Shawnee's Prayer

Do The Right Thing

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Welcome to Shawnee's prayer podcast season 2 episode 12 You can find this podcast on various platforms including YouTube. Please download subscribe Like comment and share it tell someone else about Shawnee's prayer Don't keep it to yourself I love someone else the opportunity to be blessed so that we ain't care to be uplifted And as always I start to my prayer all for a blood scripture coming from Romans chapter 5 verse 9 Much more than being nailed just a father his blood. We shall be saved from wrath through him Let's go to the throne of grace father God and the mighty name of choose. I just want to say thank you Thank you father God. Thank you for your goodness. Oh God Thank you father God for your mighty hand being upon our lives Lord God Thank you for breathing your breath a life father God into our long so God and the name of Jesus father God Lord God, I thank you for how you have kept us father God from every day last week father God Till this very minute this very hour this very second. This is very millisecond father God I just want to say thank you Lord God. I don't want to take you from grace if father God Lord God I come and ask your father God So look down upon the evil that's happening in this world father God Look down father God in the name of Jesus Lord God all the horrible things that are happening father God Look down upon the children father God who are being abused father God in the name of Jesus father God Look down upon those who may be in a domestic violence marriage father God or a relationship father God and the mighty name of Jesus Look down upon those father God who may be victims father God of Trafficking old God in the name of Jesus father God Lord God in the name of Jesus father God Look down upon those father God who may be may be living lives father God That's not pleasing in that site father God. Maybe they don't realize father God is not pleasing in that site Maybe they don't realize they're doing something as a guest show will and a guest show word father God So I pray for each and every last one of us father God and we're doing anything in our lives for the God That does not represent true father God and we're doing anything in our lives that can bring shame Father God to you Lord God father God We're doing anything that can cause us father God to miss our way father God And we're doing anything that can cause us father God to be able father God not to spend eternity with you Father God But instead of having eternal life will have eternal damn nation father God I pray that you will reveal it to us and that you will reveal it to us father God Consciously and do it in a way that we each could understand and be able to relate to what you're saying to us father God Help us not to make excuses for our behavior Help us not to make excuses for our thoughts father God in the name of Jesus Help us not to make excuses father God when you get on us and you chastise us and when you begin to Reveal to us father God what we're doing or not doing father God. That's not pleasing in our sight What we're doing or not doing my father God. That's separating us from the love of God Lord God help us father God to get it together help us to get it right father God We don't want to miss our way father God in the name of Jesus. Oh God people say we're living hell on earth Oh God, so we're living hell right now or earth who wants to die it had to live in hell for eternity Father God so Lord God I pray the name of Jesus that you would give us each the will to want to live Right to want to act right to want to think right and to want to do right give us the ability Father God to do things the way that you will have us to do it father God in the name of Jesus Father God People said the word of God is old-fashioned people said the word of God is outdated But father God allows them to know that you do not change You're the same yesterday today and forever more Lord God. It doesn't matter what people think of it It doesn't matter what people come up with father God It doesn't matter what kind of laws that they they they they make father God and they think that they legalize father God Your word is your word your word is already Dabulous Lord God and we're each going to be held accountable father God and a name of Jesus Oh God I love us to know that we each have stand before you father God So allow us father God in the name of Jesus Father God to get it right father God in the name of Jesus Lord God Father God someone on today needs your father God someone is truly holed on by a thread Someone father God in the name of Jesus is at their end. They don't know what else to do They've tried it all. They've gone to social services They've gone they've gone to all the non-profit Organizations for the God and yet they can't get their help that they need for the God Someone needs a roof over their head Someone needs food on today someone needs father God closing on today Someone needs a new vehicle on today. Someone needs their brake fix Someone needs oil change someone needs tires on their vehicle someone needs a new transmission father God A new engine father God Lord God in the name of Jesus someone needs their gutters cleaned out father God Someone needs a new roof father God Someone father God in the name of she's in need the abasement father God fixed in the name of Jesus Father God Lord God in the name of Jesus whatever the situation is father God I know that you have the ability to provide it I know father God that you can make a way out of no way father God Father God if you can't bring water out of a rock Lord God, there's nothing you cannot do father God if you can part of the Red Sea Father God There is nothing you can't do if you can raise the dead father God There's nothing you can't do father God So I pray for each and every person that's in need whether it's Finearfully whether it's physically whether it's emotionally Mentally or spiritually father God Father God the thing is about you regardless of what I need may be You have the answer and you're able father God to provide father God for every last one of our needs father God You can provide for us spiritually father God on a level father God that we can't do for ourselves father God You have a way father God of just making everything better father God So I pray on today that you will make things better for someone father God and the name of Jesus father God Give someone some hope on today. Give someone some peace on today Give someone some joy on today. I love someone to feel unconditional love on today I love someone to see a smile and face on today and the name of Jesus Father God and Lord God I pray for those who are in the thick of this heat wave father God I pray for every air-conditioning system. I pray for every central air system I pray for those who have fans father God Lord God whatever coolness system We may have I pray that it will not fail us father God I pray for the God in the name of Jesus for the senior citizens I pray father God for those who work outdoors father God. I pray for the small children father God in the name of Jesus I pray for the animals father God I pray for those who have breathing problems father God and those father God in the name of Jesus who have lung disease father God congested heart failure asthma father God Lord God is the same as COPD father God I pray for the God that you will touch each and every person father God Lord God Keep us from heat strokes father God keep us from heart attacks and strokes father God in the name of Jesus Father God Lord God I come and ask you father God So look there upon every child father God as the time is at hand father God that children are returning back to school Father God Lord God I pray for the God that you will allow this to be a blessed school year father God in the name of Jesus I pray father God that you will touch each and every child father God teach teach them father God Show them how to father God be able to learn father God and allow the educators to be able to teach in a way that each child can understand what he or she is teaching father God in the name of Jesus father God I pray father God that this will not be a school year a boolean I pray that this will not be a school year of a lack I pray that this will not be a school year of miscommunication for the God I pray father God that this will not be a school year father God of stopping father God in the name of Jesus father God Lord God in the name of Jesus I pray that there will be peace in every school Father God I pray that there will be no school killings father God in the name of Jesus father God Lord God I pray that you will protect every schoolhouse in the name of Jesus every educator every student father God every school bus driver every crossing guard father God every janitorial staff looked it upon the cafeteria workers father God in the name of Jesus father God looked it upon the school nurses and guided counselors father God Lord God I just pray father God that you will protect the children father God covered up in the blood father God in a name of Jesus cover their homes in the blood father God and I pray for every parent that stressed out because they don't have the money for that they need for the school supplies father God I pray father God that you will make a way for all those who are in need that they'll be able to get this right amount of schools apply that they their child may need by the God and I pray for the God for those father God who are stressed out because they can't bother your children new clothing or new sneakers for school father God or get their hair done father God or get their hair cut father God Lord God I just pray father God on today that you will make a way and help us to be good stewards when you make a way for us help us father God to do the right thing when you open doors for us father God help us father God to give you a thanks father God help us father God to come back just to say God I thank you for what you've done for me what you have done for my family and Lord I thank you Lord I praise you Lord honor you in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazar of our prayer. Amen and amen. God bless you. God bless you. May heaven smile upon you. It's my prayer for you and your family.