Jesse Kelly Show

Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

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03 Aug 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun... For the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear, so go to right now and play over a hundred social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today. At No purchase necessary. The VQW Group, void rep prohibited by law, 18 plus, terms of condition supply. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Friday. Of course it's an Ask Dr. Jesse Friday and we'll get back to those Ask Dr. Jesse questions here in just a moment. I just wanted to touch on a couple things about Dome and then Florida and then we're going to do all these Ask Dr. Jesse questions this hour. Most of them. Stories are leaking out and these are stories. If you pay attention to politics, you've already heard this before, but for the norms and normas, they're just now starting to find out stories like, well, this one, this is a headline from the New York Post, bully Kamala Harris, berated staff, left them in tears after berating them with f-bombs and in turn was told never to make eye contact. Okay, first, I need to put the mother of all disclaimers on this. As much as I enjoy blasting these scumbag Democrat politicians and we're about to blast dome and I'll explain some of the reasoning for this as much as I love that we do always have to keep something in mind. These are Democrat staffers. These are vile little dirty commies who are the most sensitive weenies in the history of mankind. This new generation is already different and it's not every kid, you know, I don't like to talk about all all these kids today, you know, I don't talk like that at all, but you talk to anyone in the professional world and they will tell you it's a more tender generation, if you will, it's a more tender generation. So that's automatically built in. They're just not emotionally confidence wise. They're just not quite what we're used to. That's one, two. These are all dirty communists. When you add that part of it in, these are kids who have been taught to take offense to everything. Everything is offensive. Everything is mean. Everything is this. It would never even occur to me to tell my father if one of my bosses dropped an F bomb on me. And if I did tell him he'd laugh, he'd think it was hilarious. He'd think he'd say, probably tell me, yeah, you probably deserved it. That's funny. That's not what the children of Democrats are like. So that's the mother of all disclaimers. I have to throw on this thing. Now that said, I have heard this before. In fact, it's been reported before. I've heard repeatedly that dome treats her staffers terribly, absolutely terribly. And remember this, you can tell everything about powerful people by how they treat those. They don't have to treat well. You want to hear a little story about football? How about this one? This was years ago, but I'm still, I'm going to skip over some names and teams and things like that. But back when I was an NFL freak, you know, these NFL teams when they're looking at this college player and that college player, look at this quarterback, look at this linebacker, look at this, they will put these guys, you know, when you're thinking about signing a college kid to a $50 million contract, you want to know exactly what you're getting. Is this a long-term person? And so what do you do? You sit down for interviews. You sit down for interviews, you're interviewing the kid. Hey, so tell me, what are your values? What are your weaknesses? You know, standard job interview stuff. And what else are you going to do if you're an NFL team? Let's say Chris is a college linebacker and I'm an NFL coach. I'm the coach of the giant and I'm thinking about, I'm thinking about drafting Chris. Well, of course, I'm going to go and I'm going to interview Chris, but Chris is no dummy. Well, the Chris, the fictional Chris we're talking about is no dummy. Chris is no dummy. He's going to have been coached already by his, by his agent, how to answer all the questions I'm about to ask him. So he's going to know automatically how to answer every one of those questions as if he's just the best hardworking guy and I'm in it for the team, coach. But who else do I interview? Well, I'll have to, I'll have to interview his high school coach. Well, what's his high school coach going to say? Chris was the prize jewel, the recruit, his high school coach wants him to go number one in the draft. His high school coach is going to say, wow, that Chris, as long as it was coach, he could eat anything and he would, he would, he was such a great teammate and what a hard work. He's going to lie. What am I going to do? Interview his mother? What's she going to say about him? So you know who NFL teams plural have interviewed in the past? The equipment manager, you know, every team, every college team, they have equipment guys. You don't know their names. You've never seen their faces. You don't know anything about them. What's their job? Have you ever seen the movies or seen a documentary, watched ESPN and you see these college football players show up in their locker room and their cleats are there and the jerseys there and the helmets there and the players sitting there and he's taping up his hands and things like that. It's the equipment managers who handle all that get everything organized, get everything set up. Players sits down. Hey, I lost my nose tape. Could you go grab me some nose tape? NFL teams will privately pull those guys aside and say, hey, it's Chris guy. How did he treat you? Do you like him? Why? Because it really says everything about Chris, how he treated the equipment manager who he could have treated like crap. If he wanted to, he's the big college football star. If he wanted to spit on the ground and make the equipment manager clean it up with his shirt, he could. Chris is the star. The equipment manager isn't worth really anything significant to where he wouldn't just be fired. So that NFL teams would pull that guy aside and say, Hey, this Chris guy, see polite? You treat you like crap? Very, very revealing for who Chris really is. You see, Dome is one of people. These people are all over show business. They're all over my business. They're all over politics. Joe Biden is very famously one of these guys, one of these people who, oh, if they need you, if you're an ally, you know, you're a fellow Senator, oh, they'll be the best person in the world. The second they get around staffers, they don't have to treat well. They treat those people like crap, like crap. I'll tell you a personal story and I'm definitely going to leave out all the names here. You know, I do TV for the first every night, nine PM Eastern, I do a TV show on top of the radio show. Well, TV company was looking to hire some new people who could host shows and, and I brought up the name of a woman, a pundit, a conservative pundit, right wing pundit, anti-communist pundit, whoever. I'm not sure if you know who she is, but you probably would know who she is. Somebody I have talked to personally before, I met her at a convention. Someone I've swapped, you know, hey, hey, what do you think about this? What do you think about that? We've swapped emails, text messages, phone calls, this advice. This is someone I've talked to 10 times in my life, someone I don't know if I'd call a friend, but someone I would probably call a friend certainly in acquaintance. And I suggested this person to the first and they said, Oh, yeah, yeah, we'll dig into it. We'll dig into this person. And a couple of months go by, I'm not, I'm, look, I'm not this lady's agent, so I wasn't stressed about it, but I ended up bringing it up to the guys at the first. I said, Hey, did you ever reach out to so and so? And they said, Oh, yeah, man. She was a nightmare. Jesse. I said, with nightmare, what are you talking about? Oh, she was so rude to all of us rude to the staff, just, just was really, really terrible to everyone. We decided we're not going to, we're not going to sign her to any kind of a long term deal. And I said, rude, I was totally taken aback. That's how naive I was. I was a rude, she's always been so wonderful to me. And they said, yeah, Jesse, everyone's nice to you. That's not what matters. How do they treat everyone else? Home treats everyone. She doesn't have to treat well like crap. 92% staff turnover in three years as a vice president tells you everything you need to know about the type of person Kamala Harris is. And that is unflattering to put it mildly. She has imposter syndrome. She's an idiot. She knows she doesn't belong there. She knows she doesn't know any issues. That's why she answers all these questions with this ridiculous word salad answers. This is just extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy. And because she's a snotty and tight-oed California Valley girl, she blames it on all the people around her and treats them like crap. Very, very revealing for who she is. All right. Someone wonders, would it be better for us if she won? What? We'll talk about that. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and as Dr. Jesse Friday, remember, you can email us love, hate, death threats, ask Dr. Jesse questions. We'll be back, of course, on Monday for middle of honor Monday and we will see just how spicy it is over there in Israel when we get back from all this Iran is issuing a new threat every 15 minutes. It seems like at this point in time, as my dad would put it, they need to crap or get off the pot. Are you going to attack? Are you not going to attack every hour? There's a new press release saying we're about to attack any minute now, guys, but, you know, they might and we'll see how it goes over there. Brussels sprouts, slayer Jesse, wouldn't Harris be a better choice for the US in the long term? It would be incredibly painful in the short term, i.e. World War three, a faster collapse of the dollar, so on and so forth, but is there any way, any quicker way to open the eyes of Norm and Norma? This way of thinking, it's called, there's actually a term for it. They're called collapseitarians, meaning they believe we're going to collapse anyway. And maybe you share this. They believe we're going to collapse anyway, so let's just get the friggin party started. Let's get it over with that way. We can hurry up and get through to the next thing to the whatever's on the other side of that collapse. That's a very common way of thinking, and if I'm being completely honest with you, just you and me talking here right now, I have, at least privately, probably publicly, I've echoed similar sentiments in the past. The GOP will pass yet another trillion dollar bill. And I'll say to myself, you know, what are we even bothering for? What do I care about a red wave? What is, what does any of this matter? Let's just get the party started and get it collapsed. I'm not here to tell you you're wrong. I'm certainly not here to tell you you're stupid or anything like that. Here's why I can't, I can't go along with something like that long term. I'm watching the country I love sink into the ocean. I'm watching this big, beautiful ship that is America sink down into the ocean. We're taking on water and taking on water and taking on water and you're trying to bail and I'm trying to bail when trying to patch the holes and we're trying to get things together. What I cannot allow myself to do, and again, I'm not judging you if you think this way, what I can't allow myself to do is start taking water from the ocean and pouring it into the boat with all these good people trying to save it as long as there are so many millions of good people out there doing whatever they can do to try to save this dad gone thing, to try to keep us out of that water, then I feel obligated to help as much as I can. I am actually not insulting, collapsing, tearing people at all. There's, look, there's an argument to be made for that. Well screw, we're going down anyway, might as well get it, get it going. I'm not on board. I understand you to each his own. Jesse, doesn't the left realize that as Biden's right hand person for four years, Dom is guilty by association? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, let me correct you there. Dom is only guilty of what the public figures out. She's guilty of and what they choose to find her guilty of. You're seeing this PR press blitz right now for a reason. Camellia, Camellia, just energy, energy, energy, a big percentage of those donors are first time donors in this cycle, hadn't given to Biden, hadn't given to anybody. People are excited about Kamala Harris and it shows up in the numbers, it's showing up in the polls. What had turned around the past two weeks in terms of the energy, momentum and enthusiasm for Kamala Harris? I think sometimes the person makes the moment and sometimes the moment makes the person. This was a moment that was crying out for some kind of breakthrough, some kind of hope. Most Americans didn't want either Trump or Biden and suddenly, you know, and there was this kind of death watch for democracy after the debate, you know, Democrats are looking at this thing like, holy crap, we're going to have, you know, democracy after this election and you got one heartbeat of hope. Kamala Harris raised her hand saying, I'll handle this and it is just unleashed a flood of energy and I think it's going to continue for a while. Advertising works. You're craving pizza because you just watched the pizza, commercial on television and it created things inside of your mind that now have you picking up the phone and ordering a pizza. Advertising works, public relations works and campaign propaganda works. Is it insane that anyone in the United States of America would consider voting for that evil, communist tag, yes, it's insane, but people have been programmed into insanity into doing insane things since the dawn of time. You can try. You can say all day long that dome is guilty of pushing all the policies Joe Biden is guilty up and you'd be correct. And you should say those things. I should note you should spend every waking moment tying this woman to all the evil things that make people mad because let's be honest. She supports all those things and worse, however, that doesn't mean everyone is going to come along with us and see the light with us at the same pace we see the light realized that we are surrounded by a lot of people who are broken and demoralized and stupid and any other thing you might want any other way you might want to put that and we're going to have to fight through that and overpower these people at the upcoming election. All right. Now, speaking of all this stuff going on in Israel, obviously the need for bunkers, bullet proof vests, bullet proof ambulances, medical care, these things, these needs are about to go up, not down anyone with eyes can see that it's going to be some very, very, very rocky, rocky times coming in Israel. The international fellowship of Christians and Jews, they have a donor right now who's matching donations. They're looking for a hundred fifty dollar donations, 500 listeners donating a hundred fifty bucks and they have a donor who's going to match it. What's all this stuff? Go to buy medical care, food, shelter, things that keep people alive. In the Holy Land, that's what you're going to support. Go to support, That's where you give or give them a call eight, eight, eight, four, eight, eight, IFCJ. That's eight, eight, eight, four, eight, eight, four, three, two, five. The rockets are coming and people are dying and here we are safe in America. Go give so someone else can live for another day, all right? All right, someone wants to talk mass deportation. Hang on. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday, of course, an ass doctor, Jesse Friday, riff it on politics and many, many other things here on the show, I'm not going to brag, but I had a white sauce and sausage pizza a little bit earlier and you should know that I used to get made fun of around this studio for order in the old white sauce and sausage pizza. Now, I mean, I had this whole pizza and I only had a couple of pieces, but I go look at that pizza and there are a lot of pieces missing, Chris, could you explain what happened? Did a raccoon break in? Did it right? Oh, you prefer tomato? That's funny. Because those requests stopped coming, Chris, and now seems to seems to be a lot of pizza missing that I didn't need is all I'm saying. And look, if you guys want to give the menu whisper a compliment, that's fine. Look, it's fine. I just nailed another one too. I was where were we were? We were we were in Florida. Actually, I was in Florida and we were sitting down at this restaurant. And it was like a bar and grill type restaurant and we're all out there sitting down, we're getting ready to have lunch. And I looked at the menu and I just knew I could tell automatically no, no, it wasn't Florida. I spoke out of turn. It was during the Marine Corps reunion. It was so it was three of us were sitting down at this bar and grill and we just come off the lake. There are all these things on the menu and I looked up at the waiter after one of my friends had ordered and another my friends had ordered. I looked up the waiter and I said, the patty mount and he looked at me and he smiled and he said, best thing on the menu, my man. I said, I know it is because that's what menu whispers order. I gave I even gave both of my friends a chance to change their order. They refused. Guess who ended up handing out little pieces of his patty mount to his friends whose meal wasn't quite as good as my meal and I think I did this without rubbing it in. You've got another thing coming. Oh, I rubbed. I rubbed and I rubbed and I love hello Jesse. I listened to your program, but to get down to business, I have a bridge to buy from you on your show a few days ago, you said they wouldn't deport any illegals. Not what I said. Anyway, I disagree. The U S slash Trump has no choice. It's been done before by Eisenhower and also in the early 1900s. There are most likely terrorist groups looking to create a problem. They have to go home and do it legally. I think you do a disservice to the issue though, giving some of the rhinos and the left Democrats and out by claiming Congress will do nothing. Well, again, people hear what they want to hear. Uh, I never said they wouldn't deport any illegals. I said there would never be a mass deportation. And there won't be a mass deportation because we have sanctuary states. We have sanctuary cities within these states. If Congress itself is going to pass a big deportation anti immigration law, do you really need me to tell you how disastrous that bill would be? Do you need me to explain to you how quickly they would build in mass amnesty as part of a compromise to do the right thing on a bill. Like, do you really need me to explain that to you? And so that leads me to your, I think you do a disservice to the issue. I do a disservice to the issue. You know who does a disservice? Every one of these bootlicking, butt kissing losers on the right who wake up every day. Huh? Oh my gosh. Look how perfect this Republican senator is. Oh, I've got the vapors. Oh, oh my gosh. It's governor dork. I'm so excited to talk to governor dork. Oh, it's president thi. It's president that it's these pom pom waving dorks on the right who make excuse after excuse after excuse for why they can never get anything done. They're the ones doing a disservice to you and me and the United States of America. If you're sitting here ever waiting for me to wave pom poms on behalf of the low T GOP who hasn't had the balls to do anything of any significance in my 43 years on this planet then you better not be holding your breath or you're about to die because I don't give service where service isn't due. I owe you gift cover to the rhinos. How about you fight for me? Why is it always me? Why is it always us that has to run cover for loser after loser after loser after loser on the right? Why is it we can be betrayed again and again and again and again by these dorks in the GOP and we're supposed to just eat that poop sandwich and thank them for it and tell them how great it tastes. Otherwise someone else may think bad of us maybe at some point in time you could dig in and start fighting for me because that's how it's supposed to be you lose your politicians bunch of gutless weasels I'm freaking tired of these dorks and no I don't give any credit at all. None to none of them not even your favorite one show me I don't love all the campaign promises we're going to do this we're going to do that with all the sounds good sounds good show me I've never been shown I've heard I've heard every campaign promise believe me I have they're so inspiring look at my new commercial and then you get there and it's well we got to compromise hey Jesse politics the art of the possible hey we got to just give a little bit hey don't be such a hardcore guy and in the meantime cultures rotting from underneath us everything goes left and left and left and only left sometimes it goes really fast to the left sometimes it goes really slow to the left but it only goes to the left and I'm constantly lectured why I'm the problem now I ain't the problem Biden now a lame duck president can he do whatever he wants make a bad agree okay Biden's not the president did you see what happened yesterday did you see what happened um Biden he was doing this little presser with dome out in front of a plane she just got off the plane the plane was arriving right Joe Biden just goes and starts walking up the stairs of the plane he didn't know where he was he wasn't going anywhere they all just stood at the bottom of the stairs and disbelieve watching Joe go up the stairs there you could tell they're looking around thinking should we should we stop him I don't I don't know what to do here Joe Biden is not the president Joe Biden has not been a functional adult for a year now probably at least Joe Biden's not the president he's not making any agreements he's getting his second he's getting his severance package right now you'll see that severance package come down go ahead and write this one down Chris that severance package will include a very very large elaborate Biden library the severance package will include a sweetheart deal for his son hunter and all the felonies he committed Joe Biden is getting his severance package because he agreed to leave without them having to do the 25th amendment on him that's why they all went from blasting him day in and day out to talking about how heroic he is for stepping down what a patriot just like George Washington remember when they said that hey Jesse I may say I have been conservative all my life I've always voted Republican I have to say you would be enough to turn anyone against conservatives you are so full of yourself and you act and talk like a child though wonder you could never get elected to anything you're speaking to a journalist it's journalist Jesse there's just no one better we love Jesse he's the best Jesse please kiss my baby Jesse Jesse Jesse Jesse Jesse full of myself did you hear all the fans in that cheering me on you watch your mouth when you speak to the oracle the oracles extremely humble Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show on an asked doctor Jesse Friday and we're going to dig into some things here well we're just going to dig into some emails maybe we can get to some headlines I I should I should play this little bit because Clay and Buck chose to chose to attack me viciously on their show unnecessarily welcome back in clay trabbas fuck sex and show a lot of serious topics in today's show as you would well imagine given the the testimony surrounding the secret service failures to protect Trump I do want to mention here we're going to be joined by Joe concha of Fox sport Fox News here at the bottom of the hour but I have to out our good friend Jesse Kelly who we had dinner with last night is not working today is actually hanging out he is by the pool he's working on it okay first of all let me clarify this was Tuesday was I buy the pool when they were doing this yes yes I was I was also working it was a working what Chris it was it was a working pool thing again clay is all kinds of fake news the stuff he omits is more important than the stuff he includes I was working by the pool in fact it was hard work to really are it was hot outside tan right now we at the pool went to dinner last night is lovely no there was an alcohol involved by the way Chris not very much of a little couple not whatever Chris wife Aubrey was there you know what she's a big fan of Buck brussel sprouts mmm double brussel sprouts ordered for the table devoured you had some okay now I was a witness to this to the brussel now you see I want to make sure buck sexton get buck sexton gets credit here as he deserves credit for this buck sexton could sense the fake news and he chose to step in and get a little bit of honesty he did the best he could to bring some honesty in the clays world of lies so I want you to pay attention to what happened here you brussel sprouts defenders sprouts fiasco the first time around and on this time one of the brussel sprouts dishes was good but it was deep fried and had bacon the other one clay to be fair jesse and clay separately took photos of the brussel sprout dishes from dinner to prove their side of the argument because one of the brussel sprout dishes was like what you would feed yeah but the other one looked like what you'd feed to a rabbit and not a rabbit you liked very much oh man we're gonna get into that you don't like brussel sprouts in fact they proved my point for me once again clay ordered two different kinds of brussel sprouts they went untouched the ones that were just brussel sprouts the only one that was eaten was the one that was deep fried with bacon everything is good deep fried with bacon you could take Jerry Nadler's gym sock and deep fry it with bacon and it would be tasty enough that's not an endorsement of brussel sprouts okay now if any of this is confusing for you here's why your tea levels are too low you haven't taken your male vitality stack from chalk yet chalk is natural herbal supplements in fact I was just hanging out with Seton down there in Florida fellas let me tell you something here you understand that they will help you if you're if you don't want a male vitality stack or maybe you're looking for help with something different in your life you know that there's a sales team of dimes standing by ready to talk to you on the phone gentlemen if you call or text five zero chalk that's C H O Q five zero chalk three thousand you can talk to a dime who knows what she's talking about and she'll help you actual pleasant American dimes are standing by so fellas ladies male vitality stacks female vitality stacks chalk lit powder whatever you're looking for call text talk to one of the dimes and get yourself laid out they're there to help they're there to help let them help you they're wonderful to work with I had questions when I first got there what about this what's this do I'm not sure about this I get all my answers right away and I have emails from you saying they treat you the exact same way five zero chalk three thousand all right and now go you know the thing emails we didn't get to you oracle wire Newsome headlines now blowing up my newsfeed this goes back to what we were talking about earlier about the PR campaigns remember PR campaigns are running the private corporate world they're running the campaign world whenever you're getting a consistent theme for a day or two somebody you weren't even thinking about as all of a sudden popping up all over the place there's a reason Newsome is running a PR campaign right now for two reasons Newsome is politically in trouble in California because the crime has gotten so bad there that it actually is hurting his reputation so he's trying to do a fake tough on crime thing is best he can do that's one two I'm sure you probably heard the stories about how they're they're ordering to clean out of homeless camps and things like that in California why well where's dome from California do you think that they have a vested interest right now in pointing to the state where she was a United States center senator and an AG you think they have an interest in cleaning up that state so it doesn't look like this super expensive homeless encampment everyone is trying to flee California keeps getting all this bad press Chevron just left California everyone knows about now they have actual I'm not making this up poop apps on your phone in San Francisco where you can track the public that the excrement that is left on the sidewalks that is the state of this repair of our biggest most beautiful most wealthy state that's what the dirty commies have done to the state of California so they're going to try to do a little spruce it up polish it up clean up effort to help Gavin Newsom and to help dome going into the election dear doctor nutter butter I've noticed that everyone seems to have a past have a pest they have severe anxiety of whether it be snakes spiders mice etc do you have a fear of a particular pest and if so what is it I don't have any crippling anxieties when it comes to little critters snakes have never bothered me if I had to answer that question I would answer spiders I do not care for spiders but it's no longer anything you know you wouldn't you wouldn't know it if I saw one I would just brush it aside or or stomp on it if it's in my house or something something like that and that's really thanks to the marine core I was a lot more afraid of spiders before I went in but you spend enough time in like the tide jungle with spiders that are the size of my hand and you come to the realization that wow this this this fear is going to kill me if I let it and you want you want you want something that will give you nightmares you ready for this you want of these weird freak nightmare people you ready go look up a camel spider a camel spider make sure you get a nice up close view of its jaws to have you ever seen predator you ever seen the movie predator that great Arnold Schwarzenegger movie and I know they made a couple others but the Arnold Schwarzenegger movie you seem predator with kind of like the four pronged jaw thing that really gross predator has picture that on a gigantic spider in the desert they had we had big fatty ones in Iraq and we used to get a couple of them we'd capture a couple of them and we put them in a little pit the ground and make them fight and it was sweet you'd be surprised what you do when you're bored anyway I will be back to do this again with you on a Monday it's going to be a medal of honor Monday you put your phone down go enjoy your weekend and your family will be back to do it again it is Ryan Seacrest here there was a recent social media trend which consisted of flying on a plane with no music no movies no entertainment but a better trend would be going to it's like having a mini social casino in your pocket Chumbakasino has over a hundred online casino style games all absolutely free it's the most fun you can have online and on a plane so grab your free welcome bonus now at sponsored by Chumbakasino no purchase necessary VGW group void where prohibited by law 18 plus terms and 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