Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Friday June 21st, 2024 - FULL SHOW

6h 39m
Broadcast on:
21 Jun 2024
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Good morning, my friends. Happy Friday to you. Let's get our heads right on a Friday morning. Ben & Woods, 97-3. The fan. What a morning indeed. It is and will be throughout the day. Very excited to be here with you on a Friday. It's been a long week, but a very fruitful week as well for the Ben & Woods program. San Diego as a whole, at least the last couple nights, as far as our baseball team is concerned. What a game last night. If you fell asleep, Hannah, you really missed out on quite a moment. Caitlin in the chat, she also fell asleep. She also had big Jake Croninworth fan. Missed the walk-off home run by crony last night. Thank you, crony, for bailing your old pals Ben & Woods out today. I did not want to talk to country Ben today after blowing a two-run lead in the ninth inning. I did not want to talk to country Ben today. And I think it's going to be a little better tone and tenor. I'm Woodsy. Hey, it was sexy. Thank you, Skip. I am Woodsy. That is Paul Rindel. He is the executive producer. And what a night for Paulie last night. Just dropping D on everyone at his tier one basketball game. Would you get 16-18 points? I'm like that. Yeah, big win. We're in the, it's kind of like sour, sweet and sour in the consolation bracket, which is an ideal. Not ideal, but... But we're also playing up a division. You're playing up a division. So we're in the consolation bracket. We had the semi-finals yesterday. Big win. Huge. So we're in the, so the tier one baseball team is going for a championship on Sunday. The tier one basketball team going for a championship next Thursday. Tier ones are just done. Tier ones won the golf tournament the other day too. I mean, we're really quite a sporty bunch. What does playing up a division mean? Are you like a double A team playing in triple A? Yeah, they have, so they have like D one, D two, D three, and I think maybe even a D four. That would be for me. We, we've been playing D three for the last like five seasons and we signed up for D three. I didn't even realize about halfway through the season. Why are we in D two? They didn't... Just like your ass kicked every week. Why does every team have like three guys that just don't miss? I'm like, oh, we're up. They, they didn't have enough teams in D three, so they consolidated D three and D four and we ended up staying in D two and uh... Well, you made the consolation bracket and you won the game and you accidentally put San Diego State in the SEC one season. They were down a team in football. They're like, what? Okay, I guess we'll do it for the exposure. But, you know, hey, listen, it probably made you a little better, but you weren't feeling great. Uh, you know, nobody was yesterday at all and went out and we had six guys with so we had one. So if anybody got hurt at one point, I was like, I'm feeling a little nauseous. I'm not feeling good. And we powered through. We got the win. We've had those, those adult ball games where nine guys show up and you have a double letter and you're like, this is going to be the longest day of my life. He's on the chat. He's on the team. He says up a division really means it's more. It's a bunch of 30 and 40 year olds going up against 20 year olds that just graduated college or played college ball or something. Yeah, and there I already got a text from the tier one commissioner of the league asking are the tier ones moving up a division next year 18 like double a and I said, sure, that's what you want. We'll figure it out. So we've got to win this championship this week and that would love to see you guys out at Orange Glen high at 1 p.m. That's where it starts. And then if we win that game, we go to Escondido high at 5 30 for the ship. But we got to get through game one first, not looking past those guys at all, but excited. And it should be a fun weekend. It's been a really fun week. Benjamin Higgins is your friendly neighborhood sports anchor. You're here this morning. You look much better than a little friendlier than yesterday yesterday was rough feeling a little bit better this morning. Got some sleep last night. Obviously, it's been an exhausting week, but you're right. It helps a little bit for the Padres to get a walk off when everyone just feels a little bit better this morning. Yeah, man, it really, really does. It changes a little bit of the vibe going into the weekend, certainly. But it was much needed and it almost got away. And of course, we've got we've got all day to talk about that. I wanted to share with you guys in the tier one something that happened yesterday that is truly, truly surreal and mind blowing strap in for this one. And then I'm going to ask you for a little bit of I'm interested to see your take on this. I got a phone call from somebody. I'm going to leave his name out of the story. But I got a phone call from somebody that I consider a dear, dear friend. And we check in with each other quite a bit. And he said to me, I haven't told you everything that's going on. I said, no, you have it. And he said, I got a phone call from the FBI. I said, what? I said, Oh, you're done. You're done did it now. What did you do? What did you do? And I thought to myself, Oh, man, what I hope you're not caught up in anything major. And he said, no, got a phone call from the FBI. He said, do you remember when my father passed away four years ago? I said, I do. Yeah, awful, awful for you. You know, he's a younger guy, he's younger than me. He said, man, have you heard this story going on in Colorado? And I said, Oh, I said it vaguely fill me in. He said, can you do lunch this week? I said, sure, I said, it works out perfectly. I've got three hours to kill between our round table on Thursday and the CEO meeting. And so yeah, I'll come up to you, we'll go get lunch and we'll go hang out, sit down and start talking about what happened. Essentially, guys, his father picked this funeral home in Colorado four years ago. And he was sick. He was passing away of cancer and he wanted to get his affairs in order. So he actually chose this funeral home because they are a green. They're a green funeral home eco friendly eco friendly do things allegedly the right way. And so he says to me, yeah, you know, we got his ashes, we went, we did a big ashes spreading ceremony at mammoth, we put his ashes in the river and the whole thing it was cathartic and awful and beautiful and everything that comes with with losing a parent like that. He said, turns out, though, my father was one of the guys that the FBI had found in this funeral home's basement, along with 189 other bodies that have been stacked in the basement of this funeral home in Colorado. And I just go, Oh, girl, I can't believe it. I cannot believe it. And he said, it's been and I said, all right, well, first things first, how are you? You know, this is gnarly. He goes, it's so beyond gnarly. I can't even he goes, I have good days with it. And I have bad days with it. He said, my mind wanders to that place of like, that was my dad down there in a basement when I thought I had him, you know, in in my this urn. And then I thought I had spread his ashes. Wait, what? So what were they? Why were they keeping the bodies? So what was going on here? So they had had some major. What did they give him? Right. So they had some major financial issues. There was a husband and wife team in Colorado. They had two funeral homes, one in Colorado Springs, and then one in like a little smaller town, Penrose, it's called small Rocky Mountain town of Penrose. Investigator, people started to notice something is not right. There is a putrid smell coming out of the Penrose building had a makeshift refrigeration unit. But those weren't working when the bodies were found. And I said to him, I said, all right, like, why did they do this? I was trying to wrap my head around it. And he said to me, and I said, were they were like harvesting stuff? He goes, no, because I think when you're, you know, when you pass away, you pass away, you can you can donate your body to science and things like that is not much left. There's not much left that you can do with a body. Correct. What they're doing, let's say Ben, you want to be cremated. And I say, okay, it's $2,000. You give me $2,000. Let's say it costs $500 for the process of the cremation. Well, I'm not going to even do anything. I'm just going to take your two grand and not, not actually go through with it. And so I talked to him about it. And I just said, I go, are you, are you thinking about it pragmatically at all? Like, well, it was just a vessel. It's not my dad. He goes, yeah, I do have those moments. And then my again, my mind wanders to my dad's been down there for four years. And I thought I now now you have to relive everything that happened. And you have to re mourn. It's almost like your father passes away twice. Yeah. You know? And so I said, what did they send you? And he goes, honestly, he goes, the investigators told me they found a huge order that was around the same time for quick dry concrete. And I go, Oh, were they like building up? He goes, no, no, no. They were sending bags and earns full of quick dry concrete. Because it looks like ashes. So then he started, he kind of laughed. And he goes, what's funny is like, we poured concrete into a river, like a lot of concrete into a river. And I go, man, I am, I am so sorry to hear that. And he goes, do you know how weird he goes? I fully know this is going to be like a, like a Netflix documentary. Like, I know there's going to be like something because it's a married couple, because it's a very salacious story. Man, they started telling me about the, the text messages between the couple. And it said a couple text exchange, my one and only focus is keeping us out of jail. They were, they were thinking about selling off assets to cover their expenses, worried about losing everything if they were exposed. This is pretty gnarly. He talks, but he says, I want to take a shower as soon as I get back. Because while I was making the transfer, I got people juice on me. And then the next text to his wife was want to double cheeseburger, lettuce wrapped with everything, minus tomatoes, please insane, absolutely insane. So I just put my arms around him, told him I loved him, told him I'm sorry. And he said the, the FBI is going to be coming to his home in the next week to sit down and talk about it. Now, the cool thing was he said, my dad was a bit of a rabble rouser in his life. He would, he worked in the fundraising business. And he said, what he would do, it really through no fault of his own, but he would get jobs with fundraising departments, including a local university and things like that. And he said, he would get in, kind of look around and go, there's a, there's a lot of corruption here. There's a lot of things going wrong here. There's a lot of unexplained lunches and expenses. He was kind of a kind of an ester, right? Like coming in saying, no, no, this isn't right. And they said, you know, hey, this, this is how we do things here. Well, that's not right. You're, you're stealing, you're a charity. And he helped expose a lot of corruption. He goes, I think he would be so happy. He was like a forensic accountant. Yeah, he comes in and goes, the numbers don't. So he's don't add up. And, you know, people would try to silence him and quiet him. He goes, I really think the thing he goes, the thing that's giving me the most piece is I really think he would enjoy knowing he's a part of bringing these people down. And I said, man, I feel that. Like, if that helps you sleep, I fully subscribe to that. I said, but what a gnarly story, like that you're a part of this guy I'd love. I adore him. I've been friends with him for a long time. And yeah, he's pretty shaken by the whole thing. I just said, man, I cannot, I cannot imagine. I told Hannah, I said, you know, I've told, I've said this on the air before. I want to be cremated as well. And I said, but I don't want you to maybe spread a little bit of me some places I love. I'm going to send you some far flung areas too, just to be a pain in the ass forever. And I said, I want all these kids to have an urn and I want them to have to carry it around everywhere, every apartment they live in. There's the head. Here's dad. Like, I want to be a pain in your ass for the rest of your lives. I said, but I want you to see me go in to the thing. And you stand there with a cup at the end, like a soft serve machine. You know what I mean? Like they push me in. And it comes out of the buffet trade to try to slide it over and then, okay, here's your dad. Like, I want you to see it, because I don't want to get this, I don't want this to happen to me number one. And number two, I don't want to like them looking around going, is that him or it doesn't matter? Just give him some magic. I want to make sure I'm with my family for the rest of my life and their lives and and all that. It's important to me. The thought of being, you know, I know it's just my body. I know it's not my soul or whatever. But I if I did know, I can't bear the thought of being in Jim and Cindy Johnson's living room. And you know, my kids got somebody else or my wife or somebody else and her new husband, you know, looking at her ex husband or her late husband. You know, I couldn't bear the thought. So it was really crazy that he's a part of this. It's a national story. I mean, it's everywhere. My my biggest takeaway and and hopefully your friend, you know, I would think that I could I could say it's not really my dad there. It's just a yeah, it's just an empty vessel that you said. But the one thing that is very real and is very nightmare fuel is a basement filled with like almost 200 decomposing bodies that really existed. It really existed horrifying. Yeah. And so that is nightmare fuel. So I said to him, how how deep have you gone? He goes, I started to read one article and it was talking about the bugs and flies and he goes, I shut my computer. I was done. I go, I go, buddy, don't do it until if you're ready one day to really, you know, I have a little bit of morbid curiosity in me. Not when it would come to my parents. You know, I would be so incensed by the whole thing. Now another interesting part. Homeboy is a flight risk. The husband is a flight risk based on some texts and things that he is they have of his. She isn't she's out on bail living in Penrose doing door dash delivering groceries to families of victims that they have done this to. And I just, my mind just went, you know, and so, yeah, dude, it was, it was like, I sat at lunch yesterday. I was exhausted, but I sat like that and wrapped attention just going, holy crap, man. So yeah, hugged him at the end, you know, told him, please call me after the FBI leaves your condo and let me know how it goes. But yeah, very, very gnarly story, very gnarly story. So I wanted to share it. Yeah, I asked him. I said, can I share that story? He goes, absolutely, please, like, it's just another reminder of like, do your research, I guess, you know, I there's really no way to tell if you're getting scammed or whatever, just watch your back. I think is the moral of the story. Watch your back and try to make the best decision that you can reputable places and what not. And yeah, very, very crazy, crazy story. Just when you think Ben and Woods is going to zig, we zag to start the mornings. Let's, let's just jump off from there and probably get into some, you know, pot raised stuff in a minute. We'll set the menu when we come back and get to the highlights. What a what a game last night. What I mean, there's a lot to break down in a seven to six win, not just the walk off home run, but you know, top to bottom, that game had many, many key moments to open the homestand. So we'll talk all about that coming up, set the menu first, a quick check of traffic. And then we are off and running it is Friday. Glad to have everybody with us on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 three, the fan. We're just talking about, I did you watch the Rickwood field game? And yesterday I did, I watched it as well. And we'll, we'll discuss it a little bit later today. Probably an eight 30 during our rinder report. But it was, well, let me just say it's, it's easy to be cynical about, you know, big events that Major League Baseball puts on. Think for the most part, they did, they did a really nice job last night on that Cardinals Giants game in Alabama at the oldest professional ballpark in America. And Fox for the most part did a good job as well with the entire broadcast and the event. Yeah, I mean, other than, then human Ambien himself, Joe Davis, calling the game. It was great. It was great. I think there's a chance to watch any, I saw the clip. Did they play like a whole half inning and black, old style with the old camera angles like they used to? It was pretty cool. I certainly wouldn't want to watch a whole game like that. No, it was, I mean, it was, it was cool. Bo, Bo came in and asked, what's this game? You know, and I told him about it and the significance of it. And, and then we were talking about Willie Mays. And, and I showed him a picture or a video of, of the catch, you know, and he watched the catch and he goes, Oh, that's easy. And I go, it's not that easy. He goes, that's easy catch. I go, it's not. He said, yeah, he didn't even get under it. I mean, I go, Bo, he said, it wasn't a World Series game. I go, he's in a dead sprint, his backs to the infield. He looks, he doesn't even really look back. It like he puts his glove up, catches it, turns around makes great throw. It's easy. I go, you got, you have what it takes to be a ballplayer if you think that was an easy catch. I was like, not once you catch one in the infield that pops up straight to you first. And then we'll worry about the ones over the shoulder. But I did, I tweeted he's going to be a natural fit on pottery's Twitter one day. They had a moment of silence for Willie Mays, a pic of park last night. And then Willie Mays, his name got invoked again later in the, the day when Jackson Merrill hit his sixth home run in the past eight games. And, you know, the, the statistical gurus dug into the archives to find, it has any other 21 year old or younger center fielder ever done that in, in their lives. And then of course there was only one who has ever done that at age 21 or younger. And it is Willie Mays and now Jackson Merrill has done it six home runs in a span of eight games. Good company, which is pretty incredible. We'll go through the entire game with our pot raise wrap up coming up in our next segment. If you did not hear the radio highlights last night, I certainly recommend that you stay tuned to hear Jesse's walk off call the longest home run of the season by a San Diego Padre back to back home runs in the first inning. There were also some absolutely key defensive plays and yeah, some bullpen hijinks that made that game quite a bit more stressful than it needed to be. But we'll talk about it all coming up in our next segment, our pot raise wrap up seven o'clock hour take on woods last chance this week to qualify for the trip to Las Vegas along with don't do this. And then we'll talk more pot raise baseball. Polly hasn't planned on the rundown. We mentioned it yesterday. This is the six year anniversary of ice cubes. Five year five year anniversary of ice cubes appearance here on on Ben and Woods and 97 three the fan. But I got to read read wraps for ice cubes. So we're going to do a little throwback Ben reads wraps today. Oh, good. Coming up at 750. Like we used to do on Fridays in the past. So we will bring that back today. Just a little special one off for you. Eight o'clock. It is a grand old barbecue. Friday. That means Jake Mintz from Cespa. His family barbecue is going to be with us to talk some baseball in our eight o'clock hour. As I mentioned, Ryla reported eight 35 because on Fridays, we talked to the manager. Our manager's report with Mike Shilt at nine o'clock and you know, be kind of mixed bag since we last talked to Mike Shilt, five game losing streak, but also two wins and coming back home with the walk-off victory last night should at least soften the conversation just a little bit after what happened the last couple of days. Yeah. I mean, honestly, you have to ask him about the bullpen woes right now, certainly in and Yuki Matsui. Probably being at the forefront of those and he did explain and I didn't I didn't stay up for the post game. I rarely do, especially when we're going to talk to him the next day. The explanation of why Estrada and not Suarez last night is an interesting one. We could talk about that certainly, but yeah, man, great win. Great win. Almost a devastating loss, but you know, we don't complain about wins around here, but we we can dig deep into what the hell's going on with the bullpen. And there's some there's some major issues there. And then we still have one more pair of doobie brothers tickets to give away. Like we have done all week long, and you just have to listen for our special doobie brothers sounder. But what a fool believes. All right, that could come at any time. When you hear it, either during the show, during a break, whenever, call 833-2880-973, 833-2880-973, and we'll send you to the doobie brothers who are going to be performing on June 25th at North Island Credit Union amphitheater last pair of tickets to win this week. So that's what we have planned for you today. Let's take a break because I want to come back. We have so much to talk about from last night's game. I want to get an early start here on our Padres wrap up. It's coming up next with better woods on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fam. Woods just pointed out to me that it is national flip flop day, a very important holiday for me as I am not only wearing my flip flops, as I always do, but I'm also wearing my flying chonclas hat, which is the double A alternates for the San Antonio missions. Chonclas, of course, Spanish for flip flops. So happy national flip flop day out there. What are the odd and you didn't know? I did not know. You wear that hat not very odd. No. That's wild. Just works out that way sometimes. Goes well with our color scheme today because it's a city connect Friday. Paul is wearing his Padres city connect hat. We've got our city connect colors on our YouTube stream today. We do woods even urine kind of a pink like city connect pink. Yeah, I like this color goes well today. Everybody's everybody's on theme on a Friday. Just kind of accidentally. It's like a salmon. Is this a salmon? Salmon? No, I'd say it's a little darker than a coral. I like that. I like that. Very nice. All right, this hour on better woods is brought to you by Tropical Smoothie Cafe. Join the free smoothie party at Tropical Smoothie Cafe today, June 21st for National Smoothie Day. We're treating our Tropic Rewards members to a free smoothie with a bowl or food purchase order in the app online or pop by the cafe for a little sip and chill three cheers to our Tropic fam terms and conditions apply. All right, we're gonna get to our Padres wrap up. I know correct me if when the game started and I knew it's Adam Major on the mound and the bullpen is somewhat depleted going into this game. I thought, okay, you probably need to score at least seven or eight runs to win this game. No question. I never had a doubt that that was what it was going to take. Even after they scored four in the first, I go, that's it's a good start. That's not enough. If you don't score again, you're not going to win this game. Yeah. And for a while then, you know, it stayed for one and go, well, maybe I'm wrong about that. No, I was right. They needed to score more runs. Of course, they did. It took a walk off home run. We'll get the call of the walk off and the rest of the action last night and our Padres wrap up right after this check of traffic on 97 through the fan. I love winning, man. I love winning. You know what I'm saying? It's like better than losing. Oh my god. I'm so stiff. Miss any of the Padres win yesterday. Ben and Woods didn't. What a proof. We've got you covered with all of the highlights. I like it with the Padres win. Yeah. Yeah. It's the Padres wrap up presented by Hamul Casino with rilling slots and tables in all of best rewards. Hamul Casino has all the fun you're looking for. Hamul Casino, fun above all else. Yeah. Give me a due damage. Due damage. Now the 2-2 yellow swings, grounds it to first base, a rise hazard in front of the bag coming home, the slide and the tag not in time to rank just in feet first ahead of the tag from Luis Campusano, Padres, of course. We'll take a look and see if they want to challenge it. It was a bang, bang play at home plate. Anyway, it's here it comes and Machado swings, hits it in the air to deep right field. Freelook is back towards the corner. He's at the wall looking up. Gonna go! Three run homer, Manny Machado. Just like that, the Padres lead it 3-1 here in the first. Oh, two hit in the air. Deep to right field towards the pole. Jackson Merrill has done it again. Ninth of the season for Merrill goes deep and back to back games and has now homered three Tom. In his last two games here at Petco markets four to one. One and two, Adama swings, hits it in the air to deep center. Merrill sprinting straight back at the wall, it's going to go. Line drive, home run, straightaway center field. Team leading 13th of the season for Adama's. This is a 1-1 game now for three in the fifth. That's it in the air to deep left field, forget it. Yellich's not even gonna turn around. Second deck in left and Fernando with his 14th of the year extends the lead. 446 feet and his third hit of the night. Andre's in front five to three. Here's the pitch. Swung on, lined in a left field. Yellich to his left, washed it in the lights and it gets beyond him. Fernando's racing to third, he's going to be waved. Tatis on his way home, the throw is cut. And another miscue defensively for the Brewers gives the Padres their sixth run of the night. One and one the pitch. Tarrang swings, lines it the other way and that is down in front of Peralta base hit. They are gonna wave or tease around and he will score just ahead of the throw. RBI single Brice Tarrang is third knock of the night. It is now six to four. Here in the eighth inning and you got to figure that'll be all for Wandi Peralta. Here's the pitch from Estrada. It bounces in, kicks away and the run is going to score. Yellich in from third. Behind the play, Bowers goes to second, a wild pitch and now a six to five games. Here's the 2-2. Hoskins swings, muscles it in the air to deep left field as Zokar's going back. He will leap up, can't make the catch hits against the wall. This will tie the game. Bowers has scored Hoskins in a second with an RBI double and it's six to six. Pitch number seven on the way and Peralta worth swings, hits it in the air to deep right field way back. Good to go! For the third consecutive game here at Petco Park, the Padres in a walkoff home run. He got Siyoka and Meral. And now Jake Croninworth throws his helmet as he approaches home plate. The Padres beat the Brewers 76. Pretty impressive, pretty amazing grit squad strikes. Yeah, I mean especially coming back, fall the whole way down. You know, mazer battled, get the lead right back, extend, extend. Had it late, can't hold on to it. I can just find a way. Clearly a big swing by crony and third walkoff in her own home. Good stuff, memorable, the story probably. Indeed it was. After a little bit of research, they found out that is the first time in Padres franchise history that they've had three consecutive home games end with walk off home runs. Of course the first two happened at the end of the last home stand against the Oakland A's, Kyle Higash-Yoka, Jackson Meral and now Jake Croninworth keeps the streak going. Who's going to make it tonight? Four in a row with another walkoff. Do we have to have a walkoff every day? We actually just went a normal game and hold a lead in the ninth and have our bullpen not give up any runs. Yeah, that would be the the preferable prescription for a victory tonight. But we all realize baseball does not work that way. If you're going to blow a lead, at least have the walkoff after that. The feeling of deflation when they tied the game off of a strata in my home by me was painful. I mean, it was it was painful. I just looked up and I said, please, please don't do this. I'm begging you don't do this. They did it. Let's start at the beginning though, because not heard in that highlight package was probably the most important play of the game other than the walkoff home run. And that was in the first inning when Adam Major was was in trouble. He was run was in. The bases were loaded. He's on the ropes already. You could easily see that getting away from him. The pottery is having to go to a bullpen day in the first or second inning, and they would not have been able to overcome that. And Manny Machado started an incredible double play to get out. I think it was on Hoskins to get out of the first inning with just the one run allowed. He made a terrific play and then the throw to second with a great scoop and turn by Jay Cronoworth. I mean, just to make that catch and get the one out is probably above and beyond. But then to make the turn and then a rise made a nice scoop, you never thought that that even had a chance to be a double play. And it really stabilized things. And of course, allowed the Padres to take that four one lead in the bottom of the first inning. But that game could have gone very bad, very quickly, if not for a terrific play by Manny Machado. Yeah, I mean, that's correct me if I'm wrong. You can't make that play if you're on the IL. Is that right? I don't know much about baseball, but I do know if you're on the IL, that's not I don't think Donovan Solano makes that play a third. Okay, he doesn't make that play a third. Probably nobody else on the roster makes that play a third. Oh, that was a Manny Machado special. Interesting. And then very interesting. And then he goes the other way. You know, moments later for the three run shot and now hold on. Is that can you do that? You cannot. Oh, you cannot. I was I was told that's where he should should be. I mean, there was conversation purple says half the roster makes that play purple. I know who you are. Don't be an idiot. Should I put him in timeout? No, we don't. Is that bow? That's an easy catch. Yeah, that's easy. That's an easy catch. That's an easy double play. No, they really the pick from crony was nasty. I mean, as nasty. Now that's, you know, second baseman, you're now a first baseman on that play. And Jake's got plenty, plenty of reps over it at the one bag and makes just a fantastic pick turn gets a guy by half a step and out of that inning, man, which is huge. I honestly, I was watching last night and you could feel it like spiraling on measure. I don't know what to make of Adam measure. I don't look at him and say, well, listen, he's he's got really I don't look at him and say he's got really, really good stuff. He just needs some time to work it out. I honestly, Benny, I look and with the walks and stuff, the lack of control and the fat pitches, man, fat, fat pitches, he threw a couple of decent sliders, a decent change up, but man, the some of the sliders were spinning right in the zone and the meat and the the fastballs were fat. I think what is hopefully encouraging is that that it's not like that was ever a part of his game in the minors. He does he doesn't walk people. Right. It seems to be maybe a, you know, big moment pressure, you know, trying to adjust to the big league level being too fine. I think at some point, Adam measure is going to be a big league pitcher. I don't see him as an ace of the staff type, but I can see him as a, you know, end of the rotation, solid starter, but there's still some work to be done, you know, to get there in the big league level and he did, he did pretty well. Yeah, he stabilized after that and nearly made it through five innings, almost made it through five until the two run home run by Adamus. But I would imagine that that was his last start. He will probably go back down. I would think today, you send him back down to AAA and you call up a bullpen arm to, to have another option out of what is a fatigued bullpen. And then in four days, you can call you Darvish up off the injured list to make the next start, but that would give you an extra arm available for the next four days or so. Yeah, you know, you wonder what the, the corresponding move is going to be, could be Logan Glassby, could be Tom Cosgrove. You have no idea, but they definitely need some help in their ASAP because the bullpen is, is a hundred percent battered right now, man. And I was looking up some numbers of some of the guys in there. And look, as much as we want Yuki Matsui to be the guy, I just don't know that he's the guy right now. I'm not saying he's never going to be the guy, but then he has got, he's got a four ERA in 34 appearances. Okay, he's pitched 31 in a third innings. He has struck out 27, not bad. He's walked 20 batters, 20 batters. That is unacceptable. And so many of those feel like they were the first batter of the inning. Yeah, man, hundred percent. Just put you in such a bad spot. Now, I haven't seen the numbers, but it feels like when, when Yuki Matsui comes in and the Padres are down three, I got him. You want him? Yeah, go ahead. Low leverage. Yeah. Hitter's 163 with a 486 OPS. Perfect. Low leverage situations, high leverage, 241, 760 OPS of the 42 batters he's faced in high leverage. He struck out 12, but he's also walked nine, allowed two doubles and a triple, not quite the set up stuff that you're looking for from Yuki Matsui and which is fine. I mean, like use him in the role in which he is best to custom. I don't know that it's the role he was used in last night as much as we want it to be that way as, as devastating as that splitter looked early in the year. If you can't land it for, if you can't keep it in the zone, make it look like a strike, you don't have the overpowering other pitches to get out. You know, last night's game was such a microcosm of the Padres bullpen because Matsui actually didn't give up a run because Wandi Peralta came in and struck out Gary Sanchez. Great job by Wandi Peralta, but then Wandi comes out the next inning and walks two batters and then one run comes around to score and then De La Santos comes in and he gets a big strikeout. And then Jeremiah Strata, obviously, who, and Mike Schiltz said this after the game. Yeah, this is what I was curious about. Why Jeremiah Strata? Why not Robert Suarez? Both had been used the previous two. Jeremiah Strata had pitched four of five days. No, but Mike Schiltz said I went to both of those guys to just check on their availability before the game. And I said, be honest, you know, how do you feel? And Robert Suarez said, I would love to be able to go, but I think I need a day. And Schiltz said, you got it. Robert, you are off. You got that quote here? Yeah, Strata was able to take the ball. I give him a ton of credit, man. You know, we were both them and Suarez had gone back to back. Took their temperature before the game. Wanna be mindful of it. Suarez was honest. Like, look, man, I could, they're all, I love this group because I always say they can go. But we always, you know, like, hey, you know, really, how do you feel? And he's like, I could, I could use it, I could use a day. So we clearly respect that. Jeremiah said, I'm good. I'm good. I feel good. I can take the ball. And you know, he had a longer anything we'd like as the last hitter he's gonna face. But man, my admiration for him taking the ball and doing that is very high. I think the other, I mean, you know, one of the ways that that could have gone out of control was when they all came out and met with Major about William Thomas. And essentially, you know what the message there was. It was, all right, one swing and they're right back in this game, Adam, we need you to execute here. And when Willie hit it, I just immediately thought, well, who could have seen that coming right there? I'm not putting that on Shilt at all. Willie Domis is a really good player, put a good swing on a pitch that was up in the zone and had pounded it out, man. And it just, but when you don't have a ton of options down there that are well rested, ready to go, managing this bullpen is it can be a nightmare. You know, it's easy to say Jeremiah Strada failed because he blew the save. He gave up the lead and that's not your job when you come into the ninth inning. However, I was listening to Sammy Levitt last night on the post game show. And I think it's a good point that you need to get 27 outs to win that the baseball game doesn't mean you have to, you know, hold everybody in check, but you have to get to the finish line. And the Padres needed someone to get to the finish line. And even though he gave up the two runs, he did come up with two big strikeouts to at least get it to six, six to the bottom of the ninth where Jake Cronin worth wanted. So while he didn't do what the way you would like it to be done, he did enough that the Padres were able to win that game. It sometimes didn't cough it up. Sometimes you have to win games like that. That was always going to be a game. As I said, you got to score seven, eight runs to win that game with major on the mound against a Brewers team like that. That was never going to be a three to one win. It just it wasn't there's no way and and the Padres got to the finish line. It wasn't always pretty. It wasn't exactly how you draw it up, but they got to the finish line of the game last night. And that's what's most important. The finish, of course, was fantastic. We already heard Jesse's call. Paulie's got a couple of other options for us here. Yes. How about we start? Let's go to Don. We'll start with the TV call. Three, two, picture. Croninworth in the air to be built for Croninworth. Back to the ball. Into the crown zone. And God, Padres, walk it off. You knew Don would work the crone zone somewhere in there. I had to. Oh, let's see. We have the Brewers call. Brewers television call. That's not going to be as happy. It was a very it was a hung pitch. It was very hung. That was very hung. And then, of course, we can't do the montage of walk-offs without our friends from Korea. I would also like to do their second baseman, Terang. Terang. I would like to thank him for booting that double play ball that crony hit in the first game. Yeah, you know, it's often times baseball is the game where if you take advantage of the mistake, the Brewers couldn't take advantage of Adam Major in the first. The Padres took advantage of a tiny bobble that allowed them to keep the first inning going and still damn near got crony at first. I mean, it was a close, close play at first base, but holy smokes. Manny comes up next, hits the three run bomb and Padres are off and rolling. But what a that was a that was a hell of a game hell of a first game and what should be a good series. Holy cow. All right, we got Dylan Cease on the mound for game two tonight against former Padre Colin Ray. Talk about that a bit a little bit later. When we come back, we've got take on Woods, your chance to qualify for a trip to Las Vegas. Don't do this and more all ahead an hour number two of Beno Woods next on 97-3 the fan. We all belong outside. We're drawn to nature. 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So to walk off home run by Jay Crona worth last night. First game of a seven game homestand. Uh you know every the entire national league you know let's just say I think Padres you know tied for that last wild card spot. No you got. Okay. Pauli's got it. Got her. Eddie Ortega last night on the call. I like I like I the street into the street. I I have played ball before with some of my buddies. We joined a team from LA and we played a tournament together and somebody hit a bomb and they all yelled that and I thought it was this the coolest thing I had ever. I thought they said Para like I a but I guess it was I like I like I a yeah to to the street man to the street. Oh that's the best man. Yeah out the street. Yeah that's so good man. So so good. Love it. Great. Fantastic stuff last night. Uh yeah I mean after losing five in a row they Padres doing what they have done so many times this year. Now you crack creep back up toward 500 a game game under 500 again. That magnet you know they can never seem to escape more than three games above or below 500. I think once they got four games under 500 other than that they've been within three games of 500 every single day of this season staggering isn't it? I mean staggering which of course you know when and a lot of people will then say well that means you are a mediocre 500 team and at some point you you're going to have to acknowledge the fact that if they don't go on a stretch where they can you know put more than a couple of weeks together and get six six or seven games above 500 then that is what you are a 500 team you're not bad you're not good you're just you're just there in the middle you haven't played yourself out of anything. No as I was just saying I think they're in the third wild card spot again after the win last night but you could be in five days you could be at the bottom of the pack or you could be at the top of the heap because everyone's so bunched up together in the national league right now. Yeah I mean you never want to get to the point at the end of the year Ben where you're waiting on when other teams control your fate you know that's just not a good it's not not the best way to go into it and I know the potteries have backed into a playoff spot before I think we lost to the Brewers that day at home and oh well so and so lost so we're in that was a really weird day you guys remember that when it happened 22 22 I think it's Chicago I think we're playing the White Sox we're playing the White Sox or maybe the Brewers law I can't remember but I thought the Brewers are involved somehow and I was like it was one of those and like oh I was there cool I was down there down there by the field with Sammy Levitt kind of in the tunnel waiting for the game to end because you knew they they clinched in like the seventh inning or something but we were losing it was like golf clubs like okay cool we're in very cool and then like there's strike three final out Padres lose and the players are kind of still standing around like so do we get like the playoff clinching t-shirt hats and stuff it was so weird and I just remember I remember the next time we talked about it I was like is that not perfect for this freaking team is that not perfect like lose you're in I'd love to not be have to be in that position again well I don't think it will happen this year just because unless the potteries start playing better you're gonna have to win your way in yeah you know to separate yourself from some of these teams that year they at least had built enough of a cushion where you you don't have to win every game on the stretch like you're trying to put yourself in a position where it's not though it's okay you know it just sucks and that happens that happens every year the team gets in because another team loses yeah it's baseball it's you know you want to be in a position where you're comfortable enough that you you don't have to win every game down the stretch no doubt last year they had to win every game down the stretch and they lost twice out of what those like that 16 game stretch and that they missed the playoffs by two by two you can't put yourself in that position again what uh what else about last night's game bugged you a little bit was there anything else that bugged you I thought look it's such a hard position it's such a hard position the catching position but I just there's been a couple of lapses um from campy lately and and and defensively and it's just like oh you you want it for him so bad he's finally getting his chance to you know be really the everyday catcher and has lost a little bit of playing time uh to to hickey recently but you know I I it's like I said it's such a hard hard position and 15 guys throwing different stuff at you I understand it just a couple of couple of moments it just seems to happen in some really key moments I will tell you this that man's been getting worn out I hope he has gone to the bank to freeze uh his boys before you know honestly like I legit thought about that last night I'm like this guy is wearing one to the dong every single night that he plays somehow and uh but I just I looked at that and like man if he could clean it up you know other than that I thought I thought it was a pretty well played game uh for the most part guys are guys are giving effort and there's no question they're giving effort and it just the thing is you have to grind so hard to get victories like that and you just it does you have that you have that sinking feeling in your head where you go are they any good are they any good you know are they I know they're not great but are they any good if um if we if Louie's capisano hit like yes Mike Piazza you go fine whatever what bro have a ball but he doesn't hit well enough the metrics are really bad just when it comes to everything framing blocking throwing out runners he's just not he's not a good defensive catcher right now yeah doesn't mean that he can't get better but he's not a good defensive catcher uh mike shilt will say if we ask him about it I know what he'll say we're happy with how he's managing the pitching staff that's the most important thing that a catcher does he's working well with our pitchers you know making them comfortable but ultimately I just don't know how true that is that that is the only thing that matters because if you're not hitting enough and you're not playing good defense behind the plate it's a negative negative value catcher at this point yeah it's tough man you know you really do want it for him and and hope that he could be that guy that can help bridge to Ethan Salas because again everything you hear about Ethan Salas defensively is he's got the potential bend to be one of the next great ones but he now seems like he's at least three years away yeah yeah I would say I would say you know two and a half three years um so yeah but you need you need campy to step up in that time and and be the guy man try to win a championship for this team and in the city and and you know you watch it just I hate to use the word lazy because it's just it's just it let there's some lapses from time to time and again I fully submit that it is the hardest position I mean it is just almost impossible to do and but I I guess I'm encouraged by a couple of things but yeah I mean he doesn't really throw runners out well at all and like you said the defensive metrics just aren't great right now but this is what we got to answer your question there was one thing that that did annoy me last night I will share that first though we need a contestant for take on woods give us a call if you want to play against woodsy our musical trivia challenge for a chance to go to Las Vegas 833-288-0973 call right now we're gonna play in about two minutes so call 833-288-0973 for a chance to take on woods here on a Friday morning also remind you we did it yesterday but you can tune in every Thursday at 10 a.m. for 97-3 the fans commercial-free pot raise roundtable featuring better woods Annie and Elston and Gwynne Crass presented by San Diego roundtable pizza for takeout or delivery go to roundtable the last honest pizza I know I'm a broken record here and um the umpiring especially behind the place was was awful in both sides both sides benefited sometimes they got hurt sometimes there was no rhyme nor reason to what was called a strike no it wasn't like two inches off the alley yeah strike sometimes on the plate was a ball well like yellowish the pitch that yellowish got rung up on was terrible but the pitch before was a strike and he you know he got another opportunity at it it was the pitch to kim as well holy smokes check swing rulings of first base were awful it just it seemed like a very inconsistent night for the umpiring crew last night especially behind home plate on the balls and strikes like it's hard enough trying to figure out you know where okay throw this one here uh the uh major had one where up and in had a perfect strike perfect strike then through the exact same pitch the next pitch and it's called a ball it's like but you just called that a strike and so I went right back there and I threw the perfect pitch how you call it a ball this time yeah it was tough man it was tough and and I don't know if it's a symptom of the the starting pitches for both teams being a little bit wild and inconsistent to start I think they both locked in pretty well uh after the first inning but yeah that may have set the tone I've got no idea again I'm gonna sit here and bitch about it because I don't have to get back there and do it I realize again that is another very hard thing to do but holy smokes I mean let's let's try to get some consistency if you're gonna be calling two inches out and I pound give okay fine like and everybody knows that they just want consistency even if it's up down in out if it's the same all night you don't care you figure out and you make your adjustments but anyway like you said no rhyme or reason whatsoever really the pitch to yell at was gnarly I mean it was like it was one of the worst I've seen all right I think we got a contestant here you ready to go all right let's play a little friday take on woods it's time for take on woods woods woods all right let's pick uh let's go to is this Jason good morning good morning all right you are in Jason uh take on woods is brought to you by Valvoline instant oil change it only takes 15 minutes you don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts go to that's five questions head to head if you beat her tie woods put you to our grand prize drawing for the trip for two tonight stay at the Fontaine Blue Las Vegas tickets to either hoodie and the blowfish or smashing pumpkins and a 150 dollar pool side dining credit summer room packages and tickets are available now at fontanblue Las Vegas dot com I hear your category choices this morning got it's not false we got ricks cafe which is a musical artist named rick and our new category is d's bands those are band names that begins with the letters de Jason what do you like it's not false ricks cafe or d's bands that's our d's band d's bands all right he's going with a new category today again five bands whose names begins with the letter de 60 seconds to answer as many of the five if you don't know an answer say pass so we can come back to it if there's time left on the clock first questions are two seconds song a polyo play some music you need to give me both the song title and that artist that begins with de to score that point Jason are you ready let's go all right 60 seconds on the clock Paul you're ready all right Paul he's ready category is d's bands your time begins when poly plays the music good luck Jason let's take on woods that's the leopard sports we took around that is correct which english bands 1981 debut album speaking spell included the breakthrough hit just can't get enough oh man uh pat which smoke on the water rockers were listed in the 1975 get us remote depends mode that is the last one is to patch mode which smoke on the water rockers were listed in the 1975 get us purple correct fronted by eric clapton which band released only one album layla and other assorted love songs eric in the domino correct bunny randy mark and l were all members of which family band notable for 1985's rhythm of the night uh uh uh the bar de bars very good that's a five for five and you are in the drawing for las vegas congratulations Jason hang on the line uh we'll get your information in just a minute let's see if uh if woods can handle this category doesn't get the benefit of knowing what he's trying to go for here but we'll see i think he'll do pretty well here 60 seconds back on the clock woods your time begins when paul plays the music good luck stake on jason force some sugar on me death leper correct which english bands 1981 debut album speaking spell included the breakthrough hit just can't get enough uh depression correct which smoke on the water rockers were listed in per correct fronted by eric clapton which band released one album only layla and other sorted love songs eric in the domino correct bunny randy mark and l were all members of which family band notable for 1985's rhythm of the night like this is the rhythm of the night that one i don't know if it's that one or no actually uh give me the names again bunny randy mark and l were all members of which family band notable for 1985's rhythm of the night i think it's a different rhythm of the night i think it might be the rhythm of the night oh i don't know uh not one huh the taint sisters oh that's too bad because uh jason got five and you got four which means that's an l l's last name is debarge l debarge bunny debarge randy debarge and mark debarge in the category d's bands they all started with dee def leper depeche mode deep purple derrick and the domino's and debarge well jason that's a hell of a game right there that is a terrific win for you and uh best of luck in the los vegas drawing again paulie will get your information here during the break but uh a well-played game we got you today very well played i'm not mad at getting four or four right and lose you know i feel like jeremy is trot i can go i can go if you need me burn you know you burn through me a little bit but you've definitely you've had a bit of uh over this week maybe i'll overuse a little bit lately on the uh from the bull pen but it's fine hey what was his name uh jason congratulations jason that was a well i mean anytime you go you get five you know it's pretty good i was i felt like i was cruising through that one that's last one got me podzilla says you got squeezed by the oh i did well when you don't get the category you do get to just a little harder yeah for sure i don't know that i would have gotten it though all right we've got uh we've got don't do this coming up next including a return appearance by pete fairbanks for do do this yes he's phenomenal i love him love him which he was here that's coming up next after a check of traffic here at 97-3 the fam don't do this it's time for don't do this what were you thinking three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads how many times do i have to tell you i'm sorry i fudged up guys new idiots more on the apple sometimes does far fall from the tree don't do this do not tweet that with Ben and Woods i like a nickel bag song or two on 97-3 the fan don't do this is brought to you by the craft taco in sereno valley the craft taco has some of the best quality tacos in all of san diego go to the craft taco dot com take a look at their happy hour specials today craft taco dot com at the start us on don't do this steven woods cleveland browns defensive lineman loni felts was uh rested on wednesday night drinking and driving uh with a twist with a twist he not an olive not an olive a twist yeah he crashed his suv into a restaurant she's never a good look right and then refused to cooperate with the police investigation afterward all happened around 847 in key west at the red shoe island bistro uh in key west cops say they were dispatched to the scene when they arrived they saw black hunday wedged into the side of the eatery officers asked him who was inside the vehicle phillips and his girlfriend were i did uh so he was there's video of him kind of yelling at the cops screaming i'm dying of thirst wow that's what's important loni and uh the browns originally said okay we are collecting information and then the browns uh yesterday at 1257 p.m have waived defensive and loni felts he has cost himself a job the chiefs are going this guy would fit in right with our ross 100 pick him up a little depth for them but the i mean three hundred thousand dollars in damage yeah there's a lot of damage but again please remember every nfl player has a card in his wallet that he can call at any time from anywhere no questions asked for a ride every single time all you got to do call the number it's like a the player's union number and somebody will come scoop you no questions asked take you right to your own it's a nice little service i think they'll come back and get your car for you drop back like it's two i think they'll bring two people one to drive you one to drive your car to your house wherever you're going it why wouldn't you use why wouldn't you use that every time you even if you thought about having a glass of champagne at a toast for somebody's engagement like anything there's no it's a no-brainer man i mean now the guy's out of a job you know he's out of a job and and again luckily didn't hurt anybody didn't hurt anybody in the process but holy smokes man all right uh story number two and i will have to delicately dive into this one was that just to be clear here i saw this story but i did not present it then he came into the table this morning was you guys see this sorry no Ben i did not hear the story of this please tell us and fill us in okay well uh a celebrity basketball tournament that was uh being held at a public high school in new jersey next month has been canceled so celebrity tournament yeah well i mean there was a uh yeah some sort of local celebrity politician was setting up this the basketball tournament maybe a fundraiser good event at west side high school in in Newark but the theme of the basketball tournament is what i guess outraged the community and then once they and they dropped their once they dropped their teaser video and they found out that this was going to be happening at a high school a public high school gym they decided that this would be inappropriate it's called it was called the uh nothing but as celebrity baddies basketball contest and the teaser video just had a bunch of bunch of girls twerking kind of in very skimpy g-string type thongs showing off their as as give me the name of the attorney again it's not an n-u-t-t-i-n-nothing but but as a-z-z celebrity baddies basketball contest next year according to Newark public school school spokesperson Nancy Dearing the event quote was supposed to be a community basketball event sponsored by a local politician and once the promo hit social media everything changed no school or district official approved the activity depicted in the video try to throw a fast or new that an event at one of our schools would include such activity tom in the chest is wasn't been promoting something like this before yeah opening day yeah it was opening day it was like a twerk twerk it was it was like in uh south Carolina somewhere maybe it was great it was great it was like a twerk off but uh yeah it was the twerk contest but oh i didn't put i do it in a public school no it was at a it was at a gentleman yeah exactly which is why that's what shows the house yeah nothing but as nothing but as hey want to thank everybody for coming out to the uh fourth annual ish benin woods nothing but as golf tournament brought to you by chrome soft uh chrome tour just the greatest balls of all time today our event is going to be nothing but as out here at the golf course here at go hill uh just amazing just an amazing incredible story not clear yet if the tournament which charged anywhere from fifty dollars to five hundred dollars for admission and promise ten thousand dollars to the winning team will be scheduled for a different venue i guess they figured they could charge so much for amateur basketball because of the uh the atmosphere well the the the views and and what right nothing but as that is incredible celebrities to find you know let's be honest probably like some new work like radio hosts since like we if we were in new work we might have been invited to nothing but as yeah you guys in yeah poli loves basketball i'll get out there mess around bed maybe you coach that loves as that loves as get out there you support high schools and stuff all right yeah we'll be there like oh did you guys see the promo we're dead hey can you guys please back out of that nothing but as by the way Adam's out of town for like a week just speaking of nothing but as we can do whatever we want he is out of town he can't there's nothing he can do to us so he said our next year's golf tournament will be the nothing but as tournament was also presented by callaway or callaway guys now what they can associate with that damn it come on all right taylor made it is oh no i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding we are out all right there it is yeah son of a all right well we'll back to the drawing board for sponsors left for us and them that may be my favorite don't do this story of the year by far it's not particularly close mine was so sad and depressing and then Ben comes to the table with that what kind of websites you're looking at do you watch the promo no i did not okay we probably work i thought that would probably be bad i probably probably right uh let's do a little doo doo this cd mega doo do man there's really honestly very few people in major league baseball that delight me as much as pete fairbanks uh blue say last night ended up getting a win when the when the team came back in one much like jeremy astrata same situation last night pete fairbanks was not very happy about it and they they asked him about it after the game he kills me i'll take a win do we get to ask what you destroyed uh all this is shaking his head it's nothing bad office look let's just say that i owe the minnesota twins visiting cage a new iKEA school i knew iKEA school there needs to be a new school not bar stool high like one of the many ones that like kids use yeah it's it's not a non-existent anymore thing you know sometimes you got to get it all out to go out there and put up another zero okay but after that you went back out there which we don't normally see you do what was that conversation like and why did did you go back out there i guess well i was busy uh letting every bit of negative emotion out of my body in the cage and tonight said hey you have to throw the next one and i said uh and i quote so turn your senses on i uh oh blanked it so i'll throw it okay and that was that and i saw film warming up and i was a little confused because he told me i was still in the game and i asked nides am i still in this game i said yes he ran down the hitters and was a series made an incredible throw i would say almost a kevin q myr esque throw if you guys want to pull up a playoff because if you guys want to pull up game four from the 2021 alds you're really similar so getting your fresh he is a fantastic dude a fantastic dude i am entertained by peep fairby he blew it walked in took i think he took a bat to the iKEA stool in the cage turned it to kindling and it turned it into kindling this is non-existent so i do owe them that is an interesting you wonder what happens like if like did last night yellowch go into the potteries visiting clubhouse what if you went in and went ham in there somebody's got to clean up his mess number one does he get a bill well these are the things i want yes they do they usually do i mean the the most famous property destroyer of all time of course pitched for the san diego potteries in 1998 kevin brown if anything went poorly immediately he absolutely destroyed once the bathroom off quarkam stadiums home dugout once when he had a bad outing was pulled from the game by boach and went in and just completely destroyed it and they did i believe charge him whatever you know several thousand dollars to replace the fixtures and get back in there always uh feels in the moment like this oh this is a good idea i'm getting it all out never is that when you kind of look back at yourself losing your cool and uh it's never a good moment but peep fairbanks he gets a pass from me i love that guy a.j if you're listening peep fairbanks go get him go get him uh last morning guys hey good morning happy birthday well so that's right got a uh got a tax from a friend that said hey do you know it's a j proless birthday today and i said well he never texted me back anyway and they said drop my note i said okay so i did texted him last night what did he say i said uh to him uh it was uh 856 so the last text i sent was saturday june 8 i said hey i hope my pops wasn't wearing you out too much last night he said nothing nothing yesterday 8.56 pm hey happy birthday by the way nothing until 11.43 pm thanks walk off win is always a good present there you go you know mike shilt through uh mentioned it at the end of his press conference and last night as well so we're a days birthday i don't know if that's public knowledge but telling everybody now yeah so happy birthday bud and that's don't and do do this for a friday that was don't do this with bennon woods uh 97 three the fan oh when we come back one night only it returns it's a special anniversary edition of benn reads wraps like a real one where i'm gonna replace them no five years ago we had a ice cube on our program i read uh i read one of ice cubes wraps back to him lord has mercy it was iconic so in in celebration of that that magical day benn reads wraps returns for uh for one day only coming up next on sandy it goes number one sports station 97 three the fan now i do think it's only fair that if i have to read wraps then i want a little basketball talk as well in exchange little quid pro quo tit for tat as it were oh jesus who's the am i the tat no i don't think so i'm the okay i'll be the i know i you know what i know what i think about it i want to know what you think about jj redick being the next head coach of the los angeles lakers we'll get to that in just a second first this hour on 97 three the fan is brought to you by tropical smoothie cafe join the free smoothie party at tropical smoothie cafe on june 21st for national smoothie day we're treating our traffic rewards members to a free smoothie with a bowl or food purchase order in the app online or pop by the cafe for a little sip and chill three cheers to our traffic fam terms and conditions apply all right benn reads wraps coming up and a little bit of basketball talk right after a check traffic here at 97 three the fan basketball woods literally one of the funniest things we've ever done busted down the root you're a final countdown no serious serious serious but everyone seems to have a hot take about jj redick the new coach of the los angeles lakers as reported yesterday four-year deal obviously they didn't get dan hurley so they go with the who's the other guy that we're gonna get uh james burego was being interviewed he would be more the traditional candidate okay it was a uh an assistant yeah at least former head coach and assistant he would he would have been your safe choice hurley was your kind of your dream get and jj redick's you're outside the box off the board never coached a day in his life candidate it's it's incredible he's also labron james uh pod cast partner labron will insist he had nothing to do with this he was not involved doesn't mean well people will be suspicious it's not even known that labron will be on the lakers next year it's not known well is it is it possible that this hire is designed to make sure that he is on the Lakers next year you can't bail on your podcast partner right look here's what it boils down to labron goes and plays for the hornets because they draft brawny he's gonna do that right that's true over his pitch ball says that's not it that's not a thing they're not a package deal but okay doesn't matter if redick is good is his head coach or not Ben if gm rob polinka doesn't upgrade the roster the soft season all right number one so i mean look there's a uh he's got they got to find another high level ball handler and shot creator on the trade market trade young is the name that's come up on the uh the trade market that would be a nice pickup for the Lakers they need more than just the the two stars that they have redick's got to do his part he's got to develop players like austin reeves and ruey hatching ruey hatching what are you reading over nothing nothing this is all from the dome talent is going to win out in the NBA the Lakers need more he didn't call me actually yesterday woods called me and was telling me all of these thoughts you know polinka didn't play it safe on this you know it is outside the box it breaks the mold in fact but uh they they needed actually it was time for uh the mold to be broken in alanic try something new and this is definitely something new you have to be patient with them i know this sounds weird on the Lakers reddit reality no i'm looking at redick right now the redick thread ready um i i both think that this is the right choice and it's probably not going to work correct but given the options that were out there i think you have to take a chance at this point there have been some interesting outside the box head coaching hires in sports recently look at deon sanders what he did you know i mean i guess the the book is still out a little bit but still out weird stuff continues to come out of there i'm i'm i'm i'm really i'm kind of going back on the other side i'm deon again there are there are many reasons why an an inexperienced head coach it could go very wrong for the Lakers it's just weird because every everybody's got to start somewhere yes everyone has to you know every usually not the top that's literally but that basically the number one basketball coaching job in the world is coaching Lakers i mean wouldn't you say i mean i mean yes i mean there's an argument to be made at least of all the basketball coaching jobs in the world that if you put them all on a mountain the one that's at the very top you would think his head coach at los angeles like yeah you would think i mean you think about you think about some of the teams in other sports that have done this recently like when the Yankees hired Aaron Boone it was like really he's not going to go to Kansas City and like figure it out for a couple of years the right the minors like anything college anything i think what we're learning is that it's more important to be you know intelligent good thinker maybe a little outside the box have a good relationship with players then it is to have a mastery of coaching now to be a good coach yeah you can hire assistants around you to do some of the exes and o's and the just the procedure like how do i set up a practice i've never i've never done a practice before how do i do that guys you know you've worked a lot of practices before set up my practice for me that's obviously not why jj retics here he's not building a jv team from the ground up to try to you know teach guys to play basketball he'll be establishing a culture he will be you know trying to you know work well with players and get them to come together well and we'll see if it works or not as i said it probably won't i'm trying to think of another comparable but most coaching hires don't remember that jace tingler yeah and basketball like uh eric spolster did not play the game yeah he's like a video guy yeah here's the video guy yeah and he's like the longest tenured coach in the nba multiple world cherry outside the box so is this more or less outside of the box because at least retic was a damn good player he's good player he's been he's really short i mean look i don't really follow i don't really like the mb but when i see a jj retic like when he gets into it with somebody i always leave there going oh yeah i know so he's talking about always be like that accounts for some hundred percent like and i think i think those guys will know he he absolutely knows the game and he played and it's going to give him a little cache aid but yeah man i mean you know again it's like anything you got to have the got to have the ponies to win the race if you watch the finals there is some exes and o's going on both those seltics and the mavericks i mean they were they were running some advanced level stuff in terms offensively and the ladies are having a decent kid did not coach keep it yeah yeah i mean yeah obviously he had a couple of nba stops before the mavericks but he went right from playing basically to being a head coach just the way things are done that kind of works like in radio sometimes where people just all of a sudden are big-time radio hosts and had not done it before at all hi nice to meet you pleasure what happened to paying your dues and answering phones for hacks on working your way up it doesn't happen anymore now clogging a lot as well done all right so we played yesterday on throwback thursday but um today is the five-year anniversary of one of the most iconic additions have been read wraps ever when ice cube was actually on the phone and you had me read one of his uh his class followed up the homies and i'm asking y'all which park y'all playing basketball get me on the court and i'm trouble last week it's around and got a triple double freaking in everywhere like mj ice cubes on the phone was a good day oh my god it's amazing that's great rhyming structure it's it really is good stuff cube all right just been quiet for a second i want to get the honest feedback from the author of that song ice cube lord have mercy you know i've never had my lyrics but you then um metal man now we got mannaise man so the legendary uh mannaise man all right you still have the music calling oh yes it's been so long i'd like to bring it back every now and then and i shout out to ice cube today i haven't heard this in a while on the anniversary it's been a few months it's been a long time years we're ready to be careful already it's the first time i've looked at this this is the first page okay tick tick boom hear me banging down these back streets bumping black street treated like an athlete life hand attract me it's a marathon at the cemetery that an end get buried on we'd be clubbing till the day we die and ask the bartender if you think we lie but if you think we high end think again because when it sink or swim you got to think to win and if i drink this here everybody will know because i ain't going for it so pray to the lord that i don't pull out cuss out and bust out go down rambling make the clip traveling huh you can try to smoke an ounce to this while i pronounce this this baby bounce them tees mama move them hips baby shake them cheeks i got d for days you got asked for weeks yeah yeah i can do it put your ass into it i can do it put your ass into it put your ass into it i do hard core rhyming hard time grinding oh with will i pimp hose while other ends swine and dime them got to love this pup s passing the mud s pockets on flood s o g lyrical blood s i don't rent i buy s ends jealous of my s there's a lot of s's in this song you unaware of this young and getting all the fly s while you rooting and recruiting and six to eight whooping six eight whooping i was in the hood shooting because i had the wife whooping i come from pod rays gold and oversized jars so excited i pass up strife and got star awards no time for playa haten mac paper chasing came out the substation to the hip hop nation the mo hits the mo bigga with illegal weight figure done developing the status of a platinum plus i think you can imagine what that rhymes with but the first and to show i can hit it i keep pushing don't quit it don't stop till i get it how he's good at that man he is really really good at that it's been a while it gets me every time every time such well so well done did not this there's a lot of traps there i never i don't think i've ever had to skip over a t-word before yeah a lot of f-words and s-words and n-words but that's the first time i had to dodge the t-word tyler says in the chat she'll just text and i think i'm the past hey my phone's dead sorry can't make it oh shilt reads wraps would be amazing spring training next year just made my heart stop it literally just stopped when you said that my heart leapt it leapt i mean if he's country then don't we have to make that happen at some point i can't yeah of course i can't do it man what am i doing how you doing good would you like to read the strap back to the hotel from m2d it might be a more of an off-season thing then then an in-season opportunity either said he's not playing with y'all like that there's no way i'm a chance you cross that thanks you look good cuz ain't playing no cuz i wasn't ready for the dancing i wasn't either like get a kick your head and do it put your there was one line in there that i need i think you the pottery pottery goal of that one it's baseball love that i had no idea but yeah ice cube had a baseball song leaves a dodger's fan but that's all right that's all right we hope it's perfect god that was great all right uh that is halfway home on a friday it literally just stole my line for the next segment halfway home on a friday yes sorry would you like to say it as welcome not yet i was gonna wait till eight when i'd always say well when usually we we reset it we still friday still will come back i know s s but his family bark you joining us to talk some baseball when we come back with better woods on san diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fam we're halfway home on a friday we already said that again good morning everybody been woods 97-3 the fan about to be joined by our pal jake mince from sespa this family barbecue presented by grand old barbeque that is a trip i do a lot of hat changes today a lot of hat changes yeah i will be making that trip soon out to uh to flint springs to the the grandal i love that spot man it is a cool fun place and the kids will love it mean a little bit of a hike from where we live but worth worth every single minute of the drive i'm woodsy that's paul rindall the executive producer ben higgins is your friendly neighborhood sports anchor and rapper extraordinaire uh certainly once again joining us from a far flung locales he looks like he's in a roadside parking lot somewhere is uh jake mince from sespa this family barbeque aka carman slam diego love it jake good morning to you where are you right now i give myself a 10 out of 10 for the nickname i am in a parking lot of a paintball facility somewhere outside of portage indiana uh but i'm here to talk ball boys ah you've had a busy week so you went to uh Omaha to the college world series and now uh you're getting ready for the mlb draft combine already went already went on okay i went oma to the mlb draft combine to this very specific people facility okay well what uh what did you glean from your travels this week oh boy i need a nap uh let's start in oma it's the best dude the cotton the men's college world series is is like my favorite baseball one of my favorite baseball washing environments it's not as good as the Dominican winter league but it is better than anything mlb has to offer beyond the playoffs i went like 16 years ago i think it's the most underrated one of the most underrated events in sports yeah it's amazing the first weekend is particularly sensational because it's all eight fan bases so for people who don't know about the men's college world series it's eight schools playing two double elimination tournaments the winners meet in the final and that's where we're at right now finals this weekend tennessee against texas a&m but that first weekend when you have eight fan bases they're all at the same place under an a hundred degree nebraska sun getting pretty sloshed out in public it's a very unique singular atmosphere to watch a baseball game yeah it sounds that we know again the the combine is a little bit different and you know the thing is the NFL combine is such a huge deal because well these guys are going to be playing and starting and contributing uh the very next season more than likely uh jake baseball combines a little bit different what were your uh impressions of that ah yeah it's that's the answer it's the it's the opposite of the men's college world series from like and it's what makes that so interesting is there were dudes who got eliminated in omaha who flew straight to the combine like Harrison did a wick of the university of virginia who's going to be like a probably a third or fourth round pick like i just saw him at the combine i was dude you were playing with all your best friends in the most emotional game of your life two days ago it's quite a vibe switch now the thing about the MLB combine right it's never going to be what the NFL combine is in part because MLB is not what the NFL is right we that that's just a reality of the sport and that's not the problem the thing about the MLB combine that's kind of tough is that a lot of the best players don't go and all of the best players don't do activities right i think we saw this this year with like Caleb Williams who was the first pick in the draft yeah who didn't throw at the combine now that's in his best interest and the same thing is true with a guy like you know Travis Bazzana who's in the mix for the top pick this year he didn't even go to the combine a guy like JJ weatherholt second baseman from west Virginia also in the mix for one he went and just did interviews with teams and didn't do any activities i'm not sure there was a guy who's going to be a first round pick who did any on field stuff and so for that reason it's a tough event to get fans to care about that being said it is important for the teams right the teams love it because they all have a suite in the stadium and the kids basically like have a schedule and just meet with the teams one-on-one over the course of the day jake mens from sespa to family barbecue is with us speaking of mlb events they put one on last night i don't know if you got to catch much of it during your travels but you thoughts on the rick rickwood field game in alabama and the show that mlb put on i thought it was great man i think what is cool cool's the wrong word what is notable about this event is that the unfortunate horrifying history of racism in the south is like inextricable from putting a game there so like when you put an eagerly game in bermingham it comes with a level of commemoration education that's built in whereas the field of dreams gave an iowa is just like a schlocky nostalgia bomb right there's no heft to that it's literally based on something that isn't real this you know like the field of dreams is fiction okay this is the opposite this is living history and to see a baseball game there i'm sure was undeniably emotional for many many people especially in the context of willy mazes passing this this week and i think the most pertinent moment the one that'll really stick with me was freddie jackson on the broadcast unreal being very upfront and blunt about his experience playing in bermingham as a minor leaguer and again you know as a white dude this is not an opportunity for celebration right it's not it is that and it is also not that i need to go back and watch the broadcast in full because i was on a plane during it but everything i saw from it it seems like they struck that balance very well it was really really well done last night and it was cool for me i have a six-year-old who was just on fire for baseball and he asked me uh the significance of the game what is this where are they you know why is it so small and i got to to fill him in on on the great willy mazes and uh he did watch the catch jake and he said in the six he goes quote quote oh that's easy and i said all right well okay here well i mean he's got you know you want that confidence you know you coach little leaguers you want them to have that confidence but you also want to say why don't you catch one uh right to you in the infield first and then you can worry about a dead sprint world series over the shoulder you know 40 mile an hour catch of the no look you raise a really interesting point like i think the nigra leagues is a fascinating combination of myth and reality right where because it wasn't documented at the time to the same extent as you know mlb american league national league because of the inequities based into the reporting process right there's a myth making that is more associated with the nigra leagues and i bob kendrick the director of the nigga leagues museum does a really good job at the best stories alive but what's good about this game and really good about nigra league players being in like mlb the show is that a younger generation of fans it feels real to them it feels tangible it exists it is not just some far-flung story about satchel page telling all of his fielders to get off the diamond which is also cool right and also awesome but i think that having the balance between those two things is really uh crucial in keeping that the true essence of the nigra leagues alive for decades and decades you know and there has been i would say and it's wild i don't want to give it all to um mlb the show and and things like that but there is a renewed interest and i'm around a lot of little leaguers around the the the young game they are way more into it than i think the last generation of young kids are and i i do give mlb the show a lot of credit i was talking to one of the dads he goes i always swore i'd never get my kid an xbox he goes i got him one so he could play the show and learn about all of this stuff and and like pitch sequencing we talked to big leaguers jeremiah astrada last week said no i i like i look at hot and cold zones on mlb the show it's crazy there's a renewed interest in the history and i think we have lost that for just a minute and it's back now and it feels great look kids are going to play video games you might as well learn something along the way i think the renewed interest in the nigra leagues you just got to give a hat tip to people like bob kendrick yes who have kept that flame alive for years for years while people weren't giving a crap as much as they are now and i think that those are the people who last night i'm sure was incredibly emotional for them and i just want to make sure those folks get their flowers all right so i noticed something interesting in the baseball standings this morning every division leader has at least a six to nine game lead over the second place team in that division except for the one race in the al east the yankees and the aurels just had a big series that was a last last couple of days aurels taken two or three from the Yankees including a what 19 hits uh it when in the series for them obviously jake i mean that looks like a really fun summer between those two teams the second place team will probably just end up getting the first wild card i don't know if that takes a little bit away from it but give me your thoughts on what's going on right now at the top of the al east oh it's so compelling and this series was they opened a can of hatred yeah they just stayed between these two fan bases ball to more opening up a can of old bay and just dumping it full spice all over the aikis in the finale you know tension is good it raises the stakes you guys have seen this when you you know play the dodgers yep recent like it's a good thing it makes it a more compelling product and that is my main takeaway from these two teams facing off they're in very interesting spots they're both very good and very flawed and a great reminder that nobody is good this year it feels like every major league baseball team is maybe the fillies fillies are maybe the fillies yeah um but like you know the Yankees and the Orioles are the easily the two best teams in this division i actually think it's a little unfortunate with the balance schedule that they're going to play less frequently than they would have like three years ago they've already played twice they're only going to play two more times i just want them to play all the time every day i don't need to see the yeah i want to watch the Yankees play the A's like this give me give me O's Yanks all the time um Garacol being back for the aikis is a really interesting dynamic because he didn't like he's not throwing them any pitches but also he's vital to their success moving forward how they kind of reintegrate him into the rotation will be really interesting to watch and the you know the Orioles the young guns man they they stay doing the right thing i thought Gunnar Henderson wearing that in the back the other night swiping second base ended up scoring the go ahead run we we are a fan base jake that you know our our superstars get dotted a lot and at least brush back there's not a lot of retaliation uh going on at least um you know under the current regime or really any of the last few regimes here i know i've craved it a little bit just to let guys know we got your back but that's when it can go wrong the Yankees did it the next night after judge got hit and they ended up losing that game and they ended up losing the next one and it does it can bite you in the ass it can also galvanize you but losing two or three to a division rival sucks no matter how you do it but it it was a great example of like the reality of why this is a bad idea yeah the Orioles end up winning this game by one run right the Yankee probably plunk Henderson in the back he gets the first base and scores on a double yep and they like that was win by what yep like if they hadn't plugged that guy they probably they might win the base they might win the base fall game yeah don't give people free bases it's it's be careful what you wish for that's right that's right that's right your thoughts that Carmen slammed Diego on the the Padres pulling off a little history so that was their third consecutive walk-off home run at home last night uh now split by a road trip but uh quite quite history making and what Jackson Merrill's been doing lately is stunning all of us we were we were told not to expect any power for at least two or three years it'll come and now all of a sudden six home runs in the last eight days and they're making some no one's done this other than Willie Mays it's crazy it's pretty crazy it's amazing right it is kind of the best case scenario and it's why it was important to be patient for the first two months of the season right he's like the first two months of the season he was good he was good he was but he was good but he wasn't like sensational right like he was solid he was excellent for given the context but this is why they were comfortable promoting him right so fast and comfortable putting him on the big league roster like he's showing that and what a piece again Preller usually doesn't trade the guys that he thinks are really good you know he has been burned relatively few times which is unbelievable considering how many human beings he has traded away over the last handful of years and Merrill whose name was brought up in trades all the time that's the guy Preller hung on to and they are that is paying big dividends right now well Jake I really appreciate it and are you going into the paintball facility what's what's happening here no I'm just loitering this is going in there oh nice yeah I got a bachelor party this weekend all my boys are in there you know firing up paintballs I haven't done paintball in years I'm expecting to get worked over I might just I'm really tired I think I'm just going to take a nap in the bushes do that they won't they won't miss you it's a bachelor party take water it off it's fine man get some rest we'll talk to you very soon appreciate all your hard work man there he goes I love you guys love you guys from sespa this family barbecue our weekly conversations brought to you by grand old barbecue which is actual barbecue Flynn Springs North Park and at the ballpark during the homestand check them out I could definitely go for some brisket I hope those guys are working on their own like barbecue if you're going to call your brand that's for this family some rubs some rubs some sauces yeah yeah to rub your meat with yeah they can I mean you got to you got to do it you have to you got to work your brand you never know what's going to end you know you never know when the gravy train is going to end so you got to keep it going good dudes yeah I mean you're always looking to market and uh and to monetize that's right it's really the the key I mean you can get your your brand out there but if you're not monetizing with the you know goods and services what are we doing here yeah those guys are and I always when I talk to both of them again I always leave feeling that I don't know anything they know so much about every facet of baseball that it's like you're you're an amateur you know these guys are our pros are so into it yeah just doing random radio hits to stations across the country and talking about the MLB com the combine yeah that you were there that you were at and then you know from Omaha knowing the no in the actual players names like with no rooting interest right like like if I went to A&M I'd know who was playing there but holy cow I mean I couldn't name one guy can we get a little deeper into the pot raise bullpen woes is a strong word but frustrations yeah maybe inconsistencies yes yes and and what they could possibly do about it here we'll do that mike shilt coming up at nine o'clock I want to ask him that question too about what can you do at this point and oh by the way uh jake mentioned the the Reggie Jackson audio we will have that for you in the rental report coming up at the bottom of the hour as well so stay tuned for all of it coming up it's more Ben and Wood's stick around after traffic here on 97 three the fam help is on the way Benjamin help is on the way hopefully it's help to warm up the idea that it is help but uh yeah Kevin AC wrote in this morning's UT newsletter that Tom Cosgrove is expected to be activated from triple A and rejoin the pot raise obviously he was it Cosgrove was expected to be one of the guys they were counting on you know seven eighth inning yes left hander gonna get a ton of lefties out and he struggled so badly mindfully in the season my to leave that they had to send him send him down and uh and he then he struggled in triple A for a while but he has actually been pitching um quite a bit better lately uh Tom Cosgrove is allowed just one hit over nine scoreless innings past nine outings in triple A so hopefully he is uh found whatever was missing and will be activated today uh they have not announced the move yet so I'm assuming the corresponding move will be at a measure sent down to triple A since they they don't likely need him to start another game that's just kind of an extra roster spot you've got until you need to activate you Darvish from the injured list uh probably like next Tuesday because you said he's healthy his next start will come in the big leagues uh whether it's Tuesday or not they haven't announced but that should give the Padres at least a a fresher extra arm for a bullpen that that has been taxed not not just because they haven't been getting great starting pitching which has been part of it which they haven't you know they I think what is it now four or five in the last six or seven games you got starters that have gone not even gone five innings um then it happened again last night no you know major went four and two thirds but Dylan Cease has had a short outing any Vasquez has had a short outing major had a short outing last time they that's part of it the other part of it is the Padres have simply played so many games they're in another long stretch here there's no off day again until next Thursday and they've played more games we've said it than any other team in baseball not just the two in Korea that started them out but they've had less off days they've had more games than any other team in baseball and while that will be made up at some point they'll all get to 162 eventually this is the time where you're going to be weary your bullpen is going to be overused for multiple reasons at the moment well and it it speaks to the fact that we absolutely 100 percent have to have a great outing from Dylan Cease tonight it has to happen I mean to reset the bullpen who is massively taxed right now I've got that that spreadsheet that somebody made it's awesome Padres bullpen usage I mean the whole thing Benny it's already for the most part I mean basically right now you have Johnny burrito who's you know kind of a they pitch him in weird spots you know he's kind of a long man I guess but I mean look at this 58 pitches for Astrada the last couple days wondy at 47 yuki at 38 morihone at 26 Suarez at 22 and y'all only through three last night so you got fresh like fresh is a daisy you got Johnny burrito Stephen Collec and then y'all dalo Santos essentially and now you add Tom Cosgrove to the mix it's not a good recipe for any other source can come back you know I would say for one and and don't ask for a four out save or something exactly he wanted the day off yesterday they gave it to him hopefully we got the win he'll be ready to come back if they've got a lead and and and Dylan Cease you're right he is he struggled Craig I think brought up in the round table yesterday over his last seven starts or so it's got like six plus e r a that's not the Dylan Cease that we saw early in the season no something's off and you know I trust room and be able to figure it out we know there's a good picture a great picture in there the veal is not like the veal is not down a ton from what I've seen I mean it's yeah I think like it is for all these guys it always falls on commands and that's that again about that Craig mentioned his last summer he said seven starts or something his year is over six wow he still has a sub four year yeah I don't know what he was really good really that dominance that the year now that's how good he was but I thought it was interesting what what A.C. wrote in the in the newsletter specifically about Yuki Matsui who uh he's got a four year a that's not it's not it's not the worst but it's not good I mean it's not don't don't alibi it well he's not he certainly is it he writes very specific who does it A.C. A.C. he says Matsui is becoming an albatross around Mike Schiltz neck even though the manager won't acknowledge it the left hander has had some nice outings this season thanks to Peralta's work last night Matsui hasn't allowed a run in his past seven appearances that's shocking that's shocking but he is a game of this tells me every time he takes the mound I'm nervous as well that's it and he says but he is a game of Russian roulette every time out his 20.5 percent walk rate in his past winning games is his highest in the majors among pitchers who have thrown more than 10 innings since May 1st the walks drive Mike Schiltz crazy it's the one thing that any level any level it it tests his positivity and patience when his pitchers walk guys he'd love I think he'd rather lose a game and not walk anybody than win it with like seven or eight walks any I think I think you asked any pitcher or I think you asked any manager at any level if some team beats you and they string together like like Suarez got beat the other day that's going to happen it's four straight hits couple guys got there yeah four straight hits but you get knocks on guy gets a knock it's over you know fine man I have no problem with that it's going to happen in this dumb game that we love but giving guys free bags is just it's excruciating and again you know wandi peralta he owes he owes wandi a steak dinner last night because that could have gotten you know really really squirrely for him um those inherited runners that wandi took over but yeah but wandi has some of the same 10 he does he does he does as does annual annuals you know walks aren't the problem home runs of the problem with annual day los Santos it just feels like and now astrada is ever since he got sick I don't know if that has anything to do with it but he's not the same pitcher that he was a few weeks ago you know the most interesting case for me is adriene adriene mora home so he's one and one 240 this is er a 22 appearances that have totaled 30 innings he struck out 33 and walked eight so Benny his er a in this is 1.04 his er a is 150 in six innings thrown in the eighth and he's yet to allow a run in two and a third innings in the ninth his er a in inning seven through nine is 1.06 and in innings four through six is almost four three point seven seven so that's the thing is like is he now has he pitched himself into a setup role because that's really the piece that we're missing and I don't want to say missing because astrada has been very very good he struggled as of late he was ill he's getting over the flu which you know can't be great you gritted it out last night didn't surrender the lead but you know he didn't didn't blow the game he blew the say but he didn't blow the game kept us there at six six we ended up hitting the walk off but you do wonder is mora home just kind of the guy they're like when do we do it when do we pull the trigger and just slide him you know instead of using him in the fifth and the sixth whereas er a is actually worse high leverage for Adrian Morehone I'm still nervous about it I've won we've all I'm less I'm pretty confident in Adrian Morehone now he's he was pretty nasty last night he's been pretty nasty in in most of his outing so I wonder if the time is now and what that could do uh to reset this just make Adrian Morehone your setup setup guy two roberts for as well I mean it look it doesn't you don't play the game on paper as you know but imagine more you astrada seventh mora home eight all right yeah mora home eight and swears in the ninth that's a six inning baseball game but you can't do it every night he left you right he left you right he left you right he mike shilt's big on what it was called the your lanes yeah your lane when he looks he'll look at the opposing lineup and that will dictate the usage yeah like he'll see a reliever okay this reliever should be effective against their five six seven so they're gonna come up in the sixth you may use them there instead of using him in the seventh or the eighth so he's big on you finding the lanes of the opposing team and then matching them up with the reliever that makes the most sense to use in those certain circumstances yeah a hundred percent man he is uh mora home has has been really really good pitching pitching in those innings and and again kind of earning earning his stripes for more high leverage and you know that could certainly help don't know where Cosgrove if that is in fact the corresponding move if it's major going down in Cosgrove coming up as the UT has reported don't know where he fits in i will promise you you'll see him tonight more than likely unless Dylan cease goes goes out and throws eight scoreless and you throw bobs for us for that other than that you probably gonna see the the freshest arm you've got at the big league level no i mean ideally yeah cease goes eight you're up uh you know seven to one right even colic can pitch tonight and everyone gets uh a nice little breather but let's be honest this is the sandy agopod race that's not how it goes and we're going against an old friend of ours in colic who's been pretty good this year pretty good this year all right we're going to take a time out when we come back Paul has got the rinder report we're going to play the powerful audio from regi jackson last night at the uh the rick the rick feetler the rick you got it rick rick would field right rick rolled field rick real yeah the rick rolled field you're he's out of gas it's a get yeah we're getting to the this is it they know their stages of they know they know what it is of sunday here for sis Friday you know brain brain it's starting to melt at this point it's been a long week you have to admit with the golf tournament it's been a long week more venom what's next on 97 three the fan don't i'll buy it though got our manager's report coming up at nine o'clock always look forward to our conversations with the skipper mike shilt that's your bet never know what you're gonna get never know there's a bit of relief you can say it was a bit of an up and down week kind of like a certain amusement park ride right that goes up that that goes up it goes down it goes up it was no but this one had a really long drop yeah and then it's kind of back going up again yeah but we don't like to call it that in front of the skipper doesn't necessarily take kindly to that characterization but kind of that sort of week uh for the team got our eyes more of a carousel guy like those go up and down but it's a little bit more calm and you sit on the thing it's not as extreme highs and lows you don't have to be a certain height to ride this ride you can be any height and and enjoy the padre season bro even my kids and downs even my kids hate the carousel they hate the carousel they like the roller coaster i mean it is what i've never liked a carousel i never like what am i like this is worthless this is stupid it's more like the swings ever swings like the high swings that would be around have you ever been on one of those old-fashioned carousels where there's the brass ring and you try to grab it as you're going by i thought that was a faint of very ride no there's like yeah there's like we all belong outside we're drawn to nature whether it's the recorded sounds of the ocean we doze off to or the succulents that adorn our homes nature makes all of our lives well better despite all this we often go about our busy lives removed from it but the outdoors is closer than we realize with all trails you can discover trails nearby and explore confidently with offline maps and on-trail navigation download the free app today and make the most of your summer with all trails america's favorite place to watch football is stadium swim located at circa resort and casino in las vegas catch all the biggest games and a viewing experience built for sports fans chill in one of their six pools on three different levels for a perfect view of their 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it were oh jesus who's the am i the tat no i don't think so i'm the okay i'll be the i'm i know i you know what i know what i think about it i want to know what you think about jj retic being the next head coach of the los angeles leakers we'll get to that in just a second first this hour in nineteen seven three the fam is brought to you by tropical smoothie cafe join the free smoothie party at tropical smoothie cafe on june 21st for national smoothie day we're treating our tropic rewards members to a free smoothie with a bowl or food purchase order in the app online or pop by the cafe for a little sip and chill three cheers to our tropic fam terms and conditions apply all right ben raid's wraps coming up and a little bit of basketball talk right after a check traffic here at ninety seven three the fam master ball woods literally one funniest things we've ever done busted down for your your final countdown no serious serious right serious yeah well he never once seems to have a hot take about jj retic the new coach of the los angeles leakers as reported yesterday four-year deal obviously they didn't get dan hurley so they go with the who's the other guy they were going to get uh james barrego was being interviewed he would be more of the traditional candidate okay it was a uh an assistant yeah at least former head coach and assistant he would he would have been your safe choice early was your kind of your dream get and jj retics you're outside the box off the board never coached a day in his life candidate it's it's incredible he's also labron james uh pod cast partner labron will insist he had nothing to do with this he was not involved doesn't mean people will be suspicious it's not even known that labron will be on the leakers next year it's not known well is it is it possible that this hire is designed to make sure that he is on the leakers next year you can't bail on your podcast partner right look here's what it boils here's what it boils down to the broad goes and plays for the hornets because they draft brawny he's going to do that right that's true over his posh ball says that's not a that's not a thing they're not a package deal but okay doesn't matter if retic is good is his head coach or not been if gm rob polinka doesn't upgrade the roster the soft season all right number one so i mean look there's a uh he's got they got to find another high level ball handler and shot creator on the trade market tray young is the name that's come up on the uh the trade market that would be a nice pickup for the leakers any more than just the two stars that they have retics got to do is part he's got to develop players like austin reves and rui hatch what are you reading what are you reading over nothing nothing this is all from the dome talent is going to win out in the NBA the leakers need more he didn't call me actually yesterday what's called me and was telling me all of these thoughts you know polinka didn't play it safe on this you know it is outside the box it breaks the mold in fact but uh they they needed actually it was time for uh uh the mold to be broken in LA try something new and this is definitely something new you have to be patient with them i know this sounds weird on the leakers reddit re-add no i'm looking at reddit right now the redic thread reddit um i i both think that this is the right choice and it's probably not going to work correct but given the options that were out there i think you have to take a chance at this point there have been some interesting outside the box head coaching hires in sports recently look at deon sanders what he did you know i mean i guess the the book is still out a little bit but still out weird stuff continues to come out of there i'm i'm i'm really i'm kind of going back on the other side i'm deon again there are there are many reasons why an an inexperienced head coach it could go very wrong for the leakers it's just weird because every everybody's got to start somewhere yes everyone has to you know it's usually not the top that's what i'm gonna say but the basically the number one basketball coaching job in the world is coaching leakers i mean wouldn't you say i mean i mean yes i mean there's an argument to be made at least of all the basketball coaching jobs in the world that if you put them all on a mountain the one that's at the very top you would think is head coach in los angeles leakers yeah you would think i mean you think about you think about some of the teams in other sports that have done this recently like when the Yankees hired erin boone it was like really you're not going to go to Kansas city and like figure it out for a couple of years the right the miners like anything college anything i think what we're learning is that it's more important to be you know intelligent good thinker maybe a little outside the box have a good relationship with players then it is to have a mastery of coaching now to be a good coach yeah you can hire assistants around you to do some of the x's and o's and that just live the procedure like how do i set up a practice i've never done a practice before how do i do that guys you know you don't work a lot of practices before set up my practice for me that's obviously not why jj retics here he's not building a jv team from the ground up to try to you know teach guys to play basketball he'll be establishing a culture he will be you know trying to you know work well with players and get them to to come together well and we'll see if it works or not as i said it probably won't i'm trying to think of another comparable but most coaching hires don't remember that jace tingler yeah and basketball like eric spoolster did not play the game yeah he's like a video guy yeah and he's like the longest tenured coach in the NBA multiple world cherry outside the box so is this more or less outside of the box because at least retic was a damn good player he's good player he's been he's really short i mean look i don't really follow i don't really like the mb but when i see a jj retic like when he gets into it with somebody i always leave there going oh yeah i know so he's talking about like he always be like that accounts for some hundred percent like and i think i think those guys will know he he absolutely knows the game and he played and it's gonna give him a little cache but yeah man i mean you know again it's like anything you got to have the got to have the the ponies to win the race if you watch the finals there is some exes and o's going on both those seltics and the mavericks i mean they were they were running some advanced level stuff in terms offensively and the lake was like Jason kid did not coach keep it yeah yeah i mean yeah obviously he had a couple of nba stops before the mavericks but he went right from playing basically to being head coach just the way things are done that's kind of works like in radio sometimes where people just all of a sudden are big-time radio hosts and had not done it before at all hi nice to meet you pleasure what happened to paying your dues and answering phones for hacks on working your way up doesn't happen anymore now plus not well done all right so we played it yesterday on throwback thursday but um today is the five-year anniversary of one of the most iconic additions have been read wraps ever when ice cube was actually on the phone and you have me read one of his uh his classes followed up the homies and i'm asking y'all which park are y'all playing basketball get me on the court and i'm trouble last week it's around and got a triple double freaking in everywhere like mj ice cube is on the phone on the phone listen day oh my god it's amazing that's great rhyming structure it's it really is good stuff cube all right just been quiet for a second i want to get the honest feedback from the author of that song ice cube lord half mercy you know i've never had my lyrics butcher metal man now we got mayonnaise man just an legendary uh mayonnaise man all right you still have the music calling oh yes it's been so long i'd like to bring it back every now and then and a shout out to ice cube today i haven't heard this in a while on the anniversary it's been a few months it's been a long time years we ready to be careful already it's the first time i've looked at this this is the first page okay tick tick boom hear me banging down these back streets bumpin black street treated like an athlete life hand attract me it's marathon at the cemetery that an end get buried on we'd be clubbing till the day we die and ask the bartender if you think we lie but if you think we high end think again because when it's sink or swim you got to think to win and if i drink this here everybody will know because i ain't going for it so pray to the lord that i don't pull out cuss out and bust out go down rambling make the clip traveling huh you can try to smoke an ounce to this while i pronounce this this baby bounce them tees mama move them hips baby shake them cheeks i got the for days you got asked for weeks yeah yeah i can do it put your ass into it i can do it put your ass into it put your ass into it i do hard putting my ass he's working i do hardcore rhyming hard time grinding out with will i pimp hose while other ends swine and dime them gotta love this pop s passing the mud s pockets on flood s og lyrical blood s i don't rent i buy s ends jealous of my s there's a lot of s's in this song you unaware of this young and getting all the fly s while you rooting and recruiting and six to eight whooping six eight whooping i was in the hood shooting because i had the wife whooping i come from pod rays gold and oversized jars so excited i've passed up strife and got star awards no time for playahaton mac paper chasing came out the substation to the hip hop nation the mo hits the mo bigger with illegal weight figure done developing the status of a platinum plus i think you can imagine with that right but the first and to show i can hit it i keep pushing don't quit it don't stop till i get it how he's good at that man he is really really good at that it's been a while it gets me every time every time such well so well done did not deserve a lot of traps there i never i don't think i've ever had to skip over a t word before i had a lot of f words and s words and n words but that's the first time i had to dodge is the t word tyler says in the chat shilt just texted i think i'm gonna pass hey my phone's dead sorry can't make it oh shilt reads wraps would be amazing spring training next year just made my heart stop it literally just stopped when you said that my heart leapt it leapt i mean if he's country then don't we have to make that happen at some point yeah of course i can't do it man what am i doing how you doing good would you like to read this route back to the hotel from m2d it might be a more of an off-season thing than an in-season opportunity either said he's not playing with y'all like that there's no way i'm a chance you cross that thanks you look good cuz ain't playing no cuz i wasn't ready for the dancing i wasn't either like get your head you can do it put your there was one line in there that i need i think you the padre goal of that one it's baseball love that i had no idea but yeah ice cube had a baseball song leaves a dodger stand but that's all right it's all right we hope it's perfect god that was great all right uh that is halfway home on a friday she literally just stole my line for the next segment halfway home on a friday yes sorry would you like to say it as well not yet i was going to wait till eight when i'd always say well when usually we we reset it they still friday still will take minutes as per his family bar keep joining us to talk some baseball when we come back with better woods on san diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan we're halfway home on a friday we already said again good morning everybody but in woods 97 3 the fan about to be joined by our pal jake mince from sespenis family barbecue presented by grand old barbeque that is a trip i do a lot of hat changes today a lot of hat changes yeah i will be making that trip soon out to uh to flint springs to the the grandal i love that spot man it is a cool fun place and the kids love it mean a little bit of a hike from where we live but worth worth every single minute of the drive i'm woodsy that's paul rindall the executive producer ben higgins is your friendly neighborhood sports anchor and rapper extraordinaire certainly once again joining us from a far flung locales he looks like he's in a roadside parking lot somewhere is jake mince from sespenis family barbeque aka carman slam diego love it jake good morning to you where are you right now i get myself a 10 out of 10 for the nickname i am in a parking lot of a paintball facility somewhere outside of portage indiana uh but i'm here to talk ball boy ah you've had a busy week so you went to uh Omaha to the college world series and now uh you're getting ready for the mlb draft combine already went already ready okay i went omaa to the mlb draft combine to this very specific people facility okay well what uh what did you glean from your travels this week oh boy i need a nap uh let's start in omaa it's the best dude the cotton the meds college world series is is like my favorite baseball one of my favorite baseball washing environments it's not as good as the Dominican winter league but it is better than anything mlb has to offer beyond the playoffs i went like six and years ago i think it's the most underrated one of the most underrated events in sports yeah it's amazing the first weekend is particularly sensational because it's all eight fan bases so for people who don't know about the meds college world series it's eight schools playing two double elimination tournaments the winners meet in the final and that's where we're at right now finals this week in Tennessee against texas a and m but that first weekend when you have eight fan bases they're all the same place under and a hundred degree nebraskas son getting pretty sloshed out in public it's a very unique singular atmosphere to watch a baseball game yeah it sounds that way now again the the combine is a little bit different and you know the thing is the NFL combine is such a huge deal because well these guys are going to be playing and starting and contributing uh the very next season more than likely uh jake baseball combines a little bit different what were your uh impressions of that ah yeah it's that's the answer it's the it's the opposite of the men's college world series from right and it's what makes that so interesting is there were dudes who got eliminated in omaha who flew straight to the combine like harris and did a wick of the university of virginia who's going to be like a probably a third or fourth round pick like i just saw him at the combine i was dude you were playing with all your best friends in the most emotional game of your life two days ago it's quite a vibe switch now the thing about the mlb combine right it's never going to be what the nfl combine is in part because mlb is not what the nfl is right we that that's just a reality of the sport and that's not the problem the thing about the mlb combine that's kind of tough is that a lot of the best players don't go and all of the best players don't do activities right i think we saw this this year with like calib Williams who was the first pick in the draft yeah who didn't throw at the combine now that's in his best interest and the same thing is true with a guy like you know travis bazana who's in the mix for the top pick this year he didn't even go to the combine a guy like jj weatherholt second baseman from west virginia also in the mix for one he went and just did interviews with teams and didn't do any activities i'm not sure there was a guy who's going to be a first round pick who did any on field stuff and so for that reason it's a tough event to get fans to care about that being said it is important for the teams right the teams love it because they all have a suite in the stadium and the kids basically like have a schedule and just meet with the teams one-on-one over the course of the day jake mens from sespa to family barbecue is with us speaking of mlb events they put one on last night i don't know if you got to catch much of it during your travels but your thoughts on the rick rickwood field game in alabama and uh the show that mlb put on i thought it was great man i think what is cool cool's the wrong word what is notable about this event is that the unfortunate horrifying history of racism in the south is like inextricable from putting a game there so like when you put an eager league game in bermingham it comes with a level of commemoration education that's built in whereas the field of dreams gave an iowa is just like a schlocky nostalgia bomb right there's no heft to that it's literally based on something that isn't real this you know like the field of dreams is fiction okay this is the opposite this is living history and to see a baseball game there i'm sure was undeniably emotional for many many people especially in the context of willy mazes passing this this week and i think the most pertinent moment the one that'll really stick with me was stretchy jackson on the broadcast unreal being very upfront and blunt about his experience um playing in bermingham as a minor leaguer and again you know as a white dude this is not an opportunity for celebration right it's not it is that and it is also not that um i need to go back and watch the broadcast in full because i was on a plane during it but everything i saw from it it seems like they struck that balance very well it was really really well done uh last night and it was cool for me i have a six-year-old who is just on fire for baseball and he asked me uh the significance of the game what is this where are they you know why is it so small and i got to to fill him in on on the great willy mace and uh he did watch the catch jake and he said in the six he goes quote quote oh that's easy and i said all right well okay well i mean he's got you know you want that confidence you know you coach little leaguers you want them to have that confidence but you also want to say why don't you catch one uh right to you in the infield first and then you can worry about a dead sprint world series over the shoulder you know 40 mile an hour catch i think the no look but you raise a really interesting point like i think the negro leagues is a fascinating combination of myth and reality right where because it wasn't documented at the time to the same extent as you know mlb american league national league because of the inequities based into the reporting process right there's a myth making that is more associated with the negro leagues and i bob kendrick the director of the negro leagues museum does a really good job it's the best stories alive but what's good about this game and really good about negro league players being in like mlb the show is that a younger generation of fans it feels real to them it feels tangible it exists it is not just some far-flung story about sachael page telling all of his fielders to get off the diamond which is also cool right and also awesome but i think that having the balance between those two things is really uh crucial in in keeping that the true essence of the negro leagues alive for decades and decades you know and there has been i would say and it's wild i don't want to give it all to um mlb the show and and things like that but there is a renewed interest and i'm around a lot of little eagles around the the young game um they are way more into it than i think the last generation of young kids are and i i do give mlb the show a lot of credit i was talking to one of the dads he goes i always swore i'd never get my kid an axe box he goes i got him one so he could play the show and learn about all of this stuff and and like pitch sequencing we talked to big leaguers germa astrata last week said no i i like i look at hot and cold zones on mlb the show it's crazy um it there's a renewed interest in the history and i think we had lost that for a just a minute and it's back now and it it feels great look kids are going to play video games you might as well learn something along the way i think the renewed interest in the negro leagues you just got to give a hat tip to people like bob kendrick yes who have kept that flame alive for years for years while people weren't giving a crap as much as they are now and i think that those are the people who last night i'm sure was incredibly emotional for them and i just want to make sure those folks get their flowers all right so i noticed something interesting in the baseball standings this morning every division leader has at least a six to nine game lead over the second place team in that division except for the one race in the al east the yankies in the orials just had a big series that was a last last couple of days orials taking two or three from the yankies including a what nineteen hits uh... it when in the series for the valley or something obviously jake i mean that looks like a really fun summer between those two teams the second place team will probably just end up getting the first wild card i don't know if that takes a little bit away from it but give me your thoughts on what's going on right now at the top of the al east oh it's so compelling and this series was they opened a can of hatred yeah i did just staying between these two fan bases bald and war opening up a can of old bay and just dumping it full spice all over the aikis in the finale you know tension is good it raises the stakes you guys have seen this when you you know play the dodgers yep recent like it's a good thing it makes it a more compelling product and that is my main takeaway from these two teams facing off they're in very interesting spots they're both very good and very flawed and a great reminder that nobody is good this year it feels like every majorly baseball team is maybe the fillies fillies are pretty simple maybe the fillies yeah um but like you know the yankies and the orials are the easily the two best teams in this division i actually think it's a little unfortunate with the balance schedule that they're going to play less frequently than they would have like three years ago they've already played twice they're only going to play two more times i just want them to play all the time every day i don't need to see the yeah i don't want to watch the yankies play the a's like just give me give me o's yanks all the time um garacole being back for the aikis is a really interesting dynamic because he didn't like he's not throwing them any pitches but also he's vital to their success moving forward how they kind of reintegrate him into the rotation will be really interesting to watch and the you know the orials the young guns man they they stay doing the right thing i thought Gunnar Henderson wearing that in the back the other night swiping second base ended up scoring the go ahead run we we are a fan base jake that you know our our superstars get dotted a lot and at least brush back there's not a lot of retaliation uh going on at least um you know under the current regime or really any of the last few regimes here i know i've craved it a little bit just to let guys know we got your back but that's when it can go wrong the yankies did it the next night after judge got hit and they ended up losing that game and they ended up losing the next one and it does it can bite you in the ass it can also galvanize you but losing two or three to a division rival sucks no matter how you do it but it it was a great example of like the reality of why this is a bad idea yeah the orials end up winning this game by one run right the yankie probably plunk Henderson in the back he gets the first base and scores on a double and they like those win by what yep like if they hadn't plugged that guy they probably they might win the base they might win the base ball yeah don't give people free bases it's it's be careful what you wish for that's right that's right that's right that's right your thoughts that Carmen slammed Diego on the the Padres pulling off a little history so that was their third consecutive walk off home run at home last night uh now split by a road trip but uh quite quite history making and what Jackson Merrill's been doing lately is stunning all of us we were we were told not to expect any power for at least two or three years yes it'll come and now all of a sudden six home runs in the last eight days and they're making some no one's done this uh other than willy days it's crazy it's pretty crazy it's amazing right it is kind of the best case scenario and it's why it was important to be patient for the first two months of the season right he's like the first two months of the season he was good he was good he was but he was good but he wasn't like sensational right like he was solid he was excellent for given the context but this is why they were comfortable promoting him right so fast and comfortable putting him on the big league roster like he's showing that and what a piece again Preller usually doesn't trade the guys that he thinks are really good you know he has been burned relatively few times which is unbelievable considering how many human beings he has traded away over the last handful of years and Merrill whose name was brought up in trades all the time that's the guy Preller hung on to and they are that is paying big dividends right now well jake i really appreciate it and are you going into the paintball facility what's what's happening here no i'm just loitering no this is going in there oh nice yeah i got a bachelor party this weekend all my boys are in there you know firing up paintballs i haven't done paintball in years i'm expecting to get worked over i might just i'm really tired i think i'm just going to take a nap in the bushes do that they won't they won't miss you it's a bachelor party i think jake wandered off it's fine man get some rest we'll talk to you very soon appreciate all your hard work man there he goes i love you guys love you guys from sespa's family barbecue our weekly conversations brought to you by grand old barbecue which is actual barbecue Flynn Springs north park and at the ball park during the homestand check them out i could definitely go for some brisket i hope those guys are working on their own like barbeque if you're going to call your brand that's for this family some rubs some rubs some sauces yeah yeah to rub your meat with um yeah they can i mean you got to you got to do it you have to you got to work your brand you never know what's going to end you know you never know when the the gravy train is going to end so you got to keep it going um good dudes yeah i mean you're always looking to market and uh and monetize that's right it's really the the key i mean you can get your your brand out there but if you're not monetizing with the you know goods and services what are we doing here yeah those guys are and i always when i talk to both of them again i always leave feeling that i don't know anything they know so much about every facet of baseball that it's like you're you're an amateur you know these guys are our pros are so into it yeah it's great just doing random radio hits uh stations across the country and talking about the mlb com the calm mind yeah that you were there that you were at and then you know from omaha knowing the play knowing the actual players names like with no rooting interest right like like if i went to a and m i'd know who was playing there but holy cow i mean i couldn't name one guy can we get uh a little deeper into the pottery's bullpen woes is a strong word but frustrations yeah maybe inconsistencies yes and and what they could possibly do about it here we'll do that mike shilt coming up at nine o'clock i want to ask him that question too about what can you do at this point and oh by the way uh jake mentioned the the reggie jacks and audio we will have that for you in the ronald report coming up at the bottom of the hour as well so stay tuned for all of it coming up it's more benewoods uh stick around after traffic here on ninety seven three the fam help is on the way benjamin help is on the way hopefully it's help the warm idea that it is help but uh yeah uh kevin as he wrote in this morning's ut news letter that tom cuzgrove is expected to be activated from triple a uh and rejoin the pottery's obviously he was a cuzgrove was expected to be one of the guys they were counting on get a seven eighth inning yes left hander gonna get a ton of lefties out and he struggled so badly might be in the season might leave that they had to to send him send him down and uh and he then he struggled in triple a for a while but he has actually been pitching um quite a bit better lately uh tom cuzgrove is allowed just one hit over nine scoreless innings past nine outings in triple a so hopefully he is uh found whatever was missing and will be activated today uh they have not announced the move yet so i i'm assuming the corresponding move will be at a measure sent down to triple a since they they don't likely need him to start another game that's just kind of an extra roster spot you've got until you need to activate you darvish from the injured list uh probably like next tuesday because you said he's healthy his next start will come in the big leagues whether it's tuesday or not they haven't announced but uh that should give the pot raise at least a a fresher extra arm for a bullpen that that has been taxed not not just because they haven't been getting great starting pitching which has been part of it which they haven't you know they i think what is it now four or five in the last six or seven games you got starters that have gone not even gone five innings um and it happened again last night no you know major went four and two thirds but don't cease has had a short outing any baskets has had a short outing major had a short outing last time they that's part of it the other part of it is the pot raise have simply played so many games they're in another long stretch here there's no off day again until next thursday and they've played more games we've said it than any other team in baseball not just the two in korea that that started them out but they've had less off days they've had more games than any other team in baseball and while that will be made up at some point they'll all get to 162 eventually this is the time where you're going to be weary your bullpen is going to be overused for multiple reasons at the moment well and it it it speaks to the fact that we absolutely 100 percent have to have a great outing from dylan seast tonight it has to happen i mean to reset the bullpen who is massively taxed right now i've got that that spreadsheet that somebody made it's awesome pot raise bull pen usage i mean the whole thing benny it's already for the most part i mean basically right now you have johnnie britow who's you know kind of a they pitch him in weird spots you know he's kind of a long man i guess but i mean look at this 58 pitches for a strata the last couple days wandy at 47 yuki at 38 morihone at 26 swar as at 22 and y'all only threw three last night so you've got fresh like fresh as a daisy you got johnnie britow steven colek and then y'all dalo santos essentially and now you add uh tom kosgrove to the mix it's not a good recipe for another source can come back you know i would say for one inning don't ask for a four out save or something exactly he wanted the day off yesterday they gave it to him hopefully we got the win he'll be ready to come back if they've got a lead and and and dylan sees you're right he's he's struggled crag i think brought up in the roundtable yesterday over his last seven starts or so it's got like six plus e r a that's not the dylan sees that we saw early in the season no something's off and you know i trust room and be able to figure it out we know there's a good picture a great picture in there the veal is not like the veal is not down a ton uh from what i've seen i mean it's yeah i think like it is for all these guys it always falls on commands say that's that again about that craig mentioned his last how marisa said seven starts or something his area is over six wow because he's got a sub four year right i don't know he was really good i don't agree that dominance of the year that's how good he was probably but i thought it was interesting what what ac wrote in the in the newsletter specifically about yuki mat sui who uh he's got a four year right that's not it's not it's not the worst but it's not good i mean it's not don't don't alibi it well he's not he certainly is it if he writes very specific who doesn't ac ac he says mat sui is becoming an albatross around mike shilt's neck even though the manager won't acknowledge it the left hander has had some nice outings this season thanks to peralta's work last night mat sui hasn't allowed a run in his past seven appearances that's shocking that's shocking but he is a game of this tells me every time he takes them out i'm nervous as well that's not common he says but he is a game of russian roulette every time out his 20.5 walk rate in his past 20 games is his highest in the majors among pitchers who have thrown more than 10 innings since may first oh the walks drive mike shilt crazy it's the one thing that any level any level it tests his positivity and patience when his pitchers walk ice he'd love i think he'd rather lose a game and not walk anybody than win it with like seven or eight walks any i i think i think i think you ask any picture or i think you ask any manager at any level if some team beats you and they string together like like sora's got beat the other day that's going to happen it's four straight hits couple guys got there yeah four straight hits but you get knocks on guy gets a knock it's over you know fine man i have no problem with that it's going to happen in this dumb game that we love but giving guys free bags is just it's excruciating and again you know wandi peralta he owes he owes wandi a steak dinner last night because that could have gotten you know really really squirrely for him those inherited runners that wandi took over but yeah but wandi has some of the same 10 he does he does he does as does nyell nyell's you know walks aren't the problem home runs of the problem with nyell de los santos it just feels like and now astrada is ever since he got sick i don't know if that has anything to do with it but he's not the same picture that he was a few weeks ago you know the most interesting case for me is adriene adriene mora home so he's one in one two forty uh is his ira twenty two appearances that have totaled thirty innings he struck out thirty three and walked eight so many his ira in the is one point oh four his ira is one fifty uh in six innings thrown in the eighth and he's yet to allow a run in two and a third innings in the ninth his ira in ending seven through nine is one point zero six and in innings four through six is almost four three point seven seven so that's the thing is like is he now has he pitched himself into a setup role because that's really the piece that we're missing and i don't want to see missing because astrada has been very very good he struggled as of late he was ill he's getting over the flu which you know can't be great you gritted it out last night didn't surrender the lead um but yeah he didn't didn't blow the game he blew the say but he didn't blow the game kept us there at six six we ended up hitting the walkoff but you do wonder is mora home just kind of the guy they're like when do we do it when do we pull the trigger and just slide him you know instead of using him in the fifth and the sixth whereas ira is actually worse high leverage for a dream more home i'm still nervous about it i've what we've all i'm i'm less i'm pretty confident in a dream our home now he he was pretty nasty last night he's been pretty nasty in in most of his outing so i wonder if the time is now and what that could do uh to reset this just make a dream mora home your setup setup guy two roberts war as i mean it look it doesn't you don't play the game on paper as you know but imagine mora strata seventh mora home eight all right yeah mora home eight and so as of the night that's a six inning baseball game but you can't do it every night he left you right he left you right he mike shilt's big on what it was called that you give your lanes yeah you're laying it's a good lane looks he'll look at the opposing lineup and that will dictate the usage like he'll see a reliever okay this reliever should be effective against their five six seven so if they're gonna come up in the sixth you may use them there instead of using him in the seventh or the eighth so he's big on you finding the lanes of the opposing team and then matching them up with the reliever that makes the most sense to use in those certain circumstances yeah a hundred percent man he is uh mora home has has been really really good pitching pitching in those innings and and again kind of earning earning his stripes for more high leverage and you know that could certainly help don't know where cause growth if that is in fact the corresponding move if it's major going down in cause growth coming up as the ut has reported don't know where he fits in i will promise you you'll see him tonight more than likely that still in ceas goes goes out and throws eight scoreless and you throw bobs for us for that other than that you probably gonna see the the freshest arm you've got at the big league level no i mean ideally yeah ceas goes eight you're up uh you know seven to one even cola can pitch the night and everyone gets uh a nice little breather but let's be honest this is the sandy agopod race that's not how it goes and we're going against an old friend of ours in uh cola who's been pretty good this year pretty good this year all right we're gonna take a time out when we come back Paul has got the rinder report we're gonna play the powerful audio from reggie jackson last night at the uh the rick the rick feet were the rick you got it rick rick would field right rick rolled field rick real yeah the rick rolled field you're he's out of gas it's getting yeah we're getting to the this is it they know their stages of they know they know what it is of sunday here for Friday oh brain brain it's starting to melt at this point it's been a long week you have to admit with the golf tournament it's been a long week more venom what's next on 97 three the fan don't i'll buy it though we got our manager's report coming up at nine o'clock always look forward to our conversations with the skipper mike chilps never know what you're gonna get it's a bit it's a bit of uh relief you can say it was a bit of an up and down week kind of like a certain amusement park ride right that goes up that that that goes up and goes down and goes up it was no but this one had a really long drop yeah and then it's kind of back going up again yeah but we don't like to call it that in front of the skipper doesn't necessarily take kindly to that characterization but kind of that sort of week uh for the team got our eyes more of a carousel guy like those go up and down but it's a little bit more calm and you sit on the thing it's not as extreme highs and lows you don't have to be a certain height to ride this ride you can be any height and and enjoy the padre season bro even my kids and downs even my kids hate the carousel they hate the carousel they like the rollercoaster i mean it is what it is never like the carousel i never like the carousel i mean it's worthless this is stupid it's more like the swings forever swings like the high swings that would be around have you ever been on one of those old fashioned carousels where there's the brass ring and you try to grab it as you're going by i thought that like you made a very ride no there's like what yeah there's like there was like brass ring like a dispenser and you go around and you try to like reach up off your your horse and if you grabbed it that's where the prize you want to re-ride the brass ring comes from yeah grab the brass ring brass ring i grabbed the as ring okay this hour at 97-3 the fan is brought to you by tropical smoothie cafe they really want you to go here on national smoothie day join the free smoothie party at tropical smoothie cafe today is national smoothie day and they're treating tropic rewards members to a free smoothie with bowl or food purchase order an app online or pop by the cafe for a little sip and chill three cheers to our tropic fam terms and conditions apply paul he's got a rindle report headlines right after this check of traffic on 97-3 the fam and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindle report now tuned to them off greatest welcome to the rindle report with paul rindle hi paul all right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindle report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good can i get a whole year all right all right all right happy friday gentlemen happy friday to everybody listening in uh want to get right into this audio really really powerful stuff yesterday on this is the pre-game show i believe uh fox sports pre-game show with avatar t's a rod and all the guys that they had out there at the uh rickwood field game rickwood field game and um regi jackson stopped by and i think the clip that been sent over specifically just said said it well just take two minutes out of your day and listen to this man speak amazing how emotional is it for you to come back to a play that you played with one of the greatest teams around what Alex when people ask me a question like that it's like coming back here is not easy the racism that i played here when i played here the the difficulty of going through different places where we traveled fortunately i had a manager and i had players on the team that helped me get through it but i wouldn't wish it on anybody people said to me today i spoke and they said you think you're a better person you think you you you won when you played here and conquered i said you know i would never want to do it want to do it again i walked into restaurants and they would point at me and said they can't eat here i would go to a hotel and they say then they can't stay here we went to charlie finley's country club for a welcome home dinner and they pointed me out with the end word he can't come in here finley marched the whole team out finally they let me in there he said we're going to go to the diner and eat hamburgers we'll go where we're wanted fortunately i had a manager of johnnie macnamara that if i couldn't eat in the place nobody would get food to travel if i couldn't stay in a hotel they'd drive to the next hotel and find a place where i could stay had it not been for rolly fingers johnnie macnamara dave duncan it's joe and sharon rootie i slept on their couch three four nights a week for about a took month and a half finally they were threatened that they would burn the our apartment complex down unless i got out i wouldn't wish it on any way it's incredible man i was watching it live when it happened and and taking a back uh to hear those stories and and uh just an incredible incredible event that they put on but again it's like jake made the point earlier yeah the field of dreams games oh this is cool kind of catchy and sticky this is a reminder of of what it was for him to go back to that field it's a reminder of what it was but what it still is for a lot of people uh out there and it was really moving you can hear his voice crack a couple times i give a lot of credit to regi jackson not only for the the career that he had but for the man that he is and uh just thinking about that having to crash on your buddy's couch and them saying you guys got to get out here we're gonna burn this thing down it's it that wasn't that long ago i think what what really struck me is that you want to say just ignore the ignorant people right you know just you know you're better than me he had a lot of support obviously but imagine now when you hear that story from regi jackson's perspective obviously he did nothing wrong but because of you know not him but the people's attitude toward him you know everything was more difficult for his entire team no doubt okay we get to the hotel you know we can't stay here so they all had to hop you on the bus and maybe go a town over to try to find somewhere and imagine how that felt for regi you know obviously it's not his fault but that had to be like the worst the worst feeling every single day you have to go through that and again man think about somewhere that you've experienced trauma in your life and they're like hey come on back would you like to do a public speaking announcement like engagement you know i mean celebrates not the right word but like hey we want to honor recognize and and yeah man all of that stuff that you had to go through back in the same location come on back yeah it's crazy just crazy crazy in a in a real testament and unfortunately while things are somewhat better that's still not perfect no and not from it not even close all right got one more story uh Derek cheater i think he was out there as well it was yesterday so he did a podcast appearance with Jimmy trainee does the sports illustrated media podcast and cheater was on the latest episode and he was talking about uh the hall of fame vote and how he was one vote away from being a unanimous hall of famer and there's been plenty of guys that should have been unanimous hall of famers he's definitely one of them he was one vote away and that is still bothering him and he wants now that that person that did not vote for him is unknown anonymous we do not know the reason ballot he did not make their but they didn't make their uh ballot public and cheaters kind of still salty about it it's been years now and he wants that person to be held accountable his quote was me members of the media always want us to be accountable as players true good game for us bad game we don't care you have to stand in front of your locker and you have to address the media i did it every single day you may not have liked what i said but i was accountable and i was there and i think you should expect the same from members of the media i don't care that someone didn't vote for me i really don't cheater insisted but i do think what becomes annoying is i have to constantly answer this question and i don't think i should be the one answering the question whoever it is should answer the question i don't have a problem with it but i get tired of being asked who is there so is the counter argument if you want baseball writers to give their truly honest opinion can they do that if they know if people disagree with their ballot they're gonna wear it forever like it has to be anonymous you know if they want to truly feel like they can without bias at all give their thoughts on who's a hall of famer and they're not going to see it just like our elections you know you go in you don't you don't have to tell anyone who you voted for true that's that's an important part of the process is that an important part of this process or not i don't know what he was saying just made a lot of sense to me when he said it that way i'm like well you guys demand this of us yeah it does and uh we don't get to demand the same money how many issues are actually complicated and not simply black and black white there are arguments on both sides of things that that make sense and you then you gotta kind of balance it out because i absolutely see Derek Jeter's point but i also see the argument in favor of keeping the vote if they want to anonymous so they feel like they can truly because if you know that you're just gonna you really truly think that Derek Jeter wasn't a hall of famer but you know if you don't vote for him you're never gonna hear the end of it you probably just check Derek Jeter i don't want to hear it so that's not an honest vote that's not an honest vote either but if you if you if you're gonna say that there aren't biases in hall of fame voting that's pretty nice as well if that's why i will never have a hall of fame vote i couldn't help but be biased you would take yours very seriously you would too i would too but i would also be very biased you'd wish there were more than ten yeah i'm very i'm kind of free with it yeah yeah all right and finally gentlemen we have a little bit of a shout out to his family to get bit when actually and i really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult so shout out to his family yeah i'm hollywood legend donald southerland passed away yesterday the age of uh 88 mash animal house because he was in the hunger games i didn't see those you did not i assumed you did i saw why he was the best of those movies he was the evil president snow yeah and stole every scene he was fantastic he got a uh there was a tweet yesterday from his son of course kefir uh southerland also a good actor very very good actor um and it says with a heavy heart i tell you that my father donald southerland has passed away i personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film never daunted by a role good bad or ugly he loved what he did he did what he loved no one can ever ask for more than that a life well lived yeah it was in the picture of kefir when he was a little boy next to me it just it just killed me um my favorite role of his i really liked him in a time to kill as the drunken uh attorney lucian i thought he was really good in that but his we it was the professor in an animal house i mean he was spectacular in it and he's smoking pot with all of the kids in his you know uh apartment and they're passing a joint around and what's it get uh Larry what they call him not flounder the kind of the main character oh i can't i think i can't remember he says he says yeah i'm working on a book and he goes oh it must be wonderful and donald southerland says it's a piece of ass and it's the funniest most under the rate of the what is it flounder yeah yeah it's the most it's the funniest most underrated one that's a piece of ass kills me he was such a good actor um yeah and you know not the oh him his monologue and jfk oh my god sitting with uh the bench with kevin cost here there yeah staggeringly great staggeringly great so uh shout out to his family and uh shout out to his family and uh that's a that's a hat tip 83 88 years old uh the the only the cause of deathless was a long illness so there you go that's a round of a port thank you poly all right is it uh are we nervous again i know we always get nervous dude i'm who's nervous you get a little bit i'm not nervous at all i haven't been nervous in weeks you always get a little a little domed out i'm not domed out at all not in the slide that joins us on friday mornings not even a little bit he does not make me nervous you had a couple of weeks or the other was a bit of a tense back and but i loved every second of it i saw him later in the day and i said i loved that keep that coming that's great i'm gonna get under his skin he knows it's coming it's definitely a mixed bag since last week yeah we everything was pretty good last friday then all of a sudden they lose five in a row but come back with wins the last couple of days to to steady the ship a little bit uh we will chat with the skipper mike shilt our weekly managers report to kick off the final hour of vena woods on a friday uh that is coming up next uh and we'll talk about uh today's game continue the series and uh just wrap everything up so uh don't go anywhere mike shilt is uh you sound nervous i'm not nervous you sound very nervous i'm more i mean i don't i feel like it's gonna be fine it's gonna go well oh boy snacks vena woods on ninety seven three the fan final hour of vena woods on a friday uh city connect friday potteries at home tonight continuing their series against the milwaukee brewers and it is time for our manager's report with mike shilt brought to you by sandy echo county credit union it's not big bank banking it's better we bring the skipper on board congratulations you were right mike it was historic last night the first time in potteries franchise history three straight walk off home runs at pet co park uh hey that was a lot of fun a lot of fun yeah you know you're i've never experienced anything like that um so you felt like pretty rare so you know organizations have been around for a while but man um pretty cool it's definitely cool and i was you know obviously watching the game last night and i thought to myself when it happened it was such a sigh of relief i know you had to be feeling it too i know jeremy istrada probably feeling it as well and um what a gamer he was to step up last night and take the ball uh skip and and you know for you though you you know and everybody knows that's not the best sustainable way to win baseball games in the future but i'll sure take them uh over losses right now yeah i think that's pretty clear um not sustainable but you know look you win games in weird ways and you put on our c2 games man you're gonna have different kind of games and um i think we've all seen that falling based over the years and you know it was uh it was a game we just go ahead and come on the other on the good side of got to home runs from both manny and tatisse i mean that is such a welcome site for padre's fans but i want to talk about jackson maryll in this recent power search because you know i remember kind of hearing the scouting reports going at some point in his career this guy might you know develop some power to go with all the other tools that he has but didn't expect kind of to happen right away six home runs in eight games are you seeing anything you know different from jackson where where is this coming from right now uh you know jackson's uh throwback is kind of a maybe a uh not a great way of describing it but but my point i'm getting at first of all he did something that only will he made it done god rest his soul you know passing of a obvious legend and a real miss for our game um but what a what an icon and one example of breaking this on and off the field but um what i'm getting at with jackson you know hundred years ago when i was doing this and the game was played a little differently and and taught a little differently um right or wrong in general guys like jackson uh our guys just in general would would learn how to hit you know learn how to drive the hits ball the other way and learn how to you know be a good hitter and then um then the power would would come and they would learn how to get comfortable and you know pick their spots and they had a had a stroke that allowed them to use the whole field which allowed them to be a have consistent bats and then as we all know the game worked into more of an all or nothing outcomes um when that case i think jackson's a little bit of a throwback you know he's a guy that has really good back-to-ball skills um values that you know just trying to take good at bats getting his hits you know base um you know take them with a game give them and that was you know maturing quickly i would i would add into um learning how to drive the ball you know i don't like to compare a player but jimmy evidence is like that if he's always created and had a lot of mind-owing homers didn't have a lot of power and ended up becoming a the borderline hall of famer um and a guy that ended up having some big moments with some with some big power but he came up learning how to hit and that was a little bit more of the way it used to be and and that's what jackson has done do you see it skip getting back to that a little bit i mean you got guys like steven quand you got guys like you know your very own louise rise you got jackson maryll are you seeing maybe a little bit of a return to you know hit first power later uh i'm not seeing some kind of trend that i can oh man we're going back to that um i do see certain i do see more of it i do think um the game you know i haven't has much touch points with them you know being able to travel around and see model leads and that's all season and spend much time it's typical and i will this year going to you know out of my high school and coaching friends and seeing their programs and talking to them could always try to don't try to typically do um you know talk to talk to what the players are like and what's taking place and scowls and what's coming up because that's that's the future of our game and i'm always curious about um you know we say things trickle down but really you know players and philosophies and how amateurs are playing a lot of that how they're thinking how they're being trained that that typically trickles up um so the point i'm getting is i don't don't know if it's taking place you're trending in that direction i do see some teams us being one of them having a little bit more of a holistic approach to hitting using the whole field so i do see that so i'll be coming back a little bit in certain areas of the game um but i couldn't tell you if the players are turning that way or not mike i want to ask you about your bullpen um you know i made this point earlier that that simply in terms of volume of games you guys have played more than anybody else in baseball less off days more games quite a bit more than some teams like seven more than other teams at this point you know i'm not saying that i'm not overreacting to one or two games this past week but you know your bullpen has been worked a lot there's been some ups there's been some downs what are you kind of uh seeing in terms of how you can get a little more consistency out of the pan and and you know are you anticipating a move to try to bring some reinforcements here yeah i'm not going to get in the aj space about the moves um i got my hands full as it is um he's on top of our club and um you know i like our club you know this is something that you know you'll probably ask me in another three to four weeks and i'll give us some more answer um but it's a legitimate question and i get it and um it's a fairly i mean overall it's a general question i'll give you a simple what i see is the simple and general answer um both tensor is good as as the starting pitching um you know and that's that's just the fact of the matter you know and when you have not solely i won't say that so it'll be a longer answer but but at a starting point you know if our starter if starters go deeper in games um then you keep your bullpen fresh um and when your bullpen is fresh they're usually more efficient pretty common right pretty basic sure um and you know it's also interesting because rightfully so you know so if you don't get starting pitching going past you know four or five innings consistently which i think four of our last starts and look i like our starters it's just you know the other side is trying to we take some good clubs that's good approaches you know they're competing their tail off but you know their bullets get spit and then you get a certain point in the game where you got to make a decision you know and sometimes you're at your start a little bit longer and because your bullpen is a little depleted but you get four out of five games and you're in your bullpen the fourth or fifth inning um and you're in a stretch of games where you know we had 13 day off 13 day off and now we're 13 to your point we played more games than anybody in the game um you know starting early with um in in Seoul um so you know your bullpen is going to get a little attached and then you're going to because of that it gets the dominoes get out of place a little bit in the sense of you know giving guys rest like it's just a case the guys have to pitch and have to carry the mail and um you know sometimes they're not as effective and then the other side of that on the bullpen side of it um that they have ownership then is um and we all have ownership in it you know make sure they're putting the right place but it's being efficient when they're in there and when you're a little more fatigued or you know and i feel like we've done a good job outside of Jeremiah going three we're passing the ball around um and and not trying to sacrifice you know them for competition um and still try to win games which you know is clearly the in goal um marrying those two is a is a you know half field McCoy marriage some days and um and so they've been efficient allows them to be able to bounce back and and not have to use another guy to get through to win games um and you know the wrap up point about bullpen is you know i said people people understand but in the moment or in a silo um i've said this before and it's a great example was given to me more recently just in a video game you know um where yeah i can bring this guy in these fresh and he can just pitch and these staff can't pitch every day like i said we pushed you know we pushed guys you know it's to to go answer and they know there's gonna be time in the season or leave a leaver's randy choke older left hander leaver used to have a t-shirt said relievers are people too and you know so it's a long answer to your question but bullpits that's a broad stroke simple way of putting it and and what can be a somewhat a complex of operating but um you know it's just interested me how people do view um bullpens and and i haven't done it for you know 25 30 years having a long it's uh you know that's my that's my high level answer to it i yeah talking to mike shilt skipper the san diego potter is here on ben and woods this morning and i you know listen i i'm typically the guy that that yeah i don't want to use the word blame but i put the responsibility on the guys hey can you go today you can great give me what you got sometimes it doesn't work out i i tend to kind of put it on the players the guys are actually executing the pitches and in some cases uh skip not executing the pitches i want to ask about one in particular i i you've managed a lot of guys you've managed a lot of left-handers out of the bullpen a guy like yuki matsui who early in the season um you know very very effective and has maybe gotten a little less so walking too many guys i think for for probably everybody's uh liking right now how do you get him back on track and and it's got to it's got to be a kind of a tougher call in a higher leverage situation for you uh to go to yuki right now how do you get him back going again well you know a couple things by the tougher call i mean i'm going to go back to my previous answer there it's not a silo of when you can put these guys in right like you know so sometimes it's just you have two or three guys that's the other thing that is super fun for my chair sure on this one people like oh you can't pitch not i'm not so my yuki because i'll get a yuki you can be fine um but it's just interesting like oh this guy is pitching there's not anybody else to pitch some days um you know and so that parts there's a sidebar for my chair it's super fun by that um you know but anyway um you can listen he's similar to a fair amount of guys in our bullpen and this is the other part of that um it's just real is it is it yeah there's a learning curve um no one loves a learning curve in the big leagues on any team that's looking to compete in any sport no one wants to hear um and i wish it didn't have to happen um but the fact from that is learning curves are real um and you know this is a this is the top of the people's profession and yuki's come in and these have some really good moments for us um and you know sometimes we we forget those um and we do expect these guys to be absolutely on point every single time we get frustrated what did that happen um and i get it people we care we all care we want it we want the best and i expect the best but don't miss a turpour but i'm also realistic that um yeah he's been really good he's helped us out in thick spots this year um so i don't forget that and and draw from that and draw from his experience in japan being a closer um and then conversely like it's his first year in the big leagues this is first year you know figuring out what this all looks like figuring out the the hitters and oh by the way he's doing it in an entirely different culture and that's the other thing that you know i i have the experience of understanding and seeing and look i ain't making an excuse for anybody uh we get it's a bottom line game i uh i understand that but they are human and he's in a different country and he's making adjustments you know in a lot of different areas it takes a while whether your player got traded he used to be in another top team become another country there's just human and so you know yeah yuki's um done well he's also struggled with um his consistency of his his command and that's that's you know the thing that he's working on the most is he trying to hard is he you know still feeling out you know what he's doing certain role um all of that's true um but you feel you feel it's got the stuff in the zone to get out and we just need to find that more consistent you know i think that learning curve comment is so interesting because we're we're seeing it before our eyes with matt waltran and you talk about needing you know a little more length from your starting pitching you're getting it from matt waltran and he's the guy that i think is fans we didn't really expect that much from this season but in spring training you and and aj in the in the team you chose him to be your your fifth starter at that point did you have an idea that this was possible you know just based on what you saw from him you know early on this spring actually yes um you know you see you see the best version of guys now you know you mentioned the strata we do you know you know yes about waltran but we sat down with jeremy and said hey man you can be a really good eighth inning guys if it goes based on your stuff um so go you know Ruben and Ruben Diego does a great job then fritter both pink coaches tremendous as well um you know had a clear plate for him so getting back to to Maddie you know Maddie's got an elite fish that you know when it's hard to catch he's got to be hard to hit right i mean he had a big lead catcher you know higgie's just his guy this guy's been in 17 years professional baseball and he does a great job with him but occasionally it's like you know he's hanging on for he's just long for the ride with this thing and just trying to corral it he does you know like i said he's done a great job but hard to catch hard to hit man and so um and it's not like his you guys aren't in the big lead leader every day and plus he's coupled with a good sweeper they can throw and he's got you know he's got a legitimate fastball it's 1993 um that he can keep people honest with and he can locate because he's a striker or with it so man what a great combination so you just know all right if this guy can get through you know some of the learning curves and you know understanding what a big lead starter looks like on a consistent basis routine his pre-game routine and then the the filling out process of how much to throw it how hard to throw it when to throw it when the mix is other pitches in and he's able to get it in the zone and and you know you start to see what we're seeing now um so you know that's that's the reason he's on the club talking to the skipper mike shelter on bed and woods this morning and i i know you're not on twitter uh but you know who john boy media is i couldn't let you uh off the hook this morning without asking you about he knew this was coming the lip reading video i'm sure you've seen it i wonder if the players have asked you about it i had to i had to bring it up your ejection uh in new york the other day have you have you seen this clip i have not oh i get it i have heard about it okay you haven't all right so you know what i'm talking about i'm not completely going in blind here i know i know i was ejected i know what i said so yeah that's true you didn't know that everyone else is giving out what you said that's exactly right it's do you feel a little violated uh by that whole that whole thing um i've gotten over that violation i don't love it um you know i don't know i was interpreted um the same guy what she you know he's doing it this gig anybody's got a gig that's fine um you know he caught me in chicago years ago in a similar fashion so i know it exists um maybe i've got to be some you know cover him out um mike the title of the video was manager politely asks to be eject yeah that was a time you're a nice man you're a nice guy i mean it's not the worst thing it's nothing to apologize for in my opinion i'm not yeah i don't apologize i mean listen you know i think you're asking the question no my take i don't you know listen always have our god bats you know i made it pretty clear uh using the next whatever that typically comes out about the actual fit yes you did um which you know many took exception with i took exception with i wanted it to be clear that there was a you know there was uh an unhappiness that took place with with um the judgment but then after that you know it's like look i'm not going to sit you know i'm and sometimes i've got a good relationship in general with umpires you know you've probably seen me yell out of a lot sure um but overall i've got a pretty i've got a very respectful rightfully um relationship with them they have a hard job to do um and and i'm just i grew up shoot i grew up washing and trying to shoot the umpires for you know six years and um you know hearing people yelling at them banging on doors and that was back in the day when you know i was right beside a clubhouse and there was a little less security um in double a so i lived their lives and i empathize with the you know the challenges they have and so the point i'm ultimately getting at i don't have a real reputation i'll get i'll have someone else that one earlier i'll probably have another um where i'll really get into somebody um if it's if it's warranted and yeah it was warranted for the ejection and make sure that you know support our guy and make sure they know what we don't appreciate it um but my point is these guys won't throw and that's that they won't throw me out but i got it like it's okay man you can it's all right you know um and um so anyway that was as much of what that was like and and uh it's far harder to say now you know most of the rest of the world yeah and our take was you know people were worried was Manny really know that he's got he's got his back Manny's not really really mad and we both said Manny more than any other player knows how things work i mean Manny knows exactly how these things work see i found an interesting that what i said interesting i don't know that any you know um you know the public opinion public opinion people are clearly entitled to him um so it's interesting to me that people would even ask that because the guano texted me you know you know day after or later that night and you know whenever it came out you know and he's like that's you know i won't share the text he's like you always got the back you know checked in on me but like yeah this is you and you know you're you know he was complimentary about how it went down and he you know he was complimentary about you know taking care of Manny so um it's in right like you can you know people can complain you didn't take care of him enough like you know sure no one doubts that you've got your players back yeah like that's the one thing no one could ever doubt you've got your players back for sure yeah well we appreciate it as always we joke you're actually tougher on the reporters and the radio people than you are on the umpires that's right keep it coming wait a minute what the radio people yeah there we go hey there we go you're gonna be drug tested you're out of here you're gone that's true you're gone you're a jet you've been ejected from this interview Mike you wanted it you wanted it let's go you're gone thank you like tonight appreciate it thank you to you there he is the skipper mike shelter manager's report brought to you by a city in your county credit unit it's not big bank banking it's better and maybe that was the bad call that i just made but you know that's the one's his job to challenge the bad calls that's right very fun very fun conversation with mike silt will break down a little bit of what he had to say i thought his bullpen comments were pretty interesting i'd love to know what you think maybe we can get some phone calls in 833 288 097 3 oh and maybe you should be calling now as well for a certain giveaway all coming up back after traffic here on 97 3 the fam congratulations to mike not mike silt but mike won the doobie brothers tickets called in to win in our last segment but our thanks again to the skipper mike silt always some playful back and forth on his weekly managers report appearances and thank you again to sandy your county credit union for making that possible got a great tweet from our beloved will holder he says hearing shilty talk makes me feel mean for my thoughts about our baseball team yeah kind of yes it does you kind of make sure i felt like i when he started talking about you key i went all right you're right and you got me that's why i told i told him uh who was the reliever with the relievers your people ready show ready show you know like levers are people too i was like okay yeah okay you're right yep new culture kind of a rookie i'm not kind of a rookie um all right crap my thoughts uh my thoughts are impure and i do apologize no i mean look he's right it it he's got a different perspective he sits in a different chair he always will but he's used this the term the silo term before um and we've told we've said it a billion times what does that mean to you it's it's easy to manage a bullpen in a silo right i mean it's very very simple in the in a silo everything's contained there's no outside factors there's no injury there's no overuse there's no flu there's no illness it's just nagging growing very right like there's just very simple in a silo i there is no worst gig in the in sports and none in what he's managing a bullpen none about starting you know bullpen is as good as your starting pitchers absolutely right the pottery starting pitchers due to a number of factors you darvish and joe musgrove going on the interlist you know short performances by randy vasquez and at a measure and even you know michael king's pitching well but didn't go deep because they worked him hard cease has been struggling so other than waldrin they're getting no length out of any of their starters which means everybody's overused and they have no off days to reset or give anybody a break so i guess what you're saying is of course of course his bullpen is struggling a little bit right now saying's blowfish is you know in a silo there's no getting sick there's no feeling a little extra tired no baby drama nothing like it's just it's one of those things where you you have to keep it in mind but fans don't really want to and and i do get the sense as much as it bugs him that fans don't really want to he does understand it he's been around the game long enough to the fans are fanatics and we are insane and we expect perfection and the best every single time and you know knowing knowing it's impossible you know you're chasing something that's a feudal it's a feudal dream nobody's ever had a perfect bullpen never it's never existed it's been really good effective bullpen nobody's ever been perfect no no closer is has any closer ever gone like 56 and 56 for save opportunity the eric gun gave it one three that amazing season Trevor's best was what was he 53 of 54 that's damn good and Robert Suarez may may be there at the end of the year he has had about as good as of a year as you can imagine but you know even he has faltered so i can certainly appreciate that i try you know i try to be try to be semi-logical it's hard when i'm watching easier when i'm talking about it when i'm watching is when i lose it Dan Dan in the chat says MLB screwed the Padres with the schedule this year well remember everything that goes around comes around so while the Padres have played more games and and taxed their bullpen more theoretically at least when you get to the second half of the season and other teams are going to have to make up those games and have less days off and use their bullpen more the Padres will have more days off and will hopefully have a chance to be more fresh and take advantage and be in an in a good situation against the other teams that are coming in and they just played seven in a row and they they just use their bullpen a ton and the Padres going yeah we just had two off days this week and we're uh we're feeling really good right now so hopefully it all evens out later no matter what you do for a living no matter what it is that you do for a living we've all had those weeks this week was one of them where you look at it on Monday and you go if i can if i can just get through this and i may win some i may lose some i just got to get to this date then i'm feed her up and and it's easy street and i do feel like Padres are in one of those stretches right now again we've been saying it all year hang around hang around hang around it's not fun it's not enjoyable winning one losing one it certainly wasn't enjoyable losing five in a row that can't happen but again reinforcements potentially coming back with you Darvish and hopefully those guys can can give that bullpen a little bit of a risk because they've earned it man they have they they deserve it they did they were really really good for a while yeah they helped us win a lot more even when you comes back he's probably going to be on a a bit of a pitch count you know it's they're still a little ways away from getting back to full strength rotation which means then full strength bullpen as well did not address he said leave it to AJ and the roster moves about whether Tom Cosgrove will be back today but that is uh that is the uh the word on the street that the Padres will make a move and bring Tom Cosgrove back to the bullpen to at least give Mike Shilt another option for at least tonight's game uh with that with that depleted pen all right well we got one more segment uh you guys thought you got off the hook uh today you didn't you and Paul oh yeah you're not off the hook i didn't forget i don't forget anything yeah our ceo meeting yesterday absolutely clowned out the both of you i'm furious i've been furious for like 18 hours straight here so i gotta roast these two um if you listen to yesterday's opening segment you'll know what i'm talking about if not i'll reset the whole thing for you and we'll preview tonight's game against the Milwaukee Brewers a bunch of kiss asses i work with this is unbelievable it's unbelievable so disappointed i will defend myself oh i know it's on 97 three the fam tell everybody you're a little nugget you're so delighted by not delighted by it i'm impressed i you might remember former pga tour player dick mast i do not remember dick mast oh he was a regular on tour for a while uh he qualified for the champions tour event uh 73 years old and he qualified with the monday qualifier and now uh shot is one better than his age today in the first round of the dicks open what an open my favorite open so if you want to keep an eye on dick mast and the dicks open this week dicks sporting goods yeah okay exactly they sponsor the tournament okay i do not know uh dick we had some revelations yesterday around this place i don't know if anyone caught the uh the round table but what ended up clearly being the highlight is we learned that chris elo used to deliver singing telegram do you hear this folly no you didn't hear this yes you did not hear this i missed that part so the seventh inning stretch question was what's the worst job you've ever had and you know what's told 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the executive producer ben higgins is your friendly neighborhood sports anchor and uh rapper extraordinaire uh certainly once again joining us from a far flung locales he looks like he's in a roadside parking lot somewhere is uh jake mince from cesspit is family barbecue aka carmen slam diego love it jake good morning to you where are you right now i get myself a ten out of ten for the nickname i i'm in a parking lot of a paintball facility somewhere outside of portage indiana uh but i'm i'm here to talk ball boy ah you've had a busy week so you went to uh oma to the college world series and now uh you're getting ready for the mlb draft combine already went already went on okay i went oma to the mlb draft combine to this very specific people facility okay well what uh what did you glean from your travels this week oh boy i need a nap uh let's start in oma it's the best did the cotton the men's college world series is is like my favorite baseball one of my favorite baseball washing environments it's not as good as the Dominican winter league but it is better than anything mlb has to offer beyond the playoffs i went like six ten years ago i think it's the most underrated one of the most underrated events and sports yeah it's amazing and the first weekend is particularly sensational because it's all eight fan bases so for people who don't know about the mince college world series it's eight schools playing two double elimination tournaments the winners meet in the final and that's where we're at right now finals this weekend tennessee against texas a&m but that first weekend when you have eight fan bases they're all at the same place under and a hundred degree nebraska sun getting pretty sloshed out in public it's a very unique singular atmosphere to watch a baseball game yeah it sounds that we know again the the combine is a little bit different and you know the thing is the nfl combine is such a huge deal because well these guys are going to be playing and starting and contributing uh the very next season more than likely uh jake baseball combines a little bit different what were your uh impressions of that uh yeah it's asked an answer it's the it's the opposite of the mens college world series from what makes that so interesting is there were dudes who got eliminated in omaha who flew straight to the combine like harrisin did a wick of the university of virginia who's going to be like a probably a third or fourth round pick like i just saw him at the combine i was dude you were playing with all your best friends in the most emotional game of your life two days ago it's quite a vibe switch now to think about the mlb combine right it's never going to be what the nfl combine is in part because mlb is not what the nfl is right we that that's just a reality of the sport and that's not the problem the thing about the mlb combine that's kind of tough is that a lot of the best players don't go and all of the best players don't do activities right i think we saw this this year with like calib Williams who was the first pick in the draft yeah who didn't throw at the combine now that's in his best interest and the same thing is true with a guy like you know travis bazana who's in the mix for the top pick this year he didn't even go to the combine a guy like jj weatherholt second basement from west virginia also in the mix for one he went and just did interviews with teams and didn't do any activities i'm not sure there was a guy who's going to be a first round pick who did any on field stuff and so for that reason it's a tough event to get fans to care about that being said it is important for the teams right the teams love it because they all have a suite in the stadium and the kids basically like have a schedule and just meet with the teams one-on-one over the course of the day jake mens from sespa to family barbecue is with us speaking of mlb events they put one on last night i don't know if you got to catch much of it during your travels but your thoughts on the rick rickwood field game in alabama and uh the show that mlb put on i thought it was great man i think what is cool cool's the wrong word what is notable about this event is that the unfortunate horrifying history of racism in the south is like inextricable from putting a game there so like when you put an eagerly game in bermingham it comes with a level of commemoration education that's built in whereas the field of dreams gave an iowa is just like a schlocky nostalgia bomb right there's no heft to that it's literally based on something that isn't real yes you know like the field of dreams is fiction okay this is the opposite this is living history and to see a baseball game there i'm sure was undeniably emotional for many many people especially in the context of willy mazes passing this this week and i think the most pertinent moment the one that'll really stick with me was stretchy jackson on the broadcast unreal being very upfront and blunt about his experience playing in bermingham as a minor leaguer and again you know as a white dude this is not an opportunity for celebration right it's not it is that and it is also not that i need to go back and watch the broadcast in full because i was on a plane during it but everything i saw from it it seems like they struck that balance very well it was really really well done last night and it was cool for me i have a six-year-old who is just on fire for baseball and he asked me the significance of the game what is this where are they you know why is it so small and i got to fill him in on on the great willy maze and he did watch the catch jake and he said in the six he goes quote quote oh that's easy and i said all right well okay here well i mean he's got you know you want that confidence you know you coach little leaguers you want them to have that confidence but you also want to say once you catch one uh right to you in the infield first and then you can worry about a dead sprint world series over the shoulder you know 40 mile an hour catch up the no look but you raise a really interesting point like i think the negro leagues is a fascinating combination of myth and reality right where because it wasn't documented at the time to the same extent as you know mlb american league national league because of the inequities based into the reporting process right there's a myth making that is more associated with the negro leagues and i bob conjurate the director of the negro leagues museum does a really good job the best stories alive but what's good about this game and really good about negro league players being in like mlb the show is that a younger generation of fans it feels real to them it feels tangible it exists it is not just some far-flung story about satchel page telling all of his fielders to get off the diamond which is also cool right and also awesome but i think that having the balance between those two things is really crucial in in keeping that the true essence of the negro leagues alive for decades and decades you know and there has been i would say and it's wild i don't want to give it all to um mlb the show and and things like that but there is a renewed interest and i'm around a lot of little eagles around the the the young game um they are way more into it than i think the last generation of young kids are and i do give mlb the show a lot of credit i was talking to one of the dads he goes i always swore i'd never get my kid an xbox he goes i got him one so he could play the show and learn about all of this stuff and like pitch sequencing we talked to big leaguers jeremy astrada last week said no i i like i look at hot and cold zones on mlb the show it's crazy um it there's a renewed interest in the history and i think we have lost that for just a minute and it's back now and it it feels great look kids are gonna play video games you might as well learn something along the way i think the renewed interest in the negro leagues you just got to give a hat tip to people like bob kendrick yes who have kept that flame alive for years for years while people weren't giving a crap as much as they are now and i think that those are the people who last night i'm sure was incredibly emotional for them and i just want to make sure those folks get their flowers all right so i noticed something interesting in the baseball standings this morning every division leader has at least a six to nine game lead over the second place team in that division except for the one race in the al east the yankees in the orials just had a big series that was a last last couple of days orials taking two or three from the Yankees including a what nineteen hits uh... it win in the series for the rally or something obviously jake i mean that looks like a really fun summer between those two teams the second place team will probably just end up getting the first wild card i don't know if that takes a little bit away from it but give me your thoughts on what's going on right now at the top of the al east oh it's so compelling and this series was play open to can of hatred yeah i did just stay in between these two fan bases ball more opening up a can of old bay and just dumping it full spice all over the aikis in the finale you know tension is good it raises the stakes you guys have seen this when you you know play the dodgers yep recent like it's a good thing it makes it a more compelling product and that is my main takeaway from these two teams facing off they're in very interesting spots they're both very good and very flawed and a great reminder that nobody is good this year it feels like every major league baseball team is maybe the fillies fillies are maybe the fillies yeah maybe the fillies yeah um but like you know the yankees and the orials are the easily the two best teams in this division i actually think it's a little unfortunate with the balance schedule that they're going to play less frequently than they would have like three years ago they've already played twice they're only going to play two more times i just want them to play all the time every day i need to see the yeah i want to watch the yankees play these like just give me give me those yanks all the time um garrick called being back for the aikis is a really interesting dynamic because he didn't like he's not throwing them any pitches but also he's vital to their success moving forward how they kind of reintegrate him into the rotation will be really interesting to watch and the you know the orials the young guns man they they stay doing the right thing i thought goner henerson wearing that in the back the other night swiping second base ended up scoring the go ahead run we we are a fan base jake that you know our our superstars get dotted a lot and at least brush back there's not a lot of retaliation uh going on at least um you know under the current regime or really any of the last few regimes here i know i've craved it a little bit just to let guys know we got your back but that's when it can go wrong the yankees did it the next night after judge got hit and they ended up losing that game and they ended up losing the next one and it does it can bite you in the ass it can also galvanize you but losing two or three to a division rival sucks no matter how you do it but it it was a great example of like the reality of why this is a bad idea yeah the orials end up winning this game by one run right the yankees probably plunk Henderson in the back he gets the first base and scores on a double yep and they like those win by what yep like if they hadn't plugged that guy they probably they might win the base they might win the baseball game yeah don't give people free bases it's it's be careful what you wish for that's right that's right that's right your thoughts that karman slam diego on the the pottery is pulling off a little history so that was their third consecutive walk-off home run at home last night uh now split by a road trip but uh quite quite history making and what jackson meryl's been doing lately is stunning all of us we were we were told not to expect any power for at least two or three years yes it'll come and now all of a sudden six home runs in the last eight days and they're making some no one's done this uh other than willy vase it's crazy it's pretty crazy it's amazing right it is kind of the best case scenario and it's why it was important to be patient to the first two months of the season right he's like the first two months of the season he was good he was good he was but he was good but he wasn't like sensational right like he was solid he was excellent for given the context but this is why they were comfortable promoting him right so fast and comfortable putting him on the big league roster like he's showing that and what a piece again preller usually doesn't trade the guys that he thinks are really good you know he has been burned relatively few times which is unbelievable considering how many human beings he has traded away over the last handful of years and meryl whose name was brought up in trades all the time that's the guy preller hung on to and they are that is paying big dividends right now well jake i really appreciate it and are you going into the paint ball facility what's what's happening here no i'm just loitering this is going in there oh nice yeah i got a bachelor party this weekend all my boys are in there you know firing up paintballs i haven't done paintball in years i'm expecting to get worked over um i might just i'm really tired i think i'm just going to take a nap in the bushes do that they won't they won't miss you it's a bachelor party i think jake wandered off it's fine man get some rest we'll talk to you very soon appreciate all your hard work man there he goes uh love you guys love you guys from sespa's family barbecue our weekly conversations brought to you by grand old barbeque which is actual barbeque plen springs north park and at the ball park during the homestand check them out i could definitely go for some brisket i hope i have those guys are working on their own like barbeque if you're going to call your brand sespa's family barbeque some rubs some sauces yeah yeah to rub your meat with um yeah they can i mean you got to you got to do it you have to you got to work your brand you never know what's going to end you know you never know when the the gravy train's going to end so you got to keep it going um good dudes yeah i mean you're always looking to market and uh and monetize that's right is really the the key i mean you can get your your brand out there but if you're not monetizing with the you know goods and services what are we doing here yeah those guys are and i always when i talk to both of them again i always leave feeling that i don't know anything they know so much about every facet of baseball that it's like you're you're an amateur you know these guys are our pros are so into it yeah it's great just doing random radio hits uh stations across the country and talking about the mlb calm the calm mind yeah that you were there that you were at and then you know from omaha knowing the play knowing the actual players names like with no rooting interest right like like if i went to a and m i'd know who was playing there but holy cow i mean i couldn't name one guy can we get a little deeper into the pottery's bull pen woes is a strong word but frustrations yeah maybe inconsistencies yes yes and and what they could possibly do about it here we'll do that mike shilt coming up at nine o'clock i want to ask him that question too about what can you do at this point and oh by the way uh jake mentioned the the redgie jacks and audio we will have that for you in the rental report coming up at the bottom of the hour as well so stay tuned for all of it coming up it's more benewoods stick around after traffic here on ninety seven three the fam help is on the way benjamin help is on the way hopefully it's help the warm the idea that it is help but uh yeah i kevin a c wrote in this morning's ut news letter that tom kozgrove is expected to be activated from triple a uh and rejoined the pot raise obviously he was it kozgrove was expected to be one of the guys they were counting on you know seven eighth inning yes left-hander gonna get a ton of lefties out and he struggled so badly mindly in the season mike to leave that they had to to send him send him down and then there was and he then he struggled in triple a for a while but he has actually been pitching um quite a bit better lately uh tom kozgrove is allowed just one hit over nine scoreless innings past nine outings in triple a so hopefully he is uh found whatever was missing and will be activated today they have not announced the move yet so i i'm assuming the corresponding move will be at a measure sent down to triple a since they they don't likely need him to start another game that's just kind of an extra roster spot you've got until you need to activate you darvish from the injured list uh probably like next Tuesday because you said he's healthy his next start will come in the big leagues whether it's Tuesday or not they haven't announced but uh that should give the pot raise at least a a fresher extra arm for a bullpen that that has been taxed not not just because they haven't been getting great starting pitching which has been part of it which they haven't you know i think what is it now four or five in the last six or seven games you got starters that have gone not even gone five innings um then it happened again last night no you know major went four and two thirds but don't cease has had a short outing any baskets has had a short outing major had a short outing the last time they that's part of it the other part of it is the pot raise have simply played so many games they're in another long stretch here there is no off day again until next thursday and they've played more games we've said it than any other team in baseball not just the two in korea that that started them out but they've had less off days they've had more games than any other team in baseball and while that will be made up at some point they'll all get to 162 eventually this is the time where you're going to be weary your bullpen is going to be overused for multiple reasons at the moment well and it it it speaks to the fact that we absolutely 100 percent have to have a great outing from dylan sees tonight it has to happen i mean to reset the bullpen who is massively taxed right now i've got that that spread sheet that somebody made it's awesome pot raise bullpen usage i mean the whole thing benny it's already for the most part i mean basically right now you have johnnie burrito who's you know kind of a they they pitch him in weird spots you know he's kind of a long man i guess but i mean look at this 58 pitches for australia the last couple days wandie at 47 yuki at 38 morihone at 26 sores at 22 and y'all only threw three last night so you've got fresh like fresh is a daisy you got johnnie burrito steven kolek and then y'all dalo santos essentially and now you add uh tom cuzgrove to the mix it's not a good recipe maybe sores can come back you know i would say for one inning don't ask for a four-out save or something exactly he wanted the day off yesterday they gave it to him hopefully we got the win he'll be ready to come back if they've got a lead and and and dylan sees you're right he is he struggled crag i think brought up in the roundtable yesterday over his last seven starts or so it's got like six plus e r a that's not the dylan sees that we saw early in the season no some things off and you know i trust room and the able to figure it out we know there's a good picture a great picture in there the vegans are like the big it's the the billows not down a ton uh from what i've seen i mean it's yeah i think like it is for all these guys it always falls on command say that's that again about that craig mention his last summer he said seven starts or something his year is over six wow cuz he's still has a sub four you're right i don't know he was really good i don't agree that dominance there that's how good he was really but i thought it was interesting what what as he wrote in the in the newsletter specifically about yuki matt suey who uh he's got a four year wait that's not it's not the worst but it's not good i mean it's not no don't don't alibi it well he's not he certainly is it if he writes very specific who doesn't asi asi he says matt suey is becoming an albatross around mike shilt's neck even though the manager won't acknowledge it the left hander has had some nice outings this season thanks to peralta's work last night matt suey hasn't allowed a run in his past seven appearances that's shocking that's shocking but he is a game of that tells me every time he takes them out i'm nervous as well that's not calm he says but he is a game of russian roulette every time out his 20.5 walk rate in his past winning games is his highest in the majors among pitchers who have thrown more than 10 inning since may 1st the walks drive mike shilt crazy it's the one thing that any level any level it tests his positivity and patience when his pitchers walk guys he'd love i think he'd rather lose a game and not walk anybody than win it with like seven or eight walks any i i think i think you ask any pitcher or i think you ask any manager at any level if some team beats you and they string together like like sora's got beat the other day that's going to happen it's four straight hits couple guys got there yeah four straight hits but you get knocks on guy gets a knock it's over you know fine man i have no problem with that it's going to happen in this dumb game that we love but giving guys free bags is just it's excruciating and again you know wandi peralta he owes he owes wandi a steak dinner last night because that could have gotten you know really really squirly for him um those inherited runners that wandi took over but yeah but wandi has some of the same ten he does he does he does as does nyell nyell's you know walks aren't the problem home runs of the problem with nyell de los santos it just feels like and now astrada is ever since he got sick i don't know if that has anything to do with it but he's not the same picture that he was a few weeks ago you know the most interesting case for me is adrian adlion morahone so he's one and one two forty uh is er a twenty two appearances that have totaled thirty innings he struck out thirty three and walked eight so many his er a in this is one point oh four his er a is one fifty uh in six innings thrown in the eighth and he's yet to allow a run in two and a third innings in the ninth his er a in inning seven through nine is one point zero six and in innings four through six is almost four three point seven seven so that's the thing is like is he now has he pitched himself into a setup role because that's really the piece that we're missing and i don't want to say missing because astrada has been very very good he struggled as of late he was ill he is getting over the flu which you know can't be great you gritted it out last night didn't surrender the lead um but you know he didn't didn't blow the game he blew the save but he didn't blow the game kept us there at six six we ended up hitting the walk off but you do wonder is morahone just kind of the guy they're like when do we do it when do we pull the trigger and just slide him you know instead of using him in the fifth and the sixth whereas er a is actually worse high leverage trade to morhone i'm still nervous about it i've what we've all i'm less i'm pretty confident in Adrian vahone now he he was pretty nasty last night he's been pretty nasty in in most of his outing so i wonder if the time is now and and what that could do uh to reset this just make Adrian morhone your setup setup guy two roberts war as i mean it look it doesn't you don't play the game on paper as you know but imagine more you strata seventh morhone eight or yeah morhone eight and swears in the night that's a six inning baseball game but you can't do it every night he goes right he left you right right he left you right he mike shilt's big on what it was called the your lanes yeah your lane yeah he's a good lane looks he'll look at the opposing lineup and that will dictate the usage just like he'll see a reliever okay this reliever should be effective against their five six seven so if they're going to come up in the sixth you may use them there instead of using them in the seventh or the eighth so he's big on you finding the lanes of the opposing team and then matching them up with the reliever that makes the most sense to use in those certain circumstances yeah a hundred percent man he is uh morhone has has been really really good pitching pitching in those innings and and again kind of earning earning is stripes for more high leverage and you know that could certainly help don't know where cause growth if that is in fact the corresponding move if it's major going down in cause growth coming up as the ut has reported don't know where he fits in i will promise you you'll see him tonight more than likely unless Dylan cease goes goes out and throws eight scoreless and you throw bobs for us for the other than that you probably gonna see the the freshest arm you've got at the big league level no i mean ideally yeah cease goes eight you're up uh you know seven to one right even colic can pitch the night and everyone gets uh a nice little breather but let's be honest this is the sandy agopod race that's not how it goes and we're going against an old friend of ours in uh collage who's been pretty good this year pretty good this year all right we're going to take a time out when we come back paul has got the rinder report we're going to play the powerful audio from reggie jackson last night at the uh the rick the rick feet were the rick you got it rick rick would field right rick rolled field rick real yeah the rick rolled field you're he's out of gas it's getting yeah we're getting to the this is it they know their stages of they know they know what it is of sunday here for s it's Friday you know oh brain brain it's starting to melt at this point it's been a long week you have to admit with the golf tournament it's been a long week more venom what's next on 97 three the fan don't i'll buy it though we got our manager's report coming up at nine o'clock always look forward to our conversations with the skipper mike shilt never know what you're gonna get it's a better no it was a bit of uh relief you can say it was a bit of an up and down week kind of like a certain amusement park ride right that goes up that that goes up and goes down and goes up it was look this one had a really long drop yeah and then it's kind of back going up again yeah but we don't like to call it that in front of the skipper doesn't necessarily take kindly to that characterization but kind of that sort of week uh for the team gotta be more of a carousel guy like those go up and down but it's a little bit more calm and you sit on the thing it's not as extreme highs and lows you don't have to be a certain height to ride this ride you can be any height and and enjoy the padre season bro even my kids and downs even my kids hate the carousel they hate the carousel they like the rollercoaster i mean it is what it never liked a carousel i never liked the carousel it's worthless this is stupid it's more like the swings forever swings like the high swings that would be around have you ever been on one of those old-fashioned carousels where there's the brass ring and you drive the rabbit as you're going by i thought that was a faint of very ride no there's like what yeah there's like there was like brass ring like a dispenser and you go around and try to like reach up off your your horse and if you grabbed it that's where the prize you want to free ride the brass ring comes from yeah grab the brass ring i grab the asprin okay this hour at 97-3 the fan has brought to you by tropical smoothie cafe they really want you to go here on national smoothie day join the free smoothie party at tropical smoothie cafe today is national smoothie day and they're treating tropic rewards members to a free smoothie with bowl or food purchase order an app online or pop by the cafe for a little sip and chill three cheers to our tropic fam terms and conditions apply paul he's got our rindle report headlines right after this check of traffic gun 97-3 the fam and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindle report now tuned into the month greatest welcome to the rindle report with paul rindle hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing the odds it's the rindle report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please because that was good all right happy friday gentlemen happy friday to everybody listening in uh want to get right into this audio really really powerful stuff yesterday on this is the pre-game show i believe uh fox sports pre-game show with david Ortiz a rod and all the guys that they had out there at the uh rickwood field game and um reggie jackson stopped by and i think the clip that then sent over specifically just said said it well just take two minutes out of your day and listen to this man speak amazing how emotional is it for you to come back to a play that you played with one of the greatest teams around what alice when people ask me a question like that it's like coming back here is not easy the racism that i played here when i played here the the difficulty of going through different places where we traveled fortunately i had a manager and i had players on the team that helped me get through it but i wouldn't wish it on anybody people said to me today i spoke and they said you think you're a better person you think you you you won when you played here and conquered i said you know i would never wanted to do it want to do it again i walked into restaurants and they would point at me and said they can't eat here i would go to a hotel and i say then can't stay here we went to charlie finley's country club for a welcome home dinner and they pointed me at with the n-word he can't come in here finley marched the whole team out finally they let me in there he said we're going to go to the diner and eat hamburgers we'll go where we're wanted fortunately i had a manager of johnnie macnamara that if i couldn't eat in the place nobody would eat we'd get food to travel if i couldn't stay in a hotel they'd drive to the next hotel and find a place where i could stay had it not been for rolly fingers johnnie macnamara dave duncan it's joe and sherry and rudie i slept on their couch three four nights a week for about a took month and a half finally they were threatened that they would burn our apartment complex down unless i got out i wouldn't wish it on anyone it's incredible man i was watching it uh live when it happened and and taking a back uh to hear those stories and and uh just an incredible incredible event that they put on but again and it's like jake made the point earlier yeah the field of dreams games oh this is cool kind of catchy and sticky this is a reminder of of what it was for him to go back to that field it's a reminder of what it was but what it still is for a lot of people uh out there and it was really moving you can hear his voice crack a couple times i give a lot of credit to regi jackson not only for the the career that he had but for the man that he is and uh just thinking about that having to crash on your buddy's couch and them saying you guys got to get out of you're going to burn this thing down it's it that wasn't that long ago i think what what really struck me is that you want to say just ignore the ignorant people right you know just you know you're better than him and he had a lot of support obviously but imagine now when you hear that story from regi jackson's perspective obviously he did nothing wrong but because of you know not him but the people's attitude toward him you know everything was more difficult for his entire team no doubt okay we get to the hotel you know we can't stay here so they all had to hop you on the bus and maybe go a town over to try to find somewhere and imagine how that felt for regi you know obviously it's not his fault but that had to be like the worst the worst feeling every single day you have to go through that and again man think about somewhere that you've experienced trauma in your life and they're like hey come on back would you like to do a public speaking announcement like engagement you know i mean celebrates not the right word but like hey we want to honor recognize and and yeah and all of that stuff that you had to go through back in the same location come on back yeah it's crazy just crazy crazy in a in a real testament and unfortunately while things are somewhat better that's still not perfect no and not even close all right got one more story uh Derek cheater i think he was out there as well he was yesterday so he did a podcast appearance with jimmy trainee does the sports illustrated media podcast and jeter was on the latest episode and he was talking about uh the hall of fame vote and how he was one vote away from being a unanimous hall of famer and there's been plenty of guys that should have been unanimous hall of famers he's definitely one of them he was one vote away and that is still bothering him and he wants now that that person that did not vote for him is unknown anonymous we do not know whether he's valid he did not make their but they didn't make their uh ballot public and jeter's kind of still salty about it it's been years now and he wants that person to be held accountable his quote was me members of the media always want us to be accountable as players that's true good game for us bad game we don't care you have to stand in front of your locker and you have to address the media i did it every single day you may not have liked what i said but i was accountable and i was there and i think you should expect the same from members of the media i don't care that someone didn't vote for me i really don't jeter insisted but i do think what becomes annoying is i have to constantly answer this question and i don't think i should be the one answering the question whoever it is should answer the question i don't have a problem with it but i get tired of being asked who is there so is the counter argument if you want baseball writers to give their truly honest opinion can they do that if they know if people disagree with their ballot they're gonna wear it forever like it has to be anonymous you know if they want to truly feel like they can without bias at all give their thoughts on who's a hall of famer and they're not gonna see it just like our elections you know you go in you don't you don't have to tell anyone who you voted for true that's that's an important part of the process is that an important part of this process or not i don't know what he was saying just made a lot of sense to me when he said it that way i'm like you guys demand this of us yeah it does and uh we don't get to demand the same money how many issues are actually complicated and not simply black and white but there are arguments on both sides of things that that makes sense and you then you gotta kind of balance it out because i absolutely see Derek jitter's point but i also see the argument in favor of keeping the vote if they want to anonymous so they feel like they can truly because if you know that you're just getting you really truly think that Derek jitter wasn't a hall of famer but you know if you don't vote for him you're never gonna hear the end of it you probably just check Derek jitter i don't want to hear it so that's not an honest vote that's not an honest vote either but if you if you if you're gonna say that there aren't biases in hall of fame voting that's pretty nice as well if that's why i will never have a hall of fame vote i couldn't help but be biased you would take yours very seriously you would too i would too but i would also be very biased you'd wish there were more than 10 yeah i'm very i'm kind of free with it yeah yeah all right and finally gentlemen we have a little bit of a shout out to his family to get a bit one actually and i really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult so shout out to his family yeah hollywood legend donald southerland passed away yesterday the age of uh 88 mash animal house because he was in the hunger games i didn't see those you did not i assumed you did he was off he was the best of those movies he was the evil president snow yeah and stole every scene he was fantastic he got a uh there was a tweet yesterday from his son of course kefir uh southerland also a good actor very very good actor and it says with a heavy heart i tell you that my father donald southerland has passed away i personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film never daunted by a role good bad or ugly he loved what he did he did what he loved no one can ever ask for more than that a life well lived yeah it was in the picture of kefir when he was a little boy next to me it just it just killed me um my favorite role of his i really liked him in a time to kill as the drunken uh attorney lucian i thought he was really good in that but his we it was the professor in an animal house i mean he was spectacular in it and he's smoking pot with all of the kids in his you know uh apartment and they're passing a joint around and what's it get uh Larry what they call not flounder the kind of the main character why can't i think i can't remember he says he says yeah i'm working on a book and he goes oh it must be wonderful and donald southerland says it's a piece of s and it's the funniest most under the radar the what is it flounder flounder yeah it's the most it's the funniest most under radarland it's a piece of s kills me he was such a good actor um yeah and you know not the way oh him his monologue and jfk oh my god sitting with uh the bench with kevin cost here there yeah staggeringly great staggeringly great so uh shout out to his family and uh that's a that's a hat tip eighty three eighty eight years old uh the only the cause of deathless was a long illness so there you go that's a round of port thank you poly all right is it uh are we nervous again i know we always get nervous dude i'm who's nervous you get a little bit i'm not nervous at all i haven't been nervous in weeks you always get a little a little domed out i'm not domed out at all not in the still joins us on friday morning but dude how you doing not even a little bit he does not make me we've had a couple of weeks the other was a bit of a tense back and but i loved every second of it i saw him later in the day and i said i loved that keep that coming that's great i'm gonna get under his skin he knows it's coming definitely uh a mixed bag since last week yeah we everything was pretty good last friday then all of a sudden they lose five in a row but come back with wins the last couple of days to to steady the ship a little bit uh we will chat with the skipper mike shilt our weekly managers report to kick off the final hour of benewoods on a friday uh that is coming up next uh and we'll talk about uh today's game continue the series and uh just wrap everything up so uh don't go anywhere mike shilt is uh you sound nervous i'm not nervous you sound very nervous i'm more i mean i don't i feel like it's gonna be fine it's gonna go well oh boy it's next benewoods on ninety seven three the fan final hour of benewoods on a friday uh city connect friday podders at home tonight continuing their series against the milwaukee brewers and it is time for our managers report with mike shilt brought to you by sandhiko kennedy credit union it's not big bank banking it's better we bring the skipper on board congratulations you were right mike it was historic last night the first time in poddress franchise history three straight walk off home runs at pet co park uh hey that was a lot of fun a lot of fun yeah you know you uh i've never experienced anything like that um so you felt like pretty rare so you know organizations have been around for a while but man um pretty cool it's definitely cool and i was you know obviously watching the game last night and i thought to myself when it happened it was such a sigh of relief i know you had to be feeling it too i know jeremy estrada probably feeling it as well and um what a gamer he was to step up last night and take the ball uh skip and and you know for you though you you know and everybody knows that's not the best sustainable way to win baseball games in the future but i'll sure take them uh over losses right now yeah i think that's pretty clear um not sustainable but you know look you win games in weird ways and you play on our c2 games man you're gonna have different kind of games and um i think we've all seen that following baseball over the years and you know it was uh it was a game we just go ahead and come on the other good on the good side of got to home runs from both mani and tatice i mean that is such a welcome sight for poddress fans but i want to talk about jackson maryll in this recent power search because uh you know i remember kind of hearing the scouting reports going at some point in his career this guy might you know develop some power to go with all the other tools that he has but didn't expect kind of to happen right away six home runs in eight games are you seeing anything you know different from jackson where where is this coming from right now uh you know jackson's uh throwback is kind of a maybe a uh not a great way of describing it but but my point i'm getting at first of all he did something that only willy nays has done god rest his soul you know passing of a obvious legend and a real miss for our game um but what a what an icon and one example of breaking this hole in off the field but um what i'm getting at with jackson you know hundred years ago when i was doing this and the game was played a little differently and and taught a little differently um right or wrong in general guys like jackson uh our guys just in general would would learn how to hit they'd learn how to drive the hits ball the other way they'd learn how to you know be a good hitter and then um then the power would would come and they would learn how to get comfortable and you know pick their spots and they had a had a stroke that allowed them to use the whole field which allowed them to be a have consistent bats and then as we all know the game morphed into more of an all or nothing outcome um when that case i think jackson's a little bit of a throwback you know he's a guy that has really good bat to ball skills um values that you know just trying to take good at bats getting his hits you know base um you know take them with the game give them and that was you know mature and quickly i would i would add into um learning how to drive the ball you know i don't like to compare player but jimmy evidence is like that if he's always created and had a lot of monitoring homers he didn't hit a lot of power and he ended up becoming a a borderline hall of famer um and it got it ended up having some big moments with some with some big power but he came up learning how to hit and that was a little bit more of the way it used to be and and that's what jackson has done do you see it skip getting back to that a little bit i mean you got guys like steve and quan you got guys like you know your very own louise rise you got jackson maryll are you seeing maybe a little bit of a return to you know hit first power later uh i'm not seeing some kind of trend that i can oh man we're going back to that um i do see certain i do see more of it i do think um the game you know i haven't had as much touch points with them you know being able to travel around and see minor leagues and that's all season and spend much time it's typical and i will this year going to you know out of my high school and coaching friends and seeing their programs and talking to them could always try to don't try you typically do um you know talk to talk to what the players are like and what's taking place and scowls so what's coming up because that's that's the future of our game and i'm always curious about um you know we say things trickle down but really you know players and philosophies and how amateurs are playing a lot of that how they're thinking how they're being trained that that that typically trickles up um so the point i'm getting is i don't i don't know if it's taking place you're trending in that direction i do see some teams us being one of them having a little bit more of a holistic approach to hitting use the whole field so i do see that so i'll be coming back a little bit in certain areas of the game but i couldn't tell you the players are trending in that way or not mike i want to ask you about your bullpen um you know i made this point earlier that that simply in terms of volume of games you guys have played more than anybody else in baseball less off days more games quite a bit more than some teams like seven more than other teams at this point you know i'm not saying that i'm not overreacting to one or two games this past week but you know your bullpen has been worked a lot there's been some ups there's been some downs what are you kind of uh seeing in terms of how you can get a little more consistency out of the pen and and you know are you anticipating a move to try to bring some reinforcements here yeah i'm not going to get in the aj space about the move um i got my handful as it is um he's on top of our club and um you know i like our club you know this is something that you know you'll probably ask me in another three to four weeks and i'll give us some more answer um but it's a legitimate question and i get it and um it's a fairly i mean overall it's a general question i'll give you a simple what actually is the simple and general answer um bull tensor is good as as the starting pitching um you know and that's that's just the fact of the matter you know and when you have not solely i won't say that not a sort of bit longer answer but but at a starting point you know if our starter if starters go deeper in games um then you keep your bullpen fresh um and when your bullpen is fresh they're usually more efficient pretty common right pretty basic sure um and you know it's also interesting because rightfully so you know so if you don't get starting pitching going past you know four or five innings consistently which i think four of our last starts you know look i like our starters it's just you know the other side is trying to we pay some good clubs that's good approaches you know they're competing their tail off but you know your bullets get spit and then you get a certain point in the game or you got to make a decision you know and sometimes you write your start a little bit longer because your bullpen it is a little depleted but you get four out of five games and you're in your bullpen the fourth or fifth inning um and you're in a stretch of games where you know we had 13 day off 13 day off now we're 13 to your point we played more games than anybody in the game um you know starting early with um in in Seoul um so you know your bullpen is going to get a little tax and then you're going to because of that it gets the dominoes get out of place a little bit in a sense of you know you have a guy's rest like it's just a case a guy's have to pitch and have to carry the mail and um you know sometimes they're not as effective and then the other side of that on the bullpen side of it um that they have ownership then is um and we all have ownership in it you know make sure they're putting the right place but it's being efficient when they're in there and when you're a little more fatigued or you know um and I feel like we've done a good job outside of Jeremiah going through the passing the ball around um and and not trying to sacrifice you know them for competition um and still try to win games which you know is clearly the the end goal um marrying those two is a is a you know half field McCoy marriage some days and um and so they've been efficient allows them to be able to bounce back and and not have to use another guy to get through to win games um and you know the wrap-up point about bullpounds is you know I said people people understand but in the moment or in a silo um I've said this before and it's a great example was given to me more recently it's in the video game you know um where yeah I can bring this guy in and he's fresh and he can just pitch and these guys can't pitch every day like I said we pushed you know we pushed guys you know it's to to go answer and they know there's gonna be times in the season or levers or any show older left hand earlier reached out of a t-shirt said relievers are people too um and you know so it's a long answer to your question but bullpitten that's a broad stroke simple way of putting it and and what can be a somewhat a complex of operating but um you know it's just interesting to me how people do view um bullpens and and uh I haven't done it for you know 25-30 years having a long it's uh you know that's my that's my high level answer to it yeah it's talking to mike shilt skipper the San Diego potterace here on bed and woods this morning and I you know listen I I'm typically the guy that that yeah I don't want to use the word blame but I put the responsibility on the guys hey can you go today you can great give me what you got sometimes it doesn't work out I tend to kind of put it on the players the guys are actually executing the pitches and in some cases uh skip not executing the pitches I wanted to ask about one in particular I you've managed a lot of guys you've managed a lot of left-handers out of the bullpen a guy like Yuki Matsui who early in the season um you know very very effective and has maybe gotten a little less so walking too many guys I think for probably everybody's uh liking right now how do you get him back on track and and it's got to it's got to be a kind of a tougher call in a higher leverage situation for you uh to go to Yuki right now how do you get him back going again well you know a couple things by the tougher call I mean I'm going to go back to my previous answer there it's not a silo of when you can put these guys in right like you know so sometimes it's just you have two or three guys up the other thing but it's super fun for my chair sure I'm just when people like oh you can't pitch no I'm not talking about Yuki because I'll get a Yuki minute Yuki's gonna be fine um but it's just interesting like oh this guy is pitching there's not anybody else to pitch some days um you know and so that part is a sidebar for my chair it's super fun by the um you know but anyway um you can listen he's similar to a fair amount of guys in our bullpen and this is the other part of that um it's just real is it is it yeah there's a learning curve um no one loves the learning curve in the big leagues on any team that's looking to compete in any sport no one wants to hear um and I wish you didn't have to happen um but the fact of the matter is learning curves are real um and you know this is a this is the top of the people's profession and Yuki's come in and these have some really good moments for us um and you know sometimes we we we forget those um and we do expect these guys to be absolutely on point every single time we get frustrated when it doesn't happen um and I get it people we care we we all care we want it we want the best and I expect the best but I don't miss a turpour but I'm also realistic that um yeah he's been really good he's helped us out in thick spots this year um so I don't forget that and and draw from that and draw from his experience in Japan being a closer um and then conversely like it's his first year in the big leagues this is first year you know figuring out what this all looks like figuring out the the hitters and oh by the way he's doing it in an entirely different culture and that's the other thing that you know I I have the experience of understanding and seeing and look I ain't making no excuse for anybody uh we get it's a bottom line game I understand that but they aren't human and he's in a different country and he's making adjustments you know in a lot of different areas it takes a while whether your player got traded used to be in another top team become another country there's just human and so you know yeah Yuki's um done well he's also struggled with his consistency of his his command and that's that's you know the thing that he's working on the most is he trying to hard is he you know still filling out you know what he's doing certain role um all of that's true um but Yuki you you just got the stuff in the zone to get out and we just need to find that more consistent you know I think that learning curve comment is so interesting because we're seeing it before our eyes with Matt Waldron and you talk about needing you know a little more length from your starting pitch and you're getting it from Matt Waldron and he's the guy that I think is fans we didn't really expect that much from this season but in spring training you and and AJ and the in the team you chose him to be your your fifth starter at that point did you have an idea that this was possible you know just based on what you saw from him you know early on this spring actually yes um you know you see you see the best version of guys now you know you mentioned the strata we do you know you know yes about Waldron by we said down with Jeremiah and said hey man you can be a really good eighth inning guys if it goes based on your stuff um so go you know Ruben and Ruben Diego does a great job then Fricker Bolpinko which is tremendous as well um you know had a clear played form so getting back to to Matty you know Matty's got an elite pitch that you know when it's hard to catch he's got to be hard to hit right I mean he had a big lead catcher you know he just his guy and this guy's been in 17 years professional baseball and he does a great job with him but occasionally it's like you know he's hanging on for he's just long for the ride with this thing and just trying to corral it he doesn't you know like I said he's done a great job but hard to catch hard to hit man and so um and it's not like a pitch you guys aren't in the big leads aren't seen it every day and plus he's coupled with a good sweeper that you can throw and he's got you know he's got a legitimate fastball it's 1993 um but he can keep people honest with and he can locate because he's a strike thrower with it so man what a great combination so you just know right if this guy can get through you know some of the learning curves you know understand what a big lead starter looks like on a consistent basis routine his pre-game routine and then the feeling out process of how much to throw it how hard to throw it when to throw it when the mix is other pitches in and he's able to get it in the zone and and you know you start to see what we're seeing now um so you know that's that's the reason he's on the club talking to the skipper mike shelter on bed and woods this morning and I know you're not on twitter uh but you know who john boy media is I couldn't let you uh off the hook this morning without asking you about he knew this was coming the lip reading video i'm sure you've seen it I wonder if the players have asked you about it I had to I had to bring it up your ejection in new york the other day have you have you seen this clip boy i get it i have heard about it okay you have heard all right so you know what i'm talking about i'm not completely going and blind here i know i know i was ejected i know what i said so yeah sure you didn't know that everyone else is gonna know what you said that's exactly right do you feel a little violated uh by that whole that whole thing um i've gotten over that violation i don't love it um you know i don't know i was interpreted um the same guy which he you know he's doing it is good everybody's got a gig that's fine um you know he caught me in chicago years ago in a similar fashion so i know it exists um maybe i've got to be some you know cover him out um mike the title of the video was manager politely asks to be a jacked yeah that was the time you're a nice man you're a nice guy i mean it's not the worst thing it's nothing to apologize for in my opinion i'm not yeah i don't apologize i mean listen you know i think you're asking the question no my today i don't you know listen i always have our god bats you know i made it pretty clear uh using the next whatever that typically comes out about the actual pitch yes you know which you know many took exception with i took exception with i wanted it to be clear that there was a you know there was uh an unhappiness that took place with with um the judgment but then after that you know it's like look i'm not gonna sit you know i'm and sometimes i've got a good relationship in general with i'm piraging though you've probably seen me yell out of a lot sure um but overall i've got a pretty i've got a very respectful rightfully um relationship with them they have a hard job to do um and and i'm just i grew up shoot i grew up washington john and shoes of the vampires for you know six years and um you know hearing people yelling at them banging on doors and that was back in the day when you know it was right beside a clubhouse and there was a little less security um in in double a so i lived their lives and i empathize with it you know the challenges they have and so the point i'm ultimately getting that i don't have a real reputation i'll get i'll have someone else had one earlier i'll probably have another um where i'll really get into somebody um if it's if it's warranted and yeah it was warranted for the ejection and make sure that you know support our guy and make sure they know what we don't appreciate it um but my point is these guys won't throw you know that's that they won't throw me out but i got it like it's okay man you can it's all right you know um and um so anyway that was as much of what that looks like and and uh it's far harder to say now you know most of the rest of the rest of the world well yeah and our take was you know people were worried was manny really know that he's got he's got his back manny's not really really mad and we both said manny more than any other player knows how things work i mean manny knows exactly how these things work see i've got an interesting this but like what i said interesting i don't know that any you know um you know the public opinion public opinion people are clearly entitled to them um so it's interesting to me that people would even ask that because the gueno text to me you know right you know day after or later that night and you know whenever it came out you know and he's like that's you know i won't share the text he's like you always got the back you know check in on me but like yeah this is you and you know you're you know he was complimentary about how it went down and he you know he was complimentary about you know taking care of me and he's so um it's interesting you know people can complain you didn't take care of me not like you know sure no one doubts that you've got your players back yeah like that's the one thing no one could ever doubt you've got your players back for sure yeah well we appreciate it as always we joked you're actually tougher on the reporters and the radio people than you are on the umpires that's right keep it coming there's like the radio people yeah there we go hey there we go you guys need to be drug tested uh hey you're out of here you're gone that's true you're gone you're a jet you've been ejected from this interview mike yeah you're very much you wanted it you wanted it let's go you're gone thank you so much thank you too there he is the skipper mike shelter manager's report brought to you by sandy and good county credit unit it's not big bank banking it's better and maybe that was the bad call that i just made but you know that's the one's his job to challenge the bad calls that's right very fun very fun conversation with mike shilt will uh we'll break down a little bit of what he had to say i thought his bullpen comments were pretty interesting i love to know what you think uh maybe we can get some phone calls in eight three three two eight eight zero ninety seven three believe oh and maybe you should be calling uh now as well for a certain giveaway all coming up back after traffic here on ninety seven three the fam congratulations to mike not mike shilt but mike won the doobie brothers tickets called in to win in our last segment but our thanks again to the skipper mike shilt always some uh playful back and forth on his weekly managers report appearances and thank you again to sandy and county credit union for making that possible got a great tweet from our beloved will holder he says hearing shilty talk makes me feel mean for my thoughts about our baseball team yeah kind of yes it does you kind of make sure i thought like i when he started talking about yuki i went all right you're right you got me that's why i told i told him uh who is the reliever with the relievers or people ready to show you know i was like i mean here's our people too i was like okay yeah okay you're right yep new culture kind of a rookie i'm not kind of a rookie um all right crap my thoughts uh my thoughts are impure and i do apologize no i mean look he's right it it he's got a different perspective he sits in a different chair he always will but he's used this the term the silo term before um and we've told we've said it a billion what what does that mean to you it's it's easy to manage a bull pen in a silo right i mean it's very very simple in the in a silo everything's contained there's no outside factors there's no injury there's no overuse there's no flu just yeah there's no illness it's just nagging growing injury right like there's just very simple in a silo i there is no worst gig in the in sports and and what he's managing a bull pen none about starting you know bull pens as good as your starting picture absolutely right the pottery starting pictures due to a number of factors you Darvish and Joe Musgrove going on the interlist you know short performances by Randy Vasquez and Adam Major and even you know Michael King's pitching well but didn't go deep because they worked him hard ceases been struggling so other than Waldron they're getting no length that of any of their starters which means everybody's overused and they have no off days to to reset or give anybody a break so i guess what you're saying is of course of course his bull pen is struggling a little bit right now saying blowfish is you know in a silo there's no getting sick there's no feeling a little extra tired no baby drama nothing like it's just it's one of those things where you you have to keep it in mind but fans don't really want to and and i do get the sense as much as it bugs him that fans don't really want to he does understand it he's been around the game long enough to the fans are fanatics and we are insane and we expect perfection and the best every single time and you know knowing knowing it's impossible you know you're chasing something that's a futile that's a futile dream nobody's ever had a perfect bull pen never it's never existed it's been really good effective bull pens nobody's ever been perfect no no closer is has any closer ever gone like 56 and 56 for safe opportunity the eric gun yeah it was pretty that amazing season Trevor's best was what was he 53 of 54 that's damn good and Robert Suarez may may be there at the end of the year he has had about as good as of a year as you can imagine but you know even he has faltered so um i can certainly appreciate that i try you know i try to be try to be semi-logical it's hard when i'm watching easier when i'm talking about it when i'm watching is when i lose it Dan Dan in the chat says MLB screwed the Padres with the schedule this year well remember everything that goes around comes around so while the Padres have played more games and and taxed their bull pen more theoretically at least when you get to the second half of the season and other teams are going to have to make up those games and have less days off and use their bull pens more the Padres will have more days off and will hopefully have a chance to be more fresh and take advantage and be in a good situation against the other teams that are coming in and they just played seven in a row and they just use their bull pens a ton and the Padres are going yeah we just had two off days this week and we're uh we're feeling really good right now so hopefully it all evens out later no matter what you do for a living no matter what it is that you do for a living we've all had those weeks this week was one of them where you look at it on monday and you go oh if i can if i can just get through this and i may win some i may lose some i just got to get to this date then i'm feeder up and and it's easy street and i do feel like potteries are in one of those stretches right now again we've been saying it all year hang around hang around hang around it's not fun it's not enjoyable winning one losing one it certainly wasn't enjoyable losing five in a row that can't happen but again reinforcements potentially coming back with you Darvish and hopefully those guys can can give that bull pen a little bit of a risk because they've earned it man they have they they deserve it they did they were really really good for a while yeah they helped us win a lot more but even when you comes back he's probably going to be on a a bit of a pitch count you know it's and there's still a little ways away from getting back to full strength rotation which means then full strength bull pen as well did not address he said leave it to AJ and the roster moves about whether Tom Cosgrove will be back today but that is uh that is the uh the word on the streets that the potteries will make a move and bring Tom Cosgrove back to the bull pen to at least give mike shilt another option uh for at least tonight's game uh with that with that depleted pen all right well we got one more segment you guys thought you got off the hook uh today you didn't you and pull oh yeah you're not off the hook i didn't forget i don't forget anything yeah our ceo meeting yesterday absolutely clowned out the both of you i'm furious i've been furious for like 18 hours straight here so i got to roast these two if you listen to yesterday's opening segment you'll know what i'm talking about if not i'll reset the whole thing for you and we'll preview tonight's game against the Milwaukee Brewers a bunch of kiss asses i work with this is unbelievable it's unbelievable so disappointed i will defend myself oh i know it's on 97 three the fam tell everybody you're a little nugget you're so delighted by not delighted by it i'm impressed i you might remember former pga tour player dick masked i do not remember dick masked oh he was a regular on tour for a while uh he qualified for the champions tour event uh 73 years old and he qualified with the monday qualifier and now shot his one better than his age today in the first round of the dicks open what an open my favorite open so if you want to keep an eye on dick masked and dicks open this week exporting goods yeah okay exactly they sponsor the tournament okay i do not know uh dick we had some revelations yesterday around this place i don't know if anyone caught the uh the round table but what ended up clearly being the highlight is we learned that chris elo used to deliver singing telegram do you hear this poly no you didn't hear this yes so you did not hear this i missed that part so the seventh inning stretch question was what's the worst job you've ever had and you know what's told his story about selling inspirational art out of his trunk success and then the uh the tuxy the one day tuxy don't rent a little bit when he wrecked all the tuxedos craig was great he talked about working at soup plantation and like burning your cells twelve times a day on the soups and the muffins he was very excited to get promoted to muffin man and then the he found the muffin tin the muffin pans burning like all the time seared his arms so he went home his arms were covered in burns and but then we get to elo and he goes well i don't think i've ever told anybody this but during during one of my summers at sandy estate i needed a job and and for a couple of months i delivered singing telegrams around san diego but most interesting is that you had five get-ups to choose from yeah and one was a cowboy okay you had to wear costume cowboy knock on a door there was like a sing and then the one that was really interesting poly was like an adam and eve type bit where he was adam in a bodysuit with a leaf covering his wiener and he would have to go in and sing and i said oh my lord and i looked at him and i like uh like an alien i go you did this you did chris elo you went and did singing he goes yeah i go whoa do you remember and no i don't remember any of it i'm like bulless now of course you took me a young chris elo was like i heard that you were feeling ill yeah hundred percent yeah well then so then uh poly guess who yeah was listening adam oh i won't do anything anything i need this i need he tweeted about it running he ran in oh my god i can't believe it oh my god i what do i need to do to get to it it's grave went nuts with it and elo's like what did i do oh boy what did i do and we had to move on in the round table you know me i would have interviewed him for an hour about it i thought it was the most it's it's riveting riveting like he's had some cool stuff happen is like i mean you got you know played played with tony with tony with tony with tony with tony that's a that's a that's something to hang your hat on this is more interesting to me it just was so out of character chris doesn't seem like the singing telegram source i won't do anything and all anything you need i'm going to go get a unit hard right now he poly go look at his twitter oh jeffrey says someone had a great comment elo my baby elo my honey elo my sweetie pie hello my ragtime gal he was it was incredible i mean you you're like wow my story sucked compared to that bens was refereeing little kids like terrible compared every motivational posters like a cat hang in there how did that get beat it's they had that get married yeah me in my suit it was like an impressive or something or like something like that with a hatchback and i remember one day i broke a bunch of them started to pay for him it was terrible it was a terrible gig but he was actually doing singing telegrams but so yeah he was uh and then he doesn't have any pictures he's got he doesn't have a video no video no this is 1981 we didn't just have camera phones right everywhere to record these things it was great that was a great great story but so we did the round table and then i told you guys the story of of what happened to me after if you want to go back and listen what happened to a friend of mine six a.m. it was pretty heavy stuff um but we came back here we had a meeting with our ceo david field and the meeting started with our boss michael calling us out with david because apparently he picked up david from the airport and they put on bed and woods as we suspected they might and they just happened to catch when we started talking about the meeting and how i said look it's 145 in the afternoon we got i got here at five i just want to be at home don't ask any superfluous questions all right the i'm not going to so quit ask the boss always has one or two that's you know it's free scripted and oh let me ask you about this right oh oh it's just off the cuff right so we knew that was coming that's fine you knew a sales person was going to ask something that's standard but i said to my guys in here Benny and paulay i said do you guys i mean we don't even have to worry about you guys asking the question because we're not going to ask you we just want to get out of there son of a bitch if ben didn't raise his hand and ask the first question and now he wrote the first question no it was like the second the first question among the two of you but but let me let me would ask the first question but he claims it was just a joke it was a bit let me let me let me because i let me explain let me explain we got called out and he said oh so i'm sure ben and woods will have a lot of questions for you i go yeah by the way how is fourth quarter pacing like it was a joke and i sat down i shut my mouth as i was it was we all agreed that we were going to do strategic though the meeting was going too short yes i agree we were only like 15 minutes in and i felt like it was 10 or something i felt like if there wasn't one or two questions to keep it going it was going to be very awkward but the point was to end the meeting not nobody wasn't going to just end there we never said it wasn't it just get it in did i did i get on the air and say hey let's keep this thing going it's no no no let's get out of here here's the thing the meetings that you're referring to are the ones that go about 45 minutes and then questions and then people start yes had that happened i would have been silent but because we'd only gone like 12 minutes and then he asked for some questions it was supposed to be an open we needed to get it to like 25 minutes just for everyone to feel satisfied and get out of there so i tried to come up with something that would you know keep it moving but not derail the process can i say something yeah it was a terrible question it was a horrible poly had a great question poly didn't i want to get to actually asked a phenomenal question but your question was terrible actually i got an answer to my question not for me i wasn't the right guy but adam answered it so my question was and i thought the reason i thought he might be able to terrible question not a question for the ceo well it wasn't but i thought maybe he could have something to do within in terms of the negotiations with like major league baseball when we play our it's hard to when you play your app it's hard to play the pottery games in san diego because it it you like identified as outside the county but adam said they just had an update where if you turn on location settings in the odyssey app it should be able to play so if you're ever like on a walk trying to listen on your earbuds and it's going you can't listen because you're outside the market area i'm going no i'm in san diego now you should be able to do it so i did get an answer at least ask in the ceo hey what headphones do you like i could have answered your question that's an alum could have answered he did it it has nothing to do he had a great question yeah so then then has now broken the beninwood seal and it's free that's also part of it's free rain to just fire questions at the ceo and extend our time and poly did ask a good one he said uh asked about ai it's just how do you how does odyssey plan to incorporate or not or not incorporate ai because like i'm not too worried about ai maybe doing our specific jobs of man if you're just spending records and talking for 30 seconds in between them i'd be pretty worried because i know that technology exists katie has reporters yeah that can be replaced by ai pretty pretty damn quickly and it's kind of scary katie asks do i have a meeting i asked could this have been a call then i asked could this call be an email then i wonder if the email could have been a text i think you're the answer katie is yes yes yes to all of it but listen you got to put in the the face time as a ceo then it got it got so we got down to to a minute uh we got down to the end of the meeting and and one of our sales guys raised his hand and asked about um fm radio and am radio in cars because his tesla uh is not they had to do an upgrade in his tesla and then our boss weighed in about his tesla and so then they looked at me i was laughing they looked at me and i said i don't get the signal very well in my vacation beach home and i said all you guys talking about your tesla problems i just want to go home my boss everyone looked at me like oh you're dead you're dead catalact problems well actually tesla problems for all these people and they're teslas so uh it ended was fine we it was not that long 45 minutes i think it was even less even less even less and then we had us then we had some food yeah then we went home but it's nice to know the ceo is cares enough to come out all the way from philadelphia and visit us yeah i mean wouldn't you want to describe it plain or commercial what do we think and i don't want to know i don't want to know dude i really don't want to know but uh yeah thank you guys you did uh i kind of see your point now about like it was all right ten minutes have you wasted my time for this we've had the meetings where he has slides slides yes yeah agenda and then if there's any time we'll get some questions that's when it's like everybody shut up yeah everyone shut up this was like you guys might be right an open forum might be right he looked at a podcast he went about eight minutes and he got a lot more now i want to hear from you guys all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right we got to check your sass one more time i think we're too late for things been like we will uh we'll take a look at tonight's game quickly when we come back on the other set of traffic here on ninety seven three the fan from the ninety seven three the fan traffic center here's kelly dannick this couple things wrapping up our morning drive collision the clearing stage on south on 15 just before mere mason boulevard also east down 52 before the 15 collision bomb a couple vehicles that's over the right shoulder and kelly dannick with bennenwood san diego's number one sports station ninety seven three the fan all right five days go for the third win in a row it is a uh six forty start again five forty eco water so cal pre-game show with sam leavitt uh city connect friday as the pot raise uh send dylan cease to the mount and if they ever needed a seven inning plus outing from dylan cease today's the day and don't know what exactly's been wrong with dylan cease but whatever it is really hope that uh today's the day that he gets back on track because they really could use a long outing to to rest that bullpen up hopefully get a win get back to five hundred and uh once again have your opportunity to start making that run that they keep starting and then crashing back to earth and then starting it up and then back down again so he'll be going against colin ray you might remember former pottery colin ray was actually has a low three er and has been a nice uh stop gap for the brewers in their injury riddled rotation this year yeah i mean again one of those guys you look at his numbers you go wow six and two with a three twenty nine he must be really really good uh he's a very average pitcher that's gotten very very lucky this year not to take anything away from him it's sometimes the name of the game you know it really is but you know the guy sitting with a three twenty ninety hour bend he has expected he already is five you know it's just things are going his way right now so it's up to the sand ego pot raise to be disruptive he's a five-pitch pitcher um so you're gonna eat actually six picks six-pitch pitcher right now but he's heavy sinker heavy cutter um heavy sweeper so but he is right handed he's right handed so let's feast tonight and the pot raise got many titties home run yeah let's go to the rolling i mean jake keep it rolling tonight if there's any update on the roster if there's a move i'm sure Annie and elston will have it for you they are coming up next that's it for our uh our adventurous week for paul ryanell for steven woods i'm ben higgins we'll talk to you monday morning at six a.m right here on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fans so long everybody we all belong outside we're drawn to nature 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thing it's not as extreme highs and lows you don't have to be a certain height to ride this ride you can be any height and and enjoy the padre season bro even my kids and downs even my kids hate the carousel they hate the carousel they like the rollercoaster i mean it is what it is like to care i never like to care it's worthless this is stupid it's more like the swings forever swings like the high swings that would be around have you ever been on one of those old fashioned carousels where there's the brass ring and you try to grab it as you're going by i thought that was a faint of very ride no there's like yeah there's like there was like brass ring like a dispenser and you go around you try to like reach up off your your horse and if you grabbed it that's where it cries you want to be riding the brass ring comes from yeah grab the brass ring brass ring i grab the as spring okay this hour at 97-3 the fan is brought to you by tropical smoothie cafe they really want you to go here on national smoothie day join the free smoothie party at tropical smoothie cafe today is national smoothie day and they're treating tropic rewards members to a free smoothie with bowl or food purchase order an app online or pop by the cafe for a little sip and chill three cheers to our tropic fam terms and conditions apply paul he's got our rindle report headlines right after this check of traffic on 97-3 the fam and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindle report now tuned into the mouth greatest welcome to the rindle report with paul rindle hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindle report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to blast the mood i need some help please that was good can i get a whole year all right all right all right happy friday gentlemen happy friday to everybody listening in uh want to get right into this audio really really powerful stuff yesterday on this is the pre-game show i believe uh fox sports pre-game show with david or tees a rod and all the guys that they had out there at the uh rickwood field game rickwood field game and um regi jackson stopped by and i think the clip that been sent over specifically just said said it well just take two minutes out of your day and listen to this man speak amazing how emotional is it for you to come back to a play that you play played with one of the greatest teams around what alex when people ask me a question like that it's like coming back here is not easy the racism that i played here when i played here the the difficulty of going through different places where we traveled fortunately i had a manager and i had players on the team that helped me get through it but i wouldn't wish it on anybody people said to me today i spoke and they said you think you're a better person you think you you you won when you played here and conquered i said you know i would never wanted to do it want to do it again i walked into restaurants and they would point at me and said if you can't eat here i would go to a hotel and they say then you can't stay here we went to charlie finley's country club for a welcome home dinner and they pointed me out with the n-word he can't come in here finley marched the whole team out finally they let me in there he said we're going to go to the diner and eat hamburgers we'll go where we're wanted fortunately i had a manager of johnny macnamara that if i couldn't eat in the place nobody would eat we'd get food to travel if i couldn't stay in a hotel they'd drive to the next hotel and find a place where i could stay had it not been for rolly fingers johnny macnamara dave duncan it's joe and sherry and rutie i slept on their couch three four nights a week for about a took month and a half finally they were threatened that they would burn the our apartment complex down unless i got out i wouldn't wish it on anyone it's incredible man i was watching it uh live when it happened and and taken aback uh to hear those stories and and uh just an incredible incredible event that they put on but again and it's like jake made the point earlier yeah the field of dreams games oh this is cool kind of catchy and sticky this is a reminder of of what it was for him to go back to that field it's a reminder of what it was but what it still is for a lot of people out there and it was really moving you can hear his voice crack a couple times i give a lot of credit to regi jackson not only for the the career that he had but for the man that he is and uh just thinking about that having to crash on your buddy's couch and them saying you guys got to get out of here and burn this thing down it's it that wasn't that long ago i think what what really struck me is that you want to say just ignore the ignorant people right you know just you know you're better than me he had a lot of support obviously but imagine now when you hear that story from regi jackson's perspective obviously he did nothing wrong but because of you know not him but the people's attitude toward him you know everything was more difficult for his entire team no doubt okay we get to the hotel we know you can't stay here so they all had to hop you on the bus and maybe go a town over to try to find somewhere and imagine how that felt for regi you know obviously it's not his fault terrible but that had to be like the worst the worst feeling every single day you have to go through that and again man think about somewhere that you've experienced trauma in your life and they're like hey come on back would you like to do a public speaking announcement like engagement you know i mean celebrates not the right word but like hey we want to recognize recognize and and yeah all of that stuff that you had to go through back in the same location come on back yeah it's crazy oh just crazy crazy in a in a real testament and unfortunately while things are somewhat better that's still not perfect no and not even close all right got one more story uh Derek cheater i think he was out there as well he was yesterday so he did a podcast appearance with jimmy trainee does the sports illustrated media podcast and jeter was on the latest episode and he was talking about uh the hall of fame vote and how he was one vote away from being a unanimous hall of famer and there's been plenty of guys that should have been unanimous hall of famers he's definitely one of them he was one vote away and that is still bothering him and he wants now that that person that did not vote for him is unknown anonymous we do not know the reason ballot he did not make their but they didn't make their ballot public and jeter's kind of still salty about it it's been years now and he wants that person to be held accountable his quote was me members of the media always want us to be accountable as players true good game for us bad game we don't care you have to stand in front of your locker and you have to address the media i did it every single day you may not have liked what i said but i was accountable and i was there and i think you should expect the same from members of the media i don't care that someone didn't vote for me i really don't jeter insisted but i do think what becomes annoying is i have to constantly answer this question and i don't think i should be the one answering the question whoever it is should answer the question i don't have a problem with it but i get tired of being asked is there so is the counter argument if you want baseball writers to give their truly honest opinion can they do that if they know if people disagree with their ballot they're going to wear it forever like it has to be anonymous you know if they want to truly feel like they can without bias at all give their thoughts on who's a hall of famer and they're not going to see it just like our elections you know you go in you don't you don't have to tell anyone who you voted for true that's that's an important part of the process is that an important part of this process or not i don't know what are you saying just made a lot of sense to me when he said it that way i'm like you guys demand this of us yeah it does and uh we don't get to demand the same it's funny how many issues are actually complicated and not simply black and white there are arguments on both sides of things that make sense and even you got to kind of balance it out because i absolutely see Derek jeter's point but i also see the argument in favor of keeping the vote if they want to anonymous so they feel like they can truly because if you know that you're just getting you really truly think that Derek jeter wasn't a hall of famer but you know if you don't vote for him you're never going to hear the end of it you probably just check Derek jeter i don't want to hear it so that's not an honest vote that's not an honest vote either but if you if you if you're going to say that there aren't biases in hall of fame voting that's pretty nice as well if that's why i will never have a hall of fame vote i couldn't help but be biased you would take yours very seriously you would too i would too but i would also be very biased you'd wish there were more than ten yeah i'm very i'm kind of free with it yeah yeah all right and finally gentlemen we have a little bit of a shout out to his family to get a bit one actually and i really hope we can see more unity and more peace when already things are so difficult so shout out to his family yeah i'm hollywood legend donald southerland passed away yesterday the age of uh 88 mash animal house because he was in the hunger games i didn't see those you did not i assumed you did i thought he was the best of those movies he was the evil president snow yeah and stole every scene he was fantastic he got a uh there was a tweet yesterday from his son of course kefir uh southerland also a good actor very very good actor um and it says with a heavy heart i tell you that my father donald southerland has passed away i personally think one of the most important actors in the history of film never daunted by a role good bad or ugly he loved what he did he did what he loved no one can ever ask for more than that a life well lived yeah it was in the picture of kefir when he was a little boy next to me it just it just killed me um my favorite role of his i really liked him in a time to kill as the drunken uh attorney lucian i thought he was really good in that but his we was the professor in an animal house i mean he was spectacular in it and he's smoking pot with all of the kids in his you know uh apartment and they're passing a joint around and what's it get uh Larry what'd they call him not flounder the kind of the main character why can't i think i can't remember he says he says yeah i'm working on a book and he goes oh it must be wonderful and donald southerland says it's a piece of s and it's the funniest most under the radar the what is it flounder flounder yeah it's the most it's the funniest most underrated one that's a piece of s it kills me he was such a good actor um yeah and you know not the oh him his monologue and jfk oh my god sitting with the bench with kevin costume there yeah staggeringly great staggeringly great so uh shout out to his family and uh shout out to his family and that's a that's a hat tip eighty three eighty eight years old uh the the only the cause of death list was a long illness so there you go that's a random report thank you poly all right is it uh are we nervous again i know we always get nervous dude i'm who's nervous you get a little bit i'm not nervous at all i've never been nervous in weeks you always get a little a little domed out i'm not domed out at all not in the slightest joins us on friday morning not even a little bit he does not make me you've had a couple of weeks the other was a bit of a tense back but i loved every second of it i saw him later in the day and i said i loved that keep that coming that's great i'm gonna get under his skin he knows it's coming well definitely uh mixed bags since last week yeah we everything was pretty good last friday then all of a sudden they lose five in a row but come back with wins the last couple of days to steady the ship a little bit uh we will chat with the skipper mike shilt our weekly managers report to kick off the final hour of vena woods on a friday that is coming up next uh and we'll talk about uh today's game continue the series and uh just wrap everything up so uh don't go anywhere mike shilt is uh is not nervous i'm not nervous i'm very nervous i'm more i mean i don't i feel like it's gonna be fine it's gonna go well oh holy snacks vena woods on ninety seven three the fam final hour of vena woods on a friday uh city connect friday potteries at home tonight continuing their series against the milwaukee brewers and it is time for our managers report with mike shilt brought to you by sandy eco county credit union it's not big bank banking it's better we bring the skipper on board congratulations you were right mike it was historic last night the first time in potteries franchise history three straight walk off home runs at pet co park uh hey that was a lot of fun a lot of fun yeah you know you're i've never experienced anything like that um so you felt like pretty rare so you know organizations have been around for a while but man um pretty cool it's definitely cool and i was you know obviously watching the game last night and i thought to myself when it happened it was such a sigh of relief i know you had to be feeling it too i know jeremy astrada probably feeling it as well and um but what a gamer he was to step up last night and take the ball uh skip and and you know for you though you you know and everybody knows that's not the best sustainable way to win baseball games in the future but i'll sure take them uh over losses right now yeah i think that's pretty clear um not sustainable but you know look you win games in weird ways and you put on our c2 games man you're gonna have different kind of games and um i think we've all seen that following base over the years and you know it was uh it was a game we just go out to come on the other good on the good side of got to home runs from both mani and tatice i mean that is such a welcome sight for padre's fans but i want to talk about jackson maryll in this recent power search because uh you know i remember kind of hearing the scouting reports going at some point in his career this guy might you know develop some power to go with all the other tools that he has but didn't expect kind of to happen right away six home runs in eight games are you seeing anything you know different from jackson where where is this coming from right now uh you know jackson's throwback is kind of the maybe a not a great way of describing it but but my point i'm getting at first of all he did something that only will he may have done got rest his soul you know passing of a obvious legend and a real miss for our game um but what a what an icon and one example of breaking this on and off the field but um what i'm getting at with jackson you know hundred years ago when i was doing this and the game was played a little differently and and taught a little differently um right or wrong in general guys like jackson uh our guys just in general would would learn how to hit they'd learn how to drive the hits ball the other way they'd learn how to you know be a good hitter and then um then the power would would come and they would learn how to get comfortable and you know pick their spots and they had a had a stroke that allowed them to use the whole field which allowed them to be consistent at bats and then as we all know the game worked into more of an all or nothing outcomes um when that came to think jackson's a little bit of a throwback you know he's a guy that has really good back to ball skills um values that you know just trying to take good at bats getting his hits getting on base um you know taking with the game gives him and that was you know maturing quickly i would i would add into um learning how to drive the ball you know i don't like to compare players but jimmy avenue is like that if you've always created and had a lot of minoring homers didn't have a lot of power ended up becoming a borderline hall of famer um and a guy that ended up having some big moments with some with some big power but he he came up learning how to hit and that was a little bit more or the way it used to be and and that's what jackson has done do you see it skip getting back to that a little bit i mean you got guys like steve and quand you got guys like you know your very own louise rise you got jackson maryll are you seeing maybe a little bit of a return to you know hit first power later uh i'm not seeing some kind of trend that i can oh man we're going back to that um i do see certain i do see more of it i do think um the game you know i haven't has much touch points with them you know being able to travel around and see minor leagues and that's all season and spend much time it's typical and i will this year going to you know out of my high school and coaching friends and seeing their programs and talking to them could always try to don't try you typically do um you know talk to talk to what the players are like and what's taking place and scowl so what's coming up because that's that's the future of our game and i'm always curious about um you know we say things trickle down but really you know players and philosophies and how immatures are playing a lot of that how they're thinking how they're being trained that that that typically trickles up um so the point of getting is i don't i don't know if it's taking place you're trending in that direction i do see some teams us being one of them having a little bit more of a holistic approach to hitting using the whole field so i do see that so i'll be coming back a little bit in certain areas of the game um but i couldn't tell you if the players are trending in that way or not mike i want to ask you about your bullpen um you know i made this point earlier that that simply in terms of volume of games you guys have played more than anybody else in baseball less off days more games quite a bit more than some teams like seven more than other teams at this point you know i'm not saying that i'm not overreacting to one or two games this past week but you know your bullpen has been worked a lot there's been some ups there's been some downs what are you kind of uh seeing in terms of how you can get a little more consistency out of the pen and and you know are you anticipating a move to try to bring some reinforcements here yeah i'm not going to get in the aj space about the moves um i got my handful into this um he's on top of our club and um you know i like our club you know this is something that you know you'll probably ask me in another three to four weeks and i'll give us some more answers um but it's a legitimate question and i get it and um it's a fairly i mean overall it's a general question i'll give you a simple what actually is the simple and general answer um bull tensor is good as as the starting pitching um you know and that's that's just the fact of the matter you know and when you have not solely i won't say that not a sort of bit longer answer but but at a starting point you know if our starter if starters go deeper in games um then you keep your bullpen fresh um and when your bullpen's fresh they're usually more efficient pretty common right pretty basic sure um and you know it's also interesting because rightfully so you know so if you don't get starting pitching going past you know four or five innings consistently which i think four of our last starts and look i like our starters it's just you know the other side is trying to we take some good clubs that's good approaches you know they're competing their tail off but you know your bullets get spit and then you get a certain point in the game where you got to make a decision you know and sometimes you're at your start a little bit longer and because your bullpen it is a little depleted but you get four out of five games and you're in your bullpen the fourth or fifth inning um and you're in a stretch of games where you know we had 13 day off 13 day off now we're 13 to your point we played more games than anybody in the game um you know starting early with um in in soul um so you know your bullpen's going to get a little attached and then you're going to because of that it gets the dominoes get out of place a little bit in the sense of you know giving guys rest like it's just a case the guys have to pitch and have to carry the mail and um you know sometimes they're not as effective and then the other side of that on the bullpen side of it um that they have ownership then is um and we all have ownership in it you know make sure they're putting the right place but it's being efficient when they're in there and when you're a little more fatigued or you know and i feel like we've done a good job outside of Jeremiah going three we're passing the ball around um and and not trying to sacrifice you know them for competition um and still trying to win games which you know is clearly the the end goal um marrying those two is a is a you know half field McCoy marriage some days and um and so they've been efficient allows them to be able to bounce back and and not have to use another guy to get through to win games um and you know the wrap up point about bullpens is you know i said people people understand but in the moment or in a silo um i've said this before and it's a great example was given to me more recently just in a video game you know um where yeah i can bring this guy in he's fresh and he can just pitch and these guys can't pitch every day like i said we pushed you know we pushed guys you know it's to to go answer and they know there's gonna be times in the season or leaver a leaver's randy show older left hander leaver used to have a t-shirt said leavers are people too and you know so it's a long answer to your question but bullpens that's a broad stroke simple way of putting it and and what can be a somewhat a complex of operating but um you know it's just interested in me how people do view um bullpens and and uh i haven't done it for you know 25-30 years having a long it's uh you know that's my that's my high level answer to it yeah talking to mike shilt skipper the san diego pottery is here on bed and woods this morning and i you know listen i i'm typically the guy that that yeah i don't want to use the word blame but i put the responsibility on the guys hey can you go today you can great give me what you got sometimes it doesn't work out i i tend to kind of put it on the players the guys are actually executing the pitches and in some cases uh skip not executing the pitches i want to ask about one in particular i you've managed a lot of guys you've managed a lot of left-handers out of the bull pen a guy like yuki matsui who early in the season um you know very very effective and has maybe gotten a little less so walking too many guys i think for for probably everybody's uh liking right now how do you get him back on track and and it's got it's got to be a kind of a tougher call in a higher leverage situation for you uh to go to yuki right now how do you get him back going again well you know a couple things by the tougher call i mean i'm going to go back to my previous answer there it's not a silo of when you can put these guys in right like you know so sometimes it's just you have two or three guys that's the other thing that is super fun for my chair um is when people are like oh you can't pitch i'm not so my yuki because i'll get a yuki in a minute yuki's gonna be fine um but it's just interesting like oh this guy is pitching there's not anybody else to pitch some days um you know and so that part's just a sidebar for my chair it's super fun um you know but anyway um you can listen he's similar to a fair amount of guys in our bull pen and this is the other part of that um it's just real is it is it yeah there's a learning curve um no one loves a learning curve in the big leagues on any team that's looking to compete in any sport no one wants to hear um and i wish you didn't have to happen um but the fact of the matter is learning curves are real um and you know this is a this is the top of the of the people's profession and yuki's come in and these have some really good moments scores um and you know sometimes we we we forget those um and we do expect these guys to be absolutely on point every single time we get frustrated what did that happen um and i get it people we care we we all care we want it we want the best and i expect the best we don't miss interpret but i'm also realistic that um yeah he's been really good he's helped us out in big spots this year um so i don't forget that and and draw from that and draw from his experience in Japan being a closer um and then conversely like it's his first year in the big leagues his first year you know figuring out what this all looks like figuring out the the the hitters and oh by the way he's doing it in an entirely different culture and that's the other thing that you know i i have the experience of understanding and seeing and look i ain't making no excuse for anybody uh we get it's a bottom line game i i understand that but they are human and he's in a different country and he's making adjustments you know in a lot of different areas it takes a while whether your player got traded he used to be in another top team become another country there's just human and so you know yeah yuki's um done well he's also struggled with um his consistency of his his command and that's that's you know the thing that he's working on the most is he tries you hard is he you know still filling out you know what he's doing certain role um all of that's true um but you feel you feel just got the stuff in the zone to get out and we just need to find that more consistent you know i think that learning curve comment is so interesting because we're we're seeing it before our eyes with matt wall dread and you talk about needing you know a little more length from your starting pitching you're getting it from matt wall dread and he's the guy that i think is fans we didn't really expect that much from this season but in spring training you and and aj in the in the team you chose him to be your your fifth starter at that point did you have an idea that this was possible you know just based on what you saw from him you know early on this spring actually yes um you know you see you see the best version of guys now you know you mentioned as strata we do you know you know yes about walter but we sat down with jeremy and said hey man you can be a really good eighth inning guys if it goes based on your stuff um so go you know Ruben and Ruben Diego does a great job and fritter both pink coaches tremendous as well um you know had a clear playing for him so getting back to to maddy you know maddy's got an elite pitch that you know when it's hard to catch it's got to be hard to hit right i mean he had a big lead catcher you know he just his guy this guy's been in 17 years professional baseball and he does a great job with him but occasionally it's like you know he's hanging on for he's just long for the ride with this thing and just trying to corral it he does you know like i said he's done a great job but hard to catch hard to hit man and so um and it's not like it's you guys aren't in the big leads aren't seen it every day and plus he's coupled with a good sweeper that you can throw and he's got you know he's got a legitimate fastball it's 1993 um that he can keep people honest with and he can locate because he's a striker or with it so man what a great combination so you just know right if this guy can get through you know some of the learning curves and you know understanding what a big lead starter looks like on a consistent basis routine his pre-game routine and then the filling out process of how much to throw it how hard to throw it when to throw it when the mix is other pitches in and he's able to get it in the zone and and you know you're starting to see what we're seeing now um so you know that's that's the reason he's on the club talking to the skipper mike shelter on bed and woods this morning and i know you're not on twitter uh but you know who john boy media is i couldn't let you uh off the hook this morning without asking you about he knew this was coming the lip reading video i'm sure you've seen it i wonder if the players have asked you about it i had to i had to bring it up your ejection uh in new york the other day have you have you seen this clip i've not i get it i've heard about it okay you have heard all right so you know what i'm talking about i'm not completely going in blind here i know i know i know look i i was ejected i know what i said so yeah sure you didn't know that everyone else is going to know what you said that's exactly right it's do you feel a little violated uh by that whole of that whole thing um i've gotten over that violation i don't love it um you know i don't know what interpreted um the same guy what she you know he's doing it this gig anybody's got a gig that's fine um you know he caught me in chicago years ago in a similar fashion so i know it exists um maybe i've got to be some you know cover him out um mike the title of the video was manager politely asks to be ejected yeah that was the time you're a nice man you're a nice guy i mean it's not the worst thing it's nothing to apologize for in my opinion i'm not yeah i don't apologize i mean listen you know i think you're asking the question though my take i don't you know listen always have our guts that you know i made it pretty clear uh using the next whatever that typically comes out about the actual pitch yes you know which you know many took exception with i took exception with i wanted it to be clear that there was a you know there was uh an unhappiness that took place with with um the judgment but then after that you know it's like look i'm not gonna sit you know and sometimes i've got a good relationship in general with umpires you know you've probably seen me yellin out of a lot sure um but overall i've got a pretty i've got a very respectful rightfully um relationship with them they have a hard job to do um and and i'm just a grew up shoot i grew up washington john and shoes of the umpires for you know six years and um you know hearing people yelling at them banging on doors and that was back in the day when you know it was right beside a clubhouse and there was a little less security um in in double a so i love their lives and i empathize with you know the challenges they have and so the point i'm ultimately getting that i don't have a real reputation i'll get i'll have someone else that one earlier i'll probably have another um where i'll really get into somebody um if it's if it's warranted and yeah it was warranted for the ejection and make sure that you know support our guy and make sure they know what we don't appreciate it um but my point is these guys won't throw and that's that they won't throw me out but i got it like it's okay man you can it's all right you know um and um so anyway that was as much of what that looks like and and uh it's far harder to say now you know most of the rest of the rest of the world yeah and our take was you know people were worried was manny really know that he's got he's got his back manny's not really really mad and we both said manny more than any other player knows how things work i mean manny knows exactly how these things work see i found an interesting this quote like what i said interesting i don't know that any you know um you know the public opinion public opinion people are clearly entitled to them um so it's interesting to me that people would even ask that because the guano texted me you know you know day after or later that night and you know whenever it came out you know and he's like that's you know i won't share the text he's like you always got the back you know checked in on me but like yeah this is you and you know you're you know he was complimentary about how it went down and he you know he was complimentary about you know taking care of manny so um it's interesting you know people can complain you didn't take care of enough like you know sure no one doubts that you've got your players back yeah that's the one thing no one could ever doubt you've got your players back for sure yeah well we appreciate it as always we joked you're actually tougher on the reporters in the radio people than you are on the umpires that's right keep it coming later the radio people yeah there we go hey there we go you gotta be drug tested uh hey you're out of here you're gone that's true you're gone you're a jet you've been ejected from this interview mike yeah you're very much you wanted it you wanted it let's go you're gone thank you good like tonight appreciate it thank you to you there he is the skipper mike shelter manager's report brought to you by a city in your county credit unit it's not big bank banking it's better and maybe that was the bad call that i just made but you know that's the one's his job to challenge the bad calls that's right very fun very fun conversation with mike shilt will uh we'll break down a little bit of what he had to say i thought his bullpen comments were pretty interesting i'd love to know what you think uh maybe we can get some phone calls in 833 288 097 3 oh maybe you should be calling uh now as well for a certain giveaway all coming up back after traffic here on 97 3 the fam congratulations to mike not mike shield but mike won the doobie brothers tickets called in to win in our last segment but our thanks again to the skipper mike shilt always some uh playful back and forth on his weekly manager's report appearances and thank you again to sandy your county credit union for making that possible got a great tweet from our beloved will holder he says hearing shilty talk makes me feel mean for my thoughts about our baseball team yeah kind of yes it does you kind of make sure i felt like i when he started talking about you kiwai all right you're right and you got me that's why i told i told him uh who was the reliever with the relievers your people ready show ready show you know i like levers are people too i was like okay yeah okay you're right yep new culture kind of a rookie i'm not kind of a rookie um all right crap my thoughts uh my thoughts are impure and i do apologize no i mean look he's right it it he's got a different perspective he sits in a different chair he always will but he's used the term the silo term before um and we've told we've said it a billion what what does that mean to you it's it's easy to manage a bullpen in a silo right i mean it's very very simple in the in a silo everything's contained there's no outside factors there's no injury there's no over use there's no flu just there's no illness it's just nagging growing very soon right like there's just very simple in a silo i there is no worst gig in the in sports none in what he's managing a bullpen none about starting you know bullpen's as good as you're starting pictures absolutely right the pottery starting pitchers due to a number of factors you darvish and joe musgrove going on the interlist you know short performances by randy vasquez and at a measure and even you know michael king's pitching well but didn't go deep because they worked him hard cease has been struggling so other than waldren they're getting no length that of any of their starters which means everybody's overused and they have no off days to reset or give anybody a break so i guess what you're saying is of course of course his bullpen is struggling a little bit right now saying's lowfishes you know in a silo there's no getting sick there's no feeling a little extra tired no baby drama nothing like it's just it's one of those things where you you have to keep it in mind but fans don't really want to and and i do get the sense as much as it bugs him that fans don't really want to he does understand it he's been around the game long enough to the fans are fanatics and we are insane and we expect perfection and the best every single time and you know knowing knowing it's impossible you know you're chasing something that's a feudal that's a feudal dream nobody's ever had a perfect bullpen never it's never existed it's been really good effective bullpen nobody's ever been perfect no no closer is has any closer ever gone like fifty six and fifty six for save opportunity the eric gun yeah i gave it one free that amazing season Trevor's best was what was he fifty three fifty four that's damn good and robert slores may may be there at the end of the year he has had about as good of a year as you can imagine but he you know even he has faltered so um i can certainly appreciate that i try you know i try to be try to be semi-logical it's hard when i'm watching easier when i'm talking about it when i'm watching is when i lose it dan dan in the chat says mlb screwed the padre's with the schedule this year well remember everything that goes around comes around so while the padre's have played more games and and tax their bullpen more theoretically at least when you get to the second half of the season and other teams are gonna have to make up those games and have less days off and use their bullpen's more the padre's will have more days off and will hopefully have a chance to be more fresh and take advantage and have been in a good situation against the other teams that are coming in and they just played seven in a row and they they just use their bullpen's a ton of padre's going yeah we just had two off days this week and we're uh we're feeling really good right now so hopefully it all evens out later no matter what you do for a living no matter what it is that you do for a living we've all had those weeks this week was one of them where you look at it on monday and you go if i can if i can just get through this and i may win some i may lose some i just got to get to this date then i'm feeder up and it's easy street and i do feel like padre's are in one of those stretches right now again we've been saying it all year hang around hang around hang around it's not fun it's not enjoyable winning one losing one it certainly wasn't enjoyable losing five in a row that can't happen but again reinforcements potentially coming back with you darvish and hopefully those guys can can give that bull pen a little bit of a rest because they've earned it man they have they they deserve it they didn't they were really really good for a while yeah they helped us win a lot more even when you comes back he's probably going to be on a a bit of a pitch count you know it's and there's still a little ways away from getting back to full strength rotation which means then full strength bull pen as well did not address he said leave it to aj and the roster moves about whether tom cosgrove will be back today but that is uh that is the uh the word on the streets that the padre's will make a move and bring tom cosgrove back to the bull pen to at least give mike shilt another option uh for at least tonight's game uh with that with that depleted pen all right well we got one more segment uh you guys thought you got off the hook uh today you didn't you and pull oh yeah you're not off the hook i didn't forget i don't forget anything yeah our ceo meeting yesterday absolutely clowned out the both of you i'm furious i've been furious for like 18 hours straight here so i got to roast these two um if you listen to yesterday's opening segment you'll know what i'm talking about if not i'll reset the whole thing for you and we'll preview tonight's game against the milwaukee brewers a bunch of kiss asses i work with this is unbelievable it's unbelievable so disappointed i will defend myself oh i know it's on 97 three the fam tell everybody you're a little nugget you're so delighted by not delighted by it i'm impressed uh you might remember former pga tour player dick mast i do not remember dick mast uh he was a regular on tour for a while uh he qualified for the champions tour event uh 73 years old and he qualified with the monday qualifier and now uh shot his one better than his age today in the first round of the dicks open what an open my favorite open so if you want to keep an eye on dick mast and dicks open this week dicks sporting goods yeah okay exactly the sponsor the tournament okay i did not know uh dick we had some revelations yesterday around this place i don't know if anyone caught the uh the round table but what ended up clearly being the highlight is we learned that chris elo used to deliver singing telegram do you hear this poly no you didn't hear this yes you did not hear this i missed that part so the seventh inning stretch question was what's the worst job you've ever had and you know what's told his story about selling inspirational art out of his trunk success and then the uh the tuxy the one day tuxedo rental shop when he wrecked all the tuxedos craig was great he talked about working at soup plantation and like burning yourselves 12 times a day on the soups and the muffins he was very excited to get promoted to muffin man and then the he found the muffin tin the muffin pans burning like all the time seared his arms so he went home his arms were covered in burns and but then we get to elo and he goes well i don't think i've ever told anybody this but during during one of my summers at sandy estate i needed a job and and for a couple of months i delivered singing telegrams around sandy egg but most interesting is that you had five get-ups to choose from yeah and one was a cowboy okay you had to wear costume cowboy knock on a door there was like a sing and then the one that was really interesting poly was like an adam and eve type bit where he was adam in a bodysuit with a leaf covering his wiener and he would have to go in and sing and i said oh my lore and i looked at him and i like uh like an alien i go you did this you did chris elo you went and did singing he goes yeah i go whoa do you remember and no i don't remember any of it i'm like blessed no of course you told me a young chris elo was like i heard that you were feeling ill yeah hundred percent yeah well then so then uh all right poly guess who yeah was listening adam oh i won't do anything anything i need this i need he tweeted about it running right he was he ran in oh my god i can't believe it oh my god i what do i need to do to get to it scrape went nuts with it and elos like what did i do oh boy what did i do and we had to move on in the round you know me i would have interviewed him for an hour about i thought it was the most it's it's riveting riveting like he's had some cool stuff happen is like i mean you got you know played tony with tony with tony with tony with tony that's a that's it that's something to hang your hat on this is more interesting to me it just was so out of character chris doesn't seem like the singing telegram source i won't do anything and all anything you need i'm gonna go get a unit tard right now he poly go look at his twitter oh jeffrey says someone had a great comment hello my baby hello my honey hello my ragtime gal he was it was incredible i mean you you're like wow my story sucked compared to that bens was refereeing little kids playing basketball compared everyone motivational posters like a cat hanging there how did that get beat it's big how did that get married yeah me in my suit it was like an impressive or something or like something like that with a hatchback and i remember one day i broke a bunch of them started to pay for him it was terrible it was a terrible gig but he was actually doing singing telegrams but so yeah he was uh and then he doesn't have any pictures he's got he doesn't know video no video no this is 1981 we didn't just have camera phones right everywhere to record these things it was great that was a great great story but so we did the round table and then i i told you guys the story of of what happened to me after if you want to go back and listen what happened to a friend of mine six a.m it was pretty heavy stuff um but we came back here we had a meeting with our ceo david field and the meeting started with our boss michael calling us out with david because apparently he picked up david from the airport and they put on bed and woods as we suspected they might and they just happened to catch when we started talking about the meeting and how i said look it's 145 in the afternoon we got i got here at five i just want to be at home don't ask any superfluous questions all right i'm not going to so quit ask the boss always has one or two that's you know it's free scripted and oh let me ask you about this right oh it's just off the cuff right so we knew that was coming that's fine you knew a sales person was going to ask something that's standard but i said to my guys in here beni and poly i said do you guys i mean we don't even have to worry about you guys asking the question because we're not going to ask you we just want to get out of there son of a bitch if ben didn't raise his hand and ask the first question and now he broke the first question no it was like the second question the first question among the two of you but but let me let me once ask the first question but he claims it was just a joke it was a bit let me let me because because i let me explain let me explain we got called out and he said oh so i'm sure ben and woods will have a lot of questions for you i go oh yeah by the way how is fourth quarter pace like it was a joke and now you know i sat down i shut my mouth as i was it was we all agreed that we were going to do it was strategic though the meeting was going too short yes i agree we were only like 15 minutes in and i felt like it was 10 it was 10 or something i felt like if there wasn't one or two questions to keep it going it was going to be very awkward but the point was to end the meeting not nobody wasn't going to just end there it was it wasn't just going to end did i did i get on the air and say hey let's keep this thing going it's no no no so let's get out of here here's the thing the meetings that you're referring to are the ones that go about 45 minutes and then questions and then people start yes had that happened i would have been silent but because we'd only gone like 12 minutes and then he asked for some questions it was supposed to be an open we needed to get it to like 25 minutes just for everyone to feel satisfied and get out of there so i tried to come up with something that would you know keep it moving but not derail the process can i say something yeah there's a terrible question it wasn't the best it was a horrible poly had a great question poly didn't i want to get you actually asked a phenomenal question but your question was terrible actually i was not an answer to my question not for me i wasn't the right guy but adam answered it so my question was and i thought the reason i thought he might be able to terrible question is not a question for the ceo well it wasn't but i thought maybe he could have something to do within in terms of the negotiations with like major league baseball when we play rant it's hard to when you play your app it's hard to play the pod race games in san diego because it if you like identified as outside the county but adam said they just had an update where if you turn on location settings in the odyssey app it should be able to play so if you're ever like on a walk trying to listen on your earbuds and it's going you can't listen because you're outside the market area i'm going no i'm not i'm in san diego now you should be able to do it so i did get an answer at least asking the ceo hey what headphones do you like i can i answered your question that's an adam could have answered anything it has nothing to do you had a great question though yeah so then then has now broken the beninwood seal and it's free rain that's also part of it's free rain to just fire questions at the ceo and extend our time and poly did ask a good one he said uh asked about ai is just how do you how does odyssey plan to incorporate or not or not incorporate ai because like i'm not too worried about ai maybe doing our specific jobs of man if you're just spinning records and talking for 30 seconds in between them i'd be pretty worried because i know that technology exists k as reporters yeah that can be replaced by ai pretty pretty damn quickly and it's kind of scary katie asks i'm in a meeting i asked could this have been a call then i asked could this call be an email then i wonder if the email could have been a text i think you're the answer katie is yes yes yes to all of it but listen you got to put in the the face time as a ceo then it got it got so we got down to to a minute uh we got down to the end of the meeting and and one of our sales guys raised his hand and asked about um fm radio and am radio in cars because his tesla uh is not they had to do an upgrade in his tesla and then our boss weighed in about his tesla and so then they looked at me i was laughing they looked at me and i said i don't get the signal very well in my vacation beach home and i said all you guys talking about your tesla problems i just want to go home my boss everyone looked at me like oh you're dead you're dead catalact problems well actually tesla problems for all these people and they're teslas so uh it ended it was fine we it was not that long 45 minutes i think it was even less even less and then we had us then we had some food yeah then we went home but it's nice to know the ceo is cares enough to come out all the way from philadelphia and visit us yeah i mean wouldn't you want to describe a play in a commercial what do we think and i don't want to know i don't want to know dude i really don't want to know but uh yeah thank you guys you did i kind of see your point now about like it was all right ten minutes have you wasted my time for this we've had the meetings where he has slides slides yes yeah and agenda and then if there's any time we'll get some questions that's one was like every shot yeah everyone's shot yeah everyone's shot this was like you guys might be right an open forum might be right he looked at a podcast he went about eight minutes it looked like a lot more now i want to hear from you guys all right all right all right all right all right we got to check your sass one more time i think we're too late for things been like we'll uh we'll take a look at tonight's game quickly when we come back on the other set of traffic here on 97-3 the fan from the 97-3 the fan traffic center here's kelly dannick this couple things wrapping up our morning drive collision the clearing stage on south on 15 just before mere mason boulevard also eastbound 52 before the 15 collision bought me a couple vehicles that's over the right shoulder and kelly dannick with bennon wood San Diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fan all right potteries go for their third win in a row it is a 640 start again 540 eco water soCal pre-game show with sam leavitt city connect friday as the potteries send dylan cease to the mount and if they ever needed a seven inning plus outing from dylan cease today's the day and don't know what exactly's been wrong with dylan cease but whatever it is really hope that uh today's the day that he gets back on track because they really could use a long outing to to rest that bullpen up hopefully get a win get back to 500 and uh once again have your opportunity to start making that run that they keep starting and then crashing back to earth and then starting it up and then back down again so he'll be going against colin ray you might remember former pottery colin ray was actually has a low three e r a and has been a nice uh stop gap for the brewers in their injury riddled rotation this year yeah i mean again one of those guys you look at his numbers you go wow six and two with a 329 he must be really really good uh he's a very average pitcher that's gotten very very lucky this year not to take anything away from him it's sometimes the name of the game you know it really is but you know the guy sitting with a 329 year old bennie he's expected e r a's five you know it's just things are going his way right now so it's up to the san ego potter is to be disruptive um he's a five pitch pitcher um so you're going to eat actually six pitch six pitch pitcher right now but he's heavy sinker heavy cutter um heavy sweeper so that's not what you get he's right handed so let's feast tonight and and the potter is got many titties home run yeah let's go jackson i mean jake keep it rolling tonight if there's any update on the roster if there's a move i'm sure any and elston will have it for you they are coming up next that's it for our our adventurous week for paul rindall for steven woods i'm ben higgins we'll talk to you monday morning at six a.m right here on san ego's number one sports station 97 3 the fans so long everybody final hour of benham woods on a friday uh city connect friday potter is at home tonight continuing their series against the milwaukee brewers and it is time for our manager's report with mike chilt brought to you by san ego county credit union it's not big bank banking it's better we bring the skipper on board congratulations you were right mike it was historic last night the first time in pothrais franchise history three straight walk off home runs at pet co park uh hey that was a lot of fun a lot of fun yeah you know you're i've never experienced anything like that um so you felt like pretty rare so you you know organics have been around for a while but man um pretty cool it's definitely cool and i was you know obviously watching the game last night and i thought to myself when it happened it was such a sigh of relief i know you had to be feeling it too i know jeremy istrada probably feeling it as well and um what a gamer he was to step up last night and take the ball uh skip and and you know for you though you you know and everybody knows that's not the best sustainable way to win baseball games in the future but i'll sure take him uh over losses right now yeah i think that's pretty clear um not sustainable but you know look you win games in weird ways and you put on our c2 games man you're gonna have different kind of games and um i think we've all seen that following dates over the years and you know it was uh it was a game we're just glad to come on the other good on the good side of got to home runs from both manny and tatisse i mean that is such a welcome sight for pod race fans but i want to talk about jackson maryll in this recent power search because uh you know i i remember kind of hearing the scouting reports going at some point in his career this guy might you know develop some power to go with all the other tools that he has but didn't expect kind of to happen right away six home runs in eight games are you seeing anything you know different from jackson where where is this coming from right now uh you know jackson's throwback is kind of a maybe a not a great way of describing it but but my point i'm getting at first of all he did something that only will he mazes done god rest his soul you know passing of a obvious legend and a real misread game um but what a what an icon and one example of greatness honing off the field but um what i'm getting at with jackson you know a hundred years ago when i was doing this and the game was played a little differently and and taught a little differently um right or wrong in general guys like jackson uh our guys just in general would would learn how to hit they'd learn how to drop the hits ball the other way they'd learn how to you know be a good hitter and then um then the power would would come and they would learn how to get comfortable and you know pick their spots and they had a had a stroke that allowed them to use the whole field which allowed them to be consistent at bats and then as we all know the game worked into more of an all or nothing outcomes um when that case i think jackson's a little bit of a throwback you know he's a guy that has really good back to ball skills um values that you know just trying to take good at bats getting his hits you know base um you know take them with a game give them and that was you know mature and quickly i would i would add into um learning how to drive the ball you know i don't like to compare players but jimmy evidence is like that if you follow his career didn't had a lot of minorly homers he had a lot of power and ended up becoming a borderline hall of famer um and a guy that ended up having some big moments with some with some big power but he he came up learning how to hit and that was a little bit more of the way it used to be and and that's what jackson has done do you see it skip getting back to that a little bit i mean you got guys like steven quand you got guys like you know your very own louise rise you got jackson maryll are you seeing maybe a little bit of a return to you know hit first power later uh i'm not seeing some kind of trend that i can oh man we're going back to that um i do see certain i do see more of it i do think um the game you know i haven't had as much touch points with them you know being able to travel around and see minor leagues and last off season and spend much time it's typical and i will this year going to you know out of my high school and coaching friends and seeing their programs and talking to them could always try to don't try you typically do um you know talk to talk to what the players are like and what's taking place and scouts and what's coming up because that's that's the future of our game and i'm always curious about um you know we say things trickle down but really you know players and philosophies and how immatures are playing a lot of that how they're thinking how they're being trained that that that typically trickles up um so the point i'm getting is i don't i don't know if it's taking place you're trending in that direction i do see some teams us being one of them having a little bit more of a holistic approach to hitting using the whole field so i do see that so i'll be coming back a little bit in certain areas of the game um but i couldn't tell you the players are turning to that way or not mike i want to ask you about your bullpen um you know i made this point earlier that that simply in terms of volume of games you guys have played more than anybody else in baseball less off days more games quite a bit more than some teams like seven more than other teams at this point you know i'm not saying that i'm not overreacting to one or two games this past week but you know your bullpen has been worked a lot there's been some ups there's been some downs what are you kind of uh seeing in terms of how you can get a little more consistency out of the pan and and you know are you anticipating a move to try to bring some reinforcements here yeah i'm not gonna get me aj space about the moves um i got my handful as it is um he's on top of our club and um you know i like our club you know this is something that you know you'll probably ask me in another three to four weeks and i'll give us some more answer um but it's a legitimate question and i get it and um it's a fairly i mean overall it's a general question i'll give you a simple what actually is the simple and general answer um bullpen's are as good as as the starting pitching um you know and that's that's just the fact of the matter you know and when you have not solely i won't say that not a sort of bit longer answer but but at a starting point you know if our starter if starters go deeper in games um then you keep your bullpen fresh um and when your bullpen's fresh they're usually more efficient pretty common right pretty basic sure um and you know it's also interesting because rightfully so you know so if you don't get starting pitching going past you know four or five innings consistently which i think four of our last starts and look i like our starters it's just you know the other side's trying to we take some good clubs that's good approaches you know they're putting their tail off but you know their bullets get spit and then you get a certain point in the game where you got to make a decision you know and sometimes you're at your start a little bit longer and because your bullpen it is a little depleted but you get four out of five games and you're in your bullpen the fourth or fifth inning um and you're in a stretch of games where you know we had 13 day off 13 day off now we're 13 to your point we played more games than anybody in the game um you know starting early with um in in soul um so you know your bullpen's going to get a little attached and then you're going to because of that it gets the dominoes get out of place a little bit in the sense of you know giving guys rest like it's just a case of guys after pitching have to carry the mail and um you know sometimes they're not as effective and then the other side of that on the bullpen side of it um that they have ownership then is um and we all have ownership in it you know make sure they're putting the right place but it's beneficial when they're in there and when you're a little more fatigued or you know um and I feel like we've done a good job outside of Jeremiah going through passing the ball around um and not trying to sacrifice you know them for competition um and still try to win games which you know is clearly the in goal um marrying those two is a is a you know half field McCoy marriage some days and um and so they've been efficient allows them to be able to bounce back and and not have to use another guy to get through to win gangs um and you know the wrap up point about bullpens is you know I see people people understand but in the moment or in a silo um I've said this before and it's a great example was given to me more recently just in a video game you know um where yeah I can bring this guy in and he's fresh and he can just pitch and these guys can't pitch every day like I said we pushed you know we push guys you know it's to to go answer and they know there's gonna be times in the season or levers or any show over left hand or lee reached out with t-shirts and relievers are people too um and you know so it's a long answer to your question but bullpitten that's broad strokes simply way of putting it and what can be a somewhat a complex of operating but um you know it's just interesting me how people do view um bullpens and and I haven't done it for you know 25-30 years having a long it's uh you know that's my that's my high level answer to it yeah talking to Mike Schiltz skipper the San Diego Padres here on Ben & Woods this morning and I you know listen I I'm typically the guy that that I don't want to use the word blame but I put the responsibility on the guys hey can you go today you can great give me what you got sometimes it doesn't work out I tend to kind of put it on the players the guys are actually executing the pitches and in some cases uh skip not executing the pitches I wanted to ask about one in particular I you've managed a lot of guys you've managed a lot of left-handers out of the bull pen a guy like Yuki Matsui who early in the season um you know very very effective and has maybe gotten a little less so walking too many guys I think for for probably everybody's uh liking right now how do you get him back on track and and it's got to it's got to be a kind of a tougher call in a higher leverage situation for you uh to go to Yuki right now how do you get him back going again well you know a couple things about a tougher call I mean I'm gonna go back to my previous answer there it's not a silo of when you can put these guys in right like you know so sometimes it's just you have two or three guys up the other thing that is super fun for my chair um is when people are like ah you can't pitch not not to my Yuki because I'll get a Yuki in a minute Yuki can be fine um but it's just interesting like ah this guy is pitching there's not anybody else to pitch some days um you know and so that parts just a sidebar for my chair it's super fun you know but anyway um you can listen he's similar to a fair amount of guys in our bullpen and this is the other part of that um it's just real is it is it yeah there's a learning curve um no one loves a learning curve in the big leagues on any team that's looking to compete in any sport no one wants to hear um and I wish you didn't have to happen um but the fact the matter is learning curves are real um and you know this is a this is the top of the people's profession and Yuki's come in and these have some really good moments for us um and you know sometimes we we forget those um and we do expect these guys to be absolutely on point every single time we get frustrated what did that happen um and I get it people we care we all care we want it we want the best and I expect the best we don't miss a turpour but I'm also realistic that um yeah he's been really good he's helped us out in big spots this year um so I don't forget that and and draw from that and draw from his experience in Japan being a closer um and then conversely like it's his first year in the big leagues his first year you know figuring out what this all looks like figuring out the the the hitters and oh by the way he's doing it in an entirely different culture and that's the other thing that you know I I have the experience of understanding and seeing and look I ain't making an excuse for anybody uh we get it's a bottom line game I understand that but they aren't human and he's in a different country and he's making adjustments you know in a lot of different areas it takes a while whether your player got traded used to be in another top team become another country there's just human and so you know yeah Yuki's um done well he's also struggled with um his consistency of his his command and that's that's you know the thing that he's working on the most is he tries you hard is he you know still feeling out you know what he's doing certain role um all of that's true um but you feel you feel it's got the stuff in the zone to get out and we just need to find that more consistent you know I think that learning curve comment is so interesting because we're seeing it before our eyes with Matt Waldron and you talk about needing you know a little more length from your starting pitching you're getting it from Matt Waldron and he's the guy that I think is fans we didn't really expect that much from this season but in spring training you and and AJ and the team you chose him to be your your fifth starter at that point did you have an idea that this was possible you know just based on what you saw from him you know early on this spring actually yes um you know you see you see the best version of guys now you know you mentioned the strata we do you know you know yes about Waldron but we sat down with Jeremiah and said hey man you can be a really good a-dending guy if it goes based on your stuff um so go you know Ruben and Ruben the Eggler does a great job and Fritz are both pink coaches tremendous as well um you know had a clear playing for him so getting back to to Matty you know Matty's got an elite fish that you know when it's hard to catch it's got to be hard to hit right I mean he had a big lead catcher and you know he just his guy and this guy's been in 17 years professional baseball and he does a great job with him but occasionally it's like you know he's hanging on for he's just long for the ride with this thing and just trying to corral it he does you know like I said he's done a great job but hard to catch hard to hit man and so um and it's not like it's you guys aren't in the big leads aren't seen it every day and plus he's coupled with a good sweeper that you can throw and he's got you know he's got a legitimate fastball it's 1993 um that he can keep people honest with and he can locate because he's a striker or with it so man what a great combination so you just know right if this guy can get through you know some of the learning curves and you know understand what a big lead starter looks like on a consistent basis routine his pre-game routine and then the filling out process of how much to throw it how hard to throw it when to throw it when the mix is other pitches in and he's able to get it in the zone and and you know you start to see what we're seeing now um so you know that's that reason is on the court talking to the skipper mike shelter on bed and woods this morning and I know you're not on twitter uh but you know who john boy media is i couldn't let you uh off the hook this morning without asking you about i knew this was coming the lip reading video i'm sure you've seen it i wonder if the players have asked you about it i had to i had to bring it up your ejection uh in new york the other day have you have you seen this clip i have not oh i get it i have heard about it okay you have heard all right so you know what i'm talking about i'm not completely going in blind here i know i know look i i was ejected i know what i said so yeah that's true you didn't know that everyone else is giving you know what you said that's exactly right do you feel a little violated uh by that whole of that whole thing um i've gotten over that violation i don't love it um you know i don't know what interpreted the same guy what she you know he's doing it is good everybody's got a gig that's fine um you know he caught me in chicago years ago in a similar fashion so i know it exists um maybe i've got to be some you know cover them out um mike the title of the video was manager politely asks to be ajekt yeah that was the time you're a nice man you're a nice guy i mean it's not the worst thing it's nothing to apologize for in my opinion i'm not yeah i don't apologize i mean listen you know i think you're asking the question though my tag i don't you know listen i always have our god bats you know i made it pretty clear uh he's in the next whatever that typically comes out about the actual fit yes you did um which you know many took exception with i took exception with i wanted it to be clear that there was a you know there was uh an unhappiness that took place with with um the judgment but then after that you know it's like look i'm not going to you know i'm and sometimes i've got a good relationship in general with umpires you know you've probably seen me yelling out of a lot sure um but overall i've got a pretty i've got a very respectful rightfully um relationship with them they have a hard job to do um and and i'm just i grew up shooting grew up washington john and shoes of the umpires for you know six years and um you know hearing people yelling at them banging on doors and that was back in the day when you know it was right beside a clubhouse and there was a little less security um in in double-a so out of their lives and i empathize with you know the challenges they have and so the point i'm ultimately getting at i don't have a real reputation i'll get i'll have someone else that one earlier i'll probably have another um where i'll really get into somebody um if it's if it's warranted and yeah it was warranted for the ejection and make sure that you know support our guy and make sure they know what we don't appreciate it um but my point is these guys won't throw and that's why they won't throw me out but i got it like it's okay man you can it's all right you know um and um so anyway that was as much of what that looks like and and uh it's fall hard to say now you know most of the rest of the world well yeah and our take was you know people were worried was manny really know that he's got he got his back manny's not really really mad and we both said manny more than any other player knows how things work i mean manny knows exactly how these things work see i've got an interesting this quote like what i said interesting i don't know that any you know um you know the public opinion public opinion people are clearly entitled to them um so it's interesting to me that people would even ask that because the gueno text to me you know you know day after or later that night and you know whenever it came out you know and he's like that's you know i won't share the text he's like you always got the back you know checked in on me but like yeah this is you and you know you're you know he was complimentary about how it went down and he you know he was complimentary about you know taking care of manny so um it's interesting you know people can complain you didn't take care of enough like you know sure no one doubts that you've got your players back yeah like that's the one thing no one could ever doubt you've got your players back for sure yeah well we appreciate it as always we joked you're actually tougher on the reporters in the radio people than you are on the umpires that's right keep it coming there's a lot of the radio people yeah there we go hey here we go there we go you guys need to be drug tested say say you're out of here you're gone that's true you're gone you're a jet you've been ejected from this interview mike you're very much you wanted it you wanted it let's go you're gone thank you so much appreciate it all right thank you to you there he is a skipper mike shelter manager's report brought to you by a sandy and gurcanic credit unit it's not big bank banking it's better and maybe that was the bad call that i just made but you know that's the one's his job to challenge the bad calls that's right very fun very fun conversation with mike shilt will uh we'll break down a little bit of what he had to say i thought his bullpen comments were pretty interesting i'd love to know what you think maybe we can get some phone calls in 833 288 097 3 oh maybe you should be calling now as well for a certain giveaway all coming up back after traffic here on 97 3 the fam congratulations to mike not mike shilt but mike won the doobie brothers tickets called in to win in our last segment but our thanks again to the skipper mike shilt always some playful back and forth on his weekly manager's report appearances and thank you again to sandy your kind of credit union for making that possible got a great tweet from our beloved will holder he says hearing shilty talk makes me feel mean for my thoughts about our baseball team yeah kind of yes it does you kind of make sure i thought like i when he started talking about yuki i went all right you're right and he got me that's why i told i told him uh who is the reliever with the relievers or people ready to show you know like levers are people too i was like okay yeah okay you're right yep new culture kind of a rookie i'm not kind of a rookie um all right crap my thoughts uh my thoughts are impure and i do apologize no i mean look he's right it it he's got a different perspective he sits in a different chair he always will but he's used the term the silo term before um and we've told we've said it a billion what what does that mean to you it's it's easy to manage a bull pen and a silo right i mean it's very very simple in the in a silo everything's contained there's no outside factors there's no injury there's no overuse there's no no flu just yeah there's no illness it's just nagging growing misery right like there's just very simple in a silo i there is no worst gig in the in sports and and what he's managing a bull pen none about starting you know bull pens as good as your starting picture absolutely right and lately the pottery is starting pictures due to a number of factors you Darvish and Joe Musgrove going on the interlist you know short performances by Randy Vasquez and Adam Major and even you know Michael King's pitching well but didn't go deep because they worked him hard cease has been struggling so other than Waldron they're getting no length out of any of their starters which means everybody's overused and they have no off days to reset or give anybody a break so i guess what you're saying is of course of course his bull pen is struggling a little bit right now saying blowfishes you know in a silo there's no getting sick there's no feeling a little extra tired no baby drama nothing like it's just it's one of those things where you you have to keep it in mind but fans don't really want to and and i do get the sense as much as it bugs him that fans don't really want to he does understand it he's been around the game long enough to the fans are fanatics and we are insane and we expect perfection and the best every single time and you know knowing knowing it's impossible you know you're chasing something that's a futile that's a futile dream nobody's ever had a perfect bull pen never it's never existed it's been really good effective bull pens nobody's ever been perfect no no closer is has any closer ever gone like 56 and 56 for save opportunity Eric gun yeah it was great that amazing season Trevor's best was what was he 53 of 54 that's damn good and Robert Suarez may may be there at the end of the year he has had about as good as of a year as you can imagine but he you know even he has faltered so um i can certainly appreciate that i try you know i try to be the try to be semi-logical it's hard when i'm watching easier when i'm talking about it when i'm watching is when i lose it dan dan in the chat says mlb screwed the pod rays with the schedule this year well remember everything that goes around comes around so while the pod rays have played more games and and tax their bull pen more theoretically at least when you get to the second half of the season and other teams are going to have to make up those games and have less days off and use their bull pens more the pod rays will have more days off and will hopefully have a chance to be more fresh and take advantage and have been in in a good situation against the other teams that are coming in and they just played seven in a row and they they just use their bull pens a ton of powders going yeah we just had two off days this week and we're uh we're feeling really good right now so hopefully it all evens out later no matter what you do for a living no matter what it is that you do for a living we've all had those weeks this week was one of them where you look at it on monday and you go if i can if i can just get through this and i may win some i may lose some i just got to get to this date then i'm feeder up and it's easy street and i do feel like pod rays are in one of those stretches right now again we've been saying it all year hang around hang around hang around it's not fun it's not enjoyable winning one losing one it certainly wasn't enjoyable losing five in a row that can't happen um but again reinforcements potentially coming back with you darvish and hopefully those guys can can give that bull pen a little bit of a rest because they've earned it and they have they they deserve it they didn't they were really really good for a while yeah they helped us win a lot but even when u comes back he's probably going to be on a a bit of a pitch count you know it's they're still a little ways away from getting back to full strength rotation which means then full strength bull pen as well did not address he said leave it to a j and the roster moves about whether uh tom kazgrove will be back today but that is uh that is the uh the word on the streets that the pod rays will make a move and bring tom kazgrove back to the bull pen to at least give mike shilt another option uh for at least tonight's game uh with that with that depleted pen all right well we got one more segment uh you guys thought you got off the hook uh today you didn't you and pull oh yeah you're not off the hook i didn't forget i don't forget anything yeah our ceo meeting yesterday absolutely clowned out the both of you i'm furious i've been furious for like eight eighteen hour straight here so i got to roast these two um if you listen to yesterday's opening segment you'll know what i'm talking about if not i'll reset the whole thing for you and we'll preview tonight's game against the milwaukee brewers a bunch of kiss asses i work with this is unbelievable it's unbelievable so disappointed i will defend myself oh i know it's on 97 three the fam tell everybody you're a little nugget you're so delighted by not delighted by it i'm i'm impressed uh you might remember former pga tour player dick mast i do not remember dick mast oh he was a regular on tour for a while uh he qualified for the champions tour event uh 73 years old and he qualified with the monday qualifier and now uh shot his one better than his age today in the first round of the dicks open what an open my favorite open so if you want to keep an eye on dick mast and dicks open this week dicks sporting goods yeah exactly they sponsor the tournament okay i did not know uh dick we had some revelations yesterday around this place i don't know if anyone caught the uh the round table but what ended up clearly being the highlight is we learned that chris yellow used to deliver singing telegram do you hear this folly no you didn't hear this yes so you did not hear this i missed that part so the seventh hitting stretch question was what's the worst job you've ever had and you know what's told his story about selling inspirational art out of his trunk success and then the the tuxie the one day tuxedo rental bit when he wrecked all the tuxedos crag was great he talked about working at soup plantation and like burning your cells 12 times a day on the soups and the muffins he was very excited to get promoted to muffin man and then the he found the muffin tin the muffin pans burning like all the time seared his arms so he went home his arms were covered in burns and but then we get to elo and he goes well i don't think i've ever told anybody this but during during one of my summers at sandy estate i needed a job and and for a couple of months i delivered singing telegrams around sandy egg but most interesting is that you had five get-ups to choose from yeah and one was cowboy okay you had to wear costume cowboy knock on a door there was like a sing and then the one that was really interesting poly was like an adam and eve type bit where he was adam in a body shoot with a leaf covering his wiener and he would have to go in and sing and i said oh my lord and i looked at him and i like uh like an alien i go you did this you did chris elo you went and did see he goes yeah i go whoa do you remember and no i don't remember any of it i'm like ballast no of course you told me a young chris elo was like i heard that you were feeling ill yeah hundred percent yeah well then so then uh poly guess who yeah was listening adam oh i won't do anything anything i need this i need he tweeted about it running run he was he ran in oh my god i can't believe it oh my god i what do i need to do to get you in scrape went nuts with it and elo's like what did i do oh boy what did i do and we had to move on in the round table you know me i would have interviewed him for an hour about it i thought it was the most it's it's riveting riveting like he's had some cool stuff happen is i mean you got you know played play tony gwen with tony gwen with tony gwen that's it that's any of your stay that's something to hang your hat on this is more interesting to me it just was so out of character chris doesn't seem like the singing telegram source i won't do anything and all i anything you need i'm gonna go get a unit card right now he poly go look at his twitter oh jeffrey says someone had a great comment elo my baby elo my honey hello my ragtime gal he was it was incredible i mean you you're like wow my story sucked compared to that bens was refereeing little kids playing basketball i had to sell my motivational posters like a cat hanging there how did that get beat it's day how did that get married yeah me and my soup it was like an impressive or something and or like something like that with a hatchback and i remember one day i broke a bunch of them so i had to pay for him it was terrible it was a terrible gig but he was actually doing singing telegrams but so yeah he was uh and then he doesn't have any pictures he's got he doesn't remember the video no video no this is 1981 we didn't just have camera phones right everywhere to record these things it was great that was a great great story but so we did the round table and then i i told you guys the story of of what happened to me after if you want to go back and listen what happened to a friend of mine six a.m. it was pretty heavy stuff but we came back here we had a meeting with our ceo david field and the meeting started with our boss michael calling us out with david because apparently he picked up david from the airport and they put on bed and woods as we suspected they might and they just happened to catch when we started talking about the meeting and how i said look it's 145 in the afternoon we got i got here at five i just want to be at home don't ask any superfluous questions all right i'm not going to so quit ask the boss always has one or two that's you know it's free scripted and oh let me ask you about this right oh oh it's just off the cuff right so we knew that was coming that's fine you knew a sales person was going to ask something that's standard but i said to my guys in here bedding and poly i said do you guys i mean we don't even have to worry about you guys asking the question because we're not going to ask is we just want to get out of there son of a bitch if ben didn't raise his hand and ask the first question and now he was the first question no it was like the second the first question among the two of you but but let me let me ask the first question but he claims it was just a joke it was a bit let me let me because let me explain let me explain we got called out and he said oh so i'm sure ben and woods will have a lot of questions for you oh yeah by the way how is fourth quarter pacing like it was a joke and that was and i sat down i shut my mouth as i was it was we all agreed that we were gonna do it was strategic though the meeting was going too short yes i agree we were only like 15 minutes in and i felt like it was ten ten or something i felt like if there wasn't one or two questions to keep it going it was going to be very awkward but the point was to end the meeting not nobody wasn't going to just end there it was it wasn't just gonna end did i did i get on the air and say hey let's keep this thing going it's no no no so let's get out of here here's the thing the meetings that you're referring to are the ones that go about 45 minutes and then questions and then people start yes had that happened i would have been silent but because we'd only talk like 12 minutes and then he asked for some questions it was supposed to be an open we needed to get it to like 25 minutes just for everyone to feel satisfied and get out of there so i tried to come up with something that would you know keep it moving but not derail the process can i say something yeah there's a terrible question it wasn't the best it was a horrible poly had a great question poly didn't i want to get to actually asked a phenomenal question but your question was terrible actually i got an answer to my question not for me i wasn't the right guy but adam answered it so my question was and i thought the reason i thought he might be able to terrible question not a question for the ceo well it wasn't but i thought maybe he could have something to do within in terms of the negotiations with like major league baseball when we play art it's hard to when you play your app it's hard to play the pod race games in san diego because it if you like identified as outside the county but adam said they just had an update where if you turn on location settings in the odyssey app it should be able to play so if you're ever like on a walk trying to listen on your earbuds and it's going you can't listen because you're outside the market area i'm going no i'm in san diego now you should be able to do it so i did get an answer at least asking the ceo hey what are headphones do you like i could have answered your question that's an adam could have answered anything it has nothing to do with that a great question yeah so then then has now broken the bed and wood seal and it's free rain that's also part of it's free rain to just fire questions the ceo and extend our time and poly did ask a good one he said uh asked about ai you just how do you how does odyssey plan to incorporate or not or not incorporate ai because like i'm not too worried about ai maybe doing our specific jobs man if you're just spinning records and talking for 30 seconds in between them i'd be pretty worried because i know that technology exists kati as reporters yeah that can be replaced by ai pretty pretty damn quickly and it's kind of scary kati asks do i have a meeting i ask could this have been a call then i asked could this call be an email then i wonder if the email could have been a text i think your the answer kati is yes yes yes to all of it but listen you got to put in the the face time as a ceo then it got it got so we got down to to a minute uh we got down to the end of the meeting and and one of our sales guys raised his hand and asked about um fm radio and am radio in cars because his tesla uh is not they had to do an upgrade in his tesla and then our boss weighed in about his tesla and so then they looked at me i was laughing they looked at me i said i don't get the signal very well in my vacation beach home and i said all you guys talking about your tesla problems i just want to go home my boss everyone looked at me like oh you're dead you're dead Cadillac problems well actually tesla problems for all these people in their teslas so uh it ended was fine we it was not that long 45 minutes i think it was even less even less and then we had us then we had some food yeah then we went home but it's nice to know the ceo is cares enough to come out all the way from philadelphia and visit us yeah i mean wouldn't you want to describe this lane or commercial what do we think and i don't want to know i don't want to know dude i really don't want to know but uh yeah thank you guys you did i kind of see your point now about like it was all right ten minutes you wasted my time for this we've had the meetings where he has slides slides yes yeah and agenda and then if there's any time we'll get some questions that's when it was like every shut that everyone shut up yeah everyone shut up this was like you guys might be right an open forum you might be right you look at a podcast he went about eight minutes he went about eight minutes and now i want to hear from you guys all right all right all right all right all right we gotta check your assets one more time i think we're too late for things been like we will uh we'll take a look at tonight's game quickly when we come back on the other set of traffic here on 97 through the fan from the 97 3 the fan traffic center here's kelly dannick this couple things wrapping up our morning drive collision the clearing stage on south on 15 just before mirror mason boulevard also eastbound 52 before the 15 collision bought me a couple vehicles that's over the right shoulder and kelly dannick with bennon wood San Diego's number one sports station 97 3 the fan all right bottom is go for their third win in a row it is a 640 start again 540 eco water so cal pre-game show with sam leavitt uh city connect friday as the pot raise uh send dill and cease to the mount and if they ever needed a seven inning plus outing from dill and cease today's the day and don't know what exactly's been wrong with dill and cease but whatever it is really hope that uh today's the day that he gets back on track because they really could use a long outing to to rest that bullpen up hopefully get a win get back to 500 and uh once again have your opportunity to start making that run that they keep starting and then crashing back to earth and then starting it up and then back down again so he'll be going against colin ray you might remember former pottery colin ray was actually has a low three e r a and has been a nice uh stopgap for the brewers in their injury riddled rotation this year yeah i mean again one of those guys you look at his numbers you go wow six and two with a 329 he must be really really good uh he's a very average pitcher that's gotten very very lucky this year not to take anything away from him it's sometimes the name of the game you know it really is but you know the guy sitting with a three twenty ninety hour been he has expected he already is five you know it's just things are going his way right now so it's up to the san ego pot raise to be disruptive um he's a five pitch pitcher um so you're gonna actually six pitch six pitch pitcher right now but he's heavy sinker heavy cutter um heavy sweeper so that's not what you're gonna get he's right handed so let's feast tonight and the pot raise got many titties home run yeah let's go jackson i mean jake keep it rolling tonight if there's any update on the roster if there's a move i'm sure any and elston will have it for you they are coming up next that's it for our uh our adventurous week for paul reindel for steven woods i'm ben higgins we'll talk to you monday morning at six a.m right here on san ego's number one sports station ninety seven three the fans so long everybody tell everybody you're a little nugget you're so delighted by not delighted by it i'm i'm impressed uh you might remember former pga tour player dick mast i do not remember dick mast oh he was a regular on tour for a while uh he qualified for the champions tour event uh seventy three years old and he qualified with the monday qualifier and now uh shot his one better than his age today in the first round of the dicks open what an open my favorite open so if you want to keep an eye on dick mast and dicks open this week dicks sporting goods yeah okay exactly they sponsor the tournament okay i do not know uh dick we had some revelations yesterday around this place i don't know if anyone caught the uh the roundtable but what ended up clearly being the highlight is we learned that chris elo used to deliver singing telegram do you hear this poly no you didn't hear this yes so you did not hear this i missed that part so the seventh inning stretch question was what's the worst job you've ever had and you know what's told his story about selling inspirational art out of his trunk success and then the uh the tuxy the one day tuxy don't rent a little bit when he wrecked all the tuxedos crag was great he talked about working at soup plantation and like burning yourself twelve times a day on the soups and the muffins he was very excited to get promoted to muffin man and then the he found the muffin tin the muffin pans burning like all the time just seared his arms so he went home his arms were covered in burns and but then we get to elo and he goes well i don't think i've ever told anybody this but during during one of my summers at sandy who stayed i needed a job and and for a couple of months i delivered singing telegrams around san diego but most interesting is that you had five get-ups to choose from yeah and one was a cowboy okay you had to wear a costume cowboy knock on a door there was like a sing and then the one that was really interesting poly was like an adam and eve type bit where he was adam in a bodysuit with a leaf covering his wiener and he would have to go in and sing and i said oh my lord i and i looked at him and i like uh like an alien i go you did this you did chris elo you went and did singing he goes yeah i go oh do you remember and no i don't remember any of it i'm like blessed now of course she told me a young chris elo was like i heard that you were feeling ill yeah 100 percent yeah well then so then uh poly guess who yeah was listening adam oh i won't do anything anything i need this i need he tweeted about it running right he was he ran in oh my god i can't believe it oh my god i what do i need to do to get to it it's grave went nuts with it and elo's like what did i do what did i do and we had to move on in the round table you know me i would have interviewed him for an hour about it i thought it was the most it's it's riveting riveting like he's had some cool stuff happen is like i mean you got you know played play Tony Gwen with Tony Gwen with Tony Gwen that's it that's any of your stay that's something to hang your hat on this is more interesting to me it just was so out of character chris doesn't seem like the singing telegram source i won't do anything and all i anything you need i'm gonna go get a unit card right now he poly go look at his twitter oh jeffrey says someone had a great comment hello my baby hello my honey hello sweetie bye hello my ragtime gal he was it was incredible i mean you you're like wow my story sucked compared to that ben's was refereeing little kids playing basketball compared every motivational posters like a cat hang in there how did that get beat it's day how did that get drilled yeah me in my suit it was like an impressive or something or like something like that with a hatchback and i remember one day i broke a bunch of them so to pay for him it was terrible it was a terrible gig but he was actually doing singing telegrams but so yeah he was uh and that he doesn't have any pictures he's got he doesn't know video video no this is 1981 we didn't just have camera phones right everywhere to record these things it was great that was great great story but so we did the round table and then i i told you guys the story of of what happened to me after if you want to go back and listen what happened to a friend of mine six a.m. it was pretty heavy stuff um but we came back here we had a meeting with our ceo david field and the meeting started with our boss michael calling us out with david because apparently he picked up david from the airport and they put on bed and woods as we suspected they might and they just happened to catch when we started talking about the meeting and how i said look it's 145 in the afternoon we got i got here at five i just want to be at home don't ask any superfluous questions all right i'm not going to so quit ass the boss always has one or two that's you know it's free scripted and oh let me ask you about this right oh oh it's just off the cuff right so we knew that was coming that's fine you knew a sales person was going to ask something that's standard but i said to my guys in here bennie and poly i said do you guys i mean we don't even have to worry about you guys asking the question because we're not gonna ask you we just want to get out of there son of a bitch if ben didn't raise his hand and ask the first question and now he brought the first question no it was like the second question the first question among the two of you but but let me let me ask the first question but he claims it was just a joke it was a bit let me let me because because i let me explain let me explain we got called out and he said oh so i'm sure ben and woods will have a lot of questions for you i go oh yeah by the way how is fourth quarter pace like it was a joke and i sat down i shut my mouth as i was it was we all agreed that we were gonna do it was strategic though the meeting was going too short yes it agrees we were only like 15 minutes in and i felt like it was ten it was ten or something i felt like if there wasn't one or two questions to keep it going it was going to be very awkward but the point was to end the meeting not nobody wasn't going to just end there it was it wasn't just gonna end did i did i get on the air and say hey let's keep this thing going it's no no no so let's get out of here here's the thing the meetings that you're referring to are the ones that go about 45 minutes and then questions and then people start yes had that happened i would have been silent but because we'd only gone like 12 minutes and then he asked for some questions it was supposed to be an open we needed to get it to like 25 minutes just for everyone to feel satisfied and get out of there so i tried to come up with something that would you know keep it moving but not derail the process can i say something yeah this is a terrible question it wasn't it was a horror poly had a great question poly didn't i want to get you actually asked a phenomenal question but your question was terrible actually i got an answer to my question no for me i wasn't the right guy but adam answered it so my question was and i thought the reason i thought he might be able to be a terrible question not a question for the ceo well it wasn't but i thought maybe he could have something to do within in terms of the negotiations with like major league baseball when we play our it's hard to when you play your app it's hard to play the padrese games in san diego because it if you like identified as outside the county but adam said they just had an update where if you turn on location settings in the odyssey app it should be able to play so if you're ever like on a walk trying to listen on your earbuds and it's going you can't listen because you're outside the market area i'm going no i'm in san diego now you should be able to do it so i did get an answer at least asking the ceo hey what are headphones do you like i could have answered your question that's an adam could have answered and it has nothing to do it had a great question yeah so then then has now broken the bed and wood seal and it's free rain that's also part of it's free rain to just fire questions at the ceo and extend our time and poly did ask a good one he said uh asked about ai is just how do you how does odyssey plan to incorporate or not or not incorporate ai because like i'm not too worried about ai maybe doing our specific jobs but man if you're just spinning records and talking for 30 seconds in between them i'd be pretty worried because i know that technology exists katriotic reporters yeah that can be replaced by ai pretty pretty damn quickly and it's kind of scary kd asks so i'm in a meeting i asked could this have been a call then i asked could this call be an email then i wonder if the email could have been a text i think you're the answer katri is yes yes yes to all of it but listen you got to put in the the face time as a ceo then it got it got so we got down to to a minute uh we got down to the end of the meeting and and one of our sales guys raised his hand and asked about um fm radio and am radio in cars because his tesla is not they had to do an upgrade in his tesla and then our boss weighed in about his tesla and so then they looked at me i was laughing they looked at me i said i don't get the signal very well in my vacation beach home and i said all you guys talking about your tesla problems i just want to go home my boss everyone looked at me like oh you're dead you're dead catalact problems well actually tesla problems for all these people in their teslas so uh it ended was fine we it was not that long 45 minutes i think it was even less even less and then we had us then we had some food yeah then we went home but it's nice to know the ceo is cares enough to come out all the way from philadelphia and visit us yeah i mean wouldn't you want to describe this lane or commercial what do we think i don't want to know i don't want to know dude i really don't want to know but uh yeah thank you guys you did i i kind of see your point now about like it was it was all right ten minutes if you wasted my time for this we've had the meetings where he has slides slides yes yeah and agenda and then if there's any time we'll get some questions that's when it was like every shut up yeah everyone's shut up this was like you guys might be right an open forum might be right he looked at a podcast he went about eight minutes and he looked like a husband and one liar now i want to hear from you guys all right all right all right all right we got to check your sass one more time i think we're too late for things been like we'll uh we'll take a look at tonight's game quickly when we come back on the other set of traffic here on 97 through the fan from the 97 through the fan traffic center here's kelly dannick this couple things wrapping up our morning drive collision the clearing stage on south on 15 just before mere mason boulevard also east down 52 before the 15 collision bought me a couple vehicles that's over the right shoulder and kelly dannick with fennenwood san diego's number one sports station 97 through the fan all right five days go for the third win in a row it is a uh 640 start again 540 eco water soak out pre-game show with sam leavitt uh city connect friday as the pot raise uh send dylan cease to the mount and if they ever needed a seven inning plus outing from dylan cease today's the day and don't know what exactly's been wrong with dylan cease but whatever it is really hope that today's the day that he gets back on track because they really could use a long outing to to rest that bullpen up hopefully get a win get back to 500 and uh once again have your opportunity to start making that run that they keep starting and then crashing back to earth and then starting it up and then back down again so he'll be going against colin ray you might remember former pottery colin ray it was actually has a low three er and has been a nice uh stopgap for the brewers in their injury riddled rotation this year yeah i mean again one of those guys you look at his numbers you go wow six and two with a 329 he must be really really good uh he's a very average pitcher that's gotten very very lucky this year not to take anything away from him it's sometimes the name of the game you know it really is but you know the guy sitting with a three twenty ninety already been he has expected he already is five you know it's just things are going his way right now so it's up to the sandy eco pot raise to be disruptive um he's a five pitch pitcher um so you're gonna eat actually a six pitch six pitch pitcher right now but he's heavy sinker heavy cutter um heavy sweeper so that's right hand he's right handed so let's feast tonight and the pot raise got many to tease home run yeah let's go jackson i mean jake keep it rolling tonight if there's any update on the roster if there's a move i'm sure annie and elston will have it for you they are coming up next that's it for our uh our adventurous week for paul ryanell for steven woods i'm ben higgins we'll talk to you monday morning at six a.m right here on san diego's number one sports station 97 three the fans so long everybody there's sports betting and then there's circa los vegas and adults only sports watching nirvana now you can watch up to 19 games at the world's largest sports book on a 78 million pixel three story mega screen plus it's always spectator season america's largest pool amphitheater stadium swim stadium swim is open 365 days a year and features all sports on an epic 143 foot screen book 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