Basement Bar: Beers & Babble


1h 31m
Broadcast on:
30 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - The following podcast is brought to you by the 99 Network. New missions to premiere spot for your local podcast needs. - Hold up. - Do you love terrible B movies? Fans of wrestling and power rangers? Step into Amityville Studios and join Rick and Eric for some side splitting laughter and great banter on why to arrange a conversations. Find it where all podcasts can be found. Wide a range of conversations with Rick and Eric. (upbeat music) ♪ Kill my ♪ ♪ My ♪ ♪ You pussy it ♪ ♪ You got it ♪ ♪ Born it ♪ ♪ This podcast is laying through a mature nature ♪ ♪ Spencer and Eddie don't know what they're talking about ♪ ♪ In no way should be taken seriously ♪ ♪ They are idiots ♪ ♪ In fact, this podcast should not be listened ♪ ♪ Or viewed by anyone ♪ ♪ But regardless, welcome to the Facebook bar ♪ ♪ Beers and Babbles ♪ Cheers. - Man, my jaw gets a fucking floor in front of the TV. - Is that illegal now? - Is it illegal to that point? - It's a term. - It's a term that is now being used, huh? - Wow. - It's like, how can you fucking kidding me? - I kid you not, man. Welcome back to the basement bar, Beers and Babbles. This is gonna be a fantastic evening. We have a very old, wonderful friend. Justin Scherzer in the house. - It's called old. - Yeah, yeah, we're getting old. We were talking about 40 years since the high school we're getting in, 20 years for us, eight years for this baby over here, you know? - Yeah. - Yeah, absolutely. Welcome, Justin. How are you? - Yeah, thank you. You're doing well. - Good. - Ready to, oh, we've already cracked Beers, but it's a fantastic thing. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We appreciate you wearing green. - Yeah. That was a good move. - Yup, yup. I told him he was decked out. We were golfing this weekend. He was decked out in his Michigan stuff, and I was like, well, when you-- - Michigan Ballmark. - Yeah, Michigan Ballmark, yup. And I was like, well, when you come down, it's gonna be green and white everywhere, so. That was nice. He made an effort. - Yeah, he did. - This is as close to that green as I had in my house. - You know why they make Michigan Ballmarkers, right? Because Michigan fans don't have balls. - Oh. - That's fine. (laughing) - He's like, I can't-- - I remember. - I'm in it. - Right on your mouth. - Yeah, there you go. I like how he's holding it like a cigarette. - I know, yeah, he's like, he's holding the mic like a cigar. - Yeah, a little bit big old stove, yeah. Oh man, usually we like to start out with either what you've been listening or what you've been watching, but we're gonna do that today. Hope you guys have been thinking about that. - Yeah, I wanna start out. - Go ahead. - I just finished a Netflix series called School Spirits. - Okay. - It's with that Peyton Lisk girl, I think she was in like a Disney channel. I don't know, I don't know, something like that. But that was a damn good show. It was a damn good show. I didn't know anybody in it, but it's basically about, you know, this teen dies, gets stuck in a school with a bunch of other spirits, and they try to find out how she died, and it's really fucked up. It's actually really cool. And Robin doesn't like horror movies, so that was just close to me. - Weird street book. - Could be. Could be. - Yeah. - Could be. I think it was based off a novel, but they're going for season two as they should. - There you go. - Yeah, they have me locked in. What about you guys? What you been watching? Justin, what you been watching? - I've been watching Ted Lasso. - Oh, that's good. - I do like Ted Lasso. - Brother, I got that on Plex, and I've been binge watching it. I was telling Eddie on Sunday when we golfed, it's got a lot of good, like '90s and early 2000s humor in it. - Yeah, as he was saying, they like it. - Yeah. - You've never seen Ted Lasso? - No, I don't have Apple stuff. - Oh. - Damn. - Damn. - I'm gonna have to do it like him and put it on a Plex server. Government don't text me. (laughing) - That's all I've been watching is news, all the shit that's been happening in the last couple weeks in politics. - Yeah, yeah. - So. - Well, he's been exciting, man. - Oh, hey, now it passes the day, and can't get out there and do anything with my hand. - Yeah, fucked up hand. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, he's a trooper, man. He had surgery this morning, and he's still down in the basement bar. - Oh, yeah. - That's right. - Narcotics and, oh, no. - Yeah. (laughing) - That's a dude. (laughing) - You kept asking me, "You've been doing any recreational marijuana "and any drugs?" And I said, "Not yet." (laughing) The shit over was like, "Yeah." (laughing) - That's funny. How can I? - I love it. - What you been watching? - I caught up on the dub of Demon Slayer, and then I started watching the most recent Dragon Ball movies. I haven't seen, like, Broly. - Okay. - Or the, as Ricky claims, a bath salt piccolo in the latest movie. (laughing) So, yeah, yeah. And then Roseanne, Tiffany, I've been going through around season five of Roseanne now. - Nice. - Yeah. Yeah, it's good stuff. The whole time watching it, I'm like, "Man, $1.99 for a Philly cheesesteak and stuff." - Fuck yeah. - God, I missed a nice 65 cents for a cup of coffee. And that was a recession. And then I was like, "Fuck." (laughing) - That reminds me, you know, when we were up in the mountains of Colorado, there's a rest area there. And, well, it's like a little town. It's not really like a rest stop. - It's very fancy. - You have a rest stop. And yeah, and there's a place there that has had five cent coffee forever. - Oh, really? - So we had to stop there. We all got our nickel coffees. That's awesome. - That's awesome. - But at least there was a-- - Oh, it was good. - It was good. - That's the one time Raj went, "Hey, I'm buying." I'm buying. - It was like any size. And I didn't need any coffee. It was the middle of the day. And I grabbed a little cup and the lady's back. - Yeah. - It's the same price for a large. (laughing) - Get all you can. - So yeah, we got four larges, it costs us 20 cents. - Holy shit. That is awesome. That is sweet. As you know, they're fucking breaking even on it. They're fine. - Oh, they're making money on everything else. - Well, yeah, true. - Yeah, that's sweet though. - I just thought I'd throw it in, sorry to-- - No, you're good. - That reminds me though, I have been watching a lot of oldies at WKRP. I'm getting into that. I like WKRP. - Yeah. - Yeah, there you go. - That's fucking-- - Have you ever always had-- - Nope. - Never seen it. - I was just not even agreeing with you. - Huh. Unbelievable. - Yeah, sorry. I've seen a lot of old-- - You're missing a good show. - That WKRP is awesome. - All right, I gotta put it on the list. - You gotta watch that. - You do. - That was a great show. - I'm lost. - You've never seen it either, oh man, it's another classic. Oh, it's a good show. - I don't do much TV watching. - No. - No. - Well, I only do what I lay down. - It's about an old radio station, old rock radio station. - Old old old old old old old old old old old old old old. - Yeah, that's a good one. - But, so you gotta tell us who you are? - As long as you're not easily offended, you can watch it. - No. - I don't know, I might be. - Yeah, these-- - Like stepping on actually. - Crazy kids and drugs, yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah, welcome Justin. - Tell us a little bit about you, where do you come from? Where do you go, Cotton Eyed Joe? - Well, fit off it in. What is it, did I fit in from Cotton Eyed Joe? - Yeah. - Well, grew up around here, as you all know. Went to school with Eddie and most of the Senegal family. I think you're the only one I didn't have a chance to overlap with, yeah. - Tiffany Ryan, yeah. - We grew up, music sports, moved on to college, at SVSU, degree in chemistry, from there, moved on to Dow Pawning. - Oh shit. - No, Dow. - Nice. - Nice. - You're regular breaking bad. - Yeah. - What do you do over and down? - Yeah, what kind of chemistry? What do they have you cooking up? - Unfortunately, nothing. - Oh. - And everything. - Okay. - I'm a thermal analytical chemist, so I get to burn shit and figure out how it burns. - It's all trade secrets, Ian, tell you shit. - No, but that's, he's a professional pyro. Like that's fucking wild. - That is shit, though. That is cool. - I get to burn shit and then record how it burns. That sounds amazing. That sounds like me when I was seven years old. (laughing) - God, that's probably a lot of fucking mental work there. - Yeah, it's pretty exhausting. Especially when you're one of the only extroverts working in an introverted area. - Yeah, yeah. - So, sometimes where it's a little boring. - You get a lot of conversations with yourself. (laughing) You're like, "Wow, look at this shit." And everyone just focused. You're like, "All right, fuck me then." - Yeah. Yeah, it's definitely interesting working in a field like that being as extroverted as I am, but yeah, I get by. I'm extroverted, so. - Yeah, that's awesome, man. - I'll talk to you even if you don't want to talk to me. - Yeah. (laughing) - Have a conversation with yourself, even if they're not listening. - Yeah, me talking to you doesn't bother me. - Yeah. - Might bother you. (laughing) - That's so good. I'm doing fine. - And if you don't answer, I'll tell you what I'm talking about. (laughing) - Yeah. Yeah, heck yeah. - So I know all the answers to the questions I ask. - Exactly. - Yeah, growing up, big golfer, tennis player, wild tennis player, you guys, you and Sam. - See, that's what I said when he was like, "I was like, "The tennis player is just around?" Are you serious? That's crazy. - He sent me that, and I thanked you for the nostalgia compliment, but there's no great anymore to be put in front of tennis or drumming for me. - They've got me into pickleball now. - Group of us at work. I prefer tennis. - I don't know why that's blown up so much. - Yeah. - It's weird because they're not athletic enough for tennis. - Oh, Jesus Christ. - And they get bored with ping pong. - Right, so they made it a little bigger. - Happy medium. - Yeah, it is. It's life-size ping pong, that's what it is. - I've played that a couple times. - Yeah. - Drummer, fantastic drummer, just like Spencer here. Remember playing in jazz band and. - Yeah, I miss those days. - Yeah, yeah, absolutely. - Well, if it didn't sound like shit, you could have hopped on. Yeah, you still can, it just might sound shit. - Fucking with Jason Lewis and. - Yeah, that nice pearl set. - Yeah. - Oh, no, get a load of this, this is bullshit. - Oh, wait, we had a Yamaha back in. - Oh, was it? - So I still had that same Yamaha, yup, yup. It was just, you know, yield kit, right? So my snare broke leading up to a gig a couple months back, right? So I called J. Lew, and he didn't get back to me until I was in the middle of work actually taking a shit. And I was like, fuck. So I like answered in the stall. - I was gonna say, did you answer? - Yup, of course, because I'm not gonna, it's Jason. - Yeah, everybody else in the bathroom was answering this question. - Yeah, yup. (laughing) I was like, yo, hello. And he was like, yo, what you need? And I was like, all right. And I explained the whole situation. He's like, yeah, stop by. I'll bring you the snare from the school. I was like, all right, fuck, okay, whatever. Come up and he hands me a retched snare. This is like $750 snare. So I play it, whatever, bring it back on Sunday after the gig to him. And I was like, hey, quick question. Is this one of yours? And he's like, no, it's the school. And I'm like, get the fuck outta here. - You guys have a $2,500 drum kit. Now when he goes, yeah, I talk to boosters into it finally. I'm like, fuck you. (laughing) I was like, honestly. And he goes, yeah, but here's the thing, is like buying a better kit doesn't make the kids sound any better. I was like, fair enough. - I should probably, we should probably cut that. But I'm just saying, I just had that moment of like, ah, they lost it, huh? They don't have that same, mom. - Dude, that's-- - Feel anymore, you know. - We had that stage custom sound so good. - Oh, hell yeah. - Holy shit, $600 from set. - Oh, put that anywhere. Oh, did you break it? - No, I didn't break it. Oh, that was the beer. - Oh, you broke the beer. - Well, if that's empty tomorrow, I'm sorry. - I said it in the sink then. We'll get all over the place. - I don't think it's broke. No, that's fine. It ain't broke. But yeah, no, that kit, that was a classic. - Yeah, I'm all black, that black one. - Yeah, yeah. - How long they have that? - Shit, I think you know about it. - Yep, they probably got rid of it in the last couple of years. So probably this whole time he was there, honestly. - Yeah. - Oh, no, I drink them fast enough. They don't get cold on me. - There you go. - I'm just a little bitch in my hands, you know. I like having the claw 'cause I might drop it. - Oh, thanks. - Oh, look at that. - There you go. - Stroke. - The thing that killed me golfing is this canned golfing was $5. - Oh. - At White Birch. - At White Birch. - Oh, right? - That hurts. - How is Birch looking? - They gave you a Steve of Balls with it? - Or what? - They took my balls when I... (laughing) - Yeah. Yeah, Colin, Justin, and I went out, we invited Spencer, but he had a work thing or something. - Yeah. - But went out to White Birch and yeah, had a blast. Didn't do too bad. Scherzer actually gave us a master class. He fixed Colin's swing. He was piping 'em like over 200 just... - Get the fuck out of there. - Oh yeah, Colin was... - Yeah, he was smoking 'em. - Nice. - Yeah, it was good shit. So he was having a lot of fun on the back behind there. - I really like how into golf, Colin, is because that's only gonna make 'em better. - Yeah. - Yeah, he'll be there. - I know, I haven't done any disc golf in the summer. People keep asking me and I'm like, "No, not yet." And they're like, "What the fuck, man?" - You're like, "I'd rather pay now." - Yeah, I'm grown. - Yeah. (laughing) - Yeah, we need to have... We need to go out at least once. I haven't, yeah, we need to at least disc golf once. You used to do it like four times a week. - Yeah, yeah. I like ball golf though. I haven't been out a lot this year. - Yeah. - Probably 'cause, you know, with the truck and the trailer and the... - Everything else. - Everything else, yeah. - Can't afford all the golf. - I know, that's what I'm saying. Spending money everywhere else and then all my fun shit just goes out the door. Can't swim. - I stopped golfing. - Well, took like an eight year hiatus. - Damn. - After buying a house and getting married and kids. - Yeah, yeah. - And now they're old enough. I started golfing again last time. - Oh, there you go. - That's awesome. - It was like eight year break though. - Nah, jeez. - They had enough money to start golfing. - Yeah. - That's what I'm saying. I just don't want to go home and hear it. You know what I'm saying? - Yeah, he's like, "Oh, I haven't golfed in eight years." You know, just started back up. Still fucking kicked our ass. - I shot 81 and... - Damn. - Damn. - Yeah, it wasn't bad. - Yeah. - It was a good night. - Jesus. - That's crazy actually. - Blowing them like 300 yards up. Like this dude, it was wild. - The thing that killed me was the two par threes on the front. - Five on both of them. - Damn. - Damn. - Killed me. - FNA guy. - Still haven't broke 80. The best I have is 80, but still got an under 80. - The best I've had is 81. - Yeah. - That white birch. - Oh. You know, I did that at Apple Mountain, dude. - Oh shit. - I was impressed with myself. - That is impressive. - Yeah, that's a tough one. - Yeah, that is, you know. I went there on my birthday and I could not... - Oh, hi Molly. - I could not hit bad. The only thing that fucked me over though is my putting game. - I could not put with the shit. - What did you do on the back nine? - Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho. (laughing) - You were waiting for that, I know. - I was. - So I took lessons over this past winter and when I got there, the guy, the first lesson I took, the guy asked me, he's like, "Well, what do you shoot?" And I was like, "I typically shoot like in the 80s." And he's like, "Is that for nine?" (laughing) - No, you asshole. (laughing) It was like, "I gotta say me." - You never know. And then he was in, and then after I told him it's for 18, he's like, "Well, then why are you here?" - Yeah, that's fine, that's fine. What do you want to be on tour? - Like Tiffany, when she was on the girls' golf team and Garber, you know, it came over, yeah. Nobody shot over 100 while they were playing the seven four-year-old on nine holes. You can't shoot more than 99. (laughing) - That's awesome. - Yeah, but nobody shot over her. - Yeah, we shot over her and everybody was under 100. - Yeah, well, you guys are gonna be fantastic at this next meet. (laughing) - Yeah, that's like that 73. I shot at Swan Valley during a match. That was the worst on nine holes. It was so bad. - Oh my God. - Oh yeah. - That was terrible. - That was so bad. - I would've fuckin' started the old John Daly and shit. - Yeah, I was in the water. - I was so angry. - Well, we found the club. - Oh yeah, it snapped in half. - Yeah, it snapped in half. He's like, "What's the head saying?" He said, "Cobald," or something. He goes, "No, put it back with its friends and the trees." (laughing) - It was a ram or something. - Yeah, ram, yeah. - I was like, "No, just leave it, miss it." - There's a reason that guy snapped the club. - Yeah. - He didn't give a shit about that one. - Yeah, if it was a nice hat, I was gonna tell him to re-shaft it. - Yeah. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, that's cool. - Some midget will find it and put a handle on it. - Yeah. - Well, it had the handle still. It was a full club in two pieces though. - Well, you break the top, you have to regrip the bottom half for midget. - Yeah, there you go. - There you go. (laughing) - Jesus. - So we were talking about music and stuff. Spencer's in chapter four, and formerly Winter Haven Motel. - Yeah. - I know you played in a few bands. What's your kind of music career? - Yeah, so that's an interesting one with a pretty abrupt end. So I played a lot as you knew Eddie in acoustic bands throughout the years with Jeff Duncan. - Yeah, I was thinking about him the other day, yeah. - Adam. - Shut down. - No, I'm drawing a blank on his name. He was from Central. I can pitch him, I just can't think of his last name. But I've played in that type of thing. I've got jam bands, you know. - Yeah, playing OAR and shit, and all that crazy game of poker in the band room. - Yeah, jazz band, obviously. And then I was in a band called Clyde, which probably anybody listening would know it by the name of Finding Clyde. - Mighty Clyde, yeah. - Which that came after my departure from the group. - See, I was trying to think about that when you said, I don't, like how long were you together with that as Clyde? 'Cause I don't remember it being, I don't remember it before Finding Clyde, as just Clyde. - Yeah, so I'm trying to think. We were probably a band for two or three years, I think. - Oh, snap, okay. - Yeah, so we, and we played quite a few shows over those years, 'cause I know we had, I wanna say around 15 originals. - Wow, all right, that's awesome. - I left the band, yeah. 'Cause I think they recorded the first CD like the month after I left. - Oh, that's shitty. - Yeah, that's cool. - Yeah, that's cool that you were in that band, no, I didn't know that. - Yep, that's fucking tight. - It's a sour time in my life. - Yeah, oh no, I'm sorry. - That's okay. - But playing music is always nice, you know what I mean? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I'm super excited for this week, and we're playing, we're out at Munger this week. - Yeah, Munger Potato Fast. - Yeah, playing the big stage out there on Saturday, so that's gonna be exciting. - Yeah, you're gonna have a lot of reverse rapes going on. - Yeah. (laughing) - That's very true. That's very true. (laughing) - I'm gonna get his t-shirt made. Do not accuse me of a reverse rape. (laughing) - Well, the only thing I'll be banging is the drums. I'm excited. (laughing) - Need that shirt too. (laughing) - Oh no, it's funny, 'cause we got a few songs in crazy kind signatures, so John wants to make me a shirt that says, "I fucking 15-8." (laughing) - Jesus. - Seconds. (laughing) - You don't even know how to count in 15, all right? (laughing) - 15-30, 45-60. - Well, yeah, nevermind. (laughing) - Which song is that? - Huh? - Is it on the board? - Yeah, man, that's the end of New World. - Oh. - Oh, that's bad. I guess I never noticed it, that's bad. - I never noticed it, that's bad. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It was my remember when we were coming-- - I thought it was seven and a half four. (laughing) - Shut the fuck up. (laughing) Shut the fuck up, man. - Christ, it's 15, all right? - No, but it was when we were coming home from that gig, and I made that wild cow and we were listening to Russian circles, and I was like, "Wow, this baby making music." And it's like really fucking hardcore. (laughing) And John was like, "Oh yeah, this baby making music." Spencer, you can play it, and it was 15-8. (laughing) And he's like, "I ought to get you a shirt this." I was like, "Fucking 15-8." I was like, "I'd wear it, I'd wear it." People would be like, "What is that?" And I was like, "Here, let me show you." - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Nice. Just keeping beats. - Oh yeah. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah. No, that's fun. (laughing) Shit. - So did you have Lewis the whole time you were in high school? (clearing throat) - Yeah. - Yeah, I don't have anything else. - Yeah, because Gaffney was eighth grade. - Yeah, ninth grade years when Lewis came in. - Yeah, we started high school when he did. - Oh shit. I remember being extremely pissed at him and almost quitting music. - Oh, really? - Did he have a great year? - Oh yeah, percussion. He was super hard on me, guys. - Oh yeah. - No, it wasn't that. Like, I don't care about somebody being hard on me. Oh, I'm not a plus. (laughing) - Well, it wasn't. - That rather be hard on me. So, over that year, or that transition from whatever eighth grade to ninth grade. - Yeah. - The assignments for marching band were passed out. - Oh shit. - Yeah. - And I was-- - That was a tough week, yeah. - Obviously, you know, I was first chair. - Yeah. - Ever since I started touching drumsticks. - Yeah. - And I went into high school, like, got this shit in the bag. I'm gonna be, you know, snare quads or something, you know? - Yeah. - And I got put on bass drum. - That's right. - Yeah. - I forgot about that. The people that were in percussion and eighth grade went in and had meetings with him before school and told them that they were the best. And so, they got put on the snare and the quads. And I got stuck on bass. - Geez. - I had a pretty good talk with him. (laughing) - Yeah, I can imagine. - So you didn't see I die? - No. - For everybody who knows. - Yeah. (laughing) - Yeah, he always looks up, yeah. - Yeah. (clearing throat) - No, I was lucky. I was lucky when I got in. I was a four year snare in high school. And I got hit, it was pretty fucking bad. My freshman year by all those snares though. - Good. - It was, I was the only freshman. And then you had only seniors and juniors. - And he was so short. - Yeah. - The line, like the picture of the line you saw. - All the drummers. - Excess sensor. - Well, and that's the thing. - He saw the top of his head. - Yeah. - So it's plume. (laughing) - That's the thing. We had, in our drum solo, we went to each other snares, you know? Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, back and forth. And the person next to me was, you know, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. Jumping down and I was like, deal with it, dude. I don't know. (laughing) Like, Timmy toes, I don't know. - Timmy toes are doing the same thing, but he's jumping. - Yeah. (laughing) - Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da. It was like I was going cymbal to cymbal now, you know? - Yeah. - Yeah, that was funny though. - I caught myself playing the keen bomb today on my desk. - Oh, really? - Yeah. - The keen bomb. - Yeah. - 'Cause the keen bomb, I didn't know it was the show. - I was just known as penis. (laughing) - Oh. (laughing) - Until-- - Did you write it with your penis? - No. (laughing) - That was just-- - It was just rims and swat. - That's why it went on forever. - Swat. - Swat. - Swat. - Swat. - Swat. - Swat. - Swat. (laughing) - Swat. - Swat. - Swat. - Swat. (laughing) - Swat. - Swat. - Swat. to play that. I was helping us every time we wanted to play that. And the drumline knew to go to that off-tend. That's awesome. That's so cool. That is fucking sick. So Jason had a talk with me before I think one of the homecoming parades. Oh, where you walk through the street. Yeah, I walked through the subway. Yeah, I can't walk around saying that. And he told me he's like, "All right, that's fine. You call it this, but you will not call it this on the parade." And I said, "Hold my beer." And I yelled it as loud as I could yell at going down where we go down maybe Hart Street or what's the one right after Hart? It's one of those two streets. Sharp maybe burns. Valerie told Bernie. What is it? Valerie told Bernie the... We'd go Borton to Maine to Mercer to Burns to the Bobish back to Pine and into the school. So halfway down Burns I yelled it and there's a bunch of kids around. Awesome. I got megaphone that. What are you just... Scherzer? You're like, "What?" And after that... Had to change the name? Yeah, it got changed to chemo. Nice. That's what it is. Valerie told Bernie the main way to get rid of the sharp Hart Burns is to just squeeze the Sherman. Oh, no. That's Sussex though. Yeah, there you go. Yeah, so I wrote that. That's fucking awesome. That cadence got it from the movie Drumline. Oh shit. Yeah, because I'll do it there. Well, they do the beginning part there. You didn't write it, you stole it. He only took the... He only took the... I vanilla ice that shit. Dang, dang, dang, get it, dang, dang. That's true though. Damn, even the quads part and everything, huh? No, that was tight. That was one of my favorites. I wanted to do running... But we could never get that figured out. But I wrote it with running days drums. I probably still have the file on one of my backup hard drives. Fucking tell ya. Who wrote the one that went... I don't know. I don't know that one. I think that was a Lewis write up because that was his handwriting on it. Oh, yeah. Wait, there's actually still sheet music for... I think I stole the flip folder. It's probably down here somewhere. There's sheet music for Keenan. Probably. Oh, yeah. He made it. He probably took yours. Yeah, if you find that, you gotta give it to him and have him free. Yeah, I gave him a print off of it. Well, that's probably what he did. He wrote it. I wrote it in software. Like a... I don't know. Oh, yeah. I know what you're talking about. It starts with an F, isn't it? Final something. Yeah, something like that. That's crazy, dude. Holy shit. That's gonna be awesome. Yeah. I have to tell my buddies about that. Yeah. Yeah. You remember playing this? Yeah, I just met the motherfucker who wrote it last week. And you learned the story behind the name. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. That's awesome. The lore. Yeah. People are gonna be like, "Hey, remember this?" And I'll be like, "Yeah, penis. I love that one." Oh, that's fucking tight. Yeah. Well, shit. I was doing... I got the honor to do a junior and senior year run taps because we didn't have anybody our senior year runs now. So I was section leader for two years. Loved it. It was fun. It was good shit. I treated symbols like shit, though, and I got yelled at by Lewis for that. You probably had Kenny. Kenny was probably section leader when you met me. Kenny Hill, yeah. Oh, he had to be, right? Because he was... My freshman year, I think he was. He was on quad, though. Yeah, I think he was a freshman when I was a senior. Okay. So, yeah, he was a... Yeah, he was on quad. Yeah, he was on quad. He was on quad. And then Zach Nelson was there, too. He finally got quadged. Oh, Kenny was on quad? Yeah, Kenny was on quadged. Yeah, Kenny was on quadged. Really? Yep. That's interesting. Yep. Nice. Yep. Yeah, he was our freshman. And I can't remember if Zack Dyer was there, or if I played with him my eighth grade year, I cannot remember that. I don't know. Was Dyer in the same grade as Kenny Ugelea? You remember? I don't know that name. Okay. You don't remember Zack Dyer? Tiny guy? I don't. Yeah, I know. Really? Oh, okay. Must be too old. After me. Yup. Must be old. We drank him away. Now Kenny Ugele used to help, too, after I graduated. I knew Pat Ugelea pretty well. He was Barry Sacks. Pat was a few years older than us. Yeah, but he was, yeah, he was Barry Sacks. And yup. Yup. And then after he left, it was just Kerberts and I for four years. Yeah. Oh, until Timmy. I remember when Tim came Tim McMillan. And then we used to hate that poor kid. Who is Phil? Phil, uh, Compton? Yeah, it wasn't he, or he was too, or a bear toe. Something. Yeah. Had Schultzi on the quads. Yeah. Schultzi was still playing in a band not too long ago. We used to play with him a lot. Yeah. Eric Schultz. Oh, Eric, as I say, Steve on our Steve Schultz was trombone. No, Eric Schultz was Brian Schultz. Okay. My brother hung out with him. So it's his little brother, I think, right? Eric, probably. I think so. Okay. There we go. Well, good. Well, shit, I tell you what, I think it's time for beer to week. That kind of is a little fruity. Eddie, what do we got here? All right. Ooh, from the Austin Police. We've got shooter Merck Gavin from Austin Brothers Beer Co. Yeah. And Alpina, Michigan. It is a 7.1% ABV. 50 IBU. Damn. Okay. Yeah. It is IPA, New England, Hazy. What's? Oh, you like the Hazy's? Oh, I've had. Oh, that's the triple. Yeah. I know. It's just a six and a half. I want to know what the ABV. All right. shooter Merck Gavin. Cheers. It's warm. That was my fault. But what the fuck is that after this? Yeah, what is that? Very happy, very lemony. Yeah, lemon. It's not bad. It's not great. Not bad. No, I bet it would be good cold. I bet it'd be decent cold. Yeah. But right now, that's that's 275. Yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna go 2.5. Fucking out. Out of five. Yeah. Out of five. With quarters. I'd probably give it a 325, 335. Oh, there you go. So you give me that potential edge. Yeah. He's like, it's got potential. I mean, it's warm. All beer sucks when it's warm. Yeah, that's true. Not necessarily. Not all of it. Well, what do you get? Some stouts are like warm. Oh, see, I need my stouts cold, though. Yeah. Well, thank you to Ideal Party Story. You can find them on Salzberger Johnson, where all our fancy beers for-- It's almost like pineappley. Yeah. It's getting a lot of fruit out of it. If you smell it, it smells kind of pineappley. It does. Give it a whiff. Yeah, that's not bad. Hell yeah. It's better when you drink it, I guess. But the aftertaste sucks. Yeah. We do a thing here that's called beer trivia. I'm super sorry. Beer trivia. Only Eddie knows the answer, so that's that motherfucker can't answer. Don't like it. Beer trivia. All right. That's right, ladies and gentlemen. The basement parfiers in battle break to you. Beer trivia. Okay. Let's take a little break for the jingle. That's for me, so I know where to put them. Anyway, what is the name of the beer style that is characterized by its use of smoked malt and high alcohol content? Stout. It's a stout. Yeah, it's a malt. I'll give you a hint. Is it smoked bock, rock bock, or smoked dapple bock? Smoked dapple bock. I'm fucking German. Actually, I am German. I don't practice German. What do you think? No clue. No clue. It is a rock bock. Rock bock is a beer style characterized by its use of smoked malt and high alcohol content, combining the smoky flavor with the strong multiness of a bock. You should have given us the multiple choice first. Rock bock. I would have said it was a stout. Yeah, it's a stout malt. Yeah, they are a malt. Yeah. Rock bock. Rock bock. Rock bock. Rock bock. Bock. Biosa. R-A-B-O-C-H. B-O-C-K. B-O-C-K. Oh, so it's not rock the cash box. No. Rock the cash box. We'll see if he would give us more of a drug collabster. One of us would have been, right? Yeah, exactly. We all took a different answer. There you go. Yeah, because obviously I didn't get it right, because I said mine and he was like, "You? Anybody? Anybody?" He fucking sucks it. Yeah, I fucking suck. I do. I never get it right. You got more of these plastic cups. Oh, yes, I do. Grab four. All right, what do you got? Oh, shit. Oh, we got a-- We got another beer of the week? No. Oh, I got them at the bottom. Oh, that's right. Oh, you already grabbed three. Look at you. Oh, yeah, you can't lick her up. Oh, I can't. Damn. He thinks that I said that. He's like, "Here you go." Yeah, it's staying here so he can enjoy it later. Oh, shit. Oh, well, thank you so much. Yeah, that's annoying. You need to help. Oh, I got it. Teamwork. Yes, I like it. I should have got that a mic. Yeah, there it is. It was a delayed effect. It was an echo. As it's pouring. Yeah. All right, hold on. He's good. Oh, you can at least sniff it. We care of what-- Give it a whiff. It's slippery. Oh, he even brought ice. Holy shit, it's so prepared. Fucking-- By the way, I like your truck sitting out there. I just bought my truck recently. It was the other one out there. Yeah, Eddie was saying he wants to get one. Yeah, I know. I know they want Roger has one, Justin has one. He's got to get a GMC because he's got to complete the set. I need to see her. I guarantee this will be better than the beer we just drink. All right. Hell, yes. Well, one, we're in good starters because it's got ice in it. I'll take this one. Whether you want more of this to even it up. Right. Fucking here, right. Thank you. This looks good. So what do we got here? This is-- Yeah, go ahead and tell us what we have. What we have is a gypsy triple jam vodka, which the flavor profile was licensed from Blake's hard cider, their triple jam hard cider. So currently my favorite liquor right now. And you mixed it. And you mixed it with-- mixed it with Sprite? Yep. Lemonade is perfect as well. And essentially, it just makes whatever you mix it with, tastes very. So this will be-- Very, very good. Very Sprite. You mix it with lemonade. It'll be very lemonade. Nice. Ooh. Yeah. So pretty solid. Cheers, boys. Cheers. I'm jealous. Like I said-- Oh, you might want to just take a tiny sip of it. Holy hell. I'm leaving that. That's good. That's wild. It'll be here for you. That's very, very good. That's good. That's dangerous. There are like convulsions and shit. All right. No, you just passed us out. I told you, I can do a fifth of that easily in the day up. I can imagine. Yeah. Not good. And that had a healthy pour of the vodka. That was good. Yeah. That's very good. And I'm not much of a vodka drinker. That's some-- I think Tiffany might even like-- Oh, yeah. 100%. I hadn't really drank vodka since I-- well, maybe a story for later, but since I visited Jeff Duncan when he was at Elma. Oh, I did that too. I did a half gallon of pop off. Holy shit. You know what that smells like? How many days? You know what that smells like? It smells like a fucking Flintstone Chalk, I mean, hospital for sure. Or not a chalk gummy, but a chalk vitamin. Not the gummies. Oh, yeah. But it smells like the Chalk, like the vitamin. Yeah. Yeah. Kind of smells like a Verner's to me. I'm almost thinking that lemonade might make it taste a little bit better. Yeah, the lemonade is really good too. I just didn't want to bring a whole kilo of lemonade. You're like, hey, I can throw a can of spray. Yeah, I can't spray. We got a whole bunch of spray back here. Well, there you can keep going on it. Yeah. Yeah, there you go. Damn. Oh, yeah. Thank you so much. Triple jam vodka from Blake's inspired spirits and gypsy spirits. Yeah. I believe Blake's and gypsy are both Michigan companies. Oh, really? That's awesome. Where can you pick that up at? Meyer. Is anywhere. Yep. You can get that at Meyer. And I'm sure you get it at an ideal. Yeah, absolutely. Visit ideal in Johnson and Salisbury. Yeah. We get ours at Meyer. That's where we found it, the cheapest. I think it's 20 bucks. Here's a good question. How are you? What Meyer do you shop at? Pine or you go to Wilder? Dude, I live out in Freelands, so it's a coin. You go to Pat. Yeah. Sometimes I do go to Pat's, yeah. But it's either Ted Rossi or Wilder. Wilder. Depending if we're in town, if you have family or whatever. I stay far away from the pine Meyer. I always go to Meyer 48, the Wilder one. So which, which do you prefer? Second street pub or the cabin? The cabin. Yeah. Oh, cabin is the best. The cabin is the best. Is that even a question? Do Beth, Beth down at the cabin, take such good care of us, man? I love it. I love it. The fried ravioli. Next time you're in there, do you know Aaron? Yeah. Ask Aaron about Dale. Okay. Ask Aaron about Dale. Okay. I'll write that down. Yeah, really? Yeah. Oh, well, I'm Dale. Oh, you are. That's funny. Is it a Aaron? Or is it e-r-i-n? What kind of hair? I imagine it's a it's a her. So it's really an e-r-n. Beth and Aaron are like the two main hostesses or bartenders. All right, Dale. Barkeep waitress. So what do we have? What do we have? Pat's written down. Give us a-- Can I be the only brother, Daryl? Yeah, right? Dale and Dale. Okay, Spencer. Here's some more trivia for you. Mr. Philly cheesesteak over here. Which restaurant invented the Philly cheesesteak? You're going to give me options? There's a hint on the paper. Pat's? Pat! Yes. That was so hard, dude. I suck at reading. Yeah, so Pat's king of steaks, also known as Pat's steaks, is credited with inventing the Philly cheesesteak. I feel like that's a big up-- Yeah, in 1930. A flex. In 1930 by brothers Pat and Harry Oliveri. Did they use shaved ribeye in the original? They did. They-- I remember-- Because they used to own a hot dog stand. And then they-- They literally-- Hot dogs put it on a plane. Well, yeah. The ones old hot dogs. Yeah, they didn't drive. They didn't use ribeye. No, so Pat sent his brother to the market for some inexpensive steak, and the brothers thinly sliced it and grilled it along with some chopped onions. And there's a cab driver driving by, and he was a regular customer of the hot dog, and he tried that one, and they just called it a steak sandwich, and he was like, "Dude, you need to stop selling hot dogs and sell this shit." It was amazing. And so after a few years in like 1940, then they started adding cheese to it, and then the cheese whiz. And that's the-- Yeah, actually, fuck you. Cheese whiz never came in a can. Okay. That's crazy, isn't it? I didn't know that. Yeah, I know. Well, I said, "Cheese whiz, you know when it came?" And they were like, "No, cheese whiz never came in a can." I was like, "Bullshit." So I tried to fact check it, and I was wrong. Cheese whiz always came in a jar. Easy cheese. I didn't know that. Easy cheese is the one in the can. Oh, dang. Yeah. Cheese whiz never came in a can. It blew my mind. I was like, "Fucking, what's that effect called?" Mendoah. Yeah, something like that. Yeah. It's the leading tower of cheese. No, but that's a bullsh*t movie. Here's a question. All right. Slice cheese melted or cheese whiz? What are you doing with it? I'm the filling. Oh. Slice cheese melted, for sure. You just layer in your body with it. I don't know. Well, it depends on what you're eating it off. Yeah, exactly. Jesus Christ. If I could know it on my fillies, if it comes out with cheese whiz, I'm okay with it. But yeah, give me some, give me some sliced cheese. Mayonnaise or no mayonnaise? No mayonnaise. No mayonnaise. No. Well, it depends, though, because that adds a nice. I don't know. I like the wet. I like the shaved ribeye, provolone cheese, light onions and peppers, and then. That's crazy that you went light with it. I do light. What about mushrooms? Oh, shrooms got to be. I don't mushroom anything ever. Saute mushrooms? No, you got to have the fungus, man. Despite my look, I'm a very picky eater. I just eat a lot of the same bad shit. So do you like your, here's a good question. This is going to tell if you're a Philly cheese steak eater. Do you dip it in ajou? No. No. Because ajou doesn't come on fillies. That's a French dip. Yeah. It's a French dip. I fucking hate people who are like, I like dip in my fillies in ajou sauce. I'm like, fuck you. The only thing that belongs in that is a prime rib. Yeah. There you go. Yeah, I was trying with her. Yeah, that's true. You're dipping anything else in ajou than everything else from. I don't know. The fries be a little tasty in it, though. I do like that. I don't know. That's just a weird thing, though. Yeah. But yeah. Pat Steakhouse. Pat Steakhouse. Good for them. Yeah. Yep. The creator. They make my world grow round. They did it. Yeah. Justin was telling me that he was making Philly steaks the other day on the Blackstone. Oh, good. You got a Blackstone smart man? Yeah. I just, at Costco, they sell these big-ass boxes of Philly cheese, or Philly meat, which is, you know, shaved ribeye, but at a cheaper price. And we just did it the other day. I didn't. So my girl is like, she can't eat gluten too much, or else she like explodes. You know how that is. And I don't like cleaning bathrooms. No. Yeah. So here's what I did. I want. So I can, and I do. Shout out to Rick. And she doesn't, she doesn't like yell at me for it. And it's fucking fantastic. Like, I could make me a Philly, but I made her something the other day. I put, we do these like breakfast potatoes, but instead of the breakfast seasoning, she did something else like dinner time season, you know, she did those potatoes in the air fryer. And I did the Philly meat on the Blackstone. And then I laid all the shit that I usually put inside of Philly on the potatoes. And she ate it. And she said it was like the best thing ever. So got a win-win there. So I can have like a Philly a week. And it's fantastic. The Barney's barn grill down in the south end off of Michigan there. Yeah, they have Philly cheesesteak pierogi. And it's fucking bomb. It's so good. So good. It's like 15 bucks and it's a huge pile of pierogi. It's so good. And what is this? What do you smell? Get away. Oh, yeah. Molly, Molly just came and laid down, just plopped down in between us. No, that pierogi was good though. He dropped it off my doorstep one time after I was needing food. You're like, yeah, our Lord and Savior me and Robin couldn't have thanked you enough. We opened the door and she was like, Oh, what is that? And I was like, well, check the ring camera. And it was just you that were like fucking get it before the fucking animals get it by and left. We were like, Oh, it was Eddie. So we opened it up and it was the pierogi. And we're like, yeah, I know I ate it. It was so good. So I got them an order as well. Yeah, Barney's. It was amazing. Yeah. Yeah, this good stuff. The pierogi. It's amazing. All right. Anytime I'm in Bay City, I usually have to do wanigans. So, well, there you go. I haven't been there a long time. They got some good sandwiches. Yeah, they do. Yeah. That's it's hard to beat wanigans when you're when you're coming into town. So are you like out of town in Freeland? Are you like right in it? Oh, I'm in the heart of it. Oh, really? Yeah. So how long does it take you to get to the cabin? Walking or no fucking shit. Maybe you're heard of Freeland. It's about a mile from my house. I live right by the high school. Oh, okay. Oh, yeah. Oh, you probably live right by Nick then. Cross the street from up there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You got to live right by Nick. That's where Christy lives. Oh, okay. Really? Yeah. Christy and Eric. Oh, I was trying to like, I was like, who the fuck? Oh, that's cool. I know Jared and Eric. You remember Jared Ware? Yeah. Yeah. He lives on the other side of the road, on the main road. So, because you'd probably go left pass a train tracks to get into your subdivision. Yep. Yeah. So if you went right, then that's where they live. There's no right. There isn't. No, there is, but isn't that a implement place? Down by like, down by the elementary school. Sure. Is like one of the numbered streets. Yeah. Fifth. Yeah. Yeah. Third. Second. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. First. Yeah. Fourth. One of them. Yeah. One of them there. I know I haven't, I haven't seen them in a long time. Fuck, they've had three kids since the last time I've seen them. Yeah. There's a lot of people from Garber that live out there. Yeah. It's kind of like little, little base-headed, little Essex village. Yeah. It was nothing when I moved out there too. They've probably just been legit and sandy field. Yeah. I got to go. There's a vodka. No, it changed up. Good. Still good. Yep. Bringing back memories at Kerberton High, with both our heads in the fucking trash can, blackened in and out of reality off of Mohawk. Jesus fuck. I got a Mohawk bottle. Kerberton says actually engaged too. Yeah. Girl that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I work with her. Oh, you work with her? She used to work with us. Yeah. She was in my group for a long time. Yeah. Shafer. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if she still works out there anymore, but I know, right? I'm totally blanking. No. Okay. Because Adam Shafer was her brother. I think she was. Oh my gosh. What the fuck is it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Nope. No. Fuck. I think she was. I think she was in Tiffany and Autumn's grade. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck. That's good. I like me. Lindsey. No. He's pretty positive about it. He's pretty positive. He's on it. Fucking spell. Where's our favorite? Is it Lindsey? It's Stephanie. Stephanie. Oh, yeah. Samson. I was way up. He was like, it is. I said that. Oh, did you? Not in the mic, but, yeah. I thought it was bullshit. I always have so much words after the Bible. Yeah. Yeah. We saw him at Tim Allen. We went to go see Tim Allen with Randy and Tyler and Nicole and that. They were there too. And that was cool. Yeah. That was the last time I saw him. You guys went and saw Tim Allen? No, no. Curvents and shit. Oh, okay. Shit, sorry. I haven't seen Curvents in a long time. It looks like he's doing good. Yeah. Yeah. He's got a photography business or something. Yeah. Yeah. Good for them, man. He was always a real good guy. Yeah. Good fucking dude. Oh, fuck. Yeah. Yeah. What do you guys got coming up? Anything you're excited for? Anybody? Yeah. We've got monger. Got monger this weekend. So everybody may get out of the monger potato fast. Yeah. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? Saturday. We got a country out there on Friday night and then they got the 80s on Saturday night when this comes out of a party. Really? Yeah. This will be Monday. So this will be after. Hey, good job. It was a great fucking show. Well, no, listen. If you didn't make it out there, make it out there kicking, kick yourself in the ass. So I can say I'll be there and then nobody will know. Yeah. You were like, holy shit, that was awesome. That was there. We're going up to the cabin up north. Where's the cabin now? So we have a, the in-laws have a few properties up in a few. Yeah. Damn. Yeah. I got, I got, I got, and I don't really got a dowry when you fuck. My wife's good looking and her family has a little bit of money there. There you go. Oh, yeah. But her dad actually, that's why I'm. Oh, okay. I was one. I was going to ask you about that. That makes sense. Yeah, they do good work. Yeah. Her dad owns the company. Yeah. Pyramid paving company. So he retired, I don't know, maybe a year ago at the end of the season. Okay. Two years, two years now. I think that's who did our driveway and what we had to do is sell the business or do you just retire? He, there was three owners, the one retired few years before he did. And then he retired leaving one sole owner. Well. Yeah. Bruce Weiss. Holy shit. That guy's probably the sole owner. Holy shit. But yeah. I mean, I have plants right. I haven't come out here and give me a reasonable estimate on mine. They don't do, they don't do residential. They don't do anything. Oh, really? And then it couldn't. Yeah, then it's probably. It was probably Yeager. Yeager does a lot of residential. Oh, okay. Yeah. Her second on asphalt. I think it does a lot. It was a friend of a friend that, oh, like I called up Sean Norton. My buddy did seal coating and stuff. And I was like, Hey, you do pavement because I don't know the fucking difference between any of that. And he's like, not for a whole driveway. He's like, I got a guy though, and he called and they did really, they did really good work because we had, we bought this house. And within a month of fucking it, all the shit sewer backed up into the basement. And we had to redo the entire line out to the road. So they had to dig the whole driveway up, dig down, replace the pipe, put the driveway back. So did really good work. And they were very nice. They gave us a very good deal. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He has a few properties, or they have a few properties up north on Joe's Lake. It's in Hale's health branch area. Oh, okay. All right. Yeah. That's a nice area. Yeah. Right off right where 65 kind of takes the curve up there. Yeah. Nice. Before, was it Glennie? Yep. Yep. Yep. So there's like a boat rental place right on the corner, like a pontoon canoe rental place, and then you turn there and head back in. Nice. Yeah. Nice. Oh, yeah. I just want fucking backpacking and Glennie hoist lakes. Yeah. Beautiful place. Gorgeous up there. Yep. Glennie. Yep. Golf that golf course up there. It was awful. It was awful. He said like you played off or your game or the course itself. Oh, the course was awful. I only shot six over, but the course was. Yeah. Just fucking got it. Well, it's a pup, pup course. It was a fun. I've done that before. I've chosen six over before. Not a whole. I do that every week and week. No, the places for sale. And I was, I was thinking about buying it. So I wanted to go out and play it. See what it was like. The clubhouse is fantastic. That's where it ends. The first few holes you can see from 65 are fantastic. They put all the money into those. Yeah. Curve appeal. Yeah. After that, there's no more fairways. There's no more tee box. No. Holy shit. That's like crazy. It's literally, it looks like you're playing out in the farm field. No, shit. Yeah. So damn. Like I was super excited after the first, the first couple. Yeah. And I was like, oh, this is maybe we'll do this. And I was okay. I understand why they're selling. Yeah. They were like, we give up. Yeah. Fucking golf carts are like John Deere tractors. Oh, they were awful. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Those little fucking thin ones. I do. They got some nice new ones though over at what is that place called Alpine over there by Perin that we went to. Yeah. Alpine Ridge. Yeah. That was a nice place. They got those good golf carts. So nice. I like those nice golf carts, man. They got the center console in them, you know? Yeah. Saw some of it has some pretty nice ones. They got the GPS. The GPS. Oh, yeah. But you can't go near the greener else. You're fucking stuck pushing. You're like, fuck, fuck. We've got our company golf outing coming up next month. We'll be playing Bay Valley. Oh, there you go. Yeah. That'll be a fun one. Yeah. That'll be a lot. Who are you playing without there? August, Sarah, Tristan and I are on a team. Yeah. Nice. And the two August and Sarah had, I taught them how to swing a club for the first time this year. Oh, no. So it's going to be great. Oh, no. And you could attest. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. So they're blindly in the blind out there, man. You're a scramble. Oh, yeah. Your son had a fantastic swing. Yeah. Yeah. He does. It was just where his hands were located. Yeah. I know. It's so crazy. He's like, he's like here, Colin, just hold it down. Just drop it by your deck. Yeah. And Colin's like, whoop. He's like, all right. Swing. Boom. Really? Like 230 out there. That's awesome. He was like, what? He's like, yeah, there you go. He hit it. He hit it. He hit it. He hit it. He hit it. Where'd it go? You're like, dead fucking straight. About 200 yards straight. That's awesome. Yeah. Good for him. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because even on his irons, too, you get to keep her minding them. And then once he started doing it, even his irons started hitting flush and he was, yeah. Yeah. That was why. That's awesome. You can tell he was getting confident because, like, 16, a whole 16 or seven, he's like, I made mention that I like playing for money. He's like, well, do you want to play for money? You're like, it's like, yeah, it's funny, but you're a minor still, so I don't know if that's like, I don't want to get caught in that. Man, that's funny. Yeah. He started. He's been driving his got his permit. So I made him drive us up to Petoski this weekend. Nice. Yeah. That way he gets freeway and then back roads and curves. And then when you get into Petoski, it's all parallel parking. So we kind of hit everything. And then so we just drove up there. It went all right. There was a couple of times I've never heard my tire squeal before, but he took one turn real. He has a very hard time turning and hitting the brake at the same time. So it's one of the fucking others. But no, he's doing real well. Oh, she handle was grass. But he did. He did. Well, because there was, it was like a 45 degree like incline that he had to back parallel park into and did pretty well. I'm very proud. Yeah. So we walked down to City Park Grill, Hemingway's Hangout, where Hemingway used to say the right books. Yeah, had lunch there and there was an art fair going around. But yeah, it was all this like weird fucking shit that was like $400 for this thing. Like, yeah, not even anyway. But then yeah, and then we just drove home and he's like, wait, what? I was like, yeah, we just came up here to have lunch. He's like, you mean me drive two and a half hours to go have lunch? I was like, you got to get your hours in somehow. All right. You're like, you don't want to have an eating in a while. Hemingway's Hangout. Yeah, I was like, let's go to fuck up, fuck a Petoski for lunch. Why not? Yeah, why not? So my hours got put in for driver's training. How's that? Hey, mom, sign this. Yeah. Well, that's not safe. You got to practice. Never been in an accident? Well, fair enough. Yeah, he's even like terrified. I was like, I said, you know, I said, how do you, you know, I said, you're ever going to grab your phone while you're driving? He's like, absolutely not. He's like, I don't even want to let go of this wheel. Like he's a very, very cautious driver. And I'm thankful for it. I could tell how terrified he was because he would not pull that golf cart between cars. Yeah, he had to go around the whole parking lot to get the golf cart to the back. You're like, just pull it through. Yeah, I don't know if he's got enough room. And I walked over there's like, oh, there's like two golf carts worth it. And he's like, back up, pull around. Yeah, he's like, no, which is I'm proud of. And it's good. Like, I know he's going to be safe, but it gets slightly frustrating at times when he starts stopping 200 feet back before the fucking stop sign. And then sits there like a Salony's looking look, look, I'm like, fucking go. Yeah, the one thing, the one thing, the difference between my mom and dad is my mom is like, every time you do something like crazy. And my dad was like, no, there's like, man, and every mom. Yeah, that is every mom. Yeah. And then my dad's like, listen, the way you're going to get in an accident is if you're a pussy driver, you need to be the aggression. You need to be aggressive. Like, if you get to the stop sign and you think they got their first fuck that goal, like it's either one or the other. And then I'm on a test or not a test drive, but fucking I made them drive 350 miles one day, my route for work. We went to fucking Auburn Hills diary of the day, Lansing up to Mount Pleasant, Midland, Saginaw, Bay City, back home, leather seats, at least. No, well, I don't know what I didn't know. He's driving the A clean cigarette mini van fucking stocked for. Oh, yeah. And that's the thing is like, I went to go merge and there was a semi and he was like, listen, give him one nudge and then go and I was like, it's a fucking semi. He goes give him one nudge grabs the wheel. Yeah, I gave him one nudge and he goes, now go. And I was like, he's still there. And he's like, fucking go. And I was just right in the front of him. And he's like, don't hit your break. Go. Yeah, I learned how to be a good fucking driver. Now I'm just an asshole on the road. I was like, well, I got a truck. I'm gonna be too many men high school. No, that was not an excuse, you sir. That was a 1989 G 20 conversion. No, fuck you, sir. No, it was a full size 1989 G 20 conversion van with the queen size bed in the back and a mini fridge. I had posters on the top. I had shag carpet. I had a fucking sound system in that bitch. And absolutely. And you wanted to be your sister? No, no suspension or shocks in the front so you could stop and you go womb. Yeah. And the running boards are rusted off. So it looked lifted. Somebody busted out the back window so that I had plywood on it and then they painted a penis on it. So then I had to spray paint it black. Yeah, it was great. Yeah. Geez, I still don't know how you said yes to he changed. He changed. Well, that's I'd asked him if I could take Tiffany to prom. It was a hard no. Yeah, he was like, fuck no. It wasn't until years later when she was on her own that I convinced her and well, actually, she she brought me home because I was too drunk one night, made me sleep on the couch. And then I just never left. And here we are. And he's like a lost puppy. No, I remember that many van that many van was or I guess it wasn't full size van. It was a three quarter time and had a 350 engine in it. He's so proud of it. He's like, you love it. You ever dare call it? Oh, so nice. This is going to be a fucking 42 foot motor home. There's there's three nostalgic things for me from high school. All right. The trips. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Eddie's van. Yeah. He was like, shit, and riding in the shit mobile. I don't know if I should say that. What happened in Eddie's. I'm recording. That's awesome. That's funny that you brought up the trips, man. Holy shit. I heard they got rid of those. Did they really? That's what I heard. Oh, really? That sucks because people are too afraid to pull their pants down in front of people nowadays. Jesus. Could you imagine that? Wait, in the time we went to high school, people afraid to pull their pants down in front of people. Oh, like chain, you know, into our uniforms and stuff. No, like go to the bathroom. Well, like all of that. But oh, yeah. They got rid of the trips because like people didn't want to go to the bathroom with somebody next to them. Oh, what the? That was like part of the experience of going. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We used to sit on the trips in the school in the no, it said on the triplets, the toilets in the locker room. That's what that's what we're talking about. The trips. Oh, I thought you meant the trips meaning the band trips. No, no, no, no. No, it's the trips, bro. Yeah. See, I would do something crazy. If I ever walked in the trips and they were empty, I'm sitting in the middle every time. I think he banned trip and I'm like, I mean, I guess we got naked a couple of times. There was multiple times that I would like skip school and I would always go to the swim, the swimmer locker room, you know, and you'd go. And if I saw the trips empty, I would always sit in the middle. And then when someone else walked in, you'd dap them up. Why your shit? And I don't give a fuck. Yeah. You're like, what's up, brother? I sit down. You always had a shared toilet paper from the far right. Oh, yeah. You just like pass it over. Yeah. You're like, send it over. Dude, the trips were awesome. It was just three fucking toilets on a wall. No dividers. No dividers. No dividers. Yeah. And it was right in the shower room. Yeah. Yeah. True. So you got to go and shower all the same time. Which is, which is why I'm pretty sure only one toilet had had toilet paper. Yeah. It was a it was the farthest from the showers. You just go biday it. Yeah. But yeah, the shower after, I don't. But days are amazing. I bought up a day. It's fucking life changing. It's so good. How much is that running at 30 bucks? 40 bucks. 40 bucks. Yeah. Wow. 40 bucks. I don't change your life forever. I like it. I'm sure you could hire somebody spit water on you cheaper than that. 40 bucks. I know. But after they saw my ass, I quit immediately. Dude, I love the cat. Yeah. Fucking trips, dude. Sittin. Yeah. Yeah. You. Babs and I got in there one day with Tony and Adam Elantello. That was a fucking wild trip. Oh, I bet. There was many experiences. The most life-changing fucking conversations. You just couldn't be there when Bellinger was in there, man. That dude would destroy the destroyed. It doesn't matter if you destroy it on the trips, dude. One of those where you got to stand up to get the fuck off it. Yeah. Well, it's well, here's the deal is it's like if you're complaining that someone's destroying the trips, then they belong in the other locker room. They just weren't the right one. You know, get the fuck out of here, you know? You never went with anybody. You didn't know, though. No. Yeah. No. You got to. Yeah. And it's so much. It was a testament. Ultimate bonding experience. It was the test of trust. Oh, yeah, of course. I mean, you're shittin' right now. You're shittin' less than a foot away from a dude. Yeah. I don't know if I would have made it to you that. My trips were tight, man. Yeah. It was the most dude thing you could do. It was. I get. That's awesome. It was like fucking quiet. My ass slams clothes when I'm in a fucking public restroom. Somebody else walks in there. Oh, I mean, I love wrecking public restrooms. My goal, and I love, I love, like, I am not shy at all in public. Like, I will, if I got a goal, I'm going. Of course. Oh, yeah. And the goal if somebody walks in is try to get them to either snicker or make a comment. Oh, well. Was there a time that you made someone go, "Holy fuck," or was that you? That was you, wasn't it? Yeah. See, he knows. Yeah. Well, that was, oh, my fucking 30-second fucking goal, man. He came back to the table and was like, "God tell you guys something, but you can't fucking laugh." Yeah, I thought I had to shoot. It was like a 30-second fart. I mean, you just can't go on and go on and go on and go on. And he's like, "Man, you need an award." That was fucking awesome. Yeah, I love it. Took all the confidence. You're not in this room. The bathrooms at my work are always super awkward. Everybody's like, you know, whatever. But I love going in there and just when somebody's in a stall and I just rip the big fart and I go, "There's a kiss for you and I fucking flushing, walk away." You just hear, "Yeah, it's fucking awesome." Man, the other nostalgic things. Yeah, get a call, man. Speaking of nostalgia. What's that? It's about time for last call. No, isn't it? Last call, the dang, dang, dang, dang. Last call for alcohol. This is the last call for alcohol this evening. Drink up, drink up, drink up, and order again. This is the last call for alcohol. Spencer. Unless there's more beer in a cooler than we stay and drink after. Yeah. It looks like you're about to get whooped in some fucking pool, too. Yeah. Yeah, we could throw some money down. I'll put money down. I'll put five bucks down. I don't do anything half-assed. Just ask Eddie to do a full ass to put my ass in the fuck. I'll talk about something. Younger part two soap. Oh, shit. There was one time that me and John were staying here. You got to tell a story that will happen this weekend so in a day. Oh, yeah. Let me think. Let me let me take something up. Hey, I'm a manifest what's going to happen. Man, if you were there Saturday and you missed this. Yeah, but Tallakas manager walked up to me and I see the guy naked potato sack racing through the monger pool. Oh, you're being out there and seeing his blonde girl come out of the fucking porta John with toilet paper like still coming out of the back of her jeans. How tall was she? Was it last year? No. She made it in everybody got out of the way and we're kind of cheering around. The guy went and had to hold the door open for the porta John so the toilet paper would keep on rolling. She made it all the way to the fucking bar before that broke. Everybody's like, she's looking around and then people started pointing and she got all the barriers covered in face and stuff. That's fantastic. But yeah, all the way from the porta John to the bar. I can me and John. Me and John were here and we were getting loaded and we walked upstairs and we were like, Raj, we need you to do us a favor. And he's like, what? We're like, well, we really want to go to monger potato festival. And we were like, whoa, were we just twenty one or were we twenty? Can't remember. I don't remember. For legal. Yeah, we're twenty one. So that sucks. A day a day. A day over twenty one. Yeah, we're day over twenty one. Yeah, monger. Yeah, both have the same birthday. No, so we're, you know, getting loaded down here and we just walked up fucking hammered and we're like, Raj, we need to do your favor. It was like four o'clock in the afternoon. And he's like, what? And we were like, we really want to go to the fucking Derby. So can you take us out to monger? And he's like, yeah, yeah, whatever. He drives us out there. So he parks like he's about to drop us off right at the front gate. And I like, yeah, yeah, he like unlocks the doors and then keeps going and parks shuts off his fucking truck. So we get out and we're like, what the fuck, you know, and he gets out too. And he goes, well, aren't we going to the fucking beer tent? We're like, fuck yeah, we're going to the beer tent. Hell yeah, we're going to the beer tent. And he's like, all right, I'm gonna join you. So it's like, all right, fuck yeah. So we went to the beer tent, had a couple beers. And me and John were doing some other shit at the time. And, uh, smoky wee men. And so John was like, hey, man, I gotta go to the port and John really quick. And I was like, all right, why? As if I didn't know, you know, and he was like, I gotta go check my eyes, you know, because we were like, it was sunny out. Yeah. There are fancy ones. Who logged in. Yeah. Yeah. I did the same shit. Mylar. And we came back. Check one eye at a time. Yeah. So we get a little loaded with Raj and he's like, well, shit, I ought to go home. You guys got to go to the Derby, whatever. So went there and who fucking went to the Derby had a good ass time. But that was the year we found those hamster balls. They had those fucking orbs in the baseball diamond. Like the blow up on them. Yeah, yeah. Yes, the human hamster, but not the, not the ones that you like stand in. It's the ones that you have your legs exposed. And they're just like, from your waist up, you know, yeah. And we paid like $5 for 20 minutes just running around and fucking wreck our friends with them. I did that at the Loon Stadium one time during when they're like, intervention, I fucked everybody up. They put me, they put me against like these old fucking men. You're like, I'm destroying them. Like if you win this, you get something. I was like, sorry guys. You guys just went, you just went fucking red. They're there for my cousin's bachelor party. And I like, I just went, because you can talk anybody and anything there. And I went to like the service desk and I was like, oh, we're here for his bachelor party. You know, we're, we're, we're celebrating. Like this is the only place we're coming tonight. So we got to make sure he has a good time. It wasn't the only place. Yeah. So we got like a full like underground tour of everything. And they're like, hey, do you guys want to go do this? And I was like, yeah. Yep. They put that on. They're all guys. They're just like, yeah, you're fucking dead. I'm sorry. Your family's about to see a murder on this field real quick. I don't even care. It shits. It's RV coupons, but you're going down. And that's the thing is getting a ball cap, damn it. Me and John, me and John had a plan to like wreck everybody else, right? And they like, we're like, all right, when the gunshot goes off, you can run and what it do, whatever. And the gunshot goes off. And I'm like, looking at this person, I want to run out and I turned to look at John. And he's halfway, like full fucking sprint at me. I'm like, what the fuck? And before I even had time to get down, he dropped the fucking ball, lifted my ass. I think I flew like 20 yards. It was like a movie. There I go. You know, I was like, all right, fuck this. He didn't let me get up the whole time. Every time I got a boom again, you know, I was like, focus on the fucking 30 year old over there, like, recognizes. I launched one of the guys so bad. His glasses came off the top. All these fans, too. And they broke. I kind of felt bad. Oh, no. But I won the prize. You walk up, beat your chest. You're like, run it up. You're like, Kirby ain't got nothing on me. That's awesome, dude. Yeah, I've done those. Those are fun. Those are those are a good time. You know, that'd be dangerous for a group of men just to own those, you know, it'd be like every day, every day we're running this shit. Kind of think that and lawn darts would be a really fun game to see who could pop who's right. Oh, just playing charts and those things. Your hand barely comes out the bottom. So you're just fucking for guys. Yeah, pummeling each other and four other guys throwing fucking cars down. That's what we do for fun, man. Bring her right through the top, right through the dome. It's like that game used to play in the trampoline where you'd have to throw the ball and try to hit the person. But this time it's sharp. No, we do that out of Jared's house all the time, man. Or if you jump in on a trampoline with balls, you try to throw it under their feet. So you just fucking. Oh, yeah, the only game we ever played on trampolines was you'd run around the exterior. You had one person in the middle and their job was to try and trip whoever was running around. Oh, shit. Make it fall off. Whoever was the last one running got to be the one in the middle. I was surprised we're all still alive, guys. Yeah, it's fucking nice. I always like, I can't remember what it was called, but you get one person sits in the middle, you have to hold your popcorn. Yeah, popcorn. Yeah, yeah, and you got to fucking pop and make them make them spread. Or flip the bacon. Yeah, yeah, if they flip. Yeah, we popped popcorn at home with the kids now. They call it crack the egg. Oh, so they curl up and then if you break. Yeah, break the arms and legs, it's cracking the egg. Yeah, nice. Yeah, I have to do that when my knees are feeling up for it. Right. You're like, all right, fine. Two jobs a minute like I was doing that. He has a YouTube channel, and it was just he just filmed himself doing backflips and shit on the trampoline and stuff. Yeah, you got real into trampoline a couple years ago. Now he's all about Fortnite. Yeah, my kid plays Fortnite. Yeah, tell them kids. Your kids probably beat my kid. My kid's really good. Yeah. Fortnite's crazy. Yeah, I can't play it anymore. Fuck them kids. For tonight. Yeah, the kids got way too good. I'm like, Jesus Christ. That's that's how it always goes. You know, we used to play Halo. That was that was our shit. I grew up by Halo two and stuff. So I was over. It's not really a drinking story. Of course, I don't remember. I could have been drinking back then. But I remember distinctly being at Justin's house for a land party. And we had to do so much fun. We'd have all the TVs and we'd have a switch. It was so much fun because everybody, you know, you play the game and then you all come to the middle and you're like, Oh man, this fucking you talk about it and everything. Talk shit to people and then you fucking go back and everybody had their own TV or your screen. You brought your own TV. Yeah, you brought your own box. Oh, I used to do that. My other buddies were 200 fucking pounds back there. Oh, your own fucking they were the CRT. Yep, I broke my console. See, we adapted to computer monitors when I was doing that by friends house, but we do the same shit. Yeah, bring over the order stations. Yeah, this was a great, great time to be alive because I don't know if it had been happening a lot or not or if you came up with it or whatever, but we would start playing Halo and it's when Xbox I have it just come out and we're playing it and that and Justin would run over to the router and unplug it and then plug it back in and then you would get that fucking lag. So you'd run around and kill everybody and then they'd respawn and then they'd come back online and they're like, what the fuck? What happened? What's been real? Just ah, it's so much fun. That was some good, that was a good shit. Yeah, that is how friendships were built in our day. For real? For real. Abs used to have those all the time. Ours were built with big wheels and little green machines. Hoops in a stick. No. Big wheels. Yeah. Jackson, a bouncy ball. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. That's awesome. Don't worry. I used to play Jackson when I was a kid too. I never played that. No, you never played Jackson. No, I tried once. I do. I sucked. Oh, my grand. That was like one of the staples of going to my grandma's house with Jack's. Yeah. See, it was, it was always, it was always gin rummy and euchre at my grandparents. Michigan rummy. Yeah, mine was LCR at my grandparents. Dude. That was a fuck. I had never heard of this game. LCR left center right before we died. The first time I'd never fucking heard about it. First time you played it was with us. Yeah, it was with you guys at Thanksgiving and they're brutal and they're like screaming at each other and throwing shit and they're just like, what did I fuck? Oh, you get fucked when you work outside of your family. Yeah. No, my, my own loss played that for money. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's what we do. Yeah. That's what we do. If you don't got money, you ain't fucking playing with no money. Yeah. That's the thing. When I was told, when I was like old enough to make my own money, but I didn't have any, I was like, Oh, I want to play. And they were like, if you ain't got no money, you ain't fucking playing. I was like, Mom, could I have a dollar? She's like, Nope. I was like, fuck. I was like, shit. I was like, here's a 20. Can you break them in quarters? She's like, eventually you'll lose it. I was like, fuck. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, I've never played that game. I've watched it, but I've never. Oh, you never part crazy. Yeah. Yeah. This guy got it. I don't think I don't think you can count cards in that. No, you can't. That's all luck. That's why I don't play it. Yeah. He's like, if I can't cheat, I ain't playing. That's not cheating. It's being a man. Yeah. There you go. There you go. Like we had learned a new game a couple weekends ago called Swoop. It's played with like three decks of cards. Oh, shit. And once you make four of a kind, like on the pile, you swoop it out. Okay. And then whoever's left with cards in their hand, when somebody's out of cards, yeah, you then count them. And was it like aces are 25, jokers are 50, and face cards are 10, everything else five, and you play first to 500 loses. Yeah. And like they taught me how to play a few weekends, go up with the cabin. We're up there with friends. And I was like winning every other game. What the fuck? I was like, it's not hard. There's three decks of cards, like to understand the probability of what everybody has. Yeah. This guy's probably been drinking, dude. You probably been drinking, dude. They're like, fuck. Yeah. That's crazy. Like it's not hard. Yeah. Well, he's a fucking nuclear camera. Yeah, I know. Yeah. It's one thing I can do is work with numbers. I can't read. See, I'm the exact opposite. I have very good reading, comprehension, writing, but I am super math dumb. I think my ACT was like a 12 and 13 for reading and writing. Dang. It's like a 32 and a 31 for math and whatever science. There you go. Hell yeah. So I averaged like a mid 20s. Yeah. My whole job revolves around numbers. So I like it. Yeah. What do you do? Counter or something? No. Yeah, I just sit there. I mean, kind of. Dude. He counts all the plants. No, I do not deal with any weed. I am the finished product guy. No, I am inventory at High Life Farms. I'm the inventory lead. No, manager now. At a growing growth facility? Yeah, we're processing. Yeah, the largest in Michigan, the processing plant, we, we make all edibles, gummies. We'll talk offline. Yeah, we will. It's going into a long story. It is. I have a potential business opportunity maybe for you guys, but awesome. We'll talk offline. Yes. There we go. Do you have any last call story? Yeah. What's your last call? What's your fucking last call? I want to hear this. What is my last call? What's the last call you could think of? Whatever you want, you know, fun to be the last time you're on. Or just fun story. Man, you're putting me on the spot with. I really didn't. I told you 20 minutes or two hours ago. But anyway, 20-some years of wild stories. So let me try to think of something that can be appropriate for for a podcast. Well, why are you thinking? Do you have one? No, not at all. Nothing. Bitch. Just too many good ones going through here. Yeah, really. That's probably it. Well, he's like, a lot of them can't be set on here. Yeah, that's where I'm at. Hurricane was crazy. Excuse me. Tsunami. Tsunami. Yeah. We could, I'll tell you about 10th wedding anniversary. Okay. We just celebrated, right? Yeah, congratulations. Yeah, thank you. That was Friday. Oh, yeah. I took her to Antigua in May, April. May. I don't know. Sometime early spring. I'm dumb. Where's that at? It is one of the Caribbean islands that goes kind of down. So there's a string of islands that go down to South America. Yeah. It's one of those islands in that string. Oh, okay. So you have like Puerto Rico Dominican Republic, Cuba. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I like the main islands and then like Jamaica and all that. And then there's like very small islands that kind of. Okay. Like St. John, St. Martin, all that. Yeah. It's South St. John's. Grenada. Grenada. I think Grenada. Grenada is one of them. That's just south of them. Okay. So it's in there. Oh, yeah. Yeah. We would have been right by it. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, he's over here just talking about listening. Molly. So we went there. We took a for one of the events that we did. We went on a snorkeling trip. And so we went out. We snorkeled whatever. We came back to the catamaran that brought us back in. Catamaran. Yep. And that day we were getting a little unfortunate weather. But during the snorkeling, everything was fine. Like we had great jobs snorkeling. Got back on and started raining on the boat. Go for it. I know I have the most insane Charlie Horse. My big toe just went and like fucking locked down. Oh my God. I got one in my my the back of my leg right now, but I'm battling through it. As he's talking. Not even a big nothing. Dude. Oh yeah. It must have been that fucking vodka man. Just making a comment down. You got to love the pain. It's hard to hardly horses. And we've referenced abs a few times here. Yeah. Good old band. I remember taking a break from my my Antigua story here. One time I was in Taco Bell with him when we were in high school. And yeah sorry. Cyber story. Yeah. We also used to stick a giant 12 inch dong on the back of Ethan Shannon. That's fucking awesome dude. That got deserved every bit of that fuck that man. One time we slapped that bitch on the back of his window. I was doing this. But regarding the cyber story. Yeah, he deserved every bit of that. Oh yeah. It's sitting in Taco Bell Eden. It was right after they remodeled. So they had these tall tables. Yeah. Center road. Yeah on center road. Yeah. Yeah. And I was sitting there eating next to him. I think it was before one of our tennis matches. Because I think we're going there eating and then take off and like fucking we're sitting there eating all of a sudden the loudest fucking yell I've ever heard in my life. And he's on the floor. Oh no. He got a back of the leg cramps so bad it knocked them off his chair. Oh no. And he was in he was in there just screaming on the floor. I thought somebody fucking like hit him with something or right like stand him and ran away. Are you doing some childy horse? I was like damn man. That bad huh? Yeah, it was a pretty bad one I guess. But uh yeah back to Antigua's story. We were on uh we got back on the catamaran and uh they fed us and everything was part of the the deal. And then it started raining. We had we had a huge uh uh long drive around uh the island because we went to the other side of the island to get back to our our sandals resort. Um it was raining and there's not much you can do on a catamaran when it's raining on the ocean. So we drank. Yeah. That's what it is. Yes. Thank you. We were thinking of a song. Oh. So we drank. Um and it was about like an hour and a half boat ride and we're getting you know plastic cup drinks slamming them. Yeah. Uh and they're just blasting music on this thing. So my smart uh smart-ass along with the friends that we were with um we just started fucking partying on our third of the catamaran. So the catamaran is just like a giant pontoon. Yeah. Yeah. Two runners. Yep. Three sections of the boat in the middle. We're on the far section of the boat and we just fucking start going. Oh yeah. And the crew is loving it. They're just all they're over their partying with us. Everybody else is standing there like they're attending their grandma's funeral or something. Oh no. Just like just like side iron us. I'm like fuck you. I paid for this shit. I'm a party. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Really. So I was like all right. This is pretty fucking lame. Let's get this thing going. So I went over. I pulled ants down the middle group. Yeah. And I got them. Awesome. I finally kind of got them going except for this one couple that was from Texas. They like they kind of scurried over to the other edge of the boat. I tried to get the other side of the boat but you know that was you can only do so much. Yeah. Really. Really do so much. There's only there's only enough for one man to to accomplish in life and I reached my limit at that point. But we got everybody party and we finally got back which I'm told to the resort. Which I went out in the ocean and emptied out. Nice. There it is. It was a lot of drinking. And we just kind of continued partying. But yeah. Good. Yeah. I like that. It was a memorable vacation. It was fun. Hell yeah. Had a little bit of pole dancing in it. That's funny. Yeah. There's some pretty good pictures and videos that I'm sure that have been shared in friends group that went. That's fucking awesome. It's only so much a man can do. Yeah. I was. I got back. And so so after that we thought that we just kind of assumed that the catamaran was part of the hotel and everything at the hotel had filtered water filtered ice so we didn't worry about ingesting anything. Oh no. Day after we got back. We got lucky for this because the day after we got back all six of us spent seven to 10 days on toilet because no ice was locally sourced. Oh fuck that. If we would have been one day sooner on that catamaran we would have fucking wrecked that plane. Oh yeah. Yeah. That was the biggest thing when we were down in Cancun. Yeah. They had only bottle water. They had fucking Ricky Martin fucking bottled water and all the in the rooms and everything. But I mean we just drank beer. We were fine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We never we never even thought twice because they picked us up from the resort. They returned us to the resort. Yeah. This is a resort. Yeah. We booked it through the resort. Yeah. Yeah. It's fine. Oh we would have we never even like thought twice about the ice. Yeah. Until like everybody got sick after we got back and we're trying to like figure out what the hell what the hell it was and then what ice from the catamaran. It was the ice. Damn. Fuck. Sons of bitches. No. Jesus. So you're home. Home toilets just destroyed. We also during that trip and this I laugh about this every time I hear it. So part of that trip you got picked up by a tour guide and drove across the island to where you boarded the camera. Okay. And during this tour you took you kind of through the historic sites of Antigua. Nice. And explained everything. But like the stuff he was excited about was like everyday stuff for us. We got told about every local gas station. They all change your oil. Oh shit. Crazy. Well I mean gas stations used to do that back in the day. That's where you got your oil changed. Yeah. Yeah. We've we got a drive by tour of the Rastafarian farm. There we go. So there's a the and we got schooled on how much grow you can have per person but the Rastafarian farm because it's a bunch of people living in a county. Yeah. You can have more than the local grow and and stuff. And then the most fantastic part was they just got a KFC with the drive-through. Oh shit. That's tight. This guy was the most excited I've ever seen. About KFC. Can roll through against some KFC. And he's like this **** tight. They were on the go. They were closed at the time. He pulled us into the parking lot. Yeah. This is a KFC with a drive-through by the way. He pulls us through the drive-through and he's like oh man. This is where you pull up. You see the menu there man. It's got everything you can order from this place. You talk into this speaker. They talk back to you man. And then you tell them what you want. And then they tell you pull around man. You pull around the first window. You give them your money man. You get your change back. You go to the second window and they give you your food man and you can drive away. And he was so ****ed. We were dying in the back of the car. We were dying. You never know. You never know. We take a lot of **** for granted. That's really cool that so many can still get super excited about a drive through. It was the first, I think the first drive through KFC on the island of Antigua. So this was like ground breaking. It was so funny to us because we've never known a drive-through. It's like growing up and just the pier excitement and this higher than a kite guy's voice was just the funniest thing I've ever. That's awesome. We were just dying. You're like, man, I tell you. Are you just driving away? You don't have to stay. You don't have to say thank you. You just **** off. That's great. It was by far. I love it. One of the best things I have in that. That's all. That's true. Holy **** hotter than a **** down there or what? Oh yeah. Yeah. It was like, hey, you went at the greatest time. We went early spring. It was still like mid 90s but like 80% mid-day. It was like, yeah, you couldn't walk outside without needing to change clothes. Sweating when you slim. Yeah. Holy ****. Yeah. But it was fun. We're going in a couple of months. Oh yeah. Not to you. It's the cruise down the Caribbean. Okay. Yeah. We're going to Caribbean cruise for spring back. It'll be the first full family where we're taking all the kids. Oh nice. Nice. This is going to be the first one where I don't take any of my kids. There you go. Just the wife and I. Yeah, I know. He's going to be living. He's going to come back and be a **** depressed little Raj for like a week. Yeah. We'll be like a **** ****. Why would you let me go and leave me alone with her so long? No, that's all my wife and I have been doing the last few years. His trips without the kids. Nice. Well, the twins are young and we've taken Luke sound a few family vacations like it was for a wedding or whatnot. But a lot of the... Oh, right on it. Now, Eddie just spilled his beer on the computer. Yeah. I know. You need another paper towel there, big guy. Yeah. So the sound of silence is the sound of his appointment. Hello, darkness. My old friend. I'm sorry. I spilled you again. But yeah, so we've been doing a lot of like just her and I vacations because we never really got to before we started having kids. Oh, okay. You make it up for it. Yeah. I'm making up. Yeah. Before you have kids, something you should do. Okay. Well, he goes camping every weekend. Or you're going to wait 37 fucking years before you go without it. That's campin's not a vacation, like a true thing. Not a true. But my vacations, I like to go up north. I really do. I really do. Yeah. Like if it's tropical, then I'm spending big money, you know? Not always, but yeah. Well, only for me, because when I go up north, we like to rust a camp, you know. It's like figured out. That's fair. Figured out. Figured out big guy, you know. But hell yeah. No, no less call story for you. Nothing Raj. Come on. Fuck. We'll get one after. Justin, it's his first time here. Come on. You got to give him something special. Something. I can't think of anything. All right. Well, hey. All right. Tell you what, this has been a great episode. Yeah. Thank you so much for hanging out with us. We really, really appreciate it. We want to say thank you to I want that kettle corn to ideal party store and small town builders. Fucking a right. I got to play with Corey Evans. You did? Yeah, golf. And that dude's a good fucking time, man. We were having an absolute blast. He had a good time with them. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Small town builders. We'll do we'll do a whole special thing for him, actually. But yeah. Thank you guys so much. Thank you, Justin, for coming out. Find us on And as Ernest Hemingway said, always do sober. What you said you do drunk. Cheers. Did you enjoy this episode? Then check out more at, Michigan's premier podcast network. Hey, pal. Yeah, use. Yeah. I see you looking at that sports illustrated for a little bit more than the swimsuits. If you do really like sports, I highly suggest checking out cross-fated sports on the 989 network. These boys are out there spitting all the facts about all the sports. So if you like sports and anything beyond that, and you like drinking and a little bit of that thing, then yeah, I highly suggest cross-fated sports on the 989 network.