FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

(SFSRS) Southern Fairways Sports Radio Show 8.32.024 w/guest Rae Scheussler

Broadcast on:
03 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - And hello again friends and welcome to another edition of Southern Fairways of Radio Show. Glad to have you on board with us presented by our friends at Maconnell Automotive, the number one GMC dealer in the state of Alabama. They're located just east of I-65 on Dolphin Street in Mobile where you can check them out online at Maconnell We are broadcasting live from our Shrickson Studios right here in Lower Alabama. I am Randy Bergen, Doug Holton. War Eagle TV's Doug Holton has the weekend off. He's been on assignment, so we gave him the day off. Of course, he didn't get paid for it either, okay. So, but Bobby Hollaby here just a little bit, but Matt Brant, fresh off of a vacation. Of course, Matt, one of the proprietors of Bujo's Cajun Grill located in Daphne sitting on the beautiful, beautiful Mobile Delta and back from a wonderful vacation. - Glad to be here. We had a great week last week. My wife and I and some friends took a little trip down to the Bahamas for the first time. So, we spent a little time in Nassau. Took a cruise down there to Princess Kays and a little private island the cruise lines have. And, man, I tell you what, I don't know how you can live in that area of the country and get, or live in that area and get any work done. I mean, it's gorgeous. I've never been there before. Our next trip, we're gonna probably fly out there and stay online for a few days and really enjoy the area a little more than just a cruise. But a cruise is a great, cheap way, really to get out there. - Now, what did you cruise out of? - We cruised out of Jacksonville. - Oh, okay. - So, I just drove over to Jacksonville and then hopped on a boat and took a trip to the Bahamas to Nassau. - That is so great. - It was a lot of fun. We had a good time and, you know, had some good friends go with it, so that makes it fun as well. - You didn't play any golf over there. - No golf, no golf, no time for that. I wish we had, but if I played golf, my wife would probably have left me there. So, which maybe wouldn't have been a bad thing. - Wait, hold on. - Oh, Nicky. - Let me at the Bahamas, I'm saying. - Nicky, no, oh, okay, oh, left you there, okay. - But go back to what you started with the Doug conversation. What about this pay thing? We get paid for this one? - Yeah, no, no, no, the expectations are high, but there is no pay, there is no pay for sure. Now, we got a lot going on. Obviously, we're gonna be talking to some Olympics coming up in just a little bit. Bobby's scheduled to be here and have some tips for us. Got a lot going on in that way. We'll talk some college football. You know, one of the topics that we may, depending on time is, you know, I saw this article on ranking 10 greatest Alabama football players of all time. And we're gonna throw some names up there. Maybe we can get into that, all right? We'll do that for sure. But at the bottom of the hour, Ray Schuster, he is the director of instruction at the Country Club of Mobile. We'll talk some golf with him. As you may or may not know, Ray is the swing coach for multi-winner on the Champions Tour. Joe Durant, so we'll talk to him about Joe and how he's doing. Also, some football with Ray, Ray loves talking football, talking golf, and we'll do that with him. Always fun to have him on the show. And of course, we'll wrap up the sour. Go by fast. It will be the fastest hour in radio. And there he is. You leave the door open. And the pro steps here. Bobby, how you doing, my man? - Is my paycheck ready? - He's up on the top. - I'm talking here about pulling in and getting ready. - Here it is, yes, it is ready for you. It is ready for you. How you doing, buddy? - Hey, doing good. It's awful hot out there. Heard you making an announcement earlier in the show about staying hydrated out there. Randy, we got to play golf yesterday and it's hot. So folks really take care of yourself and we're gonna play tomorrow and have a big day on the Southern Fairways Tour. But stay hydrated out there. There's nothing to mess with out there. But good to be here. Thanks for having me in. - Well, you know, we wanted to have John Drago, who is the tournament director for now, a CJ Cup Byron Nelson, and he was flying out. Actually, he's on a plane right now, I believe, headed to back home from Washington, DC. - Right, he was running the PGA National Junior Championship up in DC and he does a great job as a rules official. We wanted to get some inside stuff on the Olympics 'cause he was one of the first officials down in Buenos Aires when they had the Olympics there a few years back and get his input. But he's traveling today, so we'll get John back on another day. - Yeah, it'll be fun. He's always fun now. He's not fun when it gets into college football because he is a Texas fan. For those of you who don't know, last year, Bobby and I hosted him, we took care of everything. We said, you just get here, we got the tickets, we got the ride up, we got food, we got everything taken care of. We're gonna take you to an Alabama game. Since you're a Texas fan, we're gonna take you to that Alabama Texas game. You and behold, it was not a fun ride for me and Bobby on the way back. And he's just sitting there giggling, shaking his head. (laughing) So he's not invited back to the Alabama Texas game. - He's got to invite you guys. - He's out to Austin or Dallas or wherever we end up playing. - Exactly, but now he's a good guy and certainly we'll look forward to having him back on real soon. Bobby, one of the things, and kind of going off script here a little bit, but you were in Tahoe just a couple of weeks ago, where we saw Marty Fish get the win again at the American Century Championship. They used to call it the American Century Celebrity Championship, but that's just the ACC. What did you take away from that? I mean, as far as who you got to see, the guys you got to follow, are you calls Charles Barkley, did you have anything with him? - No, well, yeah, I did have one ruling with Charles at 17, but it goes pretty quick. You just get him back in play. That's why we use ball drops. (laughing) - We have a lot of, there's so many, what we call TIOs, you got your bleachers and your tents and concession stands, especially long eight, 17 and 18, so you have to kind of pre-determine where you're going, so it makes it kind of easy. I think the one thing I'm coming away with is there needs to be more celebrity activity within the tours. And the champions tour is hosting the event in Dallas, and the OPGA, it has the celebrity event that we have down at Lake Nona, but when you see the fans out there, they're not, there's a few golf fans, but they're mainly sports fans, and they're having just the best time. They're relaxed, they are playing music, we got some DJs and things are going on, and it's a fun, fun, fun atmosphere. It makes golf fun, and I know that the tour players don't always like the loud music, they're trying to make a check, but every once in a while, you got to break it up. And I think we have a few more of those events, few more fun things, you get away from the serious side so much. That's what I take away from it, it's just a fun week, and everybody leaves with a great attitude, and as soon as they walk out the door, they're planning for next year. They want to go next year. So, my good friend Rob Roberts just saw him this morning teeing off down at Quill Creek. He said, "We already got our condos, "we got our trip, we're getting our tickets, "we're coming." - Up to Lake Tahoe next year? - Yeah, it's coming to Lake Tahoe again. - Well, one person that probably will not be there when she becomes of age, I guess. Well, it didn't really matter, but we'd be Lexi Thompson, okay? Because Lexi obviously is retiring, but if you remember a couple years ago when we were down in Orlando doing, we were at Trent Quillow, all right? We're number 18, was a part three, and we had DJ Silver up there, and I was calling out the names, and her handler came and music's blaring, there's hundreds of people around there, and he ran up there, and I mean, just literally got onto me and DJ Silver bought the music. We'll turn it down, turn it down, she can't have any music. We're like, okay, calm down, calm down, we'll take care of it. But everybody else, now remember Jasmine, saw Wanna Pera, she's like, man, turn it up, getting it going. Yeah, but I know there's just one week out of the year and have a little fun, you know, so that's what I take away from it, it's just the sports fans coming out, it's a lot of fun. - Well, the Olympics happening right now in pairs, 60 players, no cut, we're gonna talk about who's leading that and who might go home with the gold. Of course, we know that Zander Shoffley, the X-Man is the defending gold medalist, if you will. And he's doing pretty good right now too. - He's leading right now, minus 14 through 17, John Ramos tied with him right now. The field's tightened up quite a bit, after the first day I was like, this is gonna be boring, but now it's starting to get exciting. - Tomorrow's gonna be really, really interesting, and I'll be anxious to see that. Now, Bobby Yalti off at 10, 29 I believe tomorrow, and we're not far behind you. - So, play fast, play fast, please. (laughing) Hey, Tommy Slather, I'm sorry, go ahead. - I was gonna say, you could slow down a little bit after you get past the Tiki Hut. We might be there for a minute to help. - We might just let y'all go through. - There you go, there you go. We're playing it, for those who don't know, we're playing at Tiger Point tomorrow over in Gulf Breeze, and they've got, when you finish number seven, they've got a Tiki Hut, it's just absolutely awesome. And a nice little resting area for just a few moments, for sure, but Tommy Slather in just 27 days, we'll start breaking down the schedules for the SEC. Getting excited, getting excited. I'm ready to, it's gonna be an interesting year, not just nationwide, but certainly from the SEC standpoint with 16 teams, no divisions, Texas and Oklahoma coming in. - Yep, it's gonna be interesting. - It feels different this year. There's almost like butterflies in my stomach, wondering how it's gonna play out, what's gonna happen with no divisions, with the 16 teams, with the new coach at Alabama. I mean, come on, there's so much going on. This is gonna be fun. It's fun every year, but this is gonna be fun. - Yeah, and there's a couple of new coaches in the SEC. - That's right. - Elko goes from Duke, he goes to Texas A&M. So, which will be interesting, Texas A&M, and Notre Dame kick off the season, okay, together. So, we know that Riley Leonard, from Fair Hope, who coached, excuse me, quarterback at Duke, left Duke, when Elko left, he went to Notre Dame. So, it'll be coach versus, former coach, versus former quarterback going head to head, so. - Yeah, that's gonna be fun. I'm looking forward to it. No, one thing we can't do with this NIL stuff, don't boo against the quarterback on the other team. He may be on your team. - Yeah, right, that's right. - So, cheer for all the good place. - That's right. - You can see what happens, but yeah, I'm looking forward to it, it's gonna be fun. - No, it'll be interesting. It'll be interesting, it goes back to what we're talking about in the prep sports report about commitment. I mean, you know, we're beginning to see NIL in high school now, and I mean, these kids are making $250,000 to leave and go to Georgia to play basketball, and you're a junior in high school. Why couldn't I have been six three or six four? All right, hey, let's take a time out. We will come back, we dive into it. Don't go anywhere, you gotta tune in to Southern Fairway Sports Radio. - Hello, from beautiful Lake Tahoe, this is Brett Fair with Fox News Channel for your up-to-date golf and sports information news. Please continue to listen to FM 106.5 and Southern Fairways Radio Show with your host, Randy Bergen, Doug Holden, Matt Brant, and sweetest lady in Bobby Hall. Have a blessed day, keep a fair bounce and unafraid, and by the way, roll tight and more you go. (laughing) - That a boy way to cover all of it. - That's right, that's right. - Well, welcome back to Southern Fairways. I am Randy Bergen joined by Matt Brant and sweet swinging Bobby Hall. We'll get into the leaderboard here in just a second. How fun was it to talk with him? - It was great, and unfortunately, when the assassination attempt hit on Saturday, Brett had to exit and had to middle walkie. A great, great guy, what a great family man, and just a super person to talk to. Very, very approachable and just a great guy. And Dress is very well for the golf course too. He's always in his red, white and blue, or he's in something kind of John Daley-ish with bright colors and stuff, but in plays it was a pretty good stick too. - Didn't he play in college? - I believe he did, believe he did, but nice guy, and very approachable as I said. - Yeah, that's cool, that's cool. All right Matt, have you got our leaderboard set force for the Olympics right now? - Yeah, right now we've got John Rahm at minus 14. It looks like he's just finishing up on 18, so he's gonna finish the third round at minus 14. Ty was at minus 14, and we've got a couple more guys, and I just lost my leaderboard on my phone. So a couple more guys right there at minus 13. - Let me see if I got you. - See if you got up here. - Pulled up there. - Yeah, all right, let's see here. Where are you? - I guess I don't have. - I know, I had it right out here. - You got John Rahm right there, 14 under center. Shoffley, 14 under. Tommy Fleetwood, who's been playing extremely well, he's at 13 under. Nikolai Hogard is at 11 under. My man, Hadeki Matsuyama, also at 11 under. Where's Rory McElroy, you ask? Well, he's a T6 right now with Scotty Sheffler. They are at 10 under, Tom Kim at 10 under. The German Thomas Dietrich, also at 10 under. Somebody to keep you out on is Adam, excuse me. Ludvick, Ludvick Aberg, or Oberg, okay, tomato, tomato. He's at 9 under, but look, there's some good golf going on right now. And this is a tough golf course. If you've watched any of it, they've got some of that, the hot. - It looks like a U.S. Open Style course layout. - It does, it does. Speaking of which, Bobby, any tips for somebody going out this week, maybe they're gonna play a link style type course or? - Well, I think with the hot weather, and we're getting those scattered showers all around, the rough is really up. I know it's complaints, but at the same time, the rough is up at Quail Creek. And sometimes you have to be careful where you hit your golf ball. And sometimes it'd be a little tough. So work on your short game around the greens. Get with your local golf profession about how to hit that short shot out of the thick rough. But sometimes, Randy, you can't go at the flag, you hit a good tee shot down and it's in the rough. When you look at U.S. Open Play sometime, you just take your medicine, hit it back out into play, and you'll score better. - So just accept the rough and the penalty, or not a penalty, but it's just gonna be a hazard-like stuff coming around with the rough up so thick. So just get it in your mind, be prepared for it. Everybody else has gotta play that shot too, that, you know, I was just a few feet out of the rough the other day on number three, and just can't really get it up, you know, can't get it to the hole and try to get it on in two. So have a good wet shot, miss the putt, that's normal, but the rough is gonna be thick in most places. So just gettin' mentally prepared for that and manage your game a little better. - Man, manager misses, I think, is probably a good one for the rough, because that's one thing that I played Wednesday afternoon. Late Wednesday afternoon and the rough is really thick, and there were a couple shots that I had that I caught two flyers out of the rough and they went long. I hit one and grabbed a clubhead and I pulled it left, and, you know, if all had just done what you said, takin' a wedge, got in the back of the fairway, I would've had a better chance at saving par, or even making bogey of those, so it's, it is, yeah, manager misses. - There you go, real quick on the LPGA, they are in Portland, Oregon for the Portland Classic. Leading the way right now is Dewey Weber at 16 under, American Andrea Lee is at 14 under with German Polly Mack, they both at 14 under there, and the list goes on, so that kinda gets caught up on the leaderboards right now. From the Olympic standpoint, all right, now we couldn't really get into this in the prep sports report, not the right time, but on this show we will, okay? Couple of things, very disappointed in the open, the opening ceremonies, whenever they had the portrait, or they portrayed the last suffer for, with Jesus, that portrayal, first off, why are you even doing that? What has that got to do with the Olympics, all right? So you kinda stepped off on the deep end right then. Then you come in and you let boxing. - Yeah. - Look, I don't, and there's gonna be people that differ with me on this, and that's fine, anybody has their own opinion, my opinion is, these guys, and I think they're trying to say they are now women, but they did not meet the gender qualifications, but why would you let a man get in the ring with a woman? We're, aren't we raised, don't hit a woman, don't hit a woman, okay? And this guy beat up stuff out of her. - Yeah, it's unfortunate that however this happened, however this was allowed to occur through the Olympic Committee, there's gotta be something that they feel like they made the right call, but I don't see how it is. I don't see how it's possible. - I don't know, Bobby. - You know, and switching to golf, if the best players in the world tee it up, if Monica Sorenstam and other ladies in the past to play with the men, they've had the opportunity to play, that is for the best elite, but you can't ask a man to go down and play with the ladies that can hit it 150 yards past where they're at and play that set of tees. It's not right in golf, it's not right in boxing, it's just not right. - It's not right in swimming. - Anything, you know, what you're born at at birth, that should be the sport you play in. - You agree? - What's your sex at birth allows you to play in that field, and I'm just not for it either, so. - Well, we just got a text and yeah, and somebody said, "Hey, hold on, y'all put a move on, y'all got to get into it." So, we'll move on, but I just wanted to bring that up, definitely not for guys playing in women's sports. I just don't, not for it, so we'll leave it at that. Let's go back and talk a little bit about who could possibly win the gold in golf, all right? Obviously, as we mentioned, Z enters sharply, is the reigning gold medalist. You got to put, John Rahm is in there. I mean, I just go off the leaderboard right now. He came in ranked probably fourth, Scotty Shefford was ranked fifth, Roy McElroy's seventh, but I think one of the guys is kind of somewhat surprisingly, Tommy Fleetwood, okay, because remember, now Fleetwood does not have a PGA win, all right, but he's played obviously over there quite a bit, and I think this is a guy that, you better watch him, because he certainly got the game. I think his putter's working pretty well for him, and he could take on that gold medal. I am rooting for Z enters sharply in a big way. Shoots, and my thought is if Z enters should win this, of course he's already got two majors this year. He's got to be your player of the year right now, because this is a toss-up between he and Scotty Shefford. - Yeah, and back-to-back gold medals, that's pretty strong, I mean, that's pretty huge. As well as he's been playing, the driver seems to be the thing that's helping in the most, and the fairway isn't out of the rough on this course, 'cause this, like you said earlier, this rough is pretty brutal right now. Course is playing tough, so I'm interested to see what happens tomorrow. Even with Rory and Sheffler at minus 10, I mean, they could also contend tomorrow based on their skill set and their ability. - Who did you say was already finished at 9 under for the day? - Oh, that was a hole guard, finished at 9 under. - So we shot 9 under today. Well, the course is get-able. - There you go. - Well, that's tough, but we'll see what happens tomorrow. I'm past friends, well, I'm still friends today. We haven't talked in a long time with Kerry Hagg. Kerry Hagg is gonna be the new CEO for- - Is it really? - PGA of America, but he has set up all the tournaments for Ryder Cup and the PGA Championship and other tournaments that the PGA runs. And I'd like to know who did the, you know, I'm sure it's a combination of the people there in Italy, I mean, in France, the superintendent. And, but the tours have to get together send some people over there, you know, how they want the grass set up, how they want the rough and who has input in that, you know. We get set up for the Ryder Cup coming up and the, you know, the captain of the Ryder Cup team goes and helps set up that golf course. I'm just wondering how this was done. I'd like to go behind the scenes and find out. That'd be a good question for John Drago when we get him on is who behind the scenes is setting all this up and making the pin placements and is it, you know, a combination of the Royal and Ancient, the USDA, the PGA Tour, you know, like to see who it is. - And let me, let me ask you this about this tournament for the Olympics. And this is something I've thought about the last Olympics when it started and is this the right format? Is this the right format for the Olympics? Should they do like a match play as opposed to four rounds, a regular four rounds of golf? What, with the 60 person limit, couldn't they do? I mean, they've got 16 days to make this work. Wouldn't that be more interesting to see kind of a match play scenario? - Who would like a President's Cup or Ryder Cup title? - Yeah, yeah, that or even like the match play they have over in Louisiana. I know that's a too many team, but, you know, something... - I think that would be, I think that would be interesting that maybe have Sunday as your individual play. - Yeah, something like that where maybe you get points for how you finish and, I don't know, I don't know, just seems like it'd be something a little bit more. - But I think, yeah, but I think what, with the Olympics, what they try to do is get the best player in that particular sport. - Yeah. - Okay, where we see Zander Shoffley right now, you team him up with someone else. Did the other person help Zander get the gold, who gets the gold at the end? Is it the team or is it the... - Get a bracket going? - Yeah, I mean, I guess you could say the same thing in gymnastics as well. So, you know, but anyway, let's take a quick time out. When we come back, we have got Ray Schusler on. He is the director of instruction at the Country Club of Mobile. That happens right here on Southern Fairway Sports. (upbeat music) Welcome back to Southern Fairway's boy, a little Bob Skaggs on Saturday morning. Never hurts anyone, does it? That's, I know, I know that's before your time, Matt, but... - Just a little bit. - All the guys can enjoy it. It sounds nice, Randy, it does. (laughing) - Have a quick Bob Skaggs story. - Okay. - My friend, Jeff Hutton, in college at Southern Mist, was on the student board to bring Axe to the university. We had Jimmy Buffett and Ario Speedwagon and others. So, he comes to town, Bob Skaggs. So, Jeff, they meet him, he said, "What do you want to do this afternoon for the country?" He said, "Take me fishing, I want to go fishing." So, Jeff took him fishing. In about two or three weeks after the concert, Jeff had a party at his house and I come over there and I open the freezer to get some ice, to get a drink, and there's this fishtail hanging out of this milk carton frozen in the refrigerator. So, what the heck is this fishtail? Oh, he said, "Bob Skaggs caught that and I'm keeping it." (laughing) I said, "Did he autograph the milk carton or something?" But anyway... - Oh my goodness, oh my goodness. We got, we got race shoes for coming up here in just a moment, Bob, before we go get into all of this. You got another tip for us as we get set to go out and either go play golf, go fish or cut grass. - I say this many times, but in a lot of my lessons, I had a lesson with Jimmy Stockstarter Harper the other day and Harper's working real hard at 11 years old. She played the Jimmy Green Tour and she's working hard, but one thing we really centralize on is balance. And however hard or easy you swing, you have to finish on your left side for those who are right-handed and those who are left-handed finish on the right side. But you need to finish with balance, good composure. Even with Scotty Scheffler and his feet, when he finishes in his own way, he's balanced through his swing. So you make better contact, especially on irons. I'd like to see what Ray has to say about this, but I like on the seven, eight, nine iron. I like your weight centered on your left foot. I like your left foot to be grounded so you're not swaying. You're not taking that club back quite as far as you are with your woods and your driver. And stay centered and keep good balance throughout your swing and you'll be a better ball striker. I really firmly believe in that. And if you're finishing walking out on your toes or falling back on your feet or stepping backwards on your heels, you're not working on your balance, so. - Well, let's find out what Ray has to say about that. On our shrix on gas line, we do have the director of instruction at the Country Club of Mobile. Our buddy, Ray Scheffler, Ray, how you doing, my man? - Great, y'all having a good morning? - We are having a super morning. Fantastic. We want to talk a little golf, of course. We know you as the swing coach for Jota Ranchers on the Champions Tour. When multiple times on the Champions Tour, we'll talk about him in just a moment. But I want to get you feel real quick on the Olympics. How do you like the Olympic golf going right now? Is it kind of going in who you might see winning the gold medal? - Well, I watched a little of it as I was getting ready this morning and the golf, I love the golf course. It really presents itself well on TV. I've been busy and I haven't really followed as much as I would like. I hope to get to see some replays tonight, maybe or tomorrow. I saw where Shoffley was up there, John Rahm, Fleetwood maybe, but I'm really not on top of it as I should. (laughing) - Okay, so I just threw you out of the buses, what did you just say? - I love the Olympics. I love the Olympics being in golf. I think it's great and good, you know? Do they play, and here's how little I know about it, Rania, I'm sorry to be. Are they playing 54 or 72 holes? - 72. - Okay, so I got one more day tomorrow. Okay. - Right, I think it's going to... - Morning, the announcers seem to indicate today was the last day for some reason, so anyway. - No, I feel like they're playing them more as well. Yeah, I'm pretty, I'm almost positive they are. - Yeah, they're playing four rounds, so what's that? - Have y'all checked it later, board, who's leading? - Yeah, right now it looks like John Rahm, the latest one that I have has John Rahm and Xander Schofle at 14 under in time if we would at 13 under. - Okay, yeah, yeah. When I was, they were just teeing off and they both kind of struggled out of the box, all of them. So, okay, cool. Well, I'm gonna try to watch it a little bit in the morning. I don't have to drive over here tomorrow. - If I can interject, Ray's exactly right, and I say this all the time. Don't ask me what's going on on the tour, even though I'm a golf professional. I'm busy, I'm working, it's the weekend. I don't know, we don't have that time or that luxury to sit down and watch it, but good to have you on Ray and-- - Bobby, how you doing, bud? - Good to talk to you. - Yeah, it's good to be here, and it's hot out there, so stay hydrated. But I saw some nice video that she sent out the other day with Joe Durant working on his game, and then he sent you a video from where he was practicing, and we always ask what are some of the things that you're working on. I was just talking about balance. And he has, he, Joe just has a wonderful balance when he finishes. He has great rhythm and control over his swings to talk a little bit about that. - Yeah, he hadn't been in a while, you know, he's had some physical challenges, you know, wrist, he actually had to have a oral surgery this week on his week off, and he's feeling pretty good. And basically, last two weeks ago, when he came before he left the bridge, we're just kind of getting back to making sure, you know, like you talk, his foundation's good, his alignments are good, working a little bit on path stuff. He's been struggling a little bit here lately, just trying to get his feels back. I mean, you know, like I was telling, I said, your bad swings do not look a whole lot different than your good swings, so it's just timing, you know, just getting a couple good rounds under his belt. He's a little frustrated right now, but, you know, that's golf, you know, he's 13th on the Schwab cup with his win in March, and so he's feeling good, good shape to have a nice finish to the year. They go to Seattle next week, and I think they're in Michigan, he won in Michigan a few years ago, the alley. And there's one other spot, so he's got three, three in a row coming up, and then I think they get a week off. So, you know, he worked, you know, if you watch it, it's foundational stuff most of the time, and then just trying to get the, you know, the club in a position at the top of the swing where he feels like he can deliver it from. So, we're working, squeaking a little bit on the backswing stuff, and then just working from there. But, like you said, he's got beautiful rhythm, beautiful balance, I mean, you know, it's fun to watch. I'm very fortunate. - Well, yes you are, we're visiting with Ray Schuster, Director of Instruction at the Country Club of Mobile. Ray, Bobby had mentioned short game. Talk a little bit about how Joe works on his short game and how you teach that short game, because for anybody that's played golf with you, your irons are about as good as they get. And talk a little bit about that short game. - Well, last year we, you know, he had a good year, and we put a lot of emphasis on his scrambling, you know, his statistics, two years ago, we're not great up and down. So, we really put in, he went from, I think, in the outside of the top 50 and up and down, so in the close to the top 10 this past year, which really helped a lot. And we just, again, it's, you know, making the, you know, he's played out there forever. And, you know, just looking at it, where's your weight, it is a dress, where's your ball position, making sure the club stays out, you know, what I call out front of you, it doesn't drop behind you, if the shots getting, you know, around the waist, you know, for like a pit shot, and just making sure, again, it's all foundational stuff, and it's so easy to get off on that. I mean, even those guys, I mean, you know, and every time he comes in, it's like, okay, break me down, I want you to, and he honestly says this, I want you to treat me like a beginner. And he's very humble that way. - So that's, that's pretty good, Bobby. - Yeah. - Yeah, well, you know, like you say, he's been out there a long time. He knows what he's doing. He can manage his game, and sometimes, you know, he says, well, anybody could teach Tiger Woods when he was playing good. You didn't have to say anything, just stand back and look at him. But I know, like I say, it's a pleasure to work with somebody like Joe, and, you know, and you know so much about the golf swing, Ray, and like you say, his bad swing is not much different than his good swing, but you have a good eyes, and he would, I would say, you know, one thing we, you know, as we all get older, our flexibility, if you don't stay on top of it, you know, our swings start to get a little shorter. And, you know, we've tried to make sure that the length of his backswing, and his hip turn is conducive to, you know, staying out there and staying competitive, because if that swing gets too short, you're going to be in trouble. I mean, he's always on playing pretty much, you know, he'll get the club a little bit behind him coming down, you know, like a good player does. He'll hit that white shot every now and then. And that's what he's been struggling with a little bit lately, but hopefully he's got all of his wounds healed, and as we finish the year, it's been a strong. That's the whole-- - Nice. - But, you know, golf timing, you know, you can be in great positions, and if your timing's a little off at that level, they're going to run past you, and you've got to make-- - All right, we've got some ratios for director. We're visiting with ratios for director of instruction at the Country Club Mobile Ray. Got about two minutes left here, real quick, I'm going to turn and talk football. I know you're a big football fan. What excites you this year? Of course, we-- as Matt and I were talking a little while ago, 16 teams, Texas comes in, Oklahoma comes in, no division. What's your feel for this year? - I'm extremely excited and optimistic. I mean, yeah, I'm loving the, you know, I'm old school. I wish the golf conferences were still intact. The Pac-12 going away just, you know. But it is what it is, and now we're in this new world, but I think the bore and mill row is a perfect fit. I think from what I hear on the defense, you know, we've got some young BBs, our defense line's strong, we've got some good line backers, but it's a secondary and safety position from what I hear. I know football coach, but I'm excited. I think, you know, the, you know, I was listening to Wimp and Barry on the way in to work yesterday morning, which is a comedy show, and they had Sonny Smith on, it was great, and they were talking about Auburn with Sonny on, and Auburn plays Oklahoma fifth game of the year. - Right. - That's going to be a great, exciting game, you know, with these traditional SEC schools getting to play Texas in Oklahoma. And I think it's going to be a really exciting year personally. We got to play Oklahoma before Auburn comes to town, and we've never had to do that, you know, so that's going to be, that's going to be different. - Well, yeah, I don't think there's a question about that, and, you know, I think it just kind of brings on a different, we were talking about having, having John Drago that came in last year, took him to the Alabama, Texas game. That was kind of a, you're not going to see this that much, but now you are going to see it that much, and now they're an SEC foe, they weren't last year. Do you really root against them now? I mean, what, it's kind of a different feel, I think. I don't know how I'm trying to say that, but it just feels different. - Exactly, it does. - And it's exciting, I'm really excited about it. You know, in spite of the new college football setup, you just got to, you know, you worry about stuff, you can't control, you want to drive yourself crazy, which I'll do sometimes, but I can't wait to watch football this year, it's going to be really exciting. - You know, I think if we get into SEC play and somebody goes undefeated, it's almost like Miami, going 16 and 0, the Miami Dolphins, and if you go undefeated in the SEC, I mean, you're probably going to run the table because you're just going to be beaten up on each other, and it could flip the other way, and you could have an SEC team going to the final with two losses because it's so competitive. - So who are y'all picking? - You asked that question here at this show? (laughing) - What kind of question is that, right? (laughing) - No, man, and then you were right. You said Oklahoma, Alabama will travel to Oklahoma on November 23rd, right before Oklahoma goes to Auburn, so maybe we can beat them up a little bit for the Tigers of Auburn, maybe we'll help them out a little bit, but hey, Ray, we're just about out of time here. If someone wants to get a lesson from you, how do they do it? - Five, one, nine, seven, two, five, leave a voicemail or shoot the attack, but they're happy to help. Appreciate it, guys. - There you go. All right, talk to you soon. All right, buddy. Ray Schusz, a director of instruction at the Country Club of Mobile. He's a good one. He's a good one. - Very good. - Yeah. - No seeing him. - All right, we'll take our final timeout, and then we'll put the wraps on this edition of Southern Fairways. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Randy, what's it that you might sandwich? (laughing) - Oh. - Is that on Booms Menu? - Yeah, it may be, it may be, it will be on her menu. (laughing) I'm not familiar with it. - Good song, that's a good old song. - Now, is that one you recognize? - I recognize it, yes. - Minute work down under? - That's sure. - Okay. - Yeah. (laughing) - Oh my gosh. All right, well, welcome back to Southern Fairways. If you're still with us, thanks for hanging in there. - That's right. - By the way, it's something I just learned yesterday, and I didn't realize it was that old, but MTV is 43 years old, like yesterday, I believe. - Wow. - 43 years old. So that meant that MTV started when I was five. I know that that helps out the show. - That really just really makes me angry. (laughing) - You're a mere pup. - Just a fun little tip for me. - You're a mere pup. - You're talking about music. - That's right. - I can remember when they started, and it used to be where they played music on MTV. I mean, they did the videos. Now it's-- - And what was the first video they started with? - I believe it was, was it not "Dier Straight"? - It was a video, a video killed the radio star. Wasn't that what it was? - Maybe that's what it was. - I think that was the first video that I heard. It was a long time ago. - Back to sports. - Yes, please, thank you. (laughing) - Real quick, we've been talking about the Olympics. What's the metal count right now? - So here we go. So let me tell you, my problem with the Olympics is that I seem to have to watch every event. My wife got onto me yesterday. She came home. She said, "Do you really have..." This is like, handball. You don't, you never see handball in your life. Why are you watching? It's the Olympics, honey. We got to watch the Olympics. It's on all the time of my house, 24/7. Love watching it. The experience is awesome. Right now, real quick. Do you know right here at Eastern Shore Hyundai, there is an Olympian handball, a guy that played in the Olympics handball? - Seriously? - Right out there, yep. - Wow. - I should have had him on here. - That's right, yep. - For next week. - I'll do it, we'll do it next week. - But for the metal count, the US is leading strong. We've got 50 total medals, 11 gold, 20 silver, 19 bronze ahead of France. France has 40 total. They do have 11 gold. They have 14 silver and 15 bronze. And then China is bringing up the third spot with 35 total medals. 15 gold, 11 silver and nine bronze. So 50 medals, and actually this number just went up. When I looked at it half an hour ago, it had 48 medals for the US. So we've gotten two sometime today and two more events. So pretty cool. 50 medals already for the US. Leading the world in metal count. - There you go. - Love it. - That is your metal count? Brought to you by Boojo's Cajun Grill. What you got cooking over at Boojo's by the way? - Oh dude, tell you what, we've got, actually we are getting in right now, as a matter of fact, getting in some fresh Mahi Mahi to serve as our fresh catch. We're gonna do a little black in Mahi today with the shrimp zydeco topping, with some rice and some green beans on that. It's warm, you know what, it is hot outside. It is very hot outside. We are still filling the deck up. We've got the fans blowing. I've got the fans, the misters, the screens down, the blocks in Mahi from the sun. Dude, it's crazy. It's been crazy. People are still loving it outside, having a good time. We fill up the inside usually a little first because it's so warm out there. But come on out, we'll get those fans blowing for you. It's just fun. It's a good night, good weekend. We've got school starting in a week or so, I think, three or four days next week. School, chance school comes in Thursday, or Wednesday at Thursday next week. So we've got a lot of folks out, families out, getting the last little piece of vacation. So come let us feed ya, we'll take care of ya. - Well, there you go, no doubt. And by the way, we've been talking about some good news happening for Booms. And we'll get back to sports in just a second. But we're excited to announce Boom's Thai Kitchen, we'll be leaving the fort. The fort is done, okay? We are going to Pigly-Wiggly and Fair Hope, and we will be part of that food court down there, and cannot be more excited. I had guys yesterday at the golf course saying, "Man, we can't wait 'til Boom gets there." Love her to death, love her food. It's just so far from Fair Hope up, and they're waiting for the Boom rolls and now to curry and all that. - Well, we went into our men's golf association meeting the other night. And one great thing we have at our men's golf, every Saturday, I'm not every Saturday, but when we do our tournaments on Saturdays once a month, we provide a meal. And so we're so excited that Boom and Randy are moving to the pig because we do a lot of business with that deli down there. So we'll be having some of Boom's food for some of our MGA events. We're looking forward to it. And our Friday night couples that we do once a month, where you have a meal from there too. So looking forward to having you all there. Thank you. - Well, thank you. We're excited. And if you're going to be down in that area, please go by and see her. But we'll be leaving the fort. Yeah, this week will be our last week at the fort. So fire it up for sure. Hey, if you didn't know, Glenn Lakes is having a ball fitting. And we talk about how important the golf clubs are. The golf ball is just as important in your playing in your game, because that golf ball, you use different clubs, but you're going to use the golf ball that needs to be fit for you. Well, they're having a Bridgestone golf fitting tomorrow from 815 to 1145 you can call, I think it's at an appointment with them. Go see them. I don't know if Sammy Fu's going to be out there. Sammy Fu does most of the ball fitting for Bridgestone. He does it for him and Adam Rayburg. Do it for Tiger and for Jason Day and Freddy couples and Matt Kuchar. If Sammy is there, the dude is absolutely awesome. You will, you will like him. He'll get the right ball for you. Listen, wish tricks on. We were Bridgestone for a long time. There's nothing wrong with that golf ball. It is a good golf ball, and we certainly encourage you, if you have an opportunity, go out there and get that ball fitting at Glenn Lakes tomorrow from 815 to 1145. Call out there to 51951220 and set up an appointment so they can get you in there. But, Bobbie, getting the correct golf ball. Right, Matt. You know, your swing speed calculates what's the compression you need, but also are you a low ball hitter? What dimple pattern do you need? What construction in that ball? Two-piece, three-piece, that will help you the most get the maximum ball flight that you want, plus the compression of your swing speed. So that's what they're measuring. It is good to have. And you'll feel more confident in your game. Yeah. The way they make, the way Bridgestone makes the golf ball is a little bit different than most everybody else. Everybody else has two pieces they put together, right? It's almost like cutting half, putting them together. With Bridgestone, they actually infuse it. So it's one complete piece. And it's equal in the middle. It's not lopsided on the inside. It's a good golf ball. Recommend, hit tricks on, but if you're not hitting tricks on, then hit a Bridgestone. And look, yeah. Yeah, if you have questions beyond what they can answer, Bridgestone, look up, you know, Bryson and the Shambo's Instagram page and learn how he floats all the golf balls to find the center point of each ball before he takes them out and uses them to make sure they are optimum balanced. Well, and that's the one thing about Bridgestone is they are generally 99.9% of the time. Yeah. Center balanced. My brother, after seeing Bryson and Shambo do that, decided that he would fill up his bathtub with the golf balls and find out which ones were floating there. It didn't help us game a bit, but it was fun to watch. Well, you know, Hogan did that in his career. That's a salt in the bathtub and they need to call out the balls that were better round. You know, that golf spa report was really, really kind of scary. They took, you know, years ago and sliced all the golf balls in half and you could see which was lopsided and there are some premier balls you were picking out out there that just were not very good. That's wild. So it's really upped everybody in the golf ball production side of the industry from Callaway on up through Titleist to get that ball better. And so it really made a difference. Bobby, what do you think about the golf ball being not as long, the remanufacturing to make it not as long for the pros? Yeah, I know. I'm still up in the air about that, but I'm not really for it. I don't think-- Don't we go watch them play to see how far they can hit it? Yeah, I just not agree with it. If you have, you know, a real short golf course, maybe you have that type of ball to make it more fun instead of somebody driving the par four every time, but I'm just not for it. Just let the production people go ahead and make a better golf ball, make a better club. Let's have fun. Yeah, I agree with you. I agree with you. Hey, you saw where Keegan Bradley's gonna serve as assistant captain for the US President's Cup, right? That gives him a little bit of experience before he becomes a Ryder Cup captain. So that'll be good. And do you like Keegan Bradley as your Ryder Cup captain? I think so. I think he got really turned down. He should have made the team last time. And this gives him an opportunity. I think he has a lot of insight into the tour. I think he'll, you know, instead of picking his buddies, I think he'll go right down the line. I'd like to see it go all the way down to 11 and then have one captain's pick. But if you earned your way on there and that's the status of making it, you should be on there. Just well. And that's kind of what we do on the Southern Fairways Golf Tour is when it comes Team Challenge time, we only have one pick. And generally, it's one of you two. So, but no, Jim Fureka has announced Bradley as his fourth assistant for the US President's Cup team. So we'll talk more about that as it becomes a little closer to time. But before we get out of here, Bobby, what's happening over at Quelk Creek? Well, it's kind of hot. Golf course is getting back in really good shape. We just airfied both sides of the front side and the back side. But it's going good. We are going to be really busy come October and November. We've got a lot on our schedule waiting for the cooler weather. But we always have a game for you at Quelk Creek. We have a great senior group, great ladies group, and a good men's golf association. Come see us at Quelk Creek. Hey, one of the reminds you too. Today's show is brought to you by a lot of motocericks on golf. Boogers, Cajun Grill, Glenlake's Golf Club in Foley, Ben Murphy, Roofing, Eastern Shore, Toyota. And Hyundai, Kraft Farms Golf courses in Gulf Shores and Nensla. There in Gulf Shore, fantastic places to play. Lisa Johnson, Realtor, Fairhoek Golf Works, Boomstike Kitchen, and a PSR radio network. Matt, as always, thanks for hanging out. Glad to be here. Enjoy it every time. There you go, buddy. Bobby, you and I will see each other tomorrow playing golf. And stay hydrated. Exactly, please. Drink plenty of water. Water. Drink plenty of water. All right. We'll be at Tiger Point tomorrow. Excited to be over there. Y'all have a great day for the whole staff here. I'm Randy Bergen. Let's hit a knee. Say a prayer. God bless America. See you next week. Bye-bye, buddy. (upbeat music)