FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

(PSR) Prep Sports Report 8.3.2024 w/guests (Hr 1) Chris Smelley, (Hr 2) Chris Bell and Robert Lose

1h 23m
Broadcast on:
03 Aug 2024
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coming to you live from the eastern shore Toyota and Hyundai studios the Thompson Tractor prep sports report here's your host Randy Bergen with coach Rick Cleveland and coach Mark Leseter and good Saturday morning to you welcome to the Thompson Tractor's prep sports report as we are coming to you live from the eastern shore Toyota and Hyundai studios located right here in South Alabama glad to have you on board with us on a beautiful beautiful Saturday morning I am Randy Bergen joined by the stars of the show coach Mark Leseter how you doing my man Randy I am doing fantastic this morning and you looking good yes okay yeah hard to look like you have and coach Rick Cleveland coach it was hot yesterday out doing that golf course ain't no doubt about it ain't no doubt about that these guys that are still coaching football God bless their hearts I'm telling you right now it's a rough rough time right now there's no warm out there who it is very hot out there speaking of coaching football we got a special guest on our pops midtown communication line we sure do we got Chris Smelly the head football coach at Silicon high school and good morning coach how you doing pal I'm good how are you all doing good morning and we're cooking with heat down here that's all I know it's warm but you know Chris you guys practice on that turf field if you'll look over to your right when you're facing BB comers in down there there used to be a dust bowl you ever heard of any stories from the dust bowl I have you know I've got some of the coaches around the one is around the most is John Blackman that's hanging around at the school a lot help coach our middle school team and he likes to tell some of some of the old stories I can remember John Blackman going over to one of the cheerleader signs and sucking the water out the cheerleader sign from the rain so yeah there's a lot of good stories here but Chris I know you've got a big thing coming up at nine o'clock we'll talk about that in just a minute but first of all kind of tell us you got great anticipation you entered the season in such a sweet way and I know that is an exciting time for you tell us kind of what's been going on this summer for the Aggies yeah we've had a we've had a good summer you know the Joe Kaga Aggies had fallen on some hard time so last couple years and did a pretty good pretty long losing streak there and so that's you know kind of what I'm feel like one of the things I'm trying to get turned around and so we were able to win our last two games last year you know most things in the season with a win last year we did and season with two wins and trying to take some of that momentum into this into this upcoming year so our kids been working hard on summer and doing things the right way and and so hopefully that that work pays off for you know Chris I know it's been tough trying to change the culture and when a head coach comes into a program like you inherited at Silicon the culture needed to be needs to be changed talk just a little bit about those visions that you have and have utilized already and trying to get the mindset of those young men to to see the game the way you've seen it because you've been a winner your entire life pal yeah I mean you know I think winning and losing can both be sort of habits that just get built into who you are and now we saw that first hand last year we're about game six or so we're playing a good over guard team over guard dog got a good tough football team and we scored to go up 21 points six minutes left in the game and and I could just I could sense that our kids thought the game was over and I could just see it I could just sense it's gonna we're about to let off the gas pedal and sure enough they return the next the kickoff for a touchdown and you know things just kind of fell apart and we found a way to lose the game on the on the last play they went for two and scored and beat us and so you know it was it was a thing just realizing how hard it actually is to develop the type of culture and a winning mindset that you're trying to have and you know after that game and I thought our car kids were gonna quit completely last year and we stayed the course and you know didn't have we kept we we we didn't practice like a team that hadn't won a game up to that point and kept practicing hard and kept pushing and found a way to win those last two games man this summer or I tell you our superintendent and our board and our school systems really invested in our kids we redid our weight room and at our fieldhouse and knocked out the walls and expanded it and I've really done a lot this summer of investing into our kids and you know I think given our kids an area that they can really be proud of and and it was something that was really needed a lot of things in silica I got a little bit outdated and and weren't weren't up far so we're super excited about that we're working out in that facility now and so got a lot of positive things going on see no Chris I was wondering you know as the year ended last year then you move in you kind of a uptick going into the off-season and then you head into the off-season and now you've got a new weight room basically and how has that helped this off-season and summer getting your kids excited for that opening game against Cusa Center you got coming up in a few weeks yeah we've had a great summer you know we are kids have been working hard and we've been showing up got a good cool group of coaches you know we still we still draw have to draw a few community coaches to fill out our staff completely we've got six coaches that are in the building at the high school now which is great and so we've all we've all worked hard we've done a lot of things this summer to kind of build up who we want to be at the football players and also just as teammates and brothers we took our juniors and seniors on a white water rafting trip which was something that a lot of them had never done or experienced anything like that before and so just trying to develop the bond and brotherhood that you want to have as a team so that when things get tough on the football field on a Friday night as we know they all do and then you really have that belief in that trust in each other to go fight for each other and figure out how to win a football game we're talking to Chris Smelly the head football coach at Silicon high school Chris you got a big weekend coming starting today but tomorrow night I think from about four to six at Legion Stadium you're gonna bring the wives and the moms in and you're gonna talk football from a from a female's point of view to help them understand the game talk real quickly about that we got about two minutes left yeah this is our lady clinic is what we call this for any any ladies that have a player on our teams that could be moms grandmothers aunt sisters you know kind of anybody like that you know we bring them in and we tour our facilities and take them through our weight room a locker room equipment room and we get a jersey and take a big group picture new divide up in the meetings and teach a little bit about what we do on offense and what we do on defense and try to you know teach them some a few secrets of the of the ag program always kind of mess with them and be like you know you can pull this card out and you're sitting up there with your husband you know that's like you know that's a good idea I like that I like great idea Chris yeah then we get out on the field and run on through some drills and do a few things so we thought been doing this year and a lot of programs do similar things and they always seem to really enjoy and we love doing it every year and then this morning hearts for heroes you know a little bit about that Chris you won't tell tell everybody's this listening what what you what's gonna be going on at nine o'clock this morning oh man I have no idea what it's gonna be like but we we had somebody reach out to us from ABC and they they have a Sunday Saturday morning show called hearts of heroes they highlight first responders and they wanted to create an episode based off of or when I got lost in the or got stranded out in the Gulf this this spring and so it actually is airing today at nine o'clock on ABC this morning so you're in here in about an hour that's awesome they flew they flew my or that they took they flew to the Coast Guard crew that found me to Birmingham and my wife and kids and I'll read up there and we did a big reunite thing with the group that found me that was the coolest part about that was really really neat getting to see those guys and just kind of hear the story from their perspective too so that was pretty neat that's awesome Chris let me tell you give you some advice Chris when you get on that thing next time make sure you have your phone oh man he was so righteous to catch fish the amount of amount I've had a few people give me lifejack it's a water-proof sawn case they're going to buy this man I'm ready to go now there you go Chris thank you for taking some time out this morning hope you enjoy the show and boy just take care of Lee Pereman and those guys down there they love Silicon high school football yeah yeah a lot a lot of people do and I feel very lucky to support it so go Aggie there you go thank you pal Chris Melly hit football coach for the Aggies of Silicon high school a place you're very familiar with Rick there's no doubt me some sort of car leave Pereman Michael Brandon all those guys up there appreciate all that and if you don't know the story about Chris Melly it could have gone a different way oh it could have okay could go the different way we laugh it a little bit but that could have been yeah real blessed yep yep all right let's take a time out when we come back hey we'll reset the the show for you tell you what's coming up like going on right here on the Thompson tractors prep sports report welcome back to the Thompson tractor prep sports report brought to you by alpha insurance this segment presented by green and Phillips attorneys-in-law now back to the show I see your picture your name is like the public this is your big day and welcome back to the tops of tractors prep sports report Randy Bergen coach Rick Cleveland coach mark last year it is a good thing that we do not have a camera in here during the breaks mark okay we'll go that way okay we'll go that way yeah a lot going on on the show today we got a lot to get into in the next couple of segments but and Rick of course we'll have our leadership segment at 845 in the second hour at 915 we'll be talking with Chris Bell the new head football coach for the Golden Bears of Robertsdale place you're very familiar with his well yeah and I love me some Robertsdale Golden Bears I can tell you that that's a great little community and they support high school athletics and they've got a football coach in there now that I mean he's he's he's the top of the iceberg me I'm just telling you he's a heck of a football coach Chris Bell he is he's he's been a winner everywhere he's been he's turned programs around and he's got his hands full right now he's got his hands full yeah there before me no doubt and then in 930 we'll talk with Southwest director of football officials Robert you call him shot yeah Los is gonna be on with us yeah those guys shot was the guy that Mark and I we always the the position that he officiated that being a dead gum umpire they always found ways to find our players hands outside outside of inside so between shot and Robert between Robert Los and Bob Pannoni I think we've had more interesting discussions on sidelines and any officials I've ever been around you know and the thing about it is those guys they're just fine fine upstand in men who do it for the love of the game means you know they really do and I know we all as coaches we have to fight for our kids and trying to get that extra call you know here or there but as I learned most of us hopefully we did learn it through our coaching careers there's there's a line in there you got to stop at there's a line in there you know and be respectful of their and be professional to these folks because it's gotten to the point where people are so difficult on officials so hard on them that they're just nobody really wants to do it as much now I did see it the state convention that our numbers have climbed back up and a lot of it's because of the high school athletic associations push to get people out and and to take the test and become an official and we just need more more people who love football love kids because without them with the game goes away there is no more game without officials so we've got to do a better job with that and and and understand in our role as coaches their role as officials are also role as coaches and helping our we set the example for our spectators you know and I unfortunately I didn't I knew it but I didn't act like that a lot of times in my career and I've and I look back today and I go man I just I wished him goodness I had just kept my mouth shut up a few about a few things you know because those guys are out there working their fanny off you know and they don't have any agenda you know so anyway we'll be looking forward to having shot on but we got to do a better job taking care of our officials man they're tough to get right now they are no doubt and you know are you seeing any younger kids come in yes they are that's good there are there are a few coming in because I know shot I'll tell you that a lot of the guys are retiring you know they're getting older and kind of like me don't get quite get around quite as quickly as they used to and so yes some younger guys are coming in and doing a really good job well good I claim mention to me that recently parents and pay parents and pay those are the two things that he's been having having quality officials in every sport in every sport there is in baseball probably is the war yeah it probably is probably the worst because you're right on top there so that's you know Randy mark mark mention about being in Montgomery last week and of course the topic of NIO is come up all time and time again name image and likeness we've got away from name image and likeness it's not name image and likeness now it's just pay me just money that's all it is just pay me I don't care if my pictures on something but pay me for it and that and the other thing that's a big topic right now and it's something that we're gonna talk about and it's transfers and I'm really proud of hambarnette hambarnette in an interview this week said we were in Montgomery last week and we went through the transfer rules in about ten minutes his comment was that told me it wasn't important you know we got to get some we got to get some people that'll that'll make tough decisions and they just got to make firm decisions and you know it's in it's unfortunate what high-school football has become guys it really is it's unfortunate it's not an amateur sport anymore leaders lead and the way to lead is to make hard decisions and we got to have some backbone in Montgomery and we got to we got to face the rule and we got to enforce it and I'm hoping that that our new executive director understands that his job is to carry out the bylaws that the schools make the rules and their job there is for them to enforce the rules and ham is right on when he says we've got to have backbone in Montgomery and that's that's just where we are Mark and we can't we can't put it anymore we just can't and when we're seeing schools it's got 30-something transfers in a year's time that's a problem that's a real problem so you know I and I hope that we get some good news out of Montgomery when it comes to transfer and following the rules all the players want is to be on a level playing field that's all they want Randy runs a big golf tour and he's constantly saying protect the field and how does he protect the fields he care he carries out the rules if he has to suspend someone from not carrying out the rules they don't play anymore that's just we don't want to do that no that's not what you want to do but that's what you have to do because you have the backbone to carry out the rules which you've set forth and that's we got to have that and we right now that's a question we do and we've got to come up with a I don't know how you do it because in our world today it's if I'm not getting what I want I'll take my ball and go somewhere else that's right and that mentality is one of the major problems we've got and it's just and it's rampant you know people are I'm not getting to play it starts in college football I'm not playing to me that's where it is you know that's where you see it the most not you see it in pro but not as quickly as you do because they're all on contracts but in in college football you know a guy's not you know everybody now is well if he's not starting quarterback when's he gonna leave that's right that's the that's the common common thread when he gonna leave and I'm like man why is that it used to not be that way used to be that battle in there to try to find your deal and because of that that's the way things sometimes stack up the guy who is the starter for whatever reason is the starter the backup just keeps working gets working sometimes he does take over sometimes his his turn comes and he jumps in sometimes it doesn't but used to they didn't just leave they stayed there and fought through it and to me what it teaches is that guy who's if he's not the starter of that team he's probably not good enough to start at many other schools of that caliber okay and he's he's a backup guy yeah you know that's kind of what he is now if he gets in it does a good job you know but he's probably not gonna make millions playing football he better get his education and better have be able to have a job and provide for his family as he gets older and these are the ramblings of an old man as they'll bear with me but those guys learn something they learn how to persevere they learn how to teach their kids when they grow up things are not always gonna go the way you want it life is hard life is difficult you are gonna have to learn how to just fight through adversity and keep putting one foot in front of the other whatever happens it but you'll learn how to do it and you'll be on top of it because of that and I put some of that on parents parents I put it on parents I'll go make your child work for what they're supposed to get it's well said well said well thank you you're quite welcome all right we'll take another time when we come back we'll continue conversation right here on the Thompson tractors prep sports report I got time to dance on this one no slow day welcome back to the Thompson tractor prep sports report the pop's market communication lines are open at two five one three four three zero one oh six here's your host Randy Bergen with coach Rick Cleveland and coach Mark Leseter. "We call it in the air already a sir we want the ball and it's knocking heads and talking treasures slinging mud and burning grasses I've got you number I got you back when you're back to get the one you mess with one man you got a song the boys and we welcome you back to the Thompson tractors prep sports report glad to have you on board with us a very hot day if you're gonna be outside maybe you're gonna go out and play a little round of golf Rick I think we would certainly recommend that they drink plenty of fluids and we don't mean those we mean water water water water yeah absolutely it is extremely hot out there so be careful it doesn't matter what you're doing working in the yard or whatever do drink plenty and stay hydrated for sure Rick we were talking about the NIL and all that we probably carry that on a little bit more but gotta say congratulations to Paige Madden yeah Paige Madden the graduate of UMS Ride and she metered again she metered again she she first metered in Tokyo four years ago and she silver metered again on the on the four by two hundred freestyle and she and Kate Ledecky I'm telling you if you haven't watched Kate Ledecky swim man alive she's something special but Paige Madden has really has really excited so many people from this area because she grew up in Mobile was a swimmer for all the local teams and did all that then went on to the University of Virginia was an outstanding swimmer at the University of Virginia after graduating from UMS Ride and what a tremendous student she was first of all let me say this about Paige she would work out before school and I had her in my first period class she'd come in she taught me her hair was she she was ringing with and she'd come in and let me tell you she was ready for school when she got there she was prepared even with all the hours of practice I don't think she ever made lesson I think it was always A's I mean she just a tremendous tremendous student and a wonderful mom and dad and we're so proud of Paige Madden the whole United States should be proud of her and all of these young ladies that have done so well in the Olympics but we're specifically proud of Paige and and the job that she has done and the work that she is putting in is really come to fruition by by meddling at the at the Olympics in Paris and having done so in Tokyo and you know as we're speaking right now I think she's qualifying in another freestyle race so that's a it's just a proud proud moment for lots and lots of people in Mobile, Alabama to to really celebrate Paige Madden you know get coach the thing about it I love stuff stories like this is that when you get close to home and you and you kind of have a connection with them and you know that what they're doing over there is representing her family her community her school her country but I mean what a proud moment for a parent to have their daughter not just win the medal that the medals is great but who she is when she's there she's real I mean it's the same girl that she was when she was came out of that pool and went to class you know that's the same girl she hadn't changed and so good for her and good for her family and the man I that's the kind of stories that I wish we could talk more about and and that's what the Olympics is supposed to be supposed to be yes not about some of the other crap that's gone on excuse me but I'll get fired up about that deal because there's some things that's gone on in the Olympics that just have rubbed me the wrong way completely well it's about this politics it's ridiculous I don't care what the deal was I'd open in ceremony thing I don't care what it was supposed to be I've heard all this stuff that was supposed to be the it has no place in the Olympic Games yeah it has none we are there to represent the countries and the school I mean the communities that these kids come from and these adults come from and they compete for the right thing this is an Olympic game that started centuries ago and it's supposed to be about the human spirit and how we compete athletically not about some kind of weird stuff that they want to put out there and portray to make people think that this is oh that's not okay with me it's not okay to do that kind of thing not a you know if you want to do that fine live your life don't force it on me I don't want to see that kind of thing especially not when in an Olympic game those are what to me when I was a kid growing up I couldn't wait for the summer and winter olympics I'd sit and watch everyone I could watch and kids watch that kids don't need to see that kind of thing I'm sorry and you may have different opinion I don't really care that's in my opinion and that's just the way I feel about it there is no place for that in the Olympic games folks we could go deep into that well we really could we really could but let's go into this yeah please we just lost our the best basketball player in Alabama Caleb Hope Caleb heck of a basketball player and when you look at Caleb Hope one of the things that stands out to me is he's young he's young there's a tenth grader this past year and we've lost him he played at Buckhorn they were six state champions this year he's headed to Grayson Grayson Georgia story behind that is he he's been playing on an under 16 all-star team for years because he's that good and what I'm hearing is Georgia's in aisle they're active in it fully fully involved in it the number I heard from some pretty reliable sources is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars we're paying a kid it's gonna be a junior in high school and he's gonna make two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to go into a school or are there about it doesn't matter if it's two hundred and fifty dollars right but the number of this out there and from for very reliable sources is two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to come to Grayson get involved in an aisle and there was an agent involved in that from everything that we've been told so that that's I have that same attitude about that as you do about the opening ceremonies and but I understand I understand your feelings on that coach how did it get to that point I mean how did it get to that point with high school kids I don't know Randy I don't know because what you've done what you've done now with that child is you've you've told him basically it's not about you getting an education it's not about what it's about is all about money yeah yeah okay we're not amateur anymore we're just not no commitment there's no commitment no loyalty yeah that's funny you say that we're gonna talk about commitment this morning on the leadership segment but I don't know I don't know the answer to it but it's certainly it's certainly something we're gonna have to deal with and Mark I hope you're not coaching when it comes into Alabama because I think and I've been told Alabama will be the last state to ever adopt this NIO well it's already it's already in here now yeah well we've already got a school in Alabama this formed their own NIO grouping and that's just it's absolutely out of it's out of sync completely out of sync and somebody's got to stop it somebody's got to stop it I mean if you got a kid that hits 400 in baseball or we gonna lose him to all of the kids that he grew up with the school that he loves and we're gonna lose him because somebody's gonna pay him $200,000 to go to a school in another state where NIO is legal now so that's something we got to deal with so so you're the parent you're the parent and you have Clay somebody says hey Clay we want you to come over here and play in Georgia we want you to leave Daphne and come over here and play in Georgia all right as the father what do you say I say you stay where you need to stay even if you're gonna get 200,000 I just say yes I do and that's the point is is can the parents be strong and say no we're not doing that we're saying right it happened this year it's a Thompson's quarterback he was offered a seven-figure deal to leave seven figures that means it's two commas in it yeah seven-figure deal to leave Thompson high school and to go somewhere else his mom and daddy said no we're staying here we appreciate what Coach Mark Freeman has done for us and our child we're staying here and yet there are people out there offering that to some families who need the money and we can't turn that down that's right but then you're putting your child as the breadwinner of your family that's true and there's people that will do that yeah and that's not right it's not right it's not right at all it's just but so how do you put how do you put the toothpaste back in the two beer I don't know there's got to be some regulation of it of some stories that's the started in college football it's where it has to start and then it needs to work its which doesn't have any place in high school ball I'm sorry it doesn't these are amateur athletes that's the way they ought to be but college football I can understand what they're saying in college football but it needs to be a regulatory group that regulates how much what it's for how it's given out how it's divided and this is thing I can think this is not new it's been going on for a long long long time but it came in different forms maybe a paper bag maybe hey meet me over here here's some money oh shake my hand okay but what I'm saying is there my feeling is there should be a cap on it okay hey you want to say it's a hundred thousand you want to say it's 200 whatever it is it can't be more than that there needs to be a cap on from the college level it shouldn't even be in a high school level it shouldn't even be discussed no I mean it shouldn't no you play for your school where you live now if if parents get transferred because of the job so be it then that's part of it if you get offered a better job you're making $25,000 more dollars a year fine then move your child but in this world today in the world we live in today that child is gonna become exactly what you said they're gonna become the chief money maker so it's just it's out of control it's absolutely out of control and I can tell you this I hope we've got the courage to carry out the bylaws in Montgomery that's all I can say I hope we have the courage to do that and that's a challenge that is a challenge so we're talking about we talked a little bit about the competitive balance and multiplier based on moves up to 7a you're a 3a school and Chile's got to play the big big girls now in 7a Wow man how did they get here I don't know what happened what happened all right hey let's take a time out when we come back rich got the leadership you won't want to miss it that segment is up next welcome back to the Thompson Tractor prep sports report PSR is live every Saturday from 8 until 10 a.m. now back to the show no comment welcome back to the Thompson Tractor prep sports report Randy Bergen coach Mark Lasseter and now coach Rick Cleveland coach you got our leadership segment here you know Randy this comes from a guy that I have a great deal of respect for as I've studied his leadership style a guy by the name of Steve Keating and he he shared this through Nathan Cox and his team Adventure 68 or 68 ventures and wanted to share this this morning Steve says I'm frequently asked about the difference between managing and leading and I'm frequently asked that by people who don't believe that there is a difference I know almost instinctively that people who do not believe there's a difference between managing and leading are definitely not leading people they are attempting to do the impossible which is manage another human being it's impossible because human beings mostly refused to be managed they resisted every opportunity and when the opportunity to resist doesn't arise they create one people are begging to be led the best manager can do a course the compliance of their people the problems with that are many here one of the biggest ones that we deal with and that's dealing with the people that we manage when the manager isn't directly in the presence of their people the compliance isn't either that's why I say attempting to manage people causes most people issues managers deal with now leaders leaders on the other hand work to earn the commitment of their people there's that word commitment hope I hope you heard that that's that's leaders on the other hand work to earn the commitment of other of their people the advantages of having the commitment of the people you lead are many but here's a huge one when the leader isn't physically present the commitment of the people remains now is that true when there's a manager of people their commitment doesn't remain the same but when the leader leads in a way supposed to lead then the commitment of his people remains that's the difference see when a leader is is not physically present the people that work under that leader continue to produce and behave exactly as they would if their leader was with them the reality is learning the commitment of the people you lead is crucial for building a strong and cohesive team without the commitment there will always be personnel issues managers will tell you that some of the biggest challenges with their job are people related you very rarely hear a leader say that so if you're interested in eliminating most of the personal issues in your organization here are some strategies to earn the commitment of your people and put them and your organization on the path to long-term success number one lead by example demonstrate the behavior and work ethic you expect from your team members your actions speak louder than words so model the values the attitudes and the work standards you want your team to embody when your team sees your commitment they are more likely to emulate it communicate effectively coaches need to hear this more than anybody and I say that for this reason is because oftentimes we as coaches especially young coaches think they know enough to be a head coach you have to be around so many great leaders to be successful as a head coach I don't care what the sport is keep lines of communication open and transparent provide clear instruction share information openly and actively listen to your team members feedbacks and concerns you told a story about John Blattman not long ago that Steve Zaverie shared with y'all about listening and sharing what you believe which later led to Steve and you guys adopting some of those things that that young coach felt led to explore with his head coach so you know kind of able to listen because it first of all it creates trust the encourages collaboration and ensures everyone is aligned with the team's goal in vision recognize and appreciate acknowledge and appreciate your team members contributions regularly celebrate their successes both big and small publicly recognize their efforts genuinely appreciate appreciation fosters a positive work in my environment it boosts morale and reinforces commitment to the team and its objectives you got to provide growth opportunities support your team members professional development by offering training mentorship and opportunities for growth invest in their skills and career advancement and encourage them to pursue their goals again encourage them to pursue their goals when people see a clear path for their development with the team they are more likely to stay committed lead with empathy understand and empathize with your team members individual needs challenges and aspirations show genuine concern for their well-being and provide support during difficult times when people feel understood and supported they are more likely to remain committed to the team and its objectives final thing celebrate success together celebrate team achievements in milestones as a collective recognize the contributions of each team member towards a shared success celebrating together builds a sense of camaraderie and reinforces commitment to future endeavors you know we talk about commitment and in every sport that that I've ever been associated with when you celebrate those successes of particular people that are on your team then everybody on the team feels like they are a part of the team and there there may be a small amount of success but if you celebrate that with those team members then that team continues to grow and they continue to support each other because celebrating the experiences of success help a team grow into what we call a team good stuff it's good stuff right there first hour coming on second hour other types of tractors prep sports report right after this coming to you live the Thompson tractor prep sports report presented by alpha here's your host Randy Bergen with coach Rick Cleveland and coach Mark Leseter and we welcome you into the second hour of the tops of tractors prep sports report is we're coming to you live from the Easter Shore Toyota and Hyundai studios right here in south Alabama glad to have you on board with us for that first hour went by extremely fast I expect nothing less in this second hour coach Mark Lassar how you doing my man and if I was any better I'd be you well that's you got a good point there and coach Rick Cleveland coach how you doing I'm way too good I don't think I could be you though Randy I don't you don't want to be I couldn't read so standard you do whatever whatever hey we got a lot to get into in this hour of course in our next segment we'll be talking to the new Robert still high school football coach Chris Bell will be on with us and then we'll talk with the director of football officials Robert Los college shot is going to be on at the bottom of the hour so be looking forward to that and then mark you got our camp grace segment at 945 but Rick before we do anything we have got some fantastic sponsors one of which Chris Garrison his great folk over there premier collision you know I went by the secrets this week just to just to touch basically them I like sit down with him and chat for you get lucky get five minutes because he's so stinking busy that's a great thing and and I was I kind of talked to him about the beginnings of him getting into this in this business and Chris on their their business people they got three or four different businesses going on and but he said he keeps missing the name Frank Cockrell and when you talk about Frank Cockrell in the in this business in the in the ultimate automobile repair business Frank Cockrell is the you know he's the Mercedes of all of these people that are now in the business and Chris really got his his start with Frank and it really it it makes you feel good to hear Chris talk about the people that mean the most to him and certainly Frank Cockrell was that guy in his life in the business as he's currently in but if you get a chance mobile we're lucky mobile in ball and county we're we're lucky to have premier collision two locations of course one over 1177 slaves drive and one at 101 Schillinger North and you know if you have a fender you want people that are gonna treat you the way you would want your child to be treated by someone else well that's the way Chris and his team with Tyler and Kim and all those folks there in the office that's the way they treat you and they will absolutely take your car your vehicle and they will make it like new that's exactly what they want to do and when it when you get it back it's gone it's I mean the interior is gonna be I mean just absolutely perfect and then the outside of the car or the damage that's been done will be to perfection and more we all know that because we've all three dealt with Chris and that's their staff over there but if you have an opportunity if that unfortunately you have a car wreck then hope you'll give Chris Garrison the folks at premier collision either at 1177 sledge drive or 101 North Schillinger give them a call and you can reach Chris and his team at 251 478 4500 that's 251 478 4500 they're closed on the weekend but they're open to sun up to sundown Monday through Friday good people no doubt no doubt about it for sure you know some great high school football players in this area Mobile Ball and County Panhandle Florida over there in the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and certainly through the Central Alabama and all of that but what tell you St. Paul's got a good another well they do they call him the tank it's Anthony Jones and Mark I don't know if you've seen film yeah I remember when he was in junior high middle school yeah lower have mercy they started from what is in the eighth grade I mean he he was in seventh grade they kept him on the sideline till they wanted to score touchdown and they throw him out there throw a ball to him and nobody could tackle him yeah that's all he is unbelievable he's a tremendous athlete really a good player six three 240 pounds he's a stand-up linebacker I think for St. Paul's I think most colleges predict him to be kind of a guy that's this guy on the end of the line of scrimmage is a rush rusher and but he's the number one junior prospect in the state of Alabama and there's number six in the nation so I mean a lot of people that study that stuff know a lot about him want to try to highlight these players as we get into the season but certainly want to highlight Anthony Jones place for coach Hank Barnett and Ham is he's the kind of guy he he expects expects this guy to do it in practice every day and he challenges him every day and I read a little article that said he didn't think he was doing living up to expectations in practice and as most coaches will do they challenge those really great players and challenging them to be the best they can be each and every day so we look forward to watching Anthony Jones play over there heck mark he plays wildcat quarterback for him he can do anything yeah I mean he's they put him in H back at tight end this he's a very versatile player and I would imagine that in college and you probably could agree with this he'll be an edge rusher in college somebody's gonna be mighty lucky to get Anthony Jones they are he is a guy who can do so many things and those type of athletes today in the in college sports has become the guy that that's six three six four two hundred and forty to two hundred and sixty pound guy who can play linebacker who can cover pass yeah you know if you if you watch you know I've seen it and I remember watching Alabama and they're outside linebackers they would have times when I saw Dallas Turner covering somebody last year yeah I'm going what in the world are they doing that that's just part of their package yeah and it's sometimes they and so they recruit that guy to be able to cover a back or a tight end or an H back out of the back field down the field on long throws well this is kind of guy that I'm looking for and because if you can do that you will become a millionaire in the NFL one day because that those guys are incredible they can rush the passer they can play the run they can cover the pass and never come off the field yeah and they're just people you want if you haven't seen this guy you'll have an opportunity on the 23rd August 23rd is they'll open up with UMS Wright and Ricky I'm just doing a little studying here UMS Wright and St. Paul's is has always been a pretty good rival you know what that record is right now it's probably about even it's just about even 22 22 23 wins for St. Paul's 22 for UMS Wright yeah yeah that's pretty intense rivalry but the rivalry is not on the field so much it's in the stands yeah it's between the mama's and the daddy I'm serious that is the biggest part of that rivalry I mean the kids they play the game didn't they go get a milkshake to you they do they do and but the mama's in the daddy's they don't let go of that they just know it's just intense and I remember the first my first year at UMS we lost the tennis match to St. Paul's and I'm doing parking lot duty this guy pulls up in his car and he says Mr. Cleveland we don't lose the St. Paul's I don't care if it's in tiddly weeks or if it's in golf or if it's in tennis it's the same rivalry in every sport you better learn that now you better learn that right off the bat I wouldn't tell Doug I said Doug it this guy was a member of board he's a board trust him we didn't lose to him for the next 13 years so you were able to keep your job I was he took that to heart there was a level of commitment there every coach understands that I mean if you lose consistently to St. Paul you might be coaching somewhere other than UMS or anything for them oh I guess I don't know that I'm sure it is I'm sure it's the same type well the same type mentality at those two schools you just I just love to watch some guys play one another in different sports it's a lot of fun to watch them because they really get after it they get after it's fun for you I'm not in it I guess you get to be a spectator on that I do too from now between those two boy now when we play them in golf yeah it's it's like you said those kids they want to beat each other and they play each other hard but they stand around after the games over they'll be sitting in the clubhouse talking laughing they got a big time going on you know and I'm sitting there thinking that's is that not what this is all about why couldn't adults be more like that exactly okay I had this conversation for somebody two days ago just talking about looking through a child's eye you know yeah kids they don't care what color you're you can be red green polka dot it doesn't matter you go out and they play and you have fun together and why can't we have that anyway because they have to be so split down the middle I'm with you I'm busy on that brother it's um it goes back to wanting to live your life through your child yeah it is that's what it's about it is what you were talking about well well I'm gonna have time but what you were talking about Mary and leadership yeah goes back to that person I always say this wrong but trying to patrol out in the way you should go and when he becomes an adult he will not depart from it yep is a big big that's a good that's part good good stuff like let's take a time out when we come back we're gonna be talking with head football coach for the Golden Bears or Robbersdale Chris Bell he's up next right here on the Thompson Tractor's prep sports report welcome back to the Thompson Tractor prep sports report call or text the prep sports report at 251-343-0106 on the Pumps Market communication lines now back to the show and welcome back to the Thompson Tractor's prep sports report Randy Burger along with coach Rick Cleveland coach Mark Laster glad to have you on board with us time to go to our Pops Midtown communication line and welcome in the head football coach for the Golden Bears or Robbersdale coach Chris Bell on the line with us coach how you do about I am well this morning how y'all going today you know I love the formality of Chris Bell he is every time I talk to Chris Bell he is he is a true southern gentleman and when you when I talk to people that know him and know his football coaching style they have nothing but the utmost respect for him and Chris welcome to PSR we're so glad to have you involved in County and personally I'm excited that you're at Robert'sdale I spent a couple years there and it was a joyous time because of the people that were there and the love that they have for sports but I know you didn't inherit a rose garden pal talk just a little bit about the things that you're trying to get accomplished right there and go to the better nation well Rick thank you and you're also kind I've actually spent a lot of money to get people say nice things about me so I know I don't think you you said it right now I'm all I'm all probably you know flip you around a little bit I think maybe we have inherited a rose garden now it's just overgrown and and all you can see are the thorns but you know it's been it's gonna take some time but the kids have been that they've been phenomenal that they're working their rear ends off we need more of them but the community's been great and then you you hit the nail on the head there's an awful lot of good people here and they take a great deal of pride you know just in being from Robert'sdale and you know they just need something to get excited about on Friday nights because then I think they want to be excited about it on Friday night so we're gonna turn over every stone and do everything we possibly can and you know to give them something they can be proud of you know when you when you came in obviously you you navigated the course there what were the things that you felt like were priorities in building the type program that Chris Bell wants to see in the school that he's leading well you know that some of that doesn't change no matter where you are and what kind of a situation you've taken over I thank you you know you got to look at you know what is what is the end product what do you want that to look like and we want we wanted to look like you know a program that produces you know just quality young men that have phenomenal work ethic that when they go out there on the field on Friday nights that they absolutely you know give it all that they're capable of giving we want to maximize potential and you know and and be certainly the best version of ourselves that that we're capable of being I think you know do you want that to quite in the winds absolutely and you know but if you forget that process then and you just worried about you know what's that one welfare no look like then then you're going to get discouraged you're gonna get discouraged in a hurry because it's you know things take time and you know and and and there's a you know you can't jump to step six if you haven't done one through five and so you know looking at it just what we got here what what needed to be addressed I think you know a couple things one the kids had to learn accountability I think they had been you know maybe allowed to just I don't even want to say get away with things but just it had been almost accepted that you know what maybe you're not as good as this so you're playing I think there was there was a great deal of just discouragement and and and maybe even like a hope and and then so you just begin to accept you know let's say my you know my talent level is is an 80 but you know you begin to accept a 70 or you begin to accept a 60 and we want them to understand so it's not even so much accountability like you know how you got to be here you got to be present that that's a gift you know but it's more I don't care what your level of ability is it's not acceptable to perform less than what that you know that level is and and we're not and then the first way you control that is about you know when you come in you know given you know the absolute you know best effort that you it sounds kind of hokey but I mean that's the reality of it we've got to teach kids we've had to teach kids you know what is your best effort look like and then and we haven't gotten there yet I mean we're getting there the kids are getting there but again that that takes time and then the encouraging thing is that every time we have we've challenged the kids to that and then they do where they you know where they have you know had to be challenged and we've had to have some come to Jesus with them every time we've done that they've not they've not pouted they've not you know just slump their shoulders they they they you know they've got their heels in they've gritted it out they then they they've responded and so those are the those are the things that encourage me but I think those are also the things that when you talk about what's your priority you know if you're going to flip a culture and and change that it first starts you know with each person individually and get them to understand you know what they're capable of and then we can start talking about collectively what we're capable of you know we're talking with Chris Bell the head football coach at Robert Stale high school Chris you know I'm so thrilled that you're there first of all you're working for a great guy Shay white the principal there at I would agree with that dear friend of mine I coached him in high school so if you want any stories don't you want to show gets over holler but anyway let's talk a little bit about the upcoming season you start off with Chickasaw I believe and then you have a big rivalry with Alberta and Foley coming up tell us a little bit about that and the preparations going into it well I mean you know you don't want to get you don't want to look too far down the road right now where the ostrich I'm just trying to get to Monday we hope all camp on Monday you know we just you know we're trying to get there but when you when you look at the season Chickasaw a lot of question marks there new coaching staff and pretty recent new coaches staff so it's you know right they you know what they had during the spring they don't have now you know Alberta's got you know any time you're playing you know a school right down the street you know it's it's going to you know that that's going to create a level of excitement and certainly you know it's one of those things where and it ain't like either one of us have been you know just you know lighting up the headlines with anything that's been going on football field so I think you got two teams there that are you know that that are trying to prove something so that auto I mean it ought to make for a you know for a heck of a ballgame and then you know of course Foley and and some of the stories I've heard you know just between the two communities there you know and then the add-on top of that that's our first region game so those first ball games are you know you know you're coming right out of the gate and and and that's gonna do a lot to it's certainly not going to define us but it's certainly going to you know kind of reveal where exactly are we as a program you know six months in you know since we got here how many months since February when we started so I mean that and it gives you a gauge on you know what do we need to go I'd love to have you have the thing I'm not crazy about with our schedule is we don't have an open day you know in there to you know we can sit back and evaluate things we go 10 straight and which is fine but it you know I you know you'd like to as a coach you'd like to be able to at some point you know all right this is where we are you know do we need you know I don't want to really use word reset but what do we need to where we missing would we need to refocus on you know that type of thing so it is you know there's not a lot of room for you know for for for fault and in that regards everything we've got to do we've got to have as much forethought as we can going into this thing you know and then just you know hit the ground running you know check it out on big extremely important when you've lost 24 in a row every game's important but that first one that's right Chris we appreciate you taking time out one thing that I do want you to know those guys here when you come into this program that Chris Bell's leading it's a faith-based program and that's the thing that I love about it Chris thank you so much appreciate you Rick look forward to seeing you there you go Chris Bell the head football coach for Robert Still high school boys he's a he's a good one yeah no doubt y'all are lucky to have you all right we'll take a time out when we come back Robert Wow we'll be on with us why do I say this Los welcome back to the Thompson tractor prep sports report brought to you by alpha insurance now back to your host Randy Bergen baby's in the right hand with your business in the street talking about now saying you know my goodness welcome back to the tops of tractors prep sports report Randy Bergen coach Rick Cleveland coach Martin Laster and coach we got a very special guest on the line with us because I am not gonna butcher that again you know we really do Robert Loce we know him a shot he's traveling headed to Ward Oxford Alabama and Oxford is a well we could talk a lot about Oxford Mark today but we're gonna talk to Robert Loce as we all know his shot he's a director of the Southwest Alabama officials Association and he does a tremendous job shot good morning we're doing good we're down here in the wind tunnel yep you weigh in central Alabama we appreciate you taking some time out wanted to get you on this morning to talk about what's gonna be going on next weekend down in Orange Beach well let's talk about what's happened in the last two weeks you get football started with the officials we started last weekend in Jackson Alabama like district camp football officials camp and I finished one up here Mobile Thursday night another football official district camp and now of course like you said I'm headed up to Oxford the Alabama sports festival of fame and then the next week we have the state camp and on speech starting Thursday Friday and Saturday and by the way coach Bill is a hard act ball he is a class guy he he had me come over in the spring time and and talk to his parents about football officiating and what we do how we do you know it's hard football officials and and I kind of wish I know I'm getting off track here but I kind of wish all our coaches would ask us to come and talk to their parents about football officials what we do what we go through to you know punish their officials for their kids out there on Friday night but anyway didn't mean to get off and that had to plug that ever coach Bill class that if he's participating in our state state football officials camp along with several other ball and county schools the first time we've had the state official football camp in ball and county we've always had it mobile but schools in ball and county has always helped us but this year I decided to have one in ball and county and we see see how that went and we're looking forward to it we have official from from the from the open all across Montgomery to Tuscaloosa down we have two state camps this year the one in Orange Beach and there's another one in Huntsville as far as logistics reason why we did that was because logistics and hopefully we can attract more officials because of distance in the past we've always had one state camp and one location and they were coming from all parts of the state but we split it and now by doing that we have more officials participating in our state camp we have over 250 that will be participating in the state campus we're talking to Robert Los the director of officials southwest Alabama and shot talk a little bit about the numbers that we're seeing or we have an increase in football officials because we certainly have new additions we've got flag football we've got a deal with now where are we numbers wise well numbers wise we have increased ten percent which is still low but it's it's better what it was COVID really hit us hard like everything else a lot just got out I feel like they were ready to retire anyway and we were trying to rebuild from that but it's up about 10% but we want we need to target younger officials and we're gonna make a big effort this year going to all the schools at the end of their sport year try to recruit some of these senior senior football baseball basketball ball ball ball in all sports and because you know percentage of scholarships the student athlete college very exceptional so and we know that and we know there's those that still love the game that would like to dissipate somehow and you know why not officiate still be involved in the game so we're gonna we're gonna make a big push you know shot I wanted to ask you a question about you're talking about your camps what kind of what do y'all do when you have those camps explain to our listeners what y'all do there and what are the discussions about well of course we have two books we study and these camps or 10 hour day camps classrooms studies we go out on the field at some points go through some mechanic changes because every official on that field Friday night has a had a position to cover in a zone to cover it is you know zone coverage by these officials and we set them up tell them or to look where they what what the areas are and we we go back like I said the classroom of the book we teach that book on page one all the way through not only in the in the rules but the mechanics part of the game that's very very important part of the game mechanic to get these guys but end up being the right position to to make the calls and that's that's what we basically doing with the help of our schools our schools are great Southwest is today these coaches are probably best in state and I think they they do a great job with us they're willing to help and you know to get us get us on the right track you know I could tell the coaches they got skin in this game - it's not only just officials it's just for all of us and they really they really help us shot up I'm asked constantly you know we have video replay in so many things these days and at one point in time even in super 7 we have the opportunity to use video replay is that still being done in super 7 or have we discontinued video replays no we the only time we do it you know several years ago we implemented that as a trial basis we tried some schools and I think it was an expensive process and I think they kind of figured that you know they kind of dead away without a little bit but that's your question as far as the super 7 we still use the video replays will always use that you know super 7 because we go to these stadiums like last year we was at Brian Danny they they they had the angles and the equipment we can look at everything better you know versus what we what we had to work with in the past regular season so yes we do use it in the super set I think that I think it's a good thing but I still love the officials making the calls on the field I would imagine most of the calls are upheld even in super 7 because we have such great officials and we really do we need to complement these men and women who do officiating in football as we do in every sport but such great coverage and such great tutelage that they are receiving from from your camp directors now you probably have a group of instructors that you're of course familiar with but how many how many of your officials are actually involved in instructing when it comes to camps like we're having in Orange Beach this weekend well we have we have right over 40 instructors that officiate I mean that teach teach our officials you know the mechanics and in the rules presentations and they do a wonderful job and these instructors or folks has been officiated many many years it's been to the super set or super six super seven it's got a wealth of knowledge so we we I make sure because I'm responsible that because I'm the one that has to pick them and I make sure they get the best the cream of the craw the teach and they all know how to do PowerPoint presentations as well good deal these guys eight ladies they start we start we start training second week June for the football season for officials now my job never stopped this year round but anyway just want to throw one thing at you guys this is the first year in 45 years of my officiating that we've not had a rule change in the National Federation first year no rules no new rules no new rules good yeah but that's great but but next year watch out hey shot hey shot hey shot hey listen we're out of time and we always want to thank you for your time certainly safe travels to Oxford and we'll have you back on during the season for sure that sounds right thank you for having me guys God bless thank you buddy good yeah shot yes he is a Southwest director for football officials and he does a great job and I'm telling you you know think about it and you said earlier mark when these officials are out there on the field you may not always agree with the call all right but they're out there they're giving their best all right that's right just remember that if you don't if you don't like it won't you become efficient there you go if we don't have them we don't play that's right that's right all right we take our final time out when we come back mark has got our camp grace segment you will not want to miss it that happens right here on the Thompson tractors prep sports report this segment of the Thompson tractor prep sports report brought to you by Camp Grace now back to coach Rick Cleveland Camp Grace is located in West Mobile is the summer home of Camp Rapa Hope Camp Mash Camp Smile and Camp Sugar Falls as well as the home of outback mobile and is shared by many other community organizations throughout the mobile area Camp Grace is a place where God's love is bestowed freely upon others the true definition of God's grace today I want to talk talk to you about something that hit me last night I was watching something on TV and it was a commercial or something and this guy was talking about how men have a tendency not to hear what their wife is telling them now I've never that's never happened for me I was going to tell you I hear everything loud and clear and I am also a good storyteller but he said there's guys said men only hear about 25% of what their wives tell them and don't really listen they may be looking they may not be listening this is just and I don't know where this came from it may not even be factual the point of what I'm trying to make is this when I heard that I had to ask myself do I really listen do I really listen to what she's saying and let's go outside the let's go even further my kids do I really listen to what they're trying to tell me maybe there's something else that they're asking for or they're talking to me about that I'm still missing the point what am I doing how am I let I can't help other people I can't help my wife or be the husband I need to be or my the dad I need to be or the coach I need to be without really listening and really understanding the questions that are being asked of me because if I can't listen I can't do anything about it it's so bad to do that kind of thing that went my wife you know she gets frustrated with me because you remember I told you that and I'm like no you didn't and she says yes I did and she's the one with the memory problem but she remembers something and then I go back and look and she said I sent you a text that's what I do to make sure I remember us something I went back gosh somebody she did and I had forgot I didn't listen I even read it and did pay attention to it why is that why is that it wasn't that important at the time well I can tell you that it is important it's important to her it's important to my children it's important to the kids I coach it's important to the parents whose kids I coach that I listen to them and their concerns that I really hear what's going on because if you we don't we can't do anything we cannot do anything as coaches if we will not listen Galatians 6 2 says carry each other's burden and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ man I'm gonna tell you something I hear people I work with say something that's bothering them something that's going on in their life that's bothering them but if I don't really listen I don't really don't know what it what they're trying to tell me they're trying to tell me something but they don't want to come out and say it you know what I mean and so I got to really listen and I got to really take the heart something that's going on because I'm telling you we don't know what's going on in the lives of people around us unless we listen and God I listened that little excerpt last night made me really think that I have got to do a better job listening listening to the world around me listening to what people are saying or people are telling me are just listening to a conversation and understanding what the whole thing's about because I can't help anyone or do any good for anyone unless I know what the issue really is it really helps me it really will help me when I do that at home when I do it at work there are kids who come in coach Rick Randy we've all seen it kids will come in and tell us something that's going on but there's more to it and then when you ask hey what's going on is everything okay you know sometimes they'll say yeah coach let me I just got to tell you something can we talk and they'll just open up yeah they're not gonna do that if they don't think you listen and sometimes it could be the matter a matter of life and death it could be a matter we don't know what goes on in kids homes we're not there we can have a speculation of what it might be but we don't know we're not there God really has impressed that upon me man I'm really loved stuff like that because it's like a you know a moment of clarity where I hear something that I should have heard I need to hear every day probably need to wake up go listen to more than 25% of what Michelle tells you today if I do it'll probably make my life a whole lot better you know but with the kids that we coach and the kids that we come across the families we come across it is a way for us just to be a part of helping one another and carrying each other's burdens I hope that makes sense well that's well said more it's um Wow you tell you what that reminds me of you've seen the commercial where the guys his wife is in one ear just getting on him and just talk talk talking and then he reflects back and he's a really an official stand on sideline the coaches in his ear yeah it's kind of that's kind of what we do a lot of times is we just just we're just going through for I'm not picking anything up that's right that's right it's um you know we're in Boston last week and Turner was he had a storm with it and the girl was giving us a tour of Fenway I mean giving us all kind of history and I looked at Turner and Turner he he wasn't really paying attention man I mean he's twelve year old boys you know he's and I said let me have that phone and that night when we got in I asked him to tell me some facts about Fenway he just spewed him off just kept telling me fact after fact after fact after fact but they were all after I took his fault and that's the only time I had to take it because he knew then that it was it was time to listen yeah and so in today's world kids today have so many opportunities to not pay attention and that was just one example of where I took that phone and boy he was he could regurgitate everything right back to me that she talked about and it's the same way in our life we got other things going on in our I mean Randy's got he's got well he's got a golf tour he's got a job he's got another job he's got another job and he's working on another job this week good Lord so and I'm broke so that's funny guys thank you Randy thank you for being you wasn't one of the amazing job you do hosting our show want good luck this week we'll practice thank you man you're in my thoughts and prayers remember this no matter what you do no matter where you go he is always with you God bless you see you here same time sometime soon