Mo News

Defiant Biden In It To Win It; Imminent Trump VP Announcement; Spanish Pushback on Tourists; Lebron James Making History

A daily non-partisan, conversational breakdown of today’s top news and breaking news stories

This Week’s Sponsors:  – Factor Meals – Ready-to-eat, chef-prepared delivered meals | 50% Off | CODE: monews50  – Athletic Greens – AG1 Powder + 1 year of free Vitamin D & 5 free travel packs   Headlines: – Welcome to Mo News (00:00) – Biden Says He Isn’t Going Anywhere, Tells Dems To He Is Nominee (03:50) – Russia Strikes Children’s Hospital in Deadly Barrage Across Ukraine (11:00) – NATO Summit Underway in DC: What’s On The Agenda (12:40) – Beryl Makes Landfall in Texas, Leaving Millions Without Power (17:40) – Trump's VP Announcement Will Come Within Days (18:50) – 3 Columbia University Officials Lose Posts Over Antisemitic Texts (22:00) – Alec Baldwin 'Rust' Trial: Judge Makes Major Ruling In Actor’s Favor (25:00) – LeBron James Says Playing With Son Is 'Greatest Accomplishment' (27:10) – Spanish Citizens Tired of Mass Tourism Squirt Water At Visitors (28:40) – On This Day In History (32:00)

Mo News Premium For Members-Only Instagram, Private Podcast: (Click To Join)

— Mosheh Oinounou (@mosheh) is an Emmy and Murrow award-winning journalist. He has 20 years of experience at networks including Fox News, Bloomberg Television and CBS News, where he was the executive producer of the CBS Evening News and launched the network's 24 hour news channel. He founded the @mosheh Instagram news account in 2020 and the Mo News podcast and newsletter in 2022. Jill Wagner (@jillrwagner) is an Emmy and Murrow award- winning journalist. She's currently the Managing Editor of the Mo News newsletter and previously worked as a reporter for CBS News, Cheddar News, and News 12. She also co-founded the Need2Know newsletter, and has made it a goal to drop a Seinfeld reference into every Mo News podcast. Follow Mo News on all platforms:



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Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

A daily non-partisan, conversational breakdown of today’s top news and breaking news stories

This Week’s Sponsors: 

Factor Meals – Ready-to-eat, chef-prepared delivered meals | 50% Off | CODE: monews50 

Athletic Greens – AG1 Powder + 1 year of free Vitamin D & 5 free travel packs



– Welcome to Mo News (00:00)

– Biden Says He Isn’t Going Anywhere, Tells Dems To He Is Nominee (03:50)

– Russia Strikes Children’s Hospital in Deadly Barrage Across Ukraine (11:00)

– NATO Summit Underway in DC: What’s On The Agenda (12:40)

– Beryl Makes Landfall in Texas, Leaving Millions Without Power (17:40)

– Trump's VP Announcement Will Come Within Days (18:50)

– 3 Columbia University Officials Lose Posts Over Antisemitic Texts (22:00)

– Alec Baldwin 'Rust' Trial: Judge Makes Major Ruling In Actor’s Favor (25:00)

– LeBron James Says Playing With Son Is 'Greatest Accomplishment' (27:10)

– Spanish Citizens Tired of Mass Tourism Squirt Water At Visitors (28:40)

– On This Day In History (32:00)

**Mo News Premium For Members-Only Instagram, Private Podcast: (Click To Join)**

Mosheh Oinounou (@mosheh) is an Emmy and Murrow award-winning journalist. He has 20 years of experience at networks including Fox News, Bloomberg Television and CBS News, where he was the executive producer of the CBS Evening News and launched the network's 24 hour news channel. He founded the @mosheh Instagram news account in 2020 and the Mo News podcast and newsletter in 2022.

Jill Wagner (@jillrwagner) is an Emmy and Murrow award- winning journalist. She's currently the Managing Editor of the Mo News newsletter and previously worked as a reporter for CBS News, Cheddar News, and News 12. She also co-founded the Need2Know newsletter, and has made it a goal to drop a Seinfeld reference into every Mo News podcast.

Follow Mo News on all platforms:

(upbeat music) - Hey everybody, it is Tuesday, July 9th, 2024. You're listening to the Mo News Podcasts live from Washington, DC. I'm Mo Schwannunu. - And I'm Jill Wagner. This is the place where we bring you just the facts. - And we read all the news and read between the lines so you don't have to and sometimes we go directly to where the story is happening. Jill, how was your trip down to DC today? - Oh, you had to ask motion. - Apparently it was so hot that the train could not operate at its regular speed. So I took the train. - Yes. - See, Asela. - I took the plane and you took the train, yes. - Yes, and it was a good experiment, I think you won. And unfortunately from the beginning, they announced that we were gonna have to go a little bit slower, that they couldn't go as fast as they normally would because the tracks would be, I'm guessing because the tracks would be so hot or I don't really know exactly why. And then every once in a while, you were just smelling burned rubber, like a smell of like burning. Not the best smell when you're on a train. - No, no. - And then it would just stop and they would announce we're having some type of technical difficulty, we're getting a crew out to work on it. So it was touch and go for a while, but I made it. - Listen, I think it was an important experiment. I have gone through this for 20 years, go commuting between Washington and New York at various times, you take the train, you take the plane, sometimes one wins out. Joel, I didn't tell you this, but the plane actually got here early today. (laughing) That's how efficient Delta was from LaGuardia to Washington, D.C. But on any given day, it could be totally the opposite. You could have totally won. So I'm glad you're here in one piece. I'm here in one piece. We're here for the NATO Summit. This week, we'll be over at the White House today. We'll be at the Pentagon today. We are joined by about three dozen world leaders with us this week. So a lot of big stories. We'll talk a bit about it in today's pod and the coming podcast over the next few days. - And Moshe, I have never been to the White House, so I'm extremely excited for that private tour that we're gonna be getting. And I can't wait to tell everyone about it on tomorrow's podcast. - Joel, you get the official White House tour and then you get my financial notes over the last few administrations. I'll be pointing out interesting things. - Well, that's what I'm really looking forward to. All right, let's get to the headlines because per usual, tons of news. Joe Biden declares that all the talk about replacing him must end he is the nominee and that the party needs to unite against Donald Trump. Although it comes as we're learning more about a Parkinson's disease specialist who has been visiting the White House repeatedly, what the White House is saying or not saying about it. Russia launches its heaviest bombardment of Keve in four months this time hitting a children's hospital. It comes again as NATO leaders are gathering here in DC to discuss the next steps in the war. Hurricane barrel leads to several deaths in Texas and nearly 3 million people without power. And we are days away from Donald Trump announcing his vice presidential pick, the latest on who it might be. Columbia University dismissing several deans after it was found that they were exchanging anti-Semitic text messages mocking Jews on campus. The manslaughter trial for Alec Baldwin gets started today for that onset shooting that killed a cinematographer. LeBron James re-signs with the L.A. Lakers and talks about his excitement about playing on the same team with his son, Bronnie, this fall. And we'll tell you why Spanish protesters are going around squirting tourists in Barcelona and other cities with water guns. And Moshe has on this day in history. - A little bit of Bob Dylan, a little bit of the office and some tennis history for you today, Joel. - All right, President Biden dug in on Monday telling Democrats that he was committed to, quote, running this race to the end and that it was time for conversations about changing nominees to stop. He said point blank yesterday that he is done talking about the debate. He is the nominee and it is time to move on. In a letter to congressional Democrats, Biden said that he had had extensive conversations with party leadership, members and voters over the past 10 days. He said he was not blind to the concerns about his age, but at the same time, he said he was heartened by, quote, "rock solid steadfast support" from so many colleagues. Biden's letter was met with mixed reception on Capitol Hill. Some Democrats say that he still has to go and that his attempt is just posturing. Others say it was convincing. House Democrats have their big weekly private caucus meeting this morning where things could get heated. Some members say that Biden's unpopularity could bring them down this November. House Democratic leaders are also trying to crack down on leaks. Cell phones will reportedly not be permitted in the meeting. >> Joe, I'm not sure that's gonna stop leaks. It might stop audio recordings, but Congress likes to talk to reporters. >> Yes, if there's one thing Congress does well, it is leak information. >> Leak information and play favorites with reporters, yes. >> Biden also appeared on Morning Joe, his favorite morning political show where the hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, who he considers friends, have been increasingly asking questions about whether he can serve another four years following the debate. Biden phoned into the show on Monday and here's a bit of what he had to say. >> We're not going anywhere. I am not going anywhere. I wouldn't be running if I didn't absolutely believe that I am the best candidate to beat down someone 2024. The reason I've been on the road so much all over the country and while Trump is riding around the golf cart filling out his golf cart before golf cart before you even hit the ball, but then you hit it. He hadn't been anywhere in 10 days. I've been all over the country, number one. And I've gone over the country for several reasons. One, to make sure my instinct was right about the party still wanting me to be the nominee. And all the data, all the data shows that the average Democrat out there who voted, the 14 million of them had voted for me, still want me to be the nominee. I'm getting so frustrated by the leaks. Now, I'm not talking about you guys, but about the elite in the party, who they know so much more. But then these guys don't think I should run against me. Go ahead and announce the president. Challenge man to convention. >> So this is all intended by Biden in the White House here to head off growing defections in the Democratic ranks, a stop basically this drip drop. We've been getting every day, you have a few more members, a few more members, and then a few more on top of that, calling for him to go. Among the groups he's relying on, Jill is African American voters. That's why he showed up in a black church in Philadelphia over the weekend. He's relying on them as his core base to say, there's a bunch of white elitists in the party who want me out, and you guys need to save me. And so this is where we're at. We're 13 days since the debate. And honestly, the more days we get beyond the debate, and President Biden is still safe, the better for Biden. As he enters a couple of busy weeks here, he's got the NATO summit this week in DC. He's definitely not gonna be embarrassed by his own party as three dozen world leaders are here for the NATO summit, that the US is hosting for the first time in two decades. So that sort of saves him this week. Then next week, you have the Republican National Convention where they're gonna want all the attention to be on Trump and pushing back on Trump. So that then brings us to two weeks from now, which then puts us nearly a month post debate. Question will be, at that point, how much of a debate will still be there? It really depends on where the polling is and where this conversation goes. So far, notable, Jill, the House, that's where you're seeing these dozen or so calls for him to go out of about 200 Democrats in the House. The Senate, relatively silent publicly, while privately some say he should go, the average age of the Senate, 64, half the chambers in their 70s and 80s, you have this dynamic of a very old Senate. And so it's hard for them to make an age argument given that we just came off of Democrats defending Dianne Feinstein as she was literally being wheeled in and out of the US Senate. So you have Bernie Sanders, who's a year older than Biden, saying, no, no, Joe Biden can totally serve. I mean, you're older than him. He can totally be president. And so you have not seen much happening there. It really speaks to the geriatric political class we have in Washington, unwilling to question incumbency, accumulated power, the staff around these people that are invested in protecting them and keeping them in those offices for as long as possible, for their own jobs. And so that's where things stand right now. So Biden looking safer by the day, despite some of these calls, at the same time, another major headline related to all of this, getting a lot of attention in DC in the last 24 hours, the White House visitor logs, Biden has promised transparency. And so you can see who comes in and out of the White House, that something Trump did not do. But there might be some people at the White House saying, maybe we should have followed Trump's lead here and blocked people from knowing who was coming in the White House, 'cause we have now learned based on the White House visitor logs that an expert on Parkinson's disease has been visiting the White House repeatedly eight times over the last eight months, between July of last year and March of this year, including one visit with the president's personal physician. The doctor is named Kevin Kennard. He's a neurologist. He's a movement disorder specialist over at Walter Reed. And according to logs, he's been coming monthly over to the White House. Now the White House would not confirm if he was advising on the president's health, they frankly wouldn't confirm anything. It led to a whole altercation in yelling, effectively, during the White House briefing yesterday. But the White House is like, we don't have to tell you why he's here. And the press was asking, well, can you rule out that the Parkinson's expert was here to see about the president? They're like, we can't rule anything out for security reasons. That's what they said. Now they would say that the president gets an annual physical. He sees a neurologist. He does not have Parkinson's symptoms, yet they wouldn't answer specific questions related to the Parkinson's expert. And so while he keeps taking one step forward, there's one step back here that meeting today among House Democrats is gonna be interesting to watch to see whether there's movement there. But it appears, Jill, that the White House, the president Biden, has taken the incoming here. And so far is keeping his head above water. And the key thing for people to know here, and I've told you this repeatedly, there's no like larger democratic leadership structure making these decisions. The leader of the Democratic Party in America right now is Joseph Biden. And it is up to him to decide whether he wants to run for president. There's no one who can say, you must go. He has to decide he must go, which is why he's saying on Morning Joe yesterday, come to the convention, challenge me. Who wants to run against me? He's feeling very empowered here. He's feeling very confident. He thinks he can survive this. And ultimately, it really is up to him unless there's some total, you know, political insurrection, so to speak, at the convention next month in Chicago. All right, staying in Washington. And the reason both of us are here in D.C. The NATO summit, President Biden, sets a meet with nearly three dozen world leaders who are all here this week. The biggest issue on the agenda, the nearly two and a half year long war in Ukraine. We'll have more on the summit in a second, but let's first start with the latest from that region. Ukraine's largest children's hospital was destroyed by a Russian missile on Monday, part of a barrage of bombings by Moscow across the country. This one was one of the deadliest attacks on Ukraine's capital of Kiev since the beginning of the war. 27 people in the city were killed, 11 others were killed across the country, more than 100 people were injured. The Ukrainian Air Force said it shot down 30 of the 38 missiles launched by Russia during the attack. The military saying, quote, "The attack was massive, "combined with the use of aerial, ballistic, "and cruise missiles, they flew at the capital in waves "and from different directions." - So President Zelensky in Ukraine says that President Putin of Russia should be held accountable for this. The U.N. is gonna have meetings on today, but not much the U.N. can do, even the Security Council, because Russia sits as a permanent member there. That said, the Russians denied targeting the hospital. They say it was hit by fragments of Ukrainian air defense missiles, though Ukraine says it has found remnants of Russian cruise missiles, and video of the attack that was taken by a resident in Ukraine, verified by the New York Times, showed a missile moving downward at a high speed before striking the children's hospital. One missile expert looking at it, saying this clearly is a Russian weapon. Its trajectory suggests an intentional attack on the hospital. The Ukrainian Air Force said Monday's attacks were carried out, in part by bombers operating from deep inside Russian territory, where Ukraine is currently restricted from using Western weapons. The U.S. European powers have been limiting what Ukraine can do with Western weapons, 'cause they're scared of escalating this war even further. At the same time, Ukraine says, please take the handcuffs off of us and let us execute this war, as necessary, two and a half years in. I imagine that'll be among the topics this week in Washington. Jill Zelinsky's gonna be here on Thursday, but Ukraine will be front and center here. It's the main topic the NATO countries have been addressing. It's one of the reasons why when we talk about NATO, we're talking about 32 countries now instead of 30, because Finland and Sweden both joined in the last couple of years, in the aftermath of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, sensing the Russian threat, they wanna be part of the alliance. So you can expect here in Washington that there will be new efforts announced to bolster Ukraine's air defenses, especially in the aftermath of this attack, and ways to keep aid flowing. There are signs here in the U.S. and in other countries where a certain portion of the populations are saying, we're sort of done with this war. We're sort of done supporting Ukraine in the billions and the tens of billions of dollars, but a big thing here will be security guarantees for Ukraine and NATO has indicated that at some point, Ukraine will be admitted into NATO, but there is some major concerns about that, because of course, there's something called Article 5 in NATO, which means if one country is attacked, everybody gets involved, which means, if you let Ukraine in now in the middle of this war, the next time Russia sends a bullet over, a missile over, that effectively then brings in all of NATO into a war with Russia. That's something we've been trying to avoid since World War II. So they're trying to give Ukraine as much support as possible without officially letting them in NATO. And so those will be among the things we're asking over at the Pentagon today, over at the White House, and over the course of the summit. - And most, there's a lot riding on this conference for Joe Biden. Of course, as we were just mentioning questions about whether he's up to the job. So you can bet that everyone is going to be watching how he handles conversations with world leaders. He's actually gonna be holding a press conference on Thursday. Something tells me it will be must-see TV. And journalists, voters are gonna probably be parsing all of his words and seeing how he does. - Yeah, one of the storylines that came out in the past couple of weeks is that at the G7 summit in Europe last month, there were some concerning moments that world leaders had with Biden that he sort of lost his train of thought. He was getting lost at one point, Secretary Blinken apparently had to show him what subject to be talking about. And so a lot of scrutiny in these coming days. I imagine coming from his fellow world leaders, as well as at that big press conference on Thursday, which will be the first opportunity in that sort of setting since the debate, two weeks since the debate, where he's gonna be going off the cuff and taking questions that'll be challenging. - All right, plenty of news coming up, but we wanna thank a couple of our sponsors here. It is summertime and we're always looking to max out on being outdoors and given the heat, avoid more of it in the kitchen. Some of the many reasons we are loving factor meals this season. Factor delivers chef crafted, never frozen meals. They're ready to eat in just two minutes with 35 different meals and more than 60 add-ons to choose from every week. You will always have new flavors to explore, delivered right to your doorstep. You can go straight to the fridge and then heat them up and have a delicious meal. It includes everything from breakfast to dinner. There are options like filet mignon, shrimp and blackened salmon, no shopping, prepping, cooking or cleaning up required. - Moshe, I gotta tell you, I would love a factor meal right about now. - You could've used one on the train right down, right, y'all? (laughing) - So right now, factor is a special deal for the Monuse community head to factor and use that code Monuse50 to get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month. That is code Monuse50 at factor, get 50% off your first box plus 20% off your next month. So we've been telling you for a long time that we use AG1 here at the Monuse podcast. It's a way to get all your nutrients, all the important ones with just a glass of water in the morning and just one scoop and it replaces a whole bunch of health supplements like multivitamins, digestivates, immune support, with an AG1 scoop every day. You get folate, magnesium and ashwagandha for stress support, vitamin C and zinc for immune health. It really allows you to cover all your nutritional bases, set yourself up for success in less than about 60 seconds. With your first purchase of AG1, they are giving Monuse listeners a free one year supply of vitamin D as well as five free travel packs of AG1. Visit That is To take advantage of this offer, you can get a discounted monthly subscription or try it just one time for a month. Again, for this special deal and to really start to take some ownership over your health. Time for the speed read from Reuters, Tropical Storm Barrel's strong winds and torrential rain killed at least two people, closed oil ports, grounded hundreds of flights and knocked out powered in nearly three million homes and businesses in Southeast Texas on Monday. Barrel made landfall as a category one hurricane and then weakened slightly after pounding the Texas coast with dangerous storm surges and heavy rain before moving across Houston. In Texas, a 53 year old man and a 74 year old woman were killed in two incidents by trees that fell onto their homes in the Houston area on Monday. The big risk in Texas and Oklahoma were flash floods in and around Houston, up through Northern Texas. Flash floods can be even more hazardous if water becomes electrified due to down power lines. So I hope if you live down there, you are listening to your local weather forecaster. The storm has also been producing some small tornadoes in Eastern Texas, Western Louisiana and Southwestern Arkansas. And this is not all for barrel. The remnants of the storm will be making its way through Arkansas, Missouri today, then going up through Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio. So make sure if you live anywhere in that path that you're checking the forecast because barrel will still be packing a bit of a punch. - Back to politics from Fox News, former President Donald Trump's long awaited announcement on who his vice presidential pick will be could likely happen this week. Senior advisor Jason Miller telling Fox that we will know who the vice presidential choice is by next Monday morning. It could reportedly happen anytime this week ahead of the Republican National Convention, which kicks off on Monday. The AP reports that the future Republican VP candidates plane is currently parked in an undisclosed hangar, an empty spot on its fuselage where decal featuring his or her name will soon be placed. And fundraisers have already been planned. Who's it gonna be, Moshe? - Less than a week from now, next Monday night, there will be a fundraiser in Milwaukee as part of the convention and the VP choice will be part of it. So sometime in the next six days, we will learn who it is. And of course, Trump, a master marketer, will be waiting for the moment he feels his right to announce the name in the way that he sees fit. And that's if he's made a final decision. A lot of talk right now is that he still isn't certain that there's a few names at the top of his list and he keeps going back and forth. Among them, Florida Senator Marco Rubio, Ohio Senator JD Vance, North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. And I keep hearing Ben Carson as well. Former cabinet member, he's been playing a lot of golf in Florida. He's a Trump loyalist and that's gonna be key to Trump here. He wants someone who is loyal to him. Other names being thrown around, at least Stefanik, the Congresswoman from New York and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the governor of Arkansas. - Do you remember that debate when Ben Carson wouldn't walk onto the stage when they called his name and then Trump stood behind? - There was an ABC debate where they weren't hearing things and then there was this traffic jam of candidates who were all like jammed up and nobody knew who'd have gone stage anyway. It's a fun little flip to watch. It's the ABC 2016 debate, I think Jill is referencing. That said, Ben is very loyal to him. So he could be a choice here. You also have Congressman Byron Reynolds, who's a young black Congressman, Republican, adamant MAGA guy out of Florida, who could be a choice here. A lot of people are hearing Burgum. Anyway, nobody really knows 'cause there's a lot of people that Trump likes to entertain multiple voices. What should I be doing? What should I be doing? It's sort of the latest season of apprentice for him as he chooses his VP. And he enjoys this waiting game. He enjoys the speculation and keeping everyone on their toes. And he's gonna have to make an announcement though 'cause the convention is next week. They're gonna have to nominate the VP with him. Remember with VPs, you try to do no harm. Number one, try to have some net benefit. And for Trump, obviously loyalty is super important given the aftermath of January 6th, where he felt that Mike Pence defied him, defied his will. So he wants somebody who will not overshadow him, will not be louder than him, who will not put their ambitions in front of him and be deferential to what he wants. - Mosh, I could almost see him doing like an apprentice style, making everyone who's on his potential short list kind of stand next to each other. - Sit across the table from him. - Yeah. (both laughing) - With like Don Jr on one side and Ivanka on the other. - I mean, listen, still got time. - All right, from the Associated Press, Columbia University said Monday that it has removed three administrators from their positions and will keep them on leave indefinitely after finding that text messages they exchanged during a campus discussion about Jewish life included anti-Semitic remarks in a letter to the Columbia community. The university president, Manus Schafik said the administrators have been permanently removed from their positions at the university's undergraduate Columbia College. They are still employed by the university. They're getting paid. They just will not be returning to their previous jobs. The college's dean who previously apologized for his part in the text exchanges will remain in that role. The university will also reportedly launch a quote, vigorous anti-Semitism and anti-discrimination training program for faculty and staff in the fall, as well as related to training for students. - Moshe walked through exactly what happened here because it's quite disturbing. - Yeah, so this all is in the aftermath of a report about a month ago in the Washington Free Beacon where they published a number of photos that showed some text messages that were being sent between the administrators. This was all in an event on campus in late May called Jewish Life on Campus, past, present and future, a very emotional event as people were talking openly about their experiences. We've told you about what was happening at Columbia University. With tents, with some of the anti-Semitic attacks. And so this was an event that a number of the administrators were attending. Well, it turns out they were texting one another mocking some of the speakers. And someone was sitting behind, at least one of them capturing photos of what they saw transpiring on the dean's phones. Among other things, they were playing on Jewish stereotypes about money and the deans saying that they were using anti-Semitism for fundraising, playing on that anti-Semitic trope. They also used a vomit emoji to describe an op-ed about anti-Semitism that had been written by Columbia's campus rabbi. So pretty nasty exchanges between them, amocking exchanges, things that you wouldn't wanna see from administrators. - Moshe, I watched a clip where somebody was able to actually time what they were texting each other with what was going on on stage with the speakers who were explaining what they were going through and what they felt like being Jewish on campus. And it just felt like so mean-spirited and so childish of the administrators at the school. And I just think it speaks to just how deeply seated this anti-Semitism really is. - Yeah, and legitimate concerns students have about these, the people you turn to when there are issues on campus, and yet this is how they actually feel. So Columbia was rocked by those protests in the spring. There's been a lot of aftermath here. As you noted, they're gonna be undergoing this anti-discrimination training, this focus on anti-Semitism. We'll see how much of an impact that has in the aftermath of what has been a very tumultuous spring on a number of campuses. - For men PR, Alec Baldwin's involuntary manslaughter trial starts in New Mexico today. The 66 year old actor faces up to 18 months in prison if he's convicted, but he is pleaded not guilty back in October of 2021 while he was rehearsing a scene for the Western film "Rost". The gun that he was holding went off, it shot and killed some photographer, Helena Hutchins, and wounded the director, Joel Sosa. Since the shooting, Baldwin has maintained his innocence saying he was not responsible for the live bullet that was loaded into what was supposed to be a blank prop gun and that he didn't even pull the trigger that it just went off. Gun experts have alleged there's no way that it could have gone off without him pulling the trigger. Baldwin notes that he was handed the revolver of someone yelled cold gun, which means that the gun did not have live rounds. And Moshe, there was an early legal win for Baldwin. The judge ruled Monday that prosecutors cannot introduce evidence of his status as a producer on that film. The judge saying I'm having real difficulty with the state's position that they wanna show that as a producer he didn't follow guidelines and therefore as an actor he did all of these things wrong. Prosecutors have been trying to argue that because he was a producer of the film and one of the most experienced members in the cast that he was ultimately responsible for the reckless behavior on the set, but now they will not be able to make that argument. - We told you a couple of months ago about the verdict in the case of the film's armor had a Gutierrez read. She was responsible for guns and ammunition on the set. She was already convicted of involuntary manslaughter earlier this year. She's currently serving an 18 month prison sentence. She doesn't wanna testify in this case. She shows no remorse for her actions. So it'll be interesting to see the wet extent that plays a role here in how the Baldwin case is prosecuted and the ultimate verdict. Jury selection will begin today. Opening arguments set to begin tomorrow. The argument again, Baldwin wasn't paying attention to safety training and he should have known better. He should have done a safety check here. So we will see what takes place. - For men VCs today's show, LeBron James opened up yesterday about his feelings that he'll be able to play alongside his son this fall. The basketball great just resigned with the LA Lakers and it comes as the team selected his 19 year old son, Bronnie James during this year's NBA draft. The 39 year old athlete and father of three said, quote, "When it comes to basketball, it is the greatest accomplishment that I have ever had." Which says a lot. He continued that while he's done it all as an individual, there is no greater accomplishment that will be able to overtake me being on the same floor as my son. And he added, "It is the greatest thing that has ever happened." - So this duo, if this happens this fall, they'll become the first to play in the NBA Father/Son duo to play in the NBA at the same time. And they'll also make history by playing on the same team. But at the same time, there have been accusations of nepotism here, Jill, especially given that Bronnie James has struggled so far. A reminder that last July he suffered cardiac arrest at the younger James. He missed the first eight games of the NCAA season, diagnosed with a functionally significant congenital heart defect. He has struggled so far in practice sessions. People have been picking apart his game in a summer league game over the weekend. He didn't do so well at the same time. LeBron, his dad is like, "He doesn't care. He doesn't listen to you people." And he's gonna be great. So looking forward to seeing history made this fall. - And finally from the BBC, thousands of people have been demonstrating against mass tourism in Barcelona, footage filmed in the Spanish city over the weekend shows diners in popular tourist areas being squirted with water pistols and crowds of protesters chanting, "Torists go home." Others used red tape to close off hotel and restaurant entry points. On Saturday, the mayor of Barcelona renewed his firm commitment toward eliminating Airbnb style short-term rentals in the city within five years. The new housing plan will remove more than 10,000 properties so that tourists cannot use them. They will be returned to residents. Spain saw about 85 million international visitors in 2023 according to the National Statistics Institute and 15.6 million visited Barcelona specifically, one of the 10 most visited cities in the world. - Yeah, this is something we're seeing across Europe, residents being priced out of living in their own cities because people are renting out their properties, getting much more from tourists and people can no longer afford the continued living in the cities that they have lived in for a long time. So housing costs a major issue here. We told you about it in Portugal recently. It's an issue in Spain. And not just in Barcelona earlier this spring, there was a large protest in Mallorca where there are demonstrations against the lack of affordable housing there. Also in the Canary Islands, which is a group of islands off the coast of Morocco that is owned by Spain. There were demonstrations there about what's happening and it's not just Spain. You're also seeing this in Amsterdam, seeing this in Greece. Jill, when you look at the top 10 tourism cities of 2023 and Airbnb is our huge number of cities, two Spanish cities are in the top 10. You've got Madrid is the third most traveled to city in the world. Barcelona is number nine. And Europe really takes the cake here. Paris is the number one. You have Amsterdam at number five, Berlin at number six, Rome at number seven, London at number 10. All right, so Europe has seven of the top 10 cities. There's three non-European cities in the top 10, most traveled to tourism cities in the world. Here to name any of them? Non-European, hmm. Yes, so seven of the 10 are European cities, as mentioned Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin, Madrid, Barcelona, et cetera. There's three open spots, non-European cities, most traveled to by international tourists. All right, so I'm gonna say maybe New York. New York is number eight, yes. Where there are a lot of tourists, but I would never think to spray any of them with a water gun. Shanghai, maybe. Well, so your Asia city, your Asia city is Tokyo, so if it was the fourth most traveled to city by international tourists. And then finally, the number two city in the world, Jill, when it comes to international tourism, just behind Paris, Dubai. You know what, that's not actually surprising, now that you say it. And interesting that New York is the only city in the US that made that list. So most, you're sitting at dinner with Alex, you're on vacation, you're sitting outside, enjoying a nice, you had a nice yester, you're enjoying maybe some sangria. And protesters come and squirt you with water guns. What do you do? Now I know to go to Spain armed with a water gun, I gotta be able to shoot back. I was gonna say you'll look like a local. (upbeat music) All right, let's head to On This Day in History, sticking with the European theme. On This Day in 1877, the first Wimbledon championship was held, the All England Croquet, and Law and Tennis Club began its first tennis tournament at Wimbledon on This Day in 1877. Tennis had its origins in a 13th century French handball game that was actually played on the grass. So the origins of tennis go back a thousand years. Staying in England here on This Day in 1947, the engagement of Britain's Princess Elizabeth to Lieutenant Philip Monbatten was announced on This Day in 1947. Of course, the two would go on to Mary, just several months later, and be married for more than 70 years. A couple of musical and pop culture items to end the pod today. ♪ How many roads a master man walk down ♪ On This Day in 1962, Blown in the Wind by Bob Dylan was recorded, though we should note that the most more popular version of it on the radio was the Peter Paul and Mary Blown in the Wind at that time as they remade that song, sticking with 1960s music history. ♪ They say I love won't play the rhythm ♪ ♪ For it's earned our money's up in school ♪ On This Day in 1965, Sonny and Cher, I got U-Babe, was released. And finally, On This Day in 2001, turning 22 years old today, The Office, the original British TV series with Ricky Gervais, debuted in the UK on This Day in July of 2001, becoming a huge hit, and then spawning the American version with Steve Carell. - All right, Moshe, that's gonna do it for this podcast episode from Washington, DC. Thank you for listening to the Mo News Podcast. 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