infield single there's always one or two of those that have to go the Padres way to put together their big pass the baton type innings and when a game like yesterday when you know they don't get any of those hits nothing falls in it's almost impossible to put together offense you know yeah they've got some home where they've had more home run pop lately but didn't have any yesterday didn't have any extra base hits there's just no offense to be found when that happens there's just not much to talk about man when it's a two hit shutout you know there's just not much to talk about at all when you're you know two hit shutout it's like a dream for any of all he was great there's no question about it but he was around the zone he didn't walk anybody he was around the zone got just didn't hit him just did not hit him so got to figure out a way I think John Gray similar ish pitcher doesn't throw his hard I'll dig into some of the numbers on John Gray but yeah traditionally he has owned this team so he'll be really really comfortable going through you know going at this lineup today we did get some injury updates yesterday after the day off from Mike Schiltz I'll pass those along for you and we'll play some take on woods chance to qualify for a trip to Vegas the Rio all coming up next with Bena Woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97.3 to fam what kind of programs does this school have how are the test scores how many kids do a classroom homes dot com those these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent that's why each listing on homes dot com includes extensive reports on local schools including photos parent reviews test scores student teacher ratio school rankings and more the information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by homes dot coms dedicated in-house research team it's also you can make the right decision for your family homes dot com we've done your homework trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with north sides and bullion is your not so secret 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