Big Daily Blend

Donna George - Super Sandwiches and Sides

In celebration of National Sandwich Month, Donna George, owner of The Peanut Patch, talks sandwiches and side dishes.

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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From good old-fashioned peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to avocado toast with crispy bacon and a splash of salsa, celebrate National Sandwich Month and Panini Month with this episode of "The Peanut Patch," a Big Blend Radio foodie podcast featuring Donna George. 

Check out Donna's recipe for Pita Pockets with Chinese Chicken-Peanut Sauce: 

Open from October-April and located in Yuma, Arizona, The Peanut Patch is a southwest tradition for farm fresh peanuts, culinary gifts, and sweet treats. Shop online year-round and learn more at  

The Peanut Patch podcast airs every 1st Friday at 12pm Arizona Time. Listen to episodes and follow the show here: 

Welcome to the peanut patch big blend videos foodie podcast featuring Donna George owner of the peanut patch in Yuma, Arizona Welcome everybody, you know every first Friday We like to chat with Donna George who owns the peanut patch in Yuma, Arizona And you can check them out at the peanut patch calm and they've got a brand new website coming up So stay tuned for that but she is based out of Yuma, Arizona, which is the sunniest place on Earth And so in the summertime she is not open, but they open October 1st So watch for that, but their website is running during the summer So a lot of the things we like to talk about here, which is all things foodie Couldn't be purchased online, but welcome back Donna. How how's it going in the sunniest place on earth in August? Well, it's going well. It's going well. It's warm, but it's going well It's definitely time to get in a you know a tube and float down or a kayak and float down the Colorado river Don't you think that's the definitely some fun to have in Yuma is the Yeah, get in the river and I mean you've got beautiful parks and I love we do, you know I know it's hot in summer in Yuma But early in the morning getting out there for a walk along the riverfront or you know, it just is Gorgeous, and it's beautiful all the birds. I love I love Yuma in the summer I know people think I'm nuts, but that's what pools are for too Yeah, we got we got swimming pools We are public pools. A lot of people have their own pools and all our parks have pools So, you know, there's a lot of swimming pools that you can take advantage of And I know that you also carry dates You know, you're you're known for peanuts and also carrying the legacy of when Yuma used to grow peanuts But also dates module dates royal module dates grow naturally in Yuma and I think August September is getting close to harvest time I believe this is kind of when the fruit are all like, hey, look at me. I'm juicy. So it's getting For the day yes, and the crop is looking really good for this season Really awesome. Awesome. Do you do different? I've been watching the day tree. I know I've been watching the day tree from there Oh, man, they're looking so good. Oh, that is awesome. Do you listen to farm reports on the radio? I do when we drive through certain areas and they start telling you soy is doing this and cotton is at this Do you ever listen to I don't know if you've got to have that in you my right the farm report? I love that the farm report exactly. I love it. I love it But yeah, but with Joel dates do you carry different grades? I mean they come in different sizes or grades, right? Yeah, they're actually graded by the size and the moisture content So, you know, you don't want to do real juicy one if you're just gonna cook with it because you're gonna be adding liquid to that and But if you're going to be eating them, you want that you know that perfect juicy date Hmm and you know when it's so hot like I know we talked about that this last month about cool treats and it's like Put your dates in the freezer and then bring them out and they are just such a it's like a natural You don't have to cook anything. This is what we're talking about today Not cooking nobody wants to cook unless you want to go outside with the grill and barbecue And if you do that you have barbecue sauce, so that's a thing right you have barbecue sauce for things Yeah, you've got all kinds of sides. We're gonna talk about sandwiches and sides because today is National or this month is national sandwich month national panini month So if you want to you can make paninis, I mean, that's pretty cool And that you don't have to heat the whole kitchen up doing that but when we talk about sandwiches I've got to go. I mean you're the peanut patch the old classic of you know peanut butter and jelly sandwich A really good or peanut butter and jelly sandwich and with freshly made peanut butter Which is what you have and can be that or is that a non-shippable thing peanut butter? No peanut butter is it can be shipped? Oh Cool cool cool cool on the website so I can supply it You're around here. Oh and it's not got all the additives, right? That's the beauty of it That's right. It's just pure peanuts No sugar no preservatives just the real thing Wow, do you take salted peanuts and make it that way so you have a little salt in there or no? Yes, we can do That or we can do the no salt, you know, there's so many people these days watching their salt intake that You know having the no salt. It's really an advantage for a lot of people Well, no, I agree. I agree. So now what do you do you sell preserves? I know right do you have jams and things? What would you put in your peanut butter sandwich and do you have a bread preference? That's actually important a good whole wheat is really good with peanut butter But some people like that really good old like Wonder Bread style When you're a kid and do you cut the crust off or not when it's a PB and J? I don't know. But what is your favorite way to enjoy a peanut butter sandwich? Oh, I I like it with a good strawberry or blueberry preserve. Oh, oh good Oh my gosh, that is good. That is good. All right, I'm going for the strawberry But I like peanut butter and honey sandwiches. Oh, great. You know what I grew up like natural honey too Oh, oh, so oh that is cool because there's I know it's a little healthier too. Isn't it to have honey? I don't know not less sugar. It's natural sugar So I like to do that. But then I'm also completely weird Donna. I love peanut butter and pickle sandwiches I like to toast the bread the peanut butter melts in there and so that you don't want the pickles cold cold, right? So it's it's I don't know I have a thing but I'll eat it cold too. I'll eat it all cold But peanut butter and good for you. Yeah Not my favorite No, but you have a pickle, right? You have a pickle. Yeah, we do have some really good pickles. We have a hot pickle. We have a bread and butter pickle That bread and butter pickles go well go well with this. Yeah, I'm just saying I know I'm weird, but I'm not correct. You know what? We carry mama bellows um hot jellies too and those are awesome with a peanut butter slalage Oh That sounds that's more my style right there. Yeah. Yep. Yep. And that's vocally made those Those are vocally made. Oh, that's cool. So I like that. You know I like that carry the local products You also have a lot of dips And yeah, I think that's the other thing when we you know, especially if you have a gathering with friends And listen, you're allowed to make sandwiches. You do cut the crust off and make it all pretty You know, um little you could do little corners little finger sandwiches, you know Um, yeah, the finger sandwich product. Yeah, definitely when you have chips and dip and the dips. I like your dips Those are cool. I mean you've got queso dip mix. You've got a spicy vegetable mix Um, you got all kind of spinach dip mix. So spinach. Yeah That's got to be a popular one Yep spinach is one of my favorites Guacamot is very easy to make They're really easy to make So They're they're a great addition to your lunch buffet It sounds it's easy anything easy at this point, right is what we want Yeah, that's all we want exactly and like you said then we don't have to turn on a Stove and cook because that would just heat up the house this way. You can keep the house cool Enjoy some great things for lunch or eating dinner. Yeah dinner and if you have friends coming over or something easy Um, I wanted to just touch on some of the snacks because you've got like toasted corn nuts You've got corn sticks hot cajun corn sticks. We'll talk about those. I know coming up in another show too But you do have some snacks that people can have as well, which are which are different I want the peanut butter pretzels. Um, that is my stylus snack right there Oh my I didn't know you had those I love those Oh my gosh. That is dangerous. I'm here. Bye. We all have you'll have to see stop and get some I know with my licorice. You don't want to get one of the few places. I like to get licorice You know, so that that oh so Sandwich wise When you look at the sides that you have like all these gourmet's you all these pickled items are relish salsas I like the salsas and the and like you're saying the jellies because then that will also go if you want to have like a ham sandwich or You know pastrami or you know put meat on there. That's what you would use some of those for right And you could definitely Like avocado toast with a little salsa on it Oh, there you go. That's perfect That is that You want those Yeah, but I'm thinking I'm looking at all these the preserves now those go more on the sweet side, but um Doesn't mean you can't put it on toast You can make Listen, you can take some of the preserves and make french toast for breakfast too If you've got leftover bread and you don't know what to do with it. Oh, yeah I'm kind of liking that idea. I'm liking that idea and then the relishes. Oh Chow chow Do you know how many people look for chow chow? Yeah, and you know what it's great on hot dogs Oh, man. I didn't know you had that either. Chow chow is good It's good for you. It's it's free. It's got good things in it You also talk about pickled items You've got stuffed olives. This is good Yeah, we talked about that from martinis spicy pickled garlic marinated mushrooms See marinated mushrooms that are kept chilled Are really good at like a party like a pool party or something and you have wine Um, you know, I like all the pickled things to go with what you have pickled baby beats. Oh I like that. Oh, yeah They are So good and we we have a trouble keeping them in the store In fact, we were on vacation. We stopped and picked some up. So we would have some for the summer Oh my gosh because you know Why right? Do you know there's a whole big scientific study that has been Proven to help people with blood pressure Beats are one of the top vegetables to ingest to lower your blood pressure eat them Drink the juice. It helps that and some people went off of their blood pressure medicine and scientifically proven Um, so but do not follow this advice without talking to your doctor Um went off their blood pressure meds and we're able to do it just through beats By ingesting and eating beats And I think if you know the less medications we You know take the more prevention we can do and the more natural side, you know things because all medications have side effects, right? Um, but you exactly but they're also needed. So don't like don't listen to me. I'm not your doctor This is my personal opinion. The more you can do without the medicine. Great. But medicine and everybody can try it You know and just watch yourself. Everybody's different. So yeah, you know exactly with With your doctor being watching it really close. Yeah. Yeah, you could inject like the mediterranean diet Is really good, you know, and and that it's just you know and things like eating nuts and peanuts and things like that I mean talk about the natural snack, you know peanuts, you know, um It is such a good thing. It gives you the protein But you have all kinds of nuts cashews and almonds and all of those and Those are walnuts for women and very good. Yeah to have Body who you have brazil nuts too. Oh, yes brazil nuts. Um are really good for women They help with menopause. They help with all kinds of stuff You said the m word I know but You know, we all go through it That's right and do these things in life from help from stuff that we eat. It's better for us So exactly exactly but in in the other side is you can have a martini with the you know with your stuffed olives Yeah If balance it out because you might need that to deal with the world Yes, exactly Yeah, no, I love it. What is aside from peanut butter? What is your favorite sandwich like if you're going to have people over and sort of finger sandwiches and some dips and snacks and That kind of thing. What would you do? Oh Oh gee, I might do the spinach dip and use it as a spread On nice a ham sandwich or a turkey sandwich or even a chicken sandwich Oh, even that is good. Yeah, rotisserie chicken, you know, you buy it Tread it put it on your sandwich. Oh that with some spinach. Uh, yeah spinach dip. Oh, I'm hungry These shows are really difficult. I'm just saying, you know, um One recipe we have which is a different kind of sandwich But I say we could classify it as a sandwich is pita pockets with a chinese chicken peanut sauce I mean, you know, we can see all those peanut, you know, pita bread in the stores I love peanut like non-bread. I use non-bread and make interesting sandwich things and pizzas out of it Um, but this sounds like a good thing you could do if you're having like a light dinner You know because you're using chopped cooked chicken so you could probably go get a rotisserie chicken So you don't have to heat your house Take the chicken and then it's really making a little bit of a salad kind of It's it's really good. It's got um obviously a little bit of iceberg lettuce No shortage of lettuce and yuma Greater carrots not at all child main noodles water chestnuts Peanut oil see they cook this in peanut oil, which is also a healthier oil for you Um, especially if you're doing high heat and then there's rice vinegar creamy peanut butter a little bit of light soy sauce Peanut bit of sugar dry roasted peanuts Chopped green onions. Yeah, you know all mixed together and to it sounds nice and crunchy too You know that sounds good. Yeah, nice flavors. It does I like this Yeah, yeah, this is and you know what I just thought of something on I wonder if it wouldn't work it and take your spinach dip and make potato salad out You know it would look interesting in color But I I'm into that and also taking the different pickles and putting them in with potatoes See I don't do yeah potato salad with mayonnaise I do it with a more of a vinaigrette and onions and celery even Yeah, and hicca if you take coleslaw to that. Oh, I think your spinach dip with coleslaw would be good Would be a good one too. Mm-hmm. And we haven't built it too and that would work Oh, that would be cool with the potatoes Yep, oh why see that's the thing is you you take what you have and and mix it up and do something different You know and you just try it once if it works really well cool If it may be you need to adjust it again next time or but play have some fun in the kitchen Um, you have a really cool recipe. That's up on our side and everyone when we talk about recipes I link them in the episode notes Um, this one is arugula and ready radicio with feta and dates That sounds good to have as a nice side with a light sandwich You know Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's good and healthy and all the vitamins and stuff. Yeah Because it's all that good stuff Oh, yes, okay. We'll work good. So we got our sandwiches on everyone, uh, please in the in wherever you're listening Let us know what you are making for a sandwich month. Do you have a favorite sandwich? I mean really I to me so long as there's avocado on there. It must happen. Now if you put avocado bacon All right a little bit of that spinach dip you're talking about Oh Yeah, guacamole cheese Oh, use the guacamole. Yeah. Mm-hmm. There you go. And a nice thick slice of hevardie cheese or provolone Mm, some people want tomatoes in there. I know but um Yeah, we've insulted you know what I put salt on everything And it hides all my cooking mistakes You know what salt is good as a dressing on on a salad too exactly exactly Especially if you have a avocado in there because avocado needs to be in everything all the time Every day it's good for you. It's good for your skin. It's good for everything. It's good. Everything is good. Yep. It is All right. Well, everyone the peanut is a website to go to and again all the links were tom bought are listed in the episode notes I'm hungry. Are you ready for lunch, Donna? Let's go eat lunch. I am. Let's go. I'm ready Thank you for joining us here on the peanut patch on big blend radio You can visit the store between october and april in yuma, arizona Or shop online at the peanut And keep up with new episodes that air every first friday at 12 p.m. Arizona time at big blend [MUSIC PLAYING]