The Group Chat

#115 - Spreading Misinformation..

1h 14m
Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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But ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure that we're going to have the audio play in the background of that in show ladies and gentlemen. Welcome back to the group chat podcast episode two hundred and thirty episode two hundred and thirty guys what do we do this for five you actually know what episode it is it's like one twenty one twenty one twenty four twenty no sixty nine is it two years official and do you know it's just another yeah one fifteen one is that hot yeah come on baby. It's awesome dude it's great I'm dry and I'm dry I'm like the same you have to be inclusive for people who don't play zombies all right so let's go down the timeline so what's up was it there like zombies lore where like when you were just play it against searching destroy people thought you would go one one five one one yeah people say you're like one like a little secret code yeah I'm being like the lower in multiplayer how to get the right next other yes I fucking missed that. By the way Tanner go to what is what you just I'm sorry you look like my dad you look you look like a father figure what is that dude just to get you should say you should actually just rock the go to see how it looks for a while can we put you can we look you up to a polygraph and ask your really important question yeah I don't know if it's you mister do you have half an orange in your mouth oh mister I used to have an orange in my mouth. Are you still rocking oranges or no I'm rocking oranges I know I ate seven oranges the other day seven sweet there was a little dude eating too much fruit like makes me feel sick I'd like a whole canister of grapes and it like made me feel very strange afterwards. I eat infinite fruit like I'm talking cherries. I'm talking. Wait bro. My pineapple. Oh wait yeah there's a lot of sugar. I forget that fruit has got a little fruit don't mean you could eat it finally naturally fun please. Alright yeah go ahead. Eat your hard away dude. Go ahead man. Have fun. You got you got caught uncle. You got caught uncle. You got caught uncle. You said fun please. Yeah but he's calling you like you know fun. Go. There you go. Funkel pop. Gotcha. Gotcha. Ladies and gentlemen make sure you code group for 10% off with your new lean lean you can drink as much as you want. Absolutely. Actually yeah. And it can taste like many fruits instead of just one. You can have a whole. You're equally. And make sure to try with ice because with ice a taste especially a flavor we do only drink we made it so that reacts to the ice. Alright. Let me let me drop some knowledge. Let me drop some volume value on the podcast before we go any further okay. I learned two things recently. You just said ice and then you just said you could drink as much of something as you want. I learned two things recently. Larry back up step back step back because this is going to blow you away so you need to hold on. It's going to blow you get one. I learned that you could pretty much have as much B12 as you want ever like there's like you can't have too much B12. And I learned that you can have like 40,000 dude I started I started taking this like daily supplement or whatever. And we're not paid by the company so we're not going to sponsor him or we're not going to like shout him out but I mean your boy Roy put me on I'll say that much though if you want to figure out it'll be easy to figure out if you check out your boy Roy because he's the goat. But anyways in the daily supplement it has like 9000% of your recommended B12 amount in it which is ridiculous and it made my piss bright knee on yellow. That sounds fatal. You're radiation like really 12. What gives you energy? It's like a natural like energy boost. It gives you wings. It converts food you eat into energy. Don't worry. It's not just about this information is well. Is that true? What? Yeah, that's true. Wait about B12? Yeah. I don't know. B12? Well, he got it. It is true. Yeah, I believe. Oh, wait. This is the misinformation podcast. Yes, that is really great. You should take beef 12 squared and you'll unlock 144 144. Wait, listen because there's more information that's going to happen. This is going to blow your mind. I learned that drinking ice water because you're talking ice ice water burns more calories than drinking room temperature water. Yes, but it quenches your thirst a little bit slower because it's ridiculous to watch people like literally way out like negative positives to the point where like. There's literally caloric burning that you do in your day by like fidgeting, you know, whatever, like moving your hands, like bouncing your legs. And then apparently if you do like X amount of cardio, there's diminishing returns because if you go over a certain amount of like threshold and calories burned. You burn less throughout your day because your body conserves its energy and you fidget less. So like the more effort you put in past a certain point, the less you get. Isn't that crazy to think about? Do you understand what I'm saying? Like your body is a machine. It's so it's like hardwired. Like you don't even have control of your brain, bro. Like you don't even have control of anything. You're not in the driver's seat, bro. You are not in the driver's seat, bro. Yeah, you do. You're all controlled by fibers and like neurons and you don't even know what's happening happening. There's an interesting video by Xerbia about that exact premise, Xerbia. It's like you aren't what are you like you don't control anything. It's crazy. We're all passing. The living culture is actually kind of weird. That's a weird vibe. If you can name your brain, what would you name it instead of brain? Hendrick, Ruby, Hendrick, Hendrick, Hendron, Hendrickson. Oh, Hendrick, Huey, Huey, Huey. Yeah, I have a story to tell or it's just a slice of life for you. So I was chilling in here and then I look up left and there's like a spider web like across my ceiling. And I'm like, whoa, and I see the spider that's doing it. He must have just started it that night. And I had to kill him because he was encroaching on my space. And I felt bad about it because like what if he thought I was a mad chill? And he was like, I'm going to post up right next to you because he wouldn't do such a thing. Dude, you might want to leave every like spider alone. Yeah. But he was like, like, I couldn't let him make his entire web just for me to turn it down, just for me to destroy. Yeah. What was he paying you rent? Dude, no, he wasn't. I'm great value today. I'm Mr. Value Man because guess what I learned about spiders recently. Oh, shit. Dude, wait. I've always been like under the impression that like black widows and browner clues and all the spiders, and they bet you they'd kill you like they just straight up don't like they barely do anything. Black widows? Yeah. I think it's I think it's so hard to get them to bite you. They just don't can't like they will not kill you. No, spiders are pretty friendly. Yeah, barely to feel all the other hand though, rattlesnake bites will fuck you up for like two months. Wow. And like you can't walk like you're like literally like rot away from necrosis and stuff. Do you know what a daddy daddy long legs is? Those go ahead and say go ahead and say the myth, bro. Because I didn't know what you're going to say, bro. I'm hearing because I think you're going to be like the same thing. Their fags are so small. They can't bite you, but they actually no, it's not true. Dude, I actually looked it up. Let's let's look it up. Cause I'm I'm a walking book today. Wait, I have something to say. Walking inside me. I don't know if I'm on the podcast, but Yummy, you said that black widows don't hurt people. What do you mean? That's not what I said. Well, you said like they don't kill people. They don't bite people. They don't try to bite people too much. They do not try to but no, I, I waterboarded one like two weeks ago. Like it was one, it was one outside on my back patio and I saw it up in the ceiling and I just, I squirted with so much water till it drowned because I was so scared of it. Wow. It's incorrect. Yeah, you must. The school teacher misinformed her class. Welcome back to the misinformation podcast. Did you know? I did it again. You misinformed. You misinformed again with full confidence. That black widows don't even hurt. Wait, you mean? I see. I know black widows. What? Daddy long legs have poisonous teeth in the world. Isaac said that daddy long, he was full confidence, full chest puffed up. He said that daddy long legs. Their fangs are too short to bite humans and that is a, it wasn't great. That is a false. It was a really popular fact. It was a popular lifestyle. It's not a fact. It was a life. It was better. It was a really good school for sure. It's a really popular life. Why do you call that wives does it? Cause like wives just be. You'd be talking, bro. They'd be talking. Why, why are you always going to walk in bitching about they period? Oh God. Speak your truth, bro. I mean, fuck you. What are you doing, Grunk? Don't say that. What? Makeable wives. That's a wives cell right there, dude. Me and have ball cramps once every like three, like quarter of the year. I do actually. Raise your hand if you feel your balls for bumps. Wait, what? Oh, bumps. Yeah. I feel it inside of them. Yeah, really? You should. Yeah. The cancer, bro. Well, like how do you know? Do you want me to help you? I'll share with you. Wouldn't you just know though? No. You want me to check? There's no pain. There's nothing you just have to feel it. No, you're not like, no. You're not. Maybe you should. It's not like a pinching ball. I'm not a lady. It's not a pinching rubber. Oh, we have balls. I'm still feeling the balls. Unless you don't. Let's do it under the hook. Come on. Pop that trunk. One time I had a feel like I had a lump. No lump though. Okay. I'm not going to agree with you. What did you say, Grant? It'd be terribly good cancer. Like that's so sad. That is so sad. It's horrible. Unless you catch it really, really early and then you're able to get rid of it. Yeah. Ninja did. If you all know normal with cancer, cancer survivors. His nails were like, "Lav." Oh, I saw that. Somebody yes. And then he, yeah. He had like white marks on his nails when he was doing a video and people were in the concert. Like you should check that out and he had like something early. Yeah. I think it might have been some form of cancer or something. What do you think? Oh, go ahead. There was a guy who used to do a TV show, but like fix it up or something or like flip or flop or one of those. And I think, I think this also could be false, but I'm pretty, he definitely had thyroid cancer or like cancer that like was obvious from some like bulging his neck or something. And I think like just the tumor, you could see it and like somebody literally emailed in like, "Dude, I saw this. You need to get it checked out." And then he did. He did. And then he answered that. That's wild. That's insane. He was down. I like things to talk about. No. Because you're afraid of forgetting it. I used to. I love you. If I'm on my phone, that's usually what I'm doing. Because like I'm not trying to be rude, but like I don't want to cut you off. I also want to ask a question. Who do you think would benefit the most from a lobotomy in the group? What the hell? What is a lobotomy? That is like just... That's funny. Just making brain dead. Well, it makes you brain dead, but like... Yeah. I don't think anyone needs it. Everyone would suffer. They would like stick like a long like fucking rod through your nose and fucking play with your brain. They'd be thought bored through your eyeball. It's like a crazy guy. I would hate to be alive during that. Yeah. I do. It's fucking plague. Here's like... It's crazy. Like the people were like mentally ill and then after the lobotomy, they're like completely flat and not even human anymore. It's like... No, dude, they were really sad first and then they're smiling afterwards. Dude, it's perfect happiness. Yes. It's infinite happiness. They lost for some reason like majority of their hair. I don't know the full reason for that, but... Have you seen the videos with like the green fields and the rainbows and the dolphins and the soap bubbles? Yeah. I want that to be my brain. I want somebody to do that to my brain for like an hour. Dude, that's honestly Grunk's brain, but with a little bit of weed now too. Yeah. I'm chill like that. Just through that. It's weird. It smokes. Yeah. Just a little smoke. Every now and again a cloud waves in, but then it goes away. And then the dolphin has a blunt. And then... Yeah. Yeah. I would actually love to see inside of Grunk's mind for like one day. Just living in it. Dude. He would have like, "Just beach ill." That's all you gotta do. That's all you gotta do. That's all you gotta do. That's all you gotta do. And put yourself in other people's shoes. That's all you gotta do. Oh my God. Oh my God. What if their feet are too small? Hey, Grunk. It's all about perspective, baby. Grunk, when you see a prison and there's like amazing rainbows that come out of it. Do you ever question it? You ever look at that or things like that? No. You question things. No, I record it. Oh. What do you mean I record it? Damn. Crazy. This is a twenty twenty four response. To an extent like if I don't know what's going on but I know how a prison works like that's. What if I warned you and told you that we're in the matrix and that I'm made of code? Bruh. I'd have to break free. How would you break free? Would you do what Andrew Tate did and tell all those hundreds of thousands of people to say yes. I would start Hustler's University too and call it Grinder's University and Grinder's Institute. Yeah. Grinder's institution. Yes. What's your issue man? I'm fucking around with a mic so like if you don't like it like sorry bro like what. Just kidding me bro. Like we're not like a billion dollar like set up here. We got like we're struggling. Okay. No this is like half a billion. Somewhat. Yeah. Half a billion. This isn't Joe Rogan podcast. This is RoJogan. RoJogan. RoJogan keeps a pretty chill. He's so pretty full. If you think if we were a billion dollar podcast you could have me in Tanner's like holograms in the seats and stuff. Yes. Yes. You would be here by here with like a perfect mic. Yeah. He would be right here. He would be late things. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can walk around. You can grab some fucking drink from here. Wait wait. You know coffee Zilla. You know how he like goes up to his fake bar tender like robot guy and ask him questions. I'm sorry man. Oh man. I mean and not like that. I mean to do that. I like coffee. Zilla. It's fake. Danica Ross dead. Andrew. It's real. We got shot in Detroit. Good delivery. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways I want Tanner and Gronk is two bartenders back here just kind of rolling around on their little robot wheels. That'd be cool. Billion dollars. By the way. I'm from SpongeBob. Yeah. If there's any if there's any uh billionaire investors that want to put money in your fucking podcast for whatever reason you're bored. You know we got some ideas eh so I come on down. Come on down. I'm on the podcast and watching another episode of Plankton and Karen had such a wholesome marriage. She was always there looking after him. No bro. She was constantly plugged into the chum bucket she couldn't leave and he kept trapped in that restaurant. Yeah. She made him like hologram food that he never like appreciated and couldn't he couldn't even eat it. He couldn't eat it. But you didn't appreciate it. Technically he could eat it because Plankton eat off photosynthesis. Oh. True. That's light. That made sense. Yeah. That's that makes so much sense. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was so sick of meatloaf. How come he just in like hologram a new meal he was like maybe he didn't code it. She wasn't coded enough. Like she wasn't built right or maybe never mind. Let's talk about something really really relevant right now. I show speed jumping to Lamborghini. More relevant than that. Didn't do that. That's not relevant. Hell of it. Fuck. I was going to do that. Sorry. Logan Paul's about to do it. He did apparently three times. Yeah. Logan Paul already did it. There are two cars back to back or two Lamborghinis back to back. What do they do? I don't know. There's another one. It's called being outside and having fun. That's all it is. Jumping and playing. I know some people in my fucking city who could have done it easily. It's called horsing around. You know what? I did it a long time ago. Tyler the creator. I'm not worried about jumping high enough. I'm worried about timing my jumps so my feet don't get clipped and then I eat shit and die. I don't think you die. You just definitely. I probably couldn't jump a lever. Yeah. But it has to go fast enough so that when you're in the air it goes under you like you're not laying on the roof. You're here in the video. They're only going first gear and they hit the rev limiter. So they're only going 40, 20, 30. Dude you would get so fucked up if you got hit by Lamborghini going 20, 30. You still get fucked up but Lamborghinis also like why I've never seen one in real life. I don't know. Kobe Bryant faked it. Oh. He actually. He actually jumped a lever. So that's where everybody pretty much got this idea from. Kobe Bryant marketing genius I don't know whose idea it was but he fake jumped a Lamborghini on YouTube back in like 2008, 2007. But still on YouTube, he also did another stunt where I'm pretty sure he jumped a pool full of snakes and it was to promote his shoes. Damn. There's a creature. Hold on. Hold on. That's a new creature. Is it new? Where did that creature come from? That's new. It's just on your shoulder. Who is he? Argh. Argh for me. It's gonna speak. Oh, it's gonna speak. It's gonna speak. What do you want to say? Video truth. See you. Meow. Wow. Oh, dude, how old is he? Oh, he's showing his ass. Don't show your butt, dude. How did you teach the cat to sit on the shoulder? Because I want to teach my cat. She kind of just like walks around on me the entire time. What do you mean she does? You brought her in and you put on her shoulder. Oh, I thought she jumped at the fire. She does this like randomly. I don't know why. I was just sitting here and she like jumped up on me. Look, she's. Oh, she likes the microphones. Where's that fucking ugly ass? I'm sorry for being this just up here. Where's that ugly ass dog? It's like the weird eye and it's like it looks almost like half dead. You know what I'm talking about? Well, unfortunately, it passed away. Oh. Wow. Tanner, Tanner. You'll never beat him again. Larry. You should have been like, yeah, let me go bring him and then you just bring him back a collar. You're like, yeah, bro. This is all we have left. Well, you need to take five. Dude, you're a butthole friend for a year. I'm going to actually start smoking cigarettes now. That was really rough. But he's he's he's up there and he's eating he's eating hot dogs. I know he's hot dogs in heaven. May he rest. He should have brought back his urn full of act. He was so old. You would eat hot dogs. If you guys can see that dog. His real age. Oh, my God. I thought you just brought him back. 16. 16. Hey, could he crop. Probably at least. Dude, pop the cat like a shotgun and then shoot it. If you raise your cat and if you like hold it in crazy ways, it won't care anymore. Wow. Yeah, the cat. He's so chilling. Or you grab by the by the back of its neck, dude, like this cat is not chill. Look at that. Yeah. Oh, my gosh, I was at my friend's house and we were outside and there was a black cat with a collar on and it came up to us and I was petting it and it was doing like the love bites thing and I was being such an idiot. Like I was just putting my finger in its mouth and then just jumped down like full force and literally like it went through my finger and like I heard a crunch and I was worried and my finger goes like it literally like sounded like it bit into a fruit. It was crazy. You ever fed a horse? Yeah. Scary. But they're kind of gentle. They use their lips first to kind of feel it out. My horse used to like like sniff and then I hold it carry like near him and then he'll buy by and then he'll feel my finger first and he'll stop and you'll look at me and then I like push it in a little bit and then he'll start eating again. He's so funny. They do use their rest of his well. No one died to all these animals died man. Have you ever fed a calf, baby cow, because that is crazy milk. I feel like they're way more aggressive or like just they're so wet. Their mouths are so wet. They're so wet. Like I'm like feeding it alfalfa and it's like it's eating. It's eating it. It's my whole hand. It is like, wait, do you see my hand? I'm like, what the fuck are you doing? Yeah, you can. What is alfalfa? It's like a meat weird. No, it's not like vegetable thing like plant. It's like, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. No one's gonna mess up everything they take their heads and they bang it like hammers on top of the car is this going past? They don't do really scary. Oh, we talked about it. Didn't we draft fighting? Yeah, they split their neck. Yeah, they swing their necks I don't think you could be one in the next swing. I Think if I like grab its ankle and like snap to backwards. I could like kill it. Oh Like just wanna like yeah, like a baby like back leg of it like a baby's back like I'll like grab a knife I'll go to the top of its neck and I'll slide all the way down with it My god like a four-foot giraffe. I could probably kill a four-foot giraffe. Just a glimpse of my reality Do people like you're sick or sport? I don't think anybody hunts giraffe Not because nobody gives a shit about giraffe. Unless they're like doing like trophy hunt or something like that We're just like lame as a don't they um actually yeah I was a the conservation list or whatever the people who like try to preserve like the rhinoceros population Yeah, they will tranquilize and preemptively saw off In a cleaner way the rhinos thing. Yeah that the poachers don't just don't really kill it Yeah, the poachers don't just kill it and then take the horn or whatever. It's fucked They like have to do it to save the life of the rhino like I'm pretty sure it's all back I actually have no fucking clue. Let's check it out I'm pretty sure they like saw off parts of it. So like the whole thing isn't gone Don't they grow like fingernails, but not as fast right? I genuinely have no idea. I know crab legs and crab claws and shit right back look at that like fingernails They grow back with time. That's sweet. Have you ever seen a rhino fight another rhino? I have it. Oh my god Jesus Christ, don't show that one. Yeah, oh my god. Oh Oh, just get out of here. Oh wow Run let's talk about some crazy and actually relevant today Which is the fact that the Olympics are going on that it's a fuck is happening that is and there was a lot of dude There was a lot of angry people issues a lot of issues over in Paris were to there were terrorist attacks already What? Oh, yeah, you're about that. Yeah, the railway systems. The only thing I've heard about the Olympics was First of all the I think the athletes got spoiled by like a lot of cool stuff that they got But also that there's shitty beds that they got yeah prevent the cardboard Yeah, and also I guess the whole let them do it thing let the Olympians do it, bro We need more people like them. Let them breed. We need more specimen like breed all day It's like mixing an extreme. I'm pretty sure there was some freaky guy out there who tried to um pay For LeBron James. It's arena Williams to have a baby. Whoa, that's cool It was to like random people who don't even know each other Okay, never mind just playing God by just like taking like I'll give you $10 million to have a child Squidward in the pickle James is the goat 39 years old Carrie team USA and basketball. I don't know how he does it. It's in arguable Yeah, that of the king. He's like 46 and doing that. I don't believe that you have like beard hair I mean, he has like great news to be Doesn't have great. He is great. It's beard hair. It's always coming hard He dies his beard for sure because he's had grain his beard for years now, but it's gone away and come back multiple times Yeah, there's a sabotage. There was a fucking train networks That were sabotaged a few days ago train Paris is crazy. The one time I went I was a kid There was a protest and like riots happening dude. There's a shit hole. Yeah I saw something about the river that they were supposed to be swimming in It was like really unsafe for the swimming and they couldn't do it because it had like nine times or something the amount of Ebola Inside of it. Why would there be a safe amount of Ebola in the river like nine times the safe amount Yeah, how is there a safe amount? I'm gonna take one time Ebola the nine times I think I'm with you there. I see this daily amount of Ebola or else you're like, I mean, I'll get a little bit But if there's nine times, I'm like, gosh, dude Ebola was like the first real shit post I feel like when Ebola came out. That was like first world thing I was like that immediately turned into like swine flu swine flu remember was that a meme? No. Yeah, it was swine flu Swine flu. There's only a bully. First of all Ebola people were making fun of it because look like the Disney logo Remember how it like wrapped up. No cool. I don't remember that look it up I think you've been on this earth for ten times longer than us. I don't know Look up Ebola swine flu is like 1980s like no the black player That was the first shit post Dude the black plate was a huge shit post Yeah, look you were like trying to pretend like it was like Where is the Mickey Mouse ears? Oh, I've never heard about Maybe that's my wife still that I just started It does look like Mickey Mouse. So I I can see that happening all that when I think about Ebola I think about like, you know VR chat Hold on. Hold on. It's it's a connection because you got you got the knuckles. You got VR chat. You got Ebola You got too mad. You got all these things happening. Am I trippin? No, you're right. Okay. There you go. I think that's your hell of Isaac All right now look at my wife's why swine flu that is so old. I'm dude I only about these listen guys. I'll leave my pleasure because of the one and one you guys remember That's what it was. I only know about these cuz of that one game. Hey, what's your name? Oh, oh You couldn't lose that it was like a positive no yet cuz you would you would the strat was to start In China cuz China has a big population once you get all the China's like a billion people then you move on Around Asia and then you fly over to the u.s. And then it's just easy I would always start in Iceland because it was the hardest freaking country that was the hardest one Yeah, there's like two people there. I would always do Iceland. Yo, who's watching this in Iceland? I was a wife Come on Is it a wives tale about how Iceland was named Iceland because the Vikings wanted people to think that yes Yes, is that real I know actually is real or fake because I think my dad told me that one time Learning about Greenland in Iceland. I was like what the hell is going on III I think was Prominently been called three names in land Eastlandia directly from this land blah blah blah blah. Is there anything to legitimize? I think it's their name. It's Greenland I think a Norse man named The opposite right there Ten years ago the norseman the area the Vikings landed in Greenland probably to hunt walruses for their ivory Okay, so it makes perfect sense that it would be green and the Vikings would call it Greenland isn't Greenland all ice Yeah, isn't that the whole thing it was warmer isn't that the joke that the Greenland is like ice I think the joke is ice one's all beautiful and green. Wait. Did they mix up Iceland and Greenland looks go down? Yeah, that is a question the story Wow How much how many more effect poets with a debunking podcast today? Yeah, what the hell we lied a lot how What's like it's something your mom told you one one day one time just once and you get up. Oh, yeah Oh Not like that for the fuck it's so sleepy get up I don't know I'm trying to think because like if anything all of the wives still said I would have ever heard would be in like Middle school and that's how I was talk shit because they acted like they Yeah, it wasn't even the kids. It was my teacher. That's all it tells are you were homeschooled I was not homeschooled for as long as you think. I think you were Pick it on the whole I was home I was Your mom watch the podcast. Yeah, okay, let's go Explain that it's go ahead apologize actually Keep it in keep it in I'm good if you ever see those you're gonna clip on there keep a lot of yours Those clips are like the it's like it's like it's like so we surfers and they replay it when you do a trick They slow it down and they replay it You're so red dude. We're so red. He said as well. What is it? So like a mafia guy. He said it might watch is that what is it? Come on Why'd you look at me You're directly in front of me. All right, I looked at ten or not growing two times like the Isaac two times I'm looking at me once you got to creatively bleep it out Yeah, I'll find ways to make out if yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever and I keep it in now, right? I'll keep it Yeah, what were we saying I forgot we're talking about Iceland and they were like mixed up But it really wasn't and why I think we're trying to think of wives tales. Yeah, that's true. I'm gonna look at what's another I Don't know do it's hard enough because being hot Like being hot and doing something to cool you down. I know there's something in that realm like what is it? I Mean hot something cool you down. I don't know That's cool. That's true. Well, what I do know what I do know that's real That's not actually a wives till I learned this back in I think it was in like senior year or something like that I had a computer science teacher and she said that if you're really hot All you have to do is roll your sleeves up and roll your pants up because your heat You're like he said your body or your forearms your legs and your head Oh, so you could just like if you're hot. That's why you roll up your sleeve That's why you roll up your legs, and that's why if you're Question pause because you got a massive haircut a few months or weeks ago. Was it like weird, huh? Was it what did you feel any cooler at all like period at all because you were the head of hair, bro You feel a breeze you had a lot of hair talk about when like I was in like weird Vegas. No, bro When your hair cut when you got your you got a boys cut. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, you can definitely feel the breeze. Okay Wait, I thought that like your extremities where like your hand. That's why you have gloves. It's where I have socks Well, that's that's like to prevent your fingers from like falling off because it's where the blood ends right like no That's where the heat leaves your body first, but like you're saying if you wear gloves, right? I'm saying that's why you have to wear gloves. I think it's just the smallest part of your body Yeah, it's like the last point of your finger. Your body where the blood gets to if I'm not mistaken So like you know, it'll heat your body if it gets cold It'll start to retract the blood will start retracting and go to like more vital parts of your body That's what your brain and just telling everything to do But what I'm trying to say is is that like if you're hot roll your sleeves up dude. You just do it naturally You don't have to think about it. It's like I'm hot. I'm gonna roll my fucking sleeves up I'm gonna pull my pants up right here like she explained that and I was like wow I didn't even realize that but then you gotta put on sunscreen because then you get some cancer I'm just saying you feel like I forgot my wives till I had one wives tale wives tale wives tale Lightning I can't shower when you're doing it when you're doing a storm when you're in the store. Wait, what? Can't shower during a storm Oh my god, you'll get electrocuted from the water what that has to be fake my grandma told That is a wives tale Well, you're gonna wake it up, bro Cuz I heard it open on the shower. I heard it could be true brother. Yeah, the lake one's real You can't swim in a pool while it's like thundering out, but showering dude Dude my grandma told me not to play video games with my headset over my head when there was oh Oh, yeah, dude the CDC Dude on drunk. Yeah, what is the disease control protection? Yeah, what are they? Why do they have a say in this? What the dude what yeah, have you guys ever heard spicy foods can cause ulcers? Are you looking up wives tales? You're supposed to be off the dome. We just we don't know any we just said that we were gonna look him up Okay, I've heard that um oh Acidic foods cause the ulcers. Yeah, I see eating carrots will improve your eyesight as a wife. Yes What that's a wife's that is what I'm real. I ate so many Up it made I was started to get kids to eat vegetables. It was started during In World War two It may have been started in World War two when British intelligence spread a rumor that their pilots had Remarkable night vision because they ate lots of carrots. They didn't want the Germans to know that they were using right? Bro, we're just eat a lot of carrots, bro carrots They should have made it away funnier like vegetable that sucks the dick. Oh, yeah, like like onions every day To be yeah, I mean a raw onion three raw beans radish one one whole cucumber How are they doing this you have to eat a Four orange with skin and everything a banana with the people on it, right? And you can see better night. Oh my god if you go outside with wet hair, you'll catch a cold. Oh No, that is true. That is that's just straight up true because I get sick all the time when I got wet hair You take a sherry step out. You just get like really horrible. This is a bronchitis. Just I mean you get sick Outside the bottom line you excuse me you cannot get sick simply by going outside and cold with wet hair and the cold What whatever what if it's like what the hell you must come in concert Washington, but most what if you got hypothermia on your ears? Oh Oh, yeah, I mean, that's hypothermia, but that would that can make you sick. This is real This is actually real because I knew about this before cracking your knuckles causes arthritis. That's not true. Yes I still think about I'll be honest with you. My teacher told me that and I still think about it. What it does I'm pretty sure. Let me see what it does do is it invoits your knuckles. I don't think that's true either I think that's also wives tale. I don't know my knuckles a lot. Whoa. I got a little look up just cracking your knuckles make them bigger Pretty sure it's a wife. Yeah, that's a wives tale for sure. It makes you stronger. I Remember a guy. Oh, yeah, it's just a lot What's the gas that's in oh, yeah, it's contains oxygen nitrogen and carbon dioxide It's fart gas fart gas I have nitrogen in my knuckles. Yep, and I can just pop this dang open Nitrous oxide not nitrogen That was the first time I had inhaled helium. It's such a long time when my vlog. Oh, and that was fun. That was funny That's dope. I didn't get light headed out. Yeah, but you did not want to try any of it. No, I didn't want to be on camera Sorry, no, I told you like three times. I was like I don't want to be on camera. You're like I was like, you know, I did not you think you're a drake or something Like I swear to God you never listen to him because he'd be telling you and you're like what I was like No, dude like cuz we had just I don't remember what we had done But like I hadn't even showered and I was like sweaty as shit I was like I want to go just go back to my room. I'm pretty sure we just done moving you Yeah, or I was like getting ready to finish moving. Oh, that's what I was doing I was taking down my entire room and putting shit in my car. That's right And I was and then you know, I was like no, bro. I don't want to be on camera, but yeah, I'm right I mean, I was just that was why Otherwise, I would have loved putting my wet mouth all over that helium filled balloon and yelling Oh, I miss that old house where we could just like go to your door and there was never locks on it We just like open it up the door didn't even shut Oh, yeah, yummy yummy Wake up. Yeah, me is it all coming back. Oh, yeah That was hell, bro That was hell being in a house where you can't even show your own door Yeah, the only one that had the lock was IZ and it would be that's like the worst person to give a lock to why You remember why don't act like you don't remember. You was like it. You was locked in there, dude I loved out after we moved out. We were every single person unanimously agreed that house was so shitty and I was like Wasn't that bad give like his whole old compound section to the house like of course you didn't think it was that man now That there has been group sessions of reminiscence about the house and how cool it was even after you guys When the move because of how she was Korea that was the fuck you turned off once and that was it That's really much of noon and that was your little compound and everyone else around you was like fucking Scrapping for anything great to live with a shitty stench of that fucking awful And it wasn't our fault there was like some weird shitty backwash coming out of the washing machine Oh my god, it was broken for too much Oh, the stench is so bad on that wash It was like it was like if you literally hired 15 random dudes off the street who had never built a house before and we're like All right, here. Here's a million dollars. Go build a shitty out remember remember when you guys Are watching so many scary movies that you guys thought that the horrible smell was a sign Because it's like the first the first pressing is a horror runs dude, and then we got scorpions I literally thought we were yeah, we got like action 30 scorpions in two months or whatever it was insane and in that rat Mm-hmm. Oh in the rat too. There was a rat. Oh, I was the mouse the mouse the mouse. Oh, there's a mouse. He was with us for like a week He was in my room of all places and jumped on my fucking bed Hey mice They're fucking young man. You remember when they're awesome I remember when the scorpion followed you to the new house and beat your ass and like stung you Dude, yes one that was the only one Cables chicken noodle soup commercial where it like follows. Oh, yeah, I had one in my new house already You're just mom. Oh mr. You're the omen. You're the first Oh my god, I think people were responding to my tweet and they're like in most cultures Scorpions are never a sign of bad luck in actually good like good fortune. That's why they stink really Yeah, cuz we had 40 scorpions in that old house and where's my good fortune? I haven't won a lottery. Yeah for two months. It was a not a good fortune I was not a good fortune. Yeah, and that was like the most I ever hated Isaac in my entire life because you're like It's not broken bro. It's not It's crazy I actually hated you because I think I got a lot that came over told me one thing And then another guy came over and told us all another thing and now I'm like sitting here like okay now what? Yeah, but like I have to start with yummy on this one only because of the AC argument that you made about like telling me is he take take the AC out of your window Yeah, and then and it didn't help and then you ended up with you in your I know because that guy that guy said He was like listen like you gotta you take these out You have to give it like a few hours or a few days whatever the hell Yeah, I'll pressure zones and like that was a lot of bullshit. I've ever heard I kept a I kept mine out You took yours out it didn't work and then we just put him back in and called it Do you know I had my name for about a month and every day I heard he's yummy take it out and every day I said no because my room was about 10 degrees colder to the point where Larry a Tanner would just come in my room Be like can I stand in here for a little bit of? Tile floor actually Larry was at that hot for some reason if you could deal with it But sometimes you would tainer would come my room and let this shirt up over my AC you did my room and have it blow up his shirt but yeah, thank you, and then I leave the dumbass guy told Isaac he was like Big of it like a refrigerator, but there's a leak in your house and your house is the refrigerator That's leaking all the cold air out But cold air wasn't blowing and I was like and I was like bro I literally have this big of a fucking hole of cold air coming in because of my window unit and maybe like this tiny amount leaking out But like cold air wasn't coming. Yeah, they got nothing like there was no cold air blowing. That's that was a problem Yeah, yeah, it was horrible. It was like 72 degrees all the time blowing wasn't it wasn't like it was blowing something and then What do you mean bro that house upstairs was like 80 degrees? I know but I'm saying the the the temperature that was blowing out was never like cold air It was something like it was like room temperature air. It was like never Bro, it was it was my degree of every day. Yeah, my friend was completely turned off like yeah Like there's no it just unplugged it. Yeah, I think they forgot to plug your van. Remember when you walked in our attic You were already there. I think I was walking around trying. Yeah, he was walking on my feet. I would have died Yes, he's literally walking on the beams and he was like Larry. I think I'm a boy right now I have to fall right through It's a good 25 foot drop out That's dude. That's like three stars. He's like all that would be so funny to watch Through that like bridge Unseen footage of that house. Oh like the one thing with the basketball and we would like punt the ball all the way to the See oh my god when I visited and you're messing with the basketball. That was so funny Wall actually Yummy was freaking out like hitting some crazy. I don't miss the house Oh my god, the only reason that house was funny was because the basketball goal that who gave a choice again? It was Yeah, he's the only reason that the house was fun. Thank you 24 When I was asking about he's like dude, please like if you boys can just use it and like actually like take care of it I'll be so happy and then he saw you saw you like go fucking ham with it. Like I'm so happy Thank you was perfect for it like it was there could not have been a better spot for that Dude, I just remember all of us just sitting in the like the living room and just always throwing up the ball Yummy who was standing on the second floor always going for the craziest tricks shots or whatever. He'd be like Just to lay up on the wall Go ahead go ahead You were you were thrown it against the wall the drunk was like the layup. Yeah, so many marks a better. Yeah, there was a lot of marks There is more eyes. It would be so we just keep on throwing the basketball We just throw them at his wall do when you did that my shelf moved and knocked down all my shit That house is made of paper. Shae straight up All these houses. I'll be real all these houses in Austin are made out of paper mache. They're pretty cheap Yeah, the walls are all like very powdery like just be careful If you buy real estate in Austin these houses, they're low-key do-doo. Yeah in my opinion real talk Dookie do you do some other houses and they're pretty goated, but these man. They're not worth it Wait, remember when we would play with the monkeys and the monkey exploded. Oh, yeah, yeah That was the house of activities if we were in that living room balls were constantly being thrown at that goal like we'd be sitting on the couch I make a conversation then it would just be like shoot and then somebody would rebound and just toss it and rebound and did a Rob deer deck show ever take that clip. Oh Ridiculousness they emailed me and it was like legit and I emailed back But I don't they wanted me to like sign a bunch of documents and given the rights to the video and I was too lazy to it I didn't really care enough. Yeah fuck that Fair enough. They were like you have to like sign us You have to like get signed this paper and all these other things to give us the right interview Rob deer It can hop on the show and explain what happened. You know, yeah, I was just like I'm not Was like I'm too lazy to do all that I don't I really don't care if that Rob deer deck reacts to the clip or not You're not going to hate it like walking in that show you say something in that chick is like Like everything you know imagine you like submit the clip and then they're just like bullying you The monkey and you're just like oh Talk about the video talk about you the whole time like what the fuck is this guy look at that fucking bow cut dude He's like 30 years old with a bow cut He took the role for himself, and just didn't mean for like by himself You're rather like what? Hello, I would just say that 30 years old 29 what the fuck Rob deer deck's actual reaction on on live TV. What the hell what the fuck we thought you're 30, bro We did your we did a research. Yeah, we you said you think I can I pass for 29? Yeah, wait, what you look yoga 29 to me. What's up, Tanner? If you had you want to tell them that you want to talk about the message. I sent you that one night Okay, yeah, so I don't know if you guys remember we're at red Rob, and I just show everyone my phone It was Tanner beating some team 129 to 55 or 60 It was like really impressive and I find out a little bit later They was like online play so he like beat the beat the hell out of real people and not just like bots and shit But he sent me a voice message, and I listened to it just the other night I couldn't hear what the hell he was saying, but he was laughing his ass. I was like, dude I just beat these guys a hundred and twenty nine seven hundred and fifty passing yards And now the game's done the game's done and I get added I was like waiting for like cool like GG's man. You're awesome man in this kid DM me, and he said no What happened you explain? Yeah, it was it was career. It was career. It wasn't real people. It was all play like it wasn't real people, but You have these like NPCs that message you on your like phone you have in the game what and it always tells you like how good you're doing and like wait like they want to hang out later or like you're a Bro, you're so good, and so after I get done throwing 13 touchdown passes and like 800 yards I'm like dude. They're gonna be so stoked about me. I'm so excited to see all the messages that kid And I was laughing so hard. I get one message and it was do you give me a ride to school? They messaged you like the bots message you after a game. That's the bots. This is after like every game They're like good job it back in a press of game back in like 2015 2014 I Made a bet with one of my friends that if I could beat them and mad and I think it was like Madden 16 or something like that 2015 that he would give me a hundred dollars, so we're playing online. I lost three hundred to seven 300 So it was my friend's little brother, so his little brother was like really really good dangerous if they have did your quarterback His hands tied behind his back and his legs tied together. Yeah This was like this is at the time when I was playing Madden all the time and always just play the Falcons I don't know why I like the Falcons my like whole I guess Progress like the whole timeline of me like in football teams It was I think the Giants and then I like the Eagles and I like the Falcons and I just stopped watching a ball I think I think my my name is just be a big was it stealers? I guess he's a logo Yeah, it was a spare lease he's to be big Steelers fans and I used to like have a bunch of jerseys with their logos on it But then I want to get shit on cuz I was nine Pittsburgh dude. Who is the Green Bay Packers quarterback? It was Aaron Rodgers. Did he retire? Love how old is that fucker is really now he plays where does he play now Tanner? The Jets, right in Aaron Rodgers play for the Jets and snap is Achilles like game one last year Yeah, he was like coming out, but he couldn't play. But so he's just waving to the crowd. He's like he's like, yeah But he just didn't play for like eight How old is he can you look it up Aaron Rodgers my guess is that he's like his 50s. I think no He's like 42 or 41. I'm thinking of a breath bar of 40. I was gonna guess like 39 Dude, he's been he's been like playing for as long as I can remember. He's probably playing as long as I've been alive almost right now I mean, I don't think so he's been playing for like the last at least 15 years Oh, it's breath barv. He's probably 50. Yeah, he's old breath barv was before If you can if you can get into any Hall of Fame for any sport, what would it be golf? What I was just gonna say golf dude people swear ever get rid of people swear. It's the hardest sport like well Yeah, I don't know where he is. Did you say pickleball? Yeah, I'm a pickleball. There's no leader boy That's why I know I hate the entirety of the sport. I hate stupid I hate the gentrification of everything that happens. Okay, well, that's true That's true if there's a basketball court. It's most likely gonna get ripped up and replace I hate the sport. I hate the people that play the sport. I've seen that that is real gentrification by the way like Remember when we were over like if the town over we were trying to go and film. Yes, I'm like that I think yes, they've literally turned outdoor basketball courts at pickleball court. I hate the sport I think it's lame. I think it's stupid. I think it's adult. Yeah, like standing ping pong You're not like what you don't give a fuck bro. If you're if you're the best pickleball player in the world You're probably barely athletic. Fuck you. I don't care. I hate it. Yeah, I hate them Are you doing this stuff? It's like pickleball's here and tennis is like up here like tennis is so much better than play tennis If you want to like do anything. Yeah, be a man play tennis be a man play tennis ball. I play pickleball I'll shoot you. I saw a guy at the gym. He was wearing a shirt that said real men don't play pickleball I just feel like it's such like a lame sport like it's so lame until you play and then you're like, okay I can get behind this. It could be recreationally fun But like to treat it as an extra sport is so lame There's method to it though bad men's you're like what so like okay So how it works is it'll be like 2v2 for example. Yeah, right? So the first the person that's serving whichever team is serving The scoring goes like this. It'd be like 0 0 1 right so that 1 means that that's the team's first serve So if you're starting the game off the team that starts the game off starts with their second serve and there's two people Okay, so they start on the right side. They serve it over. Let's say that they score one point The score is now 1 0 2 2 being their second serve. Oh, they're like 40 shit But trust me the game gets pretty crazy Dude I just don't bro like I think tennis is legit I think tennis is a format makes sense. I think the size of the tennis court Makes it like you you are an elite athlete if you're really good at tennis I just don't think about me for PE. I don't respect the ball players. Her recreation sport recreational It's like it's uh, it's like what's up. What's that? What's it? What's it not now toss coin top? Yeah, yeah, I know I'm like this 25th. What game is it? Corn hole It's corn around. It's like corn around for like 50 years or something popular game pickle balls like corn hole Like what was the question you asked as a start you said if you wouldn't be known for what if you would if you could be in any hall of fame Oh What's what? Uh boxing Oh, that's hard. That would be dope boxers Because then you can walk out and be like Dan. I'm gonna fuck it. Can I I don't want to fight him? Exactly. I don't want him or they're gonna be someone knowing people be like, oh, I can kick his ass and then you just kick his ass What about wwe Well, I would say smart boxing Dude, I I'd argue that wwe is one of the harder all the fame slapbox because you have to you have to like act start kids You have to And you have to still perform like physically which is still a lot of that's why Logan Paul is one of like the craziest ones because like He's a good guy If you think about it Dude, did you ever see old wwe clips were like though? I like those just show like people's boobs Like a show like girls boobs wf wf. Yeah, that's what it was. I think it's wf It was crazy. Was it wwf wf was the old name before wwe? Yeah, was it was it one app? Was it one w or two ws? It was a lead-up, but no you do it. That's like the 90s. Oh, what? I don't know, but yeah, they they they did not care There's there's www right there Holy shit Is that hulk Hogan who is that? Yeah, it's hulk Hogan Holy still Hulkster. Wait, is that I called the joint? Yeah, that's it. Yeah I'm ready to join. All right guesses anybody on his hype What six one six ten seven four eight he was seven eight one seven one six ten six ten Here we go And seven four baby. Wow. That's insane Like that's massive Is that 120 he was probably eating like 12,000 calories a day. Oh my Yeah, I enjoy the giant dude. Holy shit. No, no, yeah, no, there's a story. Andre the giant was all filming the no No, no, go ahead. He's not that one. Hey, hey, hello Princess brides. No, listen. This is like not the worst one. He was filming princess bride I want to hear the worst one after this. Oh, you want to hear the word? All right, yeah After this after this after this after this bride and he will he farted for I think two minutes of existence and it all did production of the Start a timer they started a timer as soon as they were to sound Yeah The director was like that was the loudest and longest part I love how you just know that story You're in high school. Tell me that's on the set of princess bride. Andre the giant once let us 60 seconds That's crazy. That's a wire scale. That's a wire still Yeah, they always like Are you a life star? Are you a chaotic to which Andre replied? I am now boss None of that is real brother. I am now boss So wait, that's not the worst one or is that the worst one. Nope. That is definitely not the worst one. What's the worst one In high school. My friends would tell me that You have to start it like that. So this guy I have to because this is I don't know if it's true, but it's just a real it is an old live sale Andre the giant's hands were so big. You're gonna have to like blurt my bleep my mouth. All right I heard that My friend right after tell me Why did I know that I didn't even like that cannot be true That's from a movie brother. It's literally from uh Bad grandpa or dirty grandpa or fuck. Yeah, no one with robert and euro is not on that New dip pool. Yes. It is robert there. And I'm pretty sure there was about chikilo kneel What do you guys think where the new dip pool not? I never seen it. I saw it two guys in the room. We've seen it. Go ahead Yeah, ask me directly to the other person who saw it. I'm actually watching it tonight. I'm not gonna spoil it Uh, yeah, I like the movie. There was one part though. It was funny. Well. Yeah, you can't talk about it because I just want to say what he said No, what no, no what? It was just oh No, that's what I talk about who dies in marvel. No, it was our it was our it was our man funny like what he said It was just something funny. He said yummy is like what's the hint? What do you think? Oh Oh, I know I know the whole story now. You spoiler. I'll give you more up soon. No, no, let don't say that Let people experience it. It's just what he said. It was just a joke that he made dude There's so many jokes that he makes you guys know that yeah, he makes all the times And it doesn't spoil anything. All right. It doesn't. All right. Go ahead. None everyone. Wow All right. I'm gonna look it up. You don't say it. I don't even remember how it goes anymore. That's even worse Do you want me to say it? Do you remember it? Yeah, kind of go ahead He pretty much said something along the lines of like I feel like panochio dude like what is wrong with this guy What go you remember exactly? He said some long lines of like I feel like panochio Panochios nose got shoved up my ass and he's being forced to tell lies I think that's what he said as a small shit. That's that's what i was trying to say That's pretty much a funny way of saying that that's a funny joke Ryan Reynolds storytelling. I will say though. The whole dead pool Ryan Reynolds stick is gonna get pretty old after this movie Yeah, I yeah, they they gotta be done after this one. Yeah, I'm kind of tired of the whole like Welcome to my movie and we're gonna do yeah, and here's seven bad guys And i'm about to get fucked. Yeah, I don't like Ryan Reynolds humor that much It's because I feel like it's not even dead pool. I feel like it's just straight up Ryan Reynolds Oh, man It's like I wouldn't really say the immersions room. It's just it's to me. It's like White mom humor, but they have like a it's like a dark humor day for a white mom It's like a dark marvel humor. It's like i'm on i'm having a dirty weekend, but i'm a 40-year-old white mom It's like I won i'm a laugh, but I shouldn't laugh type of humor My kids are okay. It just comes across. It's like very unnatural to me I don't know. Um, you know, fucking rich he is Mint mobile mint mobile not just got mint get so much I don't know. I 100 million. No equity. Oh ten percent 25. What that's a lot Yeah, he sold it didn't he that's a lot. I don't know anything about right 300 mill from what? Appreciate he's almost a billionaire Uh, of course according to uh from just for movies according to this guy that told me that Yeah, according to this topic probably movies and mint look up look at Ryan Reynolds Like net worth Where did do you do actors really get paid that much money 350 million according to celebrity now the worst reputable source Demobile entered into a 1.35 billion deal to buy a ronalds back. Oh my god. Oh boy in march I didn't know he has a gin company. I just give company for 600 million to european alcohol So he he's probably a billionaire. Let's really I would say so dude Three dude. I oh my god. What did like how do you even make a mobile company? Like what are you even doing? You're like paying for cellular data tower space. Like I understand Do you like you don't you don't rent it? But you pay to use it and then you charge customers to use I guess your services Which somehow covered shit. They all use the same powers. I mean one brother That thought of shit They just depends. I guess on how much coverage they pay for yeah They all own every single do you have people like AT&T who have a lot Of usage on those towers versus like mint mobile who might have like way less or like a tent But if you live in a city, then it doesn't really matter. Yeah, dude. That is That is so crazy to me. He's like whatever is how do you boost Yeah, it's mobile. They're gone. They're virgin mobile. I do. Oh, yeah Virgin mobile you were Wait, that was never Okay You always got a pee. Why can't you all like show up the podcast on time and empty your bladder is before we start the podcast I actually peed before you drink too much water boy. I drink the amount of water I'm supposed to how much about a gallon a day. I feel like I drink too much water Yeah, maybe a little less than one drink too much water. You die down true. Oh, yeah, that's how you know Yeah, you drink too much. I don't know drink a lot of water. It's nice to cleanse out your stomach You also got to make sure you're not diluting your salt in your blood though Can you look something up for me, Larry? Dang it. Yes. This is mythbuster test number 17 a wife's toast Uh do Gravity water filters work. Let's see there are no Perceptible disadvantages of gravity-based water filter. However, they do have certain limitations These purifiers do not work for more contaminated water that has been harmful Metals are other chemical Because I'm like out so I wanted to buy a water purifier for my house And I was doing research on all the gravity-based ones and supposedly Like those are the ones that they allow like bigger like gallons of like water to be held because I'm tired of buying water bottles. I think it's like wasteful and also really bra Well, it's gonna buy that which is pretty much like a burky. Do you want mine? Uh, what I can't attach it to our sink. It's downstairs under the cabinet. I'm not kidding No, okay. I wanted like one that holds so there's like there's two different things you can get you can get like Um, the gravity ones. Well, I guess there's more than two But then there's like reverse osmosis, which is apparently the most effective But those only hold like hold like half a gallon which is like super annoying because you'd have to refill that like multiple times a day That's what that's the gravity fed ones. It's got like pretty sure charcoal sticks So what do you do you fill the top and then it runs through like charcoal and like other things that filter it out And then it comes out of the Black you're like But I just don't know if it's like a scam because they're not cheap I'm gonna try the like 500. I am Why don't you do why don't you do the big? Yeah, but if you're buying if you're buying ten dollars of water bottles every week That's a year's worth of water is how much that is which will last you years? So it's actually cheaper Two cases of waters 10 bucks over 10 bucks. Do you have a fridge? Yes, why don't you just use the water? Yeah, do you have a fridge in me? Do you have the water thing in water dispenser? Um, my fridge does have the water dispenser Why don't you use that you could they're just like they're also slow as shit and annoying and you have to replace A few months It bringing you your money. They're so slow and I have a big ass uh Leader yeti thing and that would take like a only with a good fit in the thing That's what mine was on Drinking you don't got patience bro. I'll spend five hundred dollars for a thing That'll last me a few years that is quaking convenient nice and easy You just fill it up straight from the sink with a little Get the bread a pitcher get the bread a pitcher I just drink a positive water and I'll say it and you'll die look up to But I'm pretty sure the Brita uses the gravity-fed filtration as well. Wait Tanner. Did you just suggest that you just buy lost water? No, I said I drink straight faucet water like I just Yeah, I'll give you my suggestion buy voss water bro girl. I'll be on to the Brita pitcher No, I'll show you I'll give you a pitch right now. Let me show you look up this Brita work Look at this. Show me this. Look it up. Look it up does Brita work. It tastes good. The water tastes good But there's so much. There's so many different level. You can go so can't I can't do it I can't we've been looking at water products for like 10 minutes because I have to be coming back they can effectively remove it. Okay. Wait. This is from Dude, I'm telling you it's like oh look. He's got the Brita filter on deck. Look damn This is the water taste different than tap water drunk Yes, like yes, it tastes better like it tastes good. Like seriously my tap water is good for some reason The new Stick that people are doing now is like alkaline water. Wait, these are 20 bucks. I might just need to do that Brita has always been an OG Never had it. Yeah, let me just drink from tab as well. Grunk. How often do you buy new filters for it? Probably because you're supposed to be richer one That's because it has it has a light on it and it'll blink red whenever you need a new filter. Oh, really? Uh-huh. Okay, wait, that's kind of awesome. I kind of like that kind of sweet and awesome. Wait, what does what it has a red light on? The filter if what is bad. Wow. Yeah What if you uh, what if you drink the contents of the uh inside the filter like the white in the filter? Yeah, what if you get all the gunner just like swoop it over with your finger? I don't know. I'm interested in this bro. I think I think this is cool, bro I have an idea just to fill your sink up with water like plug it and then just get a life straw and just dip it. Oh, there you go. Oh, yeah That's what I'm saying like like leave it for a few days and come back Like macaroni noodles floating around What do you think would happen? You get a filtered macaroni noodle to the life straw. What do you mean if we go if we go to our pool? Oh, we do with this. Oh No, oh my god the lean jug. What does the pool look like? I haven't been here in a month flies Oh, do you just how's the fly problem guys? We had a I moved out. There's a fly problem. There's a fly problem Is there still flies? No other still flies. Yeah No, I think their home is the red like the track like little flies come out of the trash can still No, actually No, they don't come out of the sink Some of them are coming out of the sink. They don't do that anymore. Please. I don't know Are there still the really small eyes? I'll be honest with you haven't used the kitchen in a minute, but uh Are there still small flies here? Yeah, not yes eyes. Are they coming out of the sink though? Are they still coming out of the stink? Yes. No way Like two months. Oh, you guys haven't even seen the fucking microwave dude. That's another thing. What oh my god the microwave Um, it's I have no idea what it is. I just found out I'm not making you I just found that last night because they're fucking got me I was okay. So I had a hot pocket last night, right? I put 30 seconds And it makes a really odd sound and then it fucking sparked And it I was like what the fuck the microwave sparks. No, I turned it on not inside Outside Outside and it got my head the fuse box. I'm thinking about a fuse box on the top I need to replace it. It makes the world's lattice sound on earth and then it just sparks you And then it wasn't it didn't hit me last night But yeah, it sparks on the outside. It's dude This house is can you look up completely? Can you look up is it bad to leave your microwave open all the time because y'all do that? So look that up Because I don't know. Don't say y'all. Well, you do not say y'all I'm talking about know what to do Leave the microwave open. Why? Yeah, it's like a radiation steeping your eyes. That's so easy to just close Bro, they leave everything open here drunk look at all the not images all Just like you leave everything open I'll never forget the first week we ever lived with you. You left the fucking milk out and the fridge open Yeah The first oh that's ridiculous that we had utilities like that is ridiculous You and tanners somehow decided to live like cavemen for the first fucking three days Everything and I was the only one that cleaned the kitchen. So let's say it's unsafe Oh wait, uh, it's definitely unstable. Oh, no, it's not operating. It's not operating with the door It's just left open. Oh wait. Okay. Wait. How do you don't close your microwave? I guess the light will just die. It should be all right Microwave energy. Oh my god into the room the most My vulnerable part of your body would be the eyes in danger to the cataract What? Uh, it's probably like all if it's on if it's running right now. It's probably fine Did you air out the mic with my food at the door open? Just just in case so yeah, you eat the whole house up. How would that work? Microwaves are incredible. Think about it. I don't know who invented it. Yeah. Yeah, damn, dude Thank you. Who was it? Was it John microwave? Can you look it up? Who invented the microwave? No, I actually fuck with the air fryer guy who because that's even more impressive Yeah, like what's actually what's going on in the air fryers. I want I need to know what is inside when it's cooking What's going on? Yeah, like is it a microwave or is it something completely different? I need to see What is going on in there to make that bread into perfect host in two minutes Like notice they don't put a little glasses of you a button to look at it There's something they're hiding from us They're lying dude. They're a bunch of the tiny little elves to go cook my food on the grill Happening instead a human female's body during childbirth. Yes. Nobody wants to know that. Well, okay It's like what the air we should I'm sure women want to know that but They put a gopros on an air fry Click that video casual cooking. It's a minute long video. I'm figuring a water bottle skip through Oh my god. Oh, answering the question. Yeah, it's an air fryer Whoa, he put a lot in there and he put a fucking GoPro. I wouldn't do that dude Oh Trick it. Let's see making chips. Oh, there's a fucking there's a there's a beam So is it just a fan a fan that just blows hot air from those coils? I guess so It blows it around. Oh, yeah, like the fan's running on It is the heat element that produces the heat for cooking Um So you got a coil that gets really hot and you have a fan that blows all the heat towards the fan How did we not think of this already? I don't that's like dude. I think a caveman can make this now We're fools. The magic is gone. I don't want to buy this anymore. Yeah, like that I got them all the way Now that we know how it works. We're not using them anymore. Yeah, they Thought it was magic one minute later. We're all bummed out That's why they didn't put glass on it because you gotta see it. I'm like, oh, that's cheap shit Threw that shit Why did they make it look so much bigger than what it actually it's like used for That thing like what do you mean? It's not just like sitting pure radiation into my food to make it perfect for like a turn to dress What do you mean? It is magically just turn perfect Did you look look look up spaghetti in an air fryer? That's the last thing I want to see before we go away Spaghetti. Hey, hey if it cooks anything They better cook me spaghetti Look at him. Oh, it's perfect spaghetti. Oh, wait. Go back. There's images Bottom right there was one. Look at that. That'd be so messy to clean Oh, no I'm just going to Feel the hole. Yeah, this is forgetting air fryer. R slash What do you think the wackiest thing so much for the day fryer is? This is so ready R slash shitty food for Three he didn't like spaghetti to air fryer like what the hell What are the comments about? Turned to order some machine home. What on earth possess you to put your mind in air fryer That is equal of nuke in it. Oh, what the fuck? It is No, dude. I've had reeky air fryer That was cool. That was cool. That was a stupid steak. I mean, I need that Yeah, like that's not really like charming food colors, but like he had that looks It's just the steak and worm that way Or is it me? What is that gas? Look down the middle and filled with crushed hockey's into an air fryer. What is wrong? Yes That mils it. Oh That was like human stew Yes, my cousin's Good. Those are really good. Hey Okay, and that's where I call it No Dude, that picture reminds me of contraband police That game. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, it's very very like military military. Yeah. Yeah. Is he on socks? That's so under the crackers butter. It's salty crackers goes hard. What is it? What was it? Both of the crackers put a sardine on it, but the crackers are already buttered like what's yeah, what? Butter on salty crackers. They're salted. Oh, wait, actually. Yeah, there's a sassy Smart thing. Love crackers ever. Love crackers and buttered as hell. All right speaking of Buttered crackers speaking of club, but I gotta hit the club. So let's I gotta go. Let's wrap I gotta go butter my sardines and I gotta go butter. Mike. I hope you guys enjoy throw my air fryer away Yeah, what do we learn? The air fryers a wives tale. I was an air fryer air fryers are an extra wives tale like that's a real example of a wives tale Oh my god, dude. I don't It's not because I'm leaving this episode of fucking change person because god damn Thank you for watching. Thank you guys. Yeah, co-group. Co-group. Thank you for watching Bye lien. Bye lien. All right, and bye lien stop making that fucking fake. Bye lien. Bye guys Bye-bye-bye-bye-bye-bye-bye!