PPC with YRV Dynamics

Meta Blueprint: Year 1

The conversation revolves around Yousaf discussing Meta Blueprint and its application in the real world. The speaker discusses the importance of understanding what to do after passing the Meta Blueprint test and how it can help in establishing a successful agency. The speaker shares personal experiences and emphasizes the need for case studies, testimonials, and performance results to impress clients. The conversation also touches on the current job market and the importance of having a side hustle and being adaptable in the face of layoffs. The speaker encourages listeners to reach out for support and offers resources like a WhatsApp group and medium articles. Takeaways -Meta Blueprint is not just about passing the test, but about the hard work that comes after. -Case studies, testimonials, and performance results are crucial for impressing clients and securing high-paying gigs. -Having a side hustle and being adaptable is important in the current job market. -Establishing an agency and pitching services on platforms like Upwork can provide job protection and income stability. -Networking and seeking support from others in the industry can be beneficial for professional growth and success. Chapters 00:00 Introduction to Meta Blueprint 02:24 Personal Story: Helping a Friend Start a Side Hustle 04:49 The Importance of Starting at the Bottom 06:16 Meta Blueprint as a Foundation for Problem Solving 07:42 The Power of Testimonials and Case Studies 09:06 Adapting to Automated Platforms with Meta Blueprint Knowledge 10:36 Starting a Side Hustle for Job Protection 12:01 The Importance of Going the Extra Mile 13:26 The Shift Towards Entrepreneurship 15:17 The Need for Support and Collaboration   YouTube Video of Meta Blueprint: Year 1 YRV Dynamics Link.Tree

Broadcast on:
22 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

The conversation revolves around Yousaf discussing Meta Blueprint and its application in the real world. The speaker discusses the importance of understanding what to do after passing the Meta Blueprint test and how it can help in establishing a successful agency. The speaker shares personal experiences and emphasizes the need for case studies, testimonials, and performance results to impress clients. The conversation also touches on the current job market and the importance of having a side hustle and being adaptable in the face of layoffs. The speaker encourages listeners to reach out for support and offers resources like a WhatsApp group and medium articles.


-Meta Blueprint is not just about passing the test, but about the hard work that comes after.

-Case studies, testimonials, and performance results are crucial for impressing clients and securing high-paying gigs.

-Having a side hustle and being adaptable is important in the current job market.

-Establishing an agency and pitching services on platforms like Upwork can provide job protection and income stability.

-Networking and seeking support from others in the industry can be beneficial for professional growth and success.


00:00 Introduction to Meta Blueprint

02:24 Personal Story: Helping a Friend Start a Side Hustle

04:49 The Importance of Starting at the Bottom

06:16 Meta Blueprint as a Foundation for Problem Solving

07:42 The Power of Testimonials and Case Studies

09:06 Adapting to Automated Platforms with Meta Blueprint Knowledge

10:36 Starting a Side Hustle for Job Protection

12:01 The Importance of Going the Extra Mile

13:26 The Shift Towards Entrepreneurship

15:17 The Need for Support and Collaboration


YouTube Video of Meta Blueprint: Year 1

YRV Dynamics Link.Tree


they were gonna talk about meta blueprint. However, we're gonna talk about it from the perspective of going through the steps that I outlined previously. So you have meta blueprint, what is it? You have meta blueprint, why is it for me? You have meta blueprint, how to study, and then you have meta blueprint, you pass now what? All those videos are on my channel. However, one thing that I'm doing next week is doing my, well, fourth or fifth renewal. It comes every two years, but I got a letter saying they wanted to do it after a year, which I thought was strange, but it is what it is. So I'm doing the renewal after one year, which is totally cool. One thing I noticed is a lot of the guidance or a lot of the pointers I give are very focused on meta blueprint, but they're not focused on development, right? And it's one thing to be to get this test and everything, but it's another thing to know what to do after you pass, right? That's the problem or a conundrum that actually got revealed to me through a friend that I helped. And that's, if you see here, it says story at the top. So my conundrum was I had a buddy, they used to work together. He was gotten a real estate and the real estate market, of course, everybody knows it, it's soft. The Fed rate has, the Fed has said they're not gonna drop rates for 2024. They're gonna drop at 2025 for Q1 after the election. So what does that mean? That means there's no lending in the economy, right? Like there's no, people are not lending, people are not lending for mortgages, they're not lending to build houses, they're not lending to do small projects, which fuels construction, they're not lending new spots for cars. And yeah, there's lending, but there's not those great rates that we had before that spurred a lot of the economy, which helps fuel these larger purchases like cars and homes. So that's gonna come Q1, 20, 25. So my friend, he wasn't real estate, comes to me and he says, "Hey, right now is a really tough time. "I know I've seen your videos and we know each other. "We worked well together 10, I guess about 10 years ago." And I would love to possibly start a side hustle. If anything, I think it'd be a great time to really put my face to the ground and really say, really learn this. And so actually do a lot of consulting for real estate agents and real estate places or brokerages, I should say. And I thought that was brilliant. I was like, man, if there's anybody that's a better qualified PPC buyer for real estate agents, yeah, it's a real estate agent, right? So I think that everything from selling those services to packaging those services to the benchmarks to who the audience is, brilliant. I couldn't even plan that better. I was like, that's smart. So we took them through my process. All the videos, everything worked well. Like, he watched the videos. And I think he's even watching this now. And I'm gonna be shocked. And we take them through those preliminary videos, all four videos. And he tells me he's passed them. He passes the, on the first try, the meta blueprint planning, meta blueprint buying. Awesome, thumbs up. I even think I mentioned him in the video, you passed now what? I think that's the video where I mentioned him. And I was so proud of him. And I was very proud. And so I had to go visit my mom for a month. I visited my mom probably 30 days at a time, if that, and visit my mom and my stepdad. And I was staying with her for about a month. And I came back to LA and we were going, I tried to get ahold of him, couldn't get ahold of him. And I finally reached him and I'm like, hey man, what's going on? Let's connect, let's do all this. And I have to admit, I got the like, lousy attitude I think I've ever seen in my life. And I'm just like, wait, hold on, what's going on? Like we just passed, you said you're going to write, you're going to do a LinkedIn. You said you're going to do like a site, you said you're going to file your LLC. What, you know, you're going to start an upward profile, a fiber profile, get the, you know, start getting those crap jobs out of the way so you can start making more. And he comes to me and says, hey man, and I do know somebody reached out to him to work for, to do some, a job, I think. And that was through LinkedIn and he said, no to it. And he was like, you know, I just don't want to do this. I just don't want to start, you know, you know, I just don't want to start at the bottom and all this shit, you know, all this stuff. And I was just like, my friend, you know, and I don't think I ever shared some of my stories. And this is where I think I need to actually start beginning sharing them. When I first started in Upwork, my first job, my friends, was $2 an hour, $2 an hour. That was two years ago. And I was unemployed. And I was starting my agents. My agency started, I had a VA who's Rina, who's now the YRV that's at the bottom here. She's the R in that. I'm the Y, I'm Joseph. Her boyfriend, future husband is the V. And so we're all co-founders. And I'm the lead founder. But at the time, she was my VA. And so we're, you know, I was hustling for work on Upwork. And I found this, my first job was a pastor for a church who needed help on his Instagram shop. And I had to build out his campaigns and we had a Jerry Rig, some ads and all sorts of stuff, $2 an hour. Do you know how many hours I worked? Six, seven, eight hours, I probably worked all weekend, probably seven, eight, 10 hours on the weekend to help him. And I got paid, I think, $15. And that was sucked. That was terrible. And that was my first job. But do you know what the next job after that? It was $7 an hour. Do you know what the next job after that was? $14 an hour. The next job after that, 25. The next job after that, 35. The next job after that, 40. The next job after that, 50, 60. Now I'm working on retainers. I don't even do stuff by the hour anymore. That's how I started. And that took six months to really get out of that rut. But I knew that was, from everything I saw, that's what I had to do. And that's what I'm talking about, Blueprint. Blueprint does not automatically grant you an $800,000 a year job. If you believe that, you are smoking something. No, that's not what it does. Meta Blueprint is, do you know who it's for? It's for you. Do you think most clients even know what Meta Blueprint is? Do you even think any buyers outside of the people that are watching this, that kind of know what it is, know what it is? I doubt they do. It's for you. It's for you to be able to establish that benchmark of basic buying with advanced strategy. That's what it is. It's actually an advanced strategy by, advanced strategy credential. But it teaches you the basics in terms of a foundational vocabulary that you can explain things from Facebook to a client. That's what it does. By no means are you going to go out there and get $100. If that was true, I wouldn't work for peanuts. And that's what I had to do, my friends. And I'm telling you, do you think he knew what Meta Blueprint was? Do you think the lady who paid me $1,7 to $14? That was actually one client. I got raised to $14. Do you think she knew what Meta Blueprint couldn't care about us? Couldn't care about us. They just want a performance, right? Meta Blueprint is for you. It is for you to make sure that you have the basic knowledge and understanding to solve problems. That's what it's for. And do you know what works better with Meta Blueprint? Testimonials, case studies. That crafting that story about who you are as a buyer. That's what makes-- that's what's going to get you to gigs. And that's what I had to do. I got nothing but five star ratings until I pushed through $35 an hour. And that was a three or four, five-month process where I was taking crack gigs. And man, that was not a fun time. It was a very scary time. Luckily, luckily, I pushed through. And I was able to finally like establish my agency. And that was a very scary time. And also, what I learned on Meta Blueprint, I was able to adapt on Google Ads. The Google Ads people hate to hear this. They hate to hear it, but it's true. If you Google, how does the Ads Manager on Google is looking more like social, it's a thing. You can go ahead and Google it. I believe search engine marketing talks about that as well. And it's becoming more user-friendly. It's actually becoming more AI-based where you don't have to even enter that much. It doesn't for you. Do you know where you have to know what to do? It's on the events and the convergent tracking. That's where you'll win. And the same thing goes for Meta Blueprint. Do you think it's becoming more automated? It's really understanding the copy, understanding the pixels, understanding your strategic arrangement to get the return on investment. Learn that on Meta Blueprint. So going back to my friend, he kind of laid into me. And I never heard from him again. And it was the most insulting process. I think he's probably watching this. I was very disappointed. But I really want to iterate that it's not Meta Blueprint alone. You, at this point in this economy, I hope no one is canned. I hope no one that you know or you are laid off. If you are, you have something in your toolkit, like a certification where you're able to adapt it and start a side hustle, or you should be starting a side hustle now. So once you do get laid off, you're able to work and put food on the table. So you need to do this. You need to show that you're better than the other 95% of buyers out there. Because I promise you, this ad be shocked if it was even 5% of all buyers were even certified. It's probably less than that. Your competition is not doing this. They are not doing this. Or if they are, you don't want to give them that edge. That's what I'm saying. So if they aren't doing this, that's cool. If they are doing this, you have to go the extra mile to have the case studies and the reviews and the testimonials. And like I said, those case studies, man, those are golden. You have to make sure that those are all together plus your certification. That's how you get a high paying gig. Do you think when I go pitch these clients, I do mention certified. But you know what gets their attention even more? The screenshots of my performance from the ads manager when that ROAS is 8, 9 plus. Look at my LinkedIn for YRV. You'll see them. That's what impresses them. Do you know what else impresses them? The case studies, the testimonials. That's what-- my friends, certifications are just cherry on the top. That's not what they're impressed with. They're impressed with your performance. And if you can't even put a shingle out the door and show some effort to really go out there and get certified, then-- and guys, the meta blueprint process, it begins. It begins with you passing the test. It begins with you passing the test. That's when the meta blueprint process starts, folks. It's not when you study and all this stuff. It's after you pass. That's when the hard work starts, my friend. That's when you are working and you're like, I can't-- why am I not winning? Like, you have to be in there and you have to be pushing yourself. And please talk to me. Please reach out to me. If you have any meta blueprint you're struggling, I'm a lonely guy, folks. Call me. Like, find me. I'm totally cold if we reach out to. And then again, it's job protection. Again, if you haven't forbid, you're at a point where you're at odds with your boss and he's at odds-- it's manufactured. He's scared of his job or her job. Again, it's good to be certified because, man, at least you have that much over them. And I hate to say it like that, but it's true. I trust me. I've had so many jobs or that's happened to me. It's not a fun place to be. Follow my guides. Follow my process. Again, we have videos from what is it, to why you should do it, to how to study, to what happens after. And I need to do more what happens after. I think I need to do more videos on establishing your agency, what to do on Upwork, what happens when a client does this. I think that's probably where a lot of people are dropping off or not doing this. Because, like I said, they think it starts with a test. No, no, no. It starts when you pass the test. That's when the hard work starts. That's nothing. Passing a test is nothing, folks. And then, of course, Upwork Inside hassles. Really, I used to be so loyal to my companies I worked with. I used to be so loyal. I remember at my previous agencies, everybody had side hustles, all of them, all of them. And I wouldn't do it. I dedicated myself to my agency. And really, they paid me well, and I agreed with that. A lot of people didn't. How do I feel about that now? I still think it was a great-- I think I did well, because it's too hard to do both. Because I was doing-- I think I did well. But I also put in so many hours, I couldn't afford it. I couldn't do a side hustle. Now, I mean, there's a lot of these companies and big agencies now, they'll just-- it's almost like saving private Ryan. They just lay people off in droves, man. It's a battle, and it's sad. So you have to really protect yourself. You have to get an Upwork profile, get a fiber profile, or at least start a website and say you offer services, begin pitching. Who do you know that would be a cool person to work with, and to slowly start your own ads manager, start your own-- get these people in there, and slowly be an entrepreneur, as opposed to sheep, at these big agencies? Because unfortunately, right now, a lot of it's-- people are just being laid off in droves. You really-- it's really all about entrepreneurship and startups. And then another thing, too, is I've actually had some amazing comments on some videos where I commented. And the one thing I see the most of, is you talked about being forced out. Do you know who-- you know who the managers, the weak managers, who keep-- you know who they keep on the weaker people? People who are all-stars, people who are really smart, it's at this point where they're kind of getting forced out because the managers are scared. And do you know who's left is like these weaker people? That's why a lot of these companies right now are having a hard time, because that's all that's left. All the good workers are out there starting their own businesses, my friends. And I'm not saying, hey, it's a hard haul. It's a very hard haul. But I think it's a good haul. It's a smart thing to do right now at this moment. So definitely. Anyways, I think that's a good place to stop. Let's have this discussion more. Reach out to me. I also started a WhatsApp group. Please-- I can't even put it below. Please add yourself. I may interview a little. If we're doing your agency's work, no. I am going to keep track of the questions I get. We're not here to do your work. But if you have some good questions, and you just don't know what the answer is in terms of buying or whatever, we're not happy to help you. So that'll be linked below to WhatsApp group. I also have our media articles as well as a podcast in LinkedIn. And again, I don't want us to be followers. I want us to be friends. And I really want to make sure that you're successful. I really want to make sure that all of us are successful, because we're all in this together. And I really want to make sure that most of all that in this economy, there's a lot of anxiety, and we're all in this together. Whether me, because I'm a business owner or you, because you're at an agency or whatnot. So thank you so much, and I look forward to hearing from everybody.