FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Secret Service Presser - Price of Power going high - Sheriff Burch - Midday Mobile - Friday 8-02-24

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to, um, keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that? "This is painful, and it will be for a long time." "Don't fuck, baby, that's right, this man knows what's up." "After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper. No stepper, too high for a high stepper." "This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk 1065." "Well, Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that, you know, Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got drank pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said?" "So this is a great council. I had no doubt about them." "That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad." Last question. Were you high on drugs? "Last question. Kiss my ****." Here we go. Midday Mobile FMTalk 1065 calling an audible here will go to some audio. This has come out as Acting Director of the Secret Service Ronald Rowe has said the local agencies were not responsible in the failure in Pennsylvania in the assassination attempt of Donald Trump. He is laying out a timeline right now. Let's go to that audio. "Texted the Secret Service Counter Snopper Team Leader about a suspicious person and sent two photos of the individual later identified as the assailant, as the assailant. At 5.53 p.m., the Secret Service Counter Snopper Team Leader texted the Secret Service Counter Snopper Teams that local law enforcement was looking for a suspicious individual outside of the perimeter lurking around the AGR building. At this time, Secret Service personnel were operating with the knowledge that local law enforcement was working on an issue of a suspicious individual. The concept of local law enforcement working on such issues is common at sites. And on July 13th, there are over 100 calls for support. At 6 p.m., former President Trump took the stage to begin remarks. And based on what I know right now, neither the Secret Service Counter Snopper Teams nor members of the former president's security detail had any knowledge that there was a man on the roof of the AGR building with a firearm. It is my understanding that personnel were not aware the assailant had a firearm until they heard gunshots. At 6.11 p.m., a member of the former president Trump's protective detail contacted their Pittsburgh field office counterpart to inquire about the radio update that there was an issue local law enforcement was looking into near the perimeter. At 6.11 p.m., the assailant's first volley of three shots was fired. And within three seconds, the former president's detail rushed the stage and covered former president Trump, shielding him with their own bodies. The fourth through way shots took place over the next several seconds, 15 and a half seconds after the assailant's first shot. A Secret Service Counter Snopper fired a single round that neutralized the assailant. That concludes a quick brief summary of the timeline. And with that, I'll turn it over to our staff here to begin any questions. All right, so you heard a little bit of that timeline, not the full thing that was put out by because we didn't get into it. I mean, they put out the full thing, but we didn't get to it before then. But taking responsibility, you know, that whole idea that might have been on Butler Police, but it sounds like they're taking full responsibility. Can we go back? Okay, we'll go back to the audience here. Has anyone been suspended with or without pay? Has anyone been fired? And will you tell us as people are disciplined along the way, or is this something we're going to need to just constantly be asking, or will you update and tell us five people have been fired, six people, seven people? What can you tell us? Sure. Thank you for that question, David. So, as I said in my opening statement, there are going to be, there's the Mission Assurance Review. So, if that Mission Assurance Review is looking into, if there are policy violations, at that point now, if in fact there were policy violations, at that point now it'll go into a parallel path of a disciplinary type of investigation. Those are internal investigations that deal with employee matter. So, we're not going to be able to provide real-time updates or continuously to provide you updates on that, but what I will tell you is that these are very thorough investigations. And if in fact there were policy violations and they are substantiated, those employees will be held accountable. I think if I just make sure people want accountability, you may not be able to tell us names or conditions or something, but will you be able to say that people have been disciplined, people want to hear that there's some accountability here? I will be able to at least at a high level begin, provide at least some type of statement that people are being accountable, being held accountable. And I appreciate this box digital, I think it's a new video of somebody on the roof which we believe is the assailant that was running back and forth while President Trump was speaking. What do you make when you see it back? How did that go with this timeline? Yeah. So, it affirms to me and again, and you heard this from the FBI and they're still conducting interviews and looking at this, it even just affirms to me that this was a failure. We should have had better protection for the protectee, we should have had better coverage on that roof line. We should have had at least some other set of eyes from the Secret Service point of view covering that. That building was very close to that outer perimeter and we should have had more of a presence. And so, as far as the timeline of him running back and forth, I know the FBI has provided a bit of a chronology as well. And so, I'd have to go back and look at that. But the bottom line is this, David. This was a Secret Service failure. That roof line should have been covered. We should have had better eyes on that. Thanks, Director. We're going to go to the Washington Post period time. Yes. Thank you so much for doing this. I have just a quick follow up. Can you describe, you said there were a hundred calls for support? What kind of who those calls came from and what those looked like? And also, moving forward, do you anticipate it? If so, would any different changes in protocol between how Secret Service communicates or works with local law enforcement specifically as they work to secure events in other things? Yeah. Thank you for that question. So, with regards to calls for support, it was a very hot day that day. There was a lot of not only EMS type of calls to address people. But there were people that needed some other type of law enforcement assistance. This happens, candidly, happens a lot at outdoor rallies, especially on hot days. So there was a lot of traffic, radio traffic on the local net about, hey, I need an EMT here. So there was a lot of people that were needing assistance with respect to the interoperability. But one of the things that I've directed is I've commissioned a task force. And that task force is going to be leveraging the resources of the Department of Homeland Security. It will be co-chaired in all likelihood by someone from the Secret Service and someone from CISA. And I think we're also going to bring in some state of local law enforcement. The interoperability challenge, it's not an easy fix. It's not as simple as just trying to figure out the local frequency of the agency you're working with and then piping that into your radio network. It requires a substantial technical fix. In the meantime, before we can get to that, what I need to have is I need to make sure that our folks, when they're out there, we use a counterpart system. On the day in Butler, we had a Pennsylvania State Trooper in our security room. They also had a unified command post that had some of the other agencies that were on site that day. It is plainly obvious to me that we were not, we didn't have access to certain information, not by anybody's fault. It just so happened that there was a sense of urgency, that there might have been radio traffic, that we missed. We have to do a better job of that. So moving forward, in addition to this task force, that we'll provide more information on next week, as we begin to stand that up, I've also directed all of our SACs, our special agents in charge of field offices across the country, to reevaluate where we put our security rooms. If a state or local sets up a unified command post, maybe we need to be in that room as well, as opposed to just being in another room and relying on that counterpart system. It was so apparent to me that in this incident, in the final 30 seconds, which has been the focus of what happened before the assailant opened fire. There was clearly radio transmissions that may have happened on that local radio net that we did not have. And so we have to do a better job of co-locating, leveraging that counterpart system, and this is going to drive our operations going forward. We did not -- it did not make it over to us, for whether we did not hear it, it just did not make it over to us. It did not make it to us. And I go back to my opening statement, where the members of the detail, they did not -- all they knew that they're the issue, that the locals were working an issue at the President's 3 o'clock, which would have been off to his right, which is where the shot came from. Sorry, to clarify on the hundred calls that you got roughly that day, I understand a lot of them were heat-related. How many specifically were suspicious people? Was this the only call, the eventual shooter that was a suspicious character? And then also just to kind of clarify, did you guys have a drone on-site? Did you try to use it, and if not -- like, why did you not use the locals offer of the drone? Sure. So as I understand it now, based on the information I have, there were other calls for suspicious individuals. And your other question was about drones? Drones. Drones, yeah. Sure. So we did not have a drone on-site. We did not put a drone up. Based on the information I have right now, I am aware that there was a request from a local agency to offer to fly a drone on that day. And that is also part of the Mission Assurance Review that I've asked to get some better insight in. One of the other changes that I implemented when I became the acting director is we are now going to leverage the use of unmanned aerial systems at sites now. So we are putting those assets out, and we should have had better line of sight on some of those high ground concerns. We thought we might have had it covered with the human eye, but clearly we are going to change our approach now, and we are going to leverage technology and put those on manned aerial systems up. I'm going to go to Nicole's Hangout with CES News. Thank you so much for doing this. You mentioned this from Butler ESU to U.S. Secret Service counter snipers. I'm curious if that is routine, you know, there were two communication channels at the Butler rally, and you referenced earlier this week it appears that information was stuck or siloed at the state and local channel. What was the plan to relay information from locals to the Secret Service initially? What is the protocol? I just have one follow up. Sure. So, Nicole, we use that counterpart system, right? And so the teams, especially on the tactical side, when it comes to the tactical, our counter assault team, they actually had an embed with them from the local tech team, and they had that radio net as well with Pennsylvania State Police. And with respect to the counter snipers, they were using cellular or telephone text communications. At this point, moving forward, what I have directed now is that everybody should be using the radio net. And if we don't have the ability to pipe in or leverage that counterpart system, that's one of the things that we're looking at now. We should be able to have direct comms with the people that are supporting us, and that's moving forward. That's what I have directed. So just to clarify, U.S. Secret Service Counter snipers did not have radio communications. Not with the local CS folks that were providing a support. They were basically had an area of responsibility independent from where our counter snipers were secure. And just the last thing, did the U.S. Secret Service Counter sniper teams that arrived on site on July 10th ever relay line of site concerns? What came of that? When you confirmed that this was the first 2024 campaign event that counter sniper teams were assigned to the former president. Sure. As part of their advance, they identified those line of site, those high ground concerns, and there's a division of labor. With respect to the whether or not this was the first time it was. It was the first time Secret Service Counter snipers were deployed to support the former president's detail. Hi, thank you so much for doing this. I have a question about the review that you did, the picture that you showed the Senate the other day of the vantage point that the local snipers had. How do you know that that's the window that they were actually posted at? Because they're saying that they're on a completely other side of the building. And related to that, has the Secret Service actually interviewed the snipers that were in the AGR building? So thank you for that. So once the FBI had released the other farm show site, we were able to take custody of it and we sent the full resources of our Office of Investigations, which included the forensic services division. We did a full site reconstruction, and this is part of our ongoing mission assurance review. And as part of that, that also included the plotting and also trying to identify where not only our personnel were, but also where state and local law enforcement were. And then the second part of your question was, so I mean, how did you identify where they were? And have you interviewed the local? So the mission assurance, we will start, we're starting with our federal personnel and working out. We will get, if they're willing to be interviewed, we will ask for the local law enforcement onsite to be interviewed that day. How we went back and reconstructed that was based on what we had based on the ops plan and then also based on what our own folks as they understood it on the day off. Well, I mean, you talk a lot about how you may not have been as specific as you need to be. So how do you know that they were in that window? Yeah, they're saying there's no way they can see any of them. So I think what will do is we'll let the mission assurance play that out and we'll look forward to interviewing them and definitely getting their side of the story. But what I also want to reiterate is this was a secret service failure. And so they should not be blamed. We're not trying to shift blame to anybody. And that's the important takeaway, that we need our state and local partners out there doing this with us every day. Thanks, Rick. We're going to go to your colleagues. Director, thank you for taking the time. Just a couple of questions if you could walk us through some things that help us better understand. Have you gotten to the bottom of why there was no one stationed on the roof from a law enforcement perspective and why there was no one there to secure the building to make sure no one could get up there? Have you gotten any clarity on why those two left system security were in place to have a couple quick follow-ups? Sure. It's something that, again, having been there the day after I was named the acting director, I wanted to put eyes on and go up there and see it. And looking at that site, seeing how close that site was to the stage, seeing where it was, it definitely raised a lot of questions in my mind that there should have been physical presence if not on the roof, that there should have been better security to prevent anyone from getting up on that roof. So moving forward, I've directed our Office of Protective Operations and our Special Operations Division now, that when we are operational and we have counter snipers out there, that we were working with locals and that they, in fact, will also be out presence. At the very least, the presence of a law enforcement officer can deter a lot of bad activity. Having been a local police officer, I will never know how many crimes I prevented just by being there, just by walking the street and being out there. And so moving forward, one of the things that we want to do is we want to deter people from even thinking about trying to do something like this again. And the only way we can do that is leveraging not only the resources that we have, but the resources of our state and locals and putting them out there in an overt presence, two very quick follow-ups. So just a little bit of that pressure going on right now with the acting director of the Secret Service, number one saying that it was not the fault of local police going through. You heard the reporters, too, trying to get him to say, are you going to fire people, you know, in regular people language, he said, well, there'll be these things done and maybe at a high level, they'll let us know. All right, come on right back. On FM Talk 1065, I dive in. Picked up a few pieces of information, actually more than a few. From the presser going on with Ronald Bro, who's the acting director of the Secret Service right now, admitted they should have had somebody watching the roof, ding, that one. They should have had all been on the same radio channel, I don't know how he said it, but they didn't have a connection to all the radio channels. You know, just, would we go to 16? I mean, I'll go to the same, you know, obviously you just joke about the 16, you go to some kind of, you know, encrypted channel, but you all go to the same channel. They said certain info was not available to see. So it was interesting. I mean, they said the responsibility lies on the Secret Service and we're not blaming local police. By the way, we didn't have certain information. We didn't have the radio frequencies. We didn't have the person on the roof. I don't know. And the other interesting part, too, he's been asked about, hey, basically, like I said before the news there, you all go fire anybody. He danced around that. He said there would be actions and people would be held accountable. And then they said, well, you know, will we know about it? He's like, well, maybe at a high level or something like that. So that's your, you know, maybe with government service like that, you can't say where you're fired, somebody or not. But he is, he's taking the lakes forward here and saying that, you know, it was a failing on the Secret Service this part. I mean, things that both of y'all had come up with on your own already, but there's, you know, there's the acting director of the Secret Service admitting it now. All right. Let's see a lot of text to get to a table will come to this after the break. So we'll give this one from CB Carl sounds like the Secret Service was practicing a bunch of assuming, right, the, you know, what assuming does it makes a, yeah, there's a lot of assumption there. I mean, is it, should say, been doing it so long? I mean, I wonder who was not, like who did they not tell somebody to be on the roof or did somebody not go on the roof? Did they tell somebody not to go look at something or did they just shirt their responsibility? I think that's what we're all trying to get to the bottom of. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065, 135 FM Talk 1065 Midday Mobile on this Friday. It's a good thing. Time to check in with my buddy David McCraery at LCM Motor Cars and let's check on some inventory going on into the weekend. And also, if somebody is looking for something in particular, I think David may be traveling. Hey, man. Hey, bud. Well, I am traveling. I'm not looking for cars today. We're up here moving my son into college, but we are about to have a plane ticket for next week. So I'm hoping this hurricane gets out of here where we can get down and get some cars and bring them back. We've sold a lot and we need to replace them. Yeah. And you get the cream of the crop of those vehicles from around here, but y'all have such a big inventory and you go to other places to get the best vehicles as well. And maybe that's a chance for somebody to say, hey, David, you know what I'm looking for? A's such and such, right? That's exactly right. Anything you're looking for, just give us a call. Let us know. Go on the website and put it in there. I mean, the cars that we're buying in Florida, they've already been inspected. Most all of them have already been reconditioned depending on either tires or oil changes or any of that stuff. I mean, they're ready to go when we get them back. So it makes it a whole lot easier. We're the least we bought at any trips, 20. So if we go down there, we'll come back with a couple of three loads. It'll be a great, great selection. Yeah. So even if people been through the lot before you go and they're like, wow, they didn't have the vehicle better to check back online or in person when these trucks come in. We get stuff in almost daily, if not every other day. So if you go by the lot and you think you've seen everything we've got, you are mistaken. You need to come back by at least call us. Good stuff. We have a phone number and the physical location for LCM. You can call us at 2-5-1-3-7-5-0-0-6-8. You can come see us. We're on Highway 90 at Plantation Theatre, or it's one mile south of I-10-15A. Or you can go on the website LCM and check us out. Thanks, David. Have a good weekend. All right. You too. There you go. There you go. Stephen McCrary from LCM MotorCars. Let's go to the text line here. And I appreciate you all those patients here. It's all that the acting director of the Secret Service, Ronald Rowe, was speaking. I thought that was something and they're still asking questions of them. It seems like a lot of the same questions now. We'll go through your comments and questions here on the text line. Let's see. Ricky had sent me something about Robert Kennedy Jr., which by the way, he is now officially on the ballot. Where's the story? You can tell him clicking here. Just… I remember it. I don't know if I find it or not, but RFK is on the ballot in Alabama. So that's been… Because there's a question of them. Now, they can keep them off the debate stage, but can they keep them off the ballot? Looks like that is a no. Here at home, also speaking of people on the ballot. And thank you. Leanna has this story up from the Daily Caller on our Facebook page, And it's no big surprise, but I guess it's official. Oh, I can't believe it happened. This headline dems-hand Kamala Harris presidential nomination, it's now official, I guess. Vice President Kamala Harris has secured enough delegates. Who would have believed it to receive the Democrat Party's nomination to be president? That according to the DNC committee chair Jamie Harrison announcing today, he said, "I'm so proud to confirm that Vice President Harris has earned more than the majority of votes from all convention delegates, and will be the nominee of the Democrat Party following the close of voting on Monday." And quote, nobody's surprised, nobody's surprised that happened, but it's now official in the mix. So she, I know y'all thought maybe something would change. There would be people having their voices heard, but no, it's a done deal. All right. And to the text line now, back to text line. Damn Yankee says about the, he said, "Got a new AC system for our house three years ago. Even an extra $5,000 to upgrade to the highest-seer rated unit. My bill is also $100 more a month. So what the blank?" Yeah. He said, "It doesn't matter what you do, they got you." Let's see here the, it doesn't have meta. I said, "I ain't much on drill wrap, but I'm a sucker for some skill saw wrap, DJ DeWalt and MC Makita. May not run both their jams," which by the way, how about this doesn't have meta. I built some flounder lights last week that are powered by my 20-volt DeWalt batteries. So I can switch matically running the saws or screw gun or something like that and then boom, flounder light. How about that? Huh? Lisa in Robert's Tale said, "We have Baldwin EMC and our power bill is ridiculous this year." Because I know Sean earlier was looking at trying to ask about comparing the two, the two rates. I'd like to do that. I'm trying to get the, maybe next week I can research and we'll do it in the following week, kind of go through the different utility electric providers and see what the rates are, see if they're lined up or not. Monty said, "Well, we're at it. Let's discuss the profit margin and CEO salary, estate farm insurance, all the while not paying replacement cost of vehicles. They now use actual cash value, which is open to interpretation and arbitrary at best. More flipping crooks. Your show is putting me in a bad mood today." Well, I'm sorry about that, Monty, but I think you can handle it. Put me in a bad mood too. I mean, talking about power rates, trust me, Ozzy says we have a farm, we have a farming reform Alabama with an, and if anybody corrects me, that's the way it said, but I've spent time with actually the radio station that I started in commercial radio. You'll hear us do like our top of the RID where the, it says, you know, WAVH FM, Daphne Mobile. So Daphne, the original city of license for WAVH, but we, studios in Mobile, they're old station used to have original city license in reform Alabama and it would be reform Tuscaloosa. Until we always laugh to like reform Tuscaloosa said, we have a farm in reform Alabama with a 800 square foot house and an outdoor light. Our average Alabama power bill is $1,200 per month. Jesus Mary and Joseph Ozzie. What, there's so many, yet Ken folk up there, they're going to plug it into an outside socket. That's berserk. 800 square foot house at $1,200 per month, because you'd, if you got the outdoor light, like you got a, you know, one of those dawn to dusk lights, it's not burning that much. Dude, that's crazy. He said, we don't run any electricity to speak of when we come to Gulf Shores. We leave the outdoor lights on at the reform, on at reform and our power bill for the month for that light runs $300 per month. Our power bill with EMC here in Gulf Shores runs an average of $120 a month. Huge difference. I'm stuck. Ozzie. I don't, I got no words for you, 800 square feet and the outdoor light and those outdoor lights don't, they don't burn a whole bunch, $1,200 a month. My gosh, Paul says the storm looks like it may pucker out. Let's hope it puckers out, Paul. Dr. Bill said this morning, I mean, it's still, there's no center to guide, you know, to look to track it. But his feeling was with the situation as it stands, whatever it becomes and if it becomes a name storm, it'd be Debbie would be, as it stands now coming to the east of us, which is, which is way better than the west of us. Jimmy, this is real. Jimmy and Baymanette said, Sean, thank God for auto pay. You don't ever see, it doesn't hurt nearly as bad yet, some truth to that, right? But then you stop and look at your bill and you go, Oh my gosh, let's see here. Joe says, Sean, if she's the best, the Dems have, I guess, meaning vice president Harris, I have to say that they are really dims. Well, they, they've decided a big shocking, I like how they put this out. The DNC DNC chair, Jamie Harrison going, I'm proud to announce and confirm vice president Harris has earned more than, of course she did. I mean, what did we think she wasn't going to get the nod there? Yeah, and RFK on the ballot here. Yeah, he's got enough signatures beyond the Alabama ballot in November. There's other states. He's still, well, I'll tell you what, we'll review that when we get back with the RFK effect, which could be what it looks like now, not a good thing for Trump. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. All right, up 148, FM Talk 1065, bit day mobile, Friday style. Yeah, so this is, well, what we talked about the not shocking story here that the couple of Harris, vice president Harris has earned the majority of votes of the conventional delegates will be the nominee of the Democrat party. Surprise there. I guess the little more intrigue in the Democrat side of it is who will be the running mate. I know that story up right now, and then we'd be says, Josh Shapiro and Mark Kelly vetted Kamala Harris in the deep stakes, and maybe it is a fame, right? So maybe it's like, maybe they're really, they're psyching you out. They're putting the two step on you here. But the announcement is going to be in Pennsylvania, I think Philadelphia on Tuesday, right? So I mean, maybe I'm taking the, taking the bait there that it's going to be Josh Shapiro because the announcements in Pennsylvania and then they're going to surprise us. It's more Kelly of Arizona, I don't know, but it just seems, I mean, they're good at doing this. Now, Harris needs to be in Pennsylvania, just like Trump needs to be in Pennsylvania, right? The big battleground state there, it's interesting to the days of Texas and Florida. Remember we'd have to watch Texas and Florida at late in the night watching Texas and Florida. Now it's the other states, Colorado has been in the mix in the past, but Pennsylvania big time and then to the West there, you know, you look at Ohio and Michigan, those states as well. So you could say, well, she's going to be in Philly to rally folks, rally Democrat votes in Philly, but she at the same time is going to announce her VP pick doesn't make you think it's Josh Shapiro. If it's Mark Kelly out of Arizona, right, Gabby Gibbs for husband, wouldn't that be kind of rude to Shapiro to do it in his, I don't know, and maybe I'm taking the easy bait. That's why I have a little, I mean, the trepidation because it seems too simple, right? Seems too simple that she would be in Pennsylvania to tell everybody she's going to be in Pennsylvania Tuesday to make the announcement. Why wouldn't it be Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro who by the way, if you hadn't heard this guy talk, he has a, he does like a Barack Obama, like a President Obama imitation, like that's how he taught. He's like, it's an affected the pacing of it. Let's go listen and see what time I go, Josh Shapiro, Pennsylvania Governor, go, go watch something, listen to him talking and I'm like, he is doing, you know, just the, the stick on it kind of the way Obama talks. He was just doing that. So there you go. There's the Palace Intrigue Tuesday. Oh my gosh. But the Shapiro thing would be interesting too, because he has been not on board with the four left progressive anti-Israel angle and Shapiro's Jewish on if he's practicing or just, he's just, I'm not sure about that, but he, he's had some pretty strong words about Israel's right to defend themselves and the October 7th attacks and all that. So how do you, even though I have said a good jillion times that people don't vote for the VP, they vote for the president, but will that be a, be an issue? Is it the same thing as, it may be different though, all the attacks going on on JD Vance because they kind of exhausted all their material on Trump. So they go after JD Vance. Will this happen? You know, what do you say? You've got a VP that disagrees with you about Israel. I don't know. I don't have to watch that. All right. To the, oh yeah. And T-bone said on the text line that Aussie had won the weekend weather scale this morning. That's right. So, and because of that, you, Aussie with your winnings from the weekend weather scale this morning on mobile mornings, I think you have enough money to pay even more per month out of power after you get your autographed, mobile weather marine almanac from Dr. Bill Williams. Use that to pay Alabama power. Yeah. So Pat said, Aussie, you should have someone look into that. So we're all on the same page. We're all worried about you, Aussie because of the, what you're paying on that 800 square feet. Pat says, Aussie, you should have someone look into that. We have a 1400 square foot house with an outside pole light on the sticks and it's only three or at sticks and it's only 380 a month. Yeah. And do you have kin up there? Aussie, do you have kin? Because it's, are they coming over while y'all are going to plug into an outside plug and like running their camper or something like that? Now, Chris and Orange Beach, he said, I live in a 400 square foot concrete block building. I have a 10,000 watt BTU air conditioner. I live in 200 feet of the building and keep the thermostat on 60. The ice box, baby. My power bill is $70 a month on average. He said, Riviera power rocks. How about intrepid reports? How about I get these young, young guys over at Lanyap, you know, y'all, if you're listening over there in the newsroom, can we, because I know y'all did a story, what two issues ago and Rob had talked about it, the Alabama power price increases, you know, across the board and what it was affecting like universities and all that. What if we just do the, what if we just pick up, take every utility in our area and then also I'd be interested like with the paint across state lines and do like a little compare and contrast. You know, do my work for me. Will you? Please. Thank you. Hey, by the way, so for, for Pat and the rest of us, obviously just kept back with me on the text line and said, this has been going on for over 10 years and we've had the electric company come out a couple of times to check Alabama power is ridiculous. That is ridiculous, man. That's, uh, that's heavy duty at 12. I mean, that's, I don't know what's going on. Uh, and by the way, I mentioned the Robert Kennedy Jr. on the, uh, on the ballot in November for Alabama. Yeah. He, I guess in this last week, you got on the ballot in Montana, Massey, choosets for Mont, North Dakota, Kansas, Virginia and Arkansas and Alabama as well. And, uh, let's see, uh, campaign director, candy campaign, uh, director said the campaigns surpassed a million signatures, completes petitioning and eight more states get ready. We will soon be on the ballot in all 50 states. There's, uh, for a while there, I think both presumptive candidates were, were worried about the RFK effect. I know you hear one story and said, RFK Jr is going to take a lot of votes from Biden. And then another story you're going to take a lot from Trump. And then you saw, without them telling you directly, the, the reach out and, and places Trump was going and libertarian event and, and things he had said about Robert Kennedy told me that their internal polling told him it was not not good. And now with Kamala Harris in as the nominee, um, I think, I think right now just sitting here looking at that, uh, RFK Jr does more damage to Trump pulling votes away than, than he does to Kamala Harris. Be interesting to see, I mean, if you have, if you have the, I mean, you look at the polls and somebody pulls out, but it could be, you know, plus minus three, anywhere from plus minus one, plus minus three, plus minus four, if RFK comes in with even sub-parrow numbers and he's pulling those numbers away from Trump, that could be a big thing. And with him on the ballot, if he gets on the ballot and all 50 states, especially those battleground states, what does that mean? Yeah, I think it would be, I heard stories of and I don't know if this was, uh, just rumor millers confirmed that there was some, uh, some outreach from the Trump campaign to RFK Jr. I know they had some right after, uh, right after the attempted assassination of Trump. They got together and talked and, and RFK, uh, you know, was commiserating in so many words and they were putting like a joint document out or something to that effect. And I think this is a rumor mill part that they were maybe offering something in the Trump administration to RFK Jr, but, you know, I mean, people say, and they're like, I love them. His vaccine stance, uh, I'm with you, but that's, that's just one plank. There's a lot of planks there. I mean, a lot of planks are really pretty heavy left, liberal things. So people need to think about that. But if they would give him an appointment in the Trump cabinet, would he then fold his campaign, give his endorsement to Trump? I don't think that's happening, but I think that's going to be the conversation in the next couple of weeks will be like, what's the RFK effect on Trump? That's going to be significant. Also before we wrap up too, I want to give a, uh, uh, accolade here mentioned, uh, Bobo County Sheriff Paul Birch, when I was talking to Scott Johnson about his story, and he won't be on with us next week because I'm not going to be here or have a fill in host, but he'll be on with us the following week, uh, to do his ass, the, uh, sheriff portion, but it was a, uh, WPMI NBC 15 story from Darwin Singleton about Bobo County Sheriff critical of proposed law to define and curb assault weapons. Remember we talked about that legislation has been pre-filed, that house bill 23. It was, uh, forget the Democrat that filed this. Oh yeah. Kenyate Hassel said he filed the bill, uh, and it is a bill here it is. It's a bill that would, would make you have, you'd have to have a license to have what he calls an assault rifle or assault weapon and in the story, so they're talking about all that. So then they're quoting Sheriff Birch and I think this is, this is good. It said, uh, Birch produced a picture that shows how one weapon, a Brucker mini 14, which is a fun rifle can be altered to look very different, but argues it's the same gun operating in the same manner, quote, all that's exact. All that is, is the exact same rifle dressed out with a different stock, different accessories, you can purchase functions the same way fires the same round. So again, it's all about aesthetics because this bill, this is like when they went after the Clinton assault weapons ban, whereas all about flash suppressors, folding stocks, all the silliness, it said in this bill, they're proposed, it's not going to make it through the Alabama legislature, but this, uh, this is very similar. It would make you, if you had a pistol grip beneath the weapon, a thumbhole stock, a folding or telescopic stock, a second hand grip, a muzzle or flash suppressor or a grenade launcher, or you can get the grenades, I don't know, then it would fall under this law where you would have to have like an additional permit in the state. Now this is, well, just get people can file bills for anything doesn't mean they're going to be making through the legislature, but it was good for Sheriff Birch to say, Hey, by the way, look at me. 14. What do y'all see? Oh, you know, people go. It's a woodstock gun. Some of them are poly, but that looks okay. That's the same rifle. Shoot the same round. Get on you, Sheriff. All right, Paul Finebaum, show on the way next. Talk to y'all tomorrow morning for FM Talk 1065 Outdoors. [MUSIC]