PPC with YRV Dynamics

Google Ads: Add to Cart Abandonment Remarketing

Add to Cart abandonment is when a user adds products to their cart but doesn't complete the purchase. This often happens when users are already logged in to the site. Mobile devices have the highest rate of cart abandonment, while desktop has the lowest. Guest checkout is recommended to capture sales from users who don't want to be tracked or remarketed to. Setting up Add to Cart Event in GA4 involves creating a new audience and selecting the relevant events. Placements for remarketing include PMAX, DemandGen, Search, RLSA ads, and Display. Add to Cart is particularly important in verticals like travel. By Yousaf Yunes: CEO and Founder of YRV Dynamics.   Takeaways -Add to Cart Abandonment occurs when users add products to their cart but don't complete the purchase. -Mobile devices have the highest rate of cart abandonment, while desktop has the lowest. -Guest checkout is recommended to capture sales from users who don't want to be tracked or remarketed to. -Setting up Add to Cart Event in GA4 involves creating a new audience and selecting the relevant events. -Placements for remarketing include PMAX, DemandGen, Search, RLSA ads, and Display. -Add to Cart is particularly important in verticals like travel.   Chapters 00:00 Understanding Add to Cart Abandonment 01:23 Mobile as the Highest Cart Abandonment Rate 05:52 Effective Remarketing with Product Feed Campaigns 08:04 The Significance of Add to Cart Abandonment in Certain Verticals 10:30 Engage with the Speaker's WhatsApp Group   YouTube Video for the Above Podcast YRV Dynamics Link.Tree

Broadcast on:
23 Jun 2024
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Add to Cart abandonment is when a user adds products to their cart but doesn't complete the purchase. This often happens when users are already logged in to the site. Mobile devices have the highest rate of cart abandonment, while desktop has the lowest. Guest checkout is recommended to capture sales from users who don't want to be tracked or remarketed to. Setting up Add to Cart Event in GA4 involves creating a new audience and selecting the relevant events. Placements for remarketing include PMAX, DemandGen, Search, RLSA ads, and Display. Add to Cart is particularly important in verticals like travel. By Yousaf Yunes: CEO and Founder of YRV Dynamics.   Takeaways -Add to Cart Abandonment occurs when users add products to their cart but don't complete the purchase. -Mobile devices have the highest rate of cart abandonment, while desktop has the lowest. -Guest checkout is recommended to capture sales from users who don't want to be tracked or remarketed to. -Setting up Add to Cart Event in GA4 involves creating a new audience and selecting the relevant events. -Placements for remarketing include PMAX, DemandGen, Search, RLSA ads, and Display. -Add to Cart is particularly important in verticals like travel.   Chapters 00:00 Understanding Add to Cart Abandonment 01:23 Mobile as the Highest Cart Abandonment Rate 05:52 Effective Remarketing with Product Feed Campaigns 08:04 The Significance of Add to Cart Abandonment in Certain Verticals 10:30 Engage with the Speaker's WhatsApp Group   YouTube Video for the Above Podcast YRV Dynamics Link.Tree
to cart abandonment. Today we're going to talk about ATC abandonment and what is it exactly? Well that's when somebody goes to your site, pre-click, they get hit with an ad from search or Facebook or whatever, and they click. So now it's post-click, they go to your landing page, and they see a great product, they do add a cart, they do initiate checkout, they do payment method, and then guess what? They don't buy, they bounce, and when they bounce, they get marked for add a cart abandonment. Usually this is because they already registered with a site, so they're already logged in, right? Because add a cart really is just add a cart. You really don't get to put in your information on a brand new site unless you're at initiate, between initiate checkout and payment method. That's when you log in for your information. Technically it's initiate checkout abandonment, but for some reason add a cart's just stuck and that's what people call it, and like I said that's only when you're logged into the site. That's when you truly are able to say this person add a cart abandonment, because the information's already logged in and you're already there, you're already registered as a user. So today I thought we'd go over some stats before we started. The first is that according to Hotjar, desktop is the least amount to get cart abandonment. So people are pretty serious when they're on desktop. Next is tablet, the third is mobile, which is 86% of all cart abandonment, or it has an 86% cart abandonment rate, but accounts are 65% of all traffic. Most window shopping is in mobile, of course. That only makes sense. Another thing about Hotjar that's really interesting, I've worked with it once, is that's where they really get into nitty gritty of conversion funnel drop off, because they look at your landing page. They look at the way your initiate checkout and payment methods hooked up, and usually you don't have much say once it does initiate checkout, because you're in Shopify at that point, or you're in Kajabi or whatever Shopify. But up until then it's able to say where people were in terms of your real estate on your ads, where they spent the most time, where the cursor was, where their fingers were, and where there's even drop off compared to their benchmark. So it's a good service. I'd actually recommend it. And then most traffic from social media has the highest ATC abandonment, and again it's window shopping. There is something called guest checkout. I actually advise all my clients to make sure that's set up through their e-commerce clients. That's a must. That can account almost even up to 30% of all your sales, just by having a simple guest checkout. And that's when you're not part of the remarketing effort, but it's still a good thing to have. Always make sure you have that, because a lot of people don't like to be logged in. They don't want to be a marketer to you. They just want to sail and get out. And that means they're just not going to be, they're not opting in to be tracked really, but they just want to sail, even though they give a lot of their information, because that's how it's set. The first thing we do, so now we're going to talk about how we set up Atacart of Adement. This is through GA4. So for GA4 you go to admin, you go to audiences. So this is it right here. Again, admin audiences. Then you go to, you have your audiences here, and you click on new audience. And a lot of this is pre-populated. A lot of this stuff already shows up, but you go to new audiences, and here you pick your event. So obviously, Atacart is included here. You can also include us to my other things as well. But as you can tell, I included Atacart payment method. This is supposed to be initiated checkout, but it's OR. Notice how I say OR. So it has to be one of those three has to happen, and then they abandon just like I said in the beginning. Really, it's not Atacart abandonment. It's initiated checkout abandonment if they have not logged in. So it's all these OR statements and excluded. And excluded purchases, because if they purchase, they purchase. They're part of the wins. But if they haven't purchased, that's the ones we want. We want Atacart abandonment. And again, you select it here. One other thing is the durations. These are pretty cool, because you're able to segment out these people by the duration of when they card abandonment. So it can be, I think, zero to 60 days or so, or 70 days. I usually, for cheaper things, do it very quick. For longer things, I keep it to a little longer, 30-plus days, maybe 40 days. It's really whatever. It is almost like attribution. It depends on what the how big the sale is. So once you save, you actually don't do anything else. It actually ports over. Now, this is in GA. I'm in Google Ads. And so, yeah, that's Google Ads. Sorry. I use GA and GA interchangeably. So I'm in Google Ads now, and the campaigns click audiences. You click edit audience segments, and then boom, you're able to browse and find these in TUSIA through website visitors, and that's how you find it. And this is basically how you activate it. Now, the next question is, what placements should I use? Because you have all sorts of really cool options. You have PMAX, you have Demand Gen, you have Search, you have RLS, RLS, A ads, remarking lists, search ads, all sorts of cool stuff display. Should I do display? I'm not a display guy. I can tell you that right now. Although, I do like Demand Gen, and there's a very good reason why when it comes to e-commerce. The reason why is this here, the Product Feed Campaign. The Product Feed Campaign here within Demand Gen is A plus, because this allows you to send, use Gmail itself to remarket to people. So you set conversions or conversion value, and then as you can see here, product ads only ads, and then boom. You see, you have YouTube, you have Discovery, and then here you have Gmail, and then look at that Gmail. That's a beautiful product ad. That's exactly what we want. So it's remarketing to them, exactly what we want through Gmail. It's almost like getting on the cheap. How and when should you do this? Because as we're talking about this part, let's go back here. Let's see here. This is a good point. When you set this up in Google Analytics, it's only good from the day you set it up. It's not retroactive. So if you set it up on the first, just June 1st or whatever, it's only good from June 1st and that's when it starts tabulating. But let's take a look at the math, right? So a few days it's only 10 people, right? Like, is this really worth it? You know, is that as I was setting up a whole campaign? It depends. For smaller campaigns and smaller accounts, probably not. PMACs already does this, my friends. So you really don't have to do it. However, there are verticals that were added to cart is a big deal. For instance, we landed a travel account that's a competitor to Expedia, which is very proud. I'm so happy about this. After doing all of our auditing and talking with the owner and all sorts of stuff, it added to cart is huge. It is absolutely huge. That's actually what made me spawn this video because we actually do email marketing. They're using us for that and we're doing it within our ads. So it's like a huge effort to bring people back into the marketing funnel. Now, why is it such a big deal? Because people in certain verticals add to cart like nothing, like as if it's giving it away, right? And that's because you have something like travel, like I was saying, travel, think about all the adicart abandonment you do there. You go in there, you're constantly checking different sites, you're constantly looking at the hotel official hotel site, you're looking at, like say, for example, Expedia or Travelocity or, you're just comparing and just think about that. Like all the adicart abandonment you're doing all day long, not to mention even the airline stuff that you do, it's volume. It's huge. When you have something like that, like a vertical that spends heavy and adicart is a huge thing, of course, it makes sense to do this. And adicart is how you bring them in back in because they've gone to your site, they know who you are, they may even be registered even, right? Because if they've gone to initiate checkout and they then are their information, hey, they're part of your program now, right? And then you're able to clear them in your either your organic or your paid. So again, the more larger verticals or their adicart is just a huge thing. And then of course you saw these metrics on e-commerce, right? We're talking 80% plus. So and that I very I actually believe in this. This actually is pretty high. It's a lot higher than what I thought it was because I used to deal with the conversion rate drop off at the 50% level that it should only drop off 50% between the when the adicart to initiate checkout to payment method purchase, which still holds true. I mean, this is overall our adicart abandonment, which makes sense. But the conversion rate drop off between the ATC, IC, PM and purchase definitely be at the 50% level anymore. It means you got to do some fine tuning, it probably means you may have to do some hot jar stuff as well. So definitely take that for a spin and take a look. Outside of that, I wanted to touch base real quick. We are a medium. We also launched a WhatsApp group, which I think is really cool. So you have access to me, free access to me to talk and ask any questions. We actually have some moderators in the room as well that can take questions. Outside of that, we are going to do a live show. I'm still working on that. That's still a thing, guys. I really think that would be a cool thing to do. And then of course, we have our podcast. So please reach out. It's on my link tree, which is in the YouTube channel itself. So we actually have the link for the WhatsApp chat, if you will, and you can join our chat room. So thank you so much. I really appreciate it. And I look forward to answering some more questions. Thank you for your time.