

Thu, Aug 1 12:36 AM → 2:21 AM Ammonia leak in food processing facility

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  • Loudoun County

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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All right now from CD command staging from command go ahead do you have any a lot of trust down there in staging I have to wire truck parts here they're assisting with triage and treatment direct last unit calling has that group from command we've got staff going to pick up the interview right copy I also have additional truffle fans coming correct again I have met a 501 in north division here are you sending them the follow the transit bus or they're gonna be part of our transport I believe they're gonna be transport they're requested by EMS 601 as an actor from a medical group from north division go ahead north the vision medic 522 that staging EMS from staging you're going to met a 501 direct medic 501 copy additional medic unit to north side staging you have another medic unit available for me okay I'm report to nor 3 I'm a success is button lieutenant white group engine 624 I'm walking over medical group supervisor for me an ethical one go ahead EMS or someone I need another medic unit down near a medical to buggy everyone 516 this nature command from has my group possible can you start the van truck again by mobile air commands under the channel are you gonna want the mobile ventilation unit we have the ability to come in from the mobile air unit staging the EMS group will put another transfer from a mobile area as mac group command from has my group go ahead EMS 601 could you like command now if we have access to one more transit bus we're gonna need another medical group supervisor from EMS 601 to math or has my group also 6 India we are a season 6 India we're all going to be operating on the 6th delta as direct we're going to work on getting a traffic command from has met go ahead all right the restroom and locker room directly above the HVAC units had readings of 40 to 50 parts per million we were able to open the doors in the process of using fans to try to ventilate those pockets out I could use an additional truck with more positive pressure fans back here with me command from the mobile air unit staging command go ahead we have EOC over here on staging but up to me with families if you have any families to show up so on our five foot now okay we're currently working on getting a liaison to meet with the families and as soon as we get that set up to figure it out I'll give you the information where to correct them I'm direct there's somebody from EOC here doing that right now we have somebody if you want so many different to coordinate with him you're set up in the parking lot copy someone from EOC so we own location as a family working on family last unit calling stage and go ahead command needs you to have the second bus report to the same areas the first bus second civilian bus down in north triage that's right meeting go ahead if 16 to dispatch confirming a staging address please stage of command can you have the second bus report is the location of the first bus command from the command from the command go away if you change your progress make our way out stage you stand by I didn't want to make that a lot of your SSA center man from staging go ahead do you have a family or PIO area to send families do that are starting to show up on team come in from phagia lose and that Pearson from has my group go ahead and you let me know when they're clear good the capital region wants to know the patient count okay there's 22 to 6 meeting five zero eight so I'm seeing 1-0-4 I'm only still have one for operating inside the I the L. H more division from EMS group EMS group go ahead I have multiple transport units available to help you triage you need some more manpower yes okay again about five more minutes I have y'all for four-and-a-half so yeah what are you reading I'm at eight six twenty-five Charlie confirming we can go in service part you have no minute six twenty-five Charlie you can return to service twenty two therefore interesting to progress if you do you need a car reading on the output problem all right of the building you have my staging nor division or EMS group need any more manpower to help reach your yosh 22 therefore EMS is fading you need more transport units medic 623 medic 625 Charlie per the USO you can return back to your station medic 625 Charlie medic 623 per the FO you can turn back to your station 22 therefore nice expect me to write has my group guys checking the status of your last group site still inside we've been seeking some we have one room with a pocket of the no you're trying to take note of some more doors okay has my department here be that last this is staging and you need to return back to the scene that exchange is direct aging for the last unit return back to the scene he about screw supervisor from the medic 623 we're clearing less and also you want to return to the scene good just arrived on scene prior to that last announcement not everybody what are for commerce you want to hear you want to go work offers me I can you advise staging from friendly engine 2015 in the mobile area staging from command okay we have any means to ventilate that natural ventilation any exhaust fans or anything in there not if I was your response of stage we're gonna hold the transit box until we get these repation file and then we'll bring it in for the green pack division for BMS group commuter buses are on their way I can't even the numbers for the staging location again or approaching we're about a minute out 3 2 3 7 5 Roderick 375 got thanks staging for me well seriously go ahead okay there 21 55 we're currently working we have one has my crew currently inside doing some monitoring working our way out my story one hour two minutes if you have a commuter bus up there I need a commuter bus to come down to the north triage area so we get these civilians into the your conditions I'm currently working man from now you're now one hour and ten minutes in your incident 21 55 changing for medical group as my group man you're gonna be on health and out correct she's not yet I still have one crew interior operational 6 India I need about narrow five minutes or so okay am I staging there are two trucks on scene the personnel from the two trucks are assisting with us this is the enough right now EMS we're facing these two units are switching their channel right now broke up a little bit dry again we have a little reading so far can we continue to investigate the rest of it I'll be zero readings progress report so far we got a load of money you don't invest in the other side enter team to from house pass 619 progress report command from has my group all my units back there account before part I don't know if you need to run down or who I have here not even up from staging I have I had four 15 and one four thirty one I think down to help out all right undirect you got any suppression units that are available there's these demand power not a group of north division we need a medic unit send down here you got one coming go ahead north division we need some more help down here in the north division to help with triage we just had another patient go out any more hands just have a lot more people down here we do have all greens we just need more hands we triage go ahead six thirty five very clear of rest and returning to the scene per year note you have a staging locate or a return location you'd like us to go to that's affirmative return to staging to be at two two three seven five two three seven five indirect medical group supervisor from north division I don't go group from advanced ambulance six thirty five I'm fine with you absorbing those units do you want to move your traffic the Delta from India right as soon as the entry team comes to the exterior I'll move very well back or six delta give me about ten minutes and I'll be able to do that okay come and has my group if you're okay with it we're gonna discontinue Suvie group Suvie division and there's also under has met I'm gonna get you part check of all the crews right now loud and ambulance five ten and ambulance high 13 responding south triage from EMS group your patient's gonna go in ambulance for twelve they're right next to the command post bring them down here for transport command from hazmat group meter the exterior the exchanger still has some residual small amount of money of a crew of three has re-entered the building to go to a secondary search and check for levels down to one patient a green tag all other patients have been loaded in transport unit so we proceed through transportation if I could I'd like to move the walking wounded down to South triage I know go ahead nor staging EMS branch from what triage go ahead for EMS group yes our medic six year six problems are returning from the hospital they've been advised to be just aging yes permanent return to triage staging from loud nine six Charlie command 10 medical group command medic six oh six Bravo we're clear and land sound you need to stack the scene EMS branch from North triage direct right staging from command go ahead we direct on the last traffic of two civilian buses coming to your location I'm direct go ahead command also if you see yeah there's two buses report to the staging location yes sir we have given them the broader drive address power from Cv command we're in the process of retriaging the bystanders that are left with no medical complaints at this time and then we'll be ready for the bus at the north transport exit also your buses are coming with supervisors on them or direct 7146 yeah that's good for command you're also one-hour into your incident command direct one-hour in command EMS group for command command from London come I enjoyed yes sir your two transport buses are in route right now they said they're 45 feet long also do you need a can't you not do the scene direct two command two buses on the way that is correct sir has met group command you need the mobile area now we have a few of these cylinders but if they're not here don't worry about it okay we'll find them if you need them just let us know medical group from north division go ahead just an FYI for you we currently have five transport units there have dropped things and solved now they'll be reporting back to the staging area I'm direct you know what units they are and then I'll check them in to come through no ma'am I do ma'am come and from has my group is it no our unit only patience am I all right I'm right EMS group from command command for me am I screwed are you gonna need any law enforcement assistance negative just enough to keep the road closed down but we are gonna need for requesting a canteen if ones available and we're going to also need a motor transportation and a location to take 50 civilians that don't have any medical complaints if possible we'd like to get a canteen down here we're also going to need transport and a location to take about 50 civilians better not don't have any medical complaints just need to be a mess group from command command from medical group keep the bus up there we don't want to start a mass panic down here and have all the civilians on the side of the road start mob in the bus if you have two transport units available send them down and we're gonna start retriaging everybody in north division have them report to EMS 602 staging for medical group with the pressure units you have that are going to become available in the next couple minutes we have to retriage all for all the personnel send down in the north area I have more transport units here for you if you need them yeah send me a two minute units have them report to EMS 602 at north division and we're going to start retriaging everybody on the side of the road how many personnel do you have there I'm sending medics 619 down to you right now you also have the bus staging medical group two two three seven five one four five three please broader it drives copy broader it's good I need you to report to the staging area located at two two three seven five broader drive allowed them from cb command go ahead command as the transporters give its go and service at the hospital have them returned back to the scene okay for copy 2039 to be from cb command I understand the medical ambulance must just arise send them to the north side okay they're right next to you I have two more transports here as well do you want them down or you want them staging how you going home and staging EMS from staging I have ambulance 412 and medics 425 helping south how many do you need the other site EMS group supervisor for medic 619 we're on scene command from pathway of engine 515 and mobile area 515 you're going from that transporters engine 515 and mobile area unit 515 EMS from staging the bus come with you right now all right EMS group is direct medical ambulance buses on the scene medical ambulance bus report to EMS 602 at the north staging area medical group supervisor for EMS 601 medical group go ahead command from hazmat group all my way agent from EMS command has my group I'll walk over one minute give me one minute South triage for medical group EMS vision is requesting product information they need to relate the hospital so if you get solution or any percentage you can relate to me how many money I'm going to need it hazmat group go ahead come in use calling north triage ambulance 623 so north of it has my group has my group just need an update I'm gonna have units recipe 635 engine 624 take some meters inside the building I need many meters just to make sure it's clear I'll let you know when you're out the system has been secured there are some residual ammonia until unfreezes and clears out so we still got to wait several minutes before we can remeter on exterior as we have residual ammonia command from hazmat group all right now three hours we're going to give you medic 425 we're going to be throughout you in a second comment from the staging my area we've reduced down to four yellow one red I do not have any transport units at my location go ahead north EMS branch for north triage copies your patient count of 17 yellow to red and one green 32 currently we have patient count one green 17 yellow and two red what triage the EMS branch okay command copy all units are arguing to this time standing by to go back and re-monitor you are also about 40 minutes into your action 2032 can answer at 40 minutes go ahead command currently believe we have the week contained audience been pulled from the ideal H we're gonna give it a little while and then go back and re-monitor to confirm a lot of for city plans has not 619 percent of Pearson hey when you get situated are we able to remeter to make sure we have this leak and change climate yeah we're gonna go ahead and check that 40 copy that just making short I am I'm giving you medic 425 Cal three I was good every nice rule the best group though it's coming from has my group six Delta has my group at the moment we believe the leak has been contained and secured has my team has evacuated we probably will wait a couple seconds a remeter recheck I'm directing believe it to be metagated once rechecked in you have not reported rehab on absolutely happy sir we'll just continue timers as my team is after the ideal each 130 hours go ahead sir this continued timers leak has been controlled has met team has evacuated loud from past met group go ahead we're gonna have three yellow good destination for us stop by the north Asian exit set EMS 602 he's gonna give you transport destination EMS from email 303 staging location is gonna be two two three seven five roger try two two three seven five roger try command for medic 425 is there staging location or you want us to head into the scene man for staging command we get four more transport units commands direct break loud from city command go ahead and answer me for more transport units yes sir we'll have the report to be staging area 2129 group from entry training on repairs indeed we are starting to exit copy has my team preparing the exit we have 17 yellow two red one green requested transport right now commands direct two red 17 yellow one green has that group just enough to clarify there are four large tanks they're all water tanks there is one smaller tall skinny cylindrical tank that's ammonia only about 20% full the remaining three tanks the one in the middle where the problem is is a heat exchanger that's what the crew is working on right now faulty relief valve on a heat exchanger I'm direct for me relief valve on the heat exchanger 20% capacity on the tall skinny ammonia tank over the four tall the four tall tanks are water tanks the ammonia and the heat exchangers are there for water tanks okay I'm direct good man from hazmat group this is the first total I'm giving you originally we plan on having about 50 green go by green bus or right now they're all refusing transport okay run those totals one more time what was it the original total command for medical group we're now about 20 totals for export patients to read sick yellow the rest are gonna be green command for medical group EMS 303 from command EMS 303 from command this is one I don't believe they are sir thank you I'm coming in from the highest my group are you looking at it's coming in 125 will not make me and you are now 30 minutes 30 minutes in your instant 21 25 situations same such a traffic over to six echo attack 12 six echo attack 12 to reach the medical group there medical group from north division back six zero six just ran 43 yellow the landbound not the three yellow plan you got access north triage EMS branch EMS for staging you're getting that six twenty five and one four thirty six and I'm filling the additional you have some of it EMS for staging did you call those affirmative can you send medic you there's our way you're in medical or 25 the time you took a three key repeat a traffic loud you start the time in a timer for me yes there's starting enough okay so 21 for man for has my group okay got that four four amount to say for you I copy that what triage to the EMS branch met at 404 for medical group has my group from command from and I got to guys make an entry give me a minute go ahead to man go ahead and stop me three additional transport units have been report to the staging area okay there's no one for loud from has my group six in India I'm direct right well I'm from Sydney command loud from has my group six India as an actor from plant staging from medical group on direct also you just get requested we would like to maintain a minimum of five transport units in staging at all times I'm directed I started with three three more now all right I'll give you a medic 404 can you send one of the transport units up here to the main alpha-alpha corner of the main building to support hazmat if you need ALS or be a left ALS commands for medical group command from has my group has my group can I get a single transport unit back here for the crews about to make injury case something happens yeah I have several engines the rescue hazmat I see the rehab but I don't have a single transport staging for medical group staging for medical group direct called transport units on in the medical group before departing the scene stop at the north transport exit point check in with EMS 602 for transport destination medical division for me north division going north have all units stop by my buggy at the patient exit point for transport to the city ER in that system to I believe you're still on six in the I believe in our own channel allowed my house my group no I don't need a timer so you get probably about 10 or 15 minutes for make entry okay sir two and 18 basic zero well I was gonna have a team about to make entry I didn't know if anybody was monitoring a channel the start of time reforming I'm still about 15 or 20 minutes out okay sir would you like to time of the 10 minutes medical group from north division I set up page an exit point going to be at the buggy he met six or two safety six or one well from hazmat group one six India correct I want you to come up and report the side Delta you're gonna be supporting the hazmat team do you want to some staging with the rest of the units or closer to the scene we have six 23rd command from rehab six 23 EMS group EMS six or one from medical group EMS six or one comment still working on that standby medical group from commit medical group go ahead come in can you give me a patient count estimate waiting from EMS six or two or do you check six India and I'm clear okay for a copy you'll be making entry shortly 21 11 yeah one moment we have someone come up and tell start moving all the greens over towards you guys know what you want or do you want to come first I'm from CD late come in ambulance three or three for medical room go ahead welcome a few cookies or a copy no units in the ideal age at this time 20 or 10 from CD command going to man okay current situation we'll be operating at two two four five to be blamed for approximately another 90 minute power to 90 minutes we have no personnel in ideal age go ahead come in go ahead and start me on that unit also we have them report to the staging area yes our twenty one zero nine from city command all transport units in the EMS group before you depart for a hospital come to the command post me with EMS six zero two for destination and patient tracking are what three words are going to be gangs suggest equally we're in front of two two three six five we also get the closest medical ambulance bus discussion direct on the map command EMS group email from amiel three zero three intent in all units responding to two two four four five to be blamed per operation 600 all units responding to the incident report to two two three seven five Roderick Lane do not go directly to the scene per operation six hundred do not go directly to the scene 21 0 7 all units on six Charlie command ten preparation 600 report to staging do not go directly to the scene staging is at two two three seven five Roderick drive twenty one zero seven command from line you're now twenty minutes near incident EMS group from amiel three zero three go ahead three oh three he said he had 15 from the north end approximately as far as at the command boats we have approximately 50 green tags again 14 up here on the south end we're trying to keep track of it here EMS group from EMS by anyone good confirming I should come to the Roderick address yeah that's affirmative two two three six five all right under I got about a ten minute ETA well I'm from city command go ahead command can you check the loud and transit see if I can get us to a passenger buses okay sir we'll check and see you said two buses is that correct that's probably okay so 21 there's a EMS group like a man for me and that's group we're gonna need a metro bus or a green bus down here we have about 50 green patients that are gonna require transport I'm direct eleven medics for our function medics 625 Charlie medics four zero four and one four there is a staging from command go ahead you give me that rundown the units you haven't stayed in currently EMS group from EMS hi anyone hey staging from command ambulance three of three the one red to be transported between yourself four six thirty five directed we need our last name of the date of birth okay we're gonna tag fucking five thirty five yeah but we'll send a runner up for the past thank you everyone service in EMS transfer EMS group go ahead so give me a count on me also I got the RACC numbers I gotta want to see if you want to head back off this way if you're not busy I'm tired of transport all right our makeshift that treatment area here we got one red if we have an available transport unit to get them out the rest are green well I currently have myself medics 625 Charlie medics 404 and angel on four thirty six and staging command staging we're finishing up a count here we have one red most of the rest are green we have available transport get them out quick command has my group has my group go ahead command student update for rescue six thirty five is one through the building twice two primary searches all clear everyone's out we are here to build engineer we identify where the leak is and how it's curd a leak as well has my teams in the process get dressed up to go out and switch or relief out should give you an update about fifth year 20 minutes we're also redeploying the hose line for host of paper I also spooked directly to the kind of blankets to division and he confirms everything I just said I'm direct primary is a negative tasmat is preparing to suit up to switch out relief out can you repeat your last traffic we have a waterline in place for vapor displacement and soon a vision confirms with everything I just did even for me no three oh three I'm gonna go ahead Jennifer on the system she's sixteen last unit called sex India command from has my group even screwed from ambulance three or three on any of you has met the group two commands six delta engine six oh five channel six bravo box six zero five one four K angle engine response one seven zero zero eight Hamilton station road engine six oh five channel six bravo box six zero five one four K single engine response one seven zero zero eight Hamilton station road cross-street two-wayward pie quest down and three eighty nine hundred ticket bottom road go ahead we have staging established and we essentially across the street from your location two two three seven five progress power six eleven strongly staging officer we live in a limited time showing up on scene I'm gonna put them in staging and all that for you go direct with staging on six Charlie command that he had a script from command time is more or three so I'm paying reporting to them the time two four zero three on team reporting to command twenty one hundred hours time four zero three from command time four zero three from command ten seem six twenty three channel six hotel tab twenty one box six two four three one two two four four five two mighty lane campaign six twenty three channel six hotel tab twenty one box six two four three one two two four four five two mighty lane cross-street and four forty nine hundred more and road high four zero three from command direct staging will be at two two three seven five rotary crowd ambulance four thirty six this is met at four zero four pull out of that area and come follow us to the staging area go ahead command go ahead this last rehab six twenty three having the fourth to the station area would you like them to report you sir the staging area okay sir we'll start in that way twenty fifty nine out from cv command one from cv command Wow this is two six fifty don't see this is in two six fifteen on scene twenty fifty eight be at the alpha delta corner on two-v drive assistant she's six under bravo to command the location of command post man from the hazmat group has met group supervisors going to be battalion three but you need hazmat group okay i got hazmat group to sous vide division hazmat group to sous vide division six nineteen i'm here with hazmat officer from a hazmat unit he's requesting to talk to sous vide group which channel are they on excel though great thank you ran from engine six nineteen good luck you two minutes into your incident I want you to put all timers on the command channel please twenty-six five coming up from London command from twenty six three all right on scene I was going to go work on hazmat branch if you're okay with that take it over science six or three I'm gonna have you on six India you're gonna be hazmat group happy six India attention all units responding and operating stage at two two three seven five Roderick drive per command it's two two three seven five Roderick drive in the parking lot twenty twenty four coming from London go ahead want all units to stage all incoming units to stage at two two three seven five Roderick drive in the parking lot is not safe correct six India tak 22 come in from loud and glad that group will be on six India tak 22 lunch direct has my group two separate channel stay by one please go hazmat group on a separate channel hazmat six nineteen I'm giving you hazmat group trucks 11 arriving on scene what do you want I'm giving you I'm just calling you sous vide division you've got engine 303 rescue 635 correct correct all right once 19 gets here I'm gonna send hazmat to you I was about 619 as Matt 619 reports a side Delta me with engine 624 the sous vide division new the officer 615 channel 6 hotel tak 21 box 62431 22445 2 by the lane do the officer 615 channel 6 hotel tak 21 box 62431 22445 2 by the lane cross-street and 44900 or N road engine 624 for command okay you have for the command channel 6 Charlie command 10 for the medical group 6 ago tak 12 medical group 6 echo tak 12 commands gonna be 6 Charlie never if you think we find it I want to do the maintenance of run the clinical room they got me in on your systems shut down and the working to reverse the HVAC in the building so we can exhaust them with it now I'm direct loud from command I like man yeah command channel and I'm also gonna need an additional channel for the medical group I'd like all EMS operations to move to the medical group I'm gonna handle the hazmat right now I am 401 medical group EMS everyone's responding well I'm struck 2049 Italian four or three Sonics Italian 4 0 3 20 49 well I'm assisted to 6 15 just fine assistant chief 615 responding 20 49 command from 6 35 Bravo I have approximately 13 yellow tak patient at this time direct begin what treatment you can EMS 401 for command from tower ladder 606 tower 606 unless you need us upfront we'll be with a medic 635 be on Dresden assisting with patients perfect EMS 401 for command okay working with staff from inside an onion leak on the relief valve which will be on the exterior of the building where the two large tanks are on our side of the structure got recipe 635 engine 303 starting to primary to confirm everybody's out of the structure currently not getting any readings but we can't smell the ammonia from the doorway about 6 0 1 from command ambulance 623 medic 625 Charlie medic 606 Bravo tower 611 engine 611 Bravo medic 404 ambulance 436 battalion 403 channel 6 hotel cat 21 box 624 3 1 2 2 4 5 2 mighty lane ambulance 623 medic 625 Charlie medic 606 Bravo power 611 engine 611 Bravo medic 404 ambulance 436 battalion 403 channel 6 hotel cat 21 box 624 3 1 2 2 4 4 5 2 mighty lane cross-street and 44900 more in-road come on from engine 624 engine 624 35 Bravo's command go ahead I got multiple people on project at the intersection of Dresden um for being flagged out apparently there's one unconscious over here certainly reading over here go ahead come to that one okay I'm 601 from the MS service the MS-03 of this command all right all right and I got multiple people down I suggest an EMS task force at this point I can count at least 10 it appears on cost is possible people waiting well from command go ahead command command from engine 624 you can stand by a thousand from command go ahead start me and MCI alarm 11 direct starting an MCI alarm 20 44 I see you to call it there you'll be into 624 page each thank you for all we are overall to the time probably just made entry into the structure at 2 2 4 4 5 I'm getting noticed from the occupancy on the inside you're telling me that everybody is out of the structure at this point I do have my own water I got a line didn't do or roll on this side got the rescue crew with me the investigation on the inside I'm direct go ahead give me a primary ensure that everybody is a fact out of the middle answer man for many 635 round 35 right now I got at least 10 plus stations with us right now they're going to be happy to correct the request at the MCI alarm we're going to have things coming through yet I'm going to need to hold tight and initiate triage with the MS-03 advanced operation 600 just confirm you might 2 MS task force that's two or do you need the manpower from an MCI on our firefighter quest right now we're estimating 10 people down we're gonna you've got a crowd of at least a hundred I'd like to go ahead and start the the alarm and we'll scale it back as needed I understand we're gonna have more patients momentarily all right I'm direct coming up from the America tier 1 the MS-601 I'm with the MS-303 we had at least seven patients at the intersection of Moran Road and Suvie Lane there's at least five other patients down from Suvie Lane on Moran Road I'm direct what units do you have with you right now everyone's three or three friends from my village area three got an ammonia motor outside the building I'm gonna be establishing Suvie command from time six year one we've got nothing evidence I alpha and bravo of units coming around to Charlie right now EMS supervisor 303 channel six bravo box 62431 as net incident 22445 buddy rain EMS supervisor 303 channel 6 bravo box 62431 as net incident 22445 2-body rain cross-street and 44900 more in road I'm from Italian 601 we're trying to 0 1 go ahead we have a large crowd out here on Broderick I'm gonna need I'm gonna need LCSO for crowd control we've got several people down outside the building right now I'm gonna try to access a little bit closer to get a better idea what's going on I'll be back to you about Mr. Act requesting Sheriff's Office they are on their way 24 you want the caption 601 from the M.S. sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm looking for permission to add on with the engine and able go ahead Chaplin 609 channel 6 Bravo box 61304 cardiac arrest 319 gamesport Southwest Chaplin 609 channel 6 Bravo box 61304 cardiac arrest 319 gamesport Southwest cross-street and 1300 we replace Southwest right here and caller is on scene ammonia odor coming from the pipes we have for patients better down inside the facility unable to get them out 2038 events engine 624 retired chief 601 respond for a hazmat at 2 245 to be blamed advanced engine 624 power 606 rescue 635 has met 619 has met 619 met 635 grotto advanced 635 grotto PC 601 safety officer 601 EMS sub 601 operation 600 aromatic engine 303 battalion 401 channel 6 failed attack 11 box 62431 has met incidents 22445 two-vidy lane advanced engine 624 power 606 rescue 635 has met 619 has met 619 met 635 grotto advanced 635 grotto PC 601 safety Delta's air 601 EMS sub 601 operation 600 aromatic engine 303 battalion 401 channel 6 failed attack 11 box 62431 has met incident 22445 two-vidy lane cross-street and 44900 more in road that is 623 advanced 635 ambulance 303 channel 6 sales attack 11 box 62431 has met incident 22445 two-vidy lane met 623 advanced 635 ambulance 303 channel 6 delta attack 11 box 62431 has met incident 22445 two-vidy lane cross-street and 44900 or in road fire marshal 612 channel 6 bravo box FM01 fire marshal response 22445 two-vidy lane fire marshal 612 channel 6 bravo box FM01 fire marshal response 22445 two-vidy lane cross-street and 44900. More in-road.