Mo News

Latest On Trump Assassination Attempt; Remembering Dr. Ruth, Shannen Doherty; Princess Kate At Wimbledon

A daily non-partisan, conversational breakdown of today’s top news and breaking news stories

This Week’s Sponsors:  – Babbel – 60% off Subscription To Learn A New Language – Athletic Greens – AG1 Powder + 1 year of free Vitamin D & 5 free travel packs

Headlines: – Welcome to Mo News (00:00) – Latest On The Assassination Attempt On Former President Trump (02:20) – Details About The Victims, The Shooter, And The Investigation (05:50) – Political Implications As We Head Into The RNC This Week (14:30) – Israelis Launch A Strike Trying To Take Out Hamas Top Military Leader in Gaza (24:30) – RIP Dr. Ruth; Shannen Doherty; Richard Simmons (27:00) – AT&T Reveals Massive Hack Into Nearly All Customer Phone and Text Messages (33:15) – Wimbledon Winners, plus Kate Middleton Presents Trophies (36:00) – On This Day In History (37:15)

Mo News Premium For Members-Only Instagram, Private Podcast: (Click To Join)

— Mosheh Oinounou (@mosheh) is an Emmy and Murrow award-winning journalist. He has 20 years of experience at networks including Fox News, Bloomberg Television and CBS News, where he was the executive producer of the CBS Evening News and launched the network's 24 hour news channel. He founded the @mosheh Instagram news account in 2020 and the Mo News podcast and newsletter in 2022. Jill Wagner (@jillrwagner) is an Emmy and Murrow award- winning journalist. She's currently the Managing Editor of the Mo News newsletter and previously worked as a reporter for CBS News, Cheddar News, and News 12. She also co-founded the Need2Know newsletter, and has made it a goal to drop a Seinfeld reference into every Mo News podcast. Follow Mo News on all platforms:



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Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

A daily non-partisan, conversational breakdown of today’s top news and breaking news stories

This Week’s Sponsors: 

Babbel – 60% off Subscription To Learn A New Language

Athletic Greens – AG1 Powder + 1 year of free Vitamin D & 5 free travel packs



– Welcome to Mo News (00:00)

– Latest On The Assassination Attempt On Former President Trump (02:20)

– Details About The Victims, The Shooter, And The Investigation (05:50)

– Political Implications As We Head Into The RNC This Week (14:30)

– Israelis Launch A Strike Trying To Take Out Hamas Top Military Leader in Gaza (24:30)

– RIP Dr. Ruth; Shannen Doherty; Richard Simmons (27:00)

– AT&T Reveals Massive Hack Into Nearly All Customer Phone and Text Messages (33:15)

– Wimbledon Winners, plus Kate Middleton Presents Trophies (36:00)

– On This Day In History (37:15)

**Mo News Premium For Members-Only Instagram, Private Podcast: (Click To Join)**

Mosheh Oinounou (@mosheh) is an Emmy and Murrow award-winning journalist. He has 20 years of experience at networks including Fox News, Bloomberg Television and CBS News, where he was the executive producer of the CBS Evening News and launched the network's 24 hour news channel. He founded the @mosheh Instagram news account in 2020 and the Mo News podcast and newsletter in 2022.

Jill Wagner (@jillrwagner) is an Emmy and Murrow award- winning journalist. She's currently the Managing Editor of the Mo News newsletter and previously worked as a reporter for CBS News, Cheddar News, and News 12. She also co-founded the Need2Know newsletter, and has made it a goal to drop a Seinfeld reference into every Mo News podcast.

Follow Mo News on all platforms:

Hey, everybody. It is Monday, July 15. You're listening to the M.O. News podcast at Moshe Wannunu. And I'm Jill Wagner. This is the place where we bring you just the facts. And we read all the news and read between the lines so you don't have to. Jill, a lot of significant news over the weekend. We put out a special edition of the podcast late Saturday night following the attempted assassination of former President Trump. That is what we knew on Saturday night. And a lot has developed in the last 24 hours already. Yeah, before we get to the headlines and to what we have learned, just thank you, everyone, for some of your really kind notes. I just wanted to mention it was really appreciated. Moshe and I jumped to the microphone's late Saturday night to put that podcast together. And I really appreciate all the kind words that everyone sent. And also a thank you to our editor, Jeff Daller, who also helped out on a Saturday night to put everything together and make sure it ran smoothly. So thank you to Jeff. Yeah, obviously some very scary events, tragic events unfolding in this country on Saturday. And we just wanted to bring you everything that we knew it at that point. We've been doing coverage on the Instagram account all weekend long. And without further ado, I know we have a lot more to get to in today's pod. All right. So here are the headlines, the latest on the assassination attempt on former President Trump, details on the victims, the shooter, the investigation, and the political implications as we head into the Republican National Convention this week. And with the election about four months away, overseas, the Israelis launched a strike trying to take out Hamas's top military leader in Gaza, what we know about the attack and what it means for ceasefire talks. We remember several people that we lost over the weekend in today's podcast, fitness guru, Richard Simmons, iconic sex therapist, Dr. Ruth, and actress Shannon Daugherty. Plus, AT&T reveals a massive hack into nearly all of its customer phone and text data. What we are learning about that today. And a repeat winner and a new winner for the men and the women at Wimbledon this weekend. Plus, Moshe has on the same history. I feel your clue today for honest and history, we've got a stage five clinger. All right. Now to our top story, former President Trump vowed to remain defiant in the face of wickedness. One day after he survived the attempt on his life at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. On Saturday, Trump had just started a campaign speech in Butler, Pennsylvania. It's just north of Pittsburgh. When shots rang out hitting the former president's right ear and streaking his face with blood, Trump dropped to the ground just after that and was rushed off the stage a minute later with blood on his face. His fists raised in defiance. He declared to the crowd that they need to fight, fight, fight. Trump later said on social media that a bullet had pierced his right ear. He was able to walk off his plane unaided when it landed in New Jersey hours later. Tragically, one rally attendee was killed and two other people were seriously wounded. Federal law enforcement officials have identified the attempted assassin as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a 20 year old from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania. Crooks was somehow able to climb atop a nearby rooftop just outside the Secret Service security perimeter. The shooting position was about 150 yards from where Trump was speaking. Trump appears to have turned his head at just the moment that the bullet grazed his ear. Literally, millimeters could have made the difference between what happened and something much more dire. Secret Service killed the shooter moments after he opened fire at Trump. We do not know the shooter's motive as the investigation continues. Yeah, we're still waiting here as we record this about 30 hours later, the why and the how as far as what took place on Saturday. Authorities are working feverishly to understand how he was able to get within firing range of the presumptive Republican nominee we have heard from the FBI, which is now leading the investigation as well as local law enforcement. But we really haven't gotten much from the Secret Service. The head of the agency briefed the president on Sunday. On Sunday, authorities discovered two explosive materials in a car belonging to that would be assassin. And they believe that they found something similar in his home. Law enforcement is also talking to his family and acquaintances. An AR 15 type semi automatic rifle was found next to Crooks body. That was purchased by a family member, possibly his father, according to an official briefed on the investigation. Again, we still don't have an official indication as to the motive here, whether it was politically motivated. As we mentioned on the special edition pod, there have been would be presidential assassins who have done it for other reasons. Most notably, Hinckley, who wounded Ronald Reagan in 1981 did it because in his mind, the actress Jody Foster would find him attractive if he killed the president. So we never know quite right away what's in the mind of these shooters. They are looking for a diary, electronic devices, social media, given that phones are locked these days and given the nature of the law. It's not simple immediately to be able to open these devices. Now, typically, when it comes to these types of shooters, they tend to leave some sort of trail, though notably that larger shooting in American history, the most significant one, the mass shooting in Vegas several years ago. We still don't know what motivated that shooter. He left nothing behind. So we're waiting to hear more early on Sunday law enforcement officers close down all roads leading towards the home of the suspects family where he lived with his father. It's about an hour's drive from the site of the rally. We did learn on Sunday that Crooks worked at a nearby nursing home. They are cooperating with investigators as well. Moshe, we also heard from a lot of people who knew Crooks and they described him as a loner. They say he would often wear fatigues or hunting gear to school. They say he was always by himself. And they also said that he was constantly bullied. Yeah, this came as they were trying to find community members to give us a sense of what made this guy tick and what potentially motivated him to climb up on a roof and take aim at Foreign President Trump on Saturday. Down in Washington, as you mentioned, Biden was briefed by the heads of Homeland Security, the heads of the Secret Service, other national security officials. Biden spoke briefly with Trump over the weekend and then spoke to the nation twice on Saturday. In his first address, he said that he's taking extra steps to increase protection for Trump and the RNC, reviewing all security measures, also called for an independent review of what took place at the rally and security measures. That's an investigation that's outside the Secret Service that can really give us a sense and give him a sense of what exactly took place. He says he will share those results with the country. Then there was a prime time address from the Oval Office on Sunday night where he said it is time to cool things down in this country, that we need to be able to have a civil debate without things escalating into a killing field, that we have our political differences in this country. That's all part of a democracy. But we can't escalate things to the point where we're following on our ideas with violence. He says that we need to lower the temperature in our politics and went through a number of the incidents in recent years, the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, the shooting of Steve Scalise, the Congressmen, the Republican Congressman for Louisiana, on the softball field, the shooting of Gabby Giffords. And then of course, the attempted assassination of former President Trump over the weekend. Take a listen to a bit of what Biden said Sunday night. There's no place in America of this kind of violence for any violence ever, period, no exceptions. We can't allow this violence to be normalized. You know, the political record in this country has gotten very heated. It's time to cool it down. We all have a responsibility to do that. Yes, we have deeply felt strong disagreements. The stakes in this election are enormously high. I've said it many times that the choice in this election we make in this election is going to shape the future of America and the world for decades to come. I believe that with all my soul. I know that millions of my fellow Americans believe it as well. And some have a different view as to the direction our country should take, disagree, but it's inevitable in American democracy. It's part of human nature, but politics must never be a little battlefield. God forbid a killing field. Jill both a foreign president Trump and President Biden shared their condolences for the family of the man who was murdered. At the rally, his name is Corey comparator. He was 50 years old. He had served as a volunteer fire chief in Buffalo Township in that area of Pennsylvania. He was a major supporter of foreign president Trump, took his family to the rally, including his two daughters. He was described as a girl dad who died a hero shielding his wife and his daughters at that rally from the gunfire. The governor of Pennsylvania gave some emotional remarks about it. We posted a clip on Instagram yesterday. He declared that Corey was the very best of us. The family remains in our thoughts and prayers. They have some challenging times ahead. They will have an empty seat at the dinner table for the rest of their lives. We need to make sure that Corey's memory is forever a blessing. Jill, we also learned on Sunday the identities of the two other men who attended the rally who were wounded. Their names are David Dutch. He's a 57 year old from New Kensington, Pennsylvania and a 74 year old James Copenhagen for both our list and stable condition. So just to recap here, you had the murder of Corey comparator, two other rally goers wounded, in addition to former president Trump. As far as the investigation here, lawmakers already are demanding answers about how this happened. Speaker Mike Johnson, other GOP leaders in the house asking for testimony from the Secret Service Director, from the head of Homeland Security, Congressman James Comer. He chairs the House Oversight Committee. Within hours on Saturday, he called on the Secret Service Director. Her name is Kimberly Cheadle to appear before them a week from today on July 22nd. He says that while individual agents showed tremendous bravery in taking out the shooter in saving from a president Trump's life, there are many questions and Americans demand answers. You also have the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. Mark Green is his name. He sent a letter demanding answers and testimony from Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. He wants to know why areas such as the building from which the shooter attempted the assassination, what the security plan was there, what failed there, communications between DHS and the president, and whether Trump had enough resources, whether his Secret Service has had enough resources. We should note that there was a storyline over the weekend. I don't know which network it came out of that said that there was a request from Trump's team for additional resources and it was not granted. That turns out to have been false in case you hear that out there. In fact, Trump's team was bolstered recently. They didn't explain why, but his team was bolstered recently when it comes to resources. That said, we will await to hear more from the investigation. Congressman Green of the Homeland Security Committee wrote in his letter to DHS, the seriousness of the security failure and chilling moment in our nation's history cannot be understated. No assassination attempt has come so close taking the life of a president or presidential candidate since President Reagan was shot back in 1981. So typically, the Secret Service has an advanced team. They go, they assess a location ahead of a campaign event and make a security plan. Agents will take physical measurements of the area, determine the necessary personnel, and then work with counter snipers to examine nearby buildings and their distances to where the president or the presidential candidate will be. Outdoor events like the one in Butler can certainly be challenging. So one former Secret Service official said, you can't shut a whole town down, certainly one of the challenges. But clearly, there is a happy medium. And questions as to why this took place in the field. There was a very obvious rooftop just outside the security perimeter why no one was on that rooftop is a big question here. We got a notable revelation from the Associated Press reporting on Sunday that it turns out one local police officer apparently climbed to the roof, encountered Crook's, the shooter, and apparently Crook's pointed his rifle at the officer, the officer then retreated down the ladder for some reason. And that's when Crook's turned around and took his shot towards Trump. Unclear what communications happened there, why the police officer didn't engage, whether the police officer there had a weapon on him. Well, what took place there is going to be one of the many questions that needs an answer here. Jill, on the other end, there were counter snipers from the Secret Service. And I posted this clip on our Instagram account over the weekend. And you could see the counter sniper scanning basically beyond the perimeter. And it had to have been a second before the shots go off. You see the counter sniper on a rooftop behind Trump, realized there's something, immediately bring his head up, and then try to re-aim his gun. So clearly he saw something. And just the moment the shot was about to be taken. And so, you know, I imagine Secret Service is going through all of that. There's a reassessment here of a local state, FBI, Secret Service, all those folks who are involved in this sort of thing. And at this juncture, Jill, a day in here, still many more questions than answers. >> And it has been fascinating to hear from more than one witness at this point, who said that they saw crooks on the rooftop and told police, one of the witnesses saying that they saw that policeman that you had just mentioned, who had kind of climbed to the roof and peeked over. And then they saw him drop, they didn't know what went on. But just incredible that there were regular people who saw crooks on the roof, who alerted law enforcement. And it still was not enough. >> Yeah, we're still getting a sense of the exact timeline here, who was speaking to whom, who was walking, talking, who had communications with whom. And we'll await more details and bring them to you throughout the week. >> And it is a big week. The Republican National Convention starts today in Milwaukee, and it's going to continue as planned. But Trump's staff have been told that they should stay away from campaign offices as locations are assessed and new security measures are being implemented. The main staff, some of whom are already in Milwaukee for the RNC, were told to avoid their offices in West Palm Beach, Florida, and Washington until they can undergo a safety assessment. They added that they'll be beefing up security at both locations, including armed security presence with 24/7 officers on site. As far as the RNC, we are set to hear from speakers all week, culminating with Trump on Thursday. In the interim, we're set to learn in the coming hours, who he chose as his vice presidential nominee among the finalists, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, North Dakota Governor Doug Bergum, and Ohio Senator JD Vance, although it is unclear if the assassination attempt has changed the calculus in the last 48 hours. >> Right, is there an assessment going in there, given that right now they're going to see a huge boost, and whether that gives Trump confidence to pick somebody with less political strategy and more somebody he's very passionate about, that remains to be seen. We'll find that out in the coming hours, potentially Jill. The vice presidential nominee typically addresses the convention on Wednesday night. So we need to know by then, notably among the people now speaking at the convention, we told you she wasn't going to be there last week, but Nikki Haley has now been invited after not being invited. She will address the Republican National Convention this week, is a sign of how the party is rallying around the former president. People there saying this energizes them to literally walk through broken glass to volunteer for him, vote for him, the iconic photo, Jill, of him pumping his fist in the air, having the presence of mind after being shot, being tackled by secret service, being led off stage, to be pumping his fist in the air, has motivated a lot of people, some of whom weren't even, I've heard, planning to vote for Trump who now say he's a victim here, this is unacceptable, and they want to send a message to the country and to the would be assassin, that this sort of thing is unacceptable. The big question really is once we're past the shock of all of this, how the country is going to react, how the parties are going to react. For the most part, the statements from both parties have been about condemning violence, wishing Trump a quick recovery. Some about even toning down the rhetoric, Melania Trump, the former first lady, implored Americans yesterday in her statement, look beyond the left and the right, the red and the blue speaker, Mike Johnson, implored the nation to turn the rhetoric down, that we can't go on like this as a society, we've got to turn the temperature down, or the same dialogue as we just played for you a bit from President Biden. At the same time, a lot of Republicans acted with a lot of anger and fury at what took place on Saturday. Among the remarks included a number of people who are up for VP for Trump, Senator Tim Scott from South Carolina. So this was an assassination attempt aided and abetted by the radical left and corporate media and incessantly calling Trump a threat to democracy, fascist or worse, JD Vance, who you mentioned is up on top of his eventual VP list, said the central premise of the Biden campaign is that Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped. That rhetoric led to Trump's attempted assassination. Again, we don't have the details as to why this shooter attempted to assassinate the former president, but that isn't stopping people like those two, Marjorie Taylor Greene saying Democrats wanted this to happen. Mike Collins is a congressman from Georgia as well. He said Joe Biden sent the orders. So at the same time, you have people talking about toning down the rhetoric and you also have other people adding fuel to the fire in the aftermath of Saturday. And that's the one thing that I think we all take away from this right now, Jill, and I've been reinforcing this on the Instagram feed. This is a very dangerous time in this country. I actually have had to block dozens and dozens of people over the weekend. I've been trying to go through the comments, you know, people joking about the shooter, missing the target, calling the shooting a setup. And it's notable coming from people who are particularly upset about January 6, but not about a potential assassination of former president Trump. And so, you know, I have heard Mike Johnson, the speaker was on CNN last night talking about his offenders on both sides when it comes to rhetoric. I'm not here to equivocate or what about or say that all things are equal here. But certainly, the rhetoric that we've seen in recent months, you know, you heard from Democrats, the democracy will end that, you know, there's no future in this country if Trump is elected at one point by instead last week, the party should put Trump in a bullseye. A lot of Republicans have jumped on that remark. Then you have Trump, of course, who engages in this even more than Biden does, calling Democrats a vermin who will end this country talking about imprisoning people, military tribunals for Democrats. So just a lot of incendiary rhetoric that unfortunately, in the minds of some individuals out there, they're like, well, if this other side is going to end the country and end my future, I got to do something about this. And important to note at this point that we don't even know why this would be assassin did this. As we said, it could have absolutely nothing to do with politics and maybe just a plea for help, a call for attention. I mean, and there's a million reasons or possibilities and the one thing that unfortunately you do hear from a former FBI officials from people who work for the Secret Service is that copycat attacks are a real thing. So that becomes the real issue at this point. And that is one of the reasons that you see all of this increased security, because it is a very serious concern. It is something that does happen. Yeah, and you are going to see today to Congressman from New York, Richard Torres and Mike Lawler, Republican and Democrat, respectively, putting forth legislation calling for a Secret Service production for RFK Jr., who so far has been asking for it, but hasn't gotten it, despite the fact that he says that he's facing threats, despite the fact that his father was assassinated in the campaign trail in 1968, his uncle, of course, JFK assassinated as well. So this is a very nerve-wracking time law enforcement. Remember, they need to get this right 100% of the time, 100% of the time. The only things we typically hear about are when they don't. And of course, that is what took place on Saturday. Jill, when it comes to motive, also the politics of this guy, it's unclear right now exactly where he stood, because he's officially the shooter was a registered Republican, but he happened to also donate at $1.15 to act blue, a progressive cause aligned with Democrats. So we don't quite know where he felt politically, at least based on the initial data that we have, the two things I just mentioned. Jill, beyond all of this, this is completely recalibrated, the election moving forward. We'll obviously see what unfolds here at the Bubbling Convention this week, but this is very much motivated, folks on the right, people around Trump, people who weren't even planning to vote for Trump, I've heard from them. And so we'll get a better sense of where things stand in all the various battlegrounds today. It's probably a week from now, so look out for that. And then as far as the other big issue we've been covering, what does this mean for the internal debate among Democrats about the potential replacement of Joe Biden? That's sort of in silence this week as well. And it means that if they make some sort of major decision there, that would happen even closer to the Democratic Convention, which then takes place in August. So probably you'll be hearing less on that this week, as much of the focus for obvious reasons will be on former President Trump. All right, Moshe, one thing that we talk about a lot on this podcast, travel trends. And we know that so many of you have travel plans for this summer. And we also know that the experience is that much better if you can speak the language, even say some of the basics. So if that's you, make 2024 the year that you finally learn to speak a language of somewhere you're going to travel with Babel. Babel is a language app with quick 10 minute lessons to help you start speaking a new language in as little as three weeks. One study found that using Babel for 15 hours is equivalent to a full semester at college. Moshe, where was this 20 years ago? What we like, Babel's designed by real people for real conversations. Moshe one of these days, I will be able to head back to Paris, but with my husband. 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You're getting folate, magnesium for stress support. It really allows you to cover your nutritional basis in just about 60 seconds. With your first purchase of A-G-1, M-O-News listeners are getting a free one-year supply of vitamin D as well as five free travel packs of A-G-1. You can visit Take advantage of this offer and you can get a discounted monthly subscription. Or just try it one time for just one month. Again, the website That is for this special deal. Time for the speed read from the Associated Press. Israeli forces over the weekend launched a strike aimed at taking out several Hamas leaders, including the terror group's elusive military wing commander, Mohamed Dave. Dave is considered the group's number two in Gaza and one of the masterminds of the October 7 attacks. The IDF and Shin Bet on Sunday confirmed that the commander of Hamas's Han Yunus Brigade was killed in an air strike in the southern Gaza Strip. But Mohamed Dif's fate is unclear. He has survived at least seven other assassination attempts over the last two decades. Hamas said Sunday the group's military commander is in good health, but did not provide evidence. The two senior Hamas members were targeted while in a low building between the areas of Al-Mawasi and Han Yunus. Hamas has since claimed that the strike carried out using large bombs killed more than 90 people. The Israelis claimed that the majority of them were Hamas terrorists. Hamas for its part doesn't distinguish between civilians and members of the group. And there was a New York Times report over the weekend, Jill, that increasingly the Israelis are finding it very difficult as Hamas hides in residential neighborhoods, stores their weapons in tunnels and in homes, mosques in sofas, even a child's bedroom, blurring the boundaries here between civilians and combatants. And right now they've been emerging in plain clothes, sometimes wearing sandals and tracksuits before firing on Israeli troops, making it very challenging for the Israelis to distinguish between the civilian population and members of the Hamas group. Back to Dif here, he has long topped Israel's most wanted list. He's been in hiding for years involved in some of the most deadly attacks on Israeli civilians going back three decades now. In fact, he's been so elusive in jumping around. His name, Muhammad Dif. Dif is not actually his real name. Dif means guest in Arabic because he's often sleeping on people's couches as he moves about the Gaza Strip. The Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu speaking over the weekend, promising that, quote, "one way or another, we will get the entire Hamas leadership." At the same time, the two sides continue their ceasefire talks, the Hamas political officials say that their communication channels remain open with Dif as well as the senior leader in Gaza, Yakhher Sunwar. And the two sides allegedly are closer, still tweaking language. The Israelis say that the Hamas made more than a dozen tweaks to the ceasefire plan. The Israelis then pushing back on that. So we'll continue to monitor that this week. A number of prominent losses this weekend that we want to tell you about from the New York Times, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the diminutive sex therapist who became a media star and best-selling author through her candid talk about once taboo bedroom topics has died. She was 96 years old. Westheimer or Dr. Ruth never advocated risky sexual behavior. Instead, she encouraged an open dialogue on previously closeted issues that affected her audience of millions. Her one recurring theme was that there was nothing to be ashamed of. Westheimer's giggly German accented voice, coupled with her four foot seven frame, made her an unlikely looking and sounding outlet for sexual literacy. Dr. Ruth was in her 50s when she first went on the air in 1980, answering listeners mailed in questions about sex and relationships. It was on a radio station in New York. The show was called sexually speaking. It was only a 15 minute segment heard after midnight on Sundays, but it was such a hit that she quickly became a national media celebrity and a one woman business conglomerate. Yeah, very few Americans didn't interact or weren't familiar with Dr. Ruth at some point. If you're of a certain generation, Jill, I was getting notes and photos from members of the Monuse community who took photos with Dr. Ruth when she spoke at their college campus while they were students at college. She had a remarkable story. As you noted, she just became the Dr. Ruth we know in her 50s with her radio show in New York. She was an orphan of a Holocaust, a refugee. She eventually makes her way and is a fighter in the Israeli War of Independence. In fact, she was trained as a sniper. Her legs were greatly injured by an exploding shell in the war in 1948. She talked about how she wanted to contribute to the world. As one of the few Jewish children who was able to survive the Holocaust, 6 million plus Jews were killed, one and a half million of them children. So Dr. Ruth felt this obligation, say, I survived for a reason. I need to contribute to the world. Notably, by the time she gets to America in the 1950s, she had already had two unsuccessful marriages. But then she meets who would be her third husband, Manfred Westheimer, also a German Jewish refugee. He was 5 foot 5, but that's like a head taller of her at 4 foot 7. They met while skiing in the cat skills in their early 60s. And they would be married through the 90s until he passes away. And I love this quote. She spoke with Esquire magazine a few years ago. And they asked like, you know, what do you think made your marriage successful? And she goes, skiers make the best lovers because they don't sit in front of the TV like couch potatoes. They take a risk. They wiggle their behinds. They also meet new people on the ski lift. Most also this weekend, we lost Shannon Daugherty, the actress known for her roles in the 1990s television dramas Beverly Hills, 902 and O and charmed. Daugherty died on Saturday. She was 53 years old. The cause was cancer. She learned she had breast cancer back in February of 2015. And she had been open about her struggle with it in the year since. In 2017, she announced that the cancer was in remission. It returned in 2020. And then in June of 2023, it's already announced that the cancer had spread to her brain. In November, she said it spread to her bones. But she continued to work. She started a podcast that month. She told People magazine, I am not done with living. I'm not done with loving. I'm not done with creating. I'm not done with hopefully changing things for the better. I am not done. Yeah, Jill, I heard from a number of people over the weekend, fans of 90210 or just fans of that podcast. They say that it was extremely inspirational to hear her talk through her struggle. Most you texted me right away when news broke about Shannon Daugherty because you know of my love of Beverly Hills, 90210. I really think that for me and so many of my friends and just people of our generation, it is a show that really defined my youth. And I would say that Brenda played by Shannon Daugherty was just kind of the personification of what what it was like to be a teenager. There's an article in the LA Times. It says in the pantheon of teen characters, there was no one better suited to bring an edge to the journey of girlhood when we're eager to fit in and grow up than Shannon Daugherty. And I think that that's true. She will be missed gone way too soon. Jill, sadly, we had one more significant death, surprising death over the weekend. Richard Simmons, the energetic, busy here TV personality and fitness coach who made exercise accessible to millions and then became inclusive in the recent years. He passed away over the weekend at the age of 76 just a day after his birthday. He died at his home in LA. Now, while other fitness stars like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jane Fonda of the era exhibited impressive physiques, movie star good looks, Simmons appealed to the average viewer with his cheer rather than his huge muscles. He would wear these neon huge sequined exercise shirts. And I remember his appearances on the David Letterman show where Letterman would just give him crap all the time. And it was always very entertaining to watch Simmons gets his start with his own show in the early 80s that wins a bunch of Emmys. You might know someone who got his VHS, then DVD workouts, sweating to the oldies was what he put out. And interestingly, his story goes back to his time as a child, where as a teenager, he was obese, suffers from asthma, moves to LA, then develops an interest in fitness and is able to lose more than 120 pounds and opens a Beverly Hills fitness studio that predates his sweat into the oldies videotapes. And then, Jill, after being this very, you know, out there figure, he becomes very reclusive. And in fact, there's a podcast called the Missing Richard Simmons podcast that was produced by a former friend of his that delved into his life and career history and tried to discover why he completely retreated from public view, thought was that he was going to eventually come back out there after, you know, taking a lot of time to himself, sadly, that did not come to be. And so if you're interested in learning more about Simmons, there's that podcast, the Missing Richard Simmons podcast. From the Wall Street Journal, we learned Friday that hackers stole six months worth of call and text message records of nearly every AT&T cellular network customer. The company said in an SEC filing that it learned from an internal investigation that in April, hackers unlawfully accessed and copied AT&T call logs that were saved on a third party cloud platform. The data contains records of calls and texts between approximately May 1st and October 31st of 2022, as well as one day in January of 2023. The content of the calls and messages was not compromised and customers' personal info was not accessed. But the records did include phone numbers. While the data does not include customer names, it is often possible to link a name to a phone number using online searches. AT&T's wireless network has 127 million devices connected to it. The company said it learned in April that the information was illegally downloaded from a workspace on a third party cloud platform, which a spokesperson identified as snowflake. So AT&T says they're working with local law enforcement, they've taken steps to close off the illegal access point. At least one person has been arrested so far, and they don't believe the information from the breach has been released publicly. For what AT&T says is a portion of these records, the stolen data also included people's estimated locations. They say they will notify all customers by text, email, or physical mail. But if you had AT&T in Mobile Service beginning in May and October of 2022, you should assume your phone records were stolen. So welcome to the party here. I'm an AT&T customer myself. Now they say, again, they don't believe it's been leaked online, but thieves could at any point sell its phone records to other criminals or post them to the web for anyone to see. And with information like the numbers that you frequently call, it couldn't impersonate your boss, your brother, your bank to get you to hand over money. So be very careful moving forward. And by the way, if you were in touch with somebody with an AT&T phone, you'd have Verizon phone, you're clearly in that call log as well. So they have an incredible amount of data there. So just be very careful about the emails and text messages that you get in the coming months or even years due to this leak. So forever, basically. Basically, be super skeptical, super, super skeptical. You mean those random? Hi, how are you from? Well, sadly, they have enough data here. We're like, they could actually go into more detail, right? Like, hey, like it's Joe. Like, again, it depends on where this data ended up going. And we first learned about this on Friday in an initial statement from AT&T. And we will be awaiting more details here. From Sky News, Carlos Alcaras has beaten Novak Djokovic to become the Wimbledon men's singles champion. For the second time, the 21-year-old Alcaras was the defending champ. The Spaniard had to play some stunning tennis to close out the third set, which he did after Djokovic took it to a tie break. So he now has four grand slam trophies after his two Wimbledon triumphs, his US Open victory in 2022, and his French Open win last month. And it leaves Djokovic short of an all-time record, 25 slam singles titles, and one behind Roger Federer's eight Wimbledon crowns. Jill, another great sight to see it Wimbledon this weekend. The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, presented trophies to the two men in her second public engagement since she announced her cancer diagnosis. So that got a lot of attention over the weekend. And then, of course, there was the women's single final as well. On the women's side, Barbara Kregicova has been crowned the Wimbledon women's single champion after defeating Jasmine Paulini. It's the first time that Kregicova, the 28-year-old, has won the tournament. And the result now means on the women's side, there hasn't been a lot of domination in the last decade. There's been a first-time winner of the women's single at Wimbledon for seven straight years now. All right, now time for On This Day in History. We begin in 1799. The Rosetta Stone, the key to deciphering the ancient Egyptian scripts, was found in the Nile Delta during the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt. So this was more than 200 years ago. When it was discovered 200 years ago, nobody knew how to read hieroglyphics. And that's why the Rosetta Stone was so valuable, because it had the same thing written in three different languages, including ancient Greek on one side of the Rosetta Stone. They were able to take the ancient Greek, which they could read, and apply to the hieroglyphics. That opened up the ability to understand hieroglyphics. And so then Egyptology really takes off. And as they're going through the pyramids and all of the incredible artifacts in ancient Egypt, based on the Rosetta Stone, they were able to now understand exactly what they were writing. All right, fast forward to the 20th century. On This Day in 1916, the Boeing Company is founded in Seattle. On This Day in 1996, in cable news history, MSNBC makes its debut. Jill in '96 in just a matter of months, August of '96 is when MSNBC launches and October of '96 is when Fox News launches until then CNN was by itself. It's not really opens the new era here in cable news. And what does the MS stand for? The MS stands for Microsoft. Correct. Because it was a joint venture between NBC and Microsoft initially based in Seattle. And once that Microsoft deal ended in the late '90s, they sort of just kept it at that point. But MSNBC, MS stands for Microsoft, even though they haven't been involved for nearly 30 years. I was going to ask you, do you know what the MS stands for? But that seems to be a ridiculous question given to you and your background. So I just figured I'd give you the softball instead. As I joked with Alex over the weekend, I was like, we were walking down the street in Brooklyn. And I was like, have we eaten here? And she goes, yes, you like this here. I'm like, you know, my brain is so weird. It's like, I can tell you the history of MSNBC, but I cannot tell you like what dish I liked, or even if I was at a restaurant a couple months ago as we pass it by. All right. On This Day in Social Media History, Twitter, now known as X officially launches to the public. Are they going to stay at X or do you think they're going to go back to Twitter? I think Elon Musk is obsessed with the letter X. He wants to create it. He has the X company, SpaceX. Everything is about X for him. So I don't think I don't think that's changing anytime soon. All right, in a bit of music and movie history for you on the same 1991. Right, said Fred, two brothers release, I'm Too Sexy. The idea for the song came about when the fair brass brothers were running a gym in London. And according to Richard, one of the brothers who's involved in right said Fred says that there was a lot of narcissism and posing at the gym. One day he took a shirt off, started singing, I'm Too Sexy from my shirt as a joke. And they decided they should record it as a song. And lo and behold, back in 1991, Moshe, that's what the people wanted. It's somehow that ridiculous song landed and became it. Jill, I remember this from Encino Man. I don't know if you remember Encino Man. It was a film out in the early 90s with Paulie Shore and Brendan Fraser. Anyway, I'm Too Sexy. I remember, I think it had just come out and they had it in the film. And I think that helped with its popularity. All right, in other 90s movie news diehard during Bruce Willis was released in theaters on the state in 1998. The same day, incidentally, that something about Mary was also released on this day in 1998. And we'll end here with your clue from the beginning of the podcast, Stage 5 Klinger, among the many famous quotes and lines from Jill. Wedding Grashers. There you go. Wedding Grashers turns 19 years old today. The film starring Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, and my favorite, the cameo with Will Ferrell at the end. Mom, the meatloaf opened in theaters on this day. My husband will walk around the house every once in a while, just being like, "For the gens years out there, there was a time we didn't have Netflix, and we had DVDs, and we would replay those DVDs over and over and over again. And Wedding Crashers was in that era, and many of us from that era may have watched that film. I bet you Michael's probably watched it more than me, but I would say that I watched it at least several dozen times." And if you haven't seen it a lot, you might forget that Bradley Cooper was in that movie, and he was so annoying and not cute. It wasn't really until the Hangover came out that Bradley Cooper became like heart-throb Bradley Cooper, because in Wedding Crashers, his character was awful. Yeah, crab cakes and football. That's what Maryland does, right? Rachel McAdams, Christopher Walken, Jane Seymour. It was a good cast. Great movie. And if you've heard the term Stage 5 clinger but didn't know where it came from, that is where. This is the resource we try to be here on the Monews podcast. Yes. All right, everybody. A huge thank you for listening to the Monews podcast. If you like what you hear, please share this with your friends. It is going to help us grow. Follow us, subscribe so you don't miss an episode, review us in the App Store. It is going to likely be another big news week, so stick with us. Yes, thanks for being with us. Rare weekend edition we had over the weekend. Stay safe, everybody. We'll see you back here tomorrow. Thanks for listening to the Monews podcast. [Music]