Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

Simple Instructions GREAT RESULTS

Simple Instructions GREAT RESULTS - Morning Prayer

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04 Aug 2024
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Simple Instructions GREAT RESULTS - Morning Prayer

- Hi, my name is Pastor Kim Norris, and my friend, Sean Pender, an anointed man of God is coming to Plano, Texas for three nights of miracles to experience the extraordinary. This event will be at the Plano Event Center August 13th through the 15th, 2024. Now, this event is free and open to everyone, so please register today at his website Come expecting. God will do great things for you in these meetings, and the team will look forward to seeing you there. There is power in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Holy Spirit. There is power in the name of Jesus. To bring, come on, to bring every chain. Bring every chain. Bring every chain. To bring, to bring every chain. Bring every chain. Bring every chain. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. There is power in the name of Jesus. To bring, to bring every chain. There is an army, because there is an army rising up. To bring, to bring every chain. Bring every chain. Bring every chain. To bring, to bring every chain. Bring every chain. Bring every chain. Bring every chain. There is an army rising up. There is an army, there is an army rising. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, in past Amy, live your wonderful people up, before you this morning, Lord, we thank you for answers to prayer. We thank you for clarity, for direction. David said that word, O Lord, is a lamp unto my feet, and a light to my path. Someone under the sound of our voice, they need clarity, they need directions. They need you to lead them and guide them on. We thank you for your leadership, God. You said when the Holy Spirit comes, He will guide us. Into all truth, we thank you for hearing our prayer. In Jesus name, because there is an army rising up. You are part of that army. There is an army rising up. There is an army rising up. To bring, to bring every chain. Bring every chain. Bring every chain. Somebody shout, "Bring, bring, bring, bring, bring." Sing it, "Bring, bring." Come on, "Cheet, bring, chain, break." Come on, "Cheet, bring, chain, break." Bring, break, break, break, break. Every demonic chain has got to break, has got to break in the name of Jesus. It's got to break every Jericho wall. It has to come down in the name of Jesus. Every demonic stronghold, we pull it down in the name of Jesus. We pull it down, we pull it down, we pull it down, we pull it down. We love you, Lord. We love you, Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Bless your people, O God. Bless them, O God. Bless them, O God. The name of Jesus. Praise be to God. So, on this morning, we're going to continue our series. You are never alone as we talk about simple instructions, great results, simple instructions, produces, great results, when it's obeyed. Amen? I want to go on the book of John chapter 9 verse 1 through 11. The Bible says, "And as Jesus passed by," now what's happening here, "they wanted to kill Jesus." So, Jesus was actually on the run for his life. And even though he was on the run for his life, he always put other people before himself. The true definition of love is to unselfishly give of yourself to benefit another. And even though Jesus was on the run for his life, he was so full of compassion that he had to stop and help somebody get their miracle. That's the kind of God I serve. It says in verse 1, "And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from birth." Jesus said, "There's no way on passing this opportunity after bringing glory to God." I'm telling you that the heart of the battle is sweet of the victory. If you didn't purchase a book, you should get it. The heart of the battle is sweet of the victory. That book will be a blessing to your life. It is a bless a whole lot of people, and I believe it will bless you. Watch this. Verse 2 says, "And his disciples asked him saying, 'Master, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind.'" Jesus answered, "Neither has this man sin nor his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him." We are quick to blame everything on sin, but Jesus blew their minds because they said they wanted to know who sinned that caused this man to be born blind. Jesus said it was in his parents, none of them, but this, I'm going to use this opportunity to bring glory to God. Verse 4, "He said, 'I must work the works of him. There sent me wilds in his day, because the night is coming when no man can work. And as long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.'" I love this. "When he had thus spoken," you see God's not going to work every miracle the same. Blind by the mass, he spoke the word and another place the Bible says he laid his hands on their eyes and they received their sight. But in this situation, he did it completely different. You can't put God in a box. What did he do? He spit on the ground and made clay of the spit and made clay of the spittle and he anointed the eyes of the man with the clay, took his spit and mixed it with some mud and rubbed it in the man's eyes. Wow, you know we had been on, we had been on the sixth, we had been on the sixth of the clock news. We had been on prime time news. If a preacher and I they would have do something like that, boy, I tell you what, they would attack you from every angle. God don't always do things the way people think it should be done, but I don't care how he does it. I spit on me all you want, Jesus, I need a miracle. Come on, somebody. He spit on the ground and made clay and put in the eyes of the man. Verse 7, "And said unto him, go wash in the pool of salom," which is by interpretation sent, "and he went his way therefore and washed and came, saying he spit on the ground, made clay, put in the man's eyes, and he gave him some simple instructions. He said, go wash. In other words, get someone, let him lead you to the pool because the man couldn't see, he wouldn't know where to go. He had to get somebody to lead him down there to the pool of salom, and he went down there. All he was used to was darkness. He couldn't see. And that person took him right in the front of that pool and said, "You are here." And he knelt down and reached his hands into the water. I know he felt crazy. No one had ever asked him to do something this crazy. I know he felt foolish. You know, sometimes God asks us to do things. And from a natural standpoint, it looks like this is foolishness, but God uses his foolishness to get us what we need from him. The foolishness of God is wiser than man. Are you hearing me? And he reached down and he began to splash the water where Jesus had put the mud over his eyes and he started washing the mud from off his eyes, started washing the mud, started washing the mud. He washed it and then he began to open his eyes and then see the light for the first time. Then he began to see people walking. This man was born blind. You'd never seen the day in his life. Then he looked up. He saw the birds flying along up mercy. He saw colors, red, black, white, purple, yellow, orange, green. He saw the white clouds. He was blown away. He had never seen people. He didn't even know what he looked like. And he looked into reflection of the water. He said, "That's me. That's me." He began to see people for the first time, horses, animals. The mercy of God, simple instructions, produces great results. It's a miracle. It's called obedience. He got a miracle. He was born blind. And after he washed the cloud of his eyes, he is seeing for the first time. And he's just taking it all in. Amazing. The Bible says, verse 8, "The neighbors therefore on day, which before had seen him that he was blind, said, 'It's not this he. That's sad and bad.' My begging days are over. My begging days are over. I can see. I can go get a job. I can learn how to read now. I can learn how to write. I can do man. I can do. I can take care of myself. His entire life, his entire world would change. He would be able to provide for himself. Thank you, Jesus, what a gift from God. Watch this. Some said, this is the other said, he looks, he's like him, but he said, "I am he." He's seeing people and communicating with them face to face. But the first time in his life, he can see them. "Therefore," said Dan, Tim, "how were your eyes open? How did this happen?" I love his answer. And he answered and said unto them. And he answered and said, "A man that is called Jesus without a preach right there." Glory to God. A man that is called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes and said unto me, go to the pool of saloon and wash. And I went and washed and I received sight. He said, I did what he asked me to do. And when I did, when I did what I could, he did what I couldn't. He performed the miraculous. He opened my blind eyes. And you know, when you get a breakthrough, you know, you know, all hell is going to break loose. The devil is going to attack you. But it's all right. I'd rather be attacked along, just give me my miracle. John 9, I'm going to read the rest of this from the New Living Translation, John 9, 29 through 33. Listen to the Pharisees because they attacked him because he got healed. We know God spoke to Moses, but we don't even know where this man comes from. They were ready to trample Jesus. The blind man said, "Why?" That's very strange. The man replied, "He healed my eyes and yet you don't know where he comes from." The man answered him and he said, "We know that God doesn't listen to sinners, but he is ready to hear those who worship him and do his will." Ever since the world began, no one has been able to open the eyes of someone born blind. If this man were not from God, he couldn't have done it. What a prophetic and profound answer. He pogged him and they go mad at him and threw him out the synagogue. God gave the man a miracle. The man is born blind for crying out loud. And you think they would be rejoicing that he got his sight. They weren't happy about it at all. You see, when you get your miracle, let me prepare something of you. Everyone's not going to be excited for you. Everyone's not going to be happy for you. Everyone's not going to be just. In fact, your miracle is going to provoke an attack from the enemy. But you go over coming. After they threw that man out, the Bible says Jesus went and found him, found the man and said, "Do you believe on the Son of God?" And he said, "I don't even know who he is." And Jesus said, "I that speak to the army." He said, "Lord, I believe." And that man was saved. He was healed. He was delivered. And he was set free by the power of God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus. Glory to God. Let's pray. Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, may it pass to Amy, we cover your people in the blood of Jesus. God, we thank you for giving your people the miracle, giving them a breakthrough. We thank you for giving them simple instructions that will produce great results. Just obey. Just do what he asked you to do and leave the rest to God. Do the best you can and obey him and leave the results with God. God bless you. To support the work of God, the preaching of the gospel, visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry pay pile account. That address is ministries. You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you have downloaded the shawnpinda ministries app. Amen. You can give through that app as well. You can also give through the ministry cell account. The ministry cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash up account. That address is the dollar sign shawnpinda ministries. You can also give through the ministry Venmo account. That address is @shawnpinda ministries. You can also text to give all you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also give by mailing your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money all this out to shawnpinda ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 75070. Get ready to experience the extraordinary in Plano. The lab of God, the lion of the tribe of Judah, is headed in your direction. You are getting ready to get a miracle. Shawn yes. Pastor Sean and any pinner are hosting three nights of miracles in Plano, Texas. You found a couple of sickness. Come out, come out, come out. This young lady had fibromyalgia, Pastor Sean. But what happened tonight? I got healed. Now there's no more pain. Go run across that platform for me, Sid. Come on somebody. Come on somebody. Come on somebody. Come on somebody. The dates, August 13 through 15. Doors will open at 6 p.m. 90. The event will start at 7 p.m. 90. Venue, the Plano Event Center. 200E Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas 75074. Join hundreds in this life-changing encounter to experience that extraordinary and witness God's power. Click on the link below and register free today. Never forget me and my beautiful white pastor Amy, we love you. We appreciate you and thank you our wonderful partners and viewing audience for your support and your prayers. God bless you. See you again on tomorrow morning on another morning prayer broadcast.