Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Monday July 1st, 2024 - FULL SHOW

6h 23m
Broadcast on:
01 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

well happy Monday everybody bendin woods 97 3 the fan welcome to July 1 May was dragging ass June flew by and now here we are on July 1st aka my birthday month so hope everybody celebrates accordingly it's good to be here with you guys hope you had a great weekend I'm woodsy that's Paul Reindel the executive producer good morning Paulie good morning chef good morning chef to you and then our resident sweet sweet angel got worked his balls off last night to like midnight your friendly neighborhood sports anchor for now Ben Higgins tired morning yeah a little bit but I'm okay got to the old school we are closer to 2025 yeah man 2023 now here's flown by wow it's flown by I mean you were he said it and unlike May 6 he just happened to drop he goes mate it's such a long month I go I've never really felt that way and then about three weeks later it was May 7th and I'm like Jesus did you were dead on like I'm in hell right now we got I could I remember going how many days half May and I like well look at my calendar I'm like oh we still have another one yeah 47 more days got through that June hit probably played some decent baseball man I helped you know that absolutely helps and now we're into July and you know it's it's it's on it's on I got so much stuff in July I've got the busiest July of my entire life in fact I actually had to apologize to my wife yesterday because she said because one of our favorite restaurants burned down Ember and Rye is one of our favorite restaurants we've been there on several anniversaries big birthdays and things like that so yesterday I was just feeling a little bit overwhelmed with everything that's going on and I said she said oh I booked this dinner on July 26 that Ember and Rye and I got we got to stop planning stuff we have to I'm so like I can't I'm just overwhelmed we have we have something every single Friday and every Saturday she's like oh okay so she laughed and that's I felt bad so I texted her I said I'm really sorry I said you're trying to do something nice and I you know just kind of crap all over it I said I'm really sorry I'm going through some stuff it's interesting that you would consider just like dinner though is like the tipping point of what you can and can't handle because in variable you're gonna eat dinner that night anyway and this just makes it nicer and better by going to one of your favorite restaurants I wouldn't consider that a stressful thing that you had in calendar I would consider that kind of a break from all the other long things you have in the month yeah for sure but but like we've got we're going to two Padres games as a family we're going on a little mini staycation this weekend then I'm gonna be in LA for a couple days going to concert the next weekend then Hannah and I are going to Palm Springs for my birthday and then the week after that is that first like it's the first Friday will be at our home and so I said I'm I'm it's too much I said we got it we don't have to book something every every Friday but then I realized man what a jerk what a jerk you are so I texted her a nice sweet apologist and I'm really sorry that was a nice gesture on your part and I said I she's in the chat lock me up real monster here I know I just felt like such a but when I did it so I'm sorry please please re up our reservation and I'm looking forward to it it's a delicious right it's booked up completely yeah but it's booked you can't get until September now so yeah it's just one of my one of my many a-hole moments over the weekend it happens it happens I'm trying to be better but once I get like once I start feeling like the calendar is really really full that's when that's when the panic sets in for me and it's weird I'm weird like that you know it's funny I ran into a beloved dear friend I was at a birthday party and I ran into our pal Tim Flannery and it was for his granddaughter and I didn't know this about Timmy but we share the same affliction in that we are good for about an hour anywhere we go we're really good up for about an hour so I saw him and I went and sat down next to him and I just started wearing him out for stories and boy did I get him I mean you sit down plan how you doing oh brother it's good to see oh it's great see you too anyway back in 71 and I'm like yes and he just so for the first 50 minutes of this birthday party he just started firing baseball stories that mean I mean he told me one that will knock your socks off and I said Ben's out of town on a Monday it's actually next Monday correct week from today Ben's gonna be out of town I said Flan will you come in and he said yeah so he's gonna come in nice and shoot the breeze for the for the last half of the show and when you sit and talk to Tim Flannery you get that old baseball spirit the heart you know the heart of the game guy will tell you straight up to your face was not the most talented baseball player wanted it wanted it more than anyone and the stories that he tells and he told me this was really sweet he said I was your boy and because he knows both pretty well he's he's been it several of the t-ball games I've coached and he's always remarked because I love his motor I mean the dude's constantly hustling he's he's dialed in for a five six year old that's a big compliment from Tim Flannery 100% and he said to me he goes he goes is he is he getting over it yet and I go no I said we went from one camp to a practice and it still was enough he wanted grounders when we got home he goes that is just how I was he goes and they all used to tell me you're gonna burn out you're gonna burn out he goes guess what I still haven't burned out on the game he would go back and coach if they needed him today he would go back and coach that's how much he loves it so when I'm with him I am filled like my spirit is full with like baseball like just the love and the the heart of the game and I feel like I feel like the game is missing some of that there are there are a lot of kids who do burn out early but there's the occasional few that just never just have an endless supply of I just want to do this Tiger Woods is the first example I think of yeah golfing from basically age of one you know the difference and never and still to this day if his legs would allow it he'd be out there every single one yeah because that's just he just loves golf and he loves doing it you know and the thing is to is I read a lot about how how champions are made and things like that not that you know I don't think my son's gonna be a big leaguer I don't by the it's minuscule the odds but I read a lot about how dads were with their kids and you read about like Bryce Harper's dad Tyrant you know Tyrant but I mean if the end game is Bryce Harper you did pretty good I read about um Tyrell Woods I'm Tyrant I mean straight up and you do get the sense though that a lot of those were the dad saying get your ass up get your ass outside we're doing this I don't have to do that with him I don't ever have to do it I've never asked him to take grounders never wants I've never asked him to go get some swings he always comes to me which is great because I don't feel like the the you know the the Tyrant in the whole thing so yeah we I ripped him fun goes in the street yesterday we got done he was diving around the concrete making plays we get inside we chill for about 20 minutes and he looks at me goes grounders he wanted more and I'm like holy smoke so it's cool man being around flan makes me feel good it just the stories are just through the roof so excited about that for next month yeah I think you handle it the right way because you encourage but never require no I think for every Tiger Woods there's 500 kids like Todd Morinovich whose dad pushed them too hard you know probably wrecked their life to a certain extent because they were trying to live out their dreams through their kids by you know I never made a made it pro but you're gonna make it pro we're gonna my you know my disappointment of not getting their you're gonna I'm gonna live vicariously through you and that almost never never works with you that way the best baseball player that I ever knew growing up he was here younger than me he got drafted didn't even have a cup of coffee in the big's he had it was like a espresso shot but yeah he made it he's one of the whatever one of the twenty thousand yeah and which is great but dude growing up like his dad was so hard on him he's like I can you know we'd go out for pizza or something as a team he's like I can't my dad's got me on a diet oh we don't we'd all stay the night at somebody's house have a party he'd be doing push-ups in the corner because now my dad says I got to do 200 push-ups every night and we're just like you that's tough dude but like he made it they made it so I don't know if it was right or wrong yeah from the outside I was like man that sucks yeah yeah you can't you can't just be a dude can't you kid yeah it's it's really tough but he's you know he's staying really committed to it but anyway yeah Flans got that thing where the anxiety kicks in after a while he's like all right that's it for me you guys know me I mean I'm I'm an hour I'm an hour tops and I made it three hours at this little kids birthday party thank you to flan for helping me kill that first hour but not easy man it's not easy once I start to feel like it's all getting fooled up I start to panic start to defend myself you know I gotta go I gotta go I wish I wasn't that way but I know a lot of people can relate to that out there how was everybody else's weekend around here what did you guys do mine was quiet got some stuff done around the house went to Costco they already had all the Halloween merchandise out which seems I know every it always seems earlier every single year it was still June and their you know I target walmart and I'm going leave them all out leave the Christmas decorations all you have a Christmas section I mean we haven't always a lie August September and then October and October before we actually get to Halloween that's four months that's a third of the we're a third of the year away from Halloween a full third of the year I'm not gonna buy a giant jack-o-lantern at Costco on June 29 I'm just not gonna do it without costumes so you want to get your costume if they have costumes you want to get it and get it now but if you have little kids they're gonna change their mind 15 times my kids Taylor just wants to be David Bowie again and I'm like you get to mix it up bro you can mix it up anytime you want and you can be whatever you want and I'm like you want to be like a different version of David Bowie he goes no Ziggy Stardust I go all right well again we're gonna have the same picture of you but if you love it you love it so that's that's kind of what he wants to do but yeah man it was low-key I took two naps yesterday which was incredible the post breakfast nap is the elite you wake up took the kids to home state in Oceanside we had some breakfast tacos had them slept in took them there by the time we got home I go I'm ready for another nap really yes I got in I slept for an hour or so woke up to the early pod race game I was like this is great the first wait was that was the second nap or that was the first that was the first now went to the second nap then come when Taylor went down for his nap at one really and you were tired enough that you could after napping guest before the pod race game you were tired enough to nap again immediately after the yes absolutely yes you didn't play in the pod race no I was just gassed completely completely gassed from from the weekend you know I feel rested today feel great hopefully everybody's feeling good out there we got a good show for you today Benny will set the menu for you next and don't get into it man I I'm very pleased was very pleased like two games in a hostile environment where you literally didn't even have to didn't even have to go pour yourself a drink because you were nervous about the win I mean just two absolute bangers of the game followed by a little bit of a clunker yesterday but one that you were you were still in you're a you're a hit away yeah you were never totally thrilled about their chances yesterday but you take the series win and move on I will set the menu get you ready for a good Monday obviously short week for us like most of you with the 4th of July coming up on Thursday so we got a lot to pack in and over the next three days glad you're with us on a Monday morning it's been it's woods it's Paul we're going until 10 o'clock thank you for joining us on San Diego's number one sports station check traffic with Kelly right now in 97 3 the fan for a couple of weeks there it just felt like every pond race game was a soap opera of you know comebacks walk offs disappointment heartbreak you know the Washington national series with everything that went on there and not a last few days have been relatively drama-free for your San Diego pond race two very drama-free wins and one mostly drama-free loss yesterday to the Boston Red Sox as they take two out of three over the weekend to open their road trip another day off today for your San Diego pond race and then they will finish their road trip last three road games of the first half of the season in Texas against the defending World Series champion Rangers tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday 4th of July Thursday in Texas in Arlington so I don't know how do you feel about less drama in a baseball game I mean we watch baseball for the you know for the entertainment for the excitement and somehow when a game doesn't have a lot of excitement it's almost a relief at least for me well if you if you win yeah man those games you know the the games Friday night and Saturday night I looked at the the betting lines on both we were pretty heavy underdogs I took them both both nights and was like that was like the easiest money I've won all year you know I I looked at it and thought this team's playing red hot right now and um yeah they were going into that series and they're going up against some good arms and just they just I had that feeling I just had that feeling that the guys were going to play really well and boy did they I mean they everybody contributed we're going to get into the details of all the games but um yeah and as far as yesterday goes yeah pretty drama free as well wasn't the worst game they played this season by by any stretch but um you really yeah man you wanted to wanted to get to drive that nail home yesterday and get that sweet of course for us too many of those games like yesterday we're like who's who's Josh Winkowski yeah yeah yeah too many of those that's when you start one of like just pull your hair out exactly but it's also like man we beat Tanner Hawk to a real good the other night and took care of Pavetta and and all these guys all these not giving up a home run and so and so I mean we just laid the wood to those guys those first two games in Fenway huge contingent of Padre fans out there as well uh bro after a long ass pretty pretty heavy week with the fights and everything else and a lot of drama and everything else and shilt on Friday it was so nice to watch them go into Fenway and handle business man and and you know I know we're back to the well it's fine we won the series but it is fine that we won that series uh because this is what the mighty red Sox have this is what they sound like now after after the Padres get done with it boy it hits different doesn't it I don't know if there's a better I don't know if there's a better song though for like if you're a team then that's like your team song I don't know if there's one better than shipping up to Boston does any song if isn't sweet Caroline really their team song though it's their seventh inning song I love this new film I love the rough it's the rough weekend rough weekend for old Caroline where it began it's growing feeling I'm on mushrooms right now but I take DMT some guy in a meal diamond concert in the 70s gets dosed with something he's like this sucks man this sucks mad no it was great I mean hey look I like it good I like a good old-fashioned ass kicking if they I mean who were we to sit here and say boy those nine one wins are sure getting old I mean you must be out of your mind to I really prefer the four three or the five four walk off no give me the nine one exactly give me the nine one trouble exactly I can sit back and go oh I mean look you know I tweeted it the other day and I was it was joking when I said it but behind every joke there's a little truth you know we were up 10 runs and I went something tells me we're still gonna have to get Bob Suarez uh Robert Suarez got to go to Boston and he clamped out he had enough to do a damn thing fantastic day for a fantastic weekend for him nice little vacation and you reset and got some guy some rest uh it was great it was a great great series in Boston you can't look at it any other way I don't want to hear any we should have swept it's a good ass team uh that you're playing up there and they got you yesterday your your ace are ace to this point did not have his best stuff yesterday made a costly mistake to to Raffy Devers and it happens yeah we'll talk about Matt Waldron and his uh his visit to Fenway Park a lot of Tim Wakefield talk during the game yesterday as well ultimately though it was a good month of June for the San Diego Padres they finished by winning nine of their last 11 games in the month their four games above 500 currently occupying one of the playoff spots in the national league the only thing they didn't do in June and this is more of a Ben and Wood sort of Monday morning problem they did not win any Sunday games I know in the month of June not one means every Monday morning we get a losing edition of a Padres wrap-up which we will have who are you coming up here in about five or six minutes yeah you guys can't sandwich give me a sandwich you know a win loss we don't work on the Sabbath anymore what's going on what's happening seriously right why why is the Sunday game always the toughest one to win y'all always finding something to complain about ain't you I swear to god swear to god always complaining about something he's incredible that's correct yeah he's gonna murder us uh but we'll have lots of good good good baseball to talk about as well in our seven o'clock hour take on woods we still have opportunities to win that getaway to the Fontainebleau Las Vegas concert tickets 150 dollar food and beverage credit poolside that's at 7 10 don't do this at 720 our normal segments of course second half of the show on Monday we will catch up within season Sammy talk about his weekend covering the San Diego Padres as well some headlines in our rindle report but mostly some baseball talk from over the weekend lots of ponterays news and notes to get to and I just try to you know you got what one and a half more weeks here to the all star are two more weeks until the all star break you got one road series and then one home stand of eight games so you've got eleven games left until the all star break just finish out the rest of the first half somehow with a winning record over those eleven games stay above 500 you're in good shape going into that last stretch run post all star break yeah and everyone's talking about all the off days and I think inherently they are a great thing for a team that's beat up and that's that's our on paper analysis on paper this is a great space pitching especially your offenses as hot as it is off days aren't necessarily the best thing but you know you got a banged up jerks and pro for you got a banged up Manny Machado you've got a banged up Luis Rizos are three pretty important pieces for you moving forward but man you know I got excited about it and I do love the off days and they deserve them they've earned them they've played a buttload of baseball the first half of the season but man I look at that July schedule and went after whoa mama this is it's it's it's it's going to be pretty nasty three with taxes yeah the dime packs this week yeah sure and then a couple with Seattle then the Braves then you get a break then you go to Cleveland who's unreal then you go to Washington which there it's going to be James Woods going to be up he's making his major league debut today then you got the Orioles then you got the Dodgers to round out the month so um you know some more great baseball is going to need to be played the good news is though is because they have this stretch you don't need to go on a huge winning strike against these teams you just have to not give it back and not have that stretch where you lose six of seven or five in a row which has been the problem through the first half of the season have they gotten over that that'll be the next sign uh to see if the Padres really are kind of taking those strides and turning the corner that Mike shell always said they were going to sure you know all the whole way long all along you said we're going to keep getting better this is him this is not the end product it's going to keep getting better as the season goes on and so far he is he has proved pretty prescient about what his team is going to look like over the course of the season he's counted Chris is but we played better against good teams yeah we have to this point there is no reason to think that we'll continue to do so we were playing lights out on the road then we stopped we were playing poorly at home then they got better at home so there's no trends for the San Diego Padres that are going to remain true for the entire season that's one thing that I think that's one thing that I can say we've learned uh we've learned our lesson right that that if it's going a certain way the chances are it will not continue going that way so I like it and I think there's a big reason for that and we're finally kind of understanding it let's talk about when we come back in our Padres wrap up because yesterday was kind of the perfect example of both the strengths and the potential flaws of this San Diego Padres team will get to that coming up next Monday morning glad to have you with us on San Diego's number one sports station 97.3 the fan so the funny thing is yesterday's game while it was a 4-1 loss compared to two overwhelming wins on Friday and Saturday wasn't that different from the other two games ah yeah I know you're you're you're going with that that doesn't make any sense Ben doesn't make any sense at all how many runs have we scored one okay and they scored 11 and 9 how 20 runs speaking of somebody that's taken DMT this morning no but this is why this is why the Padres will always have you kind of on the edge of your seat the way that you know they have constructed their offense they're gonna have to outscore their opponent to win the game that's right job the the fact that they generally when they rally they have to string together many many hits together for a lot of their rallies they had a nine run nine one I mean they only scored in one inning on I know I know they scored in one inning on Friday they also scored in one inning on Sunday it just you know when the other team gets a big you know comes up with a pitch and gets a double play kills that rally really quickly well all of a sudden the Padres just don't do much offensively and yesterday they had eight hits they had lead runners on all day long they just weren't able to then string a couple of more hits together like they did in really just two big rallies they had a six run rally on Saturday a nine run rally on Friday and that was the difference in the entire series those two really great innings otherwise I mean do you think Boston radio this morning is going well if we just erased that nine run inning and we erased that six run inning we got them right where we want them you know I don't think so I don't know I mean you're talking about Patriots OTAs that's exactly right that's exactly right who are the Celtics who are the Padres I don't even know they still had a team yeah I'm I'm seeing what you're saying you know but yeah you know I don't want to come in here this morning after the the run that they've been on and be like all right let's nitpick some stuff but I think I think it's there's a couple things you can look at yesterday that absolutely made me pull my hair out for sure I think you guys know what I'm about to do but should we play the play the wrap up first sure let's get to our Padres wrap up of yesterday's game we'll go through a little Mount Waldron talk and more coming up right after this check traffic on 97 three the fan it's a shame if they lose oh a shame indeed it's a complete crap oh I did not like that here are the low lights from yesterday's game are you kidding me ooh it's the Padres wrap-up presented by Hummel casino with thrilling slots and tables in all the best rewards Hummel casino has all the fun you're looking for Hummel casino fun above all else we'll give it 16 minutes of salt and then we'll you know get back on the pump and figure it out it's not your fault and a 2-1 pitch in the air to left field a deep both four will turn around to watch up at the monster and it's gone a home run two runs shot for Raphael Devers his second of the series and the Red Sox have a 2-0 lead in the bottom of the first inning their first lead since they were up 1 to nothing in the fourth on Friday 2-1 pitch is way outside gonna go to the backstop gonna get a run home where are you charging in from third sides you've had first a wild pitch on an uppercut ball and a 3-0 Red Sox lead 1-1 pitch hit in the air deep down the right field line towards the ball gone a little run Darren Duran a lead shot here in the fifth inning is gone deep back to back games kind of an urban company shot down that right field line and the Red Sox lead is four to nothing three and one to camp the pitch is swung on it hit fair up the left field line that's going to roll in roll to the corner Merrill racing around 30 scores easily came into second base it's an RBI double and the Padres are on the board here in the seventh inning it's 4-1 damn swing since it in the air to left center field long run Raphaela into the gap he's there and he makes the catch down the game 1-2-3 top of the night for Kenley Jansen his 16th save of the year Padres cannot complete the sweep here at Fenway but they come to Boston and take two out of three as they have still won nine out of their last 11 games oh yeah I mean I think you know they could have a lead you know put some swings on Waldi right everybody had on a little bit um had some guys on just couldn't cash in you know it was a good series um bullpen was really good you know comes in while he gets his guys and co-work with the clean six and we're on a straw to work got out there and got some work so it was good and clean and um was zero so um yeah just couldn't couldn't push enough across there you go there you go one for eight with runners in scoring position after uh dominating in those situations on Friday and Saturday in the Padres lose the series finale 4-1 and uh not gonna pin it all on Matt Waldron who's been so good but clearly there was something extra for him going into that game yesterday and you know sometimes that can be a good thing yeah you've got that extra motivation the extra emotion that really fuels you but sometimes it can also be too much take you out of your game a little exactly and and I think there may have been a little bit of that I don't know if he'd agree or not but clearly uh guy was very emotional about pitching at Fenway Park uh Tim Wakefield where they you know honored him and and Tim Wakefield had helped Matt Waldron with the knuckle ball and obviously that had been an important and special relationship for Matt Waldron to go back to the mound where Tim Wakefield pitched they got Wakefield's number up there atop the green monster after he passed away very sad story from the off season and it meant a lot for him to go out there yesterday and when that happens especially for a knuckle baller you know what I've always heard is that the last thing you want as a knuckle baller is anything that really throws you off that normal very precise rhythm that you need to take the spin off of a baseball I think humidity probably didn't help as well apparently it was like the stickiest game of the year for the San Diego Padres you could feel it man through the TV I mean you know before the rain started dumping all their jerseys were just soaked and he was wearing the long sleeves to try to keep the ball you know changing the ball dry no dripping onto his hands because of the uh the grip that he needs for the for the and I'm not trying to make excuses for Matt Waldron not gonna out by it it clearly seemed to affect him and I thought in the first inning in particular and part of it was the broadcast which Don and Mud were doing a good job but he walked uh what he walked the third batter so he put someone on for rawfield divers can't do it and he gets deep into the count and you they're talking about the fact that divers is such a good was a fast ball hitter oh yeah I mean he's nasty so better not miss with a fast ball to rawfield divers and to be honest with you he didn't he threw it out or out or third but he covers he covers every pitch but uh I think the the situation there is if you hadn't just walked the guy before and it's now it's three balls and two strikes right you don't want to walk another guy right so you throw you don't know that knuckle ball is is on yet so you try to get a fast ball past him and he of course doesn't hit him hit it a mile I think the XBA was 200 but it's the wall it's the green monster it's a fly ball probably an out in a lot of parks but there it's a home run and now you're behind two nothing and you're playing you're playing you're playing catch up the rest of the game yeah divers should litter if you're a knuckle ball pitcher he should never see a fast ball I mean he'll swing he'll swing it stuff out of the zone and the knuckle ball I mean I get it if it's not working walk him you know walk him you take your chances with the next guy you cannot and I know the the the reason that Waldron's been so effective is that he's not just up there flipping knuckle balls his 91 looks 98 after you've seen a couple of those bad boys he's got a really good sweeper as well so he likes to use all of his arsenal and getting ahead with that getting ahead with it which makes him the knuckle ball just that much more effective because you can't take it with two strikes yeah because it might flutter right into the zone there's no question so you have to start swinging and it just it gives him such an advantage that he never really took advantage of yes yeah and and never saw that that heater 91 I think on the outer third and just went boop and flipped it over the monster like he's done before and like he'll do you know probably 400 more times in his career he has an elite elite baseball player um so yeah man that's that's kind of the one guy you look at in their line they have some really good players you know uh gerundran's a really good player they have that rookie that they have is really good as well they have some good players but you can't let that you can't throw that guy you know knee-high fastballs on the outer third he's going to destroy you and he did um kind of love watching him play i love watching him hit i love everything about him i just wish he didn't do it against us yesterday so that that one kind of bugged me uh there you almost kind of felt it was gonna it was gonna happen um but the thing i think that made me the most insane and you guys probably know what it is it's the fifth Jackson Merrill gets on another knock for Jackson Merrill three more hits yesterday this is Jackson Merrill not Jackson you are a stud we're going to get into your uh return to your favorite ballpark but holy smokes man when Jackson gets on and there's nobody out and us on Kim comes up and just lays down a sack bunt i i was like you're down three at that point it's in the fifth inning and Kimmy's been swinging a little bit better you know but that you can't give up and out there the sacrifice and that's what it was it was a sack bun they went down as a sack bun i don't think he was trying to bunt for a hit he was giving himself up in that situation playing for one run when you're down three made me nuts i mean made me and my son had a great point he goes Kyle and gosh yokas is the next batter right he's all or nothing he's correct yeah and then he knows after him he's like no singles you know who's after him Bryce Johnson so is that his name Bryce Johnson he's that what are you trying to put a runner on second base for a guy who hits head like five singles all year guys hitting home runs he can be on first base yeah can get a three run home or gosh yoke can drive him home just as easily just not getting singles out of that guy so one of those you're absolutely right woods a sacrifice of bunt makes almost zero sense in that situation and Hassan Kim has been hitting better lately he's hitting you know over 300 this month it started heat up and to give up and out in an at bat there makes no sense it turned out to be an inning in which the Padres did not score again yep didn't make a lot of sense no you're not you're not tied you're not you know trying to scratch across a run against a really great pitcher i mean you're putting the ball play against that guy i it just didn't make any sense of course kimmy comes up riffs one down the line his next day being i'm like oh man just it's just one of those kind of brain parts maybe he wasn't comfortable wasn't seeing it very well thought what can i do to help the team i understand all that i do and i don't i very much don't think it was called from the bench i think that was a player decision i'm gonna lay one down here get the guy over and see if we can get something going but you know again like i've said i've told you guys before i am not averse to bunting for a hit or anything like that squeezes stuff like that no problem man but down three in the fifth inning with no one who's up behind you you know you got to have a little more situational awareness there uh if you're honest on kim and i hated hated hated that bun other than that you know hey listen great great series and and wing koski was good just because you hadn't heard of him before yeah he's good thought he pitched better than the first two guys for the red socks in that series for sure five innings uh four hits no runs potteries didn't strike out much he only had one strike down i think they struck out four times the whole game they put the ball and play just like they did the other games it just you know wasn't finding the holes ground balls you know right to guys with runners on fruit for double plays and that was the difference in the game yesterday as mike shilt did point out uh bullpen looked good i think they ended the syron straight scoreless innings that's great uh which was nice to see from a bullpen that's had its ups and downs over the course of the year so yeah a positive you can take out there in addition to of course uh a series victory for the san diego pod race now do we have that uh any sn matt waldren audio poly so i wasn't sure whether this was a media kind of generated story i knew that matt waldren had had spoken with kim wakefield they're friendly with yeah yeah and i mean like a zoom call and but i didn't know okay is this is this just a cool storyline because he's coming back or is this something that really means sent over the post and my initial reaction was get over yourself boston was this something that really meant a lot to matt waldren to go back to boston yes where tim wakefield and honestly apparently it did it meant quite a bit to him because after the game he was pretty upset this is uh from any sn tv red Sox post game in the pond raise club house with matt waldren talking about being at fenway park where tim wakefield the knuckle baller had pitched i know that uh wakefields towed that rubber and it was it was you could feel it but yeah it was tough did you take a moment to to appreciate that while you're out there yeah but at the end of the day i got to get a job done so and that just didn't happen you approach by anybody pre-game who yelled something out i said something that that conjured tim wakefield in some fashion no i think just the pitch in general was admired and it got the respect it deserves so sweet angel i mean i got some uh glossy glassy eyes yeah um clearly emotional but it was the post that you sent over from any s and pottery starter matt waldren threw a knuckle ball to start the game in honor of tim wakefield he's a knuckle ball thrower he throws a knuckle ball he does all the time i'm gonna choose to believe it i like stories like i'm gonna choose to believe the boston media isn't what the hell they're talking about i also like if robert swarez opens the ninth with a knuckle ball in honor of tim wakefield his favorite picture growing up if it was michael king that would be weird that would be weird but also cool yes yes special but i i thought you know listen i thought it was a nice moment i thought it was he was very very uh emotional about it yeah it was obviously it was real and it was genuine in that relationship meant something to matt waldren and it meant something for him to be there at fenway park but like i said that's not necessarily the best thing for a picture especially a knuckle baller who sometimes has to control their emotions a little bit more than yeah if you're trying to throw a hundred yeah a little extra emotion juice can't necessarily hurt you when you're trying to throw a knuckle ball a little extra adrenaline or emotion can actually be a a bad thing for a picture yeah but he was fine i mean he was fine we didn't get the big hit he was he was fine shortest outing in a while for matt waldren yeah he scored nine or eleven runs like he did the first two days and no problem four runs and you know four plus endings you're going not his best but certainly plenty fine for what we needed yeah just didn't get the offense that they were looking for in yesterday's game so uh matt waldren guessing will be uh just fine moving forward uh the question is what the potways you're going to do with their pitching rotation now going forward mike shilt was specifically asked after the game they did not release a starting pitcher for tomorrow's game and mike shilt was asked about and he said yeah well we'll tell you later they they have not they're for they're being very careful it would be adam measures turn in the rotation and the fact that they're unwilling to say that he's pitching tomorrow would lead me to believe that they are probably going to reorganize their rotation a little bit either move someone up a day or which would be start someone else I think dylan c's would have his turn then moved up a day with two off days between we made the point last week you can start c's not only on regular rest still on an extra day of rest if he goes in the series opener tomorrow and just skip over at a measure now with randy Vasquez taking a line drive off the elbow that's how he was done they said he's okay dude crying walking off was that was that his was this throwing on yeah yeah oh my god I thought it was broken the way he kind of was very worried with his reaction and imaging was negative not broken just a contusion there's talk that he might be able to just take his normal turn but at the same time now you're worried about another guy who may not be a hundred percent lots of starting pitching injuries for the san diego pod raise and if you move guys up then all of a sudden you could have to pay for it on the back end if you have multiple guys who aren't available certainly not a verse to giving him a little bit more rest you know to make sure that there's nothing deeper in there i mean so if you could go we'll talk about what it potentially could look like but yeah they're they're up against it like most teams are right now man there's a lot of teams battered going into the break so it's got to figure out a way to navigate these next few games before the all-star break i will come back play some take on woods go over the uh the fun 11 to 1 win on saturday night at fenway park with michael king on the mound all coming up next year on 97 3 the fan by a little update we were just talking about the pond raise potential future starting rotation this from the ut newsletter this morning kevin asi writes it sure seems dylan cease will move up a day to start tuesday last pitch wednesday in san diego through is in between bolton on saturday he'd be moving up but still going on five days rest now mike shilt said we're not going to skip anybody we just may reconfigure it a little bit and then at a measure his term turn would normally be on tuesday also through a bolton on saturday he seems like he's the only option for wednesday so it may just be a flip flop between cease and and measure which doesn't feel like it does a ton maybe on the back end before the all-star break he gets dylan cease one more start as opposed to add a measure in the end which there's a value to that getting your you know more ace picture on the mound as opposed to the rookie uh... one extra time over the course of the season but other than that it doesn't sound like any major changes coming in the pottery starting rotation in may sir major changes right uh... so you in taxes cease major vast gas is what we're looking at at the point at this point yes and that gets through a bullpen seems like he feels okay after getting hit by the line drive so that's probably where their headed but they have not met any official announcements could use another arm or three i'd say yeah remember this all changes if aj proler decides to make some sort of trade well at some point as well and and what is the latest update on you darvish still inflammation in the elbow yeah dennis leon wrote in the athletic that uh... you know he he got imaging there's not no structural damage in the elbow he started throwing again but just remains a question mark as to when he's going to return we know joe is not going to come back until at least the end of july they put him on the sixty day which doesn't really change much that was always his timeline it really just gives them an extra forty-man roster spot and he continues with his you know progression like he is expected but i don't think even inside the ponders clubhouse inside the medical room they're a hundred percent confident that joe is definitely coming back they're like if everything goes right yes joe can come back at the start august very end of july but if he has any more setbacks he's probably headed toward maybe season ending surgery and you're just kind of crossing your fingers that nothing else happens between now and and the end of the year that joe can actually make some starts but i would say no one even in that building is counting on ever seen joe musgrove this season again they're just hoping that maybe well maybe they will and that'll be just an added bonus if they've got a couple months of joe joe musgrove left we'll take a couple weeks at this point you know what i mean it's just been kind of a lost season uh... for him and then some some sobering uh... news from dentis london the athletic as well talking about franando tetis jr uh... saying he could miss much of the second half uh... dentis i guess talk to a doctor that's pretty familiar with this not his doctor per se uh... but essentially since it these are the type of injuries i tell people it's difficult to have as a patient difficult to treat because it's out of our hands we have to wait and see how your body responds it can be four weeks it could be twenty weeks it just depends now tetis is young you know the the younger you are the easier you recover but he's got to be doing the right things in his recovery said that he should make a hundred percent recovery um said that these are rare for baseball players but yeah the injury that's often picked up a little bit later it presents as a muscle strain often he's not the profile of an athlete that would typically get it so a late july comeback likely would be optimistic okay that is from dr timothy gibson a board certified orthopedic surgeon memorial care orange coast medical center and fountain valley it sounds like the danger is that basically he says all right if you're pain free for two weeks then you need to wait another two weeks after that to make sure to really start going again and i imagine that's going to be tough for tetis if he's after two weeks he's going i feel great i want to start playing again doctors are going to go okay now your clock is ticking for another two weeks before you can start doing anything which means though if you're paid pain free for four weeks then you're going to wait another four weeks after that you're writing the rest of your life so you know that's it's the patience that's probably going to be the hard part for tetis going forward yeah they played well without them they have feels like i don't think that's why so subbing for nano tetis junior for brice johnson immediately would be one of the biggest upgrades you could possibly make in baseball right now without any trade deadline deals at all yes well they can get hot they could even make the playoffs without for an anti-taught t-shirt but the padre's will never reach the ultimate mountaintop their goal without for an anti-taught t-shirt if if he's if 2022 didn't show you that i don't know what yeah when he's going right i think he would have helped your three games away from the world series you think he might have made a difference but again that you know when i look at that and i look at every you know playoff failure on the last few years poly what comes back to me is pitching you know pitching pitching pitching pitching pitching i you can by the way you can win a world series with brice johnson as you're starting right fielder you can it's been done i mean it is it could be the all world series mvp it is absolutely been done there is a brice johnson on a david peralta on every single freakin team at brice johnson can end up the nationally championship series most valuable no it's not it's weird it's weird and guys step up for me what it's going to what we need to be living and dying with right now is the guy that takes the ball every fifth day and you're just with a with a beaten-up randy Vasquez and a johnny burrito you're trying to stretch out to be a starter and a mount waldrin and a dylan sees and a banged up you a banged up joe michael king michael king's that he's ever thrown you gotta you gotta really focus on getting some arms here uh... if you're a j pro and i'm sure he is along with fifteen other teams right now all making calls i did see the dodgers have already lowballed the chicago white socks for garret crochet they have uh... denied that offer the white socks also tried to extend uh... garret crochet as well and he denied it probably wasn't a very good deal and so yeah man that the arms race is about to heat up tremendously and we are in desperate need of a couple of them forward to anything else let's throw up the phone lines of contest and for take on woods enough on reminds me we got a new month we get a brand new vegas get away i will tell you about momentarily but if you qualified last month you need to qualify again here in july for the grand prize drawing give us a call eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three get ready to take on woods in our musical trivia challenge coming up here in a couple of minutes eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three new prize here in the month of july uh... saturday night's game i thought was the best overall performance by the potways of the series and talk about needing pitching well one thing the potways have gotten both michael king dylan c's last couple of starts really stepping up um... you know king has been solid dylan c's has been up and down but saturday king was really good six innings five innings one-earned run one walk six strikeouts and got plenty of offensive support had the one big inning but also they scored in four other innings on their way to eleven runs and so nice to see many machado with the many machado like game of two home runs being the dangerous batter that strikes fear into the hearts of opposing pictures many has had a really good month of june yeah but that felt like the first game where he really was the ultimate dangerous many when he stepped into the box and that was fun to see yeah really really fun to see um... you know nice to see him back swinging the bat well and trending in the right direction you know certainly because we need them we absolutely need him to to be at his best and he's got a he's got a you know kind of put the team on his back a little bit with nando being out and sander coming back and all that i mean there's still a pretty good player in there uh... for many machado so i was i was obviously very pleased to see uh... how well he played this weekend and then of course jackson maryll continuing his torrid tear on saturday going three for five with his twelve home run of the season unbelievable driving the ball just all parts of the ball park um... i really didn't think that jackson maryll was going to be a candidate for the all-star game now it's almost going to be a crime if he doesn't go hundred percent he's not going to be voted in he's not one of the finalists in the national league of outfielders for the final six but that doesn't mean you can't go there's still the player vote there's still the manager selections that could be made and when you look at the other outfielders in the national league if you're just going by who's had the best first half of the season jackson maryll absolutely will deserve to be at least a member of the national league all-star team just based on who he's going up against i will he be there i don't know but not going to be a starter but he absolutely belongs belongs there in arlington absolutely belongs there hundred percent yeah which is just stassum but craze staggering yes it's incredible conversations that we were having in january february march what are we going to do we're just we're going to throw a short stop out there and just have more on the fly throwing them out there it's just crazy unbelievable it's just crazy man crazy so i mean he had he was a monster this weekend a monster a menace what was the home run to his mom was that friday's that was friday's one of the cooler moments you'll see uh and then they interviewed his mom the next day talking about you know how much jackson loved the red socks when he was a kid and and getting to come in there and have the series that he had i mean what did he go the series was just under seven seven i think seven for fourteen two doubles two homers five rb 71 ops come on five hundred she's talking about her her seats that he got her we're up on the monster yeah and you know it's nearby they used to travel to fenway park all the time so they had some friends sitting on center field she's like oh yeah i'll pop over you know 30 minutes or so watch a couple innings with you guys and then she goes okay when jackson i'm gonna wait here watches next at bat and then i gotta go back to our seats and sure enough that's the at bat that you see the ball 20 feet away from her and she's like pointing up at it it was so cool just a cool what an incredible mom i'm trying to hit a whole run to you stop moving around i need to know where you are he said he could hear her laughing while he was playing center field the best dude the best what a kid what a kid he is man a uh you know a a favorite already among so many potteries fans and for good reason plays the game hard plays the game the right way you know loves his teammates again for him and man he first guys over the top every single time anybody does anything it's really cool i'm kind of holding my breath i know he's he's perfect yeah he's like i love him he's like perfect i mean not that there isn't some room for improvement he's 21 years old but essentially he's everything you could possibly have hoped for with attitude production just the way he is embraced created a rookie center field lab it's him no i talked so i was i told you i ran into Tim Flannery over the weekend i was talking to him and it's the first name he brought up and he goes i was in awe of that home run he hit to dead center field as we all were last week or whenever it was and he goes he goes it's just such a hard position to learn he said short stops can play anywhere we all we all say that and we all believe it he said but to learn it on the fly at the big league level and the adjustments that he made so quickly on the fly playing a new position he goes i love the kid he's just an unbelievable talk this is jackson man he's hitting against lefties he's hitting against righties he's going wow you know you know what he said to other way he's doing it all we talked about how we talked about how sometimes a guy can get a home run stroke for a couple days it's the worst thing that ever happened to me he goes but watch it he still takes his singles still takes his singles still takes the singles and if he gets one to drive he drives it and it's just you know the head on his shoulders is ridiculous it's crazy it's crazy yeah all right we'll have more jacks and maryll tahk coming up right now though let's play today's game it's time for the monday edition of take on woods it's time for take on woods woods all right that chat is first up chance to qualify for our brand new Las Vegas getaway how about this one we've got a trip to the Rio Las Vegas tonight's day dinner for two and a day band at the Rio pool the Rio Las Vegas is back new ownership newly remodeled rooms four sparkling new pools and a brand new food hall already for you now your next vegas escape beyond the expected beyond the strip beyond your wildest dreams Rio Las Vegas the rhythm of vegas booked now at Rio las chagamorny morning how you doing i'm good all right woods is gone you get to go first uh you get the choice of three categories for our five questions of musical trivia we got keep the change song titles and artists that include a type of coin you're making me crazy five song titles that include the word crazy and our new category give them a hand five song titles that include the word hand so keep the change you're making me crazy or give them a hand Chad what would you like um let's do uh create making me crazy you're making me crazy first let me remind everybody take under what's brought to you by valvoli and instant oil change it only takes 15 minutes you don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts go to that's all right i got five questions in front of me if you don't know an answer say pass we can come back to it if there's time left on the clock of the 60 seconds first question is the two second song poly is queuing it up right now play a little music you need to give me the title and the artist to score that point and remember the category you're making me crazy song titles including the word crazy chat are you ready to go ready and do this all you good all right queued up all right 60 seconds on the clock your time begins when paul plays our music good luck Chad let's take on woods that's uh crazy for you by heart crazy on you i'll give it to you prince gives a eulogy for this thing called life over funeral-like organ music at the beginning of which 1984 hit um pass ozzy ozborn was all aboard for which 1980 debut solo release crazy trade correct fine young cannibals topped the u.s charts twice in the late eighties with good thing and which other successful single from their album the raw and the cooked he drives me crazy correct with music written by freddy murkery in about five to ten minutes which late 1979 release became the first number one hit in the u.s for queen um pop let's go to the next one first prince gives the eulogy for this thing called life over funeral-like organ music in the beginning of which 1984 hits uh let's go to the next one sorry with music written by freddy murkery in about five to ten minutes which late 19 time ran out you're going well there you got three got crazy on you by heart crazy training she drives me crazy let's go crazy by prince and crazy little thing called love by queen or the two you didn't get well that prevents you from qualifying for las vegas though me thinks it might we'll see as our champ comes in woods always ready to defend his crown he doesn't get the category makes it a little more difficult chad score is locked in it three set everything 60 seconds on the clock woods your time begins and paul plays the music good luck let's take on chad crazy on you heart correct prince gives a eulogy for this thing called life over let's go crazy correct aussie ozborn was all born correct fine young cannibals topped the u.s. charge she drives me crazy correct with music written by freddy murkery in about five to ten minutes which late 1979 release we don't call crazy no no i would have been an all-timer that was fast it is a win four to three crazy little thing called crazy little thing but the category you're making to crazy is goes to woods today i like pretty much all those very fast except for you man she drives me it's horrid port and a birthday shout out 28 years old today jacob i just got a DM from his uh his misses would not have to get some of the birthday shoutout guy now this is my bit my lot in life dude in your boomer is science and boys hey real happy birthday one of which happy birthday to jacob turn to 28 today victoria uh send us a message and said you're a huge fan so uh happy birthday to you jacob 28 years old today i'm boomer size i'm boomer size all right we've got uh don't do this coming up next what's has like announcers in his sight writers in his sight i don't even know you have too many don't do this is for a weekend to get to all of them i think boy those dodger fans those dodger beat reporters you guys are on be leaveable all right that should be embarrassed coming up next we've been a woods after traffic here on san diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fam don't do this it's time for don't do this what were you thinking three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads why how many times do i have to tell you i'm sorry i fudged up guys new idiots moron out the apple sometimes does far fall from the tree don't do this do not tweet that with ben and woods i like a nickelback song or two on 97-3 the fan speaking of liking a nickelback song or two poly was uh talking about that nickelback documentary wasn't that over the weekend i watched it now one we talked about it uh several months ago it was announced just got released on netflix like in the last week i can't wait i did not watch it yesterday i promised right would i didn't you watch it we got no game sign okay yeah i think we'll talk about tomorrow all right you're gonna love it oh i have no doubt i have no doubt i will and i posted about it on instagram and i had 30 people reach out bunch of you know don't do this uh and then a bunch of people are going i feel so validated right now yeah and i know i left it going i didn't know i i liked nickelback ha ha the bad rap that those guys have got i got hosed yeah well this fan base thinks that they get hosed constantly i'm talking with the los angeles dodgers and uh saw a tweet over the weekend from one of their beat writers and bill plunkett bill got rightfully dragged on twitter holy smokes man says uh spencer bivins just won the world series or appeared to based on his celebration reaction after striking out show hayo tawny for the second time today and uh listen so mookie did the press conference oh yeah when everybody plays us it's going to be their world series yeah man like when you spend a billion dollars in the off-season you've won the west you know perennially for many many years you do know teams are going to be gun gunning for you you know that right like the pottery spent some money last year everyone was gunning for us as well that's that's the nature of it um but this this guy's tweet i don't think he really understood the context of what spencer bivins been had been through spencer bivins uh his career started in france he was paid only in cash and games were only on the weekends he pitched for four different independent ball teams he's been in san francisco system since 2022 he's a 30-year-old rookie and got called up to start against the mighty los angeles dodgers and uh pitched very very well again yeah punching out show eight twice gave it the all he did was walk off the mountain give it the fist pump and it was an enthusiastic fist pump absolutely as it should be just like tiger making the pot on the 18th green at torrey pines fist pump but again you're talking about a team you know across the way there the the dodgers they get a single and they stand at first and they dance and they you know i mean look it's okay to show emotion and it's okay that other teams have good players too and i think dodger fans are missing that point like if you're going to be the empire be it be it all the way don't get but her when people celebrate against you because you we all saw jason hayward hit a ball that i think put them up you know they were already up three and i think this put him up five and he slides in a third and he's like yeah like nothing wrong with it again that the taking exception to people celebrating against you is pretty weak well we saw the washing the nationals when they were here taking exception with jerks and pro for but i think what what everybody needs to understand is that every celebration in baseball comes at the expense of another team absolutely no matter what it's directed at or not if another team is celebrating it's because you failed so it is coming at your expense so either there's never any celebration allowed or we really just have to allow all celebration of good place yeah i mean it is and when it comes down to that obviously you want baseball players to be able to show emotion and celebrate especially guy that you know is is is 30 years old and strikes out show here a tiny twice you best believe i would have been doing a helicopter off the mount walking back into the dugout otherwise we're trying to come up with very convoluted rules about when it's okay to celebrate and when it's not that no one will ever agree on so let's just agree on you do something good you celebrate it it's fine and then understand when the other team does something good they get to celebrate it as well and don't get to be offended by it either way so weird so so so weird by the way don't do this is brought to you by the craft taco in sreno valley craft taco is some of the best quality tacos in all of san diego go to the craft taco dot com take a look at their happy over specials today the craft taco dot com woods was so fired up for all of his don't do this options that i said i'll just i'll help you out with one that i know caught your attention this weekend from the rocket mortgage classic in Detroit should have got everybody's attention including like the police it's actually a very it's a good do-do this story a 15-year-old miles russell got a sponsor's exemption to make his pga tour debut already made the cut on a corn fairy tour event this year came out played pretty well didn't make the cut but shot 74 70 not anything embarrassing at all and as a 15-year-old competing against you know grown pga tour players in fact they gave him a courtesy car which he couldn't drive because he doesn't have his license his dad had to his dad had to drive it they took a picture the locker room at Detroit golf club says only 16 and older allowed so he had to get special permission to actually go into the locker room because he wasn't 16 yet but he did now afterwards in the press conference we have the audio it's what's the unusual line of questioning from one of the reporters of this 15-year-old after his round you're the only player in the field that you click on your profile on the pga tour at height and weight is not listed so what is your current height and weight i think my height is probably five seven and weights maybe one 20 okay so waist size what it's right there the 28 what's that what do you say what's that waist size what's that waist size oh your voice uh they uh have they dropped yet or uh so i'm assuming that this is the need for that so well i'm assuming that this was Brendan Quinn who covers the pga tour for the athletic because here was his story on miles rustle very tiny waist here's his here's his lead it's miles miles rustles pants don't fit he didn't mean to show off his ankles during thursday's first round of the rocket mortgage classic it's just the inseam he was measured for recently no longer applies he had a growth spurt soon after now measures five foot seven but stuck with pants meant for a wee five foot six his waist meanwhile remains near non-existent who cares 120 pounds he wears a 28 inch waistline with a scrunched belt he's trying to make the point that he looks we're good on it he doesn't look like the other pga tour we know that you know how we know that there's an infallible weight another he's 15 years old yes his pants are way short it left the you can see his ripped abs through his shirt i mean come on dude that voice and uh what's that uh what's that waist size brought a beat in the out of if i was the dad i'm like hey we need to have a serious conversation here after that i do watch us the shop in the of the children's section because he's a child well and listen you know this is probably a me thing but i do spend the majority of my weekend watching pedophiles get their ass kicked on twitter it's like this new thing and as a father of two boys that's terrified of it and i was like you watching another video i'm like yes i am and i'll continue to do it there's like all these grooves you see these there's like all these groups that are out there like entra ent entrapping people which find by me yeah and they're catching them and you know slap them how can i help yeah do you guys need funding where do i say yeah do you need funding number one do you need anybody on weekends if i could get away i will love to come help you because that is a problem it was a very very creepy weird question and again you know how you write a story about the kid being young what's it uh it's at waist size imagine asking anybody that it's really weird but it's your waist size well i'm a 36 really yeah i've been forever i was a 34 forever now i'm a 36 what are you well i was a 40 and now i'm probably 36 to 38 yeah yeah i'm a 36 team 36 team 36 better wood you know the 36 that does allow for a little bit of the hangover you know the and i got a little fine you have to suck it in when you know you've button the button no they fit they fit they fit nice there's no it's not tight i do wear a lot of athleisure but under my button pants they still feel pretty nice let's move on it was creepy all right uh so what do you have for do do this yeah let me uh let me see those toes dd mega do do all right so our beloved donor seller i got on this is a hybrid i don't do this is a hybrid yes so this came out this morning and it leads into what i want to talk about for due to this obviously very emotional return home for uh donor solo spent many many years calling games winning world series with the Boston Red Sox you know you know there's something there right i mean there's there's definitely a piece of his heart was left in boston so uh this morning want to thank our our buddy because i did not have this 30 seconds ago um our buddy sam sd fireman sam said dude something about getting your teeth kicked in makes you say some wild stuff at jared karabas the irony here in talking about an x there's zero chance under any circumstance donor solo ever leaves sd thanks for him though listen to what karabas said uh short the section ten section ten podcast i felt for don but he had uh he at least had a lot of fun on saturday that's for sure i kind of felt worse for the pajras because he clearly doesn't give a f*ck about the pajras he's like get off you don't think so what do you mean what do you mean the way he's still talking like i hate it i mean that if sindia doesn't have any other teams but like the way he was still talking about boston i'm not talking to get over because we're not oh they're talking about an x type of thing yeah and yeah it's just like he like if if if if he were offering the job tomorrow i think he's leaving san diega okay so here's what donor sillow had to say about his tenure in boston over the weekend i believe when you're fired from a team you lose your allegiance to that team as far as caring whether they win or lose that was part of the deal if i'm out so are they i can't be a fan of someone is not a fan of mine you're going to like someone who despises your replaces you i couldn't do it my allegiance had to end especially when i went to another franchise where i am now invested that fandom ended now my love for the brew and seltics patriots has not changed they didn't fire me i think uh jerry kravis who's five three uh probably is a bit misguided uh here i can almost promise you with 100 percent certainty if the red socks called it and said don't we we messed up don't come home he would probably tell them to eat ass oh i think so i think he has i also think if the red sock swept the padre as this weekend jerry kravis would be like man how great was it to have donor sillow back in boston for three days how we missed that guy he's but her yeah he's five three i think um don still has love for the city of boston he went to school there in north eastern and even fenway park but the red socks organization he has soured on that part of it as he should they let him go it was a huge mistake mass huge i saw that that redest thread that i sent you with that quote from or sillow you read the comments bro red socks fans are losing their minds they're like so mad wait we fired don yeah what yeah yeah you did you did and don don's got a long memory as he should as he absolutely should he was the heart and soul of that's him and jerry remi together were in legendary combo legendary and you let that dude get away wow along with mookey bets and baybrooth well done well done not all at the same time but well still mets don't and do do this for a monday that was don't do this with bennen woods on 97 three the fan friday's fifth inning might have been one of the most spectacular fun enjoyable nine straight batters i've ever seen in my life for the sandy eagle pot raise will uh continue our discussion of the weekend that was in boston at fenway park uh when we come back with more bennel woods on 97 three the fan don't go away over this last baseball off season woods when um many of the top free agents didn't sign until well into spring training yeah or as clients took forever months and months of speculation the uh the NBA is the exact opposite i mean they they cannot get to free agency any faster yesterday was like the start of just the negotiating like window and already i was like 40 moves this morning uh in the NBA big big names going all over the place uh james harden resetting with the clippers paul george is now going to the 76ers warriors uh wave chris paul he's going to the spurs contagious caldwell pope to the magic leaving the nuggets sounds like clay tomsen is leaving the warriors too could go to the maths at a lakers in a sign and trade and that's just a like the tip of the iceberg they do their free agency it's fun and they pretty much get it done that's fun i get it two three days everyone'll be signed like if you don't sign in like four days it's it's because you have no value anymore it's like your career is over they have judged you unworthy to be in the NBA anymore if you haven't signed in the first four days that is fun that's the that's the right way to do it i wish i gave him frogs fat ass but the NBA i'd be all excited today i don't so i'm like you guys could fill me in but yeah the the baseball offseason it's it's excruciating it's like a it's like a three-month six-month root canal you're just laying there going somebody inside somebody like everyone's so afraid of making the first big move or should we you know are we overpaying for this guy i mean there's two guys blake snell and jordan Montgomery they gotta be kicking themselves every single day for listening to scott board now i have to i think i would think like guys like a woj and shams get no sleep for like three or four days because they've like reporting things at one a.m but it's got to be better like jeff parson basically has to be on alert for five months for big baseball news because it could happen in november it could happen in december january like can we just get it all done with like the NBA does in like three days i got four days in july that i need to work after that we're pretty good on vacation guys literally in hawaii like next week just started and done for a while now that's great i mean that's the best way to do it i you know we kicked it around and hear some ideas of how you can make it better and you know there was that deadline date that we talked about but i don't know that that's necessarily fair or the right way to do it but you know deadline spur reaction and action and and it's just something that baseball has been missing you've got you've got so many people benny in my opinion i think sitting in a room potentially overthinking some things after a while you know why does this 34 year old get a deal but this 33 year old that had a great like i'm talking about like brand and belt you know he had a great year last year is he playing baseball anymore does he have is he on a team has anyone signed brand and belt who had you know leaves a pretty good year last year and it's just it's just a weird weird how it goes sometimes and and look we don't know the whole story maybe he got an offer that it was a turd he's like i'm not signing that you know we we never know but i just know that every year it's so excruciating you know it's excruciating well and and you've seen the damage it's done you absolutely are seeing it in a real time to players who didn't get a spring trade he likes now certainly the prototypical example we knew he was going to struggle oh just based on how his off-season but you're not going i did not expect that from him i really didn't and he is and scuffled badly so yeah it's i don't know what you do but i i do know that man it it certainly would be and just you always put yourself in these guys shoes you just i want to know where i'm playing i want to know where i'm playing i want to know i need to rent a house i need to get everything dialed in this waiting game waiting you know weeks in the spring training would be excruciating for for me personally and i think most of us in this room it would kill us we talked a little bit about jacks and marrow earlier where would the pot raise be without him what about kyle hagash yoga as well we will get to that in friday's game right after check traffic here on ninety seven three the fan and baseball coverage in ninety seven three the fan is presented by t mobile switch to t mobile you can get tons of benefits and still save on every plan versus at and t and verizon use their savings calculator to find out at t mobile dot com slash switch so what a month of june it was for kyle hagash yoga who hit eight home runs in less than 50 at bats in the month of june more than any other catcher in one month in pattra's history and he wasn't even a full-time player until the middle of the month when louise campusana went on the injured list that's the kind of month it was for kyle hagash yoga and they had that stat up when he hit the home run on friday pattra's catchers have hit more home runs as catchers than i think any other team in baseball because some use them as designated hitters on days they're not catching but when actually catching and hitting home runs pattra's now like have the most they get another one from brett selvan over the weekend as well yeah it's been an unexpected bounty from behind the plate in terms of power and most of it of course has been from kyle hagash yoga it's been amazing to see it's been so much fun to see and you know listen getting an opportunity and stepping up the way that he has it's not going to last forever it's not it but you know you hope that you can ride it out and that he contributes and contributes by throwing guys out i mean when you if you're not hitting you know you can play good defense and and he's done that he's throwing guys out at a really nice clip way better than campy had now campy i think the update on him is he's he's pretty much ready at this brief i have a sign in the lake elson or tonight yeah okay and then probably tomorrow and then after that they will uh evaluate and see if he returns yeah so i mean uh sullie probably goes down uh again but you know made the most of his opportunity up in boston this weekend that was a lot of fun watching him rap on around the pesky pole uh but it was great it was great but yeah you just you don't know how long this is going to take i mean this is a this is a big one for lupusano i mean it really is a big moment for him um i know he's been banged up i know he's been injured but i mean you got to think gary sanch has last year came in kind of snatched snatched it away from him kyle hagashyokas come in alfaro's has been there uh as well so you don't want to be the guy that continuously loses his job whether it's the injury or non-performance at all so this is a big this is a big stint back with the club we talked about it last week though even when campy comes back hagashyoka needs more playing time than he's got before yeah i like you know it was basically 60 40 for campy it's got to swing the other way at least for the time being yeah and you got to make your your the most of your opportunities for both of those guys because frankly i mean you're going to need both of these guys to contribute down the stretch so uh we need them now we need it with satis being out you know we need to have a force down there at the bottom of the lineup a guy that can hit the ball out of the ballpark and higgy has been phenomenal really really you couldn't you literally couldn't ask for anything more from him friday's game i i don't know that i remember a game turning on such a dime like friday's did there was it was a real pitcher's duel yeah between a surprising one between nik pavetta and randy vasquez scoreless for the first three and a half innings boston broke through with the one run in the bottom of the fourth but you're thinking all right potter's gonna have to find a way to win this one three to two two to one and then all of a sudden the fifth inning starts with higgy with higgy uh it's the it's the two run bomb two run bomb so yeah hot sun cam gets on and then higgy homers and then no one makes it out i mean nine straight guys all the way through the order everybody reaching capped with jaxon maryll's three run home run to centerfield to his mom sitting out there nine up nine in for the san diego pond race it was the it was the inning that encapsulates so much of what has gone well for the potter's offense this season there was a uh there's peace in the utt this morning tom krasvick spoke with murv retinland old hitting coach for the pot raise and you know sometimes you you roll your eyes uh on the uh you know the guy from my days perspective but he murve actually said i'd never enjoyed seeing a team hit more than this san diego pond race team and he coached the 1998 world series potter's but he goes every single at bat love their approach they're going up there this team just knows what it is trying to do at the plate and more often than not they go and then execute what they are trying to do at the plate now does it always work no we just saw yesterday's game where they scored one run but they don't strike out even when they lose they only strike out four times in the game it's not the kind of baseball that you see from other teams yeah that we got gotten accustomed to over the last few years it's not that that it's not that way it's not that three true outcome type stuff it's guys getting the ball you know putting it in play um and and of course you know getting the the homerun contributions has been great and i mean it's just been phenomenal this team slugging a lot better so it's been great to see it was a blast i mean anytime you send nine guys up in the all-score man that's that's literally stuff man it just does not happen against a big league team you know nine straight runs it was unreal yeah and i think the the jury is still out whether the the pot raise offense can be consistently effective whether they're you know is that really the formula you want to try to win a championship but it truly is probably the most entertaining offensive team in baseball by high batting average lots of guys on base constant traffic contributions from throughout the order top bottom and we still hit into a lot of double plays you know what i mean because they make contact a lot of content they have guys on but the way you hit into double plays is by getting guys on base and then making contact you know teams that don't hit into double plays it's because they're striking out or they're not getting guys on base in the first place so yeah the double plays are frustrating man he hits into a ton of them but when you constantly Kim crony they're all like you constantly have guys on rise i think they're all leaders when you're coming up and you hit the ball hard sometimes it's going to be on the ground and it's going to be at someone you're gonna head into a lot of double plays that's not that's not a sign that the pot raise are doing something wrong it's actually a sign they're doing something right that they're heading into a lot of double plays you got to get in the answer yeah yeah these years you're not always gonna do that now you made the announcement late in the show friday the potteries had added austin davis and you were like who is austin davis then we had forgotten completely you know austin davis is that's a big fudge remember big fudge yes that's big fun we talked about big fudge in the off-season and here he is makes his debut with the pot raise one ending pitch and one walk one strike out yeah big fudge and looked what good looks like nasty stuff left to that break left to right there it's uh it was significant i can get behind a nickname of big fudge real good big fudge again good weekend for the pot raise bull pen yep and taking two out of three from the the boston red Sox all right we'll come back eight o'clock hour we'll include a visit from sammy lebit in season sammy coasted all the pot raise pre and post game shows lots more to get to with benham woods don't go away san diego's number one sports station ninety seven three the fan we're halfway home on a monday benham woods ninety seven three the fan great to be here with you guys took two out of three from the red Sox always feels good we'd even go into a hostile environment like fenway park look beautiful by the way look absolutely yeah fenway park it looked beautiful i've uh had a little fomo not gonna lie i saw a lot of pottery fans made tons of pot raise fans there i've been yeah i've been getting it bad this year man for sure i'm woodsy that's paul rinder the executive producer ben higgins your friendly neighborhood sports anchor joins us as well i mean even like i'm not a big blink 182 fan since uh one of their guys said they were gonna come on with us and then didn't and they bummed me out i like people above their word you know we had we promoted it and made us look like idiots now when they bailed the next day but even last night they played petco park and it looked amazing and i'm not i like four or five songs whatever but i saw it last night i went god dang i'm missing out on this you know the uh fenway park and petco park are extremely different yes they share that connection that was of course highlighted yes this weekend and that is larry lukina a hundred percent who uh who was the driving force behind the construction of petco park i mean the personal sheer will and effort community you know meetings that he took to try to make petco park happen above and beyond and then went to boston and and basically did the same thing the renovation of the green monster the seats on top people they were talking about the maybe the maybe the best idea ever yeah i mean seats up there maybe the best idea in history like against it for a while you can't tarnish a cathedral of baseball tarnish it man it looks it was a great idea can you imagine sitting up there what better seat on the planet i've had some good ass seats before i've had some good ass seats before nothing like that i can't wait to have jessie agler on the show tomorrow it's much of a baseball nerd that that man is following his instagram stories is awesome and he was taking you on little tours a i just was like i'm so happy that he gets to finally call a game at fenway park can't wait to hear about it i loved the pictures that the padre's posted of all the guys signing the inside of the green monster pretty sick man like that's a tradition your first time at fenway park you go in and it's everybody's first time at fenway park on this roster yes it's uh now being renamed to jackson meryl park because he is the uh the owner of fenway right now what a monster series he had uh in fenway but no i had i had that feeling of like dude why aren't we going on some of these trips it really bums me out hey well we don't have disposable income i've got a family as well i have to take care of and be at home for but i really was looking going ah we've been saying this for years right 2025 2025 we got to go to s i don't care if it's boston we got to go somewhere chicago wriggly something we got to do something as this show you know how much longer you know you know how much longer we'll be together or you know even alive you have no idea life is short we got to yolo it up a little bit more next year because i'm sitting here watching well this looks like a great time everyone's eating the local fair and you know walking around and having a ball we'd have a blast there it's shame our company won't pay our way to go to do our job really just is a very we love content so much we will give you content here's the interesting part if we pay our own way they're going to want content we'll be like you're not getting it hey can you do a video from outside wriggly no i'm on vacation i paid for this you want to reimburse me i'm in i just as much as we love baseball as much as we love the pod raise like i'm like we need to pick a thing and go every single year somewhere pittsburgh would be an incredible oh i'd like to see p_n_c_ i have never been to pittsburgh we can get that sandwich everybody raves about permanti brothers yes right pittsburgh there's there's a handful of stadiums like pittsburgh uh filly offman no no cities that unless it's there for work like a baseball centric trip right i probably won't ever be like i don't ever see myself just in pittsburgh going to pittsburgh i would have to be going to watch a baseball game i don't ever see myself just in kansas city yeah i'd have to be going to watch a baseball game of course i can see myself in chicago new york boston yeah in a game there is kind of an afterthought in one of those big cities right i mean i took bow to chicago last year i looked at the schedule and i went oh crap cubs aren't there bummer but there was still so much more to do all right i got the trip shit damn we should have done it this year when we do the manager miami you know i tried we we talked about it nothing ever material miami vice higgins over here yeah do you imagine him get my pastels my god bent out miami beach it's expensive though i mean it's expensive that's the trip the drinks out and sat in south beaker spent a year or two that's true that's true we live here every day that's expensive it's also true yeah i'd like to get out there man yeah yes let me say clug is listening right now counting the expense report in this head yeah tons of money lying around well i mean again we're gonna do it next year whether you want content out of it or not well keep in mind also you know the uh the baseball schedule the 2025 schedule usually comes out i think like august so we should know plant something in about a month and and have an idea of you know time of the year and what looks appealing on the pot in an actual for next year yeah even those i i didn't you know the mexico city one would have been a lot of fun the korea one i thought is just gonna be too it's too long i'd raise opening the season in oslo norway next year we're in why what they'll do it in some really weird spot that i'm like fine i'll send you guys nevermind we don't want to we don't want to go no we got to make some of those trips happen next year even if it's on our our own dime uh because it's just it looks so much fun man and the weather that the people got it if you went friday and saturday you were like i've landed in paradise you know um for the weather that they had a family now yesterday not a game that i would have sat through i would have told you both at the hotel go ahead i'm going to be watching in the hotel room hot and sticky is pouring rain pouring rain that's why you got to pick the right time of the year as well still have a couple more road trips this year i mean it's not too late pittsburgh and miami both at the beginning of august just i don't there's not enough time to plan oh there's enough time you just don't have the will to do so well fine i'm not saying i do i just we got to run it by the missus too there's a whole big it's a whole big thing permissions required yes lots of permission slips uh let's see did anyone catch me anchory the news last night filling in on channel 10 and the six and the 11 o'clock so i was in my office working at five o'clock and i thought you were on at five and so i put on channel 10 at five and it was not it so i did not so that you get one chance and then you were done i gave it one shot and then i it was his slow news day there wasn't a ton going on um couple of fires in northern california our lead story was uh the fact that new laws go into effect on july first including this one's kind of interesting did you know that at most or certain bars and clubs now they're required to provide tests for your drink to see if it's been like spiked good with uh like roofies rohypnol or ketamine so there's like strips or straws that you like just put in and then look and see if it like changes i need to hear this in ben anchor news voice i uh well i did last night in anchor news voice but uh it's uh it's required from uh the state of california new law that goes into effect today that uh certain class 48 establishments with a liquor license must provide to their customers uh the ability to test their drinks for foreign substances that have been added to uh prevent you know rising sexual assaults that occur in those establishments i think it's absolutely great idea some places we're providing them for free others they can charge a fee for them but they have to have them at least uh at the bar or available to customers that's one of the laws that went into effect of course uh i think our gas taxes are going up slightly again as well very cool uh here at the start of july so let's go off warning you're gonna pay more in gas taxes uh that was another law that they are are talking about but it wasn't really it was a quiet news day for the most part adam says in the chat anyone remember when steven woods talked about the show going to texas for the all-star game but didn't actually want to go i do i don't recall that at all and then hannah said i do adam he's the boy that cried road trip i guess when the feeder actually held to the fire i'm like ah once you realize it's going to require a trip to the airport and we're waiting in a security packing and everything else you just want to be there you want to snap your fingers you want to be at the pod race road game and then snap your fingers and be back in your bed yeah that night's true that's true mmm we are going to uh san francisco as a family in september for hannah's birthday we're going to check out a game i think it's pod race giants at oracle so that'll be fun i'm uh going to that ballpark we love san francisco taking the kids alcatraz doing the whole bit so very excited about that but as a show i'd like us to get away and go do something yeah i mean we have our our fantasy our spring fantasy baseball every year that we go fantasy camp fantasy camp that's what it's called yeah we do that um let's just kind of get away for the show let's get away but you want like an in-season getaway then in-season getaway where the boys are playing somewhere we get to go watch them you know be good how about a playoff trip that'd be in october let's do that let's do that plan those in advance too nervous man be amazing though all right yeah we'll do that but that would be ideal okay deal pod race uh are certainly on pace to get there at this point we'll over halfway through the season currently uh three games behind the braves who are the first wildcard team in the national league half game ahead of the cardinals who are in the third slot uh mets are in fourth and still that you know big grouping of teams in the national league that are all still for the most part in it uh you know got the giants diamondbacks pirates nationals cubs uh you know some some teams have struggled a little bit but no one's so far back that they can't envision a you know five six-game winning streak you get some right back into the thick of things so don't know if we are going to have a lot of movement yet it is trade deadline month july is here by the end of the month you're going to have to have your final moves in place and and have your roster set for the the rest of the season so you know those those talks are just going to heat up over the coming weeks but still not many more sellers i saw the um the blue jays are finally saying all right we're we're gonna put a few guys on the market bro and that the guy's happening for us this year the guys that they were throwing on the market there's definitely some interesting names in kakuchi and then there's uh yumi garcia out of their bullpen is pretty nasty too i'm i'm sure aj has made some uh some calls to canada here recently i would think so it wouldn't surprise me yeah um maybe a couple of pretty good fits there you know with uh tatisse's injury is still the outfield remains you saner bo guards could be back before the all-star break he is getting a a ct scan today if all goes well he could start a rehab assignment in the next couple of days where the hell does he play but the problem is is yeah he's not an out fielder they what they really need is another out fielder at this point not knowing how long tatisse is going to be out not really having any solid backups i mean breast johnson has started every single day since he's been yeah it's not an everyday star he's not in david peralta's not either and eggy rizario's not either at this point right and he's starting every single day no man it's a it's a glaring hole right now for the san diego pontres no if it wasn't for kyle hagashioka having this monster monster june ben i mean think about what the bottom of that lineup looks like right now with breast johnson in there every single day man it's rough so yeah david peralta's not a guy you can run out there five games a week starting a right field yeah they got they gotta do something they gotta do something and a lot of people are talking about tier so or now let's getting uh potentially a call up pretty soon playing pretty well with okay like let's let's see it i'd rather i'd rather see a guy that has some potential with some pop then then no offense to breis johnson but and we have plenty of guys on this team can bunt you know we're pretty adept at bunting tyler raid lives here and and uh you know how son kim now lives here is the lord sacrifice i'm surprised that weight hasn't gotten a starter to i know field me too in the last week just knowing what mike shilt generally says about him and thinks about him but he's been i guess when you're winning you know he don't stir things too much maybe now that they lost yesterday you can think about giving breis johnson a day off and trying something else but brandon says can crony play out field i feel like he's athletic enough i've been saying this for five years that he is like put him in in in let at the time it was put him in left field and let him go to bo guards at second yep and then move crony to the outfield he would think i think he could do it in a second i just feel like he'd be great at it i really do i've always found that kind of the point of having a roster full of short stops is that they're athletes athletic enough to play anywhere it is but it's also the problem of having a roster full of short stops they can't you know it's it's a learning curve to play anywhere else unless you're jackson maryll but um yeah crony crony crony could do it do it in a hard way i would say it's it's very difficult to make that transition without you know full-off season to work on at a full spring training jackson maryll is making the the conventional wisdom of that feel a little foolish and how quickly he adapted to center field and how absolutely serviceable or beyond serviceable he's even been defensively but to ask someone to just to move out there without a single day is in the middle of the season is a lot i know man it's a lot i know but that's where they they have plenty of infielders and not enough outfielders right now eddy rosario was just uh d_f_a_ and i think this morning by the national so they're gonna be looking to move him maybe he's an option i don't know i mean i think everything's on the table right now for the san diego potter is you do have some holes to fill and excuse me uh i think it's it's important that it they get done soon i mean you got it you got a tough stretch coming up in july i know you get days off and all that but still to win those games man as fresh as you are i'm assuming that uh rosario move was to clear a 40-man roster spot for james wood exactly right who is being promoted today former padre's prospect part of of course the one soto trade that will make his major league debut for the washington nationals in just a one of three games today yep in a light schedule in major league baseball so there'll be a lot of eyes on james wood as he takes the field for the first time going up against the Mets i do believe so yeah we'll see what happens but um yeah good for him man good for him excited about it before to him hitting a home run at some point this week and everyone losing that conversation it's already been rehashed but it's already all ready all ready it's already been rehashed ad nauseam nothing you can do but there's no doubt the same that washington knowing they were gonna lose one soto and knowing they weren't gonna win anything with him over that last season two and a half seasons made a very smart move of course they got a good return on that trade absolutely no doubt about that does that mean the padre's made a bad trade not necessarily not necessarily but it was definitely a good trade for the washington nationals yep i think we can be comfortable making that judgment now two years almost two years after the fact indeed all right we'll take time out coming up at the bottom of the hour we've got sam leavitt joining us in season sammy riley report is ahead as well don't go anywhere more than it was coming up after a check of traffic here on ninety seven three the fam no padre's baseball tonight stay off on the road in texas guess i'm watching a nickelback documentary instead well that's what you committed to but may i uh interest you in copa america soccer united states versus eurogue what's exactly tonight i think it's um around six all right i could probably do first half of that and then get some nickel back in yeah from arrowhead stadium in kansas city and um pretty much must win i mean i think there is a scenario in which the u_s_ could lose and still advance but it basically they are playing at the same time as panama the team they lost to in their last match okay they have to match panama's results panama's playing belive of the last place team in the pool in the group the u_s_ is playing eurogue the first place team in the group so tougher matchup right same time so if panama ties if the u_s_ ties that's good enough they will advance into the knockout round panama wins though u_s_ needs to win and they need to maintain their gold differential advantage which is currently plus two over panama's so they'd have to win and not like panama one like five nothing u_s_ would have to win at least for nothing to move on so that would be very difficult but a panama loses you could theoretically lose a close one and still advance based on gold differential but i wouldn't count on that tonight and that games run those games are running concurrently so you don't know what's going on necessarily in the other game you'll get reports is going to watch it the scoreboard watching as well so that's the uh... the soccer story mexico was already eliminated last night they had their uh... control of their own destiny against equator but uh... were unable to score a goal in a zero zero draw that sent equator into the knockout round of copa america so we'll see if uh... the u_s_ can last more than one day longer than mexico be an embarrassing early exit if the u_s_ does lose but uh... you know about another another one right yes international soccer place team of the future every year i mean supposedly the best group of like young talent they've ever had but it's soccer you get really what two chances every four years to show it off and really major international competition and if you ultimately disappoint them then you wasted you just wasted the last two years now you decide whether you want to keep your coach or fire your coach ahead of the next two years which is the buildup to the world cop they will take place in north america including the united states in twenty twenty six world cup is in twenty six twenty six yeah u_s_ candidate mexico the tri hosts of a north american world cop that's two years away and if the u_s_ loses today there will be a lot of panic and consternation about whether they're on the the wrong path ahead of a very important you know when you host you're really expected to make a deep run in a world cop right i'll check it out tonight that we have it on the other night i saw the uh... the red card uh... saw the uh... the the brutal hit on the goalkeeper and uh... yeah i'll i'll throw it on tonight that i like you said there's nothing else for me to watch that's pretty uh... pretty quiet night otherwise i doubt three games in major league base i doubt i'm going to be you know on james woodwatch i'm not going to do wood watching no watching of the wood no watching of wood was watches woods watches wood tonight maybe uh... you know i did i did place a wager on him to hit home run tonight cuz the odds were tremendous uh... so that be good uh... so i'll be probably rooting for that one but i don't think he's i don't think he's gonna be like appointment viewing met right then i'll stop down every time he takes an a b i don't think so they might on m_l_ m_l_ b network if they're not playing you know a little big league or something attune in and i see huge games going on over the weekend let's see what's m_l_ m_l_ b_ is doing right now that i feel the dreams again you can't get one game something like this just give us something and that now you're right it was uh... field of dreams again like the forty-th time you know we're going to just dumped in the field of dreams every time we're out of material we're running ads i hear for um... alive performance of field of dreams at the radio shell later this month uh... that would be something i would actually go to where they play the movie but an orchestra actually plays the music live the field of dreams music while they play the movie you would do that kids wouldn't like that you no we we used to do that a couple of times we took the kids to the before the shell was built of still had the the venue out there are kids are in the hot tour right now they're not really into orchestras and things they are both running around the house in sassy field of dreams yeah but like field of dreams there you go i've started to use uh... he dad what is hok to him i started to use it in a baseball context if you see a pitch bow that you don't like you just spit on spit on that thing old change up change up down in a way hok to a two-one count that's it so that's how i've started to use it in my home it's a baseball turn don't swing at the pitcher's pitch swing at your pitch you're going to want to know the other spit on the spit on the list of two strikes then you have to protect yeah hok to a uh... right yeah that's what i've been using it for i think it fits it does it does hey you see one you don't like perfect perfect great context less um... she's a baseball race the undertones yeah or use it i don't want them at school running around saying it but you know though is a worry in your house yet is what is it's cool what do you know it's it's exactly right alright sami Levitt's gonna join us in season sammy uh... when we come back don't go anywhere it's better what's on sandy it goes number one sports ninety seven three the fan well that was a fun weekend would it have been nicer to end with the win in another sweep yes but you can't have everything all the time you can sometimes have sweeps in the potteries have had a couple of them recently but i couldn't quite pull it off yet they did take two or three in boston to start their road trip we got sami Levitt standing by in season sammy's gonna join us uh... right after check traffic here on ninety seven three the fan alright let's uh... let's talk to sammy here we got sam levitt with us here on ninety seven three the fan of the monday morning sammy good morning to you how is your weekend good morning guys good weekend uh... pretty fun couple of games in boston begin the series and everything was great in the studio so good weekend you had some foam oh two i bet you know i mean well i'd really i've been a boston a few times been a fanway a couple times watch in that series the weather they had those first two game sammy i was like god tell him i make the trip up to boston uh... and go watch these guys just kick the hell out of the red socks for the first two days at least i feel like we had a missed opportunity there buddy yeah would be great uh... would have loved to have been there and uh... you know uh... from both the the work perspective and just enjoying baseball had been thinway park one time it was not to see a red socks game but would it it was actually for the cape cod baseball league work out they would do that every year for all the guys uh... in the cape cobbly when i worked there for two summers and it was it's actually a really cool experience because there are scouts all over the cape league all summer again around the cape cod league all-star game they bring each team into dual work out where they have tons and tons of scouts sitting in the stand that's been way and it's a it's a really cool opportunity for those guys not just uh... you know work out in front of uh... you know every scout you could imagine but also get an experience of being on the field at fenway back in the day i think they actually play the all-star game at fenway or maybe they do it again now when i was there they didn't do that they only have the workout but i remember uh... the the broadcast crew i was with at the time and you know we were all on college and just really starting out it was uh... my friend kevin my friend susie my friend matt and we went up to the green monster and actually this weekend i i looked at that photo that we have on top of the green monster and uh... it was it was pretty cool so boston you know i i've been to boston a lot growing up in new york and uh... you know when i was in cape cod i mean i spent two summers there so i i know that area pretty well and uh... yeah i i would have uh... i would have loved to have been there uh... maybe uh... maybe next time what was that terrible cape cod movie that they did summer cat summer freddie french and uh... just to be a little yet to be on freddie prince jr yeah i i will say this and and i've seen that movie it's not i mean it's obviously not realistic i would say right but there were definitely aspects to it that work work bought on uh... you know when when you think about like classic you know ball players showing up in the cake cobbly can go in a round from field the field that i i i said this to a lot of people i i think the cake cobbly not to get and to the tangent on it but i think the cake cobbly is like a must-do baseball experience yeah i think really really i really really think that it is by far the best summer league in the country you don't have to pay to go to the game people literally put their blankets and chairs down in the morning and then they show up later and and sit down and like you're they're playing at middle school field in high school field and there really is sort of a mistake to it and just sort of uh... a love of the game the old to it and there's tons of scouts and it everything's within an hour you know you you just play one game and then that's it you play another game against uh... another team the next night it really is i i think for a baseball fan a must experience i really do because there is something really special about it in and they've had that they've had that collegiate out league at league out there forever you know with some of the the best players going back a long way uh... playing out there in getting their names out uh... you know that to go play with wood backed out there was originally kind of the the real reason though just a little there then so it's a great that i have to see just a deal stunning can you promise i can't promise you that's i don't think you can we got some essential sammy leaven with us in and woods i just have to say sammy does such a great job on the pre- and the post-game shows especially so unflappable i was listening on friday night after the game to sammy's post-game show and you know it was a friday and it was podraded one it was a celebratory mood and he took two or three straight calls in which the caller was less let's just say less than a hundred percent sober and now you could tell well you could tell when they wanted to talk about kyle hagashi osha sorry good morning but sammy does such a good job and gashi osha hagashi osha amazing and i could just tell and you got a couple of those in a row but sammy is is a pro he keeps it lively keeps it fun to treat treats everyone with respect no matter how many three or four cocktails in before they give mccall and i realized we don't ever get that experience in the morning no that would be a problem that would be that means you have a problem generally the people cost her stone cold sober it you know it's between six and ten a.m. when we do take phone calls but you you have a lot of late evening program sammy so you get you get some different clientele as part of your show yeah and it's all good and you know people have a good time on a friday night after a podraded win i mean you know what especially when the team is is out there at home uh... yeah i mean very often this last baseball off-season woods when uh... many of the top free agents didn't sign until well into spring training or as clients took forever months and months of speculation the uh... the n_b_a_ is the exact opposite i mean they they cannot get to free agency any faster yesterday was like the start of just the negotiating like window and already at that's like forty moves this morning uh... in the n_b_a_ big big names going all over the place so james harden resetting with the clippers paul george is now going to the seventy sixers warriors uh... wave kris paul he's going to the spurs contagious caldwell pope to the magic leaving the nuggets sounds like clay tobsen is leaving the warriors to could go to the maps of the lakeers in a sign-in trade that's just a like the tip of the iceberg they do their free agency it's fun and they pretty much get it done that's a lot of three days everyone to be signed that if you don't sign in like four days it's it's because you have no value anymore for your career is over they have judged you unworthy to be in the n_b_a_ anymore if you haven't signed in the first four days that is fun that's the that's the right way to do it i wish i gave him frogs fat ass at the n_b_a_ be all excited today adult so i'm like you guys could fill me in but yeah that the baseball off-season six it's excruciating it's like uh... it's like a three-month six-month root canal you're just laying there going from a sign somebody like everyone's so afraid of making the first big move or should we all you know are we overpaying for this i mean there's two guys like snow in jordan Montgomery they got to be kicking themselves every single day for listening the scott board now i have to do that terrible you're thinking like guys like a woj and shams get no sleep for like three or four days because they like reporting things at one a m but it's going to be better like just passing basically has to be on alert for five months for big baseball news because it could happen in november it could happen in December january like can we just get it all done with like the n_b_a_ does in like three days i got four days in july that i need to work after that we're pretty good on vacation guys literally in hawaii like next week it's been done for a while now it's great and it's the best way to do it up you know we've we kicked it around in here some ideas of how you can make it better and you know there was that deadline date that we talked about but i don't know that that's necessarily fair or the right way to do it but you know deadline spur reaction and action and and it's just something that baseball's been missing you've got you've got so many people benny in my opinion i think sitting in a room potentially overthinking some things after a while you know why does this thirty four-year-old get a deal but this thirty three-year-old that had a great week from public brand and belt you know you have a great year last year is he playing baseball anymore does he have is he on a team has anyone signed brand and belt who had you know leaves a pretty good year last year and it's just it's just a weird weird how it goes sometimes and and look we don't know the whole story maybe he got an offer that was a turd he's like i'm not signing that you know we we never know but i just know that every year it's so excruciating you know it's excruciating well and and you've seen the damage it's done you absolutely are seeing it in real time to players who didn't get a spring trade he likes now certainly the prototypical example we knew he was gonna struggle oh just based on how his off-season one but you're not worried i did not expect that from him i really didn't and he is is scuffled badly yeah it's yeah i don't know what you do but i i do know that man it it certainly would be it just you always put yourself in these guys shoes you just i want to know where i'm playing i want to know i need to rent a house i need to get everything dialed in this waiting game waiting you know weeks in the spring training would be excruciating for for me personally and i think most of us in this room it would kill us we talked a little bit about jacks and marrow earlier where would the pot raise be without them what about kyle hagashiyoka as well we will get to that in friday's game right after a check of traffic here on ninety seven three the fam and baseball coverage in ninety seven three the fam is presented by t-mobile switch to t-mobile you can get tons of benefits and still save on every plan versus at and t and verizon use their savings calculator to find out at t-mobile dot com slash switch so what a month of june it was for kyle hagashiyoka who hit eight home runs in less than fifty at bats in the month of june more than any other catcher in one month in padra's history and he wasn't even a full-time player until the middle of the month when louis campusano went on the injured list that's the kind of month it was for kyle hagashiyoka and they had that stat up when he hit the home run on friday padra's catchers have hit more home runs as catchers than i think any other team in baseball because some use them as designated hitters on days they're not catching but when actually catching and hitting home runs padra's now like have the most they get another one from brett selvin over the weekend as well yeah it's been an unexpected bounty from behind the plate in terms of power and most of it of course has been from kyle hagashiyoka it's been amazing to see it's been so much fun to see and you know listen getting an opportunity and stepping up the way that he has it's not going to last forever it's not it but you know you hope that you can ride it out and that he contributes and contributes by throwing guys out i mean when you if you're not hitting you know you can play good defense and and he's done that he's throwing guys out at a really nice clip way better than campy had now campy i think the update on him is he's he's pretty much ready at this we have assignment in lake elson or tonight yeah okay and then probably tomorrow and then after that they will uh evaluate and see if he returns yeah so i mean uh sully probably goes down uh again but you know made the most of his opportunity up in boston this weekend that was a lot of fun watching him rap on around the pesky pole uh but it was great it was great but yeah you just you don't know how long this is going to take i mean this is a this is a big one for lupiano i mean it really is a big moment for him um i know he's been banged up i know he's been injured but i mean you got to think gary sanchez last year came in kind of snatched snatched it away from him kyle hagashiyoka's come in alfaro has has been there uh as well so you don't want to be the guy that continuously loses his job whether it's the injury or non-performance at all so this is a big this is a big stint back with the club we talked about it last week though even when campy comes back hagashiyoka needs more playing time than he's got before yeah i like you know it was basically 60 40 for campy it's got to swing the other way at least for the time being yeah and you got to make your your the most of your opportunities for both of those guys because frankly i mean you're going to need both of these guys to contribute down the stretch so uh we need them now we need it with sates being out you know we need to have a force down there at the bottom of the lineup a guy that can hit the ball out of the ballpark and higgy has been phenomenal really really you couldn't you literally couldn't ask for anything more from him friday's game i i don't know that i remember a game turning on such a dime like friday's did there was it was a real pitchers duel yeah between a surprising one between nick pavetta and randy vasquez scoreless for the first three and a half innings boston broke through with the one run in the bottom of the fourth but you're thinking all right potter's gonna have to find a way to win this one three to two to one and then all of a sudden the fifth inning starts with higgy with higgy uh it's the it's the two run bomb two run bomb so uh for yeah hot sun cam gets on and then higgy homers and then no one makes it out i mean nine straight guys all the way through the order everybody reaching capped with jackson maryll's three run home run to centerfield to his mom sitting out there nine up nine in for the san diego potter's it was the it was the inning that encapsulates so much of what has gone well for the potter's offense this season there was a uh there's peace in the utt this morning time crass would have spoke with murv retinland old hitting coach for the potter's and you know sometimes you you roll your eyes uh on the uh you know the guy from my day's perspective but he murv actually said i'd never enjoyed seeing a team hit more than this san diego potter's team and he coached the 1998 world series potteries but he goes every single at bat love their approach they're going up there this team just knows what it is trying to do at the plate and more often than not they go and then execute what they're trying to do at the plate now does it always work no we just saw yesterday's game where they scored one run but they don't strike out even when they lose they only strike out four times in the game it's not the kind of baseball that you see from other teams yeah that we got gotten accustomed to over the last few years it's not that that it's not that way it's not that three true outcome type stuff it's guys getting the ball you know putting it in play um and and of course you know getting the the home run contributions has been great man i mean it's just been phenomenal this team slugging a lot better so it's been great to see it was a blast i mean anytime you send nine guys up in the all-score man that's that's literally stuff man it just does not happen against the big league team you know nine straight runs it was unreal yeah and i think they the jury is still out whether the the pot raise offense can be consistently effective whether they're you know is that really the formula you want to try to win a championship but it truly is probably the most entertaining offensive team in baseball no high high batting average lots of guys on base constant traffic contributions from throughout the order top bottom and we still hit into a lot of double plays yeah you know because they make content a lot of content they have guys on but the way you hit into double plays is by getting guys on base and then making contact yep you know teams that don't hit into double plays it's because they're striking out or they're not getting guys on base in the first place so yeah the double plays are frustrating man he hits into a ton of them but when you constantly kim crony they're all like when you constantly have guys on rise i think they're all in second when you're coming up and you hit the ball hard sometimes it's gonna be on the ground and it's going to be at someone you're gonna hit into a lot of double plays that's not that's not a sign that the pot raise are doing something wrong it's actually a sign they're doing something right that they're heading into a lot of double plays gotta get in the answer yeah yeah easier said you know i was gonna do that now you made the announcement late in the show friday the potteries had added austin davis and you were like who is austin davis that we had forgotten completely you know austin davis is that's a big fudge remember big fudge yes that's big fudge we talked about big fudge in the off-season and here he is makes his debut with the pot raise one inning pitch that's right we did one strike out yeah big fudge and looked but good looks like he's nasty stuff left to that break left to right there it's uh it was significant i can get behind a nickname of big fudge real good big fudge again a good weekend for the pot raise bull pen yep and taking two out of three from the uh the boston red sucks all right we'll come back eight o'clock hour we'll include a visit from sammy leavitt in season sammy coasted all the pot raise pre and post game shows lots more to get to with benham woods don't go away san diego's number one sports station ninety seven three the fan we're halfway home on a monday benham woods ninety seven three the fan great to be here with you guys took two out of three from the red socks always feels good would even go into a hostel environment like fenway park look beautiful by the way look absolutely yeah fenway pot it looked beautiful i've uh had a little fomo not gonna lie i saw a lot of pottery fans made tons of pot raise fans i've been there i've been yeah i've been getting it bad this year man for sure i'm woodsy that's paul rinder the executive producer ben higgins your friendly neighborhood sports anchor joins us as well i mean even like i'm not a big blink 182 fan since uh one other guys said they were gonna come on with us and then didn't and it bumped me out i like people above their word you know we had we promoted it it made us look like idiots when they bailed the next day but even last night they played petco park and it looked amazing and i'm not i like four or five songs whatever but i saw it last night i'm like god dang i'm missing out on this you know the uh fenway park and petco parker and extremely different but they share that connection that was of course highlighted yes this weekend and that is larry luchino a hundred percent who uh who was the driving force behind the construction of petco park i mean the personal sheer will and effort community you know meetings that he took to try to make petco park happen above and beyond and then went to boston and basically did the same thing the renovation of the green monster the seats on top people they were talking about the maybe the maybe the best idea ever yeah i mean seats up there maybe the best idea in history like against it for a while you can't tarnish a cathedral of baseball tarnish it man it looks it was a great idea can you imagine sitting up there what better seat on the planet i've had some good ass seats before i've had some good ass seats before nothing like that i can't wait to have jesse agler on the show tomorrow is much of a baseball nerd nerd that that man is following his instagram stories is awesome and he was taking you on little tours a i just was like i'm so happy that he gets to finally call a game at fenway park can't wait to hear about it i loved the pictures of the padres posted of all the guys signing the inside of the green monster sick like and that's a tradition your first time at fenway park you go in and it's everybody's first time at fenway park on this roster yes it's uh now being renamed to jackson meryl park because he is the uh the owner of fenway right now what a monster series he had uh in fenway but no i had i had that feeling of like dude why aren't we going on some of these trips it really bums me out hey well we don't have disposable income i've got a family as well i have to take care of and be at home for but i really was looking going uh we've been saying this for years 2025 we're going to 2025 we got to go to i don't care if it's boston we got to go somewhere chicago wriggly something we got to do something as this show you know how much longer you know you know how much longer we'll be together or you know even alive you have no idea life is short we got to yolo it up a little bit more next year because i'm sitting here watching well this looks like a great time everyone's eating the local fair and you know walking around and having a ball we'd have a blast there it's shame our company won't pay our way to go to do our job really just is a very we love content so much we will give you content here's the interesting part if we pay our own way they're going to want content i'm going to be like you're not going to get it hey can you do a video from outside wriggly no i'm on vacation i paid for this you want to reimburse me i'm in i just as much as we love baseball as much as we love the pod raise like i'm like we need to pick a thing and go every single year somewhere Pittsburgh would be an incredible oh i'd like to see pnc i have never been to Pittsburgh we could get that sandwich everybody raves about vermonty brothers yeah pittsburgh there's there's a handful of stadiums like pittsburgh uh filly offman no no cities that unless it's there for work like a baseball centric trip right probably won't ever be like i don't ever see myself just in Pittsburgh going to Pittsburgh i would have to be going to watch a baseball game i don't ever see myself just in Kansas City yeah i'd have to be going to watch a baseball game of course i can see myself in chicago new york boston yeah in a game there is kind of an afterthought in one of those big cities right i mean i took bow to chicago last year i looked at the schedule and i went oh crap cubs aren't there bummer but there was still so much board to do all right i got the trip damn we should have done it this year when we do the manager miami i tried we we talked about it nothing ever material miami vice piggens over here yeah do you imagine him get my pastel my god bent out miami beach it's expensive though i mean it's expensive that's the truth the drinks out in south in south beach are expensive here too that's true that's true we live here every day that's expensive it's also true yeah i'd like to get out there man yeah yes let me say cluge is listening right now counting the expense report in this head yeah tons of money lying around well i mean again we're going to do it next year whether you want content out of it or not well keep in mind also you know the uh the baseball schedule the 2025 schedule usually comes out i think like august so we should know plan something in about a month and and have an idea of you know time of the year and what looks appealing on the pottery schedule for next year no next year yeah even those i i didn't yeah i'm the mexico city one would have been a lot of fun the korea one i thought is just going to be too it's too long opening the season in osslo norway next year we're in why what they'll do it in some really weird spot that i'm like fine i'll send you guys nevermind we don't want to we don't want to go no we got to make some of those trips happen next year even if it's on our our own dime uh because it's just it looks so much fun man and the weather that the people got it if you went friday and saturday you were like i've landed in paradise you know um for the weather they had a family now yesterday not a game that i would have sat through i would have told you both at the hotel go ahead i'm going to be watching in the hotel room hot and sticky and pouring rain pouring rain that's why you got to pick the right time of year as well still have a couple more road trips this year i mean it's not too late pittsburgh and miami both at the beginning of august just i don't there's not enough time to plan oh there's enough time you just don't have the will to do so well fine i'm not saying i do i just gotta run it by the missus too it's a whole big it's a whole big thing permissions require yes lots of permission slips uh let's see did anyone catch me anchory the news last night you know i'm in on channel 10 and the six and the eleven o'clock so i was in my office working at five o'clock and i thought you were on at five and so i put on channel 10 at five and it was not yet so i did not says it you get one chance and then you were done i gave it one shot and then i it was just low news day there wasn't a ton going on um couple of fires in northern california our lead story was uh the fact that new laws go into effect on july first including this one's kind of interesting did you know that at most or certain bars and clubs now they're required to provide tests for your drink to see if it's been like spiked good with uh like roofies rohypnol or ketamine so they've like strips or straws that you like just put in and then look and see if it like changes i need to hear this in ben anchor news voice i uh well i did last night an anchor news voice but uh it's uh it's required from the state of california new law that goes into effect today that uh certain class 48 establishments with a liquor license must provide to their customers the ability to test their drinks for foreign substances that have been added to uh prevent you know rising sexual assaults that occur in those establishments i think it's absolutely a great idea some places we're providing them for free others they can charge a fee for them but they have to have them at least at the bar or available to customers that's one of the laws that went into effect course i think our gas taxes are going up slightly again as well very cool here at the start of july so california gonna pay more in gas taxes that was another law that they are are talking about but it was a really it was a quiet news day for the most part adam says in the chat anyone remember when steven would talk about the show going to texas for the all-star game but didn't actually want to go i do i don't recall that at all and then hannah said i do adam he's the boy that cried road trip hahahaha i guess when the feeder actually held to the fire i'm like ah i'm good once you realize it's gonna require a trip to the airport and i'm waiting in the security packing and everything else you just want to be there you want to snap your fingers you want to be at the pod race road game and then snap your fingers and be back in your bed yeah that night's true it's true we are going to uh san francisco as a family in september for hannah's birthday we're going to check out a game i think it's pod race giants at oracle so that'll be fun i'm uh going to that ballpark we love san francisco taking the kids alcatraz doing the whole bit so very excited about that but as a show i'd like us to get away and go do something yeah i mean we have our our fantasy our spring fantasy baseball every year that we go fantasy camp fantasy camp that's what it's called yeah we do that um let's just kind of a getaway for the show let's get away but you want like an in-season getaway an in-season getaway where the boys are playing somewhere we get to go watch them you know be good how about a playoff trip that'd be in october let's do that let's do that plan those in advance too nervous man be amazing though all right yeah we'll do that but that would be ideal okay deal pod race uh are certainly on pace to get there at this point we'll over halfway through the season currently uh three games behind the braves who are the first wildcard team in the national league half game ahead of the cardinals who are in the third slot uh mets are in fourth and still that you know big grouping of teams in the national league that are all still for the most part in it uh you know got the giants diamondbacks pirates nationals cubs uh you know some some teams have struggled a little bit but no one's so far back that they can't envision a you know five six game winning streak you get some right back into the thick of things so don't know if we are going to have a lot of movement yet it is trade deadline month july is here by the end of the month you're going to have to have your final moves in place and and have your roster set for the the rest of the season so you know those those talks are just going to heat up over the coming weeks but still not many more sellers i saw the um the blue jays are finally saying all right we're we're going to put a few guys on the market bro and the guys happening for us this year the guys that they were throwing on the market there's definitely some interesting names in kakuchi and then there's yumi garcia out of their bullpen is pretty nasty too i'm i'm sure aj has made some uh some calls to canada here recently i would think so wouldn't surprise me yeah um they have a couple of pretty good fits there you know with uh tatissa's injury is still the outfield remains you zannebogards could be back before the all-star break he is getting a a ct scan today if all goes well he could start a rehab assignment in the next couple of days where the hell does he play but the problem is is yeah he's not an outfielder they what they really need is another outfielder at this point not knowing how long tatissa is going to be out not really having any solid backup so i mean brist johnson has started every single day since he's been yeah it's not an everyday star he's not and david peralta's not either and eggy rizario's not either bigger at this point right and he's starting every single day i know man i know it's a it's a glaring hole right now for the san diego pond race no and if it wasn't for kyle hagashioka having this monster monster june ben i mean think about what the bottom of that lineup looks like right now with brist johnson in there every single day man it's rough so yeah david peralta's not a guy you can run out there five games a week starting a right field yeah they got they gotta do something they got to do something and a lot of people are talking about tier so or now let's getting uh potentially a call up pretty soon playing pretty well with okay like let's let's see it i'd rather i'd rather see a guy that has some potential with some pop then and no offense to brist johnson but and we have plenty guys on this team can bunt you know we're pretty adapted bunting tyler raid lives here and and uh you know husson kim now lives here is the lord sacrifice i'm surprised that weight hasn't gotten a starter to i know feel to in the last week just knowing what mike shilt generally says about him and thinks about him but he's been i guess when you're winning you know he don't stir things too much maybe now that they lost yesterday you can think about giving brist johnson a day off and trying something else but brandon says can crony play outfield i feel like he's athletic enough i've been saying this for five years that he is like put him in in in let at the time it was put him in left field and let him go so bo guards at second yep and then move crony to the outfield he would he i think he could do it in a second i just feel like he'd be great at it i really do i've always thought that kind of the point of having a roster full of short stops is that their athlete they're athletic enough to please anywhere it is but it's also the problem of having a roster full of short stops they can't you know it's it's a learning curve to play anywhere else unless you're jackson maryll but um yeah crony crony crony could do it do it i would say it's it's very difficult to make that transition without you know full off season to work on at a full spring training jackson maryll is making the the conventional wisdom of that feel a little foolish and how quickly he adapted to center field and how absolutely serviceable or beyond serviceable he's even been defensively but to ask someone to just to move out there without a single day in the middle of the season is a lot i know man it's a lot i know but that's where they they have plenty of infielders and not enough outfielders right now well eddy rosario was just uh d_f_a_ i think this morning by the national so they're going to be looking to move him maybe he's an option i don't know i mean i think everything's on the table right now for the san diego potter is you you do have some holes to fill and excuse me uh i think it's it's important that they get done soon i mean you gotta you got a tough stretch coming up in july i know you get days off and all that but still to win those games man as fresh as you are i'm assuming that uh rosario move was to clear a 40 man roster spot for james wood exactly right who is being promoted today former padre's uh prospect part of of course the one soto trade that'll make his major league debut for the washington nationals in just uh one of three games today yep in a light schedule in major league baseball so there'll be a lot of eyes on james wood as he takes the field for the first time going up against the Mets i do believe so yeah we'll see what happens but um yeah good for him man good for him excited forward to him hitting a homerun at some point this week and everyone losing that conversation it's already been rehashed it's already won the trade it's already been rehashed ad nauseam nothing you can do about it there's no doubt the same that washington knowing they were going to lose one soto and knowing they weren't going to win anything with him over that last season two and a half season yes made a very smart move of course they got if god returned good return on that trade absolutely no doubt about that does that mean the padre's made a bad trade not necessarily not necessarily but it was definitely a good trade for the washington nationals yep i think we can be comfortable making that judgment now two years almost two years after the fact indeed all right we'll take time out uh coming up at the bottom of the hour we've got sam levitt joining us in season sammy ronald report is ahead as well don't go anywhere more than it was coming up after a check of traffic here on ninety seven three the fam no padre's baseball tonight stay off on the road in texas because i'm watching a nickelback documentary instead well that's what you committed to but may i uh interest you in kopa america soccer united states versus eurogue what time second tonight i think it's um around six all right i could probably do first half of that and then get some nickel back in yeah from arrowhead stadium in kansas city and um pretty much must win i mean i think there is a scenario in which the u_s_ could lose and still advance but it basically they are playing at the same time as panama the team they lost to in their last match okay they have to match panama's results panama's playing belivia the last place team in the pool in the group the u_s_ is playing eurogue the first place team in the group so tougher matchup right same time so if panama ties if the u_s_ ties that's good enough they will advance into the knockout round panama wins though u_s_ needs to win and they need to maintain their gold differential advantage which is currently plus two over panama so they'd have to win and not like panama one like five nothing u_s_ would have to win at least four nothing to move on so that would be very difficult but if panama loses you could theoretically lose a close one and still advance based on gold differential but it wouldn't count on that tonight and that games run those games are running concurrently so you don't know what's going on necessarily in the other game you'll get reports and score board watching the score board watching as well so that's the uh... the soccer story mexico was already eliminated last night they had their uh... control of their own destiny against Ecuador but uh... were unable to score a goal in a zero zero draw that sent Ecuador into the knockout round of copa america so we'll see if uh... the u_s_ can last more than one day longer than mexico be an embarrassing early exit if the u_s_ does lose but uh... you know i've got another another one right yes international soccer play it's team of the future every year yeah i mean supposedly the best group of like young talent they've ever had but it's soccer you get really what two chances every four years right showed off and really major international competition and if you ultimately disappoint then then you wasted it you just wasted the last two years now you decide whether you want to keep your coach or fire your coach ahead of the next two years which is the build up to the world cop okay will take place in north america including the united states in twenty twenty six world cup is in twenty six twenty six yeah u_s_ canada mexico the tri hosts of a north american world cop that's two years away and if the u_s_ loses today there will be a lot of panic and consternation about whether they're on the the wrong path ahead of a very important you know when you host you're really expected to make a deep run in a world cop all right i'll check it out tonight that we have it on the other night i saw the uh... the red card and uh... saw the uh... the the brutal hit on the goalkeeper and uh yeah i'll throw it out tonight yeah like you said there's nothing else for me to watch yeah it's pretty uh pretty quiet night otherwise i doubt three games in major league based i doubt i'm going to be you know on james woodwatch i'm not going to do wood watching no watching of the wood no watching of wood woods watches woods watches wood tonight maybe but you know i did i did place a wager on him to hit home run tonight because the odds were tremendous uh... so that'd be good uh so i'll be i'll be rooting for that one but i don't think he's i don't think he's gonna be like appointment viewing right they're not going to stop down every time he takes an a b i don't think so they might on ml mlb network if they're not playing you know a little big league or something i tune in and his huge games going on over the weekend let's see what's ml mlb's doing right now like oh field of dreams again like you can't you can't get one game something like this just give us something and uh no you're right it was uh field of dreams again for like the 40th time you know where we just dumped into field of dreams every time we were out of material we're running ads i hear for um a live performance a field of dreams at the radii shell later this month that would be something i would actually go to where they play the movie but an orchestra actually plays the music live the field of dreams music while they play the movie no you wouldn't do that kids wouldn't like that you no we we used to do that a couple of times we took the kids to the before the shell was built there was still had the the the venue out there my kids are into hoktua right now they're not really into orchestras and things they are both running around the house in sassy movies field of dreams yeah bolegs field of dreams well there you go i've started to use uh he dad what is hoktua me hoktua i've started to use it in a baseball context if you see a pitch bo that you don't like you just hoktua spit on it spit on it that thing oh change up change up down in a way hoktua on a 2-1 count that's it that's how i've started to use it in my home it's a baseball check don't swing at the pitcher's pitch swing at your pitch when you're yeah one in your spin on the other spit on it spit on that let's just two strikes then you got to protect yeah hoktua right yeah yeah that's what i've been using it for i think it fits it does actually yeah hey you see one you don't like hoktua it's fit on that thing perfect perfect great context less um she's a baseball racey undertone yeah hundred percent i don't want them at school running around saying but you know always a worry here my house yeah it is what if they say it's cool what do you not stay it's exactly right all right sammy love it's going to join us in season sammy uh when we come back don't go anywhere it's been a what son sandy it goes number one sports ninety seven three the fan well that was a fun weekend would it have been nicer to end with a win and another sweep yes but you can't have everything all the time you can sometimes have sweeps and the potteries have had a couple of them recently but i couldn't quite pull it off yet they did take two or three in boston to start their road trip we got sammy leavitt standing by in season sammy's going to join us uh right after check traffic here on 97 three the fan all right let's uh let's talk to sammy here we got sam leavitt with us here on 97 three the fan it's a monday morning sammy good morning to you how was your weekend good morning guys good weekend uh pretty fun couple of games in boston's begin the series and everything was great in the studio so good weekend you had some fomo too i bet you know i mean i'd really i've been to boston a few times been a fenway a couple times watching that series the weather they had those first two game sammy i was like god damn why didn't i make the trip up to boston uh and go watch these guys just kick the hell out of the red socks for the first two days at least i feel like we had a missed opportunity there buddy yeah it would have been great uh would have loved to have been there and uh you know uh from both the the work perspective and just enjoying baseball i've been to fenway park one time it was not to see a red socks game but would it was actually for the cape cod baseball league workout they would do that every year for all the guys uh in the cape cobbly when i worked there for two summers and it was it's actually a really cool experience because there are scouts all over the cape league all summer and yeah around the cape cod league all-star game they bring each team into dual workout where they have tons and tons of scouts sitting in the stands at fenway and it's a it's a really cool opportunity for those guys not just to you know work out in front of uh you know every scout you could imagine but also get an experience of being on the field at fenway back in the day i think they actually played the all-star game at fenway or maybe they do it again now when i was there they didn't do that they only had the workout but i remember the the broadcast crew i was with at the time and you know we were all in college and just really starting out it was my friend kevin my friend susie my friend matt and we went up to the green monster and actually this weekend i i looked at that photo that we have on top of the green monster and uh it was it was pretty cool so boston you know i i've been to boston a lot growing up in new york and uh you know when i was in cape cod i mean i spent two summers there so i i know that area pretty well and uh yeah i i would have uh i would have loved to have been there uh maybe uh maybe next time what was that terrible cape cod movie that they did summer cast summer the freddy prince tach and uh Jessica beale Jessica beale yeah Jessica beale and freddy prince jr yeah i i will say this and i and i've seen that movie it's not i mean it's obviously not realistic i would say right but there were definitely aspects to it that were were bought on uh you know when when you think about like classic you know ballplayers showing up in the cape cod league and going around from field to field i mean i i've said this to a lot of people i i think the cape cod league not to get on on two of a tangent on it but i think the cape cod league is like a must do baseball experience yeah i mean really really i really really think that it is by far the best summer league in the country you know like you don't have to pay to go to the games people literally put their blankets and chairs down in the morning and then they show up later and and sit down and like you know they're playing at middle school fields and high school fields and there really is sort of being the speak to it and just sort of a love of the game feel to it and there's tons of scouts and it's everything's within an hour you know you you just play one game and then that's it and you play another game against the another team the next night it really is i i think for a baseball fan a must experience i really do because there is something really special about it and and they've had that they've had that collegiate out league league out there forever you know with some of the best players going back a long way uh playing out there and getting their names out uh you know to go play with would backed out there was originally kind of the the real reason and so Jessica Beel's there Ben so it's a great reason to go to see Jessica Beel right I mean can you promise I can't promise you that's experience i don't think you can we got sammy potential sammy leaven with us and and woods i just have to say sammy does such a great job on the pre and the post game shows especially so unflappable i was listening on friday night after the game to sammy's post game show and you know it was a friday and it was podraded one it was a celebratory mood and he took two or three straight calls in which the caller was less let's just say less than a hundred percent sober and you could tell over well you could tell when they wanted to talk about kyle hagashi osha sorry good boy evening but sammy does such a good job and gashi osha hagashi osha amazing and i could just tell and you know got a couple of those in a row but sammy is is a pro he keeps it lively keeps it fun he treats everyone with respect no matter how many three or four cocktails in before they give him a call and i realize we don't ever get that experience in the morning no that would be a problem that would be a problem that means you have a problem generally the people calling us or stone cold sober it you know it's between six and ten a.m. when we do take phone calls but you you have a lot of late evening programs sammy so you get you get some different clientele as part of your show yeah yeah and it's all good i mean you know people have a good time on a friday night after a padre win i mean you know what especially when the team is is i would say at home uh yeah i mean very often i am on the air still in the 10 30 to 11 p.m. hour right depending on how long the game goes so i always say it on the post game like we appreciate you wherever you're listening from if you're on the way to your friday night plans on the way home maybe you're just going out so uh what we are always happy to hear from you no matter what you've done earlier in the night uh what you're going to do if you're going to party that's fine yeah it's uh it's all good so it's it's all part of the fun i think of the uh of the post game life. Sammy um injury updates from the San Diego Padres that we saw a couple of new ones this morning it's kind of mixed bag right now for the team they've got some good news and they've got some more i don't want to say concerning but certainly news that gives you a little bit of pause right now yeah uh if you guys wouldn't mind updating me i i i uh what was there something new that came out this morning before i helped i mean the good news the good news is is Andrew Bogart's is uh is on track yeah getting a CT scan today and if it goes well it could start a rehab assignment louise camp asana rehab assignment and lake els are today uh but uh in the athletic dentist Lynn right talking to doctors and basically we're getting the sense that that for net the optimistic timeline of fernando tettese jr returning maybe after the all-star break is pretty darn optimistic and then a more realistic view is this could be closer to a two month type injury to fully return from a stress reaction and that we really shouldn't expect to see fernando back anytime this month if we're being honest with ourselves yeah and i see denis's piece i got i got to read this once i get off so i apologize for that for not being fully up to date on what then it's wrote but you know look uh obviously with dandor with the CT scan we heard about that on uh on uh on uh what the on friday in boston so you know look it sounded like if that you know if the results from that came back favorable like he was not all that far away from maybe going out on a rehab assignment at some point you know look at without reading specifically with denis wrote this morning you know i'm not super surprised you know if if you know fernando's gonna be out a while i mean it it's sort of sounded that way now when the the injury first happened you know it was sort of a murky timeline right i mean i felt like there was there was really no timeline put on it but then you heard what fernando said in the clubhouse later that day and i i felt like you could just kind of feel it and see it that this was going to be something that was long term i will say uh you know i don't know if i expected you know two months um or something like that but look at the bottom line is this they're going to have to continue to figure out how to stay afloat and i think you know in an overall sense you know no matter how long boghards takes to come back or fernando's going to be out a really really extended period of time to me what what they need to avoid is just sort of you know sort of uh going down one of those real downward spirals right that we've seen okay because i actually before i came on with you guys i wasn't reading denis's article but i was just jotting down what they've done since me 26th and it really i think says something because they won five of six then they lost five in a row then they won five of six and they lost five in a row and then they won nine of 11 to finish the month of june and i think it just makes the point of you know look they are going to have to continue to win the way they've won through these injuries and that's playing team baseball and getting contributions all over the place but the one thing they they just can't really afford to do no matter how many off days they have no matter some of the the really good opponent opponents they have coming up in july one thing they they just you know have to avoid is letting yesterday's loss turn into losing a bunch in a row before we're seeing that right right like i like yesterday i kept thinking about that that sunday game in kansas city and again i'm not saying this is going to happen but that was like the stretch where the pajamas that played really well not not for as long as they have this time around but somehow some way that sort of surprisingly winning so losing five in a row and totally changing how you felt about what they were doing so you know guys i i think i think maybe you're you're looking at a situation with this team where look if they end up playing at some sort of level like they've played last week and a half two weeks that's awesome but at bare minimum you're just hoping they can they can stay afloat stay right in the mix of that wild card race and and hopefully when they get these guys back or or right there and it's like you're getting trade deadline acquisitions essentially and again i got to read what what then it's row this morning on franando but i'm not you know i'm not super surprised just based on his reaction later that night when it came out that he was going on the i l and this was not a little thing this was something that was gonna gonna take some time i don't think the uh message has changed really at all from us um yeah you got to hang around you know that's it just hang around and and if you play 500 baseball through the month of july which again you're gonna have a ton of off days but the schedule is is pretty difficult with some with some really difficult teams you've played well against tough teams uh so far this season that can't change uh certainly and you do need to try to handle up on the teams that maybe struggling a little bit that would be a nice uh change of pace for the san diego pot race but really at the end of the day man get through july you should be able to get a little healthier uh with with many many off days in there uh sammy but really hang around hang around till the end of july reevaluate i mean i i just don't think anything's changed i love the nine out of ten certainly it's not something i'm expecting more of uh with with more guys going down and more guys you know getting drilled in the arm with you know a hundred mile an hour uh base hits up the middle it just you just have to hang around because the nl is really nothing to write home about but don't be that team that just goes off the cliff yeah um that we've seen we've seen that here in san diego so i understand why people are on edge about it a little bit but man watching this team play watching what they're capable of has been awesome it's awesome i hope that continues and if you lose a few here and there you just got to staunch the bleeding you can't have those five gamers anymore those have killed us right right because i i don't know you know it's a it's a good point like again i i just think they need to find a way to avoid losing streaks right to avoid to avoid the kind of stretches that we saw earlier this year now look that may be easier said than done because i think this team especially in the last you know ten eleven games look they they've played great and it's because they're getting contributions all over whether it's hickey whether it's jackson meryl whether it's you know just you know even the bull pen this weekend was really good yep when i know they were dealing with big leads but that was i i guess somewhat encouraging that the bull pen was better and and obviously manny heating up the way he has that goes an enormously long way but yeah when you zoom out and you look at the picture like yeah i mean you dar vicious out and there's not a ton of information on when he's going to come back joe muskrow we know it's going to be at least a while for him and then you know now the situation with fernando maybe being lengthier than what you're originally anticipated in sanders still uh you know a ways away it's going to be at least uh i would imagine a couple of weeks uh based on what the results are today of that scan so yeah it's um they're in a really interesting spot guys right like they're they are playing well and they're they're more than staying afloat right now and then you've got the trade deadline looming and how do they add and what do they want to add and what would they be willing to trade like and then in the context of this really wide open nl so um it's it's an interesting spot and you know look you hope those guys whether it's you or joe or uh fernando or zander yeah i mean you want those guys back as pick as as humanly possible but you know that that help is uh obviously uh just even on zander's front still appears to be a bit of a ways away well first up in july is a three-game series against the defending world series champion texas rangers who had lost six in a row uh seven in a row or i think or six in a row before yesterday and then they won yesterday but one match up i mean not that they're head-to-head but the two rookies wyatt-langford who has been playing really well including a cycle yesterday's first in base watching it incredible yesterday against jackson meryl who's probably at least in consideration for you know nationally player of the week or even player of the month with the kind of month that he put together gonna be some rookie uh rookie people looking at rookies this this week when the potteries take on the rangers yeah for sure and and look wyatt-langford he played better he did not get off to a great start you know unlike jackson meryl who kind of hit the ground running at the start of the year but you know just on meryl man it just i think we talked about him last week but it just continues to be remarkably impressive and and the way this guy rises to the moment and to do what he did it fenway and his mom sitting out in center field and he nearly hits a home run right into her lap in center i mean it's just it's it's remarkable and i actually not that i you know i'm not a betting guy but i did want to go look up at one of the major sports books just like what are the odds right for meryl and rookie of the year right now and i i think when i looked over the weekend he had the second best odds to win rookie of the year of the nl and you know right now i you know and look i i know eminaga was had been really really good and yeah moto had been really really really good you know and now is injured but like if you just want to look at him meryl in schemes you know look you you may be ultimately looking at a two-man race there and when what i'll be curious about is aid as pol schemes you know keep keep up the pace he's at and he's been terrific you know how many innings is he going to throw is that going to be enough to win a rookie of the year we're going to find out but i i said it's not that there's somebody on the phones over the weekend like i think you know we all would love to see him do something like that and win that kind of award but regardless of that just on jackson he is certainly having a rookie of the year caliber season so you know whether he ends up winning the hardware or not you know i i guess really isn't the point but man he he just he's got something about him and uh again i i think i said it to you last week that you know we all showed up at spring training and it was clear he was going to get an opportunity and i think a credit to the Padres they were right he was ready and i think he's uh certainly you know even exceeded the expectations we could have had to this point well sammy i enjoy the day off here and then we'll we'll catch you tomorrow we got i believe a four oh five eco water socal pre-game show five oh five first pitch against the texas rangers in the series opener we'll hear from you then all right sounds good guys uh have you heard i i think i'm i think i'm doing six the ten on friday oh are you feeling it for us you got to cover our ass i did not know that i i thought the whole station was i thought everyone was wrong i believe i believe i'm let them let them i'm like something is seen during adam we're all traveling i mean i i somehow have been so sorry i thought now i feel bad taking the day off and there's a game that night and then you've got a game that night uh against arizona at home i did not down a little time adam not tonight we'll talk to the uh it's okay no no i i kind of i kind of volunteered of course i've been volunteered he's probably calling a minor league game tonight somewhere it's he's crazy he works all the time i'll fuck him ba i'm gonna have fun i i think i'm going to try not to talk baseball from six to ten all right you're not allowed just so you know sammy we do have rules we do have rules here this friday morning from six to ten filling in for benin woods and paul like such a heel right now just a big fat heel everybody's off that's what they told us it's supposed to be at him all right we'll come back paul he's got the uh rhinville report final hour of but it was jerks now and next on nine seven three to fail it's unbelievable actually a pretty educational weekend for me with padre's at fenway park uh not a venue in which uh the padre's have played a ton of games uh they hadn't been there since 2013 they put that line up out whoa boy Pedro sirococo short style i had totally forgotten about Pedro sirococo mark cotsay and the d h slot uh that day his second stint with the padre's end of his career yeah it was something um so yeah it was it was kind of educational i learned um and and don and mud talked about it on the broadcast about the green monster and obviously the renovations that they put the the seats on top of the wall looks fantastic but the fact that they left that ladder on the wall as a historic artifact they used to use that ladder to climb up after batting practice to go get the baseballs to get the balls that had gotten caught in the net mark so they could use them again the next day now they just go into the seats and fans get to take them home or they head on out to the uh what is Lansdowne street that's that's out there yucky way used to be yucky way but uh now it's not disappointing he was like a man he was a racist owner or something but like whatever's out there and then i think i had seen before that people go inside the wall and they sign their names like players like Jeremiah Strata did it and he took a picture where you see him there's that that little opening in the wall where the people who work behind can see what's going on in the game like a window yeah in the wall slit but it's just it's just a slit i mean it's like a square it's like a it's it's not it's enough to like put your head yeah and that's about it well then there's slits all around it too because Jesse took a picture of a slit yes but there's an actual one for your eyes there's one like window in the wall and they said it's if that that one's always open there but no ball has ever gone into that to that window in the history of Fenway park which is pretty amazing and to think about hundred and twelve thirteen years and that that's always been there and no one's hit a one offer that bounced right through the wall and the entire time it's been there yeah yeah that was big enough for a ball the slits are not big enough for a ball no but uh you know and learning you know jerks in out there kind of guessing he had the one that bounced off the wall then the track you know it's right over his head didn't cost an extra base it was going to be a double anyway but the intricacies of playing that outfield with such it is quirky dimensions and then knowing if it hits the scoreboard or it hits one of the numbers on the scoreboard or it's the latter or anything it's going to bounce completely differently than if it just hits the wall solidly it's like a guessing game out there well i mean you saw jerk yeah jerksen was the one yeah and as soon as he was running back on it i went you're too close you're too close you're too close you're not going to get oh but the but once the ball caroms off and jerksen runs to get it do you know how far he is from from second base one he's dead feet away right there it's so close underhanded there he couldn't take an extra base because he's going to get there the throw is like i love i loved loved mud story about when he went there and he said he went back to the wall and he leaned up against the wall and he's like do they move this thing back for the games just really really close i mean if you're ever if you go to fanway i went once um oh it's with yanki's red sock series there it was insane everywhere you sit you're like oh my god i'm in this guy's back pocket like i feel like i'm right on top of this dude and that's cool it's very intimate uh and that's kind of how old yanki stadium was too but man you're you're in that ball park and you're like yeah it's just it's very very tight very tight pesky pole is only like three hundred feet right there in the corner yeah three or three so we got one drands home run was not that long it was into the corner yesterday as well but just those very quirky dimensions for a team we don't get to see play our team there that often it was kind of interesting and educational for me this weekend yeah it's pretty cool and then of course jackson maryll's got to go out and play centerfield that has that funky you know and he played it well he played as he always does no play the one thing that i wanted to know that no one ever addressed so when jackson maryll hit the home run to his mom yeah and they were all sitting there but then the next day was covered in a tarp so they talked about it yeah did someone say that i never heard that they talked about it they changed it for day games uh mud was talking about it or no jessie was talking about it on social media and he was talking about it on the broadcast as well how they just blacken out those sheets for day games for the batter's eye but for night games they feel like it's okay night games and feel like they're so sad like capacity changes between day games and night games by like 400 seats yep i was wondering if that was something to do with that but it's quirky man and quirky is cool i mean look you'd hate you'd hate 30 ballparks like that you know i think i think you would uh events even like oh god but you know i like the i like the quirkiness of it really cool experience but i don't want to see any just complete symmetrical arcs all the way around remember those days man i mean that's that's the that's the baseball i grew up watching like that arlington stadium oh my god just front i mean you know they all seem kind of the same but that was the height of architecture back then when they could get it perfectly symmetrical that were like they were like we've done it this is exactly what too much too much quirks and really feel too many quirks in in Fenway Park let's get this nice and even then they made a made parking they put a flag pulling a hill on the field okay we've jumped the shark a little bit in in ballpark design at this point i will never forget that hill that hill in center field was just you had to see it to believe it what are we what are we doing center feelers like come on bro come on uh no it was it was awesome i it's just if you if you if you're a baseball fan and you've never had the chance to go to Fenway Park you have to put it on your list of of mustices it is spectacular i know we got to get to the rhino report i feel like the potter is until this year the petco porch always seem to do more for the opponents but this year all of a sudden they've hit like a bunch of home runs into that corner this year jake jacks and merrill just jerks and profars grand slam that porch has been very effective for the potter is this year they're finally taking advantage of one of their own stadium quirks uh for once which has been nice all right uh polis got some other news for us let's get to it it is time for the rondel report and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rondel report now tuned into the mall greatest welcome to the rindel report with paul rindel hi paul all right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major link baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindel report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good Can I get a hoea here? Oh yeah! Alright. Alright. Alright. Alright. Gentlemen, we will start off in Major League Baseball and I thought we could actually all work through this together. I did not know that new rules were coming for the upcoming Home Run Derby. Was that three weeks from tomorrow? Two weeks from tomorrow. Two weeks. Two weeks from tomorrow? No. Two weeks from today. Tonight. Yeah. Two weeks from tonight in Texas. The Home Run Derby. Now, they made the changes eight or nine years ago where it was going to be timed and everyone freaked out. I actually loved it from the start. I thought it was outstanding. I liked it as well. You know, I was about it. But it's going good. So we need to change it. Right. Yeah. Right. That's how baseball likes to work. Alright. I was reading about it. Like, I guess... Can I admit? But some players had complained about like fatigue. Yeah. How many swings can get in two minutes? They get worn out. The, hey, we're doing an announcement tonight on Sunday night baseball. We're going to explain it all for you. And I watched a little bit of Sunday night baseball, but late and I saw the rules pop up. I gave them one cursory glance and I said, "Ben, I'm just going to wait for Ben to explain it to me." I had no idea what they're doing. Well, let me give you the rules. Then we'll see if Ben can accurately explain. Good questions. I've looked through this and I, for the most part, understand it. So ESPN kind of broke it down. So the competition flow, first round, eight hitters, top four will advance. A tie is broken by the longest home run in the first round. That's a difference from previous years where it was like a bracket and you just had to beat the one guy you were going against. Right. Now, you could have hit the second most home runs in the first round, but if you were facing the guy who hit the most, you're eliminated. Now, you would move on to the second round, you know, no matter where you hit, you just have to be in the top four. That makes more sense to me than eliminating a guy who hit 24 home runs because the guy he went up against hit 25. So I liked the bracket. I did too. You did like the bracket. Well, you'll get a little bit of both because that's the first round. Top four out of the eight will advance to the semifinals. The semifinals will then be a bracket, one versus the four seed, two versus three, and it's based on the first round home run totals. And then in the final, the top two will face off the winners of those two semifinal brackets. No longer timed. Is it timed? All right. So that's the change in the rules. Yes. The first round and the semifinals, you will have a three minute round, still timed, 40 pitches max, one timeout. And I saw it kind of compared to like in the three point shootout, you only have X amount of basketballs to shoot from. Correct. You don't just get to keep shooting until the time is also a clock. And if you run out of time, they don't necessarily let you shoot the last three or four baskets. Correct. So this is a way that it's not just a race to see how many swings you can get in your three minutes. You know, you only get 40. So you can slow it down just a little bit and know as long as I get the maximum 40 opportunities, I'm good. I don't have to race to try to get four. I think the average was getting up to like 43. Some guys were hit, you know, getting 45 or 46 swings and they were saying it's exhausting to try to do that. So this will back it off a little bit for guys who said this is becoming a real grind to try to do the home run derby says you get three bonus outs, say you have the bonus round. I don't know if that's timed or not. That is not a timed round instead of a instead of a time bonus round, like it used to be. It'll just be three outs and an out is anything that you swing and it doesn't go over the fence. I mean, you get a liner off the fence, you get a foul ball, swing and miss. It's an out. Anything that's not a home run, but you can also let it go and just spit on it. I spit on that if you're, if you're, if your batting practice pitcher is not in the zone on the time on the non time round, you can just say, don't like that one. I'm waiting for a better one. You will also be able to get a bonus fourth out in the bonus round. If you hit a home run of 425 feet or further instead of a bonus, 30 seconds, which, you know, that would have been another seven swings or whatever it was. So now it's just one more out where you can take your time. Okay. And then in the finals, it'll be a two minute round, not three minutes, 27 pitches, not 40, you get one time out and then the same bonus rules apply. All right. Is it complicated? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. It's too complicated. We'll get used to it. It'll be fine. No. Explain it as they go. Don't worry about it too much. You don't have to do it. You're just watching it. I'm excited for it. You'll be fine. Yeah. Now, who's, who's going to be in it? And said he is in it for sure. Anyone else? They have not announced. Aaron judge wanted to. I don't know that he's going to. He just got daunted on the day Robert said he doesn't want show hate to do it. Please do it. But those are your new rules. All right. Shipped over to the NBA. We briefly talked about NBA free agency. Yes. What's the tampering period now? It's July or June 30th with like three hours to go or something. You can officially start talking and that's when all the players can legally start texting each other and colluding and figuring out where they want to be. I've been and I can't even figure it out. If we actually had a team and I had to figure out like the salary cap and the apron and the penalties, I would have to spend like all day every day, you know, trying to understand it. Right here. All I know is at midnight. All these like mega million dollar deals are just signed and agreed upon. But in like eight minutes, it's weird. But I guess the big news that you need to know is LeBron opted out of his contract with the Lakers as expected and he's doing that because he wants to restructure. He's willing to do a team friendly deal if it means going out and getting some veteran help. And the leader in the clubhouse right now would be Clay Thompson. He is his time is running out in Golden State. What does that do for you, Betty? Well, you know, his dad, Michael Thompson's long time radio analyst for the Lakers and that would be a nice story. Clay is not the same clay. He was five or six years ago. Lakers need some shooters though and he's been a really good one. If you get running James as a shooter, how'd that do for you? Not much yet. You like that your favorite basketball team, they're just doing bits now. Let's get the, let's get your podcast buddy will draft your son and then we'll get the radio announcers kid to come in and do shoot some threes from time to time. I think though, the pressure LeBron knows like, you know, this better work though, you know, it would look bad for me if it didn't. So he's gonna, you know, go to, he's doing the Tom Brady thing where he'll take a little less to try to make sure Lakers have the best chance to succeed at least. Some of the other deals, it's just, it blows your mind every year. At least it does for me. The NBA's media deal has just allowed some of the most absurd contracts. If it was any other sport, it would be just groundbreaking news every time one of these guys signed. Paul George opted out of his contract with the Clippers. He signed a four year, $212 million max contract with the 76ers, 76ers also signed Tyrese Maxie to a five year, $204 million contract extension for Clippers though, you know, they got the new arena and Kawaii, you know, half healthy is coming back and James Harden coming back, but at an extraordinary salary. And then what else do they have? I don't know. I mean, I'm looking at like, Hey, what's, have you ever heard of Isaiah Hartenstein? That was the guy I'm a mix. He got a pretty good role player for the playoff run, but they ran into now cat problems because of the trade. And now he gets a max deal somewhere else. He has to go somewhere else. Three years, 87 million to the Oklahoma City Thunder. It's wild. That's just crazy. But everyone's waiting to see what the Lakers do right now. And then finally, usually I give you a weird story. But if I don't have a weird story, I do have weird audio. So this will keep it in sports here. This is nuts. What the hell is going on? Was this the White Sox broadcast? What's that guy? What's his name? Uh, Steve Stone. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This was the other guy, the one that's getting all the grief in Chicago, uh, the one that's that has the radio beef on chiffrin chiffrin. Ah, yes. John Chiffrinney is, he is really, um, I think to his, I think to his credit, he's trying real hard to create some excitement around a really bad baseball team. This was one of the wilder calls. Listen to this home. You will ever hear. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That is on, he got, he got murder. We couldn't see Jesse or Don doing that. Can you imagine scan, scan, scan, scan, can you pull that off? Why Fox fans are just, they're like enough already with you, man. And they lost their beloved Jason Benetti and they get this guy believable, man. Oh God. He'll be doing lap and data. Should you be allowed to have any fun as a broadcast when your team is. I think so, so far back in the stand, 30 games out, worst record in baseball at 24 and 62. I don't know how I'd feel if I'm like a white Sox fan watching that game. I think you're mad, dude. He's trying something. I think you're mad. I'm like, is he on drugs? Adams says people are always complaining that baseball is boring. This guy's at least trying to make it fun for a crafty. I get it. I do. Hey, you just, Don and mine had to do that for a long time. They did. They did. And, you know, I'm sure, I'm sure people got annoyed with that too. But I wasn't one of them. This guy, this is not a, you can't look at this in a silo, as Mike show likes to say. It's not an asylum. It's his body of work throughout the season and if nothing else, it's absolutely hysterical. So save that. That'll be in the tournament. I, you know, the, I mean, the white Sox, they won the World Series in like 2015, I wanted to say. You know, just, it reminds me that someday it's going to turn bad again for the Padres because it does for every time it could be in, could be next week. That's going to really be hard and, and I know that these last few years have been far from perfect. In fact, they've been more frustrating, yes, satisfying for the most part. But can you, I can't even picture now going back to like, not like being 30 games out in July, what that feels like in sleep in relevance or entertaining or whatever. There's been something like since the Chargers left, yeah, like it was like a, like one or two years and then, you know, whether it was Hosmer, where I know, but at the time, we were, oh my God, we're spending money, Manny Fernando. And then the rest has been written, but when they were, it was shocking and it was interesting. Like whatever. We were talking about that lineup from the last time the Padres were in Boston and my life goes, how, how, what did you, how did you guys cover that? We didn't. We started the next year. I was still here. I was playing walk the moon, buddy. We're good. I was, I was, but they're there. It's not a lot to say. It's, you know, you're always looking two, three years down the line, which is tough. It's tough. I'm sure it's with Whiteside fans. Somebody tweeted. They liked to picture that guy, Shiffrin, doing that right in Steve Stone is right in his face. Steve Stone just sitting there like, what is the hell am I doing in here? Why am I here? So good. I love that. Let's do it a hundred times over the weekend. Let's go to the tournament of drops for sure. We've got a special guest surprise. Surprise guests. Oh, and he's a good one. He's a good one. Shall we tease it? No, what? Actually, why don't we wait and when we come back, you'll find out who's going to join us in our final segment. That's a tease. Well, got a lot of hits for the San Diego Padres. I'll tell you that's true. A lot of hits. Some for the Red Sox as well. Get to that coming up next after traffic here at 97 through the fan. Seeing some guests is in the chat as to who our guest is going to be at the bottom of the hour. Mentioned they had a lot of hits with the San Diego Padres and also a few with the Boston Red Sox. Saw Adrian Gonzalez, guests in there. No. Aegon is not going to be with us in our next segment. Dave Roberts. That hits most of the Padres in the Boston Red Sox. Yes, it's Dave Roberts. I was going to ask him how you do a great job, how it felt to get beat by the Giants on Mickey. Did you guys see this Mickey Mouse day when they had the they gave out Mickey Mouse hats at Oracle yesterday? Maybe it was just a coincidence. I mean, that is insane and they did it and they beat the crap out of the Dodgers. If we did it, we would have lost by 14 runs that were in partnership with Disney. We just have been cursed for 40 years. We just happened to be giving away these Mickey Mouse hat and they just dominated Mickey on the field. It's because the Dodgers won a Mickey Mouse championship in 2020. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. That's I mean, it just happened to fall. I mean, that was so good. That is incredible. They did make beat L.A. shirts on the night before and they got smoked by the Dodgers. So it was it was I was like watching an old pottery game and I was watching the end of that game. Giants have bases loaded one out in the 10th. All they need is a lazy sack fly to win the game. Strike out foul out and I'm like, oh, so then Bob Melvin throws this guy out there. Hit, hit, hit, hit, walk, hit, hit Homer walk hit. I'm like seven runs later. It was a 14 seven touchdown in the in the 11 to win it and here's Bob. Just standing there. Where are you now? Is this following me? Why is this following me bro bases loaded one out again, beating them on a walk off the day before and all you need is a sack fly, you know, ground ball with eyes you win that game. But oh my Lord, it was like it was like PTSD watching Bob Melvin sitting there rock back and forth on his guys can't get a sack fly. And while his next guy can't get an out in the top of the 11th band, it was no. The correct answer though was going to join us as some of you has figured out is a pottery special assistant, Mark Loretta, who was at Fenway Park this weekend and wanted to check in. So we've saved some time in our final segment for low and we will speak with Mark Loretta when we come back. Don't go anywhere. More better woods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan. All right, unexpected treat here looking forward to chatting with Mark Loretta. He is standing by spent some time in Boston with Padres and fans this weekend and he's going to join us here on our final segment woods right after our last check traffic here on 97 three the fan. It's funny because, you know, on the occasions when there's or Dodgers fans that show up at Petco Park, which, you know, happens from time to time, Cubs fans visit, everyone always rings their hands a lot. I saw tons of Padres fans at Fenway Park over the weekend all over the place you could hear the hot song, Kim Chance, like during the game at Fenway Park and part of the traveling party this week is Padres special assistant, Mark Loretta, who wanted to call in joins us right now here on 97 three the fan low. Good morning to you. Good morning, boys. Thanks for having me on. I'm fired up. I'm very tired this morning, but I am very fired about the weekend. It was a lot of fun. What a blast. It was so much fun to watch those game. Nice to kind of put your feet up for two games. I mean, I like those blowouts, man. I've played enough ball where people like, man, I like the closer games. No, no, no. Give me the nine to one where I can put my feet up. Robert Suarez can get himself a nice break, enjoy the scenery in Boston and not have to worry about getting getting hot for a game. Low. It was pretty awesome. It was. Yeah. And I haven't heard this term thrown out there, but I'm going with immaculate offense of any game for the nine up or without an out without it, but not even an out recorded. So I don't know how often that's happening in MLB history. I'm sure we could find that out. But that was a really funny. There was no question about it. I just, you know, I wanted to call in and just thank the fans and show some appreciation for just the traveling party. So many. I was hundreds of fans. It wasn't just like, and I know Fenway Park is a bucket list item for a lot of people and maybe see a couple dozen who want to do the freedom trail and, oh, by the way, kept keep a catch a padre game. This was not the case. This was hundreds of people. Like you said, they have the host on Ken Chimp gone man, the man, the man, he was gone. It was awesome. And you don't see that at Fenway. You know, I played there and you would never see that back, you know, 10 or 15 years ago. It was, it was almost like the Red Sox going on the road, you know, to say like Baltimore or something like that. It was, it was impressive. And I think it fueled the team. It fired them up. You could tell they were interacting with the crowd, guys were chanting, "Hey, on Sunday the day or Saturday the day he was off and talking about, you know, how he owns the Western metal supply." It was really cool. You know, Eric Grouper and I were sitting up and he invited me up to Sam Kennedy's box to present the Red Sox and we were looking on just an amazement of how well the padre fans showed out. And I'm sure some of them are listening today. So I just wanted to give them a shout out phenomenal job this weekend. Is that weird to sit in the President of the Red Sox box and your team is kicking the ever loving hell out of their team? We couldn't hear as much as we wanted to do that for sure, but Sam had a family wedding conveniently so he, he, he, he jacked it pretty early. Oh, good. It may have been a made up wedding. I don't know, but you know, either way it was, it was somber in there, but we were internally going, going nuts. But like the Red Sox are having a bad season, fans are looking to unload their tickets at all. They're playing really good baseball as well and they're right in the thick of the American League playoff chase. I imagine fans are pretty excited about that team, which makes it even more impressive how vocal and how prominent the padre fans were this weekend. Yeah, I mean, they've had a couple tough years in a row, but this year they're, they're really playing well. I've got some really good young talent. They're pitching well. I had a long conversation with my friend Alex Cora and he's, he's excited about the team and, and yeah, I think the, the Red Sox were fans were caught off guard. I was in the hotel, uh, on my way out yesterday and a couple came in and I said, oh, where are you guys visiting from? And I don't know. We're local. We're here for a wedding. And they said, where are you from? I said, well, from San Diego and, you know, we're here for the pottery. He goes, man, I didn't know the Padres traveled so well. I said, yeah, man. You're telling me, I guess. You're telling me a local, you're telling me a local didn't look at you and go, Oh, that's my Clarita. I remember you. No, it didn't. No. You didn't say my Clarita Patriots day. Yeah. My Clarita. Oh man. Well, no, it looked, it looked, it represented really well on television. Yeah. You know, I heard one guy wearing Manny out so bad and a guy DM me said, the guy that was wearing Manny out that you could hear on the broadcast got ejected. They were dragging him up the, the aisle as Manny steps in and hits that bomb and silenced him. It was pretty special. Nice to see him swinging the bat a little bit better over the last month or so low because, you know, when he goes, we go we need, we need him to keep doing that. He was, he was awesome this weekend. No doubt, no doubt, particularly with, you know, Fernando and Bogey and some of those guys out. I mean, you know, Manny, Manny can carry this team. He's an aircraft carrier type player. And I, I think he gets fired up with the booze. I really do. Yeah. I mean, you know, they remember, you know, a slide he made with the Orioles back who knows ago, they have long memories in Boston, but, you know, yeah, he silenced them. I mean, he was unbelievable and Jackson Merrill, you know, growing up a Red Sox fan, you know, hitting the homers, having, I don't know, seem like 10 hits on the series. Pretty awesome. But just guys passing the torch, man, it's, it's really worth deep line up. We have good quality of bats and yeah, I mean, you know, it's, it's been an up and down season. No question about it. But, you know, it feels like they're hitting their stride and a, you know, hope like you guys talked about earlier. Hope, you know, yesterday was kind of a blip on the radar and they get after it to Texas, which I think they will. Talking to our pal, Mark Loretta here on Bennett Woods this morning, you were around the team last year as well. I mean, there's a, you know, there's a visible difference when you're watching on television. There's a difference when we, we go down there, you know, once a month to check in and say, hello, you can definitely feel that these guys really, really pull for each other. They really, really love each other. It seems to be making a difference on the field and, you know, listen, they're not running away with the West or anything, but man, they're hanging around and overcoming injuries and stuff like that. How much credit do you give to the, the skipper, Mike Schill? Yeah. I give Mike a lot of credit. No question. I mean, he stayed so steady this year, you know, it's, it would have been very easy for him to, to sort of, you know, not jump off the wagon, but, but pretty critical his team and you just said, you know, stay the course. And I think that's, that's really energized his team and, and there's a lot of young players. I mean, you know, with Jackson, you know, then you get, I think we have a lot more depth than we had last year. You know, you got, you got to go like Sullivan come up at a home run. We're halfway home on a Monday, Ben and Woods 97 3, the fan. Great to be here with you guys. Took two out of three from the Red Sox. Always feels good. We'd even go into a hostile environment, like Fenway Park. Look beautiful, by the way. Absolutely. Yeah. Fenway Park. It looked beautiful. Had a little FOMO, not going to lie. Saw a lot of pottery fans made it to him. Tons of pottery fans. I've been, I've been getting it bad this year, man. For sure. I'm Woodsie. That's Paul Reindel, the executive producer, Ben Higgins, your friendly neighborhood sports anchor joins us as well. I mean, even like, I'm not a big Blink 182 fan since one of their guys said they were going to come on with us and then didn't and it bumped me out. I like people above their word, you know, we had, we promoted it and made us look like idiots when they bailed the next day. But even last night, they played Petco Park. And it looked amazing. And I like four or five songs, whatever. But I saw it last night and I went, God dang, I'm missing out on this. You know, the Fenway Park and Petco Park are extremely different, but they share that connection. That was, of course, highlighted this weekend and that is Larry Lucina, 100% who was the driving force behind the construction of Petco Park. I mean, the personal sheer will and effort, community, you know, meetings that he took to try to make Petco Park happen above and beyond and then went to Boston and basically did the same thing, the renovation of the green monster, the seats on top. They were talking about the, maybe the, maybe the best idea ever. Yeah. I mean, seats up there. Maybe the best idea in history, like against it for a while. You can't tarnish a cathedral of baseball. Tarnish it, man. It looks, it was a great idea. Can you imagine sitting up there? What better seat on the planet? I've had some good ass seats before. Nothing like that. I can't wait to have Jesse Agler on the show tomorrow. Yes. Which is a baseball nerd that that man is following his Instagram stories was awesome. And he was taking you on little tours a, I just was like, I'm so happy that he gets to finally call a game at Fenway Park, can't wait to hear about it. I loved the pictures that the Padres posted of all the guys signing the inside of the green monster. Pretty sick, man. And that's a tradition. Your first time at Fenway Park, you go in and it's everybody's first time at Fenway Park on this roster. Pretty much. Yeah. It's now being renamed to Jackson Merrill Park because he is the, the owner of Fenway right now. What a monster series he had in Fenway. But no, I had, I had that feeling of like, dude, why aren't we going on some of these trips? It really bums me out. Hey. Well, we don't have disposable income. I've got a family as well, have to take care of and be at home for, but I really was looking going, ah, we've been saying this for years. 2025. 2025. We got to go to, I don't care if it's Boston. We got to go somewhere. Chicago, Riggly, something. We got to do something as this show, you know, how much longer, you know, you don't know how much longer we'll be together or, you know, even alive. You have no idea. Life is short. We got to yolo it up a little bit more next year because I'm sitting here watching, well, this looks like a great time, everyone's eating the local fair and, you know, walking around and having a ball. We'd have a blast there. It's shame our company won't pay our way to go to do our job. It really just is a very, I mean, you love content so much. We will give you content. Here's the interesting part. If we pay our own way, they're going to want content and we'll be like, you're not going to get it. Hey, can you do a video from outside Riggly? No, I'm on vacation. I paid for this. Do you want to reimburse me? I'm in. As much as we love baseball, as much as we love the Padres, like, I'm like, we need to pick a thing and go every single year somewhere. Pittsburgh would be an incredible, Oh, I'd like to see PNC. I have never been to Pittsburgh. We could get that sandwich. Everybody raves about it. Vermonty brothers. Pittsburgh. There's there's a handful of stadiums like Pittsburgh, Philly, Hoffman, no, no, no cities that unless it's there for work, like a baseball centric trip, right, I probably won't ever be like, like, I don't ever see myself just in Pittsburgh going to Pittsburgh. I would have to be going to watch a baseball game. I don't ever see myself just in Kansas City. Yeah. I'd have to be going to watch a baseball game. Of course. I can see myself in Chicago, New York, Boston, yeah, in a game there is kind of an afterthought in one of those big cities, right? I mean, I took Bowdo to Chicago last year. I looked at the schedule and I went, ah, crap, Cubs aren't there, bummer. But there was still so much more to do. All right, I got the trip, damn, we should have done it this year when we do the manager. Miami. I tried. We talked about it. Nothing ever material. Miami vice Higgins over here. Yeah. Can you imagine him? Get my past down. Oh my God, burn out Miami Beach. It's expensive though. I mean, it's expensive. That's the truth. The drinks out in South Beach are expensive here too. That's true. That's true. We live here every day. And it's expensive. It's also true. Yeah, I'd like to get out there, man. Yeah, yeah. Somebody said Cluge is listening right now, counting the expense report in his head. Yeah. Tons of money lying around. Well, I mean, again, we're going to do it next year, whether you want content out of it or not. Well, keep it high. And also, you know, the baseball schedule, the 2025 schedule usually comes out, I think, like August. Yeah, pretty soon. We should know. Plant something. And if I love golf and have an idea of, you know, time of the year and what looks appealing on the Padres schedule for next year, even though I didn't, you know, the Mexico City one would have been a lot of fun. The Korea one I thought is just going to be too long. Padres opening the season in Oslo, Norway next year. We're in. Why? What? They'll do it in some really weird spot, and I'll be like, fine, I'll send you guys. Never mind. We don't want to. We don't want to go. No, we got to make some of those trips happen next year, even if it's on our own dime because it's just, it looks so much fun, man. And the weather that the people got, if you went Friday and Saturday, you were like, I've landed in paradise, you know, for the weather that they had a family. Now yesterday, not a game that I would have sat through. I would have told you both at the hotel. Go ahead. I'm going to be watching in the hotel room. Hot and sticky. And pouring rain. Yeah, pouring rain. That's why you got to pick the right time of the year as well. Still have a couple more road trips this year. I mean, it's not too late. Pittsburgh and Miami, both at the beginning of August, I don't, there's not enough time to plan. Oh, there's enough time, you just don't have the will to do so. Well, fine. I'm not saying I do. I just. You got to run it by the missus too. There's a whole big, it's a whole big thing. Permissions required. Yes. Lots of permission slips. Well, let's see. Did anyone catch me anchoring the news last night? You know, on channel 10 and the six and the 11 o'clock. So I was in my office working at five o'clock and I thought you were on at five. And so I put on channel 10 at five and it was not yet. So I did not. That was it. You get one chance and then you were done. I gave it one shot. And then I. It was slow news day. There wasn't a ton going on, a couple of fires in Northern California. Our lead story was the fact that new laws go into effect on July 1st, including. This one was kind of interesting. Did you know that at most or certain bars and clubs now, they're required to provide tests for your drink to see if it's been like spiked with like roofie. These were hip naw or ketamine. So there's like strips or straws that you like just put in and then look and see if it like changes. I need to hear this in Ben anchor news voice. I, well, I did last night in anchor news voice, but it's it's required from the state of California, a new law that goes into effect today that certain class 48 establishments with a liquor license must provide to their customers the ability to test their drinks for foreign substances that have been added to prevent, you know, rising sexual assaults that occur in those establishments, I think it's a great idea. Some places we're providing them for free others. They can charge a fee for them, but they have to have them, at least at the bar or available to customers. That's one of the laws that went into effect. Of course, I think our gas taxes are going up slightly again as well. Very cool. Here at the start of July. So it's going to pay more in gas taxes. That was another law that they are talking about, but it was a really it was a quiet news day for the most part. Adam says in the chat, anyone remember when Stephen Woods talked about the show going to Texas for the All-Star game, but didn't actually want to go? I do. I don't recall that at all. And then Hannah said, I do Adam. He's the boy that cried road trip. I guess when the feeder actually held to the fire, I'm like, ah, once you realize it's going to require a trip to the airport and waiting in a security lacking and everything else. You just want to be there. You want to snap your fingers. You want to be at the Padres road game and then snap your fingers and be back in your bed. Yeah. That night's true. It's true. We are going to San Francisco as a family in September for Hannah's birthday. We're going to check out a game. I think it's Padres Giants at Oracle. So that'll be fun. First I'm going to that ballpark, we love San Francisco, taking the kids Alcatraz, doing the whole bit. So very excited about that. But as a show, I'd like us to get away and go do something. Yeah. I mean, we have our fantasy, our spring fantasy baseball every year that we go. Fantasy camp. Fantasy camp. That's what it's called. Yeah, we do that. Let's just kind of get away for the show. Let's get away. But you want like an in-season getaway. An in-season getaway where the boys are playing somewhere and we get to go watch them. You know, be good. How about a playoff trip? That'd be in October. All right. Let's do that. Let's do that. Can't plan those in advance. Too nervous, man. Be amazing though. All right. Yeah, we'll do that. But that would be ideal. Okay. Deal. Padres are certainly on pace to get there at this point. We'll over halfway through the season currently three games behind the Braves who are the first wild card team in the National League, half game ahead of the Cardinals who are in the third slot. That's in fourth and still that, you know, big grouping of teams in the National League that are all still for the most part in it, you know, got the Giants, Diamondbacks, Pirates, Nationals, Cubs, you know, some teams have struggled a little bit, but no one's so far back that they can't envision a, you know, five, six game winning streak to get some right back into the thick of things. So don't know if we are going to have a lot of movement yet. It is trade deadline month. July is here. By the end of the month, you're going to have to have your final moves in place and have your roster set for the rest of the season. So, you know, those talks are just going to heat up over the coming weeks, but still not many more sellers. I saw the, the Blue Jays are finally saying, all right, we're going to put a few guys on the market. Bro, and the guys happening for us this year, the guys that they were throwing on the market, there's definitely some interesting names in Kukuchi. And then there's Yimi Garcia out of their bullpen is pretty nasty too. I'm, I'm sure AJ has made some, some calls to Canada here recently. I would think so. Wouldn't surprise me. Yeah. They have a couple of pretty good fits there, you know, with Tetis' injury is still, the outfield remains, you, Santa Bogart's could be back before the all-star break. He is getting a, a CT scan today, if all goes well, he could start a rehab assignment in the next couple of days. Where the hell does he play? But the problem is, is yeah, he's not an outfielder. They, they, what they really need is another outfielder at this point, not knowing how long Tetis is going to be out, not really having any solid backup. So I mean, Bryce Johnson has started every single day since he's been, yeah, it's not an everyday star. He's not, and David Peralta's not either. And, and he was not either at this point, and he's starting every single day. I know, man. It's a, it's a glaring hole right now for the San Diego Padres. No. And if it wasn't for Kyle Higashioka having this monster, monster June Ben, I mean, he think about what the bottom of that lineup looks like right now with Bryce Johnson in there every single day, man, it's rough. So yeah, David Peralta's not a guy. You can run out there five games a week starting in right field. Yeah, they got, they got to do something. They got to do something. And a lot of people are talking about Tierso or now, let's getting a potentially a call up pretty soon playing pretty well with, okay, like, let's, let's see it. I'd rather, I'd rather see a guy that has some potential with some pop and, and no offense to Bryce Johnson. But, you know, we have plenty of guys on this team can bunt, you know, we're pretty adept at bunting Tyler raids lives here and, and, you know, Hassan Kim now lives here is the Lord sacrifice. I'm surprised that Wade hasn't gotten the starter to feel to in the last week, just knowing what Mike Schilt generally says about him and thinks about him. But he's been, I guess when you're winning, you know, he don't stir things too much, maybe now that they lost yesterday, you can think about giving Bryce Johnson a day off and trying something else. But Brandon says can crony play out field to feel like he's athletic enough. I've been saying this for five years that he is like put him in, in, in, at the time, it was put him in left field and let him go. So Bogart's at second, yep, and then move crony to the outfield. He would, I think he could do it in a second. I just feel like he'd be great at it. I really do. I've always thought that. Kind of the point of having a roster full of short stops is that they're athletic enough to play anywhere. It is, it is, but it's also the problem of having a roster full of short stops. They can't, you know, it's a learning curve to play anywhere else unless you're Jackson Merrill, but yeah, crony, crony, I think crony could do it, do it. I would say it's, it's very difficult to make that transition without, you know, full off season to work on and a full spring training. Jackson Merrill is making the conventional wisdom of that feel a little foolish and how quickly he adapted the center field and how absolutely serviceable or beyond serviceable. He's even been defensively, but to ask someone to just move out there without a single day of spring training. He's in the middle of the season. He knows a lot. I know, man. It's a lot. I know. But that's where they, they have plenty of infielders and not enough outfielders right now. Eddie Rosario was just a DFA. I think this morning by the national. So they're going to be looking to move him. Maybe he's an option. I don't know. I mean, I think everything's on the table right now for the San Diego Padres. You do have some holes to fill and excuse me, I think it's, it's important that they get done soon. I mean, you got a, you got a tough stretch coming up in July. I know you get days off and all that, but instead of win those games, man, as fresh as you are. I'm assuming that Rosario move was to clear a 40 man roster spot for James Wood. That's exactly right. Who is being promoted today, former Padres prospect part of, of course, the Juan Soto trade that will make his major league debut for the Washington Nationals in just one to three games today in a light schedule in Major League Baseball. So there'll be a lot of eyes on James Wood as he takes the field for the first time going up against the Mets. I do believe. So yeah, we'll see what happens, but, um, yeah, good for him, man. Good for him. I'm excited about forward to him hitting a home run at some point this week and everyone losing that conversation. It's already been rehashed, already, already, already, it's already been rehashed at nauseam. Nothing you can do about it. There's no doubt that saying that Washington knowing they were going to lose one Soto and knowing they weren't going to win anything with him over that last season, two and a half season. Yes. Made a very smart move. Of course. Good return. Good return on that trade. Absolutely. No doubt about that. Does that mean the potteries made a bad trade? Not necessarily. Nope. Not necessarily. But it was definitely a good trade for the Washington Nationals. Yep. I think we can be comfortable making that judgment now two years, almost two years after the fact. Indeed. All right. We'll take your time out. Coming up at the bottom of the hour, we've got Sam Levitt joining us in season Sammy. Ronald report is ahead as well. Don't go anywhere. And it was coming up after a check of traffic here on 97.3, the fam. No potteries baseball tonight. Stay off on the road in Texas because I'm watching a Nickelback documentary instead. Well, that's what you committed to. But may I interest you in Copa America, soccer, United States versus Uruguay. What time is that game tonight? I think it's around six. All right. I could probably do first half of that and then get some Nickelback in. Yeah. Good stadium in Kansas City and pretty much must win. I mean, I think there is a scenario in which the US could lose and still advance, but it basically they are playing at the same time as Panama, the team they lost to in their last match. Okay. They have to match Panama's results. Panama is playing Bolivia, the last place team in the pool in the group. The US is playing Uruguay, the first place team in the group. So a tougher matchup. Right. Same time. So if Panama ties, if the US ties, that's good enough, they will advance into the knockout round. Panama wins though, the US needs to win and they need to maintain their gold differential advantage, which is currently plus two over Panama. So they'd have to win and not like Panama, if Panama won like five, nothing, the US would have to win at least four nothing to move on. So that would be very difficult. But if Panama loses, you could theoretically lose a close one and still advance based on gold differential, but it wouldn't count on that tonight. And that games run those games are running concurrently, so you don't know what's going on necessarily in the other game. You'll get reports, score board watching, score board watching as well. So that's the, the soccer story. Mexico was already eliminated last night. They had their control of their own destiny against Ecuador, but we're unable to score a goal in a zero, zero draw that sent Ecuador into the knockout round of Copa America. So we'll see if the US can last more than one day longer than Mexico. Be an embarrassing early exit if the US does lose, but you know, another, another one. Yes. International soccer play team of the future every year. Yeah. I mean, supposedly the best group of like young talent they've ever had, but it's soccer. You get really what two chances every four years to show it off and really major international competition. And if you ultimately disappoint, then then you wasted it. You just wasted the last two years. Now you decide whether you want to keep your coach or fire your coach ahead of the next two years, which is the build up to the World Cup will take place in North America, including the United States in 2026. World Cup is in 26. 26. Yeah. US Canada, Mexico, the tri hosts of a North American World Cup that's two years away. And if the US loses today, there will be a lot of panic and consternation about whether they're on the wrong path ahead of a very important, you know, when you host, you're really expected to make it deep run in a World Cup. All right. I'll check it out tonight. We had it on the other night. We had the red card and saw the brutal hit on the goalkeeper and yeah, I'll throw it on tonight. Like you said, there's nothing else for me to watch. Yeah. It's pretty, pretty quiet night. Other ones. I doubt three games in Major League Baseball. I doubt I'm going to be, you know, on James Woodwatch. I'm not going to do wood watching. No watching of the wood. No watching of wood. Woods watches, woods, watches, wood tonight, maybe, but you know, I did, I did place a wager on him to hit home run tonight because the odds were tremendous. So that'd be good. So I'll be, I'll be rooting for that one, but I don't think he's, I don't think he's going to be like appointment viewing, right? They're not going to stop down every time he takes an A B. I don't think so. They might on MLB network, if they're not playing, you know, a little big league or something, I tune in. Sam lives. He's huge games going on over the weekend. I'm like, see what's MLB's doing right now? Like, Oh, field of dreams again, like you can't, you can't get one game, something like there's, give us something. No, you're right. It was a field of dreams again, like the 40th time, you know, we're just dumped in the field of dreams every time we were out of material. We're running ads. I hear for a live performance, a field of dreams at the radio shell later this month. That would be something I would actually go to where they play the movie, but an orchestra actually plays the music live, the field of dreams music while they play the movie. No. You wouldn't do that. You wouldn't like that? No. We used to do that a couple of times. We took the kids to the, before the shell was built, there was still had the, the venue out there. My kids are into Hock Toa right now. They're not really into orchestras and things. They are both running around the house incessantly saying Hock Toa. You feel the dreams? Yeah. Bowlegs field of dreams. Well, there you go. I've started to use, he dad, what is Hock Toa? Hock Toa. I started using it in a baseball context. If you see a pitch bow that you don't like, you just Hock Toa. Spit on it. Spit on that thing. Oh. Spit on that thing. Change up. Change up down in a way. Hock Toa. On a 2-1 count. Hock Toa. Spit on that thing. That's it. That's how I've started to use it in my home. It's a baseball turn. Don't swing at the pitchers pitch. Swing at your pitch. Swing at your pitch. Yeah. Spit on it. Spit on it. Spit on that. Plus there's two strikes, then you gotta protect. Yeah. Hock Toa. Right. Yeah. That's what I've been using it for. I think it fits. It does, actually. Yeah. Hey, you see one you don't like? Hock Toa. Spit on that thing. Perfect. Perfect. Great context. Less. She's a baseball fan. Racie undertones. Yeah. 100%. I don't want them at school running around saying it, but, you know. Don't always worry. Yeah, my house. Yeah, it is. If they say it's school, what do you not say? It's exactly right. All right. Sammy Lovett's going to join us in season, Sammy. Then we come back. Don't go anywhere. It's been a what? It's on San Diego's number one sports day, 97-3 to fan. Well, that was a fun weekend. Would it have been nicer to end with a win and another sweep? Yes. But you can't have everything all the time. You can sometimes have sweeps, and the Padres have had a couple of them recently. But I couldn't quite pull it off, yet they did take two or three in Boston to start their road trip. We got Sammy Lovett standing by in season, Sammy's going to join us right after check traffic here on 97-3 the fan. All right. Let's talk to Sammy. Here we got Sammy Lovett with us here on 97-3 the fan. It's a Monday morning. Sammy, good morning to you. How was your weekend? Good morning, guys. Good weekend. A pretty fun couple of games in Boston to begin the series, and everything was great in the studio. So a good weekend. You had some FOMO, too, I bet. You know. I mean, I've been to Boston a few times, been to Fenway a couple times, watching that series, the weather. They had those first two games, Sammy. I was like, "God dang, what didn't I make the trip up to Boston?" And go watch these guys. Just kick the hell out of the Red Sox for the first two days, at least. I feel like we had a missed opportunity there, buddy. Yeah. It would have been great. I would have loved to have been there, and, you know, from both the work perspective and just enjoying baseball, I've been to Fenway Park one time. It was not to see a Red Sox game, but it was actually for the Cape Cod Baseball League to work out. They would do that every year for all the guys in the Cape Cod League when I worked there for two summers, and it's actually a really cool experience, because there are scouts all over the Cape League all summer, and around the Cape Cod League all-star game, they bring each team into dual workout where they have tons and tons of scouts sitting in the stand at Fenway, and it's a really cool opportunity for those guys, not just to, you know, work out in front of, you know, every scout you could imagine, but also get an experience of being on the field at Fenway. Back in the day, I think they actually played the all-star game at Fenway, or maybe they do it again now. When I was there, they didn't do that. They only had the workout, but I remember the broadcast crew I was with at the time, and, you know, we were all in college and just really starting out. It was on my friend Kevin, my friend Susie, my friend Matt, and we went up to the Green Monster, and actually, this weekend, I looked at that photo that we have on top of the Green Monster, and it was pretty cool, so Boston, you know, I've been to Boston a lot growing up in New York, and, you know, when I was in Cape Cod, I mean, I spent two summers there, so I know that area pretty well, and yeah, I would have loved to have been there, maybe next time. What was that terrible Cape Cod movie that they did? Summer catch. Jessica Beale. I will say this, and I've seen that movie. It's not, I mean, it's obviously not realistic, I would say, but there were definitely aspects to it that were bought on, you know, when you think about, like, classic, you know, ball players showing up in the Cape Cod League, and going around from field to field, I mean, I've said this to a lot of people, I think the Cape Cod League, not to get on two of a tangent on it, but I think the Cape Cod League is like a must do baseball experience. Yeah, I mean, really, really, I really, really think that it is, by far, the best summer league in the country, you know, like, you don't have to pay to go to the games, people literally put their blankets and chairs down in the morning, and then they show up later and sit down, and like, they're playing at middle school fields and high school fields, and there really is sort of a mystique to it, and just sort of a love of the game field to it, and there's tons of scouts, and everything's within an hour, you know, you just play one game, and then that's it, and you play another game against another team the next night. It really is, I think for a baseball fan, a must experience, I really do, because there is something really special about it, and they've had that collegiate league out there forever, you know, with some of the best players going back a long way playing out there and getting their names out, you know, to go play with Woodback out there was originally kind of the real reason. You can't go just a bill there, Ben, so it's a great reason to go to see Jessica Beale. Right? I mean, can you promise? I can't promise you. That's... I don't think you can. We got Sammy. Sammy, love it with us, and Wood's, I just have to say, Sammy does such a great job on the pre and the post game shows, especially, he's so unflappable, I was listening on Friday night after the game to Sammy's post game show, and you know, it was Friday, and it was a pod-rated one, it was a celebratory mood, and he took two or three straight calls in which the caller was less, let's just say, less than a hundred percent sober, and you could tell... Sober! Well, you could tell when they wanted to talk about Kyle Higashiosa. Oh, sorry. Good boy evening. But Sammy does such a good job in just... Higashiosa. Higashiosa. Amazing. And I could just tell, and I got a couple of those in a row, but Sammy is a pro. He keeps it lively. He keeps it fun, he treats everyone with respect, no matter how many three or four cocktails in before they give him a call, and I realize we don't ever get that experience in the morning. No, that would be a problem. That would be a problem. That would be a problem. That means you have a problem. Generally, the PCOM calls are stone cold, sober, you know, between six and ten a.m. and we do take phone calls. But you, you have a lot of late evening programs, Sammy, so you get some different clientele as part of your show. Yeah. Yeah, and it's all good. I mean, you know, people have a good time on a Friday night after a Padre win. I mean, you know, especially when the team is, I would say, at home. Yeah, I mean, very often I am on the air still in the 10.30 to 11 p.m. hour, right, depending on how long the game goes. So I always say it on the post game, like we appreciate you wherever you're listening from. If you're on the way to your Friday night plans on the way home, maybe you're just going out. What we are always happy to hear from you no matter what you've done earlier in the night, what you're going to do. If you're going to party, that's fine. Yeah, it's, it's all good. So it's all part of the fun, I think, of the post game life. Sammy, injury updates from the San Diego Padres. We saw a couple of new ones this morning. It's kind of mixed bag right now for the team. They've got some good news and they've got some more. I don't want to say concerning, but certainly news that gives you a little bit of pause right now. Yeah, I, if you guys wouldn't mind updating me, I, I, I, I, I, uh, what was there something new that came out this morning before I helped them, I mean, the good news, the good news is, is Zander Bogart's is, uh, is on track, yeah, getting a CT scan today. And if it goes well, it could start a rehab assignment, Louise Camp, a son of rehab assignment and then like else you are today, uh, but, uh, in the athletic, Dennis Lynn, right, talking to doctors. And basically we're getting the sense that the, the, the optimistic timeline of Fernando Tetis Jr returning, maybe after the all star break is pretty darn optimistic and then a more realistic view is this could be closer to a two month type injury to fully return from a stress reaction and that we really shouldn't expect to see Fernando back anytime this month if we're being honest with ourselves. Yeah. And I see Dennis's piece. I gotta read this once I get off. So I apologize for that for not being fully up to date on what Dennis wrote. But you know, look, uh, obviously with Zander with the CT scan, we heard about that on, uh, on, uh, what the, on Friday in Boston. So, you know, look, it sounded like if that, you know, if the results from that came back favorable, like he was not all that far away from maybe going out on a rehab assignment at some point, you know, look at without reading specifically with Dennis wrote this morning, you know, I'm not super surprised, you know, if, if, you know, Fernando is going to be out of while. I mean, it, it, it sort of sounded that way. Now when the, the injury first happened, you know, it was sort of a murky timeline, right? I mean, I felt like there was, there was really no timeline put on it, but then you heard what Fernando said in the clubhouse later that day and I felt like you could just kind of feel it and see it that this was going to be something that was long term. I will say, uh, you know, I don't know if I expected, you know, two months, um, or something like that, but look, the bottom line is this, they're going to have to continue to figure out how to stay afloat. And I think, you know, in an overall sense, you know, no matter how long Bogart takes to come back or Fernando's going to be out a really, really extended period of time. To me, what, what they need to avoid is just sort of, you know, sort of a going down one of those real downward spirals, right, that we've seen, okay, because I actually, before I came on with you guys, I was reading Dennis's article, but I was just jotting down what they've done since May 26th and it really I think says something because they won five of six, then they lost five in a row, then they won five of six, then they lost five in a row, and then they won nine of eleven to finish the month of June. And I think it just makes the point of, you know, look, they are going to have to continue to win the way they have won through these injuries and that's playing team baseball and getting contributions all over the place. But the one thing they just can't really afford to do, no matter how many off days they have, no matter some of the really good opponent opponents they have coming up in July, one thing they just, you know, have to avoid is letting yesterday's loss turn into losing a bunch in a row. Yeah, for more. Because we're seeing that, right? Right. Like yesterday I kept thinking about that, that Sunday game in Kansas City. And again, I'm not saying this is going to happen, but that was like the stretch where the Padres have played really well, not for as long as they have this time around. But somehow, some way that sort of surprisingly winning, so losing five in a row and totally changing how you felt about what they were doing. So, you know, guys, I think, I think maybe you're looking at a situation with this team where, look, if they end up playing at some sort of level like they've played the last week and a half, two weeks, that's awesome. But bare minimum, you're just hoping they can, they can stay afloat, stay right in the mix of that wild card race and hopefully when they get these guys back or right there and it's like you're getting trade deadline acquisitions, essentially. And again, I got to read what Dennis wrote this morning on Fernando, but I'm not, you know, I'm not super surprised just based on his reaction later that night when it came out that it was going on the IEL and this was not a little thing. This was something that was going to take some time. I don't think the message has changed really at all from us. Yeah. You got to hang around. You know, that's it. Just hang around. And if you play 500 baseball through the month of July, which again, you're going to have a ton of off days, but the schedule is pretty difficult with some really difficult teams. You've played well against tough teams so far this season. That can't change, certainly, and you do need to try to handle up on the teams that maybe struggling a little bit, that would be a nice change of pace for the San Diego Padres. But really at the end of the day, man, get through July, you should be able to get a little healthier with with many, many off days in there, Sammy. But really hang around, hang around until the end of July, reevaluate. I mean, I just don't think anything's changed. I love the nine out of 10. Certainly it's not something I'm expecting more of with more guys going down and more guys, you know, getting drilled in the arm with 100 mile an hour base hits up the middle. It just, you just have to hang around because the NL is really nothing to write home about. But don't be that team that just goes off the cliff that we've seen, we've seen that here in San Diego. So I understand why people are on edge about it a little bit. But man, watching this team play, watching what they're capable of has been awesome. It's awesome. I hope that continues. If you lose a few here and there, you just got to staunch the bleeding. You can't have those five gamers anymore. Those have killed us. Right. Right. Because I don't know, you know, it's a good point, like, again, I just think they need to find a way to avoid losing streaks, right, to avoid the kind of stretches that we saw earlier this year. Now, look, that may be easier said than done because I think this team, especially in the last, you know, 10, 11 games, look, they've played great and it's because they're getting contributions all over, whether it's Higgie, whether it's Jackson Merrill, whether it's, you know, just, you know, even the bullpen this weekend was really good. Yep. I was dealing with big leads, but that was, I guess, somewhat encouraging that the bullpen was better. And obviously, Manny heating up the way he has, that goes an enormously long way. But yeah, when you zoom out and you look at the picture like, yeah, I mean, you Darvish is out. And there's not a ton of information on when he's going to come back. Joe Musgrove, we know it's going to be at least a while for him. And then, you know, now the situation with Fernando may be being lengthier than what he originally anticipated and Sanders still a, you know, a ways away, it's going to be at least, I would imagine a couple of weeks based on what the results are today of that scan. So yeah, it's, they're in a really interesting spot, guys, right? Like they're, they are playing well and they're more than staying afloat right now. And then you've got the trade deadline looming and how do they add and what do they want to add and what would they be willing to trade like. And then in the context of this really wide open NL, so it's an interesting spot. And, you know, look, you hope those guys, whether it's you or Joe or Fernando or Zander, yeah, I mean, you want those guys back as pick as, as humanly possible, but you know, that, that help is obviously just even on Zander's front still appears to be a bit of a ways away. Well, first up in July is a three game series against the defending World Series champion Texas Rangers who had lost six in a row, seven in a row, or I think, or six in a row before yesterday. And then they won yesterday, but one match up. I mean, not that they're head to head, but the two rookies, Wyatt Langford, who has been playing really well, including a cycle yesterday, the first in base watching it incredible yesterday against Jackson Merrill, who's probably at least in consideration for, you know, nationally player of the week or even player of the month with the kind of month that he put together going to be some rookie rookie people looking at rookies this week when the Padres take on the Rangers. Yeah. For sure. And look, Wyatt Langford played better. He did not get off to a great start, you know, unlike Jackson Merrill, who kind of hit the ground running at the start of the year. But you know, just on Merrill, man, it just, I think we talked about him last week, but it just continues to be remarkably impressive and the way this guy rises to the moment and to do it, he did it Fenway and his mom sitting out in center field and he nearly hits a home run right into her lap in center. I mean, it's just, it's, it's remarkable. And I actually, not that, you know, I'm not a betting guy, but I did want to go look up at one of the major sports books, just like what are the odds, right, for Merrill and rookie of the year right now? And I think when I looked over the weekend, he had the second best odds to win rookie of the year, the NL. And, you know, right now, I, you know, and look, I know Imanaga was, had been really, really good. And yeah, Moto had been really, really, really good, you know, and now was injured. But like, if you just want to look at him, Merrill, in schemes, you know, look, you may be ultimately looking at a two man race there. And what I'll be curious about is A to pull schemes, you know, keep, keep up the pace of that. And he's been terrific. You know, how many innings is he going to throw? Is that going to be enough to win a rookie of the year? We're going to find out. But I said this, if there's somebody on the phones over the weekend, like, I think, you know, we all would love to see him do something like that and win that kind of award. But regardless of that, just on Jackson, he is certainly having a rookie of the year caliber season. So, you know, whether he ends up winning the hardware or not, you know, I guess really isn't the point. But man, he, he just, he's got something about him. And again, I think I said it to you last week that, you know, we all showed up at spring training and it was clear he was going to get an opportunity. And I think a credit to the Padres, they were right. He was ready. And I think he's certainly, you know, even exceeded the expectations we could have had to this point. Well, Sammy, I enjoy the day off here. And then we'll catch you tomorrow. We got, I believe a 405 Ecowater SoCal pregame show 505 first pitch against the Texas Rangers in the series opener. We'll hear from you then. All right. Sounds good guys. Have you heard? I think I'm, I think I'm doing six, the 10 on Friday. Oh, are you feeling it for us? You got to cover our ass? I did not know that. I thought the whole station was right. I thought everyone was wrong. I believe, I believe I'm, I'm like, I'm like, I'm like, something is changed during Adam. We're all unraveling. I mean, I, I somehow have been so sorry. Now I feel bad taking the day off. And there's a game that night. And then you've got a game that night against Arizona at home. I did not. We'll talk to Adam. We'll talk to the. It's okay. No, no, no. I, I kind of, I kind of volunteered. Of course not. I volunteered. He's probably a minor league game tonight somewhere. It's, it's crazy. He works all the time. I'll talk NBA. I'm going to have fun. I think I'm going to try not to talk baseball from six to 10. All right. So you're not allowed. Just so you know, Sammy. We do have rules. We do have rules here this Friday morning from six to 10 filling in for Ben and Woods and Paul. I feel like such a heel right now. Just a big fat. He was off. That's what they told us. It's supposed to be. Adam. Adam. All right, we'll come back. Paul. He's got the Ryanable report final hour. How are we the jerks now? Next. 97 three to fail. It's unbelievable. I'm actually a pretty educational weekend for me with Padres at Fenway Park. Not a venue in which the Padres have played a ton of games. They hadn't been there since 2013. They put that lineup out. Who? Boy. Sirocco. Sirocco. It's a short style. I had totally forgotten about Pedro Sirocco. Mark Cauce in the DH slot that day is second stint with the Padres end of his career. Yeah, it was something. So yeah, it was kind of educational. I learned and Don and Mud talked about it on the broadcast about the green monster. And obviously the renovations that they put the seats on top of the wall looks fantastic. But the fact that they left that ladder on the wall as a historic artifact, they used to use that ladder to climb up after batting practice to go get the baseball balls that had gotten caught in the net so they could use them again the next day. Now they just go into the seats and fans get to take them home where they head on out to the what is Lansdowne Street that's out there. Yocky way. It used to be yocky way. But now it's not, he was like a man or something, but like whatever's out there. And then I think I had seen before that people go inside the wall and they sign their names like players like Jeremiah Strata did it and he took a picture where you see him. There's that that little opening in the wall where the people who work behind can see what's going on in the game. Like a window. It's just a slit. I mean, it's like a square. It's like a, it's not, it's enough to like put your head in and that's about it. Well, then there's slits all around it too because Jesse took a picture of a slit. Yes. But there's an actual, there's one like window in the wall and they said it's, if that, that one's always open there, but no ball has ever gone in into that window in the history of Fenway Park, which is pretty amazing to think about hundred and 12, 13 years. And that, that's always been there and no one's hit a one offer that bounced right through the wall and the entire time it's been there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That was big enough for a ball. The slits are not big enough for a ball. No, but you know, and learning, you know, jerks in out there kind of guessing he had the one that bounced off the wall and the track and that's right over his head didn't cost an extra base. It was going to be a double anyway, but the intricacies of playing that outfield with such quirky dimensions and then knowing if it hits the scoreboard or it hits one of the numbers on the scoreboard or hits the ladder or anything, it's getting bounced completely differently than if it just hits the wall solidly. It's like a guessing game out there. Well, I mean, you saw Jerkson was the one and as soon as he was running back on it, I went, you're too close. You're too close. You're too close. You're not going to. Oh, but once the ball caroms off and Jerkson runs to get it, do you know how far he is from from second. He's just one. He's ten feet away. He's right there. It's so close. Underhanded there. He couldn't take an extra base because he's going to get there. The throw is like right there. I loved, loved mud story about when he went there and he said he went back to the wall and he leaned up against the wall and he's like, do they move this thing back for the games because it's really, really close. I mean, if you're ever, if you go to Fenway, I went once, oh, it's with Yankee's Red Sox series. There was insane everywhere you sit, you're like, oh my God, I'm in this guy's back pocket. Like I feel like I'm right on top of this dude and that's cool. It's very intimate and that's kind of how old Yankee Stadium was too. But man, you're, you're in that ballpark and you're like, it's just, it's very, very tight. It's very tight. Oh, it's only like 300 feet right there in the corner three or three or something. So we got one. Duran's home run was not that long. It was into the corner yesterday as well, but just those very quirky dimensions for a team. We don't get to see play our team there that often it was kind of interesting and educational for me this weekend. Yeah, it's pretty cool. And then of course Jackson Merrill's got to go out and play center field that has that funky, you know, and he played it well. He played as he always does. He'll play it really well. The thing that I wanted to know that no one ever addressed. So when Jackson Merrill hit the home run to his mom, yeah, and they were all sitting there, but then the next day it was covered in a tarp. So they talked about it. Yeah. Did someone say that? I never heard that. They talked about it. They changed it for day games. Uh, mud was talking about it. No, Jesse posted on social media and he was talking about it on the broadcast as well, how they just blacken out those sheets for day games for the batter's eye, but for night games, they feel like it's okay. Night games. They feel like they said like capacity changes between day games and night games by like 400 seats. Yep. I was wondering if that was something to do with that. It's quirky, man. And quirky is cool. I mean, look, you'd hate, you'd hate 30 ballparks like that, you know, I think, I think you would. Uh, eventually you'd be like, Oh God, but, you know, I like the, I like the quirkiness of it. Really cool experience. But I don't want to see any just complete symmetrical arcs all the way around. Remember those days, man? Yeah. I mean, that's, that's the, that's the baseball, I grew up watching like that. Arlington Stadium. Oh my God. Just front. I mean, you know, they all seem kind of the same. But that was the height of architecture back then when they could get it perfectly symmetrical. That way they were like, we've done it. This is exactly what too much, too much quirks and really feel too many quirks in, in Fenway Park. Let's get this nice and even a minute made parking, we put a flagpole in a hill on the hill. Okay. We've jumped the shark a little bit in, in ballpark design at this point. I will never forget that hill. That hill in centerfield was just, you had to see it to believe it. What? What are we doing? Centerfield was like, come on. Come on. Uh, no, it was, it was awesome. I, it's just, if you, if you, if you're a baseball fan and you've never had the chance to go to Fenway Park, you have to put it on your list of, of must sees. It is spectacular. I know we got to get to the Ronald report. I feel like the Padres until this year, the Petco porch always seem to do more for the opponents, but this year, all of a sudden they've hit like a bunch of home runs into that corner this year, Jake, Jackson Merrill, just a, a jerks and profiles grand slam. That porch has been very effective for the Padres this year. They're finally taking advantage of one of their own stadium quirks, uh, for once, which has been nice. All right. Uh, Paul has got some other news for us. Let's get to it. It is time for the Ronald report and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the Ronald report now to the to the most greatest welcome to the Rindel report with Paul Rindel. Hi, Paul. All right. Two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet. We'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed. Are you laughing beyond? It's the Rindel report. Hey, Paul. How you doing? Okay. How are you? Are you ready to bless the mood? I need some help. Please. That was good. Can I get a hoea here? I'll. Yeah. All right. All right. All right. Gentlemen, we will start off in major league baseball and, uh, I thought we could actually all work through this together. I did not know that new rules were coming for the upcoming, uh, home run Derby. Was that three weeks from tomorrow? Two weeks from tomorrow. Two weeks. Two weeks from tomorrow. Two weeks from today. Today. Yeah. Two weeks from tonight in Texas, uh, the home run Derby. Now they made the changes eight or nine years ago, where it was going to be timed and everyone freaked out. I actually loved it from the start. I thought it was outstanding. I like it as well. You know, I was. But it's going good. So we need to change it. Right. Yeah. Right. That's how, uh, baseball likes to work. I was reading about it. Like I guess. Can I. Some players had complained about like fatigue. Yeah. Get in two minutes and get worn out. But I, uh, I saw the, hey, we're doing an announcement tonight on Sunday night baseball. We're going to explain it all for you. And I watched a little bit of Sunday night baseball, but late and I saw the rules pop up. I gave them one cursory glance and I said, pen, I'm just going to wait for Ben to explain it to me. I had no idea what they're doing. Well, let me give you the rules and then we'll see if Ben can, uh, accurately. I've looked through this and I for the most part understand it. So ESPN kind of broke it down. So the competition flow first round, eight hitters, top four will advance. A tie is broken by the longest home run in the first round. That's a difference from, uh, previous years where it was like a bracket and you just had to beat the one guy you were going against. Now, you know, you could have hit the second most home runs in the first round, but if you were facing the guy who hit the most, you're eliminated. Now you would move on to the second round, you know, no matter where you hit, you just have to be in the top four. That makes more sense to me than eliminating a guy who had 24 home runs because the guy he went up against hit 25. So I like the bracket. I did too. You did like the break. Well, you'll get a little bit of both because that's the first round top four out of the eight will advance to the semi finals, semi finals will then be a bracket one versus the four seed, two versus three, and it's based on the first round home run totals. And then in the final, the top two will face off the winners of those two semi final brackets. No longer timed. Is it time? All right. So that's the change in the rules. Yes. The first round and the semi finals, you will have a three minute round still timed 40 pitches max one time out. And I saw it kind of compared to like in the three point shootout, you only have X amount of basketballs to shoot from correct. You don't just get to keep shooting until it's also a clock. And if you run out of time, they don't necessarily let you shoot the last three or four baskets. Correct. So this is a way that it's not just a race to see how many swings you can get in the in three minutes. You know, you only get 40. So you can slow it down just a little bit and know as long as I get the maximum 40 opportunities, I'm good. I don't have to race to try to get four. I think the average was getting up to like 43. Some guys were hitting you know, getting 45 or 46 swings and they were saying it's exhausting to try to do that. So this will back it off a little bit for guys who said this is becoming a real grind to try to do the home run derby says you get three bonus outs that you have the bonus round. I don't know if that's timed or not. That is not a timed round instead of a instead of a time bonus round like it used to be. It'll just be three outs and an out is anything that you swing and it doesn't go over the fence. I mean, you get a liner off the fence, you get a foul ball swing and miss. It's an out anything. That's not a home run. Okay. You can also let it go and just spit on it. I spit on it. If you're if you're batting practice picture is not in the zone on the time on the non time round, you just say don't like that one. I'm waiting for a better one. You will also be able to get a bonus for out in the bonus round if you hit a home run of 425 feet or further instead of a bonus 30 seconds, which you know, that would have been another seven swings or whatever it was. And now it's just one more out where you can take your time. Okay. And then in the finals, it'll be a two minute round, not three minutes, 27 pitches, not 40. You get one time out and then the same bonus rules apply. All right. Is it complicated? Yes, it is. Yes, it is. It's too complicated. We'll get used to it. I'll be fine. I'll explain it as they go. Don't worry about it too much. You don't have to do it. You're just watching it. I'm excited for it. You'll be fine. Yeah. Now, who's who's going to be in it? We don't know. Listen, said he is in it for sure. Anyone else? They have not announced. Aaron Judge wanted to. I don't know that he's going to. He's got dotted on the day Robert said he doesn't want show. Hey, to do it, please do it, but those are your new rules. All right. Shipped over to the NBA. We briefly talked about NBA free agency. Yes. What's the tampering period now? July or June 30th with like three hours to go or something, you can officially start talking and that's when all the players can legally start texting each other and colluding and figuring out where they want to be. I've asked people then and I can't even figure it out. If we actually had a team and I had to figure out like the salary cap and the apron and the penalties, I would have to spend like all day every day, you know, trying to understand it. Right here. All I know is at midnight. These like mega million dollar deals are just signed and agreed upon. But in like eight minutes, it's weird. But I guess the big news that you need to know is LeBron opted out of his contract with the Lakers as expected and he's doing that because he wants to restructure. He's willing to do a team friendly deal if it means going out and getting some veteran help and the leader in the clubhouse right now would be Clay Thompson. He is his time is running out in Golden State. What does that do for you, Betty? Well, you know, his dad, Michael Thompson's longtime radio analyst for the Lakers and that would be a nice story. Clay is not the same clay. He was five or six years ago. Lakers need some shooters though and he's been a really good one. If he gets running James as a shooter, how'd that do for you? Not much yet. You like that your favorite basketball team. They're just doing bits now. Let's get the let's get your podcast buddy will draft your son and then we'll get the radio announcers kid to come in and do shoot some threes from time to time. I think though the pressure LeBron knows like this better work though, you know, it would look bad for me if it didn't. So he's gonna, you know, go to he's doing the Tom Brady thing where he'll take a little less to try to make sure Lakers have the best chance to succeed at least some of the other deals. It's just it blows your mind every year. At least it does for me. The NBA's media deal has just allowed some of the most absurd contracts. If it was any other sport, it would be just groundbreaking news every time one of these guys signed Paul George opted out of his contract with the Clippers. He signed a four year $212 million max contract with the 76ers 76ers also signed Tyrese Maxi to a five year $204 million contract extension for Clippers though, you know, they got the new arena and Kawhi, you know, half healthy is coming back and James Harden coming back but at an extraordinary salary. And then what else do they have? I don't know. I mean, I'm looking at like, Hey, what's if you ever heard of Isaiah Hartenstein? Oh, it was the guy I'm a Nick's a good, pretty good role player for the playoff run, but they ran into now cat problems because of the trade. Now he gets a brand deal somewhere else. He has to go somewhere else. Three years 87 million to the Oklahoma City Thunder. It's wild. That's just crazy. But everyone's waiting to see what the Lakers do right now. And then finally, usually I give you a weird story. But if I don't have a weird story, I do have weird audio. So this will keep it in sports here. This is nuts. What the hell was going on? Was this the White Sox broadcast? This is that guy. What's his name? The Steve Stone. No, no, no, no, no, no. This was the other guy, the one that's getting all the grief in Chicago, the one that that has the radio be John Chiffrin, Chiffrin, yes, John Chiffrin, he is. He is really, I think to his, I think to his credit, he's trying real hard to create some excitement around a really bad baseball team. This was one of the wilder calls. Listen to this home you will ever hear. He ties the game here in the sixth inning. You know what I mean, just the, you know what I mean. We couldn't see Jesse or Don doing that. Can you imagine, scan, scan, scan, scan, can you pull that off? Oh, why are fans are just, they're like, enough already with you, man. And they lost their beloved Jason Benetti, yeah, and they get this guy believable, man. Oh, god. He'll be doing that. Should you be allowed to have any fun as a broadcast when your team knows, I think so. So far back in the stand, 30 games out, worst record in baseball at 24 and 62. I don't know how I'd feel if I'm like a white Sox fan watching that game. I think you're mad, dude. He's trying something. I think you're mad. I'm like, is he on drugs? Adam says people are always complaining the baseball is boring. This guy's at least trying to make it fun for a crafty. I get it. I do. Hey, you just don't in mind how to do that for a long time. They did. They did. And you know, I'm sure, I'm sure people got annoyed with that too. But I wasn't one of them. This guy, this is not a, you can't look at this in a silo, as Mike show likes to say. It's not an asylum. It's his body of words throughout the season. And if nothing else, it's absolutely hysterical. Save that. That'll be in the tournament of drugs. I, you know, the, I mean, the white Sox, they won the World Series in like 2015, I wanted to say, you know, just, it reminds me that someday it's going to turn bad again for the Padres. Cause it does for every day. It could be, it could be next week. Oh, that's going to really. 2005. Oh, God. That's going to really be hard. And, and I know that these last few years have been far from perfect. In fact, they've been more frustrating and satisfying for the most part. But can you, I can't even picture now going back to like not like being 30 games out in July. And then the Padres, if that feels like an sleep in relevance or entertaining or whatever. There's been something like since the Chargers left, like it was like a, like a one or two years. And then, you know, whether it was Hosmer, where I know, but at the time, we were, oh, my God, we're spending money, Manny Fernando. And then the rest has been written, but when they weren't, it was shocking and it was interesting. Like whatever. We were talking about that lineup from the last time the Padres were in Boston and my life goes, how, how, what did you, how did you guys cover that? I'm like, we didn't. We started the next year. I was still here. I was playing walk the moon, buddy. We're good. I was, I was, but they're, they're, it's not a lot to say. It's, you know, you're always looking two, three years down the line, which is tough. It's tough. I'm sure it's with white Sox fans. Somebody tweeted. They liked to picture that guy, Shiffrin doing that right in Steve Stone is right in his face. Steve Stone just sitting there, like, what is the hell am I doing into here? Why am I here? So good. I love that. I was doing a hundred times over the weekend. Let's go to the tournament of drops for sure. We've got a special guest surprise. Surprise guests. Oh, and he's a good one. He's a good one. Shall we tease it? No? What? Actually, why don't we wait and when we come back, you'll find out who's going to join us in our final segment. Got a lot of help. Got a lot of hits for the San Diego Padres. I'll tell you that's true. A lot of hits. Some for the Red Sox as well. Get to that coming up next after traffic here at 97 through the fan. Seeing some guesses in the chat as to who are our guest is going to be at the bottom of the hour. Mentioned they had a lot of hits with the San Diego Padres and also a few with the Boston Red Sox saw Adrian Gonzalez, guests in there. No. No. Aegon is not going to be with us in our next segment. Dave Roberts. That hits most of the Padres and the Boston Red Sox. Yes, it's Dave Roberts. I was going to ask him how you do a great job. How it felt to get beat by the Giants on Mickey. Did you guys see this Mickey Mouse day when they had the they gave out Mickey Mouse hats at Oracle yesterday? Maybe it was just a coincidence. I mean, that is insane and they did it and they beat the crap out of the Dodgers. If we did it, we would have lost by 14 runs. Yeah, we're in partnership with Disney. We just have been cursed for 40 years now. We just happened to be giving away these Mickey Mouse hat and they just dominated Mickey on the field because the Dodgers won a Mickey Mouse championship in 2020. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Right. That's I mean, it just happened to fall. I mean, that was so good. That is incredible. They did make beat L.A. shirts on the night before and they got smoked by the Dodgers. So it was, it was, it was like watching an old Padres game and I was watching the end of that game. Giants have bases loaded one out in the 10th. All they need is a lazy sack fly to win the game strike out foul out and I'm like, so then Bob Melvin throws this guy out there hit, hit, hit, hit, walk, hit, hit, Homer walk, hit. I'm like seven runs later. That was the 14th seven game. Yeah. Touchdown in the in the 11th to win it and here's Bob. Just standing there wearing it. And why is this following me, why is this following me? Bro, bases loaded one out again, beating them on a walk off the day before and all you need is a sack fly, you know, a ground ball with eyes, you win that game, but oh my Lord. It was like, it was like PTSD watching Bob Melvin sitting there, rock back and forth while his guys can't get a sack fly. And while his next guy can't get an out in the top of the 11th, man, it was the correct answer, though, who's going to join us as some of you has figured out is a pottery special assistant, Mark Loretta, who was at Fenway Park this weekend and wanted to check in. So we've saved some time in our final segment for low and we will speak with Mark Loretta when we come back. Don't go anywhere. More better woods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station 97 three the fan. All right, unexpected treat here looking forward to chatting with Mark Loretta. He is standing by spent some time in Boston with Padres and fans this weekend, and he's going to join us here on our final segment woods right after our last check traffic. You're a 97 three the fan. It's funny because, you know, on the occasions when there's or Dodgers fans that show up at Petco Park, which, you know, happens from time to time cubs fans visit, everyone always rings their hands a lot. But I saw tons of Padres fans at Fenway Park over the weekend all over the place you could hear the Haas on Kim Chants like during the game at Fenway Park and part of the traveling party this week is Padres special assistant, Mark Loretta, who wanted to call in joins us right now here on 97 three the fan. Low. Good morning to you. Good morning, boys. Thanks for having me on. I'm fired up. I'm very tired this morning, but I am very fired about the weekend. It was a lot of fun. What a blast. It was so much fun to watch those games. Nice to kind of put your feet up for two games. I mean, I like those blowouts, man, I played enough ball where people like, man, I like the closer games. No, no, no, no. Give me the nine to one where I can put my feet up. Robert Suarez can get himself a nice break, enjoy the scenery in Boston and not have to worry about getting getting hot for a game. Low. It was pretty awesome. It was. Yeah. And I haven't heard this term thrown out there, but I'm going with immaculate offense of ending for the nine up or without an out without it, but not even an out recorded. So I don't know how often that's happening in MLB history. I'm sure we could find that out, but that was a really fun ending. There was no question about it. I just, you know, I wanted to call in and just thank the fans and and show some appreciation for just the traveling party. So many. I was hundreds of fans. It wasn't just like, and I know Fenway Park is a bucket list item for a lot of people. Maybe she a couple dozen who want to do the freedom trail and, oh, by the way, kept keep a catch a Padre game. This was not the case. This was hundreds of people. Like you said, they have the host on Ken Champ gone man, the man, the man, he was gone. It was awesome. You don't see that at Fenway. You know, I played there and you would never see that back, you know, 10 or 15 years ago. It was, it was almost like the Red Sox going on the road, you know, to say like Baltimore or something like that. It was, it was impressive. And I think it fueled the team, it fired them up. You could tell they were interacting with the crowd. Guys were chanting. He had done Sunday the day or Saturday the day he was off and talking about, you know, how he owns the Western metal supply. It was really cool. You know, we, Eric Groupner and I were sitting up and he invited me up to San Kennedy's box at present. The Red Sox and we were looking on just an amazement of how well the Padre Padre fans showed out. And I'm sure some of them are listening today. They wanted to give them a shout out phenomenal job as we can. Is that weird to sit in the president of the Red Sox box and your team is kicking the ever loving hell out of their team? We couldn't share as much as we wanted to, but Sam had a family wedding conveniently. So he, he, he jacked it pretty early. Oh, good. It may have been a made up wedding. I don't know. But, you know, either way it was, it was somber in there, but we were internally going, not, but like the Red Sox are having a bad season and fans are looking to unload their tickets at all. They're playing really good baseball as well and they're right in the thick of the American League playoff chase. I imagine fans are pretty excited about that team, which makes it even more impressive how vocal and how prominent the Padre fans were this weekend. Yeah. I mean, they've had a couple tough years in a row, but this year they're, they're, they're really playing well. I've got some really good young talent. They're pitching well. I had a long conversation with my friend Alex Cora and he's, he's excited about the team. And yeah, I think the, the Red Sox fans were caught off guard. I was in the hotel, uh, on my way out yesterday and a couple came in and I said, oh, where are you guys visiting from? And I don't know. We're local. We're here for a wedding. And I said, where are you from? I said, well, from San Diego. And you know, we're here for the pottery. He goes, man, I didn't know the Padres traveled so well. I said, yeah, man, I guess, you're telling me a little bit. You're telling me a local didn't look at you and go, Oh, that's my Clarita. I remember you. No, it didn't. No, it didn't say my Clarita Patriots day. Yeah. My Clarita. Oh man. Well, no, it looked, it looked, it represented really well on television. Yeah. You know, I heard one guy wearing Manny out so bad and a guy DM me said the guy that was wearing Manny out that you could hear on the broadcast got ejected. They were dragging him up the aisle as Manny steps in and hits that bomb and silenced him. That's pretty special. Nice to see him swinging the bat a little bit better over the last month or so low because you know, when he goes, we go, we need, we need him to keep doing that. He was, he was awesome this weekend. No doubt, no doubt, particularly with, you know, Fernando and Bogey and some of those guys out. I mean, you know, Manny, Manny can carry this team. He's an aircraft carrier type player and I, I think he gets fired up with the booze. I really do. Yeah. I mean, you know, they remember, you know, a slide he made with the Orioles back. Who knows? They have long memories in Boston. Boston. You know, yeah. He silenced them. I mean, he was unbelievable and Jackson Merrill, you know, growing up a Red Sox fan, you know, hitting the homers, having, I don't know, seem like 10 hits on the series. Pretty awesome. But just guys passing the torch, man, it's, it's really, we're a deep lineup. We have good quality of bats and yeah, I mean, you know, it's, it's been an up and down season. No question about it. But, you know, it feels like they're hitting their stride and, and I, you know, hope like you guys talked about earlier, hope, you know, yesterday was kind of a blip on the radar and, and they, they get after Texas, which I think they will talking to our pal, Mark Loretta here on Ben and Woods this morning, you're around the team last year as well. I mean, there's a, you know, there's a visible difference when you're watching on television. There's a difference when we, we go down there, you know, wants a month to check in and say hello, you can definitely feel that these guys really, really pull for each other. They really, really love each other. It seems to be making a difference on the field. I, you know, listen, they're not running away with the West or anything, but man, they're hanging around and overcoming injuries and stuff like that. How much credit do you give to the, the skipper, Mike Schilt? Yeah, I give Mike a lot of credit. No question. I mean, he stayed so steady this year, you know, it's, it's, it would have been very easy for him to, to sort of, you know, not jump off the wagon, but, but pretty critical with his team. And he just said, you know, stay the course. And I think that's, that's really energized his team and, and there's a lot of young players. I mean, you know, with Jackson, you know, then you get, I think we have a lot more depth than we had last year. You know, you got, you got to get like Sullivan come up hit a home run, obviously Higgie, but, you know, Solano and some of the, some of the veteran presence and, and it's, it's really, it's really fun to watch. It's team baseball. It feels like every time we lay a bunt down, we win. All right. Let's settle down on that on the bunting. I'm going to lose my mind. Bunning for it. Oh boy. All right. Sorry. Hope you take, I would take him this job more, you know, giving this more attention than you did at a fantasy camp, the last go around. Well, yeah, this is more important than fantasy camp. Well, I mean, so you say it's debatable. It's debatable. Yeah. Yeah. That's what you ask. By the way, we just, uh, we just finalized our coaching staff for fantasy camp. It's, it's, it's all dark cap. So I don't want to trade it again. Can why just put that out there? And it's not like. He is doing a trade. He did. Yeah. It's TK coming back. Yeah. Who? TK. Oh yeah. But days are back. He and, and Boonie's going to be out there this year. The best, you know, Greg Garcia is coming out. Garcia is coming out. Yes. Oh my gosh. It's going to be great. Just a bit of scrappers. We got Mark Loretta on the line. So Mark, one of the things that makes baseball great are all these inner woven threads and this weekend, Matt Waldron was a big story going to Fenway Park where Tim Wakefield pitched and got some advice on the knuckleball from Tim Wakefield. It was obviously emotional now when taking Wakefield pitch for the Red Sox. His personal catcher was Doug Mirabelli, who of course you were traded for from the San Diego Padres to the Boston Red Sox in the 2005 off season and didn't work out very well. They, they missed him because no one could catch Tim Wakefield and they ended up having to send him right back. I've always wondered though, and God rest Kevin Towers, love KT more than anything. Why in on earth did he trade you for Doug Mirabelli? That makes no sense to me 18 years later. Yeah, yeah, you know, that was the second time been traded and it was, you know, obviously loved playing the San Diego and KT called me, you know, I was, I was, I was bummed out and then he said, well, you know, you're going to the Red Sox. Oh, that's kind of cool. Then I asked him, well, who would you trade me for? And then I was a little bummed out after that. Yeah. That's right. You went to the old start game that next year, I mean, what, what was going on there? You know, I mean, I, I don't know, I mean, I was making decent money, it wasn't, you know, maybe that was part of it for me, at least, you know, decent back then. But I don't know. Yeah, it was, it was a little bit of buzzkill when, when Mirabelli's name was mentioned. However, it became, it became a folk legend story when the, he had to get come back. He got traded on the day that Wakefield was pitching one of his returns in the rotation and Doug landed like 30 minutes before game time. And they picked him up in a police escort that had his uniform in the car. Oh my God. He changed in the car. He caught the first inning straight from the, from the car without a cup on. Never forgetting. I'm like, wait, wait, we're all like, wait a second, you're, you're, you're a backup catcher. You're, you know, you're, you're not, you're not this God coming in as a savior, but he took it well. I mean, he didn't, he didn't have good things to say about San Diego when he left, which kind of BS, but yeah, that's the threads of baseball, that's the beauty of it. So much connection could be worse, could be traded for a guy on another team that has like a shredded hamstring, but they don't like you so much that they want to get rid of you. And it's fine. You know, it does not for the Padres because, you know, when they, when the Brett Sox just were de needed Mirabelle back, they kind of fleeced them. They did. Yeah. Brock Bard. Yeah. So we're good. Okay. He was playing the long game on that one. Apparently. Yeah. I was thinking about toothpipes down the line. And then you come in Waldron is, is pitching and talking about Wakefield and, and you've got the, you know, the, the Tim Wakefield honoring that's been going on this year at Fenway Park and it's just all kind of connects together. Mark. It really does. Yeah. And Wakefield was a great team. And I, I got a chance to play with him. And you know, his wife, unfortunately passed away right after him as well. It's just crazy story. But, uh, yeah, special place Fenway, no, no question about it. And, and again, I'm sure there's some of the, some of the people who were on the trip are listening today, I just want to, you know, thank them, give them a shout out. And what, what, what the fans have done at Petco with averaging 40,000 and, you know, what Eric Groupner and his group have done, you know, I think where it's, you know, the franchise is in great shape and, uh, just got to get some separation from 500, which I think we're starting to do. Yeah. Let's keep it rolling my friend and, uh, looking forward to July, always a really exciting month around, around these parts. So hopefully, uh, AJ can get creative and, and you know, if we need to bolster the rotation of the bullpen, man, it's, uh, it's been a fun, fun, uh, first 80 or so games, man. It's been incredible. It has. It has. And I know I owe you guys a golf game. You do. Look at that. Looks at the schedule. All right. Let's get it. Thanks, Mark. Take care. All right. All right. Appreciate you. All right. Okay, guys. Take care. Mark Loretta, Padres Special Assistant was in Boston with the team and impressed with the turnout series against the Texas Rangers tomorrow. So the Rangers are defending, of course, their World Series title. It has not gone that well for Boach so far this season. In fact, looking at the American Wild Card standings right now, the Texas Rangers are eight games out of a playoff spot. Eight games out of the third wild card spot at, uh, 38 and 46, eight games under 500. Just ended a six game losing streak and another 5-1 though, a couple of weeks ago. Just does not really come together, uh, for Boach's team the way it did last year. And I mean, what's, yeah, there's a few players difference and there's some injuries, but it's not that different of a team from last year. It's, uh, it's simply health and, you know, a couple of factors that go, you go from World Series winner to team that a seller at the deadline, unless they go on a run here in the next couple of weeks and Padres, they're not, they're not, they're not started here. In the next three days, they're going to be a team that's probably selling pieces at the deadline because they eight games out and they're behind the Blue Jays who are already in, in cell mode. They're behind the Rays, four games behind them, behind the Astros who were, who were rising behind the Red Sox who were a game and a half out of a playoff spot. I don't know. It's just not a, it's not really a feasible road to get back to the postseason. I don't know if they're sellers. I really don't. I think don't they have de Grom coming back, Scherzer coming back. I don't know. He's pitching and he's a, is he throwing against us in the game of the series on 4th of July? So I just, I don't know, man, I don't know if, if, I don't know if you can look at that team and say, well, they're certainly not capable of, but unlike the National League, where it looks like, you know, 84, 85 wins is enough. It might be more like 89, 90 wins to get to the postseason in the American League because so many teams are already at 47 wins or higher, which means they'd have to go, I mean, they have to go 40, 52 and, you know, 30 the rest of the way. They'd have to play insane baseball. They got some time to figure it out. You know, they do. And like I said, hopefully it doesn't, doesn't come at our expense the next few days there. They're the team we beat last year that gave us the hope. You know, remember that? That's right. We beat the Rangers and said, oh, swept them last year. We should definitely go out and buy right now because we are going to storm our way into the playoffs. It just didn't happen. So I don't want to be the team that gets them right. Certainly Corey Seager got hit on the hand the other night. He's out. I don't know if he's going to be bad. I don't think they put him on the injury list, but he's not necessarily available either. Yep. So, I mean, they're, they're, you know, Andrew Haney pitch yesterday. I'm so glad we missed him. He was, he was brilliant last night against the Orioles. I watched a lot of that start. But yeah, man, I mean, these are, these are winnable games against the team that's kind of on the out. There are five teams in baseball that have a worse record than the, than the Texas Rangers. Rockies, Marlins, White Sox, A's and Angels. That's it. Those are the only teams below the Rangers in the standings. That's wild. Those are the five worst teams in all of baseball. That's, that's where the Rangers are right now. That's wild. Coming off their World Series champion. I had them picked to take a big step back this year because that World Series hangover is a real thing. I mean, that's why those dynasties are really, really hard to do. They have to keep, keep guys healthy, keep guys moat, not motivated, but keep guys playing at that level. But you are starting to see, like Langford was a guy that had struggled early in the season. They moved him. They brought him up as a rookie betting. They had him D.H. And he's like, guys, I am a, I am not a D.H. I'm a young outfielder. I can fly like put me in the outfield. Yeah, very few up there. And yeah, they got him sitting there waiting to hit for, you know, between innings. And no, he's, he's out in the outfield. Now he's playing much better. So hit for the cycle last night. They're, they're a dangerous team. I don't least Garcia. Still, he stepped up to the plate last night and I just went, Oh my God, I forgot what a unit. I haven't seen much Texas Ranger baseball at all. But again, Scherzer coming back could be a lift. They got the month of July to figure it out. I don't expect them to, I don't expect them to continue on this pace, but I'd like them to get it started next week, not this week after we're done. But if they don't get it started in this week or next, it's going to be too late to get it started. And they, and they got. They got pieces that they can absolutely move. So they could, they could do that. It's just really hard to sell to the fan base. Hey, I know we just want a World Series. We continue to sell. Or maybe it's easier. I don't know. Maybe it's easier. I mean, look, C.Y. is a really good GM. He's a really good GM as evidenced by his World Series win last year. And Boats is a good manager. I think if there's a team that gets a little bit of leeway, it's probably them, but we'll see man. We'll see. We got to take care of this. More on that series tomorrow, we'll be joined by Jesse Agler for the Incorporator Live from Dallas, Texas here in Dallas. Jesse will join us. And much more on a Tuesday looking forward to it. That's it for us today for Paul Reindel for Stephen Woods. I'm Ben Higgins, Annie and Brayden coming up next. Craig on that road trip. But you'll have Annie and Brayden for the next four hours right here on San Diego's number one sports station, 973, the fan. That's a long everybody. Well, that was a fun weekend. Would it have been nicer to end with the win and another sweep? Yes, but you can't have everything all the time. You can sometimes have sweeps and the Padres have had a couple of them recently, but couldn't quite pull it off. Yet they did take two or three in Boston to start their road trip. We got Sammy Levitt standing by in season. Sammy's going to join us right after check traffic here on 97.3, the fan. All right. Let's talk to Sammy here. Let Sam Levitt with us here on 97.3, the fan is a Monday morning. Sammy, good morning to you. How was your weekend? Good morning, guys. Good weekend. A pretty fun couple of games in Boston to begin the series and everything was great in the studio. So a good weekend. You had some FOMO too, I bet. You know, I mean, I've been to Boston a few times, been to Fenway a couple of times, watching that series, the weather, they had those first two games, Sammy. I was like, "God dang, what didn't I make the trip up to Boston?" And go watch these guys. Just kick the hell out of the red socks for the first two days, at least. I feel like we had a missed opportunity there, buddy. Yeah, it would have been great. I would have loved to have been there and, you know, from both the work perspective and just enjoying baseball, I've been to Fenway Park one time. It was not to see a Red Sox game, but it was actually for the Cape Cod Baseball League workout. They would do that every year for all the guys in the Cape Cod League when I worked there for two summers, and it's actually a really cool experience because there are scouts all over the Cape League all summer, and around the Cape Cod League all-star game, they bring each team into dual workout where they have tons and tons of scouts sitting in the stand at Fenway, and it's a really cool opportunity for those guys, not just to, you know, work out in front of, you know, every scout you could imagine, but also get an experience of being on the field at Fenway. Back in the day, I think they actually played the all-star game at Fenway, or maybe they do it again now. When I was there, they didn't do that, they only had the workout, but I remember the broadcast crew I was with at the time, and, you know, we were all in college and just really starting out. It was my friend Kevin, my friend Susie, my friend Matt, and we went up to the Green Monster, and actually, this weekend, I looked at that photo that we have on top of the Green Monster, and it was pretty cool. So Boston, you know, I've been to Boston a lot growing up in New York, and, you know, when I was in Cape Cod, I mean, I spent two summers there, so I know that area pretty well, and yeah, I would have loved to have been there maybe next time. What was that terrible Cape Cod movie that they did? Summer, the Freddy Prince Touch, Jessica Beale. Jessica Beale, yeah, Jessica Beale and Freddy Prince Jr., yeah. I will say this, and I've seen that movie. It's not, I mean, it's obviously not realistic, I would say, but there were definitely aspects to it that were bought on. You know, when you think about like classic, you know, ballplayers showing up in the Cape Cod League and going around from field to field, I mean, I've said this to a lot of people, I think the Cape Cod League, not to get on two of a tangent on it, but I think the Cape Cod League is like a must-do baseball experience. Yeah, I mean, really, really, I really, really think that it is by far the best summer league in the country, you know, like, you don't have to pay to go to the games. People literally put their blankets and chairs down in the morning, and then they show up later and sit down and like, they're playing at middle school fields and high school fields, and there really is sort of a mystique to it and just sort of a love of the game field to it. And there's tons of scouts and everything's within an hour, you know, you just play one game and then that's it. And you play another game against another team the next night. It really is, I think for a baseball fan, a must experience, I really do because there is something really special about it, and they've had that, they've had that collegiate out league out there forever, you know, with some of the best players going back a long way playing out there and getting their names out, you know, to go play with Woodback's out there was originally kind of the real reason. And so Jessica Beale's there, Ben, so it's a great reason to go to see Jessica Beale. Right? I mean, can you promise? I can't promise you. That's the experience. I don't think you can. Rachel, Sammy love it with us and Woods, I just have to say, Sammy does such a great job on the pre and the post game shows, especially so unflappable. I was listening on Friday night after the game to Sammy's post game show and, you know, it was a Friday and it was Padres and one. It was a celebratory mood and he took two or three straight calls in which the caller was less, let's just say less than 100% sober and you could tell, well, you could tell when they wanted to talk about Kyle Higashio, sorry, good boy evening, but Sammy does such a good job. And gosh, yeah. Hey gosh, yeah. Yeah. And I could just tell and I got a couple of those in a row, but Sammy is a pro. He keeps it lively. He keeps it fun. He treats everyone with respect, no matter how many three or four cocktails in before they give him a call. And I realized we don't ever get that experience in the morning. No, that would be a problem. That would be a problem. That means you have a problem. And really the people are stone cold, sober it, you know, between six and 10 a.m. and we do take phone calls, but you, you have a lot of late evening program, Sammy. So you get, you get some different clientele as part of your show. Yeah. Yeah. And it's all good. I mean, you know, people have a good time on a Friday night after a Padre win. I mean, you know, what, especially when the team is, is I would say at home, yeah, I mean, very often I am on the air still in the 10 30 to 11 p.m. hour, right? Depending on how long the game goes. So I always say it on the post game, like we appreciate you wherever you're listening from. If you're on the way to your Friday night plans on the way home, maybe you're just going out. So what we are always happy to hear from you, no matter what you've done earlier in the night, what you're going to do, if you're going to party, that's fine. Yeah. It's, it's all good. It's all part of the fun, I think, of the, of the post game life. Sammy, injury updates from the San Diego Padres. We saw a couple of new ones this morning. It's kind of mixed bag right now for the team. They've got some good news and they've got some more. I don't want to say concerning, but certainly news that gives you a little bit of pause right now. Yeah. Uh, if you guys wouldn't mind updating me, I, I, I, I, uh, what, was there something you didn't do that came out this morning before I hopped the phone that I didn't see? I mean, the good news is, is Zander Bogart's is, uh, is all tracked. Yeah. Getting a CT scan today. And if it goes well, it could start a rehab assignment. Luis Campasana rehab assignment in Lake El Salvador today, uh, but, uh, in the athletic Dennis Lynn, right, talking to doctors. And basically we're getting the sense that that for net, the optimistic timeline of Fernando Tetis Jr returning, maybe after the all star break is pretty darn optimistic. And then a more realistic view is this could be closer to a two month type injury to fully return from a stress reaction and that we really shouldn't expect to see Fernando back anytime this month if we're being honest with ourselves. Yeah. And I see Dennis's piece. I got to read this once I get off. So I apologize for that for not being fully up to date on what Dennis wrote. But you know, look, obviously with Zander with the CT scan, we heard about that on, uh, on, uh, on Friday in Boston. So, you know, look, it sounded like if that, you know, if the results from that came back favorable, like he was not all that far away from maybe going out on a rehab assignment at some point, you know, look, without reading specifically with Dennis wrote this morning, you know, I'm not super surprised, you know, if, if, you know, Fernando is going to be out of while. I mean, it, it sort of sounded that way. Now when the injury first happened, you know, it was sort of a murky timeline, right? I mean, I felt like there was, there was really no timeline put on it, but then you heard what Fernando said in the clubhouse later that day. And I felt like you could just kind of feel it and see it that this was going to be something that was long term. I will say, uh, you know, I don't know if I expected, you know, two months, um, or something like that, but look, the bottom line is this, they're going to have to continue to figure out how to stay afloat. And I think, you know, in an overall sense, you know, no matter how long Bogart takes to come back or Fernando is going to be out a really, really extended period of time. But for me, what they need to avoid is just sort of, you know, sort of going down one of those real downward spirals, right, that we've seen, okay? Because I actually, before I came on with you guys, I wasn't reading Dennis's article, but I was just jotting down what they've done since May 26th. And it really, I think says something because they won five of six, then they lost five in a row, then they won five of six, then they lost five in a row, and then they won nine of eleven to finish the month of June. And I think it just makes the point of, you know, look, they are going to have to continue to win the way they have won through these injuries. And that's playing team baseball and getting contributions all over the place. But the one thing they just can't really afford to do, no matter how many off days they have, no matter some of the really good opponents they have coming up in July, one thing they just, you know, have to avoid is letting yesterday's loss turn into losing a bunch in a row. Yeah, four more. Because you've seen that, right? Like yesterday I kept thinking about that Sunday game in Kansas City. And again, I'm not saying this is going to happen, but that was like the stretch where the Padres had played really well, not for as long as they have this time around. But somehow, some way that sort of surprisingly winning, so losing five in a row and totally changing how you felt about what they were doing. So, you know, guys, I think maybe you're looking at a situation with this team where look, if they end up playing at some sort of level like they've played last week and a half, two weeks, that's awesome. But at bare minimum, you're just hoping they can, they can stay afloat, stay right in the mix of that wild card race, and hopefully when they get these guys back or right there, and it's like you're getting trade deadline acquisitions, essentially. And again, I got to read what Dennis wrote this morning on Fernando. But I'm not, you know, I'm not super surprised just based on his reaction later that night when it came out that he was going on the IEL and this was not a little thing. This was something that was going to going to take some time. I don't think the message has changed really at all from us. You got to hang around. You know, that's it. Hang around. And if you play 500 baseball through the month of July, which again, you're going to have a ton of off days, but the schedule is pretty difficult with some, with some really difficult teams. You've played well against tough teams. So far this season, that can't change, certainly, and you do need to try to handle up on the teams that may be struggling a little bit. That would be a nice change of pace for the San Diego Padres, but really at the end of the day, man, get through July, you should be able to get a little healthier with, with many, many off days in there, Sammy, but really hang around, hang around until the end of July. Reevaluate. I mean, I just don't think anything's changed. I love the nine out of 10. Certainly it's not something I'm expecting more of with more guys going down and more guys, you know, getting drilled in the arm with 100 mile an hour base hits up the middle. It just, you just have to hang around because the NL is really nothing to write home about. But don't be that team that just goes off the cliff that we've seen. We've seen that here in San Diego, so I understand why people are on edge about it a little bit. But man, watching this team play, watching what they're capable of has been awesome. It's awesome. I hope that continues. If you lose a few here and there, you just got to staunch the bleeding. You can't have those five gamers anymore. Those have killed us. Right. Right. Because I don't know, you know, it's a good point. Like, again, I just think they need to find a way to avoid losing streaks, right? To avoid, to avoid the kind of stretches that we saw earlier this year. Now, look, that may be easier said than done because I think this team, especially in the last, you know, 10, 11 games, look, they've played great and it's because they're getting contributions all over whether it's Higgie, whether it's Jackson Merrill, whether it's, you know, just, you know, even the bullpen this weekend was really good. Yep. And I know they were dealing with big leads, but that was, I guess, somewhat encouraging that the bullpen was better and obviously Manny heating up the way he has. That goes an enormously long way, but, yeah, when you zoom out and you look at the picture, like, yeah, I mean, you Darvish is out and there's not a ton of information on when he's going to come back. Joe Musgrove, we know it's going to be at least a while for him. And then, you know, now the situation with Fernando may be being lengthier than what he originally anticipated and Sanders still, you know, a ways away. It's going to be at least, I would imagine, a couple of weeks based on what the results are today of that scan. So, yeah, it's, they're in a really interesting spot, guys, right? Like they are playing well and they're more than staying afloat right now and then you've got the trade deadline looming and how do they add and what do they want to add and what would they be willing to trade, like, and then in the context of this really wide open NL. So, it's an interesting spot and, you know, look, you hope those guys, whether it's you or Joe or Fernando or Xander, yeah, I mean, you want those guys back as pick as humanly possible, but, you know, that help is obviously just even on Xander's front still appears to be a bit of a ways away. Well, first up in July is a three-game series against the defending World Series champion Texas Rangers who had lost six in a row, seven in a row, I think, or six in a row before yesterday and then they won yesterday. But one match up, I mean, not that they're head-to-head, but the two rookies, Wyatt Langford, who has been playing really well, including a cycle yesterday, first in baseball season, incredible yesterday against Jackson Merrill, who's probably, at least in consideration for, you know, nationally player of the week or even player of the month with the kind of month that he put together going to be some rookie, rookie people looking at rookies this week when the Padres take on the Rangers. Yeah, for sure, and look, Wyatt Langford, he played better. He did not get off to a great start, you know, unlike Jackson Merrill, who kind of hit the ground running at the start of the year. But you know, just on Merrill, man, it just, I think we talked about him last week, but it just continues to be remarkably impressive and the way this guy rises to the moment and to do it, he did it Fenway and his mom's sitting out in center field and he nearly hits a home run right into her lap in center. I mean, it's just, it's remarkable and I actually, not that, you know, I'm not a betting guy, but I did want to go look up at one of the major sports books, just like what are the odds, right? For Merrill and rookie of the year right now. And I think when I looked over the weekend, he had the second best odds to win rookie of the year of the NL. And, you know, right now, I, you know, and look, I know Imanaga was, had been really, really good. And yeah, Moto had been really, really, really good, you know, and now was injured. But like, if you just want to look at him, Merrill, in schemes, you know, look, you may be ultimately looking at a two man race there and when what I'll be curious about is aid as pulse schemes, you know, keep, keep up the pace he's at and he's been terrific. You know, how many innings is he going to throw? Is that going to be enough to win a rookie of the year? We're going to find out. But I, I said this off, if there's somebody on the phones over the weekend, like, I think, you know, we all would love to see him do something like that and win that kind of award. But regardless of that, just on Jackson, he is certainly having a rookie of the year of Hallibur season. So, you know, whether he ends up winning the hardware or not, you know, I guess really isn't the point. But man, he, he just, he's got something about him and again, I, I think I said it to you last week that, you know, we all showed up at spring training and it was clear he was going to get an opportunity and I think a credit to the Padres, they were right. He was ready and I think he's certainly, you know, even exceeded the expectations we could have had to this point. Well, Sammy, I enjoy the day off here and then we'll, we'll catch you tomorrow. We got, I believe a 405 eco water SoCal pregame show, 505 first pitch against the Texas Rangers in the series opener. We'll hear from you then. All right. Sounds good guys. Have you heard? I, I think I'm, I think I'm doing six, the 10 on Friday. Oh, are you feeling it for us? You got to cover our ass. I did not know that. I thought the whole station was off. I thought everyone was off. I believe. I believe. I'm like, I'm like, something has changed during Adam, we're all unraveling. I mean, I, I somehow have been so sorry. Now I feel bad taking the day off again that night and then you've got a game that night against Arizona at home. I did not. We'll talk to Adam. We'll talk to the. It's okay. No, no, no. I kind of, I kind of volunteered. Of course not. I volunteered. He's probably a minor league game tonight somewhere. He's crazy. He works all the time. I'll talk NBA. I'm going to have fun. I think, I think I'm going to try not to talk baseball from six to seven. Actually, you're not allowed just so you know, Sammy, we do have rules. We do have rules here this Friday morning from six to ten filling in for Ben and Woods and Paul. I feel like such a heel right now. Just a big fat. Everybody is off. That's what they told us. It's supposed to be a. Adam. We'll come back. Paul, he's got the Ryanville report final hour of Ben and Woods. How are we the jerks now? Next. That's unbelievable. Actually, pretty educational weekend for me with Padres at Fenway Park. Not a venue in which the Padres have played a ton of games. They hadn't been there since 2013. They put that line up out, whoa, Pedro Saracos at shortstop, I had totally forgotten about Pedro Saracos. Mark Kotsay in the DH slot that day is second stint with the Padres end of his career. Yeah, it was something. So yeah, it was kind of educational. I learned and Don and Mud talked about it on the broadcast about the green monster and obviously the renovations that they put the seats on top of the wall looks fantastic. But the fact that they left that ladder on the wall as a historic artifact, they used to use that ladder to climb up after batting practice to go get the baseballs that had gotten caught in the net so they could use them again the next day. Now they just go into the seats and fans get to take them home where they head on out to the what is Lansdowne Street that's out there. Yocky way. Used to be yocky way. But now it's not. They're about it. Yeah. He was like a man. He was a racist owner or something. Yeah. And then I think I had seen before that people go inside the wall and they sign their names like players like Jeremiah Strata did it and he took a picture where you see him. There's that that little opening in the wall where the people who work behind can see what's going on in the game like a window. Yeah. In the wall. It's slit. I mean it's like a square it's like a it's not it's enough to like put your head in and that's about it. Well then there's slits all around it too because Jesse took a picture of a slit. Yes. But there's an actual. It's making up for your eyes. There's one like window in the wall and they said it's if that that one's always open there but no ball has ever gone in into that window in the history of Fenway Park which is pretty amazing to think about hundred and twelve thirteen years and that that's always been there and no one's hit a one offer that bounced right through the wall in the entire time it's been there. Yeah. Yeah. That one's big enough for a ball. The slits are not big enough for a ball. No but you know and learning you know jerks in out there kind of guessing he had the one that bounced off the wall then the track and that's right over his head didn't cost an extra base it was going to be a double anyway but the intricacies of playing that outfield with such quirky dimensions and then knowing if it hits the scoreboard or it hits one of the numbers on the scoreboard or it's the ladder or anything it's getting bounced completely differently than if it just hits the wall solidly it's like a guessing game out there. Well I mean you saw Jerkson was the one yeah and as soon as he was running back on it I went you're too close you're too close you're too close you're not going to get all. But once the ball caroms off and jerks and runs to get it you know how far he is from from second place. He's 10 feet away. He's right there. He's so close. Underhanded there. He couldn't take an extra base because he's going to get there the throw is like right there. I loved. I loved Mud's story about when he went there and he said he went back to the wall and he leaned up against the wall and he's like do they move this thing back for the games because it's really really close. I mean if you're ever if you go to Fenway I went once um oh it's a Yankees Red Sox series there was insane everywhere you sit you're like oh my god I'm in this guy's back pocket like I feel like I'm right on top of this dude and that's cool it's very intimate and that's kind of how old Yankee Stadium was too but man you're you're in that ballpark and you're like yeah it's just it's very very tight it's very very tight pesky pulls only like three hundred feet right there in the corner yeah three or three so we got one Duran's home run was not that long it was into the corner yesterday as well but just those very quirky dimensions for a team we don't get to see play our team there that often it was kind of interesting and educational for me this weekend yeah pretty cool and then of course Jackson Merrill's got to go out and play center field that has that funky you know and he played it well he played as he always does don't play the one thing that I wanted to know that no one ever addressed so when Jackson Merrill hit the home run do his mom yeah and they were all sitting there but then the next day was covered in a tarp so they talked about it yeah someone say that they never heard they talked about it they change it for day games mud was talking about it or did no Jesse posted on social media and he was talking about it on the broadcast as well how they just blacken out those seats for day games for the batter's eye but for night games they feel like it's okay night games and feel like they said like capacity changes between day games and night games by like 400 seats yep I was wondering if that was something to do with that quirky man and quirky is cool I mean look you'd hate you'd hate 30 ballparks like that you know I think I think you would eventually be like oh god but you know I like the I like the quirkiness of it really cool experience but I don't want to see any just complete symmetrical arcs all the way around remember those days man I mean that's that's the that's the baseball I grew up watching like that you know Arlington Stadium oh my god just front I mean you know they all seem kind of the same but that was the height of architecture back then when they could get it perfectly symmetrical that would let they were like we've done it this is exactly what too much too much quirk and really feel too many quirk's in Fenway Park let's get this nice and even then they made made parking they put a flagpole in a hill on the field okay we've jumped the shark a little bit in in ballpark design at this point I will never forget that hill that hill in center field was just you had to see it to believe in what are we generally center feelers like come on come on no it was it was awesome I it's just if you if you if you're a baseball fan and you've never had the chance to go to Fenway Park you have to put it on your list of of must sees it is spectacular I know we got to get to the Ronald report I feel like the Padres until this year the Petco Porch always seem to do more for the opponents but this year all of a sudden they've hit like a bunch of home runs into that corner this year Jake Jackson Merrill just jerks and profiles Grand Slam that Porch has been very effective for the Padres this year they're finally taking advantage of one of their own stadium quirks for once which has been nice all right Paul has got some other news for us let's get to it it is time for the Ronald report and get things started here with our edition today's edition of the Rindel report now tuned it to the mother greatest welcome to the Rindel report with Paul Rindel hi Paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the Rindel report hey Paul how you doing okay how are you on 97 3 the fan are you ready to bless the mood I need some help please that was good can I get a hoe yeah alright alright gentlemen we will start off in major league baseball and I thought we could actually all work through this together I did not know that new rules were coming for the upcoming home run derby was that three weeks from tomorrow two weeks from tomorrow two weeks two weeks from tomorrow two weeks from today today yeah two weeks from tonight in Texas the home run derby now they made the changes eight or nine years ago where it was going to be timed and everyone freaked out I actually loved it from the start I thought it was outstanding I like it as well you know I was but it's going good so we need to change it right yeah right that's how baseball likes to work I was reading about it like I guess can I have some players had complained about like fatigue yeah how many swings get in two minutes they get worn out but I saw the hey we're doing an announcement tonight on Sunday night baseball we're going to explain it all for you and I watched a little bit of Sunday night baseball but late and I saw the rules pop up I gave them one cursory glance and I said pen I'm just going to wait for Ben to explain it to me I had no idea what they're doing well let me give you the rules then we'll see if Ben can accurately explain questions I've looked through this and I for the most part understand it so ESPN kind of broke it down so the competition flow first round eight hitters top four will advance a tie is broken by the longest home run in the first round that's a difference from previous years where it was like a bracket and you just had to beat the one guy you were going against right now you know you could have hit the second most home runs in the first round but if you were facing the guy who hit the most you're eliminated now you would move on to the second round you know no matter where you hit you just have to be in the top four that makes more sense to me than eliminating a guy who had twenty four home runs because the guy he went up against it twenty five so I like the bracket I did you did like the break well you'll get a little bit of both because that's the first round top four out of the eight will advance to the semi finals semi finals will then be a bracket one versus the four seed two versus three and it's based on the first round home run totals and then in the final the top two will face off the winners of those two semi final brackets no longer timed is it time all right so that's the change in the rules yes the first round and the semi finals you will have a three minute round still timed forty pitches max one time out and I saw it kind of compared to like in the three point shootout you only have X amount of basketballs to shoot from correct you don't just get to keep shooting until it's also a clock and if you run out of time they don't necessarily let you shoot the last three or four baskets correct right so this is a way that it's not just a race to see how many swings you can get in your three minutes you know you only get forty so you can slow it down just a little bit and know as long as I get the maximum forty opportunities I'm good I don't have to race to try to get four I think the average was getting up to like forty three some guys were hitting you know getting forty five or forty six swings and they were saying it's exhausting to try to do that so this will back it off a little bit for guys who said this is becoming a real grind to try to do the home run derby says you get three bonus outs said you have the bonus round I don't know if that's timed or not that is not a timed round instead of a instead of a time bonus round like it used to be it'll just be three out and an out is anything that you swing and it doesn't go over the fence I mean you get a liner off the fence you get a foul ball swing and miss that's an out anything that's not a home run okay you can also let it go and just spit on it I spit on that if you're if you're batting practice pitchers not in the zone on the time the non-time round you just say don't like that one I'm waiting for a better one you will also be able to get a bonus fourth out in the bonus round if you hit a home run of 425 feet or further instead of a bonus 30 seconds which you know that would have been another seven swings or whatever it was now it's just one more out where you can take your time okay and then in the finals it'll be a two minute round not three minutes 27 pitches not 40 you get one time out and then the same bonus rules apply all right is it complicated yes it is it's too complicated we'll get used to it I'll be fine I explained it as they go don't worry about it too much you don't have to do it you're just watching it I'm excited for it you'll be fine yeah now who's who's gonna be in it we don't know we just know Gunnar Henderson said he is in it for sure anyone else they have not announced Aaron Judge wanted to I don't know that he's going to he's got daunted on the day Robert said he doesn't want show hey to do it please do it damn but those are your new rules all right shipped over to the NBA we briefly talked about NBA free agency yes what's the tampering period now it's July or June 30th with like three hours to go or something you can officially start talking and that's when all the players can legally start texting each other and colluding and figuring out where they might have been and I can't even figure it out if we actually had a team and I had to figure out like the salary cap and the apron and the penalties I it would I would have to spend like all day every day you know what we would understand it right here all I know is at midnight all of a sudden all these like mega million dollar deals are just signed and agreed upon but in like eight minutes it's weird but I guess the big news that you need to know is LeBron opted out of his contract with the Lakers as expected and he's doing that because he wants to restructure he's he's willing to do a team friendly deal if it means going out and getting some veteran help and the leader in the clubhouse right now would be Clay Thompson he is his time is running out in Golden State what does that do for you Betty well you know his dad Michael Thompson's long time radio analyst for the Lakers and that would be a nice story clay is not the same clay he was five or six years ago Lakers need some shooters though and he's been a really good one if he got Ronnie James as a shooter how'd that do for you not much yet you like that your favorite basketball team they're just doing bits now let's get the let's get your podcast buddy we'll draft your son and then we'll get the radio announcers kid come in and do shoot some threes from time I think though the pressure LeBron knows like this better work though you know it would look bad for me if it didn't so he's gonna you know go to yeah he's doing the Tom Brady thing where he'll take a little less to try to make sure Lakers have the best chance to succeed at least some of the other deals it's just it blows your mind every year at least it does for me the NBA's media deal has just allowed some of the most absurd contracts if it was any other sport it would be just groundbreaking news every time one of these guys signed Paul George opted out of his contract with the Clippers he signed a four year two hundred and twelve million dollar max contract with the seventy sixers seventy sixers also signed Tyrese Maxi to a five year two hundred and four million dollar contract extension pork flippers though you know they got the new arena and Kawaii you know half healthy is coming back and James Harden coming back but at an extraordinary salary and then what else do they have I don't know I mean I'm looking at like hey what's if you ever heard of Isaiah Hartenstein it was the guy I'm a mix a good pretty good role player for the playoff run but they ran into now cat problems because of the trade now you get somewhere else he has to go somewhere he has eighty seven million to the Oklahoma City Thunder it's wild that's just crazy but everyone's waiting to see what the Lakers do right now and then finally usually I give you a weird story but if I don't have a weird story I do have weird audio so this will keep it in sports here this is nuts what the hell is going on it was this the White Sox broadcast what's his name the Steve Stone no no no no no this was the other guy the one that's getting all the grief in Chicago the one that that has the radio beef John chiffrin chiffrin yes John chiffrin he is he is really I think to his I think to his credit he's trying real hard to create some excitement around a really bad baseball team this was one of the wilder calls listen to this home you will ever hear he ties the game here in the sixth inning I need just a you know what I need just a bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad bad but we couldn't see Jesse or Don doing man can you imagine scan scan can pull that off whoo why the fans are just they're like enough already with you man and they lost their beloved Jason Benetti yeah and I get this guy unbelievable man oh god he'll be done lap and dad should you be allowed to have any fun as a broadcast when your team is so so far back in the standard 30 games out worst record in baseball at 24 and 62 I don't know how I'd feel if I'm like a white Sox fan watching that game I think you're mad dude he's trying something I think you're mad I'm like is he on drugs Adam says people are always complaining baseball is boring this guy's at least trying to make it fun for a crafty I get it I do hey you just don't in mind I do do that for a long time they did they did and you know I'm sure I'm sure people got annoyed with that too but I I wasn't one of them this guy this is not it you can't look at this in a silo as Mike show likes to say it's not an asylum it's his body of work throughout the season and if nothing else it's absolutely hysterical say save that that'll be in the tournament of drugs I know that I mean the white Sox they won the world series in like 2015 I wanted to say you know just it reminds me that someday it's gonna turn bad again for the Padres because it does for every day it could be it could be next week oh that's gonna really 2005 oh god that's gonna really be hard and and I know that these last few years have been far from perfect in fact they've been more frustrating yes satisfying for the most part but can you I can't even picture now going back to like not like being 30 games out I know I know what that feels like any more been relevance we're entertaining or whatever there's been something like since the Chargers left yeah like it was like it was like a one or two years and then you know whether it was Hosmer where I know but at the time yeah oh my god we're spending money yeah Manny Fernando and then the rest has been written but when they were and it was shocking and it was interesting whatever we were talking about that lineup from the last time the Padres were in Boston and my life goes how did you how did you guys cover that I'm like we didn't we started the next year I was still here I was playing walk the moon buddy we're good I was but there it's not a lot to say it's you know you're always looking two three years down the line which is tough it's tough I'm sure it's with Whiteside fans somebody tweeted they liked to picture hit that guy Shiffrin doing that right and Steve Stone is right in his face Steve Stone just sitting there like what is the hell am I doing in here why am I here so good I love that let's do it a hundred times over the weekend let's go to the tournament of drops for sure we've got a special guest surprise surprise guest oh and he's a good one he's a good one coming up shall we tease it now what actually why don't we wait and when we come back you'll find out who's going to join us in our final segment got a lot of help got a lot of hits for the San Diego Padres I'll tell you that's true a lot of some for the Red Sox as well get to that coming up next after traffic here at 97 3 the fan seen some guests is in the chat as to who are our guest is going to be at the bottom of the hour mentioned they had a lot of hits with the San Diego Padres and also a few with the Boston Red Sox saw Adrian Gonzalez guests in there no no Aegon is not going to be with us in our next segment Dave Roberts had hits yes both the Padres and the Boston Red Sox yes it's Dave Roberts I was going to ask him how you do a great job how it felt to get beat by the Giants on Mickey did you guys see this Mickey Mouse day when they had the they gave out Mickey Mouse hats at Oracle yesterday maybe it was just a coincidence I mean that is insane and they did it and they beat the crap out of the Dodgers if we did it we would have lost by 14 runs they were in partnership with Disney we just even cursed for 40 years right we just happened to be giving away these Mickey these Mickey Mouse hat and they just dominated Mickey on the field because the Dodgers won a Mickey Mouse championship in 2020 yeah yeah yeah right that's I mean it just happened to fall I mean that was so good that is incredible they did make beat LA shirts on the night before and they got smoked by the Dodgers so it was I was like watching an old pottery game and I was watching the end of that game Giants have bases loaded one out in the 10th all they need is a lazy sack fly to win the game strikeout foul out and I'm like oh so then Bob Melvin throws this guy out there hit hit hit hit walk hit hit Homer walk hit and I'm like seven runs later it was a 14 7 game touchdown in the in the 11 and here's Bob just standing there wearing you know why is this following me why is this following me bro bases loaded one out again beating them on a walk off the day before and all you need is a sack fly you know ground ball with eyes you win that game but oh my lord it was like it was like PTSD watching Bob Melvin sitting there rock back and forth while his guys can't get a sack fly and while his next guy can't get it out in the top of the 11th man it was no yeah the correct answer though was going to join us as some of you has figured out is a pottery special assistant Mark Loretta who was at Fenway Park this weekend and wanted to check in so we've saved some time in our final segment for low and we will speak with Mark Loretta when we come back don't go anywhere more better woods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan unexpected treat here looking forward to chatting with Mark Loretta he is standing by spent some time in Boston with Padres and fans this weekend and he's going to join us here on our final segment woods right after our last check traffic here on 97 3 the fan it's funny because you know on the occasions when there's or Dodgers fans that show up at Petco Park which you know happens yeah from time to time Cubs fans visit everyone always rings their hands a lot I saw tons of Padres fans at Fenway Park over the weekend all over the place you can hear the hot song Kim Chance like during the game at Fenway Park and part of the traveling party this week is Padres special assistant Mark Loretta who wanted to call in joins us right now here on 97 3 the fan logo morning to you morning boys thanks for having me on I'm fired up I'm very tired this morning but I am very fired about the weekend it was a lot of fun what a blast it it was so much fun to watch those game nice to kind of put your feet up for two games I mean I like that I like those blowouts man I've played enough ball where people like man I like the closer games no no no give me the nine to one where I can put my feet up Robert Suarez can get him get himself a nice break enjoy the scenery in Boston and not have to worry about getting getting hot for a game low it was pretty awesome it was yeah and I haven't heard this term thrown out there but I'm going with immaculate offense of ending for the nine up I like it or without an out without it but not even an out recorded so I don't know how often that's happening in MLB history I'm sure we could find that out but that was a really fun ending there was there's no question about it I just you know I wanted to call in and just thank the fans and and show some appreciation for just the traveling party so many I was hundreds of fans it wasn't just like and I know Fenway Park is a bucket list item for a lot of people and maybe see a couple dozen who want to do the freedom trail and oh by the way kept keep a catch a padre game this was not the case this was hundreds of people like you said they have the host on kinship gone man knee man knee man he was going it was awesome you don't see that at Fenway you know I played there and you would never see that back you know 10 or 15 years ago it was it was almost like the Red Sox going on the road you know to say like Baltimore or something like that it was it was impressive and I think it fueled the team it fired them up you could tell they were interacting with the crowd guys were chanting piggy and on Sunday the day or Saturday the day he was off and talking about you know how he owns the western metal supply it was it was really cool you know we are a group and I were sitting up in the invited me up to Sam Kennedy's box at present the Red Sox and we were looking on just just an amazement of how well the Padre Padre fans showed out and I'm sure some of them are listening today so just wanted to give them a shout out phenomenal job is that weird to sit in the president of the Red Sox box and your team is kicking the ever loving hell out of their team we couldn't share as much as we wanted to share but me in the press box Sam had a have a family wedding conveniently so he he he jacked it pretty early oh good it may have been a made up wedding I don't know but you know either way it was it was somber in there but we were internally gone going not but like the Red Sox are having a bad season all fans are looking to unload their tickets at all they're playing really good baseball as well and they're right in the thick of the American League playoff chase I imagine fans are pretty excited about that team which makes it even more impressive how vocal and how prominent the Padre fans were this weekend yeah I mean they've had a couple tough years in a row but this year they're they're they're really playing well I've got some really good young talent they're pitching well I had a long conversation with my friend Alex Cora and he's he's excited about the team and and yeah I think the the Red Sox fans were caught off guard I was in the hotel on my way out yesterday and a couple came in I said oh where you guys are visiting from them I don't know we're local we're here for a wedding and they said where are you from I said well from San Diego and you know we're here for the pottery goes man I didn't know the Padres traveled so well I said yeah man you're telling me I guess you're telling me a local shot you're telling me a local didn't look at you and go oh that's my Clarita I remember you I didn't know you didn't say my Clarita Patriots day yeah my Clarita oh man well I know it looked it looked it represented really well on television yeah you know I heard one guy wearing Manny out so bad and a guy DM me said the guy that was wearing Manny out that you could hear on the broadcast got ejected they were dragging him up the the aisle as Manny steps in and hits that bomb and silenced him I was pretty special nice to see him swinging the bat a little bit better over the last month or so low because you know when he goes we go we need we need him to keep doing that he was he was awesome this weekend no doubt no doubt particularly with you know Fernando and Bogey and some of those guys out I mean you know Manny Manny can carry this team he's an aircraft carrier type player and I I think he gets fired up with the booze I really do I mean you know they remember you know a slide he made with the Orioles back who knows go they have long memories in Basten Boston but you know yeah he silenced them I mean he was unbelievable and Jackson Merrill you know growing up a Red Sox fan you know hitting the homers haven't I don't know seem like ten hits on the series pretty awesome but just guys passing the torch man it's it's really we're deep line up we have good quality of that and yeah I mean you know it's it's been an up-and-down season no question about it but you know it feels like they're hitting their stride and I you know hope like you guys talked about earlier hope you know yesterday was kind of a blip on the radar and they get after it detects this which I think they will talking to our pal Mark Loretta here on Bennett Woods this morning you're around the team last year as well I mean there's a you know there's a visible difference when you're watching on television there's a difference when we go down there you know once a month to check in and say hello you can definitely feel that these guys really really pull for each other they really really love each other it seems to be making a difference on the field and you know listen they're not running away with the West or anything but man they're hanging around and overcoming injuries and stuff like that how much credit do you give to the skipper Mike Schill yeah I give Mike a lot of credit no question I mean he stayed so steady this year you know it's it's it would have been very easy for him to to sort of you know not jump off the wagon but pretty critical this team and you just said you know stay the course and I think that's that's really energized this team and and there's a lot of young players I mean you know with Jackson you know then you get I think we have a lot more depth than we had last year you know you got you got a guy like Sullivan come up hit a home run obviously Higgy but you know Solano and some of the some of the veteran presence and and it's it's really it's really fun to watch it's team baseball it feels like every time we lay a bunk down we win let's not let's settle down on that on the bunting I'm gonna lose my mind I'm going for it all right sorry hope you take up we're taking this job more you know giving this more attention than you did a fantasy camp the last go around well yeah this is more important than fantasy can't work I mean so you say it's debatable here's what you ask by the way we just we just finalized our coaching staff for fantasy camp it's it's all our cap so I don't want to trade it again can why don't you put that out there and it's not like Terry is doing a trade it is he did you know it's TK coming back yeah who who take TK oh yeah he's going back I'm not going we got a day for Becky and and Boonie's gonna be out there here the best you know and Greg Garcia is coming out Garcia oh it's gonna be great just a scrapers we got Mark Loretta on the line so Mark one of the things that makes baseball great are all these inner woven threads and this weekend Matt Waldron was a big story going to Fenway Park where Tim Wakefield pitched and got some advice on the knuckleball from Tim Wakefield it was obviously emotional now when taking Wakefield pitch for the Red Sox his personal catcher was Doug Mirabelli who of course you were traded for from the San Diego Padres to the Boston Red Sox in the 2005 off season and didn't work out very well they they missed him because no one could catch Tim Wakefield and they ended up having to send him right back I've always wondered though and God rest Kevin Towers love KT more than anything why in on earth did he trade you for Doug Mirabelli that makes no sense to me 18 years later yeah yeah you know that was the second time I've been traded and it was you know obviously love playing San Diego and KT called me you know I was I was bummed out and then he said well you know you're going to the Red Sox oh that's kind of cool then I asked him well who would you trade me for and then I was a little bummed out after that you know the back of the factory you went to the old start game what was going on there you know I mean I don't know I mean I was making decent money it wasn't you know maybe that was part of it for me at least you know I'm decent back then but I don't know yeah it was it was a little bit of buzz kill when when Mirabelli's name was mentioned however it became it became a a folk legend story when he had to get come back he got traded on the day that Wakefield was pitching one of his returns on the rotation and Doug landed like 30 minutes before game time and they picked him up in a police escort that had his uniform in the car oh my god he paced in the car he caught the first inning straight from the from the car without a cup on never forgetting I'm like wait wait we're all like wait a second you're you're you're a backup catcher you're you know you're you're not this God coming in as a savior but he took it well I mean he didn't he didn't have good things to say about San Diego when he left but yeah the that's the threads of baseball that's the beauty of it there's so much connection could be worse could be traded for a guy on another team that has like a shredded hamstring but they don't like you so much that they want to get rid of you and it's fine you know it does not for the Padres because you know when they when the Brett Sox just for de needed Mirabelli back they kind of fleeced him they did they did knock forward yeah so who were good contributors can't he was playing the long game on that one apparently that's right yeah I think it about two traits on the line but yeah but then they come in Waldron is is pitch it and talking about Wakefield and and you've got the you know the the Tim Wakefield honoring that's been going on this year at Fenway Park and it's just all kind of connects together Mark it really does yeah and Wakefield was a great team and I got a chance to play with him and you know his wife unfortunately passed away right after him as well it's just crazy story but yeah special place Fenway no no question about it and again I'm sure there's some of the some of the people who are on the trip are listening today I just want to you know thank them give them a shout out and what the fans have done at Petco with averaging 40,000 and you know what Eric Grootner and his group have done you know I think where it's you know the franchise is in great shape and just got to get some separation from 500 which I think we're starting to do yeah let's keep it rolling my friend and looking forward to July always a really exciting month around around these parts so hopefully AJ can get creative and and you know if we need to bolster the rotation of the bullpen man it's it's been a fun fun first 80 or so games man it's been incredible it has it has and I know I know you guys are golf game you do look at that looks to the schedule all right let's get it thanks Mark take care all right appreciate you okay guys take care Mark Loretta Padres Special Assistant was in Boston with the team and impressed with the turnout of Padres fans over the weekend at Fenway Park last couple of minutes and obviously no game today we'll talk more about the upcoming series against the Texas Rangers tomorrow so the Rangers are defending of course their World Series title it has not gone that well for Boach so far this season in fact looking at the American Wild Card standings right now the Texas Rangers are eight games out of a playoff spot eight games out of the third wild card spot wow at 38 and 46 eight games under 500 just ended a six game losing streak and another five one though a couple of weeks ago just has not really come together for Boach's team the way it did last year and I mean what's yeah there's a few players difference and there's some injuries but it's not that different of a team from last year it's it's simply health and you know a couple of factors that go you go from World Series winner to team that a seller at the deadline unless they go on a run here in the next couple of weeks and pottery that's better not start started here in the next three days they're going to be a team that's probably selling pieces at the deadline because they eight games out and they're behind the Blue Jays who are already in in cell mode they're behind the Rays four games behind them and the Astros who are who are rising behind the Red Sox who are a game and a half out of a playoff spot I don't know it's just not a it's just not a it's not really a feasible road to get back to the postseason I don't know if they're sellers I really don't I think don't they have de Grom coming back Scherzer coming back I know he's pitching and he's a is he throwing against us in the game of the series on Fourth of July so I just I don't know man I don't know if if I don't know if you can look at that team and say well they're certainly not capable of but unlike the National League where it looks like you know 84 85 wins is enough it might be more like 89 90 wins to get to the postseason in the American League because so many teams are already at 47 wins are higher which means they'd have to go I mean they have to go 40 52 and you know 30 the rest of the way they'd have to play the insane baseball they got some time to figure it out you know they do and like you said hopefully doesn't doesn't come at our expense the next few days they're they're the team we beat last year that gave us the hope you know remember that that's right we beat the Rangers and said oh swept them last year we should we should definitely go out and buy right now because we are going to storm our way into the playoffs it just didn't happen so I don't want to be the team that gets them right certainly Corey Seager got hit on the hand the other night he's out I don't know if he's going to be bad I don't think they put him on the injured but he's not necessarily available either yep so I mean they're they're you know Andrew Haney pitch yesterday I'm so glad we missed him he was he was brilliant last night against the Orioles I watched a lot of that start but yeah man I mean these are these are winnable games against a team that's kind of on the out there are five teams in baseball that have a worse record than the Texas Rangers Rockies Marlins White Sox A's and Angels that's it those are the only teams below the Rangers in the standings those are the five worst teams in all of baseball that's that's where the Rangers are right now it's wild coming off their World Series champion I had them picked to take a big step back this year because that World Series hangover is a real thing I mean that's why those dynasties are really really hard to do man to keep keep guys healthy keep guys moat not motivated but keep guys playing at that level but you are starting to see like Langford was a guy that had struggled early in the season they moved him I they brought him up as a rookie betting they had him d hing and he's like guys I'm a I'm not a d h I'm a young outfielder I can fly like put me in the outfield there and yeah they got him sitting there waiting to hit for you know between innings and no he's he's out in the outfield now he's playing much better so hit for the cycle last night there are there a dangerous team out of least Garcia still he stepped up to the plate last night and I just went oh my god I forgot what a unit I haven't seen much Texas Ranger baseball at all but again Scherzer coming back could be a lift they got the month of July to figure it out I don't expect them to I don't expect them to continue on this pace but I'd like them to get it started next week not this week after we're done but if they don't get it started in this week or next it's gonna be too late to get it started and they got boats and company they got pieces that they can absolutely move so they could they could do that it's just really hard to sell to the fan base hey I know we just won a World Series we continue to be easier to sell or maybe it's easier I don't know maybe it's easier I mean look see why is a really good GM he's a really good GM as evidenced by his World Series win last year and boats is a good manager I think if there's a team that gets a little bit of leeway it's probably them but we'll see man we'll see we got to take care of this well we'll have more on that series tomorrow we'll be joined by Jesse Agler for the Incorporated live from Dallas Texas here in Dallas Jesse will join us and much more on a Tuesday looking forward to it that's it for us today for Paul Reindel for Stephen Woods I'm Ben Higgins Annie and Brayden coming up next Craig on that road trip but you'll have Annie and Brayden for the next four hours right here on San Diego's number one sports station 90 7 3 the fans along everybody actually a pretty educational weekend for me with Padres at Fenway Park not a venue in which the Padres have played a ton of games they hadn't been there since 2013 they put that line up out whoo boy Pedro Soraka short style I had totally forgotten about Pedro Soraka Marcocce in the DH slot that day is second stint with the Padres end of his career yeah it was something so yeah it was it was kind of educational I learned and Don and Mud talked about it on the broadcast about the green monster and obviously the renovations that they put the seats on top of the wall looks fantastic but the fact that they left that ladder on the wall as a historic artifact they used to use that ladder to climb up after batting practice to go get the baseballs get the balls that had gotten caught in the net mark so they could use them again the next day now they just go into the seats and fans get to take them home where they head on out to the what is Lansdown Street that's out there yocky way used to be yocky way but not again he was like a man like race owner or something but like whatever is out there I think I had seen before that people go inside the wall and they sign their names like players like Jeremiah Strata did it and he took a picture where you see him there's that that little opening in the wall where the people who work behind can see what's going on in the game like a window in the wall slit but it's just it's just a slit I mean it's like a square it's like a it's a not it's enough to like put your head yeah and that's about it well then there's slits all around it too because Jesse took a picture of a slit yes but there's an action for your eyes there's one like window in the wall and they said it's if that that one's always open there but no ball has ever gone into that window in the history of Fenway Park which is pretty amazing and to think about hundred and twelve thirteen years and that that's always been there and no ones hit a one offer that bounced right through the wall and the entire time it's been there yeah yeah that was big enough for a ball the slits are not big enough for a ball no but you know and learning you know jerks in out there kind of guessing he had the one that bounced off the wall then the track and that's right over his head didn't cost an extra base it was gonna be a double anyway but the intricacies of playing that out field with such it is quirky dimensions and then knowing if it hits the scoreboard or it hits one of the numbers on the scoreboard or hits the ladder or anything it's getting bounced completely differently than if it just hits the wall solidly it's like a guessing game out there well I mean you saw jerk yeah jerks and was the one yeah and as soon as he was running back on it I went you're too close you're too close you're too close you're not gonna get all but but once the ball caroms off and jerks and runs to get it do you know how far he is from from second place when he's ten feet away there it's so close underhanded there he couldn't take an extra base because he's gonna get there the throw is like right there so I loved loved mud story about when he went there and he said he went back to the wall and he leaned up against the wall and he's like do they move this thing back for the games really really close I mean if you're ever if you go to Fenway I went once oh it's with Yankees Red Sox series there was insane everywhere you sit you're like oh my god I'm in this guy's back pocket like I feel like I'm right on top of this dude and that's cool it's very intimate and that's kind of how old Yankee Stadium was too but man you're you're in that ballpark and you're like yeah it's just it's very very tight very the pesky pulls only like three hundred three right there in the corner yeah three or three so we got one Duran's home run was not that long it was into the corner yesterday as well but just those very quirky dimensions for a team we don't get to see play our team there that often it was kind of interesting and educational for me this weekend yeah pretty cool and then of course Jackson Merrill's got to go out and play centerfield that has that funky you know and he played it well he played as he always does don't play the one thing that I wanted to know that no one ever addressed so when Jackson Merrill hit the home run to his mom yeah and they were all sitting there but then the next day was covered in a tarp so they talk about it someone say that they never heard they talked about it they changed it for day games mud was talking about it or did no Jesse posted on social media and he was talking about it on the broadcast as well how they just blacken out those seats for day games for the batter's eye but for night games they feel like it's okay night games and feel like capacity changes between day games and night games by like 400 seats yep I was wondering if that was something to do with that it's quirky man and quirky is cool I mean look you'd hate you'd hate thirty ballparks like that you know I think I think you would eventually be like oh god but you know I like the I like the quarkiness of it really cool experience but I don't want to see any just complete symmetrical arcs all the way around remember those days man I mean that's that's the that's the baseball I grew up watching like that you know Arlington Stadium oh my god just fronts I mean you know they all seem kind of the same but that was the height of architecture back then when they could get it perfectly symmetrical that would let they were like we've done it this is exactly what too much too much quirks and really feel too many quirks in Fenway Park let's get this nice and even a bit of a minute made parking we put a flagpole and a hill on the hill okay we've jumped the shark a little bit in in ballpark design at this point I will never forget that hill that hill in center field was just you had to see it to believe in what are we doing what are we doing center field is like come on bro come on no it was it was awesome I it's just if you if you if you're a baseball fan and you've never had the chance to go to Fenway Park you have to put it on your list of of must sees it is spectacular I know we got to get to the Ronald report I feel like the Padres until this year the petco porch always seem to do more for the opponents but this year all of a sudden they've hit like a bunch of home runs into that corner this year Jake Jackson Merrill just jerks and pro far's grand slam that porch has been very effective for the Padres this year they're finally taking advantage of one of their own stadium quirks for once which has been nice alright paul's got some other news for us let's get to it it is time for the Ronald report and get things started here with our addition today's addition of the rindle report now tuned into the mop greatest welcome to the rindle report with paul rindle hi paul alright two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindle report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97 3 the fan are you ready to blast the mood I need some help please that was good can I get a whole year all right all right all right all right gentlemen we will start off in major league baseball and I thought we could actually all work through this together I did not know that new rules were coming for the upcoming home run derby was that three weeks from tomorrow two weeks from tomorrow two weeks from tomorrow two weeks from today today yeah yeah two weeks from tonight in texas the home run derby now they made the changes eight or nine years ago where it was going to be timed and everyone freaked out I actually loved it from the start I thought it was outstanding I liked it as well you know I was but it's going good so we need to change it right yeah right that's how baseball likes to work I was reading about it like I guess can I have some players had complained about like fatigue yeah how many swings get in two minutes they get worn out but I uh I saw the hey we're doing an announcement tonight on sunday night baseball we're gonna explain it all for you and I watched a little bit of sunday night baseball but late and I saw the rules pop up I gave them one cursory glance and I said pen I'm just gonna wait for Ben to explain it to me I had no idea what they're doing well let me give you the rules and we'll see if Ben can accurately give any questions I I've looked through this and I for the most part understand it so ESPN kind of broke it down so the competition flow first round eight hitters top four will advance a tie is broken by the longest home run in the first round that's a difference from uh previous years where it was like a bracket and you just had to beat the one guy you were going against right now you know you could have hit the second most home runs in the first round but if you were facing the guy who hit the most you're eliminated now you would move on to the second round you know no matter where you hit you just have to be in the top four that makes more sense to me than eliminating a guy who had 24 home runs because the guy he went up against hit 25 so I like the bracket I did so you did like the bracket well you'll get a little bit of both because that's the first round top four out of the eight will advance to the semi-finals semi-finals will then be a bracket one versus the four seed two versus three and it's based on the first round home run totals and then in the final the top two will face off the winners of those two semi-final brackets no longer timed is it timed all right so that's the change in the rules yes the first round and the semi-finals you will have a three-minute round still timed 40 pitches max one timeout and I saw it kind of compared to like in the three-point shootout you only have X amount of basketballs to shoot from correct you don't just get to keep shooting but there is also a clock and if you run out of time they don't necessarily let you shoot the last three or four baskets correct right so this is a way that it's not just a race to see how many swings you can get in your three minutes you know you only get 40 so you can slow it down just a little bit and know as long as I get the maximum 40 opportunities I'm good I don't have to race to try to get four I think the average was getting up to like 43 some guys were hitting you know getting 45 or 46 swings and they were saying it's exhausting to try to do that so this will back it off a little bit for guys who said this is becoming a real grind to try to do the homerun derby says you get three bonus outs say you have the bonus round I don't know if that's timed or not that is not a timed round instead of a instead of a time bonus round like it used to be it'll just be three outs and an out is anything that you swing and it doesn't go over the fence I mean you get a liner off the fence you get a foul ball swinging miss that's an out anything that's not a homerun okay you can also let it go and just spit on it I spit on that if you're if you're batting practice pitchers not in the zone on the non-time round you can just say don't like that one I'm waiting for a better one you will also be able to get a bonus fourth out in the bonus round if you hit a homerun of 425 feet or further instead of a bonus 30 seconds which you know that would have been another seven swings or whatever it was and now it's just one more out where you can take your time okay and then in the finals it'll be a two-minute round not three minutes 27 pitches not 40 you get one time out and then the same bonus rules apply all right is it complicated yes it is yes it is it's too complicated we'll get used to it i'll be fine i'll explain it as they go don't worry about it too much you don't have to do it you're just watching it i'm excited for it you'll be fine yeah now who's uh who's gonna be in it uh we don't know we just know Gunnar Henderson said he is in it for sure anyone else they have not announced her and judge wanted to i don't know that he's going to he's got dotted on the day robert said he doesn't want shiohay to do it please do it damn but those are your new rules all right shipped over to the nba we briefly talked about uh nba free agency yes what's the tampering period now it's july or june 30th with like three hours to go or something you can officially start talking and that's when all the players can legally start texting each other and colluding and figuring out where they went back and they've all been and i can't even figure it out if we actually had a team and i had to figure out like the salary cap and the apron and the penalties i it would spend i would have to spend like all day every day you know what we're trying to understand it right here all i know is at midnight all of a sudden all these like mega million dollar deals are just signed and agreed upon but uh in like eight minutes it's weird but i guess the big news that you need to know is labron opted out of his contract with the lakers as expected and he's doing that because he wants to restructure he's he's willing to do a team friendly deal if it means going out and getting some veteran help and the leader in the club house right now would be clay tompson he is uh his time is running out in golden state what does that do for you betty well you know his dad michael tomsons long-time radio analyst for the lakers and that would be a nice story clay is not the same clay he was five or six years ago lakers need some shooters though and he's been a really good one if he gets running james as a shooter how that do for him not much yet you like that your favorite basketball team they're just doing bits now let's get them let's get your podcast buddy we'll draft your son and then we'll get the radio announcer's kid to come in and do shoot some threes from time i think though the pressure labron knows like you know this better work though you know i it would look bad for me if it didn't so he's gonna you know go to yeah he's doing the tom brady thing where he'll take a little less to try to make sure lakers have the best chance to succeed at least some of the other deals it's just it it blows your mind every year at least it does for me the nba's media deal has just allowed some of the most absurd contracts if it was any other sport it would be just groundbreaking news every time one of these guys signed paul george opted out of his contract with the clippers he signed a four-year two hundred and twelve million dollar max contract with the seventy sixers seventy sixers also signed tyreese maxi to a five-year two hundred and four million dollar contract extension poor flippers though you know they got the new arena and kawaii you know half healthy is coming back and james harden coming back but at an extraordinary salary and then what else do they have i don't know i mean i'm looking at like hey what's if you ever heard of isiah hardenstein that was the guy i'm a mix a good pretty good role player for the playoff run but they ran into now cat problems because of the trade now he gets a max deal somewhere else he has to go somewhere here's 87 million to the oakland city thunder it's wild that's just crazy but everyone's waiting to see what the Lakers do right now and then finally usually i give you a weird story but if i don't have a weird story i do have weird audio so this will keep it in sports here oh this is nuts um what the hell is going on it was this the white socks broadcast what's that guy what's his name the uh steves don't no no no no no this was the other guy the one that's getting all the grief in chicago uh the one that that has the radio beef john chiffrin chiffrin yes john chiffrin he is he is really um i think to his i think to his credit he's trying real hard to create some excitement around a really bad baseball team this was one of the wilder calls listen to this homie we'll ever hear he ties the game here in the sixth inning i need just uh you know what i mean just they're on the crowd that is on he got he got murdered we couldn't see jesse or don doing that can you imagine scan oh damn could do that i think i can pull that off white socks fans are just they're like enough already with you man and they lost their beloved jason bennady yeah and they get this guy unbelievable man oh god he'll be doing lapen data should you be allowed to have any fun as a broadcast or when your team is i think so so far back in the standard 30 games out worst record in baseball at 24 and 62 i don't know how i'd feel if i'm like a white socks fan watching that game i think you're mad dude he's trying something i think you're mad i'm like he's on drugs and adam says people are always complaining baseball is boring this guy's at least trying to make it fun for a crafty i get it i do hey you just don in mind i did do that for a long time they did they did and you know i'm sure i'm sure people got annoyed with that too but i i wasn't one of them um this guy this is not a you can't look at this in a silo as mike show likes to say it's not an asylum it's his body of work throughout the season and if nothing else it's absolutely hysterical say save that that'll be the tournament of drop i you know the i mean the white socks they won the world series in like 2015 i wanted to say you know just it reminds me that someday it's gonna turn bad again for the ponderase because it does for every team it could be it could be next week oh that's gonna really 2005 oh god that's gonna really be hard and and i know that these last few years have been far from perfect in fact they've been more frustrating yes satisfying for the most part but can you i can't even picture now going back to like not like being 30 games out in a lie i know what that feels like any more been relevance we're entertaining correct or whatever there's been something like since the chargers left yeah like it was like a like a one or two years and then you know whether it was Hosmer where i know but at the time we were oh my god we're spending money yeah manny Fernando and then the rest has been written but when they weren't it was shocking and it was interesting like whatever we were talking about that lineup from the last time the Padres were in boston and my life goes how how did you how did you guys cover that i'm like we didn't we started in the next year i was still here i was playing walk the moon buddy we're good i was i was but they're it's not a lot to say it's uh you know you're always looking two three years down the line which is tough it's tough i'm sure it's with white psych fans somebody tweeted they liked to picture hit that guy chiffrin doing that right in steve stone it right in his face steve stone just sitting there like what is the hell am i doing in here why am i here so good i love that i let's do it a hundred times over the weekend let's go to the tournament of drops for sure we've got a special guest surprise surprise guest oh and he's a good one he's a good one shall we tease it now what actually why don't we wait and when we come back you'll find out who's going to join us in our final segment got a lot of help got a lot of hits for the San Diego Padres i'll tell you that's true a lot of hits onto the red Sox as well it's that coming up next after traffic here at 97-3 the fan seeing some guesses in the chat as to who our uh our guest is going to be at the bottom of the hour mentioned they had a lot of hits with the San Diego Padres and also a few with the Boston Red Sox saw Adrian Gonzalez guests in there no no Aegon is not going to be with us in our next segment Dave Roberts had hits yes both the Padres and the Boston Red Sox yes it's Dave Roberts i was going to ask him how you do a great job how it felt to get beat by the Giants on Mickey did you guys see this Mickey Mouse day when they had the they gave out Mickey Mouse hats at Oracle yesterday maybe it was just a coincidence i mean that is insane and they did it and they beat the crap out of the Dodgers if we did it we would have lost by 14 runs yeah we're in partnership with Disney we just we've been cursed for 40 years right we just happened to be giving away these Mickey these Mickey Mouse hat and they just dominated Mickey on the field now you're saying it's because the Dodgers won a Mickey Mouse championship in 2020 that yeah yeah yeah right that's i mean it just happened to fall i mean that was so good that is incredible they did make beat LA shirts on the night before and they got smoked by the Dodgers so it was it was it was like watching an old pottery game and i was watching the end of that game Giants have bases loaded one out in the 10th all they need is a lazy sack fly to win the game strikeout foul out and i'm like oh so then Bob Melvin throws this guy out there hit hit hit walk hit hit Homer walk hit i'm like seven runs later it was a 14 7 game yeah and they touched down in the in the 11 and here's and here's Bob just standing there wearing and why is this following me why is this following me bro bases loaded one out again beating them on a walk off the day before and all you need is a sack fly you know ground ball with eyes you win that game but oh my lord it was like it was a PTSD watching Bob Melvin sitting there rock back and forth while his guys can't get a sack fly and while his next guy can't get an out in the the top of the 11th man it was no the correct answer though who's going to join us as some of you has figured out is a pottery special assistant Mark Loretta who was at Fenway Park this weekend and wanted to check in so we've saved some time in our final segment for low and we will speak with Mark Loretta when we come back don't go anywhere more better woods on the way on San Diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fan all right unexpected treat here looking forward to chatting with Mark Loretta he is standing by spent some time in Boston with Padres and fans this weekend and he's going to join us here on our final segment woods right after our last check traffic you're on 97-3 the fan it's funny because you know on the occasions when there's or dodgers fans that show up at Petco Park which you know happens yeah from time to time Cubs fans visit everyone always rings their hands a lot I saw tons of Padres fans at Fenway Park over the weekend all over the place you could hear the hot song Kim Chance like during the game at Fenway Park and part of the traveling party this week is Padres special assistant Mark Loretta who wanted to call in joins us right now here on 97-3 the fan low good morning to you good morning boys thanks for having me on I am fired up I'm very tired this morning but I am very fired about the weekend it was a lot of fun what a blast it it was so much fun to watch those games nice to kind of put your feet up for two games I mean I like the I like those blowouts man I've played enough ball where people like man I like the closer games no no give me the nine to one where I can put my feet up Robert Suarez can get him get himself a nice break enjoy the scenery in Boston and not have to worry about getting getting hot for a game low it was pretty awesome it was yeah and I haven't heard this term thrown out there but I'm going with immaculate offensive inning for the nine up I like it or without an out without it but not even out recorded so I don't know how often that's happening in MLB history I'm sure we could find that out but that was a really fun inning there was there's no question about it I just you know I wanted to call in and just thank the fans and and and show some appreciation for just the traveling party so many it was hundreds of fans it wasn't just like and I know Fenway park is a bucket list item for a lot of people and maybe see a couple dozen who want to do the freedom trail and oh by the way kept keep a catch a padre game this was not the case this was hundreds of people like you said they have the host on Ken chimp gone man the man the man he was gone it was awesome you don't see that at Fenway you know I played there and you would never see that back you know 10 or 15 years ago it was it was almost like the Red Sox going on the road you know to say like Baltimore or something like that it was it was impressive and I think it fueled the team it fired them up you could tell they were interacting with the crowd guys were chanting hey Giana I'm done Sunday the day or Saturday the day he was off and talking about you know how he owns the western metal supply it was it was really cool you know we Eric group and I were sitting up and he invited me up to Sam Kennedy's box to present the Red Sox and we were looking on just just an amazement of how well the padre padre fans showed out and I'm sure some of them are listening today so I just wanted to give them a shout out phenomenal job is that weird to sit in the president of the Red Sox box and your team is kicking the ever-loving hell out of their team like we couldn't share as much as we wanted to do that for sure but like me and the press box Sam had a family wedding conveniently so he yeah he jacked it pretty early oh good it may have been a made-up wedding I don't know but you know either way it was it was somber in there but we were internally going going nuts but like it's not like the Red Sox are having a bad season fans are looking to unload their tickets at all they're playing really good baseball as well and they're right in the thick of the American League playoff chase I imagine fans are pretty excited about that team which makes it even more impressive how vocal and how prominent the padre fans were this weekend yeah I mean they've had a couple tough years in a row but this year they're really playing well I've got some really good young talent they're pitching well I had a long conversation with my friend Alex Cora and he's excited about the team and yeah I think the the Red Sox fans were caught off guard I was in the hotel on my way out yesterday and a couple came in I said oh where are you guys visiting from them I don't know we're local we're here for a wedding they said where are you from I said well from San Diego and you know we're here for the potter he goes man I didn't know the Padres traveled so well I said yeah man you're telling me I guess you're telling me a local shot you're telling me a local didn't look at you and go oh that's macarata I remember you I didn't know you didn't say macarata patrons day yeah macarata oh man well no it looked it look it represented really well on television yeah you know I heard one guy wearing Manny out so bad and a guy DM me said the guy that was wearing Manny out that you could hear on the broadcast got ejected they were dragging him up the the aisle as Manny steps in and hits that bomb and silenced him it was pretty special nice to see him swinging the bat a little bit better over the last month or so low because you know when he goes we go we need we need him to keep doing that he was he was awesome this weekend no doubt no doubt particularly with you know Fernando and bogey and some of those guys out I mean you know Manny Manny can carry this team he's an aircraft carrier type player and I I think he gets fired up with the booze I really do yeah I mean you know they remember you know a slide he made with the Orioles back who knows ago they have long memories in Boston Boston but you know yeah he silenced them I mean he was unbelievable and Jackson Merrill you know growing up a Red Sox fan you know hitting the homers having I don't know seem like ten or hits on the series pretty awesome but just guys passing the torch man it's really we're a deep lineup we have good quality of bats and yeah I mean you know it's it's been an up and down season no question about it but you know it feels like they're hitting their stride and and I you know hope like you guys talked about earlier hope you know yesterday was kind of a blip on the radar and they get after it to Texas which I think they will talking to our pal Mark Loretta here on Bennett Woods this morning you're around the team last year as well I mean there's a you know there's a visible difference when you're watching on television there's a a difference when we we go down there you know once a month to check in and say hello you can definitely feel that these guys really really pull for each other they really really love each other it seems to be making a difference on the field and you know listen they're not running away with the West or anything but man they're hanging around and overcoming injuries and stuff like that how much credit do you give to the the skipper Mike shilt yeah I give Mike a lot of credit no question I mean he stayed so steady this year you know it's it's it would have been very easy for him to to sort of you know not jump off the wagon but but pretty critical his team and he just said you know stay the course and I think that's that's really energized his team and there's a lot of young players I mean you know with Jackson you know then you get I think we have a lot more depth than we had last year you know you got you got you got a guy like Sullivan come up in a home run obviously Higgy but you know Solano and and some of the some of the veteran presence and and it's it's really it's really fun to watch it's team baseball it feels like every time we lay a bunt down we win all right let's settle down on that on the bunting I'm gonna lose my mind oh boy all right sorry hope you take out we're taking this job more you know giving this more attention than you did a fantasy camp the last go around well yeah this is more important than fantasy camp well I mean so you say it's debatable yeah that's what you asked by the way we just uh we just finalized our coaching staff for fantasy camp it's it's it's all-star cap so I don't want to trade it again can we just put that out there and it's not like Terry Kennedy isn't on a trade he did you know it's tk coming back yeah who take tk oh yeah he's going back I'm not going we got yeah but David Becky and and Boonie's gonna be out there who's here the best you know and Greg Garcia is coming out Garcia is coming out yes oh it's gonna be great just a bunch of scrappers we got Mark Loretta on the line so Mark one of the things that makes baseball great are all these inner woven threads and this weekend Matt Waldron was a big story going to Fenway Park where Tim Wakefield pitched and got some advice on the knuckleball from Tim Wakefield it was obviously emotional now when taking Wakefield pitch for the Red Sox his personal catcher was Doug Mirabelle who of course you were traded for from the San Diego Padres to the Boston Red Sox in the 2005 off season and didn't work out very well they they missed him because no one could catch Tim Wakefield and they ended up having to send him right back I've always wondered though and God rest Kevin Towers love kt more than anything why in on earth did he trade you for Doug Mirabelle that makes no sense to me 18 years later yeah yeah you know that was the second time I've been traded and it was you know obviously loved playing San Diego and kt called me you know I was I was bummed out and then he said well you know you're going to the Red Sox you know that's kind of cool then I asked him well who would you trade me for and then I was a little bummed out after that you know the back of the pressure you had to be always talking in that next year I mean what what was going on there you know I mean I don't know I mean I was making decent money it wasn't you know maybe that was part of it for me at least you know I need some back then but I don't know yeah it was it was a little buzzkill when when Mirabelle's name was mentioned however it became it became a folk legend story when he had to come back he got traded on the day that Wakefield was pitching one of his returns on the rotation and Doug landed like 30 minutes before game time and they picked him up in a police escort that had his uniform in the car oh my god he pained in the car he caught the first inning straight from the from the car without a cup on never forgetting I'm like wait wait we're all like wait a second you're you're you're a backup catcher you're you know you're you're not this god coming in as a savior but he took it well I mean he didn't he didn't have good things to say about San Diego when he left like he kind of BS but yeah that's the threads of baseball that's the beauty of it there's so much connection could be worse could be traded for a guy on another team that has like a shredded hamstring but they don't like you so much that they want to get rid of you and uh it's fine you know it does not for the Padres because you know when they when the Brett Sox just for they needed Mirabelle back they kind of fleeced him oh yeah they did they did knock Bard yeah so we're a good contributing okay he was playing the long game on that one apparently yeah i was thinking about toothpipes down the line but then they come in Waldron is is pitching and talking about Wakefield and and you've got the you know the the Tim Wakefield honoring that's been going on this year at Fenway Park and it's just all kind of connects together Mark it really does yeah and Wakefield was a great team and I got a chance to play with him and you know his wife unfortunately passed away right after him as well it's just crazy story but uh yeah special place Fenway no no question about it and and again i'm sure there's some of the some of the people who were on the trip or listened today I just want to you know thank them give them a shout out and what what the fans have done at Petco with averaging 40 000 and you know what Eric Groupner and his group have done you know I think where it's you know the franchise is in great shape and uh just got to get some separation from 500 which I think we're starting to do yeah let's keep it rolling my friend and uh looking forward to July always a really exciting month around around these parts so hopefully AJ can get creative and and you know if we need to bolster the rotation of the bullpen man it's it's been a fun fun uh first 80 or so games man it's been incredible good house it has and I know I owe you guys a golf game you do look at that looks at the schedule all right let's get it thanks Mark take care all right appreciate you okay guys take care Mark Loretta Padre Special Assistant was in Boston with the team and impressed with the turnout of Padre fans over the weekend at Fenway Park last couple of minutes and obviously no game today we'll talk more about the upcoming series against the Texas Rangers tomorrow I so the Rangers are defending of course their World Series title it has not gone that well for Boach so far this season in fact looking at the American Wild Card standings right now the Texas Rangers are eight games out of a playoff spot eight games out of the third wild card spot wow at uh 38 and 46 eight games under 500 just ended a six game losing streak and another five one though a couple of weeks ago just does not really come together uh for Boach's team the way it did last year and I mean what's yeah there's a few players difference and there's some injuries but it's not that different of a team from last year it's uh it's simply health and you know a couple of factors that go you go from World Series winner to team that reseller at the deadline unless they go on a run here in the next couple of weeks and Padre's better not don't want to start it here in the next three days they're gonna be a team that's probably selling pieces at the deadline because they eight games out and they're behind the Blue Jays who are already in in cell mode they're behind the Rays four games behind them on the Astros who are who are rising behind the Red Sox who are a game and a half out of a playoff spot I don't know it's just not a it's not really a feasible road to get back to the postseason I don't know if they're sellers I really don't I think don't they have de Grom coming back Scherzer coming back I don't know his pitching and he's uh he's throwing against us in the game of the series on the 4th of July so I just I don't know man I don't know if if I don't know if you can look at that team and say well they're certainly not capable of but unlike the National League where it looks like you know 84-85 wins is enough it might be more like 89-90 wins to get to the postseason in the American League because so many teams are already at 47 wins are higher which means they'd have to go I mean they have to go 40-52 and you know 30 the rest of the way they'd have to play the insane baseball they got some time to figure it out you know they do and like I said hopefully it doesn't doesn't come at our expense the next few days they're they're the team we beat last year that gave us the hope you know remember that that's right we beat the Rangers and said oh swept them last year we should we should definitely go out and buy uh right now because we are going to storm our way into the playoffs it just didn't happen so I don't want to be the team that gets them right certainly Corey Seager uh got hit on the hand the other night he's out I don't know if he's going to be bad I don't think they put him on the injured list but he's not necessarily available either yep so I mean they're they're you know Andrew Haney pitch yesterday I'm so glad we missed him he was he was brilliant last night against the Orioles I watched a lot of that start uh but yeah man I mean these are these are winnable games against a team that's kind of on the out there are five teams in baseball that have a worse record than the Texas Rangers Rockies Marlins White Sox A's and Angels that's it those are the only teams below the Rangers in the standings those are the five worst teams in all of baseball that's that's where the Rangers are right now it's wild coming off their World Series champion I had them picked to take a big step back this year because that World Series hangover is a real thing I mean that's why those dynasties are really really hard to do man to keep keep guys healthy keep guys moat not motivated but keep guys playing at that level uh but you are starting to see like Langford was a guy that had struggled early in the season um they moved him I they brought him up as a rookie betting they had him D.H. and he's like guys I am a I'm not a D.H. I'm a young out fielder I can fly like put me in the outfield yeah very beautiful up there and uh yeah they got him sitting there waiting to hit for you know uh between innings and no he's he's out in the outfield now he's playing much better so hit for the cycle last night there are there are dangerous team out at least Garcia still he stepped up to the plate last night and I just went oh my god I forgot what a unit I haven't seen much Texas Ranger baseball at all but again Scherzer coming back could be a lift um they got the month of July to figure it out I don't expect them to I don't expect them to continue on this pace but I'd like them to get it started next week not this week after we're done but if they don't get it started in this week or next it's gonna be too late to get it started and they got boats and company they got pieces that they can absolutely move so they could they could do that it's just really hard to sell to the fan base hey I know we just want a world series we continue to be easier to sell or maybe it's easier I don't know maybe it's easier I mean look C.Y. is a really good GM he's a really good GM as evidenced by his world series win last year um and and boats is a good manager I think if there's a team that gets a little bit of leeway it's probably them but we'll see man we'll see we got to take care of this well we'll have more on that series tomorrow we'll be joined by Jesse Agler for the Incorporator live from uh Dallas Texas here in Dallas Jesse will join us and uh much more on a Tuesday looking forward to it uh that's it for us today for Paul Reindel for Stephen Woods I'm Ben Higgins uh Annie and Brayden coming up next Craig on that road trip but uh you'll have Annie and Brayden for the next four hours right here on San Diego's number one sports station 90 7 3 the fans along everybody all right unexpected treat here looking forward to chatting with Mark Loretta he is standing by spent uh some time in Boston with Padres and fans this weekend and he's gonna join us here on our final segment woods right after our last check traffic you're on 97 3 the fan it's funny because uh you know on the occasions when there's or Dodgers fans that show up at Petco Park which you know happens yeah from time to time Cubs fans visit everyone always rings their hands a lot I saw tons of Padres fans at Fenway Park over the weekend all over the place you could hear the Hassan Kim Chance like during the game at Fenway Park and uh part of the traveling party this week is Padres Special Assistant Mark Loretta who wanted to call in joins us right now here on 97 3 the fan low good morning to you good morning boys thanks for having me on I am fired up I'm very tired this morning but I am very fired about the weekend it was a lot of fun what a blast it it was so much fun to watch those games nice to kind of put your feet up for two games I mean I like the I like those blow outs man I've played enough ball where people like man I like the closer games no no no give me the nine to one where I can put my feet up Robert Suarez can get him get himself a nice break enjoy the scenery in Boston and not have to worry about getting getting hot for a game low it was pretty awesome there was yeah and I haven't heard this term thrown out there but I'm going with immaculate offensive innings for the nine up I like a nine score without an out without it but not even an out recorded so I don't know how often that's happening in MLB history I'm sure we could find that out but that was a really fun ending there was there's no question about it I just you know I wanted to call in and just thank the fans and and show some appreciation for just the traveling party so many I was hundreds of fans it wasn't just like and I know Fenway Park is a bucket list item for a lot of people and maybe see a couple dozen who want to do the freedom trail and oh by the way kept keep a catch a padre game this was not the case this was hundreds of people like you said they have the host on kinship gone man the man the man he was gone it was awesome you don't see that at Fenway you know I played there and you would never see that back you know 10 or 15 years ago it was it was almost like the Red Sox going on the road you know to say like Baltimore or something like that it was it was impressive and I think it fueled the team it fired them up you could tell they were interacting with the crowd guys were chanting Higgie and I'm done Sunday the day or Saturday the day he was off and talking about you know how he owns the western metal supply it was it was really cool you know we Eric Rupert and I were sitting up and he invited me up to Sam Kennedy's box at prison the Red Sox and we were looking on just just an amazement of of how well the padre padre fans showed out and I'm sure some of them are listening today so I just wanted to give them a shout out that phenomenal job is that weird to sit in the president of the Red Sox box and your team is kicking the ever-loving hell out of their team we couldn't share as much as we wanted to do that for sure but let me in the press box Sam had a family wedding conveniently so he he yeah he jacked it pretty early oh good it may have been a made-up wedding I don't know but you know either way it was it was somber in there but we were internally going going not but like the red Sox are having a bad season all fans are looking to unload their tickets at all they're playing really good baseball as well and they're right in the thick of the American League playoff chase I imagine fans are pretty excited about that team which makes it even more impressive how vocal and how prominent the padre fans were this weekend yeah I mean they've had a couple tough years in a row but this year they're really playing well I guess some really good young talent they're pitching well I had a long conversation with my friend Alex Cora and he's excited about the team and yeah I think the Red Sox fans were caught off guard I was in the hotel on my way out yesterday and a couple came in I said oh where are you guys visiting from and I don't know we're local we're here for a wedding they said where are you from I said well from San Diego and you know we're here for the pottery goes man I didn't know the pottery's traveled so well I said yeah man you're telling me I guess you're telling me a local shot you're telling me a local didn't look at you and go oh that's maklerretta I remember you I didn't know you didn't say maklerretta patrons day yeah maklerretta oh man well no I looked it look it represented really well on television yeah you know I heard one guy wearing manny out so bad and a guy DM me said the guy that was wearing manny out that you could hear on the broadcast got ejected they were dragging him up the the aisle as manny steps in and hits that bomb and silenced him it was pretty special nice to see him swing in the bat a little bit better over the last month or so low because you know when he goes we go we need we need him to keep doing that he was he was awesome this weekend no doubt no doubt particularly with you know Fernando and Bogey and some of those guys out I mean you know manny manny can carry this team he's an aircraft carrier type player tonight I think he gets fired up with the booze I really do I mean you know they remember you know a slide he made with the Orioles back who knows ago they have long memories in Boston Boston but you know yeah he silenced them I mean he was unbelievable and Jackson Merrill you know growing up a Red Sox fan you know hitting the homers having I don't know seem like ten hits on the series pretty awesome but this guy's passing the torch man it's it's really we're a deep lineup we have good quality of bats and yeah I mean you know it's it's been an up and down season no question about it but you know it feels like they're hitting their stride and I you know hope like you guys talked about earlier hope you know yesterday was kind of a blip on the radar and they get after it detects us which I think they will talking to our pal Marc Loretta here on Bennett Woods this morning you're around the team last year as well I mean there's a you know there's a visible difference when you're watching on television there's a difference when we we go down there you know wants a month to check in and say hello you can definitely feel that these guys really really pull for each other they really really love each other it seems to be making a difference on the field I you know listen they're not running away with the West or anything but man they're hanging around and overcoming injuries and stuff like that how much credit do you give to the the skipper Mike Schill yeah I give Mike a lot of credit no question I mean he stayed so steady this year you know it's it's it would have been very easy for him to to sort of you know not jump off the wagon but but pretty critical his team and he just said you know stay the course and I think that's that's really energized his team and and there's a lot of young players I mean you know with Jackson you know then you get I think we have a lot more depth than we had last year you know you got you got a guy like Sullivan come up hit a home run obviously Higgie but you know Solano and some of the some of the veteran presence and and it's really it's really fun to watch it's team baseball it feels like every time we lay a bunt down we win all right let's settle down on that on the bunting and I'm gonna lose my mind but boy all right sorry hope you take up we're taking this job more you know giving this more attention than you did a fantasy camp the last go around well yeah this is more important than fantasy well I mean so you say it's debatable yeah that's what you asked by the way we just uh we just finalized our coaching staff for fantasy's campus it's it's all our cap so I don't want to trade it again can why just put that out there and it's not like Terry Kennedy is the one who traded you he did you know it's tk coming back yeah who take tk oh yeah he's going back yeah i'm not going we got yeah but Dave's the back he and and bony's gonna be out there here the best you know and Greg Garcia is coming out Garcia is coming out yes oh he's gonna be great just a bunch of scrappers we got Mark Loretta on the line so Mark one of the things that makes baseball great are all these inner woven threads and this weekend Matt Waldron was a big story going to Fenway Park where Tim Wakefield pitched and got some advice on the knuckleball from Tim Wakefield it was obviously emotional now when taking Wakefield pitch for the Red Sox his personal catcher was Doug Mirabelli who of course you were traded for from the San Diego Padres to the Boston Red Sox in the 2005 off season and didn't work out very well they they missed him because no one could catch Tim Wakefield and they ended up having to send him right back I've always wondered though and God rest Kevin Towers love kt more than anything why in on earth did he trade you for Doug Mirabelli that makes no sense to me 18 years later yeah yeah you know that was the second time been traded and it was obviously love playing San Diego and kt called me you know I was I was bummed out and then he said well you know you're going to the Red Sox oh that's kind of cool then I asked him well who would you trade me for and then I was a little bummed out after that you know the backup texture but no Doug's talking that next year what what was going on there you know I mean I don't know I mean I was making decent money it wasn't you know maybe that was part of it for me at least you know decent back then but I don't know yeah it was it was a little bit of buzzkill when when Mirabelli's name was mentioned however it became it became a a folk legend story when he had to get come back he got traded on the day that Wakefield was pitching one of his returns in the rotation and Doug landed like 30 minutes before game time and they picked him up in a police escort that had his uniform in the car oh god he changed in the car he caught the first inning straight from the from the car without a cup on never forgetting I'm like wait wait we're all like wait a second you're you're you're a backup catcher you're you know you're not this god coming in as a savior but he took it well I mean he didn't he didn't have good things to say about San Diego when he laughed it's kind of BS but but yeah that's the threads of baseball that's the beauty of it there's so much connection could be worse could be traded for a guy on another team that has like a shredded hamstring but they don't like you so much that they want to get rid of you and uh it's fine you know it does not for the Padres because you know when they when the bretsock's desperate he needed Mirabelli back they kind of fleeced him they did they did they got barred yeah so we're a good contributor Katie was playing the long game on that one apparently yeah I was thinking about toothpipes on the line but yeah then they come in Waldron is is pitching and talking about Wakefield and and you've got the you know the the Tim Wakefield honoring that's been going on this year at Fenway Park and it's just all kind of connects together Mark it really does yeah and Wakefield was a great team and I got a chance to play with him and you know his wife unfortunately passed away right after him as well it's just crazy story but uh yeah special place Fenway no no question about it and and again I'm sure there's some of the some of the people who are on the trip or listen today I just want to you know thank them give them a shout out and what what what the fans have done at Petco with averaging 40,000 and you know what Eric Groupner and his group have done you know I think where it's you know the franchise is in great shape and just got to get some separation from 500 which I think we're starting to do yeah let's keep it rolling my friend and looking forward to July always a really exciting month around around these parts so hopefully AJ can get creative and and you know if we need to bolster the rotation of the bullpen man it's it's been a fun fun uh first 80 or so games man it's been incredible it has it has and I know I know you guys are golf game you do look at that looks at the schedule all right let's get it thanks Mark take care all right appreciate you okay guys take care Mark Loretta Padre special assistant was in Boston with the team and impressed with the turnout of Padre fans over the weekend at Fenway Park last couple of minutes and obviously no game today we'll talk more about the upcoming series against the Texas Rangers tomorrow I so the Rangers are defending of course their world series title it has not gone that well for Boach so far this season in fact looking at the American Wild Card standings right now the Texas Rangers are eight games out of a playoff spot eight games out of the third wild card spot wow at 38 and 46 eight games under 500 just ended a six game losing straight and another five one though a couple of weeks ago just does not really come together uh for Boach's team the way it did last year and I mean what's yeah there's a few players difference and there's some injuries but it's not that different of a team from last year it's uh it's simply health and you know a couple of factors that go you go from World Series winner to team that a seller at the deadline unless they go on a run here in the next couple of weeks and Padre's better not don't want to start it here in the next three days they're going to be a team that's probably selling pieces at the deadline because they eight games out and they're behind the Blue Jays who are already in in sell mode they're behind the Rays four games behind them on the Astros who are who are rising behind the Red Sox who are a game and a half out of a playoff spot I don't know it's just not a it's not really a feasible road to get back to the postseason I don't know if they're sellers I really don't I I think don't they have de Grom coming back Scherzer coming back I know he's pitching and he's uh he's throwing against us at the game of the series on Fourth of July so I just I don't know man I don't know if if I don't know if you can look at that team and say well they're certainly not capable of but unlike the National League where it looks like you know 84-85 wins is enough it might be more like 89-90 wins to get to the postseason in the American League because so many teams are already at 47 wins or higher which means they'd have to go I mean they have to go 40-52 and you know 30 the rest of the way they'd have to play insane baseball they got some time to figure it out you know they do and like I said hopefully it doesn't doesn't come at our expense the next few days they're they're the team we beat last year that gave us the hope you know remember that that's right we beat the Rangers and said oh swept them last year yeah we should we should definitely go out and buy uh right now because we are going to storm our way into the playoffs it just didn't happen so I don't want to be the team that gets them right certainly Corey Seger got hit on the hand the other night he's out I don't know if he's gonna be bad I don't think they put him on the injured list but he's not necessarily available either yep so I mean they're they're you know Andrew Haney pitch yesterday I'm so glad we missed him he was he was brilliant last night against the Orioles I watched a lot of that start but yeah man I mean these are these are winnable games against a team that's kind of on the out there are five teams in baseball that have a worse record than the Texas Rangers Rockies Marlins White Sox A's and Angels that's it those are the only teams below the Rangers in the standings those are the five worst teams in all of baseball that's that's where the Rangers are right now it's wild coming off their World Series champion I had them picked to take a big step back this year because that World Series hangover is a real thing I mean that's why those dynasties are really really hard to do man to keep keep guys healthy keep guys moat not motivated but keep guys playing at that level but you are starting to see like Langford was a guy that had struggled early in the season they moved him I they brought him up as a rookie betting they had him d-h-ing and he's like guys I am a I'm not a d-h I'm a young outfielder I can fly like put me in the out there and yeah they got him sitting there waiting to hit for you know between innings and no he's out in the outfield now he's playing much better so hit for the cycle last night they're a dangerous team out of least Garcia still he stepped up to the plate last night and I just went oh my god I forgot what a unit I haven't seen much Texas Rangers baseball at all but again Scherzer coming back could be a lift they got the month of July to figure it out I don't expect them to I don't expect them to continue on this pace but I'd like them to get it started next week not this week after we're done but if they don't get it started in this week or next it's going to be too late to get it started and they got boats and companies they got pieces that they can absolutely move so they could they could do that it's just really hard to sell to the fan base hey I know we just want a World Series we continue to be easier to sell or maybe it's easier I don't know maybe it's easier I mean look C.Y. is a really good GM he's a really good GM as evidenced by his World Series win last year and Boach is a good manager I think if there's a team that gets a little bit of leeway it's probably them but we'll see man we'll see we got to take care of this we'll have more on that series tomorrow we'll be joined by Jesse Agler for the Incorporated live from Dallas Texas here in Dallas Jesse will join us and much more on a Tuesday looking forward to it that's it for us today for Paul Reindel for Stephen Woods I'm Ben Higgins Annie and Brayden coming up next Craig on that road trip but you'll have Annie and Brayden for the next four hours right here on San Diego's number one sports station 973 the fans along everybody