Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

7am Hour - Nationals Still Talking!? + Evaluating AJ Preller

Ben & Woods kick off the 7am hour wondering WHY the Washington Nationals are still whining about last week's drama at Petco Park, with pitcher Jake Irvin appearing on Foul Territory yesterday to talk about it all.  Then we get to "Don't (And DO) Do This" before we play some audio from Ken Rosenthal's latest podcast where he believes 2024 has been AJ Preller's best job constructing a roster in his tenure here in San Diego. Do you agree? Listen here!

1h 3m
Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Now today's episode is sponsored by NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. NerdWallet's experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow NerdWallet Smart Money Podcast on your favorite podcast app. Nothing is more important than getting a good night's sleep and when you don't get the rest you need your whole day is thrown off. That's why it's so important to choose the right mattress. Sleeping on a purple mattress is truly a unique experience because purple mattresses are made with a gel flex grid. The gel flex grid is an innovative material that moves with your body to relieve pressure in areas like knees and hips and support in others like your back. It feels soft where you want it and supports where you need it. Purple mattress is instantly adapt when you move. You don't sink in and get stuck like with memory foam and thanks to over 1,400 air chambers in the gel flex grid you will sleep cooler on a purple mattress. Purple has a wide variety of mattresses from the original purple mattress to the restore hybrid collection that combines gel flex grid with coils and the rejuvenate lux collection, the height of luxury. With over 112,000 to five star reviews to prove it, visit to find the perfect purple for you and enter code podcast 10 to get 10% off. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom?, those, these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family., we've done your homework. So I want to get to the audio that came out yesterday, Washington Nationals pitcher Jake Irvin appearing on the foul territory podcast woods. And part of that is you're going to get asked questions about something significant that happened in the last three recently. I doubt he said, hey guys, I really want to come on your podcast to talk about this incident that happened with the San Diego Padres and Jurex and pro far last week. So I'll, I'll at least understand the circumstances. You're going to sit down. You agreed to do it. Okay, they're going to ask you some questions about it and you're going to have to come up with some answers about what, what on God's green earth happened last week with Jurex and pro far and the Washington Nationals. So in that context, I'm not, I'm not up in arms mad about it. I don't know. Were you mad about the audio? We're going to play it for you. No, I was, I was shocked. I really was shocked. I think there's a way to, to say that dude, that's, you know, I was last week, we got swept by those guys. I mean, it is what it is. And, you know, we got swept at the end of the day. Like, that's the most important thing. We lost three games that we really needed to win. There's your answer. Like, AJ Piersinski is not going to go. Yeah, but tell me again more about Jurex and pro far and what he did. Tell me exactly what was said in that. So disrespect your team, etc, etc. And so I wasn't mad. I just, I just kind of rolled my eyes and went, bro, again, you're, you're talking, you're talking like Jurex and pro far did something to you personally. And even if he did beat his chest and look into your dugout, you've been playing baseball your entire life. That's never, that's never not been a thing. It's never not been a thing. And it's even more of a thing now. So I don't know what turned the Nationals into the arbiter of all things, unwritten rules and, you know, Lord baseballs again. But, you know, it probably comes from the top at Davey Martinez. But again, we get walked off on, I'm loading my bag and I'm walking to my car. Like, I'm not standing there going, do something. I dare you to do something. You're going to find something if you're looking for something every time. I think, let's play the audio from Jake Irvin. I think what's missing is just a coherent, yes, like explanation. Correct. The Nationals can't even seem to come up with exactly why they were so bothered by Jurex and pro far. But this is a Jacob and Nationals pitcher on foul territory. What, what, what's the limit? And this isn't just meant for pro far, but you as a player, like for me, I was like, you had to walk off, you can do whatever the hell you want, because I'm not watching. Anyways, I'm, I'm going back to the dugout and I'm going back and getting, you know, getting out of the out of my sweaty gear and clothing. So what, what is there a limit that you think that players should have or is it a case to case basis? Because I just thought I was like, yeah, you hit a walk, I'll do whatever you want. Yeah. I think it's, like you said, it's case to case basis. It's, it's, it's, do whatever you want. You won the game. You did something really cool that people dream of doing. And it's a special moment. I think for me personally, you keep it within your team, make it about your boys and make it about your family. When you bring it to the other side of the field, you know, there's just a little bit different feeling for a celebration like that. I was going to echo that same same statement. Pause for a sec. AJ, I'm with you. I don't know who that is. Who is that? The next guy that's talking, anybody have any ideas? That guy right there. Is that? Was that former? Who is that? He looks familiar. There's such a rotating cast. Yeah. Somebody in the chat will tell me somebody will. That's Kipness. Jason Kipness. Okay. Yeah. You can do whatever you want. If it's with your team, if you guys have a fun celebration, whether it's the old Adam Jones pie in the face or the Gatorade celebrations, when you start kind of crossing that line and looking into the other dugout, I think that's a little bit of where it gets a little kind of like a gray area to be honest. So I think if it stays on your side of the field and with your guys, there is really no limit that you can do. Is that fair to say? Yeah. I absolutely. And we didn't want to hit him. We didn't want to hurt him. Guys were over it, you know, 10 minutes after the game, but we talked as a group and just said, you know, that's something that we don't want to put up with as a team. And it's part of this scrappy attitude that they weren't over. So they weren't clearly weren't over it. 10 minutes after the game, clearly, we have and we have each other's backs. We're here for each other. And part of that is doing what Kaver didn't just standing up for his guy. I like it because I don't I don't sorry to still go. I don't want to get too far away from where the game pleases itself. I think that was still one of the best parts about baseball that I grew up to love about the game and the way that it handles itself and players handled other players and intricacies of the game. So I don't think we should get too far where it's like, oh, no, you can't do any of it now where it's like, there's still got to be some of it. Yeah. I mean, we're all adults, man. We know we know what's wrong. And when guys take it too far, I think that, you know, like, you know, even in your own dugout, you know, so when when something like that arises, I think that as adults, we can handle that the right way. And if you got to police something, you got to police something. All right. So that's Jacob in Washington National's picture on foul territory. You got to police something. You got to police. All right. That sure sounds like if you got to drill a guy, then you drill him here. Here are my thoughts. If there was if there was any policing going on, the Washington Nationals are the worst cops ever, because they didn't they didn't teach jerks and pro far any lessons at all in the end. And in fact, if there was any policing that went on, Manny Machano did the only policing. He taught Cabaret Ruiz. You're not touching my guy. I bet Cabaret Ruiz never pokes a finger into the chest of another batter again. So if any policing was going on, the Padres did all the policing in that situation, not the Washington Nationals. And ultimately, I don't think, as he said, I don't think the Washington Nationals were actually that bothered by jerks and pro far. I think the Washington Nationals have an internal issue, and they're trying to come together around something. And they thought, this could be our excuse to come together as a team. Let's make a big deal about this. And maybe we can all at least seem like we're pulling on the same rope and do something about it, because they seem to be their young team. They got a lot of young guys. And this is just a way. Maybe it's Davy Martinez. Maybe it's a couple of the veterans were going, let's just grab onto this and say, this is what's going to galvanize us going forward. Whether it's true or not, whether it makes any sense or not, sometimes you just look for something and go, this is something we can rally around. So let's rally around it. Guilty of it. It's no sense at all. Sure, man. Guilty of it myself. You know, Michael Jordan did the bit creating stuff that people said to him that they never actually said. They didn't say it. Hey, good game, Mike. What? I never actually never said that to Michael Jordan, but he went out and hung 50 on us the next time we played him. You know, I think, you know, where it starts and stops for me is we didn't go at your chin. We didn't go into the stands after a fan. We didn't throw at any of your players. Like at the end of the day, in a court of law, if I'm submitting the evidence, the nationals were clearly in the rope. We didn't poke anybody in the chest and tell them what they're doing is wrong. You were pissed at, you're a pissed that you took a lead and then you blew it and you're pissed and you stood there on the field and you were looking for some S. You were looking for it. You should have been as soon as that ball hit the ground. You should have been packing your stuff. You shouldn't have been standing on the warning track looking for, to start any grief. And you certainly, certainly should not have sat and poked to 10 year vet in the chest. If you're caybert Ruiz and you're negative war, you do not get to do that to jerks and pro far. You haven't earned it at all. You haven't earned it. And for him to sit and poke him and prod him, I couldn't have been happier with what man he did. I couldn't have been happier. He did not just jump in the middle of them. He grabbed that dude, he pushed him away hard and then he put his arm around him and said, hey, we don't do that. You know better than that. And caybert, he's an actual police officer around the field, and the Washington nationals are the keystone cops. Yeah, bro, in this situation, I can't believe that they're still talking about this and talking about how, you know, it brought the team together. You end up losing every game in that series. Worry about your clothes are blowing a huge lead, worry about getting hits with runners in scoring position, worry about taking care of business in a couple of games you needed to win there and you had a chance to. Maybe they should resign Jonathan Pavabon. That guy is a lunatic man. Holy cow. It's, it's just been, it's been ridiculous. It's been way overblown. And I can, you know what, man, like, I've seen Bryce Harper celebrate that way, beating his chest, looking at the dugout. I've seen guys hit home runs, looking into the dugout as they're running the first base. Okay. Like, you didn't police anything that day. You really didn't. And I think you made yourselves look a little bit foolish. And, and, you know, you know, our stance on it. I thought it was ridiculous. I want pro for as an emotional player that just just took 97 to the chin. And I want to turn that around. We do need a contestant for take on Woods here. We're about a minute away from our game. If you want to call in and try to challenge Woods in our musical trivia contest, 833-288-0973. Call right now 833-288-0973. Keep in mind, remember, they walked Louisa rise to get to Jurex in pro far. They could, guess what? They could have struck out Jurex in pro far. And they would have celebrated. I bet their pitcher would have, you know, fist pom. He would have been demonstrative, been very demonstrative. And they would have earned it. And they would have, and it would have felt really bad for Jurex in pro far to have come through in that situation. So it's only fair that when you do come through in that situation, and this is baseball, so it's a lot harder to come through with a winning hit than it is to strike out or pop out to end the game. The pitcher, the defense has the advantage there. What an A.B. too. So when you come up with an A.B. like that, after they have just intentionally walked another player to get to you in that situation, it would be weird if Jurex and didn't have some sort of normal human reaction that probably involved looking at the other team that made those decisions to set up that scenario to begin with. It's happened for a hundred years, and it's going to happen for a hundred more. And I think you make a really valid point. They're looking for any shred to hang on to, to bring their team together. It didn't work. It didn't work. You lost. You lost three games in a row, games you needed to win. So that, I mean, look, I, what it does do is it brings up the volume a little bit on the series the next time we play the Nats, which is right around the corner. So I'm way more excited about that series today than I was two weeks ago. Should be interesting. All right, let's pause this conversation, get to our game. It is time to take on Woods. It's time for take on Woods. Woods. We've got John Conif and Studie since I never do well in this game. Let's go with the Russell line two. Russell, are you there? Yes, I'm here. All right, you're in. You're our contestant today. Take on Woods is brought to you by Valvolin Instant Oil Change. It only takes 15 minutes, and you don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts. Go to That's You know how it works. Five questions of musical trivia. You go first. Woods is in isolation. He will come back. Same five questions. If you beat or tie him, we'll put you into the grand prize draw. You can be the first this month for our grand prize trip to the Rio Las Vegas tonight. Stay dinner for two and a day bed at the Rio pool, the rhythm of Vegas book now at Rio Las Vegas dot com. All right, Russell, you get the advantage of picking our category. Here are your choices. Keep the change. Those are song titles and artists that include a type of coin in the name. Give them a hand. Those are song titles, including the word hand and our new category. Rush. All about the band. Rush. Russell, keep the change. Give them a hand or rush. What would you like to play? Try keep the change. Keep the change. All right, this is a fun one. Today's game features a mix of song titles and artists that all include a type of coin. American currency in the name. 60 seconds to get as many as you can. Pass if you don't know one will come back to it. If there's time left on the clock. First question is our two second song. Paul is going to play a little music. You need to give me the title of the song and the artist to score the point. Russell, are you ready to go? I'm ready. All right, remember the category. Keep the change 60 seconds on the clock. Your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck, Russell. Let's take on. Let's take on woods. I'm through standing in line. The clubs I'll never get in. It's like the bottom of the nine that I'm never gonna win. Which Beatles song from the Sergeant Pepper album is about a street and Liverpool that Paul McCartney is recalling from his childhood. Penny Lane. Correct, which rock band from Portland, Oregon is best known for their saxophone driven early 80s hit Harden My Heart. Oh, um. Quarter flash. Correct. Which California punk band took its name from the villain in the Stephen King horror classic It's. Two. Pass. Which 1973 led Zeppelin classic takes its title from a military phrase, meaning to offer no mercy to a vanquished opponent. Oh, man. I don't know. Back to our two second song. Time's running out. We're out of time. You didn't get to and it's a tough category. That was rock star by nickel back. You got Penny Lane and quarter flash. You didn't get Penny wise. That was the clown from the Stephen King movie in the punk band. And no quarter is the lead Zeppelin song. So to see how woods does he doesn't even get the category. Try to figure this one out as he goes. All right, Russell's score is locked in. John, how would you have done in that category? Very badly. Very poorly. All right. Well, let's let's see how you do. But 60 seconds back on the clock. Your time again, Paul plays the music. Good luck. Let's take on Russell. I'm through standing in line. I'll never get in. It's like a rock star nickel back. Correct. Which Beatles song from the Sergeant Pepper album is about a street in Liverpool that Paul McCartney is recalling from his childhood. Pass. Which rock band from Portland, Oregon is best known for their saxophone driven early 80s hit harden my heart. Quarter flash. Correct, which California punk band took its name from the villain in the Stephen King horror classic It. Pennywise correct, which 1973 led Zeppelin classic takes its title from the military phrase, meaning to offer no mercy to a vanquish. Correct. Let's go back to our two. Oh, no, you got that one. Let's go to which Beatles song from the Sergeant Pepper album is about a street in Liverpool that Paul McCartney is recalling from his childhood. You got four already. Can you complete it? This is going to make me nuts. I'm going to know this one. You are going to know this one. Do you need a lifeline? No, I'm good. I'll pass. I'm out. All right. You got four. Taint Street. It's not. It's Penny Lane. Some of the chances you get the not on something. Was it not? Oh, that's that. Russell got it. So I'm not going to feel too bad in woods one, four to two. So did you get the category? Did you figure it out? Something with change. Keep the change. Very good. Nickel back. Penny Lane quarter flash. Pennywise. Penny Lane. And no quarter. I love no quarter. Oh, God. Very good woods. All right. No qualifiers. Yeah. Russell. Thank you for playing. I will try someone else tomorrow. Harden my heart. It's hard in my heart. It's good. Paul, can you call up? That was absolutely one of my. It's so good. It is. It is a good one. Kind of a one hit wonder, but very good. So we got don't do this coming up next. And you don't know this, but Pauli and I were talking about a story that you are going to lose your. You're the restroom this morning. Really? Five forty. Yeah. Oh, I can't wait. Podra is putting this up and I go, hang on. I don't know. That's it. I'll do this. Let's not even tell woods. Yeah. And I don't know that Padres fans are really aware of this yet. It's it's it's not good people. My stuff is not good. I know. And it should. It really should. We'll get to that coming up next after traffic. Oh, God. What a T. So if I've been in woods. Stop it. I'm a tree to family. What kind of programs does this school have? How are the test scores? How many kids do a classroom? Those these are all things you ask when you're home shopping as a parent. That's why each listing on includes extensive reports on local schools, including photos, parent reviews, test scores, student teacher ratio, school rankings, and more. The information is from multiple trusted sources and curated by's dedicated in-house research team. It's also you can make the right decision for your family. We've done your homework. Now with the MLB app, you can get baseball your way. Pick your favorite team, your favorite players, and get customized highlights, stories, and breaking news right on your home feed. Follow the action with Game Tip where 3D replays add another dimension. Plus notifications can keep you connected to every pitch, every hit, every game. The MLB app. Baseball, your way. Download it now for free from the App Store or Google Play. Blackout and other restrictions apply major league baseball trade parts used with permission. Nothing is more important than getting a good night's sleep. And when you don't get the rest you need, your whole day is thrown off. That's why it's so important to choose the right mattress. Sleeping on a purple mattress is truly a unique experience because purple mattresses are made with a gel flex grid. The gel flex grid is an innovative material that moves with your body to relieve pressure in areas like knees and hips and support in others like your back. It feels soft where you want it and supports where you need it. Purple mattresses instantly adapt when you move. You don't sink in and get stuck like with memory foam. And thanks to over 1400 air chambers in the gel flex grid, you will sleep cooler on a purple mattress. Purple has a wide variety of mattresses from the original purple mattress to the restore hybrid collection that combines gel flex grid with coils and the rejuvenate lux collection, the height of luxury with over 112,000 to five star reviews to prove it. Visit to find the perfect purple for you and enter code podcast 10 to get 10% off. Today's episode is sponsored by nerd wallet smart money podcast. Get your head in the financial game with smart investing and budgeting tips straight from the nerds. Nerd wallets experts will set future you up for success with dependable fact-based insights. No financial misinformation allowed. Learn how to save on your summer vacation. Find your next credit card or loan for a big purchase and invest in your next index fund. Make smarter decisions in 2024. Follow nerd wallets smart money podcast on your favorite podcast app. Don't do this. Don't do this is brought to you by the craft taco in Serenno Valley. Craft taco is some of the best quality tacos in all of San Diego. Go to the craft taco dot com. Take a look at their happy hour specials today. The craft taco dot com. Before we get to the one that you don't know about that I teased. Start with just an absolute classic. Don't do this story. Jamarkis Russell remember former number one overall draft pick of the the Oakland Raiders back in the day. Yeah we've talked to Amy Trask about that pick. Yeah we so started as a do do this story. He was volunteering as an assistant coach at his alma mater Williamson High School in Mobile Alabama giving back to the kids. Home of the leprechaun. That's right. Yeah the Kreitner mobile alma mater to me and look like an leprechaun to me. But I guess he wasn't giving back so much is taking back. Now Jamarkis again this sounds like a good thing. Trying to raise some money for a new weight room went to some local businesses using his you know his influence and name saying hey we're trying to raise money and a local business owner Chris Knowles wrote out a $74,000 checklet. Let's pay for a new weight room for the kids at Williamson High School. Unfortunately the school says yeah we never got that check. Jamarkis just deposited it into his credit union account and then promptly withdrew $55,000 of it. Jamarkis has been relieved if you can be relieved of your duties as a volunteer assistant coach and he's now facing a lawsuit from the school and the the donor over the 74 the missing $74,000 check. Not the brightest of criminals. No I would say. Did you really think my man you were going to get away with that? Maybe thought someone was going to notice that yeah where's my new weight room that I paid. Well where's our weight room? Where's the the thank you to the the business for the $74,000 check. I mean just a dumb dumb move. All right so what you've teased me long enough what's going on what I made the dark about just hang on maybe some breath yeah you're not going to like this maybe some Padres fans are already aware of this as we know the the broadcast of Major League Baseball Games has become more diverse in recent years with the Padres are just on Apple TV they've been on Fox obviously Padres dot TV you've got streaming last year it's a peacock peacock you got lots of different options did you know that this Sunday you will not be able to watch the Padres on any of your normal outlets they will be broadcast exclusively against the Arizona Diamondbacks on Roku this Sunday the Roku game that we talked about this a couple weeks ago that in and of itself is the first layer of yeah which is okay now we got to find if we have a Roku we got to buy a Roku it's great you get the app you can figure it out but it's something else you have to figure out which if you have a Roku device they have like the Roku channel I don't so I think you can just download the Roku channel I do have a Roku so I'm not too worried about it but I know that there will be fans who are concerned about this but that's just them that's just the tip of the iceberg so Roku is also in charge of naming the broadcasters for the game and they've gone with what I think is always the worst possible strategy and try to combine broadcast team so I got this email yesterday announcing that the broadcasters for Sunday's Padres Diamondbacks game there's a Roku there's not a home it's just a one game the one feed play-by-play Don or Sillo oh yeah oh no no no no no no no no but our team Bob Bradley Bradley is going to be the analyst with Don or Silla I'm actually relieved we thought it was going to be oral Hershanger but Bradley's no fans Padres Diamondbacks so you'll have this mixed booth of or Sillo and friendly for the entire game but our teeth oral that's okay yeah brush your teeth bro your name's oral by the way like all right all right now it's friendly and my pomorans on the sidelines so we do out number them two to one but just either get a neutral team or just pick one or one or the other yeah but to try to meld the two broadcast it never works now Don is just the most consummate consummate profession that worries me a little bit exactly yes friendly is going to be on his you know tirade about man shot him and bite chains whatever he's going to say and Don's just kind of kind of roll with it because that's who Don is see I and now the thing is I may not watch because I don't want to find myself getting upset at Don or Sillo for not defending our guys you know it's putting Don in a really tough spot it really is man it really really is putting him in a terrible terrible spot and oh my god well Bradley's known for his restraint yeah yeah Bradley's known for his restraint known for his very um bro the stuff he said about tatisse and those guys years ago terrible or should have lost his job the Manny Machado stuff was absurd um when Manny dropped his bat dropped his bat hit a foul ball or whatever dropped his bat and they're oh my god mark the strowman yes strowman yeah man man worse that was terrible he's terrible man he shouldn't have a job those guys should be those guys should be put out the pasture dude so you'd rather have I think they're playing but who's at steve birthium yeah birthium would you rather him do play by play with mud yes yeah all day long over Don with brother it's done we're saying no we're just saving from a tough situation i can't watch now man what what times the game that's a 110 normal time it's just on roku i'll be watching bo play actually so maybe i'll just watch the the game cast or something to save myself the uh somebody's got to watch it though somebody somebody's got to take one for the team and and let us know because you know Bradley's not going to be able to control himself at talking about pro far and how animated he is and and you know all the all the other little little jabs that he likes to take we all know where those things come from so oh god not like this idea i do not like i wouldn't want to hear joe davis and and mud you know what i mean i i don't want to hear that joe put me asleep mud would keep me awake it's like a at least like casting speedball hey apple tv like we saw last friday they give you the option to sync up the radio feeds but even if they don't have that option at least she's bringing a completely neutral cast yeah i agree i agree a hundred percent all right in uh a little bit better news d d mega doo do talking about our san diego pod rays i like the uh all star futures game that they do every year it's pretty kind of jonkana for me that's like it's like you're super bold man oh it's prospects out there just huggin can't help myself did want to give a uh shout out to the uh two pod rays that did make the national league roster a catcher you may be familiar with his name is ethan sallis and uh certainly picked on his ceiling and not his performance this year but excellent listen i mean that's that that goes to show you what people actually think about him uh what he's capable of and then of course uh we got a starting picture in there a starting picture in there as well and that's robbie snelling and he's going to be uh making an appearance as well for the national league future i see uh james wood is listed among the outfielders i i would think that if i'm at this point i'm a big leaguer now yeah i'll pass yeah not a future anymore i'm a present but when kacie oh and kacie was uh late former peter for his front pick yep by the pod rays never played a game he was soon over in the u-darpish trade yeah so he's in there as well yeah i love the guys that kind of what we were saying early on a lot of the guys were bigger prospects in the darpish trade never really panned out so it's kind of like we have a must go trade he's still he's still in here grinding still i think he's in triple a this year he had some power Canadian kid left let pinkid nice well there you go that's uh don't do do this that was don't do this with bennon woods on 97 three the fan so while we still have john conif in studio when we come back we're going to uh evaluate well actually uh ken rosenthall going to evaluate the job aj preller is doing his general manager this year we got some audio for you and then talk about what aj has left to work with before this trade deadline we know the big names but if you're trying not to trade ethan salas and leo dallas defreece and dylan last go and rob robbie snelling what else is there that that aj could possibly use to to acquire starting pitching or a bull pen arm here uh at the trade deadline and real quick just because we were just talking about sunday's broadcast johnny in the chat says can we still listen to jesse and tony yes that has no bearing on the radio broadcast those guys will still be there uh you just won't catch it on whatever channel you've been watching pardry's game exactly this is uh tv viewing only radio remains consistent throughout the season one of the great things about radio 162 get them all the way all right we'll come back uh talk about aj preller trade deadline coming up next we've been a woods on 97 three the fan baseball coverage of 97 three the fan is presented by t mobile switch to t mobile you can get tons of benefits still save on every plan versus atnt and horizon use their savings calculator to find how at t mobile dot com slash switch all right baseball coverage coming up on uh the job aj preller is doing and why it may only be getting more challenging this month ahead of the trade deadline with uh still some needs on this roster and a lot of teams that are in competition for very few players that are available get to that right after a check flick here on 97 three the fan so i think uh you know we've said it and the rest of the baseball world is is coming to the same realization that uh for all of aj preller's strengths weaknesses successes and misses over the years what he's done this year has been pretty impressive in terms of given almost a hundred million dollars less in payroll and to have a team that is actually outperforming last year's team based on creativity success of some of the prospects you know picking up on the margins guys like uh Donovan Solano that he is he has done a really outstanding job in a vacuum in 2024 with the current San Diego Padres roster and uh Ken Rosenthal is also noticing that and Pauli's got some of the audio this is uh we had foul territory earlier this is Ken's podcast which is fair territory there's only so many baseball names out there we're really running out of podcast name features and sports and well out of the Jones welcome to triple play with vet and woods and Paul here it is the 643 podcast it's time for the bullpen this call to the bullpen we are sponsored by us dude we are running out here um but we do have a lot of this is fair territory okay all right now i get it first question today comes from Tommy Wright who asks has any GM done a better job than AJ Preller forced to cut 80 million in payroll he gave roles to Matt Walger, Jerksen Profar, Jackson Merrill, Jeremiah Strada, Rule 5 pick Steven Colick and added Dylan Cease and Luis Arayas Tommy this is an excellent question and you put it all together really well AJ Preller i know i've been hard on him in the past at times because i haven't liked the way he's constructed his rosters but this is maybe his best performance and all of those names you mentioned it's really impressive i'll go through them Strada the reliever who had that great run earlier this season he was a waiver claim from the Cubs Colick you mentioned him Rule 5 pick from the Mariners Matt Waldern and i didn't even realize this until i looked it up he was the player to be named in the Mike Clevenger trade if you remember that trade the Padres got Clevenger and Greg Allen and a player to be named turned out to be Matt Waldern they gave up a ton it wasn't a great trade for them Josh Naylor was one of six players that went back to Cleven Gabriel Reyes is also in that group Cal Quantrell it was a trade in which they probably ultimately will come out on the negative side but maybe Waldern evens it all out i don't know so all of that and Jackson Merrill a draft pick that Dave kept 27th overall in 2021 a kid that was an infielder they converted them to center field and has been brilliant a leading candidate for NL rookie of the year so yes Prowler amazing job so far and of course he is not done yet he is active right now perhaps the most active GM in seeking help for his team which currently holds the second wild card with a two and a half game cushion over the Mets so the Padres are in really good shape right now even with all the problems that they've had the injuries to Darvish and Musgrove and now Tatisse it's a really impressive showing by Prowler by his manager Mike Schill nice yeah I mean it's kind of like a graces for a moment again it's one thing for a Padres fan to say it it's another for Candid who had admittedly you know been critical of AJ Prowler at times to go and admit that he's done a really nice job this year now it would be weird but not unheard of for AJ Prowler to lose his job following his best performance maybe of his decade-long tenure as general manager of the Padres and go what do you think I just did you just see what I just did this year well it's not in a vacuum there was a ten year period leading up to that sure the results didn't match the investment or what you were hoping to get but this year now he's made a lot of really good moves yeah and I think you know I think I don't want to take it away from him at all but I do feel like the shackles maybe allegedly that were put on him have helped him I knew I feel like it's easier to spend when they say you have you have an open budget well it might be one other thing too is I think AJ this year is guy controlling all of baseball operations yeah he doesn't have to deal with and I mean I I disagree with some of the things Peter Siler may or may not have done sure I loved Peter Siler for what he was trying to do you know bring a winner to San Diego and that should always be the thing where you start with but you know maybe some moves that Peter kind of will rule him like yeah I want to have Manny here or I want to give this this extension and I think the Padres are kind of running now and someone who loads the Dodgers and all that but they're kind of running more like okay when AJ makes a move that's it yeah that's the final word but that's all speculation on my part yeah for sure and and I think you know I think there's probably some truth to that but again he's he has been very creative this year and and yeah especially with a rise trade oh no doubt but he's moved you know he's moved a lot of pieces there they have they have spent a lot of capital to get those two guys but so far so good I mean like you said second wild card they're hanging on to it they're hanging around but here's the problem and we got John Connor from Mad Fries in studio and he can kind of address this even with all the good moves that they've made and the success that they've had and the fact they're in a playoff position at the moment I don't know that any of us really think though that it's enough yet to win a championship that this team with its pitching staff you know issues with its occasional bullpen issues with its injuries has enough to really be a title contender which means like most teams they have to address at the trade deadline couple of different holes and the question is what do they have left that they can use to address those holes John because other than the top four prospects in the organization we know who they are now even Salas leo dalas de vise dill and let's go Robbie Snowing after that there seems to be a bit of a gap in which they've already traded away a lot of the middle ground prospects who is there for the trading if you even if you're just trying to pick up a a right-handed relief pitcher without a lot of control who's of interest in the Padres organization that could be tradable at this point not a lot not a lot ask me answer ask me the same question who's who's of interest in the Padres organization everybody everybody there's you know there obviously are some good players I mean I think in Fort Wayne the guy saw Jagger Haynes the nice left-hander who throws pretty well guys Steve and I were just talking off the air about you know I think you're Zaro is a little bit blocked he's put up some really good numbers he puts the good numbers here he profiles every day second baseman you could plug in right now Brandon Valenzuela switching and catcher's doing well and in San Antonio but you know one thing too when you get the prospects as much as I like to give Stephen Paul grief because you know I'm here why not is that you know you gotta remember there's there's 26 spots on a major league team right they have 165 guys we're talking about the active players 180 on the roster most these guys are going to be dealt and so you had to think about this if you're one of the top 20 guys have 180 people that's incredibly impressive but really when we're looking at guys you can come up and help the team and this is a broadcast or show that talks about the San Nicole Padres you get he had a look at the top 100 guys and you know by the way Ben framed that question you're pretty much saying okay the top 100 guys no I'm not talking doing that and that's kind of like what the Orioles are doing the guys beneath I think you can kind of maybe make some deals but I mean but here's the problem John and I don't disagree with you I'm okay with trading a lot of those guys all of them that you just mentioned I don't care I want to see the winner at the major league level hey I've listened to your show I know that other teams though can offer more now than the Padres and it had hurt less because they have more of those you know higher level even outside of the top 20 top 100 guys yeah they've got 105 and 108 and 115 where the Padres don't really have those guys anymore they have the top 100 guys the the ones that are left but they don't have that next you know group that I think other teams are going to be able to offer more compelling packages for Garrett crochet or you say kukuchi or whoever is is being pursued here at the trade deadline well go back to a couple years ago when they had the big deadline deal for for max yours and all that and people point out like the Dodgers they they were all in they're making the big big move they give way their top prospect the top prospect the giveaway was the guy you talked about early in the show cabor or we yeah he was blocked by Will Smith yep and that's the type of guy you trade and that's who teams look at like even then the Orioles made the trade to get burned the guy that they traded the big piece was a guy who's that their third baseman he's doing really well yeah or he's there is no room for him in Baltimore and if you're the white sucks that's the type of guys that you're looking at who's a really good prospect where he has no spot on the major leagues the problem with the top four Padres guys is you can see a place for them if they pan out coming up and that's where it gets dangerous to trade someone like James Wood we talked about that so to trade you know a lot you had to make that move but you could see a spot for James Wood oh yeah yeah and so that's where you kind of run into danger and so yeah to get someone it's going to be tough not only because I don't know if you have the the talent ready to offer someone like that and also you want to have someone going and you got to look kind of going forward because you know I guess as sergeant CBT I didn't get an officer spot with a kernel budget but uh you have to look at where you have so many long-term contracts you got to have some affordable guys like Jackson Merrill yeah hundred percent hundred percent I couldn't agree more and you know again I if you're looking to add a back of the rotation starter and you're looking to add a bullpen arm I think we have the pieces to get it done may not be but so did nine other teams that are also going for the same thing well again I mean if you're going for if you're going for crochet and you're going for Luis Robert no you're not you don't have no you don't have it and that's fine you got to move on to the next thing I I don't know that I'd want let's let someone else overpay in my opinion for those two guys the oft injured Luis Robert and the guy that's going to blow past his innings limit if he hasn't already um yeah let let somebody else overpay I know the Dodgers already put in an offer it was denied it was a lowball offer so I think I think someone's going to overpay for those guys it's not going to be San Diego I hate in my opinion I just don't think that you do it well one thing to go to Ben's point is you know I don't know that the new system on the playoffs really is more of a crapshoot that's exactly right and the thing is I don't know do I think Ben's right and that this is a championship team they have all the pieces no they don't I think Ben is is right on that do I think they could catch a couple breaks yeah do I think I could see someone like a Michael King or don't see throwing eight innings of one hit ball yeah can I see them throwing three innings giving him seven yeah unfortunately I can see that too but I you know I can see Corbin Burns doing that as well I mean it's just you just never know man getting to the dance is obviously the most important thing but I I do for once feel like you can't mortgage your entire future on it um I love how this team is playing I do I think they're really really the best example of a team that we've seen here in a long long time team wise chemistry wise all of that so you'd be doing them a disservice but again if if you're AJ Preller you're like how many how many times can I add to this team at the deadline and you guys completely soil yourselves before I learn to not mortgage our future at the deadline and I know they bought on the margins last year but you know many times before that they've made the splashy deal hasn't really worked out another thing too and if I'm looking out from like maybe guy like Paul's perspective or your perspective is that if you scout these guys really hard and you sit and go okay right now I'm selling high on snelling or or let's go with that and those guys have a lot more information than I do where you're getting daily reports you're finding out like look a knock on let's go might have been his fastball and change up are really good he Kevin Charity and I both saw his breaking pitch and like Elsmer his curveball like the lot he hasn't been able to show it this year so if you're selling is he going to develop into you a guy that's a lever and just a fastball change up guy yeah I don't know right can we all agree that the best possible additions the Padres can make in the second half of the season are four guys that it's probably completely out of their control but if you could add a healthy Joe Musgrove you Darvish Zanderbo guards and Fernando Taty's junior to the team that as it's currently playing right now no one could compete with that trade deadline yeah the question is I have no idea if any of those four guys are going to come back and perform in the second half of the season at levels that we've seen them perform in the past but if they all did just like 2022 we were having that existence we keep talking about that trade when the Padres went out and got one so to be like and you're getting Fernando back in like two weeks that's basically like acquiring another MVP candidate that that didn't work out that's definitely a narrative it's a sports stock radio narrative and we hammer it home I'll admit it and somebody said it on our show who do we have on yesterday they said it as well Sammy Sammy Sammy said the same thing I mean you're gonna get so and so back and that's like adding a piece and just never feels that that's that's how it works I always think about they talked about it on the broadcast of C.C. Sebastian remember when he went from the Indians at the time to the Brewers right and was like give me the ball I'm pitching every three days and we're gonna make this run we have not seen an impact player added to this team like that I don't know that that player exists anymore I don't know that they're out there I don't know that Garrett crochet is it I've watched him pitch this year he looks fantastic but he's gonna blow past his number of innings the most that he's ever thrown so is that a guy I'm gonna trade Ethan Salas for I don't think so I don't think so yeah it depends you know I mean we got a lot of grief for putting Salas as our number two overall prospect we put Maryland people were writing telling us we're wrong and how what Ethan does in a projection he's gonna be a better guy than Ali Rushman you know maybe he might but we just don't know that's how you gotta just better than Adley would be yeah would be something else John Conif Matt Fryer so good to have you in studio man thank you for stopping by thank you for having me we'll come back we got two hours to go Jesse Agler's gonna be with us oh yeah Soccer Woods is gonna make an appearance coming up here as well don't go away but what's continuing next on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan baseball coverage of 97 3 the fan is presented by T-Mobile switch to T-Mobile you can get tons of benefits still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon use their savings calculator to find out at T-Mobile dot com slash switch all right baseball coverage coming up on uh the job AJ Preller is doing and why it may only be getting more challenging this month ahead of the trade deadline with uh still some needs on this roster and a lot of teams that are in competition for very few players that are available get to that right after a check click here on 97 3 the fan so I think uh you know we've said it and the rest of the baseball world is is coming to the same realization that for all of AJ Preller's strengths weaknesses successes and misses over the years what he's done this year has been pretty impressive in terms of given almost 100 million dollars less in payroll and to have a team that is actually outperforming last year's team based on creativity success of some of the prospects you know picking up on the margins guys like uh Donovan Solano that he is he has done a really outstanding job in a vacuum in 2024 with the current San Diego Padres roster and uh Ken Rosenthal uh is is also noticing that and Pauli's got some of the audio this is uh we had foul territory earlier this is Ken's podcast which is fair territory there's only so many baseball names out there we're really running out of podcast names which is unfortunate welcome to Jones welcome to triple play with venin woods and Paul here it is the 643 podcast it's time for the bullpen this call to the bullpen we are sponsored by let's do we are running out here um but we do have a lot of this is fair territory okay all right now I get it first question today comes from Tommy Wright who asks has any GM done a better job than aJ preller forced to cut 80 million in payroll he gave roles to matt waldrum jerks and profar jackson meryl jeremaia strata rule five pick steven colic and added dylan cease and luisa rias tommy this is an excellent question and you put it all together really well aJ preller i know i've been hard on him in the past at times because i haven't liked the way he's constructed his rosters but this is maybe his best performance and all of those names you mentioned it's really impressive i'll go through them astrata the reliever who had that great run earlier this season he was a waiver claim from the cubs colic you mentioned him rule five pick from the mariners matt waldrum and i didn't even realize this until i looked it up he was the player to be named in the mike clevenger trade if you remember that trade the padre's got clevenger and greg alan and a player to be named turned out to be matt waldrum they gave up a ton it wasn't a great trade for them josh nailer was one of six players that went back to cleven gabry alert rias is also in that group cal quantrell it was a trade in which they probably ultimately will come out on the negative side but maybe waldrum evens it all out i don't know so all of that and jackson meryl a draft pick that they've kept 27th overall in 2021 a kid that was an infielder they converted them to centerfield and has been brilliant a leading candidate for nl rookie of the year so yes preller amazing job so far and of course he is not done yet he is active right now perhaps the most active gm in seeking help for his team which currently holds the second wild card with a two and a half game cushion over the met so the padre's are in really good shape right now even with all the problems that they've had the injuries to darvish and must grow and now tatisse it's a really impressive showing by preller by his manager mike shilt nice yeah i mean it's kind of like a graces for a moment then it's one thing for a padre's fan to say it it's another for candid who had admittedly you know been critical of aj preller at times to go and admit that he's done a really nice job this year now it would be weird but not unheard of for aj preller to lose his job following his best performance maybe of his decade-long tenure right as general manager of the padre's and go what do you mean i just let did you just see what i just did this year well it's not in a vacuum there was a 10-year period leading up to that sure the results didn't match the investment or what you were hoping to get but this year yeah he's made a lot of really good moves yeah i think you know i think i'm not i don't want taking me away from him at all but i do feel like sh the shackles maybe allegedly that were put on him have helped him i do i feel like it's easier to spend when they say you have you have an open budget well it might be one other thing too is i think aj this year is guy controlling all of baseball operations yeah he doesn't have to deal with and i mean i i disagree with some of the things uh peter seiler may or may not have done sure i loved peter seiler for what he was trying to do you know bring a winner to san deagon that should always be the thing where you start with but you know maybe some moves that peter kind of a little like yeah i want to have many here or i want to give this this extension and i think the pager is a kind of running now and someone who loads the dodgers and all that but they're kind of running more like okay when aj makes a move that's it yeah that's the final word but that's all speculation on my part yeah for sure and and i think you know i think there's probably some truth to that but again he's he has been very creative this year and and yet especially with a rise trade oh no doubt but he's moved you know he's moved a lot of pieces they they have they have spent a lot of capital to get those two guys but so far so good i mean like you said second wildcard they're hanging on to it they're hanging around but here's the problem and we got john kana from mad friars in studio and he can kind of address this even with all the good moves that they've made and the success that they've had and the fact they're in a playoff position at the moment i don't know that any of us really think though that it's enough yet to win a championship that this team with its pitching staff you know issues with its occasional bullpen issues with its injuries has enough to really be a title contender which means like most teams they have to address at the trade deadline couple of different holes and the question is what do they have left that they can use to address those holes john because other than the top four prospects in the organization we know who they are now even salads leo dallas davris dylan let's go robbie snelling after that there seems to be a bit of a gap in which they've already traded away a lot of the middle ground prospects who is there for the trading if you even if you're just trying to pick up a a right-handed relief pitcher without a lot of control who's of interest in the pardre's organization that could be tradable at this point not a lot not a lot ask me an answer uh no i ask me the same question who's who's of interest in the pardre's organization everybody everybody there's you know there there are obviously are some good players i mean i think in fort Wayne the guy saw jagger hanes the nice left-hander who throws pretty well guy steve and i were just talking off the air about you know i think a gurzaro is a little bit blocked he's put up some really good numbers he puts good numbers here he profiles is an everyday second baseman you could plug in right now uh brand and valence whaler switching and catchers doing well and uh in san tonyo but you know one thing too when you get the prospects as much as i like to give uh steven paul grief because you know i'm here and why not is that you know you gotta remember there's there's 26 spots on the major league team right they have 165 guys we're talking about the active players 180 on the roster most these guys are going to be dealt and so you had to think about this if you're one of the top 20 guys have 180 people that's incredibly impressive but really when we're looking at guys who can come up and help the team and this is a broadcast or show that talks about the sandicle padres you get he had a look at the top 100 guys and you know by the way been framed that question you're pretty much saying okay the top 100 guys no i'm not doing that and that's kind of like what the Orioles are doing the guys beneath i think you can kind of maybe make some deals but i mean but here's the problem john and i don't disagree with you i'm okay with trading a lot of those guys all of them that you just mentioned i i don't care i want to see the winner at the major league level hey i've listened to your show i know that other teams though can offer more now than the padre's and it had to hurt less because they have more of those you know higher level even outside of the top 20 top 100 guys yeah they've got 105 and 108 and 115 where the partners don't really have those guys anymore they have the top 100 guys the ones that are left but they don't have that next you know group that i think other teams are going to be able to offer more compelling packages for Garrett crochet or you say kukuchi or whoever is is being pursued here at the trade deadline well go back to a couple years ago when they had the big deadline deal for uh for makshirs and all that and people pointed out like the Dodgers they they were all in they're making the big big move they give way their top prospect the top prospect the giveaway was the guy you talked about early in the show camber oease yeah he was blocked by will smith yep and that's the type of guy you trade and that's who teams look at like even in the oils made the trade to get burnt the guy that they traded the big piece was a guy who's that their third baseman he's doing really well yeah or two there is no room for him in Baltimore and if you're the white sucks that's the type of guys that you're looking at who's a really good prospect where he has no spot on the major lakes the problem with the top four padre's guys is you can see a place for them if they pan out coming up and that's where it gets dangerous to trade someone like james wood we talked about that so to trade you know a lot you had to make that move but you could see a spot for james wood oh yeah yeah and so that's where you kind of run into danger and so yeah to get someone it's going to be tough not only because i don't know if you have the the talent ready to offer someone like that and also you want to have someone filling and you got to look kind of going forward because you know i guess as sergeant cbt i didn't get an officer spot with a criminal budget but uh you have to look at where you have so many long-term contracts you got to have some affordable guys like jackson meryl yeah hundred percent hundred percent i couldn't agree more and i you know again i if if you're looking to add a back of the rotation starter and you're looking to add a bullpen arm i think we have the pieces to get it done may not be but so did nine nine other teams that are also going for the same thing well again i mean if you're going for if you're going for crochet and you're going for louis robert no you're not you don't have no you don't have it and that's fine you got to move on to the next thing i i don't know that i'd want let's let someone else overpay in my opinion for those two guys the oft injured louis robert and the guy that's going to blow past his innings limit if he hasn't already um yeah let let somebody else overpay i know the dodger's already put in an offer it was denied it was a lowball offer so i think um i think someone's going to overpay for those guys it's not going to be san diego i hate in my opinion i i just don't think that you do it well one thing too to go to ben's point is you know i don't know the new system on the playoffs really is more of a crop shoot that's exactly and i think is i don't know do i think ben's right and that this is a championship team they have all the pieces uh no they don't i think ben is is right on that do i think they can catch a couple breaks yeah do i think i could see someone like a michael king or don't see throwing eight innings of one hit ball yeah can i see them throwing three innings giving him seven yeah unfortunately i can see that too but i you know i can see corbin verance doing that as well i mean it's just you just never know man getting to the dance is obviously the most important thing but i i do for once feel like you can't mortgage your entire future on it um i love how this team is playing i do i think they're really really the best example of a team that we've seen here in a long long time uh team wise chemistry wise all of that so you'd be doing them a disservice but again if if you're a j pro you're like how many how many times can i add to this team at the deadline and you guys completely soil yourselves before i learn to not mortgage our future at the deadline i know they bought on the margins last year but you know many times before that they've made this flashy deal hasn't really worked out another thing too and if i'm looking at it from like maybe guy like paul's perspective or your perspective is that if you scout these guys really hard and you sit and go okay right now i'm selling high on snelling or or let's go with that and those guys have a lot more information than i do where you're getting daily reports you're finding out like look a knock on let's go might have been his fast bond change up are really good he kevin charity and i both saw his breaking pitch and like elsmer his curveball i liked a lot he hasn't been able to show it this year so if you're selling is he going to develop into you a guy that's a lever and just a fast ball change up guy yeah i don't know right can we all agree that the best possible additions the ponteries can make in the second half of the season are four guys that it's probably completely out of their control but if you could add a healthy joe muskrove you darvish zanderbo guards and fernando taties jr to the team that as it's currently playing right now no one could compete with that trade deadline yeah the question is i have no idea if any of those four guys are going to come back and perform in the second half of the season at levels that we've seen them perform in the past but if they all did just like 2022 we were having that existence we keep talking about that trade when the potters went out and got one soda we're like and you're getting fernando back in like two weeks that's basically like acquiring another mv candidate that that didn't work out that's definitely a narrative it's a sport stock radio narrative and we hammer it home i'll admit it and and somebody said it on our show who who do we have on yesterday they said it as well sammy sammy sammy said the same thing i mean you're gonna get so and so back and that's like adding a piece and just never feels that that's that's how it works i i always think about they talked about it on the broadcast of cc sabbathia remember when he went from the indians at the time to the brewers right and was like give me the ball i'm pitching every three days and we're gonna make this run we have not seen an impact player added to this team like that i don't know that that player exists anymore i don't know that they're out there i don't know that garret crochet is it i've watched him pitch this year he looks fantastic but he's gonna blow past his number of innings the most that he's ever thrown so is that a guy i'm gonna trade ethan salas for i don't think so i don't think so yeah it depends you know i mean we got a lot of grief for uh putting salas as our number two overall prospect when we put marron people we're writing telling us we're wrong and how what ethan does in the projection he's gonna be a better guy than alie rushman you know maybe he might but we just don't know bro that's how you gotta just get it down better than havley would be yeah would be something else jon conif matt friar so good to have you in studio man thank you for stopping by thank you for having me we'll come back we got two hours to go just the agler's gonna be with us oh yeah soccer woods is gonna make an appearance coming up here as well don't go away then what's continuing next on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan you don't just live in your home you live in your neighborhood as well so when you're shopping for a home you want to know as much about the area around it as possible luckily has got you covered each listing features a comprehensive neighborhood guide from local experts everything you'd ever want 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