Afterlife Pod

Episode 162-Barbara E NDE 'I felt awe, loved and cradled'

In this profound experience, the narrator finds themselves in a state of confusion and nausea, followed by a sudden realization that they may have passed away. They are enveloped by a brilliant white light, which exudes unconditional love and acceptance, accompanied by a profound sense of warmth and peace. Through a telepathic connection with this light, they receive an overwhelming flood of information about the true nature of reality, consciousness, and purpose. Despite initially wanting to stay in this wondrous environment, they are given the choice to return to their earthly life, prompted by the distant voice of their husband calling them back. Ultimately, they are brought back to consciousness in their bed, with their husband by their side. This near-death experience leaves them with a profound understanding that reality is far more expansive and multi-dimensional than commonly perceived.

Broadcast on:
04 Aug 2024
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I've got a really short experience today so shouldn't take up too much of your time. As per usual, this one is from the enderf website and it is from for those of you who read them yourselves or go through it again, I don't know what you do but anyway it's from a girl called Barbara so her name begins with an E. So let's hear Barbara's experience. The day had been an emotionally difficult one as my mother had recently been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I was quite depressed and had spent the day on the couch staring out the sliding doors that were on the ocean side of the house. At last it was bedtime. I had low and down in bed and my husband was in the adjoining bathroom getting ready for bed. Suddenly I became extremely nauseated, leaned over the side of the bed and began vomiting. Then all went black. The next thing I knew I was mildly aware of hurling through a tunnel type atmosphere. Then I was situated in the midst of a startling, seemingly alive white light. Still feeling a bit stunned and confused, I wondered "Where am I? What's going on?" Then it hit me. I thought to myself "Oh shoot!" Not exactly the word I use but you get my drift, I must be dead. Almost simultaneously with that realisation it seemed as if the light penetrated through me. And I felt the most magnificent warmth, peace, unacceptable and acceptance imaginable. I felt awe, I felt loved and cradled. It was clear that the light loved me so completely, knew me through and through and had no hesitance in accepting my weaknesses. And felt quite a bit of humour about how seriously I took my life. As I settled into the love without condition, I realised more and more how utterly and absolutely intelligent the light was. The sheer level of creativity and intellect was emotionally and psychologically beyond comprehension. I knew that because the light was telepathically melded with me, allowing me to sense at least a minute degree of what was contained within. There was so much thought and information that it felt as if zillions of scrolls of data about the nature of true reality just kept unraveling. I was lost and overwhelmed and had no comprehension of what it all meant. Yet the central message came through loud and clear. Reality is so much larger, multi-layered and multi-dimensional than we humans realise. Happiness is able to experience so much more than what we commonly practise. Everything has purpose and meaning. Just as I was beginning to settle into this wondrous environment, I heard the first actual speaking voice. Everything had been telepathic until now. The voice, very deep and masculine, said, "Do you want to go back?" I understood immediately that it was asking if I wanted to go back to my life on earth. My immediate thought was, "No, how could I ever leave this place of utter beauty and love?" The voice then said, "If you want to go back, concentrate on the sound." Sound? What sound I thought. Then I remember moving my attention away a bit and kind of listening to the left side of my body. Far, far away, as if through a distant tunnel, I heard a very faint voice calling my name. I realised it was Ed, my husband of some 18 years. As soon as my concentration locked onto his voice, I lost a second and then was back in bed with him standing over me, screaming as loud as he could. The experience then ended. As you can see, a fairly brief experience today, but no less profound or powerful. I took a lot out of that even though there wasn't too much to read. Let's go through it again. Barbara is in a difficult emotional state. Her mother has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and obviously in that kind of situation, most people are going to get pretty upset and depressed, which is exactly her reaction. She's just lying there on the couch, staring blankly at nothing, just kind of absorbed in darkness which we all can relate to. This experience as a human is never short of those challenging experiences that push us into places that aren't very comfortable. There she is and suddenly it's getting later in the day and she starts to feel a little bit nauseated and begins to lean over the side of the bed and begins to vomit. She's getting well, that doesn't go into detail as to what her condition is. If it's a physical manifestation of what she is experiencing mentally, it doesn't say or if it's an actual illness, we don't know, but all of a sudden she begins vomiting and everything goes black and this is when her near death experience starts. Also like most people, Barbara begins to fly through this tunnel type atmosphere. That's the only description we get. There's no further explanation of what it looked like or felt like but she says that in this tunnel she begins to experience a white light and this white light to her is seemingly alive and she's very confused, she doesn't know where she is, she doesn't know what's going on, she doesn't know what this light is but then all of a sudden the penny kind of drops and she kind of realises well I must be dead or dying or leaving my body or this place, this next, this other dimension is totally different to what I'm used to so this must be death and as she realises this, it's like this light she sees in the tunnel just suddenly she uses the word penetrates throughout her, molds with her, connects with her and as this happens it brings the usual feelings of love, of awe, of warmth, of peace, of acceptance, perfection, of being cradled, all those sort of words that we hear every week on this podcast when people are able to connect to this source energy or God being or light or all these human words that we use to describe something that is clearly beyond our comprehension but she's just absolutely in bliss in this other world and she feels that this light loves her so much and knows her so well and knows everything about her including her weaknesses and in this situation and we hear this every now and then the light has a sense of humour to it and starts telepathically telling her that just chill, don't take life so seriously and try to see the funny side of it all a little bit, it's just an experience and it's not your real self is what I'm reading from this experience in terms of them having a bit of a laugh at this current situation but Barbara as she is in this state of connection with the light begins to realise a little bit more about what this light actually is and she is blown away by how brilliant it is, how intelligent it is, how creative it is and the level of intelligence is beyond our comprehension as humans for her to actually explain what that actually means so while she is in this state of connection with the light she's able to see all basically get all her questions answered, she sees these scrolls of data about what reality actually is and it's just an endless amount of information and it's just mind-blowing to her, she becomes lost and overwhelmed and has no comprehension of what it all means so this light is obviously unveiling to her all of creation and all of the information that it has learned and knows about it and obviously when you think of it in that context it would be too much to comprehend like it's hard enough for us humans to even understand our small little rock we call earth and to think of someone trying to explain the true nature of reality when you look at not only the physical universe and all the worlds that are part of that and the different forms of life that inhabit all those planets and we only know of one at the moment which is ours and clearly there would be more out there that support life and just getting your head around understanding all that and all the lessons that human humanity has learned in terms of having to survive on this planet and what works and what doesn't work and practicing love and just the sheer scale of the information learned on this planet alone would be mind-boggling but yeah if you think about the whole universe and all the other life forms and experiences they have and that's just the physical and then you've got to think about the non-physical and what that actually means and looks like and what lessons are learned in that dimension and we learn again and again from these experiences there's you know it's not just physical and non-physical there's infinite other experiences and dimensions out there because consciousness is able to you know shape shift into various forms and have experiences that go way beyond the human comprehension but she says that during this connection with the light she's able to experience so much more than what we practice in this physical realm and yeah when you think about it this little life we're having as a human must just be the tip of the iceberg if a universe this huge and mysterious can be created there must be much much more that is out there to be experienced and given what we learn in these near-death experience the good part about that is we get to learn all about that at some point and experience it for ourselves and she says the light also says to her that everything has purpose and meaning sometimes you know I almost on a daily basis I kind of think like what is the point of all this to myself I think you know there's a lot of difficulties in this life and I wonder what we're doing here I often ask where I work at the aged care facility the older wise are still cognitive residents what the meaning of life is and most of them you know are as clueless as I am in my 40s even though they've lived another 40-50 years most of them still quite can't quite get their heads around why we're here either but obviously there's various answers and some will say you know there is no point we're just here as this human being to you know live our lives and do the best we can and yeah I guess it's such an individual and there's one woman I actually ask regularly and we have a bit of a joke she's yeah she every time I ask her she says oh yeah look I'll get back to you later because she she doesn't she doesn't know either and and it's such you know it's such I guess a personal journey we're all on and we're all going to have different purposes goals destinations we want to get to and and depending on what they are it's obviously going to add various flavors of experience to our journey and that's going to give it different meaning and some people will gravitate towards family some people will find religion some people will throw themselves into their work and and that's going to give them the purpose and the meaning that they need to get themselves through this experience and yeah it's just going to be different for everyone but I guess at the end of the day we are here to find in a way I think what what love actually means and because love is a very vague word I think it's it's hard to actually tie down a specific meaning to it and and I think in a way we might even be here to explore I think that's part of my journey actually to explore this word love and see what it actually means and and test out my theories on what that can be defined as and in terms of how effective it can be in this physical world and how possible it is to try and love everyone and and have that as your intent to to go about this experience and give as much as possible and and I sort of feel like that's part of my journey anyway to to do what I can to try and love as many people as I can because I don't have a family I mean I've got family I've got a very good family but no wives or kids or anything like that so for me I yeah I just try to give it out give out as much love as I can to everyone and we're all human and sometimes that's easier to do than others but for me it's becoming a practice that I never thought I would be involved in but obviously through my own spiritual experiences and spiritual awakening this has come through as a practice that I like to participate in but yeah we have all got our different ideas of what love is and often that can you know be mixed in with things like last and greed and addiction because we can desire or crave things so much and that that word can become blurred with love but from researching these experiences that that desire that craving that urge is different from the love we learn that is happening in this other dimension and that seems to be a more unconditional not wanting anything back just giving it cause it's the right thing to do it seems and this is what I like to explore and I have been drawn to these experiences that mention love and luckily most of them do so yeah this is this is my element wherein when I'm reading these experiences so hopefully you can follow my convoluted commentary and make a little bit of sense and you can connect to some of it at least so Barbara's cruising along through this tunnel connected to the light and starting to get some messages come through in terms of everything has purpose everything has meaning consciousness is what she truly are it goes way beyond any human description of you know of what that actually means because it's it's our origins are from out of this world and can't be described with human words and this is basically a summary of what she's experienced so far and she begins to actually hear talking so so far it's been more of an experience type communication or telepathic type communication without actually human words you know having a conversation with her and this voice she says when she hears it is deep it's masculine and it asked the dreaded question that NDE is get asked and that question is do you want to go back and Barbara understands immediately that this question means do you want to leave this realm and go back to your body on earth. Barbara is no different to 99% of people in this situation and when offered this choice the gut reaction is no way this place is heaven I'm not leaving I want to go back to this body and the challenges of being human but as so often happens the the deciding factor ends up being a memory of her family or kids she needs to to raise or some kind of mission that she promised her guides that she would complete before she came down here and in this case it's she hears this voice say okay you try and hear a sound just listen out for our sound so Barbara starts saying okay what sound I can't hear anything but then the next thing she knows she hears a very faint voice and this voice is calling her name and she realises the guy with the voice is her husband Ed and then next thing she knows she's back in her body and yeah with a husband and yeah and he's screaming and glad she's back and yeah that's that's about it that's about the end of Barbara's experience so yeah I quite enjoyed reading that one hopefully you got something out of it too yeah there's nothing much more I can add to that but you know if you want to reach out to me my email is pod I would love to hear some of your spiritual experiences doesn't have to be an NDA just yeah doesn't you know or it doesn't even have to be anything spiritual we can just write to say hi and I would love to hear from you and just feel free to introduce yourself I will leave it there thank you for listening and I look forward to talking to you again next week sending you lots of love happiness joy and peace goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]