VIEWPOINT with Chuck Crismier


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04 Mar 2024
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- This is Viewpoint with attorney and author Chuck Chris Meyer. Viewpoint is a one hour talk show confronting the issues of America's heart and hold. And now with today's edition of Viewpoint here is Chuck Chris Meyer. We hold there came up a little horn declared the prophet Daniel and that little horn arose to prominence out of a beast of ten horns that was he said dreadful and terrible having great iron teeth which devoured and crushed all other powers and was substantially different from the three identified world powers or beasts that had preceded it. They were called the lion which was Babylon, a bear, Medo-Persia, and a leopard, Greece. The prophet Daniel had been a captive in Babylon. He had a grievous vision that profoundly troubled him. It would have troubled you too and me. With the meaning of that vision was revealed the great beasts he had seen were identified as four kings which shall arise with the fourth beast being exceeding dreadful and diverse or different from all the others. Having teeth of iron nails a brass and stomping all before it to pieces doesn't sound like a pretty picture to me. But then again last week we heard Reverend Franklin Graham. He said there's no question about it. There's an antichrist spirit in the world today, an antichrist spirit in the world today. Does that mean the antichrist himself is in the world today? Does that mean perhaps that this little horn is already there ready to be revealed as we speak? We want to talk about that here today on Viewpoint and I'm glad that you've joined us. As always as conversation with ever increasing conviction talk that transforms. By the way we have had amazing response to last Friday's program dealing with the mark of the beast having arrived. If you have not heard that program you need to avail yourself of the time to hear it. You'll find it there on our website save us dot org save us dot org and you can listen to it if you connect in with the satellite agency or there with the one place dot com you'll be able to sign up for the podcast which you will be able to listen to anywhere you are at any time of the day or night. I hope you'll do that because that program so gripped people's minds and hearts that we have had calls saying you know that project you've been talking about the persecution project. I want to participate in that in fact I don't just want to participate in it. I want to tell you you have got to get that book out immediately. There's no time to waste. The time is this moment right now. I said there's no way we can hurry it up any faster than we're doing. They said well when is it going to come out August approximately August. Well can't you hurry it up can't you get it out a few months earlier. We've got to get that out and we want to help you get it out. Well I am so grateful so grateful for those who have responded in that way and who whose minds and her hearts are tuned to see that the times we are in are the very times that the prophet Daniel described in his unveiling drama there in the book of Daniel. Today we're going to be talking about that but if you have not already decided to become a participant in the persecution project which by the way is the effort to enable all who are listening to become ministers in their own right to distribute to get out this message to prepare God's people for the persecution that is coming rapidly upon the earth and upon America. It's coming more rapidly than you could possibly imagine and this project is going to enable you to become a partner. Actually you might say God's hand extended in getting that message out for such a time as this. How do you do that? Well in two hundred and fifty dollar increments we are affording you the opportunity to receive ten copies of that book. We're not selling books in this regard. This is an opportunity for you to become a disseminator of a message. No you didn't write the message but God wrote the message and it's being put together in the context of this book called when persecution comes. How to prepare the church for perilous times. Now for two hundred and fifty dollars you will make available to yourself ten copies of that book when it comes out. The purpose of that is so that you then can take those books and give them out to people that the Lord puts on your heart and your mind. Perhaps a pastor, perhaps a paratrooch leader, perhaps a friend, a relative, a child. There's no end in sight to the people that God might put on your heart to give that book to. Today we have had a number of people who have signed up for the ten books at two hundred and fifty dollars. I received two calls today saying that once and what can I divide that up smaller. I said no we're going to have to limit this particular project to two hundred and fifty dollar increments because the purpose is to raise sufficient funds to be able to move this forward as rapidly as possible. So he said okay give me three weeks and I'll get it out. Alright we have had a number of folks who said you know what I want to get twenty books out there so we received a number of those five hundred dollar contributions then again we received several one thousand dollar contributions which would enable them to get forty books to distribute. You say well I don't think I could do that. Well that's understandable. You could help somebody else get them out but in any event in fact you could be a disseminator by helping other people putting them in their hands to distribute to various persons as well. The idea is to as quickly as possible disseminate this message as soon as it becomes available. You can do that by giving us a call at one eight hundred save USA that's one eight hundred save USA or you can write to us it's Save America Ministries, P.O. Box seven oh eight seven nine Richmond Virginia two three two five five you're putting a writing a check just put on the check or in a note the persecution project or you can go on the website save us dot org save us dot org and there's a special place there talking about the persecution project that will enable you to do it right there online and that's it save us dot org. So again we're very grateful for those of you who have jumped on board so quickly and it's obvious that the Holy Spirit is moving to the minds and hearts of the people that want to be able to do something they want to be involved they want to be able to do something other than just pray which is good but we need to be able to do something to get the message out and now you can do that you can be God's hand extended to assist we're all doing it together then and nobody makes any money on it including yours truly nobody makes any money it's all dedicated to getting this message out with persecution we'll be right back to talk about the little horn once upon a time children can pray and read their Bibles in school divorces were practically unknown as was child abuse in our once great America virginity and chastity were popular virtues and homosexuality was an abomination so what happened in just one generation hi I'm Chuck Chris my and I urge you to join me daily on viewpoint where we discuss the most challenging issues touching our hearts and homes could America's moral slide relate to the fourth command listen to viewpoint on this radio station or anytime at save us dot org welcome back to viewpoint I'm Chuck Chris my as the prophet Daniel said behold there came up a little horn a little horn you can find about it in Daniel chapter 7 verses 7 and 8 and throughout the chapter we find this little horn and the environment out of which it comes described Daniel said in fact the the scripture says there that the prophet Daniel was distressed beyond measure at the revelation of this little horn in other words the little horn is not little either in history or in prophecy now just like yeshua Hamashiach Jesus Christ was said to be the express image of God in the earth you can find that in the book of Hebrews even so this little horn will be sated the deceivers express image of the earth to draw all humankind unto himself and that little horn is going to speak great things he's going to masquerade as the master in fact he has eyes like the eyes of man as if Satan himself were incarnated in him even like Jesus Christ was lifted up by the father that draw all men into himself through Chris fiction on the cross which we will soon be remembering well we're supposed to be remembering not so much the crucifixion but the resurrection but there's no resurrection without crucifixion just remember that friends there's no resurrection in Christ unless you first are crucified with Christ hmm Paul said I am crucified with Christ nevertheless I live yet not I but Christ lives in me so there's no resurrection without a crucifixion we have to die to our flesh we die in Christ so that we can be resurrected for and to Christ all that having been said is we prepare for resurrection weekend coming up this month we find that even as Christ was lifted up by the father drawing all men to himself through the crucifixion so this imposter savior the little horn will be lifted up among men by powers that are not of his own drawing the world to himself by his power that shall be mighty said the book of Daniel and that that little horn emulation of the Messiah doesn't stop there just as Jesus was not married so Satan's counterfeit will not regard the desire of women as Jesus to the Pharisee of the viewpoint seem to not regard the god of his father's so the counterfeit Messiah will not regard the god of his father's but rather he will magnify himself above all and through his initial appearance as the world peacemaker this imposter or little horn will emulate the just one that is the Prince of Peace Jesus convincing the multitudes who is going to clamor for somebody to bring unity to the global chaos that is coming that he if not the promised peacemaker will fulfill their desperate desires and should be trusted so rather than the people casting their care upon Christ they are going to cast their care upon the anti Christ so it should it seems to me be obvious that even as Jesus Christ was born and he lived and he died and was resurrected declared to be the father's soul for savior the world so the deceivers counterfeit the little horn will be perceived and received as the world's savior and hope just as God the father ordained and put all things in subject under the Messiah's feet Satan will claim global dominion through his masquerading Messiah placing virtually all things under his feet even like the son of God who made the worlds as the brightness of God's glory upholds all things by the word of his power in the same way Lucifer will invest the best of his brightness in the son of perdition who's going to dain to dominate the world by the mighty yet dark and devious words of his delegated power so this little horn is not little either in size or in implication in an application and as we've already said the prophet Daniel was distressed beyond measure at the revelation of this little horn so how could that which emerges so little fill the entire earth with unprecedented destruction and damnation because that's what's going to happen after the vision of Satan's little horn Daniel made this statement I was astonished and fainted and was sick certain days that did not understand it the vision was shut up he said apparently because it wasn't intended to be revealed or comprehended until the last end of the indignation for the time appointed the end shall be said so I am here to tell you friends that time is here the father God in his mercy and through his grace his unmerited favor and his enabling power is making manifest the gravity of that was was foretold over twenty four hundred years ago and as they say you know to be forewarned is to be forearmed so we've been forewarned that in these latter days as the prophet Isaiah said darkness shall cover the earth and grow starters the people are we there yet like the kids say on the trip in the car you've been going on a trip that's going to take you half a day maybe a day and the kids say after you've been gone ten or fifteen minutes are we there yet well people you know we're like a bunch of kids are we there yet and a lot of people get discouraged and they just think well I give up we're not there yet no it's going to happen the latter days Daniel said and Isaiah said darkness would cover the earth and the gross darkness the people in the latter days Jesus has said men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil so it has to get darker and darker and darker for the light ultimately to shine the brightest so here's something that I want to share with you and in in later broadcast we're going to talk about the importance of light you remember when Jesus was in the world he said well I'm in the world I'm the light of the world but now you see he ascended back to the father and he said now you were the light of the world now our light is like the moon's light the moon doesn't have any light of its own it's the reflected light for the Sun even so you and I had become the reflected light from the son of God who was sent back to the father and in this ever darkening world you and I are called to be a light to the world a light to the nations a light to our families a light to our cities a light to our communities a light everywhere we go everywhere we go everywhere you go you are to be a light and remember that light will shine more clearly more distinctly the darker it gets so let your light so shine before bed that men may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven we're going to do several broadcast dealing with this issue of light and our lives as a lighthouse and we'll be doing that well soon so look forward to that so here we are for warned about these latter days the darkness was going to cover the earth gross darkness the people and yet it seems that we professing Christians have a very difficult problem living in an ever darkening world it's it's we it's us we're the ones that are warned since the non-believing world is condemned already so you and I have to be reminded over and over again that all of the warnings of scripture as to deception are directed to purported believers both to Jew and Gentile not to pagans this is very important that we understand so maybe we should consider Jesus words to those who purported to be his true followers that is by implication the church today are we also subject to be potentially enveloped by and embrace the spirit of darkness that would be revealed to the deceivers emissary that is the little horn after his grand global entrance remember what Jesus said there in the Sermon on the Mount he said if therefore the light that is in you be darkness how great is that darkness so friends we we have to be reflecting God's light without any tarnish in our lives we've got to get rid of all the sin and everything that so easily besets us so we have got to be reflecting the Lord's light clearly these are these are idle words to be easily dismissed we've got to take it seriously so let's get back now to this little horn the little horn is going to come in like a lamb but he's going to roar like a lion so in the same way think about it this way so Jesus came in as the Lamb of God but the Bible also says he'll roar out of Zion as the Lion of the tribe of Judah Jesus came as the light of the world while Lucifer his very name meant light sponsors the Prince of darkness the Prince of this world Jesus calls us to embrace him as truth by faith but the little horn gains his global following by fraud and by flattery not by faith but the problem with this is that all of us human beings are susceptible to respond favorably to flattery what do you think how do you think American politics works how do these guys run for office they tell you what you want to hear and if they don't tell you what you want to hear you have all kinds of mean words for them you might even you might even have all kinds of lawsuits brought against you hmm just throwing that out so we want to look at this little horn we want to look at Daniel's unveiling drama for the balance of the program here today and no description of this little horn the imposter is more detailed or dramatic than what is revealed through the prophet Daniel in the book of Daniel now for a more expansive view of this you might want to consider getting a copy of my book Messiah unveiling the mystery of the ages Messiah unveiling the mystery of the ages it is a twenty two dollar book it's yours for I think I indicated eighteen dollars last week so we'll make it yours for eighteen dollars Messiah unveiling the mystery of the ages we want to get the book out there we want you to be blessed by it and so get your copy give us a call 1-800-SAVE USA 1-800-SAVE USA or write to us at Save America Ministries peel box 7 0 8 7 9 Richmond Virginia 2 3 2 5 5 running a check at five dollars for postage and handing by the way some of you may note that we haven't yet increased our postage and handling fee even though we're not even breaking even because of the increase of postage we're not even quite breaking even now so we may have to do that we haven't increased it yet so take advantage of that opportunity Messiah unveiling the mystery of the ages by the way if you think you know what this book is about if you think you know it all and don't need to hear what this book is about you got another thing coming friends this book is going to grip your heart as you begin to discover my goodness there are many Messiah's coming many Messiah's are trying to clamor for attention in our country and all over the world and they're all converging together they're all converging together right now this is how that little horn is going to gain dominion because there are many forces many so-called messianic movements around the world that have nothing to do with Jesus but they have everything to do with the expectation of some kind of a deliverer the great white hope or whatever you want to call it will deliver the world from chaos the book the sign and daily the mystery of the age will be right now there is so much more about chuk chris mire and save america ministries on our website save us dot o-r-g for example under the marriage section god has marriage on his mind check has some great resources to strengthen your marriage first off a fact sheet on the state of the marital union a fact sheet on the state of ministry marriage and morals save us dot o-r-g marriage divorce and remarriage what does the bible really teach about this find all of this at save us dot o-r-g also a letter to pastors the hosea project save us dot o-r-g and many more resources to strengthen your marriage it's all on Chuck's website save us dot o-r-g again you can listen to Chuck's viewpoint broadcast live and archive save america ministries website at save us dot o-r-g welcome back to viewpoint today we're talking about the little horn but before we get back to the little horn let's talk about daniel who actually is the one who revealed this message of the little horn that god gave to him you know we we know that god is no respect through a person's in a broad sense he loves every one of us and he desires that none should perish and that all should come to repentance however god does seem to select out certain individuals and here is daniel a Hebrew young man he was taken captive to pagan Babylon a godless and and sinful culture an interesting even there he was deeply righteous in his ways in fact god sent the pro the angel Gabriel to him and informed him saying I am now come forth to give you skill and understanding concerning an earlier vision for you here's what Gabriel the angel says to daniel for you are greatly beloved therefore understand the matter and consider the vision i don't know about you but it would be wonderful if i think it would be wonderful anyway if god would send an angelic voice and say that to me you're greatly beloved therefore understand the times and the vision that i'm going to give you hmm i'll bet you wouldn't be too upset by that either would you so maybe we should consider the faithful foundation upon which god the father declared daniel to be greatly beloved it might even change our own lives so interestingly god warned israel by the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel what was required for them to recover favor with god three times god declared daniel to be one of the three most righteous men in history in fact he said though no a daniel and joe were in it as i live say at the lord god they shall deliver neither son nor daughter but they shall be delivered only their own souls by their righteousness so apparently god saw daniel as a very unusual person that god had raised up for a very unusual purpose and that is to reveal to you and me twenty four hundred years ago what was to take place right before our eyes today so think about it having been given by god a detailed glimpse into the world's future up to the very time of history's final hour yet he was frustrated that his daniel was frustrated by the failure to have the exact timing and full implications of what god revealed to him that was very hard had to be very hard for daniel in fact daniel cried out right there at the end of the book he said and i i heard but understood not then i said oh my lord what should be the end of these things and god responded say you know i'm not going to reveal any more to you now he said go your way daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end but go your way till the end be for usual rest and stand in your lot at the end of days so god sealed it up the message was sealed up but now is the moment of time when it needs to be shall we say unsealed and that has to do with a little horn it has to do with revealing the significance of this little horn which is an obvious reference to the antichrist or the imposter priced so we have to we we can't just can't make a mistake about it same's goal is to take dominion over the entire earth including you my friend including me including all of us that's his desired and declared intention from his rebellion in the heavenlies and it's going to be his final move to become as i wrote in my book king of the mountain to become king of the mountain to rule and reign from the temple mount and also even more importantly to be the ruler of the mount of your own heart your body your being the temple of the holy spirit so the prophesied trajectory of satan's world dominion was first revealed to daniel by means of a great colossal statue babbling was the head of gold and descended to the meadow Persian empire followed by the grecian empire and culminated in the iron fist of the never fully disappeared roman empire and this battle this ultimate battle the satan is waging for the souls of men culminating in what the prophet daniel called everlasting dominion before the everlasting dominion of the messiah those who embraced messiah yeshua's dominion will be only those who have not submitted to the imposter's deceptive dominion such as do wickedly and forsaking the holy covenant will embrace the counterfeit christ who is corrupting the world by flatteries but here's the encouraging word the people who do know their god shall be strong into exploits question how will do you know god does he know you see what this is really talking about the people do know they're god is talking about the people who understand that god is god and we're not and that he is holy and we need to be holy because he is holy that he is righteous and we need to be righteous because he is righteous that jesus obeyed the father and therefore we should obey the father in other words we know god enough as revealed through jesus that we're walking in righteousness and in holiness without which no man shall see the lord and if indeed we match up with that definition in practice we will be strong and do exploits at the end times in other words we're not going to capitulate to the demands through force or threat of force through persecution dramatic persecution that is coming very rapidly if you listen to the program last friday dealing with the mark the mark of the beast has arrived you need to go listen to it on the website save us dot org save us dot org if you haven't heard it listen to the whole program it comes as a composite not bits and pieces and when you realize that in the midst of all of that if you and i are truly following the lord with a whole heart not just a pretender not just a church goer but our lives have been completely submitted to him you will be strong and be able to do exploits even amid massive persecution and the greatest exploit you might be able to do is to stand in the evil day even in the face of persecution even ultimate persecution Daniel had to do that did you know that that's why he was thrown in the lions den yes he was delivered but not everybody was delivered read heber's chapter 11 the last say the last 10 verses not everybody was delivered now this great horn or little horn rather which is a great horn it's a great imposter is going to be presenting himself through democracy that's how this roman empire was dreadful terrible and devouring its government was very different than all the previous governments and you hear people in america keep crying out our democracy our democracy our democracy we are not a democracy we are a democratic republic in other words our founders understood the serious dangers of your democracy and they would not embrace it they said it was perhaps the most fearful government to have if the people were not under god and under god's authority and submitting to his word and will his ways the collectifies group of people that was submitting only to their own authority would collectivize their rebellion in such a way that there would be nobody able to stand against them have you looked lately at what's happening in the united states of america have you looked lately what's happening even color under the color of democracy and law using the department of justice to drive massive injustice because a large group of people want that to be totally perverting the very nature of justice as we have understood it in this country friends we're seeing the foundations of the little horn having been laid in this country godless democracy a republic is a democratic form of government protected in so far as possible from majority and godless tyranny by a series of checks and balances that those who are acting tyrannically now in the name of democracy are seeking to get rid of they're seeking to get rid of all checks and balances in fact this very day as this broadcast just before this broadcast came on the air this very day leaders democrat leaders throughout the country were alleging that the supreme court ought to be dissolved because it didn't do its will it didn't do their will in other words they want to democratically destroy all the checks and balances that have been established because of the sinfulness of man back to the little have you ever considered what the early church was like many people are developing a heart longing for a greater fulfillment in our practices as christians a recent study showed 53 000 people a week are leaving the back door of america's churches in frustration what is going on why has there not been even a one percent gain among followers of christ in the last 25 years could it be that god is seeking to restore first century christianity for the 21st century jesus said i'll build my church is christ by his spirit stirring to prepare the church for the 21st century the early church prayed together and broke bread from house to house they were family and it was said by all who observed behold how they loved one another incredible but the same can be found right now go to save us dot o rg and click sell church we can revive first century christianity for the 21st century it's about people not programs it's about a body not a building that's save us dot o rg click sell church not much time left so we're going to move quickly here we go back to rome the final one of these four great uh nations the last of all of them and the great colossus vision by the prophet daniel you see rome was a republic that shed its republican protections in favor of a man exalted democratically to the status of emperor and that emperor then ultimately called himself in deity assuming public worship as the part effects maximus that was the complete merger of civil government and religious authority that title an identical authority then was transferred around 200 something ad to the as the roman empire declined was transferred to the bishop of the roman catholic church which under the precepture of the vatican the smallest the world's smallest city state now claims to rule over all governments of the world as ponofus maximus more commonly known as the pontiff and it all began as a democratic republic so it seems that it shouldn't take uh a rocket scientist to discern the immense danger lurking in the unfettered power of godless democracy of globally diverse peoples to impose their will on the planet by democratically elevating a counterfeit savior to global power through political flattery and glorious promises and then when the world's democratically established ten powers or horns then give their ultimate authority to a charismatic leader the little horn for global peace and security all protection will have been forfeited on the wings of a false faith so daniel the prophet describes that little horn as being diverse or very different for the ten powers that delegate their authority to him for world redemption and when that imposters power the little horn's power is secured he begins to reveal his identity through his modus operandi and he will speak great words against the most high against god he'll wear out the saints of the most high doesn't that sound like persecution and if we're out of here friends how is he going to do that all of this is going to be done under the progressively established authority of democratic diversity that is diversity without god democracy without god now perhaps you can understand we can all understand better what our earliest founder said our government was made for a moral and christian people in his holy and adequate to the government of any other unless there is a moral and spiritual foundation even a democratic republic won't stand now this little horn or imposters not going to gain dominion authority of the earth by his own power his ultimate dictatorial power is going to going to come as a result of progressive democracy that empowers ten regional powers which will divest themselves of their power and delegate it to this little horn who ultimately is satan's final representative and it's demonic this progression progressive delegation of world power first to these ten horns meaning ten authorities will be demonically informed democracy and it's going to accommodate by demonically inspired delegation to satan's personal representative so it's kind of like the ten horns regional governments then actually elect a president who they think is the most likely to be able to accomplish their agenda a little horn the antichrist the apostle paul calls him the son of perdition so daniel describes this coming imposter this little horn is working deceitfully he's going to gain power and dominion through pretense and false promises just like politicians do he's going to come in promising peace he's going to enter the world's most infamous league or covenant or treaty which he will break as soon as his intended purpose is achieved giving him unprecedented dominion over even the land of Israel the glorious land there was a given an eternal leasehold by god and then he will exalt himself above every god and shall speak marvelous things against the god of gods as the apostle paul writes in thessalonians who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called god or that is worshiped so that he has god sits in the temple of god showing himself that he is god you think that's far out friends that is exactly what the leaders the godless leaders of our world intend they want to become god they believe that they can accomplish this through technological salvation there's even a chapter in my book messiah unveiling the mystery of the ages called scientific salvation it's called this this new technology is a modern quasai religion whose daily miracles are commonplace said one will humans be satisfied to be like god or will you persist to become god the goal is to ascend the human race andrew torma the CEO of a company called asserts that the rich that the tech giants are looking at creating a post-human race destroying our humanity by appending technology to our bodies and they believe to our souls they call it transhumanism a whole chapter dealing with that in the book messiah why would that be included in a book messiah unveiling the mystery of the ages because friends that is the spirit of the age just listen to my program last friday the beast mark has arrived listen to the whole program friends save us dot org right there at the website save us dot org and when you do you're going to be wanting to tell others to listen to it as well that's what's happening all over the country we've had several calls today for people who listen they said wow i can now see it this is what's happening the little horn friends is just about to be revealed soon and we have to be ready the prophet daniel describes so many things about this little horn the imposter calls him a vile person the word vile is pretty a horrific characterization implying moral debasement pure wickedness despicable and only such a person the the veritable incarnation of satan himself could read such destruction havoc in the earth as will soon come and is already becoming manifest all you got to do is understand what bill gates came out and publicly declared last week it's on that program save us dot org last friday the mark the famous the infamous mark has arrived not just talking about it anymore it's here and 20 percent of the world's population is already under its governance now this so-called principle piece the little horn nothing's going to seem to deter him from his pursuit of absolute world dominion on behalf of his boss satan the deceiver and daniel said the prophet daniel foretold that this fourth beast out of which the little horn counterfeit message emerges will be exceeding dreadful will break devour breaking pieces and stamp the residue of the world with his feet devour the whole earth this terrifying devouring destruction will be unprecedented on this planet and as daniel said there should be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation and jesus reiterated that warning just two days before his crucifixion right there on the mount of almonds here's what he said when you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by daniel the prophet stand in the holy place that is when this little horn this imposter this counterfeit this antichrist facilitates the rebuilding of the temple and marches into that temple and declares himself god that's the abomination of desolation just like any octopus epiphanies did back a couple of hundred years before christ then jesus said shall be tribulation great tribulation this is the only place in the bible that talks about great tribulation there is no other place in the bible other than what jesus said in matthew chapter 24 that is the great tribulation such as not since the beginning of the world to this time nor nor ever shall be now if everybody was going to be out of here that was a believer why was jesus talking about the prophet of daniel and talking about this why did he have to talk to this to his disciples about it they were believers why would he do that you see we're playing games with ourselves with false theologies we've made them up to try to pretend make people feel good that they're not going to have to deal with anything no we're not going to have to deal with the wrath of god that is poured out on the children of disobedient spall rights that there's no place we're told that we won't have to deal with the wrath of man or the wrath of the little horn i hope you're listening that's why we must be strong that's why daniel says but those who know their god shall be strong and do ex-boyce even in the midst of that rabid persecution even in the time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation your people true and faithful believers in messiah yeshua both you and gentile shall be delivered everyone that is found written in the book annual rights many of them that sleep at the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the fervent and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars were ever and ever amen and amen daniels unveiling drama the little horn thanks for joining us here on view point today i hope this has been somewhat helpful may be challenging but this is what the bible says is what jesus said pieces warned us about daniel's warning and so we do that here today on you get a copy of the book messiah unveiling the mystery of the ages eighteen dollars will put the twenty two dollar book in your hands it's on our website save us dot org you can call us one eight hundred save us say and become part of the persecution project friends seriously consider go before the lord see if he would have you in your day god bless and give us you've been listening to view point with chuk chris mire view point is supported by the faithful gifts of our listeners let me urge you to become a partner with chuk is a voice to the church declaring vision for the nation join us again next time on view point as we confront the issues of america's park and home [BLANK_AUDIO]