Hobby Homies Podcast

[S6E28] This Is How You Get Into Wargaming

Fox and Shane break down the best way to start your hobby journey.

Check out OzWargaming for 3D printed models and terrain!

PO Box 43, Lara, Victoria, Australia, 3212


Check out the Wartide website!

DriveThruRPG has the best digital RPG titles!

WargameVault has the best Wargame PDFs!

Broadcast on:
20 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Fox and Shane break down the best way to start your hobby journey.

Check out OzWargaming for 3D printed models and terrain!

PO Box 43, Lara, Victoria, Australia, 3212


Check out the Wartide website!

DriveThruRPG has the best digital RPG titles!

WargameVault has the best Wargame PDFs!

[Music] Hey, what's going on guys? Welcome to Hobby Homies. We are your weekly tabletop podcast. I'm Shani hanging out with Fox. Fox, that's me. I'm having fun. Oh, dumb fox is back here. And Joshy. In the void. I'm not even wearing a hat, dude. You can't call me dumb fox. That's an assumption about how I'm going to participate in this episode. I might be an intellectual fox. Ask me a question. Ask me anything. All right. What's the secret to warp drives? Pass. Next question. You can't just pass. Okay. Today we're talking about how to start war gaming. I mean, how do you start? There's several ways. Yeah. So potentially you're new into war gaming. Yeah. In which case, it's a great episode to you. This is actually tailor-made. And crafted. Or maybe you just want to familiarize yourself with what it was like to start. This is actually the beginning of a conversation as well. It's an open conversation. Please let us know in the comments what your thoughts on what we say are. But also, you probably have your own ideas about how to get started into war gaming that might help future people watching this episode. And finally, you might have friends. That's the biggest one, I think. And I think if you have friends, that's awesome. Then you have a friend in me. Yeah, exactly. And that's a plus one for you. And maybe they want to get into war gaming and hopefully some info and he will help you. Yeah. I think that's the biggest thing, right? It's like the question is like, how do I get my friends or family into war gaming? Yeah, for sure. We'll touch on that. But I think we'll start this as that you, the listener, as someone who wants to start war gaming. Okay. There are a few questions we have to answer first. We have to. Right. First of all, I think, is the biggest part of the scene. Is it whether the hobby side or the gaming side is more appealing to you? Great point. Because if tabletop gaming is a coin, heads is hobby. You know, building painting, tails is playing the game itself. Yeah. And you're right. There are so many people that, you know, enjoy the coin as the whole coin. Yeah. There are some people who are like, oh, I could paint these models and never play. I don't care. And there are some people like, I just want to play the game and my goal is to get these miniatures painted as quickly as possible so that I can then play a game, play the game. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I think once you know what side of that that you want to go into, then you can start looking at what kind of miniatures you're interested in for sure, their sci-fi fantasy or historical, and then to what level, you know, like we've touched on in the past, there's like high and low fantasy. And I think there's the same with sci-fi for sure, like a grounded, realistic, let's talk, you know, Earth in the year 2,200 versus 40k. Yeah. Which is Earth in the year 40k. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's facts. And like, even at the scale too, you know, because if you want to, it's a very different experience playing a small skirmish game versus a full-scale game. And a little bit of that will be a part of, like you said, which aspect you like more. If you like playing the game more and you really almost despise painting, yeah, yeah. Maybe skirmish games are the way for you where you can sort of claw your way through painting 10 miniatures, but then you can play in the game. Absolutely. Versus doing the same thing for 60 to 80 miniatures. Yeah. Or more if it's a chord, I mean. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So there's a lot there and straight away before you can even sort of pick up a paintbrush or start rolling dice. Yeah. And I think they're probably the two most important decisions you'll make. Yeah. I think, you know, I like to think I'm pretty like on the fence about gaming and hobbying. Some days I lean way more into hobbying and some days I lean way more into gaming. Yeah. You feel like you kind of hold this coin, but sometimes your preference head to tails. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Where do you, where do you think you sit on that? Interesting. Cause you, I reckon you've changed. You've changed. You're not the same fox that you were. I definitely am not. And I think so much of getting into wargaming is there's usually like an external thing that gets you in. Yeah. Before you even think about which side of the coin you prefer. Yeah. You know, for me it was seeing my mates play this really cool game of the head like Tyranids that looked like sturglings and space marines that looked like Tyran. Yeah. I was like, they're playing star craft. That's awesome. Cool. Yeah. This is not star craft legally. And I was like, man, that's so cool. It's like a, it's like a board game, but better. Yeah. And it's got these massive books with all these rules and like the idea of it was so cool. I didn't even think about what the, I was like, I assume everyone who plays these games just loves painting the miniatures and loves playing the game. And it's not in, it's not until you've already sort of committed emotionally that you realize that's not the case. And, you know, that was always the case with me. I would like buy these Tyranids and I would like build them, which would take hours. I was like, I wasn't expecting that. Yeah. And then I would paint them and my paint jobs wouldn't look, you know, like they do in the books. Like on a box art. Yeah. And that would take so long. Yeah. And I would paint 10 minis and I was like, well, how many do I need for a game again? Yeah. Yeah. 40. 40. Yeah. That doesn't make any sense. Yeah. Maybe I just don't like this army enough. And so I would buy a different one. And yeah. So it's, it's, it's quite a journey. And sometimes you get into it, not even really thinking about those things. It's great that you bring that forward, because yeah, if you're looking at something and you're like, that's such a cool faction. Yeah. Maybe I'll, like I listened to your episode on Skaven Lore and there's a new Skaven box. Yeah. That's so cool. Think about what that actually entails. Yeah. But in answer to a question, where do I sit? Yeah. Definitely still more on the playing of the games. Way more on the playing of the games. If I never had to paint a model, I would go for that option. Yeah. However, I do love painting miniatures infinitely more than I did before. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I think that's sort of become, it's come out of like, there are quicker ways to paint miniatures now. Yeah. To get them to a much higher standard. But it's also because I have such a, like a catalog of painted minis. So now there's less pressure on me to paint minis to play games. Yeah. You've got them there like for generic sci-fi or generic fantasy game. For sure. So you've already got a good selection now. That's it. So anything I paint now is kind of because like, A, I really want to play that game. Yeah. But I don't have to have these miniatures painted to play a tabletop game. Yeah. I've already got that. Yeah. So still, as I was when I got into it, more about playing the game. Yep. But I'm enjoying painting the miniatures now that the pressure of having to paint them is gone. Yep. I suppose once you know where you're sitting on the hobby side, on the theme side, whether it be sci-fi, fantasy, it's time to go and pick up some minis, right? For sure. You can just go and buy some and then call it done. You know what's crazy if I may enter jazz. You may. When we started playing, it didn't feel that simple. No, it really didn't. It didn't feel like you could just go and buy any miniatures. Yeah. It felt like you had to make sure you knew what those miniatures, like what game they were from. Yeah. Well, a faction they were for. Yeah. What that faction needed to be playable. Yeah. And then how to play that game. And how we didn't work in with what you've already got. Yeah. What terrain do I now need? Yeah. And what kind of local scene is there? Yep. There are so many amazing mini-tragnostic games that you can actually just go and be like, those minis look sick as fuck. Yeah. I don't know what they're for. Yeah, it could be anything. I don't even care. I think they look like what's that? Space cops. I don't know what the heck is star grave? Yeah. Who even gives a shit? Those minis look dope. Yep. I'm gonna buy those. Yep. And that's such a cool thing about like tabletop gaming right now. And you can play it solo in your mini-tragnostic game at home or with a friend or whatever. So it's at now is the time. Honestly, now is the time. There's no better time than now. I feel like getting into the hobby five years ago, it was a whole different ball game than what it is now. That's facts. Because I saw so many like neck-remunder gangs. Yeah. And I was like, that is such a cool, like those are just cool looking minis. Yeah. Just on their own, you know, with no context, they look cooler shit. Yeah. And I was like, I'm never gonna buy them because I cannot commit to neck-remunder. Yeah. Yeah. But if I was getting in now, I was like, I don't even care what the box says it's for. Yep. Those are dope looking minis. Yep. I'll just buy those and I'll find a game to make them work. And there's so many games to like just indie devs that just someone that could be you, you and I sit in there and they make rules for a game that they want to play. Yeah. And you can download those for free half the time. Yeah. And if they cost money, you use our affiliate links in the description below. For what game will hold the drive-through up a G? Yep. Yeah. Yep. But if you don't want to just go and buy your own minis, you can ask your friends or family who may be in the hobby. Maybe you've got to, you might think back and you're like, how kind of weird friend in school who used to like push these little plastic guys around? Yep. I won't reach out to them and I'll see what they do or still plan. Maybe they're still playing or maybe they can at least help you with your, with your beginning journey. Yep. Or they make you do a demo game if they're still on the hobby. It's a good way to reconnect too. But there are other ways as well. There's local groups online, Facebook pages, discord servers, local communities that people would be so keen for a game. You can just say, hey, I'm new, you know, like just type your city, your area, tabletop gaming club, and you'll find one like they're everywhere. Yeah. Maybe it's half an hour drive, maybe it's an hour drive, but you could chat with someone on there and say, hey, I really want to learn this game. Can someone teach me? And more often than not, someone's going to be like, yep, I'll teach you. Yeah, that's, that's so true too about like we talked about how accessible mini-tragnostic rules are, but also like there are so many more Facebook groups. Yep. And like Facebook's basically dead, but in terms of like, groups, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's thriving. Yeah. It's such a good spot to just be like, you know, you type in trench crusade Australia. Yep. It's like, okay, cool. Here's a little niche game. Here's the country I'm in. Yep. Make a post be like, hey, I'm playing in Victoria, anyone else in Victoria? Yep. And people from your city or, yep, from neighboring cities like, oh, yeah, can't plan. Yeah. You want to meet up and suddenly you've got to mate. Yep. Playing the exact game you want, the niche game you got. Yep. That you're playing because you found the cool miniatures that you think suit it. Mm-hmm. And suddenly you're, you know, that's something you couldn't done a decade ago. Nah. Because that just wouldn't have, you'd have been like, oh, yeah. niche games don't exist for those reasons. Yeah. There's no community, but now there is online. Yep. There's even clubs like, if you know where the groups meet, you can just go there. Like, I went to the Westgate Wall Gaming Club, one of the first sort of nights that it opened up. Just pop my head in to say hello. And I ended up super. It wasn't super. It was brewery. Yep. Yep. Which is now shut down, RIP. But I just, I went in there, started chatting to a dude, ended up, he taught me how to play Kill Team. Yeah. Like 2021 version when it first came out with like Terry's box. Yep. Taught me how to play that. Yeah. And like, I could have been anyone. I could have been someone there just like saw a whole bunch of people in the back room and just put my head in. Yeah. Like, and that's, that's there for you too. Like, yeah, okay, socially, it can be quite intimidating to just go to a random place and chat to a random dude. Yeah. But they're like, they're there. And those places are there in a way for people like you that want to get into the hobby or want to even just broaden your horizons when it comes to gaming itself. Yeah. Finding new games like that and having someone teach you is honestly the best way. Facts. And also, like, don't ever feel if you're kind of like rocking up to a table like you were for Kill Team person. Yep. Don't ever feel like you're intruding or like you're taking too long with your turns or whatever. I promise you, if there's someone that's trying to like, rope you into their game. Yep. There is nothing they love more than the fact that you exist. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's all they care about. With them right now playing the game they love. Yep. Yep. I mean, you could take an hour. Yeah. They love it. They're like, every question, they'll love it. They'll be like, oh, I'm so glad you asked about that. Yeah. Now, I guess to tell you about that. Six inches. Yeah. Six inches. The answer is six inches. No matter your question. Yeah. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Good day. Good day. Good day. Yeah. So, yeah, with these tips, you know, maybe you can find what game you're interested in and a group and just start in this journey that we call tabletop wargaming. It's a hard thing to explain. Like, I try to explain to, let's call them normies, what it is that we do. And it's so hard. Yeah. So hard. And like, I feel like to be in that step and hear about this weird thing that, you know, the guy at work does or like your uncle or your friend or whatever and be like, hey, that's kind of cool. I want to try that. And having like just one person to help you makes it infinitely easier. Oh, so much easier. But if there's no one to help you, that's what we're here for. That's why we're here. We're here to be that one person that helps you. Yep. And yeah, you raised a great point like, I forget what it was, but it was great. Thanks, dude. When you were talking, I was like, I must say something about that. I talked for too long. It's what happens, bro. It's not your fault. It's my small break. Oh, yeah. It wasn't have crevices for it to stick in. Yeah, no, it's not. It's just like, you guys know it's like, it's not chainsphone. It's not even my fault, really. It's a condition. You were born that way. Yeah. It's fine. Yeah. But it's your mother's fault. Yeah, I blame her. She's a lovely woman. She's a lovely woman, but damn it, you couldn't have one less job. Actually, it would have been three less jobs. That'd be a lot like the lineage would have been done. I'm the lineage. I mean, damn. Yeah, that's that's bottom dwelling. Anyways, speaking of dwelling on bottoms, so something that I also considered when you're getting into wargaming is, yes, make sure you understand what kind of part of the hobby you like. Yeah. Do you think you'll be more painting and hobbying like building? Yeah. Basing, dioramics, dioramics kind of stuff. Yeah. Or the tactics of playing the game. I remembered what I was going to say. Go. Yeah. What I thought in the time moments. No, no, no, no. That was a separate tanger. We'll come back to that. Sure. What I was going to say, put a pin in that. What I was going to say is what I started to tell people, because I find the same guam, you feel like it's difficult to explain exactly what we're doing. Yeah. What we're participating in. I just say it's kind of like D&D and leave it at that. Yeah, it is. I say it's like playing like a tactical board game, but it's kind of like an open world board game. Oh, yeah. So we're not playing on a board. We're kind of playing on a map. So if they know what terrain, open world video games are, they get it straight away. Yeah, and if they don't know what open world video games are and what board games are. Not worth talking to. Pretty much don't talk to them. So that's kind of on them. Don't talk to me. You're not worth my time. I have a very strict time of people allocation that you do not fulfill it. I also think it's important to understand how often you can play. Yeah. If you're going to be like, if the playing part of it is something important to you, feel like I feel like I fit more on that side of the coin. Yep. Think about how often you can play. Because if you can only play once a month, yeah, I would suggest making sure you only commit to one or two games. Absolutely. Yep. And I know that's hard to hear for myself. Yeah, but also other people because if you can only play once or twice a month, there are so many cool games out there that you're going to want to play. Yeah. But every time you say yes to a game, you're saying no to another. Yeah. Yeah. And so that means you've got 12 games a year. And if you play two different games, you get to play it six times a year. Yep. If you're someone that could play every single week. Yeah. The world is your oyster. The world is your oyster. Sometimes you might have a night on the weekend and a night during the week free. Yeah. Great. Yeah. Play whatever you want to play. And it's also important to consider like how many times you need to play certain games to like fully get them. Absolutely. Because like maybe you play something like five parsecs. Yep. Where you could play that once every two months. Yep. And get it and play it towards fullness. Yep. And have a good time. But maybe you play something like 40k, where you need to play that at least once every, at least once every month. Yep. Just stay on top of it. Just to stay on top of rule changes and whatnot. And to get the most out of your army. Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. And like, there's there's games like that that just change so frequently that you play it once a month and it's still different every time. Yeah. And like different opponents and different armies. And but then there's other games. Yeah. Like five, five, six from home or, you know, like shadow point. Yeah. That changes so infrequently. Yeah. At the moment, still early days. Yeah. But that you can just pick it up again later and everything sort of still feels the same. So drives the same. Yeah. I say like the, I guess the more complex a game is, the more you've got to need to play it to get the fulfilling value out of it. Because games like 40k and even Corvus Belly infinity. Yeah. A games where I'm like, if you play that every single week. Yeah. You still wouldn't be getting the most out of it. Because I imagine if you're playing games with that depth and that tactical prowess to it. Yeah. The, like the enjoyment comes out of going, I don't know what all my stuff does. Yeah. And I know what all my opponent stuff does. And then I need to like try and outwit them. Yeah. I know what they're trying to do. Two moves in advance. And thus, I'm trying to circumvent that. Yeah. But to do that, to understand all the different factions. Oh, yeah. And how they play, you need to play so frequently. And so much study in between two of just not playing games, just watching videos and reading stat lines and yeah, all that. So that, that, that side of the, of the coin. Yeah. Can be as shallow or as deep as you want it to be. Yeah, for sure. Don't feel like you have just because everyone's playing 40k. You know, all right, maybe if you want to do the gaming side of things, sure, maybe you're going to have to indulge every now and then. But you could also be the start of another community. Yeah. Of another game that you're interested in. You can say, hey, I know you guys play 40k, but hey, I want to play this. Yeah. And then someone might be like, you know what? Yeah. My, my opponent bailed. So I'm free. Let's bug it. Let's play and give it a go. And someone's trying to come in while we're still recording. I'm trying to break in. If we have to fight him, I nominate sending both of you to fight them. Okay. It's probably my dog. So I won't fight him. And I'll watch and I'll encourage you. Sure. Because let's be honest. I'm not achieving much. So I think too, on that side of things of getting into the game, into the gaming side of things, yeah, take it, however you want to take it. And on the hobby side of things, then you can do as much or as little as you like on your own time. Yeah. And sometimes don't put pressure on yourself to like, it's kind of like when you're in year 12, and everyone's like, what are you going to do in uni? Yeah. Yeah. Don't put so much pressure on yourself to like know what you actually want to get out of a hobby straight away. Yeah. Because you're not going to be like, oh, this game seems dope. And then you're going to put paint to a model and be like, oh, man, this is actually, I love this. So therapeutic. Yeah. And then you're going to watch, you know, people who paint miniatures well. Yeah. And be like, Oh, I actually just like love this. Yeah. Yeah. And yeah, playing the game is cool. But you know, whatever, I like this. Yeah. And vice versa, you might be like, Oh, I'll just buy a couple of minis, paint them, see how I go. And then someone ropes you into a game of kill team or something small. Yeah. And you're like, Oh, this is, I don't care about painting mini. They want to play games. Yeah. And you're not going to know that until you get into it and have fun with it. So make mistakes over spend, do dumb shit. Yeah. And you'll, you'll find what you like about this hobby. And it's going to change you to year as well really does. And it sometimes it takes years to find that like, I think it wasn't until maybe this time last year that I really found my painting groove. Yeah, like the way that I liked to paint. And now that like I accepted, I'm not going to be the best painter in the world, I can still just get bulk stuff done. And you know, we've said it in the past, like having one single painted army is better than a hundred unfinished ones. Facts. Yeah. And if, if we could lend one piece of advice, because we've scattered around, we've talked about a heap of different ideas around how to get into this hobby. There's just so much though, like it's not an easy question. Yeah, no, there's so many different levels and it gets convoluted. And yeah, yeah, and it depends on you as a person and we're trying to, you know, take all comers. Yep. But going back to the first point that you made, I would say go and buy cool miniatures. Yeah. And find games that suit those. Yeah. Not the other way around. Yes. Don't be like, I mean, community matters. Yeah. And how accessible a game is also matters. On the gaming side of things. For sure. Yeah. So if like people, if all you know is people playing 40K and you want to get into 40K, of course, go in and buy 40K miniatures and play that game and see if you like it, demo it, make sure you like it before you commit. That's an expensive game. I'm like, oh, it's $1,100 for an army. Yeah, a lot of people tell you that. Yep. And that's not including books in paint. That's just the miniatures. Yeah. For a 2000 point army, you're spending $1,100. Wow. That's a fact. And then you obviously on the cycle of buying books and paints and hobby equipment. Yep. And based on materials and stuff. So make sure you like that game before you buy it. Yep. But also feel confident in just going, I like all these cool miniatures. I'm going to go find a game, go watch YouTube videos about if you've got sci-fi minis, go find sci-fi miniature agnostic games. Yep. And then find one friend to play that game with. Yep. Maybe you have to bribe them. Yeah, bribe them if you have to. Yeah. Jeff, buy them lunch. Buy them a beer and just say, hey, can you just play this game with me? Because what so many people are like, oh, community matters. I want to be able to find a game whenever I can. Yep. But so many people fail to realize like having one good opponent, like having a mate that plays the game is as accessible as having 40 people that play the game. Yep. You're only playing against one person every week. Yep. And why not have that someone that be your friend? Yep. Who also loves the game you're playing. Yeah. Yeah. And eventually through both of your passion for the game, if you enjoy it, you'll rope in other people. Oh, there's always a third friend that you can rope in to sit there and listen to you talk about hobby for half an hour every night. Yeah, every single night for the rest of their life. Even if you have to pay them. Just do it. Just look at realization. He's like, wait a minute. Is that me? Yeah. The whole thing has been one big me. There's also a couple of things too. Like if you have a friend that you want to try and get into the game or someone comes up to you and says, hey, I've seen you play that weird thing with the other guy. Can you teach me how to play? Yep. There are a couple of things. First of all, say yes. Yeah. So yes, I will teach you. Yeah. And don't. I think it's easy to assume so many things that come naturally to a seasoned gamer. Jargon's one big thing. So like just go easy on the Jargon. When you say you need to two up, it's like explain what that means, right? Because like there are little things that just it's a no brainer to everyone that's played, but someone that hasn't played before, that means nothing. It's so funny that you say that because I'm always reminded of when we played with Jimmy. Oh, yeah. And so one of Shane's mates, I was like, we're all playing, you know, we've been doing a podcast for five years. We've been in the hobby for a decade. We're playing a game. We've roped a friend in and we've explained all the rules as best we can. And we go, all right, so for that one, you just need a two up. And he's like, so does that mean two dots? Well, I mean, you need to roll at us and you're looking for a two up. And he was like, should you mean like a two or more, like two, three, four, five, six? We're like, that's exactly what that means. You're right. How could you know that? We didn't explain that to you. We assumed you knew what a two up meant because we. Yeah. Yeah. That's so true. Just dumb. Just dumb shit like that that you just don't even think of until you're there. But and also don't play to win, right? Like, you know, don't game this noob just because I've never played before. Like it's not a it's not a victory for you. You know, and then also like, don't like just make silly decisions that throws the game or something like that. Like have a good game and help them with every step of the way. But don't do the gotcha moments and the stratagems and all the nonsense that you that you can pull. Like are you there? Just to I don't even I'd even go to the point where I say like figurative objectives. Like just play like a kill mission or something like that. Like, yeah, the bare bones, the bare basic. Don't worry too much about like terrain rules and all that sort of stuff. Like just water it right down or play a game like one page rules or something like that, where it's just streamlined and easy. And I think you can get someone pretty hooked. Oh man, if you, you know, you can treat even a shatterpoint. You can and one page rules you can treat like a extended board game. Yeah. You know, for those people that you know, your friends that are tactically minded, you can go, all right, well, I've got all the painted miniatures that you need and all the tokens and all the rules that you need. Look, here's your eight. Sorry. Here's your six miniatures. Yeah. Or eight miniatures. Here's mine. Here's how you play the game. And you just treat it like an eventually they play a few games. Same with one page rules. They play a few games. They're like, Oh, what if I wanted my own miniatures and you're like, well, okay, for shot for shatterpoint. Here's where you go. Yeah. Here's the kind of miniatures that you got for one page rules. Here are the factions and here, like, pick a faction that you like the idea of. Yep. And then they can be like, Oh, I really like the idea of jackals. And you're like, well, one cool thing is that you can download, you can buy jackals. Yep. From their website, we can find someone who prints jackals. They're quite loosely based on crude. And so you can buy crude. Yep. And there's new crude boxes for 40k. And, or you can be like, all right, they're just humanoid things. So you could go look for these. Yeah. And so there's just you can treat them like boxed games. You can start people on genuine box games like underworld. Yep. Yeah. All they need is a pair of scissors. Yeah. They can clip out things and push fit them and play them straight away without painting them because they're colored. Underworld is the perfect gateway game, right? It's it's it's it's a board game. Yeah. It's a border board game. Yeah. And it's got the the the elements of the dice rolling and the strategy that you can just take off a hex board and kind of do the same thing with a tape measure. Yeah. So yeah. But it's funny. We actually asked this wasn't deliberate or pertaining to this episode at all. But we asked in our Patreon discord, sorry, on Patreon. Yeah. It wasn't in the discord channel. I was going to post it in there. But yeah, we asked on a Patreon how would they get people into war games? And they said, so many of them said like, find the person who you think would be into war games. Yep. Find what kind of universes and law they like. They say, I like Fallout. Yeah. Great. Let's buy the Fallout starter box. Yep. I'll slap chop the minis and then we'll play through the game together and discover it together. Yeah. Yep. There's that way as well. And we mentioned the two sides of the coin. But even on those sides, there are so many different ways to do it. Yeah. Yeah. You might like playing the game. But do you like playing it competitive competitively? You want to play it every single week? You want to have the absolute most tweaked list and you want to play against other tweaked lists and you want it to be cutthroat and you want to come out on top. You're a Yu-Gi-Oh player. You're a magical gathering player. You played League of Legends of Diamond and above. Yeah. Commit to this thing and you want to be the absolute best. Or is the enjoyment playing with your mates. Yeah. And just having a beer and throwing down some dice and just, yeah, you want to compete and have a good time. Oh, of course. Everyone wants to win. Like, no one's playing a game. I want to lose. Yeah. But if you're like, I want to win, but I also want to tell a story, but I also want to have fun. I want to make sure my mate's having fun. Then you're a casual player. Yeah. And so you're going to be drawn to different games than those uber-competatives. Yeah. And the same is true on the painting side of the coin. Maybe you want to get shit done. You want it to look tabletop-standard and seeing an army or 10 minutes as tabletop-standard is such a joy to you. Yeah. Or maybe you want to work on one miniature for 30 hours and you want to aspire to be a golden demon painter. Yep. And so finding your groove and the way that you want to approach the hobby is important. But don't put your pressure on yourself to know that straight away. Yeah. Yeah. Buy cool miniatures. Yeah. Play some goofy games. Yeah. Just find yourself. And you'll get stuff wrong. You'll make, you'll get rules wrong. And half this time, that's more fun than getting him right. But the better time experience. We play games are like, oh, so we cheated with everything. Everything is wrong. And it's like, oh, you know what? It's funny. That didn't detract from how much fun we had at all. Yeah. It's almost like the rules don't matter. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we hope that you can take these words of wisdom. These ambiguous words of words that you can then join our strange hobby or help your friends and family get into it too. Because honestly, the more people doing this, the better. So much. Like there's no reason to keep anyone out of the hobby. It is just more players, more opponents, more people to share tips and tricks with and enjoy the company of. Like, the people that we've even met, like just wargaming is worth its weighting gold. Absolutely. I feel like, I feel like the best part of wargaming, you know, you talk about the two, we talk about the two sides of the coin. The best part of wargaming isn't the coin at all. Yeah. It's the people that hold all these weird different coins that we've met along the way. You're like, what is that? Yeah. I'm like, well, that's a weird fucking coin. But I love that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's so good. The people in this, you know, because we're all like-minded, we've all got the same. We're all after the same thing. And sometimes that's just very different things. But we're all in this hobby together and it's dope, it's sick. It is dope. So how do you get into Warhammer? I mean, sorry, what? Wargaming? Buy some cool miniatures, paint some shit, see if you like it, play some weird games, see if you like it. Play some weird people. Play some weird people, see if you like them. Yeah. You really like some of them. You will like some of them and you know what? You'll dislike some of them and you'll stop playing certain games because the community isn't for you and you'll start playing games you didn't think you would like because that community is dope. Or you'll start your own community. You'll start that little game that you've heard of that no one else has and then before you know, at your local club, there's 10 other people playing it. Yeah. And sometimes you'll love a game so much that even if it's like you said, no one's playing it, eventually out of your passionate scene will boom. Or maybe you'll find a weird little game that only you and one other dude like, but you'll do that. Do that. Yes, there is. And you'll play against dudes and do that's every single week and you'll love it. And you'll get as much out of it as someone going to tournaments for other games every single week. Absolutely. So I guess, how do you get in the wargaming? Just do it. Just do it. Have a go. See what you like. There's no better way to say it than just jump in. So we hope to see you in the discord. That's the best place. That's the best place. How do you get in the wargame? We get in the discord. There's in the hobby lobby and be like, I don't know what to do. There's you're going to get told. Be like, I kind of like Star War. It's all over after. Yeah, I kind of like for it. It's all over. Yeah. Warhammer seems cool. It's all over. Yeah. What's all this man fiction? It's done. I like Halo. You get fucked. Yeah. We've got stuff for everyone. We do. We do. You can find links to our discord on hobby From there, you can find links to our patron as well for two bucks a month to get early access to videos like this. Yeah. And other stuff. And we have a whole bunch of legends on the patron who we couldn't think enough. Sure, we have legends and other homies. Yeah. Church is looking at me like should I press the button? Please, church, you press the button. Put the thumb up. Put the thumb up to me. Go. Shout out to these legends. Homies. Chuck Am, you're a new homie. Welcome, Chuck Am. Main homies, tug of the claw. Also remember your homie, Matty Mat Mat, legendary MJ Moose, fat boy axe annex. Real one, that's you, Numa. The goat, we have burns, you found on a solid gridlock. Hockers, journeymen. We got a black Apollo, Elko, churchy, rad, ollie, pinney, aggro, Don Hwa, Don, pure blind, jacks of v, nate, that a mini-warmer, Oswald gaming, analog line and big roach. And you know who else? Pure blind. Pure blind. You said you wouldn't do it. I'll do it every week. Didn't I say I'd do it every week? Yeah. I'll never forget pure blind. Yeah. I'll never forget big roach. I'll never forget all of your homies that put money actual cash into our pockets so that we can grow this show every week. You got new lights? We got new lights. I don't know if you know this, but we've never pocketed a set. No, never pocketed a set. We've made a dime. And we never will, because if you're giving us money, it means you like this. And if you like this, that makes us feel like we should give you more. And thus, we will continue to try and do that as best we can every single week. And we're excited about some of the stuff we're putting in. We're going to be with a second channel with better reports and feel like that's going to be going gangbusters versus how it's been going. So we're planning on putting some stuff coming. We've got some stuff coming. Changing up our recording cycle, our schedule, and we're just giving us more time to film better reports. Yeah. Previously, we had three, four cameras. Now we can have eight. We don't have eight, but we can have eight. But we've got like six. Six is pretty good. That's pretty good. Which you'll see coming to a better report near you. Oh, yeah. Thanks to all of our patrons and other people who give us support in other ways. If you don't, if you're one of those people that has more time than money, interact with us on all the socials. That actually helps tremendously. Yeah, it really does. It helps the AI overlords share our content with other people. Yes. And well, my eyes means more stuff from us. Yeah, facts. Comment on a YouTube jumping our discord, jump on the Facebook. We've got an Instagram as well. All of this, you can find on hobby We love you so much. It's ridiculous. It's just, it's thanks for sharing all your weird. Too much. No, it's too much. No, it's too much. Yeah, it's weird. Our wives are starting to ask a lot of questions about all these people that we interact with on their discord. Keep mentioning this guy. Vee me. Who's that? And what do you mean there's someone called fat boy? Yeah, what does that mean? I was like, what do you mean you were playing games with someone called fat boy? And I'm like, well, his real name is Derek. She was like, I don't believe you. And I was like, you're right. Derek is a made up name. Yep. So anyways, I was like, I went boxing, but you're right. All of you have become our friends and that's the best part. Yep. So thank you so much. If you want to get into world gaming, join the discord and we'll see you there. See you next week. Hey, do what that did, please. Bye. [BLANK_AUDIO]